THANK YOU Just a word of thanks to all for another year here at
THANK YOU Just a word of thanks to all for another year here at
THANK YOU Just a word of thanks to all for another year here at Pompei. I have just finished my second year here at Pompei and I consider myself blessed for the opportunity to worship and to minister in our parish family. I also want to thank all our volunteers for their care and hard work. All of our ministries are taking a well earned break for the summer. I hope for a safe and happy summertime, and I look forward to starting again in September. Peace, Fr. Frank ANNUAL PASTA NIGHT SATURDAY, JULY 20TH 6:30p.m. Featuring Dave Sodano performing Frank Sinatra! What better way to celebrate a summer evening with good food, good friends & Frankie!! Tickets will be sold after all Masses, $25 for adults and $10 for children ages 5 thru 10, and will include antipasti, insalata, pasta, meatballs, dessert, and beverage. You may bring your own vino! PLEASE NOTE A reminder to all our volunteers who participated in the Protecting God’s Children program to please continue to log onto for your continued training bulletins. TO REPORT ABUSE When you suspect a child or minor is in imminent danger of abuse: Call 911 Immediately Contact the Division of Youth an Family Services (DYFS) at 1-877-652-2873 and contact your County Prosecutor: Morris County 973-285-6200 Passaic County 973-881-4800 Sussex County 973-383-1570 AND THEN, the Diocesan Response Officer: Msgr. James T. Mahoney-973-777-8818x205 OR Sister Mary Edward Spohrer, S.C.C.-973-777 8818x248 The Assistance Coordinator: Ms.Peggy Zanello, 973-879-1489 OUR LADY OF POMPEI SENIORS WILDWOOD CREST SEPT. 22 TO SEPT. 26, 2013 5 Days, 4 nights Gondolier Motel 4 Breakfast at Surf Side Diner Welcoming Barbecue, Pizza Party Lunch at Butterfly Tea Room Dinner and Dancing at Wildwood Convention Center and Renault Winery Visits to Cap May, Atlantic City (with Package) and lunch at Smithville on way home PRICE: $400/per person/double $480.00 Single For information call Betty at 973-881-0781 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE The Social Activities Committee will meet on Monday, July 15th at 6:45p.m. in the Church hall. SATURDAY, JULY 13TH Come join us at the Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Washington, N.J. to celebrate the 96th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. His Excellency Most Reverend Paul G. Bootkoski will be the Main Celebrant. This Shrine has been designated by His Excellency as a site for pilgrims to obtain a Plenary Indulgence during the Year of Faith. Confessions are available at 10:30a.m. Rosary Procession begins at 12:00 noon, followed by Guest Speaker Dr. Regis Martin, Holy Mass is at 1:00. The celebration ends with our traditional Fatima Farewell. For more information visit our website: or call 908-689-1700 MASS INTENTIONS 10:30 Joseph & Virginia Mancini, r/b Gaetano & Laura Mancini Laura DiPilla, r/b Gaetano & Laura Mancini Gaetano & Iolanda Spada, r/b Gaetano & Laura Mancini WEEK OF JULY 7, 2013 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, JULY 7, 2013 8:00 Domenica & Agostino Capalbo, r/b Family Eugenie Miller, r/b Frieda & Chester Debiak 10:30 John Putz, r/b Bill & Veronica Rausch Eugenio Gencarelli, r/b Benedetto & Santa Gencarelli Josephine Bastante, r/b Judy Tedeschi Russell Merkle, r/b Greg & Dawn Makowski Barbara Van Ness Berkowicz, r/b Kathleen Donnelly Louise Polidori, r/b Cathy Santangelo MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013 8:00 Anthony Tullo, r/b Grace DelGuercio TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2013 8:00 Lynn Quintiere, r/b Antonio & Maria Cornetta WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2013 8:00 In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph, r/b Grace DelGuercio FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013 8:00 Anthony Tullo, r/b Grace DelGuercio SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013 8:00 For Parishioners 5:15 Michael, Mary, Anthony & Jessie Corbo, r/b Jean Corbo Sylvia Pinal, r/b Husband Al Rose & William Scalzitti, r/b Family Clifford Jacobus, r/b Family Kevin Milone, r/b Family SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013 8:00 Vincenzina Capalbo, r/b Son Mario Paolo DiModica, r/b Antonio & Iole DiPilla 10:30 Eugenio Gencarelli, r/b Benedetto & Santa Gencarelli Angelina Mancini, r/b Gaetano & Laura Mancini Please pray for all those listed in the Book of Intentions, the sick of the parish and those who died. Also pray for their families and friends. FLOWERS At the Altar of the Blessed Virgin Mother… In Memory of Michael & Matilde Lobosco, requested by Family. SANCTUARY CANDLE Honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord in the tabernacle will burn this week…. In Memory of Frank Zaccaria, requested by Wife. MINISTRY SCHEDULE JULY 13 & 14 LECTOR 5:15 Virginia Gallo 8:00 Mary Zaccaria 10:30 Kathy Donnelly EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Teresa Olivo-Vincenza Ippolito Bea Pedati 8:00 Vikki Gallo-Nancy Gencarelli Stephanie Gillen 10:30 Tom & Ginny UzzalinoDiane Palazzone 5:15 ALTAR SERVERS 10:30 Jenna Cuntrera-Alexa Maher Julianna Damico
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