GCACC Newsletter - Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce
GCACC Newsletter - Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce
GCACC Newsletter O C T O B E R Critz Farms Fall Harvest Every Sat/Sun Sep 12th thru Oct25th Fun for the whole Family Pumpkins/Corn Maze And Gift Shop Tasting Room INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Oct. Events Galore New Members Fall Festival $500 Grand Prize 2 0 1 5 1 Our Farm 1590 Peth Road 2-3 Fall Festival Map Summer Farmers Mkt 4-5 GCACC Annual Dinner Mtg Member News 6-7 Fall Festival Caz Art Trail Couples Nite Out 8-9 Toggenburg/Greek Peak Raffle for Ski Passes Nelson Odeon Shows 10-11 Fall Festival and List of Sponsors to date 12-13 (just off East Lake Road, Caz) Fall festivities open from last week of September until last weekend of Oct. (U-pick Pumpkins, Corn Maze, Catapult Machine, Wagon Rides and more for the whole family. Oct. 7th Wolf Oak Acres, 6470 Creek Rd, Oneida Nov 4th Zen Den Fitness, 3-5 Madison St., Hamilton Dec. 2nd Yankee Doodles, 3409 State Rte 32, Canastota Grab your friends and make a night of it! Demonstrations, samples, expanded hours, specials, and more. 5:30-7 pm The Greater Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce 59 Albany Street, Cazenovia, NY 13035 315-655-9243 www.cazenovia.com 1 Chamber Member News Welcome New Chamber Member McCully Land Surveying, Michael J. & Kimberly McCully 5875 Fieldstone Dr., Cazenovia, NY Phone: 315-440-5096 Fax: 315-815-5034 E-Mail: mmcclly@twcny.rr.com Website: mccullylandsurveying.com A local land surveying company serving residential & commercial property owners. We provide Boundary Surveys, Staking, Elevation Certificates, Topography & more at an affordable price. Michael E. Brown Funeral Services, Mike Brown/Ross Belfiore 2333 Fenner Rd., P.O. Box 317 Cazenovia, NY 13035 Phone: 315-655-4615 Cell: 315-447-5761 E-mail: brownfuneralservices@gmail.com Website: www.michaelebrownfuneralservices.com With over 100 years of combined experience in funeral service, we are dedicated to providing honor, value & trust to Cazenovia and the surrounding communities. The Country Bumpkin Bed & Breakfast, Debbie Randall, Owner 4079 Argos Road, Cazenovia, NY 13035 Phone: 315-655-8084 Fax: 315-655-8084 Website: www.countrybumpkinbb.com Tour our four beautiful rooms where you’ll find the charm of a bed and breakfast in a comfortable and elegant setting. Each room is custom designed and includes exquisite period furnishings, antiques and careful attention to detail. All the comforts that you require are on hand: air conditioning, lovely private baths and luxurious linens. Fall Festival Grand Prize of $500. of Gifts $5. Donation to enter the Raffle for the Grand Prize To be given away Oct 24th at 5 p.m. front of Oneida Savings Tickets available at Chamber Office 59 Albany St. 2 2nd Annual Fall Festival Oct 23-25 Free Friday Nite Dance from 7 to 10 On Seminary Street Caz Fire Dept. Chicken BBQ Sat. 11 to 2 pm The 2nd Annual Greater Cazenovia Area Fall Festival will be held October 23rd thru the 25th Enter your Scarecrow and pumpkins for $$ To enter is free and must be turned into Chamber by 3 pm 24th. Winners will be announced in Telephone Park at 4 Here is a little Peek at what is planned: Scarecrow Contest Pumpkin Carving & Painting Contest (We want to see 100+pumpkins displayed) Over 60 vendors on sidewalks inc. Our Farmer’s Market Walking Balloon Magicians Horse drawn Hay Wagon rides Friday night Street Dance w/line dance instructor 3 -Bands performing about the Village Sat. Bouncy House Many Children’s Carnival games w/prizes Climbing wall Mask making at Library Followed by costume parade and trick or treating w/ merchants Caz Fire Dept Chicken BBQ Rotary Hot Dogs booth Dessert Passport for Month of Oct. CPF Walk among the Spirits Face Painting by College Club Fun and Prizes for all ages 3 Tots age 6 & under Halloween Parade for Trick or Treat from merchants at 12:30 from the Library. Horse Drawn Hay Wagon Rides from Telephone Park 2nd Annual Fall Festival Oct 23-25, 2015 Sat., 24th Musical Entertainment 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Latte Da Singers at AmeriCU Porch 1:15 p.m. The Allure Tots Dancing Telephone Park 1 to 3 p.m. The Big Little Band front of Kinney Drugs 3 to 5 p.m. Dave Novak Band front of Oneida Savings Sat, 24th Climbing Wall provided by Jessica Amidon and the Boy Scouts on Presbyterian Church lawn. There will be supervision while on the wall. 1 to 4 p.m. 4 Summer Farmer’s Market is Open Aileen Randolph—Manager Visit the Market Saturdays 9a.m. to 4 p.m. Memorial Park, Albany St., Cazenovia, NY May 9th thru October 31st 7 Trees Dairy Goats—cheese Antimore Crafts—Jewelry, Aprons, Scarves, Tye-Dye T-Shirts, Hot Pot Holders and deco flip flops BeZi Artful Designs—Handmade leather crafts custom made for you **Brownson Family Farm—Fruits, Vegetables, Honey and Maple Syrup Cakes & Other Goodies—Decorated Cutouts, Boston Brown Bread, Cupcakes, Christmas Cookies, Scones, small decorated cakes, Scratch Pies and Holiday Candy **Catering with Care—Pies, Scones (take and bake), Quiche, Chicken, Beef or Veggie Pies Cazenovia Cut Block—Wooden Crafts **Creekside Meadows— Beef, Pork and Poultry. Vegetables, Herbs, Maple Syrup & Soaps **Critz Farm—Maple syrup, Hard Cider and Blueberries **Dizzy Lizzy’s Farm—Produce, Fruit, Garlic, Maple, Eggs and Flowers Drover Hill Farm—Beef, Pork, Lamb and Chicken Empire Buffalo—Bison, Garlic Scrapes **Fairie Valley—Handmade Children’s Clothes, totes and accessories **Fenner Alps Fiber Farm—Yarn and fiber from Angora goats, Vintage journals and crochet jewelry **Food & Ferments—100% naturally fermented food and drinks. Sauerkraut, Kimehi, Pickles, etc. Frosty Morning Farm—Fruits, Vegetables, Plants, Flowers, Eggs, Baked Goods, and Hand Made Hula Hoops Full Circle Feed—Dog Treats **Goosegreen Farm—Vegetables Hartwood—Fruits, Vegetables, Eggs Heartstone Artisan Bakery-Artisan Breads **Johnston’s Honeybees—Honey **Kriemhild Dairy Farms—Butter Life of Reilly—Spirit Beverages **Local Roots Farm—Granola Cereal, WholeWheat Bread, Wintergreens, Onions and Garlic, Maple Syrup and Honey **Meadowood Farms—Cheese, Beef and Lamb Mountain Grown Farm—Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Honey Navarino Orchard—Fruits, Vegetables, Baked Goods and Homemade Canned Goods **Owera Vineyards—Wine **Simple Roast Coffee—Coffee Spruce Ridge Landscape—Plants and Flowers **Studio Botanika—Milk based soaps Sweet Indulgence—Baked Goods **Tartine Bake Shop—Baked Goods **Three Village Cheese Co.—Cheese Note: Some vendors do leave at 2 p.m. as duty calls elsewhere so come early for them ** ( Vendors who have signed up for Market as of 9/30/15) If you have not visited the market yet …..you are missing out on a great array of foods and talent provided by our neighbors in and around the community. Thank you to all the vendors who like the mailman are here every Saturday! 5 Chamber Member News GCACC Invites you to join us for the Annual Dinner Meeting Thursday November 12th Caz Sports Bowl 5:45 p.m. Reception with Cash Bar w/Laine Gilmore piano music 6:30 p.m. Dinner $38 per person RSVP by November 6th to the Chamber Office 655-9243 or email info@cazenovia.com Program 7:30 Election of Officers for 2016 Madison County Historian Matthew Urtz Hop history in Madison County Member of the Year Announced Reception 5:45 Cash Bar & Hors D’oeuvres Piano Music provided by Laine Gilmore Dinner 6:30 Salads Pasta Dishes Clams Shrimp Prime Rib BBQ Chicken Cornbread Desserts Skanda’s Goat Daze has moved to Saturday, October 24th! Please join us to celebrate Skanda’s incredibly gentle, sweet, and very social goats. Skanda’s goats love kids and love people-come feed them, play with them, and experience their pure joy, so special and so contagious. Bring the whole family-admission is FREE. Visit Skanda to learn more about the goats and all Skanda’s animals at www.skandaequine.com Activities include: Hayrides, Educational Speaker, Pumpkin Picking, Fishing Contest for Kids, Elf and Troll House building, Face Painting, Halloween goat costume contest and lots of loving animals!! 6 Member News Cazenovia Equipment Space is limited for this event so call by Oct. 21st to register. Kalin Frazee 315-655-8620 kfraqzee@cazequip.com Join us to learn more about how renewable energy can work for you!! *Grant Funding & Tax Credits *Project Development & Installation *Operations & Maintenance *Battery Storage *Leasing Options Zephyr Teachout, described by the Daily Show's Jon Stewart as the "utter unknown" who "nearly overturned the primary" in the race for New York's governorship, will deliver the next Cazenovia Forum lecture on Friday, October 9 at 7pm at the Catherine Cummings Theatre in Cazenovia. (Admission is Free and Open to the Public) 7 Member News Cazenovia Art Trail October 3rd and October 10th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Over 25 Artists participating this year. You may pick up maps for the event at Cazenovia Public Library and participating artists as well as the Chamber Office Friday, October 23rd Special Events 7 to 7:15 p.m. Fireworks at Lakeland Park presented by Caz College 7 to 10 p.m. Line Dancing on Seminary Buy pumpkins locally for the carving contest! You can purchase pumpkins at: Our Farm, Peth Road—Critz Farms, Rt 13 So.—Jones”Stoneybrook Farm, 4884 Nelson Rd and other Farm Stands in our area. Saturday, October 24th Music Events 11 to 1 pm A cappella women’s group courtesy of Latte Da!! 1 to 3 pm “Big Little Band” Jazz in front of Kinney Drugs 3 to 5 pm Dave Novak and Friends band in front of Oneida Savings Bank Saturday, October 24th Block Party 12 to 4 p.m. Climbing Wall, Children’s Carnival Games with prizes and Bounce House on Seminary Street Sunday, October 25th Cazenovia Middle School 1 p.m. Kids Costume fun run 2 p.m. Pumpkin run sponsored by the 8th grade class of ‘2019 *Press CTRL and click the link below to connect to our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cazenovia-Chamber/143007701458 8 Member News Buy pumpkins locally for the carving contest! You can purchase pumpkins at: Our Farm, Peth Road—Critz Farms, Rt 13 So.—Jones”Stoneybrook Farm, 4884 Nelson Rd and other Farm Stands in our area. You are invited to: Couples Night Out, Oct 2nd Romantic Horse Drawn Carriage Rides Shops are open w/drawings for gifts at each shop Kareoke Music in front of Chamber Office at 59 Albany St. Models strolling the sidewalk For your viewing pleasure. Loyalty Program The Quality Auto Care Loyalty program gives you a 10% discount for any services performed, excluding NY State Inspections, on your invoice. What better way for your car to say “thank you” for taking care of it through thoughtful maintenance and needed repairs. 9 Chamber Member News Toggenburg Mountain & Greek Peak The Greater Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce Raffle for 2015/16 Ski Season 1st Prize- 2 Season Passes 2nd Prize- 4 One Day Passes (Passes can be used at Toggenburg or Greek Peak) 3rd Prize $50 Foggy Goggle Gift Certificate (donated by AmeriCU) Drawing October 24, 2015 at Fall Festival Raffle Tickets $5 each or 6 for $20 Tickets Available at Chamber Office or AmeriCU Call 655-9243 Prizes provided by GCACC, Toggenburg, & AmeriCU Fundraiser for 2nd Annual Fall Festival October23-25, 2015 Here are the next Four upcoming shows and WHEN Nov 6th—Patchy Sanders 8 p.m. $22 Advance and $24 at door Dec 5th—Ruddy Well Band 8 p.m. $20 Advance and $22 at door Jan 23rd—Dirty Bourbon River Show 8 p.m. $22 Advance and $24 at door Feb 5th—Sultans of String 8 p.m. $24 Advance and $26 at door Jeff and Linda, we are all looking forward to another great year of shows and desserts at the Nelson Odeon. Advance sale tickets available at the Chamber Office Tue—Sat 10 Chamber Member News O c t o b e r J A C K 3 , G R A C E 2 0 1 5 B A N D Doors open at 7:30 pm $20 in advance : Buy Online His band rocks too hard to be country. It always has. And the band members come from all walks of life: jazz, rock, country and, well, other. Bassist, vocalist, and wife Daria (Melomane, Pre-war Ponies) keeps the rhythm going with the rotating drummers, Russ Meissner, Jason “J-Bird” Bowman and Bruce Martin (Tom Tom Club). “If you don’t laugh and cry at the same …you better check your pulse. You might be disgracefully dead.” – James Reaney, London Free Press (London, ON) - O c t o b e r K E V I N 1 0 , G O R D O N 2 0 1 5 T R I O Doors open at 7:30 pm $22 in advance : Buy Online Kevin Gordon’s voice is made from dust and red clay. And the songs on the Louisiana-born performer’s sweeping new album Gloryland are chiseled from the bedrock of life — the honest facts of rambling, needing, loving, soul-searching, and experience. Each part of the Collective comes together to form an amalgam of complementary and contrasting elements. With a Motown session musician for a father, guitarist Andrew Brown was exposed to pre-World War II jazz on a trip to New Orleans. Shortly afterwards a chance meeting introduced him to Brandon Smith, violinist, mandolinist, and improvisatory magician who grew up playing old time fiddle music. Vince Russo, multipercussionist, and van-packing savant, blends influences of funk, jazz and rock n’ roll on the washboard. Eric Dawe comes from a background of choral singing and studies in Indian classical music and provides the bottom end on the upright bass. The whole band sings in harmony. - 11 O c t o b e r T H E 2 4 , A P P L E S E E D Doors open at 7:30 pm $21 in advance : Buy Online 2 0 1 5 C O L L E C T I V E Chamber Member News 2nd Annual Fall Festival in Cazenovia Saturday, October 24th 10—3 pm Face and Pumpkin Painting for all ages at Chamber 10-3 Carved Pumpkin and Scarecrow entries turn into Chamber 9-4 Sidewalk Stroll Vendors and Shops (open at 10) 10:30-12:30 Mask Making at Library age 7 and under 11-2 Rotary Hot Dog Sales front of Chamber Office 11-2 Magician/Balloon Artists 11-2 Fire Department Chicken BBQ 12:30 to 1 pm Halloween Parade with Trick or Treating from Library to Shops w/TrickorTreat signs and to Firehouse 1:30 to 3 Pumpkin Painting for preschoolers to age 7 at Library 2-4 Horse Drawn Hay Wagon Rides from Telephone Park 4:30 Announce Winners of Pumpkin and Scarecrows Telephone Park 4:45 Pumpkins may be picked up by owners before DUMPING 5 pm The Great Pumpkin DUMP by the Village DPW 7 pm CPF Walk Among the Spirits in Evergreen Cemetery from Burton Street Parking Lot (Oct 26th & 27th also) 12 We would like to Thank our Fall Festival Sponsors, who without their help this great event would not take place. Madison County Tourism—Advertising Grant of $1500. AmeriCU—Bounce House on Seminary Street Sat 12 to 4 pm Amidon Family—(2) Tents loaned for Childrens Arcade Caz Cans—Climbing Wall Presbyterian Lawn 12-4 Sat Cazenovia Children’s House—Games for Arcade Sat 12 to 4 Cazenovia Fire Department—Chicken BBQ Sat 11 to 2 Cazenovia 8th Grade—Sunday Pumpkin Run at 1 Cazenovia Preservation Foundation—Spirit Walk 7 pm Friends of the Library—Pumpkin Painting up to 7 yrs 1:30-3 Library Geoff Navias—Mask making for 8 yr & under 10:30-12:30 Library Karen Eldridge & Karen Reynolds—Balloon Magician Latte Da—Street Music Sat 11 to 1 pm Lincklaen House Rotary Club—Horse Drawn Hay Rides 2 to 4 pm Shannon Richard & Todd Enders—Line Dance instructor $200. Fri 7-10 Dance under the stars (free) good time for whole family. Lillie Bean, Industrial Loft, JD Hunter, JS Hight & Tizzy—Dave Novak Band at Oneida Savings 3 to 5 and Balloons for Carnival Our Farm—Donated 120 Corn Stalks (Laura Hunt, Linda Amaral cut) Walmart—$50 Gift Certificate for Raffle GCACC—Prizes for Children’s Carnival Games, Grand Prize $500 Gift cart Donations are still needed for Fall Fetival Children’s Block Party Call 655-9243 or e-mail info@cazenovia.com If you would like to make a donation to this great event. 13
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