01.06. bis 29.06.2013


01.06. bis 29.06.2013
Distrikt 4920
Distrikt 1820
01.06. bis 29.06.2013
Das Ziel von Rotary ist Dienstbereitschaft
im täglichen Leben. Rotary sucht diesem
Ziel auf folgenden Wegen näherzukommen:
Erstens durch Pflege der Freundschaft als
eine Gelegenheit, sich anderen nützlich zu
Zweitens durch Anerkennung hoher ethischer Grundsätze im Privat- und Berufs­­le­
ben sowie des Wertes jeder für die
Allgemeinheit nützlichen Tätigkeit.
Drittens durch Förderung verantwortungsbewusster privater, geschäftlicher und
öffentlicher Betätigung aller Rotarier.
Viertens durch Pflege des guten Willens
zur Verständigung und zum Frieden unter
den Völkern durch eine Weltgemeinschaft
berufstätiger Mitglieder, geeint im Ideal
des Dienens.
des Governors Distr. 1820
Saludo del gobernador
del distrito 1820
Jörg Goll
Distrikt Governor 1820, RC Bad Homburg-Kurpark
Liebes GSE Team aus Argentinien,
Wir Rotarierinnen und Rotarier im Distrikt 1820 und
Eure Gastfamilien heißen Euch als Botschafter Eures
Landes, Eures Distrikts 4920 in Hessen sehr herzlich
Unsere rotarischen Freunde und Gastfamilien freuen
sich darauf, Euch in den kommenden 4 Wochen vielfältige Einblicke in unser Leben, unsere Familien,
unser Land, unsere Geschichte, unsere Kultur, unsere
Wirtschaft, unsere Ökologie und unsere Berufs- und
Arbeitswelt zu ermöglichen.
Im gleichen Atemzug sind wir neugierig mehr über Eure
Heimat, die Besonderheiten Eures Landes, Eurer
Region, die unendlich vielen landschaftlichen Schön­
heiten, Eure Kultur, Eure Gedanken und Eindrücke zu
erfahren. Gerne tauschen wir uns aus über Eure persönlichen Lebensentwürfe und beruflichen Vor­
stellungen, Wünsche und Ziele.
Zum Dritten möchten wir Euch gerne auch unseren
weltweit gemeinsamen rotarischen Zielen wie Freund­
schaft unter den Völkern, Integrität und Toleranz, soziales Engagement und Weltoffenheit näher bringen.
„Mit jeder neuen Freundschaft fühle ich mich mehr in
dieser Welt zuhause, denn überall wo ich Freunde
habe, da ist mein Zuhause“ – dies ist für mich der Geist
von GSE. Und so freue ich mich, dass die beiden
Teams bereits gemeinsam in einem Flugzeug hergeflogen sind – Ihr sollt Euch hier Zuhause fühlen.
Ich freue mich darauf, beide Teams gemeinsam auf
unserer Distrikt-Konferenz am 15. Juni begrüßen zu
dürfen und wünsche Euch einen unvergesslichen
Aufenthalt im Distrikt 1820 von Rotary International –
hier in Hessen.
Querido equipo GSE de Argentina:
Nosotros, Rotarias y Rotarios del distrito 1820 y
­nuestras familias anfitrionas, os damos la bienvenida
a Hessen como embajadores de vuestro país y vuestro
distrito 4920.
Todos nuestros amigos rotarios y las familias anfi­
trionas nos alegramos mucho de poder brindaros
durante las próximas cuatro semanas una experiencia
directa sobre nuestras vidas, nuestras familias,
­nuestro país, nuestra historia, nuestra cultura, nuestra
economía, nuestra ecología, y nuestros trabajos.
Al mismo tiempo, estamos muy interesados en conocer vuestra patria, las características de vuestro país,
vuestra región, el incalculable número de paisajes
maravillosos, vuestra cultura y vuestras ideas e impresiones. Nos encontramos entusiasmados ante la idea
de poder intercambiar impresiones y conocer mejor
vuestros proyectos, vuestras ideas de futuro y vuestros
deseos y metas profesionales.
En tercer lugar, queremos acercaros a nuestras metas
rotarias comunes, como la amistad entre naciones, la
integridad, la tolerancia, el compromiso social y la
amplitud de miras.
„Con cada nueva amistad me siento más como en
casa, en este mundo, ya que en todo aquel lugar
donde tengo amigos, tengo mi casa“. Esto es para mí
el espíritu GSE. Y por eso me alegro de que ambos
equipos hayan volado juntos en el mismo avión hasta
aquí – os debéis sentir en vuestra propia casa.
Me alegra mucho dar la bienvenida a ambos equipos
a nuestra conferencia del distrito este 15 de Junio y os
deseo una estancia inolvidable en nuestro distrito
1820 de Rotary Internacional – aquí en Hessen.
des GSE/VTT-Beauftragten
Distr. 1820
RC Hanau-Maintal
Liebe Rotarierinnen und Rotarier des Distrikts 1820,
Dear Rotarians of District 1820
es ist mir eine große Freude, Ihnen und uns in den nächsten vier
Wochen die Internationalität der „Rotarischen Familie“ eindrücklich
It is my great pleasure to give you and us the understanding of the
international nature of the "Rotarian family" during the next four
Nachdem unser Distrikt vor einem Jahr ein GSE-Team auf die
Philippinen schicken durfte, haben wir nunmehr Gelegenheit, Gäste
aus Argentinien begrüßen zu dürfen. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass
unsere Gäste bei ihrer Rückkehr in den Heimatdistrikt von ebenso
grandiosen Eindrücken berichten können, wie unser Team, das
gemeinsam mit unseren Gästen von unserem Austauschdistrikt
zurückkehrt. Das Programm auf den folgenden Seiten ist Beleg für
die ganze Bandbreite unserer vielfältigen Kulturlandschaft.
After our district was allowed to send a GSE team to the
Philippines a year ago, we now have the opportunity to welcome
guests from Argentina. I am quite convinced that after their return
to the home district our guests will be able to report on the same
grand impressions as our team that has come back together with
our guests from our exchange-district. The program on the following pages demonstrates the full spectrum of our diverse cultural
In diesem Jahr gilt mein besonderer Dank vor allem den Clubs
Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden-Kochbrunnen, Wiesbaden-Nassau, Wies­
baden-Rheingau, Frankfurt/M.-Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main Palmengarten, Kelsterbach Rhein-Main International, Korbach-Bad
Arolsen, Alsfeld/Hessen und Lauterbach-Schlitz. Diese haben angeregt durch die vielen positiven Erfahrungen aus der Vergangenheit
trotz aller Mühen ein umfassendes und vorzügliches Programm
zusammengestellt. Es ist mir eine besondere Freude damit auch in
diesem Jahr eine langjährige Tradition unseres Distrikts fortzusetzen.
Alle Rotarischen Freundinnen und Freunde, die nicht direkt am GSEAustausch 2013 beteiligt sind, möchte ich freilich einladen, unsere
Gäste aus Argentinien persönlich kennenzulernen, zumindest auf der
diesjährigen Distriktkonferenz in Bad Homburg v.d.H. ist dazu reichlich Gelegenheit. Mit Inkrafttreten des Future Vision Plans (FVP) wird
der Studiengruppenaustausch (GSE) als Programm der Rotary
Foundation nicht weitergeführt. In den Fokus rücken damit distrikt-/
clubfinanzierte Group Study Exchanges (mit teilweise erhöhter
Flexibilität in der Gestaltung) und der Austausch von durch die
Foundation geförderten Vocational Training Teams (VTT). Der Distrikt
wird auch zukünftig in diesem Bereich aktiv sein und die Clubs mit
Rat und Tat unterstützen. Selbstverständlich sind alle rotarischen
Clubs in unserem Distrikt auch eingeladen, sich zukünftig selbst
noch aktiver an solchen Projekten zu beteiligen.
This year, my special thanks go especially to the clubs­
baden, Wiesbaden-Kochbrunnen, Wiesbaden-Nassau,
Wiesbaden-Rhein­gau, Frankfurt/M.-Paulskirche, Frankfurt am
Main - Palmen­garten, Kelsterbach Rhein-Main International,
Korbach-Bad Arolsen, Alsfeld/Hessen und Lauterbach-Schlitz.
These clubs have – inspired by the many positive experiences
from the past, despite all efforts – arranged a comprehensive and
excellent program. It is my great pleasure to continue this longterm tradition of our District again in this year.
I would like to invite all Rotarian friends who are not directly
involved in the Group Study Exchange 2013, to get to know our
guests from Argentina in person, at least at this year's District
Conference in Bad Homburg v.d.H. is ample opportunity. With
coming into effect of the Future Vision Plan (FVP) Group Study
Exchange (GSE) will not be continued as a program of the Rotary
Foundation. Thereby district-/club-funded Group Study
Exchanges (with some increased flexibility in the conception) and
the exchange of Vocational Training Teams (VTT) supported by the
Foundation will come to the fore. The District will also be active in
this area in the future and supports its clubs with words and
deeds. Of course, all Rotary Clubs in our District are invited to
participate even more actively in such projects in the future.
Mit den besten Wünschen für einen erfolgreichen Programmverlauf,
interessante Kontakte und der Möglichkeit die internationale rota­
rische Freundschaft zu erleben und zu gestalten verbleibe ich
With the best wishes for a successful course of the program,
interesting contacts and the possibility to experience and to
shape the international Rotary friendship, I remain
Marc-Olaf Grumann
Marc-Olaf Grumann
GSE/VTT Chair Distrikt 1820
GSE/VTT Chair District 1820
aus Argentinien · Distrikt 4920
Dr. Joachim Werner
Luciana M. Churruca
Team leader
32 years old
RC Mar del Plata Sud
73 years old
•Dr. Ing. Microbiology and Biotechnology;
•Industrial and Textile Designer (Fashion / Leisure / protective clothing).
•Co-owner Werner Consult SRL.
•Author of 13 scientific publications;
•Business organization of production plants
(textile branch);
•1985 – 2008 Honorary Consul of the Federal
Republic of Germany;
•Manufacture of jewelry,
•2008 Federal Cross of Merit, first class
•Sports (badminton, swimming, roller-blading);
aus Argentinien · Distrikt 4920
Andrea Garrido
Verónica Kant
28 years old
31 years old
• Physiotherapist (treatment of neurological
patients, respiratory therapy techniques and
palliative care).
• Engineer for safety at work and hygiene.
• Public health care;
• New techniques and patient treatment technology;
• Learn how to study physiotherapy
in Germany.
• Methods and rules of accident prevention
(accident control);
• The role of women in working life.
Eleonora Moschione
German L Tapia
39 years old
35 years old
• Biochemist / environmental engineer;
• Magister in agricultural economics;
• Professor in postgraduate seminar "Water",
Environmental Engineering, National Technical
University, Mar del Plata.
• Economist;
• Groundwater management;
• Water and wastewater treatment technologies;
• Environmental protection programs.
• Cattle-breeder.
• Angus cattle;
• Exchange of experiences with professional colleagues;
• See and get to know other cultures.
für Argentinien
Katja Rothmeier
Diplom-Pädagogin, Managing
Director Bundesverband Indi­
vidual- und Erlebnispädagogik e.V.
RC Lauterbach-Schlitz
Bastian Bahnemann
Dipl.-Kfm. (FH), Financial Analyst
RC Frankfurt am Main International
Corina Lesny-Kugel
Controllerin /
RC Kaufungen-Lossetal
Peer Schneider
Consultant Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
RC Kronberg
Kristina Portje
Industriekauffrau, Ökonomin für Personalmanagement
RC Korbach-Bad Arolsen
Jonas Thiele
Geschäftsleiter FRAPORT SKY-LINERS e.V.
RC Frankfurt am Main Paulskirche
Zuständig für
den Studiengruppenaustausch
Governor 2012/2013
Jörg Goll
RC Bad Homburg-Kurpark
Im Prinzengarten 18
D-61348 Bad Homburg v.d.H.
Phone: +49 (6172) 964 - 480
E-Mail: goll.joerg@t-online.de
Marc-Olaf Grumann
RC Hanau-Maintal
Louisenstraße 120
D-61348 Bad Homburg v.d.H.
Phone: +49 (6172) 917 28 - 66
E-Mail: marc-olaf.grumann@rotary1820.de
Foundation Chair
Heinz Jürgen Knebel
RC Bad Vilbel
Taunusstr. 6
D-65760 Eschborn
Phone: +49 (6173) 9372 - 11
E-Mail: Rotary@Knebel-WP-StB.de
®Sat June 01 – Sat 08, 2013
RC Wiesbaden:
Ulrich Kirchen
Galileistraße 11
D-65193 Wiesbaden
(p) +49 (611) 52 32 94
(d) +49 (611) 88 03 420
E-Mail: ukircheni@aol.com
RC Wiesbaden-Nassau:
Reinhild Link
Richard-Strauss-Str. 4
D-65193 Wiesbaden
(p) +49 (611) 53 23 718
(d) +49 (611) 56 57 97 77
E-Mail: reinhild-link@t-online.de
RC Wiesbaden-Kochbrunnen:
Norman Gabler
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 5A
D-65193 Wiesbaden
(p) +49 (611) 52 17 55
(d) +49 (611) 89 05 250
E-Mail: n.gabler@qmet.de
RC Wiesbaden-Rheingau:
Gerhard Obermayr
Rosenstraße 8
D-65189 Wiesbaden
(d) +49 (611) 36 01 53 917
(m) +49 (172) 68 59 919
E-Mail: obermayr@europa-schule.de
®Sat June 08 – Thu June 13, 2013
RC Frankfurt am Main Palmengarten
Georg Lange
Lindenring 37
D-60431 Frankfurt am Main
(d) +49 (69) 78 98 800
(m) +49 (151) 1715 9824
E-Mail: lange@lws-law.com
RC Frankfurt/M.-Paulskirche
Gerhard Roeser
Guaitastraße 15
D-61476 Kronberg i.T.
(p) +49 (6173) 99 51 58
(m) +49 (172) 89 55 979
E-Mail: gerhard.roeser@yahoo.de
®Thu June 13 – Sat June 15, 2013
Coordinator RC Kelsterbach Rhein-Main International
Thilo Kienzle
Auf dem Wingert 16
D-65462 Ginsheim
(p) +49 (6144) 41 798
(d) +49 (6142) 77 72 75
(m) +49 (170) 22 52 327
E-Mail: Thilo.Kienzle@gmx.de
®Sat June 15 – Sat June 22, 2013
Coordinator RC Korbach-Bad Arolsen
Thomas Ebert
Thomas-Mann-Str. 5
D-34497 Korbach
(p) +49 (5631) 13 73
(m) +49 (171) 22 77 326
E-Mail: thomas.ebert@telekom.de
®Sat June 22 – Sat 29, 2013
RC Alsfeld/Hessen
Daniela Elger
Am Kalkofen 16
D-36341 Lauterbach
(d1) +49 (6641) 91 79 60
(d2) +49 (6641) 91 79 62
E-Mail: d.elger@die-recht.de
Coordinator RC Lauterbach-Schlitz
Hans-Jürgen Schäfer
Birkenallee 17
D-36110 Schlitz
(p) +49 (6642) 15 19
E-Mail: hj.schaefer.schlitz@t-online.de
Co-Coordinator RC Lauterbach-Schlitz
Martin Heß
Lönsstraße 5
D-36341 Lauterbach
(p) +49 (6641) 63 674
(d) +49 (6641) 63 011
(m) +49 (170) 23 59 408
E-Mail: m.hess@ing-hess.de
Sat June 01 – Sat June 8, 2013
Region 7 ∙ Ass. Governor Dieter Fischer
August-Bebel-Straße 12
D-65474 Bischofsheim
(p) +49 (6144) 87 26
E-Mail: di.u.fischer@t-online.de
Host Clubs jointly
RC Wiesbaden, RC Wiesbaden-Kochbrunnen,
RC Wiesbaden-Nassau and RC Wiesbaden-Rheingau
Fri May 31
01.25 pm
Departure from Buenos Aires Airport
Sat June 01 11.15 am
Arrival at Frankfurt International Airport (AZ400)
Pick up at the airport by Rotarians of the
Wiesbaden host clubs; Transfer to host families
at restaurant Käfer’s, Kurhaus Wiesbaden
Refreshment and team recreation at host families
Coordinator RC Wiesbaden
Frd. Ulrich Kirchen
Galileistraße 11
D-65193 Wiesbaden
(p) +49 (611) 52 32 94
(d) +49 (611) 88 03 420
E-Mail: ukircheni@aol.com
Coordinator RC Wiesbaden-Kochbrunnen
Frd. Norman Gabler
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 5A
D-65193 Wiesbaden
(p) +49 (611) 52 17 55
(d) +49 (611) 89 05 250
E-Mail: n.gabler@qmet.de
Coordinator RC Wiesbaden-Nassau
Frdin. Reinhild Link
Richard-Strauss-Str. 4
D-65193 Wiesbaden
(p) +49 (611) 53 23 718
(d) +49 (611) 56 57 97 77
E-Mail: reinhild-link@t-online.de
Sun June 02 Whole day
Team recreation and diverse activities
with host families
Mon June 03 09.30 am
02.30 pm
06.00 pm
Visit of a company for glass production
(Derix, Taunusstein)
Sightseeing tour in Wiesbaden
Dinner at restaurant Wagner’s at Opelbad
Team recreation at host families
Tue June 04 10.00 am – 04.30 pm 07.00 pm
Visit of a company for pharmaceutical/chemical products
(Boehringer, Ingelheim) “Ingelheimer Tage”
Meeting Rotary Club Wiesbaden
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
Wed June 05 Until afternoon
07.00 pm
Vocational Day (1)
Thu June 06 10.00 am
01.00 pm
03.00 pm
Visit of a broadcasting company (ZDF, Mainz)
Meeting Rotary Club Wiesbaden-Kochbrunnen
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
Visit of the Parliament of Hesse (Hessischer Landtag)
Team recreation at host families
Coordinator RC Wiesbaden-Rheingau
Frd. Gerhard Obermayr
Rosenstraße 8
D-65189 Wiesbaden
(d) +49 (611) 36 01 53 917
(m) +49 (172) 68 59 919
E-Mail: obermayr@europa-schule.de
(individual program which depends on the professional qualification/interest of each participant)
Meeting Rotary Club Wiesbaden-Nassau
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
Fri June 07
Team recreation at host families or free time in Wiesbaden
Sightseeing tour to the region “Rheingau”
Fare-well Evening in Rheingau
Sat June 08Morning
Transfer to host club Frankfurt am Main Palmengarten
Sat June 08 – Thu June 13, 2013
Region 6 ∙ Ass. Governor Dagmar Haase
Am Nußgrund 53A
D-61352 Bad Homburg v.d.H.
(p) +49 (6172) 44 831
(m) +49 (160) 97 41 97 89
E-Mail: dagmar_haase@web.de
Coordinator RC Frankfurt am Main Palmengarten
Frd. Georg Lange
Lindenring 37
D-60431 Frankfurt am Main
(d) +49 (69) 78 98 800
(m) +49 (151) 1715 9824
E-Mail: lange@lws-law.com
RC Frankfurt/M.-Paulskirche
Frd. Gerhard Roeser
Host Clubs jointly RC Frankfurt am Main - Palmengarten Guaitastraße 15
and RC Frankfurt am Main - Paulskirche
D-61476 Kronberg i.T.
(p) +49 (6173) 99 51 58
(m) +49 (172) 89 55 979
E-Mail: gerhard.roeser@yahoo.de
Sat June 08
Until Afternoon Team recreation at host families
Roses and Illumination Event Palmengarten Frankfurt (botanical garden)
Sun June 09
Breakfast at host families (possibly go to church)
Bicycle tour Frankfurt city (EZB - European Central Bank incl. guided tour)
Visit of an apple wine garden
Mon June 10 Until afternoon Vocational Day (2)
(individual program which depends on the professional qualification/interest of each participant)
Welcome Dinner RC Frankfurt /.-Paulskirche
Tue June 11
Visit of a company for facility Management (WISAG)
Visit of certain museums in Frankfurt (“Museumsufer”)
Team recreation at host families
Wed June 12 Morning
Visit of the Frankfurt Airport (Fraport)
01.00 pm
Meeting Rotary Frankfurt/M.-Paulskirche
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
08.00 pm
Meeting Rotary Club Frankfurt am Main Palmengarten
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
Thu June 13 Until afternoon Vocational Day (3)
(individual program which depends on the professional qualification/interest of each participant)
Transfer to host club Kelsterbach Rhein-Main International
Thu June 13 – Sat June 15, 2013
Region 7 ∙ Ass. Governor Dieter Fischer
August-Bebel-Straße 12
D-65474 Bischofsheim
(p) +49 (6144) 87 26
(m) +49 (171) 36 00 865
E-Mail: di.u.fischer@t-online.de
Coordinator RC Kelsterbach Rhein-Main International
Frd. Thilo Kienzle
Auf dem Wingert 16
D-65462 Ginsheim
(p) +49 (6144) 41 798
(d) +49 (6142) 77 72 75
(m) +49 (170) 22 52 327
E-Mail: Thilo.Kienzle@gmx.de
Host Club RC Kelsterbach Rhein-Main International
Thu June 13 Evening
Welcome Dinner and evening in „downtown Frankfurt“
Transfer to host families
Fri June 14
Until afternoon Visit of a car production (Opel, Rüsselsheim)
06.00 pm
“Governor Evening”, Bad Homburg
Sat June 15
10.00 am –
08.00 pm Whole-day trip to Rotary 1820 District Conference, Bad Homburg
Transfer to host club Korbach-Bad Arolsen
Sat June 15 – Sat June 22, 2013
Region 1 ∙ Ass. Governor Reinhard Wiskemann
Melsunger Straße 12
D-34576 Homberg/Efze
(p) +49 (5681) 77 82 73
(d) +49 (5681) 93 92 89
E-Mail: arwiskemann@gmail.com
RC Korbach-Bad Arolsen
Frd. Thomas Ebert
Thomas-Mann-Str. 5
D-34497 Korbach
(p) +49 (5631) 13 73
(m) +49 (171) 22 77 326
E-Mail: thomas.ebert@telekom.de
Host Club RC Korbach-Bad Arolsen
Sat June 15
Team recreation at host families
Sun June 16 10.00 am
Guided tour to the “National Park Kellerwald/Edersee” (biggest barrier lake in Hesse) with ranger Gudrun Simon
02.00 pm
Sightseeing tour of Castle Waldeck, barrage. Boat-trip on the Edersee, canopy walkway
Welcome Evening at the Edersee (dinner at “Fischerhütte”, Rehbach)
Mon June 17 09.00 am
02.00 pm
07.30 pm
Visit of the city of Korbach (incl. greetings with the mayor), guided tour by Ulrike Keudel incl. visit of church “St. Kilian”
Visit of a tire plant (Continental AG)
Meeting Rotary Club Korbach-Bad Arolsen
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
Tue June 18 Until Afternoon Visit of a factory for kitchen furniture and equipment (Nobilia Küchenmöbel, Gütersloh – production and showrooms)
Team recreation at host families
Wed June 19 Morning
Visit of Rocklinghausen Farm (work and life community for disabled people)
Visit of a Solar Energy Park in Bad Arolsen and visit of the company Wachenfeld (asphalt factory)
Guided tour Bad Arolsen incl. visiting Castle
Dinner at a restaurant in Bad Arolsen
Thu June 20 Until afternoon Vocational Day (4)
(individual program which depends on the professional qualification/interest of each participant)
Team recreation at host families
Fri June 21
Guided tour to the town of Willingen (ski jump world cup village)
Visit of the ski-jumping hill, walking tour to alpine hut “Siggi’s Hütte”, downswing by “Ettelsberg”-cable railway
Sightseeing brew house and Farewell-Evening in Willingen
Sat June 22 11.00 am
Visit of the company B. Braun Melsungen AG (medical products) in Melsungen
Transfer to host clubs Alsfeld / Lauterbach-Schlitz incl. dinner in Homberg/Efze
Sat June 22 – Sat June 29, 2013
Region 3 ∙ Ass. Governor Alexander Tischer
Bahnhofstr. 19 · D-35305 Grünberg
(p) +49 (6401) 64 36
(d) +49 (6401) 22 599 - 11
(m) +49 (171) 41 36 118
E-Mail: atischer@greenhill.de
Region 2 ∙ Ass. Governor Peter Frhr. Roeder v. Diersburg
Rittergut Völkershausen · D-37281 Wanfried
(p) +49 (5655) 92 24 17
E-Mail: rvd@rittergut-voelkershausen.de
Host Clubs jointly RC Alsfeld/Hessen and RC Lauter-bach-Schlitz
Coordinator RC Alsfeld/Hessen
Frdin. Daniela Elger
Am Kalkofen 16
D-36341 Lauterbach
(d1) +49 (6641) 91 79 60
(d2) +49 (6641) 91 79 62
E-Mail: d.elger@die-recht.de
Coordinator RC Lauterbach-Schlitz
Frd. Hans-Jürgen Schäfer
Birkenallee 17
D-36110 Schlitz
(p) +49 (6642) 15 19
E-Mail: hj.schaefer.schlitz@t-online.de
Co-Coordinator RC Lauterbach-Schlitz
Frd. Martin Heß
Lönsstraße 5
D-36341 Lauterbach
(p) +49 (6641) 63 674
(d) +49 (6641) 63 011
(m) +49 (170) 23 59 408
E-Mail: m.hess@ing-hess.de
Sat June 22 Evening
Arrival at Alsfeld
Team recreation at host families
Sun June 23Morning
01.30 pm
Brunch with Frd. Böhm at Alsfeld
Visit of a mining plant (“Erlebnisbergwerk Merkers”)
Dinner at a typical regional restaurant: Restaurant “Schmerofen” in Kirtorf
Mon June 24 10.00 am
12.00 am
02.00 pm
07.30 pm
Visit of company Kipping (production and sale of handicrafts and industrial supplies)
Lunch at typical Vogelsberg restaurant in Alsfeld (“Kartoffelsack”)
Guided tour at the city of Alsfeld (historical town)
Meeting Rotary Club Alsfeld (charter celebration)
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
Tue June 25 10.00 am
12.00 am
02.00 pm
Guided tour at castle Romrod
Lunch at Stadtallendorf
Visit of a food factory (Ferrero; sweets)
Transfer to Lauterbach-Maar
Meeting Rotary Club Lauterbach-Schlitz (charter celebration)
Presentation of RI District 4920 GSE-Team
Wed June 26 Until afternoon Vocational Day (5)
(individual program which depends on the professional qualification/interest of each participant)
Team recreation at host families
Thu June 27
Tour at the city of Lauterbach
Guided tour to the former German-German border (Point Alpha, Rasdorf)
Dinner at a regional cottage
Fri June 28
Guided tour at the city of Fulda
Team recreation
Farewell-Evening in Lauterbach
Sat June 29 Morning
Team recreation
Transfer to Frankfurt/Main International Airport
Departure to Argentina (flight details are still undetermined)
Sun June 30Evening
Arrival in Buenos Aires
Some insights:
lies in the centre of Germany. Its total area
of 21,115 square kms is populated by over
6 Mio. people. The Rhine-Main area includes Hesse’s largest city Frankfurt and the
state capital of Wiesbaden.
The name “Hessen” was first recorded in
the 8th century. In an encyclical letter
dated 738 to Boniface, Pope Gregory III
refers to a “Populus Hassiorum” (Hessian
People). The state of Hesse was founded in
its present shape in 1945 by the American
occupying power. In 1946 the people of
Hesse then voted in favour of the state’s
newly created constitution in a plebiscite.
Hesse has developed into one of Germany’s
leading economic centres as well as one of
Europe’s most dynamic regions. Hesse is
an international financial centre (European
Central Bank), an important location for
industry and technology (Opel), an interna-
tional trade fair centre (International Motor
Show) and an important hub of transportation (Fraport). Hesse often forms the launchpad for futureoriented ideas.
Financial Centre
There are over 300 domestic and international banks in Frankfurt am Main. Together
with the German Federal Bank, the German
Stock Exchange and the European Central
Bank (ECB) this gives Frankfurt a leading
position in Germany’s financial life and an
outstanding role in Europe. Over 90 per
cent of Germany’s stock market trade is
carried out in Frankfurt. Ever since the euro
was introduced, monetary policy for the
eurozone has been regulated from
Hesse’s cultural landscape offers a mixture
of metropolitan vitality and rural charm.
Outstanding international events include the
Frankfurt Book Fair, the Rheingau Music
Festival and the “documenta” art exhibition
in Kassel. Each year “Hessentag” is celebrated in a different community – this year in
Wetzlar. Outstanding cultural institutions
include the Städel art museum in Frankfurt.
There are four UNESCO world heritages in Hesse:
1) Upper Middle Rhine Valley – 65km
stretch with castles, historic towns and
2) Messel Pit (or Grube Messel) – worldwide richest fossil site for the environment
of the Eocene (50 million years ago) – a
former open-cast mine today a paradise for palaeontologists next to Darm­
stadt ’s paradise.
3) Lorsch Abbey – the “Torhall” is rare architectural vestiges of the Carolingian era.
4) Saalburg Fort and Limes – the only
extensively reconstructed fortifications
to protect the eastern boundary of the
Roman Empire.
5) National Park Kellerwald-Edersee - part
of the world natural heritage “beech
primeval forests of the Carpathian and
the ancient beech forests in Germany”.
Hesse has five universities, five universities of
applied science and two art academies for
150,000 students. These institutions are
part of a dense network of educational facilities which also include 33 completely separate research institutes. The average number
of patents registered per capita in Hesse lies
above the Federal German average. The
peace research institute Hessische Stiftung
Friedens- und Konfliktforschung is a think
tank for political counselling.
Frankfurt am Main is a melting pot of cultures,
languages and philosophies of life. Visitors
simply have to taste Hesse’s “national drink”:
Apfelwein (apple wine). The locals also call it
“Ebbelwoi” or “Äppler.” This drytasting “drop
of stuff” or “Stöffche” is served in a “Bembel”
(earthenware mug) or in “Gerippten” (glasses
with a diamond pattern), and is often
preferred as “Gespritzter” with a shot of
mineral water. The Apfelwein bastion is in the
Sachsenhausen district of Frankfurt with its
many little cellars and cosy pubs.
Rotary in 1820
Our district 1820 has 65 Rotary Clubs and
almost 3.500 members. A couple of
hundreds you will get to know within the next
thirty days by visiting up to 10 clubs and
during the district conference.
They all feel ignitiated by the Rotarian idea of
„Service above self“ and like to share with
you the idea of reaching within to embrace
sprenger druck, Korbach

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