Minutes Packet - Coral Springs, FL
Minutes Packet - Coral Springs, FL
CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING SUMMARY Tuesday, March, 17, 2009 6:30 PM City Hall 9551 West Sample Road Call to Order Meeting called to order 6:39 PM. Attendee Name Scott Brook Vincent Boccard Claudette Bruck Roy Gold Tom Powers Michael Levinson Sam Goren Peter Richardson Title Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Status Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Arrived Invocation Pastor Ken Mc Lymont Faith Chapel of Coral Springs Pledge of Allegiance Jocelyn Vasallo, 5th Grade Coral Springs Elementary School The City Commission workshop convened at 5 p.m. in the West Wing Conference Room. The regular City Commission meeting convened following the conclusion of the workshop. 1. a. Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations: Boy Scouts Troop 397: Recognize Boy Scouts Troop 397. Requested By: Mayor Brook b. Mayor for the Day: Recognize Illissa Melamed, Anthony Regolizio and Nicole Regolizio. Requested By: Mayor Brook c. Recognition - Autoworks Collision & Paint: Page 1 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 17, 2009 Recognize Laurie and Guy Vignola of Autoworks Collision and Paint and Al Capone for donating hundreds of hours to the success of Project CS (Coral Springs Teen Car Club) Teen Car show. Requested By: Vice Mayor Boccard d. Flip the Switch of the Globe: Proclaim Saturday, March 28, 2009, as “Flip the Switch of the Globe” day in the City of Coral Springs. Requested By: Mayor Brook e. Recognition, 2008 Fire Department Employees of the Year: Recognize the 2008 Fire Department “Employees of the Year.” f. Recognition, 2008 Police Dept Employees of the Year: Recognize the Supervisor, Officer, and Civilian of the Year. 2. Public Hearings/Announcements of Special Meetings & Workshops: None. 3. Consent: a. Con - Customer Involved Government: 1. Minutes Approval Tuesday, March 03, 2009 2. RESULT: ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Purchase of Outdoor Lighting Fixtures: Request to award Bid #09-B-062F for the purchase of outdoor lighting fixtures to Graybar Electric Company, Inc., Pompano, Florida, in the amount of $ 31,092.96. (REQUEST TO AWARD) CIP RESULT: AWARDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Page 2 City Commission Meeting 3. Minutes March 17, 2009 Purchase of Shade Canopy Structures: Request to award Item 09-B-071M for the purchase of two shade canopy structures to Apollo Sunguard (materials) $21,014.13 and Christensen Systems, Inc., (installation) $9,562.72, Sarasota, Florida, in the amount of $30,576.85, utilizing the Manatee County School District Bid #07-0103-ML. (REQUEST TO AWARD) CIP 4. RESULT: AWARDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Award Contract, Plastic Trash Liners: Request to award the contract for Bid 09-E-035 for plastic trash liners to Armchem International Corporation of Florida from date of award for an initial one (1) year term with two (2) additional one (1) year renewal options available. The estimated annual expenditure is $44,000.00. (REQUEST TO AWARD) b. 1. RESULT: AWARDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Con - Financial Health & Economic Development: Invoices for Legal Services, Goren: Request to approve payment of invoices submitted by the law firm of Goren, Cherof, Doody and Ezrol, P.A. for legal services provided during the period of February, 2009 in the amount of $26,615.90. (REQUEST TO APPROVE) 2. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Disaster Debris Monitoring Services: Request to renew the contract for disaster debris monitoring services, RFP #07-B-064, and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment to the contract, to Malcolm-Pirnie, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, commencing April 1, 2009, thru March 31, 2011, with options for renewal. (REQUEST TO RENEW, AUTHORIZE) Page 3 City Commission Meeting Minutes RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers March 17, 2009 Contract renewed for disaster debris monitoring services; Mayor authorized to execute amendment. 3. Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement: Request to award contract to SunGard Public Sector Inc of Lake Mary, Florida and authorize the appropriate City official to execute the amendment drafted by the City Attorney’s Office and the agreements with Maximum Availability Ltd. for the purchase of Common CAD Interface, Community Connect AVL, and NoMAX High Availability Software installation, configuration, and maintenance as a sole source procurement at a cost of $55,002.00. (REQUEST TO AWARD, AUTHORIZE) CIP RESULT: AWARDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Contract awarded; City official authorized to execute amendment and agreements. 4. Fire Equipment & Supplies: Request to renew the contract and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment to the agreement for fire equipment and supplies via Lake County Contract #07-0811G to Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc. of Bradenton, Florida beginning April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010. The estimated annual expenditure is $50,000. (REQUEST TO RENEW, AUTHORIZE) CIP RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Contract renewed; Mayor authorized to execute amendment. 5. Automotive Paint & Body Work Service: Request to renew the contract and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment to the agreement for Automotive Paint and Body Work Service, RFP #07-C-049 to Arrigo DCJ Sawgrass, Inc. of Tamarac, Florida retroactive from February 19, 2009 through February 28, 2011 with one (1) additional two (2) year renewal period available. The estimated annual expenditure is $150,000. (REQUEST TO RENEW, AUTHORIZE) Page 4 City Commission Meeting Minutes RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers March 17, 2009 Contract renewed; Mayor authorized to execute amendment. c. 1. Con - Neighborhood & Environmental Vitality: Meadows/Dells Neighborhood Stormwater Improvements: Request to award Bid #09-B-042F and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract for stormwater improvements in the Meadows/Dells neighborhood to DBF Construction, LLC of Margate, Florida, in the amount of $159,586.00 (REQUEST TO AWARD, AUTHORIZE) CIP, CDBG RESULT: AWARDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Boccard, Vice Mayor SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Bid #09-B-042F awarded; Mayor authorized to execute contract. 2. Dedication of Easement: Request to approve Petition #01-DE-09, Paul E. Brewer & Associates, Inc., for the City to accept the petition of dedication of a Utility Easement and dedicated to the public affecting two (2) 10’ wide strips of land within a portion of Lots 12 and 13 of Block A, less the east ten feet of Lot 13 of Block A of the Greater Coral Springs Research and Development Park Addition, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 66, page 50 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, and to authorize the City Attorney’s Office to draft and adopt a resolution to accept the dedication of the referenced easement. (REQUEST TO APPROVE, AUTHORIZE, ADOPT) RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Roy Gold, Commissioner SECONDER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Petition approved; City Attorney’s Office authorized to draft and adopt resolution. 4. a. Citizen’s Requests: Dr. Marlene Wolf, Coral Springs Medical Center. Community based cookbook – Fund raiser for the Lisa Boccard Breast Cancer Fund. b. John Gillooly, 1957 Northwest 113 Way, Coral Springs.l Page 5 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 17, 2009 Relay for Life Event on April 17, 2009. c. Paul Brite and Gisele Rahael, Coral Springs. Coral Springs Festival of the Arts Festival. 5. a. Commissioners Communications: Mayor Brook: • Urged everyone to visit the City’s webpage at www.coralsprings.org to find out more about the “Buy Coral Springs” campaign and City of Coral Springs events. • Requested that City staff arrange for letters of congratulations be forwarded to victorious candidates in the March 10th municipal elections in Broward County. There was City Commission consensus to do so. • Requested that City staff investigate the viability of participating in the “50 million pound challenge” wellness program. • Requested an update on the feasibility and advisability of the City of Coral Springs establishing a Facebook page. Following a brief overview, Mr. Goren requested that the City Commission authorize him to prepare a letter to the Florida Attorney’ General’s Office to request an Attorney General’s opinion on this matter. ACTION: Motion: Second: Vote: b. c. To authorize the City Attorney’s Office to forward a letter to the Florida Attorney General to request an AG’s opinion relative to the City’s advisability of establishing a Facebook account. Commissioner Power Commissioner Gold 5-0 • Requested that City staff make arrangements for a future workshop agenda, prior to the end of June, to include an opportunity for the City Commission to include a discussion regarding sign ordinance matters such as anniversary signs and sandwich board sign regulations for businesses in Coral Springs. • Invited all interested parties to visit the Coral Springs Museum of Art to view the works of Romero Britto and other excellent artists. He noted that additional information was available at www.csmart.org <http://www.csmart.org>. • Mayor Brook and his fellow City Commissioners provided an update on their recent visit to meet with State legislative representatives in Tallahassee. Vice Mayor Boccard: • Noted that he was pleasantly surprised by the turnout of participants for the 5K wellness walk which began at 6:00 a.m. this past Saturday at the Coral Springs Medical Center to benefit the Lisa Boccard Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation. • Invited all interested persons to submit recipes for the cookbook fundraiser referenced by Dr. Wolf in her remarks earlier in the meeting. Commissioner Bruck: • Expressed congratulations and appreciation to Commissioner Gold for his efforts relative Page 6 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 17, 2009 to the recent very successful Teen Political Forum and Broward Waterway Cleanup events. • d. Noted that there was still time for interested persons to register for the senior empowerment program, which will commence on Monday, April 6th, between 9:00 a.m. and 12 Noon with programs being held in the West Wing Conference Room of City Hall. Commissioner Gold: • Noting that his current term of office on the Resource Recovery Board as the City Commission’s representative was nearing expiration, requested that the City Commission reappoint him as the City Commission’s representative. ACTION: Motion: Second: Vote: • Requested that the City Commission support a resolution to amend the Broward County Comprehensive Plan to encourage the development of a thirty percent (30%) tree canopy throughout the County by the year 2030. ACTION: Motion: Second: Vote: e. To reappoint Commissioner Roy Gold as the City Commission’s representative to the Broward County Resource Recovery Board Mayor Brook Vice Mayor Boccard 5-0 To authorize the City Attorney’s Office to draft and adopt a resolution to amend the Broward County Comprehensive Plan to encourage a 30% countywide tree canopy by the year 2030 Commissioner Gold Commissioner Bruck 5-0 • Extended best wishes to Commissioner Bruck upon the occasion of her birthday tomorrow. • Expressed appreciation to everyone who volunteered for, or participated in, the recent Teen Political Forum event. • Noted that more than 470 volunteers had participated in the Coral Springs element of the recent Broward Waterway Clean-up Day event. Briefly reviewed the items found in the clean-up ranging from a swimming pool screen enclosure to a bowling ball. • Expressed appreciation to the City’s Marketing and Communications staff for their efforts to roll out the “Coral Springs Experience” program in concert with the title sponsor, TD Bank. • Noted that the Broward League of Cities had officially adopted the City of Coral Springs LEED’s checklist as its process standard. • Expressed appreciation for a warm and heartfelt letter from Ms. Dori White, one of eight “2009 Teacher of the Year” finalists in Broward County. • Thanked all of his City Commissioner colleagues for their willingness to participate in the upcoming teen roundtable discussions for middle school and high school students. Commissioner Powers: Page 7 City Commission Meeting 6. a. 1. Minutes March 17, 2009 • Expressed special appreciation to the military service members serving and protecting the interests of the United States. Commissioner Powers requested that the City Commission authorize the drafting of a proclamation of appreciation from the City Commission to the crew of the USS Roosevelt. There was City Commission consensus to proceed in this manner. • Invited all interested persons to attend his office hours on Tuesday, April 14th, between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. at the Breakfast Joint on Coral Ridge Drive and between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. on the same date at Larry’s Ice Cream on University Drive. He also invited interested persons to join him at Spa Milan on West Sample Road on the evening of March 25th. • Expressed appreciation to Commissioner Gold for coordinating the recent Broward Waterway Clean-up event in Coral Springs and the Teen Political Forum event at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. • Expressed appreciation to all of the volunteers who had assisted with the recent “Our Town” event at Sportsplex • Invited all interested persons to attend the upcoming Slice of the Springs meeting at Parkside Elementary School on Thursday, March 19th. • Expressed appreciation to applicable City staff for their ongoing efforts to coordinate with Broward County Traffic Engineering staff to address signal-timing concerns at the intersection of Westview Drive and Coral Springs Drive. Also expressed appreciation to staff for ongoing coordination with the roadway markings painting contractor to clean up spilled paint on University Drive. Policy Formation and Direction: Pol - Customer Involved Government: Purchase of Vehicles: Request to award purchase of thirty-two (32) vehicles for various departments to various vendors as shown on the recommendation sheet via Bid #09-C-040F and Florida Sheriff’s Association Bid #08-16-0908 in the amount of $687,884.00. (REQUEST TO AWARD) (CIP) 7. RESULT: AWARDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner SECONDER: Vincent Boccard, Vice Mayor AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers City Manager’s Communication: Mr. Levinson noted that it had been his pleasure to serve as a keynote speaker at the Building Excellence in Government Conference in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, sharing the story about the City’s journey to performance excellence, including receipt of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2007. Mr. Levinson invited all interested parties to attend the CSBizAssist Forum tomorrow, between Page 8 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 17, 2009 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. He noted that information would be available from a variety of sources about business lending and alternative sources of financing for business concerns. 8. City Attorney’s Communication: Mr. Goren provided the City Commission with a brief status update regarding the recent conference call with Department of Community Affairs, Department of Transportation and other parties regarding the status of the proposed extension of University Drive into Palm Beach County. Mr. Donmez noted that Department of Community Affairs officials appeared to be increasingly uncomfortable with Palm Beach County’s lack of alternative mitigation strategies relative to the expansion of University Drive or feasible alternatives. 9. Motion To Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. ____________________________ Peter M. J. Richardson, CRM City Clerk This meeting was recorded and a tape recording is on file in the City Clerk's Office for five years pursuant to Florida law and City policy. These minutes are a permanent public record of the City of Coral Springs maintained in the City Clerk's Office. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to these matters, he or she must ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The record should include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BP: CIP: CDBG: CRA: CRC: CSAB: EDF: FAC: GRN: NEC: PAC: SC: SP: Included in Business Plan Included in Capital Improvements Program Included in Community Development Block Grant Project reviewed by Community Redevelopment Agency Board Project reviewed by Construction Review Committee Project reviewed by Charter School Advisory Board Project reviewed by Economic Development Foundation Project reviewed by Financial Advisory Committee Green Initiative Project reviewed by Neighborhood and Environmental Committee Project reviewed by Public Art Committee Project reviewed by Sports Commission Included in Strategic Plan Page 9 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 17, 2009 CITIZENS REQUESTS (MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 2-2): The City Commission of the City of Coral Springs, at each regularly scheduled meeting (first and third Tuesdays), shall entertain citizen requests. Any citizen desiring to address the City Commission must submit a written request to the City Clerk. Citizen requests will be held in the priority order in which they are received. Each request shall succinctly detail the matter to be brought before the City Commission; shall contain the address and phone number where the citizen can be reached if the need arises; and shall be dated and signed. Citizen requests are traditionally entertained at 7:30 p.m. Items on the agenda which are not designed as Public Hearings must be discussed during the citizens requests period. Waiver of rules. By majority vote, the City Commission may invite citizen discussion on any agenda item and thereby waive the proscriptions otherwise outlined in this section. Decorum to be maintained. In every case where a citizen is recognized by the Mayor to discuss an agenda item, he/she shall step to the podium, state his/her name and address for the benefit of the City Clerk, and identify any group or organization he/she represents. He/she shall then succinctly state his/her position regarding the item before the City Commission. Order shall be maintained at each City Commission meeting and the Mayor is hereby empowered to order from the room any citizen who refuses to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in this section. The Police Chief or his authorized agent in attendance at the meeting shall carry out the order of the Mayor in this regard. Time limit on discussion. Subject to waiver rule contained within this section, public discussion by individual citizens shall be limited to three (3) minutes at the citizens request period. ***** City Commission meetings are aired on CityTV, Advanced Cable Channel 25, at 6:30 p.m. To view the schedule for repeat airing of the Commission meeting, visit www.coralsprings.org/CityTV25/meetings.cfm. Residents who do not have Advanced Cable can view the meeting through the “Live Streaming Channel” by visiting www.coralsprings.org/CityTV25/streaming.cfm. Residents who have ipods can also view the recognition segment of the meeting by visiting www.coralsprings.org/podcast. Those who missed the meeting can visit www.coralsprings.org/vod/ to view it through the “Video On Demand.” Agendas can be accessed by visiting www.coralsprings.org/agendas. If you would like to receive an emailed copy of a recognition photo, please email: webmaster@coralsprings.org. Page 10 1.a City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Community Relations Initiated By: Joyce Campos Sponsored By: Mayor Scott Brook DOC ID: 1297 SUBJECT: Boy Scouts Troop 397 PRIORITY: Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations REQUESTED ACTION: Recognize Boy Scouts Troop 397. ACCEPTING: Dr. David Chen, Scoutmaster Boy Scouts Troop 397 PRESENTING: Scott Brook, Mayor City of Coral Springs COPIES TO: Michael S. Levinson, City Manager Susan Grant, Director of Human Resources Peter M. Richardson, CRM, City Clerk ATTACHED: Background information ATTACHMENTS: • 09 Mar 17 Scouts (DOC) Packet Pg. 11 Dr. David Chen of Coral Springs was recently awarded the 2008 Scoutmaster of the Year award for the Lighthouse District of the South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He has served as Scoutmaster of Troop 397 in Coral Springs since September 2006. The peer-nominated award is given to the one Scoutmaster among all who exemplifies "the role of Scoutmaster in his/her actions, attitudes and knowledge of Scouting ways, is a role model and lives the Scout oath and law in his/her everyday life." Under Dr. Chen's leadership since September 2006, Troop 397 - one of the area's largest Boy Scout troops - has made numerous contributions to the Coral Springs community and beyond, having logged more than 1,189 volunteer service hours in 2008 alone. Troop 397 has been honored as the First Place Best Overall Troop in the District's Fall Camporee and Second Place Best Overall Troop in the Spring Camporee. Troop 397 also placed first in the district for popcorn sales and ninth place overall in the South Florida Council. Dr. Chen also has been honored with a 2008 Lighthouse District Award of Merit, the highest award given at the District level for rendering service of an outstanding nature. Also receiving that honor was Coral Springs resident and Troop 397 Treasurer Steve Simoneaux. Troop 397's Jack Daugherty of Coral Springs also was honored with a 2008 Scouter of the Year award, given to one who demonstrates "significant all-around contributions and participating in Scouting both at the district and unit levels. Inspires and promotes Scouting. Lives by the Scout oath and law in everyday life." Troop 397 also announces that Ben Gajus, a Coral Springs student, has earned Scouting's highest rank, Eagle Scout, becoming the Troop's 61st Eagle since its inception in 1976. Eagle Scouts undergo a rigorous course of leadership, service and skills instruction to attain the rank, only achieved by five percent of all Boy Scouts. Since 1912, more than 1.7 million Boy Scouts have earned the honor and have advanced to leadership roles in society as adults in a variety of capacities, including business, politics, science and other endeavors. For his service project, Gajus repaired and repainted the church parsonage for Faith United Church of Christ. Gajus is one of five Boy Scouts from Troop 397 who has attained the Eagle Scout rank over the past year. Others include: • Chris Greulich, who built a fire pit and constructed landscaping for a home that helps children recovering from grief. • Brian Wolfe, who raised funds to purchase Christmas toys for Coral Springs children displaced by fire and other adversities. • Jordan Butchen, who led other Boy Scouts in building a walkway and flowerbed for Coral Springs Elementary School. • John Naughton, whose service project fed 12 families for Thanksgiving through Family Central. Troop 397 endeavors to provide a premiere Scouting experience through skills instruction and outdoor activities, including camping. The troop meets 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Riverside Elementary School in Coral Springs and is chartered by the Kiwanis Club of Coral Springs and Parkland. Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: 09 Mar 17 Scouts (1297 : Recognition, Boy Scouts Troop 397) 1.a.a 1.b City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Community Relations Initiated By: Joyce Campos Sponsored By: Mayor Scott Brook DOC ID: 1309 SUBJECT: Mayor for the Day PRIORITY: Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations REQUESTED ACTION: Recognize Illissa Melamed, Anthony Regolizio and Nicole Regolizio. PRESENTING: Scott Brook, Mayor City of Coral Springs ACCEPTING: Illissa Melamed, 13, Coral Springs Middle School Anthony Regolizio, 9, Maplewood Elementary School Nicole Regolizio, 12, Ramblewood Middle School COPIES TO: Michael S. Levinson, City Manager Susan Grant, Director of Human Resources Peter M. J. Richardson, CRM, City Clerk Illissa, Anthony and Nicole worked alongside Mayor Scott Brook on Saturday, February 28, 2009 at the City Hall in the Mall Offices, when they acted as “Mayor for the Day” in the City of Coral Springs. Packet Pg. 13 1.c Meeting: March 17, 2009 City of Coral Springs Department: Parks & Rec City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Initiated By: Rick Engle Summary Sheet Sponsored By: Vice Mayor Vincent Boccard DOC ID: 1313 SUBJECT: Recognition - Autoworks Collision & Paint PRIORITY: Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations REQUESTED ACTION: Recognize Laurie and Guy Vignola of Autoworks Collision and Paint and Al Capone for donating hundreds of hours to the success of Project CS (Coral Springs Teen Car Club) Teen Car show. BACKGROUND: This is to recognize Guy and Laurie Vignola of Autoworks Collision and Paint for working with Project CS (Coral Springs Teen Car Club) to finish the Blazer for the Teen Car Show. Also for their continuing work with the Teens to make the Teen Car Club successful. They donated hundreds of hours to the painting of the Blazer. Also to recognize Al Capone who did all the graphics on the Blazer. Al is unable to attend the meeting, but Guy and Laurie will accept the certificate on his behalf. Al also spent hundreds of hours working on the Blazer. Packet Pg. 14 1.d City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Community Relations Initiated By: Joyce Campos Sponsored By: Mayor Scott Brook DOC ID: 1310 SUBJECT: Flip the Switch of the Globe PRIORITY: Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations REQUESTED ACTION: Proclaim Saturday, March 28, 2009, as “Flip the Switch of the Globe” day in the City of Coral Springs. ACCEPTING: Coral Springs City Commission PRESENTING: Scott Brook, Mayor City of Coral Springs COPIES: Michael Levinson, City Manager Susan Grant, Director of Human Resources Peter Richardson, CRM, City Clerk ATTACHED: Background information ATTACHMENTS: • 09Mar17FlipSwitch (DOC) Packet Pg. 15 1.d.a For Release: Dec 10, 2008 Dan Forman Dan.Forman@wwfus.org 202-778-9546 WASHINGTON, December 10, 2008–World Wildlife Fund today officially kicked off Earth Hour 2009 announcing that Chicago, Homer Glen, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Nashville, and San Francisco would lead the list of U.S. cities committing to go dark for one hour on March 28, 2009 at 8:30 p.m., uniting with tens of millions of citizens, businesses and government officials from all corners of the world in a call for global action on climate change. From Amman to Warsaw, the skylines of 74 cities in 62 countries will go dark for one hour as individuals, businesses, government buildings, schools and major landmarks turn off non-essential lighting in what will be the largest climate event in history. The list of participating cities includes Auckland, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Dubai, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, Lisbon, London, Manila, Mexico City, Moscow, Oslo, Rome, Singapore, Sydney, Tel Aviv and Toronto, with more expected to sign on in the weeks ahead. WWF officials said Earth Hour will seek to reach more than a billion people across a thousand cities. “As lights go out in cities around the U.S. and the world on March 28th, Earth Hour will provide world leaders with an unmistakable mandate to negotiate a new international climate change agreement,” said WWF President and CEO Carter Roberts. “The climate crisis threatens the ability of our planet to support its inhabitants, and it has never been more urgent that the voice of the people be heard on this issue. Earth Hour not only focuses global attention on the need to find solutions to climate change, but demonstrates the power that each of us has to make a difference in the future of our planet.” WWF is working closely with its flagship city mayors and top local officials to ensure the impact of Earth Hour 2009 goes far beyond the initial 60 minutes of awareness, contributing to substantial, long-term action against climate change. “We are proud to be a flagship city for Earth Hour 2009,” said Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. “We cannot afford to ignore the impacts of climate change. The simple act of turning off the lights is a powerful symbol of our commitment to fight global warming. I’ll be turning off the lights in my own home and I encourage everyone to do the same.” Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid, whose district includes the famously bright lights of the Las Vegas strip, expressed their joint commitment to dimming the lights for Earth Hour next March. “I’m encouraging all our casinos and two million residents to dim their lights in support of Earth Hour…to be part of the solution,” said Chairman Reid. “We hope that Las Vegas will serve as an example of sustainability for the 40 million visitors who pass through our great city each year, and for millions more around the world,” said Mayor Goodman. “Earth Hour provides a chance for everyone in Nashville to come together at one specific time and make a statement about how serious the issue of climate change is and how Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: 09Mar17FlipSwitch (1310 : Flip the Switch of the Globe) Press Release U.S. Cities To Spur Action On Climate Change By Going Dark For WWF'S Earth Hour 2009 Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Nashville, and San Francisco Join Cities in 62 Countries Turning Off Lights in Largest Climate Event in History 1.d.a Attachment: 09Mar17FlipSwitch (1310 : Flip the Switch of the Globe) now is the time to take action to address it,” said Nashville Mayor Karl Dean in reaffirming his city’s participation in the historic event. "A true global movement, Earth Hour makes us aware that climate change is the single most serious threat to the ecosystems of this city, the country, and the entire world," said, Marcelo Ebrard, Governor of Mexico City. "The only city in the country with a climate action program is Mexico City. It is our mission to provide a good quality of life for Mexico City's nine million citizens not only for today, but for future generations." During Earth Hour 2008 on March 29 more than 50 million people in 400 cities on all seven continents turned off their lights as major icons also went dark, including the Sydney Opera House, Bangkok’s Wat Arun Buddhist temple, the Coliseum in Rome, Stockholm’s Royal Castle, London’s City Hall, New York’s Empire State Building, Sears Tower in Chicago and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Corporations also showed their support, with the Coca-Cola billboard in Times Square going dark and Google turning its homepage black for an entire day in tribute. In 2009, WWF will also welcome back several flagship cities that participated in 2008— the inaugural year of Earth Hour USA. These include Chicago, Homer Glen, IL, representing small towns in America, and San Francisco. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom said his city was looking forward to being part of Earth Hour in 2009, after the success of the event in 2008. “It was remarkable to see how, by working together, government, businesses and individuals could make a real difference through the very simple act of turning out their lights,” said Mayor Newsom. “We look forward to making Earth Hour 2009 an even greater success.” Esurance will again serve as a national partner for Earth Hour. Packet Pg. 17 1.e City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Fire Department Initiated By: Mark Curran Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1311 SUBJECT: Recognition, 2008 Fire Department Employees of the Year PRIORITY: Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations REQUESTED ACTION: Recognize the 2008 Fire Department “Employees of the Year.” BACKGROUND: 2008 Firefighter of the Year: Lieutenant, Joseph Russoniello Lieutenant, Joseph Russoniello was selected as the Firefighter of the Year for 2008 based on his countless hours spent developing in-service and probationary training programs to improve staff skills, his service on the department's Building Committee and Apparatus Committee, as well as his off-duty role as a member of the Black Pearl Pipes and Drums. Lieutenant Russoniello's consistent dedication to excellence in all he does serves as an inspiration to all firefighters, and best exemplifies the Department and City's commitment to excellence. 2008 Civilian Employee of the Year: Ms. Carol Kalin Carol Kalin has served the city for over 25 years, and has been working with the Fire Department since 1985. She has been the only full-time office staff for the Inspection Division and is responsible for coordinating the schedules of eight staff members, scheduling over 1,000 smoke detector inspection appointments, sending out and responding to calls for over 6,000 annual inspections, as well as scheduling public fire apparatus appearances and tours. Carol's dedication to providing the best service possible, her ability to manage a complex and customer driven workload, and her willingness to work as part of the team earned her this award. 2008 Supervisor of the Year: Assistant Chief, Eduardo Lopez Chief Lopez earned this award through his commitment to training, his ability to motivate and his enthusiastic efforts to improve customer service. His leadership in building community partnerships has resulted in improved service delivery by all participants. Packet Pg. 18 1.f City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Police Department Initiated By: Duncan Foster Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1312 SUBJECT: Recognition, 2008 Police Dept Employees of the Year PRIORITY: Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations REQUESTED ACTION: Recognize the Supervisor, Officer, and Civilian of the Year. The Coral Springs Police Department has named Joann Brown as Supervisor of the Year for 2008: Joann Brown began her career at the Coral Springs Police Department in 1988 as a Telecommunicator. In 1992 she was promoted to Shift Supervisor and then in 1998 to Training Supervisor. Finally in 2006 she was promoted to Communication Administrator. Currently Joann is working on the consolidation of the 911 Center with the City of Margate, resulting in the first ever, Regional Municipal Communication Center in the area. Joann’s use of initiative by trading in old portable radios for new ones will save the City about $872,000.00. In addition, the City will be able to recover expenses incurred for administrative time used for this most comprehensive project. In May 2008 at the APCO conference in Tampa, Joann was awarded the Florida APCO Communication Center Director of the Year. The Coral Springs Police Department has named Detective Brad McKeone as Officer of the Year for 2008: Detective Brad McKeone began his career with the Coral Springs Police Department in 1999 as a Law Enforcement Trainee, shortly there after becoming a Law Enforcement Officer in 2000. During Detective McKeone’s career as a Law Enforcement Officer he has been a Field Training Officer and a member of the Special Response Team. Brad was promoted to Detective in the Vice Intelligence and Narcotics Unit in 2005. Throughout the years Detective McKeone’s performance has been exemplary. Detective McKeone’s hard work and dedication not only make a drasic impact on the availability of illicit narcotics, but also led to a significant reduction in crime in our City. Detective McKeone began an investigation into the suspicious activities of an unnamed Pharmacy. The initial investigation resulted in the arrest of a Pharmacy employee that had stolen thousands of prescription narcotics from the Pharmacy and distributed those pills on through narcotic dealers. The Pharmacy employee was charged with trafficking in oxycodone and fled the country to avoid 25 years of incarceration. The Coral Springs Police Department has named Tony Minutoli as Civilian of the Year for 2008: Background Investigator Tony Minutoli began his career with the Coral Springs Police Department in 2004 as a Traffic Accident Investigator. In 2005 Tony was promoted to Background Investigator Specialist. Using his many years of experience as a detective, he tries not only to gather the facts, but to also gain insight from the candidates on a personal level, Packet Pg. 19 1.f City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Recognition, 2008 Police Dept Employees of the Year ensuring they are not only issue-free, but more importantly worthy of a position within the Department. In 2008, Tony completed 30 background investigations and administered CVSA test on 52 candidates resulting in the hiring of 6 Law Enforcement Officers, 15 Law Enforcement Trainees, and 5 civilian members. Additionally, Tony completed 20 Volunteer background investigations. Page 2 Packet Pg. 20 CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING SUMMARY Tuesday, March, 3, 2009 6:30 PM City Hall 9551 West Sample Road Call to Order Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) Meeting called to order 6:34 PM. Invocation Pastor Ken Mc Lymont Faith Chapel of Coral Springs Pledge of Allegiance Jake Lassiter, 5th Grade Coral Park Elementary I. Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations: a. Coral Glades Jaguar Cheerleaders: Recognition of the Coral Glades Jaguar Cheerleaders. Requested By: Mayor Brook b. Recognition of Steven Lerner: Recognition of Steven Lerner for creating a Leadership Day at Coral Springs Charter School. Requested By: Commissioner Bruck c. Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week: Proclaim March 2 to 8, 2009, as “Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week” in the City of Coral Springs. Requested By: Commissioner Bruck d. Waterway Cleanup: Proclaim Saturday, March 7, 2009, as “Marine Industries Association of South Florida’s Waterway Cleanup Day” in the City of Coral Springs. Requested By: Commissioner Gold e. Recognition, Employee: Recognize the promotion of Fire Lieutenant Michael McNally to Battalion Chief. Page 1 Packet Pg. 21 City Commission Meeting f. Minutes March 3, 2009 Recognition of Promotion to Sergeants: Recognize Officer Ryan Gallagher, Officer Karla Hines, and Detective Dave Kirkland for promotion to Sergeants. II. Public Hearings/Announcements of Special Meetings & Workshops: None. Consent: a. Con - Customer Involved Government: 1. Minutes Approval: Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) III. Tuesday, February 17, 2009 IV. a. Citizen’s Requests: Manny Torres, DaMaDa, Inc., 2801 Northwest 68 Lane, Margate. Stimulating economic growth for South Florida / Coral Springs. b. Dennis Gogones, Century 21, 722 Riverside Drive, Coral Springs. “Open House” signage policy for realtors. V. a. Commissioners Communications: Mayor Brook: • Invited everyone to come to the Coral Square Mall on Saturday, March 7th, at 12 noon for the grand re-opening of the Mall and the kick-off of the Buy Coral Springs campaign. • Requested that the City Commission’s support for the continuation of growth management-related efforts, including opposition to the committee substitute to proposed Senate Bill 360. ACTION: Motion: Second: Vote: To direct the City Attorney to draft and adopt a resolution expressing the City Commission’s strong opposition to any proposed legislation that would undermine the City’s home rule authority relative to growth management and related matters Commissioner Gold Commissioner Bruck 5-0 • Noted that eleven volunteers from Coral Glades High School had signed up to assist the City with the development of a Facebook for young people. • Requested an update on the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Mr. Levinson said that the program was oversubscribed with one hundred and fifty applicants to date with an anticipated possibility of assisting sixty individuals/buyers with subordinated debt instruments and pre-qualified homes. He stated that the program has been very successful to date. Page 2 Packet Pg. 22 b. c. Minutes March 3, 2009 • Noted that artist Romero Britto would be on hand for the opening of a new exhibit at the Coral Springs Museum of Art this Friday evening, March 6th, at 6:30 p.m. He invited all interested persons to visit this hidden treasure in our City. • Provided a brief update on the most recent meeting of the Coral Springs Economic Development Foundation which he recently attended with Mr. Levinson, EDF Executive Director Paul Cawley, and others. • Thanked Nicole, Anthony and Illissa for being “Mayor for the Day.” these students be recognized at a future City Commission meeting. • Requested that City staff prepare a proclamation for the next City Commission meeting encouraging participation in the “Flip the Switch of the Globe” event on Saturday, March 28th, between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. in order to heighten awareness of the importance of energy conservation. Requested that Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) City Commission Meeting Vice Mayor Boccard: • Noted that he was looking forward to being a community volunteer to assist with this weekend’s Waterway Clean-up event in Coral Springs. • Invited interested persons to learn more about the City’s “Growing Together” tree planting program at Oakwood Park by calling the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 344-2200. • Announced that Broward Health would be hosting “The 5K Race for Women’s Health” on March 14th, with proceeds going to assist the efforts of the Lisa Boccard Breast Cancer Foundation to benefit the needs of the indigent and uninsured. He noted that the event would take place at the Coral Springs Medical Center. • Invited interested persons to attend his office hours on the second Tuesday of each month between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. at City Hall and between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. at Wings Plus on West Sample Road. Commissioner Bruck: • Invited everyone to attend the 30th annual “Our Town” Festival this coming weekend at the Sportsplex of Coral Springs. • Reminded everyone about the annual community garage sale on Saturday, March 14th, between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at Mullins Park. • Noted that the Coral Glades High School Color Guard was holding a fund-raising event between 8:30 and 11:00 p.m. this Saturday evening at Incredible Ice to assist the Color Guard with travel related expenses to attend the National Color Guard Championships in Dayton, Ohio. • Noted that Florida Governor Charlie Crist had designated the month of March 2009 to recognize the efforts of Guardian ad Litems. She encouraged interested persons to consider serving as Guardians in the court system to protect the interests of abandoned and neglected children. Mayor Brook thanked Commissioner Bruck for her long-time service as a Guardian ad Litem. • Noted that Mary Reilly, President of the Friends of the Library, had expressed Page 3 Packet Pg. 23 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 3, 2009 appreciation for the ongoing efforts of the City’s Police and Fire Departments. e. Invited all interested persons to visit the Friends of the Library’s ongoing book sale at the Northwest Regional Library. • Invited interested older adults to attend a Senior Empowerment Program commencing on April 6th between 9:00 a.m. and 12 noon and continuing for the next five Mondays. She stated that additional information was available from Parks and Recreation staff by calling (954) 345-2203. Commissioner Gold: • Expressed appreciation to City staff and City Manager Michael Levinson for their strong presentations at the first session of the City’s recent citizen’s government academy. He noted that the first session was very well received and that there would be four more sessions of this year’s citizen’s government academy program. • Requested that City staff investigate the possible use of social networking software to convey City-related information to interested parties in an expedient manner. • Stated that he would withhold comment about public art matters until a future City Commission meeting. • Noted that the Broward League of Cities resolution regarding the existence of thirty percent tree canopy goal throughout Broward County by the Year 2030 had been recently adopted by the City of Hallandale Beach, City of Pembroke Pines and Town of Davie. Commissioner Gold stated that the resolution was modeled on the City of Coral Springs thirty percent initiative outlined in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. • Observed that a diversity workshop had been held in the City of Coral Springs regarding housing and related matters directed by Dr. Derrick White, Housing Opportunities Project of Excellence, partially funded by grant funds. • Encouraged all interested persons to participate in the Coral Springs element of the annual Broward Waterway Clean-up this coming Saturday beginning at approximately 8:15 a.m. at Riverside Park. • Invited all interested parties to attend the second annual teen political forum on Thursday evening, March 5th at the Coral Springs City Center. He noted that participants would include all members of the City Commission, School Board Member Stephanie Kraft and City Police Chief Duncan Foster and Fire Chief Mark Curran. • Noted that soccer at the City’s park facilities were one of the most exciting and enjoyable family related offerings in the City of Coral Springs. • Noted that on Thursday evening, there would be a soft rollout about the “Coral Springs Experience” program. Stated that if citizens visited eighteen to twenty sites around the City, they could receive a free reusable grocery bag. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) d. • Commissioner Powers: • Thanked all of the members of the United States military services for their defense of our nation. • Thanked Commissioner Gold and community volunteers for their able assistance in Page 4 Packet Pg. 24 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 3, 2009 • Invited all interested persons to join him for office hours tomorrow at the Breakfast Joint between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m., and at Larry’s Ice Cream between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. • Invited interested persons to visit the City’s website at www.coralsprings.org <http://www.coralsprings.org> to find out more about the “go green” study circle. • Expressed appreciation to applicable City staff for their prompt follow-up to his recent concerns about a large amount of spilled roadway paint on University Drive and a traffic signal related problem at the intersection of Westview Drive and Coral Springs Drive. • Requested that the City Commission direct the City Attorney to request an opinion from the Florida Attorney General’s Office regarding the status of a moratorium prohibiting municipalities from creating new ordinances pertaining to the regulation of illegal fireworks. ACTION: Motion: Second: Vote: VI. a. 1. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) coordinating the annual Broward Waterway Clean-up event in Coral Springs. To request that the City Attorney request a Florida Attorney General’s opinion regarding the status of the moratorium prohibiting municipalities from creating new ordinances pertaining to the regulation of illegal fireworks in their jurisdictions Commissioner Powers Commissioner Bruck 5-0 Policy Formation and Direction: Pol - Customer Involved Government: Proposed Directional Statements: Request to review the proposed directional statements. (REQUEST TO REVIEW) b. 1. RESULT: REVIEWED [UNANIMOUS] AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers Pol - Excellence in Education: Second Reading, Ordinance #2009-103: Request to approve second reading of Ordinance #2009-103 relative to relocating Public School Concurrency Requirements from Chapter 2 to Chapter 25 of the Land Development Code. (REQUEST TO APPROVE) VII. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Claudette Bruck, Commissioner SECONDER: Vincent Boccard, Vice Mayor AYES: Brook, Boccard, Bruck, Gold, Powers City Manager’s Communication: Page 5 Packet Pg. 25 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 3, 2009 Mr. Levinson noted that he would be out of the country for about a week to serve as the keynote speaker as a paid guest of the government of Abu Dhabi for a conference regarding Excellence in Government. Mr. Levinson encouraged City Commissioners to review the draft directional statements at their earliest convenience. He noted that the finalized directional statements would be adopted in the near future in concert with the City’s Strategic and Business planning processes. VIII. City Attorney’s Communication: Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) Mr. Goren briefly updated the City Commission regarding elements of proposed House Bill 851 regarding shade sessions. He stated that the proposed bill was a good one that merited the City Commission’s support as drafted. Mr. Goren also stated that Senate Bill 360 regarding the collapse of growth management in its present form. He also briefly updated the City Commission about Senate Bill 2020 regarding the proposed reduction in salary for appointed and elected officials making more than $65,000.00 in calendar year 2008. Mr. Goren stated that the Broward League of Cities and Florida League of Cities planned to oppose proposed Senate Bill 2020. IX. Motion To Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:13 PM. ____________________________ Peter M. J. Richardson, CRM City Clerk This meeting was recorded and a tape recording is on file in the City Clerk's Office for five years pursuant to Florida law and City policy. These minutes are a permanent public record of the City of Coral Springs maintained in the City Clerk's Office. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to these matters, he or she must ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The record should include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Residents planning to attend the meeting who need special assistance must notify the City Clerk's Office at (954) 344-1065 no later than 24 hours preceding the meeting. BP: CIP: CDBG: CRA: CRC: CSAB: EDF: FAC: GRN: NEC: PAC: SC: Included in Business Plan Included in Capital Improvements Program Included in Community Development Block Grant Project reviewed by Community Redevelopment Agency Board Project reviewed by Construction Review Committee Project reviewed by Charter School Advisory Board Project reviewed by Economic Development Foundation Project reviewed by Financial Advisory Committee Green Initiative Project reviewed by Neighborhood and Environmental Committee Project reviewed by Public Art Committee Project reviewed by Sports Commission Page 6 Packet Pg. 26 City Commission Meeting March 3, 2009 Included in Strategic Plan Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) SP: Minutes Page 7 Packet Pg. 27 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 3, 2009 CITIZENS REQUESTS (MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 2-2): The City Commission of the City of Coral Springs, at each regularly scheduled meeting (first and third Tuesdays), shall entertain citizen requests. Any citizen desiring to address the City Commission must submit a written request to the City Clerk. Citizen requests will be held in the priority order in which they are received. Each request shall succinctly detail the matter to be brought before the City Commission; shall contain the address and phone number where the citizen can be reached if the need arises; and shall be dated and signed. Citizen requests are traditionally entertained at 7:30 p.m. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 3, 2009 6:30 PM (Minutes Approval) Items on the agenda which are not designed as Public Hearings must be discussed during the citizens requests period. Waiver of rules. By majority vote, the City Commission may invite citizen discussion on any agenda item and thereby waive the proscriptions otherwise outlined in this section. Decorum to be maintained. In every case where a citizen is recognized by the Mayor to discuss an agenda item, he/she shall step to the podium, state his/her name and address for the benefit of the City Clerk, and identify any group or organization he/she represents. He/she shall then succinctly state his/her position regarding the item before the City Commission. Order shall be maintained at each City Commission meeting and the Mayor is hereby empowered to order from the room any citizen who refuses to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in this section. The Police Chief or his authorized agent in attendance at the meeting shall carry out the order of the Mayor in this regard. Time limit on discussion. Subject to waiver rule contained within this section, public discussion by individual citizens shall be limited to three (3) minutes at the citizens request period. ***** City Commission meetings are aired on CityTV, Advanced Cable Channel 25, at 6:30 p.m. To view the schedule for repeat airing of the Commission meeting, visit www.coralsprings.org/CityTV25/meetings.cfm. Residents who do not have Advanced Cable can view the meeting through the “Live Streaming Channel” by visiting www.coralsprings.org/CityTV25/streaming.cfm. Residents who have ipods can also view the recognition segment of the meeting by visiting www.coralsprings.org/podcast. Those who missed the meeting can visit www.coralsprings.org/vod/ to view it through the “Video On Demand.” Agendas can be accessed by visiting www.coralsprings.org/agendas. If you would like to receive an emailed copy of a recognition photo, please email: webmaster@coralsprings.org. Page 8 Packet Pg. 28 3.a.2 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services Initiated By: Art Resnik Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1290 SUBJECT: Purchase of Outdoor Lighting Fixtures PRIORITY: Consent - Customer Involved Government REQUESTED ACTION: Request to award Bid #09-B-062F for the purchase of outdoor lighting fixtures to Graybar Electric Company, Inc., Pompano, Florida, in the amount of $ 31,092.96. (REQUEST TO AWARD) CIP Budgeted in the CIP (Capital Improvement Program) is the purchase of new outdoor lighting fixtures that will be installed along the walking/jogging path in Cypress Park. The current fixtures are over twenty years old and do not provide sufficient lighting. The new fixture design was chosen for its aesthetic value and increased lighting capability. A formal bid package was prepared by Purchasing staff, and on 2/25/09 a formal bid opening took place at which time 10 bids were received. The low bid was received from Graybar Electric Company, Inc., in the total dollar amount of $31,092.96. It is the recommendation of both Parks Department and Purchasing Division staff that the vendor be awarded this purchase. Funding for this project is available from Account #324-9602-572-6301 (073237), Capital Projects – Parks – Improvement, which has a current balance of $62,753. Copies to: R. Engle, Director of Parks & Recreation D. Russek, Financial Services Director R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney S. Goren, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: • 09-B-062F Tabulation (PDF) Packet Pg. 29 PURCHASE OF OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURES BID NO. 09-B-062F TABULATION Vendor Contact Phone # Description Quantity Neosphere Classical Spherical Luminaire per specs. Product will be delivered within calendar days: 48 Vendor Contact Phone # Description Quantity Neosphere Classical Spherical Luminaire per specs. Product will be delivered within calendar days: 48 Graybar Electric Co. Inc Deron D. Applegate (954) 977-6800 Cost Each Extended Cost $647.77 $31,092.96 28-42/days Rexel Consolidated Lou Galindo (954) 563-8059 Cost Each Extended Cost $679.12 $32,597.76 45/days Vendor Erin Electrical Contact Phone # Tom Heffernan (561) 572-2102 Cost Each Extended Cost Description Quantity Neosphere Classical Spherical Luminaire per specs. Product will be delivered within calendar days: 48 $688.25 $33,036.00 42/days JAM Lighting Distributors, Inc Brooke Reinhart (954)580-0714 Cost Each Extended Cost $686.50 $32,952.00 28-42/days W. Broward d/b/a/Light Bulbs Unlimited Wayne Ostrofsky (954) 227-0448 Cost Each Extended Cost $693.48 $33,287.04 28-56/days 3.a.2.a Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: 09-B-062F Tabulation (1290 : Purchase of Outdoor Lighting Fixtures) World Electric Supply Jackie Vasser (954) 979-1960 Cost Each Extended Cost $663.33 $31,840.00 30-45/days PURCHASE OF OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURES BID NO. 09-B-062F TABULATION Vendor Contact Phone # Description Quantity Neosphere Classical Spherical Luminaire per specs. Product will be delivered within calendar days: 48 Vendor Contact Phone # Description Quantity Neosphere Classical Spherical Luminaire per specs. Product will be delivered within calendar days: 48 Laser Lighting Jerry Baker (800) 394-5273 Cost Each Extended Cost $701.76 $33,684.48 42/days Electrical Consulting Services, Inc. Thomas Leali (561) 478-0100 Cost Each Extended Cost $816.20 $39,177.60 60/days Imperial Electric & Lighting Corol Kirkrndell (954) 370-3000 Cost Each Extended Cost $751.88 $36,090.24 45/days Cisca Construction & Development Frank Balleste (305) 595-2246 Cost Each Extended Cost $950.85 $45,640.80 28-42/days Vendor Contact Phone # Description Quantity Neosphere Classical Spherical Luminaire per specs. Product will be delivered within calendar days: 48 Cost Each Extended Cost /days Extended Cost /days 3.a.2.a Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: 09-B-062F Tabulation (1290 : Purchase of Outdoor Lighting Fixtures) Cost Each 3.a.3 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services Initiated By: Art Resnik Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1301 SUBJECT: Purchase of Shade Canopy Structures PRIORITY: Consent - Customer Involved Government REQUESTED ACTION: Request to award Item 09-B-071M for the purchase of two shade canopy structures to Apollo Sunguard (materials) $21,014.13 and Christensen Systems, Inc., (installation) $9,562.72, Sarasota, Florida, in the amount of $30,576.85, utilizing the Manatee County School District Bid #07-0103-ML. (REQUEST TO AWARD) CIP Budgeted for completion is the addition of two (2) shade canopy structures over the playground area in Turtle Run Park. This project is part of the local agreement between the Homeowners Association and the City for various improvements to this park. The two firms that the Parks and Purchasing staff are recommending are, Apollo Sunguard for the purchase of the shade canopy materials, and Christensen Systems, Inc., for the installation of the structures. Both of these vendors are approved vendors on the Manatee County School District Bid #07-0103-ML, in place through June 12, 2010. These shade structures have a higher wind load capability than those currently in place at other City Park sites, therefore not requiring Parks staff to remove the canopy (fabric) on any storm up to 90 M.P.H. Funding for this project is available in account #324-9602-572-6301 (073236), Capital Projects P&R – Improve, which has a current balance of $43,028. Copies: R. Engle, Director of Parks & Recreation D. Russek, Director of Financial Services S. Goren, City Attorney P. Richardson, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: • award recommendation (PDF) Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: award recommendation (1301 : Purchase of Shade Canopy Structures) 3.a.3.a Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: award recommendation (1301 : Purchase of Shade Canopy Structures) 3.a.3.a Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: award recommendation (1301 : Purchase of Shade Canopy Structures) 3.a.3.a Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: award recommendation (1301 : Purchase of Shade Canopy Structures) 3.a.3.a Packet Pg. 36 3.a.4 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services Initiated By: Tim Planco Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1305 SUBJECT: Award Contract, Plastic Trash Liners PRIORITY: Consent - Customer Involved Government REQUESTED ACTION: Request to award the contract for Bid 09-E-035 for plastic trash liners to Armchem International Corporation of Florida from date of award for an initial one (1) year term with two (2) additional one (1) year renewal options available. The estimated annual expenditure is $44,000.00. (REQUEST TO AWARD) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The City has an ongoing need for trash liners by all using departments. The Purchasing Division determined that it would be in the best interest of the City and more cost effective, to establish a term contract for these liners. Central Stores personnel established a listing of 5 liners. A formal bid was prepared and a bid opening took place on January 21,2009, at which time nine (9) bids were received. After detailed analysis of the pricing and inspection of samples from all nine (9) bidders, the company that met bid specifications was determined by the specified thickness of plastic material and other bid specifications. A.) Line item 1 of Bid #09-E-035F is by far the highest usage item in the Bid. The following vendors did not meet specifications. • • • • • Internboro Packaging Corp. – Item 1, the sample was not 2.5 ml, as required. All American Poly – Item 1, Bid was for wrong size bag. Central Poly Corp. – Item 1, sample was only 1.5 mil. Unipak Corp. – Item 1, bag was not gusseted for strength. Pancar Supply – Item 1, bag was not gusseted for strength. B.) The Following vendors were not considered for the reasons as follows. • • Dade Paper & Bag Company and Pollock Investments. The minimum orders requirements for each bidders items were beyond Central Storage capacity to store and utilize effectively. Calico Industries was not considered due to unwillingness to hold pricing for the City in a contract awarded in 2008. Armchem International Corp meets the Bid Specifications and is the most responsive and responsible bidder. Staff recommends the Bid # 09-E-035F be awarded to Arnchem International Corp. of Florida for a period of one (1) year with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods. The funding for the trash liners will be from the resale account. cc: D. Russek, Director of Financial Services Packet Pg. 37 3.a.4 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Award Contract, Plastic Trash Liners S. Goren, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: • tabulation 09-E-035 (DOC) Page 2 Packet Pg. 38 CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA PURCHASING DIVISION BID TABULATION PLASTIC TRASH LINERS # VENDORS CONTACTED 25 # VENDORS RESPONDING 9 VENDOR CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE # ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 LINER TRASH, 50 LINERS/ ROLL PERFORATED GUSSETED, 38X63, 2.5 MIL, 50-55 GAL., CLEAR LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 30X36, 2.0 MIL., 20-30 GAL., BLACK OR BROWN LINER, TRASH SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 24X31, 1.0 MIL, 7-10 GAL, BLACK OR BROWN LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 33X39, 2.0 MIL, BLACK OR BROWN. 33 GAL LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 40X46, 2.0 MIL, BLACK, 60 GAL TOTAL: COMMENTS: PKG PER CASE 50 EST ANNUAL QTY /CS 1,500 100 INTERBORO PACKAGING CORP. ABRAHAM JEREMIAS 845 457-2700 COST/ BOX EXT COST BID OPEN: BID NO.: ALL AMERICAN POLY REINA LITE 732 752-3200 X-1124 COST/ EXT BOX COST 1/21/09 09-E-035F CENTRAL POLY CORP. ANDREW HOFFER 908 862-7570 COST/ EXT BOX COST 11.68 17,520.00 14.30 21,450.00 14.90 22,350.00 100 8.48 848.00 9.28 928.00 12.60 1,260.00 100 100 6.48 648.00 3.85 385.00 5.20 520.00 100 100 10.34 1,034.00 11.07 1,107.00 14.10 1,410.00 100 25 15.98 399.50 15.83 395.75 16.80 1,680.00 20,449.50 $200.00 MINIMUM ORDER BOXES DO NOT HAVE PULL- 24,265.75 27,220.00 OUTS FOR BAGS BID ON INTERBORO BRAND BAGS PAGE 1 OF 3 Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: tabulation 09-E-035 (1305 : Award Contract, Plastic Trash Liners) 3.a.4.a VENDOR CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE # ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 LINER TRASH, 50 LINERS/ ROLL PERFORATED GUSSETED, 38X63, 2.5 MIL, 50-55 GAL., CLEAR LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 30X36, 2.0 MIL., 20-30 GAL., BLACK OR BROWN LINER, TRASH SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 24X31, 1.0 MIL, 7-10 GAL, BLACK OR BROWN LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 33X39, 2.0 MIL, BLACK OR BROWN. 33 GAL LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 40X46, 2.0 MIL, BLACK, 60 GAL TOTAL: COMMENTS: PKG PER CASE 50 EST ANNUAL QTY /CS 1,500 100 CALICO INDUSTRIES MICHAEL HEVERLY 800 638-0828 COST/ BOX EXT COST UNIPAK CORP. BRIAN MARCUS 888 808-5120 COST/ EXT BOX COST DADE PAPER & BAG CO. WALTER THOMPSON 305 805-2702 COST/ EXT BOX COST 16.36 24,540.00 16.90 25,350.00 23.95 35,925.00 100 10.94 1,094.00 10.50 1,050.00 2,640.00 100 100 23.11 2,311.00 10.00 1,000.00 100 100 10.05 1,005.59 13.00 1,300.00 26.40 (150 PER CASE) 31.46 (500 PER CASE) 20.48 100 25 13.52 338.00 20.00 500.00 29.10 757.50 29,288.00 CALICO BRAND 29,200.00 3,146.06 2,048.00 44,486.56 LINE 1 – MIN ORDER 50 CASES LINE 2-4 MIN ORDER 100 CASES LINE 5 – MIN ORDER 25 CASES PAGE 2 OF 3 Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: tabulation 09-E-035 (1305 : Award Contract, Plastic Trash Liners) 3.a.4.a 3.a.4.a VENDOR PANCAR SUPPLY POLLOCK INVESTMENTS CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE # ITEM DESCRIPTION CHIP MOODY 954 410-7055 COST/ BOX EXT COST BRIAN JONES 972 337-3659 COST/ EXT BOX COST 2 3 4 5 LINER TRASH, 50 LINERS/ ROLL PERFORATED GUSSETED, 38X63, 2.5 MIL, 50-55 GAL., CLEAR LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 30X36, 2.0 MIL., 20-30 GAL., BLACK OR BROWN LINER, TRASH SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 24X31, 1.0 MIL, 7-10 GAL, BLACK OR BROWN LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 33X39, 2.0 MIL, BLACK OR BROWN. 33 GAL LINER, TRASH, SIDE OF BOX “PUNCH HERE” ENTRY, PULL OUT TYPE, 40X46, 2.0 MIL, BLACK, 60 GAL TOTAL: COMMENTS: EST ANNUAL QTY /CS 1,500 100 CORP MICHAEL BRAHMS 954 735-0029 COST/ EXT BOX COST 24.65 36,975.00 25.23 37,845.00 26.61 39,915.00 100 14.85 1,485.00 22.64 2,264.00 13.35 1,335.00 100 100 23.15 2,315.00 26.99 2,699.00 4.50 450.00 100 100 17.05 1,705.00 17.56 1,756.00 15.90 1,590.00 100 25 22.35 556.25 24.95 623.75 22.75 568.75 43,036.25 45,187.75 43,858.75 NO BID: ASSOCIATED BAG CO., MILWAUKEE, WI PAGE 3 OF 3 Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: tabulation 09-E-035 (1305 : Award Contract, Plastic Trash Liners) 1 PKG PER CASE 50 ARMCHEM INTERNATIONAL 3.b.1 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: City Attorney Initiated By: John Hearn Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1306 SUBJECT: Invoices for Legal Services, Goren PRIORITY: Consent - Financial Health & Economic Dev REQUESTED ACTION: Request to approve payment of invoices submitted by the law firm of Goren, Cherof, Doody and Ezrol, P.A. for legal services provided during the period of February, 2009 in the amount of $26,615.90. (REQUEST TO APPROVE) Goren, Cherof, Doody and Ezrol, P.A. has submitted an invoice for legal services provided during the period covering February, 2009. These invoices are based on an hourly rate of $185.00 per hour, or less, depending on which firm employee completed assigned work. The City Commission approved a services agreement with Josias, Goren, Cherof, Doody and Ezrol, P.A. on April 2, 1996. The cost for legal services for the period covering February, 2009 is $26,615.90. Finance Department staff completed a spot check of the invoice submitted for this period. In completing this spot check, staff contacted various individuals listed in the invoice to verify that they received the described services. With this invoice, the City Attorney's office remains within the appropriate percentage of the department's $209,600.00 FY 2008-2009 annual budget for outside legal counsel services based on the period of the year for which sums have been expended to date. Additionally, Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol has submitted the following hourly billed and authorized invoice for approval: 1. 2. Southern Waste Systems, LLC, Stmt. No. 37 Charles Mersch, Stmt, No. 12 $7,178.40 $1,535.50 Packet Pg. 42 3.b.2 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services Initiated By: Art Resnik Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1288 SUBJECT: Disaster Debris Monitoring Services PRIORITY: Consent - Financial Health & Economic Dev REQUESTED ACTION: Request to renew the contract for disaster debris monitoring services, RFP #07-B-064, and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment to the contract, to Malcolm-Pirnie, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, commencing April 1, 2009, thru March 31, 2011, with options for renewal. (REQUEST TO RENEW, AUTHORIZE) The City is currently under contract with Phillips and Jordan, Inc., for the removal of disaster generated debris caused by a severe hurricane, from public property and public right-of-ways, to protect public health and safety, and to minimize the environmental impact and facilitate the restoration of public services. In the event a federally declared natural disaster would strike the City of Coral Springs, it is essential that supplemental resources be in place to monitor and document the volume of debris, and to ensure proper reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The primary tasks of the debris monitoring firm will be as follows: • § § Pre-event – provide assistance thru meetings, workshops, establish data management systems, provide debris estimates by community. Post event – provide qualified staff for monitoring of collection of debris, issue load tickets for verification, coordinate work areas of trucks, troubleshoot problem areas. Data management – coordinate data recordation, prepare detail estimates, maintain a debris management system, provide periodic reports on work progress, estimates, project completion, and forecasts. At the April 17, 2007 City Commission meeting a term contract for debris monitoring services was awarded to Malcolm-Pirnie, Inc. The first two year term of this contract is due to terminate on March 31, 2009 and may be renewed for a second two year term. Public Works and Purchasing staff are recommending that Malcolm-Pirnie, Inc. be awarded the two year term contract renewal. Due to the nature of this contract, no estimated dollar amount is possible. Any cost would depend entirely on the severity of any given disaster and the amount of debris that is created, and the length of time the monitoring service is needed. Funding for this service will come from a special operating expenditure account set up for hurricane/disaster situations (ex. Hurricane Wilma). The hourly rates established in the agreement between Malcolm-Pirnie and the City have been verified by the City to be acceptable to FEMA for a Federally declared Natural Disaster. Packet Pg. 43 3.b.2 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Disaster Debris Monitoring Services The contract amendment has been signed by Malcolm-Pirnie, Inc., and a current certificate of insurance is on file. Copies to: R. Michaud, Public Works Director D. Russek, Financial Services Director R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney S. Goren, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: • Memo CC Disaster Debris Monitoring (DOC) Page 2 Packet Pg. 44 3.b.2.a City of Coral Springs City Commission Agenda Item SUMMARY SHEET DEPARTMENT: Financial Services Department/Purchasing Division PREPARED BY: Art Resnik, Purchasing Agent II COPIES TO: R. Michaud, Public Works Director R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney D. Russek, Financial Services Director S. Goren, City Attorney SUBJECT: Disaster Debris Monitoring Services REQUESTED ACTION: Award of Term Contract Agenda Item: Initials: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Action 1: Award RFP #07-B-064 for Disaster Debris Monitoring Services to Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, commencing April 1, 2007 thru March 31, 2009, with options for renewal. Action 2: Authorize the Mayor to execute the contract drafted by the City Attorney’s Office. LOCATION: ______ X_ City Wide Specific NA Public Works ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE ON DISK: List of Proposers ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE ON HARD COPY: Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: Memo CC Disaster Debris Monitoring (1288 : Disaster Debris Monitoring Services) CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF: APRIL 17, 2007 3.b.2.a CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 17, 2007 SUBJECT: Disaster Debris Monitoring Services BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Using Department(s): Public Works 2. Justification for Award Recommendation: Most responsive and responsible Bidder X Highest ranked Proposer Other: 3. No. of Vendors solicited: No. of Coral Springs firms solicited: No. of Vendors responding: 4. Agreement Info: X Contract executed by firm N/A 5. Insurance: X Approved N/A 6. Additional information: 6 0 4 The City is currently under contract with Phillips and Jordan, Inc., for the removal of disaster generated debris caused by a severe hurricane, from public property and public right-of-ways, to protect public health and safety, and to minimize the environmental impact and facilitate the restoration of public services. In the event a federally declared natural disaster would strike the City of Coral Springs, it is essential that supplemental resources be in place to monitor and document the volume of debris, and to ensure proper reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The primary tasks of the debris monitoring firm will be as follows: § § § Pre-event – provide assistance thru meetings, workshops, establish data management systems, provide debris estimates by community. Post event – provide qualified staff for monitoring of collection of debris, issue load tickets for verification, coordinate work areas of trucks, troubleshoot problem areas. Data management – coordinate data recordation, prepare detail estimates, maintain a debris management system, provide periodic reports on work progress, estimates, project completion, and forecasts. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. was under contract with the City in 2006, utilizing the Broward County term contract. Based on certain specific needs of the City, and certain line item costs that were not applicable, it was determined that staff should prepare a new RFP that would be specific to Coral Springs and would meet our needs and requirements. Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: Memo CC Disaster Debris Monitoring (1288 : Disaster Debris Monitoring Services) 1. 3.b.2.a April 17, 2007 Disaster Debris Monitoring Services Page 3 § § § § Adnama LLC, Thomasville, GA Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL Beck Disaster Recovery, Inc., Orlando, FL PBS&J, Miami, FL The selection committee included the following staff: Rich Michaud, Public Works Director Don Saunders, Public Works Administrator Dwight Weddington, Public Works-Streets Superintendent Ron Bartholf, GIS/Data Administrator Art Resnik, Purchasing Agent On February 6, 2007 presentations were made by all four of the proposers. The selection committee then ranked each proposer, and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., was chosen as the highest ranked proposer, for the following reasons. § Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. has the technical expertise, and dedicated staff to perform the required monitoring services, no matter how severe the storm damage may be, and to keep detailed records for submittal to FEMA. § Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. has also informed City staff they intend to only work with only two government agencies in Broward County for monitoring services. § They plan to assign a specific work crew to work only with Coral Springs throughout all clean-up operations of a disaster. References were checked with other government agencies where Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. provided this service in 2005 and 2006. All references stated that this firm did an excellent job in both field monitoring and the administrative portion of this service. The other entities stated that they will continue to use this firm. Due to the nature of this contract, no estimated dollar amount is possible. Any cost would depend entirely on the severity of any given disaster and the amount of debris that is created, and the length of time the monitoring service is needed. Funding for this service will come from a special operating expenditure account set up for hurricane/disaster situations (ex. Hurricane Wilma). The term contract has been signed by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., and a current certificate of insurance is on file. Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: Memo CC Disaster Debris Monitoring (1288 : Disaster Debris Monitoring Services) The Public Works staff, Finance staff (for accounting functions) and the IS staff (for GIS functions) prepared the scope of services for the RFP, and Purchasing staff then prepared the RFP package. On January 17, 2007 four RFP’s were received at a public opening. It was recommended by staff that all four proposers be shortlisted for further review/presentations. The four vendors are as follows: 3.b.3 Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Initiated By: Gail Dixon Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1315 SUBJECT: Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement PRIORITY: Consent - Financial Health & Economic Dev REQUESTED ACTION: Request to award contract to SunGard Public Sector Inc of Lake Mary, Florida and authorize the appropriate City official to execute the amendment drafted by the City Attorney’s Office and the agreements with Maximum Availability Ltd. for the purchase of Common CAD Interface, Community Connect AVL, and NoMAX High Availability Software installation, configuration, and maintenance as a sole source procurement at a cost of $55,002.00. (REQUEST TO AWARD, AUTHORIZE) CIP BACKGROUND: 1. Using Department(s): City-Wide 2. Justification for Award Recommendation: Most responsive and responsible Bidder Highest ranked Proposer X Other Sole Source 3. Is this item in the adopted budget? 4. Is this item in the CIP? 5. Agreement Info: X Contract executed by Firm N/A 6. Insurance: X Approved N/A 7. Additional information: __X__ Yes __X__ Yes ____ No ____ No The City first purchased the SunGard Public Sector, Inc. AS/400 software system in 1990 and through the years has purchased additional software modules for various City Departments and Services. The SunGard software is utilized throughout the City in every department for normal day-to-day services. At times, there is a need to replace current software with new modules or purchase interface systems when new software systems are purchased to enable communication to take place between the two software systems. Packet Pg. 48 3.b.3 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement The following is a description of the software items being purchased with this action: Common CAD Interface (EMS) will enable the recently purchased EMS reporting software (Documed) to interface with the SunGard dispatch system. This will integrate the automatic population of call data into the patient care report eliminating manual data entry and ensuring the accuracy of the information. Community Connect AVL. This product allows the caller location, police/fire vehicle location, and the incident location to appear on the map. It is required for closest unit dispatching. The maintenance for this product will be offset by eliminating the existing Looking Glass Dispatch Maintenance charges. NoMAX High Availability is from a third party software company and allows the redundancy of SunGard AS/400 data by duplicating it to a system in another location. With increased demand for around-the-clock availability and pressure to meet specific information security requirements, it is vital that the City acquire a solution that will maintain the continuity of their operations with no loss of crucial data. SunGard H.T.E.’s High Availability Solution powered by NoMAX will run on the City’s two IBM iSeries (AS/400) Systems. Recovery from a disaster situation or hardware failure would be reduced to minutes instead of many hours or days allowing continuation of services. In addition, this implementation will reduce downtime during system upgrades and preventative maintenance. To ensure the process is foolproof and fully supported, it is vital that the software be designed specifically to work with the City’s proprietary SunGard Public Sector business application database environment. noMAX software is the only solution fully supported and monitored by SunGard personnel. All other solutions of this type may present record locking issues and will interfere with the production database environment. SunGard Public Sector will not assist in resolving subsequent issues unless the noMAX solution is utilized. This requested amendment is sole source procurement as the City can only purchase the software from SunGard, the developer and distributor of the software modules. Exhibit A is the current listing of City owned SunGard software licenses & limits along with the yearly software maintenance fees. Funding for the Common CAD Interface (EMS) will be taken from account #323-9602526-6401 Project #033093 in the amount of $2,777.00, Account #322-9030-541-6401, Project #083260 in the amount of $6,803.00. Funding for the Community Connect AVL will be taken from account #322-9030-513-6303 Project #053205 in the amount of Page 2 Packet Pg. 49 3.b.3 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement $9,722.00. Funding for the noMAX High availability software will be taken from account #321-9030-513-6301 Project #093204 in the amount of $12,000 and Account #3254101-521-6401 Project #063326 in the amount of $23,700. Copies to: B. Sastokas, Chief Information Officer D. Pace, Network Administrator K. Moskowitz, City Controller R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney D. Russek, Financial Services Director S. Goren, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: • Amendment 11 (PDF) Page 3 Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: Amendment 11 (1315 : Amendment to SunGard Public Sector Inc. Agreement) 3.b.3.a Packet Pg. 62 3.b.4 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services Initiated By: Roxanne Sookdeo Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1317 SUBJECT: Fire Equipment & Supplies PRIORITY: Consent - Financial Health & Economic Dev REQUESTED ACTION: Request to renew the contract and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment to the agreement for fire equipment and supplies via Lake County Contract #07-0811G to Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc. of Bradenton, Florida beginning April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010. The estimated annual expenditure is $50,000. (REQUEST TO RENEW, AUTHORIZE) CIP BACKGROUND: 1. Using Department(s): Fire Department 2. Justification for Award Recommendation: Most responsive and responsible Bidder Highest ranked Proposer X Other Utilization of Lake County County Contract #07-0811G 3. Is this item in the Adopted Budget? 4. Is this item in the CIP? 5. Insurance: 6. Additional information: X X X Yes Yes ____ No ____ No Approved N/A The Fire Department has an ongoing need for the purchase of tactical rescue equipment for training purposes at the Fire Training Academy. The City’s Fire Department personnel are the first responders for disasters and tactical rescue operations within the City. The specialized equipment will be used for training in confined space operations, trench rescue, machinery extrication and other rescue operations. The City has been utilizing Lake County’s contract for fire equipment and supplies with Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc. of Bradenton, Florida since 2007. Lake County recently renewed their contract for an additional year beginning April 1, 2009. The contract includes a comprehensive list of manufacturers, each of whom can supply different types of equipment and supplies that the Fire Department needs at pricing of up to 45 percent discount off of list price. Staff believes the overall pricing of the Lake County contract is fair and reasonable. The Fire Department’s staff is satisfied with Ten-8’s performance. Staff recommends renewing the contract for fire equipment and supplies with Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc via Lake County for one (1) year with two (2) additional one (1) year renewal periods available. Packet Pg. 63 3.b.4 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Fire Equipment & Supplies The funding source for this procurement is as follows: Acct. number: 324-9602-522-6301; Project number: 073287; Balance: $74,200 COPIES TO: M. Curran, Fire Chief F. Babinec, Deputy Fire Chief D. Russek, Financial Services Director R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney S. Goren, City Attorney Page 2 Packet Pg. 64 3.b.5 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services Initiated By: Roxanne Sookdeo Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1316 SUBJECT: Automotive Paint & Body Work Service PRIORITY: Consent - Financial Health & Economic Dev REQUESTED ACTION: Request to renew the contract and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment to the agreement for Automotive Paint and Body Work Service, RFP #07-C-049 to Arrigo DCJ Sawgrass, Inc. of Tamarac, Florida retroactive from February 19, 2009 through February 28, 2011 with one (1) additional two (2) year renewal period available. The estimated annual expenditure is $150,000. (REQUEST TO RENEW, AUTHORIZE) BACKGROUND: 1. Using Department(s): Public Works Fleet Dept. 2. Justification for Award Recommendation: Most responsive and responsible Bidder Highest ranked Proposer X Other: Renewal 3. Is this item in the adopted budget? 4. Is this item in the CIP? 5. Agreement Info: X Contract executed by firm N/A 6. Insurance: X Approved N/A 7. Additional information: X Yes ____ No Yes _X__ No The City of Coral Springs Fleet Division has an ongoing need for a automotive paint and bodywork service contractor to paint and repair various City owned vehicles. The Fleet Division usually has several vehicles needing paint and repair that have been damaged during routine operations or that are currently being refurbished. Two years ago the City awarded a contract to T.T of Commercial, Inc. d/b/a/ Fairbanks Chrysler Jeep Dodge Sawgrass. In 2008 the company was sold to the Arrigo family and became known as Arrigo DCJ Sawgrass, Inc. The newly named company, Arrigo DCJ Sawgrass assumed all of the City’s current contract pricing, terms, and conditions. The Fleet Division is very satisfied with the performance of Arrigo DCJ Sawgrass. The original contract award was determined by soliciting a Request for Proposals. There were several factors in addition to pricing that determined the award to the vendor, such Packet Pg. 65 3.b.5 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Automotive Paint & Body Work Service as a clean and secure work site, and acceptable vehicle turn-around time. After discussions regarding renewing the contract, the following changes will be made: • • Body Shop labor rate will be reduced from $27.50 to $26.00 per hour Parts purchases will be reduced from cost plus 10% to cost plus 8%. The estimated annual cost savings due to these rate reductions is $3,750. Staff believes the rate reductions are fair and reasonable and in the best interests of the City. Staff recommends renewing the contract for automotive paint and bodywork service with Arrigo DCJ Sawgrass, Inc. for two (2) years with one (1) additional two (2) year renewal term available. Various accounts will be used to fund the services that will be provided under this contract. COPIES TO: D. Foster, Police Chief B. Mallozzi, Acting Fleet Services Supt. D. Russek, Financial Services Director R. Michaud, Director of Public Works R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney S. Goren, City Attorney Page 2 Packet Pg. 66 3.c.1 Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Initiated By: Art Resnik Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1291 SUBJECT: Meadows/Dells Neighborhood Stormwater Improvements PRIORITY: Consent - Neighborhood & Env Vitality REQUESTED ACTION: Request to award Bid #09-B-042F and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract for stormwater improvements in the Meadows/Dells neighborhood to DBF Construction, LLC of Margate, Florida, in the amount of $159,586.00 (REQUEST TO AWARD, AUTHORIZE) CIP, CDBG BACKGROUND: 1. Using Department(s): Public Works 2. Justification for Award Recommendation: Most responsive and responsible Bidder 3. Is this item in the Adopted Budget? 4. Is this item in the CIP? X 5. No. of Vendors solicited: No. of Coral Springs firms solicited: No. of Vendors responding: 50 1 6. Agreement Info: X Contract executed by firm N/A 7. Insurance: X Approved N/A X Yes Yes ____ No ____ No Additional information: Budgeted in the CIP (Capital Improvement Program) for completion this fiscal year is the stormwater improvements in selected areas in the Meadows and Dells neighborhood. This area is one of the City’s oldest neighborhoods with homes built in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The overall purpose of this project is to improve the existing swale drainage system by installing drainage piping and catch basins to channel the stormwater to the canal system. In November 2005 Chen and Associates completed a stormwater master plan for the Meadows and Dells neighborhoods. This study examined the adequacy and condition of the existing drainage system, identified areas of flooding, recommended drainage Packet Pg. 67 3.c.1 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Meadows/Dells Neighborhood Stormwater Improvements improvements, divided the work into phases, and provided a cost estimate for each phase of the work. This study divided the neighborhoods into 15 basin areas. The work to be completed under this contract includes all of Basin #2. This second year amount of work will be funded through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The first step in completing the work in Basin 2 is to prepare the detailed specifications and drawings for this work. The firm of Botek Thurlow Engineering, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida was awarded this contract at the City commission meeting held on 6/5/07. When the specifications and drawings were completed Purchasing staff then prepared a formal bid package for the modifications and improvements for Basin #2. On February 18, 2009 a formal bid opening took place at which time 14 bids were received. The low responsive bid was submitted by DBF Construction, LLC, Margate, Florida in the total dollar amount of $159,586.00 for the work in Basin #2. It is the recommendation of the Public Works and Purchasing staff that this project be awarded to DBF Construction, LLC as specified in Bid #09-B-042F, for Basin #2. Funding for this project is available from the following expenditure accounts: Account # Project # 106-3004-515-6301 (091813) 106-3004-515-6301 (081810) Account Description Inter. Govt. Grants – Neighborhood Svcs – Improv. Inter. Govt. Grants – Neighborhood Svcs – Improv. Account Balance $260,000 $152,799 The contractor has executed the contract for this work and a current certificate of insurance is on file in the Purchasing division. COPIES TO: R. Michaud, Public Works Director D. Russek, Financial Services Director R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney S. Goren, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: • 09-042Tab (PDF) Page 2 Packet Pg. 68 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS – BASIN #2 (MEADOWS & DELLS) BID NO. 09-B-042F TABULATION VENDOR CONTACT TELEPHONE # DESCRIPTION Stormwater Improvements – Basin #2 (Meadows & Dells) Work Allowance Total Bid: Bidder agrees that work will be completed and ready for final payment within calendar days from Notice to Proceed. VENDOR CONTACT TELEPHONE # DESCRIPTION Stormwater Improvements – Basin #2 (Meadows & Dells) Work Allowance Total Bid: Bidder agrees that work will be completed and ready for final payment within calendar days from Notice to Proceed. VENDOR CONTACT TELEPHONE # DESCRIPTION Stormwater Improvements – Basin #2 (Meadows & Dells) Work Allowance Total Bid: Bidder agrees that work will be completed and ready for final payment within calendar days from Notice to Proceed. DBF Construction, LLC ILia Lyssenko (954) 974-3335 LUMP SUM COST $139,586.00 $20,000.00 $159,586.00 45/days Miguel Lopez Asphalt Maintnence Eduardo Lopez (305) 884-0767 LUMP SUM COST $178,781.80 $20,000.00 $198,781.80 90/days Williams Paving Company Jose Rodriguez (305) 882-1950 LUMP SUM COST $190,000.00 $20,000.00 $210,000.00 60/days Straightline Engineering Group Ricardo Diaz (786) 845-8499 LUMP SUM COST $197,100.00 $20,000.00 $217,000.00 90/days ENCO LLC Wilson Sanchez (954) 445-0579 LUMP SUM COST $217,228.00 $20,000.00 $237,228.00 120/days GMI Contracting John Galgano (954) 445-6732 LUMP SUM COST 217,999.60 $20,000.00 $237,999.60 60/days Attachment: 09-042Tab (1291 : Meadows/Dells Neighborhood Stormwater Improvements) 3.c.1.a Packet Pg. 69 Page 1 of 3 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS – BASIN #2 (MEADOWS & DELLS) BID NO. 09-B-042F TABULATION VENDOR CONTACT TELEPHONE # DESCRIPTION Stormwater Improvements – Basin #2 (Meadows & Dells) Work Allowance Total Bid: Bidder agrees that work will be completed and ready for final payment within calendar days from Notice to Proceed. VENDOR CONTACT TELEPHONE # DESCRIPTION Stormwater Improvements – Basin #2 (Meadows & Dells) Work Allowance Total Bid: Bidder agrees that work will be completed and ready for final payment within calendar days from Notice to Proceed. VENDOR CONTACT TELEPHONE # DESCRIPTION Stormwater Improvements – Basin #2 (Meadows & Dells) Work Allowance Total Bid: Bidder agrees that work will be completed and ready for final payment within calendar days from Notice to Proceed. Downrite Engineering Corp Sam LoBue (305) 232-2340 LUMP SUM COST $225,432.00 $20,000.00 $245,432.00 60/days John Davis Inc. Scott J. Johnson (561) 588-1170 LUMP SUM COST $257,000.00 $20,000.00 $277,000.00 90/days Asphalt Consultants Chris Baczewski (561) 368-5797 LUMP SUM COST $266,000.00 $20,000.00 $286,00.00 90/days ARZ Builders George Jawde (561) 239-9923 LUMP SUM COST $276,000.00 $20,000.00 $296,00.00 160/days Pavex Corp./Ranger Construction James M. Allen (954) 428-8712 LUMP SUM COST $316,393.60 $20,000.00 $336,393.60 100/days Tran Construction Henry Louden (305) 756-7756 LUMP SUM COST $339,302.00 $20,000.00 $359,302.00 /days Attachment: 09-042Tab (1291 : Meadows/Dells Neighborhood Stormwater Improvements) 3.c.1.a Packet Pg. 70 Page 2 of 3 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS – BASIN #2 (MEADOWS & DELLS) BID NO. 09-B-042F TABULATION VENDOR CONTACT TELEPHONE # DESCRIPTION Stormwater Improvements – Basin #2 (Meadows & Dells) Work Allowance Total Bid: Bidder agrees that work will be completed and ready for final payment within calendar days from Notice to Proceed. GC Works Inc. Lance Wayne (561) 807-6969 LUMP SUM COST $367,000.00 $20,000.00 $387,000.00 120/days PBH Enterprises, Inc. Peter B. Hart (954) 389-3687 LUMP SUM COST $171,700.00 $20,000.00 $191,700.00 120/days *NON Responsive, NO BID BOND Attachment: 09-042Tab (1291 : Meadows/Dells Neighborhood Stormwater Improvements) 3.c.1.a Packet Pg. 71 Page 3 of 3 3.c.2 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Development Services Initiated By: Larry Staneart DOC ID: 1320 SUBJECT: Dedication of Easement PRIORITY: Consent - Neighborhood & Env Vitality REQUESTED ACTION: Request to approve Petition #01-DE-09, Paul E. Brewer & Associates, Inc., for the City to accept the petition of dedication of a Utility Easement and dedicated to the public affecting two (2) 10’ wide strips of land within a portion of Lots 12 and 13 of Block A, less the east ten feet of Lot 13 of Block A of the Greater Coral Springs Research and Development Park Addition, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 66, page 50 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, and to authorize the City Attorney’s Office to draft and adopt a resolution to accept the dedication of the referenced easement. (REQUEST TO APPROVE, AUTHORIZE, ADOPT) BACKGROUND: The property is currently zoned ‘Industrial’, which will be the proposed use. The property is located at the north east corner of the intersection between NW 124th Avenue and West Sample Road. The property is owned by Pan American Sites Inc. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, President. The proposed utility easements to be dedicated to the City are at the request of the utility companies servicing the property. Said easements will be taken in consideration at the time of site planning each parcel. The dedication of said easements by the developer will not adversely affect the site development. This easement will serve a public purpose. The City Attorney’s office has approved the subject petition as to legal form. ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE ON HARD COPY: Location Plan Petition for Dedication Grant of Utility Easement Sketch & Legal Description Memorandum from Rhoda Glasco-Foderingham dated March 11, 2009 Packet Pg. 72 3.c.2 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Dedication of Easement ATTACHMENTS: • Dedication of Easement (PDF) Page 2 Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 74 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 75 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 76 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 77 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 78 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 79 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 80 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 81 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 83 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 84 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 85 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 86 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 87 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 88 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 91 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 92 Attachment: Dedication of Easement (1320 : Dedication of Easement) 3.c.2.a Packet Pg. 93 6.a.1 City of Coral Springs City Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Department: Financial Services Initiated By: Roxanne Sookdeo Sponsored By: DOC ID: 1295 SUBJECT: Purchase of Vehicles PRIORITY: Policy - Customer Involved Government REQUESTED ACTION: Request to award purchase of thirty-two (32) vehicles for various departments to various vendors as shown on the recommendation sheet via Bid #09-C-040F and Florida Sheriff’s Association Bid #08-16-0908 in the amount of $687,884.00. (REQUEST TO AWARD) (CIP) Under the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), various departments were approved funding to purchase vehicles this fiscal year. Purchasing staff prepared a formal bid package for all of the City’s vehicles. Bids were received and staff compared the City’s bid with the Florida Sheriff’s Association (FSA) bid. Staff normally compares the City’s bid with the Florida State contract also. However, the State does not yet list a contract for fleet vehicles for this year. Staff has found in the past several years that the City generally obtains lower pricing for many of the City’s fleet vehicles than the aforementioned Sheriff’s bid and State contract. This year, four FSA contract holders submitted bids to our solicitation and three had the lowest prices for four different types of vehicles. Several vendors were not recommended for award for various reasons as explained below. The low bidder, Don Reid Ford, of one type of vehicle is not recommended for award of the following vehicles for the following reason: § A quantity of sixteen (16) – Large Pursuit Vehicles has a much longer delivery time than the FSA awardee. The FSA dealer has the vehicles in stock and can deliver within 14 days of award in comparison to 90-120 days for the lowest bidder. The maintenance cost and downtime of the vehicles that will be replaced will be avoided for that 3-month period. The cost differential from the low bidder to the FSA awardee is $58.50 per unit. Increasingly important is the need to purchase trucks that can operate on 20% biodiesel fuel. The following low bidders did not meet the City’s requirements for biodiesel capability. Hub City Ford is not recommended for award of the following vehicle for the following reason: § A quantity of one (1) - One Ton Cab & Chassis, is not able to operate on 20% biodiesel fuel; cost differential from the Ford to the Dodge truck is $2,255. Don Reid Ford is not recommended for award of the following vehicle for the following reason: § A quantity of one (1) – ¾ Ton Extended Cab Pick-up Trucks, 4 x 4, 6 ft. bed, is not able to operate on 20% biodiesel fuel; cost differential from the Ford to the Chevy truck is $1,900. Packet Pg. 94 6.a.1 City of Coral Springs Commission Meeting Agenda Item Summary Sheet Meeting: March 17, 2009 Subject: Purchase of Vehicles Bill Currie Ford Lincoln Mercury is not recommended for award of the following vehicles for the following reason: § A quantity of three (3) - ¾ Ton Extended Cab Pick-up Trucks, 4 x 2, 8 ft. bed, is not able to operate on 20% biodiesel fuel; cost differential from the Ford to the Chevy truck is $2,706 per unit. Tropical Ford is not recommended for award of the following vehicles for the following reason: § Two (2) – Full Size Cargo Vans were withdrawn by the vendor. The vendor stated that he made an error and gave no further explanation and was unwilling to deliver the proper specified vehicles at the cost bid. Three years ago the same vendor delivered a vehicle that did not meet bid specifications and was not willing to comply with our requests to resolve the problems. The estimated savings from the City’s bidding efforts is $29,900 in comparison to the total amount budgeted for the purchase of the vehicles and their accessories. Fleet Department and Purchasing staff has reviewed the results of the City’s bid and recommends that the vehicles be awarded to the vendors as indicated on the attached sheet. cc: T. Costantino, Utilities Superintendent M. Curran, Fire Chief R. Engle, Director of Parks & Recreation D. Foster, Chief of Police R. Glasco-Foderingham, Assistant City Attorney S. Goren, City Attorney B. Mallozzi, Acting Fleet Services Superintendent R. Michaud, Director of Public Works D. Russek, Director of Financial Services T. Shubert, Building Official D. Weddington, Streets Superintendent W. Wolf, Facilities Superintendent ATTACHMENTS: • Award Recommendation (DOC) Page 2 Packet Pg. 95 6.a.1.a Description Large Pursuit Vehicle Large Pursuit Vehicle Large Pursuit Vehicle Total Large Pursuit Vehicle One Ton Cab & Chassis One Ton Cab & Chassis Qty Unit Price Vendor Account Number Project # 14 1 1 16 1 $21,649.50 $21,649.50 $21,649.50 Duval Ford Duval Ford Duval Ford 511-4201-521.64-01 511-4203-521.64-01 V50188015904507 095003 095004 V08060 Police Police Police $26,175.00 511-8119-572.64-01 095025 Parks 1 $26,175.00 Tallahassee Dodge Chrysler Jeep Tallahassee Dodge Chrysler Jeep Extended Price $303,093.00 $21,649.50 $21,649.50 $346,392.00 $26,175.00 Police $26,175.00 UASI funds Dept. Total One Ton Cab & Chassis 2 ¾ Ton Extended Cab Pick Up Truck 4x4 6ft bed 1 $29,890.00 Classic Chevrolet 511-4801-522.64-01 095007 Fire $29,890.00 ¾ Ton Extended Cab Pick Up Truck 4x2 8 ft bed ¾ Ton Extended Cab Pick Up Truck 4x2 8 ft bed Total ¾ Ton Extended Cab Pick Up Truck 4x2 8 ft bed 2 $27,500.00 Classic Chevrolet 511-8116-572.64-01 095022 Parks $55,000.00 1 $27,500.00 Classic Chevrolet 321-9030-541.64-01 093254 Streets $27,500.00 Full Size Cargo Van Full Size Cargo Van Total Full Size Cargo Van 1 1 2 $16,935.00 $16,935.00 Maroone Ford Maroone Ford 511-4901-522.64-01 511-5801-541.64-01 095012 095035 Fire Facilities $16,935.00 $16,935.00 $33,870.00 7 Passenger Mini Van 2 $20,984.00 Maroone Dodge 511-5701-519.64-01 095037 $41,968.00 7 Passenger Mini Van Total 7 Passenger Mini Van 1 3 $20,984.00 Maroone Dodge 511-4210-521.64-01 095005 Equipment Svcs. Police Small Sport Utility Vehicle Small Sport Utility Vehicle Small Sport Utility Vehicle Total Small Sport Utility Vehicle 2 1 2 5 $15,986.00 $15,986.00 $15,986.00 Don Reid Ford Don Reid Ford Don Reid Ford 511-4801-522.64-01 511-4901-522.64-01 511-5303-529.64-01 095010 095011 095014 Fire – Sup. Fire – Insp. Bldg. $31,972.00 $15,986.00 $31,972.00 $79,930.00 Grand Total Bid Amount $52,350.00 3 $82,500.00 $20,984.00 $62,952.00 $687,884.00 Packet Pg. 96 Attachment: Award Recommendation (1295 : Purchase of Vehicles) BID 09-C-040 – VARIOUS AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS & VANS AWARD RECOMMENDATION Attachment: Award Recommendation (1295 : Purchase of Vehicles) 6.a.1.a Packet Pg. 97