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The Case for GENDER DIVERSITY IN JAPAN Women are Japan’s underutilized resource. JAPAN’S LABOR FORCE IS IN DECLINE TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE WORKFORCE IN 20121 65.55 million people Changing demographics are affecting the workforce: 63.8% 50.9% 2010 Highest in 2060 SHRINKING WORKING-AGE POPULATION (15-64)2 24.1% the world4 20123 children per woman 1.37 1.74 Japan OECD average GROWING ELDERLY POPULATION (65+) 39.9% 20605 LOW FERTILITY RATE6 Population is expected to decrease 7 by 32.3% by 2060. WOMEN ARE AN UNDERUTILIZED RESOURCE PERCENTAGE OF WOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE LABOR FORCE BY AGE GROUP9 UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT8 MEN 57% 77.6 68.6 68.7 WOMEN 67.7 71.7 75.7 73.4 64.6 43% 45.8 13.4 -6 4 65 + 60 -5 9 -5 4 55 50 -4 9 -4 4 45 40 -3 9 35 -3 4 30 -2 9 25 -2 4 20 15 -1 9 14.6 Male comparison Approximate time of marriage and children10 WOMEN ARE DROPPING OUT OF THE WORKFORCE Women are expected to be their children’s primary caregivers. 60% OF WOMEN STOP WORKING AFTER BEARING THEIR FIRST CHILD.11 DAYCARE USAGE RATE12 0-2 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENROLLED IN DAYCARE 26.2% 2,291,581 ALL DAYCARE AGED CHILDREN NUMBER OF CHILDREN WAIT-LISTED FOR DAYCARE13 35% 22,741 Men are not engaged in childcare/housework. TIME SPENT ON CHILDCARE/HOUSEWORK BY MEN PER DAY14 FRANCE 2 hr 30 min U.S. 2hr 45 min UK 2hr 46 min 20% JAPAN 1hr 7 min GERMANY 3 hr OF WORKING MEN AGED 30 TO 4915 WORK 60 hours OR MORE PER WEEK. 2 WOMEN ARE NOT ADVANCING IN WORKPLACES THE MAJORITY OF WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCE ARE “NON-REGULAR” WORKERS (i.e., they hold positions that are part-time, temporary, or fixed-term through a staffing agency)16 WOMEN MEN 54.5 % Women dropping out of the workforce in their early 30s miss the managerial 19.8% promotions that tend to occur at this age.17 Two track system Many large corporations in Japan use a two-track system. MAIN CAREER TRACK “SOGOUSHOKU” Male dominated Career path for management Employees on the main career track are often required to transfer within the company and/or relocate in order to advance.18 CLERICAL CAREER TRACK “IPPANSHOKU”19 Female dominated Career path for support and administrative positions MAIN CAREER TRACK EMPLOYEES20 5.6% Women 94.4% Men 65.1% of women on the main career track leave their company within 10 years. MAIN CAREER TRACK EMPLOYEES WHO REMAINED WITH THE COMPANY FOR 10 YEARS21 63.3 35.5% Non-managerial positions Managerial positions % 41.5% 55.4% Non-managerial positions Managerial positions 3 SOLUTIONS 1 2 3 Create workplaces that do not Encourage leaders to role Create talent management penalize women for having model work-life effectiveness systems that focus on children: encourage by working fewer hours, taking performance and not hours return-to-work programs, vacation and parental leave, at work. flexible work arrangements, and building a safe and working virtually. environment for all employees to do so as well. If Japan can close its gender employment gap, it can raise its 22 GDP by 12.5%. Working women work for Japan. SOURCES 1. Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internalhttp://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/handbook/c0117.htm#c02 Affairs and Communications, Statistical Handbook of Japan 2013 (2013). 2. National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, “II. Summary of Population Trends,” Population Projections for Japan 2011 to 2060 http://www.ipss.go.jp/site-ad/index_english/esuikei/gh2401e.asp (January 2012). 3. Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs http://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/handbook/c0117.htm#c02 and Communications, Statistical Handbook of Japan 2013 (2013). 4. Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs http://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/handbook/c0117.htm#c02 and Communications, Statistical Handbook of Japan 2013 (2013). 5. National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, “II.http://www.ipss.go.jp/site-ad/index_english/esuikei/gh2401e.asp Summary of Population Trends,” Population Projections for Japan 2011 to 2060 (January 2012). 6. http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries/japan/ OECD,“ Japan,” OECD Better Life Index (2013). 7. http://www.ipss.go.jp/syoushika/tohkei/newest04/point.pdf “Japan’s Population Projection,” National Institute of Population and Social Security Research press release (In Japanese), January 30, 2012. 8. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Heisei 24-Nendo Gakko Kihon Chosa (kakuteichi) No Kohyo Ni Tsuite” http://www.mext.go.jp/component/b_menu/other/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2012/12/21/1329238_1_1.pdf (In Japanese) (2012). 9. Statistics Japan, I-A-2 Population Labour h t t“Table p://w w w. s t a t . g oof. j15 p /Years e n gold l i s hor/ More d a t ain/ ro u d oForce u / reand p onot r t /in 2 0Labour 1 2 / i nForce d e xby . hage,” tm Labour Force Survey 2012 (2012). 10. Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, “Work,” Women and Men in Japan 2013 (2013). http://www.gender.go.jp/english_contents/pr_act/pub/pamphlet/women-and-men13/ 11. Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, “Work,” Women and Men in Japan 2013 (2013). http://www.gender.go.jp/english_contents/pr_act/pub/pamphlet/women-and-men13/ http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/04-Houdouhappyou-11907000-Koyoukintoujidoukateikyoku-Hoikuka/0000022681.pdf Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Hoikusho Kanren Jyokyo Torimatome (Report on Day-Care-Related Status) (In Japanese), (April 1, 2013). 12. 13. 14. 15. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Hoikusho Kanren Jyokyo Torimatome (Report on Day-Care-Related Status) (In Japanese), (April 1, 2013). http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/04-Houdouhappyou-11907000-Koyoukintoujidoukateikyoku-Hoikuka/0000022681.pdf Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, “Work-Life Balance,” Women and Men in Japan 2013 (2013). http://www.gender.go.jp/english_contents/pr_act/pub/pamphlet/women-and-men13/pdf/1-4.pdf http://www.gender.go.jp/english_contents/pr_act/pub/pamphlet/women-and-men13/pdf/1-4.pdf Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, “Work-Life Balance,” Women and Men in Japan 2013 (2013). 17. Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, Danjo Kyodo Sankaku Hakusho Heisei 25-Nendoban (Gender Equality White Paper) (In Japanese) (2013). http://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/whitepaper/h25/zentai/html/honpen/b1_s02_01.html h t t pCabinet : / / w wOffice, w . g eToward n d e r .Active g o . j Participation p / e n g l i s hof_Women c o n t eas n tthe s / aCore bou _ d a n jStrategies—From o / w h i t e p a p ethe r / “White i n d e xPaper . h t mon l Gender Equality Bureau oftGrowth 18. http://asiaintensiv.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/60111353/IMF%20Can%20Women%20 Chad Steinberg and Masato Nakane, IMF Working Paper: Can Women Save Japan? (International Monetary Fund, 2012). 19. OECD, Policies for Revitalisation of Japan (2012); Shiho Futagami, Non-Standard Employment in Japan: Gender Dimensions (International http://www.oecd.org/general/50190618.pdf http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---inst/documents/ 20. Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, Toward Active Participation of Women as the Core of Growth Strategies—From the “White Paper on Gender Equality 2013” Summary 2/2 (2013). 21. Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, Danjo Kyodo Sankaku Hakusho Heisei 25-Nendoban (Gender Equality White Paper) (In Japanese) (2013); http://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/whitepaper/h25/zentai/html/honpen/b1_s00_03.html( Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, Kosu-Betsu Koyo Kanri Seido no Jisshi Shido Jyokyo (2010). http://www.mhlw.go.jp/general/seido/koyou/danjokintou/dl/cource_joukyou.pdf 22. http://www.goldmansachs.com/our-thinking/investing-in-women/bios-pdfs/womenomics3_the_time_is_now_pdf.pdf Kathy Matsui, Hiromi Suzuki, Kazunori Tatebe, Tsumugi Akiba, Womenomics 4.0: Time to Walk the Talk (Goldman Sachs, May 30, 2014). 16. Gender Equality 2013” Summary 2/2 (2013). Institute for Labour Studies, 2010). publication/wcms_192841.pdf h t t p : / / w w w . g e n d e r. g o . j p / e n g l i s h _ c o n t e n t s / a b o u t _ d a n j o / w h i t e p a p e r / i n d e x . h t m l This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License created: 16 June 2014 www.catalyst.org w catalyst.org w w. c a t a l y s t . o rg 4
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