Analogy, Concept Blending, and Computational Creativity
Analogy, Concept Blending, and Computational Creativity
Analogy, Concept Blending, and Computational Creativity Tarek R. Besold AI Research Group Institute of Cognitive Science University of Osnabrück 22. February 2014 Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Honor to whom honor is due... The following presentation is based on joint work (mainly) by: University of Osnabrück: Kai-Uwe Kühnberger Helmar Gust Ute Schmid (University of Bamberg, Germany) Angela Schwering (University of Münster, Germany) Maricarmen Martinez Baldares (University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia) Ulf Krumnack Martin Möhrmann (né Schmidt) Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Tarek R. Besold University of Edinburgh: Alan Smaill Markus Guhe Alison Pease (University of Dundee, Scotland, UK) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Analogy in the Wild (1) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Analogy in the Wild (2) Juliet is like the sun. Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Analogy in the Wild (2) Juliet is like the sun. = Juliet consists of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields? Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Analogy in the Wild (2) Juliet is like the sun. = Juliet accounts for about 99.68% of the total mass of the Solar System? Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Analogy in the Wild (2) Juliet is like the sun. Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity What’s it all about... Analogy “άναλογία” - analogia, “proportion”. Informally: Claims of similarity, often used in argumentation or when explaining complex situations. A bit more formal: Analogy-making is the human ability of perceiving dissimilar domains as similar with respect to certain aspects based on shared commonalities in relational structure or appearance. (Incidental remark: In less complex forms also to be found in some other primates.) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity A Schematic Account of Computational Analogy-Making Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Heuristic-Driven Theory Projection (1) Heuristic-Driven Theory Projection (HDTP) Computing analogical relations and inferences (domains given as many-sorted first-order logic representation). Base and target of analogy defined in terms of axiomatisations, i.e., given by a finite set of formulae. Aligning pairs of formulae by means of anti-unification (extending classical Plotkin-style first-order anti-unification to a restricted form of higher-order anti-unification). Modeling generalization-guided analogical transfer between source and target domain. Proof-of-concept applications in modeling mathematical reasoning (Argand, 1813) and concept blending in mathematics (Lakoff & Núñez, 2000). Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Heuristic-Driven Theory Projection (2) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Rutherford & HDTP (1) Rutherford analogy (underlying the Bohr-Rutherford model of the atom): Analogy between solar system and hydrogen atom: ...nucleus is more massive than electrons, sun is more massive than planets. ...nucleus attracts electrons (Coulomb’s law), sun attracts planets (Newton’s law of gravity). ...attraction plus mass relation causes electrons to revolve around nucleus, similarly planets revolve around sun. Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Rutherford & HDTP (2) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Rutherford & HDTP (3) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Concept blending: A + B = ? (1) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Concept blending: A + B = ? (2) Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Foundations of Theory Blending Concept Blending Given two domain theories I1 and I2 , representing two conceptualizations... ...look for a generalization G ... ...construct the blend space B in such a way as to preserve the correlations between I1 and I2 established by G . Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Mathematical Domain Formation (1) Modeling (Argand, 1813)’s (re)discovery1 of complex plane as geometric interpretation of complex numbers. Not using detailed formalizations of domains, but formalizing only the minimum necessary and highlighting dynamics of selection and use of domains in network. Network of domains in Argand’s reasoning: 1 Independent first discovery: Wallis, 1685. Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity Mathematical Domain Formation (2) Argand added vector domain (VECTORS), and subsequently complex plane (CP), to already existing network of domains. Together with complex arithmetic (CA) and number line (NL), CP and VECTORS form diamond shape of blend. Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity COINVENT - Concept Invention Theory (1) European research project within the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET-Open Grant number: 611553. The COINVENT partners: IIIA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK University of Osnabrück, Germany Univ. of Bremen, Germany/Univ. of Magdeburg, Germany Goldsmiths, University of London, UK Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece University of Dundee, Scotland, UK Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity COINVENT - Concept Invention Theory (2) Goals A novel, computationally feasible, formal model of concept blending (based on Fauconnier and Turner’s theory). A deeper understanding of conceptual blending and its role in computational creativity. A generic, creative computational system capable of serendipitous invention and manipulation of novel abstract concepts. Validate model and computational realization in representative working domains of creativity: mathematics and music. Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity COINVENT - Concept Invention Theory (3) Expected Contributions: Working Domains Mathematical reasoning: A computational system that... ...proposes potentially interesting novel definitions, theories, and conjectures motivated by conceptual (not only formal) reasons. ...evaluates the potential of ideas when proposed by mathematicians. Melodic harmonisation: A computational system that... ...proposes new harmonic concepts emerging from learned harmonic spaces, examples and counter-examples. ...suggests new harmonic conceptualizations emerging from blends of different harmonic spaces that give rise to potentially interesting new harmonies. Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity The very last slide... Thank you for your attention! Questions: The unavoidable closing XKCD (#948): Tarek R. Besold Analogy, Concept Blending & Computational Creativity