Eugene Corporon - Westside Community Schools
Eugene Corporon - Westside Community Schools
INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITIES WESLEYAN HONOR BAND FEBRUARY 13, 14, 15, 2014 PHONE: 402-465-7501 m. NEBRASKA WESLEYAN FAX: 402-465-2179 E-MAIL: szitek( UNIVERSITY September 2013 Dear Fellow Music Educator, Student Musician, or Parent: I am pleased to announce that the2Ol4 Wesleyan Honors Festival will be held on: February L3, 14, 15, 2014 Personnel for the NWU Honor Band will be selected by CD or digitally transferred audition from interested students grades LO-I2. Our Guest Conductor for the WHF Honor Band will be: Eugene Corporon Regents Professor of Music University of North Texas Denton, Texas Eugene Migliaro Corporon is the conductor of the Wind Symphony and Regents Professor of Music at the University of North Texas. As Director of Wind Studies he guides all aspects of the program, including the masters and doctoral degrees in Wind Conducting. His ensembles have performed at the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic, Southwestern Music Educators National Conference, Texas Music Educators Association Clinic/Convention, Texas Bandmasters Association Convention/Clinic, International Trumpet Guild Conference, and other prestigious 5OOO SAINT PAUL AVENUE LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 6A504-2794 cAMPUS LtNE 402.466.2371 TOLt FREE 800.541.38',r 8 MtLE 402.465.211 I FACST events. Having reiorded over 600 woiks, inituOing many premieres and commissions. his groups have released 100 recordings on the Toshiba/EMl, Klavier, Mark, CAFUA, Donemus, Soundmark, GIA, Albany, Naxos, and Centaur labels. These recordings, two of which have appeared on the Grammy nomination ballot, are aired regularly on radio broadcasts throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Mr. Corporon maintains an active guest-conducting schedule and is in demand as a conductor and teacher throughout the world. He is Past President of the College Band Directors National Association and a member of the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles International Board. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MOMENTS TO READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION (on the following page) VERY CAREFULLY. Nebraska Wesleyan Honor Band Information Before you submit auditions please make sure your player(s) will be able to attend the Festival (Feb 13-15), and do NOT have another event/situation that will prevent them from coming in the event they are invited. Also, please be aware that participants must attend ALL rehearsals during the Festival in order to be accepted and perform in the concert on February 15,2014. Wind players are to prepare and submit two brief contrasting etudes or solo excerpts of their own choosing, and the appropriate scales found on the enclosed Audition Recording Procedures sheet. Percussionists may audition on any one, two or all three of the following instruments: Snare Drum, Mallets, and Timpani. If a percussionist chooses to audition on one instrument only, he/she must prepare and submit two contrasting etudes or solo excerpts on that particular instrument. If a percussionist chooses to audition on two or three instruments, he/she need only prepare and submit one etude or solo excerpt on each instrument. Although not required, all percussionists are encouraged to audition on multipte instruments. Rudiments for battery percussion auditions are NOT necessary for the NWU Honors Band audition procedure. However, scales are included in the mallet auditions. EYERYONE: In an effort to solidify the audition process, I am asking that all students (winds AND percussion) submit a copy of the excerpt(s) and/or etude(s) along with their audio recording. Please refer to the "Audition Recording Procedures Sheet" for step-by-step instructions. All copies will be immediately destroyed. DOUBLE BASS, HARP, and PIANO: The music for the NWU Honor Band has not been determined. So, I do not know if we will call for bass, harp or piano. If you have a student who would like to audition on one of these instruments, I would encourage you to have them submit an audition, and then I will let you know if the music is scored accordingly. Finally, there is a section on the application form to be completed by the High School Band Director ."gu.ding the applicant's level of musicianship. I strongly urge you to use the comment section on the foim, as this wili have bearing on the determination of the Honor Band personnel. Complete instructions for the recording procedure and audition requirements are enclosed. Please notice that you are asked to use three (3) CD's-one each for woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Applications and CD's must be postmarked no later than MONDAY. DECEMBER 2. 2013. If you have any questions, please contact me at (402) 465-7501. You may also e-mail digital recordings and completed applications directly to me at This is actually the preferred method. Please share this information with all of your students, and encourage them undoubtedly be a musical and educational experience they will never forgetl Best regards, ,f --=: I -,<*A-d;d Sam Zitek, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Music Director of Instrumental Studies Nebraska Wesleyan Urriversity to audition' This will AUDITION RECORDING PROCEDURES WESLEYAN HONORS FESTIVAL BAND To insure optimum quality, use high quality CD's, (please, no cassette tapes) or send digital recording files to (Digital files are actually preferred.) PLEASE CHECK RECORDING LEVELS, AS I OCCASIONALLY RECEIVE RECORDINGS THAT ARE EITHER TOO WEAK OR TOO HOT. THIS MAY HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE FINAL RESULTS. Clearly mark the CD with the name of your school. Please use three separate CD's: one for woodwinds, one for brass, and one for percussion. Reminder: You may also send digital recordings and completed applications to szitek({i) Please include a copy of the solo excerpts/etudes. Record each audition using the following procedure: Step 1: State the student's name and instrument. Step 2: Have the student perform the following scales: (Note: the number of octaves listed for scales should be interpreted as the minimum requirement. Students who are able to perform more octaves, or partial octaves, are encouraged to do so.) Flute - (Indicate if the student also plays piccolo) and chromatic (2 octaves) - A major (2 octaves) Oboe/English Horn - (Please include an audition on English Horn, if possible.) A major (1 octave) and chromatic (1 octave) Bassoon - D major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) Bb Clarinet - (Indicate if the student also plays Eb clarinet) G major (3 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) Alto Clarinet - G major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) Bass Clarinet - (Indicate if the student also plays contrabass) G major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) Alto, Tenor, Bari Sax - D major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) Trumpet - A major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) French Hom - G major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) Trombone - F major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) Baritone/Euphonium - F major (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves) T,;baiDouble Bass - Frnajor (2 octaves) andchromatic (2 cetaves) LI^*/D;^^^ /1 \JrvL4vtJrt /') ^-l LIil.ulllaUU ^L-^*^a:^ ^^.^-,^^\ '-^:^- \^^+^-,^^\ dulLl rr4rP/r rorru - EJ-l r rr rrr4J\Jr (l' uutavg5rl may audition on any one, two or all three of the following instruments: Snare Drum, Mallets, Timpani. If a percussionist chooses to audition on one instrument only, he/she must prepare and submit two contrasting etudes or solo excerpts on that particular instrument. If a percussionist chooses to audition on two or three instruments, he/she need only prepare and submit one etude or solo excerpt on each instrument. Mallets - E major scale (2 octaves) and chromatic (2 octaves). Percussion - Percussionists Step 3: Each student will prepare and perform TWO brief contrasting etudes (excerpts from a solo are acceptable) of their choice. All State etudes are also acceptable. Percussionists auditioning on more than one instrument may choose to submit only ONE etude/excerpt per instrument. Step 4: Step 5: if you are using a cassette tape, please REWIND to the beginning of the tape. Submit recording and sheet music along with the Honors Band Application form. WESLEYAN HONORS FESTIVAL A BAND APPLICATION lication Deadline: December 2, 2A13 THLS SECTIONIS TO BE COMPLETED ByTHE INSTRU TTENTAL APPLTCANT: NAME: INSTRUMENT: ADDRESS: ZIP: CITY: GRADE: PHONE: AGE: GENDER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: What part do you play in band? What chair do you sit? Name of your private teacher: Years of studv: Chair at All State: BAND ORCHESTRA Have you participated in solo and ensemble evaluation? Rating: Have you participated in the Wesleyan Honor Band before? Are you considering attending Nebraska Wesleyan after graduation? _Seriously conside rine it Somewhat interested I am not interested at this time Intended major in college lrrlllllallllllll:rtrlltllltllttrt:ttlrlrttlltatlrll!lllttlltrttlltrtlalltrllrtrtr THIS SECTIONIS TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE BAND DIRECTOR: L DIRECTOR'S NAME: scuoor,, l)lgtstDz ,J'S. W443* 7b81 cnu: D u**t{* np, b$nq sCHooL FAX: DIRECTOR'S E-MAIL: scHoor- ADDRESS: D IRE CT A R' S RE Rating CO ?'tOt ?ac-e@' 5f MMENDA TION scale: FO 3 (superior) , R THE AB O W 2 (good) Tone Quality & Intonation AP P LICANTJ 1 (fair) COMMENTS Technique Musicianship Responsibility (Director's Signature) Please send to: (Date) Sam Zitek, Department of Music, Nebraska Wesleyan University 5000 Saint Paul Avenue, Lincoln, Nebraska 685A4-2796 FAX: (402)465-2179