Issue 496


Issue 496
Issue 496
March 2016
Search for VARMS on Facebook
Cover photo:
VARMS member Brian Laughton about to launch his vintage glider at the P&DARCS 50th
Anniversary event
John Lamont photo
11th March
General Meeting
Car Boot Sale @ 6pm
Meeting starts @ 8.30pm
Wednesday at VARMS Field – The 3 F’s night
Fly, food, fix
1st April - Deadline for next edition
Aspectivity March 2016
The President
Colin Collyer
Here we are, March already... We have had some good flying weather lately, although a bit hot.
Things at the field have been good, and quite a few have been slope soaring at Camperdown and
other exotic holiday places. What a great pastime !
There is not a lot to discuss this month. The Committee will be doing a budget for next year soon,
so we can plan our spending a bit better. Things on the agenda are shade cloth structures, more
bench seats (Council may have some help here), more work on the cameras. That should have
Lindsay a little less nervous at the end of the financial year.
The only other thing I have is the best flying weather is coming up, with lots of comps about. The
ALES comp has just been, a team for the VMAA is coming along nicely, and 2 aerotows coming
up, first at Wangaratta, and another at Bairnsdale. Participate or spectate, it’s all good
So, go chase some thermals
Please send articles & photos for
publication to
VARMS is hosting a car boot sale in
conjunction with the March 11th
General Meeting
6 – 8 pm
The meeting will start at 8.30pm
We will be also be
providing a BBQ during
the sale.
Nothing too difficult here – turn up with your boot/trailer/car full of stuff
you wish to sell. You may want to consider producing a list of available
goodies to hand out for people’s consideration.
Aspectivity March 2016
Car Boot Sale...... Massive clear-out of started and unfinished projects
Sport 40 C/W OS 46, flaps, taildragger, JR Servos......Pilot high winger c/w OS25 & JR Servos
......Piper Cub 56in electric......Piper Cub 80inch Ideal electric tug......Balsacraft FW190
elec......Funny Park GWS elec (virgin).....Hob King T34 elec (virgin)..... S&B Me 163 Hobbies 40 trainer.......Kamco Kadet (virgin)......Flair Magnatilla........UK
club 20 f/g fuz etc(virgin).......Bixler 2(virgin).......Balsa USA Etrich Taube.(virgin).....Epp
slopers......Windrider Scout Bee 60 inch (virgin)...... Zagi.......Fox very small
sloper.......Starters..... Chargers.... O&S's galore.
I have also got for sale a few scale book copies by Martin Simons that are no longer in print.
They are A3 format in folders....Slingsby Story.....Vintage Sailplanes.....Sailplanes ????
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am unable to attend Friday’s meeting. Ifffffff anything takes
your fancy give me a ring......... Colin Smith 9874 3480
The Victorian section of the above Association now meets at the VARMS Clubroom on the
4th Thursday in every month, except December when there is no meeting. Starting time is
around 8.00 pm. Supper is provided and friendly discussion follows. Attendance fee $3.00
to cover costs.
The meeting takes the form of a “show and tell” with members, and others, bringing along
their projects to present to the gathering. Also there may be discussion on technical matters
related to electric models. There is normally a lot of experience amongst those present, so it
is a good time to sort out any problems.
Max Haysom 9801 3899
Aspectivity March 2016
February 2016 General Meeting Minutes
Andrew Allen
Meeting commenced 19:58 with approximately 40 members in attendance
New Members:
Colin Smith, Geoff Moore, Ian Slack, Tim Morland
Alex Dimech
Terry Pollock (VP LDMFA)
Minutes of December Meeting as printed in Aspectivity be accepted.
Moved Gary McDougall, Seconded Phipps Gay
Presidents Report
 Thanks to Philip Rechter and team who supported our display at the Sandown F1 event.
There was a good crowd over the course of the day and lots of questions and interest in
 The windsocks are located at either end of the pits for good reason. They serve as a visual
indicator of the pit area is a no fly zone. Members are not to remove or relocate them.
 We may be able to purchase an honour board that is approximately twice the size of our
current board for $600. After discussion the majority of members present voted in favour of
purchasing the new honour board. (4 members voted against)
 On Anzac day power flying will be extended until 1pm for the warbird day.
 VARMS has been invited to have a static display at the Scoresby Steamfest rally 12th –
14th March. After discussion Lew Rodman volunteered to organise our display for this event.
 We are in the process of updating our printed rules to include the “no flying on days of total
fire ban” rule, which was omitted by mistake. The majority of members present were aware
of the rule.
 We have heard that Australia Post delivery times have increased significantly since the
introduction of the 2 tier delivery system. This may mean Aspectivity is not delivered to all
members prior to the monthly meeting as we have come to expect. Electronic delivery via
email is one way to ensure you receive your copy on time.
General Business
 Alan Mayhew introduced and explained the VARMS Level 1 achievement task. The task to
be achieved in a single flight is: 100m launch, 5 min thermal task, land in the “box” 15m *
6m (using landing tapes as per ALES)
 Defibrillator - there was a request form the floor that we hold a defibrillator refresher session
for members.
Thanks to keeping a close watch on our expenditure we have sufficient funds for normal operating
expenses through to the end of the financial year.
Correspondence In
 Scoresby Steamfest Invitation
 VMAA flyers for various events hosted by Victorian clubs in the coming months
Correspondence Out
 Scoresby Steamfest
Aspectivity March 2016
Competition Report
 Bruce Clapperton advised the next round of the VARMS ALES competition is on 5th March.
 There were a number of SAM events at the recent P&DARCS 50th anniversary event.
VARMS members placed in most of these events.
 VMAA Trophy is to be held on 14th & 15th May and we are looking to field a team. If you
are willing and able to participate please see Graham Sullivan.
 Danny Malcman – The January VARMS aero tow was a successful day. Well done to
Anthony, Tim and Steve for a great display of aero towing at the Sandown F1 event.
Shepparton aero tow enjoyed great thermals. Wangaratta on the long weekend in March is
a memorial to Dave Roberts. Jerilderie is on again this Easter and will be sponsored by
Model Flight, so no entry fees. There will also be a demonstration of GPS triangle racing
during the weekend.
 We have received an invitation to conduct a demonstration aero tow weekend at Bairnsdale
State Field. Anthony Peate is coordinating this and will advise the date when confirmed.
Tentative date is 16th & 17th April.
Good numbers at training with a couple of new trainees as a result of our Sandown display.
Show & Tell
Terry Pollock, Vice President of Lilydale District Model Flying Association (LDMFA) gave us an
overview of the program for the air show they will be holding on 20th March. Lots of flying action
with all aspects of model flying represented.
Meeting closed 21:00
Flying Event Calendar
Further Info
Car Boot Sale (6pm)
VARMS Glider Field
This Aspectivity
General Meeting
VARMS Glider Field
Dave Roberts
Memorial Aerotow
12 - 14/3/16
(Labour Day
Open Thermal #7
12 - 13/3/16
Milang (SA)
VARMS Training
VARMS Glider Field
AEFA meeting
VARMS Glider Field
Jerilderee (NSW)
National Electric Flight
25 – 28/3/16
25 – 28/3/16
VARMS Training
VARMS Glider Field
General Meeting
VARMS Glider Field
JR Aerotow
Please note 8.30pm March General Meeting start time
Aspectivity March 2016
VARMS Scale Calendar for 2016
Daniel Malcman
Hi to all aerotowing participants. We've had a very good start for the year, with very successful
aerotows at VARMS and Shepparton.
The next two months will be even busier with Aerotowing events.
Wangaratta inaugural aerotow
March 12 - 14th (Labor Day long weekend)
 Dave Roberts memorial
 All proceeds go to beyond blue foundation
 Sponsored by Albury Hobby shop
March 25 – 28 (Easter)
 Sponsored by Model Flight
 Free entry
 GPS Triangle racing demonstration by a world champion John Copland
Lylidale Open Day
Aerotowing demonstration by our team
VARMS aerotow
March 20
April 9th
April 16 – 17
The BADMAC (Bairnsdale club) requested the VARMS aerotowing group to show case
aerotowing over the two day event at their club.
ps ALES comps on 5th of March and 2nd of April, hence no VARMS aerotow in March
Come along to the inaugural Wangaratta Aerotow March 12th and 13th 2016.
$30 entry for the weekend, all proceeds go to Beyong Blue Foundation,
plus a dollar or two per tow to the tow plane pilots to help cover the fuel costs.
Venue located at 100 Shanley Street, Wangaratta
Aspectivity March 2016
ALES Competition
Bruce Clapperton
The first Altitude Limited Electric Soaring event for the year was run on the 5th of March in fair
After a bit of extra recruitment of pilots and the loan of a battery we managed to get 8 starters.
Flights were in groups of 4 pilots and we ran two consecutive flights with the same people to
save a bit of time.
There was a good mix of models - two mouldies, three built up 2.5 meter models, Colin's
smaller full house model and two 2 meter rudder elevator 2 channel models. Flaps are definitely
an advantage on landings, but the lightweight 2 meter models seem to score well and are very
Many thanks to Martin Hopper and the other volunteers who helped out with the timing and
recording of the scores. The result after six flights was: 1. David Pratley (The Invincible!!!)
followed by Danny Malcman and his electro First Plus, then Anthony Peate with the
club (Rocket) Prelude.
Next event is the 2nd of April, followed by the 4th of June.
1. David Pratley
2. Danny Malcman
3. Anthony Peate
4. Zdenek Busek
5. Colin Kahn
6. Bruce Clapperton
7. David Anderson
8. Andrew Battersby
Please send articles & photos for
publication to
Aspectivity March 2016
Aussie Sailplane Day
VARMS is hosting a Australian Sailplane Day to coincide with the April monthly aerotow
meet. The theme of the day is to bring along your Aussie Scale Sailplane.
What constitutes an Aussie Scale Sailplane?
Any sailplane designed and manufactured in Australia, e.g.:
A selection of Australian Sailplane
ES52 Kookaburra (short wing)
ES52B Kookaburra (long wing)
ES53 Granau Baby IV
ES60 Boomerang
Any overseas designed & manufactured sailplane that has flown in Australia, or is currently
flying here (model must represent the appropriate colour scheme and markings of the
Australian example), e.g.:
LET L-13 Blanik, VH-GVT
We would like you to bring along your model, either for static display or aerotow (the latter
conducted in a relaxed manner)
Invitations are being sent to other clubs who have known models that fit the theme.
A number of awards will be presented on the day.
Saturday 9th April
VARMS Glider Field, Wantirna South
Please direct any questions to Geoff Hearn 97293889
Aspectivity March 2016
Phoenix Classic EP Trainer Kit Review
Colin Kahn
I thought I would share this review that I had done about 2 years ago, I believe it is still very valid
for trainees wishing to fly an aircraft with a real ‘feel’. Besides being a great training aircraft, it will
allow the pilot to progress well into the intermediate aerobatic stages if you want to. The project
started after some interesting discussions with club members as to what constitutes a good all
round training aircraft.
There is certainly a huge volume of information on the web, from manufacturers, wholesalers,
retail stores, blogs, and many threads and comments from forums. Most claims are to the success
and ‘best ever’, as well as some fairly outrageous statements.
There are no better resources for me than modeling people I know and respect and that the advice
and discussions are based from people who have no commercial involvement. There seemed to
be a strong feeling to use the time honored and hugely successful format of the original gas .40
or .46 trainer. For learning purposes, these models all exhibit good flying characteristics, some
dihedral on the wings, generally trike landing gear, ailerons and generous wing areas. How do I
translate this into an electric equivalent? (Gas engines rattle the airframe, electric – not so much,
so a potentially lighter airframe is a strong possibility.
There are many models around; most are still gas dominant, with electric conversion options. Not
really what I wanted and was guided in the direction of an identified Electric specific trainer –
Phoenix Classic EP. There are quite a few videos on YouTube, with an interesting review by
David Hipperson for the RCM magazine.
A call to Xerxes Cooper of XC-RC got a promise to place an order with importer and to try and
get one into store, asking the rep to deliver, which he did. Collected model at shop approximately
5:00pm and with some concentrated work in the evening and next day had it ready to fly by
midday on Friday. It still took approx 10 hours of work time, but some of that was self induced as
I used smaller servos (mid size 3 kg torque), so new servo trays were required. Small changes in
a couple of areas that I believed would enhance the flying and setup were done.
In saying this, I am really impressed with the kit, how it goes together and component quality.
From the outset, I recommend that any newcomer to the sport asks for some advice and help,
both in choosing the model, as well as the variables like motors, speed controllers, servo’s and
Aspectivity March 2016
This is an ARF kit that does not have a high part count. Follow the instructions (easy for me as
nearly all in pictures with a small amount of writing) and you will be rewarded with completed
aircraft in a reasonable time.
The wing is supplied in 2 halves with a dihedral brace to join. Marking
appropriately and ensuring dry fit, used epoxy to glue one side of the brace
into one wing half and let that go off. Dry fit check again and then using 30
minute epoxy joined the wing halves and used masking tape and a couple
of light clamps to ensure that the two halves remains aligned and tight up
on each other. As I was using a mid-size servo and not full size, made a new
servo tray and epoxied into place. Please note the offset placement of the
push rods to give mechanical differential.
Once again, follow instructions and all will be OK. Horizontal and vertical stabs were perfect fits.
Remove covering where required and really ensure alignments then glue with medium and thin
The rudder push rod was binding a little, so removed some timber where it exits the fuselage to
go to the moving surface which helped.
When fitting the push rod to the steerable nose arm
for the nose wheel, I needed to drill another hole
slightly higher than the existing on in the firewall.
This allowed a more direct connection and limited
the servo from binding.
Where the holes are drilled for the main landing
gear, I relieved the top a little so as to take care of
the bend in the wire, which allowed the gear to drop
a little lower and be flush with the bottom of the
A little work in both the battery bay, as well as in
the wing mounting area were required to make
everything fit as I required. Dremel tools rock!!!!!!
Even using a 12 x 6 propeller there is enough space to clear the runway without touching.
Aspectivity March 2016
The proof will always be in the success of the final product.
I arrived Saturday afternoon at the field with some fairly strong and turbulent weather. Had another
pilot do an independent check of the airframe and build and then checked the amp draw with a
fresh pack and a range check. All good to go.
The weather a little more turbulent and gusty than I would like, but this is supposed to be an
airframe and power plant that will take on most situations….. so time to fly. Double checked the
control directions as well as all moving surfaces.
Take off was straight down the runway with required up elevator to bring the aircraft off the deck.
(The aircraft is set up with a very slightly shorter nose wheel which means that pilot has to induce
the climb out, with a resulting suck down onto the strip when landing. A fantastic bonus that limits
landing bounce.)
The flight was a dream, no trimming required and a joy to fly, roll, loop, stall turn, fly inverted and
do most maneuvers easily. As a trainer aircraft, stall is a very big factor and concern. Went high
and into wind, cut throttle and eased high rate elevator until it stalled. Just a small bob and recover,
bob and recover. Same downwind with a small turn drop of the left wing. Brilliant!!!!!!!
Glide is surprisingly good and tests done both into and downwind. Landings are great, power on
or power off. Just set up and let it fly itself to the strip. Roll out is extremely short, possibly due to
the limited weight of the aircraft and the ability to slow up well.
Did a batch of take-offs and landings with a variance of set ups, including some gusty and
crosswind landings. You have to fly it in, this should be normal for all aircraft, so a great learning
Next step was to get a student onto the controls. This was done with a fresh pack and a very
happy pilot after 7 minutes. Multiple students had a go over the next few weeks and within
approximately 6 weeks, had 5 in the air. Awesome!!!
Current draw:
1820g (including 4s 2650ma battery
2820 Tiger 830kv
HobbyKing Plush 40a
Turnigy 4s 2650ma - 40c
12 x 6 electric
3 x 20g
38amps on fresh pack
Please send articles & photos for
publication to
Aspectivity March 2016
P&DARCS 50th Anniversary day
Steve Stosic & Brian Laughton
Steve Stosic photo
Colin teaching Sharon how to operate the winch. Steve
Stosic photo
Eyes all upwards at the sky. John Lamont photo
Brian Laughton receiving the Roy Robinson trophy
John Lamont photo
Aspectivity March 2016
Don Gray’s Lanzo Bomber. John Lamont photo
Competitors for the Foam Glider event.
John Lamont photo
Col Collyer launching his “Tomboy”. John Lamont
Kevin Fryer preparing his “Cumulus”
John Lamont photo
Foam glider mass launch. John Lamont photo
Aspectivity March 2016
Aspectivity March 2016
Mowing Roster
Training Dates
Alan Gray
Graeme Hollis
Martin Hopper
Robert Kassell
Tim Stewart
Geoff Moore
Runway & Pits:
Ken Thompson
Peter Griffiths
Paul Van Tongeren
Alan Taylor
Geoff Moore
20 Mar & 3 Apr
Training radio
Frequencies are now
on 2.4 GHz
VARMS Training is
kindly sponsored by:
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
Any Problems with the field, ring
Henry Wohlmuth
9764 1921
Hyperion Australia
Standard Operating Times for VARMS Glider Field:
Second Saturday each month, 12.00 Noon till 5.00 pm
"Glider" is any Glider, or electric glider, flown as a glider, ie. climb and glide
All days 7.00 am till 11.00 pm
8am-Noon (power)
Dawn-Noon (glider)
Noon-5pm (AEST) (power)
Noon-5pm (AEDST) (power)
Noon-Dusk (glider)
Power Glider
Power Glider
Power Glider
Power Power Glider
Power Glider
For queries or problems regarding this timetable, please contact Max Haysom or Colin Collyer.
The Keyboard
Your frequency key should have your full name written clearly on it so that you can be easily recognised and
contacted in case of a frequency clash. Mobile phone number on the key is a good idea too, in case you have
departed and left your key in the board thus stopping someone else using that frequency. Members using 2.4 GHz
sets should still insert a standard key in the appropriate section of the keyboard.
All material published in Aspectivity is the copyright of the author of the article.
Aspectivity March 2016
Opinions expressed in Aspectivity may not represent the view of VARMS Inc. Editor or Printer.
VARMS Inc., the Editor and the Printer accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the content.
VP & Site Liaison
Contest Director
Ordinary Member
Membership Secretary
Heli Group Rep
Sports Power Rep
Asset Manager
Colin Collyer
Max Haysom
Andrew Allen
Lindsay Henderson
Alan Mayhew
Glenn Salisbury
Martin Hopper
Tim Morland
Geoff Moore
Graham Sullivan
Ken Thompson
Michael Best
VARMS Web Site:
Current Members:
Potential Members:
9561 9097
9801 3899
0412 994 213
9404 2157
9873 8256
9802 2044
0401819564 – for up to date info on VARMS
If you change your address, please notify the Registrar and VMAA,so that we can maintain the
correct addressing of this Newsletter.
If you are interested in joining VARMS, or learning more about our activities, please contact the
Secretary, or other Committee member.
Victorian Association of Radio Model Soaring Inc.
Organisation No. A0001504U
Affiliated with the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI)
The World Air Sports Federation
VARMS (Inc.) was formed in 1968 to get together aero-modelers who were interested in building and flying radio
controlled gliders. Members fly at many places, but have a home field, within the Knox Regional Sports Park (South
Wantirna) some 60 metres west of the rear of the State Basketball Centre- Entrance off George Street, where
Training Classes with dual controlled gliders are held every second Sunday 10-1.00pm. A calendar for training is
attached to the flying field gate.
VARMS Training is kindly sponsored by Hyperion Australia.
VARMS organizes regular competitions in both Slope and Thermal Soaring, from fun-fly, scale, open competition
and self launching (electric) gliders.
General Meetings are held on the SECOND FRIDAY of each month (except January) – at the VARMS Clubroom
near State Basketball Centre (as above) and, during daylight saving time there may be limited flying allowed before
Meeting starts at 8.00pm. Visitors are welcome. Formalities are usually followed by lively discussions on matters of
interest to all modellers followed by a cup of your favourite brew.
Aspectivity March 2016