business news - Big Bear Chamber of Commerce


business news - Big Bear Chamber of Commerce
Marketing Manager
Ralph Leue
The Local Pages
Big Bear Vacation Care
The Local Pages has 140 directories
and can currently be found in 17
states. We are adding Big Bear to our
list of convenient and feature packed
yellow page directories.
Big Bear Vacation Care offers a complete
concierge service for visitors in vacation
rentals and for home owners. Open/Close,
grocery purchases, dinner reservations, lift
tickets, boat reservations, picnic packages
and amenity packages, we are your one
stop for all concierge services in Big Bear
to complete any vacation experience. (909)
We are a total resource guide, small
enough to keep one with you! Please
contact me for “no pressure” info.
(801) 520-9608.
Anna Henke
Bear Valley Business Bunch
DIY Home Center features
a vast array of home improvement products and
services. Our low pricing,
selection and service aims
to keep local residents
shopping in town. We are
open from 7:30am to 7pm Monday through Saturday, 8am to
5pm Sundays. “The price of home improvement just went down
in Big Bear!”. Located in the Interlaken Shopping Center. (909)
A free and open networking group for
business owners living and working in
the Big Bear Valley.
We meet weekly at different venues to
get to know each other on a deeper
level for the purpose of passing referrals.
Contact Marianne Lins on (310) 5976363.
Upcoming Chamber Events
May 10
Mixer—Sonora Cantina and Old Country Inn from 5-7pm
May 18
ChamberMaid’s Fashion Show at Northwoods Resort
May 24
Mixer—Correy Design on the Mountain & Big Bear Home Loan Center from 5-7pm
Jun 16
Chamber’s Annual Meeting & Community Awards Luncheon at Northwoods 11:30-2:30pm
Thank You to our Renewing Members
Alderwood Group, The
DOVES of Big Bear Valley, Inc.
Alpine Slide At Magic Mountain
Dura Roofing Inc.
American RV & Auto, LLC.
Fish Big Bear Charter Service
Arts Council of Big Bear Valley
Jafra Skin Care & Beauty Products
Bailey, Trenna / Re-Max
KBHR & Outdoor
Bear Valley Community Healthcare Dist.
Bearly Speaking Toastmaster.
Big Bear Computers
Big Bear Lake Antique Car Club
Big Bear MS Walk
Bill Kawa Construction
Cantrells Guide Service
Captain John's Marina
Keller Williams/Larbi Loucif
Keller-Williams/Mike Sannes
Lodestone Adventures, Inc.
Lucky Bear Fishing Charters
Marcain Communication
Michel, Karon
Mountain Mobile Massage
Neal's Tax Service
Pine Knot Marina, LLC.
Caretto, David
Copper Q, The
Cowboy Express Steak House
Page 4
May 2011
Big Bear Chamber of Commerce “ We Mean Business”
Welcome to our New Members
Rauschenberg Construction
Shepherd in the Pines Lutheran Church
Sonora Cantina
St. Columba's Episcopal Church
StarkQuote Insurance Services
Timbercraft Development
Time Bandit
Members FREE
Non-members $5
Members $15
Non-members $20
Big Bear Chamber
of Commerce
P.O. Box 2860
or 630 Bartlett Rd.
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
(909) 866-4607 ext 286
© Volume 4, Number 5– Big Chamber of
Commerce Business News. This publication
is owned, written and edited by the Big Bear
Chamber of Commerce. All information
contained in this publication is believed
accurate. No portion of this publication may
be reprinted without the written consent of the
Big Bear Chamber of Commerce.
Serving Big Bear Valley Since 1947
Volume 4, Number 5
New Marketing Campaign Targets 2nd Homeowners
By Sara Russ, President/CEO
Second homeowners make up roughly
70% of Big Bear’s homes, which is
considerable even for a resort community. In a recent study
conducted by the City of Big
Bear Lake called the Buxton
Report, which is available on
the City’s website
the City examined the
spending habits and demographics of our visitors, residents, and second homeowners. What the Report
identified is that our second
homeowners are the wealthiest of the three groups.
They have the most discretionary income, are highly
educated, and love coming
to Big Bear.
With this information the
Chamber of Commerce, Resort Association (RA), and the City of Big Bear
Lake, came together to develop a
marketing program targeting our second homeowner with the goal of get-
ting them to come to Big Bear more often and spend more money in our community. To accomplish these goals we
created a web-based marketing program geared at turning our second
homeowners into Big Bear “insiders”
enabling them to fully explore and experience Big Bear as a local.
The RA and Chamber are in the process
of building a website and conducting a
ChamberMaids Host Fashion Show May 18
On May 18th from 11-2pm at Northwoods Resort and Conference Center
the ChamberMaids, a women’s auxiliary
group of the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce, is holding their annual Spring
Fashion Show. “We love organizing this
event,” said ChamberMaid President
Lynne Arviso. “It is a great opportunity
for locals to come and see what the
stores have available for spring fashion.” Over ten local businesses will be
featured with both men’s and women’s
Tickets are $22 a person and available
at the Chamber office. For information
call (909) 866-4607 ext 286 or email
direct mailing to our second homeowners in the more wealthy areas to advertise the availability of the website, which
will be rich with information on places to
eat, shop, play, and experience to enjoy
their home to the fullest.
Information on the site
will be generated from a
group of hand-selected
local “specialists” that
will contribute monthly
columns. The site will go
live at the end of May
and every member of
both the RA and Chamber will be listed in a
Business Directory on
the site to ensure that all
member Big Bear businesses are promoted to
our second homeowners.
If you want more information on advertising or how you might
get your business involved, please contact Sara Russ (909) 866-4607 ext 233
or send an email to
Member Businesses Participating—
Mountain Beach Clothing
Leroy’s Ski and Board Shop
Big on Bears
Big Bear Clothing Company
Big Bear Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 2860
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
Standard Rate
US Postage
Permit No. 86
Big Bear Lake
CA, 92315
Volume 4, Number 5
Board of
Executive Committee
Marlene Cain—Chairman
Marcain Communication
Bill Young—Past Chairman
Realty Executives
Neal Hertzmann—Finance
Neal’s Tax Service
Brent Tregaskis—Co-GAC/RTAC
Big Bear Mountain Resorts Bear Mountain
Alan Sharp—Co-GAC/RTAC
Big Bear Marina
Tom Benson—Economic
Premier Properties Sotheby’s
Lisa Patternson—Membership,
Altitude Financial Planning
Lynne Arviso
ChamberMaids’ President
Marcus Dietz
Big Bear Today
Karon Michel
Affiliate Member
Linda Ricchiuti
The Copper Q
Steve Schindler
Big Bear Area Regional
Wastewater Agency
Dick Shaw
Stone and Youngberg
Sara Russ
Pam Scannell
Membership Sales &
From the Chairman
Buy Local Campaigns Proved Successful for Improving Economic Conditions
Coming Soon to a Computer Near You!
The Institute for Local Self-Reliance released a report on their 2011 Independent Business Survey. The survey, conducted in
January 2011 and gathered from 2,768 independent, locally owned businesses, found that communities with “buy local” campaigns reported revenue growth of 5.6% on average in 2010, compared to 2.1% for those that didn’t.
This month I am excited to announce the launch of the new chamber website,, scheduled to “go live” Friday, May 6. The completely upgraded
website features many new benefits for our members, including:
1. your own web page, with customizable content, map and link to your website
2. your listing in an online, searchable business directory
your event posted on a community calendar
“real time” coupon offers
5. online advertising opportunities
6. referral reports
Are you ready to take a real-time peek into your marketing
statistics? For the first time, members will be able to
track and quantify referrals. In fact, you will be able to
track different types of referrals, in whatever time frame
you desire, such as:
how many times a coupon was viewed
how often was your listing displayed
the number of times someone looked at your
how many emails were sent to your website
how many people clicked on your banner ad
how many users visited your website.
Business owners active in these community initiatives also reported a wide range of benefits, including greater customer loyalty,
more new customers, increased local media coverage, and made city officials more aware and supportive of independent businesses.
The Big Bear Chamber of Commerce has had a “Shop Big Bear” campaign for three years, which has been focused on increasing awareness in three key areas: showcasing the types of items and services available locally; demonstrating the financial impact that shopping in Big Bear has on the local economy; and educating the community about the economic benefits of supporting our 1,200 small businesses.
“We have worked hard to build our Shop Big Bear campaign since the recession started three years ago,” said Sara Russ, President/CEO of the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce. “Our members have shared that though the economy is extremely challenging, they have seen an increase in residents shopping Big Bear, which has made a significant impact on their ability to survive.”
“Shopping locally is the best economic stimulus we could ask for,” agreed Marlene Cain, Chairman of the Board, Big Bear Chamber of Commerce. She pointed out that $ .45 of every dollar spent locally goes back into the community.
“Shop Big Bear - it makes ¢ents” because of the positive economic impact on our local businesses.
For more information, contact the Chamber at (909) 866-4067 or email
Help do your part to keep Big Bear’s economy strong. Keep business in Big Bear!
May Community Events
14 Photography Contest at Moonridge Animal Park
14-15 May Trout Classic at Municipal
Water District
Marlene Cain
You can print out any or all of these reports at your convenience from any computer. At the top right corner, click on “members only” and go to
the “quick links” on the right. Scroll to “referral report” and you’re ready to go. The information is also instantly available in a chart so you can see at a glance what marketing
strategies are working best for you.
22 Team Big Bear Mountain Bike
We look forward to your feedback on the new website, and how we may continue to improve the website experience, because we mean business, and that means business for
28-29 Old Time Bear Country Fair at
Moonridge Animal Park
28 Big Bear Valley Historical Museum
Opens for Summer Season
$.45 of every dollar
Vendors and Cookers WANTED
On July 16th, 2011 the Big Bear Chamber of
Commerce is hosting our annual Chili Cookoff, which brings over 5,000 people to the
Village. We are seeking cookers and vendors for the event.
Please visit for
more information and event applications, or
call 909-866-4607 ext 286.
Page 2
goes back into the community for
Emergency Personnel
Big Bear Chamber of Commerce • (909) 866-4607
29 Antique Car Club Show and Shine
at Citibank Plaza.
June Community Events
4 National Trails Day at the Discovery
11 National Get Outdoors Day at the
Discovery Center
11-12 Fishing for $50k at Municipal
Water District
11 Big Bear Choppers Ride The Mnt
Page 3