June Newsletter - Ankeny Area Historical Society
June Newsletter - Ankeny Area Historical Society
June 2008 Newsletter 301 SW Third, PO Box 1111 Ankeny, IA 50021 Phone: 515-965-5795 www.ankenyhistorical.org email: history@ankenyhistorical.org Volume 14, Number 2 Ramp Is Completed! A handsome and functional addition to the house museum has been completed. The new handicap ramp was a working project by the Ankeny High School Industrial Arts class headed by instructor Brian Lehman. Despite snow, rain, wind and more rain . . . the project was done in time for the annual seventh grade tours – which has many times had wheelchair-bound students that needed the added ability to enter the house. Eric Sheldahl, Leechman Lumber, funded the ramp and a Polk County Community Better Grant from the Polk County Supervisors. Rod and Dee Lein have made a commitment of an on-going pledge of annual gift for upkeep of the century-old house. Instructor Brian Lehman checks the students work making sure the railing is level. Ankeny Summertimes Past . . . Inside! Get Your Tickets – Get Your Appetites – Ankeny’s Gala BBQ Luncheon IS Near! The time is nearing for the slaw to be slung, and beans to be boiled and the BBQ to be bunned. On Saturday, July 12 starting at 11:30 a.m. the social event of the season takes place in the Parkview Middle School lunchroom. For the paltry amount of $7.00 your appetite for food, beverage and friends will all be satisfied. Come early---just after the parade passes by---and stay late---and enjoy the fellowship and food. Stairwell Re-Surface Project Set To Begin Just after the tornado of 1974, Abe and Lucille McCleary put up wallpaper in their house that needed to cover a few flaws in the then 75-year old home. The plaster in the home has now survived 34 years, a four-block move and hundreds of tourists and visitors after it became the museum of the society. But all good things must come to an end. Tired of re-gluing and taping the thick paper back to the crumbling plaster walls, the society will be removing the plaster and paper and putting up new sheetrock in the stairwell and hallway of the upstairs. Scheduled to begin in late July, the project will then be painted by Eagle Scout Paul McCleary, grandson of Abe and Lucille, his dad Norm and other scouts. Rummage Sale Nets Profits, Praise The first annual spring rummage sale by the Ankeny Area Historical Society turned over a profit of over $400 and was such a success that another will be planned making it the first annual fall rummage sale. With such interesting and useful items such as golf clubs, bikes, vases, books, end tables and dishes. The day proved to be as entertaining as it did moneymaking. The fall sale has not been set so watch the paper for details. . .but don’t throw that whatchamacallit out. . .let us sell it! Ice Cream Social Set For September 14 The third annual Ice Cream Social is set for apleasant sunny Sunday, September 14 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in front yard of the museum campus. Besides seeking your appetites and fellowship, the Historical Society is hoping for your favorite pies, cookies, bars and cakes to be donated for purchase and consumption. To help this effort, please call 965-5795. . . sugar-filled and sugar-free items are all welcome! Ice cream and beverages will be supplied. 2009 Calendars To Be Ready At SummerFest! The 2009 Historic Picture calendars are scheduled to be finished and should be available for sale during the Alumni Banquet and SummerFest as well as at the BBQ luncheon on Saturday. The very popular calen- dars will feature such interesting photos as the Class of 1949, Homecoming kings and queens from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s among others. All proceeds from the sale goes to the society. “Summer Tea” Event Has High Level Of Interest Our first tea had a tremendous response with two settings successfully produced in June. The interest was so overwhelming that more of the elegant outings are already being scheduled. Uptown Association’s La Vitsef JOIN US on July 31 – 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.—UPTOWN! Come Party on 3rd St. Live Music, Food and Games Page 2 549 Ankeny Seventh Graders Tour Over 540 seventh graders toured the two museums in May as 12 society volunteers guided them through the 132 years of Ankeny history. The annual event is now part of the school curriculum and is designed to give the students a better grasp of Ankeny’s founding fathers, the importance of agriculture and coal mining and the significance of the Ordnance Plant during World War II. Top Left: Dick Rasmussen tells students what it was like to grow up on a farm. Bottom Left: Students listen to (l-r) Tina Battani and Marge Swartfager tell of their experience working at the Ordnance Plant. Top Right: Cyndy Lammert show students what medical equipment was like many years ago. Bottom Right: Students learn about school before electricity and in a country school from JoAnn Adamson. Page 3 Ankeny Historical Headlines 1911 Eighty-seven years later, these gentlemen might have been pictured here waiting for a pizza from the Leaning Tower. . . but in 1911 it was the annual horse show on main street in the bustling uptown Ankeny. That was the same year that Dr. Patterson’s bill for the year as the town health officer was $34. . .and the council reduced the rate of pay for John Daymude for one day of mowing weeds from $5 to $4.50. 1964 In 1964, some 20 years before RAGBRAI, helmets, ten speeds or water bottles, these two dapper Jaycees road this tandem from Webster City to Dallas, Texas in 9 days! Current Ankeny Area Historical Society board member and retired realtor Roger Spahr sits behind Ankeny businessman Rod Lein just before they embark on the trek. Page 4 From Summers Past! June 18, 1974 just as her station was signing off the 10:00 p.m. news, channel 8 weather lady Connie McBurney came on and said . . ..”if you live in Ankeny take cov…..” and that was it. Power off, a thick blanket of green and gray swirled much of Ankeny into a tangled mess, killing two residents demolishing many stores, schools and homes. The photo above is of Parkview School. At the time of the tornado it was the High School. All Ankeny schools sustained damage. The photo on the left is of the Ankeny Plaza located on Ankeny Blvd. This portion is of Cory’s Hardware. It was completely demolished. 1974 1976 In 1976, in the midst of leisure suits, polyester wide collar shirts and sideburns . . .Ankeny went one better in the fashion wars. They stepped back 100 years to celebrate the centennial and wore that the founding fathers wore. . . vastly improving the men’s wardrobes for summer. Page 5 ANKENY AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY “NEW BARN” PROJECT MENU OF SUPPORT LEGACY: $250,000 - $500,000 Dennis & Sue Albaugh & Family DIAMOND: $100,000--$249,999 City of Ankeny RUBY: $50,000--$99,000 Don & Charlene Lamberti & Family SAPPHIRE: $10,000--$49,999 John Deere Des Moines Works Rod & Dee Lein Des Moines Register & Ankeny Press Citizen Ankeny Building Association Prairie Meadows Race Track & Casino Ray Miller PEARL: $5,000--$9,999 VGI Design Snyder & Associates, Inc. Polk County Community State Bank First American Bank Gateway Savings Bank Richard Logli & Dena Randolph In Memory of the P.A. Logli Family Ward Mally Wells Fargo Winnifred Spahr In Memory of Wayne R. Spahr PLATINUM: $1,000--$4,999 Ankeny Hy-Vee Norma Righi & Delores Manny In Memory Frank & Mary Ghitalli, Paul & Isola Fontana, Leno & Rose Carzoli Dorothy Wyantt L & L Insulation & Supply Company (In-Kind) Bell Brothers Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Family & Friends In Memory of Verna Howard Family & Friends In Memory of Jack Dennler John Deere Community Credit Union Don & Barbara Penquite Barbara White, Family & Friends In Memory Dale A. White Family and Friends In Memory of Larry Donaghy Valley Bank Gene & Bev Samuelson Family & Friends In Memory of Evelyn Dann Zane Smith In Memory V.W. and Ann Smith Rich and Patrick Taylor (In-Kind) In Memory of Cor Hutton Family & Friends In Memory of Jean Jones Family & Friends In Memory of Blasco Fontanini Terry & JoAnn Adamson Albaugh-McGovern Legion Post #42 Gerald & Marie Ballard Orville & Bonnie Ballard Bruce & Jeanette Beckwith Page 6 Casey's General Stores Lynn & Nancy DeLapp In Memory Delma DeLapp Larry & Dorothy Donaghy Jeanne Ersland, Eleanor Tilton & Gale Gibson In Memory of the Max & Ella Gibson Handley, Block, Lamberti, Zinno & Gocke, P.C. Huber Grading, Inc. Harris & Deloris Manny Ralph Mathis Abel McCleary Family MidAmerican Energy Foundation Carl Moyer Donald & Norma Righi Everett Sather Roger & Sandra Spahr Evelyn Sexauer Myrtle Sexauer Ollie J. Weigel Don & Carolyn Zuck GOLD: $500--$999 Richard Logli In Memory of Rico Logli Bill & Barb Agan Phillip M. Thompson (In-Kind) Fred & Fran Smith In Memory of Manilla Coppock In Memory of Ralph Mathis Ankeny High Class of 1956 Bob Brown Chevrolet, Inc. W.H. & Marjorie Chase Commercial Federal Bank Craig R. Hawkins In Memorial of Nina & Harold Weston Joyce Lundstrom Amanda Kuhns-American Bank of Iowa Scholes Family Eric Sheldahl Struthers Bros. - Lee Lundstrom Silver: $100-499 Family & Friends Memory of George Hart Family & Friends In Memory of LeRoy Bachman Vince Sanders Alpha Rho of Beta Sigma Phi Glen Cornwell Family In Memory Clifford Cornwell Evelyn Dann In Memory Ralph C. Dann Gerald & Marilyn Dennler Evelyn Rigby Cecil & Carole Ballard Denman & Company LLP In Memory of Larry Donaghy Marilyn Shay In Memory Bill Shay Ankeny High School Class of 1967 Herbert J. Brown In Memory Mary N. Brown Beryl Coulson - Coulson Signs Don & Carole Lea Kraber Maurices Inc. - Match to Carol Lea Kraber Loren Sampson Family Doug & Ellen Smith Silver: $100-499 (Cont.) David & Anne Gardner In Memory of John Price, Edith & Bee Morris, J. Arthur, Evelyn, Judy Ault, & Hazel Ault The Mutcher Family Ben & Jean Norman Clarence & Betty Altenburger Ethel Harmon, Jill, Robert, & Jan In Memory of Mary Gilbrech French Lee Ahlberg James W. Anderlik Duane Anderson Ober & Iolene Anderson Ankeny Genealogy Chapter Ankeny Lions Club Ankeny Visual Image Committee LeRoy & Evelyn Bachman Victoria Bachman Gary & Toni Baugher Geri Begg In Memory of Wayne Begg Joe, Charles, & Maribeth Begg In Memory of Wayne Begg James Blair Ruth Bond Dennis & Pat Brazelton Barb & Patrick Breen Rob & Jennifer Davies Gail Dippold Robert & Nancy Frisk Joshua J. Frisk Justin R. Frisk & Family Anna Hick Evalynne Higgins Harold & Charlene Hildreth Raymond Hildreth Jerry Homes, Inc. Victor Johnson Kimberly Development Corp. Robert & Virginia Koch Cyndy Lammert Jose & Shelley Laracuente Marlyn & Zelda Larson In Memory of Angela Larson Pilkington Betty Leonard Earl & Janet Leonard Grant & Sherri Lewis Luke Brothers, Inc. John E. Lundstrom Madrid Historical Society Bill & Sarah Magnani Jim & Barb McNamee Memory Lane Questers John & Mary Moffitt Jim & Helen Nelson Janet & Marvin Nichols Don & Doris Ott Timothy & Teresa Powers In Memory of Larry Donaghy Tom & Joan Quinlin P & R Inc. - Brandt & Janet Crocker Dick & Suzan Rasmussen Greg Rasmussen Louise Vander Linden Bill & Eva Wallace Larry & Linda Wellendorf Silver: $100-499 (Cont.) Jack & Ruby Wheatly In Memory of Jean Jones Louise Woods BRONZE: $50-$99 Craig Hawkins In Memory of Erma M. Hawkins MidAmerican Matching Jan & Merlin Christians In Memory of Mary Gilbrech French Community Bank Plymouth In Memory of George Hart 72 Degree Heating & Cooling, Inc. Ankeny—Class of 1967 In Memory of Ed Medici Bless This House, Inc. Nancy Carr Merlin & Jan Christians LeNora Coe Gilded Angel Photography Dale & JoAnn Goins Ethel Harmon Craig Hawkins Heartland floors Laks Jagnandan D.D.S. Franny & JoAn Johnson Ken & Donna Kelling Chris Lamberti Margaret McBride Bill Michael Family Lynn Pitts Delores & Fred Reynolds Dennis & Susan Roupe Dennis Shaltanis Roger & Fran Stefani Greg Suddeth Steve & Darlene VanOort Mike & Rose White Larry & Marcia Zach FRIENDS: $1-$49 Friends Investing Together Ethel Harmon In Memory of Mary Gilbrech French Rich and Rosemary Taylor In Memory of Betty Hutton Craig and Karen Hawkins In Memory of Janet Nichols Arlene Bates In Honor of Sue Rasmussen Tim Garner Gene & Kathryn Hill Ideal Rebekah Lodge Bob & Jean Jones Joe & Edie Morr Clare Ann Stubbs Virginia Wheeler Margaret Grant Terry McAnally Marvin Rankin Ms. Schima 3rd Grade -Terrace '04-'05 Raymond Thornton Lois Hughes Ward Mally Hazel Moeckly Kelly Morrow Richard & Gina Sokol Roy Stoll Warren W. Thornton Page 7 DATES TO REMEMBER June 24 – Monthly Meeting 7:00 p.m. July 6 – Open House 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. July 12 – 19th Annual SummerFest Barbecue 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Parkview Middle School lunchroom Open House – Noon to 3:00 p.m. July 13 – Open House 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. July 22 – Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m. & Monthly Meeting 7:00 p.m. July 31 – Uptown Association’s La Vitsef 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. August 3 - Open House 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. August 26 - Open House 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Ankeny Area Historical Society is established to collect and secure artifacts and historical records representing Ankeny, Alleman, Bondurant, Carney, Elkhart, Enterprise, Polk City, and Sheldahl for the purpose of preserving American Heritage 301 S.W Third Street, P.O. Box 1111 Ankeny, IA 50021-3059 515-965-5795 www.ankenyhistorical.org 2008 Officers Ron Sampson – President Rachel Jones - Vice President Norma Righi – Secretary Joyce Lundstrom – Treasurer Board of Directors Ober Anderson, Lynn Pitts Dorothy Thornton Don Penquite, Marilyn Shay, Bryan Lundstrom Barbara Agan, Terry Adamson, Roger Spahr Ex--Officio Ex Dr. Matthew Wendt - Superintendent of Schools Joe Morr – Past President JoAnn Adamson – Past President Myrtle L. Sexauer - Past President Bonnie S. Ballard - Past President Barbara J. White – Past President Past Presidents *Wayne A. Begg James W. Anderlik *Richard D. Hermann *Willard L. Nagle *Deceased
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