Read - Jill Egle
Read - Jill Egle
1 GATOR GAZETTE Volume 26 Issue 7 March 1, 2013 HOLY NAME OF JESUS SCHOOL 6325 CROMWELL PLACE NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118-6260 Inside this issue: Dear Parents: I would like to share the following letter, which was read at all Masses in the Archdiocese on the first weekend in Lent, from Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond on our Lenten journey: “Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Last Wednesday we began our 40 day Lenten journey. It is a sacred time when God calls us not only to recognize the goodness in our hearts, but also to face honestly those actions and attitudes in our lives that need to change in order for us to embrace more deeply our call to discipleship. I encourage you individually and as a parish family to hear and respond to God's call to conversion and new life during Lent through prayer and penance. In the Archdiocese of New Orleans, we have designated 2013 as a "Year of Family and Faith." Pope Benedict XVI recently reminded us that faith in Christ must be handed on within the family and our faith must give direction to family life. After Mass today, in this spirit of "Family and Faith", each family will be offered a booklet to be used for discussion on how we can grow stronger in family life and a deeper relationship with Jesus. Please take one home and use it for discussion. As we focus on "Family and Faith" this Lent, I suggest a few other things for your consideration: 1. It is an opportunity to reserve Sunday for quality time with our family and to go to Mass together. 2. For the next 40 days, perhaps we could silence our cell phones more often and shut down the computer, giving us more time as a family to talk together and to pray a blessing before meals or before bedtime. 3. In order to enter into the Lenten call to conversion, perhaps our families could attend a Penance Service and experience God's gift of mercy and forgiveness? Whatever your Lenten practices, I promise to pray for you daily that this season of repentance will help you and your family undergo a change of heart and rise to new life with Jesus as we prepare to celebrate his resurrection. May God bless you and those whom you hold in your heart during this sacred 40 day journey. Wishing you God's blessings, I am Sincerely in Christ, Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Archbishop of New Orleans” Sincerely, Mrs. Courtney Wolbrette, M.Ed. Principal March 9—PTC Spring Fling– 7:00 P.M.-HNJ Basement March 13-Community Dinner-6:30 P.M. March 15-Gazette Deadline March 19-St. Joseph’s Day March 22-Beta Parents’ Nite Out 4-7 Grades March 28-April 1-Easter Holidays April 2-Faculty In-Service (No school for students) April 3-Classes Resume April 12– HNJ Men’s Club Golf Classic April 20-Gator Run • PTC & School Board Members 2 Social Worker News 3 HNJ Mass Schedule 4 Beta Club News 5 2012-13 PAG 6 2013-14 School Calendar 9 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 13 2 GATOR Page 2 GAZETTE Holy Name of Jesus School Board Members for 2012-2013: President—Mark Wetmore Secretary-Robin Roussel Board Members: Stephanie Smith Heather Harper-Cazayoux Patrick McCausland Misty Quintana Amy Drew Glen Mercer Rich Clement Courtney Wolbrette Fr. Donald Hawkins, SJ Ex-Officio- PTC Representative Erin Kavanagh Amy Zapata Holy Name of Jesus Parent-Teacher Club Officers for 2012-2013: President—Tim Burke Board Members: Vice-President—Leslie Perschall Secretary-Ann Marie Jackson Treasurer-Mary Walker Ex-Officio-Erin Kavanagh Kenny Spellman Ed Wallace Ali Duhe Anna Combes Jeff Teague Jennifer Holley Dina Zelden School Board Representative: Amy Zapata Teacher Representatives: Katie Arnona Gator Gazette Holy Name of Jesus School Pastor 6325 Cromwell Place Father Donald A. Hawkins, SJ New Orleans, LA 70118-6260 Principal Editor Mrs. Courtney Wolbrette Mrs. Rosalie Tomeny (Development Director) Assistant Principal Mrs. Marnie Woynowski 3 Page 3 MISSION STATEMENT OF HOLY NAME OF JESUS SCHOOL Holy Name of Jesus School is an inclusive community dedicated to teaching children confidence, compassion, and integrity while staying committed to academic excellence and the Catholic faith. Faith, Family, Foundation...for over 100 years. Holy Name of Jesus School On January 28 the middle school students and teachers welcomed Ms. Jill Egle, an intellectually disabled adult, as a speaker on the impact of being called “retarded.” Jill was born in Louisiana, and lived and worked for many years in Washington, D.C. In her visit with us, she described the way in which the “R” word is used to bully and belittle people. It was even more impressive to hear some of the ways in which she worked to change thinking on a bigger stage—State and Federal government. Jill showed herself to have many abilities, in spite of her handicap. Through her work for The Arc of Northern Virginia, she was able to campaign for the removal of the word “retarded” from both Federal and Virginia State legislation. We are all familiar with the word “retarded,” and its stereotype of a person without talents or abilities. Jill, although she has a low IQ, has been able to reach a large audience through her talent for advocacy and public speaking. In her the students were able to see a human being with feelings, with knowledge of the hurt that being called “retard” can inflict. Her message included the wish that these students, no matter what the obstacles, accept themselves and others for who they are, and believe in themselves as capable. It was a privilege to host this passionate advocate for all people with disabilities. You can learn more about Jill and her work at Mrs. Lisa Houck, LCSW Social Worker 4 Volume 26, Issue 7 March 1, 2013 Holy Name of Jesus Parish Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 P.M.Vigil Sunday 8:00,10:30 A.M., 6:00 P.M. Principal’s Notebook Dear Parents: I would like to thank the following for their volunteer efforts: Mrs. Christine Blancher, Mrs. Kristin Marsiglia, and Mrs. Leigh Ann Terrebonne -Spring Fling Sincerely, Monday-Friday 6:30, 7:30 A.M. Mass Saturday 7:30 A.M. Mrs. Wolbrette If you have good news you wish to share about your child, please e-mail the information to We love to spread “good news” about our students and welcome any items you might have. All items must be submitted at least two weeks in advance. Please note deadline dates in Calendar of Events on Page 1. HNJ Community Dinners Would you like to feel more connected to your HNJ Church community? Do you ever wonder about the people sitting in the pews all around you at Mass? Would you like to do more than just pass through the doors to fulfill your weekly obligation? Or would you simply like to have someone else cook dinner one night? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, we have an opportunity for you! We are offering an opportunity to skip the dinner dishes at home, and join your fellow parishioners for dinner at HNJ school instead. Where: HNJ School (parking available in the school yard) When: Wednesday, March 13 at 6:30 pm Who: Anyone who wants to be part of our community Cost: None!!! From the Admissions Department... If you know of someone interested in Holy Name for their child, please have them contact Mrs. Gail Sehulster, Admissions Director, at 861-1466, or via e-mail at, for more information or to schedule a tour. 5 On the night of February22, the Beta held their second Parents’ Night Out. Thought the weather looked threatening, it ended up being fine and so the children and Betas got to have lots of fun outside in the yard for many activities. The evening was a huge success. Thank you, parents, for sending your children to have a fun night with us. Our next fund raiser is for 4th – 7th graders on Friday March 22nd. Fun sporting events are scheduled and we hope to have many come for a night of fun for the older students. The Betas plan to participate in the Walk for the Hungry, sponsored by Bread for the World New Orleans on Saturday, March 2. This walk is to show awareness to those who go hungry here in our community and around the world. The Betas are gearing up for the state convention, preparing for the competitions that will take place in Lafayette in May. 6 2012-13 Parents’ Annual Giving Drive The 2012-13 PAG Drive is well under way and we are entering our half-way mark! Many thanks to . and Mrs. Michael Daly for serving as this year’s chairs, and we are very grateful for their service to the PAG! This year the gap is $700.00. Please, be as generous as you can be to help us maintain our building! Holy Name of Jesus School was founded in 1891 and classes in our current school building first began on January 3, 1933. Holy Name has educated thousands of children throughout the Greater New Orleans Area. Many of our current students are “legacy” students: their parents, and maybe even their grandparents and great grandparents attended Holy Name. In a city that cherishes its traditions, we, too, cherish the traditions that make Holy Name so special. We are still operating in the same building built all those years ago, located in a National Historic District of New Orleans, and we are very proud of our beautiful building. But old buildings need constant attention and repairs to keep them running smoothly and functioning in a modern world; after all, our school building is 80 years old! For instance, our boiler, which is original to the building and has been repaired over the years will need to be replaced in the immediate future at a cost of approximately $65,000. Another major item in need of replacement is the chiller, which will cost approximately $55,000.00. As you can see, like a beautiful old home, our beautiful old school building is expensive to maintain! We strive to provide a comfortable, safe learning environment for our students, and we ask that you consider the expense of providing perpetual maintenance and repair to our beautiful, historic building. This is your children’s school building, and your school building, where your children spend much of their time, to learn and grow each day, and to flourish. We are aware that there are many financial challenges for many of us and that meeting the “gap” will be a burden for some. Please understand that we are grateful for any gift you can give to the PAG this year. One point we would like to emphasize is PARTICIPATION—many grant makers look at the “buy-in” by the stakeholders (that is you) when they consider grant proposals. Please keep that in mind when considering your gift and participation this year. Your donation can be made in one lump sum, or spread out over the course of the entire school year, over a ten-month period. Pledges may also be paid in monthly installments via automatic credit card payments. Your tax-deductible gift will make a significant impact on the maintenance of our school building. If you have misplaced your card, you may log on to Edline and download a new one, or visit the Holy Name of Jesus School website,, and download another pledge form, or access our secure giving site on our home page, via Pay Pal, and make your payment there. If you have any questions at all about the gap, please feel free to contact Parents’ Annual Giving Drive Coordinator Rosalie Tomeny at 861-9709, or via e-mail at You may also contact Parents’ Annual Giving Drive Chairs, Suzie and Mike Daly, at 866-4410, or via e-mail at May God bless you for your generosity to Holy Name of Jesus School! 7 Parents’ Annual Giving Drive (Continued) Following is a listing of our donors who have made their pledge to the 2012-13 Drive. Many, many thanks to all of you, and may God bless you for your generosity to Holy Name of Jesus School. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Chris Algero Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Alley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Amedee Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Anderson, II Ms. Margaret L. Archila Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Arnona Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Augustson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Babineaux, II Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Bagot, III Mr. Thomas and Dr. Margaret Baier Mr. and Mrs. Etienne Balart Mr. and Mrs. Ryan E. Beasley, Sr., Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Cary A. Becker Mr. and Mrs. John Bendernagel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bendich Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bengoa Mr. and Mrs. David M. Berner Mr. and Mrs. David Blamphin Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Blow Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Bodenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bordelon Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boudreaux Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Boyd, III Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Breaux Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Broussard Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Burton Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cage Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Calogero, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Cambre Mr. and Mrs. John D. Celentano Mr. and Mrs. Partha K. Chandra Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Chapoton Ms. Nicole A. Chauppette Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Chocheles Ms. Kristy S. Christiansen Mr. Scarth Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Combes Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Cortizas Crescent Marine & Towing (Match) Ms. Martha Cuccia Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. D’Amour Mr. and Mrs. Prodromos A. Dagoglou Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Daly Ms. Liliana Davila Mr. and Mrs. Ryan DeFelice Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Desobry, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dietz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donofrio Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Drew Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Drummond, III Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Dufour Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Duhe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Dunn Ms. Charlotte H. Dupuy and Ms. Michele M. Galatoire Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dyba Ms. Deanna R. Eckholdt Mr. Jay Eckholdt Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Edwards, III Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Ellis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ellis Ms. Honey Estapa Mr. and Mrs. Denis Finigan Mr. and Mrs. Kurt J. Flair Ms. Donna Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Marek V. Florian Mrs. Ronda Flower Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Flower Mr. and Mrs. Kelly P. Fogarty Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. Foret Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Fransen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Freeze Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Gautier Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilberti Mr. and Mrs. Myles Gill Ms. Marianne Graffam Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gray Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Green Mr. and Mrs. Sal Gutierrez, in honor of Michael Bendich Mr. and Mrs. Ashley S. Gulden Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (Match) Ms. Kam Gunther Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Haik Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hattier Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hebert Dr. Renee Hickson Mr. and Mrs. John Hite Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Holley Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Hoth Mr. and Mrs. David A. Huete Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. George O. Huval, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ives Mr. and Mrs. Cris R. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Reginald T. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jacquet Mr. Michael S. James Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. James, Jr., (in honor of Henry James) Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Jeanfreau Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Kavanagh Mr. and Mrs. Joshua G. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kelly Ms. Regina Kendall Mr. and Mrs. William King Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lamy Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Landrum Mr. and Mrs. John M. Langley Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Lawrence Mr. Kevin Law Mr. and Mrs. Wilferdo Leon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Linder Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Lopes Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lorio Mr. and Mrs. Ky Luu Mr. and Mrs. Dan Macnamara Ms. Nicole Commagere-Manale Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Marks Mr. Patrick Marks Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. May, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koke, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mazzanti 8 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McCausland Mr. and Mrs. James B. McConville Mr. and Mrs. Martin McCormick Ms. Monika McKay Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mechler Medtronic Foundation (Match) Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Danny Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Mikulencak Mr. and Mrs. Chad Miller Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Millner, III Mrs. Ellen Mills Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Monistere Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Montelibano Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Morrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Morse Murphy Oil Corporation (Match) Mr. and Mrs. Dominic U. Musso Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Mysing Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod Nackley Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Oberhelman Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ondrusek Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Oufnac Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo V. Pablo Ms. Tiffany Palermo Mr. and Mrs. Chad M. Penedo Mr. and Mrs. Clement F. Perschall, III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Price Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Quintana Mr. and Mrs. John V. Rareshide Ms. Marie Riccio/Mr. Paul Johnstone Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Rigdon Mr. and Mrs. C. John Rigamer Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. John Salomone Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Savoie Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schott Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Seale Col. and Mrs. James T. Sehulster Mr. Thomas Sheply/ Ms. Nancy Vandervelde Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Silva Mr. and Mrs. Ekundayo Shittu Dr. and Mrs. Nathan J. Shores Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Smith Mrs. Patrice Williams-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Sokalzuk Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Somme’ Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Spellman Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Stedman, II Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Stith Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sublette Mr. and Mrs. John Sudderth Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sudderth Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Supak Mr. and Mrs. Travis J. Sylve Mr. and Mrs. Adeyemi Talabi Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tanet Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jeffray A. Teague Mr. and Mrs. Theard J. Terrebonne Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Toso Ms. Vicki Toups Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Trujillo Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Tullis Mr. and Mrs. Sewall G. Vallette Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Vlosich Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Warren O. Waguespack Mr. and Mrs. Morris D. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Walter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wade P. Webster Ms. Suzanne F. Wentzel Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wetmore Mrs. Courtney P. Wolbrette, in honor of Harry Miller Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Minyoung D. Yang Dr. and Mrs. Socrates Zapata Mr. and Mrs. Mark Z. Zelden Upcoming HNJ School Masses and Other Religious Events: Wednesday, March 6 8:30A.M. Mass Wednesday, March 13 8:30 A.M. Mass Wednesday, March 20 8:30 A.M. Mass Wednesday, March 27 8:30 A.M. Mass Liturgy of the Word is on each of these days at 10:00 A.M. (for PK-1st Grades) Parents are welcome at all of our weekday Masses and other religious events. Until further notice, all of these services are now held in the HNJ Auditorium. 9 Holy Name of Jesus School 2013-14 Calendar (Tentative) Monday, August 5 Monday, August 5 - Friday, August 9 Monday, August 12 Tuesday, August 13 Opening Meeting Faculty In-Service INC Meetings Back to School Night - Middle School INC Meetings Back to School Night - Lower Elementary Wednesday, August 14 INC Meetings Back to School Night – Early Childhood Wednesday, August 14 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 - New Student Orientation – Grades 1 - 4 1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. - 5th Grade Orientation and All New Middle School Student Orientation Thursday, August 15 First Day of School Grades PK, K – 8:05 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Grades 1-7 – 8:05 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Friday, August 16 Grades PK, K – 8:05 a.m. – 11:15a.m. Grades 1-7 – 8:05 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Monday, August 19 Full day of school for all – 8:05 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Monday, September 2 Labor Day Holiday Friday, October 25 Parent Teacher Conferences – No School for Students Friday, November 8 Monday, November 11 Fair Set Up – No School Fair Clean Up – No School Monday, November 25 – Friday, November 29 Thanksgiving Holidays Monday, December 23 – Friday, January 3 Christmas Holidays Friday, January 17 Monday, January 20 Parent Teacher Conferences – No School for Students Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Friday, February 28 – Friday, March 7 Mardi Gras Holidays Thursday, April 17 – Monday, April 21 Easter Holidays Tuesday, April 22 Professional Development In-Service – No School for Students Monday, May 26 Memorial Day Tuesday, May 27 Last Full Day of School for Grades 2 – 7 Last Day of School for Grades PK – 1 Wednesday, May 28 8:30 a.m. Kindergarten Graduation Record Day – No School for Students Record Day – No School for Students Last Day of School 8:30 a.m. – Mass and Award Ceremony Thursday, May 29 Friday, May 30 11:15 a.m. Dismissal 10 In and Around HNJ... Kindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of School!! On February 5, the Kindergarten students celebrated the 100th day of school by doing all sorts of 100-related activities - sorting and counting collections of 100 items, reading a poem with 100 words, seeing how far they could walk in 100 steps, stacking 100 cups, hunting for 100 Hershey's Kisses, drawing what they would look like when they were 100 years old, eating 100 pieces of snack and so much more. It was a spectacular centennial celebration! 11 In and Around HNJ...Mardi Gras and Valentine’s!! 12 Friday, April 12, 2013 North Course at City Park Tee-off: 1:00pm Registration/Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start – 1:00 p.m. Format: 4 Man Scramble Come join us for an afternoon of golf and fellowship with all proceeds to benefit the HNJ Athletic Department. Food and drink will be provided. Prizes will be awarded for the top three finishing teams, closest to hole and the longest drive. Additional raffle prizes will be awarded. The Awards Ceremony will follow the tournament at the 19th Hole. Singles welcomed; singles will be grouped to form foursomes. Please contact the HNJ Men’s Club for golf and sponsorship information. Douglas Plymale: Cell 504/931-9427 or Email Mark Wetmore: Cell 504/799-5697 or Ready to feel 18 again? HNJ Spring Fling 80’s Prom Party Saturday, March 9th, 7-11:00 p.m. HNJ Basement Tickets $20 per person $30 at the door Help us dance the night away! Wear your old (or new) prom dress, tux, or suit and you might be the next Prom King or Queen! Food buffet, beverages, dancing to great ‘80s hits, and awesome raffle prizes 13 High Honors Honors Honors (Cont’d.) Honors (Cont’d.) Fifth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Matthew Perschall Elise Landrum Grace Wood Trent Burke Christopher Wormuth Jackson Quintana Adrien Foley Brooke Boyd Matthew Marsiglia Sydney Stephenson Andrew Terrebonne Hannah Conroy Allison Lee Cole Toups Aida Bengoa Jake Spellman Andrew Gautier Nathaniel Marks David Walker Laine Roberts Jacob Mercer James Lawrence Jack Carmello Aryn Allen Rader Jackson Sophie Mysing Adele Hoth Caitlin Desobry Jack Dyba Mollie McMichael Wyatt Celentano Lauren Cage Maci Mannina Ulrick Wiley Taylor Lottinger Zachary Haydel Justin Savoie Matthew Dickinson Olivia Boudreaux Kaleb Lambert Piper Blancher Patrick Bandi Melanie Shea Michael Cuccia Isaac Schorr Kennedy Broussard Eric Lorio Bailey Sudderth Micah Allen Clayton Blake Chloe Bott Katherine Mazzanti Shannon Daly Caspar McCormick Cade LaBine Christian Jourdain Duncan Royster Blair Anderson Sidney Madison Richard Foley Michael Scott Annalisa Huete Ryan Oufnac Evan Walsh Gabe Becker Marian Boyd Haley Williams Elizabeth Algero Benjamin May Bryan Bennett Gabrielle Duhe Macy McMichael Madeline Donofrio Nadia Haik Melissa Berner Justin Leal Amelia Vallette Will Hite Eddie Redmann Ady Becker Madison Manale Brenna Lauga Hunter Babineaux Colin Wood Alex Williams Anne Zelden Ella Flower Richard Stedman Eric Michael Schorr Lukas Koebel Lillian Rigamer Ashley Phillips Grey Ellis Nicholas LeBlanc Paige Dawson Ryan Santos Peter Brocato Sixth Grade Manon Scialfa Sam Gibson Carlos Bengoa Andrea Pablo William Schott Saheba Cuccia John Bendernagel Lila Rigamer Louis Lamy Margaret Stahl Seventh Grade Renee Breaux Julianne Lamy Jeremy Baier Caitlin Haik Damon Smith 14 In and Around HNJ... Children are precious. When they are sick or injured, it makes our hearts hurt; and we want to do whatever we can to comfort them. The 7th grade class has participated in a Tiny Tim project to help bring cheer to sick or injured children in their time of need. Tiny Tim is a poor, sickly character in A Christmas Carol who will die if he does not receive treatment. Because Scrooge changes his ways and offers his help, Tiny Tim lives. The 7th graders have followed Scrooge’s new path by making fringed blankets that will offer children some consolation during their illnesses or recovery from their injuries. Making these blankets will benefit both the students and the children. God bless us all as Tiny Tim says. Fun in Art Class!! Gator Run!!! It’s almost time to start lacing up the shoes and training for the 32nd Annual HNJ Gator Run Saturday, April 20, 2013 1 Mile Fun Run / 5K Road Race Audubon Park (Shelter #10) off Magazine Street