March Issue - Tri
March Issue - Tri
Cornfield Chronicle Tri-Valley High School 46450 252 ST. COLTON, SD 57018 Volume 15 No. 5 March 7, 2011 State Wrestling By: Tara Runestad After the Tri-Valley wrestlers brought home the Region 2B championship, the state qualifiers took off for Aberdeen for the State “B” Wrestling Tournament on Thursday, Feb. 24, following a pep-rally. The state qualifiers included Garret Heiberger, Caleb Heiberger, Zach Schuman, Austin Oyen, Thad Johnson, Chase Moffatt, Ryan Schuman, Jacob Thom, Derek Eldeen and Nathan Gruis. At the State Tournament, Garret Heiberger and Austin Oyen received 1st place. Garret wrestled Austin McCloud from Miller/Highmore-Harrold, Jared McClurg from Webster Area, Blaine Schmidt from Gettysburg, and Nathan Kloucek from Bon Homme for the championship. Austin wrestled Paul Waring from Miller/Highmore-Harrold, Matt Stoeser from Stanely Co., Brook Anderson from Groton Area, and Josh Manning from Beresford for the championship. Ryan Schuman received 3rd place, Caleb Heiberger received 5th, Chase Moffatt received 7th, Jacob Thom and Zach Schuman received 8th place. Thad Johnson represented Tri-Valley in the 189 weight class, and Nathan Gruis represented us in the 215 weight class. Congratulations Boys! Top Ten Things Guys Wished Girls Knew Prom Dos and Donts. By: Joey Carlson 1) We like you, not your sister or your friend or your coworker. 2) When I mess up, go ahead and tell me – once. 3) We don’t mind that you tell us we look good; just don’t call our outfit “cute.” 4) Make us laugh and we will want to hang around. 5) No, I don’t remember what he or she said next. Or anybody, for that matter. I am a guy, not a tape recorder. 6) If you like me, then tell me. 7) You can’t complain that there are no good guys around while some of us are still single. 8) “Fine” or “whatever” is not appropriate for ending a conversation. 9) You cannot hold it against us when we cry after sport’s games or “Old Yeller.” 10) Do not expect us guys to say as many sweet things they do in the movies… it takes a lot of a woman’s work to write those scripts, anyways Useless Information By: Eli Havlovic and Tara Runestad Here is some Information that is interesting and that you may not know yet: • 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 • The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910. • In Scotland, a new game was invented. It was entitled Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden.... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language • Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale. • Only female mosquitoes bite. • If you pass gas consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. • If you keep a goldfish in the dark, it will eventually turn white • There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo! • The longest word you can type with just your left hand is stewardesses. • There are more plastic flamingos in the U.S, than real ones! "Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon” State One Act By: Liz Osman Throw in some side splitting comedy, a little drama, some fairy tale creatures and you’ve got the “Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon”. It was an outstanding performance acted out by our talented Tri-Valley One Act members along with the director, Mrs. Sershen. One of the highlights of the season was placing at the regional contest. And if that wasn’t enough, the group also received a superior at the state competition along with Outstanding Actor Awards. These awards were given to Paul Dybehal, Kayla Peterson, Shanatra Bird, Rebecca Sweir, and Wyatt McKee. Great job one act and keep up the good work. By: Chelsey Woldt Do: dance at LEAST the first and last dance with your date Do: remember to tell your date how nice they look Do: use makeup primer, so your makeup doesn’t run down your face Do: check your teeth for stray food after you eat Do: wear black socks Do: go with someone you’ll have fun with Do: dance even if you don’t think you’re good. No one’s going to be judging Don’t: forget your money or your date’s corsage/boutonnière Don’t: forget to have fun with your friends and take lots of pictures! Don’t: worry about the different forks and spoons at your table… as long as you’re not eating your soup with a knife, then you’re fine Don’t: get a new hair cut right before prom Don’t: spray hairspray all over the limo, restaurant, dance floor, ect. Don’t: think you HAVE to go with a date Don’t: fish for compliments St. Patrick’s History! – Get your lucky socks on! By: Kristina Polechshuk The patron of the Saint is Patrick. Many people believe that he died on March 17, which is when St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated. This holiday first began in Ireland, but has spread throughout many other countries. It is only an official holiday in Ireland due to honoring St. Patrick and celebrating their nation’s pride. Many Roman Catholic people believe this is a feast day, therefore, the tradition continued out of Ireland. From 387 A.D., St. Patrick lived in Roman Britain for the first 16 years of his life. Then he was captured and taken to Ireland. During captivity, Patrick felt compelled to study Christianity. After six long years, he escaped slavery and returned to England. Later, he became a priest and taught many people his beliefs. He said that the three leaved green Shamrock Clover was a symbol to Holy Trinity. He overcame a lot of obstacles during his teaching. St. Patrick had an unforgettable life and we all now know the history. Today, people across the world celebrate this day of his death by going to the parade, church and to have a feast. Usually they would wear green to represent the green leaved Shamrock. At the parades, people would eat, dance, hang out with their friends and families and of course, have an amazing time! Drew Eldeen showing the crowd what he’s got Winter Formal 2011 “Left to Right: Abby Brown, Abby Welbig, Heather Zeisler” enjoying their time at the dance Kayla Walder showing off her John Wall moves By: Kristina Polechshuk On Feb. 18, the Tri-Valley Student Council hosted a dance where people come to dance, hang out with friends and have a good time known as the winter formal. The common attire for the night involved short dresses, dress pants and a button up shirt. This year’s winter formal was quite interesting because of the video screen, awesome music and concessions. There were a lot of people and they had fun with their friends. There was an epic dance off between junior Drew Eldeen and junior Aaron Garcia. Amanda Mork said, “Drew didn’t do much, besides walking around shaking his hips and booty, but he did do some decent break dancing. I give him props for that!” Our high school dance was fun for almost everybody and I advise more people to go to them. Come out and dance; high school happens only once! Student Life Page 2 Artist of the Month Movie Review “Unknown” By: Mary Jo Osman This month’s Artist of the Month is senior Paul Dybedahl. Paul has been involved with arts ever since he could remember. He gives most of his credit to his mother, who is a creative person, but also, a lot of his talent comes to him naturally. “Sometimes I see something I like it and I adopt it in my own way to create something out of it.” Some of Paul’s favorite projects are painting small pictures with acrylic paint. When asked where his ideas come from, he said, “Everywhere and anything; old furniture and from the outdoors.”One of Paul’s most recent creations is the piano key mirror. It is made from a piano his mother played when growing up. Paul enjoys traditional art painting of furniture. Paul says, “I like to give new life to antiques and old furniture.” Paul’s creativeness inspires a new view and perspective of art. By: Liz and Mary Jo Osman Athlete of the Month By: Patrick Phillips For the month of March, the Athletes of the Month are Garret Heiberger and Hunter Mathieu. These two students show their hard work in their game performances. Garret is a five time holder of Athlete of the Month. I asked Garret how it felt to be Athlete of the Month, he replied, “Extraordinary.” Garret has been involved in football and wrestling. Hunter is a first time holder of the Athlete of the Month. I asked her how she felt, she replied, “It feels amazing.” Hunter has been involved in basketball, soccer, track, softball, and cross country. Hunter would also like to add, “I love my basketball team. We did great this year! Thanks guys.” When you see either of these two athletes, congratulate them for their great work. Things I learned from this movie 1. Never ever lose your passport 2. Men with leather coats plus black SUV’s equals disaster 3. Never get in a car accident in a foreign country 4. Always keep your briefcase with you at all times! 5. And last but not least, Liam Neeson is a beast If you liked the movie “Taken,” you can be sure to love this movie. Starring Liam Neeson (main actor from “Taken”) “Unknown” is fast action thriller that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. After watching the movie, you will feel as if you had just gotten off the fastest roller coaster of your life. It all begins when a man named Dr. Martin Harris (played by Liam Neeson) and his wife, Liz, arrive in Berlin for a biotechnology conference. When they arrive at their hotel, Martin realizes he has forgotten his briefcase. Next thing you know he jumps into a taxi cab to retrieve his briefcase and the cab gets into an accident and ends up flying off a bridge into a lake. After the girl taxi driver saves Martin’s life, he remains in a coma for four days. After waking up confused, he realizes he has lost his passport and any forms of identification and that he should be at the conference. He then checks himself out of the hospital and travels to the conference. When he arrives, he approaches his wife who claims she does not know him and she introduces him to her husband that claims to be Martin Harris. After that, the action begins. Now the question is, will Martin Harris find his true identity or will he remain unknown? Fan of the Month By: Stephanie Kleine This month, Tri-Valley’s Fan of the Month is senior Josie Lamer and Jacob Kinder. First off, I asked Josie a few questions. Her favorite cheer is “Hey crowd here we GO.” She likes all of our school sports and goes to all of the games to have a good time with her friends. Also, for wrestling she is a cheerleader, so she supports all of the boys. She supports the teams by cheering so loud that she loses her voice. If she could pick one person to cheer with at all of the games, it would be Stormy Gimble. After graduation, she still plans on attending the school’s events and games. Jacob Kinder’s favorite cheer is all of them. His favorite sport is basketball and he goes to all of the games because he loves watching our team dominate. After graduating, he also plans on attending to all of the games. Watching our team win is his favorite part of the games. If he could cheer with anyone during the games, it would obviously be the cheerleaders. The Rick’s Riddle Box When is an Irish potato not an Irish Potato? Why can’t you borrow money from a leprechaun? 2011 Cornfield Chronicle Staff Editors: Tara Runestad and Joey Carlson Reporters: Liz Osman, Mary Jo Osman, Stephanie Kleine, Kristina Polechshuk, Josie Lamer, Chelsey Woldt, Eli Havlovic, Tyrel Oyen, Patrick Phillips, Tara Runestad, Joey Carlson Mr. Snethen Interview By: Tyrel Oyen Q: How old is your mustache? A: My mustache will turn 25 in October Advisor: Mrs. Rotter Q: How big are your calves? A: I could tell you, but that would affect the legend Q: Do you think it is ok to lie, if yes when? A: It is only ok to lie if you are running late and your date asks you a fashion-related question By: Josie Lamer Q: If you could marry a cartoon character, which would it be? What is citizenship? If you do not A: I’d say none because it’s kinda creepy to think about know, this month’s Student of the it? Month displayed citizenship by Q: What is one thing that disgusts you? being a person with the rights and A: People who don’t take responsibility for their actions duties of a good citizen. By benarrowly beats out Michigan fans ing a good citizen, you can join a Q: Favorite age you have been so far and why? group of certain rights and responA: It’s a 44 way tie between all of them. Life is good sibilities. Also, you follow rules Q: What is your biggest pet peeve? and display a mature and respectA: People who seem to think they need to complain EVERY time they speak ful personality. One of the students that received Student of the Month is senior Q: What is your worst quality or habit? Andrew Siemonsma. He displayed good citizenship by helping with Rally at the A: I wish I could finish correcting and recording scores for one unit before I got into researching and prepValley. Junior Matt Dyke displayed good citizenship by volunteering to instruct in ping for the next one the Groove Drum Line. Sophomore Riley Brown also displayed good citizenship Q: What is your favorite food and why? by volunteering at the Banquet in Sioux Falls. Freshman Stacy Johnson displayed A: Sirloin steak, it combines flavor, tenderness, and affordability good citizenship by volunteering and serving food at the St. Francis House. ConQ: What is your favorite high school memory? gratulations on receiving Student of the Month! A: A 3-way-tie between football, shop classes, and graduating Student of the Month What brings you luck? Across the Halls Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen By: Chelsey Woldt Liz Osman: A dice hanging from my car Tyrel Oyen: I have no luck Chantel Palmer: My cross necklace Madison Shatzer: My purple rocket silly band Alena Schkider: My phone Christian Holman: My nice kicks Wyatt KcKee: I make my own luck Cody Johnson: My lucky underwear Senior Spotlight Page 3 Jace Eckstaine By: Tara Runestad On Oct. 23, 1992, Jace Arthur Eckstaine was born to Terry and Tara. Jace has three older sisters, Jamy, Jesyca, and Abby Jo. Some of Jace’s favorite things include the color green, pizza, the movie “Hoosiers,” rhinos, and the song “Over,” by Drake. He enjoys playing football, basketball, and baseball in his free time. If Jace was stranded on an island, he would bring a hoop, and a basketball. Jace’s favorite memory of high school was going to state basketball freshman year. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Cardillo. His advice to underclassmen is, “Blame no one. Expect nothing. Do something” If he could meet anyone in high school, it would be Lassie the dog. After high school, he plans to play basketball, have a nice job, and have a family. If he could change one thing he’s done in high school, he says he would work harder. Shauna Green Jamie VanDenBerg Sergio Mendez Abby Brown By: Stephanie Kleine Shauna Rae Green was born to Linda and Gene Green on June 16th 1993. Her siblings are Ryan and Aaron. She resides in Crooks. Some of her favorites are the color orange, Taco Bell and the movie Juno. Her favorite animal would have to be a dog. She listens to anything by Eminem. Most treasured moment in high school would be here freshman year homecoming. Hobbies of hers include hanging out with her friends. Her dream date would be with DJ Hoff and they would go to an amusement park and spend all day there together. If stranded on an island the three items she would bring would be her cell phone, her pillow and boyfriend. If she could have one superpower she would pick to be able to read minds. She would like to meet Tupac if given the chance. Activities she’s been involved in were cheerleading her freshman year. Favorite teachers are Mrs. Dybedhal and Mrs. Beaner. After high school she hopes to attend Dakota State University for Elementary Education. If she could do anything different in high school she would’ve hung out with her friends more and not worry so much about the little things in life. Her advice to the underclassmen would be “Live your life for today and have no regrets”. In ten years she sees herself hopefully having a family be married and be a teacher. When asked if she has changed in the past four years she said “I grew up and realized who really matters and have become a better person”. By: Patrick Phillips Sergio Alejandro Mendez was born July 6, 1992, to Sergio E. Mendez and Lugaria Cortes. Sergio has a sister named Tracie and currently lives in Crooks. Sergio’s favorite food and color is orange. Some other of his favorites includes the following: “Zombieland,” panda bears, Mr. Snethen,“Papermoon,” “Minecraft,” “Animation” and talking in study hall. Sergio’s dream date would be “Insert celebrity here” and chocolate slip and slide. Sergio’s most embarrassing moment in high school is when he was beaten up by clowns in the back of a Pepsi truck. Sergio’s only three items he would need on a stranded island is a boat engine, gasoline and a hatchet. He has been involved in band and most recently, chorus. The one person Sergio could meet would be General Patton. If Sergio could obtain any superpower, it would be super speed. Sergio says he does not have anything to change and has not changed in the last four years. He sees himself doing animations a decade from now. Sergio’s advice to underclassmen is, “Don’t procrastinate.” By: Kristina Polechshuk On Sept. 9, 1992, Jamie Jo VanDenBerg was born to Rich and Vicki VanDenBerg. Jamie is a younger sister to Luke and Nicole and an older sister to RJ. She currently lives in Colton with her parents and brother. RJ. On her free time, she loves to hang out with her friends and family. Jamie loves to listen to music and her favorite song is “Waiting for the end” by Linkin Park. When she goes out to eat she would order Chicken Alfredo because that is her favorite meal. Jamie’s dream date would be with Paul Walker and they would go on the ocean in his beautiful white yacht. They would have an amazing day by going swimming, scuba diving, lying out on the sun and at the end of the night, have a romantic dinner, lay and watch the stars. If Jamie would get stranded on an island she would bring Robert Patterson, blankets and lots of food. Jamie’s favorite teacher is Mrs. VanDerVliet because she is fun, easy going, and great teacher. If Jamie could date anyone in high school, it would have been Garret Heiberger. She wishes she could be able to fly because she thinks that gas and cars are a waste and it is bad for the Earth. Jamie has been involved in FFA, wrestling management and mentoring. She thinks that she has become more outgoing and mature over the past four years. One thing she would change if she could, is to try to be a better person inside and out. Jamie plans to go to Globe University for Veterinary Technology and in ten years, she sees herself working at Walmart. Jamie’s advice to underclassmen is to not park in the teacher parking. By: Joey Carlson On April 30, 1993, Jon and Wendy Brown gave birth to a child named Abby Elizabeth Brown. Abby has a younger brother named Riley and they live with their parents in Baltic, SD. She has been involved in Natural Helpers, Mentoring, Tutoring, Student Council, NHS and Boys Basketball Stats. Abby’s favorites include the color purple, candy, dogs and Mrs. Cardillo. Her dream date would have to be a double date with “the Rock” and Channing Tatum. If Abby so happened to be stranded on an island, she would want to have her cell phone, sunglasses and a jet ski with an endless amount of gas. If given a super power, Abby would like to be able to fly to go anywhere she pleased. In the last four years, Abby has become more mature. After high school, she plans on attending college to end up working and, in 10 years, start a family. Her advice to underclassmen is, “Have fun and do your best; it will be over before you know it!” Paul Dybedhal Ashlyn Koopman Carl Johnson Garret Heiberger By: Liz Osman On July 4th, 1992, Craig and Bonnie Dybedhal became the proud parents to their son, Paul Jerome Dybedhal. Paul lives just outside of Colton along with his younger sister, Mary Dybedhal. He also has an older brother Matt Dybehal. Paul has been involved in FFA, One-Act, Musicals, Spring Play, Improv, Natural Helpers, NHS, Student Council, Mentoring, Band, and Chorus. His favorite memory of high school was his freshman year attending State One-Act in Aberdeen. Some of his favorites include the color green, the movie “To Save a Life”, the song “Dream Big”, and the dessert Tiramisu. Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Van Der Vliet, and Mrs. Cardillo are his favorite teachers. If Paul were stranded on an island he would bring his GPS, a helicopter, and a pilot. If he could choose a superpower it would be the ability to read minds. If Paul could meet anybody in history, it would be Vincent Van Gough. Paul’s plans for after high school are to attend South Dakota State University to take generals. In the next ten years, Paul sees himself married and living life. When asked what would be your advice to underclassmen he replied “Just because someone asks you what you want to do, doesn’t mean you have to know now, because I still don’t know. Don’t change who you are to fit in with a group, be yourself.” By: Josie Lamer Carl Jacob Johnson was brought into this world by his loving parents, Mark and Leslie Johnson, on Nov. 24, 1992. Carl has one sister named Emma and they live in the country just south of Lyons with their parents. His favorites include the color maroon, Hu-Hot, Mr. McDonald, the movie “True Gift,” the three football championship games, hunting, fishing, playing Xbox, and driving stuff. Carl’s most embarrassing moment in high school was explained when he quoted, “this ONE DAY he had a mustache.”Carl has been involved in football, basketball, NHS, and Student Council. If Carl could meet anyone in history it would have to be Lewis and Clark. How has Carl changed in the last four years? Well, he has a lot more facial hair and a greater understanding and respect. His plans after high school are to attend SDSU for Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering. Carl’s advise to underclassmen is, “Tomorrow is just a future, if u do not live for today.” By: Mary Jo Osman On August 1st, 1992, Ashlyn Marie was born to proud parents Dan and Stacy Koopman. She resides near Lyons with her siblings Logan and Brayden. Some of her favorites include shades of red, chocolate covered strawberries, Mr. Breikreutz the “Fast and the Furious” movies, “Never Alone” by Barlow Girl. Some activities that she has been involved in are playing the flute in band, flags for marching band, Chorus, and National Honors Society. The most memorable experience during high school would be the band trip to Branson, Missouri. If she could have any superpower she would have the power to read minds. Ashlyn’s dream date would be to go out to a Mexican restaurant with Enrique Iglesias. If she was on a stranded island she would bring her I-pod, a good book, and someone she loves. Her most embarrassing moment in high school would be when she forgot her English book was sitting on top of her car and then drove away…with “people watching.” Ashlyn plans on going to Augustana and traveling after high school. She says she has “learned how to stand on her own.” In the last four years. Her advice to underclassmen is “Do what makes you happy and don’t worry about what other people think of it. Be yourself!” By: Chelsey Woldt Garret Dean Heiberger was brought into this world on Aug. 4, 1992, by Paul and Carol. Garret has five siblings; Britney, Caleb, Abby, Maggie and Eli. He has been involved in football, wrestling, track, NHS, FCA and Dirty Riders Water-Ski Team. Garret’s favorite color is blue, pizza, Mrs. Cardillo, the movie “Hangover,” and bugs. If you hear Garret singing any song, it would be “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey. When asked what his favorite memory of high school was, Garret responded, “State championships: you pick one.” If he was stranded on an island, Garret would bring his cell phone, computer and his “LoL gang.” Garret got really embarrassed one day in school when he told Mrs. Redford the alligator joke. Garret’s advice to underclassmen is to worship Riley Boadwine. If Garret was to obtain any super human power, he would choose to be able to fly. If he was able to change anything about high school, he said that he would have skipped practice the day he sprained his ankle. He says that he has changed in the past four years by gaining 35 pounds. After high school, Garret sees himself as a student at Augustana, majoring in Bio/Chem. In 10 years, Garret can see himself as a pharmacist. Senior Spotlight Andrea Paine By: Patrick Phillips Andrea Lin-Marie Paine was brought into the world by Scott and Jennifer on May 27, 1993. She has two siblings, Kadee and Robby, and they live in Colton, SD. Her dream date would be a picnic on a beach with Taylor Lautner. Andrea is involved in cheerleading, chorus, and band. A cell phone, the Twilight series, and an mp3 player are the three items Andrea would take to a stranded island. Her most embarrassing moment in high school was almost dropping her flag during a parade. A super power she has always wanted is invisibility, just so she could scare people. Andrea’s plan after high school is to go to college for Media Studies. Andrea sees herself working at a news station in ten or so years. Morgan Baade By: Kristina Polechshuk Morgan Mae Baade was brought to this world on Dec. 1, 1992 by Tammy Pokos and Jim Baade. She currently lives in Crooks, SD, with her sister Shelby, her mom Tammy and her dog Pokie. Morgan has three siblings; two sisters, Liz and Shelby Baade and step brother, Tyler Pokos. Morgan’s favorites include the following: Chinese food, the movie “Indiana Jones Temple of Doom,” a giraffe, and Mrs. Beaner. Her dream date would be with Johnny Depp and they would go to the fair and a romantic dinner. If she could have dated anyone in high school, it would have been Tyrel Oyen. If Morgan got stranded on an island, she would bring her cell phone, some food and an Ipod. She has had a lot of embarrassing moments in her high school life, but her most embarrassing moment was when she came to school with a hole in the back of her pants. If she could change one thing about high school, she would have been more involved in sports. In her years of high school, Morgan has been involved in band, chorus and dance. She would love to meet Elves Presley and be able to read minds. She has become more mature and found out who and what really matters to her. Her advice to underclassmen is, “Try your hardest, and do not give up because it will be worth it in the end. After high school, Morgan is planning on attending The University Center to major in Psychology. In ten years, she sees herself being a psychologist and being married and having four wonderful children. Rusty Jacobsen By: Elijah Havlovic Rusty Lee Jacobsen was born on July 31, 1993, to the proud parents of Rick and Lori Jacobsen. He has three siblings named Ricky, Rheann, and Jessica. Some of Rusty’s favorites include the color blue, pizza, the movie “Goodfellas,” and a monkey. One of his hobbies consists of playing instruments. Some activities Rusty has been in while he was at Tri-Valley are Cricket, Bad Mitten, and Water Polo. Rusty’s advice to the underclassmen is, “Do what you want, have fun, do what you need to do.” Some of Rusty’s plans after high school are getting rich and famous. If Rusty was stuck on an island and he could only bring three items he would bring a lighter, a nice Lazy-Boy chair or Recliner of his choice, and a Jet Ski. Rusty was asked how he has changed in the last four years; he responded, “I am more responsible.” Tegan Kellen Katie Lonning Page 4 By: Stephanie Kleine On April 6, 1992, Katie Lou Lonning was born to Janet Heinzman and Troy Lonning. She resides in Colton, SD, with her grandparents named Larry and Loretta. She has an older brother named Jason and a younger sister named Laura. Some of her favorites include the color green, chicken alfredo and monkeys. Her favorite love song would have to be “If I Die Young” by The Band Perry. For one of her hobbies, she likes to hang out with friends. If ever stranded on an island, she would take a cell phone and her boyfriend, Nate. Some words of advice to our underclassmen from Katie would be, “Don’t mess around, and get all your homework done.” Plans after high school are to get a full time job and then go to college for child care. Her favorite teacher will always be Mrs. Pester, because she is very nice and has helped Katie when she needed it. Activities that Katie has been involved in were FBLA and help children worshiping at church. She would have not done anything different in school. In ten years, Katie sees herself having a great life with a great job and family. Eli Havlovic By: Patrick Phillips On April 9, 1993, Cleo and Mike Havlovic brought Elijah Marshall Havlovic to the world. Eli currently lives near Renner with his mom and his little sister, Ashley. Eli’s most embarrassing moment in high school was sleeping through two class periods in a row and waking up wondering where he was. His favorite time in school was having any class with Travis Walters. Some of Eli’s other favorites include the color teal, Tuna Helper, the movie “Hot Rod,” the song “Dyer’s Eve” by Metallica, Guitar Hero Metallica, Mr. Snethen and beating on his drums. Eli’s dream date is no one, he’d be with himself at KFC with coupons. If Eli could have dated anyone in high school, it would have been Colonel Sanders. Yamaha double bass, KFC Double Down, and tanning oil are the three things Eli would need on a stranded island. During high school, Eli has participated in water polo. After high school, Eli’s plans on becoming a drummer and working in the housing department of Sanford. He wishes he had invisibility and slept more. If Eli could have met anyone, he would have met Lars Ulrich back in 1981. In ten years, Eli sees himself in a band with his cat Stubs and making Tuna Helper. Eli’s advice to the underclassmen is, “Do what needs to be done first, and then have fun.” Jon Boss By: Elijah Havlovic Jon Boss was born on Nov. 17, 1992. He currently lives in Crooks with his mom Kim Wells. He has three brothers Robert and Jacob Boss, and Carter Wells. Some of his favorites are the colors black and red, a medium rare steak, the Avatar movie, the song “Blurry” by Puddle of Mudd. Some of Jon’s hobbies are working on cars, hanging out with friends and just being himself. If he was stranded on an island the three things he would bring would be a boat, Megan Fox, and Oreos. His plans for after high school are to go to U.S.D. to take chiropractic courses. Jon in ten years sees himself owning his own chiropractic clinic. Some advice to his underclassmen are “Just relax it’s almost over.” Ashlynn Montecuello By: Liz Osman On March 4, 1993, Chris and Carolyn Kellen became proud parents By: Chelsey Woldt to Tegan Marie Kellen. Tegan resides in Sioux Falls with her parents Ashlynn Jean Montecuello was born to Michelle Kircher and Seth and her siblings Shaya and Kieren. Shaya is a sophomore and KiMontecuello on Nov. 9, 1992. Ashlynn’s favorite color is orange eren is a freshman at our school. Some of Tegan’s favorites include and her favorite movie is “House Bunny.” Ashlynn’s dream date the color cerulean, elephants, and Mr. Ferguson. Her favorite songs would be with Reba Goodrich. The two of them would go to an are “Teen Angel” by Mark Dinning and “Last Kiss” by Pearl Jam. amusement water park and then to a concert to end the night. AshHer most memorable moment in high school is playing her Barilynn’s advice to underclassmen is, “Be yourself and get involved.” tone Saxophone at the Augustana Band Festival. Tegan’s favorite If she could meet anyone in history she would meet Michael Jackunderclassmen are Jordan Bittner and Michelle VanHeerde. During son so he could teach her some of his “sweet dance moves.” Ashher free time, she likes to play her Bari Saxophone and volunteer lynn wishes she could read people’s minds. Ashlynn says that she at church. If she was stranded on an island, she would bring somewishes she was more confident in her earlier years of high school. one who knows how to build a boat, a good book to read, and her She says that her friends would say that she has gotten more girly IPod. If she could have any super power, it would be flight. In high over the past four years. “She actually wears makeup and does her school, Tegan has been involved in band, FBLA, One Act, Three Act, Quiz Bowl, and DI. Tegan’s post high school plans are to attend more school. In the next ten hair now! She even wears dresses…occasionally,” said one of her years, she plans on continuing an education. Her advice to underclassmen is, “Do not let oppor- friends, Josie Lamer. After high school, Ashlynn plans on going to DSU and majoring in Criminal Justice. In ten years, she sees tunities pass you by. Follow your heart and do not let anyone tell you that you are different.” herself living life with limited time of her own and having fun dealing with it. Bronson Filler By: Mary Jo Osman On April 3rd, 1992, Bronson James was born to proud parents Lori and Bryant Filler and becoming a little brother to his sisters Tara, and Jenessa. He currently resides in Baltic. Some of his favorites include tacos, “Fast and Furious”, the song “The 8th of November” and Officer Thorsen. One of his hobbies is playing Xbox 360. Bronson’s dream date would be to take Megan Fox out to dinner and then go watch the sun set. If he would be stranded on an island he would bring a cell phone, gun, and ammo. If he could choose any super power he would choose the ability to become invisible or to manipulate time. Bronson’s plans for after high school include studying Criminal Justice at the University of South Dakota. 10 years down the road Bronson sees himself married with a successful job. His advice to underclassmen is “Don’t be a fool, stay in school!” Shantara Bird By: Liz Osman On May 5, 1993, Shantara Rey Bird was born to Kathleen and Gary Bird. Shantara now resides in Hartford along with her younger sisters Darby and Shona Bird. Shantara has been involved in improv, one act, 3 act, chorus, All-State, and Jazz Choir. Her most embarrassing moment during high school was when Stephanie pushed her down and her pants ripped. Shantara’s favorite memory was being involved in this year’s one act. Some of her favorites are the color black, chocolate, the band Skillet and singing. Her plans after high school are to go to college. Her advice to underclassmen is to stop taking things so seriously.