Newsletter - Trimline - Trinity Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Trimline - Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Tidings
Thursday 15. September 2016
Trinity welcomes all to a community in Christ;
serving others, growing in faith, living in hope, and reaching out in love.
Every Sunday
8:15 & 10:45 am Holy Communion
9:30 am Sunday School
Rally Day
20. September 9:30 am
Rally Day is our opening day of Sunday
School for all ages! We will begin the
year with prayer and song. We will have
an intergenerational Sunday School
opening, and then we will dismiss to our
classes for the day. Come join us!
11200 Old Georgetown Rd.
North Bethesda, MD 20852
Is Altar Guild for You?
A Reconciling in Christ
a Stephen Ministry
congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America
This Saturday 17. September at 11:00
am, there will be a no-obligation
workshop and luncheon to learn more
the altar guild and to meet other altar
guild members. Men, women and
families are welcome! Call Carol B to
18th Sunday after Pentecost
18. September 2016
Assisting Us in the Liturgy this Sunday
8:15 am
10:45 am
Anjali A
Assisting Ministers Nancy N
Carol B
Children’s Church
Margaret F
David C
Tamara R-C
Margo W
Jerry B
Greg F
Nancy & Tom M
Julie N & Rich G
Coffee Hour
Dan & Rob S
Jane F & Christine B-F
Altar Custodians
Carol B & Kathy H
Bulletin Assembly
Trinity Singers
Annie A & Mina
18th Sunday after Pentecost
Stewardship Update as of 11. September
18. September 2016
65 families have pledged
$290,443 to our annual
stewardship campaign.
Amos 8:4-7
Psalm 113
1 Timothy 2:1-7
Luke 16:1-13
Who's Your Master?
63 families have pledged
$481,000 to our 3 year mission
appeal, and $184,471 has been
contributed to BTAB!
Someone once said you can tell what's
important to you by looking at your
checkbook or account statement. There
might be some big-ticket items on the list,
but the most frequent items might tell the
bigger story. What are the small things that
add up over time? What are the patterns of
spending that indicate what you value?
If you have returned your commitment cards,
THANK YOU! If you have not returned your
commitment cards for Trust in the Promise
and BIGGER than a Building!, please
prayerfully consider the blessings God has
given you and respond generously. The
information for our annual stewardship
program and our special mission appeal are on
the Trinity web page under the “Giving” tab.
Thank you and God bless you in your
The same could probably be said for your
calendar. What do you spend your time on
and what does that say about what holds
value for you? Who or what do you serve?
Who or what is your master? An even more
important question to ask might be what
kind of a master do you want to serve?
The Adult Forum
begins at 9:30 am
Sun. 25. September
Time and wealth are not very forgiving
masters. They aren't ultimately interested in
your welfare or anyone else's. To chase after
these masters, no matter how successfully, is
to run into a dead end. There's never
enough time to do it all. There's never
enough money to do it all.
The Adult Forum is a time
where we talk about issues of
the day, speakers talk about different ministries
in our area and around the world, or a Bible
Study on an important topic. This group meets
every Sunday in Conference Rm 10. Starting on
Sunday 25. September and running for six
sessions, the study will be the book of Exodus.
However, the God who created time and
provides for our every need is forgiving
beyond measure and interested in you to the
point of sending Jesus to die for you. To
serve God is to experience a richness in this
life that bubbles up to a life without end. To
use your gifts, resources, and skills in service
to this master is to invest in returns that are
priceless not just for you, but for the world.
According to Jesus' parable for today, God
can use your creativity, and even
shrewdness, to benefit others and
accomplish God's mission.
You Said Lutherans Believe What?
An Adult Inquiry Class
Six Sundays at 9:30 am.
2. Oct. – 6. Nov. 2016 Room 11
If you are interested in
becoming a member of Trinity,
or learning more about
Lutherans and Trinity, please
join us for this class. Please talk
with Pastor Berner ( or
contact the church office
( or 301-881-7275).
May worshiping in the Spirit's presence
today free you to use your time and
resources for the Master's purpose.
Reprinted from Words for Worship, © 2015 Augsburg Fortress.
Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.
Remember in Your Prayers
This Week at Trinity
. . . the church
our synod & bishops
Bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Richard Graham
our missionaries
Stephen Deal & Marta Giron, Central America
our congregation
Trinity Church
Rally Sunday & Paper Products Sunday,
Scout Award
8:15 am
Holy Communion with
Installation of Sunday
School Staff
9:30 am
Sun. School/Adult Classes
9:45 am
Confirmation Meeting/
Parents & Students
10:00 am
Holy Communion with
Installation of Sunday
School Staff
12:15 am
Social Ministry
1.45 pm
Bethesda H&R-Christ. Ed
Mon. 7:30 pm
Heavenly Handbells (Wor)
Tues. 11:15 am
Staff Meeting
7:00 pm
Steph. Min. Super. (10)
Wed. 7:30 pm
Mutual Ministry
Thurs. 7:30 pm
Trinity Singers (MR)
Sat. 11:00 am
Altar Guild Workshop &
Luncheon (Lib)
18th Sun. after Pentecost
. . . the nations
Afghanistan, Belgium, Ctr African Rep., Congo,
Egypt, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel,
Liberia, Libya, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria,
Palestine, the Philippines, Somalia, Sudan
(Darfur), Syria, Ukraine, the United States, and
. . . the sick and suffering
Rob W, Georgetown Hospital
nursing/rehabilitation center
Margaret B, Aarondale Living
Dottie B, Villas at Suffield, Warrenton, VA
Elaine D, Potomac Valley
Fred K
June L
Don T
family and friends*
Georgette B, friend of Marilyn C
Debi F, sister-in-law to Greg F
Howard M, friend of Margaret & Greg F
Ricki H, friend of Peggy & Dick J
Sue P, friend of Joan E
Sharon & Marce R, friends of Andy B
Jack R, friend of Marilyn G
Mario S, great nephew of Len S
18. Sept.
Next Sunday 25. September
19th Sunday after Pentecost
Bible Distribution to Children & Youth
8:15 am
Holy Communion
9:30 am
Sun. School/Adult Classes
10:45 am
Holy Communion
Looking Ahead at Trinity
26. Sept. Trinitarian Mailing
30. Sept. Youth Service Project, 12:30 pm
2. Oct. Adult Inquiry Class, 9:30 am
21. Sept. Alexander L
22. Sept. Nicholas C
. . . in the Middle East
Alexander L, son of Ione & Brian L
Baptismal Birthdays This Week
*For the family and friends, prayer
requests will be kept on the list for 4
weeks. After 4 weeks, please complete
another prayer card. Thank you.
19. Sept. Patricia S
20. Sept. Madeline B
20. Sept. Emily & Craig W
23. Sept. Mary Mills & John D
Funeral Service
Anne S
+ 8. August 2016
daughter of Riki & Harrison H
Saturday 1. October 2016 at 11:00 am
at Trinity Lutheran Church
Alice S D
+ 31. August 2016
grandmother of Amy D U
Bible Presentations
Children's Church
25. September
every Sunday at 8:30
& 11 am
Trinity will present
Bibles to our
Kindergartners, Second
Graders and all who
Confirmation this fall. Kindergartners will
receive a Story Bible. Our Second Graders will
receive a Good News Bible, and our
Confirmands will receive a New Revised
Standard Version for their study in
Trinity offers a Children's
Church each Sunday
following the announcements at both services.
Volunteers lead a special worship time and
activity for children ages 4-8. Lessons are based
on the Bible readings for that Sunday. They
sing, say prayers for the concerns on their
minds and return to worship in time to
commune with their families. If you are
interested in helping out with our children once
a month or so, please speak with Anita S
The Trinity
It’s time to start thinking
about it Chrysalis is the Metro
DC Synod’s annual weekend
retreat for 9-12th graders.
It’s amazing and you don’t
want to miss it! The event
will be held at the 4-H Center in Front Royal,
VA, 2-4. December. Put it on your calendar
Leisure World is a gated community and the
guard needs advance notice of how many are
coming, so please let Larry know no later than
12:00 noon Tuesday 4. October.
18. Sept.
25. Sept.
30. Sept.
2. Oct.
9. Oct.
16. Oct.
October meeting will
be on Wednesday 5.
October at 1:00pm at
Larry J's home in
Leisure World.
magazine, the new name
for The Lutheran
(September issue) is on
the coffee table in the
Lounge. Please take one
to read & return it, if you
wish. This subscription is
a gift from Trinity’s
Mission Endowment
Rally Sunday
Bible Distribution
Youth Service Project
Blessing of the Animals
Youth Group
Jr. Youth Group
Upcoming Retirements! If any members
are planning to retire and have a set date for
retirement, please email the church office at with this date so that we
can mark this special event.
The Word in Season for October-December
is in the tract rack in the Social Hall.
Baptismal Dates. If you missed the deadline, to provide your baptismal date, don't
worry! We are extending the time to get this information to the church office via email: or by calling the church office at 301-881-7275. We look forward
to hearing from you. For those of you that have already provided this information, thank
you very much.
Bethesda Help/Youth Service Project
Friday 30. September 2016
On Friday afternoon 30. September, Trinity will continue our outreach to
the youth of Tilden Middle School by providing an opportunity to earn their
required community service hours. The project will expose the youth to
Trinity, the works of Bethesda Helps and most importantly the needs of
families in our community. Our goal is to fill the food bags Bethesda Helps
distributes in one week; this is approximately 55 bags… if we exceed our
goal, we will fill more bags for the following week. How can you help?
Throughout September, we will be collecting food items and contributions
listed below to help fill the bags. (Please note, items contributed cannot
be in glass and cannot be expired.):
1 can of meat (chili or chicken)
3 cans vegetables
1 can beans
2 cans fish (tuna or salmon)
1 can fruit
2 packages of macaroni and cheese
1 can soup
1 canister oatmeal or 1 box cereal
1 jar peanut butter
1 box/bag dry pasta
2 cans chopped tomatoes or 1 jar pasta sauce
1 can soup
1 bag rice
1 bag beans
Bags are also needed. If you have brown paper bags, plastic food store bags or the heavy disposable
plastic bags that can be purchased at Giant, please bring them in to recycle.
If you would rather contribute than shop, please note "Bethesda Helps Project" as a designation and
Trinity's youth will use the funds to purchase items not collected or make an extra donation to
Bethesda Helps. Please contact Margaret F with any questions.
Volunteering at A Wider Circle
Sunday 9. October
Trinity's Social Ministry Committee will be organize groups from Trinity
to volunteer at A Wider Circle throughout the year to deliver some
gently used household items and other items collected for families. All
ages are welcome to volunteer.
The next opportunity to serve at A Wider Circle with Trinity will be Sunday 9. October from 1-3 pm.
If you have any donations to be dropped off at A Wider Circle, please bring them to church on 9.
October and we will save you the trip! If you have any questions, please contact Margaret F.