Guidelines - Barcelona World Flower Cup


Guidelines - Barcelona World Flower Cup
The Second edition
international floral
contest online
La Barcelona World Flower Cup is International
floral Contest Online and organized by Escola
d’Art Floral de Catalunya.
The Barcelona World Flower Cup is aimed at students
and professionals of our sector and is awarded in order to
recognize excellence in the Floral Art. For this second edition,
we have a panel of internationally renowned professionals as
jury: Daniel Santamaria, Araik Galstyan, Elly Lin and Tomas
de Bruyne are selected to choose the award winning project
Each participant must submit photographs of the required
floral arrangements to enter the contest: a bridal hand
bouquet and a wreath. It rewards the participant with the
highest score in the sum of both arrangements.
One of the main novelties of this 2014 edition is the premiere
of a new category: BePopular2014. A parallel SubContest
on Facebook that will be used to make visible all the
arrangements and their authors and where the most voted
project among all fans will be awarded.
International Floral Contest Online
Who is behind it?
The Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya was founded in 1982
and is located in the city of Barcelona.
Initially the first training plans were designed with the help
of important European specialists such as Paul and Úrsula
Wegener, Gregor Lersch and Peter Hess. In a second stage
Wally Klett, Gerhard Neidiger, Nicole Boletzky, Olaf Schroers
and Enrique León, actively collaborated in the development of
the training programs. .
In recent years, a team of highly qualified young professionals
has been incorporated into the faculty, they believed in the
project of converting the floral art and the gardening design in
a prestigious profession integrated into the world of design.
Currently the school has the national and international
recognition of the sector; both for the level of training as well
as the participation in events to promote the profession, and
within the School’s events the Barcelona World Flower Cup is
our letter of introduction to the world.
Each participant must create a bridal hand
bouquet and a floral crown.
It rewards the participant with the highest
score in the sum of both creations.
Floral arrangements:
1. Bridal hand bouquet: Freestyle,
placed on an iron base or similar.
Presentation material:
- 3 descriptive photos of the finished
arrangement: front view (full object), view
from above and details. (See examples)
2. Wreath OASIS© naylorbasearo
40 cm diameter x 5 cm wide). It is
important to keep the original shape
of the rim. The position of the wreath
is free and can be placed on a base or
Presentation material:
- 3 descriptive photos of the finished
arrangement: front view (full object), view
from above and details. (See examples)
- MakingOff: 3 images of the “step by step”
process to verify that the Oasis wreath is
being used.
Use of natural flowers and plant materials.
75% of plant materials, 25% of supplementary materials
Arrangements with artificial flowers will be disqualified.
The Barcelona World Flower Cup has two categories:
TheCup and BePopular. Competition entry (after payment of
the registration fee) includes participation in both categories:
These are the basic services that will receive the prize
according to the type of award that has been granted.
Jury members select the top
10 arrangements in a Shortlist.
Among those finalists, the Jury
chooses the winner of the
· Award designed by APPARATU
· Cash Prize: 1.000€
· Winner Diploma BWFC 2014
· Official seal GOLD (digital)
· Web presence + Social Media
· Broadcasting in sector’s journals
· FREE enrolment in any course to be held at the
Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya during 2014 and 2015
Shortlist finalists
· Diploma BWFC 2014
· Official seal GREY (digital)
· Web presence + Social Media
· Broadcasting in sector’s journals
· FREE enrolment in any course to be held at the
Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya during 2014 and 2015
parallel SubContest on
Participation in the Facebook contest is
automatic and does not implies having a
membership in the social network. The
WINNER will be the participant with the
most votes.
BePopular #BWFC2014 (facebook)
· Mini iPad (apple)
· Diploma BWFC 2014
· Official seal BLUE (digital)
· Web presence + Social Media
· Broadcasting in sector’s journals
· FREE enrolment in any course to be held at the
Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya during 2014 and 2015
The winning project
receives an official Seal
BWFC that can be used
to promote the winner
to guarantee high quality
standards .
Best Flower Of The World 2014
Best Flower Shortlist 2014
The Cup
Xavier Mañosa, designer and modeller (1981). Son of ceramists, he grew
up surrounded by clay, lathes and furnaces. After studying industrial
design first and then graphic design, life took him to Berlin, where his
ceramist roots surfaced and took him to create a pottery workshop
back in Barcelona. Thus Apparatu was born having its creative base in
Germany and its production space in the heart of Catalonia. He has
participated in several events for emerging designers like the Furniture
Stockholm Fair, 100% Design Tokyo, ICFF New York, in the section of
Talents at Tendence (Frankfurt) and at the London Design Festival and
he is one of the most valued ceramist of our country.
The organization makes available to the Jury all the judged
work’s information collected in the registration, maintaining
the anonymity of the authors.
The vote fulfills the criteria established by the organization,
and the Jury is free to apply the criteria of the form it deems
most fair and balanced.
The jury’s verdict is final and secret, and will not be released
until October 20, 2014.
Elly Lin
Elly Lin is a graduate of the American Floral Art School in Chicago and the Flower
Design College in Japan. Owns and works in ‘Elly’s Flower/Cafe Shop’ and ‘Elly’s
Wedding Consultancy Company’ ( Taipei ) from where she has transmitted a style
based on a refined technique and a particular vision of Asian exoticism.
Author of ‘Elly’s Botanical Fashion’ y ‘Elly Lin’s Floral Image’ which bring her great
values of harmony and balance that has amply demonstrated throughout half the
world (Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Spain , Greece , USA, New Zealand, Australia,
Korea, China and Hong Kong among others).
Requested as Jury at big asian floral art competitions like the prestigious Asia Cup
Flower Design in Korea, the Japan Cup Flower Design in Nagano or the fourth edition
of the Asia Cup Flower Design held in China. She has also participated as a Jury
member in the Intercontinental Cup Flower Design in Taipei. One approach that
honors the popularity of Elly .
Flawless trajectory for one of the most powerful models of the sector.
Tomas de Bruyne
Tomas De Bruyne is a Belgian designer who is self-employed and runs his own
consulting firm. He has worked on many prestigious projects and is a member of Life3
, a company created in collaboration with two European designers: Per Benjamin from
Sweden and Max van de Sluis from The Netherlands .
Tomas has won several medals in Belgium and abroad. In the 2002 World Cup Tomas
finished fifth and won the coveted ‘Quality and Freshness Award’ for the best technical
Tomas is a very valued judge in high level floral competitions, he gives seminars and
shows around the world and has been published in over 40 magazines.
Through the simplicity and unpretentiousness, Tomas has created commercial art
designs while maintaining a clear focus to respecting the character and quality of the
flower. Tomas, has been able to fight for the perfect harmony between flower and
creative expression beyond borders....
Araik Galstyan
Owner and founder of Araik Galstyan Floral Design House, Araik is also founder of
‘Flowers World’ the most popular international sector’s magazine.
Guest artist in major state sector events as in Sotheby Moscow, in the Fair of
Millionairie or in the Moscow International Festival of Cultures, also participates in
shows, exhibitions and competitions worldwide, leads master classes and dedicates his
never ending passion to the creative search for new ideas and techniques.
Winner of various floral competitions in different countries, Araik also holds the title of
being the only florist that has won the prestigious Award of People’s Choice World’s
Championship of Professional Floristic twice.
His great formal skill and exuberance of his projects reflect the ephemeral beauty of
flowers in his arrangements respecting the own individualism of each flower.
Recognized as the leading exponent of the Russian branch, Araik Galstyan has a
great international reputation and is invited as a Jury member in many international
Daniel Santamaría
When the floral art is a passion and a way of understanding life with a high emotional
content, each expression is a cry of feelings and sensations. So is Daniel Santamaria, a
leading artist in the sector.
The strong contrasts of its native Mediterranean and his passion for the architecture of
the city of Barcelona are an endless source of inspiration. The combination of shapes
and materials are his goal, through them he manages to convey ideas and create
compositions of great formal richness, a constant in his award-winning career.
In 2003, along with Britta Ohlrogge they created their particular floral island called
Floristik Projekt, a space where the floral design seeks its purest and innovative state.
Silver medal at the European Cup 2003 (Salamanca) and international workshops in
over 30 countries, Daniel is professor at the Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya since 1997
and he is the Alma Mater of the Barcelona World Flower Cup.
“Originality consists in returning to the origin” a quote from Antonio Gaudi and Daniel’s
particular mantra that always helps him to evolve in his profession as florist.
The chairman of the Jury
The chairman is a person chosen by the Escola D’Art Floral de Catalunya whose function is to
ensure the proper functioning of the Jury. Is the reference person for the jurors, it reminds them the
guidelines, handles any questions and marks the times and stages of the process.
It is responsible for collecting voting results and certify them, together with the Jury. The chairman
has no vote, only intervenes in Jury decisions to ensure the proper functioning of the process
Emilio Tinoco
An architect by profession, with a post graduate in Informatización de Proyectos
Arquitectónicos at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and various photography
courses. He has worked and collaborated with various architectural firms in Mexico
and Barcelona.
He is currently Head of Studies and teacher of projects, digital and audiovisual tools,
drawing and photography at the “ Escola d’ Art Floral de Catalunya”.
Criteria referred to a well done arrangement, the consistency,
attention to detail, quality in the presentation. Projects that
hold a high standard throughout, from beginning to end, will
be rewarded.
The jury will evaluate the strength, intensity and innovative
spirit of aesthetic proposals that stand out from the rest.
Idea 20 Points
Originality, uniqueness / creativity
Interpretation of the given subject / task /theme
The choice of material /design with chosen materials
Color 20 Points
Proportion / dominance of used colours
Expression of idea in colours. Colour-composition
(contrasts, harmony, value of colours, etc.). Placement of
Composition 30 Points
General impression (shape, form proportions, visual
balance). Style. Choice, dominance and use of materials
(form, texture, structure, contrasts, rythm, movement,
volume, lines, directions). Material respect
Technique 30 Puntos
Cleanness. Suitability of the work. Physical balance
Possibility to have water (if applicable). Technical difficulty
/ level
888 888 888 888
Registration to the contest
Entry for the BWFC is online along
with the payment of the registration fee.
Entry fee
Entry fee: 35.00 €
Payment will be made securely using Paypal or credit
card Paypal within the www.barcelonaworldflowercup.
org/inscripcion platform
Material submission
Information requested in the Registration
- Titles of the two arrangements
- Concept (short description)
- Botanical names of the materials used in the floral
1. Bridal hand bouquet
Submitting photographic material:
- 3 descriptive photos of the finished arrangement:
front view (full object), view from above and details.
(See examples)
2. Wreath OASIS© naylorbasearo
Last day of registration
and submission
September 15, 2014
Submitting photographic material:
- 3 descriptive photos of the finished arrangement:
front view (full object), view from above and details.
(See examples)
- MakingOff: 3 images of the “step by step” process to
verify that the Oasis wreath is being used.
The photographic material
Once the Jury has deliberated its verdict,
the organization will ask the 10 selected
(Shortlist) participants their images in high
resolution. (* the organization reserves the
right to disqualify participants who do not
have them).
· Resolution: 150 dpi
· Vertical Images: 29x21 cm
· Horizontal Images: 21x29 cm
· Color: RGB
The photographic material must meet the following
Only digital material
(No photomontages in photoshop will be accepted):
· File format: JPEG or PNG (gif format will not be
· Resolution: 72 dpi
· Vertical images: 500x690 pixels
· Horizontal images: 690x500 pixels
· Color: RGB
Names of photographs:
· Do not use any punctuation marks or spaces, instead
the underscore can be used. .
· Name of works photos: Alias_bouquet_01, 02 and
successively... Alias_wreath_01, 02 and successively...
Deadline for entry
Last day of registration: September 15, 2014
Last day of submission: September 15, 2014 - 10:00 am
(local time in Barcelona)
Start of BePopular: September 15, 2014 - 10:00 am (local
time in Barcelona) Deadline September 20 - 10:00 am (local time in
September 15, 2014
Results notification
Results published on the official website and social
networks of the Barcelona World Flower Cup 2014:
TheCup2014 and BePopular2014, on October 20, 2014
12:00 am (local time in Barcelona)
Examples of photos:
Front View, Top View, Detail View
These images are only indicative. You have to send 1
front view photo, 1 top view photo and 1 detail photo for
each work. That means that you have to send 6 photos;
plus 5 more pictures “step by step” of the sphere work.
All photographs with black or white background.
500 pixels
690 pixels
Front view
690 pixels
500 pixels
Top view
Detail view
One of the main novelties of the Barcelona Flower World
Cup 2014 has been the premiere of a web page to be
converted into a tool for participants looking to make their
work visible.
The online exhibition of the winning arrangements makes the
website a source of information for companies, institutions,
schools, consumers and students worldwide.
2º Premio BWFC2012 - Andy Djati
1º Premio BWFC2012 - Hanneke Frankema
3º Premio BWFC2012 Maria Miras de Mena
1. What is the deadline for entry payment?
September 15, 2014
2. What is the deadline for photos submission?
September 15, 2014 - 10:00 am (local time in Barcelona)
3. Should the floral arrangements have a specific
Yes, on black or white background.
4. Will the score of all participants be published?
Only the results of the top 50 will be published
5. Should a description of the floral arrangements be
Yes, a brief description of the arrangement should be
send, constructive technique and a list of materials used
in each object.
6. In what language should the description of the
floral arrangements be sent?
The official languages are Spanish and English, the
description of the floral arrangements must be made in
any of these languages.
7. On what date will the results be published?
October 20, 2014 – 12 am (local time in Barcelona)
8. Where will the results be published?
INNOVATIVE FLORAL ART Magazine, October issue 2014,
Jury’s verdict, all finalists arrangements from the shortlist
(Top 50). Results published on the official website and
social networks of the Barcelona World Flower Cup 2014:
TheCup2014 and BePopular2014
9. How will the awards be notified?
The winners of both categories will be notified (via
e.mail) on October 20, 2014 the result of the competition.
The Awards will be effective within two weeks of the
notification date .
Awards :
€ 1,000 in cash will be made by wire transfer within two
weeks of the notification date.
The trophy (TheCup) and the Mini Ipad (BePopular) will
be sent by courier to the address indicated by the winner.
The organization is not responsible for the deterioration
or loss of the trophy in transit.
The seals and badges will be sent by e.mail
10. Will the photographs influence the assessment of
the arrangements?
No impact on the score, but if the photographs do not
meet the minimum requirements of the organization, its
entry will be disqualified.
11.Should there be a photographic ‘step by step’ of
the floral arrangements?
Yes, only in the wreath of oasis
12. Will the arrangements be published in any
sector’s magazine?Yes, in the following magazines:
World-Floral Magazine (Russia), Revista Clip flores y mas
(Spain), Blomster Magazine (Scandinavian countries),
Florieren! Magazine (Germany), Extra Magazine (Spain),
Taiwan Floral Magazine (Taiwan).
13. How is the entry fee for the competition paid?
Via pay pal
14.What is the size of the arrangements’
Resolution: 72 dpi
Size: Vertical Images: 500x690 pixels
Horizontal Images: 690x500 pixels
Color: RGB
Once the Jury has deliberated its verdict, the organization
will ask the 10 selected (Shortlist) participants their images
in high resolution. (* the organization reserves the right to
disqualify participants who do not have them).
· Resolution: 150 dpi
· Vertical Images: 29x21 cm
· Horizontal Images: 21x29 cm
· Color: RGB
15.Is there a theme for the floral arrangements?
No, there is no specific theme
16.Should the materials used for the arrangements be
Both floral arrangements must contain 75% of plant
17. Can artificial flowers be used?
No, the use of artificial flowers will be a reason to be
18. Can accessories be used?
Yes if used in a proportion of less than 25% of the
materials in both floral arrangements.
Conditions for participation
Condiciones de participación en la Barcelona World Flower Cup
La participación en la Barcelona World Flower Cup 2014 es de ámbito
Una misma persona se podrá inscribir tantas veces como quiera?. (ja
sé que ho vàrem dir però no em sembla seriós) Cada participación
debe adjuntar su pago correspondiente de la cuota de inscripción.
El veredicto correspondiente a la categoria TheCup2014 elegido por
el jurado es inapelable.
La Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya y los miembros del jurado NO son
responsables del resultado de la categoria BePopular2014 del premio
popular. La organización se reserva el derecho a descalificar cualquier
participante si hay indicios de mal uso en el categoría BePopular del
Facebook .
Ni la Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya ni la organización de los
premios se hace responsable de las reclamaciones por plagio. En
caso de duda la organización se reserva el derecho a descalificar a
los participantes involucrados.
Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya declina toda responsabilidad sobre
la autenticidad de los datos expresados por los participantes en las
fichas de inscripción.
organizadores de la Barcelona World Flower Cup 2014, y las
empresas… como los sponsors del concurso nos reservamos el
derecho a utilizar y reproducir las obras exclusivamente con fines
promocionales de los premios, a la vez que publicarlas en las revistas
del sector.
La participación en los premios Barcelona World Flower Cup
supone la aceptación de ceder las imagenes a la organización de la
Barcelona World Flower Cup formada por la ESCOLA D’ART FLORAL
DE CATALUNYA, FUNDACIÓ y el derecho de explotación por su
parte y por parte de terceros autorizados por la Escola d’Art Floral de
reserva el derecho a efectuar cambios que redunden en el buen fin
del concurso siempre previa notificación a los participantes de la
Barcelona World Flower Cup 2014.
La participación en la convocatoria de la Barcelona World Flower Cup
2014 implica la plena aceptación de estas bases.
Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya
Can Soler - C/ Cànoves, 12
08035 Barcelona
T. 93 247 02 05
Media Partners