ACAB Newsletter Issue No. 1 January 2012
ACAB Newsletter Issue No. 1 January 2012
carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:10 PM Page 1 ACAB Yesterday Today Newsletter of the Apostolic Carmel Alumni Bandra Tomorrow Issue No.1 - January 2012 (for private circulation only) It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days waiting to get out, And our remaining days waxing nostalgic over our school days Editorial – Isabel Waxman While at school we detested the homework and rules of discipline and yearned to get out of it, blissfully ignorant of the Big World and its challenges. But if you read the above quote carefully, I’m sure all of you will agree with it -- we are always nostalgic about our school days after we leave school! The Apostolic Carmel Diaspora is spread far and wide; our girls, in different fields at work and in different countries across the globe, have done our Alma Mater proud! And decades after we left school, life has taught us that there’s no greater pleasure than catching up with old friends. Hence some of us came together to form the Apostolic Carmel Alumni, Bandra. ACAB Team Top, L to R: Sr. Pearl-Anne greets Chief Guest Maj. Leon Fonseca at Reunion 2008; Our school today; Alumni with Sr. Maria Rosa at Reunion 2010. Bottom, L to R: Celebrating the School Feast 2011; Class of 1974 at Reunion 2008; Representatives from each decade at Reunion 2008. carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:10 PM Page 2 2 >> January 2012 A Message from Our President A seed has grown....... Three years ago, a little seed was sown in the garden of Carmel – the seed of the Apostolic Carmel Alumni Bandra (ACAB). It was the first step towards fulfilling a long-cherished dream, through the instrumentality of its pioneers, Anjali Heredia and Tanya Mascarenhas. This little seed was watered and nurtured by a committee of sixteen dedicated ex-students. Its shoots began to grow through frequent meetings. The rich exchange of ideas culminated in the roaring success of the first-ever ACAB Reunion in December, 2008. Since then, it has been my joy and delight to watch over the little plant growing steadily, through various activities organised by the ACAB. This little sapling has yet to grow into a great tree. I believe that with God as our strength and the support and commitment of our ex-students, ACAB can become that benevolent tree. My prayer is that its branches spread across the globe and its fruits be enjoyed by the “happy band, both far and near.” The Managing Committee Sr. M. Pearl-Anne A.C. Sr. Pearl-Anne Anjali Tanya Millie Chantal-Ann Teresa Jacqueline Yvette Alice Petra Christine Arlene Marina carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:10 PM Page 3 January 2012 >> 3 Left: Sr. Pearl-Anne and Sr. Thelma light the inaugural lamp at Reunion 2008 Above: Committee members checking passes at the entrance – Reunion 2008 The dawn of a new beginning O ur Alma Mater has been an important landmark on Hill Road for the past 60 years. Year in and year out, intelligent, confident and good-hearted young women have walked out from our school into the mainstream of the wide world. The Sister Principals watched the annual stream of outbound students with enormous pride; but the moment of their farewell was always sad, for many a student left the school portals never to return, lost in the labyrinth of life. While Principals and students did cherish the idea of forming an ex-student association, this did not materialize easily. Then in 2006, Sr. Pearl-Anne came along as the new Principal, cherishing that same hope of bringing the alumni together. One day, two ex-students, Anjali Heredia and Tanya Mascarenhas, walked into her room and gave her what she’d been looking for – the assurance that they would work with her to set up an alumni association. Sr. PearlAnne knew in her heart that she’d met her pioneers. Another angel came along in the shape of Major Leon Fonseca, a stalwart member of the St. Stanislaus Alumni, who offered to guide the development of an alumni association at Apostolic Carmel. Together, they contemplated and mulled over several ideas -- the Alumni association began to take shape as a concrete plan! It was around this time that the batch of 1966 achieved remarkable success in locating many of their classmates resulting in the first-ever reunion which was held in the school hall. They had a rollicking get-together to usher in the 40th anniversary of their leaving school. Several other batches too organized reunions in Mumbai and in various parts of the world. The joy in having found each other reigned supreme during each memorable meeting. Old girls reminisced about their school days and generally reveled in just being reunited. The time was certainly ripe for the school to reconnect formally with students from over the years. Finally, on 19 July 2008, the old school hall resounded with happy, excited voices of ex-students reliving the good old days and looking to the future; it was a gathering to celebrate the school feast and discuss the process of forming an alumni association. Sr. Pearl-Anne presided over this function with an alacrity that was tremendously fruitful. It took a brainstorming session of just 20 minutes before there emerged a wealth of robust ideas and plans. Yes, the Apostolic Carmel High School Alumni was finally established! The first Managing Committee comprising 16 ex-students took upon themselves the onus of setting up the Alumni. Sr. Pearl-Anne (Principal) and Sr. Thelma (Manager) unflinchingly stood by them every step of the way. Their contribution to the Alumni will forever be cherished. Three years down the road, we can heartily say that our Alumni embodies a “Happy band from far and near”, a blend of old values, modern professionalism and versatility with that heady dash of schoolgirl pluck, so typical of a Carmelite! carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:10 PM Page 4 4 >> January 2012 ACAB’s Vision I n line with our visionary inception, we, the members of the Apostolic Carmel Alumni Bandra – ACAB, finally set about laying down the Memorandum of Association and formally adopting our aims and goals. Three of these have been designated as top priority: n To provide a vibrant forum to establish a link between the school and the generations of students who have passed through its portals. We need to build a community of students and alumni in which initiative, creativity and the involvement of all members are valued. n Taking into account the socio-cultural changes and technological advances in a fast-moving world, to consider the possibility of social service and volunteer work; counseling programs, assisting in educating students who are economically disadvantaged and marginalized and sharing career information and job-placement opportunities. n To provide for the spiritual, moral, intellectual and social needs through at least one annual meeting organized for this purpose. Reunions promote cultural unity and good fellowship and assist in the growth of the life-long friendships formed at school. Contact us at for the latest information and/or updates or pictures. REGISTRATION Calling all EX-CARMELITES who have not yet registered with the Alumni, to use the Enrolment Form provided with this Newsletter. The Alumni website has been officially launched at: The School invites all ex-students to a gathering each year on the Saturday following the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - 16 July. At this celebration, the Annual General Meeting of the Alumni is held and it becomes a productive meeting ground for positive thinking for the future. This also creates yet another opportunity to enlist new members into the Alumni. carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:10 PM Page 5 January 2012 >> 5 In keeping with our resolve to assist the school through social service and volunteer work, we have embarked on the following on an ongoing basis: THE CARMEL HELPLINE and CAREER PLANNING. The Carmel Helpline I n 2009 we kick-started the Carmel Helpline by distributing bookmarks that contained the contact nos. of 3 Alumni volunteers, to whom our students could turn for help or solace when the need arose, with the tacit understanding that their conversations/telephonic interaction would be treated in strict confidence. We have realized that a widespread malady gripping our youth today is stress; the anxiety to perform academically, the pressure of trying to measure up to the lofty expectations of parents, not forgetting the trauma of loneliness, of valiantly shouldering domestic responsibilities when parents are at work. All of this is symptomatic of modern urban living. Overwhelmed and distressed, a majority of children fight shy of approaching school counselors or teachers and prefer to confide their misery to their friends which hardly serves the purpose. The spate of student suicides is a mute testimony to the burden our children inadvertently shoulder and often succumb to. 99XXXXXX 99XXXXXX 99XXXXXX Based on actual experiences, our three Alumni volunteers for the Carmel Helpline have underlined just how practical and comforting this helpline is proving to be to a large number of overwrought students, especially during the examination season. Our motto V R with U is a reality! Did you know… Students first selected their own School Cabinet through a process of election in 1969. Mother Veronica, Foundress of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation, is on the way to being declared a saint by the Catholic Church. The Ruby, Emerald, Diamond and Sapphire Houses are now dedicated and renamed after St Agnes, St Alphonsa, St Therese and St Joan of Arc, respectively. The current school uniform was introduced during the time of Sr. Maria Rosa, replacing the original uniform – a white blouse with a navy-blue skirt and either a red or blue tie. carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:10 PM Page 6 6 >> January 2012 Career Planning Livewire Session – August 2010 “The future belongs to those who prepare for it” O ur education system is largely structured around academic learning, leaving to the individual the task of turning it into a career. The Alumni are committed to assisting our students in channeling their career aspirations by acquainting them with the latest job options and trends that await them, given their aptitudes and general acumen. To start with, our students need to be advised on what stream, subject or college they should choose and what We also assisted at the following event: Carmel Dreamz Genelia D’Souza, Guest of Honour with Sr. Pearl-Anne at Carmel Dreamz – Oct 2010 exams they need to take to get into various streams or professional courses. In a bid to equip our students with the relevant information, we have enlisted the help of LIVEWIRE LEARNING to conduct a Career Awareness Camp for parents and students of Std. VIII and Std. IX every year. The Alumni along with Sr. Pearl-Anne and the school management have facilitated the Live Wire team’s sessions at school and look at practical application of all that is learnt at school through projects, field trips and group sessions. The Alumni played an active role in helping out during Carmel Dreamz, a fete held in 2010 to raise funds for the proposed Junior College. We assisted in fund-raising, obtaining sponsorships, advertisements, donations etc. in addition to active volunteer work during the fete. Carmel Dreamz Team – Oct 2010 carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:10 PM Page 7 January 2012 >> 7 A Happy Band Reunited n The first-ever mega Alumni event that we had dreamt about, worked for and for which we had even experienced some measure of disquiet, finally did happen on Saturday, 27 December 2008 on our school grounds. This turned out to be a roaring success. Whether it was the 600-strong high-spirited Carmelites straddling 5 decades or the retired teaching fraternity…there was delight, jubilation and gaiety writ large on every countenance that evening. Indeed everyone was “welcomed home”. It was indeed a nostalgic highpoint when the entire gathering, joining hands in a gesture of solidarity, rose to join in a full-throated rendition of our school anthem. school grounds started to resound to swinging music. As the evening wore on, it was heartening to see Sisters and students of diverse age-groups shedding their inhibitions and dancing to the lilting strains of the “Masala” … dancing the years away! The festivities concluded with a sumptuous dinner and happy anticipation of the next tryst with our Alma Mater. n In addition to these events, individual groups have been meeting up with their batch-mates from time to time. The return of a classmate from abroad is ample reason for a get-together. n The batch of 1971 first met in 1991 when eleven of n The second Reunion was held on 2 January 2010. As in the first event, the kindred spirit that traditionally binds the legions of Carmelites into one cohesive “happy band from far and near” was omnipresent. The revelry of our girls became more spirited as our them celebrated their 20th school Reunion in Cincinnati, Ohio. This celebration spilled over in Mumbai when they donned the school uniform in absolute glee and met with their erstwhile Principal! carmel alumni_Layout 1 12/23/2011 8:11 PM Page 8 8 >> January 2012 Rest in Peace We cherish the memory of and pray for the many departed students and exstudents, Sisters and members of the teaching and non-teaching staff who have left for their heavenly home over the last six decades. May their Souls Rest in Peace Diamond Memories Project – 1953-2013 n To celebrate the 60th anniversary of our school, ACAB plans to publish a commemorative volume that will take us all back through six decades of memories, with photographs, quotes from interviews with staff, students and parents from over the years, and a history of the school. We also plan to create an archive of moments from ACHS history that will be kept at the school for future generations of Carmelites. We welcome contributions from our alumni to this archive. Think back on your years at Carmel. If you have a story you’d like to tell or photographs you’d like to share, please send them in to us, at n Your stories should be in MS Word format (maximum 2000 words) and should include your name and year of passing the SSC/SSLC examination. n All photographs should be scanned The last date for sending in stories or photographs is 31 March 2012 at 300 dpi. Please do not send in digital photos of the original photograph, as these are not usable. Along with your photographs, please send us a brief description in MS Word format of what the photo shows, with names of people in the picture (if possible). n We look forward to your co- operation and generous contributions towards this project. Cheques in support may be drawn in favour of “Gyan Seva Samithi – Apostolic Carmel Alumni Bandra”. 80(G) exemption will be available as applicable. The book will be available for purchase at the next Reunion on 4 January 2013 PUBLISHER: Sr. Pearl-Anne A.C., President, Apostolic Carmel Alumni Bandra EDITORIAL BOARD: ACAB Team PRINTER: Tibah Enterprises DESIGNER: