December - WILENET
December - WILENET
MICROSOFT V O LUME 2011 -4 D ECE M BE R 2 01 1 TIME System Newsletter Crime Information Bureau The 2011 CIB Conference was Sept 21st – 23rd in Green Bay. Based on feedback I received at the conference and survey comments, the conference was a success, thanks to all of you in attendance. Your input and participation is what makes this conference what it is. I hope to see you again next year. CIB is commonly known for two primary program responsibilities: the TIME System and the Wisconsin criminal history repository. Not commonly known is that CIB also operates the Handgun Hotline. Wisconsin is known as a “partial point of contact state”, where firearm dealers contact CIB to conduct a background check for all handgun sales. Long gun sales (shotguns and rifles) are processed by the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System. On November 1st, 2011 Wisconsin Act 35 became effective and will add issuance of concealed carry licenses to CIB’s responsibilities. In addition to impacting CIB’s daily duties, Act 35 impacts the TIME System as well. New TIME System transactions have been created to allow law enforcement personnel access to the concealed carry database under circumstances authorized by the statutes.. Act 35 is very specific about when law enforcement is authorized to access this information and the requirements for control of the data. I encourage you to review the additional information on the DOJ website http:// and WILENET. I N S I D E T HI S IS S UE : CCW & You 2 DOT Eye Colors 2 Dealer Plates 2 John Doe 3 Adv. Authentication 3 Puerto Rico 3 PIN Numbers 4 ALPR 4 IL Plate Guide 5 TRAIN Registration 5 Multiple Warrants 5 VinAssist 6 CIB Only Warrants 6 Deceased Persons 6 eTIME Flow Chart 7 NCIC Code Updates 8 CIB received an Nlets grant to aid in the implementation of sharing driver photos electronically over the TIME System. A condition of the grant was that CIB also implement sharing of in-state only warrants with other states. On October 9th, 2011, CIB implemented changes to allow other states with this functionality to access Wisconsin in-state only warrants stored in the CIB hotfiles. A common question I hear is: Why would other states care if they can’t take any enforcement action, since the warrants are non-extraditable? During criminal investigations or employment background checks it may be beneficial to law enforcement to know that outstanding warrants exist in Wisconsin. For example, an individual could be wanted in Wisconsin for the same offense they are being investigated for in another state, leading to contact between the two agencies proving beneficial to both. Please let your staff know that this new functionality exists. The Portal 100 and eTIME Browser software include the ability for Wisconsin users to query other states non-extraditable warrants if the state supports these transactions. A query of the Nlets Help File, NLSWQHELP, will indicate which participate. Please feel free to contact me or any of the CIB staff to discuss your thoughts on how we can continue to improve. Director CIB V O LUME P AGE 2 2011 -4 D E CE MBE R 201 1 CCW and You Since implementation of Wisconsin Act 35 (Wisconsin’s concealed carry law), numerous law enforcement personnel and others routinely contact CIB and others at the Wisconsin Department of Justice with numerous questions: What does this mean for me? Will I be able to check a person’s concealed carry license status via the TIME System? When can I check a person’s concealed carry license status? etc… To help answer these questions, the DOJ has compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) regarding the concealed carry law and posted this information online. Two versions of these FAQ’s exist. The public can find answers to their CCW questions on the DOJ website, http:// Another version of the FAQ’s dealing with issues specific to law enforcement can be found on WILENET at secure/html/ccw.htm. The law also requires DOJ to establish a list of states that issue a license to carry a concealed weapon, if that license requires a background search that is comparable to the type of background check that is required for Wisconsin licensees. Any person who is at least 21 years of age, who is not a Wisconsin resident, and who holds a valid concealed carry license issued by any of the states on DOJ’s list will be recognized in Wisconsin as an out-of-state licensee). This list can also be found on the DOJ website. In addition, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has compiled a list of DNR and hunting specific questions regarding the new concealed carry law and made these questions and answers available on their website at The Eyes Have It… Recently a user contacted CIB with a question about the physical descriptive information listed on someone’s Wisconsin Department of Transportation driver’s license record. They indicated the record displayed an eye color code of “DICH”. They had never seen this code before, and wondered what it meant. “DICH” is an abbreviation for dichromatic: having or showing two colors. In other words, each of the subject’s eyes are a different color; for example one eye may be blue and the other green. For future reference, DOT has provided the following list of eye color abbreviations used on driver’s records and their meaning: BLCK BLUE BRWN Black Blue Brown DICH Dichromatic GREN Green GRAY Gray HAZL Hazel UNKN Unknown New Style Wisconsin Dealer & Wholesaler License Plates On August 17, 2011 the Wisconsin Department of Transportation implemented a new style of motor vehicle dealer license plate. TI ME S YST E M N E WS LE T T E R P AGE 3 The new style plate will no longer show a suffix (such as AA), the plate will simply show the dealer number. The plates are aluminum/grey in color with black lettering. These new plates may be queried via the TIME System using a license plate type code of ‘DL’. This inquiry will provide you with the dealer’s name and address. New style dealer plates are being issued to new licensees and will be issued to existing licensees during the renewal process, thus law enforcement will see both old and new style dealer plates in use until the two year renewal cycle is complete on May 31, 2013. Information on old style dealer plates is not available via the TIME System. Wholesalers will also be issued new style license plates in the same manner. The suffix has been dropped from wholesaler license plates as well, and the plates will now indicate ‘wholesaler’ across the bottom of the plate. In addition, beginning July 1, 2011 license plate expiration stickers have been eliminated for motor vehicle dealers, distributors, manufacturers, transporters and finance plate holders. John Doe As always, agencies entering records into the CIB and/or NCIC files are encouraged to pack the record, including all available information in the entry. For person records, this means entering all available alias names….with one exception. NCIC and CIB do not allow agencies to enter the name or alias name of ‘John Doe’ in a person record. Due to the use of the Doe name as an all purpose alias, entry of this name results in such a large number of duplicate name hits that the system is unable to process the transaction. Please do not add another unidentified ‘John Doe’ to the mixture. Advanced Authentication Many law enforcement agencies in the state of Wisconsin are able to access the TIME System via mobile data terminals due to the generosity of others. The Wisconsin State Patrol, as well as other law enforcement agencies in the state have allowed other agencies to use their wireless computer network to obtain needed TIME System access. If your agency uses a mobile client(s) behind the Wisconsin State Patrol interface or another interface which currently uses a virtual private network (VPN) to meet advanced authentication requirements you should be aware of possible changes. Agencies that have implemented a VPN using IPSec from a police vehicle to meet the advanced authentication requirements are permitted to continue to use a VPN for this purpose only until January 2013. CIB encourages agencies to begin looking now into alternatives to meet changes in advanced authentication requirements. Puerto Rico Have you tried running a vehicle registration query or driver’s license query through the territory of Puerto Rico recently? If so, you have probably discovered the following: Puerto Rico no longer responds to these Department of Motor Vehicle queries. V O LUME 2011 -4 D E CE MBE R 201 1 P AGE 4 PIN Numbers In the past, when adding users to your agency’s TRAIN roster, agency administrator’s needed to provide CIB with the user’s full name (first, last and middle initial) and a four digit personal identification number or PIN. This PIN is used to verify a person’s identity when they contact the TIME System Control Center or CIB requesting their password be reset or other action be taken on their user account. Many agencies used the last four characters of the person’s social security number as the PIN. CIB no longer collects PIN information when adding a subject to an agency’s TRAIN roster. Instead, the first time the subject logs in to TRAIN they are prompted to type in their own PIN number and a challenge question. Providing this information allows users to reset their own password in case they forget, an also allows them to choose their own PIN number rather than having an agency assigned PIN. As a result, CIB is requesting that agency administrator’s DO NOT include an employee’s full or partial social security number when requesting roster additions. Social security information is not needed by any CIB personnel. ALPR – Automated License Plate Recognition The use of automated license plate recognition (ALPR) systems by WI law enforcement continues to grow. With this increased use, it is helpful to review the guidelines for use of the TIME System/TIME System information with ALPR systems. ALPR systems capture images of license plates using a video or infrared camera, which is typically mounted on or in a squad car. The images are sent to a computer interface, which then automatically searches the license plate numbers against a database - for example, a listing of stolen vehicles, felony vehicles, expired registrations, etc. If a match is made, the officer is alerted by an audible and visual signal, allowing him to take appropriate action. So where does an agency get such a listing/database? Agencies that use automated license plate readers can get an extract from CIB listing stolen vehicles from the NCIC/CIB files and information from the DOT files on vehicles with expired/suspended plates, etc. These extracts are made available on the eTIME browser site. An authorized agency user can then login and download the desired extracts and load them into their automated license plate reader system. If an agency wishes to use these extracts, they must first sign an ALPR agreement with CIB which outlines the conditions of use of this TIME System information and ensures agency compliance with all TIME System policies and procedures. Agencies are NOT allowed to program their ALPR system to run a TIME System query of every plate captured by the ALPR system. However, if an officer receives an alert from their ALPR system indicating a possible match, the plate in question should be queried using the live TIME System before taking enforcement action. Agencies should then follow normal hit confirmation rules. Agencies needing further information about the extracts and ALPR agreement may contact Sara Phelan via email at or 608-266-7955. TI ME S YST E M N E WS LE T T E R P AGE 5 Criminal History Records CIB’s criminal history unit recently achieved a milestone: all available Wisconsin criminal history files are now automated. While electronic submission of fingerprint records meant newer criminal history records were fully automated, thousands of earlier, paper records and files were not. Unit staff have been working hard for the last year or more to fully automate these older records, and we are pleased to announce they have reached their goal. Illinois License Plate Guide TIME System users should be aware of another reference guide that may come in handy: a guide to Illinois license plate types. The guide was compiled by the Lake County, Illinois Sheriff’s Department, and includes images of the majority of Illinois license plate types, both routine and specialty. The guide provides the specific twocharacter plate type code that is needed to query the plate through the Illinois Department of Transportation. In addition, hints are provided for running unusual or specialty plates, such as when a hyphen or other special characters are required or not to receive a valid response. Users may wish to contact the Lake County, Illinois Sheriff’s Department to obtain a copy of the guide, and be sure to express your appreciation for this information. Milk Expires, and so does TRAIN The milk you buy at a store has an expiration date. And so does a TRAIN registration. TRAIN users and agency administrators are reminded that TRAIN online classes must be completed within six months of registration. If a user does not complete the online course within this six month period, their registration is deleted, including any partial progress that may have been made. Please ensure your agency TRAIN users complete online courses in a timely manner. One of These Things Is Not Like the Other… Many times an agency has multiple warrants issued for the same person. CIB files allow an agency to choose how these multiple warrants are entered: an agency may make a separate entry for each warrant or may enter only one warrant and provide information on the other existing warrants in the remarks field of the entry. Agencies who choose to make only one entry in situations such as these are reminded that the one entry they do make should be for the most serious offense, and the remarks field should include specific information describing the offenses and bond of the non-entered warrants. As a recent case illustrates, entering the most serious warrant and providing further information on other offenses helps ensure officer safety. The agency in question had an active warrant entry for a subject for a curfew violation, and indicated in the remarks field other warrants existed, but failed to include offense information for the other warrants – one of which was for a concealed weapons violation. Please ensure your wanted person entries reflect all available information. V O LUME 2011 -4 D E CE MBE R 201 1 P AGE 6 Portal 100 & VINAssist Agencies that use the Portal 100 software should be aware of an issue regarding the Portal 100 software and NICB’s VinAssist program. NICB’s VINAssist program allows users to ‘decode’ a vehicle identification number, verifying validity and revealing information about the vehicle. TIME System users have found this program to be helpful, so it was incorporated into the Portal 100 software. However, changes have been made to both the Portal 100 software and the VINAssist program. As a result, users should be aware that if they are using a Windows 7©, 64 bit operating system, VINAssist will not function within the Portal 100 software. VINAssist does function in the Windows 7 ©, 32 bit operating system. As a new software product will be replacing the Portal 100 software, there are no plans to address this issue. In addition, NICB now makes VIN decoding capability available online via a website, allowing for it’s use on any computer with internet access. Agencies should contact NICB for information on how to obtain online access, Wanted Person Entries When making wanted person entries, agencies choose whether to make the entry to the CIB files only, or to both the NCIC and CIB files. Beginning October 9, 2011 agencies with wanted person entries should be aware that system updates now allow agencies in other states to query and view CIB only wanted person entries. No changes are needed to how wanted person entries are made by your agency, but please make all users aware that because these CIB only wanted person entries are now available/visible to law enforcement agencies in other states. The entering Wisconsin agencies may receive questions and inquires from law enforcement in other states. Can You Arrest a Corpse? During several audits CIB has encountered multiple wanted person entries for subjects that are deceased. Agencies are reminded that the validation process should involve both requerying the subject to determine if additional information has become available, and checking all available information against the entry to ensure the entry is as accurate as possible. If the agencies holding these records had performed these validation activities, they would have found the person’s deceased status clearly indicated on either a Wisconsin or out of state driver’s or criminal history record. If a warrant is no longer valid because the subject is deceased, the entry should be cancelled eTIME Flow Chart Confused about how to obtain eTIME access for an employee? Follow the steps in the following flow chart and you will be confused no more! TI ME S YST E M N E WS LE T T E R P AGE 7 V O LUME P AGE 8 NCIC & CIB Code Updates New Article Type Codes HAIRCON Air conditioner DDRIVES Disk drives (includes tape, disk, ex ternal) SSEASCO Sea scooter (water propellant device) New Boat Make Codes HPS American Honda Motor Co., Inc. AMI Arima Marine International WFE DFF TGF QBS NAS SKG XSK XWI Custom Weld Boats Duffy Electric Boat Co. Fish-Rite Boats Jet craft Boats (Div. of Westwinn Grp.) North American Sleekcraft\ Shockwave Custom Boats Sunseeker Custom Boats Tradewind Inflatables Corrected Gun Make Codes SGG Stegg Limited SGR Stinger Mfg. Corp. Retired/Removed Gun Make Codes VEL Velocity Firearms STG Stinger Mfg. Corp. New Gun Make Codes AOL Accurate Tool & Mfg. Co. AFC American Firearms Manufacturing Co. ADM Anderson Manufacturing AAN Armsan Silah Sanayi ARY AR15.Com AVU AVCU Silah Sanayi BME BAT Machine Co., Inc. BCM Bravo Co. Mfg Inc. 2011 -4 D E CE MBE R 201 1 CRC CWA DNA DMY DVA DXI LCB FPF FKN FXA Caracal International, LLC Central Wisconsin Armory Dane Armory, LLC Delaware Machinery Diva Arsenal, LLC D Max, Inic. Fabbrica Armi Luciano Bosis Firebird Precision Firearms Franklin Armory FX Airgun GAP GYG GGT HUP IGF ISC JRC KID KNG GA Precision Gary’s Guns Inc/GGI Gulgata Arms Hughes Precision Products, LLC Investment Grade Firearms ISSC Austria Just Right Carbines, LLC Kidd Innovative Design, LLC Kongsberg LBT LTS LKI MCF MCP NGA REO RNO RPI Liberty Tactical, LLC Lightning Strikes Technology, LLC Loki weapon Systems Inc. Marcolmar Firearms Mountain Competition Pistols Next Generation Arms REO engineering rhono Arms RPA International Ltd. SCC SID STI SNC SRR TBM UTC VRE Silencerco, LLC Sonju Industrial (DBA SI Defense) STI International Sun City Machinery Co., Ltd. Surefire LLC Turnbull Mfg. Co. US Tactical Arms Corp. Voere TI ME S YST E M N E WS LE T T E R New Personal Descriptors/SMT Codes HERMAPHR Hermaphrodite TAT TOE Tattoo toe, non specific TAT L TOE Tattoo toe, left foot TAT R TOE Tattoo toe, right foot Uniform Offense Codes 6411 Human Trafficking 8100 Juvenile Escape from Custody 8101 Juvenile Abscond While on Parole 8102 Juvenile Abscond While on Probation Corrected Vehicle Make Codes Automobiles DLVO Dulevo Intl. New Vehicle Make Codes Automobiles BDBY BadBoy Inc. DEDI FSKR GARI JIAH De Dion-Bouton Fisker Automotive Garia A/S Jianghuai or Anhui Jianghuai Automotive Co Ltd. POPE Pope Mfg. Co. VLTG Voltage Vehicles Construction Equipment AOFI Apiaries & Orchard Forklift, Inc. BRKO Barka Hydraulics LLC BNLX Brown Lenox & Co., Ltd. EZCN E-Z Screen PRNC Princeton Delivery Systems Farm Equipment TGMI TGMI Inc. or Tailgate Mulcher Inc. P AGE 9 Motorcycles AHBI After Hours Bikes Inc. BAOT Baotian or Jiangmen Sino-Hong Kong Baotian Motorcycle Ind. Co Ltd CSCT California Scooter Co. LLC SKYG Chongqing Xgjao Motorcycle Co. Ltd. or Sky-Go Motor Cycle Manufacturer CRBN Cirbin Motors Corp. CCCH Circle City Choppers LLC CYIM Cycle Imagery DRBI Derbi or Nacional Motors S.A. DSCH Dresch Motorcycles EVTT EVT Technology Co. Ltd. EXGO E-Z Go (Div. of Textron) FEIL Feilong or Yanzhou City Feilong Motor Machinery Co. Ltd. FUTO Futong or Wuxi Futong Motorcycle Co. Ltd. GOKA Goka or Shanghai Goka Sports Motor Co. Ltd. GLDI Golden Horse Industry & Trade Co. Ltd. GRMP Grumpy’s Custom Motorcycles Inc. HCHE Her Chee Industrial Co. Ltd. HOWH Howhit or Shanghai Howhit Machinery Manufacturer Co. BAOT Jiangmen Sino-Hong Kong Baotian Motor cycle Ind. Co Ltd JINL Jinling or Yongkang Jinling Vehicle Co. Ltd. JRLC JRL Cycles LLC KNIV Knievel Motorcycle Mfg. Inc. KRAF Kraft/Tech Inc. LFTY Lefty Brothers cycles LLC LNGZ Liangzi or Shandong Liangzi Power Co. Ltd. LTVA LTV aerospace MADF Mad Fabrication LLC NYCC New York City Choppers QNTY Quantya SA V O LUME P AGE 1 0 SIMM Ron Simms Bay Area Custom Cycles LNGZ Shandong Liangzi power Co. Ltd. GOKA Shanghai Goka Sports Motor Co. Ltd. HOWH Shanghai Howhit Machinery Manufacture Co. SKYG Sky-Go Motorcycle Manufacturer or Xgjao Motorcycle Co. Ltd. SMWI SMW Inc. YONG Yonghe or Suzhou Industrial Park Yonghe Motorcycle TMEC TMEC or Wuxi TMEC Power Technology Co. Ltd. VLTG Voltage Vehicles FUTO Wuxi Futong Motorcycle Co. Ltd. TMEC Wuxi TMEC Power Technology Co. Ltd. FEIL Yanzhou City Feilong Motor Machinery Co. Ltd. YONG Yonghe Motorcycle JINL Yongkang Jinling Vehicle Co. Ltd. ZHGO Zhongmo Technology Co. Ltd. Snowmobiles FEIL Feilong or Yanzhou City Feilong Motor Machinery Co. Ltd. Trailers ACEM Ace Mfg. Co. ADMR Admiral Drive Systems Inc. ADEP Advance Engineered Prod. Ltd. AFAB AFAB affordable Fabrication Inc. or AFAB Petroleum & Steel Fabrication AGRP Agri Plastics Mfg. ATWC Aluma Tower Co. Inc. ALNA Alumina Inc. AMZT Amaze-N-Tow Inc. AMRB American Redi-Built AMSG American signal Co. AMUT American Utility Trailers AMQP Ameriquip 2011 -4 D E CE MBE R 201 1 AMID Amida Ind. AZTM Arizona Trailer Mfg. Inc. ATEK Atek LLC AXIS Axis Corp. AZTT Aztec Trailer Inc. BRRY Barry’s Trailers BAUR Bauer Compressors BBBS B.B.’s Trailers BRTK Bear Track Prod. Inc. BEND Bendron enterprises BWGH Better Weigh Mfg. BISN Bison Mfg. LLC BLKB Black Bear Mfg. BOZR Bonanza & Rawhide Trailer Co. BSKI Bosski Inc. BOUR Bourg Chemical Distrib., inc. BRCK Brock’s Trailers, Inc. BREQ Brothers Equipment Inc. BLKI Bulk Solutions LLC or Bulk International S. DE R.L. DE C.V. BLDG Bulldog Trailer Sales Inc. BULP Bulletproof Trailers BRKH Burkholder Mfg. BYRT Bye-Rite Corp. CTWI California Trailer Works Inc. CRNA Carnai Trailers Inc. CASM Cascade Custom Mfg. Inc. CENP Central purchasing Inc. CHOI Choice Trailer Mfg. Ltd. CSPR Clearspring Conversions Inc. CNNT Conntrail Inc. CCOM Coulson Commander Trailers CPST CPS Trailer Co. CTVM Creative Mobile Systems Inc. or Creative Carts LLC CSTT Custom Tank Technology CYCE cy-Corp Enterprises Inc. DAVM Davidson Enterprises Inc. P AGE 1 1 TI ME S YST E M N E WS LE T T E R DIAE Diamond E Mfg. LLC DJTW DJ Trailers & Welding Inc. DKHO D.K. Hostetler Inc. DNAE DNA Enterprises DOUR Double R Trailer Mfg. DMPX Dump Maxx DYNP Dynapac Inc. EASD Eastside Machine Co. EATW Easytow Boat Trailers ELTC Elete Trailer Co. Kasi Kasi Infrared or R. Filion Manuf. Inc. KMBL Kimble Mfg. Inc. KNGT King Trailers Inc. KRFT Kraftsman Trailers Inc. KROB Kro-Built Co. LAKR Lake Raider Inc. LNCT Lancaster Mfg. Inc. LNGB Landgrebe Mfg. Inc. LTCO Latco Inc. LGCY Legacy RV LLC ELIB Eli Bridge Co. Inc. EXPT Expedition Trailers Inc. FIBR Fiber Trucks & Trailers Inc. FISD Fireside Recreational Vehicles FISK Fisk Tank Carrier Inc. GDM Company LLC GMST Gem State Mfg. Inc. GRCH Gerich Fiberglass Inc. GRMF Germfree Laboratories Inc. LAER Let’s Go Aero Inc. LILT Lil-Tag-Along Trailers LTEC Load Tec (Load Technology Inc.) LODK Lode King LOOK Look Trailers or LGS Ind. Inc. LCON Lucon Inc. LYNW Lynwood Dump Trailers MACS Mac’s Metal Materials MRPT Maine Portage GSTM Goldstar Trailer Mfg. GTMI G.T. Mfg. Inc. HALZ Hals-EZ Trailer Mfg. HAMM Hammerdown Trailers & Fabrication HRMY Harley Murry Inc. HWKN Hawkline or Hawkline LLC HCCK Heacock Welding Inc. HTGP Heritage Park Models HIBC Hiebco LLC MFGP Marine Fiberglass Products Inc. MTNI Martin Industries MAYH Mayhem Mfg. MDQT MDQ Trailer Mfg Inc. MICF MIC Fabricating corp. Inc. MIDN Mid-Nebraska Truck and Trailer MRND Miranda’s Welding Service Ltd. MSTY Misty Meadow Trailer Sales MMFG M Manufacturing Inc. HIGP High Peak Trailers HOGG Hogg and Davis Inc. HSPT Hot Springs Performance Trailers HURR Hurrican Cargo INGI Inergii Inc. IRNP Iron Panther Inc. JEMI J & E Mfg. Inc. JREH Jireh Inc. KSTN Karsten or Karsten Homes MTNE Monotone Trailer Co. MPHI MPH Industries Inc. or MPH Automotive Service MDYN 3MDynamic Message Systems NIVI National Innovative Visions Inc. (AKA Trailers Inc. of Hill city) NATM National Mfg. NAUT Nautical America NGCS Nomad Global Communication Solutions Inc. (GCS) V O LUME 2011 -4 D E CE MBE R 201 1 P AGE 1 2 NRMD Normand Co. Ltd. NRTL Northtail Trailers (Div. of L & B Moore Co. Ltd.) NUVN Nu Van Technology inc. NUWY Nu Way Mfg. ONGB Orange Blossom Trailers Inc. OVBL Overbuilt Inc. OWSM Owens & Sons Marine Inc. PCFC` Pacific Mfg. Corp. PACW Pac West Co. SIDI Side Dump Ind. TPPL Sikeston Fender (AKA Trailer Parts Plus) SLVD Silverado Trailers Inc. SNOK Sno Shack Inc. SOCO Southco Ind. Inc. STHH Southern Heritage Trailers LLC SYBQ Southern Yankee Bar-B-Q SGAC South GA Cargo SPTC Spectre Mfg. Inc. SPRG LLC PLMM Palmer Mfg. LLC PNHD Panhandle Trailers SPRK SRFX SRTL SSDL STIG STWF STMF STBO SUTR PEOR Peoria Custom cookers LLC PLBY Playbouy Pontoon Mfg. Inc. PVTT Pleasant Valley Teardrop Trailers LLC PLKG Polar King International Inc. PTMC Potomac RV PSTK Pro Stock Trailer Mfg. PTWL PT Welding LLC RAME Ram Enterprises LLC. RAYT Ray-Tech Infrared Corp. RBMF RBM Mfg. RETL RE’s Trailers RICP Rich’s Portable Cabins or Rich’s Vacation Cottages RVRW River Wolf Drift Boats RDOG Road Dog Trailers RBTS Roberts Metal Mfg. Inc. RLPI Rock Line Products Inc. ROGM Rogue Marine LLC ROLN Roll In Trailers RSBG Roseburg Trailer Works RRTS R & R Tractor Sales & Parts SANJ San-Jo Trailer Mfg. SCVW Scenic View Welding LLC SCWZ Schwartz’s Trailer Sales Inc. SCUS Seating Constructors USA W Inc. SSII Shredding Systems Inc. Spurlock Vehicles Inc. Sreco-Flexible Inc. SR Trailers S & S Dura-Line Stigers Trailer Sales Inc. Stone Well Forge Storm Mfg. Stratos Boats inc. Sutter welding & Mfg. Inc. TAKT Take 3 Trailers Inc. TAYI Taylor Ironworks TBTW T & B Trailers & Welding TDEN T & D Enterprise Inc. TEXP Texas Pride Trailers TXUG Texas Underground Inc. or Pipehunter Inc. TGMI TGMI Inc. TMCT The Metal Connection RACK The Rack Factory TICO Tico Terminal Services Inc. TJHR T & J Horse Trailers TNTT TNT Trailers LLC TOLV Total Livestock Concepts or Truck & Livestock Concepts TPPL Trailer Parts Plus (AKA Sikeston Fender) TRWK Trailer Works TRMF T & R’s Mfg. Inc. TSEI TSE International Inc.. P AGE 1 3 TI ME S YST E M N E WS LE T T E R USCR U-Screen USAInc VIPE Viper Trailers LLC WAWR Water Wars Co. WBHL W B Hill inc. WHIB White Bear Equipment Inc. WLLY Will Dog Corp. WINK Wink Trailer Corp. XTRE Xtreme Companies Trucks GRMF Germfree Laboratories Inc. NGCS Nomad Global communication solutions Inc. PEMF Pemfab Trucks SGNL Signal Truck Motor Co. SIMA Simon Access SMEV Smith Electric Vehicles or SEV SOCO Southco Ind. Inc. SPRK Spurlock Vehicles Inc. Infiniti (INFI) G25 G25 M37 M37 M56 M56 Jaguar (JAGU) XJL XJL Lexus (LEXS) CT2 CT200h Mazda (MAZD) MZ2 Mazda 2 Mercedes-Benz (MERZ) 245 245 S42 S420 SLS SLS AMG TICO Tico Terminal Services Inc. VNTV Vantage Vehicle International Inc. Mini (MNNI) CTY Countryman/Countryman All 4 New Vehicle Model Codes Chevrolet (CHEV) S14 S14 SPK Spark VLT Volt Mitsubishi (MITS) RVR RVR Fisker Automotive (FSKR) KRM Karma Honda (HOND) CRZ CR-Z Pope Mfg. Co. (POPE) HRD Hartford TRB Tribune TLD Toledo WAV Waverly Electric Hyundai (HYUN) EQU Equus Saab (SAA) 94 9-4X Nissan (NISS) JUK Juke, Juke S, SL, SV V O LUME 2011 -4 D E CE MBE R 201 1 P AGE 1 4 CIB Contact List Name Telephone Fax Number Email Director Walt Neverman 608-264-6207 608-267-1338 Deputy Director Vacant 608-267-1338 TIME & Tech. Serv. Mgr. Vacant 608-267-1338 Training Officer Donna Bente 608-264-9452 608-267-1338 Training Officer Jim Muller 608-261-5800 608-267-1338 Training Officer Jessica Sash 608-266-9341 608-267-1338 Training Officer Vacant 608-264-6213 608-267-1338 TIME Operations Coord. Chris Kalina 608-266-7394 608-267-1338 TIME & eTIME Analyst Mary Moroney 608-266-2426 608-267-1338 TIME & eTIME Analyst Sara Phelan 608-266-7955 608-267-1338 Live/Cardscan Analyst Joan Wolfe 608-264-9490 608-267-1338 Supplies and Imaging Carol Brown 608-266-9585 608-267-4558 TIME Billing Phil Collins 608-266-2235 608-267-1338 Fingerprint ID-AFIS Curt Bauer (WI Crime Lab – Madison) 608-261-8122 ext. 2600 608-294-2920 Record Check Kevin Sime 608-266-9398 608-267-4558 Criminal Records Mary Meyer 608-266-9561 608-261-0660 Handgun Hotline Mary Sturdevant 608-267-2776 608-264-6200 TRAIN Check the CIB website for additional data at: