Inside This Issue - Village of Oswego


Inside This Issue - Village of Oswego
100 Parkers Mill
Oswego, IL 60543
(fax) 630-554-3306
Volume 22, Issue 4
Serving the Village of Oswego Since 1833
Winter 2014
Celebrate your Holidays with the Village of Oswego
Inside This Issue
From the Clerk
page 2
page 3
Public Works
page 4
Economic Development
page 7
PoliceHistoric Preservation
page 10
page 12
No Parking 2am - 6am
on Village Streets
the Village President
Oswego Village Board
Brian LeClercq............... Village President
Dear Fellow Oswegoans,
Tina Touchette......................Village Clerk
It feels like someone is making me eat lima beans. (Sorry to offend anyone that
actually likes them). That is how I feel about this weather. Who ordered this? Where
did summer go? It went by so fast, and it wasn’t from a lack of community events.
In fact, we had more than ever. Thank you to those who attended and special thanks
to all the volunteers. This is what makes our community great.
Gail Johnson.....................Village Trustee
For those of you that felt like you missed out, fear not. Our annual Christmas
Walk is upon us. Please stop by, say hello and enjoy the weekend! This is really a
good time to relax, be thankful, and reflect on the past year. And speaking of being
thankful, I am truly blessed to be a part of this community. We had several new
businesses call Oswego home. Stop in and check out all the sales.
Hobby Lobby recently opened in the old Lowes site. DSW Shoes will be opening
in the spring and there is more to come. Village Staff is working hard to fill empty
space and bring new things to Oswego.
You can see why I believe Oswego is the best place to live, work, and play. Happy
Brian LeClercq
Village President
Judy Sollinger....................Village Trustee
Pam Parr...........................Village Trustee
Scott Volpe.......................Village Trustee
Terry Michels......................Village Trustee
Tony Giles..........................Village Trustee
Steve Jones ............Village Administrator
Jeff Burgner..................... Chief of Police
Christina Burns.......................Asst. Village
Administrator/HR Dirctor
Vijay Gadde............................Economic
Development Director
Mark Horton...................Finance Director
Tom Panke...............Interim Building and
Zoning Manager
Jennifer Hughes......Public Works Director
Rod Zenner.......................... Community
Development Director
This newsletter is published quarterly
and mailed to 13,000 Oswego postal
customers. Comments, suggestions and
questions are welcome.
Report a Problem
It’s easy to report a pothole, damaged street signs, or
other local service requests – simply visit the Village
of Oswego website at or download
the mobile app. It makes reporting a problem to the
Village of Oswego easier than ever. With each request,
we encourage you to attach a photo or video, as a
visual reference which will help the Village quickly
identify the problem. Residents can track the status
of reports they or other members of the community
have submitted and follow your issue from the time
it is reported until it is resolved. Oswego Village staff
responds to requests Monday through Friday between
8 am and 3 pm. If this report comes in on a holiday,
weekend or after-hours, it will be read on the next business day. If you would like to report an
issue with your smart phone, please download our Oswego Click n’ Fix mobile app. NOTE:
for emergencies or other urgent matters that require immediate attention or a police response,
dial 9-1-1.
If you have a smartphone, and would like to report an issue, please download our app.
100 Parkers Mill
Oswego, IL 60543
Offices: 630-554-3618
Fax: 630-554-3306
Village Departments
Building & Zoning.....................554-2310
Community Development.......554-4636
Economic Development.........551-2335
Police (Non-Emergency)..........551-7300
Public Works.............................554-3242
Village Clerk.............................554-3259
Utility / Water Billing...................554-2282
Newsletter Advertising...............554-4636
Oswego Click ‘n Fix is available for download as on app on the following platforms:
Published by the Village of Oswego
2 WINTER | 2014
From the Clerk
One (1
1) Villagee
nt Position
7, 2015
Three (3) Trusteee
**Each for a four
(4) yeear term
• The following terms are exxpiring:
• Villagge Presiden
nt Brian LeeClercq
• Villagge Trustee Gail Johnsson, Tony G
Giles, Terryy Michels
• To be eligible to run
n for Village Office you m
• be a qualified elecctor/registerred voter
• not be
e in arrears of
o any indebtedness duee to the mun
• not haave been con
nvicted in anny court locaated in the U
U.S. of any
crime,, bribery, perjury or otheer felony [655 ILCS 5/3.1-10-5]
• reside
e in the muniicipality for oone (1) yearr preceding tthe election
• Special requirement
ts for those in active millitary servicee [65 ILCS
• Dates to
o Remember:
• Septem
mber 23rd -----First day tto circulate p
• Decem
mber 15th-22
2nd ---- Petittions filed att Village Clerk's Office
duringg normal bussiness hourss
• Early Voting----V
23, 20015 through April 4, 201
• Candid
dates are to
t file as N
Business Registration Requirement
• All persons conducting business within the Village shall register their
• All businesses must renew annually
• Registration applies to both home and commercial businesses
• Commercial businesses must:
• Verify properly zoned
• Obtain a certificate of occupancy
• Schedule an on-site inspection
• Pay required fees
• Be issued a business registration certificate before opening or
conducting business
• Home businesses must:
• Verify the home occupation is permitted
• Pay required fees
• Be issued a business registration certificate before opening or
conducting business
• Non-for-profit orgnaizations will be required to register. Please contact
the Village Clerk's Office for more information
Registration Fees and Fines
• Certificate of Occupancy Fee = $90.00
• Commercial Registration Fee = $50.00; Annual Fee = $25.00
• Home Registration Fee = $25.00; Annual Fee = $10.00
• Non-For-Profit Registration Fee = $0.00
• Failure to obtain a business registration will result in a first offense fine
of $55.00.
• Business registration applications can be obtained from the Village
Clerk's Office or from the Village's website at
Wishing you and yours
a ver� Happy Holidays!
~ Village President &
Board of Tr�stees
homeowners who do not operate a
business out of their residence will not
be required to register their alarm
Did You
The Village
Clerk's Office
has a new
Please visit
Choose the
Government tab
and click on
"Village Clerk"
Public Works
Snow Removal
When snow has accumulated upon any streets two inches or more, do
not park or leave your vehicle unattended in the street. Your vehicle
is in danger of being struck by other vehicles. It also hampers snow
removal. Unfortunately, our plows cannot stop to remove snow
around your car. You will have to dig it out, so move it before the
plow gets there. Once the snow stops and the streets have been
plowed, you may again park in the street.
Although plow drivers take care to selectively place snow, we
unfortunately need to place more snow at intersections. We
appreciate your help in clearing snow from curb ramps and around
fire hydrants. Do not blow or plow snow into the streets when
clearing your driveways and sidewalks. This creates issues for drivers
and neighbors and is against the law.
Visibility from within snowplows is limited. We ask you to talk to
your children about keeping a safe distance from the snowplow. Keep
snow forts away from the street and islands. You should keep your
garbage cans and recycling totes out of the street so the plows do not
hit them.
When conducting snow plowing, we prioritize collector roads such
as Douglas Road and Boulder Hill Pass as these roads provide access
for large areas. We then address neighborhood streets followed by
cul-de-sacs and alleys. The Village contracts with a private service to
plow cul-de-sacs.
Water Service Lines
Last winter’s harsh cold temperatures caused some water service lines
to freeze. You can minimize the potential for frozen lines by running
a small stream of water through your faucet on cold days. For more
information, visit
New Anti-Icing Program
Secure Your Mailbox
If you discover that your mailbox is damaged, please report it within
three (3) business days of the snow event to the Public Works
Department at 630-554-3242, or by reporting it through Oswego
Click-‘n-Fix. A Public Works representative will assess the damage
to determine if plow blade or vehicle caused the damage. If this is
the determination, the Village will reimburse the homeowner in an
amount not to exceed $75.00 for repairs or a new mailbox. If the
Village determines that thrown snow or other indeterminate issue
caused the damage, the Village will not provide reimbursement.
You must submit receipts for reimbursement by April 30, 2015,
to the Public Works Department. We cannot issue payments after
that date. All repairs and replacements of all mailboxes will be the
responsibility of the homeowner.
An Overview of NPDES Phase 2
Stormwater runoff is a major source of water pollution. When rain falls
or snow melts, it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt, and other pollutants
and often flows directly into lakes, streams, and wetlands. As areas
experience growth and development, impervious surfaces such as roads,
parking lots, and rooftops increase. Effective management of stormwater
is a community effort that requires investment in public infrastructure
coupled with changes in corporate and personal behavior.
Stormwater is a major concern of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). Congress directed the EPA to develop a Federal program
under the Clean Water Act to regulate all discharges into public waters
including stormwater runoff from urbanized areas (as defined by the
census). The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) issues
stormwater discharge permits under the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES). The Village of Oswego is regulated under
Phase 2 of the NPDES program. The IEPA, through the use of NPDES
permits, monitors municipal programs and practices that were put in
place to control polluted stormwater runoff.
The Public Works Department is prepared to take on the challenges of
winter as well. New this year will be an anti-icing program that will
supplement our fleet of snowplows. The anti-icing program consists
of two applications of liquids. We apply a mixture of salt brine (water
and Sodium Chloride), an agricultural-based liquid product (typically
beet juice), and liquid Calcium Chloride prior to the start of the
event. We custom make the mixture based upon projected pavement
temperatures, air temperatures, and wind speed. You will know that
we have put this mixture in place when you see telltale longitudinal
stripes on the pavement. We can place this mixture on the pavement
up to 48 hours prior to the start of the snow.
Phase 2 defines a small MS4 stormwater management program as a
program comprising six elements that, when implemented, are expected
to result in significant reductions of pollutants discharged into receiving
water bodies. The six MS4 program elements are termed “minimum
control measures” and are as follows:
We make a second application of liquid to the rock salt just prior to
distributing the salt onto the road. The liquid helps activate the salt,
allows it to work to colder temperatures, and reduces bounce when
the salt hits the pavement.
Water quality affects everyone and Phase 2 is intended to further reduce
impacts to water quality and aquatic habitat by instituting the use of
controls on the unregulated sources of stormwater discharges that have
the greatest likelihood of causing continued environmental degradation.
The Village has improved the overall water quality in the Village through
the adoption of ordinances that contribute to the improvement of water
quality, as well as the tracking and monitoring of stormwater discharges.
The anti-icing system has several benefits. The most important
benefit is that it will help us remove snow and ice from the pavement
faster and to lower temperatures. A second benefit is that it will help
us reduce the average amount of salt applied during each storm by
15-20%. This reduction saves us money and helps the environment.
4 Public Education and Outreach
Public Participation/Involvement
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post-Construction Runoff Control
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
If you have any questions relating to NPDES Phase 2, please contact
Jennifer Hughes, Director of Public Works at 630-554-3242.
WINTER | 2014
Public Works
Econmic Development
Important Information About Your
Drinking Water
Monitoring Requirements Not Met for Village of Oswego
Our water system violated a drinking water standard over the past year.
Even though these were not emergencies, as our customers, you have a
right to know what happened and what we did to correct these situations.
We are required to monitor your drinking water for specific contaminants
on a regular basis. Results of regular monitoring are an indicator of
whether or not our drinking water meets health standards. During
4/1/2014- 6/30/2014 we did not complete all monitoring for Combined
Radium and therefore cannot be sure of the quality of our drinking water
during that time.
3,4, and 5 year olds. Open enrollment for children
turning 3 after September 1st
Teacher and Aide in every classroom
Jennifer Diederich, Director
What should I do?
There is nothing you need to do at this time.
The table below lists the contaminant(s) we did not properly test
for during the last year, how often we are supposed to sample for
this contaminant, how many samples we are supposed to take, how
many samples we took, when samples should have been taken, and
the date on which follow-up samples were (or will be) taken.
When all
When samples
of Samples
samples should
were or will be
have been taken
What happened? What is being done?
The Village of Oswego failed to sample TP02 (Well 4) for
Combined Radium during the second quarter of monitoring
sampling. During a portion of second quarter monitoring period
Well 4 was out of service for routine maintenance to replace media
which filters out Combined Radium. This sample was pulled
immediately after the well was back in service and determined to be
in compliance with EPA regulations.
For more information, please contact Jerry Weaver at 630-554-3242
or at 100 Theodore Drive Oswego IL. 60543 .
Please share this information with all the other people who drink
this water, especially those who may not have received this notice
directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes,
schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a
public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.
This notice is being sent to you by the Village of Oswego .
Water System ID# 0930150
Date distributed 11-24-2014
just like you, We’ve
made osWego our Home!
We are here to help our community grow!
Here is HoW We are Helping
tHe groWtH in osWego:
• Millennium Sponsor of Oswego PrairieFest
• Contributed $20,000 in scholarships to
Oswego and Oswego East High Schools
• $10,000 in athletic donations to both high
• Platinum Oswego Chamber member
• Founder of the Oswego Crosstown Challenge
• Financing local business growth
PH: 630-554-8899
Economic Development News
Oswego’s Retail Vacancy at a record
low of 5.2 percent
Leasing activity has picked-up significantly this year at the
International Council of Shopping Center’s Chicago Deal Making
event held in October at Navy Pier. The Village of Oswego had
conversations with prospective tenants and brokers.
River View Ford submitted plans for improvements to the site,
façade, and a building expansion to add 31,644 sq. ft. including a
new Quicklane addition and second floor to accommodate vehicle
sales offices, and space for vehicle parts and service.
Specifically in Oswego, there are multiple retailers looking at the
remaining two rentable spaces in the Hobby Lobby building. The
planned strip center at the old Dominick’s gas station has received
near 100 percent prelease commitments from retailers. The current
retail vacancy for Oswego is at a record low of 5.2 percent in the
third quarter even with the 65,000 sq. ft. empty Dominick’s building.
There were several new lease transactions including Hobby Lobby,
DSW, Inc., and Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria. The supply of available retail
space has significantly diminished and the Route 34 corridor is
experiencing steady growth.
Kendall County Industrial Market Study
approved for CMAP LTA Program
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) announced
on October 17, 2014, its approval of Kendall County’s Local Technical
Assistance application to develop a countywide Industrial Market
The study will provide information to enable Kendall County
communities, including Oswego, to target their industrial marketing
and recruitment initiatives on specific industrial sectors.
Learn more about this project at:
Who’s Opening/Expanding and Where
Hobby Lobby opened at 2402 Route 34 on October 6, 2014.
Welcome New Businesses: Commercial Businesses Registered
August – October 2014
Rehoboth Home Health Care, LLC
Prime Cut Lawncare
Crossfit Thunderbolt
Hope Maketh Not Ashamed Outreach Ministry
Solutions Mechanical
Foxy Waxing LLC
Hobby Lobby
J&D Machining, INC
Spirit Halloween Superstores, LLC
Oswego Gold Buyers, INC
Razor Sharp Barber Shop
Law Offices of Lisa Coffey
Bouncy Store LLC
Legacy Supply Chain Services IL, INC
DSW Inc., is planning to start construction soon on the
16,000-square-foot store south of Best Buy with a planned opening of
April 2015.
Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria has signed a lease at 2840-2848 Route 34 for
the west endcap, formerly occupied by relocated Verizon, Inc.
“We are thrilled to be able to join the Village of Oswego. As a thriving
community and a great place to raise a family, we feel it is a natural fit
for a Lou Malnati’s”
Stu Cohen, Vice Chairman, Malnati Organization
6 WINTER | 2014
Economic Development News
Retail Vacancy Summary
The Oswego retail vacancy rate dropped to 5.2 percent in the third
quarter from 11.6 percent in the first quarter of 2014. This is the first
time the retail vacancy dropped close to 5 percent since late 2011,
when Lowe’s closed, posing a challenge to the community. The
12-month absorption of space – the net amount of space filled increased significantly from 2,188 sq.ft. in the first quarter to 138,620
sq.ft. in the third quarter. This was the first significant absorption of
space since 2008.
You may visit for
detailed vacancy reports on retail, office, and industrial properties
Contact Us
630-551-2334 *
Sign up for monthly ED e-Newsletter at:
3:18 PM
26 Main Street
Oswego, IL 60543
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Historic Preservation Commission
2014 Winter Property of the Season
386 S. Madison Street
The Oswego Historic Preservation Commission designates
386 south Madison Street as this winter’s Property of the
Season. This well-preserved gable- ell-style home with
Italianate features was built circa 1870 by Theron Richards
Sr. (also known as T.C. Richards). A gable-ell style house has
two intersecting roof lines that form an “L” shaped home.
This two-story wood framed home has a large bay window
protruding from the front bay of the home and a narrow
‘shed style’ roof over the small porch. The home has had the
windows and siding replaced, but the style and structure has
remained virtually unchanged. Because of this consistency,
the home would be eligible for local landmark status if the
siding was returned to its original building materials.
The home resides in Block 1 Lot 2 of Judson’s Third Addition
to the Village of Oswego. This short two block addition to
the original town only includes thirteen houses on the east
side of Madison Street. It was platted by Lewis Judson on
January 1, 1856. Lot 2 was sold by Lewis and his wife Diana
to Mary Richards, wife of T.C. Richards in August 1867.
8 T.C. and his wife Mary McCormack raised a large family in
the home. T.C. was a local carpenter whose family built
many homes in and around Oswego in the 19th and 20th
centuries. T.C. and Mary had 8 children, many of whom
were born in the house on Madison Street. When T.C.
died suddenly in 1894, he left a widow with several young
children still living at home. His widow Mary moved to
Aurora with her younger children and rented out the home
to Jacob Constantine until she sold the property to her
son Bernard and wife Lillie Collins on September 9, 1897.
Bernard and Lillie never lived in the home. They sold the
home to George Troll Sr. November 11, 1897.
George and Minnie Troll had already lived in Oswego for
many years. The family was well known around town as
George was a local saloon keeper who saw lots of lively
activity in his establishment. The Kendall County Record
often reported on the more excessive outbursts occurring
within the saloon. George emigrated from Germany when
twenty years old and moved to Kendall County in 1857.
WINTER | 2014
Historic Preservation Commission
He lived the rest of his life in Oswego Township. He
married Miss Wilhelmina Gruel on October 30, 1864 in
DeKalb, Illinois. They had eight children: George Jr., Ernest,
Edith, Bertha, Emma, Elizabeth, Charley and Otto. Death
frequently visited the Troll family. He lost a son in 1872
and a newborn baby in 1876, but 1889-1890 was by far the
worst. George’s eldest daughter Bertha, only 23 years old;
the wife of Lon Lamb died suddenly in March of 1889. She
left her husband and young son to morn her loss. Just eight
months later, her husband Lon died of Typhoid fever leaving
their young son William Lamb an orphan. The Kendall
County Record reported,
“The funeral of Lon Lamb took place Monday. A little more
than a week ago the deceased returned to George Troll, his
father-in-law, from a hunting and trapping expedition down
the river, complaining of being unwell from a severe cold
he had contracted; the ailment soon developed into typhoid
fever and other complications which ended his life Saturday.
He was 29 years of age and brought up in this place and
it is but little more than eight months since his young wife
died. Little Willie, about five years old, is now alone left of
the family.”
Madison until he moved to Aurora to work for the railroad.
In February, 1904 William surprised his family by marrying
Anna Hattersley of Aurora. They raised a big family moving
between Aurora and Oswego. Tragedy plagued William’s
life. His eldest daughter Ruth was struck and killed by an
automobile in 1913. His family was also the unlucky victim
of two house fires before purchasing his grandparents’
home from his uncle E.C. Troll in April 1924. William and
Anna lived in the home for many years until the home was
sold in 1941 to Frank and Martha Potter Herren. Frank
and Martha’s son, Howard and grandson Doctor Stanley
Herren sold the property to Daniel Yoches in 1989. Daniel
lived in the house for several years at which time he sold the
property to the current owners Carol Mason and Heather
Fischer in 2005. The home is currently rented.
Just 4 short months later George and Minnie lost their
daughter Emma suddenly. She was buried in Oswego
Township Cemetery three days later on what would have
been her 20th birthday. George and Minnie raised their
grandson William. He lived with them in the home on
Oswego Family YMCA
We have fitness, fun, family and more!
 Winter Membership Promotion: Join For Free, Change For Life!
Focus on your health and family this winter at the Oswego Family YMCA.
Join during December 15, 2014 through January 31, 2015 and enjoy $0 Joiner
 Health and Fitness Fair, Saturday, January 24, 2015 10am-2pm.
Join us as we get you ready for a new you in 2015! Healthy living demos,
vendors and more are expected on this fun filled morning!
 Winter Program Session Dates, January 4-February 14, 2015.
Member registration begins December 8, 2014, Non-Member registration begins
December 22.
 Camp Hudson Summer Camp!
Camp Hudson registration begins February 2, 2015. Take advantage of our
early bird pricing if you register before April 25, 2015!
 Oswego Family YMCA Educational Preschool!
Preschool enrollment for the Fall 2015/16 session begins, February 2, 2015!
 Healthy Kids Day, April 25, 2015. Save the Date!
For more information, visit
Oswego Family YMCA|160 East Washington Street, Oswego, IL 60543|630.551.0797
Winter Tips
Chicago’s winters are unpredictable. As we approach the
unpredictable winter season, it is easier to adjust to Mother Nature
when there is a plan in place, especially when you become stranded
because your car broke down or slid off the road into a ditch.
“Winter is tough on vehicles and travel. Snow, cold temperatures,
ice, slush and salt play havoc on a vehicle and our driving. The
odds of us having an emergency is much greater in winter than
in the other three seasons.” ( Make winter driving
easier on yourself by creating a winter survival kit and keeping it in
your car all winter long.
If you don’t have the time or patience to put together your own
winter kit, you can always purchase a premade kit from your local
automobile or big box store. Otherwise, dig out that extra plastic
tote and start filling it with these essential items:
1. A blanket/sleeping bag
2. A short handled or collapsible snow shovel
3. Flashlight with extra batteries
4. Hand warmers
5. Matches
6. Gallon of water (enough for driver, passengers and any pets)
7. Food items (nuts, energy bars, canned fruit; items that can be
eaten warm or cold)
8. Light sticks
9. Emergency Flares and reflectors
10. Whistle
11. Syphon pump
12. Jumper cables
13. First aid kit and multi tool/pocket knife
14. Windshield scraper
15. Extra hats, socks and mittens
16. Tow chain or rope
17. Sand/cat litter/road salt for tire traction
18. Fluorescent distress flag and whistle to attract attention
19. Cell phone and charger
20. Pen and Paper
21. Extra vehicle fluids, a funnel and a rag
22. Rain gear/extra clothes
23. Toilet paper
24. Books/Games
25. A map
Make sure you are doing regular vehicle checks. You can do this
by replacing worn wiper blades, checking tire air pressure and tire
wear, keeping a charged battery with clean battery terminals and
replacing belts/hoses that are cracked or leak. You should also keep
a full tank of gas on those days when it’s freezing.
If and when you do become stuck in the snow, a tow truck might
not circulate to your area for several hours. Throw on your hazards
and have chains or a heavy duty rope ready so another vehicle
could assist you with a pull out. Otherwise, you could wait it out
with the blanket, warm clothes and the good book you packed.
Comprehensive Plan Update
2nd Public Open House
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Oswego Village Hall
The Village of Oswego has initiated the process of
updating the current Comprehensive Plan to create a
unified plan that can strengthen Oswego’s position in
the post-recession economy in the region. The Plan will
be used to guide the Village in evaluating future
developments opportunities. The planning effort is
being led by Ginkgo Planning & Design, Inc., with SB
Friedman, KLOA and Hitchcock Design Group as part
of the multidisciplinary consultant team.
This is an opportunity for all to come and help shape
the vision and plan for the future of Oswego. For more
information on the Open House, please contact the
Community Development Department at 630-554-3622.
Indoor SIMULATOR TRAINING using life size images on screen. The same
training(F.A.T.S.) used for law enforcement. Interact with real life filmed
scenarios. Program responds to what you do or do not do.
F.A.T.S/S.A.T Certified Instructors supervise training. Available to groups
and individuals 24/7. Located right here in Oswego.
Also availabe are challenging programs for wide variety of shooting events
for skill building at any level.
Learn to use rifle, pistol, shotgun, laser, flashlight.
Call: 630-217-3003 or 630-392-3966
email: Dave Phistry at or Tom Yackley
10 WINTER | 2014
2014 Oswego Christmas Walk “Home for the Holidays”
December 5-7
Friday, December 5th, 5 - 9 p.m.
Illuminated Silent Fire Truck Parade at 7:00 p.m.
Ice Sculpting, Ice Skating Rink, Music & Strolling Carolers on Main
Free Train Rides & Giant Slide on Main St.
Free Hay Rides in Hudson Crossing Park
Visit with Santa at Garden Faire (5:30-8p.m.), please bring your cameras!
Food Vendors and Open Houses along Main Street
Cookie Sale, Christmas Basket Raffle & Vendors at the Fire Barn
 Stop by for a seasonal showcase of local performers. After the parade,
everyone’s favorite Frozen princesses will be meeting fans. Hosted by the
Oswegoland Park District at the Little White School Museum
Gingerbread House Competition and food collection for the Kendall County
Food Pantry hosted by the Oswego Chamber of Commerce at their office
Ice Carving Demonstration by Chicago Ice Works (7-9 p.m.)
Thank you to the 2014 Christmas Walk Sponsors!
Oswego Fire Protection District
Oswego Police Department
Oswego Public Works
Saturday, December 6th
Breakfast with Santa (for details call 630-551-0797)
Holiday Country Market at the old Fire Barn
Cookie Walk downtown Oswego (10-1 p.m.) - get your tins early, limited supply!
 Holiday Recital Showcase hosted by Fox River Academy and Dance with Flair
at 6:30 p.m. at Thompson Junior High
Sunday, December 7th
Jingle Bell Jog hosted by the Oswego YMCA (call 630-551-0797)
Holiday Train ($1000)
Oswego Chamber of Commerce
Christmas Rose ($1000)
Floral Expressions & Gifts
Oswego Community Bank
Temple Display
Belgian Draft Horse ($550)
Keith’s Car Care
Poinsettia ($500 - $100)
HR Green
The Marmalade Tree
Old Second
Oswegoland Park District
Village Grind Coffee & Tea Co.
For more information, please visit the Village of Oswego website at
Comprehensive Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr. Robert J. Huvar
Diplomate American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
3D Cone Beam CT Scan
Oral DNA Testing
2011 Top Doctor & Dentist Award
Selected by Top Doc Chicago
 Oral Surgery Extractions
 Implants  Reconstructive Surgery
 Cancer Screening
TMJ Treatment  Laser Surgery
General Anesthesia  Digital Radiography
 3D CT Scanning  Sleep Apnea Treatments
2725 Route 34
Oswego, Illinois 60543
(630) 554-2747
630-554-9890  123 W. Washington St., Ste. 202, Oswego
630-420-9890  1112 S. Washington St., Ste 202, Naperville
Most Dental
Insurance Welcome
1st Week
of Tuition and
(New families only)
Now Offering an East Side Option!
The Oswego Park-N-Ride operates during
weekday rush hour service between the
Oswego Park-N-Ride lots and the Aurora
Transportation Center for the Metra BNSF
Line. The Village provides two Park-N-Ride
options; a West Side lot, located at Mill
Road and Station Drive and an East Side
Lot, located at Farmington Lakes Drive and
Douglas Road.
Daily One Way Fare: $3.50 10- Ride Pass: $17.50 Monthly Pass: $30.00
Purchase your Monthly and 10-Ride Passes at:
Oswego Village Hall & the Oswego Police Department, Plano
Village Hall, Montgomery Village Hall and Yorkville Village Hall.
Daily Fare: Purchase on the bus from driver (exact fare required).
East Side
Bus Departs Bus Arrives Bus Departs Bus Arrives
West Side
Inbound Outbound
Bus Departs Bus Arrives Bus Departs Bus Arrives
More transit information can be found online at or by calling 630-554-3618 or 877-IGO-4KAT
100 Parkers Mill
Oswego, IL 60543
Current Postal Customer
Oswego, IL 60543