SHOKI AL-DOBAI, Ph.D. Pesticide Directorate, GDPP Ministry of
SHOKI AL-DOBAI, Ph.D. Pesticide Directorate, GDPP Ministry of
SHOKI AL‐DOBAI, Ph.D. Pesticide Directorate, GDPP Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation, Yemen Problems of vector‐borne diseases y Malaria; y Leishmaniasis; y Rift Valley Fever; y Dengue Fever; y Other vectors/ Pest of Public Health importance. Available methods for vector control y Chemical Control (residual house spraying, outdoor fumigation, long‐lasting insecticide residual bed nets, larvaciding and personal protection); y Environmental Management; y Biological Control. Chemical control is the main method Pesticides that are used to control pests of public health significance. They include: • vector control pesticides (Mosquitoes, Flies, etc.); • household insecticides (Flies, Cockroaches, Bed Bugs, etc.); • professional pest management pesticides (Termites and structural pests in homes, commercial and industrial premises, and public areas). (A) Countries which have eliminated malaria (B) Countries with very limited malaria transmission in residual foci (C) Countries with low Malaria burden limited to certain Areas and with effective malaria programmes (D) Countries with moderate/ high malaria burden, weak health system and/or complex emergencies y A: Countries: Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libyan Jamahiriya, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates y B: Countries: Egypt, Morocco, Oman and Syrian Arab Republic y C: Countries: Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia y D: Countries: Afghanistan, Djibouti, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen Malaria Cases at the Regional Level y 15 Millions case of malaria annually. y 47000 cases of death annually. y 90% of the cases just in 5 countries (Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and Djibouti) Situation of malaria in the Arabian Peninsula y Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and United Arab Emirates are malaria free. y Oman eliminated malaria. y Saudi Arabia has endemic foci in Jazan province bordering Yemen. y Yemen is highly endemic with malaria. Long-lasting insecticidal bed nets Indoor residual spraying Governorate Area Date Insecticide Conc. Exposure Time Hodeidah Hodeidah Elmaraiq Khalifa (W. Siham) Sensitivity No. 10.2.2004 Temephos 0.125ppm 24h 100 100% 8.3.2004 Temephos 0.125ppm 24h 105 100% 0.125ppm 24h 50 100% 24h 30 100% Taiz AlAmra dam 12.6.2004 Temephos Taiz AlMakasses 20.6.2004 Temephos Hodeidah Khalifa (W. Siham) 3.6.2004 Lambdacyhalothrine 0.05% 1h 15 100% Taiz AlMakasses 3.6.2004 Lambdacyhalothrine 0.05% 1h 30 100% Hajjah Aslam Abyan 0.125ppm 22.3.2005 Temephos 0.125ppm 24h 100 100% Bataees 8.4.2005 Temephos 0.125ppm 24h 105 100% Taiz AlAmra dam 2.6.2005 Temephos 0.125ppm 24h 50 100% Taiz AlMakasses 3.6.2005 Temephos 24h 30 100% Hodeidah Hodeidah 22.2.2005 Deltamethrin 0.05% 1h 75 100%* Hodeidah Hodeidah 22.2.2005 DDT 4% 4h 73 83 %* 0.125ppm Malaria in Yemen y 60% of Yemen’s population is vulnerable to malaria infection. y 233,299 malaria cases reported in Yemen in 2007. y WHO estimates that the annual malaria incidence in Yemen ranges between 800,000 and 900,000 malaria cases. y Annual deaths from malaria are around 1% of the infected cases 8000‐9000 persons die annually. Map of Yemen COMPOUND CLASS FORMUL‐ ATION CONCEN‐ TRATION Lambdacyhalothrin Pyrethroid WP 10% Indoor residual spraying Malaria Temephos Organophosphate EC 50% Larviciding Malaria Temephos Organophosphate GR 1% Larviciding malaria Deltamethrin Pyrethroid EC 2.5% Space spraying Malaria Deltamethrin Pyrethroid ULV 1% Space spraying Malaria Lambdacyhalothrin Pyrethroid WP 10 % Indoor residual spraying Malaria Temephos Organophospate EC 50 % Larviciding Malaria Temephos Organophosphate GR 1% Larviciding Malaria Dengue Malaria Dengue Malaria Dengue TYPE OF APPLICATION FOR CONTROL OF Deltamethrin Pyrethroid Ec 2.5% Space spraying, treatment of mosquito nets Deltamethrin Pyrethroid ULV 1% Space spraying Organizations & partners involved in Malaria control y WHO, the Global Fund, y Gulf Cooperation Council states, y Substantial support from Saudi Arabia, cooperation between malaria control programs in both countries has led to joint implementation of malaria control interventions along their borders. Arabian Peninsula Free of Malaria Initiative y The “Arabian Peninsula Free of Malaria by 2015” initiative called for by WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean regional director and it is supported by GCC nations and Saudi Arabia to help Yemen in vector control of Malaria. WHO recommended insecticides for indoor residual spraying against malaria vectors Insecticide compounds and formulations (1) Class group (2) Mode of action Duration of effective action (months) DDT WP Malathion WP Fenitrothion WP Pirimiphos‐methyl WP & EC Bendiocarb WP Propoxur WP Alpha‐cypermethrin WP & SC Bifenthrin Cyfluthrin WP Deltamethrin WP, WG Etofenprox WP Lambda‐cyhalothrin WP, CS OC OP OP OP C C P P P P P P Contact Contact contact & airborne contact & airborne contact & airborne contact & airborne contact contact contact contact contact contact >6 2‐3 3‐6 2‐3 2‐6 3‐6 4‐6 3‐6 3‐6 3‐6 3‐6 3‐6 (1) CS: capsule suspension; EC = emulsifiable concentrate; WP = wettable powder. (2) OC= Organochlorines; OP= Organophosphates; C= Carbamates; P= Pyrethroids WHO recommended long‐lasting insecticidal mosquito nets Product name Product type Status of WHO recommendation DawaPlus® 2.0 Duranet® Deltamethrin coated on polyester Alpha‐cypermethrin incorporated into polyethyle Lambda‐cyhalothrin 10% CS + binder Alpha‐cypermethrin coated on polyester Deltamethrin incorporated into polyethylene Permethrin incorporated into polyethylene Deltamethrin coated on polyester Deltamethrin coated on polyester with strengthened border Combination of Deltamethrin coated on polyester with strengthened border (side panels) and Deltamethrin and PBO incorporated into polyethylene (roof) Interim Interim ICON® MAXX Interceptor® Netprotect® Olyset® PermaNet® 2.0 PermaNet® 2.5 PermaNet® 3.0 Interim Interim Interim Full Full Interim Interim Pesticide products under WHOPES laboratory and or field testing and evaluation Product Application Manufacturer DawaPlus 2.0 Deltamethrin (coated) Deltamethrin (coated) Malaria prevention Malaria prevention Malaria prevention Malaria prevention Malaria prevention Malaria prevention Tana Netting, Thailand LN Tianjin Yorkool, China LGS‐Fujian Yamei (China) Clarke Mosquito Control, USA BASF, USA Intelligent Insect Control, France Sumitomo, Japan Clarke Mosquito Control, USA LN Duranet* Interceptor* Netprotect* Olyset** Spinosad EC Malaria prevention Mosquito larviciding Household Insecticides Used in Yemen and GCCC y Insecticide Formulations y FOGGERS y AEROSOLS y y Aerosol mists Aerosol sprays y LIQUIDS y DUSTS y BAITS and BAIT TRAPS y TAPE y FUMIGANTS y REPELLENTS y INSECTICIDE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS y Lambda‐Cyhalothrin y Chlorpyrifos y Pyrethrins (or synthetic pyrethroids) y y y y y y y y y y d‐trans‐allethrin resmethrin Propoxur Diazinon Malathion Fipronil Pirimiphos‐methyl Silica gel Boric acid Synergists (piperonyl butoxide)