Happy Birthday AMR! - Alpine Mountain Region
Happy Birthday AMR! - Alpine Mountain Region
July 2005 Happy Birthday AMR! See the center spread for your personal invitation to to celebrate 30 years of Porsche people in Southern Colorado. La Junta 2005. Remembering La Junta 1975. 1 Howard Burr Has The Vision To Get You To Where You Want To Be / PNBUUFSXIFSFZPVXBOUUPCFJOMJGFUIFSFTVTVBMMZNPSFUIBOPOF XBZUPHFUUIFSF#VUXIFOJUDPNFTUPZPVSSFBMFTUBUFOFFETUIFSFT POMZPOFDMFBSSPVUF)PXBSE#VSSTEFDBEFTPGFYQFSJFODFBTBOBQQSBJTFS BOEFYUFOTJWFLOPXMFEHFPG$PMPSBEP4QSJOHTBTBMPOHUFSNSFTJEFOUDBO IFMQZPVmOEUIFCFTUXBZUPZPVSSFBMFTUBUFTVDDFTT"TPOFPGUIFBSFBT UPQQSPEVDFSTIFIBTUIFWJTJPOUPHFUZPVUPXIFSFZPVXBOUUPCFUPEBZBT XFMMBTUPNPSSPX Professional REALTORS© www.colosprings.com Business 719-575-1423 4065 N. Sinton Road Suite 100 Colorado Springs CO 80907 2 406 Sierra Madre 3 2005 Board of Directors From L - R, President: Ron Maxwell, Vice President,: Ryan Hiatt, Treasurer, Dianne Cooper, Secretary: Laurie Maxwell, Members At Large, Doreen Burr and Phil O’Brien President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Member At Large Member At Large Ron Maxwell Ryan Hiatt Dianne Cooper Laurie Maxwell Doreen Burr Phil O’Brien 719/687-6202 719/332-4465 719/527-9017 719/687-6202 719/522-1021 719/210-7035 carreraron@warpdriveonline.com rhiatt@springsgov.com cooper.co@att.net laurie@traveltrek.us POB13055@aol.com Committee Members ADVERTISING: Phil O’Brien 719/210-7035 POB13055@aol.com CHALLENGE SERIES: Phil O’Brien 719/210-7035 POB13055@aol.com CHIEF DRIVING INSTRUCTOR: Pat DiGiovanni 719/532-0482 rsrracer993@yahoo.com DINNER CHAIR: Cristy Sulewski 719/487-1769 clpappraisals@msn.com DOOR PRIZES: Bruce Larsen 719/574-5788 bruce.larsen@lpl.com EQUIPMENT: (Your Name Here!) Call any board member for info. MEMBERSHIP: Dianne Cooper 719/527-9017 cooper.co@att.net NEWLETTER EDITOR: Phil O’Brien 719/210-7035 pob13055@aol.com SAFETY: Liz Hanson 719/574-3232 lizhanson@earthlink.net WEB MEISTER: Cyrille Parent 719/540-7433 cyrille.parent@ppcc.cccoes.edu ZONE 9 REPRESENTATIVE: Howard Burr 719/522-1021 howardburr@aol.com 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE President of AMR PCA Ron Maxwell This month’s Presidents article is about the volunteers of our club. The events we put on take many hours of preparation and manpower. First off, I’d like to thank Keny Whitright and Tom Mitchell for our annual DE at LaJunta. This year’s theme was our 30th year club anniversary; Keny has a follow-up article for all of the details. I believe that the amount of effort by Keny for the CD he produced for this event is some of the finest work ever done by any event chair from our group. I was in the audience just like the 90 that attended the La Junta dinner to watch and enjoy the presentation. Fred Veitch, our first President of AMR, was the featured speaker, along with Chick Misura; President of RMR at the time AMR was formed. Between the both of them, well, you had to be there for their very memorable presentation. I would not have missed this event for anything. Super job on a super event, Keny and Tom! This past weekend was our second DE of the season. Pueblo Mission: POSSIBLE. This is another example of the spirit of the volunteers that all come together to make the event a success. The event chairs for this event were Tom Mitchell and Phil O’Brien. I would like to thank individually those who came to the event just to work so the rest of us could have a great time. First, Liz Hanson stepped up to do registration at the track, on Friday the day before the event. Dianne Cooper for doing all of the work to get registration ready for her to hand off to Liz so that she could be with her family that weekend. Stu Sahr did corner working duties, and drove to Pueblo from Woodland Park just to help for the weekend. Our starter was Kent Early. If you have not seen Kent’s little squirrels start and stop their stopwatches, you’ve missed an event! Our chief driving instructor is Pat DiGiovanni, who pulled the club’s trailer to Pueblo and then organized an instructor crew that was on hand for the weekend. To all of the instructors that participated in the event: thank you!! These guys/gals are a very hard working, dedicated group of instructors. Without their dedication and involvement, the Porsche club’s DEs would not be nearly as successful as they are. Cecil Morris was in control. Bob Speights did timing. David Rossitier covered safety. The success of each and every event is the corner workers. Everyone pulls their own weight and then some, whenever the request for more volunteers is announced. People that have done their share, do more. Everyone does more that they have to. All this is done for one reason. They enjoy what the weekend gives back to each and every one of us. I applaud you all as a wonderful and dedicated group of Porsche enthusiasts. I also have to say to all of the 914 drivers in the blue group, what a fun weekend! To Grant: way to go! This month our membership meeting will be in Woodland Park, at the Ute Pass Cultural Center. This will be our formal celebration of our 30th anniversary. There will be a terrific LIVE Band, BADDOGS. They will play great music of great tunes that span the last 30 years, just like our club! Please find the article that explains what will be happening on this night. I would love to see each and every one of you at this membership meeting. This will be a real party; dinner and dancing, even an inexpensive cash bar. There will be many suprises. July 20th, make a note on your calendar, this will be a great evening, and you have to be there! It’s our 30th Anniversary!! I’ve gone on way too long here! Thank you for your support and participation. What a great club we have! See you at one of our events real soon. Ron Maxwell, President AMR NOMINATING COMMITTEE This year’s AMR Board of Directors nominating committee is looking for enthusiastic AMR members! We need members who can accept a fun challenge and be a part of the dynamic management team of next year’s AMR Board. The requirements are: attend all board meetings, actively participate, learn about the events behind the scenes, and help manage our club. The spirit of our club lives in those who volunteer and participate in the fun of our club. If this challenge gets you considering your place on the AMR Board, please contact one of our nominating committee members: Pat DiGiovanni, Phil O’Brien, and Liz Hanson. We’d love to hear from you! Pat DiGiovanni: rsrracer993@yahoo.com Phil O’Brien: Pob13055@aol.com Liz Hanson: lizhanson@earthlink.net Ron Maxwell, AMR 2005 President: carreraron@warpdriveonline.com 5 6 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Yasin Ali 7225 Brentford Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 719-528-5849 slownrusty@yahoo.com 1989 911T Don Cooke 210 West 32nd Street Durango, CO 81301 970-247-3863 doccooke@frontier.net 1968 912 Membership Chairperson Dianne Cooper “Make it a Porsche Day” Don’t forget to renew YOUR Membership! Ron & Sheri Martinez 8305 Bluffview Way Colorado Springs, CO 80919 719-243-3531 zenitrams@adelphia.net 1998 986 Boxster Sam Skovgaard & David Skovgaard 3210 Blodgett Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 719-593-1260 Gaard1987@msn.com 1988 944 Dana Smith Possartstr 23 Munich 81679 Germany dbsmith@t-online.de 2004 996 TRANSFER-IN MEMBER Mark Schmidt 8465 Garrison Road Peyton, CO 80831 719-494-8102 msmajaf@hotmail.com 2003 986 S Boxster ANNIVERSARIES IN PCA 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years 6 Years Marcus Caldwell Peter Kivlin & Lisa Nielsen Anita Mahan & Bobbi Mahan Raymond & Ramona McCarthy Ed & Ann Miller Mike Potarf Steven & Isabella Rosini Jim Spry Marve Beckett Todd & Karol Arnold Sara Drapkin-Ott & Edmund Ott Norman & Daryl Dubay Patrick Gerstenberger Gary Glojek Dwayne Hemphill Paulette Beach Jonathan Hill Mike & Amy Niswonger W. Jeff Wooddell Robert & Kelly Brower Ginny Harbold Pat & Gail Suzanne Lebs W. Royce & Evelyn Waggoner Mark & Debbie Bibb Brent & La Ree Holm Peter & Tamara Rogers Alan Manley Virginia Dennison Eric & Monica Wigand 7 Years 9 Years 10 Years 12 Years 13 Years 23 Years 24 Years 27 Years 28 Years Jonathan Imsland & Katherine Koteles Ted Link Mark Dempsey Larry Steele & Matthew Steele Charles & Pat Krushensky Jerry & Carol Lubell Chuck Glass & John C Glass Stephen Telatnik & Andy Telatnik Kenneth & Rosemary Bell Terry Mitchell Roger & Sarah Maggart Jack Ford MD & Brant Ford 9 7 WHAT HAPPENED Porsche Lovers take LaJunta by storm. Take 500 pounds of ice with 20 cases of water and 20 cases of beer. Stir in 90 pounds of barbeque and 176 pictures from the old days and you have a perfect recipe for a drivers ed event in La Junta. The weekend of May 21 was the 30th anniversary of Alpine Mountain Region. The first weekend was set up as a Zone 9 Mini Parade so all the Z-9 ers could practice for the up coming national Parade. The charter was presented by Hank Malter, national treasurer of PCA. Our anniversary weekend was set up as a celebration of where we started and where we’ve come. The Saturday driver’s meeting started off with as many first timers as grey beards listening to a quick run through of how we make the events safe and fun and of course the perpetual plea for corner workers. As we waited to deploy the ambulance along with the first wave of corner workers, we were treated to a flyover by a ’39 Beechcraft Staggerwing owned by Chris Barton. Turn 2, La Junta Car owners were later encouraged to photograph their cars beside the antique plane (air cooled, don’t ya know). Chris and his two boys enjoyed watching the event and even took some of us up for rides in return for a ride in Keith Hulley’s 911. The heat on Saturday (107 at one reading) did not deter anyone’s fun. It was ironic that Where it all Began became the first Challenge series DE of the season because 3 weeks before, the CDR event was snowed out. Everyone pitched in to help, from sharing shade to helping push cars that wouldn’t start. The most striking volunteer was Fred Veitch, who manned the gate in the middle of the first afternoon. He claimed it was a promotion for being the first president of AMR. There were 57 drivers in 4 run groups. Make some friends! Join The PCA Today! 8 We were lucky enough to have some notable guests attend. The owners of the Colorado Springs and Denver Porsche Stores, Duane Mentzer and Bob Hagestad brought their wives and helped tell some of the old stories. Chick Misura, president of RMR in 1975, and Greg Volan, club ubervolunteer and most cogent historian of times past. also joined us. Saturday night they shared memories and slides with 90 of us that gathered at the Hog’s Breath Saloon for barbeque. We had laughter, liquid libations and much lingering over treasured memories. Everyone enjoyed the sharing of 30 years of camaraderie and devotion to our unique cars. Sunday dawned a lot cooler with another flyover to start the day. We had a great set of run groups with several drivers commenting the cooler air helped their horsepower. Time trials ended the weekend with 30 drivers giving their best effort to win TTD. Congratulations to Top timers Alec Acevedo and Peggy Englert. While great volunteers always staff the events, we had lots of extra help with finding photos from days past. Thanks to Ernie Kemper, Greg Volan, Bruce Larsen and Bill Jackson for providing them. Thanks, too, to Scott Longberry for assembling the slide show, especially the snappy beginning. Again, a special thanks to Chris Barton for providing the “air power” that helped make the event special. A tip of the hat to Dave Rousseau, for making sure we didn’t run out of ice. More pictures are available at www.crossroadsmotorsport.com/ LaJunta/wrapup.html. EDITORIAL Ladies, start your engines! Danica Patrick drives another nail in the gender bias coffin! Janet Guthrie signs copies of her book in Aspen! Ladies day at Second Creek and pictures of men in drag! There’s something about a woman in a fire Phil O’Brien, Editor suit and this is the year to find out what it is that makes some women go fast. “Truth or rumor...” Thanks to Chris Lennon for breaking the ice. Who’s next? Here’s your chance to start - or end - the dirty little rumors about your man’s ( or woman’s) fixation with a costly addiction. “God, grant me the serenity...” WHAT HAPPENED La Junta 1975 - Where It All Began AMR La Junta DE - Final Results May 21 & 22, 2005 Total Registered: 57, with Times: 30 Class # Name 2M 225 Hugh MacLennan 917 Grant Remington 177 Ron Maxwell 102 Howard Burr 42 David Gadbaw 52 Chick Misura 52X Greg Volan 102X Bill Schneider Car 1975 914 2 Red 1976 914 2 Red 1973 914 2 Orange 1973 914 2 Red 1974 914 2 Ivory/ 1973 914 2 Green 1973 914 2 Green 1973 914 2 Red Region RMR RMR AMR AMR RMR RMR RMR AMR Best Time 67.975 68.231 71.945 72.402 dns dns dns dns Run 1 69.195 69.185 72.591 74.247 Run 2 67.975 68.231 71.945 72.402 2W 444 Diana Pool 1973 914 2 Blue AMR 74.760 74.760 74.763 3M 185 Phil O’Brien 1985 944 2.5 Silver AMR 68.117 68.117 68.832 64.390 63.901 6M 217 Bill Lamb 1972 911 T 2.4 Gulf Blue RMR 63.901 7W 231 Ginny Harbold 1984 911 3.5 Guards Red AMR dns 8M 529 7 89 556 719 Craig Crease Randy Hoch Andy Forberg Dave Petitti Mike Quiqley 1978 911 3.2 Gray 1980 911 SC 3 White 1989 911 3.2 Red 1993 968 3.0 yellow 1975 911 3 Black RMR RMR RMR RMR RMR 62.599 63.404 64.881 dns dns 62.684 63.729 65.362 62.599 63.404 64.881 8W 89X Peggy Englert 1989 911 3.2 Red RMR 68.779 68.779 69.352 9M 195 525 Graeme Weston-Lewis Jeff Wooddell 2001 986S 3.2 Silver 1989 951 2.5 Champagne Metallic RMR AMR 61.345 dns 61.345 62.465 10M 643 771 Ed Shindel Jim Sorensen 1994 964 C4 3.6 Blue 1996 993 C2 Coupe 3.6 Silver RMR AMR 63.836 dns 66.305 63.836 12M 945 Ryan Hiatt 1984 944 2.5 Black AMR 64.081 64.394 64.081 13M 789 29 63 173 333 393 Alex Acevedo Dave Speights Keith Hulley Fred Veitch David Rossiter Dave Jenkins 2003 996 Turbo 3.6 Grey 1979 911SC 3 Brown 1981 911SC 3.2 Platinum 2001 996 TT Silver 1993 RSR 3.6 Blue 1997 993 Turbo S Black RMR RMR RMR AMR RMR AMR 59.437 60.409 64.275 dns dns dns 59.437 60.409 64.275 59.756 60.500 64.320 14M 710 77X 553 Lars Waldner Bill Hubbell Jack Heavey 1976 911S 2.7 Blood Orange 1970 911T 2.4 Purple 1967 911S 2 Green RMR RMR AMR 66.619 dns dns 66.839 66.619 14W 77 Marcia Hubbell 1970 911T 2.4 Purple RMR dns TRAVEL TREK 102 West Midland P. O. Box 208 Woodland Park, CO 80866 (719) 687-3053 (800) 888-0370 Fax (719) 687-9501 Laurie Maxwell laurie@traveltrek.us 9 La Junta 1975 - Where It All Began Class # Name 16M 74 Ken Monahan 8X Gary Miller 777 Tom Mitchell 8 Keny Whitright 51 Bud McQuay 157 Hank Godfredson 914 Greg Curtiss AMR La Junta DE - Final Results, continued Car Region 1973 914 3.6 Yellow RMR 2001 GT3 Cup Car 3.6 Yellow AMR 1974 911 RSR 2.7 Blue AMR 2001 GT3 Cup Car 3.6 Yellow AMR 1976 914-6 3 Silver/Black AMR 1974 911RSR 3.4 Orange AMR 1973 914 2.8 Red/White RMR Best Time 60.304 60.424 64.049 dns dns dns dns 16W S2M 51X 28 34 Brenda McQuay Bob Speights Stan Paprocki 1976 914-6 3 Silver/Black 1978 911SC 3 Red 1978 911 Targa 3 Brown AMR RMR RMR dns 67.020 dns S3M 986 38 661 592 150 707 Cecil Morris David Bertrand John Mackin Paul Beethe Rick Denbleyker Bruce Larsen 1997 986 2.5 Silver 1986 911 Carrera 3.2 Black 1986 911 Cabriolet 3.2 Blue 1999 986 2.5 Ocean Blue 1988 951 2.5 White 1999 986 2.5 Green RMR RMR RMR AMR RMR AMR S4M 208 243 John Miller Phil Rader 2003 996 3.6 Seal Gray 2000 986 S 3.2 White Run 1 60.707 62.329 64.049 Run 2 60.304 60.424 64.348 67.033 67.020 65.970 66.941 67.551 70.080 dns dns 66.755 66.941 67.551 70.962 65.970 67.198 68.683 70.080 AMR AMR 65.451 dns 65.451 67.055 69.979 71.715 65.443 67.413 65.620 67.173 S5M 104 Bill Jackson 2002 996 Turbo 3.6 Red RMR 69.979 UNK 398 Anita Mahan 1979 911 3 Maroon AMR dns EXH 427 729 430 750 Leonard Thatch Gary Smith Alex Rentz Bill Agnew 1998 993 Carerra S 3.6 Black 1973 914 2 Blue 924 silver 1995 993 3.6 Blue RRR RRR RRR RRR 65.443 67.173 dns dns Top Time Of Day Man: Alex Acevedo 59.437 Top Time of Day Woman: Peggy Englert 68.779 WHAT HAPPENED Mission: POSSIBLE AMR Pueblo DE - Unofficial Results June 11 & 12, 2005 Total Registered: 66, with Times: 33 Class # Name Car Region Best Time Run 1 Run 2 2M 917 225 177 102 102X Grant Remington Hugh MacLennan Ron Maxwell Howard Burr Bill Schneider 1976 914 2 Red 1975 914 2 Red 1973 914 2 Orange 1973 914 2 Red 1973 914 2 Red RMR RMR AMR AMR AMR 119.515 123.731 125.001 131.228 - 120.591 123.731 125.001 131.228 dns 119.515 123.928 126.447 dns dns 3M 924 185 592 Jim Fry Phil O’Brien Paul Beethe 1988 924S 2.5 White 1985 944 2.5 Silver RMR AMR 128.562 - 128.719 dns 128.562 dns 4M 6 Pat Colan 1970 914-6 2 Orange RMR - dns dns 6M 217 Bill Lamb 1980 911 SC 3 Platinum RMR - dns dns 7M 206 850 Martin Smith Joe Sterrett 1979 911SC 3 Silver 1982 911SC 3 Red RMR RMR 123.931 127.095 124.524 127.292 123.931 127.095 7W 231 Ginny Harbold 1984 911 3.2 Guards Red AMR 145.197 145.197 147.313 8M 7 968 38 89 Randy Hoch George Peabody David Bertrand Andy Forberg 1980 911 SC 3 White 1992 968 3 Midnight Blue 1986 911 Carrera 3.2 Black RMR RMR RMR RMR 115.056 119.071 120.326 - 115.840 120.695 120.501 dns 115.056 119.071 120.326 dns 8W 14 Alexandra Sabados 1985 911 Coupe 3.2 Red RMR - dns dns 10M 724 869 178 255 256 771 Peter Gratzer John Withaar Roger Zimmerman Jim Widrig Chuck Dempster Jim Sorensen 1995 993 C4 Cab 3.6 Black 1996 993 C4S 3.6 Black 1993 911 RSA 3.6 Red 1997 993 C2 3.6 Ocean Blue 2000 996 C2 3.4 Midnight Blue 1996 993 C2 Coupe 3.6 Silver RMR RMR RMR RMR RMR AMR 110.096 112.614 114.373 122.551 - 111.524 114.287 114.772 122.891 dns dns 110.096 112.614 114.373 122.551 dns dns 10W 255X Kristie Widrig 1997 993 C2 3.6 Ocean Blue RMR 126.957 126.957 127.099 12M 78 John Cooley 1975 911 Coupe 3 Silver RMR - dns dns 12W 78X Gillian Morrison 1975 911 Coupe 3 Silver RMR - dns dns 10 TRUTH OR RUMOR... I have posted photos from the Denver Concours at http://www.968forums.com/index.php?showtopic=727 It was a great show, with us taking 3rd in our class, and I think Howard Burr took 2nd in his class. Would sure be great to get more AMR members participating in this event, as it’s lots of fun, and raised $60K this year for CP of Colorado. Truth or rumors, eh? How about these? Truth or Rumor? Howard Burr’s beautiful Cayenne Turbo had to compete with Porsche tractors in a recent concours. It’s the truth. Truth or Rumor? Kathleen couldn’t find a Q-tip in the house after Chris completed cleaning of their 968 cab for the same concours. It’s a rumor - Kathleen bought Chris his own supply of Q-tips for this very reason! Truth or Rumor? At the 3-day Rocky Mountain High event in August, participants will be able to “cleanse” their cars in the Arkansas river during the Saturday rafting trip as preparation for the car show on Sunday? You’ll have to come to find out! You said you wanted DIRT - I think I’ve addressed that with every one of these items. Chris Lennon 11 Wednesday July 20th 6:30 PM Cocktails 7PM Dinner $25 in advance $30 at the door The Ute Pass Cultural Center 210 E. Midland Avenue Woodland Park RSVP W/Payment by July 18th To: AMR/PCA PO Box 2231 Colo. Spgs., CO 80901 30th Anniversary Slide Show! Cash Bar! Door Prizes! Music! Dancing! Great Food! Great Friends!!! Featur ing BAD D OGS Music f ro last 30 m the years! Mission: POSSIBLE AMR Pueblo DE - Unofficial Results, continued Class # Name Car Region Best Time Run 1 Run 2 13M 789 29 63 525 83X 333 888 Alex Acevedo Dave Speights Keith Hulley W. Jeff Wooddell Rick Angelica David Rossiter Doug Freyta 2003 996 Turbo 3.6 Grey 1979 911SC 3 Brown 1981 911SC 3.2 Platinum 1989 951 2.5 Champagne Metallic 1987 951 2.5 Black 1993 RSA 3.6 Blue 1976 911 3.2 Black RMR RMR RMR AMR RMR RMR RMR 109.814 111.766 113.573 124.475 - 110.417 112.578 114.477 125.188 dns dns dns 109.814 111.766 113.573 124.475 dns dns dns 13W 83 Gunda Angelica 1987 951 2.5 Black RMR - dns dns 14M 2 710 Alan Ruff Lars Waldner 1974 914 2 Blue 1976 911S 2.7 Blood Orange RMR RMR 117.917 121.025 120.053 121.025 117.917 122.577 15M 22 Alan Fritze 1970 911S 2.9 Green RMR 116.165 116.632 116.165 15W 22X Dotty Fritze 1970 911S 2.9 Green RMR 127.194 127.382 127.194 16M 777 546 546X 777X 800 Tom Mitchell Keny Whitright Gary Miller James Kettles Randy Urlik 1974 911 RSR 2.7 Blue 1987 930 3.3 Black 1987 930 3.3 Black 1974 911 RSR 2.7 Blue 1972 911 Coupe 3 Blue AMR AMR none AMR RMR 110.390 117.330 122.217 - 110.390 117.330 122.639 dns dns 111.342 118.243 122.217 dns dns S2M 28 280 Bob Speights Joe Garbee 1978 911SC 3 Red 1982 911SC 3 Red RMR RMR 123.133 - 125.260 dns 123.133 dns S2W 45 45X Tamela Cash Tai Cash 1981 911SC 3 White 1981 911SC 3 White RMR RMR - dns dns dns dns S3M 986 62 Cecil Morris Chris Sulley 1997 986 2.5 Silver 1986 911 3.2 Black RMR RMR 119.155 - 119.155 dns 120.901 dns S4M 237 243 Henry Chaperont Phil Rader 1986 930 3.3 White 2000 986 S 3.2 White AMR AMR - dns dns dns dns S5M 208 John Miller 365 Randy Wiegand 208X Tod Lillard 2003 996 3.6 Seal Gray 1996 993 3.6 Red 2003 996 3.6 Seal Gray AMR RMR none 119.577 121.268 - 119.856 121.416 dns 119.577 121.268 dns UNK 703 43 127 350 395 811 899 1984 911 3.4 Burgundy 1986 951 2.5 Blue/Gray 1983 911SC 3 Dark Red 1998 986 2.5 Artic Silver 1971 914 2 Yellow 1973 911 2.7 White 1988 951 S 2.5 Red AMR RMR RMR RMR none RMR RMR 118.825 - 123.007 dns dns dns dns dns dns 118.825 dns dns dns dns dns dns EXH 451 Bob Tokar 1100 Nima Osted 1984 911 Carrera 3.2 White 2000 BMW M5 4.4 Silver RRR none 114.371 - 115.534 dns 114.371 dns Norm Dubay John Wilfley Howie Miller Todd Brownstein John Necessary Larry Winkler Josh Wyte Free Glass of Wine for PCA Member! Reservations suggested. Please call 719-632-4887 1015 W Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs , CO 14 TECHNICAL QUESTIONS 914 w/rough Idle at high temp. Q: While Driving the (914) around town everything is perfect. Once I get the car out on the freeway and drive an hour or two when I come to a stop the idle will drop a bit, like 100-200 rpm, and it will idle a little rough. I leaned out the idle mixture one click on the control unit and it helped a little. It will run a little rough for about a minute at idle and then will even out and regain normal idle speed. Any ideas would be great. Also the control on the control unit is clockwise for a more rich idle mixture and to lean it out counterclockwise or is it the opposite. Also how much does each click enrich or lean the idle mixture, I am an aircraft mechanic and I now how bad a lean mixture can be to an aircooled engine. Many Thanks! A: The mixutre control on the brain box only controls idle mixture. Clockwise leasn the mixture, counterclockwise richens it. You don’t have to worry about too lean or rich as the control has no effect on off idle or full load operation. I am not aware of any spec that tells how much each click richens or leans the mixture. I generally sue it to get the smoothest idle I can. These engines, as they wear, tend to need a richer mixture. You may cure your whole problem by using the idle mixture adjustment on the brain box. Your rough idle could come from a variety of other sources. First of all, you need to check your ignition system to ensure that the timing and dwell is correct, and that the advance weights in the distributor are moving freely, and that the advance and retard diaphrams on the distributor are hooked up and have no leaks. Also check the spark plugs and spark wires to ensure they are in good shape. Next check all of the vacumm hoses on the engine and their connections to ensure there are no leaks or cracks in the hoses, especially cracks in ends of the hoses where they attach. Vacumm leaks can cause all sorts of problems. The fuel injection points in the bottom part of the distributor on your 1.7 liter engine can go bad causing a rough or uneven idle. They should be changed about every 50,000 miles or so. After you eleiminate all of the above, you could check for a partially clogged fuel injector or dryed out seals. Any place that has a fuel injector cleaning machine can handle yours and check for the spray pattern. Jon Lowe - PCA WebSite - 6/21/2003 15 AMR EVENT There is a fifth turn beyond that which is known to man. It is a turn as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears, and turns four and six. This is the dimension of imagination. It is a turn which we call ... THE TWILIGHT ZONE. Ryan and Rebecca Hiatt, average young AMR members who attended a membership meeting in Colorado Springs last night and on the way home took in a DE in Pueblo. Most of us while driving know exactly where we are; the cellphone or the Starbucks brings us out of sleep into the familiar sights, sounds, aromas of the track and the comfort of a routine turn ahead. Not so with our young friends. This will be a turn like none they’ve ever spun - and they’ll spin it in the Twighlight Zone. Pueblo will never feel the same after August 6th and 7th. You will be changed forever by Drivers Education at PMI. The moral of what you’ve just read is clear: if you drive, drive fast. And if your friends drive fast, drive faster for you may find yourself within the wonderous closed loop known as Pueblo Motorsports park (A.K.A. the twilight Zone). “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE.” —Thanks and apologies to Rod Serling Directions - South on I-25 from the Denver C-Springs area to Pueblo. Turn west on hwy 50. Approx 2.6 miles to Hwy 45. Turn south (left) on N. Pueblo Blvd. Approx 1/2 mile to entrance to PMI on right. Schedule GATES OPEN SATURDAY Mandatory drivers meeting Novice Meeting Hot Track Beer Thirty 0700 0830 0900 0930 1730 (5:30pm) GATES OPEN SUNDAY Mandatory drivers meeting Hot track Timed runs 0700 0815 0900 1335 (1:35) Track Concessions: both days from 0700-1500 (3pm) IF YOU ARE A NOVICE OR HAVE NEVER DRIVEN AT PUEBLO, DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!!! Attire: Long sleeve cotton shirts and Snell 95 or 2000 rated helmets (don’t forget your long sleeve light colored shirt, not red, yellow or black, for working corners) PRE-TECH LOCATIONS BOULDER Walt and Kathy Fricke household and Sports Car Emporium Wednesday June 1st ONLY, call for appointment 303/499-6540 DENVER Prestige Porsche Wednesday June 1st 6pm to 8pm Eisenbuds 796 Vallejo St. call for an appointment 303/825-0322 COLORADO SPRINGS Alpine Mountain Garage, call Howard or Bill for an appointment 719/328-0356 German Motorcraft, call Jack for an appointment, 719-633-2277 $20 FEE CHARGED FOR CARS TECHED AT THE TRACK 16 REGISTRATION Use the AMR/RMR website registration form (it must be copied from the website) or copy it from the AMR newsletter and send it to: Dianne Cooper 231 Westcott Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Cost 2 days: $120/first driver, $100/second driver same car Cost 1 day: $100/first driver, $80/second driver same car NOTE: $20 late fee for registrations received after July 1st . HOTELS: The following hotels offer special PMI Track rates, so make sure you mention the track event! Hampton Inn 719/544-4700...........$67 for 1 to 4 persons Comfort Inn 719/542-6868...........$70 single/$75 double Wingate Inn 719/586-9000..........$67.15 to $75.65 Questions or fear of the unknown call: Ryan Hiatt 719/332-4465 rhiatt@springsgov.com TheAMR Bordd and Bruce Larson, the door prize chair, would like to applaud our friends at Performance Specialists for stepping up to sponsor door prizes for upcoming membership meetings! Thanks guys! 17 SPECIAL FEATURE Janet Guthrie: A Life at Full Throttle SPORTClassic Books; 383 pages; May 2005; $24.95 Special thanks to: http://www.thundervalleyracing.com Janet Guthrie Reviewed by Tedwilliam Theodore for women Racers and Their fans! Congratulations Danica Patrick on Your History Making, Head Turning Performance at Indy! Visit our “Racer Profile” section to learn of other amazing women racers! Racecar driving is a wonderfully powerful addiction. It controls minds and determines destinies. For those in its embrace, the old adage that racing is life and everything else is just waiting is a glorious fact. Janet Guthrie’s new book, Janet Guthrie: A life at Full Throttle, describes one such racing life. It is a page-turner that takes us, race by race, through the exhilarating, heartbreaking and tumultuous three years when Guthrie was at the highest and the lowest points of her racing career. It is a life lived fully in those three brief years. There is, of course, the other story woven through the pages of A Life. Guthrie’s account of the gender bias lapsing into personal attacks and focused hatred that stalked her as she rose in prominence underscores her determination to live the life she could not avoid. It’s a cautionary and inspiring tale. Guthrie also gives the reader a glimpse of her early childhood in the piney woods of Florida’s undeveloped Dade County of the 1940’s, where her parents spent years hand crafting a stone house in the wilderness. She alternated between shinnying up trees and attending Miss Harris’ Florida School for Girls. The independence and iconoclasm of that life prepared her well for her life as a racecar driver and, perhaps, made her unsuited for a more traditional calling. As she tells it, “... I was born adventurous and grew up insufficiently socialized.” Janet Guthrie was the first woman to race in the Indianapolis 500... At its core, Janet Guthrie: A Life at Full Throttle is a story about automobile racing. Forget gender issues, forget stone houses in the woods and schools for girls, forget an early career in the aerospace industry. Guthrie can describe a race or a season of racing from the driver’s point of view in a way that demands a reader’s attention. Janet Guthrie was the first woman to race in the Indianapolis 500, at that time the world’s most prestigious automobile race. In the opening words of the book, Guthrie admits her addiction. “You could live a whole lifetime at Indianapolis Motor Speedway in the single month of May.” Elegant passages piled on top of one another articulate that addiction. Describing a qualifying run at Indianapolis in 1977, 18 she writes of complete abandonment and timelessness. “I was far beyond any sense of self. My senses were entirely meshed with the car. Its grip on the smudged black line through the turns was as intimate as my skin. Ahead of me, the next turn stretched toward infinity. Behind me, the two completed laps shrank to a microsecond, done and gone.” If a reader isn’t fully captured by the experience of racing, the description of race after race might seem repetitive. Once enthralled, however, the reader is open to the possibility of racing as a metaphor for life. Amidst the talk of race strategy, Guthrie offers nuggets of truth. “The frame of mind that enables all this [racing] is beyond the confines of everyday experience. You can’t drive well in competition if your mind is muddled. You must find your way to a different place. It’s a crystalline state, like when a saturated solution of some chaotic liquid is lowered a hundredth of a degree in temperature, and instantly reorganizes itself into a geometric structure of infinite precision. That is what enables the soaring Janet Guthrie racing her Jag sensation of committing yourself to fly through the turn at the highest speed your machine will bear, with only the most tenuous grip on the pavement. There may be serious penalties for error, and you must acknowledge that and accept it.” From 1977 through 1980, Guthrie competed in thirty-three Winston (Nextel) Cup races, including the Daytona 500 in 1977 at which she earned Top Rookie honors. She drove in eleven Indy-car USAC Championship races. Her sixth-place finish at Bristol in 1977 remains the best finish by a woman in NASCAR’s superspeedway era. Her fifth-place finish at Milwaukee in an Indy-car was the highest by a woman in twenty-one years. It was a time of exhilaration and false hope. It was a constant search for sponsorship. It was a constant battle with decisionmakers who believed that a woman could not drive a racecar and with boorish fans and competitors who feared that she could. A life of such intensity is, by its nature, short lived. Guthrie bought and drove her first sports car, a Jaguar XK 120, in 1960. She campaigned it and other cars in amateur and some professional competition for fifteen years before she entered the arena of world class racing at Indianapolis in May 1976. At the end of May 1978, with her ninth place finish at Indianapolis , her life at full throttle was over. “Off the gas. It is done. The pressure comes off, the muscles unwind. The trees and grass come back into view; and the sky, the clouds, the grandstands, the hundreds of thousands of brilliant people-dots. I smell the warm summer Indiana air.” Continued page 22 AMR EVENT The Fall Tour is on the horizon. Liz Hanson has chosen a route with captivating scenery and a destination with more bars per capita than even Durango. As with all PCA sanctioned rallies the roads are guaranteed to be paved assuring you and your fine sports car maximum security. The course has been precisely measured to allow your navigator/driver team a flawless execution. Prepare for an escape to scenery judged by many to be some of Colorado’s most beautiful. Mark the days remaining ‘til September 24th and 25th. More information will be released in future newsletters. Feel free to sign up early and get your spot on the tour locked in. Your questions can be sent to Liz Hanson at (719)574-3232 or lizhanson@earthlink.net We would like to thank Tony Esposito and all our friends at Stevinson Imports for sponsoring the July door prize selection. Be sure to make it to all of the monthly membership meetings to win these and other great door prizes. Remember to get your name in the bucket for the grand membership prize to be drawn from the blue tickets at the annual Christmas party! Bruce Larsen, Door Prize Chair RMR EVENT September 16th No Times Drivers Ed @ Pueblo It’s not too early to start making plans for the Pueblo No Times DE on Friday, Sept 16th. Come on out and have some real Porsche fun with a No Pressure, No Times DE event being held the weekend of the Club Race! More info will be available in the next newsletter, or call Rick Angelica @ 303-550-0816 or send questions to rangelica@earthlink.net . 19 AMR EVENT Three Days of Porsche Fun in Colorado Alpine Mountain Region’s Rocky Mountain High August 19-21, 2005 It’s time to plan for the big multi-event weekend of the summer. August 19-21, get ready for Rocky Mountain High. On Friday, August 19th we’ll begin with a scenic driving tour, taking in some fun Porsche mountain roads, with the usual array of interesting stops and sights along the way. The tour will wind up in beautiful Salida, CO that evening. We have a very nice hotel picked out, and a great rate of $60 arranged for our group. Saturday, we’ll head over to Canon City, CO via the best canyon drive in the state, for a half-day rafting trip through Royal Gorge. The trip is sure to please everyone from the first-time rafter to the experienced thrill seeker. The Gorge is truly spectacular, over 1000 feet in depth, and we’ll pass under the highest suspension bridge in the world, which spans the chasm. Once we’re done with rafting, we’ll stop at a terrific spot you won’t want to miss for a great family style dinner, before ending up in Manitou Springs, at the base of Pikes Peak. There, we have negotiated special rates ranging from $97.50 to $121.50 (many of the rooms have two bedrooms if you want to share) at the historic El Colorado Lodge, built in the early 1900s, featuring unique adobe architecture and a southwestern flair. To wrap up a great weekend, on Sunday, we make the very short drive into Old Colorado City for the Good Times Car Show, joining many other marques and enthusiasts in one of the best car shows in Colorado. Prizes and lots of fun. If you can’t make it to all three days of the event, you’re welcome to pick and choose just those activities you can attend. We have very limited hotel space, so fill out the special registration form on the next page, get it in to us ASAP along with your registration check, and follow the instructions to make your hotel reservations. We look forward to seeing everyone for this fun filled weekend. Chris & Kathleen Lennon 20 AMR/PCA ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH WEEKEND REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND FILL OUT THIS FORM COMPLETELY Driver Name Region Co-Driver PCA Membership # Driver‛s License # / State Check if 16 or17 yrs old * * attach junior participation forms for all 16 – 17 year old participants. Address______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ E-mail __________________________ Car information: Year: ________ Make: _______________ Model: ______________ Color: __________________ Liability insurance certification: I hereby certify that I will have automobile liability insurance in force on the date(s) of the event, which meets or exceeds Colorado minimum limits (25/50/15). Insurance company‛s name: _________________________Date: ________ Signature: __________________ Emergency Contact & Phone:__________________________________________________at event? Yes / No Allergies or Other Medical Issues: __________________________________________________ Activities & Fees: Friday, August 19 - Driving Tour ($30 per person including lunch) $_______________ Make hotel reservation separately with Silver Ridge Lodge in Salida. 719-539-2553. www.silverridgelodge.com. Mention you’re with the Porsche Club group to get special $60 rate incl. breakfast (1 Queen). Also available $75 for 2 Queens, $110 for 3 Queens. Rooms are limited, so call early to make your reservations. Rooms will be released July 31st if not reserved. Saturday, August 20 – Rafting in Royal Gorge ($55 per person) $_______________ Make hotel reservation separately with El Colorado Lodge in Manitou Springs. 719-685-5485. www.coloradodirectory.com/elcoloradolodge/ . Mention you’re with the Porsche Club group to get special rates. Some two bedroom units are available. Room rates range from $97.50 - $121.50. Rooms are limited so call early to make your reservations. July 10th rooms will be released if not reserved. Sunday, August 21 – Good Times Car Show in Old Colorado City ($20 per car) Proceeds to benefit Canine Companions for Independence. Door Prizes, Refreshments, & Much More. Approximate times 7:00AM – 3:00PM. Prizes to be awarded at 2:00PM. For more information on the car show visit the website at: www.geocities.com/motorcity/garage/9383/ goodtimesshow2005.html TOTAL $_______________ $_______________ PLEASE make checks payable to “AMR/PCA” Mail payment and registration form to Chris Lennon, 19065 Pebble Beach Way, Monument, CO 80132. No refunds after August 1, 2005 21 AMR EVENT SPECIAL FEATURE, CONTINUED AMR 211 Autocross FUNdamentals II It should not have been so. Janet Guthrie’s racing life was cut short, not because she was unable to compete, but because the rampant gender bias against women in racing made it impossible for her to acquire the consistent sponsorship that is the lifeblood of the sport. 6 Credit Minutes • 1 Drivers Meeting (Fulfills Lecture Requirement) Prerequisite: PCA 122 Joy of Ownership (Others will be allowed at the professors discretion) Chief Driving Instructor for AMR: Pat DiGiovanni This course will focus on comprehensive analysis of generally accepted driving principles (GADP), driving theory, concepts and automotive principles for public safety. It is the second of a two-course sequence in autocrossing and is designed primarily for daily drivers and finance majors. The class focuses on the preparation and analysis of cone location relevant and useful to external users of timing reports. Explores the theories, principles and practices surveyed in Driving Principles and critically examines “real-world” course analysis and timing issues. Cost: $35 per driver Classroom: Parking lot South of Breckenridge Building on the campus of Pikes Peak Community College Materials: Students MUST wear approved helmets and long sleeves with closed toed shoes. Notes: Restrooms will be provided. Bring a snack. Students will be graded at the end of each run. Class is offered Saturday August 13 only. Look for details in July newsletter Questions prior to registration: Call Pat DiGiovanni 719/532-0482 rsrracer993@yahoo.com Growing up isolated and fiercely independent in the middle of a Florida wilderness blinded Guthrie to the accepted wisdom that there were certain things that women, called girls, just didn’t do. A chance encounter, in early 1961, with a gymkhana event (a timed one-car-at-a-time drive through a course delineated in a parking lot by cones, now called autocross) was Guthrie’s undoing. She entered her Jaguar XK 120 in the event and returned week after week to compile a respectable record. She quickly moved on to hill climbs, a dangerous one way drive up twisty, mostly unpaved mountain roads, again against time. From there, it was only a short step into real road racing with the then impressive Sports Car Club of America. Gender bias first hit, not in auto racing but in her professional career. She had applied to NASA to become an astronaut. Her credentials were outstanding and she was one of four women finalists. After publicly milking the fact that they had four women among their final candidates, NASA rejected them all. Later she was told that NASA would never put a woman in orbit; something about urinating in space. Then followed years of high level amateur racing, with excellent results, and a number of ‘women-as-gimmick’ professional races. These were mostly under funded teams with women drivers, not designed to cost the sponsor much money or to win races but to bring praise to the sponsor for its egalitarianism. Guthrie and a small group of women drivers entered these uneven competitions each time with great hopes that, this time, THE OFFICIAL INFORMATION Mountain Passages is the official publication of the Alpine Mountain Region, Porsche Club of America, Inc. Statements appearing in Mountain Passages or those of the authors and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Alpine Mountain Region, or Board of Directors. Mountain Passages reserves the right to edit as necessary all material submitted for publication. Material must be received by the 1st of the month for publication in the following month’s issue. Permission is hereby given to other PCA Newsletter Editors to reproduce any material published herein, provided appropriate credit is given. Mountain Passages newsletter is free to members of AMR while the non-member subscription fee is $20.00 per year. To Subscribe: Send your $20.00 fee to Dianne Cooper, Membership Chair at 231 Westcott Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 To Join: Contact Dianne Cooper, Membership Chair at 719/527-9017 Send all material submissions for Mountain Passages to Phil O’Brien, 13055 N. Holmes Rd, Black Forest, CO 80908 (amrnews@adelphia.net) ADVERTISING Full Page 6 x 7 1/2 = $545.00 Half Page 6 x 3 3/4 = $280.00 Qtr Page 3 x 3 1/4 = $178.00 Display 2 1/2 x 2 = $109.00 Prices are Per Year February - January. For information, please contact Phil O’Brien amrnews@adelphia.net 22 Member Service Classified Ads: Commercial member - $1.50 per line. Non Commercial Member - FREE! Your ad runs for two issues, then please resubmit. Ad material accepted as components, b/w slick, mailed copy or e-mailed to amrnews@adelphia.net SPECIAL FEATURE, CONTINUED things would be better and because, as the guy says, it was the only game in town. Despite their handicaps, Guthrie Janet Guthrie racing at the Indy 500 and her sister drivers created an impressive set of statistics. They took fifth in class and twentieth overall (out of sixty) at the 24 Hours of Daytona in 1967, driving what had been someone’s street car Mustang just a week before. They took the GT6 class win at the 12 Hours of Sebring that same year. Guthrie’s glorious life at full throttle was accompanied by gender bias almost unimaginable by a reader in 2005. She was shunned by fellow drivers, blamed for on-track mishaps not remotely her fault, jeered openly and crudely by fans, served poorly by some mechanics and crew members, and relegated to the worst possible paddock accommodations at some tracks. There were many friends in the racing world as well, men and women who offered help and understanding, but their support did not fully counterbalance the general effrontery. A racecar driver learns to block out all distractions once in the car. Guthrie tells us that her concentration, by necessity, began earlier, each time she donned her racing suit and claimed to be a racecar driver. “The change of clothes was a ritual, significant on several levels. One of them was that I shed, with my feminine clothes, any of the feminine aspects of my personality that could interfere with my competence as a driver. There would be no residue of helplessness, dependency, or passivity - learned behaviour that was historically part of our culture’s feminine identity. The subtle body language that said ‘female’ - the shrug of the shoulders, the lowered gaze - disappeared. It wasn’t consciously suppressed; it simply vanished, like so much useless baggage. The driver part took precedence over everything else.” Finally, however, the bias against women in racing ended Guthrie’s career. Texaco sponsored her in the 1978 Indianapolis 500, a race in which she finished ninth, nursing a freshly broken wrist the entire time. Although she had compiled a record that would have kept a male racecar driver in sponsorship money for many years, Texaco did not renew its sponsorship. The company had received some letters of praise for its sponsorship of Guthrie, but it had also received an even greater number of torn up credit cards from irate fans. Guthrie found sponsorship for only a few races after her historymaking finish at Indy in 1978 and gave up the search entirely before the start of the 1983 season. She took up skiing, a sport that she says is “the most similar to motorsports - the same balancing on the edge of adhesion, the same joyful acceptance of risk....” The bias against women in racing has diminished greatly over the years. Guthrie and other women racecar drivers have proven, beyond a doubt in any reasonable mind, that women have the strength, the courage, the ability to concentrate, the endurance, the will, and all the other attributes needed to compete at a high level on the racetrack. Soon, perhaps, they will prove that they have that most precious of attributes, the ability to attract enough sponsorship money to make their life at full throttle last more than a brief few years. CLASSIFIEDS Please Note: Let us know when you sell the item. Classifi ed ads will expire after three issues (beginning 03 of ‘05) and must be renewed by the advertiser by calling or e-mailing the editor by the 10th of the month of the ads last issue. Patches – Smarten up your blazer, windbreaker or any shirt with this elegant Porsche patch (iron or sew on). Actual size is 5/8” h x 3” w, with gold silk threaded letters on a silver gray background. A tasteful enhancement to your Porsche identity. $5.95 each, cash or check. Gary Green 216 Pisano Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719-579-9037 (08) 1991 Carrera Cabriolet: Very nice with 61,500 mi. Has 93 engine mods. Grey met/black, Tiptronic, 10 CD stacker, mostly stored during winters absolutely no mag chloride. $24,500, pictures available. Bruce Williams, Grand Junction: 970-241-0262, or Beaver Creek: 970-949-0561, bmwilliams100@yahoo.com (08) 2002 Pace American Shadow GT, 24 foot Enclosed Car Trailer. Model: Shadow GT SC8524TA3. DIMENSIONS: 24 ft box length, overall width: 8.5 ft, 81 in between inside fender boxes, interior height 6’ 11”. COLORS: white / white. OPTIONS GVWR: 10,000 lb (axles: 5080 lb); Extra height 6” incl. ramp door & 48” wide curb side door; white vinyl ceiling; white aluminum int. walls; two manual roof vents; E track recessed on both int side walls; black marble pattern linoleum on int. floor; bright Aluminum Tread Plate (ATP) covering rear ramp door; ramp extension, & tire paths; 4 - ‘D’ rings; 95.5” formica ‘L’ base cabinet with metal counter top & overhead cabinet; 5 -. 12 volt dome lights; 2 - wall mounted switches for 12v lights; battery box in floor with 12v battery; generator compartment 34” x 42” x 24”, generator door 40” x 32”, Generator receptacle, Electrical panel 30 amp 110v with lifeline and lifeline hatch; 3 - 4 ft fluorescent 110v lights, 1 - wall mounted switch for 110v lights, 2 - 110v receptacle interior, 1 - 110v receptacle exterior; 2 - metal skid bars, rear undercarriage. STANDARD FEATURES Rear ramp door with extension; Seamless aluminum roof; Aluminum fenders; Aluminum wheels with chrome hub caps, ST225 75R15 load range ‘D’ radial tires, Stone guard on lower front, Electric brakes both axles. CONDITION: Very good. Trailer stored indoors since May 2003, GRAPHICS: Pace American factory graphics only. Mileage: 1775. See by appointment. $9,500. Bruce (719) 527-9017 cooper.co@att.net 23 Come to a membership meeting and register to win a set of tires - your choice - to be awarded at the Christmas party courtesy of Howard Burr, Zone 9 Representative and owner of Alpine Mountain garage! The Porsches, The People and Those Great Mountain Roads Phil O’Brien, Editor 13055 N Holmes Rd. Black Forest, CO 80908 www.pca.org/alp/ Change Of Address? Please let us know. E-mail Dianne Cooper at cooper.co@att.net or send your change of address to Dianne at 231 Westcott Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 24 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit NO 504 Colorado Springs, CO