Hotel Density Reserve Development Agreement Application
Hotel Density Reserve Development Agreement Application
Planning & Development Department Hotel Density Reserve Development Agreement Application IT IS INCUMBENT UPON THE APPLICANT TO SUBMIT COMPLETE AND CORRECT INFORMATION. ANY MISLEADING, DECEPTIVE, INCOMPLETE OR INCORRECT INFORMATION MAY INVALIDATE YOUR APPLICATION. ALL APPLICATIONS ARE TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND CORRECTLY, AND SUBMITTED IN PERSON (NO FAX OR DELIVERIES) TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY NOON ON THE SCHEDULED DEADLINE DATE. A TOTAL OF 15 COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS AND APPLICATION MATERIALS (1 ORIGINAL AND 14 COPIES) AS REQUIRED WITHIN ARE TO BE SUBMITTED FOR INITIAL REVIEW BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. SUBSEQUENT REVIEW BY THE CITY COUNCIL WILL REQUIRE ONE HARDCOPY AND ONE ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE COMPLETE SET OF PLANS AND APPLICATION MATERIALS. THE ELECTRONIC VERSION MAY BE EMAILED OR PROVIDED VIA CD, THUMB DRIVE OR OTHER DEVICE AS MUTUALLY AGREED UPON BY CITY STAFF AND APPLICANT. THE HARDCOPY SITE IS REQUIRED TO BE COLLATED, STAPLED AND FOLDED. THE APPLICANT, BY FILING THIS APPLICATION, AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE. APPLICATION FEE: $1,500 PROPERTY OWNER (PER DEED): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: PARCEL NUMBER(S): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED USE(S): DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Specifically identify the request (include all requested code flexibility; e.g., reduction in required number of parking spaces, height, setbacks, lot size, lot width, specific use, etc.): Mainstream Partners VIII, LTD. (Parcel A) 10165 NW 19th St. Miami, Fl. 33172-2529 727-224-6650 Antonio Fernandez / Behar Peteranecz, Inc. (Istvan L Peteranecz, AIA, NCARB) 103 Rogers Street, Clearwater, FL. 33704 850-377-1870 Istvan Peteranecz / 325 S Gulfview Blvd. Clearwater, FL. 33767 & 326 Coronado Drive 07-29-15-52380-000-0630, 07-29-15-52380-000-1110, & 35'x240' Portion of Gulfview Right-of-Way See Attachment "A" 180 room Hotel with associated parking and amenities A Development Agreement request to allocate 100 rooms from the Hotel Density Reserve for use as part of a new 180 room hotel. Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 1 of 4 06/13 Planning & Development Department Hotel Density Reserve Development Agreement Application Data Sheet PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS FILLED OUT, IN ITS ENTIRETY. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM WILL RESULT IN YOUR APPLICATION BEING FOUND INCOMPLETE AND POSSIBLY DEFERRED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION CYCLE. ZONING DISTRICT: Tourist District "T" FUTURE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: Resort Facilities High "RFH" EXISTING USE: Hotels and Multi-family PROPOSED USE: Hotel SITE AREA: 69,736.3 SF sq. ft. 1.601 Acres acres GROSS FLOOR AREA (approximate square footages): DENSITY (rooms per acre): 133,700 Hotel Use: sq. ft. Existing: 50 DU/ac. (80 DU) 113 DU/ac. (80 DU + 100 DU Hotel Reserve =180 DU) 19,200 Accessory Uses: sq. ft. Proposed: Total: sq. ft. Maximum Permitted: 150 DU/ac. 152,900 +124,400 Parking Garage = 277,300 SF. BUILDING COVERAGE/FOOTPRINT (1st floor square footage of all buildings): Existing: sq. ft. ( 22.95 % of site) 15,993 51,400 Proposed: sq. ft. ( 73.71 % of site) Maximum Permitted: 66,250 sq. ft. ( 95.00 % of site) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE RATIO (total square footage of impervious areas divided by the total square footage of entire site): Existing: 0.482 0.792 (55,230 sf.) Proposed: Maximum Permitted: 0.95 (66,250 sf) OFF-STREET PARKING Existing: Proposed: 55 Spaces 216 Spaces BUILDING HEIGHT: Existing: Proposed: Minimum Required: 180x1.2=216 Spaces Maximum Permitted: 55' 140' Above BFE 14 150' Above BFE 14 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS I, the undersigned, acknowledge that all Sworn to and subscribed before me this _________________ day of representations made in this application are true and _____________________________, ___________. to me and/or by accurate to the best of my knowledge and authorize _______________________________, who is personally known has City representatives to visit and photograph the property described in this application. produced _________________________________ as identification. Signature of property owner or representative Notary public, My commission expires: Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 2 of 4 06/13 Original Signed Application Previously Submitted and on File Planning & Development Department Hotel Density Reserve Development Agreement Application Site Plan Submittal Package Checklist IN ADDITION TO THE COMPLETED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPLICATION, ALL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPLICATIONS SHALL INCLUDE AN INITIAL SUBMITTAL PACKAGE CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND/OR PLANS: A conceptual site plan that depicts the building footprint, off-street parking, landscape areas, and ingress and egress points. Architectural elevations for all sides of the building. A massing study that illustrates the building form (including stepbacks) on all sides of the building. A transportation analysis consistent with the Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) countywide approach to the application of concurrency management for transportation facilities, that is consistent with the requirements set forth in Beach by Design. A narrative which fully addresses each section of the Design Guidelines within the Beach by Design. A signed and sealed survey of the property prepared by a registered land surveyor including the location of the property, dimensions, acreage. A proposed development agreement which shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: A legal description of the land subject to the development agreement. The names of all persons having legal or equitable ownership of the land. The duration of the development agreement, which shall not exceed ten (10) years. The development uses proposed for the land, including population densities, building intensities and building height. A description of the public facilities and services that will serve the development, including who shall provide such public facilities and services; the date any new public facilities and services, if needed, will be constructed; who shall bear the expense of construction of any new public facilities and services; and a schedule to assure that the public facilities and services are available concurrent with the impacts of the development. The development agreement shall provide for a cashier's check, a payment and performance bond or letter of credit in the amount of 115% of the estimated cost of the public facilities and services, to be deposited with the city to secure construction of any new public facilities and services required to be constructed by the development agreement. The development agreement shall provide that such construction shall be completed prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy. A description of any reservation or dedication of land for public purposes. A description of all local development approvals approved or needed to be approved for the development. A finding that the development proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Community Development Code. Additionally, a finding that the requirements for concurrency as set forth in Article 4, Division 10, Community Development Code, have been satisfied. A description of any conditions, terms, restrictions or other requirements determined to be necessary by the City Council for the public health, safety or welfare of the citizens of the City of Clearwater. Such conditions, terms, restrictions or other requirements may be supplemental to requirements in existing codes or ordinances of the City. A statement indicating that the failure of the development agreement to address a particular permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve the developer of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions. The development agreement may provide, in the discretion of the City Council, that the entire development or any phase thereof be commenced or be completed within a specific period of time. The development agreement may provide for liquidated damages, the denial of future development approvals, the termination of the development agreement, or the withholding of certificates of occupancy for the failure of the developer to comply with any such deadline. A statement that the burdens of the development agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of the development agreement shall inure to, all successors in interest to the parties to the development agreement. All development agreements shall specifically state that subsequently adopted ordinances and codes of the city which are of general application not governing the development of land shall be applicable to the lands subject to the development agreement, and that such modifications are specifically anticipated in the development agreement. Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 3 of 4 06/13 Planning & Development Department Hotel Density Reserve Development Agreement Application Affidavit to Authorize Agent/Representative 1. Provide names of all property owners on deed – PRINT full names: Mainstream Partners VIII, LTD. Antonio Fernandez, Partner 2. That (I am/we are) the owner(s) and record title holder(s) of the following described property: 325 S Gulfview Blvd. Clearwater, FL. 33767 & 326 Coronado Drive 3. That this property constitutes the property for which a request for (describe request): Construction of a 180 room hotel w/ 216 space parking garage, and associated utilities. 4. That the undersigned (has/have) appointed and (does/do) appoint: Behar Peteranecz Inc. (Architects) Istvan L. Peteranecz 103 Rogers Street, Clearwater Florida 33704, 850-377-1870 as (his/their) agent(s) to execute any petitions or other documents necessary to affect such petition; 5. That this affidavit has been executed to induce the City of Clearwater, Florida to consider and act on the above described property; 6. That site visits to the property are necessary by City representatives in order to process this application and the owner authorizes City representatives to visit and photograph the property described in this application; 7. That (I/we), the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Property Owner Property Owner Property Owner Property Owner STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS BEFORE ME THE UNDERSIGNED, AN OFFICER DULY COMMISSIONED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, ON THIS ________________ DAY OF ___________________________________, _________________, PERSONALLY APPEARED _____________________________________________________________________ WHO HAVING BEEN FIRST DULY SWORN DEPOSED AND SAYS THAT HE/SHE FULLY UNDERSTANDS THE CONTENTS OF THE AFFIDAVIT THAT HE/SHE SIGNED. Notary Public Signature Notary Seal/Stamp My Commission Expires: Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 4 of 4 06/13 Original Signed Application Previously Submitted and on File HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 ATTACHMENT A Mainstream Parcel “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: (AS PROVIDED BY CLIENT) PROJECT AREA ‐ PARCEL "A" PARCEL 10: LOT 111 AND THE NORTHERLY 1/2 OF LOT 112, THE LLOYD‐WHITE‐ SKINNER SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 12 AND 13, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL 11: THE SOUTHERLY 1/2 OF LOT 112 AND ALL OF LOTS 113, 114, 115, 116 AND 117, THE LLOYD‐WHITE‐SKINNER SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 12 AND 13, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND LOTS 63 THROUGH 66, INCLUSIVE, THE LLOYD‐WHITE‐SKINNER SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 12 AND 13, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED GULF VIEW BOULEVARD RIGHT‐OF‐WAY VACATION: THE EASTERLY 35.00 FEET OF THE GULF VIEW BOULEVARD RIGHT‐OF‐WAY (70.00 FEET TOTAL WIDTH PER PLAT), LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOTS 63 THROUGH 66, INCLUSIVE, THE LLOYD‐WHITE‐SKINNER SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 12 AND 13 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROPOSED RIGHT‐OF‐WAY VACATION ADDED PER DIRECTION OF CLIENT. CONTAINING 1.60 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 1 Rev. 04/07/2014 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 Attachment B Description of Requests 180 unit overnight accommodations w/ min 216 Parking Spaces. Request of 100 units from the density pool. Increase in density from 50 DU/ac. To 113 DU/ac. Increase in building height from 35’ to 140’ above BFE. Architectural Exhibits. 1 Rev. 04/07/2014 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 Attachment C Beach by Design Criteria PARCEL “A” A. Density: Design Response: The property is within the “T” District. The site’s 1.6 acres has a FLUP designation of RFH which allows for 50 overnight accommodation units per acre. The 1.6 Acres would permit a maximum of 80 units. We are requesting 100 OA units from the hotel Density Reserve. The resultant 180 unit request results in an overall density on the site of 113 DU/acre. The Beach by Design guidelines allows for a maximum of 150 units per acre for projects that obtain units from the hotel density reserve; therefore, the proposed density is consistent with the development criteria set forth in Section V.B.2 of the guidelines. B. Height: Maximum height is prescribed by the respective zoning districts in the Community Development Code unless otherwise restricted by Beach by Design. The height may be increased, however, to one hundred fifty feet (150’) if: 1. additional density is allocated to the development either by transferred development rights, or via the Destination Resort Density Pool pursuant to the CRD designation, or via the Hotel Density Reserve where the subject property is located between South Gulfview Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico or on the west side of Coronado Drive; Design Response The proposal provides for a building 140 feet in height as measured from BFE where a height of up to 150 feet is permitted where additional density is allocated to a development via the Hotel Density Reserve as long as the subject property is located between South Gulfview Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico or on the west side of Coronado Drive. The subject property is located on the west side of Coronado Drive and the property was the recipient of density from the Reserve. Therefore, the proposed height complies with the design guidelines. 2. portions of any structures which exceed one hundred feet (100') are spaced at least one hundred feet (100') apart (with no more than two (2) structures which exceed one hundred feet (100') within five hundred feet (500'); or four (4) structures which exceed one hundred 1 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 feet (100') within eight hundred feet (800') so long as the elevations of all structures which exceed one hundred feet (100') when such structures are viewed from the east do not occupy a total of forty percent (40%) of a north south vertical plane which is parallel to the alignment of Coronado and North Mandalay of the building envelope above one hundred feet (100'); and Design Response The Hyatt Hotel, to the north of the property is over 100 feet in height. Proposed building is 140 feet approximately 300 feet from the Hyatt Towers. Additionally The Hyatt is the only building within 500 feet that is over 100 feet tall. The new Adams Mark site to the south is slated to be over 100feet and is approximately 900 feet from the site. The proposed Wyndham property to the north is within the 800 foot distance parameter but is over 500 feet from our proposed building. Therefore, per the currently planned and approved buildings in the vicinity, there will be no more than two structures over 100 feet in height within 500 feet and there will be no more than four structures over 100 feet tall within the 800 feet. 3. the floorplate of any portion of a building that exceeds forty-five feet (45') in height is limited as follows: a) between forty-five feet (45') and one hundred feet (100'), the floorplate will be no greater than 25,000 square feet except for parking structures open to the public; and b) Between one hundred feet (100') and one hundred fifty feet (150'), the floorplate will be no greater than 10,000 square feet; and c) Deviations to the above floorplate requirements may be approved provided the mass and scale of the design creates a tiered effect and complies with the maximum building envelop allowance above 45’ as described in section C. 1.4 below Design Response a. Between 45 feet in height and 100’ there is no part of the floorplate that exceeds 25,000 square feet. b. The floorplate above 100 feet is approximately 11,500 SF. This exceeds the 10,000 square foot guideline however, c. The mass and scale of the design creates a stepped and tiered effect and the proposed building envelope above 45 feet is 21.24% volumetrically and 13% graphically; significantly below the 75% building envelope allowance for buildings with units allocated from the Hotel Pool. C. Design, Scale and Mass of Building: 1. Buildings with a footprint of greater than 5000 square feet or a single dimension of greater than one hundred (100) feet will be constructed so that no more than two (2) of the three (3) building dimensions in 2 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 the vertical or horizontal planes are equal in length. For this purpose, equal in length means that the two lengths vary by less than forty (40%) of the shorter of the two (2) lengths. The horizontal plan measurements relate to the footprint of the building. Design Response: Given the massing of the building, the various steppings, and the tower placed in the approximate center of the base, no two building dimensions are equal in length. 2. No plane of a building may continue uninterrupted for greater than one hundred linear feet (100’). For the purpose of this standard, interrupted means an offset of greater than five feet (5’). Design Response: As demonstrated on the design drawings, each of the building facades is designed such that no plane is longer than 100 feet and all offsets are greater than, or equal to, five feet; there by meeting this requirement. 3. At least sixty percent (60%) of any elevation will be covered with windows or architectural decoration. For the purpose of this standard, an elevation is that portion of a building that is visible from a particular point outside the parcel proposed for development. Design Response: As demonstrated in this application, where viewable from adjacent properties and not occluded by adjacent buildings, this design proposes large fields of glazing, balconies, accent lines, and stepped articulation on all facades providing for greater than 60% articulation on each of the facades. 4. No more than sixty percent (60%) of the theoretical maximum building envelope located above forty-five feet (45’) will be occupied by a building. However, in those instances where an overnight accommodations use on less than 2.0 acres that has been allocated additional density via the Hotel Density Reserve, no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the theoretical maximum building envelope located above forty-five feet (45’) may be occupied by a building unless the property is located between Gulfview Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico, then no more than 70% may be occupied by a building. Design Response: As per the provided calculations the overall building mass between 45 feet and 150 feet constitutes 21% volumetrically and 13% graphically of the theoretical maximum building envelope, well below the 75% maximum allowance. 3 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 5. The height and mass of buildings will be correlated to: (1) the dimensional aspects of the parcel of the parcel proposed for development and (2) adjacent public spaces such as streets and parks. Design Response: The design proposes a tower set on a parking base or podium. The tower is to be massed in the approximate center of the site between Coronado Drive and Beach Walk with the parking podium varying in height between one story and 4 stories. Along Coronado Drive the building is set back 15 feet and also steps back the requisite additional 15 feet at a height of 25 feet. Along Coronado Drive most of the building consists of the single story elevated entry plaza and the remaining portions is the four story mass of the garages and meeting room levels. Approximately 75% of the building is stepped back the 15 feet, along this façade. On the west, Beach Walk, side, a 0 foot setback is proposed. This setback aligns with the Hyatt and the City parking garage to the north. Along the west façade approximately 50% of the building is the single story entry plaza and the remainder of the building is a 2nd story covered terrace, connecting to the entry plaza two levels of parking, and the 5th floor pool terrace with an infinity edge pool, overlooking the Gulf. The bulk of the building is placed to the north and adjoins the City parking garage, and the building at the south is primarily the entry plaza with a narrow face of the tower. Beyond the design’s sensitivity to the adjacent neighbors, Coronado Drive and Beach Walk, the design provides for a 90 foot wide by three story opening in the base of the tower to allow vistas through the site, visually and physically connecting street and buildings to the east with the beach and Gulf to the west. 6. Buildings may be designed for a vertical or horizontal mix of permitting uses. Design Response: The building is designed to provide opportunity for a variety of uses, including meeting spaces, dining, and recreation activities, as well as the primary overnight accommodation use. D. Setbacks & Stepbacks: 1. Rights-of-way. The area between the building and the edge of the pavement as existing and planned should be sufficiently wide to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. The distances from structures to the edge of the right-of-way should be: 4 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 Design Response: Proposed setbacks are fifteen feet (15') along arterials, and (Proposed 15 foot on Coronado Drive for an enclosed parking garage) 2. Side and Rear Setbacks Except for the setbacks set forth above, no side or rear setback lines are recommended, except as may be required to comply with the City’s Fire Code. Design Response: 10 foot setbacks are proposed for the side yards that because of the skewed property lines, the side yards vary from a minimum of 10 feet to 15 feet. The design proposes a 0 foot setback to the west property line, fronting the beach Walk Promenade; the west property line is a significant distance from Gulf view Boulevard and flanks the Beach Walk promenade. As stated above, the west building face is designed to align with the two properties to the north, providing continuity to the pedestrian experience along the promenade. 3. Coronado Drive Setbacks and Stepbacks. To reduce upper story massing along the street and ensure a human scale street environment, buildings using the hotel density reserve along Coronado Drive shall be constructed in accordance with the following: a. Buildings constructed with a front setback of fifteen feet (15’) or more shall stepback with a minimum depth of fifteen feet (15’) from the setback line at a height not more than twenty-five feet (25’). Design Response: The design proposes a minimum 15 foot setback along Coronado Drive and approximately 75% of the building steps back the additional 15 feet at or below the 25’ height. In fact, nearly 50% of the Coronado Drive building frontage is less than 15’ in height. (Above BFE.) b. Buildings constructed with a front setback greater than or equal to ten feet (10’) and less than fifteen feet (15’) shall stepback at a height not more than twenty feet (20’). The required stepback/ setback ratio is one and one-half feet (1.5’) for every one foot (1’) reduction in setback in addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15’). Design Response: N/A 5 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 c. Buildings constructed with a front setback of less than ten feet (10’) shall provide a building stepback required stepback/ setback ratio is two and one-half feet (2.5’) for every one foot (1’) reduction in setback in addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15’). Design Response: N/A d. To achieve upper story facade variety and articulation, additional stepbacks may be required. To avoid a monotonous streetscape, a building shall not replicate the stepback configuration of the neighboring buildings including those across rights-of-way. Design Response: Currently along Coronado Drive, this design is the only project to propose the required stebacks and stepbacks. Both the Hyatt and City Garage are massed at their full heights along Coronado Drive. e. Required stepbacks shall span a minimum of 75% of the building frontage width. Design Response: The design provides for the required 75% stepback building frontage. Approximately 75% of the Building Façade Steps back the required additional 15 feet, at 25’ height. E. Street-Level Facades The human scale and aesthetic appeal of street-level facades, and their relationship to the sidewalk, are essential to a pedestrian-friendly environment. Accordingly: 1. At least sixty percent (60%) of the street level facades of buildings used for nonresidential purposes which abut a public street or pedestrian access way will be transparent. For the purpose of this standard: a) Street level facade means that portion of a building facade from ground level to a height of twelve feet (12'). Design Response: The proposed design is open for the required minimum 60%. 6 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 b) transparent means windows or doors that allow pedestrians to see into: i. the building, or ii. landscaped or hardscaped courtyard or plazas, where street level facades are set back at least fifteen feet (15') from the edge of the sidewalk and the area between the sidewalk and the facade is a landscaped or hardscaped courtyard. Design Response: In addition to the required openings, the building is stepped back from a minimum of 15 feet to over 20 feet; thereby the street level façade is 100% open, per the above definition b ii. c) Parking structures should utilize architectural details and design elements such a false recessed windows, arches, planter boxes, metal grillwork, etc. instead of transparent alternatives. When a parking garage abuts a public road or other public place, it will be designed such that the function of the building is not readily apparent except at points of ingress and egress. Design Response: The vehicles are shielded from view of pedestrians along Gulfview and Coronado Drive and the garage openings are articulated and blended into the overall building design. Along Coronado Boulevard and the Promenade the garage openings are articulated by alternating solid panels or 48 inch high barrier walls and the vehicles are further shielded by landscaping. On the Promenade side, the garage openings are open, to provide ventilation, but are again articulated with stepped back barrier panels in a pattern complementary to the other building openings and rhythms. On The Coronado Boulevard side, the garage openings are shielded by the meeting room and are not readily visible. Along the Northern side, the garage openings are left open and the vehicles shielded but decorative recessed barrier panels, Also this façade directly faces the new public parking garage. This parking structure follows some of the design parameters of the adjacent new public parking garage. 2. Window coverings, and other opaque materials may cover no more than 10% of the area of any street-level window in a nonresidential building that fronts on a public right-of way. Design Response: As an operations issue, we will comply with the opaque opening provisions. 7 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 3. Building entrances should be aesthetically inviting and easily identified. Goods for sale will not be displayed outside of a building, except as a permitted temporary use. This standard does not apply to outdoor food service establishments. Design Response: The Building entrance, on Coronado Drive, is defined by a horizontal entry awning and a glass accent wall. The primary vehicular entrance, Extreme South of the site shall be defined by signage, landscaping, and other visual cues. The building’s primary entry and drop-off areas are on the elevated entry plaza, with views to the Gulf and to Coronado. 4. Awnings and other structures that offer pedestrians cover from the elements are recommended. Awnings help define entryways and provide storefront identity to both pedestrians and drivers. Design Response: The primary entrance is designed to have an entry cover, there are no other uses, other than parking, permitted on the ground floor. F. Parking Areas To create a well-defined and aesthetically appealing street boundary, all parking areas will be separated from public rights of way by a landscaped decorative wall, fence or other opaque landscape treatment of not less than three feet (3’) and not more than three and one-half feet (3½’) in height. Surface parking areas that are visible from public streets or other public places will be landscaped such that the parking areas are defined more by their landscaping materials than their paved areas when viewed from adjacent property. The use of shade trees is encouraged in parking lots. However, care should be taken to choose trees that do not drop excessive amounts of leaves, flowers, or seeds on the vehicles below. Entrances to parking areas should be clearly marked in order to avoid confusion and minimize automobile-pedestrian conflicts. Attractive signage and changes to the texture of the road (such as pavers) are recommended. When a parking garage abuts a public road or other public place, it will be designed such that the function of the building is not readily apparent except at points of ingress and egress. Design Response: Vehicles will be shielded on both the east and west public frontages, through the use of landscaping and decorative louvers. Above the 3rd floor the openings in the garage are intended to be left open with inset and decorative barrier walls. The barrier walls shield the vehicles from public view. This scheme is similar to the new City parking garage immediately to our north. 8 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 G. Signage Signage is an important contributor to the overall character of a place. However, few general rules apply to signage. Generally, signage should be creative, unique, simple, and discrete. Blade signs, banners and sandwich boards should not be discouraged, but signs placed on the sidewalk should not obstruct pedestrian traffic. Design Response: N/A H. Sidewalks Sidewalks along arterials and retail streets should be at least ten feet (10’) in width. All sidewalks along arterials and retail streets will be landscaped with palm trees, spaced to a maximum of thirty-five feet (35') on centers, with “clear grey” of not less than eight feet (8'). Acceptable palm trees include sabal palms (sabal palmetto), medjool palms (phoenix dactylifera ‘medjool’), and canary island date palms (phoenix canariensis). Sidewalks along side streets will be landscaped with palms (clear trunk of not less than eight feet (8')) or shade trees spaced at maximum intervals of thirty five feet (35') on centers. Portions of required sidewalks may be improved for non-pedestrian purposes including outdoor dining and landscape material, provided that: 1. movement of pedestrians along the sidewalk is not obstructed; and 2. Non-pedestrian improvements and uses are located on the street side of the sidewalk. Distinctive paving patterns should be used to separate permanent sidewalk café improvements from the pedestrian space on the sidewalk. To enhance pedestrian safety and calm traffic, distinctive paving should also be used to mark crosswalks. Design Response: Proposed sidewalks will be, at a minimum, 10 feet wide and have a variety of paver colors, styles, and patterns, as well as concrete to separate the café and plaza areas. I. Street Furniture and Bicycle Racks Street furniture, including benches and trash receptacles should be liberally placed along the sidewalks, at intervals no greater than thirty linear feet (30') of sidewalk. Bicycle racks should also be provided, especially near popular destinations, to promote transportation alternatives. Complicated bicycle rack systems should be avoided. The 9 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 placement of street furniture and bicycle racks should not interrupt pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk. Design Response: Street Benches and trash receptacles proposed along Coronado Drive and adjacent to Beach shall enhance the streetscapes and shall not impede pedestrian flow. There are bicycle racks planned along the Beach Walk Promenade.. J. Street Lighting Street lighting should respond to the pedestrian-oriented nature of a tourist destination. In this context, it should balance the functional with the attractive – providing adequate light to vehicular traffic, while simultaneously creating intimate spaces along the sidewalks. Clearwater’s historic lighting is an attractive, single-globe fixture atop a cast-iron pole. Design Response: Lighting, when designed shall comply with the requirements of this provision. This property is also required to comply with Turtle Friendly lighting regulations. K. Fountains Fountains provide attractive focal points to public spaces and add natural elements to urban environments. They should be interesting, engaging and unique. While it is important not to overburden architectural creativity regarding fountains, they should meet at least the following standards in order to be a functional and attractive component of the public space: 1. They should be supplemented with street furniture such as benches and trash receptacles, and 2. They should have rims that are: 3. Tall enough to limit unsupervised access by small children, and 4. Wide enough to permit seating. Fountains should be encouraged in landscaped and hardscaped courtyards and plazas. Design Response: We are not proposing any fountains. All other street furniture shall comply with these provisions. 10 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2 HDA3013‐08004 325 S Gulfview Blvd, Parcel A 2014 L. Materials and Colors 1. Facades Finish materials and building colors will reflect Florida or coastal vernacular themes. All awnings should contain at least three (3) distinct colors. Bright colors will be limited to trims and other accents. Glass curtain walls are prohibited. Design Response: The proposed design complies with the Beach by Design guidelines and proposes a palate of white finished building walls, blue/gray glazing, and a variety of coastal colored fixtures and furnishings. 2. Sidewalks Sidewalks will be constructed of: a. Pavers; b. Patterned, distressed, or special aggregate concrete; Or c. Other finished treatment that distinguishes the sidewalks from typical suburban concrete sidewalks. Materials should be chosen to minimize the cost and complexity of maintenance. Design Response: Proposed sidewalks will be, at a minimum, 10 feet wide and have a variety of paver colors, styles, and patterns, as well as concrete to separate the café and plaza areas. 3. Street Furniture Street furniture will be constructed of low-maintenance materials, and will be in a color that is compatible with its surroundings. Design Response: All street furniture shall comply with this provision. 4. Color Palette A recommended palette for building colors is presented on the following page. Design Response: The design incorporates colors from the BbD pallatte. 11 Rev. 04/07/2014 - 2