MNLA Buyer`s Guide - Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association
MNLA Buyer`s Guide - Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association
M I C H I G A N N U R S E R Y & L A N D S C A P E A S S O C I AT I O N 2008–2009 BUYER’S GUIDE 5/19/08 2:56:23 PM Weingartz Ad_MNLABuyersGuide08_Final resize.indd 1 Your Leading Source for Ice Melting Products • Bulk Rock Salt • Magnesium Chloride Treated Bulk Rock Salt Bagged De-Icers • Rock Salt • Calcium Chloride • Magnesium Chloride • Blended Ice Melters Non-Chloride De-Icers • CMA - Calcium Magnesium Acetate • NAAC - Sodium Acetate Liquid De-Icers • Chloride Brine • Potassium Acetate • Available in 265 Gallon Totes or Bulk Deliveries Sullivan’s Newest Product Is Now Available! • Grow Rite Pellets • 100% Organic Compost “Dependable Since 1950” 1-800-878-1010 Free design assistance! Unbeatable customer service! Huge inventory for quick delivery! “Simply The Best!” • Grant, Michigan EasyPro Pond Products available at these Michigan dealers: Spartan Distributors Hammond Farms 800-822-2216 Sparta, Auburn Hills, Westland, Shelby Township 517-646-8698 DeWitt, East Lansing, Dimondale The Pond Place Rocks ‘n’ Roots Commerce (J Mollema) 248-889-8400 800-900-2323 Highland Washington Photo by Artistic Impressions • Waterfall by Windscapes Landscaping 800-234-GROW Grand Rapids Table of Contents Supplier Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ground Covers & Vines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Grower Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hostas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Business Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Indoor/Patio Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Perennials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Landscape & Growing Supplies . . . . . . . . . 14 Rhododendrons & Azaleas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Trees & Shrubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Ferns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Water Garden Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Common/Botanical Cross Reference . . . . . 174 Grasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Advertisers’ Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 President’s Welcome A Message from 2008 MNLA President, Michael Smith We are pleased to present you with the new 2008-2009 Buyer’s Guide. Within its pages, you will find the many plant material, equipment, supplies, and services offered by both member and non-member firms. The MNLA staff has gathered this information and presents it to you in an easy-to-use format. The MNLA Buyer’s Guide is the most comprehensive volume of industry products and services available to the green industry. MNLA is a member service organization and is committed to providing our members with the highest quality tools available for the development and maintenance of your business. At your disposal is a wide list of member services, programs, and products for you to take advantage of including the annual Great Lakes Trade Exposition; the annual MNLA Summer Field Day; the MHI Self-Insured Workers’ Compensation Fund; an array of insurance plans — health, dental, property, casualty, and business liability; a subscription of the monthly magazine, The Michigan Landscape™; the yearly Membership Directory; the yearly Buyer’s Guide; the Effective Landscaping Booklets; the Michigan Certified Nurseryman program; educational seminars and workshops; industry tours; the Ornamental Plants Plus CD-ROM; academic industry scholarships; green industry research; legislative presence; bank card/debit - Internet processing; the Speedway discounted fuel program; Internet and web services; estate and financial planning; and our annual Golf Classic outing. All of these member benefits make your membership unmatched in its potential return. By taking advantage of some or all of these programs, you will soon realize that MNLA is in existence solely for the benefit of its members. We are here to help make your business prosper and to improve Michigan’s green industry. The Buyer’s Guide truly is a valuable tool to assist members with their business needs. It also helps to remind everyone how diverse our industry is and the availability of products to help make and keep Michigan green industry businesses leaders in the industry. I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks to the advertisers and the MNLA Staff for their contributions to this reference guide. Even with all of the challenges that the industry is facing in an ever-changing society, we as green industry members are fortunate to have a solid organization like MNLA to rely on and to support our professions. Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association 2149 Commons Parkway, Okemos, MI 48864 • (800) 879-6652 • (517) 381-0437 • Fax (517) 381-0638 • Editor: Jennifer Dwyer, 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 3 Supplier Index INDEX KEY: Name Street Address City, ST Zip Phone, Fax Web AIS Construction Equipment Corp. 65809 Gratiot Ave Lenox, MI 48050 (586) 727-7502 (586) 727-7311 American Excelsior Co. - Earth Science Div. 1511 Wexford Place Naperville, IL 60564 (888) 352-9582 (630) 978-2730 American Tree, Inc. 3903 Van Dyke Almont, MI 48003 (810) 798-2525 (810) 798-3754 Andy T's Farms 3131 S. U.S. 27 St. Johns, MI 48879 (989) 224-7674 (989) 224-2286 Automatic Supply Michigan 2385 Wilshere Drive, Ste D Jenison, MI 49428 (877) 222-0240 (616) 669-2115 Bedford Glens Garden Center Aqua Scapes of Ohio P.O. Box 46562 Bedford, OH 44146 (866) 864-7619 (440) 232-8410 Begick Nursery & Garden Center 5993 West Side Saginaw Rd Bay City, MI 48706 (866) 323-4425 (989) 684-0372 BFG Supply Co. 14500 Kinsman Rd Burton, OH 44021 (800) 883-1234 (800) 787-4986 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc. 5327 N. Michigan Rd Saginaw, MI 48604 (888) 619-3474 (989) 921-4666 Branch Manufacturing 355 S. Sandford St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 874-1314 (248) 874-1316 Braun Horticulture P.O. Box 260 Niagara Falls, NY 14132 (888) 732-7286 (716) 282-6103 4 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Brink Wood Products 1175 76th St. SW Byron Center, MI 49315 (616) 878-9190 (616) 878-0012 Dunigan Brothers Inc. 911 E. South St. Jackson, MI 49203 (800) 438-6442 (517) 787-4972 Cannonsburg Wood Products 10251 Northland Dr. Rockford, MI 49341 (800) 866-4840 (616) 866-7090 EasyPro Pond Products 4385 E. 110th Grant, MI 49327 (800) 448-3873 (231) 834-5537 Capital Equipment & Supply 12263 Old U.S. 27 DeWitt, MI 48820 (517) 669-5533 (517) 669-8702 Enviroscape ECM Ltd 22700 SR-613 Oakwood, OH 45873 (888) 550-1999 419-594-3213 CISCO Companies (The) 602 N. Shortridge Rd Indianapolis, IN 46219 (800) 888-2986 (317) 357-7572 Ernst Conservation Seeds 9006 Mercer Pike Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 (814) 336-5191 Commercial Landscape P.O. Box 25034 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 485-9417 (517) 485-9484 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC 24300 Indoplex Farmington Hills, MI 48335 (866) 530-7333 (248) 426-7151 Consumers Concrete 3508 Sprinkle Rd Kalamazoo, MI 49001 (800) 643-4235 (269) 384-0974 Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The) 2611 S. Waverly Hwy Lansing, MI 48911 (800) 523-1923 (517) 882-4290 CSI Geoturf, Inc. - East 1500 Alloy Parkway, P.O. Box 668 Highland, MI 48357 (800) 621-7007 (248) 887-0855 CSI Geoturf, Inc. - North 657 W. Blue Star Drive Traverse City, MI 49684 (800) 621-7007 (231) 943-0419 CSI Geoturf, Inc. - West 1225 76th Street, S.W. Byron Center, MI 49315 (800) 621-7007 (616) 878-4702 Deborah Silver & Company 1794 Pontiac Drive Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 (248) 335-8089 (248) 335-0860 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc. 3401 W. Grand River Ave Howell, MI 48855 (517) 546-9848 (517) 546-9890 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC 6196 S. St. Clair Rd St. Johns, MI 48879 (517) 651-2541 (517) 651-6605 Four Star Greenhouse 1015 Indian Trails Carleton, MI 48117 (734) 654-6420 (734) 654-2795 Gardening Graces, LLC 6389 Orchard Lane Ypsilanti, MI 48198 (734) 482-8230 (734) 482-8230 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt 3957 108th St. S.E. Caledonia, MI 49316 (616) 891-0075 (616) 891-0311 Gregware Equipment Co. P.O. Box L Grand Rapids, MI 49501 (800) 248-5678 (616) 784-0505 Hanson Hardscape Products 12898 Mack Ave Cement City, MI 49233 (800) 265-6496 (800) 276-3091 Harder & Warner Landscape Contractors & Nursery Inc. 6464 Broadmoor S.E. Caledonia, MI 49316 (616) 698-6910 (616) 698-9708 Supplier Index Hort Specialties, Inc. 11556 Serenity Ln Pinckney, MI 48169 (734) 878-1814 (734) 878-1814 Michigan Wildflower Farm 11770 Cutler Rd Portland, MI 48875 (517) 647-6010 (517) 647-6072 Pond Guy (The) 6135 King Rd Marine City, MI 48039 (888) 766-3520 (810) 765-8600 www.the Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits 1 Horticultural Lane, P.O. Box 428 Edwardsville, IL 62025 (800) 851-7740 (800) 233-3642 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC 9426 Henry Ct Zeeland, MI 49464 (800) 816-8524 (616) 875-2245 Preferred Landscape, Inc. 13677 West St. Cedar Springs, MI 49319 (616) 866-4491 (616) 696-8677 JFNew Native Plant Nursery 128 Sunset Drive Walkerton, IN 46574 (574) 586-2412 (574) 586-2718 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies P.O. Box 398 Maple Park, IL 60151 (800) 546-9522 (630) 365-3818 Redford Top Soil Contractors Inc. 15553 Beech Daly Rd Redford, MI 48239 (866) 776-7654 (734) 427-1283 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies 5111 S. 9th Street Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (269) 375-8000 (269) 375-8078 Monterey Lawn & Garden Products P.O. Box 35000 Fresno, CA 93745 (559) 499-2100 (559) 499-1015 King Hughes Fasteners 550 Fourth St. Imlay City, MI 48444 (800) 779-3762 (810) 721-0400 New Roots Landscape, Inc. 34510 Moravian Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (586) 795-9571 (586) 795-9248 Landmark Plastics Corp. 1331 Kelly Ave Akron, OH 44306 (800) 242-1183 (330) 785-9200 Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc. 809 Center St., Ste 1 Lansing, MI 48906 (517) 485-5500 (517) 485-5576 Landscape Direct 13000 31 Mile Rd Washington, MI 48095 (586) 752-4222 (775) 218-4360 Lawn World Inc. 2149 Fyke Drive Milford, MI 48381 (248) 684-5225 (248) 684-5272 Logan Labs 184 W. Main St. Russells Point, OH 43348 (888) 494-7645 (937) 842-2433 Northern Star Minerals 3893 Heritage Ave Okemos, MI 48864 (616) 366-7872 (616) 662-8109 Outdoor Experts Inc. 28138 Northline Romulus, MI 48174 (877) 368-8366 (734) 941-4417 Owen Tree Service 225 N. Lake George Rd Attica, MI 48412 (800) 724-6680 (810) 724-2684 P. J. Hebert, Inc. 49920 Ryan Rd. Shelby Twp, MI 48317 (800) 726-1945 (586) 726-0407 Perennial Partners 5404 Chapman Rd North Branch, MI 48461 (810) 793-2512 (810) 793-5522 Lyons Nursery 53325 Parkville Rd Three Rivers, MI 49093 (269) 649-2821 (269) 649-2242 Perennial Solutions Consulting 8220 Briar Lane Jenison, MI 49428 (616) 366-8588 (616) 662-2016 Michigan Orchard Supply 07078 73 1/2 Street South Haven, MI 49090 (800) 637-6426 (269) 637-7419 Phoenix Stone Co. 74 Floral Ave Mount Clemens, MI 48043 (866) 697-8663 (586) 465-0302 Regency Group MHI Self-Insured Workers' Compensation Fund 1690 Watertower Place, Ste 500 East Lansing, MI 48823 (800) 686-6640 (517) 664-2787 Renewed Earth, Inc. 5111 S. 9th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (800) 762-2722 (269) 375-8078 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley 1093 129th Ave, P.O. Box 86 Bradley, MI 49311 (877) 744-6657 (269) 792-0700 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan) 850 N. Old U.S. 23 Brighton, MI 48114 (800) 482-3130 (810) 632-5840 Rocks 'n' Roots 62520 Van Dyke Washington, MI 48094 (586) 752-4900 (586) 752-1123 Simmons Equipment Sales 9670 Chilson Commons Cir Pinckney, MI 48169 (734) 777-3229 (734) 873-5908 T & D II Wholesale, Inc. P.O. Box 250 Milford, MI 48381 (248) 360-8870 (248) 360-6679 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales 41764 Red Arrow Hwy Paw Paw, MI 49079 (866) 214-6135 (269) 657-2110 Trickl-Eez Company 4266 Hollywood Rd St. Joseph, MI 49085 (800) 874-2553 (269) 429-6669 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 5 2007MICHDIRECTORY:Landscape Directory Supplier Index Twixwood Nursery P.O. Box 247 Berrien Springs, MI 49103 (269) 471-7408 (800) 854-1756 4/25/07 • Flagstone • Steppers • Weatheredge • Cut Steps • Out Cropping • Wallstone • Building Stone • Cut Stone Wahmhoff Farms Nursery 11121 M-40 Hwy Gobles, MI 49055 (888) 648-7337 (269) 628-7324 ROCKING AMERICA SINCE 1929 Waldo & Associates, Inc. 28214 Glenwood Rd Perrysburg, OH 43551 (800) 468-4011 (419) 666-2079 Zelenka Nursery, LLC 16127 Winans St. Grand Haven, MI 49417 (800) 253-3743 (800) 842-0321 Page 1 Supplier IndexMICHIGAN QUARRY FOR... YOUR NATIVE UAP Professional Products 9755 W. Grand Ledge Hwy Sunfield, MI 48890 (866) 297-2244 (517) 566-3640 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co. P.O. Box 19336 Detroit, MI 48219 (866) 577-4WTE (248) 356-2029 1:32 PM Bay de Noc™ Limestone Culby’s Landscape Supply - Benton Harbor Dixie Cut Stone - Bridgeport Great Lakes Landscape - Cedar Springs Cheboygan Cement Products - Cheboygan Hammond Farms Landscape - Diamondale - AUTHORIZED DEALERS - (269) 944-1881 (989) 777-0420 (616) 696-5665 (231) 627-5631 (517) 646-8698 Quarry located in Stonington/Upper Michigan Sales Office (800) 255-8811 Rockworks LLC - Lake Orion T & W Landscaping - Prudenville Stone Quest - Saginaw Blue Star Supply - Traverse City Stone City - Utica (248) 693-0920 (989) 366-0718 (989) 799-2281 (231) 627-5631 (586) 731-4500 • Bagged or Bulk Mixes for Nurseries & Landscapers • Rooftop Garden Mixes • CU-Structural Soil™ • Nursery Containers • Self Irrigating & Decorative Containers • Premium Landscape Mulches • Soil Conditioners • Versaquonset Greenhouses Superior Quality, Innovation, Knowledge and Service 800-546-9522 6 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Grower Index Engel's Nursery 2080 64th St. Fennville, MI 49408 (269) 543-4123 (269) 543-4123 Idriss Co. (The) 29602 Witt Lake Rd Sturgis, MI 49091 (269) 651-9098 (269) 651-9098 Al Weaver Nursery Farm 66850 Bulhand Rd Cassopolis, MI 49031 (269) 699-7508 (269) 684-8756 Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc. 7463 West Ridge Rd, P. O. Box E Fairview, PA 16415 (800) 458-2234 (800) 343-6819 JFNew Native Plant Nursery 128 Sunset Drive Walkerton, IN 46574 (574) 586-2412 (574) 586-2718 American Tree, Inc. 3903 Van Dyke Almont, MI 48003 (810) 798-2525 (810) 798-3754 Frens Nursery 5390 W. 64th St. Fremont, MI 49412 (800) 924-5245 (231) 924-9405 John Deere Landscapes 4620 40th St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512 (800) 347-4272 (616) 9540664 INDEX KEY: Name Street Address City, ST Zip Phone, Fax Web Andy T's Farms 3131 S. U.S. 27 St. Johns, MI 48879 (989) 224-7674 (989) 224-2286 Barnes Nursery, Inc. 3511 Cleveland Rd W Huron, OH 44839 (419) 433-5525 (419) 433-0300 Beauty Plant Growers, LLC 27691 F Drive S Albion, MI 49224 (517) 629-8114 (517) 629-8124 Begick Nursery & Garden Center 5993 West Side Saginaw Rd Bay City, MI 48706 (866) 323-4425 (989) 684-0372 Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The) 2611 S. Waverly Hwy Lansing, MI 48911 (800) 523-1923 (517) 882-4290 D & B Plants 27550 School Section Rd Richmond, MI 48062 (810) 392-3393 (810) 392-3397 DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc. 76241 14th Ave South Haven, MI 49090 (888) 483-7431 (269) 637-2531 DeGroot, Inc. P.O. Box 934, 5530 Coloma North Rd Coloma, MI 49038 (800) 253-2876 (269) 468-6717 Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC 9689 W. Walker Rd Manton, MI 49663 (231) 839-7901 (231) 839-4738 Elder Nursery & Tree Transplanting 10425 Devils Lake Hwy Addison, MI 49220 (517) 547-5125 (517) 547-7981 Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC 2117 Blue Star Hwy Fennville, MI 49408 (269) 543-8211 (269) 543-4691 Komrska Tree Farms LLC 5124 Karlin Rd Interlochen, MI 49643 (231) 276-7755 (231) 276-7755 Great Lakes Roses P.O. Box 65 Belleville, MI 48112-0065 (734) 461-1230 (734) 461-0360 Korson's Tree Farms 1895 Nevins Rd Sidney, MI 48885 (989) 328-6101 (989) 328-2834 Harder & Warner Landscape Contractors & Nursery Inc. 6464 Broadmoor S.E. Caledonia, MI 49316 (616) 698-6910 (616) 698-9708 Landscape Design Services, Inc. 7351 W. Olive Rd Holland, MI 49423 (616) 399-1734 (616) 399-8574 Hartmann's Plant Company P.O. Box 100 Lacota, MI 49063 (269) 253-4281 (269) 253-4457 Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc. 3355 Dildine Rd Ionia, MI 48846 (866) 548-7337 (616) 527-2417 Hort Specialties, Inc. 11556 Serenity Ln Pinckney, MI 48169 (734) 878-1814 (734) 878-1814 Hortech, Inc. P.O. Box 533 Spring Lake, MI 49456 (800) 875-1392 (616) 842-3273 Hramor Nursery, LLC 2267 Merkey Rd Manistee, MI 49660 (231) 723-4846 (231) 723-5580 Huggett Sod Farm, Inc. 4114 E. Marlette Rd Marlette, MI 48453 (800) 432-2763 (989) 635-7484 Landscape Direct 13000 31 Mile Rd Washington, MI 48095 (586) 752-4222 (775) 218-4360 Landscape Supply, Inc. 24300 Brest Rd Taylor, MI 48180 (734) 946-7000 (734) 946-7037 Lincoln Nurseries, Inc. 0-142 Lincoln St. N.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49544 (800) 416-9371 (616) 453-8424 Lyons Nursery 53325 Parkville Rd Three Rivers, MI 49093 (269) 649-2821 (269) 649-2242 Maple Ridge Evergreens 9528 S. Bolton Rd Posen, MI 49776 (800) 968-9627 (989) 354-6664 Marine City Nursery Co. P.O. Box 189 China, MI 48039 (810) 765-5533 (810) 765-5222 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms 9478 N. Stoney Creek Rd Carleton, MI 48117 (888) 634-7464 (734) 654-3750 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 7 Grower Index Midwest Groundcovers P.O. Box 748 St. Charles, IL 60174 (847) 742-1790 (847) 742-2655 Sherman Nursery Farms 2200 Mayer Rd Columbus, MI 48063 (800) 953-9998 (810) 329-2676 Murray Landscaping, LLC 5132 S. 29th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49048 (269) 381-1936 (269) 381-1943 Skyhorse Station, Inc. 11000 Roberts Rd Stockbridge, MI 49285 (800) 497-2682 (517) 851-4783 Nature's View Nursery 5663 Glenn Mar Ct Coopersville, MI 49404 (616) 677-5474 (616) 677-5487 New Life Nursery, Inc. 3720 64th St. Holland, MI 49423 (269) 857-1209 (269) 857-1770 North Branch Nursery, Inc. P.O. Box 353, 3359 Kesson Road Pemberville, OH 43450 (419) 287-4679 (419) 287-4509 Northland Farms, LLC 11161 120th Avenue West Olive, MI 49460 (616) 846-1477 (616) 846-5228 Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc. 2089 Hayes Marne, MI 49435 (616) 677-3361 (616) 677-2003 Oxford Ornamentals Nursery 2021 Shipman Oxford, MI 48371 (248) 628-0011 (248) 628-0001 Perennial Partners 5404 Chapman Rd North Branch, MI 48461 (810) 793-2512 (810) 793-5522 Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc. 3741 64th Street S.W. Byron Center, MI 49315 (616) 531-2870 (616) 531-2864 Red Barn Greenhouse 60275 Rambadt Rd Centreville, MI 49032 (269) 467-4175 (269) 467-4048 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms 6542 Fleming Rd Fowlerville, MI 48836 (517) 223-0842 (517) 223-1454 Rosebay Nursery 6394 Old Allegan Rd Saugatuck, MI 49453 (269) 857-4852 (269) 857-4852 8 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Snow's Nursery, Inc. 5485 E. Dunbar Rd Monroe, MI 48161 (734) 242-5126 (734) 242-6879 Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc. 12601 120th Ave Grand Haven, MI 49417 (800) 633-8859 (800) 224-1628 Studebaker Nurseries, Inc. 11140 Milton-Carlisle Rd New Carlisle, OH 45344 (800) 845-0584 (937) 845-1935 Summerfield Nursery, LLC 54333 CR 657 Paw Paw, MI 49079 (269) 668-3009 (269) 668-6599 Thoms Farms, LLC P.O. Box 70242 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (866) 663-7052 (586) 203-8848 Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc. 1775 W. Vermontville Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 543-7082 (517) 543-5405 Trim Pines Farm, Inc. 4357 E. Baldwin Rd Holly, MI 48442 (810) 694-9958 (810) 694-8229 Twixwood Nursery P.O. Box 247 Berrien Springs, MI 49103 (269) 471-7408 (800) 854-1756 Twyford International 24 Meadowlake Circle N Lake Placid, FL 33852 (800) 205-7353 (863) 465-4566 Van Agen Sod Farm 10549 S. Bancroft Rd Bancroft, MI 48414 (989) 634-5658 (989) 634-5958 Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery 7556 W. St. Joseph Hwy Mulliken, MI 48861 (517) 231-3549 (517) 566-7013 Vans Pines Nursery, Inc. 14731 Baldwin St. West Olive, MI 49460 (800) 888-7337 (616) 399-1652 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery 11121 M-40 Hwy Gobles, MI 49055 (888) 648-7337 (269) 628-7324 Walters Gardens Inc. 1992 96th Ave Zeeland, MI 49464 (888) 925-8377 (800) 752-1879 Wholesale Trees, LLC 17 S. Washington, Ste 2A Oxford, MI 48371 (248) 969-5800 (248) 969-5555 Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed 900 N. Every Rd Mason, MI 48854 (517) 244-1140 (517) 244-1142 Zelenka Nursery, LLC 16127 Winans St. Grand Haven, MI 49417 (800) 253-3743 (800) 842-0321 Business Services 401K Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Aggregate Distribution Terminals Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Arbus Spraying Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Auto Insurance Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Bio-engineering CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Bog Filtration Construction CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Bog Filtration Design CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Bulk Goods - Retail Deliveries Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Bulk Goods - Wholesale Deliveries Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Bulk Salt Sales Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Consulting and Diagnosis Commercial Landscape, (517) 485-9417 Gardening Graces, LLC, (734) 482-8230 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Perennial Solutions Consulting, (616) 366-8588 Custom Balling Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Custom Painting AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Custom Spraying Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Education - Erosion Control CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Education - Geosynthetics CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Education - Synthetic Turf Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Education (Watergarden/Pond) CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Environmental Evaluation Surveys JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Erosion Control CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Excavating Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Exotic Species Control JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Insurance - Crop Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Insurance-Disability Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Insurance-Long Term Care Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Irrigation Design Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Irrigation Design-Drip Systems Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Irrigation Installation Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Fertilization Gardening Graces, LLC, (734) 482-8230 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Irrigation Installation & Service Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Gardening Gardening Graces, LLC, (734) 482-8230 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 Land Clearing JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Field Service AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Green Roof Design Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc., (517) 485-5500 Ground Cover Production Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Hardscape Installation Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 Health Ins & Employee Benefits Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Herbicide Spraying Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Hydroseeding Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Commercial Landscape, (517) 485-9417 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Insurance Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Regency Group / MHI Self-Insured Workers' Compensation Fund, (800) 686-6640 Irrigation Manufacturer Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Landscape Architect Design Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc., (517) 485-5500 Landscape Design Deborah Silver & Company, (248) 335-8089 Gardening Graces, LLC, (734) 482-8230 Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 Landscape Installation Commercial Landscape, (517) 485-9417 Deborah Silver & Company, (248) 335-8089 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 Gardening Graces, LLC, (734) 482-8230 Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Landscape Lighting Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Gardening Graces, LLC, (734) 482-8230 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 9 Business Services Landscape Lighting Budgeting CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Landscape Lighting Design CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Gardening Graces, LLC, (734) 482-8230 Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc., (517) 485-5500 Lawn Care Commercial Landscape, (517) 485-9417 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Mulch Installation Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Mulch Spreaders/Throwers Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Native Establishment Plans JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Native Species Specifications JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Perennial Production JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Perennial Solutions Consulting, (616) 366-8588 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Playgound Design/Consulting Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc., (517) 485-5500 Plowing (Snow) Commercial Landscape, (517) 485-9417 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Printing: Catalogs, Signs, P-O-P AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Property & Liability Insurance Hortica Insurance and Employee Benefits, (800) 851-7740 Rain Garden Design CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc., (517) 485-5500 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Rain Garden Installation CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Rapid Wrench Service AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 10 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Sales & Service Ditch Witch Equipment Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Sales and Service AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Salting (parking lot) Commercial Landscape, (517) 485-9417 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 Lawn World Inc., (248) 684-5225 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Semi Delivery AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Shoreline Restoration JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Small Equipment Repair AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Soil Analysis Logan Labs, (888) 494-7645 Soil Testing & Consulting Logan Labs, (888) 494-7645 Perennial Solutions Consulting, (616) 366-8588 Sports Field Design Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc., (517) 485-5500 Stump Removal Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Synthetic Turf Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Topsoil Delivery Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Redford Top Soil Contractors Inc., (866) 776-7654 Tree Maintenance Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Tree Removal Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 New Roots Landscape, Inc., (586) 795-9571 Tree Spading Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Truck Repair AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Trucking AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Turf Establishment Commercial Landscape, (517) 485-9417 Undercarriage Repair AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Water Garden Budgeting Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Water Garden Design Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Water Garden Installation Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Preferred Landscape, Inc., (616) 866-4491 Water Gardening/Pond Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 First Choice Lawn & Snow, LLC, (517) 651-2541 Welding AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Wetland Delineation JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Wetland Design JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc., (517) 485-5500 Wetland Mitigation JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Yard Waste Recycling Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Equipment All Terrain Vehicle Tires AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Attachments AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Backhoes AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Bark Blowers Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 Boring Attachments Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Brick Saws AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Brush Choppers Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Cable Plows Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Chipper-Shredders AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Compactors AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Concrete Saws AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Cultivators AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Custom Implement Hitches AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 De-Icing Equipment Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 De-Icing Equipment (ponds) Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Diamond Blades AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Directional Boring Equipment Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Dozers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Drainage Equipment Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Edgers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Equipment Rental AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Excavators AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Fertilizer Spreaders AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Grading and Handling Equipment AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Hand-Held Power Equipment AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Hydroseeder Rental Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 Hydroseeders AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 Irrigation Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Irrigation Controllers Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Irrigation Pumps Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Irrigation Remote Control Weather Sensors Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Irrigation Supplies Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Irrigation Valves Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Krimpers Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 Lawn & Garden Equipment Tires AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Line Locators Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Loader/Dozer/Grader Tires AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Locating Equipment Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Mini Excavators AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 11 Equipment Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Mini Loaders AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Mowers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Parts & Service AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Piercing Tools AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Plastic Mulch Layers Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Pond Equipment Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Power Washers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Pruning Equipment AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Seeders, Spreaders & Sprayers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Skid Steers/Loaders AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 12 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Snow Plows AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Sprinklers (field) Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Sprinklers (lawn) Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Trickl-Eez Company, (800) 874-2553 Straw Mulchers Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Stump Cutters AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Tillers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Tire Sealant/Preventative AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Tire Supplies AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Tire/Tube Repair Materials AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Tractor Tires AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Tractors AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Trailer Tires AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Trailer Wheels AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Trailers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Wolverine Tractor & Equipment Co., (866) 577-4WTE Trailers (Dump) Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Tree Spades AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Trenchers AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Truck Tires AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Trucks AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Turf Care Equipment AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Utility Vehicles AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Vacuum Excavation Systems AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Vibratory Plows Capital Equipment & Supply, (517) 669-5533 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 Water Garden Equipment Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Water Wheel Transplanters Thomas Bros. Equipment Sales, (866) 214-6135 Wattle Maker Enviroscape ECM Ltd, (888) 550-1999 Wheelbarrows AIS Construction Equipment Corp., (586) 727-7502 Equipment Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Woodwaste Recyclers Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Quality Michigan Grown Nursery Stock Colorado Spruce Norway Spruce White Spruce Serbian Spruce Black Hills Spruce Austrian Pine White Pine Douglas Concolor Canaan Balsam Fraser Korean Fir Fir Fir Fir Fir Fir “Where Quality & Value Prevail!” 1-888-MI-TREES FAX: 269-628-7324 Balled & Burlapped 3’ - 14’ Also ask us about: * Seedlings & Transplants * Cut Christmas Trees * Wreaths & Roping * Retail & Grower Supplies * Answer Stands & Display System Website: E-mail: Business Solutions: Learn More and Save Big. “The other supplier in town said that he could save me a dime a rotor, but can he save me $3,500 on my yearly cell phone bill...?” Sprint/Nextel Phones & Services “When you can receive a savings like that, choosing a supplier isn’t that hard.” – Joe Schill, Owner, Schill Landscaping John Deere Landscapes wants to be more than just your supplier - we want to be a partner in your business. That’s why we’ve developed the Partners Program Business Solutions. From cell phone discounts to a 3-year nursery plant protection plan, there’s never been a better time to be a member of the Partners Program. We are adding more Business Solutions everyday, so check out what we have to offer you! • Sprint/Nextel Phone, Service & GPS System Discounts • Moveable Cubicle Discounts • GreenCAT® Electronic Catalog • John Deere Credit • Travel & Merchandise Rewards • Lien Direct Online • OfficeMax Volume Discounts • 3 Year Plant Protection Plan • Electronic Data Exchange • Paychex Payroll Services • Employee Training through GoTrain For more information, contact the Concierge Hotline at 800-820-4848, email us at, or visit us online at OfficeMax 3 Year Plant Protection Travel & Merchandise Rewards 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 13 Landscape & Growing Supplies Aggregate Stone Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Bagged Mulch & Bark Products Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Bamboo Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Bark Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 T & D II Wholesale, Inc., (248) 360-8870 Bark (Pine) Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 T & D II Wholesale, Inc., (248) 360-8870 Base Rock Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Basket Liners Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 Bedding Plant Supplies Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Bedding Plants BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 Four Star Greenhouse, (734) 654-6420 Benching BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Bio-Engineering Materials CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Biostimulants CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Northern Star Minerals, (616) 366-7872 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Border - Fencing CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 14 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Boulders American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Dunigan Brothers Inc., (800) 438-6442 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Broadleaf Evergreens (Finished) Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Burlap CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Burlap - No Rot CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Carts (Nursery & Greenhouse) Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Cellular Confinement CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Chemicals CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Monterey Lawn & Garden Products, (559) 499-2100 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Christmas Trees Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Coco Liner Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Coir Matting CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Construction Fabric CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Containers BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Deck Lighting CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Decorative Stone American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 De-Icers (bagged) Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Northern Star Minerals, (616) 366-7872 Design (Custom) Pots, Furniture, Fountains, etc. Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Drainage & Pipe Geosynthetics CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Edging American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hanson Hardscape Products, (800) 265-6496 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Erosion Control American Excelsior Co. - Earth Science Div., (888) 352-9582 CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Enviroscape ECM Ltd, (888) 550-1999 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Hanson Hardscape Products, (800) 265-6496 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Erosion Control Materials Enviroscape ECM Ltd, (888) 550-1999 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 Evergreens (Finished) Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Landscape & Growing Supplies Fencing CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Fertilizer BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Monterey Lawn & Garden Products, (559) 499-2100 Northern Star Minerals, (616) 366-7872 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Fertilizer (Aquatic) Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Fertilizer (Nursery) Northern Star Minerals, (616) 366-7872 Fire Pits w/ Rings Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Fish Health Supplies Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Flagging Tapes CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Flagstone Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Flats BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Flowering Baskets & Containers Four Star Greenhouse, (734) 654-6420 Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Flowering Shrubs (Finished) Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Furniture (Outdoor) Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 GABION Baskets CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Garden Accessories Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Garden Arbors Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Granite P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Grasses (Finished) in 1-2-5 Gallons Four Star Greenhouse, (734) 654-6420 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Grassy Pavers CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Green Roof Modules (Finished) Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Green Roof Supplies CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Greenhouse Poly Film Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Greenhouse Systems, Supplies & Equipment BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Ground Cover Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Grower Supplies BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Hand Tools CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Hanging Baskets Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Herbs Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 Holiday Greens & Displays Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Holiday Lighting Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Hydroseeding Supplies CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Simmons Equipment Sales, (734) 777-3229 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Ice Melting Products CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 Monterey Lawn & Garden Products, (559) 499-2100 Northern Star Minerals, (616) 366-7872 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Ironworks Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Jute Matting CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Koi and Goldfish Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Labels, Tags, & Signs Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Landscape Fabric American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Landscape Lighting Supplies CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Landscape Supplies (Misc.) American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 15 Landscape & Growing Supplies CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Lattice Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Lighting Systems CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Lightweight Aggregate Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Limestone Products Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Live Bio-engineering Materials CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Moss Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 Mulch American Excelsior Co. - Earth Science Div., (888) 352-9582 American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Owen Tree Service, (800) 724-6680 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 T & D II Wholesale, Inc., (248) 360-8870 Mulch - Grass Seed CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Mulch-Rubber Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Native Upland Plants JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 16 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Native Wetland Plants JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Natural Hardrock P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Nursery Containers BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Patio Stones Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Hanson Hardscape Products, (800) 265-6496 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Pavers (Clay Brick) Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Paving Stones American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Hanson Hardscape Products, (800) 265-6496 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Paving Stones-Cleaners & Sealers Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Paving Stones-Concrete Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Hanson Hardscape Products, (800) 265-6496 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Paving Supplies American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Perennial Cuttings Rooted in Ellepot Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Perennials (Finished) in 1-2-3 Gallons Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Perennials in Finished Containers Four Star Greenhouse, (734) 654-6420 Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Planters Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Playground Surfacing Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Playground Surfacing Rubber Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Plug Trays Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Pond & Water Garden Supplies Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Pond Aerators Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Pond Kits Automatic Supply Michigan, (877) 222-0240 Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Pond Lighting Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Pond Liners Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Pond Pumps Bedford Glens Garden Center/ Aqua Scapes of Ohio, (866) 864-7619 Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Pond Supplies - "Earth Bottom" Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Pond Water Clarifiers Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 Landscape & Growing Supplies CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Pots Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Propagation Trays Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Rainwear Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 Retaining Wall Systems American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Consumers Concrete, (800) 643-4235 Hanson Hardscape Products, (800) 265-6496 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Rock & Stone Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 P. J. Hebert, Inc., (800) 726-1945 Phoenix Stone Co., (866) 697-8663 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Rooftop Mixes Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Rooted Ellepot Specialty Annual Liners Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Rope Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Roses (Finished) Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Salt (Bulk) Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Outdoor Experts Inc., (877) 368-8366 Sediment Control American Excelsior Co. - Earth Science Div., (888) 352-9582 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Seed: Grass & Packaged Seeds Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Seed: Native Wildflowers & Grasses CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Ernst Conservation Seeds, (800) 873-3321 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Michigan Wildflower Farm, (517) 647-6010 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply - Bradley, (877) 744-6657 Rhino Seed & Turf Supply (S.E. Michigan), (800) 482-3130 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Shadecloth CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Silt Fence CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan, Inc., (517) 546-9848 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Gregware Equipment Co., (800) 248-5678 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Small Fruits (Finished) Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Sod Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Soil & Soil Mixes Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 BFG Supply Co., (800) 883-1234 CISCO Companies (The), (800) 888-2986 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 Kalamazoo Landscape Supplies, (269) 375-8000 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 T & D II Wholesale, Inc., (248) 360-8870 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Soil Amendments CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Evergreen Seed Co. LLC, (866) 530-7333 Green Valley Nutrient Mgmt, (616) 891-0075 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 T & D II Wholesale, Inc., (248) 360-8870 UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Soil Stabilizers CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Soil-less Growing Media American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 Michigan Wood Fibers, LLC, (800) 816-8524 Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies, (800) 546-9522 Renewed Earth, Inc., (800) 762-2722 Spades CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Specialty Containers Landmark Plastics Corp., (800) 242-1183 Spill Control UAP Professional Products, (866) 297-2244 SpinOut Products Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Staples American Excelsior Co. - Earth Science Div., (888) 352-9582 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Enviroscape ECM Ltd, (888) 550-1999 King Hughes Fasteners, (800) 779-3762 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Statuary/Fountains Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Stepables Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Stormwater Quality Improvement Solutions CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 Synthetic Golf Greens/Synthetic Turf Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Tarps CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Tarps (Mesh) Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 Texel Products Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 TexR® Products Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Timber & Lumber Products Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Top Soil Brink Wood Products, (616) 878-9190 Cannonsburg Wood Products, (800) 866-4840 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 17 86 68-4011 ) 523-1923 1-7007 21-7007 21-7007 814 1-7007 21-7007 21-7007 814 ) 523-1923 1-7007 21-7007 21-7007 814 637-6426 Landscape & Growing Supplies Landscape Topiary Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Tree Anchoring Systems Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Tree Root Barriers CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Tree Wrap Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 m (Water Bag) CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 ) 523-1923 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 t (Finished) Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 -3743 Michigan Orchard Supply, (800) 637-6426 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 -1314 68-4011 1-7007 21-7007 21-7007 1-7007 21-7007 21-7007 814 88) 619-3474 1-7007 21-7007 21-7007 8-3873 2 1999 86 814 Treegator Drip Irrigation System (Water Bag) Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 Trees-Ornamental, Shade, Fruit (Finished) Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 Trellises Branch Manufacturing, (248) 874-1314 Waldo & Associates, Inc., (800) 468-4011 Truck Covers CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Twine CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 Water Features Blue Thumb Distributing, Inc., (888) 619-3474 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - East, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - North, (800) 621-7007 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. - West, (800) 621-7007 EasyPro Pond Products, (800) 448-3873 Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 Pond Guy (The), (888) 766-3520 Rocks 'n' Roots, (586) 752-4900 Wattles Enviroscape ECM Ltd, (888) 550-1999 Wire Baskets Braun Horticulture, (888) 732-7286 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 18 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide & Growing Supplies BURNLESSFUEL EARNMOREPROFITS MORECAREBUILTIN NdjcZZYcZlZfj^ebZci!Wjig^h^c\[jZaXdhihVgZ Wjgc^c\jendjgegdÃih#I]ZVchlZg47jnVKdakd#Kdakd d[[ZghhdbZd[i]Zbdhi[jZa"Z[ÃX^ZcibVX]^cZh^ci]Z ^cYjhign#I]Z`Zn4>ccdkVi^kZ!Z[ÃX^ZciKdakdZc\^cZh YZh^\cZYl^i]BdgZXVgZ#7j^ai^c# K^h^iLdakZg^cZIgVXidgVcY:fj^ebZci8dbeVcncdl[dg bdgZYZiV^ah·VcYhZZ[dgndjghZa[]dlKdakdl^aa]Zae ndjgZVX]\gZViZgegdÃihi]gdj\]adlZgdeZgVi^c\Xdhih# Idaa;gZZ -,,"-&%",%(( lll#ldakZg^cZigVXidg#Xdb 9Zigd^i <gVcYGVe^Yh HV\^cVl 7g^\]idc 8Vcidc 8VhXd Bulbs Bulbs Caladium ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, ..................................... CN Calla Lily ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, ..................................... CN Canna Lily 6 ....................................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 ..................................... s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, CN 6 Crocus ....................................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 MICHIGAN GREEN INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS ....................................................................... Daffodil 6 ....................................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 ..................................... s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, CN Dahlia ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, CN 6 s, GROW Your Business with Auto-Owners Protection You May Save on your Insurance with Michigan’s Most Respected Insurer of Contractors! Hyacinth ....................................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, ) 742-1790 ..................................... ....................................................................... (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Miscellaneous .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 GREAT RATES! GREAT DISCOUNTS! Business Insurance Personal Insurance CN s "USINESS/WNERS0OLICIES s #OMMERCIAL!UTOMOBILE s #OMMERCIAL4AILORED0ROTECTION0OLICY s #OMMERCIAL5MBRELLA s 'ARAGE,IABILITY$EALERS"LANKET s 7ORKERS#OMPENSATION .................................................. Narcissus 6 ....................................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 ..................................... s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, Ranunculus ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 ..................................... s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, Muscari Blue Grape Hyacinth 6 ....................................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Tulipa Tulip 6 ....................................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... ..................................... CN (888) 634-7464 ..................................... s, (888) 634-7464 Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, CN s 0ERSONAL!UTOMOBILE s (OMEOWNERS s 0ERSONAL5MBRELLA These programs are recognized by the ASM Board of Directors Receive a No-obligation Quote Today! CN THE HARTLAND INSURANCE GROUP (800) 682-6881 CN or visit Please visit to locate an Auto-Owners agent near you! If you are currently insured through MNLA Buyer’s Guide 1 5/12/08 4:35 PM simply contact your agent to confirm if you are eligible for this discount for Group #564. Page Auto-Owners, 1 Brian Worfolk R.R.#4 12302 10th Line | Georgetown, Ontario, Canada | L7G 4S7 Tel: 416-798-7970 | Fax: 905-873-9591 | Toll Free: 888-676-2020 E-mail: KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 19 Ferns Adiantum pedatum Maidenhair Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Athyrium angustum forma rubellum 'Lady In Red' Lady In Red Lady Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Athyrium filix-femina Common Lady Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Athyrium filix-femina cristata Crested Lady Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Athyrium filix-femina 'Encourage' Encourage Lady Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae' Tatting Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ............................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Athyrium filix-femina 'Veronia Cristatum' Miss Vernon's Crested Lady Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae' Victoria Lady Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Athyrium 'Ghost' Ghost Lady Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Athyrium niponicum var. pictum Japanese Painted Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ............................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Athyrium otophorum Eared Lady Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Athyrium x 'Branford Beauty’ Branford Beauty Lady Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Blechnum gibbum Silver Lady Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... 20 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Blechnum spicant Deer Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Cyrtomium falcatum Japanese Holly Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Davallia fejeensis Lacy Rabbit's Foot Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata Angustata' Crested Goldenscaled Male Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dryopteris affinis cristata 'The King' The King Goldenscaled Male Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dryopteris atrata Black Wood Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Dryopteris crassirhizoma Thick-stemmed Wood Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dryopteris cycadina-atrata Shaggy Shield Fern John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dryopteris dilatata 'Crispa Whiteside' Crispa Whiteside Crisped Broad Buckler Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dryopteris erythrosora Autumn Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance’ Brilliance Autumn Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Dryopteris filix-mas 'Barnesii' Barnes Male Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Dryopteris filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactyla' Lace-leaved Wood Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dryopteris filix-mas 'Parsley' Parsley Male Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Dryopteris filix-mas 'Undulata Robusta' Robust Undulate Male Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Dryopteris intermedia Fancy Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dryopteris marginalis Leatherleaf Wood Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Dryopteris pseudo-filix-mas Mexican Wood Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... CN CN FG CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Ferns Dryopteris remota Remote Wood Fern Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Dryopteris spinulosa Spinulose Wood Fern Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Matteuccia struthiopteris 'Jumbo' Jumbo Ostrich Fern Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Matteuccia struthiopteris 'The King' The King Ostrich Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Matteuccia struthiopteris var. pennsylvanica Ostrich Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Nephrolepis exaltata Boston Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Nephrolepis exaltata 'Nevada' Nevada Boston Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Nephrolepis obliterata Emerald Queen Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive or Bead Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Osmunda claytoniana Interrupted Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Osmunda regalis Royal Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN LN Polystichum polyblepharum Japanese Tassel Fern Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Polystichum tsus-simense Tsussima Holly Fern Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Thelypteris knuthii Southern River Fern Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN FG CN CN Specialists in Drip Irrigation since 1973! CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Irrigation Engineering & Equipment TRICKL-EEZ Company has been the leader in irrigation since 1973. We've been helping nurseries in all facets of their irrigation needs, both sprinkler and drip. This is what we do! Call for your free catalog! 4266 Hollywood Road • St. Joseph, MI 49085 800-TRICKLE 800-874-2553 • Fax 269-429-6669 TRICKL-EEZ.COM TRICKL-EEZ.COM SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 21 Fruits Asparagus officinalis Garden Asparagus Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Ficus carica Common Fig Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Ficus carica 'Chicago Hardy' Chicago Hardy Fig Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Malus x domestica cultivars Dwarf Sweet Apple Tree Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus avium 'Bing Sweet' Dwarf Bing Sweet Cherry Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus avium cultivars Dwarf Sweet Cherry Tree Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus avium 'Stella Sweet' Dwarf Stella Sweet Cherry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus cerasus 'Montmorency' Dwarf Montmorency Sour Cherry Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus cerasus 'North Star' Dwarf North Star Sour Cherry Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus domestica cultivars Dwarf Plum Tree Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus japonica - hybrids Bush Cherry Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus persica cultivars Dwarf Peach Tree Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus persica 'Elberta' Dwarf Elberta Peach Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Prunus salicina cultivars Japanese Plum Tree Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Pyrus communis 'Bartlett' Dwarf Bartlett Pear Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Radicula armoracia Horseradish Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Rheum rhaponticum 'Canada Red' Canada Red Rhubarb Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Ribes hirtellum 'Pixwell' Pixwell Gooseberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ribes nidigrolaria 'Jostaberry' Black Currant and Gooseberry Cross Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Ribes sativum 'Perfection' Red Lake Currant Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 22 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Rubus fruticosus 'Sylvan' Sylvan Blackberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus idaeus 'Heritage' Red Thornless Raspberries Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus idaeus 'Latham' Latham Red Raspberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus idaeus 'Logan' Logan Black Raspberry Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Rubus ideaus cultivars Red Raspberry Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Rubus ideaus 'Cumberland' Cumberland Black Raspberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus loganobaccus Loganberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus 'Navaho' PP6679 Navaho Blackberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus occidentalis 'Arapaho' Arapaho Blackberry Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus occidentalis 'Bristol' Bristol Black Raspberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus occidentalis cultivars Black Raspberry Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Rubus occidentalis 'Ebony King' Ebony King Blackberry Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Rubus x 'Boyne' Boyne Red Raspberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus x 'Boysenberry' Boysenberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus x 'Chester' Chester Blackberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus x 'Fall Gold' Fall Gold Yellow Raspberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus x 'Indian Summer' Indian Summer Red Raspberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus x 'Triple Crown' Thornless Blackberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Vaccinium angustifolium Lowbush Blueberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Vaccinium corymbosum 'Darrow' Darrow Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ FG LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN LN CN KEY: CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG SP LN CN LN CN FG SP LN CN LN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Fruits Vaccinium macrocarpon Cranberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Vaccinium vitus idaeus Lingonberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Vaccinium x 'Berkeley' Berkeley Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Blue Jay' Blue Jay Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Blue Ray' Blue Ray Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Bluecrop' Bluecrop Blueberry DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Chippewa' Chippewa Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Duke' Duke Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Earliblue' Earliblue Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Elliot' Elliot Blueberry DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Hardyblue' Hardyblue Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Jersey' Jersey Blueberry Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Vaccinium x 'Northblue' Northblue Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Northland' Northland Blueberry Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'O'Neil' O'Neil Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Polaris' Polaris Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Sunshine Blue' Sunshine Blue Southern Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vaccinium x 'Toro' Toro Highbush Blueberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vitis labrusca Fredonia, Niagara Grape and Seedless Cultivars Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Vitis labrusca 'Catawba' Catawba Grape DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container Vitis labrusca 'Concord' Concord Grape DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Vitis labrusca 'Niagara' Niagara Grape DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Vitis x 'Concord Seedless' Concord Seedless Grape Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Vitis x 'Flame' Flame Grape Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Vitis x 'Himrod Seedless' Himrod Seedless Grape Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Vitis x 'Reliance' Reliance Grape Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Vitis x 'Vanessa' Vanessa Grape Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ LN CN LN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN DUTCHMAN TREE FARMS, LLC 88BMLFS3Et.BOUPO.* 1IPOFt'BY &NBJMEUG!OFUPOFDPNOFUt8FCTJUFEVUDINBOUSFFGBSNTDPN CN CN CN CN Grower of the finest trees in Northern Michigan CN CN CN CN $PMPSBEP4QSVDF /PSXBZ4QSVDF "VTUSJBO1JOF 4FSCJBO4QSVDF 8IJUF1JOF #MBDL)JMM4QSVDF 'SBTFS'JS 8IJUF4QSVDF $PODPMPS'JS %PVHMBT'JS 4DPUDI1JOF LN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Balled & Burlapped Field Potted Container Grown 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 23 Grasses Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki’ Oborozuki Sweet Flag Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Dwarf Variegated Sweet Flag Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ammophila breviligulata Dune Grass Landscape Design Services, Inc., (616) 399-1734 ............................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Ammophila breviligulata 'Cape' Cape Dune Grass Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Andropogon gerardii 'Lord Snowdon' Lord Snowdon Big Bluestem Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Andropogon scoparius Little Bluestem JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Arrhenatherum elatius var. bulbosum Tuber Oat Grass Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Arundo donax 'Variegata' Variegated Giant Reed Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Eldorado’ PP16486 Eldorado Feather Reed Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Calamagrostis arundinacea 'Overdam' Overdam Reed Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Calamagrostis arundinacea var. brachytricha Fall-blooming Feather Reed Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Calamagrostis x acutifolia 'Avalanche' Avalanche Feather Reed Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... 24 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Calamagrostis x acutifolia 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Calamagrostis x acutifolia 'Stricta' Narrow Feather Reed Grass Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Calamagrostis x 'Cheju-do' Dwarf Feather Reed Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Carex buchananii Leatherleaf Sedge Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Carex caryophylla 'Beatlemania' Beatlemania Spring Sedge Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Carex conica 'Snowline' Snowline Miniature Sedge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Carex dolichostachya 'Kaga Nishiki' Gold Fountain Sedge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Carex elata 'Bowles Golden' Bowles Golden Sedge Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Carex frankii Frank’s Sedge JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Carex glauca Blue Sedge John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Carex glauca 'Blue Zinger' Blue Zinger Sedge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Grasses Carex hachioensis 'Evergold' Evergold Japanese Sedge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Carex morrowii 'Aurea' Variegated Japanese Sedge Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ............................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Ice Dance Japanese Sedge Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Carex morrowii 'Silver Scepter' Silver Scepter Japanese Sedge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Carex muskingumensis Palm Sedge JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Carex muskingumensis 'Little Midge' Dwarf Palm Sedge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Carex muskingumensis 'Oehme' Oehme Palm Sedge Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Carex pennsylvanica Pennsylvania Sedge JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Carex siderosticha 'Variegata' Variegated Japanese Sedge John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Carex testacea Orange New Zealand Sedge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Carex x 'Bunny Blue' Bunny Blue Sedge Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Carex x 'The Beatles' The Beatles Sedge Grass Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Chasmanthium latifolium Northern Sea Oats Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cortaderia selloana 'Incalma' Incalma Pampas Grass Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' Pumila Pampas Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Deschampsia caespitosa 'Bronze Veil' Bronze Veil Tufted Hairgrass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Deschampsia caespitosa 'Goldgehaenge' Gold Drops Tufted Hairgrass Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Deschampsia caespitosa 'Northern Lights' Northern Lights Tufted Hairgrass John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Deschampsia caespitosa 'Schottland' Schottland Tufted Hairgrass Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Elymus canadensis Canada Wild Rye JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Elymus glaucus Blue Lyme Grass Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Elymus riparus Riverbank Wild Rye JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Elymus virginicus Virginia Wild Rye JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Eragrostis ellottii 'Wind Dancer’ Wind Dancer Love Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Eragrostis spectabilis Purple Love Grass JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 25 Grasses Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Erianthus ravennae Plume Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Fargesia robusta 'Green Screen’ Green Screen™ Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Fargesia rufa 'Green Panda’ Green Panda™ Clumping Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder’ Asian Wonder™ Clumping Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Festuca glauca 'Boulder Blue’ Boulder Blue Fescue Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Festuca ovina glauca Blue Fescue John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Festuca ovina glauca 'Elijah Blue' Elijah Blue Fescue Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Festuca scoparia 'Hobbit’ Hobbit Fescue Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Hakonechloa macra Hakone Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' All Gold Hakone Grass Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Golden Variegated Hakone Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... 26 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hakonechloa macra 'Beni Kazi' Japanese Forest Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Helictotrichon sempervirens Blue Oat Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Sapphire' Sapphire Blue Oat Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hystrix patula Bottlebrush Grass JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' Japanese Blood Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Imperata cylindrica var. rubra Red Japanese Blood Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Isolepis cernua Fiber Optic Grass (Tender Perennial) Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Juncus effusus 'Curly Wurly' Curly Wurly (Corkscrew rush) Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Juncus effusus 'Frenzy’ Variegated Corkscrew Rush Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Juncus effusus 'Unicorn' Unicorn Rush Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... LN LN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Grasses Juncus tenuis Path Rush JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Koeleria glauca Blue Hair Grass Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Koeleria macrantha June Grass JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Lagurus ovatus Annual Bunny-Tail Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Leymus arenarius 'Blue Dune' Blue Dune Wild Rye Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Luzula 'Ruby Stiletto’ Ruby Woodrush Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Miscanthus giganteus Giant Eulalia Grass Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Miscanthus sinensis Common Eulalia Grass John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' Adagio Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Arabesque' Arabesque Eulalia Grass Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Bitsy Ben' Bitsy Ben Japanese Silver Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Blue Ten Wonder' Blue Ten Wonder Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Burgunder' Burgundy Japanese Silver Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Cabaret' Cabaret Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ............................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Central Park' Central Park Japanese Silver Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Condensatus' Purple-blooming Eulalia Grass Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' Cosmopolitan Variegated Eulalia Grass Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Miscanthus sinensis 'Dixieland' Dixieland Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Emerald Shadow' Emerald Shadow Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Ferner Osten' Ferner Osten Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Flamingo' Flamingo Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Gaa' Gaa Japanese Silver Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar’ PP15193 Gold Bar Maiden Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Miscanthus sinensis 'Gotemba Gold' Gotemba Gold Japanese Silver Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' Gracillimus Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Miscanthus sinensis 'Graziella' Graziella Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Miscanthus sinensis 'Grosse Fontaene' Grosse Fontaene Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Helga Reich' Silver Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... SP=Specimen CN LN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 27 Grasses Miscanthus sinensis 'Huron Blush’ Huron Blush Japanese Silver Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Huron Sentinel’ Green Japanese Silver Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Huron Sunrise' PPAF Huron Sunrise Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Kaskade' Kaskade Japanese Silver Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Kitten' Little Kitten Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Nicky' Little Nicky Eulalia Grass Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra' Dwarf Zebra Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus' Malepartus Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' Morning Light Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Nippon' Nippon Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Puenktchen' Puenktchen Eulalia Grass North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Purpurascens' Autumn Purple Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... 28 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Rigoletto' Rigoletto Japanese Silver Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Miscanthus sinensis 'Sarabande' Sarabande Eulalia Grass Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberfeder' Silver Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Silver Arrow' Silver Arrow Eulalia Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Silver Feather' Silver Feather Eulalia Grass DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Silver Shadow’ Silver Shadow Japanese Silver Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' Porcupine Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Miscanthus sinensis 'Undine' Undine Eulalia Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' Striped Eulalia Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... CN LN LN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Grasses Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Weathervane' Weathervane Japanese Silver Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Yaku Jima' Yaku Jima Eulalia Grass John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' Zebrinus Eulalia Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Molinia caerulea Skyracer Moor Grass Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Molinia caerulea 'Strahlenquelle’ Fountain Spray Moor Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 'Karl Foerster’ Karl Foerster Purple Moor Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 'Skyracer' Skyracer Moor Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea 'Moorflamme’ Red Moor Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea 'Moorhexe’ Moorwitch Purple Moor Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' Variegated Moor Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Ebknizam' Ebony Knight Black Mondo Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Panicum amarum 'Dewey Blue' Dewey Blue Bitter Switch Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Panicum virgatum Switch Grass JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Panicum virgatum 'Hanse Herms' Hanse Herms Switch Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN FG Panicum virgatum 'Cloud Nine' Cloud Nine Switch Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' Heavy Metal Switch Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' Northwind Switch Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Fire’ Prairie Fire Switch Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Sky' Prairie Sky Switch Grass John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Panicum virgatum 'Rotstrahlbusch' Red Switch Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Shenandoah Switch Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Panicum virgatum 'Squaw' Squaw Switch Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Panicum x 'Dallas Blues' PP11202 Dallas Blues Switch Grass Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 29 Grasses Pennisetum alopecuroides Perennial Fountain Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Cassian' Cassian Fountain Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Chinese Dwarf Fountain Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Japonicum' Japanese Fountain Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' Little Bunny Fountain Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Honey' Dwarf Variegated Fountain Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... 30 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN LN Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' Black-flowered Fountain Grass Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Red Head' Red Head Fountain Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Viridescens' Early-blooming Black-flowered Fountain Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Pennisetum glaucum 'Purple Majesty' Purple Majesty Pearl Millet Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Pennisetum orientale Oriental Fountain Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose' Karley Rose Oriental Fountain Grass Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Purple-leaved Fountain Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Pennisetum x 'Princess' PPAF Princess Fountain Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phalaris arundinacea 'Dwarf Garters’ Dwarf Variegated Ribbon Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Phalaris arundinacea 'Feesey's Form' Strawberries and Cream Ribbon Grass Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phalaris arundinacea var. picta Variegated Ribbon Grass Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Pleioblastus auricoma 'Chrysophyllus' Dwarf Yellow Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Pleioblastus fortunei 'Variegata’ Whitestripe Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Pleioblastus variegatus White Striped Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sasa veitchii 'Nana’ Veitch’s Dwarf Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Grasses Grasses Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem ....................................... (574) 586-2412 JFNew Native Plant Nursery,CN(574) 586-2412 ....................................... CN742-1790 .................................................. ) 742-1790 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) ..................................... CN (517) 223-0842 ..................................... s, (517) 223-0842 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, CN ............................................................. -7742 ............................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 .......................................... (269) 668-3009Summerfield Nursery, LLC,CN (269) 668-3009 .......................................... CN ........................................................... 1-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 LN 925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) ................ CN & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ nts & Seed, (517) Wildtype 244-1140 Design, Native LN Plants aze' Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blaze' Blaze Little Bluestem 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800)CN253-3743 .................................................... e Blues' Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' The Blues Little Bluestem CN ......................................................................... 2 ......................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................... CN (517) 223-0842 ..................................... s, (517) 223-0842 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, CN ............................................................. -7742 ............................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 CN ........................................................... 1-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800)CN253-3743 .................................................... Scirpus atrovirens Green Bulrush ................ nts & Seed, (517) Wildtype 244-1140 Design, Native LN Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Seslaria autumnalis Autumn Moor Grass CN ......................................................................... 2 ......................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 CN742-1790 .................................................. ) 742-1790 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) CN ........................................................... 1-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 Sorghastrum nutans Indian Grass CN ......................................................................... 2 ......................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ....................................... (574) 586-2412 JFNew Native Plant Nursery,CN(574) 586-2412 ....................................... CN742-1790 .................................................. ) 742-1790 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) CN 495-2300 ................................................. 5) 495-2300 ................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) CN ........................................................... 1-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 LN 925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) ................ nts & Seed, (517) Wildtype 244-1140 Design, Native LN Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Spartina pectinata Prairie Cord Grass ....................................... (574) 586-2412 JFNew Native Plant Nursery,CN(574) 586-2412 ....................................... CN 495-2300 ................................................. 5) 495-2300 ................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) ................ CN & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ nts & Seed, (517) Wildtype 244-1140 Design, Native LN Plants Spodiopogon sibiricus Frost Grass CN ......................................................................... 2 ......................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie Drop Seed CN ......................................................................... 2 ......................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ....................................... (574) 586-2412 JFNew Native Plant Nursery,CN(574) 586-2412 ....................................... CN742-1790 .................................................. ) 742-1790 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) CN 495-2300 ................................................. 5) 495-2300 ................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) ..................................... CN (517) 223-0842 ..................................... s, (517) 223-0842 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, CN ............................................................. -7742 ............................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 CN ........................................................... 1-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ................ CN & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ nts & Seed, (517) Wildtype 244-1140 Design, Native LN Plants Sporobolus heterolepis 'Tara' Tara Prairie Drop Seed CN ......................................................................... 2 ......................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN Annuals (Annual bedding, baskets, pots in basic and premium varieties. Patio containers, color bowls & window boxes) LN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN For all holidays (Bulb crop, Easter lilies, azaleas, mums, Cinerarias, hybrid lilies, etc.) Perennials CN CN CN CN CN CN Indoor Holiday Flowering (Flowering, grasses, hosta, ferns & groundcovers) Foliage & Weekly Availability (Assorted sizes & varieties) Prefinished & Plug Material For all seasons And much more… A World of Color for You! Ph (888) 634-7464, Fax (734) 654-3750, e-mail: For more information, please contact us anytime. Complete Line of Nursery Stock Shade Trees Flowering Shrubs Evergreen Shrubs Ornamental Trees Evergreen Trees Perennials CN 5304 Marine City Hwy. (26 Mile Rd.) P.O. Box 189, Marine City, MI 48039 810-765-5533 FAX 810-765-5222 KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 31 Ground Covers & Vines Actinidia kolomikta Tricolor Kiwi Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum' Snow-on-the-Mountain Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Agapanthus campanulatus African Blue Lily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Ajuga genevensis Geneva Bugle Weed Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Ajuga pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa' Metallica Crispa Upright Bugle Weed Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Ajuga reptans Common Bugle Weed John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' PP15815 Black Scallop Bugle Weed Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ajuga reptans 'Braunherz' Braunherz Bugle Weed Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' Bronze Beauty Carpet Bugle Weed Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Burgundy Glow Bugle Weed Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' Catlin's Giant Bugle Weed Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Chocolate Chip Bugle Weed Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... 32 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ajuga reptans 'Gaiety' Bronze Bugle Weed Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Ajuga reptans 'Mahogany' Mahogany Bugle Weed Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Ajuga reptans 'Metallica Crispa' Metallica Crispa Ajuga Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Ajuga reptans 'Purple Brocade' Purple Brocade Bugle Weed Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ajuga reptans 'Silver Beauty' Silver Beauty Bugle Weed Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Akebia quinata 'Alba' White Flowering Fiveleaf Akebia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Akebia quinata 'Fruitful Combo' Fruitful Combo Fiveleaf Akebia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Allium maximowiczii 'Alba' White Decorative Onion Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Allium schoenoprasum 'Forescate' Forescate Chive Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Allium senescens subsp. montanum Mountain Garlic Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Porcelain Vine John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 'Elegans' Variegated Porcelain Vine Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Amsonia 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Blue Star Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Massachusetts' Massachusetts Bearberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Vancouver Jade' Vancouver Jade Bearberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Arenaria species Sandwort North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aristolochia durior Dutchman's Pipe Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN SP=Specimen Ground Covers & Vines Aristolochia tomentosa Woolly Dutchman's Pipe Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Armeria hybrida 'Ornament Mix' Ornament Mix Sea Thrift Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Armeria maritima 'Dusseldorf Pride' Dusseldorf Pride Thrift Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia' Ruby Sea Thrift Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Asarum canadensis Canadian Wild Ginger Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Asarum europaeum European Wild Ginger Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Asarum splendens 'Quick Silver' Quick Silver Showy Ginger Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Aster dumosus 'Professor Kippenberg' Professor Kippenberg Aster Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Aster x frikartii 'Monch' Monch Hybrid Aster Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Bergenia purpurescens Chinese Bergenia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Calamintha nepeta 'White Cloud' White Cloud Calamint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Calluna vulgaris Heather DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro' Allegro Scotch Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Calluna vulgaris 'Beoley Gold' Beoley Gold Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Calluna vulgaris 'Blazeaway' Blazeaway Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Calluna vulgaris 'Corbett's Red' Corbett's Red Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Calluna vulgaris 'Darylensis' Darylensis Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Calluna vulgaris 'Devon' Devon Pink Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Calluna vulgaris 'Foxhollow Wanderer' Foxhollow Wanderer Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Calluna vulgaris 'H.E. Beale' H. E. Beale Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Calluna vulgaris 'J H Hamilton' J H Hamilton Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Calluna vulgaris 'Kinlochruel' Kinlochruel Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Calluna vulgaris 'Martha Hermann' Martha Hermann Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Calluna vulgaris 'Multicolor' Multicolor Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Calluna vulgaris 'Peter Sparks' Peter Sparks Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Calluna vulgaris 'Robert Chapman' Robert Chapman Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Calluna vulgaris 'Silver Knight' Silver Knight Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Calluna vulgaris 'Spring Torch' Spring Torch Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Calluna vulgaris 'Tib' Tib Summer Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Campsis radicans Trumpet Vine DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Campsis radicans 'Flamenco' Bright Red Trumpet Vine North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Campsis radicans 'Flava' Yellow Trumpet Vine Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Campsis radicans 'Indian Summer' Indian Summer Trumpet Vine North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Campsis radicans 'Minnesota Red' Minnesota Red Trumpet Vine Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Campsis radicans 'Rubra' Red Trumpet Vine Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Blue Mist' Blue Mist Bluebeard Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Celastrus rosthornianus Loesner Bittersweet Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 33 Ground Covers & Vines Celastrus scandens American Bittersweet North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-Summer John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Plumbago, Leadwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' Hot Lips Turtle-head Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Clematis alpina Small Flowering Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Clematis cultivars Clematis - Large Flowering Hybrids Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Clematis 'Evijohill' Josephine™ Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Clematis 'Evipo 032' Festoon Vesuvius™ Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Clematis 'Evipo 033' Festoon Avant-garde™ Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Clematis 'Evipo 036' Festoon Confetti™ Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Clematis 'Evirin' Blue Moon™ Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Clematis 'Evithree' Anna Louise™ Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Clematis 'Evitwo' Arctic Queen™ Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Clematis 'Guernsey Cream' Guernsey Cream Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Clematis heracleifolia var. davidiana Blue Tube Clematis Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Clematis macropetala 'Blue Bird' Blue Bird Clematis Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... 34 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Clematis macropetala 'Markham's Pink' Markham's Pink Clematis Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Clematis maximowicziana Sweet Autumn Clematis Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Clematis montana 'Freda' Freda Anemone Clematis Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Clematis virginiana Bower Vine Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Clematis viticella 'Etoile Violette' Violet Star Clematis Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Clematis viticella 'Mme Julia Correvon' Mme Julia Correvon Clematis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Conoclium coelestinum 'Wayside' Wayside Hardy Ageratum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Cornus canadensis Bunchberry DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Coronilla varia Crownvetch Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Daboecia cantabrica Irish Heath DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Delosperma congestum 'Gold Nugget' Gold Nugget Ice Plant Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Delosperma cooperi Cooper's Ice Plant Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Delosperma floribundum 'Starburst' Starburst Ice Plant Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Delosperma 'John Proffitt' John Proffitt Ice Plant Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Delosperma 'Mesa Verde' Mesa Verde Hardy Ice Plant Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG LN CN KEY: CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Ground Covers & Vines Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Delosperma nubigena Hardy Ice Plant Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' Dwarf Nikko Deutzia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Dianthus x allwoodii 'Little Bobby' Little Bobby Carnation Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dicentra 'King of Hearts' King of Hearts Bleeding Heart Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Diervilla lonicera Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'DoubleDecker' Doppelganger Purple Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee' Lilac Fairy Epimedium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Epimedium species Barrenwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Epimedium x rubrum Red Barrenwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum' Bicolor Epimedium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Epimedium x youngianum 'Roseum' Fairy Wings Epimedium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Erica carnea Heath DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Erica tetralix 'Alba White Bells' Alba White Bells Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Erica tetralix 'Pink' Pink Heather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' Purpleleaf Euonymus Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus fortunei 'Mikaela' PPAF Mikaela Wintercreeper Euonymus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN FG=Field Grown Euonymus fortunei 'Wo-long Ghost' Silvervein Wintercreeper Euonymus Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Euonymus obovatus Running Strawberry Bush Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' Purple Wood Spurge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae Wood Spurge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Euphorbia cyparissias 'Fens Ruby' Cypress Spurge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Fragaria 'Frel' Pink Panda® Ornamental Strawberry Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Fragaria virginiana Wild Strawberry JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Fragaria x 'Lipstick' Lipstick Ornamental Strawberry Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' Whirling Butterflies Gaura Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Geranium 'Dilys' Dilys Hardy Geranium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Geranium sanguineum 'Alpenglow' Alpenglow Geranium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Geranium x 'Rozanne' PP12175 Rozanne Crane’s Bill Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hedera colchica 'Dentata' Persian Ivy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Hedera colchica 'Sulfur Heart' Sulfur Heart Persian Ivy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Hedera colchica 'Variegata' Variegated Persian Ivy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Hedera helix English Ivy Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hedera helix 'Baltica' Baltic Ivy Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 35 Ground Covers & Vines Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hedera helix 'Hedgehog' Hedgehog English Ivy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hedera helix 'Ivanlace' Common Wilson's Ivy Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Hedera helix 'Thorndale' Thorndale Ivy Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hedera helix 'Walthamensis' Walthamensis English Ivy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Helleborus x hybridus Lenten Rose Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Herniaria glabra Rupturewort Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Herniaria glabra 'Green Carpet' Green Carpet Rupturewort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Herniaria glabra 'Sea Foam' Sea Foam Rupturewort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Houttuynia cordata 'Variegata' Variegated Chameleon Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Hydrangea anomala 'Miranda' Miranda Variegated Climbing Hydrangea Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Firefly' Firefly Climbing Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Skylands Giant' Skylands Giant Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Iris pseudacorus 'Flore Pleno' Double Flowered Yellow Flag Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... 36 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Iris pseudacorus 'Variegatus' Variegated Yellow Flag Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' Caesar's Brother Siberian Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris sibirica 'Sparkling Rose' Sparkling Rose Siberian Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Isotoma fluviatilis Blue Star Creeper Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Kalimeris yomena 'Shogun' Variegated Japanese Aster Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Kalmia angustifolia Ground Cover Laurel Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Lamium galeobdolon 'Herman's Pride' Herman's Pride Yellow Archangel Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Lamium galeobdolon 'Variegatum' Variegated Yellow Archangel Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' Beacon Silver Dead Nettle John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Lamium maculatum 'Checquers' Checquers Dead Nettle Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Lamium maculatum 'Orchid Frost' PP11122 Orchid Frost Spotted Dead Nettle Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Lamium maculatum 'Shell Pink' Shell Pink Dead Nettle John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' White Nancy Dead Nettle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Lamium x 'Pink Pewter' Pink Pewter Dead Nettle Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Lathyrus latifolius Perennial Sweetpea Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN KEY: CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN FG SP=Specimen Ground Covers & Vines Leptinella minor Miniature Brass Buttons Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Leptinella perpusilla New Zealand Brass Buttons Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' Platt's Black Brass Buttons Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Lily-turf Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Liriope muscari 'Evergreen Giant' Evergreen Giant Lily-turf Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Liriope muscari 'Variegata' Variegated Lily-turf DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Liriope spicata Creeping Lily-turf Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon' Silver Dragon Creeping Lily-turf Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' Grace Ward Lithodora Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lithodora diffusa 'Star' PP10096 Star Lithodora Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lonicera japonica 'Aureoreticulata' Japanese Honeysuckle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lonicera japonica 'Halliana' Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Lonicera japonica 'Halliana Prolific' Hall's Prolific Japanese Honeysuckle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lonicera japonica 'Purpurea' Purple-leaved Japanese Honeysuckle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lonicera periclymenum 'Graham Thomas' Graham Thomas Honeysuckle Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Lonicera sempervirens 'Blanche Sandman' Blanche Sandman Red Honeysuckle Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Lonicera sempervirens 'John Clayton' John Clayton Yellow Honeysuckle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lonicera x 'Dropmore Scarlet' Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Lonicera x heckrottii Goldflame Honeysuckle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lonicera x 'Mandarin' Mandarin White Honeysuckle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lotus corniculatus 'Pleniflorus' Double Flowered Bird's-foot Trefoil Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' Golden Creeping Charlie Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Mazus reptans Creeping Mazus Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Menispermum canadense Moonseed Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Nepeta subsessilus 'Sweet Dreams' Showy Catmint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Nepeta x faassenii 'Six Hills Giant' Six Hills Giant Catmint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Walker's Low Catmint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Black Mondo Grass Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Origanum vulgare 'Humile' Creeping Oregano Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Pachistima canbyi Mountain Jade Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Pachysandra procumbens Allegheny Pachysandra Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN FG FG CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 37 Ground Covers & Vines Pachysandra terminalis Japanese Pachysandra Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet' Green Carpet Pachysandra Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen' Green Sheen Pachysandra Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Pachysandra terminalis 'Silver Edge' Silver Edge Pachysandra Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Pachysandra terminalis 'Variegata' Variegated Pachysandra Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Englemann' Engleman's Virginia Creeper Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Fenway Park' Golden Boston Ivy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Lowii' Low's Boston Ivy Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Petasites japonicus 'Giganteus' Giant Butterbur Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Petasites japonicus 'Purpureus' Purple Leaved Butterbur Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Petasites japonicus 'Variegatus' Variegated Butterbur Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Phlox stolonifera Creeping Phlox John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. 38 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' Variegated Fragrant Solomon's Seal Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Polygonum aubertii Silver Fleece-Vine Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Polygonum aubertii 'Lemon Lace' Lemon Lace Silver Fleece-Vine Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Potentilla anserina Silver Feather Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Potentilla verna 'Nana' Creeping Yellow Potentilla Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Pulmonaria longifolia 'Diana Clare' Diana Clare Lungwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Ranunculus repens 'Buttered Popcorn' Buttered Popcorn Creeping Buttercup Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Rubus calycinoides Creeping Raspberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Rubus x stellarcticus Arctic Raspberry Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Rudbeckia laciniata 'Goldquelle' Goldquelle Cutleaf Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Rudbeckia speciosa 'Viette's Little Suzy' Dwarf Orange Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sagina subulata Irish Moss Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Salvia nemorosa 'Marcus' PPAF Marcus Sage Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Rose Wine' Rose Wine Sage Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Salvia nemorosa 'Viola Klose' Viola Klose Sage Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Moonlight' Moonlight Japanese Hydrangea Vine Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN SP=Specimen Ground Covers & Vines North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Roseum' Pink Japanese Hydrangea Vine Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Strawberry Leaf' Strawberry Leaf Japanese Hydrangea Vine Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Sedum divergens Spreading Stonecrop Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum forsterianum Forster’s Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum grisebachii (No common name) Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum hispanicum 'Pinkie' Pinkie Tiny Buttons Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum hybridum 'Immergrunchen’ Evergreen Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum 'Joyce Henderson' Joyce Henderson Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum reflexum 'Blue Lagoon’ Blue Lagoon Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum rubrotinctum 'Mini Me' Mini Me Creeping Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum sarmentosum Trailing Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum spurium 'Album Superbum’ White Flowered Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum telephium 'Red Cauli’ Red Cauli Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sedum tetractinum 'Coral Reef' Coral Reef Sedum Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Sempervivum arachnoideum Cobwebbed Hens and Chicks Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Stachys byzantina 'Silver Carpet' Silver Carpet Lambs Ear Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Teucrium chamaedrys Wall Germander Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Thymus pseudolanuginosus Wooly Thyme Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Thymus serpyllum Mother of Thyme Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN LN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Thymus serpyllum 'Coccineum' Red Flowering Thyme Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' Pink Creeping Thyme Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Thymus x citriodorus Lemon Thyme Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Thymus x citriodorus 'Doone Valley' Doone Valley Lemon Thyme Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Tiarella x 'Ink Blot' Ink Blot Foamflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' Sweet Kate Spiderwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge' Gilt Edge Orchid Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Tricyrtis hirta 'Variegata' Variegated Orchid Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Tricyrtis 'Tojen' Tojen Orchid Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' Georgia Blue Speedwell Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Veronica repens Creeping Speedwell John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Vinca minor Common Periwinkle Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Vinca minor 'Alba' White Flowering Vinca Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN FG CN 39 Ground Covers & Vines Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea' Wine Myrtle/Purple-flowered Myrtle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Vinca minor 'Blue and Gold' Blue and Gold Myrtle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Vinca minor 'Bowlesii' Bowle's Periwinkle Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vinca minor 'Illumination' PPAF Illumination Variegated Myrtle Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Vinca minor 'Ralph Shugert' PP6960 Ralph Shugert Myrtle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vinca minor 'Sterlng Silver' Sterling Silver Vinca Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Vinca x 'Dart's Blue' Dart's Blue Myrtle Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Vinca x 'Emily Joy' Emily Joy Myrtle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Vitis vinifera 'Purpurea' Purple-leaved Common Grape Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Vitis x 'Mars Seedless' Mars Seedless Grape Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Waldsteinia ternata Barren Strawberry Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' Amethyst Falls Wisteria Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Wisteria macrostachya 'Aunt Dee' Aunt Dee Kentucky Wisteria Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Wisteria macrostachya 'Clara Mack' Clara Mack Wisteria Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. 40 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zauschneria garretti 'Orange Carpet' Orange Carpet® Creeping Hummingbird Trumpet Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN W H E N D E VA S T A T I O N S T R I K E S YOU R H O R T I C U LT U R A L BU S I N E S S CN CN CN option 1: CN CN CN CN CN CN fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 Bravely hold back tears. A noble effort. However, noble only gets you so far. Go ahead and let’em rip. Hope that someone takes pity. Dry your eyes. Abandon all hope. Accept your fate. or CN CN CN CN option 2 (the wiser decision): CALL HORTICA Hortica is the insurance company that can guide you to identify your business’ evolving risks and needs, as well as provide finelytuned insurance and employee benefit solutions. Our 119 years in the horticultural world have made us experts in recognizing risks to your company before they can hurt your business. Of course, if something does happen we will pay your claims quickly to get you back on your feet as soon as possible. Hortica is the only insurance company you can trust with every aspect of your business. CN CN CN To get a quote, visit or call 800.851.7740. INSURANCE & EMPLOYEE BENEFITS To guide and provide CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Hostas Hosta 'Abba Dabba Doo' Abba Dabba Doo Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hosta 'Daybreak' Daybreak Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hosta 'Dream Weaver’ Dream Weaver Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta 'Earth Angel' Earth Angel Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hosta fluctuans 'Variegata' Sagae Hosta Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Hosta fortunei 'Albo-picta' Albo-picta Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta fortunei 'Antioch' Antioch Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta fortunei 'Crowned Imperial' Crowned Imperial Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta fortunei 'Francee' Francee Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta fortunei 'Gold Standard' Gold Standard Hosta Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG FG Hosta fortunei 'Green Gold' Green Gold Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta fortunei 'Hyacinthina' Hyacinthina Hosta Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta fortunei 'Loyalist' Loyalist Hosta Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta fortunei 'Minuteman' Minuteman Hosta Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta fortunei 'Moonlight' Moonlight Hosta Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Hosta fortunei 'Night Before Christmas' Night Before Christmas Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta fortunei 'Patriot' Patriot Hosta Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta fortunei 'Revolution' Revolution Hosta Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta fortunei 'Striptease' Striptease Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ........................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... SP=Specimen FG LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 41 Hostas North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta fortunei 'Sundance' Sundance Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Hosta fortunei 'Twilight' Twilight Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta 'Guardian Angel’ Guardian Angel Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hosta lancifolia Narrow Greenleaf Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Hosta longipes 'Aurea' Aurea Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta montana Bigleaf Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Hosta montana 'Aureo-marginata' Gold Edged Large-Leaf Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta montana 'Frosted Jade' Frosted Jade Bigleaf Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hosta nakaiana 'Allen P. McConnell' Allen P. McConnell Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Hosta nakaiana 'Diamond Tiara' Diamond Tiara Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta nakaiana 'Golden Tiara' Golden Tiara Hosta Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta nakaiana 'Pearl Lake' Pearl Lake Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Hosta nigrescens 'Krossa Regal' Krossa Regal Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. 42 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta nigrescens 'Regal Splendor' Regal Splendor Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta 'On Stage’ On Stage Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta 'Photo Finish' Photo Finish Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta 'Pizazz' Pizazz Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta 'Praying Hands’ Praying Hands Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta rectifolia 'Chionea' Chionea Hosta Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Hosta 'Sharmon' Sharmon Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' Elegans Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta sieboldiana 'Frances Williams' Frances Williams Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN KEY: FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Hostas Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta sieboldiana 'Great Expectations' Great Expectations Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta sieboldiana 'Northern Exposure' Northern Exposure Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta sieboldiana 'Wheaton Blue' Wheaton Blue Hosta Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Hosta 'Spilt Milk’ Spilt Milk Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta 'Stained Glass’ Stained Glass Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta 'Sum of All’ Sum of All Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta tokudama 'Aureo Nebulosa' Aureo Nebulosa Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta tokudama 'Blue Cadet' Blue Cadet Hosta Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Hosta tokudama 'Flavo-circinalis' Plantain Lily Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta tokudama 'Love Pat' Love Pat Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Hosta 'Touch of Class’ PP13080 Touch of Class Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta undulata 'Albo Marginata' Wavy Leafed Hosta Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta undulata 'Mediovariegata' Mediovariegata Hosta New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta undulata 'Variegata' Variegated Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta ventricosa Blue Plantain Lily Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Hosta ventricosa 'Aureomarginata' Variegated Blue Plantain Lily John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Abby' Abby Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'American Dream' American Dream Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Aristocrat' Aristocrat Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta x 'August Moon' August Moon Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ........................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Big Daddy' Big Daddy Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hosta x 'Blue Angel' Blue Angel Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. SP=Specimen CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 43 Hostas Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Blue Umbrellas' Blue Umbrellas Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Bressingham Blue' Bressingham Blue Hosta Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Bright Lights' Bright Lights Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Brim Cup' Brim Cup Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Carnival' Carnival Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Cherry Bells' Cherry Bells Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hosta x 'Cherry Berry' Cherry Berry Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ............................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta x 'Christmas Tree' Christmas Tree Hosta Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Crusader' Crusader Hosta Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Hosta x 'Dream Queen' Dream Queen Hosta Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Emily Dickinson' Emily Dickinson Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Fair Maiden' Fair Maiden Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta x 'Fire and Ice' Fire and Ice Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Fragrant Blue' Fragrant Blue Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Fragrant Bouquet' Fragrant Bouquet Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. 44 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN LN LN Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Fried Bananas' Fried Bananas Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Hosta x 'Fried Green Tomatoes' Fried Green Tomatoes Hosta Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hosta x 'Fringe Benefit' Fringe Benefit Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Ginko Craig' Ginko Craig Dwarf Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta x 'Gold Drop' Gold Drop Hosta Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Hosta x 'Gold Edger' Gold Edger Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Hosta x 'Golden Waffles' Golden Waffles Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Grand Tiara' Grand Tiara Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta x 'Ground Master' Ground Master Hosta Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Hosta x 'Guacamole' Guacamole Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Honeybells' Honeybells Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Hosta x 'Inniswood' Inniswood Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hosta x 'Iona' Iona Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Island Charm' Island Charm Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta x 'Julie Morss' Julie Morss Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'June' June Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN SP=Specimen Hostas Hosta x 'Knockout' Knockout Hosta Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Hosta x 'Leola Fraim' Leola Fraim Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Marginata Superior' Marginata Superior Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Midwest Magic' Midwest Magic Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Moerheim' Moerheim Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Mr. Big' Mr. Big Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Hosta x 'Paradigm' Paradigm Hosta North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta x 'Parhelion' Parhelion Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta x 'Paul's Glory' Paul's Glory Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta x 'Pilgrim' Pilgrim Hosta Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Queen Josephine' Queen Josephine Hosta Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Robert Frost' Robert Frost Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta x 'Royal Standard' Royal Standard Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hosta x 'Sagae' Sagae Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Hosta x 'Sea Fire' Sea Fire Hosta Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta x 'Sea Thunder' Sea Thunder Hosta Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Hosta x 'Shade Fanfare' Shade Fanfare Hosta Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Showboat' Showboat Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'So Sweet' So Sweet Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'St. Elmo's Fire' St. Elmo's Fire Hosta Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Stiletto' Stiletto Hosta Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Sugar and Cream' Sugar and Cream Hosta Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Hosta x 'Sum and Substance' Sum and Substance Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hosta x 'Summer Fragrance' Summer Fragrance Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Hosta x 'Summer Music' Summer Music Hosta Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hosta x 'Sunpower' Golden Lance-Leaf Hosta John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta x tardiana 'Hadspen Blue' Hadspen Blue Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hosta x tardiana 'Halcyon' Halcyon Hosta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 45 Hostas Hostas 4) 946-7000 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734)CN 946-7000 .................................................. 0) 416-9371 ................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800)CN 416-9371 ................................................... ............................................... CN 765-5533 ............................................... 10) 765-5533 Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 7) 742-1790 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847)CN 742-1790 .................................................. 6) 846-1477 .................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616)CN 846-1477 .................................................... ..................................... ms, (517) 223-0842 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms,CN(517) 223-0842 ..................................... CN ........................................................ 242-5126 ........................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .......................................... CN (269) 668-3009 Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... CN ........................................................... 71-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 LN925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 0) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) CN 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x tardiana 'June' June Hosta 92 ......................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392CN......................................................................... 4) 946-7000 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734)CN 946-7000 .................................................. .......................................... CN 287-4679 .......................................... (419) 287-4679 North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) ..................................... ms, (517) 223-0842 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms,CN(517) 223-0842 ..................................... CN ............................................................. 6-7742 ............................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 CN ........................................................... 71-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 LN925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) Hosta x 'Whirlwind' Whirlwind Hosta ..................................... ms, (517) 223-0842 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms,CN(517) 223-0842 ..................................... LN925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 0) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) CN 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Wide Brim' Wide Brim Hosta LN 654-8200 CN ..................................................... ) 654-8200 ..................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 0) 653-4541 .................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800)CN653-4541 .................................................. 0) 347-4272 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800)CN347-4272 .................................................. 4) 946-7000 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734)CN 946-7000 .................................................. ............................................... CN 765-5533 ............................................... 10) 765-5533 Marine City Nursery Co., (810) .......................................... CN 287-4679 .......................................... (419) 287-4679 North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) ..................................... ms, (517) 223-0842 Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms,CN(517) 223-0842 ..................................... CN ........................................................ 242-5126 ........................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 CN ........................................................... 71-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 LN925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 0) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) CN 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Winfield Blue' Winfield Blue Hosta .......................................... CN 287-4679 .......................................... (419) 287-4679 North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) LN925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 0) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) CN 253-3743 .................................................... Hosta x 'Wolverine' Wolverine Hosta .......................................... CN 287-4679 .......................................... (419) 287-4679 North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) CN ............................................................. 6-7742 ............................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 LN925-8377 ....................................................... 925-8377 ....................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) Hosta x 'Yellow Splash Rim' Yellow Splash Rim Hosta CN ............................................................. 6-7742 ............................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 CN ........................................................... 71-7408 ........................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 0) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) CN 253-3743 .................................................... 46 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN Toll free: 1-866-934-4435 Fax: (440) 934-5826 CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Indoor/Patio Plants Alocasia 'Hilo Beauty' Hilo Beauty Elephant Ear Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Alocasia micholitziana 'Frydek' Frydek Elephant Ear Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Alocasia plumbea 'Nigra' Black Elephant Ear Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Alocasia wentii Hardy Elephant Ear Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Canna 'Firebird' Firebird Canna Lily Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Canna 'President' President Canna Lily Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Canna 'Richard Wallace' Richard Wallace Canna Lily Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Canna 'Striped Beauty' Striped Beauty Canna Lily Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Canna 'Sunburst Pink' Sunburst Pink Canna Lily Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Canna 'Tropicana Gold' Tropicana Gold Canna Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Colocasia esculenta 'Excalibur' Excalibur Taro Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Colocasia fontenesii 'Black Stem' Black Stem Taro Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Cordyline australis 'Dark Star' Dark Star Red Grass Palm Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Cordyline australis 'Red Chocolate' Red Chocolate Red Grass Fern Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Cordyline australis 'Red Star' Red Star Red Grass Palm Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Cordyline 'Sundance' Sundance Cabbage Tree Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Dieffenbachia maculata 'Camilla' Camille Dumb Cane Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Dieffenbachia maculata 'Compacta' Compact Dumb Cane North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Ficus benjamina 'Spearmint'™ Spearmint Weeping Fig Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Ficus benjamina 'Wintergreen'™ Wintergreen Weeping Fig Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Ficus elastica 'Cabernet' Cabernet Rubber Tree Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Ficus elastica 'Robusta' Indian Rubber Tree Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN LN CN LN LN LN LN LN LN FG=Field Grown FG Ficus lyrata 'Everglades' Everglades Fiddle-Leaf Fig Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Gardenia jasminoides 'Frost Proof' Frost Proof Gardenia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lantana camara 'New Gold' New Gold Lantana Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Musa basjoo Japanese Fiber Banana Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Musa species Banana Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Musella lasiocarpa Hardy Chinese Yellow Flowering Banana Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Purple-leaved Fountain Grass John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium 'Candy Stripe' Candy Stripe New Zealand Flax Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Phormium 'Flamingo' Flamingo New Zealand Flax Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium 'Special Red' Special Red New Zealand Flax Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Phormium tenax New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Atropurpureum' Bronze New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Green & White' PPAF Green & White New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Green & Yellow'PPAF Green & Yellow New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Platt's Black' Platt's Black New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Rainbow Sunrise' Rainbow Sunrise New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Rubrum' Rubrum New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Shiraz' Shiraz New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phormium tenax 'Terracotta' PPAF Terracotta New Zealand Flax Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Spathiphyllum cultivars Peace Lily Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Syngonium 'Lemon Lime' Lemon Lime Arrowhead Vine Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Syngonium 'White Butterfly' White Butterfly Arrowhead Vine Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ................................. Verbena 'Homestead Purple' Homestead Purple Verbena Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN 47 Indoor/Patio PlantsIndoor/Patio Plants Zantedeschia spp. Calla Lily .................................................... CN 800) 253-3743Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... MI - MNLA 08-09 Buyers Guide 7.5x4.875:MockUp1 06.qxd U L V – SPRAYERS ROUNDUP® APPLICATION UNDILUTED without water MINIMANTRA CN 4/11/2008 3:04 PM Page 1 MANKAR110GP MANKAR-P MANKAR specialized ULV sprayers applying undiluted chemicals. Ideal for all situations including inter-row spraying in crops, general clean-up around buildings, fence lines, etc. Equipment Sales, Inc. 41764 Red Arrow Hwy. Paw Paw, Michigan 49079 Ph. 269-657-3735 Fax 269-657-2110 “Since 1936” Toll Free: 1-866-214-6135 “Specialists” in “Out-of-the-Ordinary” Farming Needs TRADITION • QUALITY • INNOVATION since 1969 Committed to providing quality plants and quality services Decorative Stone For Your Landscaping Needs � Groundcovers � Jeepers Creepers® � Native Plants � American Beauties Native Plants™ � Perennials � Grasses & Sedges � Landscape Roses � Deciduous Shrubs & Vines � Conifers � Broadleaf Evergreens • Drywall Stone • Steppers • Flagstone • Flat Boulders • Guillotine Snapped Drywall 989-983-2417 8 4 7 - 7 4 2 - 1 7 9 0 • FAX 8 4 7 - 7 4 2 - 2 6 5 5 48 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide KEY: LN=Liner Onaway Stone Thunder Bay Grey Wisconsin Grey Thistle CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Manufacturer Of All Burlap Products Corporate Office 805 East Grand Street Elizabeth, NJ 07201 908/351-6550 800/524-1052 fax: 908/351-0108 PA Division 10 Site Road Leola, PA 17540 717/656-0299 800/541-0961 fax: 717/656-0350 NC Division Highway 72 East 299 Osterneck Dr. Lumberton, NC 28358 910/739-4403 fax: 910/739-4539 * Squares * Liners * Rolls * Plain & Treated Wire Baskets Plastic Containers Bamboo Stakes Erosion Control HPP Tree Guards Jute Matting Sod Staples Straw Blankets Ground Cover Weed Barriers Sisal & Poly Twine Professional Tools Truck Covers Pinning Nails Greenhouse Poly/e Film Shade Cloth Poly Squares PVC Coated Bamboo Leaf Carriers Flagging Tape Bags of all types: Burlap, Polypropylene, Paper, Mesh and more Year Round Surplus Specials!!! Now accepting Visa & Mastercard for your convenience Visit our Website at E-Mail us at “Serving with Pride and Integrity since 1946” 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 49 Perennials Acanthus spinosus Spiny Bear Breeches Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Achillea filipendula 'Coronation Gold' Coronation Gold Yarrow Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Achillea filipendula 'Parkers Gold' Parkers Gold Yarrow John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Achillea millefolium 'Oertel's Rose' Oertel's Rose Common Yarrow Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Achillea millefolium 'Paprika' Paprika Yarrow Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Achillea millefolium 'Red Beauty' Red Beauty Yarrow Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Achillea millefolium 'Red Velvet' Red Velvet Yarrow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Achillea millefolium 'Roseum' Pink Yarrow John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction' PPAF Strawberry Seduction Yarrow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels' Summer Pastels Yarrow Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Achillea millefolium 'Summer Wine' Summer Wine Yarrow Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Achillea millefolium 'Wonderful Wampee' PPAF Wonderful Wampee Yarrow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Achillea species Yarrow John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Achillea 'Walther Funcke' Walther Funcke Yarrow Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Achillea x 'Anthea' Anthea Yarrow Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Achillea x 'Appleblossom' Appleblossom Pink Yarrow John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Achillea x 'Fireland' Fireland Yarrow Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Achillea x 'Heidi' Heidi Yarrow Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Achillea x lewisii 'King Edward' King Edward Wooly Yarrow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 50 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide KEY: Achillea x 'Moonshine' Moonshine Fernleaf Yarrow Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Achillea x 'Snow Sport' Snow Sport Yarrow Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Achillea x 'Terra Cotta' Terra Cotta Yarrow Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aconitum cammarum 'Bicolor' Bicolor Monkshood Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aconitum carmichaelii Azure Monkshood Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Aconitum napellus European Monkshood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aconitum x arendsii Monkshood John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki' Oborozuki Sweet Flag Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Actaea rubra Red Baneberry Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Agapanthus x 'Blue Storm' Bluestorm™ Agapanthus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Agapanthus x 'Snow Storm' PPAF Snow Storm Agapanthus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Agastache foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee' Golden Jubilee Anise Hyssop Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Agastache rupestris Rock Anise Hyssop Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Agastache rupestris 'Apache Sunset' Apache Sunset Hyssop Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Agastache urticifolia 'Honey Bee Blue' Honey Bee Blue Nettleleaf Giant Hyssop Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Agastache x 'Black Adder' Black Adder Hyssop Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Agastache x 'Blue Fortune' Blue Fortune Hyssop Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Alcea rosea Hollyhock Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Alcea rosea (Powderpuff Mix) Powderpuff Hollyhock Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double' Chater's Double Hollyhock Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Pink' Chater's Double Pink Hollyhock Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Red' Chater's Double Red Hollyhock Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double White' Chaters Double White Hollyhock Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Yellow' Chater's Double Yellow Hollyhock Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rosea 'Créme de Cassis' Créme de Cassis Hollyhock Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rosea 'Newport Pink' Newport Pink Hollyhock Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rosea 'Nigra' Chocolate Hollyhock Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rosea 'Peaches & Dreams' Peaches & Dreams Hollyhock Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea rugosa Russian Hollyhock Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alcea x 'Summer Carnival' Summer Carnival Hollyhock Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Alchemilla erythropoda Dwarf Lady's Mantle Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN LN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Alchemilla mollis 'Auslese' Auslese Lady's Mantle Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller' Thriller Lady's Mantle Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Allium cernuum Nodding Wild Onion JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Allium 'Globemaster’ Globemaster Giant Onion Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Allium schoenoprasum Chives Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Allium schoenoprasum 'Dwarf' Dwarf Wild Chives Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Allium senescens 'Glaucum' Glaucum Ornamental Onion Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Allium senescens var. glaucum Curly Onion Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Allium tanguticum 'Summer Beauty’ Summer Beauty Globe Lily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Alstroemeria x hybrida Hybrid Peruvian Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Amsonia azurea Blue Star Flower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Amsonia hubrechtii Arkansas Amsonia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Amsonia hubrichtii 'Halfway to Arkansas' Dwarf Arkansas Amsonia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Anchusa species Alkanet Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Anemone canadensis Canada Anemone Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Anemone cylindrica Thimbleweed Anemone JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Anemone hupehensis Chinese Anemone North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm' September Charm Anemone Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Anemone japonica Japanese Anemone Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Anemone sylvestris Snowdrop Windflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN LN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN 51 Perennials John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' Hardy Grape Leaf Anemone Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Anemone x 'Honorine Jobert' Honorine Jobert Hybrid Japanese Anemone Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Anemone x hybrida 'Margarete' Margarete Japanese Anemone Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Anemone x 'Prince Henry' Prince Henry Japanese Anemone Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Anemone x 'Queen Charlotte' Queen Charlotte Anemone Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Anemone x 'Whirlwind' Whirlwind Hybrid Japanese Anemone Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Angelica atropurpurea Purplestem Angelica JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Anthemis species Golden Marguerite Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Aquilegia alpina Alpine Columbine Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Aquilegia canadensis Canadian Columbine JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns' Little Lanterns Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Aquilegia chrysantha Golden Columbine Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Aquilegia flabellata 'Alba' Dwarf Columbine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aquilegia flabellata 'Cameo Mix' Cameo Mix Columbine Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila 'Alba' Dwarf White Fan Columbine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aquilegia 'Goldfinch' Songbird® Series Goldfinch Columbine Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Aquilegia 'Music Hybrid Mix' Music Hybrid Mix Columbine Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. 52 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN Aquilegia 'Swan Pink & Yellow' Swan Pink & Yellow Columbine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Barlow' Granny's Bonnet Columbine Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Dark Purple' Clementine Dark Purple Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Red' Clementine Red Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aquilegia vulgaris 'Winky Double Red and White' Winky Double Red and White Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Aquilegia vulgaris 'Winky Purple and White' Winky Purple & White Columbine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aquilegia vulgaris 'Winky Rose' Winky Rose Columbine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aquilegia vulgaris 'Winky Series Mix' Winky Series Mix Columbine Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Aquilegia vulgaris 'Woodside Gold' Woodside Gold Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Aquilegia x 'Biedermeier' Biedermeier Columbine Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Aquilegia x 'Blue Shades' Blue Shades Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Aquilegia x caerulea 'Origami Blue and White' Origami Blue and White Columbine Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aquilegia x caerulea 'Origami Red and White' Origami Red and White Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Aquilegia x caerulea 'Red Hobbit' Red Hobbit Red Columbine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Aquilegia x caerulea 'Songbird Bluebird' Songbird Bluebird Columbine Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Aquilegia x caerulea 'Songbird Cardinal' Songbird Cardinal Columbine Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aquilegia x 'Crimson Star' Crimson Star Columbine Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Aquilegia x 'Dragonfly Hybrids' Dragonfly Columbine Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Aquilegia x hybrida 'Songbird' Songbird® Series Columbine Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Aquilegia x hybrida 'Spring Magic' Spring Magic Columbine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aquilegia x hybrida 'Swan Blue & White' Swan Blue & White Columbine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aquilegia x 'Leprechaun Gold' Leprechaun Gold Columbine Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Aquilegia x 'McKana Hybrids' McKana Columbine Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aquilegia x 'Nora Barlow' Nora Barlow Double-Flowered Columbine Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Arabis caucasica 'Compinkie' Compinkie Rosy-pink Rock Cress Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Arabis caucasica 'Little Treasure' Little Treasure Rock Cress Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Arabis caucasica 'Snow Cap' Snow Cap Rock Cress Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Arabis caucasica 'Variegata' Variegated Rock Cress Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Arabis x 'Red Sensation' Red Sensation Rock Cress Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Aralia racemosa Spikenard Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Arenaria species Sandwort Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Arisaema dracontium Green Dragon Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Aristolochia manshuriensis Chinese Aristolochia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Armeria maritima Sea Pink Thrift Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Armeria maritima 'Bloodstone' Bloodstone Sea Pink Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Armeria maritima 'Cotton Tail' Cotton Tail Thrift Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Armeria maritima 'Nifty Thrifty' Nifty Thrifty Sea Thrift Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG FG Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia' Ruby Sea Thrift Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Armeria maritima 'Splendens' Splendens Thrift Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Armeria pseudamaria Joystick Red Sea Thrift Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Artemisia dracunculus French Tarragon Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Artemisia lactiflora Wormwood Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Artemisia lactiflora 'Guizho' Guizho Wormwood Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis' Valerie Finnis Artemisia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound' Silver Mound Artemisia Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Artemisia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade' Silver Brocade Artemisia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight' PP12788 Variegated Wormwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aruncus aesthusifolia Dwarf Goat's Beard North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aruncus dioicus Goat's Beard Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Asarum canadensis Canadian Wild Ginger JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Asarum europaeum European Wild Ginger Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Gold' Silky Gold Milkweed Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 53 Perennials Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet' Ice Ballet Swamp Milkweed Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster Dwarf Varieties John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Aster amellus 'Violet Queen' Violet Queen Aster Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Aster cordifolius Heart-Leafed Aster JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Aster dumosus 'Professor Kippenburg' Professor Kippenburg Aster Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Aster ericoides Heath Aster JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Aster laevis Smooth Aster JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' Lady in Black Aster Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Aster macrophyllus Big Leaf Aster Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Aster macrophyllus 'Albus' Albus Big Leaf Aster JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Aster novae-angliae New England Aster Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Aster novae-angliae 'Alma Potschke' Alma Potschke Aster John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. 54 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN LN CN Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' Purple Dome Aster Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aster novae-belgii 'Alert' Alert Aster John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aster novae-belgii 'Celeste' PP10051 Celeste Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Frida Ballard' Frida Ballard Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Judith' PPAF Judith Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Loke Viking' PP10359 Loke Viking Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Odin Viking' PP10360 Odin Viking Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Patricia Ballard' Patricia Ballard Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Purple Viking' Purple Viking Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Thyra Viking' Thyra Viking Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster novae-belgii 'Winston Churchill' Winston Churchill Aster Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster tongolensis 'Wartburg Star' East Indies Aster Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aster 'Wood's Light Blue' Wood's Light Blue Hardy Aster Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aster 'Wood's Pink' Wood's Pink Aster Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Aster 'Wood's Purple' Wood's Purple Aster North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN FG CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Aster x 'Ballad' PPAF Ballad Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Believer' PPAF Believer Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Daydream' PPAF Daydream Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Dragon' PPAF Dragon Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x frikartii 'Monch' Monch Aster John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Aster x frikartii 'Parasol' PPAF Purple Parasols Stokes Aster Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Aster x 'Frolic' PPAF Frolic Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Henry III' PPAF Henry III Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Marie III' PPAF Marie III Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Melody' PPAF Melody Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Peter III' PPAF Peter III Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Pixie Dark' PPAF Pixie Dark Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Shout' PPAF Shout Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Sloopy' PPAF Sloopy Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Snow Cushion' Snow Cushion Aster Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Aster x 'Sunny Almog' Sunny Almog Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Twist' PPAF Twist Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Yomagic' PP15690 Magic Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aster x 'Yopuff' PPAF Puff Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Astilbe arendsii (Pink) False Spirea Pink Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Astilbe arendsii 'Amethyst' Amethyst False Spirea Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Astilbe arendsii 'Bridal Veil' Bridal Veil False Spirea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Astilbe arendsii 'Erika' Erika False Spirea Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Astilbe arendsii 'Fanal' Fanal False Spirea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Astilbe chinensis 'Maggie Daley' Maggie Daley False Spirea Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' Pumila False Spirea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Astilbe chinensis 'Vision' Vision False Spirea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Pink' Visions In Pink Astilbe Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Red' Visions In Red Astilbe Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland' Deutschland False Spirea Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Astilbe japonica 'Montgomery' Montgomery False Spirea Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Astilbe japonica 'Peach Blossom' Peach Blossom False Spirea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Astilbe rosea 'Rheinland' Rheinland False Spirea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... SP=Specimen CN CN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN 55 Perennials Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Astilbe simplicifolia 'Bronze Elegans' Bronze Elegans Astilbe Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Astilbe simplicifolia 'Hennie Graafland' Hennie Graafland False Spirea Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Astilbe simplicifolia 'Sprite' Sprite Dwarf Spirea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Astilbe species False Spirea Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Astilbe thunbergii 'Ostrich Plume' Ostrich Plume False Spirea Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Astilbe x arendsii 'Color Flash' Color Flash™ Astilbe Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Astilbe x arendsii 'Color Flash Lime' Color Flash Lime™ Astilbe Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Astilbe x arendsii 'Glut' Glow Astilbe Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Astilbe x arendsii 'White Gloria' White Gloria False Astilbe Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Astilbe x japonica 'Mainz' Mainz Astilbe Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Astrantia major 'Claret' Claret Great Masterwort Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Aubrieta deltoidea 'Purple Cascade' Purple Cascade Rockcress Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aubrieta deltoidea 'Whitewell Gem' Whitewell Gem False Rockcress Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Aurinia saxatilis 'Compacta' Basket-of-Gold Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Baptisia australis Blue Indigo JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. 56 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Baptisia lacteal White Wild Indigo JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Baptisia leucophaea Creamy Wild Indigo JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Baptisia tinctoria Wild Indigo Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Belamcanda chinensis Blackberry Lily Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Bellis perennis 'Habanera' Habanera English Daisy Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Bellis perennis 'Rominette Mix' Rominette Mix English Daisy Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Bergenia cordifolia Bergenia Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Bergenia cordifolia (New Hybrids) New Winter Flowering Bergenia Hybrids Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Bergenia cordifolia 'Rotblum' Red Bloom Bergenia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Bergenia cordifolia 'Winter Glow' Winter Glow Bergenia Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Brunnera macrophylla Siberian Bugloss Forget-Me-Nots Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream' Hadspen Cream Bugloss Forget-Me-Nots Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Jack Frost Siberian Bugloss Forget-Me-Nots Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Brunnera macrophylla 'Langtrees' Silver Barred Bugloss Forget-Me-Nots Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Brunnera macrophylla 'Looking Glass' Looking Glass Siberian Bugloss Forget-Me-Nots Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Brunnera macrophylla 'Variegata' Variegated Bugloss Forget-Me-Nots Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN FG CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG LN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Cacalia atriplicifolia Pale Indian Plantain JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Calamintha nepeta 'Montrose White' Montrose White Calamint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Callirhoe involucrata Purple Poppy Mallow Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Campanula americana Tall Bellflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips' Blue Clips Bellflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Campanula carpatica 'Pearl Deep Blue' Pearl Deep Blue Bellflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Campanula carpatica 'Pearl White' Pearl White Bellflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Campanula carpatica 'White Clips' White Clips Bellflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Campanula garganica 'Dickson’s Gold' Adriatic Bellflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Campanula glomerata Clustered Bellflower Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Campanula glomerata 'Joan Elliot' Joan Elliot Bellflower Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Campanula glomerata 'Superba' Superba Clustered Bellflower Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Campanula persicifolia Peachleaf Bellflower John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Campanula persicifolia 'Blue' Blue Peachleaf Bellflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Campanula persicifolia 'Telham Beauty' Telham Beauty Bellflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Campanula portenschlagiana Dalmatian Bellflower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Campanula poscharskyana Serbian Bellflower Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Campanula punctata 'Bowl of Cherries' PP13194 Bowl of Cherries Bellflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Campanula punctata 'Cherry Bells' Cherry Bells Bellflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Campanula punctata 'Little Punky' Little Punky Bellflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Campanula punctata 'Milkshake' Dotted Bellflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Campanula punctata 'Royal Wave' PPAF Royal Wave Bellflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Campanula rotundifolia Bluebell Bellflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Campanula 'Samantha' Samantha Bellflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Campanula 'Sarastro' Sarastro Bellflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Canna indica 'Phasion' PP10569 'Lon01' Tropicanna® Black Canna Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Canna x generalis 'Angel Pink' Angel Pink Canna Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Canna x generalis 'Crimson Beauty' Crimson Beauty Canna Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Canna x generalis 'Primrose Yellow' Primrose Yellow Canna Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Canna x 'Rose Futurity' Rose Futurity Canna Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cassia hebecarpa Wild Senna Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Catananche caerulea Cupid's Dart Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Centaurea dealbata Persian Cornflower Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN 57 Perennials Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Centaurea montan 'Amethyst in Snow' PPAF Mountain Cornflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Centaurea species Cornflower North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Cerastium tomentosum 'Yo Yo' Yo Yo Snow-In-Summer John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Chelone glabra White Turtle-Head JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Chelone lyonii Pink Turtle-head Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' Hot Lips Pink Turtle-Head Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Chelone obliqua Rose Turtle-Head Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Cimicifuga racemosa Bugbane John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Cimicifuga racemosa 'Atropurpurea' Purple-leaf Bugbane Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette' Brunette Bugbane Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Cimicifuga ramosa 'Hillside Black Beauty' PP9988 Hillside Black Beauty Bugbane Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Cimicifuga simplex Kamshatka Bugbane Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana' Dwarf Eared Coreopsis North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Coreopsis auriculata 'Zamfir' Zamfir Coreopsis Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Coreopsis 'Créme Brulée' PPAF Créme Brulée Coreopsis Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. 58 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis grandiflora 'Baby Sun' Baby Sun Coreopsis John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis grandiflora 'Heliot' Lanceleaf Yellow Coreopsis Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunfire' Sunfire Coreopsis Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunray' Sunray Big-Flowered Coreopsis John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis lanceolata Sand Coreopsis JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Coreopsis lanceolata 'Sterntaler' Sterntaler Coreopsis Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Coreopsis 'Limerock Passion' PPAF Limerock Passion Coreopsis Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis palmata Prairie Coreopsis JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Coreopsis rosea Pink Coreopsis Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Coreopsis rosea 'American Dream' American Dream Coreopsis Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Coreopsis rosea 'Heaven's Gate' Heaven's Gate Coreopsis Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis rosea 'Sweet Dreams' Sweet Dreams Pink Flowered Coreopsis Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Coreopsis species Coreopsis Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Coreopsis tripteris Tall Coreopsis JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Coreopsis verticillata 'Golden Gain' Golden Gain Coreopsis Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Coreopsis verticillata 'Golden Showers' Golden Showers Thread Leaf Coreopsis Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' Moonbeam Thread Leaf Coreopsis Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' Zagreb Thread Leaf Coreopsis Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Coreopsis x 'Early Sunrise' Early Sunrise Coreopsis John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Coreopsis x 'Flying Saucers' Flying Saucers Coreopsis John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Coreopsis x 'Jethro Tull' PPAF Jethro Tull™ Fluted Coreopsis Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Coreopsis x 'Limerock Ruby' Limerock Ruby Coreopsis John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Coreopsis x 'Tequila Sunrise' PP9875 Tequila Sunrise Coreopsis Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN LN CN CN CN FG FG CN LN CN FG LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN LN CN FG LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cortaderia selloana 'Rosea' Pink Pampas Grass Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Corydalis lutea Yellow Corydalis Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Crocosmia x 'Lucifer' Lucifer Crocosmia Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Crocosmia x 'Walberton Yellow' Walberton Yellow Crocosmia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Cymbalaria acquitriloba Toadflax Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Delosperma floribundum 'Starburst' Starburst Ice Plant Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Delphinium elatum 'Aurora' Aurora Mix Delphinium Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Delphinium elatum 'Blue Lace' Blue Lace Delphinium Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Delphinium elatum 'Guardian Blue' Guardian Blue Delphinium Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Delphinium elatum 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion Delphinium Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Butterfly' Blue Butterfly Dwarf Delphinium Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Mirror' Blue Mirror Delphinium Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Delphinium grandiflorum 'Summer Blues' Summer Blues Delphinium Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Delphinium grandiflorum 'Summer Colors' Summer Colors Delphinium Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Delphinium grandiflorum 'Summer Stars' Summer Stars Delphinium Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Delphinium species Delphinium Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN LN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 59 Perennials Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Delphinium 'Summer Nights' Summer Nights Delphinium Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Delphinium x 'Magic Fountains' Magic Fountains Delphinium Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Dendranthema morifolium Hardy Mums Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Dendranthema rubella 'Clara Curtis' Clara Curtis Siberian Daisy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dendranthemum morifolium 'Warm Igloo' Warm Igloo Hardy Mum Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Desmodium canadense Showy Tick Trefoil JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Dianthus allwoodii 'Valda Kitty' PP13872 Devon Cottage Ruby's Tuesday Carnation Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus allwoodii 'Valda Louise' PP14045 Devon Cottage Rosy Cheeks Carnation Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus barbatus Sweet William Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Dianthus barbatus (Noverna F1 Formula Mix) Sweet William - Noverna Mix Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus barbatus 'Barbarini Purple' (F1) Barbarini Purple Sweet William Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus barbatus 'Barbarini Red' (F1) Barbarini White Sweet William Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus barbatus 'Heart Attack' Perennial Sweet William Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Dianthus barbatus 'Indian Carpet' Indian Carpet Dianthus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus caryophyllus 'Grenadin Pink' Grenadin Pink Carnation Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dianthus caryophyllus 'Grenadin White' Grenadin White Carnation Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dianthus deltoides 'Arctic Fire' Arctic Fire Pinks Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Dianthus deltoides 'Brilliant' Maiden Pinks Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dianthus deltoides 'Flashing Light' Flashing Light Pinks John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. 60 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Dianthus deltoides 'Zing Rose' Zing Rose Pinks John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pinks' Bath's Pinks Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bewitched' PP13159 Bewitched Clove Pink Dianthus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch' Firewitch Pinks Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Spotty' Spotty Pinks Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Tiny Rubies' Tiny Rubies Cheddar Pinks Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Dianthus grenadin 'Golden Sun' Golden Sun Pinks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Dianthus grenadin 'King of Black' King of Black Pinks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Dianthus 'Lace Rose Red' Lace Rose Red Carnation Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dianthus 'Neon Star' Neon Star Pinks Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dianthus species Border Pinks Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Dianthus x 'Bouquet Purple' Bouquet Purple Pinks Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dianthus x 'Candy Dish' Candy Dish Pinks Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dianthus x 'Cranberry Ice' PPAF Cranberry Ice Dianthus Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dianthus x 'Desmond' Desmond Pinks Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Dianthus x 'Devon Siskin' PP14377 Raspberry Swirl™ Dianthus Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'Devon Starling' PP16431 Devon Starling Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'Devon Xera' PP14895 Fire Star™ Dianthus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'Frosty Fire' Frosty Fire Pinks John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'Helen' Helen Maiden Pinks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dianthus x 'Hoffman's Red' Hoffman's Red Pinks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dianthus x 'Red Dwarf' PP14437 Eastern Star Dianthus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'Roshish One' PPAF Roshish One Dianthus Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'Spangled Star' Spangled Star Pinks Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'Strawberry Sorbet' PPAF Strawberry Sorbet Dianthus Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dianthus x 'War Bonnet' War Bonnet Border Pinks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Dianthus x 'Yolande' PP16029 Raspberry Surprise Dianthus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Dicentra eximia Fringed Bleeding Heart John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Dicentra eximia 'Snowdrift' Snowdrift Bleeding Heart Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Dicentra formosa 'Aurora' Aurora Pacific Bleeding Heart Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Dicentra 'King of Hearts' King of Hearts Bleeding Heart Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Dicentra spectabilis Bleeding Heart Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart' Gold Heart Bleeding Heart Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dicentra spectabilis var. alba White Bleeding Heart John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dicentra x 'Luxuriant' Luxuriant Bleeding Heart Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Dicentra x 'Zestful' Zestful Bleeding Heart Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Digitalis obscura 'Sunset' Sunset Foxglove Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy' Foxy Foxglove Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Digitalis purpurea 'Giant Shirley' Giant Shirley Foxglove Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Digitalis species Foxglove John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Disporum sessile 'Variegatum' Variegated Fairy Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Dodecatheon meadia Common Shooting Star JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Doronicum orientale 'Leonardo' Leonardo Leopardsbane Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Doronicum orientale 'Little Leo' Little Leo Leopardsbane Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Dracocephalum grandiflorum 'Dragon's Head' Dragon's Head Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 61 Perennials Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' Autumn Brilliance Fern Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Dryopteris x australis Dixie Wood Fern Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Duranta erecta 'Alba' White Sky Flower Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Flowers' Sky Flower Twyford International, (800) 205-7353 ..................................................... Echinacea 'Art's Pride' Orange Meadowbrite™ Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Echinacea 'Evan Saul' Sundown™ Orange Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Echinacea 'Matthew Saul' PPAF Harvest Moon™ Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Echinacea pallida Pale Purple Coneflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Echinacea paradoxa Yellow Coneflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Echinacea 'Pixie Meadowbrite' Pixie Meadowbrite Dwarf Coneflower Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Alba' White Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Bravado' Rosy Red Coneflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Bright Star' Bright Star Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Double Pink Delight' Double Pink Delight Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Doubledecker' Doubledecker Coneflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. 62 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Fancy Frills' PPAF Fancy Frills Coneflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Echinacea purpurea 'Green Envy' PPAF Green Envy Coneflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Hope' PPAF Hope Coneflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Knee High' Kim's Knee High Purple Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Mop Head' Kim's Mop Head Coneflower Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Little Giant' PP16183 Little Giant Purple Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' Magnus Purple Coneflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Mango Meadowbrite' Mango Meadowbrite Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Echinacea purpurea 'Mars' PPAF Mars Coneflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Prairie Frost Prairie Frost Variegated Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Prairie Splendor' Prairie Splendor Coneflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Razzmatazz' Razzmatazz Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Giant' Ruby Giant Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Star' Ruby Star Coneflower Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. LN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN FG LN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Sparkler' Sparkler Coneflower Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Echinacea purpurea 'Sunrise' PPAF Sunrise Coneflower Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Sunset' Sunset Coneflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'Vintage Wine' Vintage Wine Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' White Swan Coneflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Echinacea tennesseensis 'Rocky Top' Rocky Top Tennessee Coneflower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Echinacea 'Twilight' PPAF Twilight Coneflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Echinacea x 'Art's Pride' Orange Meadowbrite™ Coneflower Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Echinacea x 'Big Sky Sundown' Big Sky Sundown Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Echinacea x 'Big Sky Sunrise' Big Sky Sunrise Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Echincaea x 'Big Sky Sunset' Big Sky Sunset Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Echincaea x 'Big Twilight' Big Twilight Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG FG Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Grow' Blue Grow Globe Thistle Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Erica carnea 'Winter Beauty' Winter Beauty Heather Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Erica carnea 'December Red' December Red Heather Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Erica carnea 'Purple Bell' Purple Bell Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erica cinerea 'C.D. Eason' C.D. Eason Bell Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erica vagans 'Mrs. D.F. Maxwell' Maxwell's Cornish Heath Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erica x darleyensis 'Mediterranean Pink' Mediterranean Pink Heath Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erica x darleyensis 'Mediterranean White' Mediterranean White Heath Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erica x watsonii 'Dawn' Dawn Heather Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Eryngium species Sea Holly Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Erysimum linifolium 'Bowles Mauve' Bowles Mauve Wallflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erysimum x allionii 'Citrona Orange' Citrona Orange Siberian Wallflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erysimum x allionii 'Citrona Yellow' Citrona Yellow Siberian Wallflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Erysimum x 'Apricot Twist' Apricot Twist Siberian Wallflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe' PP16122 Coastal Plain Joe-Pye Weed Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Eupatorium maculatum Spotted Joe-Pye Weed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Eupatorium maculatum 'Atropurpureum' Purple Joe-Pye Weed Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Eupatorium perfoliatum Boneset JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Eupatorium purpureum Purple Joe-Pye Weed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. SP=Specimen CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN 63 Perennials Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Eupatorium purpureum subsp. maculatum 'Gateway' Gateway Joe-Pye Weed Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' Chocolate Snakeroot Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' Purple Spurge Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Euphorbia myrsinites Myrtle Spurge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Euphorbia polychroma Cushion Spurge Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Euphorbia polychroma 'Bonfire' Cushion Spurge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Euphorbia polychroma 'First Blush' First Blush Cushion Spurge Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Euphorbia species Spurge North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Fallopia japonica 'Variegata' Variegated Fleece Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Fallopia x compacta Compact Fleece Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Filipendula purpurea elegans Japanese Meadowsweet Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Filipendula rubra Queen of the Prairie JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Filipendula x 'Kahome' Dwarf Meadowsweet Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Gaillardia aristata 'Bijou' Bijou Blanket Flower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Gaillardia species Blanket Flower Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Gaillardia x 'Fanfare' PP15892 Fanfare Blanket Flower Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... 64 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Arizona Sun' Arizona Sun Blanket Flower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Baby Cole' Baby Cole Blanket Flower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Burgundy' Burgundy Blanket Flower Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Dazzler' Dazzler Blanket Flower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Goblin' Goblin Blanket Flower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaillardia x 'Oranges & Lemons' Oranges & Lemons Blanket Flower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Gaura lindheimeri White Gaura Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Gaura lindheimeri 'Ballerina Blush' PPAF Ballerina Blush Gaura Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaura lindheimeri 'Ballerina Rose' Ballerina Rose Gaura Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gaura lindheimeri 'Blushing Butterflies' Blushing Butterflies Gaura Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Gaura lindheimeri 'Crimson Butterflies' Crimson Butterflies Gaura Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Gaura lindheimeri 'Passionate Rainbow' PPAF Passionate Rainbow Gaura Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Gaura lindheimeri 'Pink Fountain' Pink Fountain Gaura Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink' Siskiyou Pink Gaura Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Gaura lindheimeri 'Sunny Butterflies' Sunny Butterflies Gaura Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' Whirling Butterflies Gaura Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Gazania krebsiana 'Tanager' Winter Hardy Gazania Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' Ballerina Geranium Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Geranium cinereum 'Splenders' Grayleaf Cranesbill Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Geranium macrorrhizum 'Ingwersen's Variety' Ingwersen's Variety Cranesbill Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Geranium maculatum Wild Geranium Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Geranium 'Nimbus' Nimbus Cranesbill Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' Samobor Dusky Geranium Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Geranium sanguineum Bloody Geranium Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Geranium sanguineum 'Album' White Bloody Geranium John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Geranium sanguineum 'Alpenglow' Alpenglow Geranium Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Geranium sanguineum 'Canon Miles' Canon Miles Geranium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Geranium sanguineum 'Lancastriense' Pink Geranium Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei' Max Frei Bloody Geranium Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Geranium sanguineum 'New Hampshire Purple' New Hampshire Purple Geranium John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Geranium sanguineum 'Striatum' Striped Bloody Geranium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Geranium species Geranium Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Geranium x 'Brookside' Brookside Geranium Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' Biokovo Cranesbill Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Karmina' Karmina Cranesbill Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Geranium x 'Claridge Druce' Claridge Druce Geranium John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Geranium x 'Johnson's Blue' Johnson's Blue Geranium Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Geranium x magnificum Showy Geranium Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Geranium x 'Patricia' Patricia Geranium Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden' Lady Stratheden Avens Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Geum chiloense 'Mrs. Bradshaw' Mrs. Bradshaw Avens Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Geum 'Fireball' Fireball Avens Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... SP=Specimen CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN 65 Perennials Geum species Avens Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Geum triflorum Prairie Smoke JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Gypsophila pacifica Pink Baby's Breath John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Gypsophila paniculata Baby's Breath John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Gypsophila paniculata 'Bristol Fairy' Bristol Fairy Baby's Breath Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Gypsophila paniculata 'Double Snowflake' Double White Baby's Breath Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake' Snowflake Baby's Breath Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Gypsophila repens Creeping Baby's Breath Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Gypsophila repens 'Alba' White Flowered Creeping Baby's Breath Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Gypsophila repens 'Rosea' Pink Flowered Creeping Baby's Breath Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Gypsophila x 'Pink Fairy' Pink Fairy Baby's Breath Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Helenium autumnale Common Sneezeweed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Helenium hybrids Sneezeweed Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Helenium 'Mardi Gras' Mardi Gras Sneezeweed Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Helenium x 'Moerheim Beauty' Moerheim Beauty Sneezeweed Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Helianthus divaricatus Woodland Sunflower Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Helianthus giganteus Tall Sunflower Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Helianthus grosseserratus Sawtooth Sunflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Helianthus mollis Downy Sunflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Helianthus occidentalis Western Sunflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ 66 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Heliopsis helianthoides False Sunflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Heliopsis helianthoides 'Loraine Sunshine' PP10690 Loraine Sunshine False Sunflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Sommersonne' Summer Sun False Sunflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heliopsis species False Sunflower Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Heliopsis x 'Bressingham Doubloon' Bressingham Doubloon False Sunflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Helleborus hybrids Lenten Rose Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Helleborus orientalis Lenten Rose Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Helleborus orientalis 'Blue Lady' Blue Lady Lenten Rose Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Helleborus 'Royal Heritage' Christmas Rose Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Helleborus x hybridus 'Pink Lady' Pink Lady Lenten Rose Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Helleborus x hybridus 'Red Lady' Red Lady Lenten Rose Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Helleborus x nigersmithii 'Ivory Prince' Ivory Prince Lenten Rose Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hemerocallis 'Barbara Mitchell' Barbara Mitchell Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hemerocallis 'Big Smile' Big Smile Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN FG CN SP=Specimen Perennials Hemerocallis 'Bill Norris' Bill Norris Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hemerocallis 'Black Eye Stella' Black Eye Stella Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbury' Catherine Woodbury Daylily Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hemerocallis 'Custard Candy' Custard Candy Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hemerocallis 'Forgotten Dreams' Forgotten Dreams Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' Happy Returns Daylily Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hemerocallis hybrids Daylily Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hemerocallis 'Jolyene Nichole' Jolyene Nichole Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hemerocallis 'Little Business' Little Business Daylily DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Hemerocallis 'Mardi Gras Parade' Mardi Gras Parade Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hemerocallis 'Mary's Gold' Mary's Gold Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG LN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Hemerocallis 'Mauna Loa' Mauna Loa Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Hemerocallis 'Mini Stella' Mini Stella Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Hemerocallis 'Platinum Palette Buttercup Babies' Platinum Palette Buttercup Babies Daylily DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Hemerocallis 'Purple de Oro' Purple de Oro Daylily DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Hemerocallis 'Rocket City' Rocket City Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Hemerocallis 'Rosy Returns' Rosy Returns Daylily Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' Stella de Oro Daylily DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy' Strawberry Candy Daylily Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hemerocallis 'Yellow Multiflora' Yellow Multiflora Daylily DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Heracleum maximum Cow Parsnip Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Heuchera 'Amber Waves' PP13348 Amber Waves Coral Bells Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera americana American Alumroot Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Heuchera americana 'Amethyst Mist' Amethyst Mist Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera americana 'Chocolate Veil' Chocolate Veil Coral Bells Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Heuchera americana 'Dale's Strain' Dale's Strain Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Heuchera americana 'Green Spice' Green Spice Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG LN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN FG SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 67 Perennials Heuchera 'Autumn Haze' PPAF Autumn Haze Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heuchera 'Beauty of Color' Beauty of Color Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heuchera 'Black Beauty' PPAF Black Beauty Coral Bells Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heuchera 'CanCan' CanCan Coral Bells Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Heuchera 'Frosted Violet' PP15085 Frosted Violet Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heuchera 'Lime Ricky' PPAF Lime Ricky Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heuchera 'Marmalade' Marmalade™ Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heuchera 'Midnight Burgundy' PP15358 Midnight Burgundy Coral Bells Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' Midnight Rose Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heuchera 'Obsidian' PP14836 Obsidian Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heuchera 'Purple Petticoats' Purple Petticoats Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heuchera 'Raspberry Ice' PP13340 Raspberry Ice Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heuchera richardsonii Richardson’s Alumroot JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Heuchera sanguinea 'Bressingham Hybrids' Bressingham Hybrids Coral Bells John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Heuchera sanguinea 'Snow Angel' Snow Angel Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Heuchera 'Sashay' Sashay Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heuchera 'Sparkling Burgundy' Sparkling Burgundy Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heuchera species Coral Bells Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... 68 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Heuchera 'Stormy Seas' Stormy Seas Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Heuchera villosa 'Caramel' PP16560 Caramel Coral Bells Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Heuchera x 'Balheubur' Harvest Burgundy™ Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'Cascade Dawn' Cascade Dawn Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'Chatterbox' Chatterbox Coral Bells Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Heuchera x 'Chocolate Ruffles' Chocolate Ruffles Coral Bells John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Heuchera x 'Curley Red' Curley Red Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'Fandango' PP17132 Fandango Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'Hollywood' PP17129 Hollywood Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'June Bride' June Bride Coral Bells Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Heuchera x 'Licorice' PP16942 Licorice Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'Midnight Claret' Midnight Claret Coral Bells Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Heuchera x 'Palace Purple' Palace Purple Coral Bells Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'Peach Flambe' Peach Flambe Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heuchera x 'Pewter Moon' Pewter Moon Coral Bells Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Heuchera x 'Plum Pudding' Plum Pudding Coral Bells Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Heuchera x 'Prince of Silver' PPAF Prince of Silver Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Heuchera x 'Raspberry Regal' Raspberry Regal Coral Bells Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Heuchera x 'Regina' Regina Coral Bells Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Heuchera x 'Silver Scrolls' PP12066 Silver Scrolls Coral Bells Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Heuchera x 'Tango' PP17133 Tango Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Heuchera x 'Vanilla Spice' PPAF Vanilla Spice Coral Bells Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Heuchera x 'Venus’ Venus Coral Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Heucherella 'Birthday Cake' PPAF Birthday Cake Foamy Bells Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Heucherella 'Burnished Bronze’ PP12159 Burnished Bronze Foamy Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heucherella 'Heart of Darkness' Heart of Darkness Foamy Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Heucherella hybrids Foamy Bells Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Heucherella 'Kimono’ PP12154 Kimono Foamy Bells Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heucherella 'Stoplight' PPAF Stoplight Foamy Bells Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Heucherella x 'Pink Frost' Pink Frost Foamy Bells Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Heucherella x 'Sunspot' PP14825 Sunspot Foamy Bells Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Hibiscus laevis Halberdleaf Rose Mallow JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Hibiscus moscheutos Giant Rose Mallow JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Hibiscus moscheutos 'Blue River II' Blue River II Hibiscus Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hibiscus moscheutos 'Disco Belle' Disco Belle Hibiscus Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus moscheutos 'Fantasia' PP11853 Fantasia Swamp Rose Mallow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus moscheutos 'Fireball' PP13631 Fireball Swamp Rose Mallow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus moscheutos 'Grenache' PPAF Grenache Swamp Rose Mallow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus moscheutos 'Mallow Marvels' Mallow Marvels Rose Mallow Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Hibiscus moscheutos 'Pinot Grigio' PPAF Pinot Grigio Swamp Rose Mallow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus moscheutos 'Pinot Noir' PPAF Pinot Noir Swamp Rose Mallow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus moscheutos 'Plum Crazy' PP11854 Plum Crazy Swamp Rose Mallow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus moscheutos 'Sweet Caroline' PP7608 Sweet Caroline Swamp Rose Mallow Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus 'Sweet Caroline' PP7608 Sweet Caroline Rose Mallow Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Hibiscus x 'Fantasia' PPAF Fantasia Rose Mallow North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hibiscus x 'Kopper King' PP10793 Kopper King Rose Mallow Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus x 'Lady Baltimore' Lady Baltimore Rose Mallow Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Hibiscus x 'Lord Baltimore' Lord Baltimore Rose Mallow Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ SP=Specimen CN CN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 69 Perennials Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hibiscus x 'Old Yella' PPAF Old Yella Rose Mallow Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Hibiscus x 'Turn of the Century' Turn Of The Century Rose Mallow Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' Golden Hops Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Iberis sempervirens Candytuft John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Iberis sempervirens 'Alexander's White' Alexander's White Candytuft Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Iberis sempervirens 'Purity' Purity Candytuft North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake' Snowflake Candytuft Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Incarvillea delavayi Hardy Gloxinia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Incarvillea delavayi 'Snowtop' Snowtop Hardy Gloxinia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Iris cristata Crested Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Iris cristata 'Alba' White Dwarf Crested Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Iris ensata Japanese Iris Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Iris ensata 'Henry's White' Henry's White Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Iris ensata 'Midnight Stars' Midnight Stars Japanese Iris Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Iris ensata 'Sensation' Sensation Iris Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Iris ensata 'Variegata' Variegated Japanese Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... 70 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN LN Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Iris germanica German Iris Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris germanica 'Immortality' Immortality German Iris Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris Louisiana Hybrids Louisiana Hybrid Iris Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Iris pallida 'Aureovariegata' Sweet Iris Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris pallida 'Variegata' Zebra Sweet Iris John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris pseudacorus Yellow Flag Iris North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Iris sibirica Siberian Iris Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris sibirica 'Baby Sister' Baby Sister Siberian Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Iris sibirica 'Butter & Sugar' Butter & Sugar Siberian Iris John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' Caesar's Brother Siberian Iris Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris sibirica 'Dance Ballerina Dance' Dance Ballerina Siberian Dance Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Iris sibirica 'Pink Haze' Pink Haze Siberian Iris Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Iris sibirica 'Ruffled Velvet' Ruffled Velvet Siberian Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... CN CN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN FG CN SP=Specimen Perennials Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Iris sibirica 'Silver Edge' Silver Edge Siberian Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Iris sibirica 'Snow Queen' Snow Queen Siberian Iris Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Iris sibirica 'Super Ego' Super Ego Siberian Iris Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Iris sibirica 'White Swirl' White Swirl Siberian Iris Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Iris versicolor 'Gerald Darby' Gerald Darby Multicolored Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Iris virginica Blue Flag Iris Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Kalimeris incisa 'Blue Star' Blue Star False Aster Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Kirengeshoma palmata Yellow Waxbells Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Knautia macedonica 'Mars Midget' Mars Midget Pincushion Flower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Kniphofia uvaria Torch Lily Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Kniphofia uvaria 'Flamenco' Flamenco Torch Lily Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Lamium maculatum 'Anne Greenaway' Spotted Dead Nettle Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lamium maculatum 'Aureum' Aureum Spotted Dead Nettle Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lamium maculatum 'Orchid Frost' PP11122 Orchid Frost Spotted Dead Nettle Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lamium maculatum 'Purple Dragon' Purple Dragon Spotted Dead Nettle Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Lamium maculatum 'Red Nancy' Red Nancy Spotted Dead Nettle Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula angustifolia 'Baby Blue' Baby Blue Lavender Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lavandula angustifolia 'Blue Cushion' Blue Cushion Lavender Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' Hidcote Lavender Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Blue' Hidcote Blue Lavender Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Pink' Hidcote Pink Lavender Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Lavandula angustifolia 'Lady' Lady Lavender Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead Strain' Munstead Strain Lavender Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula augustifolia 'Jean Davis' Jean Davis Lavender Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Lavandula species Lavender John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Lavandula stoechas Spanish Lavender Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk' PP16685 Anouk Lavender Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula stoechas 'Coco Dark Pink' Coco Dark Pink Spanish Lavender Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula stoechas 'Coco Purple' Coco Purple Spanish Lavender Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lavandula x intermedia 'Dutch' Dutch Lavender Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 71 Perennials Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' Grosso Lavender Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Leontopodium alpinum Edelweiss Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Leucanthemum maximum 'Crazy Daisy' Crazy Daisy Shasta Daisy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum Shasta Daisy John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Leucanthemum x superbum 'Aglaya' Aglaya Shasta Daisy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Alaska' Alaska Shasta Daisy John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Angel' Angel Daisy Shasta Daisy Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky' Becky Shasta Daisy Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Goldrausch' PPAF Goldrush Shasta Daisy Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Highland White Dream' Highland White Dream Shasta Daisy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Little Princess' Little Princess Shasta Daisy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Silver Princess' Silver Princess Shasta Daisy John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Snow Lady' Snow Lady Shasta Daisy Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'Snowcap' Dwarf Shasta Daisy Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... 72 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN CN Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Leucanthemum x superbum 'Summer Snowball' Summer Snowball Shasta Daisy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Leucanthemum x superbum 'Sunny Side Up' PP12837 Sunny Side Up Shasta Daisy Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Leucanthemum x superbum 'Thomas Killen' Thomas Killen Shasta Daisy John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Leucanthemum x superbum 'White Knight' White Knight Shasta Daisy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Liatris aspera Rough Blazing Star JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Liatris species Gayfeather Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Liatris spicata Marsh Blazing Star JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Liatris spicata 'Floristan Violet' Floristan Violet Gayfeather Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Liatris spicata 'Floristan White' Floristan White Gayfeather Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Liatris spicata 'Kobold' Kobold Spike Gayfeather Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ligularia dentata Bigleaf Ligularia Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Ligularia dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford' Britt-Marie Crawford Bigleaf Ligularia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... FG CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG CN LN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona' Desdemona Bigleaf Ligularia Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket' The Rocket Narrow-Spiked Ligularia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Lilium hybrids Lily Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Lilium 'Matrix' (Asiatic) Matrix Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium orientalis 'Angelique' Angelique Oriental Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium orientalis 'Dizzy' Dizzy Oriental Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium orientalis 'Show Winner' Show Winner Oriental Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium orientalis 'Tiara' Tiara Oriental Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium orientalis 'Trofeo' Trofeo Oriental Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Partner' (Asiatic) Partner Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Bee' PP16255 (Asiatic) Tiny Bee Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Dino' PP16307 (Asiatic) Tiny Dino Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Ghost' PP16161 (Asiatic) Tiny Ghost Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Hope' PP16239 (Asiatic) Tiny Hope Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Nanny' PPAF (Asiatic) Tiny Nanny Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Snowflake' PPAF (Asiatic) Tiny Snowflake Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Todd' PP16170 (Asiatic) Tiny Todd Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lilium 'Tiny Toes' PPAF (Asiatic) Tiny Toes Asiatic Lily Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Linaria purpurea 'Canon J. Went' Canon J. Went Toadflax Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Linum perenne 'Nanum Sapphire' Blue Sapphire Flax Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG=Field Grown FG Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Lily-turf DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Liriope muscari 'Silvery Sunproof' Silvery Sunproof Lilyturf Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Liriope muscari 'Variegata' Variegated Lily-turf John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Liriope spicata Creeping Lily-turf Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon' Silver Dragon Creeping Lily-turf Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Lobelia chinensis Chinese Lobelia Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lobelia fulgens 'Queen Victoria' Queen Victoria Cardinal Flower Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Lobelia 'Ruby Slippers' Ruby Slippers Cardinal Flower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Lobelia siphilitica Great Blue Lobelia JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Lobelia speciosa 'Fan Scarlet' Fan Scarlet Cardinal Flower Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Lobelia x speciosus 'Compliment Scarlet' Compliment Scarlet Cardinal Flower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lupinus 'Minarette Mixed' Minarette Mixed Lupine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Lupinus perennis Wild Perennial Lupine JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Lupinus polyphyllus 'Gallery' Gallery Series Lupine Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN 73 Perennials Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Lupinus polyphyllus 'Popsicle Blue' Popsicle Blue Lupine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lupinus polyphyllus 'Popsicle Pink' Popsicle Pink Lupine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lupinus polyphyllus 'Popsicle Red' Popsicle Red Lupine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lupinus polyphyllus 'Popsicle Yellow' Popsicle Yellow Lupine Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lupinus 'Russell Blue' Russell Blue Lupine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lupinus 'Russell Hybrid' Russell Hybrid Lupine Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lupinus 'Russell Pink' Russell Pink Lupine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lupinus 'Russell Red' Russell Red Lupine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lupinus 'Russell White' Russell White Lupine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Lupinus 'Russell Yellow' Russell Yellow Lupine Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Lychnis coronaria 'Gardener's World' Gardener's World Rose Campion Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lychnis flos-cuculi 'Jenny' Ragged Robin Jenny Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lychnis species Catchfly Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Lysimachia ciliata 'Fire Cracker' Fire Cracker Loosestrife Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lysimachia clethroides Gooseneck Loosestrife Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Charlie Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' Golden Creeping Charlie Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' PP10598 Variegated Circle Loosestrife Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... 74 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Lysimachia species Loosestrife Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Malva sylvestris 'Mauritiana' Mauritiana Tree Mallow Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina' Zebrina Tree Mallow Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Mazus reptans Creeping Mazus Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Mertensia virginica Virginia Bluebells JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Mimulus ringens Allegheny Monkey Flower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Monarda didyma 'Pink Supreme' Pink Supreme Bee Balm Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Monarda fistulosa 'Violet Queen' Violet Queen Bee Balm Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Monarda punctata Horsemint JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Monarda species Bee Balm Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Monarda x 'Blue Stocking' Blue Stocking Bee Balm Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Monarda x 'Cambridge Scarlet' Cambridge Scarlet Bee Balm Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Monarda x 'Colrain Red' Colrain Red Bee Balm Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Monarda x 'Croftway Pink' Croftway Pink Bee Balm Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Monarda x 'Fireball' PP14235 Fireball Dwarf Bee Balm Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Monarda x 'Gardenview Scarlet' Gardenview Scarlet Bee Balm Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Monarda x 'Jacob Cline' Jacob Cline Bee Balm Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN FG LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN LN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN SP=Specimen Perennials John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Monarda x 'Marshall's Delight' Marshall's Delight Bee Balm John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Monarda x 'Petite Delight' PPAF Petite Delight Bee Balm Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Monarda x 'Petite Wonder' Petite Wonder Bee Balm Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Monarda x 'Raspberry Wine' Raspberry Wine Bee Balm Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Muehlenbeckia axillaris 'Nana' Creeping Wire Vines Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Myosotis palustris Forget-Me-Not Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Nepeta grandiflora 'Pool Bank’ Pool Bank Catmint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Nepeta mussinii Nepeta Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Nepeta mussinii 'Blue Wonder' Blue Wonder Catmint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Nepeta sibirica 'Souvenir d'Andre Chaudron' Siberian Catnip Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Nepeta subsessilis Catmint Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Nepeta ucranica Ukrainian Catmint Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Nepeta x faassenii 'Dropmore' Dropmore Catmint Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Nepeta x faassenii 'Kit Kat' Kit Kat Nepeta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG=Field Grown FG Nepeta x faassenii 'Six Hills Giant' Six Hills Giant Catmint John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Walker's Low Catmint Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Nepeta x 'Joanna Reed' Blue Paradise Catmint Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Nepeta yunnanensis Yunan Nepeta Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Nipponanthemum nipponicum Nippon Daisy Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Oenothera berlanderi 'Siskiyou' Siskiyou Oenothera Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Oenothera species Evening Primrose JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Opuntia humifusa Prickly Pear Cactus JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' Ornamental Oregano Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Origanum laevigatum 'Rosenkuppel' Rosenkuppel Oregano Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Origanum vulgare 'Golden' Golden Oregano Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Oxalis crassipes 'Rosea' Strawberry Shamrock Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Paeonia Garden Peony Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 75 Perennials Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Paeonia suffruticosa Tree Peony Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Paeonia tenuifolia Fernleaf Peony Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Papaver nudicaule 'Garden Gnome' Garden Gnome Poppy Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Papaver orientale Oriental Poppy Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Papaver orientale 'Allegro' Allegro Poppy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Papaver orientale 'Beauty of Livermore' Beauty of Livermore Poppy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Papaver orientale 'Brilliant' Brilliant Poppy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Papaver orientale 'Prince of Orange' Prince of Orange Poppy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding' Royal Wedding Poppy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Papaver orientale 'Turkenlouis' Turkenlouis Poppy Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Papaver orientale 'Victoria Louise' Victoria Louise Poppy Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Pardancanda norrisii Candylily Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Penstemon barbatus 'Elfin Pink' Elfin Pink Beardtongue Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Penstemon barbatus 'Rondo' Rondo Beardtongue Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Penstemon digitalis Foxglove Beardtongue JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' Husker Red Foxglove Beardtongue Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... 76 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Penstemon heterophyllus 'Electric Blue' Foothill Penstemon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Penstemon hirsutus Hairy Beardtongue JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Penstemon smallii 'Violet Dusk' Violet Dusk Beardtongue Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Penstemon species Beardtongue Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Penstemon x 'Sour Grapes' Sour Grapes Penstemon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Longin' Longin Russian Sage Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Perovskia x 'Filagran' Filagran Russian Sage Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Perovskia x 'Little Spire' PPAF Little Spire Russian Sage Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN LN CN KEY: CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG SP=Specimen Perennials Persicaria affine 'Border Jewel' Border Jewel Fleeceflower Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Persicaria filiformis 'Brushstrokes' Brushstrokes Variegated Persicaria Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Persicaria filiformis 'Painter's Palette' Painter's Palatte Persicaria Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Persicaria filiformis 'Variegatus' Variegated Persicaria Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon' Fleeceflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Persicaria virginiana 'Lance Corporal' Lance Corporal Persicaria Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Phlox divaricata Woodland Phlox JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon' Blue Moon Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox divaricata subsp. laphamii Lapham's Woodland Phlox Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox maculata 'Miss Lingard' Miss Lingard Spotted Phlox Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Phlox maculata 'Natasha' Meadow Phlox Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Phlox paniculata Garden Phlox Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Barthirtyfive' PPAF Pink Eye Flame® Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Barthirtyfour' PP16341 Pink Red Volcano Eye™ Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Barthirtyone' PP16218 Lavender Volcano™ Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Barthirtysix' PPAF Volcano™ Red Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Barthirtythree' PPAF Volcano™ Purple White Eye Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Barthirtytwo' PPAF Volcano™ White Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Becky Towe' PP12908 Becky Towe Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Phlox paniculata 'Blue Boy' Blue Boy Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' Blue Paradise Garden Phlox Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes' Bright Eyes Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox paniculata 'Candy Floss' Candy Floss Phlox Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Creme de Menthe' Creme de Menthe Garden Phlox Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Phlox paniculata 'David' David Garden Phlox Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' Eva Cullum Garden Phlox Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox paniculata 'Franz Shubert' Franz Shubert Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Phlox paniculata 'Laura' Laura Garden Phlox Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox paniculata 'Lilac Flame' Lilac Flame Garden Phlox Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Phlox paniculata 'Magic Blue' PPAF Magic Blue Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phlox paniculata 'Miss Ellie' Miss Ellie Garden Phlox Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox paniculata 'Miss Mary' Miss Mary Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Phlox paniculata 'Mt. Fuji' Mt. Fuji Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Phlox paniculata 'Nicky' Nicky Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox paniculata 'Orange Perfection' Orange Perfection Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 77 Perennials Phlox paniculata 'Pink Flame' Pink Flame Garden Phlox Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Purple Flame' Purple Flame Garden Phlox Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Red Riding Hood' Red Riding Hood Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Starfire' Starfire Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Phlox paniculata 'Tenor' Tenor Garden Phlox Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Phlox subulata Moss Phlox Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Red Barn Greenhouse, (269) 467-4175 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Phlox subulata 'Atropurpurea' Moss Pink Phlox Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Phlox subulata 'Blue Emerald' Blue Emerald Moss Phlox DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripe' Candy Stripe Moss Phlox Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox subulata 'Crimson Beauty' Crimson Beauty Creeping Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox subulata 'Drummons Pink' Drummons Pink Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox subulata 'Emerald Cushion Pink' Emerald Cushion Pink Moss Phlox DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox subulata 'Fort Hill' Fort Hill Creeping Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox subulata 'Old Fashion Pink' Old Fashion Pink Phlox Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Phlox subulata 'Red Wings' Red Wings Moss Phlox Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. 78 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame' Scarlet Flame Moss Phlox Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phlox subulata 'White Delight' White Delight Moss Phlox Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Phygelius x 'Coral Princess' Croftway Series Coral Princess Cape Fuschia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phygelius x 'Crosnoque' PPAF Snow Queen Cape Fuchsia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phygelius x 'Croyelsov' PPAF Yellow Sovereign Cape Fuchsia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phygelius x 'Purple Prince' Croftway Series Purple Prince Cape Fuschia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Phygelius x rectus 'Trewidden Pink' Trewidden Pink Cape Fuchsia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Physostegia species Obedient Plant JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Physostegia virginiana 'Miss Manners' Miss Manners Obedient Plant Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Physostegia virginiana 'Vivid' Vivid Obedient Plant Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Platycodon grandiflorus Astra Series Astra Series Balloonflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Platycodon grandiflorus 'Double Blue' Double Blue Balloonflower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Blue' Fuji Blue Balloonflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Pink' Fuji Pink Balloonflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Platycodon grandiflorus 'Mariesii' Marie's Balloonflower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Platycodon grandiflorus 'Miss Tilly Blue' Miss Tilly Blue Balloonflower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Platycodon grandiflorus 'Sentimental Blue' Sentimental Blue Balloonflower Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN KEY: CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG CN LN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Platycodon species Balloonflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Podophyllum peltatum May Apple Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Polemonium boreale 'Heavenly Habit' Arctic Jacob's Ladder Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Polemonium caeruleum Jacob's Ladder John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Polemonium caeruleum 'Brise D'Anjou' Brise D'Anjou Jacob's Ladder Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Polemonium caeruleum 'Snow and Sapphires' Snow and Sapphires Jacob's Ladder Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Polemonium reptans Creeping Jacob's Ladder Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Polemonium reptans 'Blue Pearl' Blue Pearl Jacob's Ladder Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven' PP15187 Variegated Jabob's Ladder Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Polygonatum biflorum True Solomon's Seal Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Polygonatum humile 'Fred Case' Fred Case Dwarf Solomon's Seal Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' Variegated Frangant Solomon's Seal North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Potentilla simplex Common Potentilla Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Primula acaulis 'Teisa' English Primrose Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG=Field Grown FG Primula capitata 'Noverna Deep Blue' Noverna Deep Blue Primrose Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Primula x polyanthus 'Pacific Giant Mix' Pacific Giant Primrose Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pulmonaria 'EB Anderson' EB Anderson Lungwort Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Pulmonaria longifolia 'Bertram Anderson' Bertram Anderson Lungwort Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pulmonaria longifolia 'Majeste' Majeste Long-leaved Lungwort Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pulmonaria longifolia 'Roy Davison' Roy Davison Lungwort Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pulmonaria longifolia ssp. cevennensis Longleaf Lungwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash' PPAF Raspberry Splash Lungwort Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pulmonaria saccharata Lungwort Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Pulmonaria saccharata 'Mrs. Moon' Mrs. Moon Lungwort Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pulmonaria saccharata 'Sissinghurst White' Sissinghurst White Lungwort Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Pulmonaria saccharata 'Smokey Blue' Smokey Blue Lungwort Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Pulsatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Alba' White Pasque Flower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Pycnanthemum muticum Clustered Mountain Mint JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Mountain Mint JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia Mountain Mint JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Ratibida pinnata Prairie Coneflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. SP=Specimen CN LN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 79 Perennials Rodgersia aesculifolia Fingerleaf Rodgers Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Rudbeckia fulgida Showy Black-Eyed Susan JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' Goldsturm Coneflower Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida Orange Coneflower Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Rudbeckia hirta Black-Eyed Susan Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colors' Autumn Colors Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Becky' Becky Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Cordoba' Cordoba Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes' Irish Eyes Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Maya' Maya Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Moreno' Moreno Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Radiance' Radiance Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Sonora' Sonora Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia hirta 'Toto Lemon' Toto Lemon Black-Eyed Susan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Rudbeckia laciniata Green-Headed Coneflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ 80 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne' Autumn Sun Shining™ Coneflower Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Rudbeckia nitida 'Indian Summer' Indian Summer Coneflower Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Rudbeckia occidentalis 'Black Beauty' Black Beauty Coneflower Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Rudbeckia species Black-Eyed Susan Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Rudbeckia subtomentosa Sweet Coneflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Rudbeckia triloba Three-Lobed Coneflower JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Ruellia humilis Wild Petunia Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Sagina subulata 'Aurea' Golden Corsican Pearlwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Salvia lyrata 'Purple Volcano' Purple Volcano Salvia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Salvia nemorosa 'Blue Hill' Blue Hill Salvia Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Salvia nemorosa 'Blue Queen' Blue Queen Salvia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' Caradonna Sage Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Salvia nemorosa 'East Friesland' East Friesland Salvia Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Salvia nemorosa 'Lubecca' Lubecca Salvia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Salvia nemorosa 'Mainacht' May Night Salvia Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... CN FG CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Marcus' PPAF Marcus Sage Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Pink Friesland' PP18152 Pink Friesland Meadow Sage Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Plumosa' Hybrid Salvia Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Rose Queen' Rose Queen Salvia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Salvia nemorosa 'Sensation Rose' PPAF Sensation Rose Meadow Sage Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Snow Hill' Snow Hill Salvia John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Salvia nemorosa 'Viola Klose' Viola Klose Sage Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Salvia pratensis 'Rhapsody in Blue' PPAF Rhapsody in Blue Meadow Sage Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Salvia species Salvia Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Salvia superba 'Blue Queen' Perennial Salvia or Meadow Sage Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain' Purple Rain Salvia Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Saponaria lempergii 'Max Frei' Max Frei Rock Soapwort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Saponaria ocymoides Rock Soapwort Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Saxifraga species Rock Foil Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' Butterfly Blue Pincushion Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Scabiosa columbaria 'Pink Mist' PP8957 Pink Mist Pincushion Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Scabiosa japonica 'Blue Diamonds' Blue Diamonds Pincushion Flower Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Scabiosa japonica 'Ritz Blue' Ritz Blue Pincushion Flower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Scabiosa species Pincushion Flower Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Scabiosa x 'Harlequin' Harlequin Pincushion Flower Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sedum acre Goldmoss Sedum John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Sedum acre 'Aureum' Gold Leaved Goldmoss Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum acre 'Golden Carpet' Golden Carpet Sedum North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Sedum acre 'Oktoberfest' Oktoberfest Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum album 'Athoum' Athoum Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum album 'Coral Carpet' Coral Carpet White Flowered Wall Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Sedum album 'Faro Island' Faro Island Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... SP=Specimen LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 81 Perennials Sedum album 'Green Ice' Green Ice Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum album 'Murale' Pink-Flowered Stonecrop Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Sedum album 'Orange Ice' Orange Ice Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum album 'Red Ice' Red Ice Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum 'Autumn Fire' Autumn Fire Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Sedum bithynicum 'Sea Stars' Sea Stars Turkish Sedum Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Sedum 'Black Jack' PP16736 Black Jack Autumn Stonecrop North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Sedum cauticola Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sedum cauticola 'Bertram Anderson' Bertram Anderson Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sedum cauticola 'Ruby Glow' Ruby Glow Sedum Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Sedum cauticola 'Sunset Cloud' Sunset Cloud Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum cultivars Sedum Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sedum dasyphyllum 'Major' Major Thickleaved Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum ellacombianum Ellacombe's Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Sedum floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold' Weihenstephaner Gold Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum hispanicum 'Minus' Minus Blue Carpet Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... 82 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide KEY: Sedum kamtschaticum Kamtschatea Sedum John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Sedum kamtschaticum 'Tekaridake' Tekaridake Kamtschatea Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' Variegated Kamschatka Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Sedum middendorfianum var. diffusum Diffuse Middendorf's Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum pachyclados (No common name) Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum purpureum 'Stardust' Stardust Sedum Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Sedum reflexum Blue Spruce Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Sedum reflexum 'Green Spruce' Green Spruce Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum requieni Miniature Stonecrop Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Angelina Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sedum rupestre 'Sea Gold' Sea Gold Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum selskianum 'Variegatum' Variegated Selsky's Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum sexangulare Six Angled Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum sichotense Sichotense Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum sieboldii October Plant Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Sedum sieboldii 'Mediovariegata' Tricolor Sedum Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sedum sieboldii 'Nana' Dwarf October Plant Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' Cape Blanco Sedum Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Sedum spectabile 'Brilliant' Brilliant Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sedum spectabile 'Pink Chablis' Pink Chablis Sedum Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sedum spectabile 'Star Dust' Star Dust Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum spurium 'Bronze Carpet' Bronze Carpet Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood' Dragon's Blood Two-Row Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Sedum spurium 'Elizabeth' Elizabeth Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' Fuldaglut Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sedum spurium 'Green Mantle' Green Mantle Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum spurium 'John Creech' John Creech Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Sedum spurium 'Red Carpet' Red Carpet Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Sedum spurium 'Royal Pink' Royal Pink Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sedum spurium 'Tricolor' Tricolor Sedum DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Sedum spurium 'Voo Doo' Voo Doo Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Sedum stefco Stefanov Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Sedum x 'Autumn Delight' Autumn Delight Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Sedum x 'Autumn Joy' Autumn Joy Showy Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sedum x 'Frosty Morn' Frosty Morn Sedum John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Sedum x 'Matrona' Matrona Sedum Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Sedum x 'Neon' Neon Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sedum x 'Purple Emperor' Purple Emperor Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sedum x 'Rosy Glow' Rosy Glow Sedum Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Sedum x 'Vera Jameson' Vera Jameson Sedum Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... SP=Specimen CN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 83 Perennials Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Sempervivum 'Ruby Heart' Ruby Heart Hens and Chicks Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Sempervivum species Hens and Chicks John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Sempervivum x 'Braunii' Braunii Hens and Chicks Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sempervivum x 'Cobweb' Cobweb Hens and Chicks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sempervivum x 'Pilioseum' Pilioseum Hens and Chicks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sempervivum x 'Purple Beauty' Purple Beauty Hens and Chicks Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sempervivum x 'Red Beauty' Red Beauty Hens and Chicks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sempervivum x 'Sanford Hybrids' Sanford Hybrids Hens and Chicks Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Sempervivum x 'Silverine' Silverine Hens and Chicks Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Senecio aureus Golden Ragwort Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Senecio obovatus Round-Leaved Ragwort Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Sidalcea malvaflora Prairie Mallow Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Sidalcea x 'Partygirl' Partygirl Prairie Mallow Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Silene dioica 'Clifford Moor' Clifford Moor Red Campion Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Silphium integrifolium Rosin Weed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Silphium laciniatum Compass Plant JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Silphium terebinthinaceum Prairie Dock JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Sisyrinchium angustifolium Blue-Eyed Grass JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... 84 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Lucerne' Lucerne Blue-Eyed Grass Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Sisyrinchium bermudianum Bermuda Blue-Eyed Grass Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Smilacina stellata Starry Solomon's Seal Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Solidago caesia Bluestem Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Solidago flexicaulis Zig-Zag Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Solidago ohioensis Ohio Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Solidago patula Swamp Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Solidago 'Peter Pan' Peter Pan Goldenrod Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Solidago riddellii Riddell's Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Solidago rigida Stiff Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' Fireworks Goldenrod Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Solidago species Ornamental Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Solidago speciosa Showy Goldenrod JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece' Golden Fleece Goldenrod Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Solidago x 'Baby Gold' Baby Gold Goldenrod Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Stachys byzantina Lambs Ear Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Stachys byzantina 'Helen von Stein' Helen von Stein Lambs Ear Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG LN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN FG FG CN CN LN CN KEY: CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN FG FG LN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Stachys byzantina 'Silver Carpet' Silver Carpet Lambs Ear Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Stachys monieri 'Hummelo' Hummelo Alpine Betony Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Stokesia laevis Stokes Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Stokesia laevis 'Blue Danube' Blue Danube Aster Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Stokesia laevis 'Honeysong Purple' PPAF Honeysong Purple Aster Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Stokesia laevis 'Klaus Jelitto' Klaus Jelitto Aster Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Stokesia laevis 'Mary Gregory' Mary Gregory Aster Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Stokesia laevis 'Peachies Pick' Peachies Pick Stokes Aster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Stokesia laevis 'Purple Parasols' PPAF Purple Parasols Aster Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Stylophorum diphyllum Celandine Poppy Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Tanacetum coccineum 'Robinson's Mixture' Painted Daisy Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Tanacetum parthenium Feverfew Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Teucrium chamaedrys Wall Germander Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Thalictrum dasycarpum Tall Meadow Rue JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Thalictrum diocium Early Meadow Rue JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Thalictrum kiusianum Kyushu Meadow Rue Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN CN LN FG=Field Grown FG Thalictrum rochebrunianum 'Lavender Mist' Lavender Mist Meadow Rue Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Thermopsis lanceolata False Lupine Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Thymus nitens Dwarf Thyme Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Thymus praecox 'Coccineus' Coccineus Creeping Thyme Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Thymus praecox 'Highland Cream' Highland Cream Variegated Thyme Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Thymus serpyllum 'Elfin' Elfin Creeping Thyme Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Thymus x citriodorus 'Aureus' Golden Lemon Thyme Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Thymus x citriodorus 'Variegatus' Variegated Lemon Thyme Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Tiarella cordifolia Foamflower Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tiarella 'Pink Bouquet' Pink Bouquet Foamflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Tiarella 'Spanish Cross' PP11345 Spanish Cross Foamflower Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Tiarella wherryi Wherry's Foamflower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Tiarella x 'Cygnet' Cygnet Foamflower Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Tiarella x 'Iron Butterfly Iron Butterfly Foamflower Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Tiarella x 'Spring Symphony' PP11234 Spring Symphony Foamflower Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Tradescantia andresoniana 'Satin Doll' Satin Doll Spiderwort Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Tradescantia ohiensis Ohio Spiderwort JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Concord Grape' Concord Grape Spiderwort Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN FG 85 Perennials Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Tradescantia x 'Bilberry Ice' Bilberry Ice Spiderwort Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Tradescantia x 'Little Doll' Little Doll Dwarf Spiderwort Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Tradescantia x 'Osprey' Osprey Spiderwort Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Tradescantia x 'Pink Chablis' Pink Chablis Spiderwort Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Tradescantia x 'Red Cloud' Red Cloud Spiderwort North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Tradescantia x 'Red Grape' Red Grape Spiderwort Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Tradescantia x 'Zwanenberg' Blue Spiderwort Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Tricyrtis formosana 'Samurai' Samurai Toad Lily Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Tricyrtis hirta Common Toad Lily Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' Japanese Toad Lily Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Tricyrtis hirta 'Tojen' Tojen Toad Lily Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Tricyrtis 'Lightning Strike' Lightning Strike Orchid Flower Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Tricyrtis stolonifera Toad Lily Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Trifolium repens 'Atropurpureum' Black-Leaved Shamrock Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Trillium grandiflorum White Trillium Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 ...................... Trollius europaeus Common Globeflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Trollius x 'Golden Queen' Golden Queen Globeflower Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Verbascum 'Jackie' Jackie Mullein Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... 86 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Verbascum phoeniceum Purple Mullein Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Verbena bonariensis Tall Verbena Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ................. Verbena canadensis 'Homestead Purple' Homestead Purple Verbena Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Verbena hastata Blue Vervain JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Verbena stricta Hoary Vervain JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Verbena x 'Taylortown Red' PP9270 Taylortown Red Verbena Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Vernonia fasciculata Common Ironweed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Ottawa-Kent Perennial Gardens, Inc., (616) 677-3361 .. Vernonia missurica Ironweed JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Veronica austriaca subsp. teucrium 'Crater Lake Blue' Crater Lake Blue Austrian Speedwell Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Veronica austriaca subsp. teucrium 'Giles van Hees' Giles van Hees Austrian Speedwell Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Veronica longifolia 'Eveline' Eveline Longleaf Veronica Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Veronica montana 'Corinne Tremaine' Corinne Tremaine Dwarf Speedwell Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Veronica oltensis Turkish Veronica Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' Georgia Blue Speedwell Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Veronica prostrata 'Aztec Gold' Aztec Gold Speedwell Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Veronica prostrata 'Trehane' Trehane Harebell Speedwell Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Veronica repens 'Sunshine' Sunshine Creeping Speedwell Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Veronica species Speedwell Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN FG CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Perennials Veronica spicata 'Baby Doll' PPAF Baby Doll Spike Speedwell Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Veronica spicata 'Blue Bouquet' Blue Bouquet Speedwell Perennial Partners, (810) 793-2512 .............................................................. Veronica spicata 'Blue Carpet' Blue Carpet Speedwell Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Veronica spicata 'Blue Charm' Blue Charm Spiked Speedwell Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Veronica spicata 'Goodness Grows' Goodness Grows Spiked Speedwell Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Veronica spicata 'Icicle' Icicle Spiked Speedwell Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Veronica spicata 'Minuet' Minuet Austrian Speedwell Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Veronica spicata 'Purpleicious' PPAF Purpleicious Spike Speedwell Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' Red Fox Spiked Speedwell Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles' Royal Candles Spiked Speedwell Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Veronica spicata 'Sunny Border Blue' Sunny Border Blue Spiked Speedwell Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Meiring Greenhouse & Farms, (888) 634-7464 ..................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Veronica spicata 'Waterperry Blue' Waterperry Blue Spiked Speedwell Frank Smith and Sons, (734) 654-8200 ..................................................... Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ..................................... Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ............................................................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Veronica x 'Darwin's Blue' Darwin's Blue Speedwell Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ........................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN FG Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's Root JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Specialty Growers, (517) 546-7742 ......................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Viola cornuta Tufted Violet Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Viola cornuta 'Black Magic' Black Magic Tufted Violet Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Viola cornuta 'Columbine' Columbine Viola Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Viola cornuta 'Etain' Etain Tufted Violet Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Viola labradorica Labrador Violet Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Viola 'Silver Cloak' Silver Cloak Violet Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Viola sororia 'Freckles' Freckles Violet Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Viola x 'Blue Seal' Blue Seal Viola Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Viola x 'Purple Showers' Purple Showers Violet Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Viola x 'Rebecca' Rebecca Viola Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Viola x 'Starry Night' Starry Night Viola Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Waldsteinia ternata Barren Strawberry Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Reed-Ashley Perennial Farms, (517) 223-0842 ................. Twixwood Nursery, (269) 471-7408 ....................................... Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' Color Guard Yucca Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Walters Gardens Inc., (888) 925-8377 ................................... Zizia aurea Golden Alexanders JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ............................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 87 Rhododendrons & Azaleas 'Aglo' Aglo Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. 'Amagasa' Amagasa Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Anah Kruschke' Anah Kruschke Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Anna H. Hall' Anna H. Hall Rhododendron; pale pink Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Apricot Surprise' Apricot Surprise Azalea Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. 'April Rose' April Rose Dahurian Rhododendron; magenta pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... 'April Snow' April Snow Rhododendron; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'April White' April White Rhododendron; white DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Arctic Pearl' Arctic Pearl Azalea Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Baden-Baden' Baden-Baden Rhododendron; red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Balta' Balta Rhododendron; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Ben Morrison' Ben Morrison Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Besse Howells' Besse Howells Rhododendron; red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Biloxi Blues' Biloxi Blues Rhododendron; lavender Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Bixby Red' Bixby Red Rhododendron [re-registered]; red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Blaauw's Pink' Blaauw's Pink Azalea; pink Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ 'Black Satin' Black Satin Azalea; dark purple Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ 'Boudoir' Boudoir Gable Azalea; purplish-red DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... 'Boule de Neige' Boule de Neige Rhododendron; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Calsap' Calsap Rhododendron; white/red blotch Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Capistrano' Capistrano Yellow Rhododendron Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. 88 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide KEY: CN CN CN FG SP CN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG CN CN FG CN FG CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG SP CN CN FG FG CN LN=Liner Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Cascade' Cascade Azalea; white Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... catawbiense 'Album' Album Rhododendron; white Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense 'Album Elegans' Album Elegans Rhododendron; white Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... catawbiense 'Boursault' Boursault Rhododendron; lavender Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense 'Grandiflorum' Iron Glad Catawba Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense hybrids - Pink Pink Catawba Rhododendron DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense hybrids - Purple Purple Catawba Rhododendron DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense hybrids - Red Red Catawba Rhododendron DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense hybrids - White White Catawba Rhododendron DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense 'Nova Zembla' Nova Zembla Rhododendron; dark red Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ catawbiense 'Purpureum Elegans' Purpureum Elegans Rhododendron; purple DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN FG SP CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG CN FG CN FG CN CN SP=Specimen Rhododendrons & Azaleas Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ catawbiense 'Roseum Elegans' Roseum Elegans Rhododendron; lavender pink Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Cheer' Cheer Rhododendron; Pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... 'Chinzan' Chinzan Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Chionoides' Chionoides Rhododendron; white w/ yellow centers DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Christmas Cheer' (Kurume Series) Christmas Cheer Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Congo' Congo Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Conversation Piece' Conversation Piece Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Coral Bells' Coral Bells Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'County of York' County of York Rhododendron; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Cunningham's Blush' Cunningham's Blush Rhododendrons & Azaleas Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Cunningham's White' Cunningham's White Rhododendrom Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... degronianum ssp yakushimanum 'Ken Janeck' Ken Janek Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... degronianum ssp yakushimanum x China 'Looking Glass' Looking Glass Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... degronianum ssp yakushimanum x Corona 'Doc' Doc Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... degronianum ssp yakushimanum x Fabia Tangerine 'Percy Wiseman' , Percy Wiseman Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Delaware Valley' Delaware Valley White Azalea; white Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN FG SP CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG SP CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG SP CN CN CN FG=Field Grown 'Dora Amateis' Dora Amateis Rhododendron; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Dorothy Amateis' Dorothy Amateis Rhododendron; Purple Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Dorothy Swift' Dorothy Swift Rhododendron; soft pink Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Dwarf Tradition' Dwarf Tradition Azalea Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Elsie Lee' Elsie Lee Azalea; light reddish-purple John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'English Roseum' English Roseum Rhododendron; light rose Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Erica' Erica Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Evensong' (Glenn Dale Series) Evensong Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Everest' (Glenn Dale Hybrid) Everest Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Exbury Hybrids Exbury Rhododendron Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Fantastica' Fantastica Rhododendron; pink Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. 'Fashion' Fashon Azalea; yellow-pink Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Fasia' Fasia Rhododendron; lavender Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Fawley' Fawley Azalea Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Flame Creeper' Flame Creeper Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'G.G. Gerbing' G.G. Gerbing Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Genevieve Schmidt' Genevieve Schmidt Rhododendron; pink Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'George L. Taber' George L. Taber Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Gibralter' Gibralter Exbury Azalea; bright orange-red DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG FG FG CN FG SP CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN CN CN 89 Rhododendrons & Azaleas Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ 'Gillie' Gillie Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Christina' Girard Christina Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Crimson' Girard Crimson Azalea; red John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Fuchsia' Girard Fuchsia Azalea; fuchsia pink Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Hot Shot' Girard Hot Shot Azalea; dark reddish-orange Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Girard Hybrids Girard Series Rhododendron Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... 'Girard Jeremiah' Girard Jeremiah Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Pleasant White' Girard Pleasant White Azalea Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Purple' Girard Purple Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Renee Michelle' Girard Renee Michelle Azalea John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Roberta' Girard Roberta Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Rose' Girard Rose Azalea John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Saybrook Glory' Girard Saybrook Glory Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Scarlet' Girard Scarlet Azalea Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Girard Variegated Gem' Girard Variegated Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Glacier' Glacier Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Golden Lights' Golden Lights Deciduous Azalea; orange-yellow DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... 90 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide KEY: CN CN Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Golden Showers' Golden Showers Azalea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Grape Jam' Grape Jam Rhododendron; lavender Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Gumpo Pink' Gumpo Pink Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Gumpo White' Gumpo White Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'H.H. Hume' H.H. Hume Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Haaga' Haaga Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Hampton Beauty' Hampton Beauty Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hardizer's Beauty' Hardizer's Beauty Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hardy Gardenia' Hardy Gardenia Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hellikki' Hellikki Rhododendron; red DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Helsinki University' Helsinki University Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Henry's Red' Henry's Red Rhododendron; red Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... 'Herbert' Herbert Azalea; reddish-purple Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hershey's Orange' (Kurume Series) Hershey's Orange Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hershey's Red' Hershey's Red Azalea Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hexe' (Kurume Series) Hexe Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Higasa' Higasa Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hilda Niblett' Hilda Niblett Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Hi-Lights' Hi-Lights Rhododendron DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Rhododendrons & Azaleas 'Hino Crimson' Hino Crimson Azalea; red Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Hinodegiri' Hinodegiri Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Holden' Holden Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... impeditum Dwarf Purple Rhododendron Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Jane Abbot' Jane Abbot Deciduous Azalea; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... 'Janet Blair' Janet Blair Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Judge Solomon' Judge Solomon Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Karen' Karen Azalea; lavender Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Karen Seleger' Karen Seleger Rhododendron; purple Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Kathy' Kathy Azalea; white John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. 'Kehr's White Rosebud' Kehr's White Rosebud Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'King's Red' King's Red Azalea Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Klondyke' Klondyke Deciduous Azalea; golden yellow Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Landmark' Landmark Rhododendron; light red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Lavender Princess' Lavender Princess Rhododendron; lavender Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Lee’s Dark Purple' Lee’s Dark Purple Rhododendron; purple Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Lemon Drop' Lemon Drop Azalea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ 'Lemon Lights' Lemon Lights Azalea; yellow DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG SP FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... 'Lollipop' Lollipop Azalea Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Lollipop' Lollipop Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Lorna' Lorna Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Louise' Louise Gable Azalea; deep pink Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. 'Madison Snow' Madison Snow Rhododendron; white DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Magic' Magic Azalea Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Mandarin Lights' Mandarin Lights Azalea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Manitou' Manitou Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Marian Lee' (Back Acres) Marion Lee Back Acres Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Marjie Kay Hinerman' Bi-color Rhododendron Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Massasoit' (Kurume Series) Massasoit Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ maximum 'Roseum' Pink Rosebay Rhododendron DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Mikkeli' Mikkeli Rhododendron, pink Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Mildred Mae' Mildred Mae Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Milestone' Milestone Rhododendron; red DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Molly Fordham' Molly Fordham Rhododendron; white DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Moonlight Rose' Moonlight Rose Azalea Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Mother's Day' Mother's Day Azalea; red Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Nancy of Robin Hill' Nancy of Robin Hill Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Nicky' Nicky Rhododendron; lavender DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Nico Red' Nico Red Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN 91 Rhododendrons & Azaleas 'Northern Hi-Lights' Northern Hi-Lights Azalea John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Northern Lights' Northern Lights Azalea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Northern Starburst' Northern Starburst Rhododendron; lavender DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... 'Olga Mezitt' Olga Mezitt Rhododendron; pink Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Orchid Lights' Orchid Lights Deciduous Azalea; lavender DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'P.J.M.' P.J.M. Rhododendron; lavender Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'P.J.M. Compact' P.J.M. Compact Rhododendron; lavender DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'P.J.M. Elite' P.J.M. Elite Rhododendron; lavender John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Pana' Pana Rhododendron; pink Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Parade' Parade Rhododendron; Pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Pearce's American Beauty' Pearce's Am. Beauty Rhododendron; red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 92 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN KEY: CN FG CN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN FG SP CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG LN=Liner 'Pearl Bradford' (Glenn Dale Hybrid) Pearl Bradford Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Pennsylvania' Pennsylvania Azalea; red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Pink & Sweet' Pink & Sweet Deciduous Azalea; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Pink Cascade' Pink Cascade Rhododendrons & Azaleas Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Pink Pearl' Pink Pearl Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Pink Poukhanenses' Pink Poukhanenses Rhododendron; Pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Pink Ruffles' Pink Ruffles Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Pleasant White' Pleasant White Azalea; white Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... 'Pohjola's Daughter' Pohjola's Daughter Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Popsicle' Popsicle Rhododendron; Pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'President Clay' President Clay Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Pride of Mobile' Pride of Mobile Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ prinophyllum Early Azalea; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Purple Gem' Purple Gem Rhododendron; purple DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion Rhododendron Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Ramapo' Ramapo Dwarf Rhododendron; lavender Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Red Ruffles' Red Ruffles Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Red Slippers' Red Slippers Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Red Velvet' Red Velvet Azalea; red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Rosebud' Rosebud Azalea; double pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Rhododendrons & Azaleas Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Roseum Pink' Roseum Pink Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Rosy Lights' Rosy Lights Deciduous Azalea; raspberry pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Scarlet Romance' Scarlet Romance Rhododendron; Red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Scintillation' Scintillation Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Shammarello Hybrids Shammarello Series Azalea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... 'Shugetsu' Shugetsu Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Sir Robert' Sir Robert Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... smirnowii x degronianum ssp yakushimanum 'Crete' Crete Rhododendrons & Azaleas Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Snow' Snow Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Southern Charm' Southern Charm Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Spring Dawn' Spring Dawn Rhododendron; dark pink Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Stewartstonian' Stewartstonian Azalea; orange-red Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Summer Lyric' Summer Lyric Azalea; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Sun Glow' Sun Glow Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 'Tapestry' Tapestry Rhododendron; purple Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Thunder' Thunder Rhododendron; dark pink-purple DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ 'Today and Tomorrow' Today and Tomorrow Rhododendron; pink Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ................................................................ KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG=Field Grown FG 'Tony' Tony Rhododendron; red Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Tradition' Roehr's Tradition Azalea; moderate pink Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Trouper' (Glenn Dale Series) Trouper Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Vernus' Vernus Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Vulcan's Flame' Vulcan's Flame Rhododendron Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Vuyk's Johanna' Vuyk's Johanna Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Vuyk's Scarlet' Vuyk's Scarlet Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Wakaebisu' Wakaebisu Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Watchet' Watchet Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'Weston’s Innocence' Weston’s Innocence Azalea; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Weston's Mayflower' Weston's Mayflower Rhododendron; pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... 'Weston's Pink Diamond' Weston's Pink Diamond Rhododendron; double pink DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'White Lights' White Lights Deciduous Azalea; white DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ 'White Swan' White Swan Deciduous Azalea; white Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Wilsoni' Wilson Rhododendron; pink Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ 'Wojnar’s Purple' Wojnar’s Purple Rhododendron; purple Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ............................................ x 'Bluenose’ Bluenose Rhododendron Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. x indica 'Jennifer' Jennifer Southern Indian Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ x indica 'Macrantha Orange' Macrantha Orange Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ x indica 'Macrantha Pink' Macrantha Pink Rhododendron Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ x indica 'Pink Formosa' Formosa Pink Southern Indian Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ x 'Midnight Flare' Midnight Flare Azalea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP CN FG CN CN CN FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN 93 Rhododendrons & Azaleas Rhododendrons & Azaleas x yakushimanum 'Happy' Happy Rhododendron ) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800)CN 253-3743 .................................................... ub' x yakushimanum 'Pink Cherub' Pink Cherub Rhododendron ) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800)CN 253-3743 .................................................... 'Yaku King' nk Yaku King Rhododendron; pink FG ................................................................ -4852 ................................................................ Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 'Yaku Prince' rose pink Yaku Prince Rhododendron; rose pink .......................................... FG 483-7431 .......................................... (888) 483-7431 DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., CN (888) FG ................................................................ -4852 ................................................................ Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 ) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800)CN 253-3743 .................................................... 'Yaku Princess' ; light pinkYaku Princess Rhododendron; light pink .......................................... (888) 483-7431 DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., CN (888) 483-7431 .......................................... CN347-4272 .................................................. 0) 347-4272 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) FG ................................................................ -4852 ................................................................ Rosebay Nursery, (269) 857-4852 yedoense var. poukhanense Korean Azalea, lavender CN946-7000 .................................................. 4) 946-7000 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) ) 253-3743 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800)CN 253-3743 .................................................... CN LANDSCAPE & POND STORE 62520 Van Dyke Washington, MI 48094 CN FG Phone (586) 752-4900 Fax (586) 752-1123 CN FG FG CN CN CN s "RICK0AVERS s "OULDERS s $ECORATIVE3TONE s ,OW6OLTAGE,IGHTING s -ULCH7OOD#HIPS s .ATURAL&LAG7ALLS s .ATURAL3TEPS/UTCROPPING s 0OND+ITS0UMPS#HEMICALS s 2ETAINING7ALLS OUR s 3EED&ERTILIZER th s 3PRINKLER3UPPLIES s 4OPSOIL3AND'RAVEL YEAR FG CN CN 80 Family owned and operated since 1928 DIRECT SHIP HUGE SAVINGS!!! Our BMPs can help keep you in compliance with Erosion & Sediment Control regulations and help our environment at the same time. Contact CSI Geoturf today to learn more. /ÕÀvÊÃÌ>LÃ iÌÊUÊ*`ÃÊEÊ7>ÌiÀÊi>ÌÕÀiÃÊUÊ>`ÃV>«iÊ} Ì} >`ÃV>«iÊ-Õ««iÃÊUÊÀÃÊEÊ-i`iÌÊ ÌÀ 800-621-7 0 0 7 94 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide KEY: www. g e o t u r f . co m LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs Abelia chinensis Chinese Abelia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abelia mosanensis Fragrant Abelia Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abelia shumannii 'Bumblebee' Bumblebee Abelia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abelia x grandiflora Glossy Abelia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Abelia x grandiflora 'Compacta' Compact Glossy Abelia Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Abelia x grandiflora 'Conti' PP8472 Confetti® Abelia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abelia x grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' Edward Goucher Abelia Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PPAF Kaleidoscope Abelia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Abelia x grandiflora minipar Golden Anniversary® Abelia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Abelia x grandiflora 'Panache' Silver Anniversary™ Abelia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Abelia x grandiflora 'Sherwood' Sherwood Glossy Abelia Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Abelia x grandifolia 'Rika I' Glossy Abelia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abelia zanderi 'Little Richard' Little Richard Abelia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abeliophyllum distichum White Forsythia Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abeliophyllum distichum 'Roseum' Pink Forsythia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Abies balsamea Balsam Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 ........................................ Elder Nursery & Tree Transplanting, (517) 547-5125 ....................... Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Korson's Tree Farms, (989) 328-6101 ........................................................ Mathisen Tree Farms, LLC, (616) 754-3200 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 ............................................ Abies balsamea 'Nana' Dwarf Balsam Fir Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Abies concolor White Fir Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 ........................................ Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN LN CN LN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN LN LN LN CN FG FG FG SP FG FG SP FG CN FG FG FG SP CN LN LN FG CN FG FG=Field Grown FG John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Korson's Tree Farms, (989) 328-6101 .................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Maple Ridge Evergreens, (800) 968-9627 ........................... Mathisen Tree Farms, LLC, (616) 754-3200 ...................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 .................................. Up North Nursery (The), (517) 332-8213 ............................. Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 ........................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Abies firma Japanese Fir Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Abies fraseri Fraser Fir D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 .................... Elder Nursery & Tree Transplanting, (517) 547-5125 ... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Korson's Tree Farms, (989) 328-6101 .................................... Mathisen Tree Farms, LLC, (616) 754-3200 ...................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 .................................. Up North Nursery (The), (517) 332-8213 ............................. Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 ........................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Abies grandis Grand Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 .................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 .................................. Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Abies homolepis Nikko Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 .................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Abies intermedia 'Canaan' Canaan Fir D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 .................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Mathisen Tree Farms, LLC, (616) 754-3200 ...................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 ........................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Abies koreana Korean Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 .................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Mathisen Tree Farms, LLC, (616) 754-3200 ...................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... SP=Specimen FG FG SP FG FG SP FG FG SP LN FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG LN LN FG SP SP LN LN LN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG SP FG FG FG FG FG SP FG LN LN CN FG SP SP FG FG SP LN FG FG SP LN FG FG FG SP LN FG SP FG SP LN FG FG FG LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG SP SP CN FG FG SP FG SP FG SP FG 95 Trees & Shrubs Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Up North Nursery (The), (517) 332-8213 ................................................. Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Wahmhoff Farms Nursery, (888) 648-7337 ............................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica Cork Bark Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 ........................................ Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Mathisen Tree Farms, LLC, (616) 754-3200 .......................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Abies nordmanniana Nordmann Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 ........................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Abies procera Noble Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 ........................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Abies veitchii Veitch Fir Dutchman Tree Farms, LLC, (231) 839-7901 ........................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Acanthopanax sieboldianus 'Variegatus' Variegated Aralia Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Acer campestre Hedge Maple Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Acer campestre Hedge Maple - Tree Form Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Acer campestre 'Stwizam’ Streetwise™ Hedge Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Acer circinatum Vine Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer ginnala Amur Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Oxford Ornamentals Nursery, (248) 628-0011 ...................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... 96 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN LN FG SP FG CN LN CN LN FG SP FG FG SP FG CN FG FG SP LN FG FG SP LN FG LN LN CN LN CN FG FG SP FG FG FG SP FG FG FG FG FG SP LN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG LN CN CN LN KEY: CN FG FG SP FG FG FG SP LN=Liner Acer ginnala Amur Maple - Tree Form Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple - Tree Form Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer grandidentatum 'Hipazam’ Highland Park® Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Elder Nursery & Tree Transplanting, (517) 547-5125 ... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Acer nigrum Black Maple North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Acer palmatum Green Japanese Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Acer palmatum atropurpureum Redleaf Japanese Maple Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood Japanese Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 ...................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN LN FG FG SP FG FG SP FG FG FG FG FG FG FG LN SP CN LN FG FG FG SP LN FG FG CN FG SP FG SP FG FG FG FG FG SP LN CN FG SP CN FG SP CN FG LN LN FG SP CN CN FG SP CN CN FG CN CN FG LN CN SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace' Burgundy Lace Japanese Maple Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Acer palmatum 'Crimson Prince’ PP7217 Crimson Prince Japanese Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Acer palmatum 'Emperor I' Emperor I Japanese Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' Fireglow Japanese Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum 'Inazuma' Inazuma Japanese Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum 'Omure Yama' Omure Yama Japanese Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum 'Oshio Beni' Oshio Beni Japanese Maple Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum 'Ozakazuki' Ozakazuki Japanese Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' Coral Bark Japanese Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum var. dissectum Dissected Japanese Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Acer palmatum var. dissectum atropurpureum 'Orangeola', Orangeola Laceleaf Japanese Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Queen Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN FG CN FG SP CN SP CN CN FG CN FG CN LN CN CN CN FG SP CN FG LN LN CN CN LN CN CN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN FG CN FG CN CN SP LN CN CN FG SP CN CN SP LN CN SP CN FG SP LN CN CN CN FG SP SP LN CN CN CN FG CN SP CN FG CN CN FG=Field Grown Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Ever Red' Japanese Ever Red Laceleaf Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Garnet' Garnet Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Inaba Shidare' Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Red Dragon' Red Dragon Laceleaf Japanese Maple Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Red Select' Red Select Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Seiryu' Seiryu Japanese Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Tamukeyama’ Tamukeyama Japanese Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Viridis' Green Laceleaf Japanese Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer platanoides Norway Maple Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ........................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . SP=Specimen CN SP LN CN CN CN FG CN FG CN CN SP CN CN FG CN FG CN SP LN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG FG SP LN CN CN FG CN CN SP CN CN FG CN FG SP CN CN FG CN CN LN SP CN CN SP SP LN CN CN LN FG CN FG SP CN FG FG LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN FG FG FG SP FG FG SP FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG 97 Trees & Shrubs Acer platanoides 'Cleveland' Cleveland Norway Maple Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Acer platanoides 'Columnare' Columnar Norway Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Acer platanoides 'Conzam’ Conquest™ Norway Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' Crimson King Maple Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ............................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry' Crimson Sentry Maple Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer platanoides 'Deborah' Deborah Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ............................. 98 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG CN FG FG FG SP LN LN KEY: CN FG CN FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG SP CN SP FG CN FG CN FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG CN CN SP FG FG FG FG SP CN SP FG CN CN FG SP CN FG FG LN=Liner Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer platanoides 'Drummondi' Variegated Norway Maple Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen' Emerald Queen Norway Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 ...................................... Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ......... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Murray Landscaping, LLC, (269) 381-1936 ....................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer platanoides 'Ezestre' Easy Street® Norway Maple Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Acer platanoides 'Fairview' Fairview Norway Maple Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer platanoides 'Jade Glen' Jade Glen™ Norway Maple Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Acer platanoides 'Medallion' Medallion Norway Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Acer platanoides 'Pond' Emerald Lustre® Maple Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ......... CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG CN FG FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN SP FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG SP FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG LN FG SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 .................. Acer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' Princeton Gold Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' Royal Red Maple Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer platanoides 'Schwedleri' Schwedler Maple Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Acer platanoides 'Summershade' Summershade Norway Maple Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Acer platanoides 'Superform' Millers Superform Maple Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ............................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Acer pseudosieboldianum Korean Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Acer rubrum Red Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ..................................................... Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG CN CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG CN CN FG CN FG FG CN FG CN CN FG FG SP LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG CN FG FG CN CN FG FG LN CN FG FG LN CN SP LN FG CN CN FG FG SP FG SP FG SP FG FG LN CN FG CN FG FG FG=Field Grown Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer rubrum Red Maple - Clump Form Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer rubrum 'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze™ Red Maple Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' Autumn Flame Red Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer rubrum 'Autumn Spire' Autumn Spire Red Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' Bowhall Red Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' Brandywine Red Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer rubrum 'Fairview Flame' Fairview Flame Red Maple Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer rubrum 'Karpick' Karpick™ Red Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Acer rubrum 'Magnificent Magenta' Burgundy Belle® Red Maple Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer rubrum 'Morgan' Morgan Red Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... SP=Specimen LN SP CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG LN FG SP FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG LN FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG CN FG SP CN CN FG FG FG CN CN FG FG CN FG CN FG FG CN FG CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG 99 Trees & Shrubs Acer rubrum 'Northwood' Northwood Red Maple Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Acer rubrum 'October Glory' October Glory Red Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ............................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Murray Landscaping, LLC, (269) 381-1936 ........................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 .................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer rubrum 'Olson' Northfire™ Red Maple Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' Red Sunset Red Maple Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ............................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 .................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Acer rubrum 'Somerset' Somerset Red Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 100 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG FG FG LN CN FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG CN FG CN FG CN FG FG FG FG CN CN LN KEY: SP FG FG CN FG CN FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN CN FG FG SP CN FG FG CN FG CN FG CN FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG CN SP CN LN=Liner Acer rubrum 'Summer Red' Summer Red Maple Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley' Sun Valley Red Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer saccharinum Silver Maple Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer saccharinum 'Silver Queen' Silver Queen Silver Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Acer saccharinum 'Skinner's Cutleaf' Skinner's Cutleaf Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Acer saccharum Sugar Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 ...................................... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Murray Landscaping, LLC, (269) 381-1936 ....................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Up North Nursery (The), (517) 332-8213 ............................. Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer saccharum 'Arrowhead' Arrowhead Sugar Maple John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Acer saccharum 'Bonfire' Bonfire® Sugar Maple John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Acer saccharum 'Commemoration' Commemoration® Sugar Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ......... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN FG FG FG FG LN CN LN LN CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG CN FG FG FG CN FG FG SP CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP CN FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Acer saccharum 'Fidcrezam’ Fiddler’s Creek™ Sugar Maple Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Acer saccharum 'Flax Mill Majesty' Flax Mill Majesty® Sugar Maple Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain' Green Mountain® Sugar Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Acer saccharum 'Legacy' Legacy™ Sugar Maple American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' Golden Fullmoon Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Acer tataricum 'Patdell’ Pattern Perfect™ Maple Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Acer triflorum Three-Flower Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG CN FG FG FG SP LN FG FG FG FG CN CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG SP FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG SP CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG CN FG FG SP CN CN FG CN FG=Field Grown FG SP Acer truncatum 'Warrenred' Pacific Sunset™ Maple Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' Armstrong Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer x freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ......... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 .................................. Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Acer x freemanii 'Celebration' Celebration™ Maple Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Acer x freemanii 'Marmo' Marmo Freeman Maple Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Acer x freemanii 'Sienna Glen’ Sienna Glen Freeman Maple North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ SP=Specimen LN FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG CN CN LN SP FG FG FG SP FG FG FG FG CN SP FG FG FG CN CN FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG SP FG SP CN FG CN FG CN CN FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG SP FG FG SP CN FG FG FG SP LN CN FG FG CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG FG CN FG 101 Trees & Shrubs Acer x 'Keithsform' Norwegian Sunset® Maple Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Actinidia arguta 'Ananasnaya' Anna Kiwi Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Actinidia arguta 'Meader' Meader Kiwi Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aesculus flava (syn. A. octandra) Yellow Buckeye Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Aesculus glabra Ohio Buckeye Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumannii’ Baumanni Horsechestnut North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Aesculus pavia Red Buckeye North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Aesculus x arnoldiana 'Autumn Splendor’ Autumn Splendor Horsechestnut North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Aesculus x carnea Red Horsechestnut North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Aesculus x carnea 'Briottii' Briotti Red Horsechestnut Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Aesculus x carnea 'Ft. McNair' Ft. McNair Red Horsechestnut American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Alnus glutinosa Black Alder Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Alnus rugosa Speckled Alder JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ 102 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN KEY: FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG SP CN CN FG FG FG CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG FG FG SP CN FG CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG SP CN CN FG FG LN=Liner Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon Serviceberry Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Amelanchier alnifolia 'Regent' Regent Serviceberry Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Amelanchier canadensis Shadblow Serviceberry Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .......................... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Amelanchier canadensis Shadblow Serviceberry - Tree Form Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Amelanchier canadensis 'Glenform' PP9092 Rainbow Pillar™ Amelanchier Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Amelanchier canadensis 'Sprizam’ Spring Glory® Serviceberry Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Amelanchier laevis Alleghany Serviceberry Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Amelanchier lamarckii Tree Form Juneberry Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Amelanchier x grandiflora Apple Serviceberry D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown FG FG FG FG CN CN CN LN FG CN FG FG FG SP FG FG FG CN FG FG FG CN FG CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN CN CN LN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG CN FG SP FG FG SP CN LN FG FG CN FG CN FG SP LN SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' Autumn Brilliance™ Serviceberry Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Murray Landscaping, LLC, (269) 381-1936 ........................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Cole's Select' Cole's Select Serviceberry Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Princess Diana’ Princess Diana Serviceberry Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Amorpha canescens Lead Plant JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Andromeda DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Andromeda polifolia 'Nana' Compact Bog Rosemary DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla Bog Rosemary Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' Red Chokeberry Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Aronia melanocarpa Black Chokeberry Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container FG FG FG LN FG CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG CN FG SP FG FG FG FG FG SP SP CN FG FG CN FG FG CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG FG FG FG Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic' Autumn Magic Chokeberry Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Aronia melanocarpa 'Morton' Iroquis Beauty® Black Chokeberry Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Aronia melanocarpa var. elata Black Chokeberry Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking' Viking Chokeberry Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Asimina triloba Common Paw Paw Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' Gold Dust Japanese Aucuba Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Berberis thunbergii Green Barberry Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea' Golden Barberry Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Berberis thunbergii 'Bailtwo' Burgundy Carousel® Barberry Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Berberis thunbergii 'Bogozam' PP8215 ('Aurea Nana') Bonanza Gold® Japanese Barberry Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Berberis thunbergii 'Kobold' Kobold Barberry Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' PP18082 ('Gold Pillar') Sunjoy™ Barberry D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... SP=Specimen CN LN CN LN LN FG FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN SP CN CN FG SP CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 103 Trees & Shrubs Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Berberis thunbergii 'Talego' Talego Barberry Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea Purpleleaf Barberry Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ..................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Bagatelle' Bagatelle Barberry Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Concorde' Concorde Barberry Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Gentry Cultivar' PP9461, Royal Burgundy® Barberry Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Helmond Pillar' Helmond Pillar Barberry Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Limeglow' Limeglow Barberry Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Nana' Crimson Pygmy Barberry Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 .................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Rose Glow' Rose Glow Barberry Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... 104 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN LN CN LN LN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Royal Cloak' Royal Cloak Barberry Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Ruby Bailone' Ruby Carousel® Barberry Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Berberis x gladwynensis 'William Penn' William Penn Barberry Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Berberis x 'Tara' Emerald Carousel Barberry Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Betula allegheniensis Yellow Birch Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Betula jacquemontii Whitebarked Himalayan Birch Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Betula nigra River Birch American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 ...................................... Elder Nursery & Tree Transplanting, (517) 547-5125 ... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Betula nigra River Birch - Clump Form Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .......................... Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ........................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Betula nigra 'BNMTF' Dura-Heat® Birch Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN FG FG FG FG LN SP CN CN FG FG FG SP FG CN FG FG CN FG SP CN CN CN LN SP CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG SP FG SP FG FG CN FG FG FG CN FG FG SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Betula nigra 'Cully' PP4409 Heritage® River Birch Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Betula nigra 'Little King' Fox Valley® River Birch Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Betula papyrifera Paper Birch Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Up North Nursery (The), (517) 332-8213 ................................................. Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Betula papyrifera Paper Birch - Clump Form Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Up North Nursery (The), (517) 332-8213 ................................................. Betula pendula European White Birch John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Betula pendula 'Burgundy Wine' Burgundy Wine Weeping Birch Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Betula pendula 'Youngii' Young's Weeping Birch Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Betula platyphylla szechuanica 'Crimson Frost' Crimson Frost Birch Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Studebaker Nurseries, Inc., (800) 845-0584 ............................................ Betula platyphylla var. japonica Japanese White Birch - Clump Form Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Betula platyphylla var. japonica 'Whitespire' Whitespire Birch Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Komrska Tree Farms LLC, (231) 276-7755 ............................................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container SP CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG CN FG FG FG CN LN LN SP FG FG FG SP FG CN CN FG FG SP FG FG FG FG SP CN CN CN CN FG FG FG SP CN CN FG FG FG LN SP CN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG CN FG FG FG FG=Field Grown Betula pumila Bog Birch Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii White-Barked Himalayan Birch Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Buddleia davidii 'Adonis Blue' Adonis Blue® Butterfly Bush D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buddleia davidii 'Bicolor' Bicolor Butterfly Bush Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' Black Knight Butterfly Bush D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buddleia davidii 'Ellen's Blue' Ellen's Blue Butterfly Bush Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buddleia davidii 'Harlequin' Harlequin Butterfly Bush Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Buddleia davidii 'Honeycomb' Honeycomb Butterfly Bush Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buddleia davidii 'Lochinch' Lochinch Butterfly Bush D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' Nanho Blue Butterfly Bush DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Purple' Nanho Purple Butterfly Bush Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN LN LN LN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN 105 Trees & Shrubs Buddleia davidii 'Orchid Beauty' Orchid Beauty Butterfly Bush Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buddleia davidii 'Peacock' Peacock® Butterfly Bush D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight' Pink Delight Butterfly Bush DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buddleia davidii 'Potter's Purple' Potter's Purple Butterfly Bush Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Buddleia davidii 'Purple Emperor' Purple Emperor® Butterfly Bush D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' Royal Red Butterfly Bush DeGroot, Inc., (800) 253-2876 ....................................................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buddleia davidii 'White Ball' White Ball Butterfly Bush Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' White Profusion Butterfly Bush Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buxus microphylla 'Faulkner' Faulkner Boxwood American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Buxus microphylla 'Green Beauty' Green Beauty Boxwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buxus microphylla 'Julia Jane' Julia Jane Boxwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buxus microphylla 'True Spreader' True Spreader Boxwood Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... 106 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP CN CN CN LN=Liner Buxus microphylla var. koreana Korean Boxwood Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buxus microphylla var. koreana 'Franklin’s Gem' Franklin’s Gem Boxwood North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Buxus microphylla var. koreana 'Wintergem' Wintergem Boxwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buxus microphylla 'Winter Beauty' Winter Beauty Boxwood Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Buxus microphylla 'Wintergreen' Wintergreen Boxwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buxus sempervirens 'Argenteo Variegata' Variegated White Boxwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buxus sempervirens 'Blauer Heinz' Blauer Heinz Boxwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Buxus sempervirens 'Graham Blandy' Graham Blandy Narrow Boxwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Buxus sempervirens 'Katerburg' PP15988 North Star® Boxwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa' Dwarf English Pyramidal Boxwood Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley' Vardar Valley Boxwood D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Buxus x 'Glencoe' Chicagoland Green® Boxwood Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Studebaker Nurseries, Inc., (800) 845-0584 ........................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN FG FG FG FG CN FG CN CN LN CN FG CN CN LN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN LN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN FG SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buxus x 'Green Gem' Green Gem Boxwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buxus x 'Green Ice' PP10773 Green Ice Boxwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Buxus x 'Green Mound' Green Mound Boxwood Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Buxus x 'Green Mountain' Green Mountain Boxwood American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Studebaker Nurseries, Inc., (800) 845-0584 ............................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Buxus x 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet Boxwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Direct, (586) 752-4222 ............................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Studebaker Nurseries, Inc., (800) 845-0584 ............................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 .................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN FG FG CN FG CN CN FG CN CN CN LN SP CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN FG FG CN CN SP CN FG CN CN CN FG CN FG SP CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG CN LN LN LN SP CN FG FG CN CN FG FG CN CN FG CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG CN CN FG=Field Grown SP Buxus x 'Wanford Page' Wanford's Golden Boxwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' Profusion Beautyberry Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Callicarpa dichotoma 'Early Amethyst' Early Amethyst Beautyberry Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Callicarpa dichotoma 'Issai' Issai Purple Beautyberry Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Calycanthus floridus Common Sweetshrub North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Calycanthus x raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' Hartlage Wine Sweet Betsy Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Calycanthus x 'Venus' PPAF Venus Sweetshrub Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra' Cleopatra Sasanqua Camellia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Campylotropis macrocarpa Campylotropis Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Caragana arborescens 'Pendula' Weeping Siberian Peashrub Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Caragana arborescens 'Walker' Walker Siberian Peaschrub Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Caragana rosea Rose Peashrub Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Carpinus betulus European Hornbeam Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Upright European Hornbeam Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Carpinus betulus 'Franz Fontaine' Franz Fontaine Hornbeam Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ SP=Specimen CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG LN LN CN LN CN FG FG CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG LN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG FG FG FG SP LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 107 Trees & Shrubs Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Carpinus japonica Japanese Hornbeam John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Carya cordiformis Bitternut Hickory JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Carya glabra Pignut Hickory JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Carya illinoinensis 'Choctaw' Choctaw Pecan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Carya illinoinensis 'Elliott' Elliott Pecan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Carya illinoinensis 'Stuart' Stuart Pecan Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Carya laciniosa Big Shellbark Hickory JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Carya ovata Shagbark Hickory Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Caryopteris divaricata 'Snow Fairy' Variegated Blue Mist Shrub North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Caryopteris incana 'Jason' Sunshine Blue® Blue Mist Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Arthur J. Simmonds' Arthur J. Simmonds Blue Mist Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Blue Mist' Blue Mist Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Dark Knight' Dark Knight Blue Mist Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Durio' Pink Chablis™ Blue Mist Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. 108 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN FG FG FG SP CN FG FG FG SP FG FG FG FG CN CN CN FG FG FG CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner Caryopteris x clandonensis 'First Choice' PP11958 First Choice Blue Mist Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Heavenly Blue' Heavenly Blue Blue Mist Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Inoveris' Grand Bleu® Blue Mist Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Longwood Blue' Longwood Blue Blue Mist Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Minibleu' Petit Bleu® Blue Mist D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Summer Sorbet' Summer Sorbet Blue Mist Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Worcester Gold' Worcester Gold Blue Mist Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Castanea mollissima Chinese Chestnut Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Catalpa bignonioides 'Nana' Dwarf Southern Catalpa Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Catalpa bungei Bungei Catalpa Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Catalpa speciosa Hardy Catalpa, Northern Catalpa Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Ceanothus americanus New Jersey Tea JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Victoria' California Lilac Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ceanothus x 'Blue Diamond' Blue Diamond California Lilac Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ceanothus x pallidus 'Marie Simon' Marie Simon New Jersey Tea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Blue Adtlas Cedar Spiral Cut Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Blue Atlas Cedar John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN FG CN LN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN CN FG CN CN FG FG FG FG CN LN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN FG CN SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar (Himalayan Cedar) Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cedrus libani Cedar of Lebanon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Celtis occidentalis Hackberry Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Celtis tenuifolia Dwarf Hackberry Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Cephalanthus occidentalis 'Sputnik' Sputnik Buttonbush Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' Duke Gardens Japanese Plum Yew Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' Upright Japanese Plum Yew Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura Tree Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Pendula' Weeping Katsura Tree Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN LN FG FG CN CN LN LN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG CN SP CN FG CN LN CN CN FG FG CN FG LN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud - Shrub Form Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .......................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud - Tree Form Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .......................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cercis canadensis 'Alba' Whitebud Redbud Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cercis canadensis 'Covey' Covey Weeping Redbud Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' Forest Pansy Redbud American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 ...................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ SP=Specimen CN FG LN LN FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG FG SP CN FG CN FG SP CN CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG SP FG FG CN FG CN FG FG CN FG CN FG SP CN CN LN CN CN LN CN FG FG FG FG SP FG SP FG SP CN FG FG CN SP LN FG FG SP FG CN CN CN LN CN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 109 Trees & Shrubs Cercis canadensis var. texensis 'Oklahoma' Oklahoma Redbud Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cercis chinensis 'Don Egolf' Hardy Chinese Redbud Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chaenomeles 'Iwai Nishiki' Iwai Nishiki Flowering Quince Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chaenomeles japonica 'Chojuraku' Chojuraku Japanese Flowering Quince Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chaenomeles japonica 'Sargentii' Sargenti Japanese Flowering Quince Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chaenomeles 'Kingishi' Kingishi Flowering Quince Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chaenomeles 'O Yashima' O Yashima Flowering Quince Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chaenomeles speciosa 'Jet Trail' Jet Trail Flowering Quince Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chaenomeles speciosa 'Scarff's Red' Scarff's Red Flowering Quince Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Chaenomeles speciosa 'Texas Scarlet' Texas Scarlet Pygmy Quince Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chaenomeles x superba 'Cameo' Cameo Quince Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chaenomeles x superba 'Crimson and Gold' Crimson and Gold Quince Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chaenomeles x superba 'Fusion' Fusion Quince Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chaenomeles x 'Toyo-Nishiki' Toyo-Nishiki Flowering Quince Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Port Orford Cedar Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Oregon Blue' Oregon Blue Falsecypress Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Sullivan' Sullivan Falsecypress Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula' Weeping Alaska Cedar Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. 110 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN LN LN CN LN CN LN CN LN LN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN LN LN FG SP FG LN LN CN FG SP KEY: LN=Liner Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Aurea' Golden Hinoki Falsecypress Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Compacta' Compact Hinoki Falsecypress Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsi' Golden Hinoki Falsecypress Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Chamaecyparis obtusa cultivars Hinoki Falsecypress Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' Hinoki Falsecypress D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides Gold' Golden Fernspray Falsecypress Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis’ Hinoki Falsecypress North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kosteri' Kosters Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress (on Standard) Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis’ Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Templehof’ Templehof Hinoki False Cypress Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG FG SP FG FG SP LN CN FG CN SP FG LN CN FG CN LN LN CN CN FG LN CN CN LN CN LN LN FG CN CN CN CN FG FG SP CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Verdoni' Golden Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Baby Blue' Baby Blue Sawara Falsecypress Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' Boulevard Falsecypress D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Cream Ball' Cream Ball Dwarf Sawara Falsecypress Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera cultivars Japanese Falsecypress Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Dow Whiting' PPAF Soft Serve™ Sawara Falsecypress Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' Golden Threaded Falsecypress Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mop' Gold Mop Sawara Falsecypress Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Lemon Thread' Gold Thread Sawara Falsecypress Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Mini Variegated' Sawara Falsecypress Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Mops' Mops Japanese Falsecypress D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Minima' Midget Moss Sawara Falsecypress Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Sungold' Sungold Japanese Falsecypress Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold' Vintage Gold Japanese Falsecypress D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN FG CN LN LN CN CN CN FG SP CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG=Field Grown FG Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Red Star' Rubicon White Cedar Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Chamaedaphne calyculata Leatherleaf Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Chionanthus retusus Chinese Fringetree Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Chionanthus virginicus Fringe Tree Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn' Pink Dawn Chitalpa Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Cladrastis kentukea (syn. C. lutea) American Yellowwood Elder Nursery & Tree Transplanting, (517) 547-5125 ... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Clethra alnifolia Summersweet Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Clethra alnifolia 'Compacta' Compact Summersweet Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Clethra alnifolia 'Hokie Pink' Hokie Pink Summersweet Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' Hummingbird Summersweet Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Clethra alnifolia 'Paniculata' White Summersweet Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spires’ Pink Spires Summersweet Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG FG CN CN FG SP FG CN CN FG FG FG CN FG LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG 111 Trees & Shrubs Clethra alnifolia 'Rosea' Pink Summersweet Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice' Ruby Spice Summersweet Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Clethra alnifolia 'September Beauty' PP10048 September Beauty® Summersweet Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Clethra alnifolia 'Sherry Sue' Sherry Sue Summersweet Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Clethra alnifolia 'Sixteen Candles' Sixteen Candles Summersweet Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Clethra barbinervis Japanese Summersweet Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Cleyera japonica Japanese Cleyera Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Colocasia antiquorum 'Illustris' Illustris Elephant Ears Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus alba 'Argenteo-marginata' Cream Edge Tatarian Dogwood Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Cornus alba 'Aurea' Golden Prairie Fire Dogwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus alba 'Bailhalo' PP8722 Ivory Halo® Dogwood Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 112 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Cornus alba 'Buds Yellow' Buds Yellow Dogwood D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Cornus alba 'Cream Cracker' Cream Cracker Dogwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus alba 'Gouchaultii' Mottled Dogwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus alba 'Prairie Fire’ Golden Prairie Fire Dogwood North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Cornus alba 'Red Gnome' Red Gnome Dogwood Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Cornus alba 'Siberian Pearls' Siberian Pearls Dogwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus alba 'Sibirica' Red Twig Tatarian Dogwood John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Cornus alba 'Sibirica Variegata' Silveredge Siberian Dogwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Cornus alternifolia 'W. Stackman' PP11287 Golden Shadows® Dogwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Cornus amomum 'Indigo' Indigo Silky Dogwood Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Cornus drummondii Roughleaf Dogwood JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Cornus elegantissima Variegated Dogwood Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... CN CN CN FG CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN LN CN FG CN CN LN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP CN LN FG LN CN FG LN LN CN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN FG CN CN FG SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring’ Appalachian Spring Flowering Dogwood Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' PP10166 Cherokee Brave Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus florida 'Cherokee Chief' Cherokee Chief Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' Cherokee Princess Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus florida 'Cherokee Sunset' Cherokee Sunset™ Dogwood Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Cornus florida 'Red Cloud' Red Cloud Flowering Dogwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus florida var. rubra Red Flowering Dogwood John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus florida x kousa Rutgers Hybrid Flowering Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Cornus kousa Chinese Dogwood Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN LN LN FG FG CN FG FG FG SP FG CN CN FG FG SP CN FG LN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG SP FG FG FG SP SP CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG CN CN CN FG FG CN CN SP SP SP FG FG LN CN FG=Field Grown FG FG SP John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Murray Landscaping, LLC, (269) 381-1936 ....................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus kousa 'Blue Shadow’ Blue Shadow Kousa Dogwood Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus kousa 'Gold Star’ Gold Star Kousa Dogwood Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus kousa 'National’ National Kousa Dogwood North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ................................. Cornus kousa 'Satomi' Satomi Kousa Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus kousa 'Schmred’ Heart Throb® Kousa Dogwood Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Galzam’ Galilean™ Chinese Dogwood Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Hanros’ Radiant Rose™ Chinese Dogwood Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Milky Way' Milky Way Kousa Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Samzam' Samaritan™ Chinese Dogwood Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eyes' Wolf Eyes Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Cornus mas Corneliancherry Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Cornus mas 'Golden Glory' Golden Glory Corneliancherry Dogwood John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ SP=Specimen FG FG SP FG FG FG CN FG CN FG CN FG LN FG CN LN SP CN FG FG CN FG FG FG LN SP FG FG SP FG LN FG LN LN CN CN FG LN CN CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG SP FG FG SP CN CN FG SP LN FG 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 113 Trees & Shrubs Cornus officinalis Japanese Cornel Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Cornus pumila Dwarf Red Tipped Dogwood Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Cornus racemosa Gray Dogwood Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Cornus rugosa Roundleaf Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Cornus 'Rutban' PP7205 Aurora™ Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Cornus 'Rutdan' PP7204 Celestial™ Dogwood Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Cornus 'Rutgan' PP7207 Stellar Pink™ Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus sanguinea 'Andre Van Nijnatten' PPAF Arctic Sun Dogwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' Midwinter Fire Bloodtwig Dogwood Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Beauty' Winter Beauty Bloodtwig Dogwood Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Flame' Winter Flame Bloodtwig Dogwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Cornus sericea Redosier Dogwood Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ..................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cornus sericea 'Baileyi' Bailey Redtwig Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... 114 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN FG CN LN FG CN FG FG CN FG SP CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG FG FG CN SP LN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG LN CN CN KEY: SP CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG LN=Liner Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus sericea 'Cardinal' Cardinal Dogwood North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' Yellow Twig Dogwood John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Cornus sericea 'Isanti' Dwarf Red Osier Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi' Kelsey Dwarf Dogwood Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Cornus sericea 'Silver and Gold' Variegated Yellow Twig Dogwood Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Cornus stolonifera 'Farrow' PPAF Arctic Fire™ Red Twigged Dogwood North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Cornus stolonifera 'Hedgerows Gold' Hedgerows Gold Red Osier Dogwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Corylopsis pauciflor Buttercup Winterhazel Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Corylopsis spicata Spike Winterhazel Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Corylus americana American Filbert Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140. Corylus avellana European Filbert Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Corylus avellana 'Contorta' Harry Lauder's Walking Stick Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Corylus colurna Turkish Filbert Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN LN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN CN FG FG CN FG CN CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN FG FG FG SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' Purple Hazel Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cotinus coggygria Common Smokebush Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Cotinus coggygria 'Ancot' PP13082 Golden Spirit™ Smokebush Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cotinus coggygria 'Atropurpureum' Purple Smokebush North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Cotinus coggygria forma purpureus Red Smoketree Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' Royal Purple Smoketree Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cotinus coggygria 'Velvet Cloak' Velvet Cloak® Smoketree Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Cotinus coggygria 'Young Lady' PPAF Young Lady Smokebush Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cotinus obovatus American Smoketree Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Cotinus x 'Dummeri' Dummer Hybrid Smoketree Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cotinus x 'Grace' Grace Smoketree Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Cotoneaster acutifolia Peking Cotoneaster Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Cotoneaster adpressus 'Praecox' Creeping Cotoneaster Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Cotoneaster adpressus 'Tom Thumb' Tom Thumb Creeping Cotoneaster John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cotoneaster apiculatus Cranberry Cotoneaster Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN FG LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN FG FG CN LN CN CN FG SP FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cotoneaster apiculatus Standard Cotoneaster - Tree Form Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty' Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cotoneaster dammeri 'Moon Creeper' Moon Creeper Cotoneaster Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Cotoneaster divaricatus Spreading Cotoneaster John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Cotoneaster horizontalis Rock Cotoneaster Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cotoneaster horizontalis 'Perpusillus' Ground Cotoneaster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cotoneaster horizontalis 'Variegatus' Variegated Rock Cotoneaster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cotoneaster lucidus Hedge Cotoneaster Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Cotoneaster microphyllus 'Emerald Spray' Emerald Spray Cotoneaster Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cotoneaster multiflorus Many-flowered Cotoneaster Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Cotoneaster procumbens 'Queen of Carpets' Queen of Carpets Cotoneaster Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Scarlet Leader' Scarlet Leader Willowleaf Cotoneaster D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Cotoneaster standards Cotoneaster - Tree Form Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Cotoneaster x 'Hessei' Hessei Cotoneaster D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN SP CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG LN LN LN CN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN 115 Trees & Shrubs North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Crataegus crusgalli var. inermis Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Crataegus laevigata 'Crimson Cloud' Crimson Cloud Hawthorn Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorn - Shrub Form Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorn - Tree Form Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ................................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Crataegus punctata 'Ohio Pioneer' Ohio Pioneer Dotted Hawthorn Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Crataegus viridis 'Winter King' Winter King Hawthorn Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 ........................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' Black Dragon Cedar Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cupressus arizonica 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Cypress Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Cytisus scoparius 'Burkwoodii' Burkwood Scotch Broom Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 116 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN CN CN CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG SP FG FG FG FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN SP FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG SP LN CN LN KEY: FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG CN FG CN SP CN CN CN LN=Liner Cytisus scoparius 'Hollandia' Hollandia Scotch Broom Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Cytisus scoparius 'Moonlight' Moonlight Scotch Broom Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Daphne tangutica Daphne Retusa Group Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie' Carol Mackie Variegated Daphne DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Daphne x burkwoodii 'Somerset' Somerset Daphne DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Daphne x 'Strawberry Fields' Strawberry Fields Daphne Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Daphne x transatlantica 'Summer Ice' Summer Ice Daphne Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Deutzia gracilis Slender Deutzia Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Deutzia gracilis 'Duncan' Chardonnay Pearls™ Deutzia D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' Dwarf Nikko Deutzia Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Deutzia hybrida 'Pink Pompon' Pink Pompon Showy Deutzia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Deutzia scabra 'Godsall Pink' Godsall Pink Deutzia Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Deutzia x elegantissima 'Rosalind' Rosalind Elegant Deutzia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Deutzia x 'Magician' Magician Deutzia Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Deutzia x 'Pink Minor' Dwarf Pink Deutzia Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN LN CN FG CN LN CN CN FG FG CN FG FG CN CN LN CN FG CN LN CN CN CN LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Diervilla lonicera Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Diervilla lonicera 'Copper' Copper Bush Honeysuckle Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Diervilla sessifolia 'Butterfly' Butterfly Bush Honeysuckle John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Diervilla x splendens Splendens Bush Honeysuckle Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian Olive - Tree Form Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Enkianthus campanulatus Red-veined Enkianthus Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Escallonia x 'Compacta' Dwarf Escallonia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Escallonia x exoniensis 'Fradesii' Pink Princess Escallonia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus alatus Winged Euonymus Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' Dwarf Burning Bush Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .............................................. Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .................................................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 .................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus alatus 'Little Moses' PP13168 Little Moses Burning Bush D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' Rudy Haag Dwarf Burning Bush D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN LN LN LN FG FG FG CN CN FG CN FG FG CN CN FG CN FG CN FG CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN CN CN LN FG FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG=Field Grown Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Euonymus alatus 'Select' Fireball® Burning Bush Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Euonymus alatus 'Timber Creek' Chicago Fire® Burning Bush Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Euonymus fortunei 'Canadale Gold' Canadale Gold Wintercreeper John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Euonymus fortunei 'Canadian Upright' Canadian Upright Euonymus North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Euonymus fortunei 'Duncanata Variegated Vegetus' Duncanata Euonymus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Emerald Gaiety Wintercreeper Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n' Gold' Emerald 'n' Gold Wintercreeper Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .............................................. Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Euonymus fortunei 'Golden Princess' Golden Princess Euonymus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Euonymus fortunei 'Green Lane' Green Lane Wintercreeper Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Euonymus fortunei 'Harlequin' Harlequin Wintercreeper Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Euonymus fortunei 'Interbolwi' PP10424 Blondy® Wintercreeper North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Euonymus fortunei 'Irish Eyes' Irish Eyes Wintercreeper Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... SP=Specimen CN LN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN SP CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP CN CN CN CN CN CN SP CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN 117 Trees & Shrubs Euonymus fortunei 'Ivory Jade' Ivory Jade Wintercreeper Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus fortunei 'Kewensis' Kewensis Wintercreeper Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Euonymus fortunei 'Moonshadow' Moonshadow Wintercreeper D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus fortunei 'Roemertwo' Gold Splash® Wintercreeper North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus fortunei 'Sarcoxie' Sarcoxie Wintercreeper Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Euonymus fortunei 'Sunspot' PP4340 Sunspot Wintercreeper Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus fortunei 'Tricolor' Variegated Tricolor Euonymus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus fortunei 'Vegetus' Bigleaf Wintercreeper Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Euonymus japonicus 'Aureo-Marginatus' Euonymus Variegated Gold Edge Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus japonicus 'Silver King' Silver King Euonymus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Manhattan' Manhattan Spreading Euonymus Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Fagus americana American Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Fagus sylvatica Green European Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Fagus sylvatica 'Asplenifolia' Fernleaf Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .................................. 118 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN FG LN KEY: SP FG SP FG FG SP FG SP FG SP FG CN FG FG LN=Liner Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck' Fastigiate European Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Fagus sylvatica 'Laciniata' Cutleaf European Beech Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula' Weeping European Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain' Purple Fountain Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea' Purple Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Pendula' Weeping Purple Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Fagus sylvatica 'Red Obelisk' Red Obelisk Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii' Rivers European Beech Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Fagus sylvatica 'Rohanii' Rohani Purple Beech Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Fagus sylvatica 'Roseomarginata' Tricolor Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Fagus sylvatica 'Spaethiana' Bloodleaf Beech Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Fagus sylvatica 'Tricolor' Tricolor Beech Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Fargesia murielae Umbrella Bamboo Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Ficus carica 'Black Mission' Black Mission Fig Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Brown Turkey Fig Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN FG SP SP CN CN FG SP FG SP FG CN FG CN FG CN FG SP CN FG SP CN FG SP FG CN FG CN FG FG SP FG FG FG FG SP FG CN FG SP CN FG CN FG SP FG CN FG FG CN FG SP LN FG CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs Forsythia viridissima 'Bronxensis' Dwarf Green Stem Forsythia Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Forsythia viridissima 'Kumson' Kumson Forsythia D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson' Kumson Forsythia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Spring Glory' Spring Glory Forsythia D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Forsythia x intermedia 'Courdijau' PP13050 Golden Peep® Forsythia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Courtalyn' Week End® Forsythia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Courtasol' PP9104 Gold Tide® Forsythia Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Fiesta' Variegated Forsythia Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' Lynwood Gold Forsythia Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Minigold Fiesta' Minigold Fiesta Forsythia Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Show Off' PPAF Show Off® Forsythia Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Spectabilis' Showy Border Forsythia Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Forsythia x intermedia 'Spring Glory' Spring Glory Forsythia Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Forsythia x 'Meadowlark' Meadowlark Forsythia Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Forsythia x 'New Hampshire Gold' New Hampshire Gold Forsythia Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN LN CN FG CN FG LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Forsythia x 'Northern Gold' Northern Gold Forsythia Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Forsythia x 'Sunrise' Sunrise Forsythia Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Fothergilla gardenii Dwarf Fothergilla Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist' Blue Mist Fothergilla DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Fothergilla major 'Blue Shadow' Blue Shadow Bottlebrush Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Fothergilla major 'Mt. Airy' Mt. Airy Fothergilla Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Franklinia altamaha Franklin Tree Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Gaylussacia baccata Black Huckleberry Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 ...................... Genista lydia 'Select' Bangle™ Dyers Greenwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Genista pilosa 'Vancouver Gold' Vancouver Gold Silky Leaf Woadwaxen Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Genista tinctoria 'Flore-Plena' Flore-Plena Dyers Greenwood Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN CN SP CN FG CN LN LN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN FG SP CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG FG SP FG LN CN LN CN LN CN FG FG=Field Grown SP=Specimen 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide 119 Trees & Shrubs Genista tinctoria 'Royal Gold' Royal Gold Genista Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ..................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Ginkgo biloba 'Pendula' Weeping Maidenhair Tree Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' Princeton Sentry Maidenhair Tree Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Ginkgo biloba 'Shangri-la' Shangri-la Maidenhair Tree Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Ginkgo biloba 'Tubiformis' Tubiform Maidenhair Tree Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Ginkgo biloba 'Umbrella' Standard Maidenhair Tree Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Gleditsia triacanthos Common Honeylocust Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis Thornless Honeylocust John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ............................................... Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Emerald Kascade' Emerald Kascade Weeping Honeylocust North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Halka' Halka Honeylocust Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Imperial' Imperial Honeylocust Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ....................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... 120 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN CN CN FG FG LN CN FG FG FG SP FG CN FG FG SP CN LN CN FG FG FG FG FG FG SP CN FG FG LN SP LN CN SP LN LN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN FG LN FG FG CN FG CN FG LN KEY: FG FG FG CN FG CN FG FG FG FG LN=Liner Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Shademaster' Shademaster Honeylocust Al Weaver Nursery Farm, (269) 699-7508 .......................... Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ......... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Skyline' Skyline Honeylocust Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Begick Nursery & Garden Center, (866) 323-4425 ......... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. Idriss Co. (The), (269) 651-9098 ............................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Murray Landscaping, LLC, (269) 381-1936 ....................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Plant 1 Landscape Supply, Inc., (616) 531-2870 .............. Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Trees 'N' Scapes, Inc., (517) 543-7082 ................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ..................................... Van Neste-Wilson Landscape Nursery, (517) 231-3549 . Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Sunburst' Sunburst Honeylocust Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ............. Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., (800) 432-2763 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Sherman Nursery Farms, (800) 953-9998 ............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ....................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffee Tree Barnes Nursery, Inc., (419) 433-5525 .................................... Elder Nursery & Tree Transplanting, (517) 547-5125 ... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. CN=Container FG=Field Grown SP CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG SP CN CN LN FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN FG FG FG CN FG FG FG FG FG CN CN CN LN SP FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CN CN FG CN FG FG FG SP CN CN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Van Agen Sod Farm, (989) 634-5658 ......................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Halesia carolina Carolina Silverbell Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Skyhorse Station, Inc., (800) 497-2682 ..................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Halesia monticola Mountain Silverbell Thoms Farms, LLC, (866) 663-7052 ........................................................... Halimodendron halodendron Mauve Halimodendron Andy T's Farms, (989) 224-7674 .................................................................. Hamamelis mollis 'Brevipetala' Chinese Witchhazel Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Hamamelis vernalis Vernal Witchhazel Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Hamamelis vernalis 'Sandra' Sandra Vernal Witchhazel Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Hamamelis virginiana Common Witchhazel Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Trim Pines Farm, Inc., (810) 694-9958 ...................................................... Hamamelis x intermedia Hybrid Witchhazel varieties Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold's Promise' Arnold's Promise Witchhazel Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Diane Witchhazel Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Hamamelis x intermedia 'Sunburst' Sunburst Witchhazel Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN FG FG FG FG SP FG SP CN FG SP CN FG FG FG FG FG SP FG CN FG FG CN FG SP CN FG FG FG CN SP FG CN CN FG FG CN FG FG CN FG SP FG CN FG CN CN CN FG SP FG CN FG CN CN CN FG SP CN FG CN FG CN FG SP CN FG CN FG=Field Grown Hebe glauca White Hebe Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Heptacodium miconoides Seven Son Flower Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Horrocks Nursery Farms, Inc., (866) 548-7337 ................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus (Pink) Pink Rose of Sharon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus (Pink, Tree Form) Pink Tree Form Rose of Sharon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus (Purple Tree Form) Purple Tree Form Rose of Sharon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus (Red Tree Form) Red Tree Form Rose of Sharon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus (White Tree Form) White Tree Form Rose of Sharon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Aphrodite' Aphrodite Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Ardens' Double Blue Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Marlin' Blue Marlin Rose of Sharon Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' Blushing Bride Rose of Sharon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Boule de Feu' Boule de Feu Hibiscus Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hibiscus syriacus 'Collie Mullens' Collie Mullens Rose of Sharon Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana' Diana Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ SP=Specimen CN CN CN LN LN LN FG FG FG FG FG SP CN FG CN CN FG CN CN CN FG CN SP CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN FG SP CN CN CN 121 Trees & Shrubs Hibiscus syriacus 'Floru' Violet Satin® Rose of Sharon Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Freedom' Freedom Rose of Sharon John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Helene' Helene Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Hibiscus syriacus 'Jeanne d'Arc' Double White Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Lavender Chiffon' Lavender Chiffon Rose of Sharon Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Lucy' Double Red Rose of Sharon Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Marina' Blue Satin® Rose of Sharon D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Mathilde' PP12660 Blush Satin® Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Minerva' Single Lavender Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Minrosa' Rose Satin® Rose of Sharon Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Morning Star' Morning Star Rose of Sharon Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodone' Lavender Chiffon® Rose of Sharon Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodthree' Blue Chiffon® Rose of Sharon Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... 122 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG SP CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN FG CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN KEY: LN=Liner Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodtwo' White Chiffon® Rose of Sharon Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Peoniflora' Double Pink Rose of Sharon John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Pink Giant' Pink Giant Rose of Sharon Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart' Single Red Heart Rose of Sharon John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Rubis' Rubis Rose of Sharon Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hibiscus syriacus 'Sanchoyo' Sanchoyo Rose of Sharon Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hibiscus syriacus 'Woodbridge' Woodbridge Rose of Sharon Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Hibiscus x 'Lohengrin' Lohengrin Hibiscus Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hibiscus x 'Tosca' Tosca Hibiscus Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hippophae rhamnoides 'Sprite' Sprite Sea Buckthorn Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Hydrangea arborescens Smooth Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' Annabelle Hydrangea Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN LN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen SP Trees & Shrubs Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea arborescens 'Dardom' PPAF White Dome® Hydrangea Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 ...................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea arborescens 'Hayes Starburst' Hayes Starburst Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla Hortensia Hydrangea Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'All Summer Beauty' All Summer Beauty Bigleaf Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Alpengheum' Alpenglow Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailday’ Light-O-Day® Hydrangea Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer' PPAF Endless Summer™ Bigleaf Hydrangea Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Berlin' Cityline® Berlin Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Big Daddy' Big Daddy Hydrangea Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bits of Lace' Bits of Lace Hydrangea Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Heaven' PPAF Forever & Ever® Blue Heaven Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Wave' Blue Wave Bigleaf Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown SP Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride' Blushing Bride™ Hydrangea Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Cardinal Red' Cardinal Red Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Claudie' Claudie Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Coerulea Lace' Coerulea Lace Bigleaf Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Domotoi' Domotoi Bigleaf Hydrangea John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Dooley' Dooley Bigleaf Hydrangea D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Early Sensation Red' PPAF Forever & Ever® Red Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Fasan' Teller Red Bigleaf Hydrangea Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Forever Pink' Forever Pink Bigleaf Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glowing Embers' Glowing Embers Bigleaf Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hanabi' Hanabi Bigleaf Hydrangea Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Harlequin' Harlequin Mophead Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN 123 Trees & Shrubs Hydrangea macrophylla 'Holibel' PPAF Holibel Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Homigo' PPAF Homigo™ Hydrangea Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hopaline' PPAF Hopaline Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hornlei' Dwarf Mophead Bigleaf Hydrangea Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'HYMMAD I' PPAF Queen of Pearls™ Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'HYMMAD II' PPAF Midnight Duchess™ Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'HYMMAD III' PPAF Princess Lace™ Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Izu No Hana' Izu No Hana Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Jogasaki' Jogasaki Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Kardinal' Kardinal Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lady In Red' PP15175 Lady In Red Bigleaf Hydrangea Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lemon Wave' Lemon Wave Bigleaf Hydrangea D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lilacina' Lilacina Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii Silver' Silver Variegated Mariesii Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Masja' Masja Bigleaf Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Merritt Supreme' Merritt Supreme Bigleaf Hydrangea D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mini Penny' PP#15744 Mini Penny Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 124 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mousmee' Mousmee Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nigra' Black Stem Bigleaf Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' Nikko Blue Bigleaf Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Paris' Cityline® Paris Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Parzifal' Parzifal Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Penny Mac' Penny Mac Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia' Pia Bigleaf Hydrangea D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pink Beauty' Pink Beauty Bigleaf Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pink Elf' Pink Elf Bigleaf Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pink 'N' Pretty' Pink 'N' Pretty Bigleaf Hydrangea John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Red 'N' Pretty' Red 'N' Pretty Bigleaf Hydrangea John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'REI 05' PPAF Forever & Ever® Together Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN KEY: CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN=Liner CN=Container FG=Field Grown CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs Hydrangea macrophylla 'REI 13' PPAF Forever & Ever® Peppermint Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Robert' PPAF Let's Dance™ Moonlight™ Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Royal Purple' Royal Purple Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Sadie Ray' Sadie Ray Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Shamrock' Shamrock Bigleaf Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Sonmarie' Pink Shira™ Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Teller White' Teller White Bigleaf Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Todi' Todi Bigleaf Hydrangea Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Tokyo Delight' Tokyo Delight Bigleaf Hydrangea D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Tovelit' Tovelit Bigleaf Hydrangea Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Variegata' Variegated Bigleaf Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Venice Raven' Cityline® Venice Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea macrophylla 'Vienna' Cityline® Vienna Bigleaf Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea paniculata 'Barbara' The Swan® Panicle Hydrangea Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea paniculata 'Bulk' PPAF Quick Fire® Panicle Hydrangea Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea paniculata 'DVPpinky' PP16166 Pinky Winky® Panicle Hydrangea Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 .............. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' Peegee Panicle Hydrangea Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN LN LN CN LN CN CN LN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' Peegee Panicle Hydrangea - Tree Form Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... . Harder & Warner Nsry & Land Contract, (616) 698-6910 Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' Kyushu Panicle Hydrangea Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lamb' PPAF Hardy Panicle Hydrangea Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Hydrangea paniculata 'Pee Wee' Pee Wee Panicle Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Hydrangea paniculata 'Pink Diamond' Pink Diamond Panicle Hydrangea Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Haddon Nursery, Inc., (810) 629-2806 .................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea paniculata 'Snow Mountain’ Snow Mountain Panicle Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' Tardiva Panicle Hydrangea Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' Tardiva Panicle Hydrangea -Tree Form Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique' Unique Panicle Hydrangea Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ SP=Specimen LN CN FG CN SP CN CN CN CN FG CN CN FG CN CN CN LN LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SP FG CN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG 125 Trees & Shrubs Hydrangea paniculata 'White Moth' White Moth Panicle Hydrangea Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Hydrangea paniculata 'Zwijnenburg' PP12874 Limelight™ Panicle Hydrangea American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Studebaker Nurseries, Inc., (800) 845-0584 ............................................ Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 .................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice' Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alison' Alison Oakleaf Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea quercifolia 'Little Honey' Little Honey Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee' Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf' Sikes Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Great Lakes Ornamentals, LLC, (269) 543-8211 ................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 126 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN LN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN SP CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN KEY: SP FG FG FG CN CN FG SP CN CN FG LN=Liner Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake' Double Leaf Oakleaf Hydrangea Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Hydrangea serrata 'Beni-Gaku' Mountain Beni-Gaku Hydrangea John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hydrangea serrata 'Blue Billow' Blue Billow Hydrangea Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea serrata 'Blue Bird' Blue Bird Hydrangea DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ............................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea serrata 'Golden Sunlight' PPAF Golden Sunlight Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea serrata 'Kiyosumi' Kiyosumi Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hydrangea serrata 'Midoriboshi-Temari' Midori-Temari Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hydrangea serrata 'Miranda' Miranda Hydrangea North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa' Preziosa Hydrangea Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea serrata 'Spreading Beauty' Spreading Beauty Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydrangea serrata 'You & Me Romance' PPAF Forever & Ever Double Pink Hydrangea Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hydraqngea macrophylla 'Lynn' PPAF Let's Dance™ Starlight™ Hydrangea Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple' Albury Purple St. John's Wort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ..................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hypericum androsaemum 'Golden Tustan' Golden Tustan St. John's Wort Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Hypericum androsaemum 'Orange Flair' Orange Flair St. John's Wort Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Hypericum 'Blue Velvet' PPAF Blue Velvet St. John's Wort Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN CN FG SP FG CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN LN CN CN SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs Hypericum calycinum Prostrate St. John's Wort Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' Sunburst St. John's Wort North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hypericum inodorum 'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze St. John's Wort Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hypericum kalmianum 'Ames' Ames St. John's Wort Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Hypericum kalmianum 'Deppe' PPAF Sunny Boulevard™ St. John's Wort Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hypericum kalmianum 'Gemo' Gemo St. John's Wort Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hypericum moseranum 'Tricolor' Tricolor St. John's Wort Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hypericum patulum 'Hidcote' Hidcote St. John's Wort Hortech, Inc., (800) 875-1392 ......................................................................... Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Hypericum prolificum Shrubby St. John's Wort JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Hypericum species St. John's Wort JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... Pizzo & Associates, Ltd, (815) 495-2300 ................................................. Hypericum x 'Cfflpc-1' Blue Velvet™ Hypericum Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Hypericum x moserianum Gold Flower St. John's Wort Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Hypericum x moserianum 'Tricolor' Tricolor St. John's Wort Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Ilex aquifolium 'Aureomarginata' Golden-leaved European Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex attenuata 'Foster' Foster's Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' Burford Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' Burford Dwarf Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex cornuta 'Carissa' Carissa Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint' Needlepoint Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex crenata 'Beehive' Beehive Japanese Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Ilex crenata cultivars Japanese Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container CN LN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN CN FG=Field Grown Ilex crenata 'Drops of Gold' PP14420 Drops of Gold Japanese Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Ilex crenata 'Farrowone' PPAF Sky Pointer™ Japanese Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Ilex crenata 'Green Lustre' Green Lustre Holly Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex crenata 'Helleri' Helleri Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex crenata 'Hetzi' Hetz Japanese Holly Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Ilex crenata 'Jersey Pinnacle' Jersey Pinnacle Japanese Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex crenata 'Northern Beauty' Northern Beauty Japanese Holly Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Pencil Japanese Holly Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Soft Touch Japanese Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex crenata 'Steeds' Steeds Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex glabra Inkberry Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Ilex glabra 'Chamzin' PP6962 Nordic® Compact Inkberry Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Ilex glabra 'Compacta' Compact Inkberry Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Ilex glabra 'Densa' Dense Inkberry Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Ilex glabra 'Ivory Queen' Ivory Queen Inkberry Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' Shamrock Inkberry Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. SP=Specimen LN LN CN CN FG CN LN FG FG CN LN LN LN CN CN FG CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG CN SP CN CN CN LN LN FG CN FG SP FG FG LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN FG CN CN CN SP CN CN CN FG 127 Trees & Shrubs Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex pedunculosa Longstalk Holly Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Ilex verticillata Winterberry Holly DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ....................................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ..................................................................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Wildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, (517) 244-1140 ................ Ilex verticillata 'Afterglow' Afterglow Winterberry Holly Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex verticillata 'Cacapon' Cacapon Winterberry Holly Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy' Jim Dandy Winterberry Holly Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Ilex verticillata 'Oosterwijk' Oosterwijk Winterberry Holly DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' Red Sprite Common Winterberry Holly Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Hartmann's Plant Company, (269) 253-4281 .......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 .......................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman' Southern Gentleman Winterberry Holly Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ......................................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 ........................................................................ DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... 128 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide CN CN FG FG CN FG SP CN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG CN FG SP CN LN CN CN CN CN LN FG FG CN CN CN LN CN CN FG CN FG CN LN CN FG CN LN CN LN FG CN CN CN LN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN CN FG LN LN KEY: CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN FG LN=Liner Ilex verticillata 'Sparkleberry' Sparkleberry Winterberry Holly D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Ilex verticillata 'Spravy' Berry Heavy® Winterberry Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Ilex verticillata 'Spriber' Berry Nice® Winterberry Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Ilex verticillata 'Winter Gold' Winter Gold Winterberry Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' Winter Red Winterberry Holly D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Ilex vomitoria 'Condeaux' PP8779 Yaupon Bordeaux Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex vomitoria 'Schillings' Schillings Yaupon Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex x 'Apollo' Apollo Winterberry Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Ilex x 'Bonfire' Bonfire Winterberry Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Ilex x 'Convive' PP9498 Festive Holly Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex x 'Heckenfee' Castle Spire® Blue Holly Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex x 'Heckenstar' Castle Wall® Blue Holly Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex x meserveae Meserve Blue Holly Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ............ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' Blue Prince™ Hybrid Holly American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 ...................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 ...... CN=Container FG=Field Grown LN LN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG CN FG LN LN LN LN LN FG CN FG SP CN CN CN FG CN CN LN FG CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG SP CN CN CN FG SP CN CN FG CN CN FG CN FG SP CN CN LN CN FG SP=Specimen Trees & Shrubs Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princess' Blue Princess™ Hybrid Holly American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex x meserveae 'Honey Maid' Honey Maid® Meserve Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Ilex x meserveae 'Mesan’ PP4804 Blue Stallion® Holly North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Ilex x meserveae 'Mesdob' China Boy® Hybrid Holly Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex x meserveae 'Mesid’ PP4685 Blue Maid® Holly North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Ilex x meserveae 'Mesog' China Girl® Holly American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, (330) 875-9587 ................................ Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex x 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R. Stevens Holly Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Ilex x 'Raritan Chief’ Raritan Chief Winterberry Holly North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Ilex x 'Rutzan' Red Beauty Hybrid Holly Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Indigofera pseudotinctoria 'Rose Carpet' Rose Carpet False Indigo Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ..................................... Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ......................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 .......................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ............................................................................. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Lincoln Nurseries, Inc., (800) 416-9371 ................................................... KEY: LN=Liner CN=Container LN CN CN CN CN FG FG CN SP CN LN CN FG CN FG SP CN FG SP CN CN LN FG SP CN LN CN LN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG=Field Grown FG SP Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Itea virginica 'Longspire' Longspire Sweetspire Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Itea virginica 'Morton' Scarlet Beauty™ Sweetspire Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Itea virginica 'Sprich' Little Henry® Sweetspire Beauty Plant Growers, LLC, (517) 629-8114 ..................... Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... D & B Plants, (810) 392-3393 .................................................... DeGrandchamp Farms, Inc., (888) 483-7431 ...................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Great Lakes Landscape Supply, (616) 696-2394 .............. Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .............................. Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .............................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Northland Farms, LLC, (616) 846-1477 ................................ Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc., (800) 633-8859 ................. Summerfield Nursery, LLC, (269) 668-3009 ...................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Juglans cinerea Butternut Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Juglans nigra Black Walnut Engel's Nursery, (269) 543-4123 ............................................... Hramor Nursery, LLC, (231) 723-4846 ................................. JFNew Native Plant Nursery, (574) 586-2412 ................... New Life Nursery, Inc., (269) 857-1209 ............................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Juglans regia var. carpathian Carpathian English Walnut Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Vans Pines Nursery, Inc., (800) 888-7337 ........................... Juniper chinensis 'Pfitzeriana' Green Pfitzer Juniper Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Lyons Nursery, (269) 649-2821 ................................................. Juniperus (Bonsai) Juniper - Bonsai Gee Farms, (800) 860-2874 ......................................................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 .................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Point Juniper Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 ................................ Juniperus chinensis 'Fruitlandii' Fruitland Juniper Cottage Gardens, Inc. (The), (800) 523-1923 ..................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Coast' Gold Coast Juniper American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 ...................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 .................................................. John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .............................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .............................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ........................... North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 ...................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ................................... Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 .................................... SP=Specimen LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN LN LN LN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN FG FG LN LN LN LN LN 2008–2009 MNLA Buyer’s Guide FG CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN FG CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN FG CN CN 129 Trees & Shrubs Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Compact' Gold Compact Chinese Juniper Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Lace' Gold Lace Juniper Midwest Groundcovers, (847) 742-1790 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Star' Gold Star Juniper American Tree, Inc., (810) 798-2525 .......................................................... Frens Nursery, (800) 924-5245 ...................................................................... Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Marine City Nursery Co., (810) 765-5533 ............................................... Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii' Hetz Upright Juniper, (Pom Pon) Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' Green Hetz Columnar Chinese Juniper Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Hort Specialties, Inc., (734) 878-1814 ........................................................ John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. North Branch Nursery, Inc., (419) 287-4679 .......................................... Studebaker Nurseries, Inc., (800) 845-0584 ............................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Glauca' Hetz Blue Chinese Juniper Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., (800) 458-2234 .......................... Imperial Nurseries, Inc., (800) 653-4541 .................................................. Juniperus chinensis 'Iowa' Iowa Juniper Scarff's Nursery, Inc., (877) 722-7337 ....................................................... Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Keteleeri' Keteleeri Chinese Juniper John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Landscape Supply, Inc., (734) 946-7000 .................................................. Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Studebaker Nurseries, Inc., (800) 845-0584 ............................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Milky Way' Milky Way Chinese Juniper Zelenka Nursery, LLC, (800) 253-3743 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep' Mint Julep Spreading Juniper John Deere Landscapes, (800) 347-4272 .................................................. Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 .................................................... Juniperus chinensis 'Mountbatten' Mountbatten Juniper Snow's Nursery, Inc., (734) 242-5126 ........................................................ Wholesale Trees, LLC, (248) 969-5800 ..................................
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