Buying Fresh Food From Local Farmers


Buying Fresh Food From Local Farmers
Buying Fresh Food From Local Farmers
August & September Upcoming
Connect International Events.
Page 4 & 5
A Taste of Groningen
Page 6
s Kitchen
Real American Baked Goods
Page 7
A ractions
& Events
22 Fun Things To Do This Summer
Page 8 & 9
La Dolce Vita
A Trip to Italy
Page 10
I love fresh veggies and fruit. I grow some vegetables myself on my tiny
balcony; carrots, tomatoes and chillies. But I can’t grow everything, so
when the summer months are here I love to visit some of the local
farmer’s markets.
The first Dutch strawberries I
had this year I bought at the
end of June at my local
farmer’s market. They were
strawberries, just melted in
your mouth, and at €3 for 1kg
they weren’t a stretch on the
weekly food budget. I also
bought some fresh free range
eggs, at €1,50 for 10 eggs.
Those were another great buy. In fact, I often find fresh produce is the same price if not
cheaper when I buy at my local farmer’s market compared to the supermarkets.
Locally produced food is often fresher and more nutritious than what you find in the
supermarkets. Locally grown food is normally harvested just before you purchase it, which
means the food is as fresh as can be and therefore tastes so much better and is more
nutritionally complete. When produce has to be transported a long distance to reach us, it
loses some of its nutrition.
Locally produced food is greener! Because locally grown food travels less to reach us and
is not stored in a chilled storehouse on its way to the supermarket, it has much fewer “food
miles”, meaning getting it to us uses less energy and natural resources. Also locally produced
food is often boxed in recyclable material, such a paper mache boxes, while supermarket
produce is sold in plastic boxes and wrappers.
Locally produced food is good for the local community. Buying locally grown food keeps
money in the community and supports your local farmer. It helps farmers receive a fair price
for their crops and contributes to keeping a healthy local economy. It is also an investment
in the future as farmers make a better living wage by selling locally and are less likely to sell
farmland for development, thus protecting and preserving our rural enviroment.
See page 3 for a list of local farmer’s markets through the Northern areas of the Netherlands.
Connect International serves the international community in the
provinces Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe and Noord Holland.
Supported by an international staff and Board of Directors, we provide
quality relocation services and practical information to help familiarize
international residents with all aspects of living, working or studying in the
Northern Netherlands, and organize events and activities to facilitate
making further connections.
Join Us!
You can register to become a Connect International member via our
website. For a small yearly fee, you can get the Connections e-magazine
newsletter delivered directly to your email inbox, join the Connect
International community at organized events, access the Connect book
libary with many English books and much more.
Welcome New Members!
Connect International would like to welcome the following new members:
Seka Lazare, Emma Bunting, Te Bao & Yun Dai, Katharina Gugerell, Jan
Alons, Stefania Costache, Susan Jackson, Philip Galjaard, Anne Archibald,
N. Vilchez, B. Frank, L. Godfrey.
Special welcome to new baby Javier Jacobus Kok, born 23rd May 2013 in
Alkmaar. Congratulations to parents Claire Regan & Jacco Kok and older
brother Fabien.
Connect’s Partners
Helping to welcome the world
Provincie Groningen
Provincie Friesland
Provincie Drenthe
Connect Head Office:
Herestraat 106, Room 1.06, 9711LM Groningen
Telephone: 050 7440087
Email: /
Connect Noord Holland (Alkmaar Office):
Bovenweg 121, 1834CD Sint Pancras
Telephone: 060 25394234
Everything you need to
make yourself at home
in the Netherlands
Connect International has a full membership
Attention Writers!
Enjoy Writing?
The Connections Newsletter is
seeking volunteer writers who
enjoy writing to theme,
writing informative articles, or
have an option and want to
voice it!
Interested? Contact us at
Publication Team:
Editor & Publication Design: Stephanie Fermor
Assistant Editor: Margaret Metsala
Contributers to this issue:
Stephanie Fermor, Karen Prowse, Margaret Metsala,
Anne Bridges, Andrea Kullek, Alex Feenstra
Interested in advertising in Connections E-Magazine?
Advertising Rates per Issue (10 issues per year) :
1/4 Page (12.5 x 9.5 cm)
1/2 Page (12.5 x 19 cm)
1 Page
(A4 - 21 x 29.7cm)
Contact for more details
2 / Connections
Buying Fresh Food From Local Farmers (continued)
Here are some local farmer’s markets across the north of the Netherlands.
Noord Holland
Ommelander Markt, Ebbingekwartier, Groningen.
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00, 10th August & 17th September 2013
Puur Markt, Amstel, Amsterdam. Sunday 11:00 - 18:00, 11th
August & 8th September 2013.
Streek Producten Markt Nienoord, Parkeerterrein Landgoed
Nienoord, Leek. Friday 13:00 - 18:00, 16th & 30th August &
13th & 27th September 2013.
Culinair & Streekproducten Markten, Huesmolen, Hoorn.
Saturday 11:00 - 16:00, 7th September 2013.
Verhildersum, Landgoed Borg Verhildersum, Leens.
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00, 17th August & 21st September 2013
Boerenmarkt Stadsboerderij Almere. Every Saturday, 9:30 13:00 August, September & October 2013.
Stichting Streekproducten-Markt Ewsum, Borgterrein
Ewsum, Middelstum. Saturday 10:00 - 16:00, 24th August &
28th September 2013.
Friese Streekmarkt , Hemelum. Sunday 10:00 - 17:00, 4th
August & 1st September 2013.
LEIFAIR, Lieveren. Sunday 11:00 - 17:00, 25th August 2013.
Introducing Our New E-Magazine Editor
After 7 years of producing the Connections magazine, editor and
designer Alison Day handed over the designing pen to
Stephanie Fermor.
Stephanie is originally from the UK where she studied IT and Computing at
University. On arriving in the Netherlands in 2009 , Stephanie established her own
company, Toastie Studio. She works as a freelance web developer and designer
creating websites for individuals and businesses and in the past has given
WordPress website workshops for Connect International members.
Now that Connections is an e-magazine, Stephanie’s background in webdesign
comes in handy when introducing lots of new features, including the shortened
email version of the e-magazine, and easy linking from articles to more information
(just click on a web address to go directly to it).
You may also know Stephanie from the monthly Connect Craft
Club that she hosts. At the Craft Club, Stephanie shares her
skills in sewing and other hobby crafts with Connect
members. Stephanie runs her creative handmade business
along side her website work, selling her creations on Etsy and
at local art and craft markets in Groningen.
In the lead up to Christmas Stephanie will be organizing some
craft workshops to inspire you to create your own handmade
gifts for loved ones, so watch the Connect International
website for dates to be announced.
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4 / Connections
5 / Connections
This two day culinary event of the Northern
Netherlands will celebrate its six year
anniversary this year. Proeven in Groningen
offers visitors the chance to sample dishes from
top restaurants on the 31st of August and 1st of
September 2013.
Opening Hours
Saturday, 31 August 2013: 12:00pm - 09:00pm
Sunday, 1 September 2013: 12:00pm - 07:00pm
Restaurants from the city of Groningen and the surrounding
region will gather on the outer and inner squares of the
Harmoniecomplex on the Oude Kijk in het Jatstraat and the
Wolthoorn & Co Beer Hall will be offering 11 different beers to
taste and enjoy.
Last year about 6,500 visitors came to sample the delectable
dishes. Even if the weather does not cooperate, there is plenty
of covered space under the vaults of the Harmonie building, in
the tents and under the many umbrellas.
Proeven in Groningen is open to the public and has free
entrance! Visitors can purchase tokens for €1.50 each. The price
for each mouth-watering dish varies from one to three tokens.
You can try as many different dishes as you wish!
During Proeven in Groningen student chefs will get the chance
to win the honorary title Student Chef of the Year. Twelve
student chefs have been selected in preliminary contests to
have the chance to compete in the final. The award ceremony
for the Student Chefs Cooking contest will occur on Sunday 1
September at the end of the day. The jury will consist of
Jean-Michel Henge, owner and head chef of the Michelin-star
restaurant, Muller and Erwin van de Zwaag, Vakdocent keuken
BBL/Bol at Noorderpoort Groningen.
6 / Connections
Outer and inner squares Harmoniecomplex Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat Groningen
For more information:
Alex Feenstra
In July Courtney's Kitchen opened a pop-up bakery shop in
Groningen City Center. Courtney bakes and sells delicious moist
American cupcakes, cookies and other sweet treats. I visited
Courtney at her pop-up bakery to find out more about her
business, cupcakes and what it has been like opening her store.
Courtney moved to the Netherlands four and a half years ago
from the USA. When she first came here, baking was a hobby,
and over time it bloomed into her now successful catering
business. Courtney's motivation to start baking was that she
just couldn't find a decent bit of cake anywhere here: all the
Dutch cakes were dry and all the muffins were the same. So,
using the baking skills that she learnt from her grandma as a
child and a few of her grandmother’s best recipes, she began
making cupcakes.
Courtney began by supplying her cupcakes to a local speciality
coffee bar, PS! Koffie and she then expanded to include other
catering clients and personal clients for birthday parties and
events. People's enthusiasm for her product, especially the
expat community, spurred on the growth of her business, and
she began attending speciality markets in Groningen to sell her
baked goods. Courtney had often thought about opening a
bakery, so when the opportunity came along to open a store,
she took it. Courtney felt the Astraat was the perfect location;
the street already had a super 'gezellig' vibe, with other
boutique-type stores and reminded her of back in the day in
the USA, when you used to have to go to the butcher, baker
and candle stick maker, and not just go buy everything at
Every week you can find different flavoured cupcakes at
Courtney's Kitchen. When I visited she had her classic vanilla
cupcakes and chocolate cupcakes, but also chocolate oreo
cupcakes (which are to die for) and her adventurous cupcake,
the maple bacon cupcake which is a vanilla cupcake with
maple syrup frosting and topped with tiny pieces of crispy
bacon. She also sells her 7-layer treat bars, and her American
fantasy fudge is available to order. Courtney also makes
cupcakes and layered cakes for events and celebrations on
request and can make almost any flavour as long as the
ingredients are available to her. Courtney is also looking
forward to Halloween and Christmas. She has a lot of speciality
Halloween cupcakes and some big plans for celebrating this
holiday in true American style.
In the future, Courtney would love to expand her bakery to
include more baked American treats, but she also has a soft
spot for the all-American style breakfast! She would love to
start serving up real American pancakes with maple syrup,
scrambled eggs on toast and other traditional American
breakfast items. Groningen has a large expat community and a
hearty American breakfast is something that is missing and
Courtney would love to be able to offer that.
Stephanie Fermor
You can visit Courtney at the store at Astraat 8, Groningen. It is just along the street as you head
into town from the Media Markt. The store is open Tuesday - Saturday 10am till 6pm and till 9pm
Thursday evening. Or visit her website for more info.
7 / Connections
1. De Duitse Ambassade – Various events and activities
throughout August. Events are in English too, see website for
full list of events. Website:
10. Horizontoer – A cultural music and theatre festival while
sailing. Horizontoer gives a nice experience on the
Wadden-islands with street theatre, workshops and lots of
2nd August - 11th August.
2. Familiepark Nienoord – A fun day out for the whole family.
A large playground area with several slides, climbing castles,
inflatables and roundabouts, an animal petting zoo and do not
forget to ride the train! Website:
3. Morning Yoga in the Stadspark – Spend your Saturday
mornings this summer with a rejuvenating and energising
yoga practice in the Stadspark! Every Saturday, 10:00-11:30.
11. Boartersdei Kinderspeeldag – A fun day where children
can indulge in games of years gone by, such as fishing, baking
bread, crafts, carpentry, building a campfire and more.
Saturday 17th August in Nij Beets.
4. Hortus Festival – Undoubtedly the greenest summer music
festival. Hortus Festival is all about authentic chamber music,
from the period 1850 - 1950, played on authentic instruments
and in an idyllic location. 1st July - 25th August.
5. Noorderzon – The summer festival in the north of the
Netherlands, it has many different performances, including
dance, theatre, radio plays and much more. 15th - 25th August
in Groningen. Website:
12. Pompoenfestival Jellum-Bears – Celebrating the
pumpkin with many fun activities for children and music
performances through out the day. 14th - 15th September in
Jellum. Website:
13. Dierenpark Emmen – Largest zoo in the Netherlands,
makes a fun day out for the family with lots of animals to look
at. Open daily in Emmen. Website:
6. ZomerJazzFietsTour – The tour is a combination of a
beautiful bike ride through the Reitdiepdal and intimate jazz
concerts in medieval churches and barns. 30th - 31st August.
7. Proeven in Groningen – Culinary event that offers visitors
the chance to sample dishes from top restaurants in Groningen,
31st August - 1st September.
8. Modeparade – Fashion show in the city center where
fashion shops from the city will showcase their latest
collections. Sunday shopping 1st September.
9. Openluchtbioscoop Zienemarkt – Outdoor cinema
showing upcoming summer movies on the roof of the
information/tourist building on the Grote Markt, Groningen.
13th September 8:30pm.
8 / Connections
14. Buitencentrum Boomkroonpad – Tree tops walking path,
if you enjoy walking and nature this is a fun day out for
everyone. Website:
15. Hunebed Centrum – Historical centre looking at the live
and buildings of people in 4000-3000BC. The centre has lots of
outdoor activities for the whole family. Open daily in Borger.
Noord Holland
16. Museum Stoomtram Hoorn-Medemblik – The most
exciting journey through time by steam tram and boat! Open
daily in Hoorn. Website:
17. Circus Herman Renz met VIVA NIÑO – Enjoy amazing
acrobats, jugglers, fiery horses, crazy clowns, special aerial
acrobatics and lots more! 2nd - 18th August in Amsterdam.
20. Gaaf Groen – Everything for biodynamic gardening,
heirloom vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers, permaculture,
alternative energy, colorful clothes, sustainable DIY, green art,
enthusiastic people & much more. 8th September in Alkmaar.
21. Straatfestival Dirkshorn – It promises to be a spectacle for
all ages with over 75 performances with music, street theater
and a lively market. 14th September in Dirkshorn. Website:
18. Gondelvaart – A barge boat parade down the canal.
Several boats are decorated up in themes with performers,
music and lights. There is also a small funfair and a street fair.
17th August in Koedijk. Website:
22. All American Sunday – Classic American car show. There
will be more than 1000 American cars from 1980's. 15th
September in Wognum. Website:
19. Sonny's Inc Live – Live summer evening concert.
Partyband Sonny's Inc. takes you on a musical journey with
many styles from Latin to Jazz. 24th August in Laren.
Looking for more things to do over the summer? Visit for more festivals, markets and fun activities.
Stephanie Fermor
9 / Connections
near Rovereto we could see no way to find them without a car
but we could choose other options. In Bolzano, we visited the
South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology where we could see Otzi
the 5,000 year old Iceman.
La Dolce Vita
Trip to Italy
In 1991, Otzi’s mummified remains were found in a melting
glacier and within one week the estimates of his age went
higher and higher until he became a candidate for carbon
dating which showed him to be from 3,300 B.C. This news
created a massive wave of interest world wide. He was
exceedingly well preserved and the studies of his body with
ever-newer methods continue to reveal new information.
Italy beckoned to me and Hans with warm weather, the
Renaissance city of Florence, Dolomite mountains, and the
canal city of Venice. We narrowed down the number of choices
from Rome, Naples, Amalfi coast, and Pompei to concentrate
on three: one week in Florence, close to two weeks in the
Dolomites, and two nights in Venice giving us a perfect finale of
a day and a half to explore this wondrous city.
Prepared to enjoy our destinations to the fullest without
waiting in line at museums, I booked a tour of the Uffizi and an
opera at St. Marks in Florence, and a special tour of the hidden
corridors of the Doges Palace in Venice.
A week in Florence seemed hardly long enough. We enjoyed
the city tremendously for the art, the atmosphere and the
gelato. We spent days walking around and visiting museums.
A favourite route was over the Ponte Vecchio to Pitti Palace and
the lanes leading to the relaxing Santo Spirito area which is
frequented by fewer tourists and has its own charming squares,
shops and restaurants. Another day we walked up to Piazzale
Michelangelo for beautiful views over Florence and the Arno
I stepped into Otzi’s “footprints” on the floor, the same size as
mine. Besides Otzi, the exhibit included his clothing and gear.
He was well equipped with a copper axe, bow and arrows, well
made clothing and shoes, fire starting material, a backpack, a
fur hat, and food.
He grew up about 25 km north of Bolzano, and traveled
extensively in that region. He was lactose intolerant, had
intestinal parasites and Lyme disease, and his body showed the
wear and tear related to his lifestyle and approximate age of 45.
In the end, he was murdered and abandoned in a depression in
the rock which let his body escape damage from moving ice.
The day after we visited Otzi, he was in the news again. The
cause of his death was a blow to the head. Previously it was
thought that he died from blood loss after being shot by an
Before we knew it, it was time to take the train to Rovereto to
begin our adventure in the Dolomites. From Rovereto we took
a bus to Folgaria. Our “base camp” was a half pension hotel with
a spa, heated outdoor pool, and a Turkish bath along with an
assortment of saunas, which offered a perfect relaxing end to
days of mountain trekking.
We interspersed mountain walks with trips to Trento and
Bolzano to see these cities set in a valley among the beautiful
Dolomite mountains. Intrigued by tales of dinosaur footprints
10 / Connections
The weather was improving dramatically and when we reached
Venice we enjoyed sultry summer nights and rest in a shady
park during the heat of the day. Venice was utterly charming,
especially at night, with us wandering dark narrow streets and
bridges of the old city which would open up suddenly to reveal
canal views with a crescent moon overhead or a lively square
with trees and restaurants. It was a wonderful experience to let
chance be our guide in captivating Venice.
In the space of one last day, we explored another
neighbourhood in Venice at a relaxed pace and were home in
time to enjoy supper in Groningen. Such is modern travel: if
only we could go more often!
Margaret Metsala
11 / Connections