Bunkhouse News Volume 1, Issue 7 Bridgeport Vigilantes


Bunkhouse News Volume 1, Issue 7 Bridgeport Vigilantes
Bunkhouse News
Volume 1, Issue 7
Message from the Sheriff
Howdy To All:
Well some of us were on a road trip doing a lot of Cowboy Shooting. Our first stop was Defend the
Roost on October 6th-9th in Ridgecrest, CA. Our own Deputy Flatland Kid SASS 77289, won 1 st place
for Best Dressed Gentleman and 3rd place in the 49er category. I won 1stplace in Cattle Baron and 1st
place for Best Dressed Cowboy. It was a well run shoot with great stages. A big thank you goes out to Nasty Newt SASS 7365,
Just George SASS 58097 and all of the club for their hard work in setting up the steel and taking it down so we could all enjoy ourselves and providing delicious grub.
The next stop on October 13th-15th was at Wild West Extravaganza in Pahrump, NV with the Lone Wolf Shooters. Another
GREAT shoot. Our Deputy Flatland Kid SASS 77289 won 1st place in Tomahawk; 1st place in Knife Throwing; 1st place in 22 Cal.
Derringer and also 2nd place in the 49er category. Miss Suzy Q, SASS 77290 won 1st place in Ladies Wrangler. I took 1st place in
Best Dressed Working Cowboy and 3rd place in the Cattle Baron category.
Our next stop was The Gunfight Behind the Jersey Lilly with The Cowboys on October 20th-23rd in Norco, CA. I won 2nd place
for Best Dressed Man. I was overwhelmed for receiving the “Shooter Appreciation Award”. What an honor! We had a wonderful time with old friends and making new acquaintances. There were great stages and lots of fun.
The last stop for Bee Blest and me was in Lucerne Valley with The Double R Bar Club, Last Stand at Chimney Rock. Wow what
challenges all the shooters faced with wind, rain and more wind. We all survived and had a great shoot. I was honored to receive the “Spirit of the Game Award”, 2nd place in Classic Cowboy and a buckle for 4th place in Elder Statesman. Ben Maverick
received 4thplace in B Western. Pinebox Peddler placed 7thin his category of Duelist. Ruby Rawhide placed 4th in the 49er category. She was also on the first place team shoot; and she also made it to the second round of Top Gun Shoot Out. Pinebox Peddler and Ruby Rawhide took second place in the costume contest for Best Dressed Couple. I was very honored at Chimney Rock
to hold Roy Rogers belt buckle and badge. Thank you Five Jacks for the privilege of doing so.
After five weeks and four (4) Cowboy shoots attended, what a hoot was had by all. We finally made it back to the Old Homestead
in Bridgeport all in one piece. I would like to thank Flatland Kid, Miss Suzy Q, Ben Maverick, Nebraska Tex, and Bee Blest for all
the help to get me through all the shooting and the trip. A special thanks to all Cowboys and Cowgirls for all their constant help.
As you have received our notice, our last shoot for 2011 has been canceled due to extremely cold weather, of which was 4 degrees at 6am this morning. Safety first is our motto! Our Advisory/Executive Board Meeting was also canceled for Nov 12th.
On page 3 of this newsletter, you will find a list of what we will be voting on at our TG Meeting in Las Vegas. I will need your input and vote by November 23rd. Please respond via our new email address: bvshooters@gmail.com .
We will be on our new range as of our May shoot. If you have any questions give me a call, home 760-932-1139 or
cell 760-937-5463.
See you down the trail,
Bodie Kid SASS 17377 LIFE
Territorial Governor
God is our refuge and strength a very
present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Bridgeport Vigilantes’
I would like to ask for prayers for Bodie Kid. He was
admitted to Carson Hospital
in Carson City, NV with problems of
lots of swelling and sores on his legs,
kidney failure and congestive heart
Dates to Remember
November 23rd—Get your votes in to
Bodie Kid for December TG meeting.
Executive and Advisory Board
Meeting Rescheduled
December 17th
Bridgeport Vigilantes
Christmas Party
Khristopher’s Café — 5pm
939 Mica Rd
Carson City, CA
RSVP as soon as possible to
Bee Blest at 760-932-1139
or 760-937-0014
We need a miracle, thanks. Bee Blest
Cowboy Bible Quote
Did I not tell you what I
wanted? Be brave and
strong. Don’t be a scared
sissy; do not lose heart,
for the Lord your God
will always ride right
beside you.
Joshua 1:9
This year instead of exchanging gifts
we would like to ask you to donate
$20.00 per couple to our charities.
These as you know are Roy Rogers
Kid’s and John Wayne Cancer
Research Institute. All the money donated is tax deductible.
This is optional.
Cowgirl Quote
The boy who chooses to love me must also love my horse.
Cowboy Quote
Work hard, do your best, keep your word, never get too
big for your britches, trust in God, have no fear —
Never forget a friend.
Below are the Agenda Items for the 2011 Territorial Governor Summit
1) Should the scoring program be changed so that any shooter that does not finish TWO or more
stages in a match is not eligible for any main match awards?
Voting YES would apply the same criteria currently in place for multiple SDQ?s & SOG?s to DNF?s
(Did Not Finish) i.e. 2X = Match Disqualification.
A NO vote would allow a shooter who DNF?s multiple stages to place ahead of competitors who
actually completed all main match stages.
2) Should the limiting criteria for shooters in Age Based categories be changed from the current
"minimum qualifying age OR GREATER" to "between the ages of."?
(e.g. Wranglers from 36-48; 49ers from 49-59; Seniors from 60-64; etc.)
A YES vote would no longer allow a shooter to compete in Age Based categories below his/her
actual age range. Cowboy/Cowgirl category age range would end at 35 years of age.
The Junior (Buckaroo/ette and Young Gun) categories would NOT be affected.
A NO vote would leave the Age Based category restrictions unchanged.
(E.g. Two shooters with adjustable-sighted revolvers & a 66 or 73 rifle:
-- A 65 yr. old competitor currently has the option to sign up in FIVE Age Based categories:
Silver Senior, Senior, 49er, Wrangler or Cowboy;
-- A 26 yr. old using those firearms only has ONE option: Cowboy)
3)Should an "OPEN" category be added with NO RESTRICTIONS regarding gender, age, shooting
style or propellant?
This would provide a single category in which ANY shooter could register.
(Gunfighter-style competitors would have to comply with the current category regulations)
4) Should the "B" Western Category options be rewritten to allow for additional ladies costuming
A YES vote would have the ROC rewrite the BW requirements to include the suggested changes.
A NO vote would leave BW as is.
5) Should the attached, proposed Category System be adopted?
NOTE: Some of the Ladies categories that have historically been "under populated? at most annual matches are no longer on the "officially recognized" list.
Those have been replaced with FCGF, SGF, Cattle Baron, and 80+ (name as yet undetermined)
A Match Director will always have the OPTION to offer ANY additional categories; as well as the
OPTION to change the minimum requirement for honoring a category.
Defend the Roost
Defend the Roost
3rd Place “49er” - Flatland Kid
Best Dressed Cowboy—Flatland Kid
Best Dressed Working Cowboy—Bodie Kid
Best Dressed Working Cowboy-Bodie Kid
Defend the Roost
1st Place Cattle Baron—Bodie Kid
Best Dressed Working Cowgirl–
Flatland Kid— 2nd Place 49er; 1st Place Derringer; 1st
Place Knife Throwing; 1st Place Tomahawk
Bodie Kid— Shooter Appreciation Award; 2nd Place Best Dress Man
Bodie Kid— 1st Place Best Dressed Working Cowboy;
3rd Place Cattle Baron
Miss Suzy Q—1st Place Lady Wrangler
Bodie Kid— Spirit of the Game; 2nd Place Classic Cowboy; 4th Place Elder Statesman
Ben Maverick— 4th Place B Western
Pinebox Peddler— 7th Place Duelist
Ruby Rawhide— 4th Place 49er; 1st Place Team Shoot
Pinebox Peddler & Ruby Rawhide— 2nd Place Best
Dressed Couple
shootin it up at
other Cowboy
Defend the
AS PROMISED***** We are honored to be posting a story written by
our own Jack Rojas called “The Showdown at Piney Meadows”.
Each of the next 5 issues of the Bunkhouse News, we will post a
chapter from this story. For those who didn’t see our posting last
month, below is a bit of how this wonderful campfire story came
Jack emailed that he had attended the 1st CA State BP Champ 2
years ago in Ridgecrest run by Just George. Before the Match ,
there was a story on the SASS Wire written by Jailhouse Jim that
was an old west story that included many of the participants of the
match. He struck up a friendship with Jailhouse Jim when he was
inducted into the Dammit Gang, of which Just George and Southpaw 57 are members. Jim has had many requests over the years to
write his stories because it actually helps the attendance of a
Match. These stories are usually told before the Match and are released one chapter a day on www.dammitganghideout.com under
Jim asked Jack to help him with ideas for some of his stories and
so he wrote his own a year ago called "Murder in Cowboy Town" for
"Dry Gulch at Arroyo Cantua" here in CA. In appreciation for having
so much fun at our shoots this summer, he wrote a short story after
the fact so he could get more background on everyone in the story.
Thank you Jack from the bottom of our Cowboy/girl hearts!
Turn to page 4 to start this Cowboy story….
By Jack Rojas
Chapter One
The hunter’s moon began to set in the west just as the new morning sun’s rays
bathed the high desert in its predawn glow so the changing of night to day was
almost seamless. On the rolling desert, both hunters and hunted, four-legged
and two-legged alike, made their way carefully back to their daytime lairs. In
the sleepy little town of Piney Meadows, the lamp lit rooms faded away into the
In the heart of town was the grand courthouse with the jail and Sheriff's Office
on the bottom floor. Across from the courthouse was the Sportsmen, a local watering hole and restaurant. One lone cowboy sat at the bar on this otherwise
perfect autumn morning. At first glance, he looked no different than many a
cowpuncher that drifted through town on his way to parts unknown. From his
starched, flat brim hat with its uncreased crown, custom elk skin chinks, down to
the large rowelled buckaroo spurs he had shipped all the way from Orygun Territory, the man looked surprisingly ordinary. What set this pard apart from the
rest was his gun rig. Over those elk skin chinks rode a set of buscadero holsters
that were adorned with countless sterling silver conches. In each holster rode an
engraved nickel plated Colt .45.
Sarah was the morning waitress. She approached the cowboy with a fresh cup
of coffee and asked, "Would you like a cup of coffee this morning Bodie?"
The question snapped the cowboy out of his deep trance. “I sure would, Sarah,"
answered the cowboy.
As Sarah set the steaming mug down on the bar in front of Bodie Kid she added,
"Maudie has a fresh batch of biscuits in the Dutch oven just ready for some
gravy or would you like your usual this morning?"
"Coffee will do today.", responded Bodie Kid.
Sarah looked somewhat startled at her early morning customer. She had known
him for a spell now but had never seen him pass on his breakfast ritual. Bodie
instinctively reached for the tall ceramic mug and blew on it before taking his
first sip, already slipping back into thoughts.
It had been seven years since Bodie Kid had taken off his badge as a frontier
marshal. He patrolled the hills and valleys around Los Angeles for twelve years
prior before he decided to pull up roots and follow the dream to work cattle on
his own spread in the eastern Sierras. Along with his wife, Bee Blest, they settled down in Piney Meadows. They worked hard to build their ranch and to become integral members of the mountain community. The town opened their
arms and their hearts to their newest citizens for life was good every day the
sun came up.
The passing of summer to winter was uneventful until last December when word
spread across the telegraph wires about the loss of Sheriff Joe Browner. Sheriff
Browner had been found dead in the streets of Bodie. The little town was just
south of Piney Meadows and was the namesake of the Bodie Kid. Bodie and Joe
became close friends many years back when they rode on the same posses so
many times in hunting down highwaymen and outlaw gangs. Upon hearing the
news, Bodie saddled up and headed south to see what could be done to avenge
his fallen friend.
By now, the town of Bodie was becoming nothing more than a ghost town with
the silver playing out like it tended to do in many small towns across the west.
Bodie spent a full day at the scene studying every hoof track, footprint, and the
bullet holes left behind from the ambush. After spending the night in an abandoned house, Bodie's next stop was to be Bishop. In Bishop, Bodie asked about
the status of the investigation into Sheriff Browner's death. He was disappointed to find out that the lawmen were overworked and understaffed due to a rash
of stage holdups up and down the crest of the Sierras.
By the time Bodie returned back to his ranch, he knew what he must do. After a
heart to heart talk with Bee, Bodie opened up the cedar chest where he stored
his Marshal's badge, his nickel plated Colts, and his fancy gun rig. It was only
natural to want to wear those special six guns, especially since they were a pair
of Joe's at one time.
Footsteps sounding on the boardwalk outside brought the Bodie Kid back to his
seat at the bar. He straightened up slightly and put his right hand on a gun
butt. He glanced to his left as the glass door creaked open to allow a man to
step through off of the main street, creaking closed again as he passed through.
Bodie relaxed when he recognized the man as his deputy, the Flatland Kid.
"Marshal, Southpaw just made it back into town. He observed almost forty
members of the Kingsbury Gang just east of the lake outside of Yerington," Flatland Kid reported to Bodie. The Flatland Kid worked with Bodie back in Los Angeles and wasted no time making his way north to Piney Meadows once the
word spread about Bodie Kid coming out of retirement.
Bodie carried his coffee with him as he walked over and looked out one of the windows that faced the Courthouse to the east. "I reckon we can expect them today,"
surmised Bodie.
By the time spring rolled around, Bodie had uncovered evidence that proved
Sheriff Joe had been cut down by the ruthless Kingsbury Gang, a pack of gunmen
run by that cold blooded killer, Reno Slim. Bodie discovered that Reno Slim liked
to visit a certain lady friend that lived in Virginia City. Bodie sent Tumbleweed Ed
to Virginia City to keep an eye on Reno's girl and to alert Bodie the next time Reno
Slim rode in.
The spring round-up was finished and Virginia City was filled with thirsty cowhands
when Reno Slim slipped into the Comstock Lode country trying to blend in with the
rest of the cowboys. He couldn't fool Tumbleweed Ed though so the Bodie Kid was
notified almost before Slim could get his first drink. When the Bodie Kid rode into
town, Reno Slim was arrested in short order. Bodie hauled the handcuffed Reno
Slim to Piney Meadows to stand trial for the murder of Sheriff Browner. Bodie
under estimated the Kingsbury Gang though and before the trial could take place,
Nevada Judge himself was bushwhacked. Although still alive, Dixie Justice stated
the Judge would be in no shape to dispense justice for quite sometime.
The arrest of Reno Slim was big news across the frontier and retaliation by the
Kingsbury Gang was to be a sure thing in order to free their leader Reno Slim. The
Bodie Kid had help though since he made many friends throughout his daily travels
over the years, friends who wouldn't let him stand alone against the gang.
A few years earlier, Bodie had gone to Carson City to write a contract with a
rancher to supply beef to the Sportsmen once a year for their menu. In Carson
City, Bodie met up with a group of men riding for the Rocking 4. The Rocking 4
raised grain fed beef and was looking for some buyers they could ship to. Bodie
Kid and Ima Gonner of the Rocking 4 struck a deal with the Rocking 4 shipping
their beef to the Sportsmen every year since.
The Bodie Kid was lucky that the boys from the Rocking 4 were in town in June
when the Kingsbury Gang attempted to free Reno Slim. In July, the Hog Mountain
Riders happened to be on the eastern side of the Sonora Pass when trouble raised
its head up again on the outskirts of town. Come August, Just George and his
Vigilantes from Crumville passed through on their annual trek and once again
helped Bodie Kid out of a jam. Just George had recently been appointed as a
Regulator and offered to take Reno Slim off of Bodie's hands in order to try him in
Crumville where they were a little more used to dealing with the likes of Reno Slim
and his Kingsbury Gang. As Just George left town, he promised to send the Jail
Wagon to Piney Meadows for Reno Slim. George told the man it wouldn't be until
late September before the wagon would arrive but that was one month ago.
Bridgeport Vigilantes shootin it
up at other Cowboy Matches:
Wild West Extravaganza
Thanks Penny and Lash for your
gracious Lone Wolf Shooters
Bridgeport Vigilantes
shootin it up at other
Cowboy Matches:
Gunfight Behind the
Jersey Lily
Bridgeport Vigilantes
shootin it up at other
Cowboy Matches:
The Last Stand At
Chimney Rock
1887 Winchester shotgun, lever action, 10ga, 32" barrel, action is smooth.
Serial# 64077
Sterlingworth SXS shotgun, 12ga, 28" barrel, action is easy open & close. Good
cowboy gun.
William Reed - Boston, early 1800's, front stuffer, 10ga, cap ignition, double side
hammers, 21" Damascus barrel, coach gun, black powder, double triggers, ram
rod, lots of engraving.
Marlin Rifle, 1894C, .357/.38spl, 18" round barrel, very smooth action job, lever
wrap. Serial # 96015355
German Mouser K98, 8mm, 23 1/2" barrel, Serial # 7017, with bayonet, 9 3/4"
blade, 15" OAL, scabbard & Frog.
Rugar Vaqueros, .357, two each, consecutive numbers, stainless steel, 5 1/2"
barrels, rosewood grips, slick action jobs. Serial # 57-35600 & 57-35601
For more info on these and other guns contact:
Walter Kelly
WZ is offering compact, folding gun carts
for sale. They fit great in smaller vehicles
such as Jeeps, SUV’s, and compact cars.
These carts breakdown and fold up with
no tools to 36”x20”x20”. They hold 4 long
guns, have 10” wheels, and a 9”x12”x14”
ammo box that doubles as a seat. The
carts are unfinished, but sanded and
ready for your own personalization.
Albert’s Meat
Cost is $165.00
To order contact Washoe Zephyr at (775)721-6619.
For all your BBQ
Meats &
made to order call
P. O. Box 524
Bridgeport, CA