Belgian manufacturer of access control and physical
Belgian manufacturer of access control and physical
Y IU M Q U AL IT MAD PR EM IUM N BELG EI Belgian manufacturer of access control and physical barriers offers total solutions for various industries: paid and not paid parking Logistics solutions Bank branches Hotels Retail Ticketing Waste management Museums Recycling parks Recreation Campsites Sportclubs Self storage Guide with solutions for: • Paid and not paid parking • Logistics solutions • Hotels, campsites, shops, ... • Sports clubs, recreation, museums, ... • Waste management Contact us with the specifics of your situation on T. +32 (0) 9 340 54 70 or by mail and we we will help you find the optimal solution. Content RETAIL - HOTEL TRUCKERS CAR-PARK You want to reserve your parking for your customers and your staff Comfort Parking...................................................................................................... 4 + 5 TruckPark ............................................................................................................................ 28 + 29 You want to reserve your parking for your customers by printing a code on their till receipt Premium Parking.................................................................................................... 6 + 7 WASTE MANAGEMENT You dispose of a car park shared with several businesses Comfort Parking...................................................................................................... 8 + 9 You dispose of a car park shared with several businesses Premium Parking............................................................................................... 10 + 11 Make your parking profitable Comfort Parking................................................................................................. 12 + 13 Make your parking profitable, 24hrs a day Comfort Parking................................................................................................. 14 + 15 Make your parking profitable: simple, inexpensive and at a fixed rate Comfort Parking................................................................................................. 16 + 17 parking-counting You rent a parking to different companies Numbco parkeertelling + RFID......................................................................... 18 + 19 You want to display the number of free places at the entrance of your parking Numbco parking counting................................................................................ 20 + 21 BANK OFFICES A bank office has a number of parking spaces rerserved for their customers Card2Park for bank offices............................................................................... 22 + 23 LOGISTICS Your company has one or more logistic sites Premium Parking............................................................................................... 24 + 25 You want to avoid time loss on your logistic sites Premium Parking............................................................................................... 26 + 27 Recycling center Simple system.................................................................................................... 30 + 31 Recycling center solution Recycling center solution.................................................................................. 32 + 33 Recycling center Advanced system.............................................................................................. 34 + 35 Recycling center Network Photos................................................................................................................. 36 + 37 CAMPSITES You want to manage your campsite more efficiently Campsite solution.............................................................................................. 38 + 39 SPORT & LEISURE You manage a new sports stadium, swimming pool or recreation resort Access control at major events........................................................................ 40 + 41 TICKETING You want a simple ticketing system for a museum, swimming pool, recreation orb, ... Comfort Ticketing............................................................................................... 42 + 43 SPORT CLUBS You want to automate the management of your sports club Private parking, access control and lighting control...................................... 44 + 45 Access control Self storage An individual badge grants you access 7/7, to your storage of goods, furniture, archive, caravans, motorhomes, ...! ................................................ 46 + 47 Traffic Islands ............................................................................................................................ 48 + 49 You want to reserve your parking for your customers and your staff parking is invaluable for a business, make sure your parking is available for your customers at any time. OuT Ticket with numerical code, barcode or QR-code allowing an adjustable exit time for example 24 hours • No data cables needed • Easy installation • Modular system • Unlimited expansion possible In 4 Comfort parking Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Exit Column with keypad and display or Exit Column with barcode reader / swallower Ticket unit at the reception Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier Traffic Island With Comfort parking you can restrict the parking time on your parking to the length you needed. Your customer receives a ticket at eg 24 hours to use your parking. Optionally, you can place a module in your shop to create new exit tickets. • Placement on traffic island 5 You want to reserve your parking for your customers by printing a code on their till receipt +30’ Today, a car park is essential for a supermarket. Customers make their store choice based on the easy accessibility of your store / business. OuT Ticket with numerical code or barcode allowing an adjustable exit time for example 30 minutes In 6 premium parking Ticket printer integrated at the point of Sales Software Atium parking Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Exit Column with keypad and / or barcode reader / swallower + display Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer Hand Scanner integrated at the point of Sales (to upgrade tickets with barcode) Alphatronics offers “premium parking”, a system that allows you to reserve your parking for your customers. On the till receipt a code is printed that allows your customer to leave the car park. The main producers of paying cash registers have already implemented our system. Because you are using the purchase receipt, you don’t need additional tickets. Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island 7 You dispose of a car park shared with several businesses OuT • No data cables needed • Easy installation • Modular system • Unlimited expansion possible Ticket with numerical code, barcode or QR-code allowing an adjustable exit time for example 2 hours In 8 Comfort parking Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer SHOp 1 + SHOp 2 Ticket printer integrated at the point of Sales Exit Column with keypad and display or Exit Column with barcode reader / swallower CAFE: Ticket unit The wireless solution Comfort Parking allows you to place a ticket printer in each of the businesses, that print tickets for the exit. You can conduct periodic reports to see the average parking use of each business. In addition, you avoid that non-customers abuse your shared parking. You can offer your parking as paid parking after opening hours, this allows an optimal rate of return. Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island 9 nETWORk You dispose of a car park shared with several businesses +1h +1h OR OR OuT • Wired solution • Central management • Periodic reports Ticket with numerical code or barcode allowing an adjustable exit time for example 1 hour In 10 premium parking Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit SHOp 1 + SHOp 2: Ticket printer integrated at the point of Sales or stand-alone Hand Scanner integrated at the point of Sales (to upgrade tickets with barcode) Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer Software Atium parking Exit Column with keypad and / or barcode reader / swallower + display CAFE: Ticket unit A common parking can be a source of discussion. The wired solution Premium Parking allows you to place a ticket printer in each of the businesses, that print tickets to exit. The main producers of paying cash registers have already integrated our system. At any time, you can see centrally, how many cars are present on your parking and you can format periodic reports. Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island 11 Make your parking more profitable You dispose of valuable parking spaces near the center of the city. A simple solution of Alphatronics offers you the possibility to create a pay parking. OUT Ticket with numerical code, barcode or QR-code allowing an adjustable exit time for example 24 hours • No data cables needed • Easy installation • Modular system (can be combined with POS terminals) • Unlimited expansion possible IN 12 Comfort parking Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Exit Column with keypad and display or Exit Column with barcode reader / swallower point of Sales (pOS) at the reception Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island The point of Sales with touch screen is easily adjustable and offers many possibilities (eg subscriptions). In practice we see that the return (ROI) of the investment is less than a year. Optionally, the system can be expanded with a payment terminal. 13 Make your parking more profitable, 24 hours a day Your parking is too valuable to leave it unused. Comfort Parking allows you to install one or more automatic payment terminals (bank / bills / coins). OUT Ticket with numerical code, barcode or QR-code allowing an adjustable exit time for example 24 hours • No data cables needed • Easy installation • Modular system (can be combined with POS terminals) • Unlimited expansion possible IN 14 Comfort parking point of Sales (pOS) at the reception Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer Exit Column with keypad and display or Exit Column with barcode reader / swallower payment terminal at the reception or parking. Payment options with coins, bills and bank cards. Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island The different columns and the cash registers operate independently, only a power cable should be provided. Combination with one/more manned Point of Sales is possible. 15 Make your parking more profitable: simple, inexpensive and at a fixed rate POS OUT • No data cables needed • Easy installation • Modular system • Unlimited expansion possible Ticket with numerical code, barcode or QR-code allowing an adjustable exit time for example 15 minutes IN 16 Comfort parking Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit point of Sales (pOS) at the reception Exit Column with keypad and display or Exit Column with barcode reader / swallower payment column(s) on the parking Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island This Alphatronics payment column only allows payment with coins. You define a fixed price for your parking. This solution relieves your cashiers at busy times. Your visitors can purchase a ticket at the box office through the Point of Sales, but may also purchase a ticket on the payment column. 17 You rent a parking to different companies VISITORS P1:006 P2:Full P3 P4 P2 P5 P1 VISITORS P6 P3:005 P4:full OuT P5:005 P6:006 In 18 numbco parking counting + RFId Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Entrance Column (choice) RFId-readers (EM / Mifare) ProXat-50 OR OR preformed loops PL10 QuadraLine parking Controller Software Atium parking OR inductionplates Led display Each of the companies has a fixed number of places in the shared car park. Access to the parking using a RFId-card. The Led Displays at the entrance indicates how many places are still available for each tenant. If a tenant has reached its maximum places, the free access is denied. If necessary, he can take a paying place in the car park. With the same solution, a certain number of places in a paid carpark can be reserved for different tenants. 19 You want to display the number of free places at the entrance of your parking -2 The LEd display shows the number of free spaces on each floor -1 0: 015 -1: 011 -2: 007 0 OuT In 20 numbco parking counting Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit parking Controller + counting interface Led displays preformed loops OR inductionplates Nothing more frustrating than driving into a car park just to notice that no spaces is left. By displaying the number of free parking per zone/floor on the Alphatronics Led Display, you obtain a smooth flow of traffic in your car park. 21 A bank office has a number of parking spaces reserved for their customers OUT BANKCARD 123 4602368 68 Access is granted using a correct bankcard BANKCARD 184 4852368 68 IN 22 Card2park for banks Entrance column with smartcard reader Exit column with smartcard reader Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit One or more validate units in the bank The solution Card2park reserves access for your customers on your car park. Your customer can drive onto or leave the parking by using a bank card. The system reads only the first four characters of the bank card and does not store data. The advantage is that you should not forsee any tickets / tokens or individual cards Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island • RFID-reader at entrance column • Keypad at entrance column • Led Display 23 Your company has one or more logistic sites ZONE 3 ZONE 2 NETWORK IN IN OUT OUT ZONE 4 ZONE 1 Ticket with numerical code or barcode allowing an adjustable exit time for the different zones IN IN OUT OUT 24 premium parking per zone: Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit per zone: Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer per zone: Exit Column with keypad and / or barcode reader / swallower + display Software Atium parking Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island • Led Display Alphatronics premium parking allows you to see at any time who is present on your site by using tickets with barcodes. Specific rights can be assigned to these tickets. The solution may be multi-site, for example, you can issue tickets on one site that allows a truck access to the site at its destination. 25 You want to avoid time loss on your logistic sites Country C Country A IN OUT IN NETWORK OUT Country D Country B Ticket with numerical code or barcode allowing an adjustable exit time for the different zones IN IN OUT OUT 26 premium parking per site : Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit per site: Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer per site: Exit Column with keypad and / or barcode reader / swallower + display Software Atium parking Alphatronics premium parking allows you to see at any time who is present on your site by using tickets with barcodes. Example, you can limit the number of trucks within a particular zone. An additional truck can drive into the site when another leaves. So you can prevent trucks hindering each other. Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island • Led Display 27 Truckpark OIL 24/7 parking OuT In As a truck driver you have more need for security and comfort during your breaks! Alphatronics TruckPark wants to make all the visitors feel comfortable and safe. The trucker will be able to enjoy a real break with all the necessary comfort. So this means done sleeping along noisy roads with on top all kinds of risks such as theft. 28 Truck parking Barrier at entrance and exit Entrance Column height 2,4 m with push button + ticket printer Man-high turnstile with barcode reader (1D/2D scanner) payment Column including 17-inch touch display, Xenteo, ticket printer ... Exit Column height 2,4 m with barcode reader Barcode scanner on sanitary block Upon arrival, the lorry-driver takes a ticket with barcode and can enter onto the secured parking. The same ticket can be used to operate a turnstile to leave the secured zone or to gives access to the sanitary block. A voucher for the restaurant or shop can be issued at payment to increase the turnover of your business. The system is modular and can be coupled with video-surveillance or ANPR for increased security/comfort. Opties: • Intercom • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island 29 Recycling center Belgium is the world’s number one in recycling parks: Alphatronics is the trendsetter in this market. RFID RFID OR SMARTCARD OR OUT SMARTCARD IN 30 Recycling center simple system Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Entrance column with smartcard reader Exit column with smartcard reader Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island • Photocell security Simple system: Access by using a identity card, smart card or RFID-card. Every resident of a particular municipality is entitled to a number of turns on the local recycling center. 31 Recycling center solution PAYING SECTION FREE SECTION RDID RFID OR SMARTCARD OR SMARTCARD OUT IN 32 Recycling center solution advanced system Entrance Column weighbridge payment Column including 17-inch touch display, smartcard reader, Xenteo, OctoPhone ... Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit + weighbridges Column with smartcard reader on entrance and exit Weighbridges Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island • Photocell security Access by using (Belgian) identity card, smart card or RFID-card. In a recycling center with a paying and free section, the car / trailer of the visitor at the entrance ‘pAYInG SECTIOn’ is weighed. After depositing the waste, the car will be weighed again at the exit ‘pAYInG SECTIOn’ and the visitor receives a “pAYMEnT-ticket”. The visitor goes to the payment column and pays an amount based on the type of waste and weight. He can then leave the park using a smartcard or RFID-card. 33 Recycling center PAYING section FREE ECTION S RFID RFID OR OR SMARTCARD SMARTCARD OUT IN 34 Recycling center Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit + weighbridges Entrance Column including 17-inch touch display, smartcard reader, OctoPhone ... payment Column including 17-inch touch display, smartcard reader, Xenteo, OctoPhone ... Column with smartcard reader on entrance and exit Weighbridges Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island • Photocell security • Coin validator Access by using (Belgian) identity card, smart card or RFID-card. In a recycling center with a paying and free section, the car / trailer of the visitor at the entrance ‘pAYInG SECTIOn’ is weighed. After depositing the waste, the car will be weighed again at the exit ‘pAYInG SECTIOn’ and the visitor pays directly to the payment column an amount based on the type of waste and weight. He can then leave the park using a smartcard or RFID-card. 35 Recycling center Network An inter-municipal or town o ften manages multiple recycling centers. To allow an efficient centralized management Alphatronics develops customized solutions. LAN Recycling center 06 LAN Recycling center 01 NETWORK LAN Recycling center 05 LAN Recycling center 02 ALPHATRONICS support LAN Recycling center 04 LAN Recycling center 03 36 Recycling center 37 You want to manage your campsite more efficiently 1 2 3 4 OUT IN CAMPING CARD 1 38 Campsite solution Column with RFId-Reader at entry, exit and sanitary unit (choice) RFId-readers for outdoor use (choice) Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit ProXat-50 OR OR PL10 QuadraLine Software Atium Access for controlled access With Alphatronics Atium Access, you can easily assign rights to your guests for a certain period. Through a RFId-card, your customers have access to the site during their stay. On the same card, many functions can be combined. The RFID-card can be used for example: access pass to the pool, the showers or sports fields, identification for opening electricity or water. Atium Access is easy to configure and can be used without training. Options: • Octophone at entrance column • Traffic light at the barrier • Placement on traffic island 39 You manage a new sports stadium, swimming pool or recreation resort P1:0128 P2:0248 P3:0088 OUT P4:0013 IN 40 Access control at major events Entrance Column with push button + ticket printer pARkInG Barrier from 2.5 till 7m at entrance and exit Exit Column with keypad and display or Exit Column with barcode reader / swallower STAdIuM Access control spectators Man-high turnstiles with barcode reader (1D/2D scanner) Columns with RFId-reader for restricted access COMFORT pARkInG WITH pARkInG COunTInG point of Sales at the reception Alphatronics offers a complete customized solution for your project. As one of the only manufacturers we offer turnstiles, ticketing software, on well as the management of your parking lot. 41 You want a simple ticketing system for a museum, swimming pool, leisure, ... 42 Comfort Ticketing point of Sales + software Recrea pos at the reception Tripode turnstile with Barcode Reader (choice 1D/2D scanner) Barcode Reader 1D Barcode Reader OR 2D Barcode Reader 43 You want to automate the management of your sports club OK! Court 14. Court 14 TEnnIS RECEpTIOn OuT Reservation tennis 9-10 PM? 8:58 pM Tennis badge Tennis badge In 8:50 pM 44 private parking, access control and lighting control Barrier from 2.5 till 7m for entrance + exit Entry column with RFId-Reader for controlled access Software Atium Access for controlled access Column with RFId-Reader per court for controlled access and lighting control lighting controller Members make their booking by phone. The rights granted to their membership card. With this card, they have access to the parking, they are able to use the showers and they can control the lights of their reserved area at the start of their game. You save on energy costs and ensure efficient management of your club. 45 Access control Self storage An individual badge grants you access 7/7, to your storage of goods, furniture, archive, caravans, motorhomes, ...! Self Storage BAdGE Self Storage BAdGE Self Storage BAdGE • access control to the main entrance and entrance doors • control of lighting control • remote management • registration of movements, easily consulted 46 Access control Self storage Barrier from 2.5 till 7m for entrance + exit Software Atium Access Controlled access controller access control Entry column with RFId-Reader RFId-reader on each entry ProXat-50 PL10 QuadraLine With your personal badge with unique settings, you can access the different controlled entrances that lead to your storage. Unlocking your enclosure is by an key or electronic when entering the last access-control-point. Linked to your badge, the illumination that leads to your storage can also be controlled. A central computer records the access settings and registrations. Depending on your needs, we can offer various additions. 47 Traffic Islands Alphatronics developes modular sockets, consisting of top parts and middle parts to compose traffic islands for mounting barriers, columns, traffic lights, ... The traffic islands are filled up with concrete, 1 or more bollards can be placed to protect the equipment. 2 x A: length = 690 mm 1 barrier or column Middle part B Top part A Bollard Top part A A A A+ B + A: length = 1390 mm 1 barrier or column + bollards A B A By using preformed elements in galvanised steel, you ensure an efficient placement. The positioning of the conduits for the electrical connection and wire rods is very easy saving you time and money. Traffic Island - 1 direction A + (6xB) + A: length = 4190 mm 1 column + 1 barrier + bollard A B B B B B B A Option: • bollard, traffic Island in varnish finish safety color 3 meters 48 Traffic Islands Traffic Island - 2 directions A + (6xB) + A: length = 5590 mm 2 columns + 2 barriers + bollards 3 meters A B B B B B B B B A 3 meters Traffic islands can be mounted in height for applications with trucks. Max. 5 49 Bridge Willebroek Norway Royal Mail - Scottland Brussels airport Delhaize Belgium Burundi airport Eandis Belgium Netherlands Renault - Morocco London France Port Strasbourg 50 Would you like a proposal based on your situation? Contact us: Tel: +32 (0) 9 340 54 70 Together with our partners we provide a quick answer. Our R&D-team is available to develop a customized solution. Our factory is equipped with the latest CAD / CAM technology, customised solutions is nether in production a problem.