Panther Advocate - Plainfield Public Schools
Panther Advocate - Plainfield Public Schools
The Panther Advocate The Student Newspaper of Plainfield High School — Issue Seven — December 2008 In This Issue: Senior Spotlight Pages 2-3 The Panther Plunge Pair By: Jeffery Bootskins Pictures by: Allyson Hall The clock read 7:30 as I woke up from a dead sleep and dragged myself from my warm bed to get ready for the annual Panther Plunge. I remembered preAdvocate Feedback Page 4 vious years being so cold that I could see my own breath, so I picked up my scarf, hat, mittens and coat Teacher Interviews and headed out the door. When I got outside, I noticed it Pages 5-11 seemed to be miraculously warm. I was running late and figured the weather would just get colder, so I paid no Club News attention and started to drive to Dunkin Donuts for some Pages 12-14 delicious hot cocoa. When I finally arrived at Moosup Pond, I could Sports see that there were only about fifteen to twenty people Pages 15-18 lined up on the sand. I quickly noticed Allyson Hall getStudent Commentary ting ready to take on the bitter temperatures. I’m sure Pages 18-20 everyone remembers her from two years ago as the girl who refused to get out of the water. She and Kevin Wells were in the freezing water for over fifteen Points of View minutes before people became concerned about their health and begged them to come out. Allyson Pages 21-22 shouted that she was not getting out and after some negotiating Kevin swam out and decided to let her win. I was hoping this year would bring the same excitement. Political Rants When I walked up to Allyson, she told me how excited and confident she was. I could tell Page 23 she was going to win again this year. More people started to come as it was getting closer to 8:00. I started to regret wearing my winter clothes for such a warm morning. I smiled as 8:05 came closer. Creative Writing “Alright, get ready. 5..4..3..2..1..GO !” Everyone dashed into the water as fast as possible before Page 26 they had a chance to regret the decision. Screams were heard as soon as their feet embraced the Birthdays unpleasantly cold water. I watched in surprise as Allyson bravely went all the way under the water. Page 27 Before you knew it, people were out of the water attempting to find some warm blankets to cuddle up in. The final people were in the water waist deep debating on whether or not to come out. QVMF I expected a longer wait, but it was only about two minutes when Allyson and Zachary Holden Page 28 were the only ones left in the water. About fifteen seconds later, they both were talking about how they would work it out. After some talking, they both decided to depart from the water holding Entertainment hands, making it a tie. Everybody clapped as they both smiled and walked onto the beach. This had Pages 29-34 been the shortest Panther Plunge in eight years. I have to admit I was actually relieved because I wanted to go home and eat some phenomenal Thanksgiving food. Next year will most likely bring Word Search more surprises, so if you missed the Panther Plunge this year, you won’t want to miss the next one! Page 35 DC Trip Back Cover Barry Arpin Jr. Senior Spotlight Barry Arpin is one of November’s Senior Spotlights. There are quite a few things that he does here around school, one being the morning announcements. While watching them you may think to yourself, “Who is that beautiful boy reporting the sports?” Well, that’s him. Besides seeing Barry on the announcements you may have seen him kicking a soccer ball up and down the field during practice. He was one of the senior soccer players this season. When I asked if he would give his soccer year a thumbs or thumbs down, and he said, “Well, I would say one thumb up and one thumb down. Can I do that? Thumbs up because I thought we did really well and I enjoyed it. Thumb down because I didn’t get to play as much as I would have liked to. I suppose it’s my own fault considering I don’t have the best soccer skills. Although, when the coaches only sent in like three different substitutes that also made it difficult to play. You would think after cycling these same three guys and still be losing you would try someone else. But no. That’s alright though, the seasons over.” Besides being amazingly athletic, he has a soft side too. He will soon be trying out for the “Grease” play that our school will be putting on this spring ; he hopes to get the role of Kinicki. I don’t have a doubt in the world that he won’t. Even with his busy schedule, he still finds time to work on the weekends for a landscaping company and attend church regularly. I had also asked him who has made the biggest impact on his life (Besides myself) and this was his answer, “I would say my youth pastor, Larry Grundy. He has helped me with so many different problems that I’ve had. It’s just the fact that he’s always there and he inspires me to be a better person.” I became more interested in Barry every time I spoke to him so I decided to ask him an important question. “What is it exactly that you plan on doing with your life in the future, so you don’t become a hobo living in a cardboard box on the side of the highway?” He replied, “I do plan on going to college but I’m not sure what for. I think it would be sweet to be a stunt double. Possibly even like a fireman ha-ha. Just the thought of putting my life on the line thrills me.” Every question I asked Barry seemed a bit boring, so I decided to mix things up a little and ask him something different. “Barry, why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.” He replied, “What… is the doctor supposed to leave? My doctor usually helps me take off my clothes. Ha-ha. Just kidding. I suppose they leave to make it more comfortable for the both of you. For the doctor it may seem like a strip tease and for you… well I’m not sure it depends on how you feel about people watching you naked.” Then it was random question time. “Hey Barry, why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?” (Katherine knows) “ha-ha this is easy. Glue is made up of a substance that sticks to things and a solvent that keeps it liquid until you want it to stick. When you put glue on a piece of paper, the solvent gradually evaporates until the glue becomes sticky. When the glue is in the bottle, there is space inside the bottle above the liquid that is full of air. There’s a limit to the amount of solvent that can evaporate to fill the space in the bottle. Once the space is full of solvent gas, no more solvent evaporates from the glue and the glue stays runny. BAM!” (I could tell he had Googled that question before) Barry Arpin Jr. has participated in many things in our school that people aren’t even aware of. We are very lucky to have such an awesome kid reporting the daily sports news to us. He’s a true superstar… let’s give a big ‘round of applause for Barry! The man himself... 2 Pictures by Nathan Green Article by: Paige Turner Senior Spotlight: Schuyler Jackson (Did I Spell That Right?) Article and picture by: Archibald Mahlon Manchester For this issue, I decided to shine a Senior Spotlight on Schuyler Jackson because he is a good friend of mine and I know that he has participated in a lot of different ensembles and is a very good instrumentalist. I also know that he has participated in the high school band for all four years of his high school career. How many instruments do you play? I play four instruments…I play guitar, bass, bassoon and tenor saxophone How about on the bassoon? Um… I like, well I’d Say Rhapsody for Bassoon is my favorite. How long have you been playing? Uh…I’ve been playing saxophone for seven years, bassoon for five and guitar and bass for about two years now. What is the hardest song you have ever played? Uh, “Sing Sing Sing” was pretty hard, but um… probably “The Rite of Spring”. I haven’t performed it, but it is very hard. What ensembles have you been a part of? I was part of the Quinebaug Valley Music Festival, Eastern Region Music Festival, All State Music Festival, Sewanee Music Festival, Connecticut College Concert Band, um… the list goes on. How about the easiest? Uh…whatever I played on recorder way back in the fourth grade. Hot Cross Buns? What is your favorite class? My favorite class? Oh band is fun, yeah What ensembles are you a part of now? band, defi What titles do you hold in band? Uh…right now I’m part of The Connecticut College Concert Band, Connecticut Youth Um, I’m the Drum Major… That’s about it. Symphony and QVMF Which is your favorite, Marching Band or Concert Band? What Scholarships are you trying to get? Concert Band. Um, I’m auditioning for a scholarship, it’s the Stanford Symphony Scholarship. That’s How long have you been in any ensemall right now. bles? About… well, about seven years. Since I What Colleges are you applying for? started playing saxophone. New England Conservatory, Michigan Schuyler with his Bassoon State University, um…The Hart School, What sports do you play? University of Alabama and Tennessee Tech I played soccer this year and I play baseUniversity. ball. What area are you hoping to major in? What song is stuck in your head right now? Music Performance. Uh… that’s a good question, probably “I Ran” What kind of degree are you hoping to Who is your favorite teacher? attain? My favorite teacher, I’m not going to play What’s your favorite food? Um, I guess a B.A., no *B.M. in Music favorites. It’s a tie between a lot of teachI don’t know, I’ll just go with macaroni ers. Yeah, I’m going to go with that. I want performance. *(Bachelor of and cheese. Music) to keep it safe on this one. What kind of career are you to get into after college? Hopefully a musician of some kind in… either a band or an orchestra What is your favorite band? Tool. Well it’s like a tie between Tool and Streetlight Manifesto. What is your favorite song to play on the tenor sax? Um… What was that song we played by Coltrane? Oh yeah, it was Mr. PC. What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is Motocross. Have you ever heard of Midget Village? I saw it in the paper, I didn’t read about it though. What do you think about the Panther Advocate this year compared to last year? Um… I didn’t really pay attention to it last year, I didn’t really know it existed, so this year is way better. Who is your least favorite teacher? My least favorite teacher? I can’t, uh, I’m not going to go with any names. 3 The Plainfield Preceptors By: Penelope A small, dark, empty den of some sort is where I ended up. I did not have any clue of where I was, I only knew the doors at the other end of the stairs led me here. After entering this unknown residence the door slammed and I heard the lock snap back into place behind me. I rummaged around and realized that the only way out was the way from which I came in. The walls leaked and the floor was merely dirt. The night went on as I sat there collecting dust and wondering when morning arrived what was to become of me. The doorknob twisted and turned as I slipped into the darkest corner of the den, hiding from my mysterious fate behind the door. I looked closer to see Mr.Kasparian, Ms. Voland, Mr. Emmi, Ms.Dobrocki, Mr. McDermott and Mr. Hart burst into the room. A rush of relief swept over me as I came out from my refuge hoping for the best. I was welcomed with ten minutes of silence and seven shocked faces. After several reassuring promises to secrecy and my fingers crossed tightly behind my back, their story began. Words flowed out of their mouths as I heard about the protection they had been providing our town with. Our own teachers within the school had started a Justice League to assure our safety. Costumes were stashed away within a camouflaged sideboard; each had his or her own felt hero name and with time I learned their heroic titles. Mr. Kasparian delicately pulled out a red and blue outfit with a cape and the felt writing upon it read “The K Man”. Ms. Voland had a loosely fitting windbreaker ensemble that had “Workout Woman” printed along the left pant leg. Mr. Emmi had a shiny aluminum looking wardrobe with “The Electronic Brain” scribbled along the chest. Ms. Dobrocki was bursting with color in her attire, paint splatters spelt out “Pastel Princess.” Mr. Hart’s getup included the blue colors of the water and our green states forming the words “The World Wonder.” A whole assortment of unlikely teachers proudly stood together against all the odds, proving their determination to the town of Plainfield. But before we could go any further a commotion cut everything short and in bombarded even more mysterious people. I stood in complete shock for a moment determining what to do. A man dressed in all green flew across the room to The K Man and without notice pinned him down with sharp ninja stars, and with that all hell broke loose. It seemed these mysterious people were our arch enemies. With a flick of her wrist Ms. Dobrocki swiftly threw ever color of paint, slamming the green man who had attacked Mr. Kasparian against the wall. Mr. Emmi was sending shock waves through a blue suited fighter. Ms. Voland had taken only a moment to remove her elastic headband, wrapping it tightly around half of the attackers. Through all of the confusion I saw Mr. Hart launch multiple globes from a compartment in his suit, causing numerous of the attackers to plummet to the ground. Silence was commenced in the den as Ms. Voland and Mr. Kasparian bundled the enemies in a volleyball net. After the chaos that had reached us, we finally packed up and left the den, where I was probably never to return. I choose to betray my agreement with them. I felt a slight dishonor with my commitment to the organization, that I would let them down by telling everyone the secrets they disclosed to me. K-Mail@PHS Article by: Topsy Crets After the last issue of The Panther Advocate was released, Mr. Greene’s Journalism class requested and received feedback from students at Plainfield High School in order to critique the newspaper and ultimately make it the best that it can possibly be. Various students had both positive and negative opinions on the paper as a whole, but each and every student had something admirable to say about Mr. Kasparian. Here are some sound examples of anonymous fan mail to Mr. Kasparian from students who value him as a teacher and a friend and will miss him tremendously in the years to come. “I am going to be writing about the K Man interview. First of all I would like to say, what’s up Mr. K, and you’re the man. I think that Brooke Lena did a very good job on interviewing Mr. K. She covered everything to where he grew up to the time of his retirement. I didn’t see any spelling errors and it was easy to read. If anything I think the interview was too short. It should have been longer. Mr. K is an interesting man you can talk about whatever you want to this man because he is just that cool.” “I like most of the articles. I thought that the article about Lil Wayne was good. The article was well-written and made sense. The article about T.I. vs. V.I.P. was different. The article talked about his life. It was well explained and you could learn about T.I. from the article. The article about Mr. Kasparian was good. That was my favorite. He is the man. The article had some good questions. Some of them kind of repeated themselves but forget about it. We will miss him.” “I like the interview on (K MAN) it shows that he cares and wants to have fun before he retires. It’s almost like saying good Easter for all of us that know him. I really like the article “STOP RUINING MY LIFE”. It’s a valuable article and It shows the kids that fall in that category really aren’t alone and that the parents only want the best for their children and want them to succeed.” “I think that having the Mr. Emmi story up front was a good idea. That was one of the biggest things last year when 4 Mr. Emmi was forced to leave. I also think that the back articles New Reality TV shoes and Lil’ Wayne’s World and T.I. vs. V.I.P. should be left out. I think it shouldn’t be in there because it’s a school newspaper movies are okay because everyone goes to the movies but T.I. and Lil’ Wayne and reality shows should be left out. I like that you cover the football team and even the band. Then letting us know a little bit more about the teachers is great. Activities are always good and so are birthdays but somebody should have asked Mr. Kaka the wrestler about his wrestling times.” Teacher Interviews Say Hello to Salo Picture and Article By: Dusty Dinkleman If you find yourself enticed by the scents of chocolate and your mouth beginning to sensitate at the sight and smell of your freshly prepared gourmet lunch with dessert and appetizers, then you've probably found yourself in Mrs. Salo's foods room during block three. Always providing some new sensations for your palate as well as your eyes, Mrs. Salo never slows down. She springs around her room like a jack rabbit that you don't see unwind until the end of the day. She's got a certain spunk in her step and if you’re lucky she graces your class in song. Mrs. Salo has a definite passion for what she does, which makes learning from her enjoyable. I asked Mrs. Salo what inspired her to work with food and as she takes a minute to reflect on that the hustle and bustle of the pots and pans in her busy room bangs in my ears. My attention is brought back to Mrs. Salo as she begins to talk over the noise. Mrs. Salo enjoyed cooking and working with food from when she was little. She chose teaching as her career because it gave her an opportunity to do what she loves as a living. Mrs. Salo has a Basic Foods class which is the prerequisite for further classes. This class works mostly out of the textbook, with food projects made once a week to go along with every chapter. On top of this, they do seasonal and holiday cooking as well. It is done this way so that the kids can still get necessary experience and she can work under her budget. After you’ve taken Basic Foods, you can then move on to Advanced Foods and Basic Foods and this is where it gets really interesting. During Advanced Foods you spend the majority of your time cooking, never touching a book in class. Advanced Foods students are the ones who prepare the staff lunches, served two times a week. They also make the chocolates which are also being sold to flower shops, coffee shops and gift shops. Ms. Fix It Article and Picture by: Rumpy Kabumpkins You’ll see her walking through the hallways so fast it’ll make your head spin. Her friendly voice will make you feel warm and welcome. She always has high energy and is ready to listen to anyone whenever she can. Do you know who it is? If you guessed Ms. Erickson, you’re right! You just won a new car! Okay, so you didn’t really win a car, but good guess. Ms. Erickson is the social worker here at Plainfield High School. She loves her job and it shows every minute she’s here. Everyone has problems and secrets. Whether it’s an issue at home, in school or anywhere else, Ms. Erickson is the one to go to. She is always ready to listen to anything. If your pet monkey, Ralph, ran away and you need someone to talk to, she will be there to listen. Even something as serious as death in the family or more simple things such as problems in school with grades, other kids, etc. Any information you tell her will be kept completely confidential with the exception of three things. If you tell her you are or plan to hurt yourself in anyway, hurt someone else, or if you are being physically or sexually abused she will not be able to keep it confidential. She will not keep these things confidential because part of her job is to make sure that even with some problems, you still live in a safe environment. She will always let you know before she talks to your parents or anyone else about what you tell her and you have the choice to be there when she talks to your parents, guardian, or whoever can solve the problem. She has been working here for about twenty-four years, so she has plenty of experience. She is someone you could go to for advice or just someone to listen when you need to vent. You can talk to her about anything and she’ll never lie to you. Any advice you ask her for she will give to you in the nicest way possible, but also staying truthful. You can find her office in guidance, along with the guidance counselors’ offices. Like all of us, Ms. Erickson had dreams as a child. When she was younger she thought she was going to be a female sports broadcaster. It wasn’t until her college years that her friends and fellow students from Russell Sage College helped her decide to become a social worker. When Ms. Erickson first became a social worker she worked at Plainfield Central School, Plainfield Memorial School, and Plainfield High School. While she worked at all three schools, she never saw herself as a part of just one school. She always put in an equal amount of effort at each school to help students as much as she could. After realizing that working with the younger kids wasn’t exactly her slice of pie, she started to work only at the high school, where she still works today. Her job has been working out great for her since she started. But hey, with her bubbly personality who would want to give her a hard time? All together, Ms. Erickson is just a human like you and me. But unlike most peo5 ple she will listen, give advice, and actually know what she’s talking about. So if you or someone you know has a problem please don’t bottle your emotions and do something negative. Go see Ms. Erickson. You have nothing to lose and you might even find yourself wanting to go see her more often. Give her the same chance that she will give you. Teacher Interviews Super Shoutin’ Mr. Shelton Pictures and Article by: Sunshine Something Mr. Shelton is a special ed. teacher here at Plainfield High School. He has been here for two years and he happens to love his job. Where did you grow up? “Warwick, RI.” Where did you go to High School? “Toll Gate High School.” Where did you attend college? “University of Rhode Island.” What is the highest degree you have ever achieved or earned? “A Masters in Special Ed.” How long have you been teaching at Plainfield High? “This is my second year. My first year was at the alternative school. This is my first year in Plainfield High.” What subject do you teach here? “Special Ed: reading and writing classes.” Do you enjoy working here? “Yeah. It’s a great place to work. Good people." Who inspired you to become a teacher? “My old gym teacher Mr. Sullivan.” Are you married? “Yes I am.” Do you have any children of your own other than the children you have in school? “I have three wonderful kids. They are all boys; one’s fourteen. I have a two and a half year old and a four month old.” Have you ever read an issue of The Panther Advocate? “Yes I have, best school paper around.” When’s your birthday? “March 12th.” What’s your middle name? “Ryan.” What’s your favorite food? “Steak and Lobster.” What’s your favorite season? “Definitely Summer.” Do you have a reason? “I like the Fourth of July and I like being home with my kids.” What’s your favorite Genre of music? “Actually I like a variety of music. I’m a big Led Zepplin fan. I also like Jack Johnson and Jimi Hendrix.” 6 If you were a color, what color would you be and why? “The color blue because it is cool.” What’s the most inspirational or life-changing experience that you have ever gone through in your life? “Umm… Definitely my kids being born. It’s kinda like eye opening.” My dad said that when I was born, he felt like he was walking like ten feet off the ground. “You do kinda feel that way because it’s like ‘Oh my God… I got this little one that I am responsible for.’” If you were told that you were going to die in twelve hours, what would you do in “your” last twelve hours of your life? “I’d probably go on vacation with my family. Just kinda spend the last few moments with them.” I hate answering this question. It’s so hard. “Yeah. It’s something that I don’t really want to think about. It is a pretty cool question though because it makes you think of what’s most important to you and definitely my family.” The Following blurbs are those from two of Mr. Shelton’s students. He wanted others to know what goes on in his classroom. By: Sunshine Something What is the benefit of Mr. Shelton’s Reading/Writing Lab? “It is a great privilege that as a young student of the 9th grade I Brian Sullivan could write a letter of appreciation to Barack. In my letter I explained three factors that our country comes about and how our new elected president feels about them. The three topics were Education, Social Security and the death penalty. All of those topics were important to me because I’ve saw people struggle because of these 3 factors. So again my letter to Barack was the best benefit to writing about him.” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ “The benefit of Mr. Shelton’s Reading/Writing Lab is, Mr. Shelton helping me and other students with our English projects or essays when we need help. Also Mr. Shelton makes things easier for us to understand what we need to do for our classes. He basically is an amazing teacher.” Suzie Corrigan 7 Teacher Interviews Not Salty Like a Pretzel, But Sweet like Schaetzle Interview and Pictures by: Kitty McGuff Mrs. Schaetzle is a kind woman who is head chair in the Special Education department. She is a pleasant person and I would suggest getting to know her. I sat down with her for a little interview so people can get to know Mrs. Schaetzle. How long have you taught at Plainfield High School? This is my third year. What is the best part of you job? My kids. If the school would let you paint your classroom, what color would you paint it and why? Probably like blues and greens just to be more like the ocean or the beach. Just calm colors. Do you enjoy the students you have? I love my kids. I’ve got great kids. What do you think this school needs more of? An unlimited budget, I think we would need more teachers for more classes and less study halls and to give kids more opportunities for you guys to get some credits. And to have some classes that you are just excited to take. What high school did you attend? Killingly High School. Which College did you attend? Eastern Connecticut State University, and then Southern Connecticut State University for my Master’s Degree. What teacher is your closest friend here in Plainfield? Mrs. Smith because she is awesome and we share a room together and probably Mrs. Newton because my first two years I shared a room with Mrs. Newton. But there are a lot of teachers I have a good relationship with here at Plainfield. What do you like better, Penguins or Zebras? Penguins. What is the most outrageous thing you have done? Ever? I think probably when I was living in Florida, I worked at a dolphin research facility and every day, it was my job to take kids into the water with the dolphins. That was pretty outrageous. It was fun. Describe your dream house? It’s not huge, but it’s big enough to spread out a little bit. I would probably have three bed rooms and a very big kitchen with all the appliances you need and counter space and a double sink… And a mud room for the dog because he is a mess. He’s always a mess. I want hardwood floors though out so you can just sweep it. I want my bedroom on the first floor and the kid’s bed rooms upstairs. A furnished basement would be great so the kids can go down there and have their friends and so they don’t have to worry about mean ol’ Mom and Dad. Are you a Rebel? I can be. I try not to make waves, but when people treat me the wrong way I don’t mind speaking my opinion. 8 The Headman’s Headband Pictures and Article By: Gurtel Rouss In a world where firm friendship is rarely valued, one man and his basketball headband stand together against adversity. It was my job to dig deep into this striking bond and reveal the truth behind Mr. Adams and his sweatband. I wanted to hear opinions from both sides of the relationship so my plan was to interview the two separately. First was Mr. Adams (AKA Air Adams) and then his headband; I had no idea what was ahead of me. My Talk with Air Adams: Where did you purchase your headband? I didn't purchase the headband. I found him cast aside in the streets like a homeless man. How long have you had it? I’ve had it for quite a few years. Maybe three or four years. Do you find it hard to focus in a basketball game without the headband? Yes. We are like a team. We are joined not at the hip but at the head. Do you have any stories behind your legendary headband? Well, he has got quite a few stories himself. Maybe he will tell you those. Do you plan on purchasing a new sports headband any time soon? No (bluntly stated). My Talk with Mr. Adams’ Headband: If you could be anybody’s headband, whose head band would you be? Besides Mr. Adams’ headband, probably Heidi Klum’s because she has fluffy hair like Mr. Adams does. Do you enjoy the floppiness of Mr. Adams hair? Yes, it kind of tingles as it goes over me while he is running. Do you recall any sacred memories with Mr. Adams? We have had a couple of basketball games where we were down and Mr. Adams and I teamed up. Those are my best memories on the court. Then there are the memories at the bar, when I had to soak up the beer that he spilled. Could you briefly describe your day to day schedule? I usually sleep in pretty late. I get up and sometimes I have to work at headband commercials and modeling. With such a busy schedule, how do you keep your fine figure? Well, I make sure that I get a nice scrub in the washing machine at least every other day. I heard you recently got back from a photo shoot in Paris. What was the shoot for? Adidas asked me to come model with one of their current headbands. Kind of a co-worker thing; she was something else, she just kept climbing all over me. What is your take on Mr. Adams basketball skills? If you went one on one with him, who would win? He is pretty good for an old timer. Mr. Adams and I are a team so I couldn't really see myself ever playing against him. After all, he picked me up when I was down on my luck and took me in. What did it feel like when Mr. Adams placed you on his forehead for the first time? We had a symbolic relationship from the beginning. Would you say that you and Mr. Adams have a connection further than just in the game? Sure. Once and awhile we will both fashionably model together and go on double dates together. Are you currently taken by a significant other? Another headband? Well yes. Oh, the new blue Reebok headband. She’s...she’s so cool. 9 Teacher Interviews This Interview Has No Title Picture and Article by Jeffery Bootskins Mr. Greene has tried and failed many times over the past year to get the devious, Mr. McDermott to say yes to an interview. But with my trickery, Mr. McDermott gladly agreed to a nice, long, heart warming interview with me. I began by asking him some interesting questions and ending with some serious questions. Mr. McDermott was a tough cookie, but I got some high-quality answers out of him. How do you feel about me interviewing you? Couldn’t they have sent someone cute? Haha. HahaHaha. If you were a missing person and saw your picture on a milk carton that offers a reward, would you turn yourself in to get the money? All depends how much. How much would you sell yourself for? Two and a half years of retirement. If there was a crumb on the table and you cut it in half, would you have two crumbs or two halves of a crumb? …. Two halves of a crumb. What was the most interesting trip you have ever taken? Why? Ireland. Different culture. I stayed for a month and gained fifteen pounds. Did you stay in a cool castle? Haha. No. I stayed in B and Bs. A bed and breakfast. What did you have for breakfast there? There was a large selection there. Eggs, juice, baked bread, bacon, tea. What is your favorite breakfast food? Eggs benedict. What is your favorite piece of clothing? Why? Hahahaha. My golf shoes. Because I like to golf ! Are they comfortable? Yes ! They are much more comfortable than my school shoes. If you had a million dollars how would you spend it? Slowly. What would you spend it on? My children. Their college, and my retirement. What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced? This interview. Nu-uh ! This is not the funniest thing. What about besides this? Hahahaha. I’ve witnessed too many very, funny things to pick just one. Name the last one to happen to you. Hahahah. There’s too many. I laugh all the time. EVERYTHING is funny. Big Macs or Whoppers? Neither. Fast food would have to be pizza or Chinese. 10 If you could speak to one type of animal, what would it be, why (IN DETAIL)? My dog. I want to know why he can lie around the house all day and be taken care of and I can’t. What’s your favorite color to wear to bring out your features? Ah, I’d have to say blue. (By the way, he WAS wearing a beautiful blue striped shirt today.) If I looked in your refrigerator what would I find? Hahaha. A lot of things. Leftovers, chicken, cheese, milk, grapes, apples, mayo, crème, orange juice, sandwich meat, butter and eggs. They’re all the same. What’s your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving, because my family gets together from all over the country and we stay together four days. What’s your favorite book? To Kill A Mockingbird. What’s your favorite song? “Hotel California” by The Eagles. You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies, which do you choose? Either one. Are they male or female? They are both boys. I have to live with a boy gorilla or a boy dog ?! I did not say you had to marry them ! You just have to live with them. Like they are your son. No ! They are not my son. Animals are not children. That’s my pet peeve. People who think animals are their children. Put that in there. OH BOY, MR. MCDERMOTT. If you had to cut and dye your hair crazy, what style would you choose? What would I do? Yes. I don’t know. I wouldn’t do it in the first place. That’s a silly question. I refuse to answer it. What if it was to save the world ? You could use Mr. Greene’s crazy dyed hair for that ! How long have you been teaching? Thirty-six years. What’s your favorite topic to teach about, and why? Mythology because it’s myths; it’s fun ! I teach it to my freshman. What made you choose Plainfield High School to teach at? I saw an ad in the newspaper. That was supposed to be a sincere answer ! It’s the truth. I saw an ad in the newspaper and I went for it. Well then what would you like to say sincerely to end it? All of a sudden this interview has become sincere ! You’ll have to wait until I end my career for my answer. 11 Club News The Story of NHS Article By: John Michaels. Many people don’t know the hard work and dedication that you need to be in the National Honors Society. You need to have at least an 87.5 average, not including gym, to even be considered for this prestigious position. If an applicant is accepted into NHS they have to be involved in school activities; also each applicant has to do sixty hours of community service. Some types of community service that the inductees do are volunteer in retirement homes and animal shelters; they help out at the Ram’s field and the school store and some of them also become volunteer firefighters. This club couldn’t be a success without Mrs. Bastian and the officers; Samantha Colli (President), Jordanne Trahan (Vice President), Heather Fountaine (Treasurer) and Kelley Thompson (Secretary). At the beginning of the new year, NHS hopes to make committees with the club so that the officers don’t plan everything on their own. The National Honor Society is responsible for participating in Homeless Awareness night. This years Homeless Awareness night raised $1,800. It is the clubs duty to plan activities to raise money for scholarships and other organizations such as Toys for Tots and Red Cross. They have also raised $1,800 for Project Pin, which is the food drive for the homeless. The NHS donated $500 to Project pin and $1,300 to a local homeless shelter. Personally, I find this club to be one of the most generous clubs. They are all for raising money to help those less fortunate. The NHS has an annual recycling drive which collects old cell phones, mp3 players, laptops and CDs to give to a company that will make them environmental friendly. In return the company will give the school money, which gets put toward scholarships for our seniors. Over the summer the National Honor Society hosted a car wash which raised $500. This money goes toward the annual scholarship that is given to a PHS senior. Upcoming events that the NHS hopes to be hosting are the spaghetti dinner for Toys for Tots on December 19, 2008. If you come to the dinner with a toy you will end up getting a discounted price. They would also like to have a basketball tournament in March. They are trying to get the whole community involved instead of just the kids from our school. In the spring, NHS would like to volunteer at a soup kitchen. At the end of the year, the club plans a trip to celebrate their hard work and dedication. This year they are hoping to go to Disney World, but due to the expensive price of this trip they might have to explore other opportunities. Other places that could be possibilities are Hershey, Pennsylvania to visit Hershey Park and also go to Philadelphia to visit the Amish Country. Next time you see a NHS member, give them the camaraderie that they deserve. And the Green Team Redeems Article By: Penelope Helping the environment, it is not just words on a shirt or the title of being “green.” I recently interviewed Mr. Decelles, who is in charge of our own school environmental club. Mr. Decelles majored in Environmental Earth Science and decided that environmental awareness is important for everyone, because we all live on the earth and want to understand the impact we have upon it. Environmental club is a club for students who are interested in making a difference in the environment. At the moment, this club is working on the long term study of blue birds to help in a small part with climate change. They have placed nesting boxes around the school to inspect the ongoing progress. The club plans on having bulletin boards placed around the school including educational environmental facts. Mr. Decelles also hopes to have nature trails with plaques so that the students, as well as the teachers, can enjoy going on these trails and also attain more about their surroundings. Another nice area to hopefully get more study with in the future is the school’s pond. Environmental club meets every other Wednesday after school in Room 2209. We will have this club as an extracurricular activity again next year and Mr. Decelles hopes that we will have more students participate in aiding to the schools’ environmental condition. He has also started a team for the environmentathon, which is in need of one more student for their aggregation. If you have any questions or would like to help out with the environmental club, contact Mr. Decelles in Room 2209. 12 Godly Good News Article By: Rondell Masterson Want to hear the good news? I’d heard about Bible Club, which has recently been named the Good News Club, everyday on the morning announcements. All that I knew about it was that it was a Christian group that, based on the previous name, probably read the Bible quite a bit. I decided I would go see for myself exactly what they did. I didn’t really know what to expect before I entered the meeting. I didn’t know if it would be strict and structured, or if there were rigid rules I would have to follow. I entered the room to find a surprisingly relaxed setting. Mr. DePasquale had brought refreshments and Mr. Hart was chatting with members of the group. I was quickly handed a Bible, and the club sat down and began reading. Mr. Hart and Mr. DePasquale both officially run the club and Stephanie Gregg is the official/unofficial Student Leader. The name was changed from the “Bible Club” to the “Good News Club” because it was “more open, and inviting.” Gospel means “good news” in Olde English. They read a story from the Book of Samuel about King David. He stayed in his city as he sent his troops to fight and as a consequence of this, was tempted to sleep with another man’s wife. He gave into temptation and as a consequence of that, she became pregnant. Mr. Hart showed the club a book titled “How To Make Choices You Won’t Regret” by Kay Arthur and they discussed choices and their repercussions. Following that, the club read the Ten Commandments and talked about the meaning of them. After reading “Thou shalt not commit adultery”, somebody inquired as to what adultery was. Soon a conversation on divorce arose. People had varied opinions on it and Mr. Hanover even came in to offer his point of view. They finished reading from the Bible with about five minutes left, so they got together for the weekly prayer. Soon enough, everybody was packing up and getting ready to leave. Here was my chance to find out what they thought of the club. Jake Lutz stated that “This club has helped me out a lot. It’s been a really new experience that opened my eyes to a lot of things. I go to church regularly now and I’m going to try to start a Good News Club at Pomfret High School when I move there soon.” Jessica Fountaine said “I actually came in here on accident, but it looked interesting, so I stayed. Now I come every week and I go to church again, too.” Mr. DePasquale described the club as “a ‘safe haven’ for Christians. It’s for anybody that wants to gather in a group with other Christians in a sort-of fellowship, just to know you’re not alone. It’s a great place to learn about The Bible and God.” Mr. Hart said “We’re here to let people know the good news: that Jesus loves them, died for them and rose again for them.” When I entered the room, I didn’t know what to expect. But after I left, I was pleasantly surprised. It was much more open and welcoming than I had expected. I never felt like an outsider looking in, but rather more like a part of the group. The entire meeting was relaxed and didn’t feel like a “Bible Study”. They were all incredibly approachable. As you may recall, Silent Day was a protest against abortion that took place on October 21st. The Good News Club didn’t officially take part in it, but many of the members were involved and all were in agreement about the cause. On other modern issues of politics and theology, however, the opinions were incredibly diverse. There were members of all sorts of denominations, but most stated that they were “simply Christian”. So, if you’re a Christian looking for a place to discuss matters of faith, interested in Christianity, or just looking for people to listen, come visit the Good News Club any Tuesday in Mr. Hart’s room from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. 13 Club News G.S.A Update Article By: Clyde Stilletto As I strolled into Mrs. Noble’s classroom after the last bell of the school day, I was delighted to see the turnout of the second Gay Straight Alliance meeting. I knew most people but there were some I was not familiar with. I was glad when Mrs. Noble had everyone introduce him or herself. Of course, most of all, Mrs. Noble stood in front of the room beaming at all of us. Being the second meeting, we did not really have much of a plan. We conversed about what we would like to accomplish this year in GSA. We discussed many topics, one not so exciting. We talked about how all of the signs were torn down from the walls and found in different areas around the school. We are not letting it get to us though. On the other hand, we discussed some exciting subjects about what we would like to do later on this year and here are a few: trips to other schools such as NFA to meet with different GSAs: a pride week including a day of silence and a field trip to Tru Colors at UConn in April. Tru Colors is an event that occurs every year at UConn for everybody with all different sexual preferences. There are live bands, workshops and many new people to meet. It is always a blast. G.S.A meets every week: Tuesdays in Mrs. Noble’s room number 2229 From 2:05pm to 3:00pm EVERYBODY IS WELCOME Contact Mrs. Noble or Joslyn Tanguay with questions Art News: Crafting Caricatures Picture and Article by: Topsy Crets Over the past month, the Art Department has been working vigorously on a new project that will ultimately become a permanent installation at Plainfield High School. The Art II class, along with independent study student Ruth Reinwald, is involved in the exploit that was inspired by Ms. Dobrocki’s perpetual love for caricature drawings. Caricatures are paradoxical drawings that generally exaggerate a person’s features. Each of Ms. Dobrocki’s students has created a caricature drawing of a well-known historical figure of their choice. The project’s theme is very broad and therefore the characters that the students have chosen to draw range from well known presidents such as Abraham Lincoln, to acclaimed musical groups such as The Beatles. The cartoons are configured with colored pencils and have been plastered on to large slabs of wood donated by Mr. Emmi’s wood shop in order to display the drawings effectively. Ms. Dobrocki believes that the future for this project is bright and hopes to continue adding to the caricature collage with incoming classes. Art students have acquired a special interest in this project and have shown their desire to recreate portraits of themselves as a caricature to add to the installation in the future. Mr. Arcarese has taken a special inclination to this project in particular and has given Ms. Dobrocki permission to install the project in the main hallway of the school. In recognition of the authority at Plainfield High School students Alexa Lehto, Stephanie Arnio, Michaela Benedictis and Cassie Blachette have created caricature drawings of Mr. Worth, Mrs. Riley and of course Mr. Arcarese. If you are a student and would like to learn how to create cartoonist drawings or enhance your skills as an artist, make sure to sign up for Art II class next semester and take part in the fun. 14 SPORTS Spike it Like a Senior Article By: Sunshine Something This year was definitely a success. Keep it up Panthers! Heather Perry and Kristin Fratoni are seniors here at Plainfield High School. They are also the only two seniors on the varsity volleyball team. They both contributed to the wins of PHS fall volleyball. The following is an interview with both athletes. Why do you play volleyball? Heather: “I enjoy it. I like to hit the ball. It’s fun. I find it very entertaining.” Kristin: “I’m really passionate about the sport. I just love the adrenaline rush you get while playing on the court.” Who inspired you to get into the game of volleyball? Heather: “No one inspired me. It looked cool and I was like ‘I’m gonna play that and I’m gonna kick some butt.’” Kristin: “No one in particular. It was just a sport that looked like fun and one I might be good at so I decided to try it.” Opponent How old were you when you started playing? Ledyard St. Paul Catholic Montville Ellis Tech When you are out on the court playing a game, what is on your mind? Putnam Heather: “Try my best and don’t let any balls hit the ground and do whatever it takes to Lyman Memorial play well and do my best.” Waterford Kristin: “Wow, I think about so much out there. I just tell myself to focus and shake off if I Wheeler mess up. Basically I try to stay positive so I can play as best I can.” New London Putnam What position do you play? Bacon Academy Heather: “I played back row and digger.” Ellis Tech Kristin: “I was a digger in the back row.” Windham St. Paul Catholic Do you think that the 2008 fall season of volleyball was a success? Lyman Memorial Heather: “Yes.” Waterford Kristin: “Absolutely!” Wheeler New London Why or why not? Heather: “I was in seventh grade.” Kristin: “I started playing junior year. Well technically it was the summer before junior year because I had beginner’s volleyball camp.” H/A A H A H H A A H A A A A H A H H A H Score L 3-1 W 3-1 L 3-1 W 3-0 W 3-0 L 3-0 L 3-2 W 3-0 W 3-1 W 3-1 L 3-0 W 3-0 L 3-0 W 3-2 W 3-2 L 3-2 W 3-0 W 3-0 Heather: “Because we went to the State Tournament even though we didn’t win. We’ve never been there before…I’ve never been there before and I’ve been playing volleyball for a long time. We went to the ECC Tournament and we lost but at least we got there.” Kristin: “Last year we were 1-18. It wasn’t a very impressive record. This year we were 11-7 and surprised everyone with how much we had improved. Our goal from the beginning had been to get in the state tournament which we did. It had taken the team that beat us in the states ten years to reach the tournament and only took us two. Our team is just going to keep improving and dominate next year.” What are you opinions of Coach Arremony? Heather: “Arremony was a great coach and I enjoyed playing for him. He worked us hard but made us better. I enjoyed every minute of the season. He made the season very enjoyable.” Kristin: “He definitely dedicates everything he has to helping our team be the best it can be. If it weren’t for him, I don’t think our team would have the level of intensity and focus it does. His drive just makes us want to work that much harder.” If you attend college, will you continue playing Volleyball? 15 Heather: “Yes. And I will play lacrosse because it is also one of my favorite sports. I’m very good at both.” Kristin: “Absolutely. There is no way I could cut volleyball out of my life so I intend to join the club level at whatever college I attend.” A GAME TO FORGET 16 Pictures taken by: Kayla Salony By: Francisco Twinkle-Toes In 1937, the fierce rivalry game between the Plainfield Panthers and the Griswold Wolverines commenced; on the first Thanksgiving game Plainfield took a 7-0 loss. The two teams still play hard every year on Thanksgiving for the big trophy. Have you been out to see the Panthers football team play this year? Coming towards the end of the year for the Black and Orange, they were lookin’ good, having only two losses this year; the Panthers were so close to one of the biggest goals of any player/coach: the State Tournament. Losing to Ledyard awhile back was a sensational loss; that game pretty much knocked them out of the State Tournament this year. But still having one of the best teams in a long time for the Plainfield Panthers, consisting of twenty-two seniors this year they are looking forward for the Turkey Game. The Panthers are facing their arch rival Griswold, for their annual meeting on Thanksgiving. Between these two teams the rivalry record consists of thirty-five Griswold wins to thirty-four Plainfield wins with five ties. It’s been awhile since the Panthers have been able to taste the victory of that turkey game. After five years in a row the feast has been in the Wolverines claws but the Panthers are looking to rebound and to tie this rivalry up. Leading them into this game were the 2008 team captains center/ defensive linemen Derek Cyrus, fullback/ middle linebacker Seth Auger, tight end/ defensive end Dave Ertel and running back/ line backer Garrett Desjardins. On Thanksgiving there was a dramatic loss. With half of a second left in the game Sean Brackett threw up a 55 yard prayer and the Plainfield Panthers now lost their sixth game in a row on Thanksgiving. The crowd was going crazy; I don’t think there was one person not screaming at the top of their lungs. It was amazing how it went from throat screeching to a tongue-tied moment after the ball was deflected into a Griswold player’s hands for the game winning touchdown. This was one of the most memorable moments in high school football. It’s said that people will remember this game in eighty years; that’s how electrifying the battle for the turkey was. The game was non-stop action; big plays were going equally on both sides of the ball. The final score was 34-29; Griswold luckily won the game but this game led to twenty-two seniors from Plainfield from ever defeating Griswold on Thanksgiving. It was an emotional day for everyone on Plainfield’s side: parents, teachers and players were emotionally sick. Tears were coming down on player’s faces on the sensational loss. Now this brings the Wolverines up thirty-six wins to thirty-four Plainfield wins with five ties on the annual meeting on Thanksgiving. Now that the 2008 season is done and over with its time for the juniors to step it up and fill in the long list of seniors spots which are now gone. Not able to defeat the Wolverines this year was a devastating moment but six years in a row is outrageous. During the off- season there is going to have to be a lot of kids that have to get bigger. The line never gets enough credit during the games but no team will succeed with out a good line. There will have to be a lot of effort going into this team next year because we don’t have the size or speed like we did this year. Hopefully next year the team will be able to accomplish a lot more because even this year I think the Panthers were better than 8-3. By: Chester Longfellow, Esq. The 2008 NBA Champions, the Boston Celtics, are stirring the pot once more in the 2009 season. With a record of 17-2 the Celtics are dominating the Eastern Division and are poised for a repeat. So what is the secret behind this miraculous turn around? Some give a lot of the credit to starting power forward Kevin Garnett. Kevin Garnett was acquired from the Minnesota Timber Wolves last off season. Unless you have been living under a rock last year, you should know he helped lead the Celtics to their first championship in 22 years. Kevin Garnett played in a total of 71 games last year scoring an average 18.8 points last year with 9.2 rebounds. He has picked where he left off. In the first 17 games of the 2008 season Garnet has been a beast on the court with 16.6 points per game and with his dominations rebounding skills Garnet has snagged 9.8 rebounds a game. But you can’t give the spotlight all to the big man. Another key part of the Celtic green puzzle is number 34 Paul Pierce. Paul Pierce has played all ten years of his professional career with Celtics. He was drafted in 1998 with the tenth overall pick. He is a six time All Star and was name the 2008 MVP of the 2008 Championship. With all that he has accomplished in his career, he earned the nickname The Truth which was given to him by Shaquille O'Neal after a Lakers' victory over the Celtics in 2001. “Take this down my name is Shaquille O'Neal and Paul Pierce is the motherf@#%ing truth. Quote me on that and don't take nothing out. I knew he could play, but I didn't know he could play like this. Paul Pierce is the truth,” O'Neal stated to a Boston reporter after that game. Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett are in the prime of their careers and coming off of a championship which leaves endless opportunities for the future of the Boston Celtics and the NBA. Speaking of the NBA, its publicity has gone up since the Celtics have returned from the dead. With TV ratings the highest they’ve been in ten years and with the New England fan base the Celtics have created a river flow of profit for the NBA. The Celtics are hands down the best team as a whole in the NBA. With Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett guiding the way the Celtics will certainly coast their way back into the finals once more. They help in all aspects of the game 17 they attract fans and drama such as reenergizing old reveries with the Knicks and the Lakers. The Celtics are leading the NBA back into the glory days when ratings were high and every moment was history. A Green Miracle Student Commentary Save The Drama For Yo Mama Susie C. and Jade C. are acting. This is not a real fight. :) By: Rumpy Kabumpkins Everyday the students of Plainfield High School come to school and look for something interesting to talk about. Luckily for them, there is always something going on here. I walk down the halls everyday and hear people talking about this girl’s clothes or how ugly that guy is. Even though the things I hear are nothing new, I always seem to ask myself the same question: Why? Drama seems to be so fascinating to a lot of people, but I can’t say I really understand. Doesn’t anyone think that with all the work we have to do here, we already have enough to deal with? Now don't get me wrong, the drama can be pretty interesting. No matter who denies it, everyone wants the juicy details about every verbal fight, fist fight and everything in between. I guess you could say the thing that I’m really confused about here is why people have to complicate things. So you heard someone call your friend a bad name. I’ve heard of more fights starting this way than I can count on my fingers and toes. If you’re one of those people who gets into the drama about silly things like this, here’s some advice: get over it. If someone trash talks you or someone you know, fighting with them won’t make them stop, it will just make them do it discreetly enough so you don’t hear it. Not to mention it’s a bigger waste of time than anything else I can think of. I decided to find out what my fellow students think about this topic and I was surprised at some of the answers I received. Senior Joslyn Tanguay said, “The drama here at good ol’ Plainfield High is pretty… I don’t know...blah. I do not like drama, but in all honesty, it’s what everyone feeds off of. Without the drama here at PHS, school would be boring. People say they don't like drama but usually the people who say that they don’t like it are the ones who start it. I don't like it if it involves me but if it’s between other people I love it! It amuses me a lot. It’s what keeps the world twirling. Well okay, Plainfield High rolling.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. We definitely feed off of it. Whenever we see a fight we don’t walk away. No sir we don’t. We risk being late for class because no one can resist seeing all the amazing negative action. “I think that it’s out of control and there’s no reason for any of it and people just need to grow up.” quoted senior Chelsea Forcier. Of course there’s no reason for it. Everyone always says they don’t care about what people say about them, but in reality if they hear someone talk about them it starts more trouble than Dennis the Menace. So, why do we say things that we don’t mean? Why does anyone really care what other people have to say about them? In my opinion, as long as my friends don’t say bad things about me everyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter. Another student in our school, Britney Gervais, said, “I think it’s really bad. I think there’s a lot of it. I think when drama happens everyone wants to be a part of it.” This would be the reason why all of the drama that we have here stays going on for so long. Once one person hears about it, within the next twenty-four hours everyone else knows about it. When that happens, everyone wants to be involved. This is because everything gets passed to other people and the story starts to change. This leads me to one of the best pieces of advice I can give you: NEVER believe everything you hear when walking down the hallways of a any high school. Chances are whatever you hear will either be someone’s more interesting version of a real story or just not true at all. All together, my point is just stop the drama. No one really wants to deal with it and it’s pointless. We are all human beings here and none of us deserve to feel so low and have the whole school know about it. I guess it all goes back to that one question going through my head: Why can’t we all just get along? 18 Monsters in the Classroom By: Dump-Truck Johnson The Most Dangerous Evil Demonizing Creature on this planet. What is it you ask? it’s the: BULLY!! Lurking in locker rooms, hunting in the lunch room, or napping in the classroom we all know who they are and what they do best. It’s the indescribable merciless bully. There are many types of bullies each one has a different style and responses. “There awesome I have a pet bully named Billy, Billy the bully! No, but seriously I used to get bullied a lot. My opinion on bullying, is that it sucks it sucks to get bullied it makes you not want to go to school. I personally missed thirty-five days my sixth grade year, thirty-seven my seventh grade year and eighth grade it kinda stopped,” stated a previously preyed on LaVetta Carter. The bully is becoming a potential risk so I want to give you an idea of the bully in their natural habitat so that together we can exterminate their kind. So in order to give the information I had to dig deep and penetrate their world. I soon learned the bully comes in both female and male versions; usually they stay close to each other in a tight ring of bullies. I first got a good look at the female bully and her defined techniques to really get under the skin of her prey. The first type of female bully I would like to discuss can normally be found stalking the halls in large packs called “friends”. These friends usually follow close behind one alpha female or the ring leader. She wears a smug look on her face and has a flow of hypocritical comments to the rest of the pack. She will create rude comments to her pack or “friends” on other girls. She weaves her way into the hearts of principals, teachers and parents as an angelic self sufficient person. Her true colors start out slow and dull until the creature begins to perform acts that only could have been rehearsed repeatedly before. She starts by dropping little bombs of comments., each one perfectly planned to cut her prey in the exact spot. Then she creates a defense called rumors, when her prey attempts to defend herself. The rumors spread like wildfire destroying her prey’s social life as the female bully prepares herself to tear her preys “pack” apart making her specific prey vulnerable and weak. She sits back and enjoys her prey being tormented until the bully becomes bored with the girl. She then attacks her next prey twice as hard as before with the left over adrenaline. Soon the rumors of her last prey die down as well as the prey themselves. I realized the second female bully is much difficult to interact with but I watched from a reasonable distance. I have dubbed these females as “the boy version” or TBV for short. This one is very different from the basic female bully. The boy version is much more physical then emotional. TBV can be found in a small group of similar females each one most likely wearing darker colors and sporting a scowl on their face as others walked by. She is normally rough looking from the start and walks with a knowing of her anger and toughness. TBV will demand things’ right away making sure everyone is aware of her intentions. The principals, teachers, and parents already know what she is about and TBV doesn’t care. The actions start up immediately if you cross her the wrong way. She does evil things for example stealing your gym clothes, threaten to show up on your door step, or even chasing you down the hall in a race to find protection. TBV really doesn’t need an explanation for hating you but she will at all cost She unlike the original female bully, will not spread nasty rumors nor will TBV let things die down. There anger is carried out and it sticks long after it began. Now for the male bully. He really only has one main bullying style. The male bully does not show emotion or regret for the things he says. They normally feed strictly off the physical stress they put their prey in. Now in these situations the bullied, since a male in the norm, has to show no emotional distress to the situation and actually strives to be like the bully. As the female bully does the male bully also keeps close to a large pack aggressively and physically at his level. They go up and down the halls discouraging the wandering small creatures known as “freshman”. These male bullies are different then the female bully they will actually recognize some of there past prey into there pack. This strange behavior is normally only preformed when the weaker prey gives into them and begins his own bullying behavior. I still hold strong that the female bully is the most reluctant and cruel of the two species. There is still one more thing to worry about when it comes to the Bully species, THE PACK. The pack is a group of bullies both female and male. The group consists all types of bulling and together the pack creates a type of super bully. They feed off each others remarks, problems and physical being. Everyone has something to give which brings me to the levels of the pack. The first level is the head honcho; they consist of one to three alpha males. They are the main control of the group they decide where they go and when they practically control the weaker bullies. Next are the dominate females, they are very close to the alpha males and are usually found dating them because of the social status. These girls control the weaker female bullies. They can normally convince them what to wear, how their hair should be, who they date, or whom to be friends with. Usually, the female bully will conjure up anything to have power over the weaker females. Second level is a more conducted level these are made up of bullies who are below the alphas and dominates but have just as much control and power. They on the other hand control most of their own lives even though they continue to stay with the pack. Now, the third group was not too hard to obtain their concept. They are the recently added to the pack the ones who are accepted and are now attempting to create a strong rep for themselves. They agree with whatever the upper bullies say and will do just about anything to please them. Finally the fourth group of bullies: these bullies do not run with the pack no matter how hard they try there attempts to prove themselves to the pack becomes a complete failure. Yet, they keep trying terrorizing anyone who is weaker smaller or just disliked. The last bully is just a pathetic wannabe. As you can see my investigation of the bully was very difficult since the bully has a strange way of camouflaging themselves. The bully specimens are very strange yet over powering to the community. As a part of the high school 19 food chain, I encourage others to join me in the extinction of the bully. Do not let them feed from your humiliation. Do not stand for their cruel trends. Do not let the bully drag you off and make you one of the packs. Remember even the bully will turn on their own! Student Commentary Early Days, Sleepless Nights Commentary by: Kitty McGuff I shiver from the coldness of my room when I wake up from a short night sleep. I want to go back to sleep, but realize I can’t because I have to get ready for school. In my mind lingered the thought of how tired I’m going to be all day and how I’m going to work right after school. I also didn’t finish my English homework from the night before. I finish getting ready and wake up my mother so she can drive me to the high school. The short five minute drive makes me doze off. I get dropped off and walk though the dreadful doors. Yawning, I head to first block and listen to the drama of the senior girls in my class. I want to sleep so badly, but sleeping in school isn’t good. Today this class wasn’t too bad. It was sort of relaxing and of course I don’t have to worry too much about homework in this class because I have to do the work on the school computers in that room anyways. The block ends and I settle into second block class. I expect that we are doing loads of work and of course, I was right. We worked on geometry power points and jotted down loads of notes. Of course, my class got homework. There is never one day he doesn’t give us homework. A student shouted, “Let us have the night off!” I fully agreed with this remark considering the fact that I was trying to finish the homework we had for English class that was due next block. The bell rings and I still didn’t finish. “Oh lovely, English class here I come.” I started heading to the third block of the day. I didn’t get the chance to finish the homework that was due, so I’m hoping she will collect it after lunch. I walk into the cold classroom and realize students are putting their vocabulary homework on the desk to be collected. Well, I finished that part of the homework, but there is more I didn’t finish. Thank goodness she didn’t collect the reading assignment because that was the main thing I didn’t get done. As lunch and the rest of the class passes by, it’s time to wrap up the class. My teacher decides to assign four chapters in the novel my class is reading, get three quotes from each chapter, finish vocabulary packet and finally, read our individual books. I think back to working again and all I have to say is, “Wow I’m going to be up all night doing homework. This is Lame!” My teacher just states, “That’s not a lot.” I disagree with that. I understood this was a college prep class, but don’t the teachers understand that we do other things after school that take up lots of time? Like a job for example. At this point, I’m pretty stressed. Last block just slides by as we are working on articles and reporting the news for all the school to witness. It’s finally time to go. I’m actually excited at this point though I still realize that I’m working right after school. My mom is waiting for me so I run to the car as fast as I can so I know I won’t be stuck behind the busses. My mom says I can go home and eat quickly before I go to work, so I take the opportunity and head home. I changed my shirt so I look a little more presentable for work. My mom tells me to head to the car so we can hit the road for the twenty minute drive. I finally arrive to my place of work. As I spend the night sweeping hair and washing towels and capes for the stylist, it’s finally time for me to head home at eight o’clock. I arrive home begging for sleep. I can not sleep though because I still have a ton of homework to do. I got distracted when I first walked in the doorway leading me straight to my computer. After the computer fun, I just decide to take a shower which also keeps me away from my homework. I get out of the shower drenched and water dripping from my hair. I actually arrive to my room to work on my homework. I look at how much each teacher has given me and shout, “This is ridiculous!” So I start the homework. An our passes and I only finished reading and writing the quotes. I started working on my vocabulary and then my geometry. I finally get it done, but then I look at the clock and realize it’s very late and I have school the next morning. I finally head to sleep at twelve-thirty A.M. “I knew I was going to be up all night,” I said to myself. Now I’m only getting five and a half hours of sleep tonight all because of too much homework. If I didn’t have homework tonight, I’d be sleeping by now. It’s definitely going to be another rude awakening tomorrow because I’m going to be doing the same thing all over again. 20 Points of View: The Pledge I Pledge My What...? By: Dump-Truck Johnson The pledge. How many people know who invented this short literary piece? Who knows what it’s really about or even why we recite the bore in school? Turning to one of my fellow students I ask her “who wrote the pledge of Allegiance?” Her response “I dunno.” That’s when I realized I don’t think any of us has actually been educated on a rhyme we were forced to memorize and recite daily. So I took it upon myself to figure out who wrote it and why. The first thing I found was that Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. The Pledge was published in the September 8th issue 1892 of The Youth's Companion. Bellamy created the pledge to be both a patriotic pledge and a public prayer. He swatted around with a few ideas for the pledge like whether or not he should add “equality” to the pledge but finally he decided not to because women and blacks were not equal at the time. The pledge has just become an overrated way of saying you love your country. I mean that’s great, wonderful, if you are a patriotic person. But, if you are so patriotic and so die hard for our nation then why are we still reciting a pledge that was made in our country’s weakest time. We rarely even learn about the pledge in our starting years of school. Plus, in a nation of individuality why does our pledge have to involve “God”. If I was to recreate the pledge and make it more efficient for schools and public functions, I wouldn’t include “God”. I wouldn’t include a sentence to allegiance or even think of steering into a direction of liberty and justice for all. God is a vacuum sealed way of saying our country is still a Christian based society. Yet, a large lump of our population range from scientologists, Buddhists and even atheists. When the pledge was created Christianity was the only religion acceptable at the time now we tolerate a wide spread of religions; it’s time our pledge does too. Now, I am just putting it out there, you can take it or leave it, but maybe we should exclude the word God from the pledge, especially in school activities. Allegiance is also something I don’t think should be pledged to. Now, I know some people think I am going a little over the top by being upset by this but, I have watched tons of politicians reciting the pledge and winding up just as corrupt as any ordinary criminal. This seriously ticks me off we pledge our allegiance and our loyalty to a country of twisted politicians and presidents and half of us don’t even know the definition of allegiance. (The loyalty of a citizen to his or her government or of a subject to his or her sovereign.) That’s that when it comes to the flag of the United States of America. I, of course, can not choose for you whether to stand for our old worn out pledge or not but, consider for a moment what a pledge would be like filled with honesty of what our country truly is like. God: America’s Mascot By: Chestie Longfellow, Esq. "From this day forward, the millions of our school children will daily proclaim in every city and town, every village and rural schoolhouse, the dedication of our Nation and our people to the Almighty." The above quote is directly from President Eisenhower in 1954 after he signed into law a bill to have "under God" added to the original pledge. The law came about by the Knights of Columbus, which is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. They felt the pledge was incomplete without any reference to a deity. Appealing to the authority of Abraham Lincoln, the Knights felt that the words "under God" which were from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address were most appropriate to add to the pledge. Eventually the Knights persuaded the American government to change the pledge. Many argue that the words “under God” in the pledge shouldn’t be a part of the pledge. They feel, for religious reasons, it violates the separation of religion and government. From my prospective, religion helped found this country and to not have a form of representation of it in our pledge would taint the purpose of the representation of religion in our country. Many people see the term “under God” and assume it’s a name that represents the Christian religion beliefs. When really it’s a title or a symbol to illustrate that American is accepting of religion and how we build our morals on them. To say God isn’t American is probably a sin. Really look at what else we use his name for; we use phrases like ”God Bless America” and we post his name everywhere, such as “In God We Trust” on our currency. To put it simply God is our mascot; he represents our values and morals and not to put him in our pledge is an insult. God and America have been friends since the beginning. Jamestown, America’s first organized colony, every Sunday you were expected to go to church and if you didn’t cooperate with this standard severe punishment would come to you. Look at the modern day trials in the American courtrooms, when under oath you’re asked to swear on the Bible. God is America, our mascot that we portray as a everyday figure of strength and freedom of every form of religion. To say God isn’t American is probably a sin. 21 Points of View—Gay Marriage Against Gay Marriage? Don’t Have One! By: Maxx Rose Though some may view homosexuality as wrong, it’s in a person’s own right to marry who he or she wants. Many think it’s bad because the Bible and most religions view homosexuality as a sin and therefore gay marriage should be illegal. What about the first amendment, the amendment that states that a person’s religion or lack of religion should be protected? How can any government decide that gay couples can’t marry because some religions says it’s wrong? What about the separation of church and state? Not only that, but it’s a form of discrimination to deny someone his or her rights as a person because of his or her sexuality. You might as well take away all minorities’ rights to marry in this country: Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. Marriage affects many things; it’s not just a legal status. It affects tax filing status, joint ownership of property, insurance benefits and critical medical decisions. For example, if a gay male couple has been together for over thirty years and one of them gets really sick, his partner may not be allowed to visit him because he isn’t a “spouse or immediate family member.” He or she also wouldn’t be able to decide for his or her partner if a certain surgery should be done or make other medical decisions when his or her partner is incapable. Homosexuality is seen as something that’s just recently started and not something that’s been around for a long time at all. Look a little closer at history. Homosexuality has been around; it goes all the way back to ancient Greece. The term lesbian is referring to the Greek island Lesbos which was associated with female homosexuality because of a verse from a poem written by a native to the island, poetess Sappho. There has been a large amount of research done on this subject to prove that homosexuality has a biological causation. It’s not a genetic one, but a biological one. This, really, makes logical sense. Think back to the gays and lesbians you’ve met throughout your life; a lot of the time some of their characteristics resemble that of the opposite sex. For example, a homosexual man may have a softer voice. A homosexual woman may have stronger cheekbones and a more masculine body type. This is affected by hormonal switches. Also, if you really think about it, why would anyone want to be gay? They can’t get married, they get ridiculed by everyone, told they’re going to hell by the church and are beat by gay bashers. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a lot of fun! If gays could marry, it would also bring up adoption rates. As with any straight couple, gay couples would want children after they get married, causing more children to become adopted. Some believe that a child raised by a gay couple would have a higher chance at being homosexual themselves. Yes, that’s why all straight couples raise straight children. This is like saying if you hang out with a tall person you’ll become taller. Come on people! When Gay Marriage Attacks By: Chestie Longfellow, Esq. The country in the late 70s basically wanted to make you think that gays equal AIDS which equal death. They did this when AIDS first arrived in the U.S. in the year 1978. Our country made it out to be that only gay men could carry the deadly disease. The epidemic led to the introduction of a new retrovirus which is known as HIV ; and the introduction of a new herps-8 virus, the virus that causes Kaposi’s sarcoma, widely known as the “gay cancer” of AIDS. If that’s not enough to prove to you that being gay is un-American then take a look at our military. America loves its troops, right? Not the gay ones, in fact, they have a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in the military. If you are a part of the military, you will not be asked if you’re gay, as long as you keep your mouth shut about being a homosexual. But if you come out of the closet, then you’re a shame to your country, so you’re discharged. My fellow classmate who is writing the opposing side of the issue is probably preaching how it’s their right to be gay and get married, how it’s just the way they’re made and it’s not their fault. Let me tell you the cold-hearted truth: we’re all gay bashers. Most people who support gay people and their right to wed discriminate against gays just as much as anyone else who does. Every teenager in America uses prejudiced gay remarks all the time to describe someone or something. For example, how many people a day use the word gay towards something or someone in just a joking way? “That movie was so gay”. Now gay marriage could effect America in many other ways in the future if it becomes legal in more parts of the country. Such as population, did you know over 70 countries all over the world outlaw just being gay? The punishment for being a homosexual in some of these countries is the death sentence. This opens America up as the safe haven for homosexuals in other countries if we were to let gays have more rights as their own people. If you look back at America’s acceptance of immigration in the past years ( the Irish, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Cubans) it isn't that welcoming. The Irish with their gangs of 22 New York or the Cubans with their drug lords or Mexicans taking our job opportunities, the gay community could copycat any of these and this could cause many issues. Gay marriage could be a soft teddy bear with a gentle smile or a bulldog with a mouth full of teeth. However will America be able to handle all the gay pride? Politics Playin’ Palin Article by: Kofi Kingston Is it just me or has the media given Sarah Palin more attention for her flaws and inexperience than necessary, such as not pronouncing “g” in the word she’s sayin’ because of that annoying accent. I mean within a few months of becoming John McCain’s vice presidential pick and campaigning, she has become as famous to the public eye for her speeches and interviews as Paris Hilton (who I might add is mentioned in this issue) in the tabloids. As we all know or should know, Sarah Palin is the governor of Alaska. Why John McCain picked Sarah Palin, people can only guess. Most people say that he picked her to shake things up and reign in the people or feminist that supported Hilary Clinton. Sarah Palin has been one of the most interesting persons out of all the presidential races so far; reporters covered almost every step Sarah Palin took during the campaign. Now that the campaign is over, it’s safe to say that the hype over Sarah Palin will dissipate as she returns to her job as Governor of Alaska. While Palin was campaigning with John McCain, the mainstream media was engaged in discussions concerning everything: from Palin’s way too expensive clothes to her hacked private e-mail account, her daughter’s pregnancy, lack of knowledge that Africa was a continent and not a country and her knowledge or inexperience in politics and foreign policy. People question if she was actually ready to take the position as Vice President of the United States if John McCain won the election. Most people think she would have failed at Vice President because of the fact that she didn’t even know what the Vice President’s duty was. Sarah Palin did give the media good reason for them to pick on her, I mean she stated that the proximity of Russia and Alaska was so close that she could see Russia from her house. She also voted for a lot of pork barrel spending, for example the bridge to nowhere in Alaska which she then tried to weasel her way out of when she knew it didn’t stand a chance of actually being constructed or voted for. Even though Sarah Palin did her best and failed to attract people to vote for John McCain and his campaign, she still gave it her all and attempted to live up to the caliber and pedigree of the expectations for Vice President. However lets face it: she wasn’t ready to take on those duties and the media blew her up with fame on her quirks then put her to silence in Alaska, so to speak, where she gets little attention by the local media, seeing as the presidential race is over. But you never know: she might be back for the next presidential election running against Hillary Clinton in 2016. The End of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” By Guillermo Pedro Paco Alberto Almundo Cortez Smith In 1993, President Bill Clinton put into effect a law known simply as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. The law states that people of any sexual orientation may serve in the military, as long as they do not illustrate any “homosexual behavior.” Anything that would make people think you’re gay falls under this label, and committing such an act in the military is grounds for court marshal and discharge. “Don’t Ask” means that commanding officers can’t ask if you’re gay unless they have reason to suspect that you are. People’s opinions on this law have always differed, but right now the one opinion that matters is Barack Obama’s, because he is the one with the power to change the way it works if he so chooses. President Elect Obama has promised to allow people of all sexual orientations to serve openly in the military, which would put an end to the whole “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” idea, as it were. President Elect Obama may not push legislation for a while, however. Recently it has been projected that he may take until as late as 2010 because the new president “first wants to confer with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his new political appointees at the Pentagon to reach a consensus, and then present legislation to Congress," say his advisors. In Washington, objections to the newly elected president’s plan have already been raised by certain Republicans, and some leading Democrats, including then-Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sam Nunn of Georgia. Retired military officers and some groups of pro-military conservatives have also begun to have their say. Lawrence Korb, an analyst at the Center for American Progress and an adviser to the Obama campaign, has advised President Elect Obama to include the lift on the gay ban as “a part of a larger package,” so that it draws less attention and therefore less controversy. When viewed through American eyes, it can be amazing how non-controversial this very issue can be around the world. Some of the countries who already allow gays to serve openly in their militaries are Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Italy, the UK, and Switzerland are only a few of these countries, making the United States one of the few free countries to still ban open homosexuality in their armed forces. Also eye-opening are the comments and criticisms from military personnel. One such commentary came from former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John Shalikashvili, who said in January 2007, “I now believe that if gay men and lesbians served openly in the United States military, they would not undermine the efficacy of the armed forces. Our military has been stretched thin by our deployments in the Middle East, and we must welcome the service of any American who is willing and able to do the job." In December 2007, twenty-eight retired generals spoke out against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, citing evidence 23 that there are currently 65,000 gay men and women in the US armed forces and over 1,000,000 gay veterans. Whether or not our country is ready for his change may not be clear, but the change is coming and we must brace ourselves as a country and embrace what is to come. Goth Kids Are People Too! By: Maxx Rose Recently The Panther Advocate has had some suggestions sent in as to what we should include in our schools newspaper. I questioned a few “Goth” kids in order to separate their fictional stereotype from reality. Note that these questions which, though may sound stupid and rude to you at first, are all included in the “Goth” stereotype and just HAD to be asked. I set out to find these fabled “Goths” and was quite surprised to find that we had a few right here in our own school! Learn something new every day, huh? The names have been changed in order to protect the innocent from harassment of unnamed individuals. Soooooo, how’s life treating ya? Ember: Good. Raven: Good. Chucky Manson: Crappy; terrible. Tye Tye: Same crap, different day. Do you melt in the sun? Ember: Yes. Raven: No…. Chucky Manson: Yes, I hate the sun. Tye Tye: No. Do you believe in Vampires? I do. Ember: No. Raven: No. Chucky Manson: I am one. Tye Tye: Yea, to an extent. If you had to choose to be either a Vampire or a Werewolf, which would you choose? Ember: Vampire. Raven: Vampire. Chucky Manson: Vampire. Tye Tye: Vampire. Skinny jeans: are they hot? Ember: Yea, on guys. Raven: Yea. Chucky Manson: I’ll burn ‘em all! Tye Tye: Yea, I own a pair. Have you ever been associated with any cults of any kind? Ember: No. Raven: No…. Chucky Manson: Yes, all of them. Tye Tye: Yes. Satan: what’s he like? Ember: I don’t believe in him. Raven: I don’t know. Chucky Manson: I love him. Tye Tye: He’s my father. What’s the worst question to ask a Goth kid, and please answer it? Ember: Do you cut yourself-no I don’t. Raven: Are you emo-no I’m not. Chucky Manson: Are you emo- no. Tye Tye: Do you like to kill people- no. OR Are you Satan-no. There are a lot of stupid questions. How many sacrifices do you do per day? Ember: 0 Raven: None. Chucky Manson: Including the four pigs in the morning, about twenty. Tye Tye: None, well one. 24 How many people usually attend these “Satanist Sacrifice Ceremonies”? Ember: I don’t know. Raven: I don’t know. Chucky Manson: Around 150 maybe 152. Tye Tye: I don’t know, how many people are in this school? What’s your favorite color? Ember: Any color with black with it. Raven: Black. Chucky Manson: Pink. Tye Tye: It’s a tie between black, red and pink. Have you any swords? Ember: No. Raven: No. Chucky Manson: Yes, all of them. Tye Tye: No, but I do have an axe. So what do you do when you’re NOT Goth? Ember: I don’t know. Raven: That’s complicated. Chucky Manson: Listen to country music. Tye Tye: I’m sleeping or lying in bed in my pajama’s trying to sleep or watching T.V. What are your feelings on angels? Ember: They’re ok. Raven: They’re not real. Chucky Manson: I eat angels for breakfast. Tye Tye: Everyone has an angel. How are your plans to take over the world going? Ember: Not so good. Raven: Bad. Chucky Manson: Excellent. Tye Tye: Dreadfully fine. How do you decorate your dungeon? Ember: In my room I have statues of Gargoyles everywhere. Raven: If I had one it’d be red. Chucky Manson: It’s white with pink flowers and polka dots. Tye Tye: Bare at the moment, I have magazine pictures and my drawings on the walls. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Ember: He’s Hot. Raven: He’s Amazing. Chucky Manson: He’s sexy. Tye Tye: He’s a trend setter. Do you use the spare chains on your pants to choke people? Ember: No. Raven: No. Chucky Manson: Yes, often. Tye Tye: Only when needed. 25 Creative Writing Crimson Creek continues By: Jeffree Angel The wind felt icy as it swept my hair behind me, burning my eyes as I compelled my legs to sprint more rapidly. They scorched as though engulfed in flames seething each muscle. Several times, I almost plunged face-first onto the rigid, damp ground but I kept my balance enough to move on. The leaves crunched and rustled around my feet, the dark branches whip-lashing the sides of me as I pushed my way through the dark woods. It seemed forever before I emerged into the radiant lights of the dazzling city which I adored so dearly. I did not give myself the time of day to acknowledge the beauty for all that I could ponder were the thought of two grim, blood-thirsting vampires. As I darted down the sidewalks, I could feel eyes upon me. The eyes of citizens, all concerned for the reason in which I am running so swiftly. Surely I was being followed, right? I did not hesitate to glance behind me until I emerged to the dimly lit streetlights of my road. When I did not see a glimpse of anyone following, I slowed down my pace, still gasping to catch my breath. My heart stuttered when I noticed that my roommate Jessica’s deep blue Mercedes was not parked in the driveway of our apartment. All of the lights inside were off as well. Nobody was home. As I drifted closer, my mind raced. I had not a clue of what I should do. Should I call the cops? No, that would cause far too much controversy and I wasn’t too fond of those officers, anyways. That was eliminated. Should I call Jessica and hide away in a closet until she returned? No, she would not believe me and just think that I was under the influence of drugs or something along that path. I sighed. I could never imagine Jade as a killer. He just seemed so kind-hearted and harmless. I had to be seeing things. Nothing else would explain finding Jade slaying that innocent girl. Then again, he being a vampire would explain why he kept ranting and questioning on about them. It all made sense now. All I wanted was to never speak to him again. How could he keep something like this away from me? I’m his best friend. Well, I was his best friend. I finally reached the front door. I quickly placed my hand on the cold, stainless steel knob and twisted it softly. My stomach twisted as the unexplainable feeling of somebody watching me took over. I glanced all around to nothing but emptiness. I knew I was just being paranoid. I then gently pushed the door open; it creaked as I did so. As soon as I stepped in, I was instantly impaled by the lovely aroma of lilacs. Jessica loved burning candles and flower scents were her favorites. I moved my hand to the wall automatically and clicked the light switches on. Radiant lights filled up the living room instantly and I was pleased to find that everything was just as I left it. Our apartment was adequate. The living room connected to the kitchen and a bathroom and the hallway consisted of two bedrooms and another bathroom. There was originally a dining room but Jessica and I expanded the living room into it because we used the television much more than a dinner table. I then strolled over to the beige, plush loveseat and gently sat myself down. As I did, I sunk slightly into the warm, soft cushion. I took a deep breath began to think deeply. I had no clue what to do about Jade; he is most likely aware that I know now and that is just going to screw everything up. I wished I had not followed him into the woods. He needed his privacy and now, because I was stupid and nosy, I am going to lose a friend. I can not stay friends with a bloodsucking killer. I sat up when I noticed a small, folded piece of paper on the coffee table before me. I moved my hand to it and curiously picked it up. This was odd; Jessica never leaves notes. I then realized that it was not from Jessica. It was from Jade. I knew his handwriting. Kind of shoddily written was the name ‘Claire,’ I unfolded the note and began to read it to myself. It read: Dear Claire, Earlier tonight, you witnessed an event I had always hoped you would not ever see. Now before you do anything drastic, I would like you to hear me out. Remember when I attended Clyde’s party without you that one time? Well, that was the night I changed, if you have not noticed. He had some uninvited visitors and I do not want to get into detail but there was a fight and I was bitten while discovering who my brother truly was. Clyde and I are both vampires. I want you to know that this is not the life I chose but there is nothing I can do now. I can not live like this. I miss eating ice cream and loving it; I miss going to the mall and movies without getting the temptation to rip someone to shreds and eat them; most of all, I miss spending everyday with you but I knew it was too dangerous for you to be around me. I hate this life so much that I would kill myself if I could. All I have is guilt for the innocent ones in which I have taken the lives of. That seems punishment enough. Hear me out. Sincerely, Jade That was it. I read through the note again, hoping it would all change but it was the same. I had no idea what to think now. All of the anger I had just felt for him was now gone. All the wondering if he cared about me was gone. He still does care and that is enough to keep my mouth shut. Suddenly, I heard the delicate, warm voice speak “Claire.” 26 I glanced to the hall to see Jade standing there, a bit uneasy. My stomach turned as I noticed his hair was windblown and messy and his clothes were glistening crimson red. His eyes smoldered, filled with worry as he gazed at me. Then it hit me. I knew the girl in the field. An image flashed back and I could finally put the face to a name. It was Jessica. “You killed Jessica…” I whispered quietly. I shot my eyes at Jade and his widened. Happy Birthday To You!! December 1 December 10 December 20 December 30 Destiny Aubin :) Patrick Dawson :) Brian Hoffman :) Steven Laflamma :) Douglas Lajeunesse :) Jennifer Mineau :) Garrett Desjardins :) Brent Gardiner :) Connor LaFlamme :) Ryan Arpin :) Nathan Etchells :) Kurtis Needham :) Brandon Wisniewski :) December 21 December 2 December 11 Ieshia Carrier :) Nicholas D’Amico :) Benjamin Adams :) Tyler Coutu :) Samantha Graf :) Katerina Higgins :) Nicole Walmsley December 3 Malorie Arsenault :) Stephanie Garcia :) Sean Bushey :) Marcus Tichenor :) December 31 Teagan Brewster :) Joshua Giroux :) December 22 Alan Kovacs Jr. :) John Zastowsky :) December 13 December 4 Laura Gorman :) Eric MacMahon :) Trevor Phillips :) Ian Courtemanche :) December 5 Hayden Brewster :) Aaron LaPorte :) December 14 Gina Lopez :) Jayne Thompson :) Christina White :) Justine Lane:) December 24 Jamal Bowser :) Brandon Brunelle :) Damien Burch :) Cody Roberge :) December 25 Mallorie Swabby :) December 15 December 6 James Bernier :) Brooke Lena :) Aaron Nadeau :) Chad Nadeau :) Jonathan Cote :) December 16 Eric Barylski :) December 27 Hayden Beausoleil :) Tasha Gaudreau :) Alexandra Rivera :) Kayla Salony :) December 8 December 17 December 28 Mr. Murray :) Nicholas Cote :) Nathaniel Wildes :) Jessica Collins :) Sarah Cousens :) Barry Maily :) Joseph Bryant :) Cole Fowler :) December 9 December 19 Even Desrosiers :) Amanda Flyte :) Chelsea Forcier :) Christina Mailloux :) Kelsey Bonomi :) Devaney Henderson :) December 29 Conor Boisse :) Jessica Fontaine :) Laura Lyle :) Nikolas Ververis :) 27 QVMF, What Does It Mean? Article and Pictures by: Archibald Mahlon Manchester I get off the bus and walk into the auditorium at Griswold High School. The air is buzzing with chatter as we await the arrival of the students from other participating school so that we can get started. It is 12:50 in the afternoon and select students from Plainfield High School (including yours truly) have been chosen for their skills with their chosen instrument (or voice) to participate in the Quinebaug Valley Music Festival. After what felt like an eternity (although in reality, it was probably only about ten to twenty minutes), Frank May, Festival Manager, walks in and introduces the band and chorus directors from the participating schools. He then bids us adieu and we all go to our respective rehearsal areas. The Honors Band had to go to the Griswold band room and the Honors Choir stayed in the auditorium. Because of this and the fact that we were going to be packed in the band room, we had to leave our belongings and instrument cases along the walls of the auditorium. In the band room, we are told important information, like where the exits and restrooms are. Then we are introduced to the Honors Band Director: Jay Wilson. He starts off by telling us a bit about himself and his musical background. When he finished talking, we tuned and started warming up. First, we ran through the three tunes we had to play. Since it was our first time playing together, there were some initial problems, like playing at a totally different pace to what we had practiced at. Then we started going through the parts of the songs that needed the most improvement. After a while, Mr. Wilson sent us off to work in sectionals, with other people with similar parts. The low brass, woodwinds and strings went to a room, the high woodwinds to one room, the high brass to a room, the Alto Saxes and horns to a room and the percussion section stayed in the band room. Since I play the Baritone Saxophone, I went with the lows to practice. After about an hour of practice, we go back to the band room to rehearse as a whole for a little while longer. At around six-fifteen, we got to eat dinner. If we paid for food, we received a ticket and we brought them to Griswold’s cafeteria to get our food. We give the volunteer our tickets and we are given the grinder that we chose. We then walk along the table to receive a bag of Lays Original and a soda of our choice. About fifteen minutes after we start eating, the honors choir walks in and does what we had to get food. After a while, Griswold's volunteers bring in a cart full of baked goods or everyone. I get up to get a few cookies and then the other students swarmed. It was like a stampede, where everyone was so desperate for cookies, cupcakes and brownies, that I was being trampled. So I grabbed my cookies and got back to the table as fast as I could so I wouldn't perish under the feet of other musicians. At six, it was back to the metaphorical grindstone to practice for another hour and a half. At seven-thirty, we get a fifteen minute break to have a drink of water, use the bathroom or just socialize. Fifteen minutes later, we are back in the band room and we are just about ready to leave, but we rehearse for another forty-five minutes. At eight-thirty, we are finally dismissed and we can go home. We pack up all of our stuff and after a quick fifteen minute bus ride, we are finally back at the school and ready to be picked up by parents who were called up before we left Griswold's parking lot. 28 Entertainment Upcoming Concerts Article By: Gurtel Rouss Foxwoods Theatre: \12/5/2008 David Byrne Tickets: $55.00 & $66.00 Starting Time: 9:00 PM 1/17/2009 Billy Ray Cyrus Tickets: $44.00 & $55.00 Starting Time: 8:00 PM 2/6/2009 JEWEL Tickets: $55.00 & $66.00 Starting Time: 8:00 PM Mohegan Sun Arena: 12/4/2008 Tim McGraw Tickets: $50.00 $70.00 $90.00 Starting Time: 8:00 PM 12/27/08 Chris Brown Tickets: $65 & $85 Starting Time: 8:00 PM 1/3/2009 Lynyrd Skynyrd Tickets: $45.00 & $65.00 Starting Time: 8:00 PM Dunkin Donuts Center: 12/4/2008 T.I. & T-Pain Tickets: $199 Starting Time: 7:00 PM 2/11/2009 Barry Manilow Tickets: $128-$433 Starting Time: 8:00 PM Pictures From: 29 Entertainment I Want to Play a Game! Thrills, chills and of course another game. The first installment of the Saw series is a bit different than all the previous movies. Detective Hoffman, the final person to carry out the Jigsaw legacy, hasn’t been as sneaky as he thought. Agent Strahm, a FBI agent who was a victim in one of Hoffman’s bloody games, caught on to him very fast. Hoffman tried to kill Strahm and become the hero for rescuing a kidnapped little girl and being the only survivor. Strahm foiled Hoffman’s plan by escaping his deadly trap. The most grotesque scene in this movie was the opening scene. Seth Baxter, the man who killed Hoffman’s sister and was released from jail on a technicality was chained underneath a pendulum. He was told that either he crushes his hands between two weights or he would be cut in half by the pendulum. Even though he crushed his hand, his body was still cut in two. Although the suspense level captured viewers’ attention, the lack of amazing contraptions might be a disappointment to some. A typical Saw movie consists of an abundance of Jigsaw’s homemade torture machines; but Saw V failed to deliver such gruesome traps. When I first knew there was going to be a fifth movie, I went to read the synopsis online. The synopsis said that we would be informed about what Jigsaw’s ex-wife, Jill Tuck, had to do with his games. This movie was also supposed to go into detail about the glass box that was used in this film, but none of these points were brought up in the film. People who were looking forward to this information might have felt a little disappointed walking out of the movie theatre. One thing Saw lovers might enjoy about the Saw movies are how they keep you guessing. Throughout the whole movie there are tons and tons of twists and turns that throw the viewers off. By the time the movie ends the viewers know that there is definitely going to be another movie which gets them excited to see what’s in store for them next. The next chapter in the Saw series will be released on October 23, 2009. “You won’t believe how it ends.” Shaken, Not Stirred Review by: Rondell Masterson Daniel Craig The film opens to a tranquil scene of a mountain-side road, with the still of the atmosphere being nearly tangible. The camera pans over the quiet backdrop, allowing the viewer to soak in every detail of the display. Suddenly, the movie cuts to a booming explosion that rocks the theatre. The camera snaps to James Bond weaving in and out of traffic, escaping from the bodyguards of the man he kidnapped just minutes before. And so begins the adventures of the new James Bond. Quantum of Solace, released on Friday, November 14, picks up right where Casino Royale left off, with 007 chasing the shadowy organization responsible for the death of his true love. Reprising his role as Bond, Daniel Craig continues to satisfy audiences. Unfortunately, his performance leaves something to be desired. He’s becoming increasingly frigid and unemotional. If Craig wants to go down as the greatest Bond in history (and some are already hailing him as such), he’ll need to find a way to turn this weakness into a strength. The new Bond girl, Camille (Olga Kurylenko), suffered from this same foible. Her character seemed less of a genuine addition to the storyline and more of a forced afterthought. Her cold demeanor and general lack of interesting qualities causes her to be forgotten quickly. The plot has a lot of potential, but speeds up too quickly. It just starts picking up steam when it suddenly ends. Camille’s life-long vendetta against General Medrano is drawn out for one final satisfying fight scene; however, Bond’s final fight against the main villain was half-hearted and anti-climactic. The main enemy of Bond this time around is the eco-terrorist Dominic Greene (Mathieu Amalric) (and likely not the only dastardly Greene that you know) who manipulates world events by taking control of the world’s most important resource. Mathieu reported that he modeled his character after the “smile of Tony Blair, and the craziness of Sarkozy”, something which he succeeded at on a grand scale. Some have said that he wasn’t “menacing” or “scary” enough to be a Bond villain, but they frankly missed the point of the character. His desperation and hidden insanity make for an unpredictable character and therefore far scarier than any mass of muscle. He was arguably one of the best Bond villains in a long time. After Casino Royale, people had unreasonably high expectations for Quantum of Solace, expectations that were undoubtedly unmet. In these ridiculously high expectations and the following disappointment, people failed to see that it was a genuinely decent movie. Not great, but it’s not terrible. It’s ultimately, if nothing else, the epitome of mediocrity. 30 Review by: John Michaels. House of Hilton By: Dr. Norris Stilletto III For this interview with Paris Hilton, we are talking over the phone and I also e-mailed the questions and answers to verify accuracy. Interview on November 14, 2008. So, to start off, how old are you right now? I’m twenty-seven now. Right off the bat, what do you really think about all the rumors going around about you? OH MY GOD! What rumors?! . . . Really? Who is talking about me? Nobody, sorry, lets move on. No, who is talking about me?! (After a long argument about nobody saying anything bad about her.) So, what do you do for a living now? I’m doing a show called “Paris Hilton My New BFF.” Is it still on? You don’t watch it? No, sorry. (Silence for a moment.) Yeah, so how’s your dog? Which one are you on now? Oh, Tinkerbell? Yeah, I guess she is okay, but she is being a very bad girl! Oh. But, um, I kinda want to ask about all the things in the media, like singing. Are you going to keep on singing? Or have you given up? Given up? Well, I’m like not sure. Mom and Dad wanted me to keep it up and stuff, but people are starting to think that I’m a (cough cough) druggie. I heard that when you were younger you had an eating disorder. Do you still have it? Yeah, that was messed up. I got over it with like hundreds of pills. But why did you do it in the first place? I was tubby in school. When you were in school, did you get good grades? To be all honest and stuff, I did a lot of drugs before. I haven’t done any in like ten years. You were on the news not too long ago because you were in jail for possible drugs and drinking though. Yeah, they gave me a shot of whiskey or something just before arresting me. I think… I see . . . So what you are saying is that you are innocent from everything that you have been prosecuted for? About the drinking charges? Yeah. Wow, that seems a bit unlikely. I didn’t tell you to believe me. Okaaay, I think that’s enough. Tell Tinkerbell that I said hi. She is being horrible, I think I’ll give her away. Oh my God! I’ll sell her for money! Or trade her in.'s_My_New_BFF That’s, uh, wonderful then. See ya. 31 Entertainment Here’s Johnny! By: Jeffree Angel Pictures from and I am positively sure we have all heard of the name Johnny Depp; whether it was from his many awards he has won or the countless movies he has appeared in. If not the name Johnny Depp then surely you have heard of Jack Sparrow, Gilbert Grape or Sweeney Todd. Here is a bit about him you may not know. His full name is John Christopher Depp II and believe it or not, Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963. He deceives us with his young looking features but he is, in face forty-five years old! He was born in Owensboro, Kentucky but never stayed too long. In his younger years, he had lived in over twenty different locations. His mother is Betty Sue Palmer and his father is named John Christopher Depp. He has a brother named Danny and two sisters, Christie (also his manager) and Debbie. Johnny Depp’s life has not always been so perfect. In 1978, when he was just fifteen years old, Johnny Depp’s parents divorced and it crushed his world. He soon turned to self injury for comfort. He began to drink a lot and started to do drugs. He also began to injure himself with knives. When asked why he stated, “My body is like a journal in a way. It’s like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist.” He also mentioned, “It was really just whatever-good times, bad times, it didn’t matter. There was no ceremony. It wasn’t like ‘Okay this just happened, I have to go hack a piece of my flesh off.’” Despite that, Depp has not always been completely in love with acting, he was also a big music fan. He actually dropped out of high school at age sixteen to become a musician. He was in a band called The Kids who actually once opened up for Iggy Pop. It was not until his former wife Lori Allison introduced him to Nicholas Cage that he wanted a career in acting. In 1984, when he was twenty-one years old, Depp made his film debut on “Nightmare on Elm Street.” Since then his career has skyrocketed and he was privileged when he replaced Jeff Yagher on the television series “21 Jump Street” in 1987. In 1990, Depp joined Tim Burton for their first movie together “Edward Scissorhands” and then they became close and are still making movies together until this day. To name a few more, he has played in “Corpse Bride”, “Sweeney Todd” and the wonderful remake of “Charlie in the Chocolate Factory”. You can also look forward to seeing Depp in another Tim Burton remake of “Alice in Wonderland”. He will be playing the Mad Hatter. Tim Burton also was a guest speaker for Depp on November 19, 1999 after he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. On another note, Depp is now also the godfather of Tim Burton’s children. Depp now lives in London with Vanessa Paradis, whom he considers his wife and his children, Jack and Lily-Rose. He loves to watch films such as “Finding Nemo” and “Shrek” with Lily-Rose. Depp is so kind-hearted that after filming “Sleepy Hollow,” he adopted Goldeneye, who played the one-eyes horse in the movie, in order to save him from a glue factory. He also learned French in order to converse with Vanessa Paradis’ parents. He has also won many awards such as People’s Sexiest Man Alive in 2003, E!’s 2003 Entertainer of the Year and #6 in the 2008 Forbes The Celebrity 100 list. You can catch Depp in theaters once more shortly. “Public Enemies” and “Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” are movies that Depp is appearing in next year. “Alice in Wonderland” is due to release in 2010 and in 2011, he is rumored to be in “Rango,” “Dark Shadows,” and “Sin City 3.” Depp is also rumored to be playing The Riddler in the next Batman. Be prepared for another Depp masterpiece, I know I will. 32 MGM Grand at Foxwoods By: Kofi Kingston Have you ever wanted to just drift away into a sweet escape? Well finally you can fulfill that dream right here in Connecticut because the MGM Grand at Foxwoods gives you the satisfaction of enticing all your senses, being the premier entertainment destination on this side of the east coast. There’s no telling what could happen next with the nonstop action and the party life environment. There’s something exciting behind every corner. Enter a world of endless possibility and entertainment. Checking out this new hot spot will be an experience like no other. MGM Grand Contains The Following Amenities: img/2008/05/18/amd_foxwoodscasino.jpg Stay: MGM Grand at Foxwoods is a dynamic entertainment type of place that offers the up most in lavish accommodations. Dining: With and endless array of delicious cuisine the MGM Grand provides with in the six A-list restaurants: Alta Starda, Craft Steak, Gelato Café, Juniors, the prominent restaurant/ night club Shrine, and the Food Court. http:// 54_2bfb896900.jpg Gelato Café: Offers 24 flavors of gelato ice cream, along with Godiva and Joseph Schmidt chocolate with gourmet items. Alta Starda: Has that traditional Italian flair with modern day delicacy. The 225-seat restaurant offers both indoor and outdoor dinning. Junior’s: Starting out as a Brooklyn, N.Y. landmark offering New York comfort food serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It now resides in Connecticut’s very own MGM Grand at Foxwoods. With this intimate setting you can never go wrong. Junior’s serves mouth watering deli sandwiches, salads, famous 10-ounce steak burgers, and of course its world famous cheesecake and other skyscraper-sized desserts. Craft Steak: Get your grub on here with a wide variety of steaks including corn-fed and grass-fed beef and varied of Wagyu Beef. Shrine: The greatest experience at the MGM Grand posing as a multipurpose venue, restaurant by day and nightclub by dusk. With real Pan-Asian cuisine, you can’t go wrong. The Food Court: A high tech food court that serves everything from hand toss wood oven pizza to deli food to Pan-Asian foods and fresh local seafood. MGM Grand Theater: A state of the art 4,000 seat theater that hosts many of the biggest names in entertainment along with off-broad way productions and comedy shows. With up close theatre style seating; the last row is only forty-two yards from the stage. It is the center piece of the MGM Grand with intricate design. Shops: With a plethora of items to explore and buy at the shops of the MGM Grand, there’s endless enticement. With stores such as Mac Appeal, Balley and Dunhill, Grand Effects, and Dream Rewards gallery you will be appealed by the stores maculate setting. Mac Appeal sells the latest in iPods, iMacs, and iPhones. Balley and Dunhill are top of the line formal clothing stores that provide men and women’s apparel with tailored clothing. Then theres Grand Effects which provides authentic MGM Grand logo gear for souvenirs. Last but not least theres Dream Rewards gallery a emporium of alluring gifts for players club card holders. ***MGM Grand at Foxwoods will be a time you won’t forget!!! You’ll walk out a new confident person, and be flabbergasted at the magnificent décor!!! Go Check It Out!!! 33 Entertainment PS3 More expensive Some better games, ps3 more for racing Less games than 360 Has Blu-Ray Online isn’t very good More memory generally Xbox 360 Less expensive More shootem-up games More games Online is very good Red Ring of Death! Often breaks, and costs about $150 to send back for repairs Trustable performance-wise Less memory generally 34 “Well, dude, which one do you honestly think is better? The Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3? I don’t have much cash, but I’ll get more if I need to. I know some things about each of them, but I can’t come to a conclusion.” So many times I have heard this, and I have stated the facts. I personally like the 360, so expect better opinions about them. Overall, most PS3 games have better quality yet you can buy both games for around the same price. The PS3 is about $380-$450 (depending on where you get it and how much memory is on it), and the games are most commonly $60. If you are planning to buy a PS3, then you can either get a 60 gig, which is $340 in GameStop, or you can buy one used. Xbox 360’s descendant, the original Xbox, set the standards that the 360 has met spectacularly. Plus, since the original’s games were and are still so popular, the 360 can still play some of the original Xbox games. So instead of giving away your games, sell it to a flea market, but make sure you take 15-20% off the regular cost. The buyers will try to cheat you out of your money. Don’t ever sell the games to Gamestop! You will get half your money at best, which is never worth it unless you are returning a useless game, which they usually check. Anyways, you can use your old games with your new 360. Currently, the used 360 is about $150 at GameStop, and the Elite version is about $200. The games for it are most generally $60-$70. Buying games used can save you about 5-10 dollars per game and they should always work well. If they don’t work always go back to the store you bought it from. Both games consoles have good games, racing, FPS and RPG games. Xbox’s best game, also commented as best game ever, are Halo’s 1, 2 and 3. One and two are for the original Xbox and the computer, but the third is 360 only. Playstation’s best game is, and I hate to say it, all of the Grand Theft Autos. They are for the computer, Game Boy Advance and all Playstations. Lastly, I have added some pictures and a grid, which has some of the statistics for both games. The pictures are a modded 360 (right) and a modded and very nice PS3 (left). Hope this helped your decision of what game console to buy. xbox360_mod_1.jpg Xbox 360 Vs. PS3-which PWNS the Other? Article by: Dr. Norris Stilletto III Carrey on my WayWords By: Jeffree Angel Jim Carrey, an actor most of us are familiar with. What is he up to you may ask? Well he is in a new movie called “Yes Man”, which is based on a novel about a man who, for six months, says ‘yes’ every time he normally would have said ‘no’ in order to make his life more interesting. It is a comedy and with Jim Carrey, it truly will be hilarious. Look for it in theaters on December 19th. So for remembrance, this is a word search of previous characters Jim Carrey brought to life. 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We were able to visit the first President’s actual home, Mount Vernon. They saw the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, the resting place of our brave soldiers. The students were able to go through the permanent exhibit at the Holocaust Museum on the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass in Germany. We saw the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. We visited the National Zoo and we visited all the major monuments at night to see them spectacularly lit up. And we culminated our visit to our nation’s capitol by observing Veterans Day at the Vietnam Memorial with the veterans of that war and the 36
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