cd, dvd, print, duplication and packaging
cd, dvd, print, duplication and packaging
CD, DVD, PRINT, DUPLICATION AND PACKAGING Box 7100, Springfield, MO 65801 Phone 417-863-1925 24 Hour Fax 417-863-7825 This Catalog Supercedes All Previous Prices, Fliers, and Brochures. Prices in this catalog are correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to raise prices if cost of oil causes significant plastic increases. CD MUSIC PACKAGE SPECIAL Up to 75 minute program! COMPleTe PACkAge INClUDeS: ● Silver CD ● Printed with black text/simple logo ● 4-3/4” X 4-3/4” 1 panel full color front tray insert ● Slimline Jewel case with a clear cover and black tray ● Duplication ● Assembly ● Shrink wrapping ● graphic proof via email Customer must provide ready-to-run CD master and print ready artwork for CD and Cover art. Templates can be found at Quantity Catalog No. 100 MPS-100-CD Price/Package $146.50 Request quotation for larger quantities call or email Chris Scanna at 417-863-1925 or F.O.B.: National Audio plant, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. DISC-2 417-863-1925 CDR/DVD DISC PRInTInG 100 Full Color Rimage Digital Photo Printed CD-R/DVDs Only 9900 $ 100 Printed with black text/simple logo Printed CD-R/DVDs Only 4900 $ BUDGET PACKAGE 100 Duplicated and Printed CD/DVDs package includes: CD/DVD duplication Printed with black text/simple logo. Inserted in envelopes with windows. Only 69¢ per disc DISC-3 417-863-1925 CoMPLETE CD PACKAGES 100 CDs Duplicated • Printed • Packaged • Shrink-wrapped Only 21900 $ Upgrade CD Package The complete CD package includes: CD duplication Printed with black text/simple logo. Full color front and back trayliners. Premium plastic jewel cases. Individually shrinkwrapped. With Full Color Rimage Digital Photo Printed Disc Only $ 26900 fULL CoLoR PRInTED CDs 100 Full Color Rimage Digital Photo Printed CD-Rs on premium discs. Only 99 ¢ per disc DISC-4 417-863-1925 Complete DVD paCkage 100 DVDs Duplicated • Printed • Packaged Only The complete DVD package includes: 21900 $ Upgrade DVD duplication Printed with black text/simple logo. Full color DVD wrap artwork. Premium DVD cases. To Full Color Rimage Digital Photo Printed Disc Only $ 26900 BUDget DVD paCkage 100 Duplicated and Printed DVDs package includes: DVD duplication Printed with black text/simple logo. Crystal clear slim DVD case (insert artwork not included). Only DISC-5 99¢ ea. 417-863-1925 JVC (TAIYo YUDEn) THERMAL CDRs In May 2008, Taiyo Yuden bought 65% of JVC's magnetic and optical media business. All Taiyo Yuden discs will now be sold under the JVC media name. The media is still being manufactured in Japan in the same facilities they always were. In fact, your favorite Taiyo Yuden discs are exactly the same, they are just called JVC, now. Taiyo Yuden (or "JVC" as it's now called) pioneered the recordable CD industry. Their optical media products offer the widest record and playback compatibility along with the lowest Bler and error rates in the industry. JVC Premium CD-R Thermal Media Certified 52X CD-R printable media from JVC is the solution when facing media issues. eliminate sticky media, get great recording and playback performance and have a consistent printing surface – that’s why JVC is asked for by name. Available in white and silver printing surfaces for thermal, and thermal re-transfer printers in 38mm (non hub printable) and 24mm (hub printable) print surface areas. TY800-52X JVC Silver Thermal “A” grade Professional CDRs. Consistent quality and reliability for both duplication and printing. Spindles of 100 600 Per Carton Media for Use In Thermal Retransfer Printers JVC Silver or White Thermal Hub Printable CDRs JVC White Thermal Professional CDRs for use in Prism, Aurora and Inscripta printers only. Spindles of 100 600 Per Carton TY855-52X Certified for use in Rimage everest machines and the TeAC P55 printer. Professional quality. TY843-52X Spindles of 100 600 Per Carton TY853-52X Catalog Number Description TY800-52X JVC 52X “A” grade Silver Thermal CD-R TY855-52X TY843-52X TY853-52X JVC 52X White Thermal for Prism Printers CD-R JVC 52X Silver everest Hub Print CD-R JVC 52X White everest Hub Print CD-R DISC-6 100 600 4,800 Pallet $ .29 $ .25 $ .23 $ .21 .37 .40 .40 .33 .36 .36 .31 .34 .34 .29 .32 .32 417-863-1925 JVC (TAIYo YUDEn) InKJET CDRs In May 2008, Taiyo Yuden bought 65% of JVC's magnetic and optical media business. All Taiyo Yuden discs will now be sold under the JVC media name. The media is still being manufactured in Japan in the same facilities they always were. In fact, your favorite Taiyo Yuden discs are exactly the same, they are just called JVC, now. Taiyo Yuden (or "JVC" as it's now called) pioneered the recordable CD industry. Their optical media products offer the widest record and playback compatibility along with the lowest Bler and error rates in the industry. JVC Premium CD-R Inkjet Media TY840-52X TY850-52X Certified 52X CD-R printable media from JVC is the solution when facing media issues. eliminate sticky media, get great recording and playback performance and have a consistent printing surface – that’s why JVC is asked for by name. Available in white and silver printing surfaces for inkjet, in 38mm (non hub printable) and 24mm (hub printable) print surface areas. TY841-52X TY851-52X Tape Wrap Tape Wrap JVC Silver Inkjet CD-R JVC White Inkjet CD-R JVC Print-Plus CD-R Media r l fo Cal ! ! NEWample S TY857-52X JVC WaterShield CD-R Media Never worry about smeary or smudgy inkjet prints again with JVC's water-resistant PrintPlus! CD-R media. This white inkjet-printable CD-R media features water resistance and fast dry time, along with vibrantly colored images. Also available in DVD-R. Spindle of 50 Carton of 300 Unlike normal inkjet discs, WaterShield is water resistent, scratch resistant, and features a glossy finish. WaterShield blank media is the best way to ensure your discs stay protected from harsh everyday elements. Manufactured by JVC, WaterShield discs repel water and protect from wear and scratches. WaterShield CD-R media is available with white or silver surfaces. WaterShield Silver features a reflective metallic finish. Spindle of 50 Carton of 300 TY859-52X TY849-52X JVC Semi-Gloss Water Resistant CD-R Catalog Number Description 100 600 4,800 Pallet TY840-52X TY841-52X JVC 52X Silver Inkjet CD-R JVC 52X Silver Inkjet Hub Print CD-R $ .36 .37 $ .32 .33 $ .30 .31 $ .28 .29 TY850-52X TY851-52X JVC 52X White Inkjet CD-R JVC 52X White Inkjet Hub Print CD-R .36 .37 .32 .33 .30 .31 .28 .29 TY857-52X TY849-52X TY859-52X JVC 52X Print Plus White Inkjet Hub Print CD-R JVC 52X WaterShield Silver Inkjet CD-R JVC 52X WaterShield White Inkjet CD-R .42 .55 .55 .38 .51 .51 .36 .49 .49 .34 .47 .47 DISC-7 417-863-1925 MICROBOARDS QUALITY CDRs Thermal Surface CDRs MIC900-52X Microboards Quality Media NOW AVAILABLE Quality Media at a great value price. You know Microboards for their great equipment and service - now try their consistent quality media at a value price Microboards Silver Thermal Silver back - shows no burn lines Spindles of 100. 600 per carton. Inkjet Surface CDRs MIC650-52X MIC651-52X White Inkjet White Inkjet Hub Printable 80 Min. 52X CD-R Spindles of 100. 600 per carton. Catalog Number MIC650-52X MIC651-52X MIC900-52X 80 Min. 52X CD-R Spindles of 100. 600 per carton. Description Inkjet CDRs Microboards 52X White Inkjet Clearhub CD-R Microboards 52X White Inkjet Hub Print CD-R Thermal CDRs Microboards 52X White Thermal Clearhub CD-R DISC-8 100 600 4,800 24,000 $ .26 .27 $ .22 .23 $ .20 .21 $ .18 .19 .26 .22 .20 .18 417-863-1925 PRODISC SPIN-X CDRs Thermal Surface CDRs Silver/Silver Thermal Silver/Silver Thermal 80 Min. 52X CD-R PRO400-52X PRO700-52X PRO600-52X Clear Coated Scratch Resistant and Stick Proof. 80 Min. 52X CD-R Silver Thermal Hub Printable White Thermal Hub Printable CD-R with Diamond Platinum back for that “replicated” look. Use in Rimage Prism and Everest printers. 80 Min. 52X CD-R CD-R with Diamond Platinum back for that “replicated” look. Use in Rimage Prism and Everest printers. 80 Min. 52X CD-R Tape Wrap PRO705-52X Inkjet Surface CDRs White Inkjet Silver Inkjet PRO440-52X Edge to Edge Hub Printable 80 Min. 52X CD-R Tape Wrap PRO450-52X Catalog Number Description PRO400-52X PRO600-52X PRO700-52X PRO705-52X PRO440-52X PRO450-52X 100 Thermal CDRs ProDisc Spin-X 52X Shiny Silver Thermal Tape Wrap $ .26 ProDisc Spin-X 52X Clear Coat Shiny Silver Thermal Tape Wrap .27 ProDisc Spin-X 52X Silver Diamond Platinum .29 ProDisc Spin-X 52X White Thermal Hub Silver Diamond .30 Inkjet CDRs ProDisc Spin-X 52X Edge to Edge Silver Inkjet .28 ProDisc Spin-X 52X Edge to Edge White Inkjet .28 DISC-9 Edge to Edge Hub Printable 80 Min. 52X CD-R Tape Wrap 500 5,000 25,000 $ .22 .23 .25 .26 $ .20 .21 .23 .24 $ .18 .19 .21 .22 .24 .24 .22 .22 .20 .20 417-863-1925 CDRs Since 2005, FalconMedia PRO has been the professional brand manufactured by Falcon Technologies International “FTI FalconMedia PRO has quickly gained a reputation for having the finest quality printable surfaces and is recognized by leading manufacturers of both inkjet and thermal printers as having the best printable surfaces and recording performance on the market today. Every FalconMedia PRO product is “Certified Swiss Quality” (CSQ) chart guaranteeing an unsurpassed performance and reliability. Falcon Smart White Universal Hub Print CDRs l l l l FAL434-52X l l Smart White l Universal Hub Print CDR Tape Wrap 100 600 per carton “AAA” Grade Professional Media Smooth surface finish for maximum color contrast Record drying time after inkjet printing, allowing high throughput times on duplication systems Allows 20% more ink dispense volume to increase the color depth Best inkjet receptive properties in the professional optical disc segment Faultless universal finish for the majority of all professional and consumer inkjet printers Also compatible with the Prism thermal Prism and Everest printers (except the Everest 600) Falcon White Thermal/Hub Print CDRs l l l l FAL436-52X l “AAA” Grade Professional Media Compatible with all thermal printers (Everest and Teac P-55) High gloss prints for photo quality pictures Superior smooth finish for optimal color fill and fine patterns such as bar codes and fine text on direct thermal transfer printers Faultless handling and printing on all thermal based automated duplicators White Thermal Hub Print CDR Tape Wrap 100 600 per carton Catalog Number Description FAL434-52X FAL436-52X Falcon Smart White Universal Hub Printable CDR Falcon WhiteThermal Hub Printable CDR DISC-10 100 600 4,800 28,800 $ .31 .32 $ .27 .28 $ .25 .26 $ .23 .24 417-863-1925 DIGITAL AUDIO DISCS The MAM Digital Audio CD-Rs are write-once, audio-only discs designed specifically for use in home audio systems. Consumers can create and archive custom CDs, up to 74 minutes of their favorite professional originals, that will be fully compatible with the worldwide installed base of 600 million CD players. MAM Digital Audio CD-R for Consumers are manufactured with our patented Phthalocyanine dye, providing the long life you are guaranteed from MAM, while also delivering a level of warmth in sound reproduction that is second to none. The MAM Digital Audio CD-R is compatible with Serial Copy Management System (SCMS). MIT410 MAM-A 80 min. Silver Digital Audio Unbranded in Shrink Wrap. (100) MIT400 MAM-A 74 min. Silver Digital Audio Unbranded in Shrink Wrap. (100) This disc has a silver lacquer top surface, and a Silver (Phthalocyanine) recording surface, with a maximum recording speed of 12x, and is designed to work in Digital Audio home recorders (HHB/Marantz). It will work with Rimage Prism and Primera Inscripta printers. Its packaged in 100 pc shrink wrap, and in master cartons of 600 pcs. This product is not designed to work in a Rimage Everest printer. This will work with screen printing. Catalog Number MIT400 (10771) MIT410 (11066) Description MAM-A 74min Silver Digital Audio MAM-A 80min Silver Digital Audio Disc 100 600 $.44 .44 $.40 .40 Gold and Inkjet surfaces available in case lots. Call for prices. DISC-11 417-863-1925 JVC (TAIYO YUDEN) THERMAL DVDRs In May 2008, Taiyo Yuden bought 65% of JVC's magnetic and optical media business. All Taiyo Yuden discs will now be sold under the JVC media name. The media is still being manufactured in Japan in the same facilities they always were. In fact, your favorite Taiyo Yuden discs are exactly the same, they are just called JVC, now. Taiyo Yuden (or "JVC" as it's now called) pioneered the recordable CD industry. Their optical media products offer the widest record and playback compatibility along with the lowest Bler and error rates in the industry. JVC Premium DVD-R Thermal Media JVC DVD recordable media is the industry standard for high-quality, high-speed, hub and non-hub printable, DVD-R and DVD+R media. Virtually eliminate recording failure or playback compatibly issues – and look great doing it – with JVC DVD media. ! LINE E VALU TY100-8X TY122 TY132 JVC Silver Thermal DVD-R DVD+R JVC Silver Thermal Lacquer “A” Grade Professional DVD-R/DVD+Rs. Consistent quality and reliability for both duplication and printing. Spindles of 100 600 Per Carton Valueline DVD-R Tape Wrap 600 Per Carton Media For Use In Thermal Retransfer Printers JVC White Thermal for Prism Professional DVD-Rs for use in Prism, Aurora and Inscripta printers only. Spindles of 100 600 Per Carton JVC Thermal Everest Hub Printable DVD-Rs Certified for use in Rimage Everest machines and the TEAC P55 printer. Professional quality. Tape Wrap of 100 600 Per Carton TY121-16X Catalog Number TY123-16X TY124-16X Description TY100-8X TY122-8X TY122-16X TY121-16X TY123-8X TY123-16X TY124-16X JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC 8X 8X 16X 16X 8X 16X 16X TY132-8X TY132-16X TY133-8X JVC 8X JVC 16X JVC 8X JVC Thermal DVD-R Valueline Silver Thermal DVD-R “A” Grade Silver Thermal DVD-R “A” Grade Silver Thermal DVD-R White Thermal DVD-R for Prism Printers White Everest Hub Print DVD-R Tape Wrap White Everest Hub Print DVD-R Tape Wrap Silver Everest Hub Print DVD-R Tape Wrap JVC Thermal DVD+R Silver Thermal DVD+R Silver Thermal DVD+R White Everest Hub Print DVD+R Tape Wrap DISC-12 100 600 4,800 Pallet .32 .36 .41 .42 .43 .43 $.22 .28 .32 .37 .38 .39 .39 $.20 .26 .30 .35 .36 .37 .37 $.18 .24 .28 .33 .34 .35 .35 .36 .39 .44 .32 .35 .40 .30 .33 .38 .28 .31 .36 417-863-1925 JVC (TAIYO YUDEN) INKJET DVDRs In May 2008, Taiyo Yuden bought 65% of JVC's magnetic and optical media business. All Taiyo Yuden discs will now be sold under the JVC media name. The media is still being manufactured in Japan in the same facilities they always were. In fact, your favorite Taiyo Yuden discs are exactly the same, they are just called JVC, now. Taiyo Yuden (or "JVC" as it's now called) pioneered the recordable CD industry. Their optical media products offer the widest record and playback compatibility along with the lowest Bler and error rates in the industry. NE! ELI U L A V JVC Premium DVD-R Inkjet Media TY150 JVC DVD recordable media is the industry standard for high-quality, high-speed, hub and non-hub printable, DVD-R and DVD+R media. Available in inkjetprintable, as well as thermal Everest or PrismPlus! Virtually eliminate recording failure or playback compatibly issues – and look great doing it – with JVC DVD media. TY128 TY125 JVC White Inkjet DVD-R JVC Silver Inkjet DVD-R JVC Print-Plus DVD-R Media r ll fo ! Ca le! W NE amp S TY157-16X JVC WaterShield DVD-R Media Print water-resistant, photo-realistic images on JVC's PrintPlus! DVD-R media, available in spindles of 100 discs (6 spindles per carton). This all-new white inkjet-printable media specializes in fast dry time, and water resistance. Made in Japan. Also available in CD-R. Spindle of 100 Carton of 600 Unlike normal inkjet discs, WaterShield is water resistent, scratch resistant, and features a glossy finish. WaterShield blank media is the best way to ensure your discs stay protected from harsh everyday elements. Manufactured by JVC, WaterShield DVD-R discs repel water and protect from wear and scratches. Spindle of 50 Carton of 300 JVC Glossy WaterShield DVD-R JVC Semi-Gloss Water Resistant DVD-R Catalog Number TY150-8X TY125-8X TY125-16X TY128-8X TY128-16X TY157-16X TY159-16X Description JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC Inkjet DVD-R 8X Valueline White Inkjet Hub Print DVD-R Tape Wrap 8X White Inkjet Hub Print DVD-R Tape Wrap 16X White Inkjet Hub Print DVD-RTape Wrap 8X Silver Inkjet Hub Print DVD-R Spindles 16X Silver Inkjet Hub Print DVD-R Tape Wrap 16X Print Plus Water Resistant White Inkjet Hub Print 16X WaterShield White Glossy Inkjet TY159-16X DISC-13 100 600 4,800 21,000 .37 .41 .37 .41 .42 .64 $.30 .33 .37 .33 .37 .38 .60 $.28 .31 .35 .31 .35 .36 .58 $.26 .29 .33 .29 .33 .34 .56 417-863-1925 PRODISC SPIN-X DVDRs QUALITY DVDs AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Thermal DVDs PRO320 PRO300 PRO302 White Thermal Silver Thermal Everest Approved Hub Printable 8X or 16X DVD-R 50 on spindle 500 in carton 8X or 16X DVD-R 16X DVD+R 50 on spindle 500 in carton Inkjet Printable DVDs PRO340 PRO360 PRO362 Silver Inkjet White Inkjet Hub Printable 8X or 16X DVD-R 16X DVD+R 50 on spindle 500 in carton Hub Printable (frosted hub) 8X or 16X DVD-R 50 on spindle 500 in carton Catalog Number Description PRO300-8X PRO300-16X PRO302-16X Thermal DVDs ProDisc Spin-X 8X Silver Thermal DVD-R ProDisc Spin-X 16X Silver Thermal DVD-R ProDisc Spin-X 16X Silver Thermal DVD+R 50 500 5,000 25,000 $ .30 .30 .30 $ .26 .26 .26 $ .24 .24 .24 $ .22 .22 .22 .32 .32 .28 .28 .26 .26 .24 .24 PRO340-8X PRO340-16X ProDisc Spin-X 8X White Everest Hub Print DVD-R ProDisc Spin-X 16X White Everest Hub Print DVD-R Inkjet DVDs ProDisc Spin-X 8X Silver Hub Print Inkjet DVD-R ProDisc Spin-X 16X Silver Hub Print Inkjet DVD-R .30 .31 .26 .27 .24 .25 .22 .23 PRO360-8X PRO360-16X PRO362-16X ProDisc Spin-X 8X White Hub Print Inkjet DVD-R ProDisc Spin-X 16X White Hub Print Inkjet DVD-R ProDisc Spin-X 16X White Hub Print Inkjet DVD+R .30 .31 .31 .26 .27 .27 .24 .25 .25 .22 .23 .23 PRO320-8X PRO320-16X DISC-14 417-863-1925 DVDRs Since 2005, FalconMedia PRO has been the professional brand manufactured by Falcon Technologies International “FTI FalconMedia PRO has quickly gained a reputation for having the finest quality printable surfaces and is recognized by leading manufacturers of both inkjet and thermal printers as having the best printable surfaces and recording performance on the market today. Every FalconMedia PRO product is “Certified Swiss Quality” (CSQ) chart guaranteeing an unsurpassed performance and reliability. Falcon Inkjet DVDRs FAL344-8X FAL061-16X Falcon 8X White Inkjet Hub Print DVD-R l l l l l Tape Wrap 100 600 per carton Smooth surface finish for maximum color contrast “AAA” Grade Professional Media Superior whiteness surface allowing best color contrasts and output Compatible with high resolution printers, offering excellent photo-quality printing Quick drying time after inkjet printing, allowing high throughput times on duplication systems Falcon 16X Smart White Universal Hub Print DVD-R l l l l l l Tape Wrap 100 600 per carton Smooth surface finish for maximum color contrast “AAA” Grade Professional Media Record drying time after inkjet printing, allowing high throughput times on duplication systems Allows 20% more ink dispense volume to increase the color depth Faultless universal finish for the majority of all professional and consumer inkjet printers Also compatible with the Prism thermal and Everest printers (except the Everest 600) Falcon Thermal DVDRs l l l l FAL345-8X l Falcon White Thermal DVD-R Compatible with all thermal printers (Everest and Teac P-55) “AAA” Grade Professional Media High gloss prints for photo quality pictures Superior smooth finish for optimal color fill and fine patterns such as bar codes and fine text on direct thermal transfer printers Faultless handling and printing on all thermal based automated duplicators Tape Wrap 100 600 per carton Catalog Number Description FAL344-8X FAL061-16X FAL345-8X Falcon White Inkjet Hub Printable 8X Falcon Smart White Universal Hub Printable 16X Falcon White Thermal Hub Printable 8X DISC-15 100 600 4,800 28,800 $ .30 .33 .32 $ .26 .29 .28 $ .24 .27 .26 $ .22 .25 .24 417-863-1925 MICROBOARDS 25GB BLU-RAY MEDIA Microboards Technology offers its own line of economical spindled Blu-ray media, the most cost-effective Blu-ray discs available! Trust the world leader in recordable media solutions for recording and archiving your data, videos, and more. Microboards’ Blu-ray media comes in 25-disc spindles and records at 4X. Featuring white inkjet-printable, silver lacquer thermal-printable, white Prism thermal, and white Everest thermal surfaces, Microboards Blu-ray media is compatible with all disc printers and disc publishers except the Pioneer BD-R101 recorder. MEDB-10002 MEDB-10000 Silver Thermal Blu-ray Disc White Everest Thermal Blu-ray Disc MEDB-10001 White Inkjet Blu-ray Disc Catalog Number Description MEDB-10000 MEDB-10001 MEDB-10002 25 GB Blu-Ray Media - Silver Thermal Hub Printable 25 GB Blu-Ray Media - White Inkjet Hub Printable 25 GB Blu-Ray Media - White Everest Thermal Hub Printable Spindle of 50 DISC-16 $1.29 1.35 1.49 Carton of 300 $1.09 1.15 1.29 417-863-1925
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