1 - The Grapevine
1 - The Grapevine
1 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 a free paper for the people who find themselves in the annapolis valley October 31 – November 14, 2013 | Issue No. 4.13 COMMUNITY AWARENESS INVOLVEMENT You're holding one of 3100 copies Diwali p.2 | Learn to Curl p.5 | Vigil for Harley p.5 | Devour! The Food Film Fest p.9 Ryan Hupman Art Exhibit p.9 | | Mark Riley p.10 | Scorched p.10 2 The Grapevine ++++++++ Index About Us p.2 Furry Feature p.3 Random Act of Kindness p.3 Backstage Pass p.3 The Free Tweets p.4 Mike Uncorked p.5 Crossword p.5 Freewill Horoscopes p.6 Scotian Hiker Trivia p.6 Eat to the Beat p.7 Who's Who p.9 StarDrop p.10 Acadia Page p.11 Tide Chart p.15 Free Classifieds p.12 Weeklies, Theatre, Exhibits p.13 What's Happening Events p.14 & 15 ++++++++ Linden Ave. Construction Update WaterWorld Update: Linden Ave. is part of a larger project that also includes upgrades to: Summer St. and Chestnut Ave. Construction on Linden Ave. is nearing completion. All of the underground infrastructure – water, sanitary, and storm – was replaced and the street is being rebuild with new: gravels, asphalt, concrete curb, and concrete sidewalk on the east side. The sidewalk should be completed by the end of November. The contract is approximately two to three weeks behind schedule but the majority of work will be completed this year. The final lift of asphalt will be placed next year. Editor’s Update: not more than 3 hours after we sent the last issue to the printers, we received a response from the Town of Wolfville in regards to Mr. Wilsack’s waterfront raft (see below). As for Ms. Huskins, I’m sure there will be an update in an upcoming issue. The avenue is 24 ft. wide from curb to curb which is a bit more narrow than it was but there will still be parking on one side. These changes (along with only one sidewalk) are being made in an effort to reduce our overall infrastructure and control our capital and ongoing maintenance costs. Kevin Kerr Director of Public Works From Gregg Morrison: The research I have done would indicate that the land is crown land (owned by the province), as it is below the normal highwater mark. The Provincial Department of Natural Resources would be the primary agency of control of the land on behalf of the Province. My information comes from Ms. Kim Huskins (679-6229) at the DNR office in Kentville. October 31 – November 14, 2013 The Grapevine is brought to you by Jeremy Novak & Jocelyn Hatt, with an amazing team of contributors: Pamela Swanigan + editorial assistant Mike Butler + writer James Skinner + Jeremy Novak + technical assistance sales & info Jocelyn Hatt Margot Bishop, Denise Aspinall, Jaden Christopher, Beth Brewster, Curran Rodgers, Lauren Gailbraith, Keeler Colton + deliveries + design & layout Emily Leeson + submissions editor Monica Jorgenson + events & lists Lisa Hammett Vaughan + editor/proofreader MERMAID THEATRE OF NOVA SCOTIA’S PUPPET CABARET FUNDRAISER Saturday, November 2, at 7pm - Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia will hold its first-ever Puppet Cabaret Fundraiser on Saturday, November 2, 2013 from 7-10pm. The event will be held at the Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre at 106 Gerrish Street in Windsor. Cocoa Pesto Catering will provide a wonderful selection of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar will be available, and everyone will have the chance to bid on great auction items, including pieces from Mermaid’s talented creative team. Guests will be treated to a lively revue performed by some of the most prominent citizens and business people in Windsor and West Hants. Bringing puppets to life on stage will be Mermaid's "community puppeteers," including Jennifer Daniels, Alex Jurgens, Laurie Murley, Jon Oulton, and Jeff Redden. Hosted on the MIPAC stage by Global TV’s Jill Chappell, this is definitely not Mermaid’s usual Theatre for Young Audiences fare! The funds raised will support Mermaid's unique community outreach programs. Tickets are $60, which includes one free drink, and a tax receipt will be issued for a portion of the ticket price. Tickets are available at Mermaid’s office at 132 Gerrish Street, at Windsor Home Hardware, or at the Harvest Gallery on Main Street in Wolfville. ON THE COVER: TAZA India Gift Bazaar in Wolfville! Saturday, November 9 • 10am to 5pm • Wolfville Curling Club (upstairs) Across from the Farmers’ Market • Free admission J oin us in Wolfville on November 9 for the inaugural TAZA India Gift Bazaar! Organized by artist Heidi Kalyani, TAZA (“fresh” in Hindi) is a celebration of the beauty of India. This year’s bazaar will feature jewellery (handmade here in Nova Scotia and fair-traded from India), books by Indian authors and on Indian topics (such as cooking and yoga), natural handmade soaps, henna art (mehndi) to decorate your hands and arms, Indian fabrics and fashions, Himalayan wool scarves, handblock–printed meditation cards, art prints and greeting cards, as well as spicy chai— ready-made to drink at the bazaar and in tins to take home! Step out of the cold and into the fragrant warmth of an Indian bazaar! where to find us In addition to being in every department at Acadia, 95% of all businesses in Wolfville, downtown Kentville, Grand Pré, Gaspereau, & Port Williams. Additional papers can be found at these fine locations: + Wolfville: Box of Delights, The Post Office, EOS, Pita House, Muddy’s Convenience, Cinematopia, the Public Library, Just Us! Café, Wolfville Farmers’ Market, T.A.N., What’s the Buzz? Rolled Oat + Grand Pré: Convenience Store, Just Us! Coffee Roasters + Gaspereau: Valley Fibres, XTR Station + Port Williams: Wharf General Store, Tin Pan Bistro + Canning: Art Can, Al’s Fireside Café, Aspinall Studios + Windsor: Moe’s Place Music, T.A.N. Café, Lucky Italiano + Hantsport: R & G’s Family Restaurant, Pizzaria + Berwick: Drift Wood, North Mountain Coffee, Rising Sun Café + Kentville: Designer Café, T.A.N. Café, Café Central + New Minas: Boston Pizza ADVERTISING SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR Nov 14th Issue is Nov 10th AD DEADLINE: Nov 8th Contact us: (902)-692-8546 info@grapevinepublishing.ca Also available online: grapevinepublishing.ca and issuu.com/thevalleygrapevine Don't miss a Grapevine: Subscribe Advertising in the Grapevine ranges from free (page 4), to paid. Depending on the commitment-length and colour options, rates range from: Presence/Logo $40 - $30 Single Block $54 - $39 Double Block $106 - $76 Banner $205 - $145 Half Page $450 - $300 Arts Event Poster $75 - $50 for $2.00 an issue (+postage). Or simply join our email list. For ad-building options and a complete list of sizes & rates, visit us online: info@grapevinepublishing.ca or grapevinepublishing.ca/rates New Classes! Including Yoga For Those With Arthritis. Wednesdays, 10:30am. For full schedule visit our website. www.innersunyoga.ca | WOLFVILLE, NOVA SCOTIA | 542-YOGA (9642) Where Nature, Research & Technology come together Open to students, visitors, community, and faculty 8am - 10pm every day Fresh, cooked, whole BBQ chicken. $2 off regular price, valid with no other offer. 396 Main St., Wolfville 542-9680 EXPIRY: Friday, November 15th, 2013 • HOURS: Mon - Sat, 8am-9pm, Sunday 10am-6pm October 31 – November 14, 2013 Energy Healing Therapist 365 5323 s fo br rm your l i fe K A T H Y F RA N CE -em The Furry Feature sfo brought to you by ng- The Grapevine t ra n 3 a c e h e ali - Reiki - Pranic Healing - EFT - Eden Energy - Release Technique rm your t ra n W e didn’t plan on moving to Wolfville. It was a semi-spontaneous decision made so that we could work in the field we both studied: archaeology. We chose this place because it seemed nice with a strong sense of community. We cast a good-luck spell to get the apartment we loved. It worked! This was the first random act of kindness, bestowed upon us by ourselves. But that was over a year ago, and our archaeology contract has long since ended. We stayed here, though, because of all the other random acts of l i fe Feature Pet: Seymour Seymour is a lovely, neutered orange-and-white domestic shorthair. He is approximately seven months old and is a very friendly boy! He had been hit by a car when he came to us from Greenwood, but now he is all healed and ready to go to a new and loving home. kindness: the lady at Pete’s who practices her French with Alex; the market for allowing me to volunteer; the overall friendliness of this place. But mostly because of our neighbour Eric, who has become a wonderful friend and guide, and whom we will miss very much. Archaeology brought us here, but kindness kept us here longer than we planned on staying. Thanks, Wolfville. We will miss you! Natalie and Alex SEYMOUR Wolfville Animal Hospital, 12-112 Front St., Wolfville . 902 542 3422 wolfvilleanimalhospital@ns.aliantzinc.ca Update on NILE: Still Available Nile is a Labrabull, which is a cross between a black Labrador Retriever and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Random Act of Kindness is Brought to you by: Daniels’ Flower Shop Ltd. 40 Water St, Windsor 798-5337 www.danielsflowershop.net Nile is currently residing at the Kings SPCA shelter in Waterville. His indoor manners need a lot of work, but with the right person he has the potential to be a wonderful and devoted family dog. He is always happy to see people, and eagerly greets them in a high-intensity, hyper way. He loves giving kisses and lying on laps when someone is sitting, and he whines, cries and barks when he feels he is not receiving enough undivided attention. Nile is well-socialized and keeps our other dogs at the shelter in shape by playing with them in our outdoor kennel. Unfortunately, in his previous life he did not receive much in the way of training, so he is difficult to walk as he pulls and tugs you along. Nile's boosters are up to date and he is neutered. If he sounds like the companion for you, please visit the NS SPCA Kings Branch in Waterville. Stories from Valley musicians compiled by Mike Aubé Calling all Valley performers and songwriters! I'm looking for your gig stories and storiesbehind-the-song. If you have something to share, mail them, along with a high-resolution photo, to mike@mikeaube.com. This week's installment is from Kimberly Matheson. She is a songwriter's songwriter, writing well-crafted folk songs and delivering them with a voice reminiscent of Joan Baez. She is preparing to release her sophomore album, Just As I Am. NS SPCA, Kings Branch info@kings.spcans.ca | spcans.ca O n Sundays when I was growing up in Little Ridge, New Brunswick, after church and a big roast beef or chicken dinner, Mama would gather her children for the mile-long walk behind our house to the St. Croix River. This was family at its best: blessed, fed and relaxed after a busy week of hard work. Mama would tell us stories of our ancestors or tales about fairyland. We listened for birds, identified flowers, looked for bear tracks under the wild apple tree, and hoped we might even see a moose. VALLEY REFUGE HOUSING & PORTAL DROP IN CENTRE If you are a young mom wondering if there is anyone out there facing the same challenges you are, or if you could use a free night to just get out and have some fun and leave your worries for a night; if you are a young guy looking for a way to get out and enjoy the outdoors and enjoy being active; or if you simply want a cool place to come hang out with a few friends—we have groups that can answer those questions and do those things for you! Years later, one of my sisters called to tell me of plans for the celebration of Mother’s 65th birthday. She wondered if I might bring my guitar and sing a song. I was always keen to sing, but the few songs I had written, I pretty much kept to myself. Putting down the phone I felt the conviction that I would write a song for her. With that thought, the lyrics to “A Walk to the River” came tumbling out, and I scrambled to write them down. When I picked up my guitar, the melody seemed like it had always been there. It was such a delicious feeling, writing that love song to my mother and family. That day I was gifted with a song that would be a gift to my mother and family. I felt humbled, but oh, so lucky. I thought, I do this: I write songs. Twenty years later, I like nothing better than being seduced by the feeling that there is a song coming, and I marvel at the mystery of it all. If any of these have caught your eye and you want to know more, you can come by and check us out. We are located at 437 Main Street in Kentville. You can also reach us at 902-365-3773 or by email at matt@portalyouth.ca. BOOKS • DVD’S • CD’S • GAMES • COMICS • RECORDS Rainbow’s End Books and Discs Visit us at Hal-Con November 8-10 Compiled by Mike Aube www.mikeaube.com MUD CREEK MEDICAL CO-OP 10 days of: Vomiting, Nausea, Diarrhea, Headache, Fever, Chills, Back pain, Cough, Runny nose or a 10 second sting You decide. Flu Shot Clinics are on NOW! Call 542-3633 or drop by 12E Elm Ave. to make an appointment 12E Elm Ave. Wolfville Tel: (902) 542-3633 www.mudcreekmedical.ca Blood Collection Services are available at Mud Creek Medical Co-op: • • • • Tuesday and Wednesday Mornings 8:00AM – 8:45AM $15 per visit Quick and convenient service Available to persons ages 16 yrs. and older Service by pre-booked appointment Ask reception for more details 388 Main St. Wolfville 902.697.3090 4 The Grapevine the free tweets 2328 Black River Rd., (Lumsden Dam), 542-2723 / oneonearth@hotmail.ca Designer Nancy Denton-Peck works with remnants and recyclables to design garments that are literally “one on the planet.” Her polar-fleece ponchos and hats fit well into this category, as polar fleece is 100% recycled plastic! At this year’s Acadia Craft Expo on Nov. 15- 17, she will be featuring ponchos and hats with hand-knit collars and cuffs, 10 of which are in Acadia colors (navy and red). No two are alike. Fleece teddy bears from remnants and a rack of little girls' "Scrapit" clothes will also be part of her booth (#78). ONE-ON-EARTH has been around for about eight years. “I began designing ladies' jackets out of scraps as a way to use up my accumulated remnants, and it has grown from there. It's really been a very diverse way for me to feed my creative appetite.” As for Remembrance Day...although post WWII children cannot remember, we can consciously think about the ravages of war, the sacrifice paid by so many and be ever-grateful for the incredible gift we have been given in Canada. I have the freedom to make my dreams a reality, thanks to the generations that came before me. MONsters by Mon — New Minas, MONstersbyMon.ca / Facebook: MONsters by Mon • Take a BITE out of your Christmas shopping with one of my handmade plush MONsters! Also, check out the gorgeous purses my partner, Sacoche by NPK Design, is offering (nancykillam.ca). Find us in booth #109 at the Acadia Craft Expo, Nov. 15-17. TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles — 51 Main St., Mahone Bay, 902-624-0427 / tammachat.com • Pick up a holiday gift that you know is fairly traded and sustainably created. Find us Sat., Nov. 2, at the Wolfville Farmers' Market, Community Business Booth. Unique organic and handspun Eri silk scarves and more, exquisite natural colours, handwoven by rural women's weaving groups in Thailand and Laos. Pie r Squared — 35 Minas View Dr., Wolfville, 697-2502 / info@pie-r-squared.ca • Remembering... Thank you! SoundMarket Recording Studios — 63 Pleasant Street, 542-0895 / facebook.com/soundmarket • Music producers Terry Pulliam and Kory Bayer invite musicians/songwriters to visit our professional studio! Gold-record–winning service and gear. Low rates and assistance with funding. We’ll capture your sound your way! Blomidon Nurseries — 10060 Hwy 1, Greenwich 542-2295 / blomidonnurseries.com • 10% discount everyday. Students, Faculty and Staff of Acadia University and NSCC-Kingstec receive 10% off all regular priced items including Stems cafe. Come enjoy our fully stocked plant nursery, house plants, gift shop and cafe with free WIFI. Open Mon to Sat, 8am-6pm & Sun, 10am-6pm. Natural Touch Reflexology & Reiki — 4738 Hwy 12, North Alton, 678-0454 / 691-4148 / naturaltouchreflexologyandreiki.com • Benefits of Reflexology: stress reduction - less susceptible to disease; improved circulation - carries nutrients and oxygen to cells; stimulated nerve function: reduces pain; improved immune system - removes toxins; and increased energy. Lest We Forget: Thank a veteran. Rashana — rashana88@gmail.com / rashana.ca / facebook: rashana.ca • The more we find peace within ourselves the more we create a peaceful world. If you are struggling, The Freedom Release Technique can help. Sister Lotus Body Care Products, Belly Dance & Herbal Education — 680-8839 / sisterlotus.com • We're excited to do our first Acadia Craft Expo, Nov. 15-17. Super busy getting lots of product October 31 – November 14, 2013 Suggested Theme: Free Community Business Listings & Two-Week-Tweets brought to you by Just Us! Coffee Roasters Cooperative, Main Street, Wolfville & Hwy #1 Grand Pre, 542-7474 These listings work on a 1st come, 1st served basis. Email info@grapevinepublishing. ca every two weeks for your free placement. Or, reserve your place with a 5-issue minimum commitment at $10 per issue. ONE-ON-EARTH As reported on the CBC, grade 5 students at Sydney River Elementary in Cape Breton have started a letter-writing campaign calling on the federal government to keep the Veterans Affairs office in Sydney open. This is one of nine closing offices across the country. Even if your observations of Remembrance Day aren't as newsworthy, what does November 11th mean to you? made for the holiday season! Also, check out our upcoming 'Herbs for Fall & Winter' Workshop in Wilmot on Nov. 10! Harwood House Bed & Breakfast — 33 Highland Ave., Wolfville, 542-5707 / harwoodhouse.com • November 11th – I’m thinking of my dear Dad, British Army veteran of WWII. He never missed attending a War Memorial service in his 94 years, the last being at Victoria Park, Windsor, NS. Ocean Zn Giftshop — 437 Main Street, Kentville, 790-6901 / campingmama1978@hotmail.com • For me November 11th is a day to reflect and remember all those who fought for our freedom for this beautiful country we call home. Without our freedom, women like me could not have the freedom to do what they love and run their own business and live the dream! It Works! — New Minas, 365-6141 / kellyjeansgreenwrapsolution.myitworks.com • Kelly Newcombe is PROUD to announce that she has become an independent distributor for 'IT WORKS! Global' and is selling their signature detoxifying "Skinny Wrap" and much more! See her website for details. Valley Family Fun — info@valleyfamilyfun.ca / valleyfamilyfun.ca • Remembrance Day is a great way to teach your kids about its meaning. Take a walk in a local graveyard to find veterans’ plots, make a poppy craft, or research your family's wartime history. Inner Sun Yoga — 461 Main St. Unit 4, Wolfville, 542-YOGA / yoga@innersunyoga.ca / innersunyoga. ca • Our next yoga clinic is from Nov. 1 to Dec. 6, for $90 (+HST). If you are new to the clinic, please email me and I’ll send you the form. CentreStage Theatre — 61 River St, Kentville, 678-8040 (reservations) / 678-3502 (info.) / centrestage@centrestagetheatre.ca / centrestagetheatre.ca • The no-wrapping, no-mess solution for the names on your Christmas list? Gift certificates or season passes to CentreStage Theatre! Available at the theatre, Chisholms (Kentville), and Rick’s Frame and Art (New Minas). Applewicks — 10 Gaspereau Ave. Wolfville, 5429771 / larchehomefires.org/applewicks • Just a reminder that Advent season is about 5 weeks away. Applewicks has a selection of Advent candles for the season. We also have our Hanukkah candles ready to ship! Visit our website for information on how we can help you reach your optimal health! 5 The Grapevine MIKE Uncorked: ometimes the subjects I choose to write about in this column put me into strange and unfamiliar territory (anyone remember last year’s On Tree Park Ziplining article?). Well, this past weekend I ventured down to the Wolfville Curling Club (it’s only a stone’s throw away). I took my first lesson ever on how to curl! Actually it was my first time IN that curling club, located at 22 Elm Avenue. It’s a beautiful and timeless facility equipped with an upstairs games room, fully operational kitchen and hall for special events. Downstairs is the pièce de résistance, the four-sheet (lane) curling arena. I am not very sportsy, as you can tell because I just used the word sportsy. I enjoy watching some sports on TV, like football or basketball or even golf, but I would never think to play these sports because I am not an aggressive or competitive person, so it was just never my thing to try out. And so, with writing these articles and trying new things, I decided to give curling a go and I have to say, it was a lot of fun! I only ever thought I could curl my hair, my lip, or up against someone for warmth, but I was mistaken. I took part in one of three Learn to Curl sessions (the other two have passed but that doesn’t mean you still can’t join and have fun), and with the help of the curlingclub gang—Gerry Watson, Tony Stirling, Tim Amos, and Fred Crouse—I was shown the very basic ins and outs of the game and taught all about how to score, position myself, throw the rock, how to be safe on the ice and how to hold my stick…. Stop giggling. I really didn’t know how to before this! I’m one of those people who always says “Well it looks so easy on TV, of course I can do that.” Well, if I ever said it about curling, I was wrong: it’s not as easy as it looks on TV. But it is fun and I did do it, after practise October 31 – November 14, 2013 THE CROSSWORD Learning to Curl: This Sport Rocks!!! S and understanding. I stepped out on that ice and thought, “Well this is the beginning of the End,” and I was right! HA HA! brought to you by: 402 Main St. Wolfville | 902.542.0653 | thenakedcrepebistro.ca WIN! Complete this crossword, then submit it to Naked Crêpe for your chance to win a dessert crêpe! Just leave your contact below & submit the puzzle. Winner of the dessert crepe last issue: Lisa Wallace First of all, thank you Gerry Watson, for your patience! Gerry was my prime instructor and it was straightforward talk that was all about safety on the ice and making sure I was positioned as not to hurt myself or fall on my butt. This didn’t happen once! I learned about sliders, grippers, hacks, buttons, handles and more. I have never been so proud to make a clean sweep of the house! And have you ever passed a 44-pound stone? Well, I have, and I must say, I rocked the house! Now you can too! Famous Nova Scotians Across 1. Born and raised in Mount Uniacke, NS, Richard Terfry is better known by his stage name, ____ 65. 5. A fiddler from Cape Breton, ____ MacIsaac's received three Juno Awards. 7. In 1990, this country and folk singer from Big Pond, Cape Breton, was the bestselling country artist in Canada. 8. This member of the Rankin Family has also released five solo albums. 12. This writer is best known for his novel, The Mountain and the Valley. 13. This Toronto-based band was formed in 1991 when Chris Murphy and Andrew Scott met at NSCAD in Halifax. 14. Sarah ____'s best-selling album, Surfacing, won two Grammy Awards and four Juno Awards. 15. Originally from Lunenburg, NS, Joel ____ is currently based in Dartmouth. The new curling season has started, and the curling club is looking for new members. There are different curling groups (ladies, seniors, skills night on Tuesdays and even a session for the kids called Little Rocks), and the commitment is minimal. Not only is curling a good source of exercise, but half the fun is the socializing with friends. And even though some of these groups started their season this past week, there is still plenty of time to get yourself in there and sign up. All of the events can be found on the curling club’s website at www.wolfvillecurlingclub. ca. Click on the calendar link to see what’s coming up. You can get your membership form there too. The curling club now has a Facebook page, and the website has all the latest news, forms, newsletters and so on about the club. These past few weeks, a representative from the club has been present at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market trying to encourage others to join. It’s been very beneficial, but they needed my big mouth and the Grapevine exposure to spread the word. I hope you all take the time to consider it. If I can do it…. then trust me, you can HACK it too! | created by Emily Leeson Down 2. Alexander ____ founded his brewery in Halifax in 1820. 3. Born in Inverness County, NS, Natalie ____ has toured with the Chieftains, Faith Hill and Carlos Santana and has recorded with Yo-Yo Ma. 4. This Canadian author runs his own publishing house, Pottersfield Press 5. Born in Toronto, this artist moved to Amherst, N.S. in 1929. 6. George ____ Clarke 9. One of Canada's best-known folk artists, she was born Maud Dowley. 10. Her albums have sold over 54 million copies worldwide and you'll find a centre in her name in her hometown of Springhill, NS. 11. Born in 1976 in Amherst, NS, this singersongwriter is professionally known by her surname alone. Mike Butler Vigil for Harley It’s a transition that can happen to more than just individuals. This week, our small farming town of Berwick, working sun-up to sundown harvesting the apple, corn, and carrot crops before the leaves on the trees make way for another season, came of age. Harley Lawrence, 62, a harmless and homeless soul known to the townsfolk as someone battling mental issues which made it difficult for him to accept even basic offers of a warm bed, gathered his few belongings in a bus shelter and lay down for the night. He will never know that he ushered our community into the kind of ugliness we usually hear about happening everywhere other than here. Between 400 and 500 people attended the vigil on October 26. Among those present were some of Harley’s family, whom many of us learned about for the first time (he was Photo: James Skinner We can all recognize certain events as being the moments that brought us into the socalled “real world.” These are the moments when we lost some of our naivety. from the Hantsport area). There was a little rain that night. Hopefully it helped some folks understand what the homeless face day to day. A passing friend, Wayne Dombroski Editor’s update: At the time of press, details of the bus shelter fire and the investigation were not released. Name: Phone: A bsolute NonScents ECONOMY SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT Reduce your forkprint with bamboo cutlery sets & tiffins. 542-7227 / absolutenonscents@gmail.com SERVICE CENTRE OIL CHANGES $38.99 + HST (up to 5L of 5W30) Licensed Mechanic, John Williams 33 Elm Ave, Wolfville 542-2174 6 The Grapevine Copyright 2013 Rob Brezsny freewillastrology.com Horoscopes for the week of October 31st TAURUS (April 20-May 20): What don't you like? Get clear about that. What don't you want to do? Make definitive decisions. What kind of person do you not want to become and what life do you never want to live? Resolve those questions with as much certainty as possible. Write it all down, preferably in the form of a contract with yourself. Sign the contract. This document will be your sacred promise, a declaration of the boundaries you won't cross and the activities you won't waste your time on and the desires that aren't worthy of you. It will feed your freedom to know exactly what you like and what you want to accomplish and who you want to become. Halloween costume suggestion: the opposite of who you really are. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Are you up for an experiment? Not just on Halloween, but for a week afterwards, be scarier than your fears. If an anxious thought pops into your mind, bare your teeth and growl, "Get out of here or I will rip you to shreds!" If a demon visits you in a nightly dream, chase after it with a torch and sword, screaming "Begone, foul spirit, or I will burn your mangy ass!" Don't tolerate bullying in any form, whether it comes from a critical little voice in your head or from supposedly nice people who are trying to guilt-trip you. "I am a brave conqueror who cannot be intimidated!" is what you could say, or "I am a monster of love and goodness who will defeat all threats to my integrity!" CANCER (June 21-July 22): Are you ready to be amazed? Now would be an excellent time to shed your soul's infantile illusions . . . to play wildly with the greatest mystery you know . . . to accept gifts that enhance your freedom and refuse gifts that don't . . . to seek out a supernatural encounter that heals your chronic sadness . . . to consort and converse with sexy magical spirits from the future . . . to make love with the lights on and cry when you come. Halloween costume suggestion: the archetypal LOVER. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Some people in your vicinity are smoldering and fuming. The air is heavy with emotional ferment. Conspiracy theories are ripening and rotting at the same time. Hidden agendas are seeping into conversations, and gossip is swirling like ghostly dust devils. Yet in the midst of this mayhem, an eerie calm possesses you. As everyone else struggles, you're poised and full of grace. To what do we owe this stability? I suspect it has to do with the fact that life is showing you how to feel at home in the world no matter what's happening around you. Keep making yourself receptive to these teachings. Halloween costume suggestion: King or Queen of Relaxation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Unification should be a key theme for you in the coming weeks. Anything you do that promotes splicing and blending and harmonizing will get extra help, sometimes from mysterious forces working behind the scenes. The more you work to find common ground between opposing sides, the stronger you'll feel and the better you'll look. If you can manage to mend schisms and heal wounds, unexpected luck will flow into your life. To encourage these developments, consider these Halloween disguises: a roll of tape, a stick of Krazy Glue, a wound that's healing, a bridge. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): What do you think you'd be like if you were among the onepercent-wealthiest people on Earth? Would you demand that your government raise your taxes so you could contribute more to our collective well-being? Would you live simply and cheaply so you'd have more money to donate to charities and other worthy causes? This Halloween season, I suggest you play around with fantasies like that -- maybe even masquerade as an incredibly rich philanthropist who doles out cash and gifts everywhere you go. At the very least, imagine what it would be like if you had everything you needed and felt so grateful you shared your abundance freely. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What if you had the power to enchant and even bewitch people with your charisma? Would you wield your allure without mercy? Would you feel wicked delight in their attraction to you, even if you didn't plan to give them what they want? I suspect these questions aren't entirely rhetorical right now. You may have more mojo at your disposal than you realize. Speaking for your conscience, I will ask you not to desecrate your privilege. If you must manipulate people, do it for their benefit as well as yours. Use your raw magic responsibly. Halloween costume suggestion: a mesmerizing guru; an irresistible diva; a stage magician. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I had a dream that you were in the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? You were like the character played by George Clooney after he escaped from a prison chain gang. Can you picture it? You were wearing a striped jailbird suit, and a ball and chain were still cuffed around your ankle. But you were sort of free, too. You were on the lam, making your way from adventure to adventure as you eluded those who would throw you back in the slammer. You were not yet in the clear, but you seemed to be en route to total emancipation. I think this dream is an apt metaphorical depiction of your actual life right now. Could you somehow use it in designing your Halloween costume? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I invite you to try the following exercise. Imagine the most powerful role you could realistically attain in the future. This is a position or niche or job that will authorize you to wield your influence to the max. It will give you the clout to shape the environments you share with other people. It will allow you to freely express your important ideas and have them be treated seriously. Let your imagination run a little wild as you visualize the possibilities. Incorporate your visions into your Halloween costume. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the course of earning a living, I have worked four different jobs as a janitor and six as a dishwasher. On the brighter side, I have performed as a songwriter and lead singer for six rock bands and currently write a syndicated astrology column. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you Aquarians are primed to cultivate a relationship with your work life that is more like my latter choices than the former. The next eight months will be a favorable time to ensure that you'll be doing your own personal equivalent of rock singer or astrology columnist well into the future. Halloween costume suggestion: your dream job. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Author Robert Louis Stevenson loved the work of poet Walt Whitman, recommending it with the same enthusiasm as he did Shakespeare's. Stevenson also regarded Whitman as an unruly force of nature, and in one famous passage, called him "a large shaggy dog, just unchained, scouring the beaches of the world and baying at the moon." Your assignment is to do your best imitation of a primal creature like Whitman. In fact, consider being him for Halloween. Maybe you could memorize passages from Whitman's Leaves of Grass and recite them at random moments. Here's one: "I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, / I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world." Editor: Here's this week's homework: Meditate on death not as the end of physical life, but as a metaphor for shedding what's outworn. In that light, what's the best death you've experienced? Freewillastrology.com SCOTIAN HIKER TRIVIA There’s no place like home to roam scotianhiker.com 1 Who wrote the first dictionary of the Mi'kmaq language? 2 Anna Leonowens,tutor to the King of Siam, was a driving force behind the founding of what school? 3 In what bay does the ghost of The Young Teazer privateer vessel still sail? 4 5 Who is the current Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia? What is the town motto of Trenton, NS? answers: hiking through Maui's rain forest, I spied a majestic purple honohono flower sprouting from a rotting log. As I bent down close, I inhaled the merged aromas of moldering wood and sweet floral fragrance. Let's make this scene your metaphor of the week, Aries. Here's why: A part of your life that is in the throes of decay can serve as host for a magnificent bloom. What has been lost to you may become the source of fertility. Halloween costume suggestion: a garbage man or cleaning maid wearing a crown of roses. 1. Silas T. Rand; 2. Nova Scotia College of Art and Design; 3. Mahone Bay; 4. The Honourable John James Grant; 5. 'Strike While the Iron Is Hot' ARIES (March 21-April 19): Once when I was October 31 – November 14, 2013 come to retro for your halloween costume hats, accessories, masks, clothing for guys andgals 2 Central Ave, Wolfville www.retrorunway.com 692-9271 7 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 Bigger and badder every year! Want to Volunteer? smokinbluesfest@gmail.com THURSDAYS: Spitfire Arms Alehouse (Windsor): Open Jam w/Angela Riley (31st), w/Kevin Meyers (7th), w/Glen Campbell (14th) 7pm The Kings Arms Pub & Steakhouse (Kentville): Laura Roy (31st, 7th, 14th) 7pm Spitfire Arms Alehouse (Windsor): George Carter Trio (2nd), 3 Way Radio (9th) 7pm Union Street Café/Wick Pub (Berwick): The Worry Birds CD Release, $10 (2nd) 8pm Lew Murphy’s (Coldbrook): 33 & ⅓ (2nd), Mark Bezanson (9th) 9pm Just Us! (Wolfville): Open Mic w/Kimberly Matheson (31st), w/Mike Aube (7th) 7-9pm Angels (Windsor): DJ Gizmo, $3 (2nd) 9pm Angles Pub (Windsor): Adam Cameron (31st, 7th, 14th) 7-10pm Paddy's Pub (Kentville): Garret Mason Blues Band, $10 (9th) 9pm The Port Pub (Port Williams): Margie Brown (31st), 8pm Paddy's Pub (Wolfville): Freddy (2nd), Sherman & Lee (9th) 9pm Paddy’s Pub (Kentville): The Hupman Brothers (31st, 7th, 14th) 9pm Tommy Gun’s (Windsor): DJ Shorty P, $3 (2nd), Paul Morley Band, $5 (9th) 9:30pm Library Pub (Wolfville): Tom Hall (31st, 7th, 14th) 9pm Anvil (Wolfville): DJ Victor (2nd, 9th) 10pm Paddy’s Pub (Wolfville): Trivia w/Graham (31st, 7th, 14th) 9:30pm Anvil (Wolfville): DJ Lee (31st, 7th, 14th) 10pm Dooley’s (New Minas): DJ Kayla K (31st, 7th, 14th) 10pm FRIDAYS: The Kings Arms Pub & Steakhouse (Kentville): Al King Band (1st, 8th) 5pm Front & Central (Wolfville): Scott Prudence (1st, 8th) 5-8pm Blomidon Inn (Wolfville): Jazz Mannequins (1st, 8th) 6:30-9:30pm Dooleys (New Minas): DJ Kayla K (2nd, 9th) 10pm West Side Charlie’s (New Minas): DJ Lethal (2nd, 9th) 10pm SUNDAYS: Privet House (Wolfville): Live Jazz w/Ian (3rd, 10th) 12am-2pm Paddy's Pub (Wolfville): Irish Music Session (3rd, 10th) 8pm MONDAYS: Paddy’s Pub (Wolfville): Open Mic w/TBA (4th), w/Mike Milne (11th) 8pm Joe’s Food Emporium (Wolfville): Morgan Davis (1st), Marshall Lake (8th) 7-10pm TUESDAYS: The Port Pub (Port Williams): Orange Vinyl (1st), The Lost Tourists (8th) 8pm The Port Pub (Port Williams): Open Mic w/Ian Brownstein & Steve Lee (5th, 12th) 7:30pm Spitfire Arms Alehouse (Windsor): Witchitaw (1st), Rip Tide (8th) 8pm Union Street Café/Wick Pub (Berwick): Open Mic w/Dayliner (1st), w/TBA (8th) 8:30pm West Side Charlie’s (New Minas): Billy T (1st), DJ Gizmo (8th) 10pm SATURDAYS: Farmers’ Market (Wolfville): Sam Wilson (2nd), Mudsaw (9th) 10am-1pm Library Pub (Wolfville): Irish Saturdays w/Bob & Ro (2nd, 9th) 2-4pm & Saturday evenings w/Leo Boudreau (2nd, 9th) 9pm The Kings Arms Pub & Steakhouse (Kentville): Ron Edmunds (2nd), Jon Duggen (9th) 6pm T.A.N Coffee (Wolfville): Open Mic & Donna (5th, 12th) 8pm Spitfire Arms Alehouse (Windsor): Trivia Nights w/Quick As A Wink Theatre, $2 (5th, 12th) 8-10pm Paddy’s Pub (Kentville): Irish Music Session (5th, 12th) 8-10pm WEDNESDAYS: Farmers’ Market (Wolfville): Ken Shorley, Heidi Kalyani & Francois Cote (6th), Angela Riley (13th) 5-7pm West Side Charlie’s (New Minas): Karaoke w/Billy T (6th, 13th) 9pm Old Love Old Love can mean a chronological age or a remembrance of a time past—and sometimes it’s both! Although this play is romantic and clever, it’s definitely not sentimental. The story spans three decades and a handful of meetings. He was smitten from the first, and she—well, let’s just say “less so.” The witty dialogue of this dramatic comedy keeps you chuckling and is laugh-out-loud-funny as each discovers what is important in life and in love. Written by Canada’s preeminent comic playwright Norm Foster, and directed by Candy O’Brien, this play will appeal to mature audiences. Due to language and subject matter, it is not recommended for children under 13. Cast members include Peter Booth, Carole Ball, Ansonia Gray, Tracy Churchill, and Geoff Ball. Old Love plays on November 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24m, 29, 30, December 6, 7, 8m, 13, 14. Showtime 8pm / 2pm matinee on November 24 and December 8. Tickets $15/$12 Call 678-8040 for reservations. CentreStage Theatre is located at 61 River Street, Kentville. For more information visit www.centrestagetheatre.ca 8 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 Devour! The Food Film Fest Formerly the Slow Motion Food Film Fest, Devour! The Food Film Fest is an international festival celebrating cinema, food and wine culture that takes place in the culinary epicenter of the province, Wolfville! Starting on Wednesday, November 13th with the The Five Senses: Opening Gala Recep- Ryan Cook, John Campbelljohn and Stan Carew bring "Honkytonk Blues" to MIPAC November 16, 2013 - 7:00pm Ryan Cook, a troubadour and traveling songwriter, grew up near Yarmouth. With his unique blend of classic country and modern satire, Ryan has developed a broad fan base with his progressive style that is both traditional and innovative. John Campbelljohn is a multiple ECMA winner and multiple Maple Blues nominee from Sydney who has spent most of the past decade touring Germany with his slide guitar. Stan Carew has been performing his own brand of Country and Blues music while simultaneously hosting CBC Radio’s popular Weekend Mornings. Stan has a soft gentle voice, a sharp wit and a fine blues/folk repertory. This lively show features songs and stories that trace the blues roots of country and western music. On-line ordering now available for take-out www.paddyspub.ca tion (featuring all Nova Scotian Chefs at the Fountain Commons, Acadia University), this festival is 5 solid days of: films, showcases, food, the wine bus, and workshops. For a full list of the activities: devourfest.com/ program/ Art Show At The Rolled Oat Cafe What: Art Show & Sale featuring Ryan Hupman When: Friday November 1st 7 -9 Where: The Rolled Oat Cafe, 420 Main St, Wolfville Please join us Friday, November 1, for our first-ever art show, featuring the works of Ryan Hupman. Ryan is bringing over 50 pieces to exhibit and sell. We will also feature carvings by Scott Hupman. We will have coffee tea and treats AND an opportunity to win a piece of art! Cash or cheque accepted. This is a great opportunity to connect with talented local artists and check names off on your Christmas list! Or talk to Ryan about requests for commissioned paintings. 9 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 The Who's Who Mark Riley: The Man with the Bands! T his man has got me singing the blues and singing his praises! Ladies and gentleman, Mark Riley! Mark Riley was born into a very musical family, just outside of Dartmouth, in Lake Loon. Mark’s dad, now almost 80, has been singing and playing guitar in church and gospel groups since he was a young man. Mark, along with his nine brothers and sisters, grew up singing in choirs, gospel groups, and family sing-songs. Those musical roots eventually took him and his talent to Toronto, where he played music with a few bands and was featured in a film for the Department of Education call Know Your Rights. Mark returned to Nova Scotia and joined the EMCA–winning Nova Scotia Mass Choir as a soloist and a tenor. About seven years ago, Mark connected with the band Shoulder to Shoulder and filled in as a drummer. He sang one song with them, and the rest is history. Mark formed the Mark Riley Band about six years ago, and even though he’s gone through various members, it still remains one of the busiest bands in the area. P.M. Blues is another one of Mark’s bands, playing primarily blues music. The 15-piece Bluesmobile was formed in 2012 as a project band with local musician Bernie Zinck. I have seen Bluesmobile put on a show, and it is really quite incredible, folks! You can find information about all of Mark’s upcoming gigs on Facebook. Each group has its own page. And keep an eye out for The Mark Riley Band website, which will soon be released. A CD is also in the works. For now, here’s a little date to MARK on your calendars… Join Bluesmobile on Saturday, November 9, 9pm to 12am, at The Cornwallis Inn Ballroom. PLEASE NOTE this WILL be a licensed event! Tickets are $15 and are available Long & McQuade in New Minas. Music is not Mark’s only talent, though. He has also trained as both an electrician and an appliance-repair technician, and he ran his own business for many years. In the past Mark has also coached and played basketball, as well as played and coached his childhood passion: hockey. These days, despite loving his time working with teams at Horton High, North East Kings, King’s Minor and Valley East Basketball Association, it’s all about the music for Mark. After making the move to Wolfville while his wife attended university here, Mark made the decision to concentrate on music on a full-time basis. He took employment with Long & McQuade, the go-to place for music supplies, and this allows him to feed his passion for music and meet others in the music community of the valley. Mark says, “Since I have been in the Valley, I have had many opportunities to perform in different settings and genres. The variety of talent and venues here is really great. From soft Jazz at the Blomidon Inn, to R&B at the Kings Arms Pub, to gospel at Acadia, it is all here! There are also festivals and celebrations, many of which I have been a part of in Nova Scotia including the Wharf Rat Bike Rally, Heart of the Valley, New Minas Days, Halifax Natal Day and Canada Day Celebrations to name a few.” The road ahead is paved with many shows and concerts. Mark plans to continue with Shoulder to Shoulder and the Bluesmobile Band, as well as gospel events whenever possible. Mark’s heart remains with the church and his faith, and he will always put those loves into his music. And in all of the talents, hobbies, and occupations I’ve mentioned, I almost forgot to mention the best job Mark has: being husband to wife Rev. Jennifer and father to his two beautiful daughters, Jasmin, 24, a fashion designer in Toronto and Olivia, 22, a nursing student at Dalhousie. He is a father, husband, singer, musician, and so much more. He has truly left his MARK! Thank you! ~ Mike Butler Who's WhoBrought to you by T.A.N. COFFEE www.tancoffee.ca DENTURES, PARTIALS MADE ON SITE !! New patie n are alw ts ays welcome! Main Street Dental Centre 399, Main St, Wolfville • (902)542-4555 • Open Mon - Sat mainstreetdentalcentre.com • mainstdental@eastlink.ca 10 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 Stardrop is brought to you by: A The Box of Delights S A Delightful Little Bookshop on Main St Wolfville S 542-9511 www.boxofdelightsbooks.com Fundy Film Society The world's best films in Wolfville films subject to change without notice Mud Acadia Cinema's Al Whittle Theatre Sunday, November 3: 4 & 7 p.m. 450 Main Street, Wolfville 542-5157 Watermark www.fundyfilm.ca Wednesday, November 6: 7 p.m. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Io sono Li (Shun Li and the Poet) Sunday, November 10: 4 & 7 p.m. Tickets $8 - at the door 30 minutes before Al Whittle Theatre fundyfilm.ca 542-5157 facebook.com/fundyfilm Recipe Cheft Dave Smart | Front & Central 902-542-0588 | frontandcentral.com Parsnip & Pear Soup With fall in full swing, the cooler days draw us to hot bowls of soup. This one is made from freshly harvested local parsnip and pears. An ideal accompaniment to a thanksgiving feast or to take the chill off after an afternoon of apple picking. Serves 6 - 8 Ingredients 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp butter 1 medium onion, chopped 1 rib celery, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp fresh ginger peeled & minced 2 lbs parsnip, peeled & diced 2 ripe pears, peeled & diced 1 apple, peeled & diced 3 c. vegetable stock 1 c. heavy cream ½ tsp nutmeg 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 lemon, juice & zest salt pepper walnuts, toasted and chopped watercress Method “ WIN DINNER FOR 2” Like us on Facebook to be entered and find details. 902-542-0588 frontandcentral.com On the corner of Front St. & Central Ave. in Wolfville Heat vegetable oil and butter in a large pot. Add the onion, ginger, garlic, celery. Sweat them until softened, about 3-4 minutes. Add the parsnip, pear, and apple, and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes. Cover with vegetable stock and bring to a simmer. Cook until parsnip is very soft, about 15-20 minutes. Add cream, nutmeg, maple syrup, and lemon. Simmer for an additional 2-3 minutes to heat through. Working in batches, transfer to a blender and puree until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Adjust consistency by adding additional vegetable stock. Garnish with toasted walnuts and watercress. SCORCHED Last week I was invited to a preview of Scorched, to be presented by the Acadia Theatre Company November 13-16 and 20-23. I arrived at the end of a tiring day to a cold practice room in a dingy corner of the Beveridge Arts Centre. As it was just a rehearsal, there were no costumes and few signs of props. I was busy running over my long to-do list and, truthfully, wondering how early I could get out. Then the play started. Scorched plunges the audience into the middle of its storyline with the reading of Nawal’s will to her grown twin children. The moment notary Alphonse Lebel strode on stage, the children of his late client following behind, I was hooked. Janine and Simon, stone-faced and furious respectively in this opening scene, learn it is their mother’s final wish that they return to her homeland and search out their father and brother. Gradually, the siblings set out separately to reconstruct their history. The play flashes backwards and forwards as we follow their harrowing journeys, the physical settings of civil war, prison, a theatre, hospital and International Criminal Tribunal doubling as the thematic sites of loss, revenge, tragedy and redemption. As I walked slowly home from this play, I knew my two hours should have been spent nowhere else. The performance of this small company had radically awakened me to the significance of identity and heritage on a personal, local, and global level. Through outstanding acting from major and minor characters alike, along with a gripping narrative, Scorched stirred me and silenced me, provoked me and changed me. I urge you to let it do the same for you. Charlotte Rogers Pe We 6ava Ge 11 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 The Acadia Page WE LOVE WOLFVILLE We all chose to come to Acadia University for different reasons. Intricately connected with this university is the surrounding town, Wolfville, our new home for 4-ish years. We come to associate Acadia so closely with Wolfville, and vice versa, that it's hard to speak of what we love about one without referencing the other. I asked a few of my fellow students what they loved about Wolfville specifically, and the responses, quite frankly, didn't surprise me. We love it here! Sergio Garrido Yunes, a fourth-year business major from Guatemala, says, “Wolfville was my first impression of what Canada looks like but I've got to say—I love this place like no other!” Part of what makes this place so special is the diversity of both students and permanent residents and how we share our cultures together. Madison Doglio, a third-year math major from Seattle and more recently Toronto, says: “I love Wolfville mostly because of the amazing environment, on and off campus.” When asked about her favourite place in Wolfville, she replied, “I love Just Us! I think it represents Wolfville the best. It's a cute community centre, where everyone (customers and baristas) is welcoming, warm, and friendly.” Madison admits that the best-kept secret of Wolfville is the Woodland Trails off Westwood, “So beautiful and calming—a Acadia University 15 University Ave, Wolfville. 542-2201 Staffed Switchboard 8:30am-4:30pm. agi@acadiau.ca – General Inquiries great place to get away from stress without going far.” Bryn Huycke is a first-year business student at Acadia hailing from Collingwood, Ontario. She says, “Acadia is a little treasure of a university that so many people don't think about enough. I know that in school in Ontario, when I told people I was coming here, people said ‘Acadia? Why would you choose little Acadia?’ Even being in first-year, so many people have given me opportunities you wouldn't get at a big school. Wolfville of all places is the cherry on the cake.” Adam Foster from Moncton is in his second year of his Master’s degree in Social and Political Thought. He says he loves how Wolfville is a small, friendly and welcoming community yet is also very much full of culture. Personally, I love Wolfville because it reminds me of my hometown, Chester. People come together to celebrate, to have fun, but also to look out for each other and care for one another. I love the focus on local food and being a strong, vibrant, caring, ethical community. It's amazing that we spend several years of our young adulthood in this wonderful place. We may leave Wolfville never to return but it will always remain in our hearts. Lindsay Doucet Dr. Tom Raddall says Thanks a Million to Acadia Acadia University President and Vice-Chancellor Ray Ivany recently announced the dedication of “The Raddall Wing” in the University’s Biology Building, in recognition of Dr. Thomas Raddall, Class of 1957. Dr. Raddall’s $1 million gift to establish The Raddall Research Fund in Biology is among the largest made by an individual to Acadia and will greatly enhance student and faculty research in the life sciences. be used by the department to support purchases of equipment for use by faculty and students. The fund will also finance student research projects and allow for increased participation in scientific conferences beginning in the 2013-’14 academic year. This most recent gift from Dr. Raddall is in addition to scholarships and awards he had already established to support students and faculty in the sciences and the arts. Dr. Randall graduated from Acadia in 1957 with a bachelor of science before earning a D.D.S. degree from Dalhousie University in 1961. He returned to his hometown of Liverpool, N.S., where he established a successful dental practice and dedicated himself to community and professional service. Throughout his career, he remained a strong and loyal supporter of Acadia and its students. Previous gifts to Acadia were named for his mother, Edith Freeman Raddall, and father, renowned writer Thomas H. Raddall. In 2001, Dr. Raddall joined Acadia’s Board of Governors, where he served until 2013. His genuine interest in students was recognized by the Acadia Students’ Union in 2004 when it chose Dr. Raddall to be the first recipient of its Governor of the Year award. “Student excellence is a tenet of an Acadia education and I am pleased and privileged to be able to give back to a university that has given me and my classmates so much,” said Dr. Raddall. “I had a first-class education and made lifelong friends during my time on campus. It is heartening to know that what I experienced still exists today, and that I can contribute to Acadia’s tradition of excellence.” The Raddall Research Fund in Biology will “Tom Raddall is a role model for our students,” says Dr. Tom Herman, Acadia’s Vice-President, Academic, “many of whom will follow in his footsteps to pursue a professional career. He is also a role model as a philanthropist—as someone committed to giving back to the community.” Dr. Herman described Dr. Raddall’s keen interest in environmental effects on our Acadia University’s Probiotics and Mental Health Research Lab Does your child exhibit symptoms of ADHD or ANXIETY? or Are you an adult who suffers from ANXIETY or DEPRESSION? Acadia University’s coastline, and his desire to keep our coastal waters clean and healthy. “Having his name attached to our Biology Building and connected to our students’ research is a natural fit,” Dr. Herman said. Probiotic and Mental Health The Biology Building (2008) is Acadia’s newest academic building on campus and was created with the environment and an enhanced teaching atmosphere in mind. The building is designed to meet Gold Level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) standards set by the Canada Green Building Council—a first for academic science buildings in Atlantic Canada. treatment studies! Research Lab is recruiting participants for our probiotic Visit www. probioticstudy.com for more information and to participate. ACADIA PERFORMING ARTS SERIES PRESENTS THE AMSTEL SAXOPHONE QUARTET - Saturday, November 9 The Acadia Performing Arts Series presents the Amstel Saxophone Quartet on Saturday, November 9 at 7:30pm at the Festival Theatre, 504 Main Street at Acadia University in Wolfville. Along with music by Bach, Brahms, Ravel and Mozart, the quartet will play contemporary pieces by several 20th-century composers, all arranged or even written for this dynamic ensemble. The Amstel Quartet’s programmes are always surprising, uplifting, educational, innovative and swinging. Of course, the saxophone is a young instrument and the saxophone quartet is mainly an ensemble of the 20th and 21st centuries, but Bach would take his hat off to the Amstel Quartet if he heard them play his work. Their résumé includes performances in beautiful halls such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Philharmonie in Luxemburg, and Carnegie Hall in New York, and extensive tours through Europe, Russia, the Middle East, China, Japan and the United States. Tickets are $26 for adults, $20 for students. For more information or to buy tickets, visit the Acadia University Box Office in person, by phone at 542-5500 or 1-800-542-TICK(8425), or online at boxoffice.acadiau.ca “The Amstel Quartet changes even the simplest work into a breathtaking diamond.” —Het Parool, Amsterdam The FREE Classifieds 12 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 Or, to reserve a placement, pay $5 per issue (3-issue minimum commitment). Please keep listings to 35 words or less. CLASSES/LESSONS: After School Art (for kids): Wednesdays, Nov. 6 Dec. 11, 3:30-5pm @ Harvest Gallery, Wolfville. For six weeks we will explore painting techniques and styles. Each child will make 4 paintings, one representing each season. Ages 7-12 FEE: $125 includes supplies & light snack. INFO: 542-7093 / gallery@harvestgallery.ca After SUPPER Art (for grown ups): Tuesdays, Nov. 5 - Dec. 10, 7:30-9:30pm @ Harvest Gallery, Wolfville. Express yourself for six weeks. Explore your creative side, no drawing skills required. We will tap into your natural ability and complete at least two finished pieces. FEE: $150 includes supplies, snack INFO: 542-7093 / gallery@harvestgallery.ca Voice & Piano Lessons: W/ music educator Susan Dworkin-Hachey. Studio lessons run until June. Register now! Music helps develop skills in reading, math, creativity, memory, ambition, discipline, concentration, fine motor skill, musicianship, hand-eye coordination... also good for your spirit and soul! INFO/Reg: 542-0649 / susan_dworkin@hotmail.com English for Immigrants: Free ESL classes for Immigrants (Permanent Residents, Canadian Citizens born outside of Canada). Class locations: Kentville, Middleton, Wolfville INFO: VCLA (Valley Community Learning Association), 679-5252 Zenki-Do Martial Art: Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm @ Wolfville Curling Club. W/ Sensei Yula and Becca Mukti for health, courage and spiritual growth. Last chance to register for this season. INFO/Reg: 697-2661 / yula@ centrefortheways.com Ceilidh Dancing: Thursdays, through Dec. 5 (excluding Halloween), 7-8pm @ Greenwich Community Centre. W/Certified Irish Dance and Fitness Instructor Niamh Webster T.C.R.G., S.F.I. The kids are back to school and it’s time for adults to get out and have some fun, with the bonus of staying or getting fit. Choreography and resistance training to exciting Celtic music! FEE: $50, $8 drop-in fee INFO: 582-1786 / info@ tirnanogacademy.com Sewing Lessons: Select Sewing in Berwick is now teaching classes to individuals or groups to help them learn how to use their machine tensions. Create good stitching and/or learn how to sew. INFO: 538-1386 / joan_himsl@yahoo.com. Tumblebugs: 4-weeks, Saturdays Nov. 9-30 @ Wolfville Rec Centre. W/ Angela Davis. Fun and safe basic movement activities with music and games for kids ages 3-5 (10:30-11:15am) & age 2 (11:30am12:15pm) FEE: $25 INFO: 300-8070 / angela.m.davis@gmail.com WORKSHOPS: Portfolio to Art School: 8-week portfolio development workshop, Sundays from 10:30am – 4pm beginning November 3rd at Ross Creek. High/homeschool school students who want to increase their skill at art, and/or need to develop a body of work for Art School submission and want more time and instruction.20 spots available. FEE: $150 + HST includes trip to NSCAD INFO: 582-3842 / education@artscentre.ca Mobility - Creating Inner Space: Nov. 6, 10:30am @ Inner Sun Yoga, Wolfville. W/ David Thomas. Regular physical activity is especially important for people with mobility issues such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome or overall stiffness and inflexibility often caused by working too many hours sitting in a chair. In this yoga class the qualities of space, movement, and strength are explored within the body’s musculoskeletal systems. FEE: no charge INFO/Reg: 542-9642 / yoga@ innersunyoga.ca Herbs for Fall & Winter: Nov. 10, 10am-12pm @ Nan’s Rock Shop, Wilmot. Learn about the medicinal, culinary, & cosmetic uses of herbs that are harvested in the fall & how we can use them in the winter. Followed by Private Herbal Consultations w/ Angie Oriana Jenkins, from 1pm onwards. FEE: $25 workshop, $75 workshop + Personal Health Programme INFO/Reg: Nan’s Rock Shop, 825-2700 Swiss Chocolate Truffle-Making Workshop: Three workshop dates available: Nov. 2, 9, or 16, 1-4:30pm. W/Nicole (Nicole's Truffles and Fine Chocolate) in Grand Pré. All materials included. Limited space. FEE: $70 INFO: 542-2575 / longisland13@gmail.com Yurt Building/Wheel Building Workshops 2014: Yurt: Jan 24-26 OR Jan 31-Feb 2, Wheel: Feb. 21-23 @ 1459 White Rock Rd, Wolfville. Yurt: Learn the practical skills and resources to start building your own yurt! Wheel Building: Work with other participants to create and take home your own steam bent hardwood wheel! Space is limited. FEE: Yurt: $320+HST for: workshop, yurt camping, gourmet local & organic vegetarian food, and a yurt zine. Wheel: $875+HST for: workshop, accommodation, gourmet local & organic vegetarian food, and your completed yurt wheel. INFO: 670-4556 / lfy.ca Canning Workshops: Nov. 2, 9, 2-5pm @ Rm. 418, Huggins Science Hall, Acadia U. The art of preserving food is enjoying a revival! Come learn this old-time skill: how to preserve seasonal bounty! We will be making blueberry chutney, spicy apple preserves, salsa and cranberry jelly. FEE: $15 per workshop INFO/Reg: Jenna, 105876k@acadiau.ca FOR HIRE/PURCHASE: Interior Painting: Women in Rollers does accurate quotes, shows up on time to work, and performs to perfection. We even leave your home neat and tidy! Call today for your free estimate. INFO: Pamela, 697-2926 Hand-Crafted Urn Boxes: Respectful, wooden, locally-made. INFO: Farmer Eddie, 542-3387 Massiah's Cleaning: The BEST services, prices and quality of work. Stripping and finishing (stripping and waxing), deep scrubbing and finishing (recoating), burnishing (buffing), tile & grout cleaning, cement cleaning and degreasing, carpet cleaning, general cleaning available throughout the Valley, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—even on short notice! Maintenance plans are available! INFO: 691-3614 Pet/House Sitter: Very responsible, experienced and caring pet and house sitter available anytime. I can give you good references from satisfied clients I've had in the past. FEE: starting at $20 per day. INFO: Tracy Casselman, 542-7282 / casselmantracy@yahoo.ca Dragonsister Herbals: Offering Herbal Consultations and Remedies for all walks of life. 10% off for members of HANS, and fellow practitioners of Alternative Modalities. INFO: 678-0911 / tanis.dragonsister@gmail.com Deep Roots T-shirts: Christmas is around the corner (how did that happen?!), and Deep Roots T-shirts make great Christmas presents! We still have a few of the Steve Slipp 10-beet t-shirts from the festival. COST: $20 INFO: lisa@deeprootsmusic.ca Adopt a Co-op Student: Consider hiring an Acadia University Co-op student. Disciplines: computer science, business, and nutrition. Available for January and May work terms. INFO: co-op.acadiau.ca/ Conflict Management & Mediation: W/ Sue Barthos, BIS, MBA. Patient, confidential, and knowledgeable help from an accredited mediator on any and all issues that are causing conflict in your life or business. Reasonable rates and a sliding fee scale based on income. INFO: 697-2285 / barthos@eastlink.ca House for Sale: 11 Bay St., Wolfville. Large family home w/artist studio & bachelor apartment. Many new upgrades by quality local builder: Jeldwen windows, electrical, insulation, furnace, oil tank, etc. Also offers excellent opportunity for student rentals with a potential 5 bedrooms plus bachelor apartment. FEE: $349,900 INFO: Judith orielfineart@ns.sympatico.ca, Royal Lepage (New Minas) 681-4663 / valley@royallepage.ca DONATE/VOLUNTEER: Seeking Community Health Volunteers: Are you interested in actively promoting health and wellness in your community? The EK Community Health Board is currently looking for new members! We meet once per month. INFO: 542-1244 / orekchb@avdha.nshealth.ca Donate Ski Gear: Martock Ski Race Club's Pre-Owned Ski and Snowboard Sale is coming up (Nov. 23, 10am3pm at Ski Martock Lodge). Drop off sale items Friday, Nov. 22, 6:30-9pm. Get ready for the ski/snowboard season and support our ski club's programs for ages 6 and up. INFO: msrc.ca. Bookkeeper Wanted: The Deep Roots office is looking for a volunteer to do bookkeeping for the co-operative for approximately 1-2 hours per week with more time required during the festival and aftermath. Some general experience in bookkeeping would be an asset. Training will be provided. INFO: Leslie Dixon, Board Treasurer, 542-7762 Board Recruitment: The Deep Roots Music Cooperative is recruiting new members for the volunteer Board of Directors. Ideal candidates will have knowledge of board procedures, a computer, about 15 hours/ month to commit to the organization, and an interest in supporting the Valley music scene. A love of music and having a pile of fun is a plus! INFO: Don, fundyshore@ gmail.com Children Sought for a Study: Do you have a child between the ages of 6 and 12 who is exhibiting inattentive, hyperactive, or anxiety symptoms? Or have they been diagnosed with ADHD or an anxiety disorder? We are looking for children to participate in a study examining the effects of probiotic milk on the symptoms of ADHD and anxiety. A child must meet certain eligibility requirements in order to participate in the study. Sponsored by Acadia University, see page 7. INFO: probioticstudy.com GENERAL: Refresh Food: January 17-19, 2014 @ Acadia University. 48 hours to come up with solutions to create start-up ventures in the new-media space that focuses on one of our greatest assets here in the Annapolis Valley: Food! Get involved! Early registration is now open! INFO: food.refreshannapolisvalley.org Wolfville Community Chorus: Wednesdays, 5:307pm @ 30 Wickwire Ave., Wolfville. W/ director Susan Dworkin-Hachey. Join us for musical fun & friendship. No experience necessary; all ages/stages! TIX: $180 per year membership, no charge for first time drop in INFO: 542-0649 / susan_dworkin@hotmail.com Flowercart Survey: Flowercart is developing a new strategic plan inclusive of a communication plan. Looking for feedback from: Flowercart clients/participants, Flowercart employees, Flowercart Board/society members, Kings County business owners and/or managers/ supervisors, people interested in the work of Flowercart. INFO/Survey: Flowercart.ca Flu Shot Clinics & Blood Collection Services: @ Mud Creek Medical, Wolfville. Flu Shot Clinics: Tuesday Nov. 12, 5:30-6:30pm, and Friday afternoons, 3-4pm, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22, by appointment only. Blood Collection: Tues. & Wed. mornings, 8-8:45am. Must be 16 or older, by appointment only. FEE: flu shots: no charge for NS residents. blood collection: $15 per visit INFO: 542-3633 Martock Ski Race Club: Registration now open. We offer programs for children learning to ski and young athletes interested in competitive skiing or freestyle. We host an evening masters/university program and the NSSAF middle and high school race program. (Note: We are a volunteer, non-profit group, not Ski Martock) INFO: programs@msrc.ca / msrc.ca Wolfville School Craft Fair Fundraiser: Nov. 30, 10am-4pm. Are you a crafter? Book your table now! Only 13 left to fill! Make some extra cash and support the grade 7/8 Band Trip. COST: $25 per table INFO: Tamara, 542-4050 / 300-1428 After School Bowling: Every weekday from Monday-Thursday 4-6pm, bowl at Fairlanes (New Minas) for only $5. Unlimited bowling & shoes are free. This deal is just for kids. FEE: $5 kids only INFO: 681-2533 / fairlanesbowling.ca Hey Guy Guitarists!: Girl singer hoping to jam (Wolfville). I can sing lead, duet, or harmonize. I like folk, bluegrass, alternative, rock, pop, country. Willing to learn your favourites. Banjos are awesome too! INFO: shift65@yahoo.com APPLE VALLEY DRIVING SCHOOLS Good driving is NO accident Quality long and short term accommodations in Wolfville: 32 Main St., Wolfville, 542-3420 | www.roselawnlodging.ca 542-4422 / 698-2332 | applevalleydriving.ca 13 Weekly Events Thursdays Fit As A Fiddle — Lion’s Hall, Wolfville 9:3010:30am. Seniors’ fitness w/Janet Mooney. Also Mondays 9:30-10:30am. FEE: $2 drop-in. INFO: 542-3486 / sread@wolfville.ca Cochrane’s Walk & Talk — Pharmasave, Wolfville 10am. Heart & Stroke walkabout program. Also Tuesdays 10am. INFO: 542-3972 Babies & Books Drop-in — Wolfville Memorial Library 10-11am. Newborn to 2 years. INFO: 542-5760 / valleylibrary.ca Fun & Fables — Library, Windsor 10:30-11:30am. Stories, songs, and crafts for ages 2 to 5. FEE: no charge INFO: 798-5424 In the Round Knitting Group — Gaspereau Valley Fibres 1-5pm. Also Tuesdays 6pm. INFO: 542-2656. Seniors’ Afternoon Out — Wickwire Place, Wolfville 1:30-4:30pm. Social afternoon with peers. Also Tuesdays 1:30-4:30pm. FEE: $5. INFO: Robin, 698-6309. Boardgame Night — CAP Lab, Wolfville Public Library, 6-8pm. Bring your games! Ages 12+. FEE: no charge. INFO: Liam, 542-9482 Tai Chi — L'Arche Hall, Wolfville 7-9pm. FEE: Fall term: $115, no charge to try a class. INFO: 542-0558 Fridays Community Yoga — Dance Studio, downstairs, Old SUB, Acadia 12-1pm. W/ Carol Fellowes. All levels, mats available. Also Wednesdays 12-1pm. FEE: $5, no charge for Acadia students. INFO: cazaflows@gmail.com Saturdays Wolfville Farmers' Market — DeWolfe Building, Elm Ave., Wolfville 8:30am-1pm November 2 Music: Sam Wilson November 9 Music: Mudsaw INFO: wolfvillefarmersmarket.ca Windsor Farmers' Market — Coach House, Waterfront 9am-1pm. Hot breakfasts, fruits & veggies, & many craft items. INFO: windsorfarmersmarket@gmail.com Just for Fun Run Club — Recreation Centre, Wolfville 10-11am. Running games for ages 5-14 w/Valley Athletics volunteer coaches. FEE: $1 drop-in. INFO/Reg: 542-3486 / reads@ns.sympatico.ca Peace Vigil — Post Office, Wolfville 12-1pm Weekly West African Drumming Workshop — Wolfville Baptist Church 1-3pm. FEE: $5. INFO: 681-9870 / gscxs@stu.ca Sundays Capoeira — Clark Commons, Wolfville 1-3pm. Afro-Brazilian martial art w/strong emphasis on dance and music. FEE: no charge. INFO: facebook: campuscapoeira Mondays Painting Morning — Recreation Centre, Wolfville 9:30am-12pm. W/Evangeline Artist Cooperative. Informal, unstructured & social. FEE: $2 drop-in. INFO: Jean, 542-5415 Toastmasters — 2nd Floor, Irving Centre, Acadia 6:30-8pm. Communicative skills to enhance peaceful and effective dialogue. All welcome. INFO: Gail, 798-1053 / g.symonds@eastlink.ca The Grapevine Tai Chi Classes — White Rock Community Centre (lower level) 7-8:30pm. Until end of May. Instructor Ed Schofield. FEE: $5 INFO: wrfitnessfun@gmail.com Mixed Dart League — White Rock Community Centre (dart room, downstairs) 7pm. Until end of April. INFO: 542-7073 Tuesdays Book in the Nook — Wolfville Memorial Library 10-10:30am. Suggested age range: 3-5. INFO: 542-5760 / valleylibrary.ca River Street Rug Hooking Studio — 38 River Street, Kentville 1-3:30pm. Drop-in rug hooking. FEE: donation. INFO: Kay, 697-2850 / Mona, 680-6054 Lego-Rama! — Library, Windsor 3:30-4:30pm. Lego provided, bring your imagination. Ages 5-10. FEE: no charge. INFO: 798-5424 / valleylibrary.ca Homework Club — Memorial Library, Wolfville (upstairs) 5-8pm. Looking for a little homework help or just a quiet place to settle in and get it all done? Stop by the Homework Club! Ages 12+. INFO: 542-5760 / valleylibrary.ca Social Group for Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder — Various Wolfville locations 6-8pm. For further information please contact the Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism NS office. INFO: 3573031 / avautism@gmail.com Dukes of Kent Barbershop Chorus — Bethany Memorial Baptist Church (gym), Aldershot 7pm. We sing four-part harmony. Male singers are welcome to try us out as we prepare music for the Christmas season and fundraiser Dec 1. INFO: dukesofkent.ca Card Parties (45’s) — White Rock Community Centre (upstairs) 7:30pm. Until end of April. Prizes and snacks provided. FEE: $3 INFO: 542-7234 Valley Scottish Country Dancers — 125 Webster St., Kentville, 7:30-9:30pm. All levels, no partners needed. FEE: $6/class, $60/term. INFO: 542-5320 / vscd. info Wednesdays Kentville Farmers’ Market — Town Hall Recreation Centre, 350 Main Street, Kentville 10am-2pm. Open year-round. INFO: kentvillefarmersmarket.ca Babies and Books — Library, Windsor 10:30-11am. One-on-one time for babies and their caregivers. Ages 0-24 months. FEE: no charge. INFO: 798-5424 Wolfville Farmers' Market — DeWolfe Building, Elm Ave., Wolfville 4-7pm. Featuring Community Market Suppers! November 6 Music: Ken Shorley, Heidi Kalyani & Francois Coté Theme: Diwali @ the Market: Celebrate the Festival of Lights! November 13 Music: Angela Riley Speaker: Anne Doyle & Joel Huntley, Moon Tide Farm Topic: Reinventing the Small Family Farm: horse power, compost tea & more INFO: wolfvillefarmersmarket.ca Wolfville Community Chorus — 30 Wickwire Ave., Wolfville 5:30-7pm. New members welcome! FEE: $180 yearly membership, no charge for first-time drop in. INFO: 542-0649 / susan_dworkin@hotmail.com New Horizons Band — Festival Theatre, Wolfville 7-9pm. Fun, informal community band under the direction of Brian Johnston. Upbeat contemporary & jazz. FEE: $100 adult (per term) for music & conductor fees, no charge for Acadia/high school students. INFO: Donna, 542-7557 / macdonaldwilson@accesswave.ca / peaton.eaton@gmail.com. com Riptide Rollers — Greenwood Rec. Centre, Greenwood Base 6:30-8:30pm. Also Fridays. Female roller derby, no experience required. Ages 19+ only. INFO: riptiderollers.ca / facebook exhibits Brought to you by October 31 – November 14, 2013 designerkentville.ca 902 . 365 . 3322 Judith J. Leidl — Oriel Fine Art, Wolfville • Fine art: floral paintings, scarves, acrylic paintings, prints, ceramics, and Inuit work from Baffin Island. INFO: 670-7422 / judithleidlart.com Chris Sheppard — CentreStage Theatre, Kentville • Photographer and co-founder of Fundy Rocks. Chris uses minimal equipment and basic editing to create natural-looking images. INFO: facebook.com/FundyRocks Apple Bin Art Gallery — Valley Regional Hospital, Kentville • Valley artist paintings. Art Show & Sale: Ryan Hupman — The Rolled Oat Cafe, Wolfville. Nov. 1, 7-9pm • Please join us for our first-ever art show, featuring over 50 works by Ryan Hupman (and carvings from his brother Scott) for exhibit and sale. Win a piece of art! Talk to Ryan about requests for commissioned paintings. TIX: no charge. INFO: 542-9884 / facebook.com/ryan.hupman “Halifax Cinemas in 1984” — Jack’s Gallery, Wolfville (Just Us! Cafe). Until Nov. 3 • Photographs by Fraser Ross. In appreciation of older working theatres in Halifax. Now, almost 30 years later, they've taken on the added layer of historic documents. INFO: jacksgallerywolfville@gmail.com “Light in the Forest” — Acadia University Art Gallery, Wolfville. Until Dec. 1 • Large-scale paintings on silk by Holly Carr that create an illustrated environment of storybooks where the viewer is immersed in veiled apparitions. Extended hours until Dec. 1. INFO: 585-1373 / artgallery@acadiau.ca Holly Carr: New Works — Harvest Gallery, Wolfville • A collection of selected new works by Holly Carr inspired by "Light in the Forest": an installation of towering silk paintings, hung to surround the viewer in layers of beauty and veiled apparitions. INFO: 542-7093 / harvestgallery.ca Brad Hall: Untitled Work - Along a Path of Material Language — Harvest Gallery, Wolfville. Until Nov. 17 • Poets sculpt with the word, whatever such language, and I get swept away. So into the soft folds and hard edges— here with other tools, is attempt to harness the senses, view, hold the work. And, maybe the written word will touch the lips of one, I hope. INFO: 542-7093 / harvestgallery.ca LIVE THEATRE How the Pea Came to Be — CentreStage Theatre, Kentville Nov. 2, 3, 2pm • Did you ever wonder about the untold story of the pea from “The Princess and the Pea”? Well, this children’s musical takes you on a journey through that young pea’s path, on which he learns many things about himself, other vegetables, and the importance of following his dreams despite what others say. A delightful musical experience that carries a powerful message. This musical was written and directed by Micaela Comeau, winner of the CentreStage Playwriting Competition. TIX: $5 INFO: 6788040 / centrestagetheatre.ca Valley Ghost Walks — Clock Park (outdoor walk), Wolfville (Thurs. Oct. 31, 8:30pm), Fundy View Community Centre (outdoor walk), Halls Harbour (Sun. Nov. 3, 7pm), West Hants Historical Society Museum (indoor show), Windsor (Sat. Nov. 9, 7:30pm) • Join Jerome the Gravekeeper and his ghostly friends on these historical & family-friendly walks. See ad page 6 TIX: $14 adult, $9 student, $12 QAAW members (Windsor show). Pre-purchase recommended, space limited. At ticketpro. ca and all outlets: Box of Delights (Wolfville), Pharmasave (Kentville & Berwick), Home Hardware (Windsor). INFO: 472-7229 (Windsor Walk only) / jerome@valleyghostwalks.com / valleyghostwalks.com Old Love — CentreStage Theatre, Kentville Nov. 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, Dec. 6, 7, 13, 14, 8pm. Nov. 24 & Dec. 8, 2pm • Old Love can mean a chronological age or a remembrance of a time past—and sometimes it’s both! Although this play is romantic and clever, it’s definitely not sentimental. The story spans three decades and a handful of meetings. He was smitten from the first, and she—well, let’s just say “less so.” The witty dialogue of this dramatic comedy keeps you chuckling as each discovers what is important in life and in love. Due to language and subject matter, it is not recommended for children under 13. See poster page 7 TIX: Tickets $15 adult, $12 seniors & students. INFO: 678-8040 / centrestage@ centrestagetheatre.ca Puppet Cabaret Fundraiser — Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre, Windsor Nov. 2, 7pm • Hors d’oeuvres by Cocoa Pesto Catering, cash bar, chance to bid on great auction items. A lively revue performed by some of the most prominent citizens and business people in Windsor and West Hants. Bringing puppets to life on stage will be Mermaid's "community puppeteers." Hosted by Global TV’s Jill Chappell, this is definitely not Mermaid’s usual Theatre for Young Audiences fare! 19+ event. TIX: $60 (includes one free drink) @ MIPAC office (Windsor), Home Hardware (Windsor), Harvest Gallery (Wolfville) INFO: 798-5841 / puppets@mermaidtheatre.ca / mermaidtheatre. ca Jake's Gift — West Kings District High School, Auburn Nov. 14, 8pm • Presented by Evergreen Theatre. Jake’s Gift is a multi-award–winning Canadian play about a World War II veteran’s reluctant return to Normandy, France, for the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings. While revisiting the shores of Juno beach, Jake encounters Isabelle, a precocious 10-year-old from the local village. Isabelle’s inquisitive nature and charm challenge the old soldier to confront some long-ignored ghosts—most notably the wartime death of his eldest brother, Chester, a once-promising young musician. At its heart, Jake’s Gift is about the legacy of remembrance and makes personal the story behind one soldier’s grave. See page 9 TIX: $20 INFO: 825-6834 / evergreentheatre@gmail.com Scorched — Lower Denton Theatre, Acadia University, Nov. 13-16, 20-23, 7:30pm • Scorched is a play about redemption. Our families come from worlds of mystery in conflict, regardless of where we are born or who we look up to, but in the end our family is our home. Set against the backdrop of a civil war in the Middle East, Scorched explores the dramatic story of a family destroyed by conflict and reunited through the power of forgiveness. See page 10 TIX: $12 regular, $10 senior/student @ door or Acadia Box Office (542-5500). INFO: Emma, 124125r@acadiau.ca 14 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 What's Happening: October 31st – November 14th, 2013 SEND YOUR EVENTS TO INFO@GRAPEVINEPUBLISHING.CA FOR PUBLISHING IN ANY OF OUR EVENT LISTINGS THURSDAY, 31 Halloween! Carnival of Fun — Murdoch C. Smith Memorial Library, Port Williams 6:30-8pm • Games, prizes, snacks and more. There's sure to be fun galore! Ages 12-17. Please register. TIX: no charge INFO: 542-3005 / areynolds@valleylibrary.ca AxeMen Hockey — Acadia Athletic Complex, Wolfville 7pm • VS Saint Mary’s TIX: $12 regular, no charge for Acadia students INFO: sports.acadiau.ca Film: Macbeth — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 7-10pm • National Theatre Live broadcast of Manchester International Festival’s production of Macbeth. Kenneth Branagh (Macbeth), and Alex Kingston (Lady Macbeth), an electrifying new production of Shakespeare’s tragic tale of ambition and treachery. TIX: $20 @ all Ticketpro outlets, Box of Delights (Wolfville), at door one hour before show. INFO: 542-7474, x 230 / kathy@justuscoffee.com Art Show & Sale: Ryan Hupman — The Rolled Oat Cafe, Wolfville 7-9pm • See exhibition section page 8. TIX: no charge INFO: 542-9884 SATURDAY, 2 Breakfast — Lions Club, Lockhartville 7-10am • Proceeds for Lions Community Service Programs. TIX: $6 adult, $3 children 6-12, no charge under 5 INFO: hantsportlionsclub@hotmail.com Breakfast — Lions Club, Berwick 8-10am • Celebrating 3 years in our new home, come and join us! TIX: donation INFO: 538-0071 / macjac3@bellaliant.net Breakfast — Bethany Memorial Baptist Church, Aldershot 8-10am • Proceeds for church projects. TIX: donation INFO: 678-3198 / bmbcoffice@ ns.aliantzinc.ca Flea Market — Highland Seniors, New Minas 8:30am • Canteen available TIX: $5 per table INFO: 681-7021 Kingstec, Kentville 1-3pm • W/ Rachel Reeves. Art works may be returned/rented at this time. Register at 12:45. TIX: $2 per child INFO: 542-0234 / growwithart.comuv.com AxeMen Football — MacAuley Field, Mt. Allison U., Sackville 2pm • Semi-final, watch on AUStv.ca TIX: $87 (return) adult bus ticket to No Funswick. INFO: sports.acadiau.ca Puppet Cabaret Fundraiser — Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre, Windsor 7-10pm • A lively Benefit Show for Bob Balsor — Royal Canadian Legion, Kentville 2-5pm • Music by: Caroll Edwards, Cy Brown selections including contemporary, and songs from WWII era in honor of our past and present Serving Military Members, and in recognition of Remembrance Day. TIX: $10 adult, $8 senior & children under 12, $30 family @ door INFO: 6788202 / valleyvoices.org Magician: Ted Outerbridge — West Kings District High School, Auburn 8pm • A bizarre and fascinating journey through time. The Outerbridges (husband and wife) fuse their revolutionary illusions with splitsecond artistry to hold viewers spellbound. Keeping their audience enthralled from the first astonishing illusion to the spectacular finale. TIX: pay what you can INFO: 825-6834 / evergreentheatre@gmail.com The Worry Birds: CD Release — Union Street Cafe, Berwick 8pm • Release of their debut CD "Imperfect", a collection of ten original songs and one fiddle set from the band's first three years together. TIX: $10 @ Union Street Cafe INFO: 538-7787 / contact@ unionstreetcafe.ca Benefit Dance for Greg Spencer — Royal Canadian Legion, Wolfville 8pm • Benefit dance and auction for Craft Fair — Berwick & District School, Berwick 10am3pm • Fall and Christmas crafts, supporting the Art with Zahava Power — Recreation Centre, Wolfville 10am • A full day of demos and practice time to paint with acrylic paint. Pre-registration required. Instructor’s work, facebook: ZehavaPowerFineArt. Sponsored by Evangeline Artists Cooperative TIX: $65 INFO: 757-2307 / trooper_ns@yahoo.ca Acadia Athletics: Swimming — Acadia Pool, Also Sunday, November 3rd • Invitational Meet #2, Jack Scholz Invitational INFO: sports.acadiau.ca Ticket Auction — Lions Club, Wolfville 12-1pm • Doors open at 12pm, the draws begin at 1pm. Proceeds for the Silver and Gold Seniors Club. TIX: $1 for 20 tickets INFO: 542-7196 Grow With Art: Children’s Art Workshop — NSCC- allen57@gmail.com Valley Voices & Kings Community Concert Band — Kings Presbyterian Church, New Minas 7pm • Varied Night Kitchen Exponential² — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 8-10pm. See ad 7. (this will sell out again!) • TIX: $10 regular, $5 students @ Just Us Cafe (Wolfville) INFO: ariana@tabmusic.ca Berwick School Band Program. Tables are available. Ticket Auction — Royal Canadian Legion, Wolfville 12pm • Draws start at 2pm. Proceeds for the Legion. TIX: $1 for 20 tickets INFO: 542-5905 / lynne. • Newfie, country, gospel and 50's & 60's rock and roll with Dave Guptill. TIX: $5 INFO: 684-9594 / mariane@eastlink.ca Greg Spencer to help with medical expenses. Also accepting donations for the auction TIX: donation INFO: 690-5982 TIX: $2 INFO: 375-2040 / markusp55@hotmail.com to her unique style of silk painting. No experience necessary. Forms available on gallery website. TIX: $100 gallery members, $105 non-members. All materials included. INFO: 585-1373 / artgallery@ acadiau.ca revue performed by some of Windsor/West Hants’ most prominent citizens. Hosted by Global TV’s Jill Chappell, an evening of laughter and camaraderie, and support our unique community outreach programs. TIX: $60 (includes one complimentary beverage) @ Home Hardware & Mermaid Theatre (Windsor), Harvest Gallery (Wolfville) INFO: 7985841 / puppets@mermaidtheatre.ca Annual Ticket Auction — St. Anthony's Parish, Berwick 10am-2pm • Doors open at 10 am. Draws are at 2 pm. TIX: no charge INFO: 538-3194 / stanthony@ ns.sympatico.ca Painting on Silk w/ Holly Carr — Acadia University Art Gallery, Wolfville 11am-3pm • A fun introduction Horton Griffins Football — Raymond Field, Acadia 1pm • JHG vs Horton INFO: eteamz.com/griffinsfootball/ Jamboree — Community Hall, Lockhartville 1:30-5pm WEDNESDAY, 6 Book Launch: Ed Coleman, Gordon Hansford — Kings Riverside Court, Kentville 2-4pm • Book Launch for Photo Club — NSCC Kingstec Campus (Room A106), Kentville 7-9pm • Everyone welcome to join, from Burnt Lands, Lockshoes, Shivarees by Ed Coleman and Verses From the Valley by Gordon Hansford.TIX: no charge INFO: 678-6237 / museum@okcm.ca novice to expert. No prior experience is necessary, just a love for photography. TIX: $20 annual membership INFO: 542-3930 / koszucki@eastlink.ca Fundy Film screens MUD: — Al Whittle Theatre, 4 & 7 pm • Two teens find a boat on a small island Fundy Film screens WATERMARK: —Al Whittle Theatre, 7 pm • Award-winning director, Jennifer Baichwal, in Arkansas’ Mississippi delta. Mud (Matthew McConnaughey), a dangerous yet charismatic drifter, has taken refuge in the boat until he can reunite with his former girlfriend, Juniper (Reese Witherspoon), and skip town to evade the law and some serious bounty hunters. Jeff Nichols’ coming-of-age drama was a Palme d'Or nominee. See ad p.10. TIX: $8 INFO: 542-5157 / fundyfilm.ca MONDAY, 4 Fibre Op — Library, Hantsport 3-4:30pm • Knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers, needleworkers and weavers! Bring your project for some creating and relating (Hantsport Library is in the school). TIX: no charge INFO: 684-4005 / valleylibrary.ca SUNDAY, 3 Roll your clock back! for property at 11865 Hwy 1, Hortonville (File 13-15) and Council Project for Urban Chickens (File P12-04) TIX: no charge INFO: 690-6139 / planning@county. kings.ns.ca pbkhouse@eastlink.ca • A Free monthly event where local wilderness enthusiasts share their experiences, knowledge and stories about expeditions and adventure. Jennifer Pasiciel recounts her 424km run across Gambia. TIX: no charge INFO: 698 9364 / greeneradventures@ gmail.com & The Guys, Robin Wright, Basil Davidson, Mark Clark, Doug McKinnon, Ross Croft, Country Heat, Lemley Melvin, Still Water. Proceeds for Bob Balsor, son of Justin & Mabel Balsor TIX: donation INFO: 678-8935 TUESDAY, 5 Annual Craft Fair — West Kings District High School, Auburn 10am-4pm • Proceeds go to the West Kings Band. TIX: $2, no charge under 12 INFO: A Night of Adventure — Library Pub, Wolfville 8-10pm Diwali Market — Farmers Market, Wolfville 4-7pm • The Market will be awash in coloured lights for our Diwali Market and Community Supper Celebration! Indianinspired food treats, Indian music, complimentary henna hand designs, and more! Everyone who buys a Market Supper can try Gulab Jamun, a special Indian dessert (thanks Vijay,Taj Mahal Catering). See ad page 2. TIX: no charge INFO: 697-3344 / manager@wolfvillefarmersmarket.ca Dance: Reboot — Legion, Kentville 9:30pm • Bar & kitchen available. 19 + event. TIX: $6 per person INFO: 678-8935 / kentvillelegion@eastlink.ca Flea Market — Royal Canadian Legion, Kentville 8am12pm. Also Nov. 10 • Variety of items, everyone welcome. Proceeds for the Legion. TIX: $1 admission, $5 per table INFO: 678-8935 Clinical Herbalist and certified in Holistic Care for animals. Presentation will focus on the care of farm animals at the sanctuary, and the benefits of natural health care for animals and people. TIX: no charge INFO: wolfvillenewcomers@hotmail.com / wolfvillenewcomers.org Public Hearing — County of Kings Municipal Complex , Kentville 6pm • Amending Development Agreement Fibre Ops — Library, Windsor 6-8pm • See Monday 4th.TIX: no charge INFO: 798-5424 / windsor@ valleylibrary.ca Wolfville & Area Newcomers's Club — Farmers Market, Wolfville 7:30pm • Monthly Meeting - all residents of the Annapolis Valley welcome to join. Speaker: Amanda Dainow - accredited will be here to introduce the film and offer a Q & A after the screening of her latest collaboration with acclaimed environmental photographer Edward Burtynsky. While their earlier film, Manufactured Landscapes, examined large-scale industrial terrain, this film of astonishing beauty and perspective follows Burtynsky's global photographic exploration of our most vital and compromised resource: water. See ad p.10. TIX: $20, $12 students INFO: 5425157 / fundyfilm.ca Ai Ripples — Community Centre, Port Williams 7-9pm • The Ancient Art and Science of Reflexology will be the topic given by Melissa Mitchell. The evening will also include a meditation, toning and Q&A time. TIX: donation INFO: 542-5398 / rashana88@gmail.com THURSDAY, 7 Sip.Chat.Connect. — T.A.N. Coffee, Kentville 8:30am • Share ideas and build a business community. A wide variety of business owners and employees representing many services TIX: no charge INFO: 1-877-277-9797 / networking@sipchatconnect.ca Remembrance Day Ceremony — West Kings District High School, Auburn 1-2pm • The theme this year is 'Coming Home.' Seating is limited; please call to reserve. TIX: no charge INFO: 847-4440 Murder at the Banquet — Churchill House, Hantsport 6-8pm • Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre. TIX: $15 per person, advance tickets ONLY @ Pharmasave (Hantsport), Town Hall (Hantsport) INFO: 684-9302 / susan@hantsportnovascotia.com 15 The Grapevine October 31 – November 14, 2013 Valley Event Ticket Giveaway: Chance to win 2 tickets to: Concert: Ryan Cook & Friends, Saturday November 16, Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre, Windsor Draw date: November 11th Enter all draws: valleyevents.ca/win Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Awards — Old Orchard Inn, Greenwich 6-9pm • A spectacular night of celebration that recognizes the risk takers and the successes of our thriving business community. Special guest speaker, Brian Easson from Eassons Transport. TIX: $60 member, $70 potential member INFO: annapolisvalleychamber.ca Jam Dance — Louis Millet Community Complex, New Minas 6:30-9pm • A creative, physical, musical experience that encourages social engagement, diversity, co-operation and a renewed sense of our world and each other. All ages and abilities welcome! TIX: donation INFO: 582-3888 / kp@ alexandersociety.org Adult Ceilidh Workout — Community Hall, Greenwich 7-8pm. Also Nov. 14 • Ceilidh dancing to stay in shape! Join Certified Irish Dance and Fitness Instructor Niamh Webster, reserve today! TIX: 8 Weeks for $50 INFO: 582-1786 / info@ tirnanogacademy.com FRIDAY, 8 Film: Sondheim's Merrily We Roll Along — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 7-10pm • Set over three decades in the entertainment business Merrily We Roll Along charts the turbulent relationship between three friends Franklin, Charley and Mary. TIX: $20 @ all Ticketpro outlets, at door INFO: 542-7474, x 230 / kathy@justuscoffee.com SATURDAY, 9 TAZA India Gift Bazaar — Curling Club, Wolfville 10am5pm • Organized by artist Heidi Kalyani. Celebrate the beauty of India! Jewellery (handmade in NS and fair traded from India), books by Indian authors and on Indian topics (such as cooking and yoga), handmade natural soaps, henna art (mehndi) to decorate your hands and arms, Indian fabrics and fashions, Himalayan wool scarves, hand block printed art prints and greeting cards, as well as spicy chai! See cover & page 2. TIX: no charge INFO: heidi@hpkalyani.com / tazabazaar.tumblr.com Homemade Apple Pies — St. James Anglican Church, Kentville 1-4pm • Last date to order: Nov. 4. All proceeds are for the church. TIX: $8 each, $20 for 3 INFO: 678-3123 Christmas Tea & Sale — United Baptist Church, Kentville 1:30-3pm • Christmas puddings, fudge table, children's corner, jewelery table, white elephant table, fancywork and pantry table. TIX: Tea: $5 adults; $1 children, no charge for children under 6 INFO: 678-3887 AXEMen Football — Huskies Stadium, St. Mary’s U., Halifax 2pm • Loney Bowl Championship Game. Semi-final winner VS. St. Mary’s. Watch on AUStv.ca INFO: atlanticuniversitysport.com Remembrance Dinner & Dance — Royal Canadian Legion, Kentville 7pm-12:30am • 19+ only. Supper at 7pm, dance at 9:30pm. Music by Rte. 12 TIX: $20 dinner and dance (please rsvp), $6 dance only INFO: 678-8935 / kentvillelegion@eastlink.ca Concert: Amstel Saxophone Quartet — Festival Theatre, Wolfville 7:30pm • Along with music by Bach, Brahms, Ravel and Mozart, the quartet will play contemporary pieces by several 20th century composers, all arranged or even written for this dynamic ensemble.TIX: $26 regular, $20 students @ Acadia Box Office INFO: 542-5500 / pas@acadiau.ca Concert: Bluesmobile — Cornwallis Inn Ballroom, Kentville 9pm-Midnight • 19+ event. The Valley’s very own 15 member band featuring a horn section playing classic hits. You’ll be dancing! TIX: $15 @ Long & Mcquade (New Minas) INFO: dharvey@ newcap.ca SUNDAY, 10 SPCA Flea Market — Louis Millet Community Complex, New Minas 9am-1pm • Donated items may be dropped off Nov. 9, between 10am-2pm. Call for table availability. TIX: $1 admission INFO: 538-7095 Fundy Film screens SHUN LI AND THE POET —Al Whittle Theatre, 4 & 7 pm • Shun Li, a Chinese bartender, is working to bring her young son to Italy. Bepi is the grizzled Slavic fisherman-poet who recognises a kindred spirit. As the couple’s delicate bond develops, so do hostilities in those uncomfortable with cultural integration. “Filmed in the extraordinary environs of the Venetian lagoon… this is haunting and affecting with visual poetry to spare.” See ad p.10. TIX: $8 INFO: 542-5157 / fundyfilm.ca MONDAY, 11 Remembrance Day Editor’s Note, an online search could not find a list of Remembrance Ceremonies. Berwick Legion: 538-9340 Canning Legion: 582-7246 Kentville Legion: 678-8935 Lawrencetown: 584-3027 Windsor Legion: 798-2031 Wolfville Legion: 542-5869 VGC Annual Meeting & Banquet — Community Centre, Gaspereau 6:30pm • Valley Gardeners Club for members and guests only. Guest speaker, Jill Covill from Bunchberry Nurseries. TIX: $15 in advance please. INFO: 681-0049 / renanixon@ hotmail.com TUESDAY, 12 Careforce Alzheimer Cafe — Kings Riverside Court, Kentville 2-4pm • Free monthly event, those with memory loss and their families and caregivers can find recognition, information, acceptance, and support. TIX: no charge INFO: 365-3155 / careforce@careforce.ca Municipal Council Meeting — County of Kings Municipal Complex , Kentville 6pm • Open to the public. TIX: no charge INFO: county.kings.ns.ca Wild Side Coffee House — Just Us! Cafe, Wolfville 6-8pm • “Animals: Friends, Food, or Foe?” Performers of all varieties: spoken word artists, musicians, poets, storytellers, actors, are invited to perform in this open-mike-style event which surrounds the theme of humans’ relationships with animals and the natural world. TIX: no charge INFO: 102570d@acadiau.ca Town Council Meeting — Town Hall, Wolfville 6:30pm • INFO: wolfville.ca Emergent Learning & New Media — Wolfville Farmers’ Market 7pm • Refresh Annapolis Valley presents: Shablizzam Interactive Studios (Grand Pre), has developed a large, virtual landscape where students can learn about: culture, history, numeracy, and literacy. A framework for fun games with serious goals. W/Scott Olszowiec, designing & developing games with small budgets, small teams, and big plans. INFO: refreshannapolisvalley.org WEDNESDAY, 13 Devour! The Food Film Fest Opens. For a full schedule: devourfest.com/program DEVOUR! The Food Film Fest Opening Reception — Sheldon L. Fountain Learning Commons, Wolfville 6-8pm • Food Network's Bob Blumer hosts eleven of Nova Scotia's best Chefs as they prepare the "Appetizer" for the film fest. Join visiting filmmakers, celebrities, television executives, world famous bloggers and many more to celebrate the opening of the festival. TIX: $50 @ Box Of Delights (Wolfville) and other Ticketpro outlets INFO: 679-0297 / film@ devourfest.com Devour Beer Film Festival — Paddy's Pub, Wolfville 6-9pm. Also Nov. 14-17 • 5 Days of Celebrating Craft Beer, 3 Great Beer Films, 1 Place to Be. Admission price includes finger food buffet, pint of beer, brewery tour and screening of three great beer movies. INFO: 542-0059 / judy@paddys.ca devourfest.com THURSDAY, 14 Smart Lunch: Building an Age Friendly Business Workshop — NSCC Kingstec, Rm 2101, Kentville 2-4pm • Are you ready for the aging population? Join professional trainer and marketing consultant Joel Stoddart of Careforce to learn strategies to help you appeal to and connect with seniors, using technology and appropriate advertising. Purchase/reserve in advance. TIX: $25+HST members, $35+HST potential members INFO: annapolisvalleychamber.ca Devour! the Food Film Fest — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 2-11pm • Films Screenings today include: More Than Honey, Gone Fishing, Now Forager, Devour the Shorts TIX: $10 films, $50 festival bracelet (access to any film in the Festival) INFO: lia@devourfest.com Pulled Pork Dinner & Art Show — Lions Club, Berwick 4:30-7:30pm • Support the Berwick and District Nursery School. Dinner & silent auction of children's art. Take out available.TIX: $5 minimum donation INFO: 538-9680 / berwickpreschool@eastlink.ca Hope for Wildlife Keynote Event — Beveridge Arts Centre (Rm 132), Wolfville 6-8pm • As a part of a week entitled, “Animals: Friends, Food, or Foe”. Speech provided by the members of Hope for Wildlife, a local wildlife rehabilitation organization located in Seaforth, NS. TIX: no charge INFO: 102570d@ acadiau.ca Theatre: Jake's Gift — West Kings District High School, Auburn, 8pm • Presented by Evergreen Theatre. See details on the Theatre listings page 13 & the poster page 9. TIX: $20 INFO: 825-6834 / evergreentheatre@gmail.com Authors @ Acadia: Sheree Fitch — K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre, Wolfville 7pm • Acclaimed children’s writer and Acadia alumnae Sheree Fitch talks about “Utterature for All Ages: Telling Stories & Playing with Language” and reads from her newest poetry picture book Night Sky Wheel Ride (2012). TIX: no charge INFO: English Dept., 585-1502 / andrea.schwenke.wyile@acadiau. ca AxeMen Basketball — Acadia Athletic Complex, Wolfville 8pm • Home Opener VS Dalhousie TIX: $10 regular, no charge for Acadia students INFO: sports.acadiau.ca Documentary Movie: Sharkwater — Beveridge Arts Centre (Rm 241), Acadia 7-9pm • Filmmaker Rob Stewart debunks the pervasive societal myth that sharks are bloodthirsty monsters of the sea, exposing how human beings are threatening these misunderstood and ecologically essential creatures. Group discussion to follow. TIX: no charge INFO: 102570d@acadiau.ca Devour! Opening Film: The Fruit Hunters — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 8:30-10:30pm • Hunting for wild game is child’s play compared to hunting for fruit. Filmmaker Yung Chang introduces viewers to a devoted few who spend their days hunting down the rare, the forgotten and the most elusive fruits in the world. TIX: $25 film only, $70 bundle for film and Opening Gala Reception @ Box of Delights (Wolfville), all Ticketpro outlets INFO: lia@ TIDE PREDICTIONS at Cape Blomidon Source: Canadian Fisheries & Oceans. www.waterlevels.gc.ca Oct **31 Nov 01 02 03 04 05 *06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 High **10:44am Low 4:54pm 11:30am 12:16pm 1:01pm 1:46pm 2:33pm *3:21pm 3:12pm 4:06pm 5:03pm 6:03pm 7:06pm 7:39am 8:38am 9:35am 5:41pm 6:26pm 7:12pm 7:31am 8:17am 9:05am 8:55am 9:48am 10:44am 11:44am 12:47pm 1:50pm 2:51pm 3:49pm * Highest High: 44.3 feet ** Lowest High: 37.1 feet PRIVET HOUSE The Grapevine • R E S U R A N T • October 31 – November 14, Follow2013 us on Twitter Visit us Wednesdays & Saturdays at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market. COMING SOON! ANNUAL ORDER OF GOOD BEER DINNER November 14th, 7-9pm. Reserve now. $49.95+tax & gratuity 1st Course .................................. Huitres en Casserole 2nd Course ............... Scallops with sauce Robert 3rd Course ....................................... Ragout d’Agneau 4th Course ................................................ Chocolate Torte ember en Star) A Book now for cooking classes starting Oct. 21st. Wolfville's newest fine dining establishment. Reservations strongly recommended. | 460 Main St., Wolfville. 902-542-7525 www.privethouserestaurant.com with this the Nov. t the T 1 Liter 5.5% Alc./Vol. CUSTOM FRAMING STUDIO ALEX COLVILLE www.sealevelbrewing.com Join our Devour screening of “Hey Bartender”, Al Whittle Theatre, November 15th, 9pm. $10 980 Terryʼs Creek Rd, Port Williams, NS. | 542 5555 | theportpub.com | Open at 11:00 am every day M-F: 10-6 • Sat: 10-5 • Closed Sun Limited Edition Numbered Prints Availability is Finite 11 Main St. Wolfville 902-542-9250 www.PerfectCornerFraming.com ij R j i REVIVAL Decorating Studio Dr. Hogan is pleased to announce that Dr. Carrie Terry is taking over his dental practice at 461 Main Street, Wolfville. Dr. Terry looks forward to continuing the care of all current patients and welcomes new patients to the practice as well. 461 Main St., Suite 1, Wolfville 542-3826 Pure Hair Design Studio Walk-Ins Encouraged Fuel sustainable fashion by consigning your pre-loved items. Clean up while you Clean Out : Now accepting fall & winter consignment. Cash for items with original tags. The Holiday Season is fast approaching! Saturdays 10am-4pm Ask Us About Kelp Treatments Tues thru Thurs: 10am-7pm Fri & Sat: 10am-4pm We hope you’ll come in and see Jane’s new section of festive wear for all your party needs! 542-2726 344 Main St. Wolfville 670-7763 vintagesweetshoppe.ca / bittersweetboutik.ca Pie r Squared We’re cooking! Check out our new menu that includes gluten free, vegetarian, & dairy free. Find us at the Wolfville Farmers' Market, Alderney Landing Farmers’ Market, Noggins, Porter's, Stirlings, Taproot Farms. 390 Main St.,Wolfville | 542-1671 pie-r-squared.com e sent a $49.95 (if you 16 Accredited Interior Decorator & Designer Maggie Bell Wide selection of Blinds, Drapery, Upholstery, Paint,Wallpaper, Home Decor Needs 21 Gerrish St., Windsor, NS | 902-792-1140 info@revivaldecorating.ca | revivaldecorating.ca
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bright green eyes, she is a quiet, friendly girl
that gets along with other cats and would fit
in well in any home environment.