SPeitt Ree - Ellerslie MD


SPeitt Ree - Ellerslie MD
Ellerslie Extra!
Volume 2, Issue 4
August 1999
Free Rides
SPeitt Ree
As all of you are aware, the Ellerslie
Volunteer Ambulance Service has provided 24
hour a day coverage for our community, as
well as mutual aid coverage for out surrounding
communities for 19 years. This service has
always been provided free of charge, operating
on a donation only basis. We are one of the
last 2 ambulance services in Allegany County
to operate without billing. We have, with
regret, decided we can no longer supply
adequate equipment, pay our insurance and
miscellaneous expenses without a more
dependable source of income. We will begin,
in the near future, to have bills sent for our
services. These bills should be covered by
your insurance. We don't want anyone to do
without ambulance service because of an
inability to pay. There may be times when the
insurance fails to pay 100 % of the billed
amount, or you may not be insured. Prior to
"out of pocket" payment to the
ambulance service, please contact a member
first. We will also continue to ask for a yearly
donation from our community members. We
hope you understand that rising expenses have
made this move necessary. We look forward to
continuing to give you the
same excellent service you
have become used to over the
years. If you have any
questions, please feel free to
call either Vivian Jamison at
301-777-0476 or Dee Stallings
at 301-724-6953.
Stephen Bucy was recently honored to be chosen
by the Allegany County American Legion to attend
Boys State 1999 at Western Maryland
College in Westminister, MD. Four
boys were sent from Allegany County.
Boys State is a week long experience
for boys teaching them the democratic
process and military discipline.
Stephen also had the privilege of
attending a Summer Seminar for a week at the U.S.
Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. 360 honor students, who have finished ll th grade, were chosen
from all 50 states to attend. While there he participated in academic life, took advanced academic
classes, and had challenging physical activities. Both
weeks were a great learning experience.
At the end of the school year, Stephen was
elected as the President of the student body for the
1999-2000 school year at Allegany High School. He
is the son of Jim and Janie Bucy and the grandson of
Clarence and Myrna Anderson.
Church Service Hours Changed
The Ellerslie United Methodist Church has
announced a change in its Sunday
morning service hours. The Gathering will
now begin at 8:20 AM with the morning
Worship Service at 8:30 AM. Sunday School
will start at 9:30 AM. This will be in effect
until Sept 19, when regular hours resume.
Those hours will be Sunday School at 9:30
and Worship at 10:45 AM.
Baseball Participants
Concludes With
Awards Banquet
You people are good! It didn't take but
hours after the last edition to hit the streets
before the first answer was supplied. Thanks
for all the help. The first correct response
came from Donna Jean (Reed) Myers.
Formerly of Ellerslie, She now resides in
Hopewell, VA. She was in town visiting for
the Ellerslie Reunion.
Thaanswers provided are as follows:
1 st Row Left triRight
Bobbie Sheetz, jack Lowery, Donald (Candy)
Lowery, Terry Emerick, Teddy Femi, Lanny
Madden, and kichard Lybarger.
2nd Row Left to Rid lit
Assistant Manageredr ge Lybarger, Frank
Hansrote, Steve Fat.ilkner (bat boy), Freddie
Reith, Bob JohnsOk,ClarlO*11aster, Chuck
Bockhouse, and Ted Femi (COach).
The photk*s of the first Elleirslie little
league tearnffi the Penn Mar Little League,
which vT,*:,Organized in December of 1950
with p1*.ttarting in the spring of 1951. This
particular photo was taken at the Hyndman
ballpark and the Hyndman High School band
played for the opening ceremonies.
The Ellerslie Athletic Association recently
concluded its baseball season with the annual
awards program. Several teams presented
awards to their players. All the children in little
league, 9-10 team, and Pee Wee teams were
presented with their trophies by their coaches.
Also presented that night vvere two hot stove
trophies to MVP Chris Bloskey, and to the
Rookie of the Year presented to Tate Hager.
Both Hot Stove trophies were presented by
Chris Crump. President George Knotts
thanked all the people involved in a successful
baseball year. The event concluded with a
surprise birthday cake presentation by the Pee
Wee Team 2 to their Coach Mark Williams.
Just remember Mark, it was Marsha "Mother
Hen" Clauson's idea. Special thanks to all
the people involved with field maintainence
and umpiring, two necessary jobs, that come
with little respect. Thanks to all involved.
Ellerslie Reunion
Continues to Grow
The 60 Plus Ellerslie Reunion was held on
June 12, 1999 at the Ellerslie Outdoor Club.
This year there were 152 people in attendance. There was a memorial service for 30
people that have died in the last 6 years.
People attended from Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, Ohio,
Delaware, Michigan, and California. All the
participants enjoyed the activities and are
looking forward to next year's event.
The third annual Ellerslie Athletic Assocication
JCP soccer season will be starting at the end of the
month. This year, the teams consist of over 50 total
participants that make up 2 pee wee teams, 1 JV soccer team, and a cheerleading squad. The teams play
home games at our community park. The Pee Wee
season will conclude with the 3 rd Annual Ellerslie Pee
Wee Soccer Tournament held in the middle to latter
half of October. Please try to make plans to come
out and support our teams.
Community Personal
Notes and Thanks
ISAIAH 53: 5
Congratulations To Brian and Pam Korns on a
new son. Trent Avery was delivered on June 5 th.
The proud grandparents are Pastor Ken and Carole
Congratulations To Dr. Diane Anderson and Jan
Prus on a new son. Nicholas Lucian was delivered
on June 9th. The proud grandparents are Clarence
and Myrna Anderson.
Congratulations To Greg and Joanna DuVall on
a new son. Nicholas Allyn was delivered on July
ll th. The proud grandparents are Glen and Leona
Congratulations to Mary Beth Kennell on her selection to the WMI All Region softball team as an
Thanks To all the people who gave their time to
help with this year's baseball season. From the
coaches, concession workers, umpires, and those
who helped maintain the field, we appreciate your
Thanks To all the people who assist us in making
this paper possible. The those who help us especially with delivery. Thanks to Dick Fetters, Junior
Lowery, Judy Lamp, Becky Shaffer, Jude Shoyer,
Sam Kendall, Wayne and Darlene Logsdon,and
Frank Clark.
Condolences To the family of Kathleen (Lovey)
Kirby. Mrs. Kirby went to be with her Lord on July
30, 1999. She will be fondly remembered.
Congratulations To Gary and Stephanie Mills on
the birth of Matthew James on August 15.
Stephanie is the daughter of Dick and Delores Deyore of Shaffer Street.
Town Home to 1'
Another Black .4=.
'0‘7,ppppppppppppp,,, ,
Food For Thought
One hundred years from now, no one will care
about the size of my bank account, the type of
home I live in or the type of car I drive, but if I
can improve the life of just one child, then I
may have changed the world.
Marcus Kendall is a 10 year old boy, who was
recently awarded his Karate Black Belt. Marcus
passed his test on June 26, 1999, at the Academy
where he trains, The American Martial Arts
His instructors there are April Twigg and Shawn
Taylor. Marcus has been training for this big day
for 3 and a 1/2 years. Marcus is still training at the
Academy so he can move up to the second degree
Black Belt.
Marcus is the son of John Allen & Trisha
Kendall, the Grandson of Ron & Becky Shaffer of
Ellerslie, and also the Grandson of Dickie and Betty
Kendall of Cumberland.
Local Girl Recognized for Writing ‘_
And Write
From Bob Porter.....
I enjoy receiving this paper, as it always triggers
fond memories of home. Your photo of the Ellerslie Cardinals baseball team (Volume 1 Issue 10
September 1998) brought these memories back in a
flood. This team was one of the best in the TriState area.
Norm Miller , Herb DeVore, and John Lowery
were our pitchers. They could all throw the fast
ball, but Norm had in his arsenal, a terrific drop
(which now days is called a slider). Herb DeVore
could just overwhelm the batter with sheer speed.
John Miller, had speed plus pinpoint control.
Sassy Shroyer had a mix of curve ball, fast ball,
and change up, which kept the batter baffled. Boy
Shroyer was our catcher with a rifle arm. Art
Miller at third, Fred Porter (my brother) at short
stop, Fred Clapper at second and Bus Porter at
first, made up the infield. Bus Porter was so tall
and had such long arms, he could cover first base
plus ten feet in all directions. He would lean so far
toward the thrower, on an infield hit, that he
would sometimes catch the ball and fall on his face.
But he never dropped the ball.
As I recall, Lou Gorman, Mel Rankin and Cloyd
Miller covered the outfield. Cloyd Miller was so
fast, we knew any ball hit to center field would be
caught. Earl Deihl was our manager for many
years. Quentin Griffy, (a great carpenter) and Doc
Emerick made up the coaching staff. Bill Lowery
was always our umpire. Bo Wenrich served as a
utility infielder and catcher. I'm sorry but I do not
remember John Mullany and Mr. Shanhotzer very
well. I believe they were pitchers.
Norman Miller, Cloyd Miller's Dad was a remarkable pitcher, and pehaps the best in our town
for many, many years. He was a good friend to
my father, Jim Porter, who was also a good pitcher
in his younger days. Altogether it was a great
team. Dick Close, a good friend, and the other
Bob Porter (my cousin) were just a little too young
to play with this team, but we did get to practice
with them at times.
John Lowery was a great pitcher. We had lots
of arguments in town as to which one was best,
Norm or John.
Kristi Lavin of Mt. Savage School was awarded
a "Certificate of Appreciation of and Recognition
for Active Participation in Americanism Essay
Contest.' The certificate was presented
by the American Legion Auxiliary,
Farrady Unit 24 at Frostburg, MD
on May 106, 1999. Kristi won third
place for her essay and read it at -th
awards ceremony.
Kristi is the Daughter of Randy and
Virginia Lavin, Ellerslie Road, and the grand
daughter of Myrna Isner also of Ellerslie.
Our Readers Write
From Norma J. Porter..
Regarding your wonderful article on the Mason Dixon
line and the folks who did the research, I wish to add that
many Ellerslie people are decendants of Moses Porter.
Moses and his brother John worked as surveyors on the
Mason Dixon Line. John was given land called Rose
Meadows at Frostburg and Moses settled there also, and
later on went to Wellersburg to farm. Some dates show
Moses living at Wills Town with his wife Margeret
McKenzie. William Porter son of Moses farmed an area
where Fords Mill now stands. The mill at that time was
the Porter Mill. William Porter's son William Nelson
was the Father of Norman Porter who gave the land for
the Porter Cemetary, and who first married Anna Stair,
and when Anna died, Norman married the sister of Anna.
Her name was Sarah. Norman and Sarah had three sons
Harry, James, and John. Harry Porter married Lydia
Lowery and their two sons were Edward and Robert and
their three daughters were Erma Burkett, Hazel Griffey
and Betty Jane Porter. Robert Porter married Norma
Jene Shryock and their children were Darlean Wagner,
and Harry Robert Porter. Janet Phillips is the only Porter
now living in Ellerslie. Moses Porter was her Great
Great Great Great Grandfather.
(Continued on page 5)
Resident Victim of
[Where Are They Now
Malicious Prank
The victim, who wished to remain
anonymous, was walking through town
one day, along the post office near the
highway. The alleged gunman was apparently behind the post office and hit
the victim from behind, splattering their
pants and shoes with lime green paint.
Attention parents: If your child owns a
paint gun, or has access to one, make
sure that they are using them in the
proper setting. This could have been a
much worse situation. If the person had
been shot in the face, they could have
been blinded, or worse. Paint guns
should not be used in an unsafe manner, and should never be used for malicious intent.
Don't Forget These
Upcoming Events
♦ .Annual fire dept.
fruit sale starting in
♦ Town Halloween
Parade at the end of
♦ Pee 'Wee Soccer Tourn.
♦ JCP .Air Star Game at
the Ellerslie yield
Rhonda Lea (Clise) is the daughter of Virginia Ann Clise
and the late Richard Charles Clise. Rhonda attended
Ellerslie Elementary and Cash Valley Elementary school.
She is a 1988 graduate of Mt. Savage High School where
she was active in numerous activities including: FBLA
(Future Business Leaders of America), Student Council
and Color Guard. While in her senior year of high
school, Rhonda was accepted to International Correspondence School of Computer Training where she obtained a
certificate for operations/programming. After graduation, Rhonda entered the job market making minimum
wage to support her future educational expenses. She
has also composed numerous poems and short stories
many of which have been published and acknowledged.
In 1991, Rhonda completed studies at ACC, now Allegany College and received her A.A. Degree for Medical
Office Assistant. At the same time she was accepted to
the Southern Career Institute of Paralegal Studies Boca
Raton, Florida. After 2 years of intense legal study and
testing, Rhonda was awarded her diploma to practice
with an attorney in the State of Maryland. Rhonda is
now employed at the Law Firm of Allegany Law, Cumberland, as a paralegal/legal assistant under the direction
of Kathleen M. Callan, Esq. Rhonda has also been selfemployed her business Transcriptions Unlimited which is
in it's fourth successful year of operation.In 1993,
Rhonda was married at the Ellerslie United Methodist
Church by the Rev. Rebecca Vardiman to John Michael
Roy.She currently resides in Cumberland with her husband, John and two sons, Cody Richard Michael Roy and
DylanTanner Roy. John is employed as a Senior Boom
Truck Operator for Flippo Construction Company, Inc.,
Forestville, MD. Rhonda and John plan to move to
southern Maryland in the mid to late fall.
EUMC Notes
Rally Day - September 19th - Program at
9:30 AM with Worship at 10:45
(All are welcome to attend)
• Annual Bazaar - Saturday Oct 2nd
CPR Training in November - watch for further
Communit Y
(And Write
(Continued from page 4)
From George and Judy Goeber
We are so happy to receive the local news of our former hometown. We resided there in Ellerslie 17 years
and enjoyed the friendliness ofthe community. Our
children remark oitheir growing up years there and
August - 1" Eddie Rockwell, Scott Miller, and Beth DeVore, 2" Carole Wilson, 3 rd Judy Lamp and Shelby Logsdon, 4th Stanley Clayton, 5 th Jean Kitchen, 7 th Patty
Goebel and Kaylee DeVore, 8 th Gloria Turner, 9 th Patrick
Brewer, 10th Jim Davis and Will Lamp, 11 th Daniel
Williams and Duane Shaffer, 12 th Wayner Bittner, 13 th
Lloyd Christner, 15th Bristol Burgess, 16th Rosemary
Kitchen, 22" Rob Johnson and Eric Shaffer, 24 th Shelly
Logsdon, 25th Virginia Lavin, Scott Riggleman, John
(Slick) Ensminger, and Marie Fetters, 27 th Mary Ellen
Shroyer and Marilyn Ann Jewell, 29th Don Shriner and
Doug See, 30th Shane Riggs.
that is was the best. Our family has been living in
Florida for more than 10 years now. We still look
forward to coming back and seeing all our friends and
neighbors. Our families have good jobs here, but
George and I hope to come back when we retire in
that most serene little town we still call home.
V Thank the "Grinch" for
v Your Stateline Delivery
September -4 th Riki Logsdon, 5th Dylan Williams and
Janet Lohr, 8 th Tom Logsdon, 12th Steve Burley, 14 th
th Katrina Burley,
Megan Michaels and Sara Sides, 17 th Rebecca Murphy
and Michael Shaffer, 18 th Beth Shockey and Steve Cravey
, 20th Ralph Frantz, 21" Jonathan Bucy, 22" Nicholas
Logue, 23rd Tate Hager, 24 th Janet Phillips, 28 th Dick DeYore Jr., 30th Sandy Wilson, Linda Marie Burley, Luke
Merkel, Jennifer Troutman, and Jessie Shaffer.
Special thanks goes to the "Grinch" who
delivers the papers for us at the stateline. She
has threatened us on numerous occasions
with bodily harm if we mention her name. So
to protect us, but to ensure she gets the
thanks she deserves, she has been appreciatively dubbed the "Grinch" for stealing our
newsletter fun. Her identity will
forever be protected in secrecy.
Our lips are sealed but we do
thank her sincerely.
By the way, be sure to read
about her son's black belt in this
Wayne and Liesl Bittner
August 16
Ryan and Rhonda Ranker
August 17
Leroy and Lulu Belle Kennell August 26
Lane and Kathy Ahlburn
August 31
Izola and Earl Smith
August 31
Glen and Leona Baker
Sept 5
Sherry and Roland Stahlman Sept 28
Mark and Diane Williams
Sept 30
s Local Man Shares Memoirs of Journey Through Israel
Bill DeVore
Recently God granted me the opportunity to take a trip to the Holy Land. This has been a dream
of mine for some time.This wonderful experience lasted 11 days. We flew into Amman, Jordan and
the next day we took a bus and crossed over the Jordan River into Israel.Then we visited the Dead
Sea, the lowest point below sea level on Earth. The sea is 33% salt, you can't sink in it because of
the salt and minerals. Next we went to Qumeran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.
These scrolls contain some of the earliest writings of the Bible known to man. We visited Jerico
and viewed the place where it is believed Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil.
(In the next issue, Bill travels to Tiberias, Capernaum, Nazareth and Cana)
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Local Lady Uses Brush to Capture Memories
Ever wonder how you will pass your retirement? What will you do with all your free time...? Well
for one local lady, painting has helped to fill some of those hours. Ironically, Grace Miller, described herself as having no artistic ability until the early 1980's as she approached retirement from
DeVore's Market. With a desire to learn, Grace began to take classes in art at Allegany Community
College and at the Cumberland Senior Citizen's Center.
Unsure of herself, but after much coaching and encouragement from friends, Grace entered one
of her first paintings into a local show at the Senior Citizen's Center. It was that painting, "Misty
Morning" that captured best of show in 1983. The scene displays a flower filled meadow along a
country road.
Mrs. Miller paints primarily in Acrylic paint, but has occasionally done some water color works.
Primarly she paints beautiful outdoor scenes, most of which she has viewed in person. Included in
those scenes are paintings of Mountian Thunder, the Pennsylvania Railroad, The Cape Hatteras
Lighthouse, the Natural Bridge in WV, the Casselman Bridge, and several scenes of farms.
Mrs. Miller states that she spends approxiametly 8 to 10 hours on an average painting but she
stated that "sometimes if flows together, and other times it can be a real struggle to get just the right
Of her personal favorites, she includes "Misty Morning", "Texas Blue Bonnets", and a WV water
driven mill. One of her unfulfilled dreams is to paint the Golden Gate Bridge, which she has also
visited in her extensive travels. Although she had no current work in progress, she admitted that
she must get busy. She has given all of her family members one of her paintings, however she is 3
Great Grandchildren behind.
Mrs. Miller is also an accomplished gardener and baker, capturing many ribbons at County fairs.
An interesting note is that her painting "Misty Morning" has won several awards since that first best
of show.
As the writer of this article, I was amazed at her ability to capture sheer beauty into a painting. I
can almost envision her as a "Bob Ross" living right here in our home town.
ue son
Pee Wee Soccer
JV Team
Coaches: Team 1 - Mark Williams
Team 2 - Ansel Shircliffe
Coach: George Knotts
Tues. Aug. 24 Ellerslie 5 Hyndman 2
Sat Aug 28th Team 1 Home vs Mt. Savage
Sunday Aug 29 @ 5:30 Home vs Hyndman 1
Team 2 Away vs Flintstone
Tues Aug 31 @ 6:00 Home vs Georges Crk II
Sat Sept 11th Team 1 Away vs Georges Crk
Thurs Sept 2 @ 6 PM Away @ Chanysville
Team 2 Home vs Mt. Savage
Tues Sept 7 @ 6PM Away vs Hyndman II
Thurs. Sept 16 Team 1 Away vs Hyndman
Thurs. Sept 9 @ 6 PM Away vs Georges Crk I
Team 2 Home vs Chaneysville
Sat. Sept 11 @ 11:30 AM Away vs Georges Crk II
Tues. Sept 14 @ 6 PM Away vs Hyndman I
Sat Sept 18 Team 1 Home vs Georges Crk
Sat Sept. 18 @ 11:30 Home vs Georges Crk I
Team 2 Away vs Georges Crk
Tues Sept 21 @ 6 PM Away vs Flintstone
Thurs Sept 23rd Team 1 Away vs Flintstone
Sat Sept 25 @ 11:30 AM Away vs Mt. Savage
Team 2 Home vs Hyndman
Tues Sept 28 @ 6 PM Home vs Chaneysville
Sat Sept 25th Team 1 Home vs Chaneysville
Sat Oct 2 @ 11:30 Home vs Mt. Savage
Tues Oct 5 @ 6PM Home vs Flintstone
Team 2 Away vs Georges Crk
Don't Forget!!!!
Ellerslie Pee Wee Soccer Tournament
JCP All Star Game @ Ellerslie Field
Thurs Sept 30th Team 1 Away vs Flintstone
Team 2 Home vs Mt Savage
Sat Oct 2nd Team 1 vs Team 2
(Battle for the Ellerslie Championship)
Thurs Oct 7th Team 1 Away vs Mt.Savage
Team 2 Home vs Flintstone
Sat Oct 9th Team 1 Home vs Flintstone
Team 2 Away vs Flintstone
Thurs Oct 14th Team 1 Home vs Hyndman
Team 2 Away vs Flintstone
Sat Oct 16th Team 1 Home vs Georges Crk
Team 2 Away vs Chaneysville
Note: Game Start times are 6 PM Weekdays
1 PM on Saturdays
At first, the idea of writing this story seemed very straight forward and up front. Upon beginning to dig
up information into this business, nothing could have been further from the truth.
The Pottery industry, for those new to the area, was located in the now vacant lot at the rear of the current post office, just south of DeVore's Market. Although now vacant, the lot once contained a rather large
business, twice destroyed by fire.
First mention of any transactions concerning the property occurred in 1816, when Samuel Tomlinson purchased the area from his father John Tomlinson. The Tomlinsons were a prominent family in the area at that
time, involved in ventures such as banking and politics. The Tomlinsons were also responsible for the construction of the large brick house often referred to as the King Farm, and probably also were a part in the
construction of the farmhouse located on the "Clauson Farm". This area were the pottery would eventually
be built, was known at the time as "Nothing Left".
In 1832, 300 acres of "Nothing Left" was sold to John Buchanan. The Buchanans were another prominent family of the time. The property was held until 1873. At that time, Ellerslie was growing as prominent
railroad town. John Buchanan sold 7 1/2 acres of "Nothing Left" to an investment group headed up by Isaac
Reese. This group located in Pittsburgh, were attracted to the site because of its location to the railroad and
the connection to Pittsburgh by rail. This group formed the Empire Firebrick Company in 1875.
At this time in County development, iron production was decreasing; consequently, firebrick provided a
more stable means of employment for many labors.
In a few years, the investment group sold the property to the Gardner Brothers and a Mr. Stuart, also
from Pittsburg. At this point, the name was changed to the Cumberland Firebrick Works. In this time period, the company employed several hundred men and was a key factor in the development of our town. In
1877, the Gardner Brothers purchased Mr. Stuart's share in the business and renamed it the Gardner Brothers Firebrick Company. It remained in the Gardner family until 1910 when it was sold to a businessman by
the name of Andrew Ramsey.
The check next issue for Part II of this article as we further explore the pottery and clay mining.
It's Anniversary Time!
With the next issue, the Ellerslie Extra! will be celebrating it's two year anniversary. That's quite an accomplishment for our small
town. How has your life changed in the past two years? We would like to hear from you. Maybe you would like to take out an ad
to help us celebrate! Call Dick DeVore or Sarah Johnson for information.
Do you have news for us?
If something has happened
that you want our subscibers
to know about, or if you have
an upcomming event scheduled, PLEASE write to us,
or give us a call. (We have
email too, for those who are
Also check out our town
homepage on the net! We
have past issues of the Ellerslie Extra online, plus a lot of
great info about our town!
3-row T Contact Us
Sarah and Rob Johnson
PO Box 46
Corriganville, MD 301.724.6610
Dick DeVore
PO Box 45
Ellerslie,MD 301.724.4577
Mike Mathews
PO Box 105
Ellerslie, MD
Your Hometown News Source
Ellerslie Extra!
do Ellerslie Vol. Fire Dept
P.O. Box 237
Ellerslie, MD 21529
Recycle your Extra!
Share it with an out-of-town friend!
Reuse, Recycle, Reduce
Girl Scout signitip
The Girl Scout Troop #650 will hold registration for
the coming year on Thursday, September 2 from 6:00
PM to 7:00 PM at the Ellerslie United Methodist Social Hall (Red Brick Church). Any girl from Kindergarten to sixth grade is invited to join. Adults are invited to join and be Troop Assistants. There is a $7.00
registration fee. Meetings are held the first and third
Thursdays of the month from 6 to 7 PM. in the social
hall. The girls enjoy a variety of activities, such as doing projects to earn their badges, crafts, community
projects and much more. The group is sponsored by
the Ellerslie United Methodist Church. For more information, please call Diane Williams, Troop Leader,
at 301-722-2452.
Ok Folks, Try your hand at this photo. See how many of
you can correctly identify this individual. One hint and
one hint only. "This man is a direct ancestor of many of
our town residents. Best of Luck. We think your gonna
need it.