View Issue Here - Trinity Health


View Issue Here - Trinity Health
November 2012
Trinity Health among top 50 cardiovascular
hospitals in U.S.!
Trinity Health has been
named among the 2013
50 top cardiovascular
hospitals in the nation, a
study overview
completed by Truven
Health Analytics™ on
October 1, 2012, states.
The hospital also has the
distinction of being the
only hospital in North
Dakota, and one of only
15 community hospitals
in the nation, to join the
ranks of the best heart
“To improve
hospital leaders
need objective
about what is
achievable –
benchmarks that
allow them to
compare their
performance to
peers and the
organizations,” the
study states in its
By naming the 50
Top Cardiovascular
Hospitals in the
nation, the Truven
Health 100 Top
program provides
hospital executives,
physicians, and
service line
managers with
valuable, practical
targets for raising
technologies and
to put them in
the hands of
professionals –
our whole
team of doctors,
nurses and every
member of our staff is
dedicated to making a
difference in patients’
Where are they?*
measure up in
providing the best in
cardiovascular care for
our patients.”
The winners were
categorized into three
groups: Teaching
Hospitals with
Residency Programs,
“It is the goal of
hospitals nationally to
follow standards of
care and to achieve
41 percent fewer
deaths than expected,
compared with
9 percent fewer than
expected at peer
programs, Dr. Phillips
said that to “dance with
the big dogs” is quite an
honor. Earlier this fall,
Phillips was a guest at
Stanford University in
California to sharing his
newly developed
A-fibrillation Clip
procedure with their
heart specialists.
“This year’s 50 Top
“At Trinity Health, we set the standards
Hospitals provide
and benchmarks for cardiovascular care.
measurably better care
Our goal is to lead, not follow.”
and are more efficient
– Christopher C. Phillips, MD, FACS, FCCP, FACC, than their peers,” the
Medical Director of Trinity Health’s Heart & Lung Center report says. “Based on
comparisons between
the study winners and a
peer group of hospitals
treating the same types
of patients, we found if
all cardiovascular
providers performed at
the level of this year’s
winners, more than
8,600 additional lives
Dr. Christopher Phillips, cardiovascular surgeon, explains how many
different departments in Trinity Health’s clinics and hospitals work
together to deliver the highest quality of heart care in the nation.
“This is a tribute not
only to Trinity’s heart
team and our care
system, but to the community at large,” said
John M. Kutch, Trinity
Health President and
CEO. “It reflects the
excellent outcomes that
have characterized
Trinity’s heart program
for years. It also validates
our recent initiatives to
invest in leading-edge
performances,” said
Christopher C. Phillips,
FACC, Medical Director
of Trinity Health’s Heart
& Lung Center. “At
Trinity Health, we aim
to set the standards and
benchmarks for cardiovascular care. Our goal is
to lead, not follow; reinventing healthcare not
only regionally, but
nationally,” Phillips
added. “Being awarded
this prestigious honor
demonstrates how we
Teaching Hospitals
without Cardiovascular
Residency Programs, and
Community Hospitals.
Trinity ranked among the
community hospitals, of
which there were 15 on
the list; it was also the
only hospital in North
Dakota to achieve a top
50 ranking. While Trinity
is a small hospital in
comparison to the
Mayo Clinic and
Sloan-Kettering, major
health centers with
established heart
and more than $1 billion
could be saved. We
based this analysis on the
Medicare patients
included in this study –
if the same standards
were applied to all
inpatients, the impact on
saved lives and overall
costs would be even
Among the top 50
hospitals, performance
surpassed the quality of
other hospitals by:
❖ Better risk-adjusted
survival rates for
bypass surgery
patients. There were
❖ Lower complications
indices. The rate
of heart failure
complications was
35 percent lower than
peer hospitals.
❖ Fewer patients
readmitted to the
hospital after 30 days.
❖ Shorter hospital stays.
The typical winning
hospital released their
bypass patients a full
day sooner.
❖ Lower costs. Top
hospitals spend
$3,500 less per bypass
case and $1,000 less
per angioplasty than
Now in its 14th year, the
50 Top Cardiovascular
Hospitals study identifies
hospitals that achieve
the best performance on
the scorecard of
performance measures.
More than
qualified to
be included in
the study.
There are six health* care
centers in the
region that made the
list. They are in
Minot, ND; Sioux
Falls, SD; Missoula,
MT; and Robbinsdale,
St. Paul, and
Rochester, MN.
For more information,
or the study abstract, go
Trinity Health
New Providers
2 • NOVEMBER 2012
Presenting a ‘New’ CancerCare Center
A financial
between Trinity
Health and The
Leona M. and
Harry B.
Charitable Trust
has flourished
into a beautiful
building, the
Center, which
Trinity’s mission
to serve the
health needs of
cancer patients
in the region.
were also added to
further the comfort of
the patient.
❖ A spacious, comfortable lobby that affords
greater warmth and
privacy for patients
and families.
Kevin Collins, MD, medical director of the Trinity CancerCare Center, second from left, shows off a linear
accelerator to Shelley Stingley, director of the Helmsley Rural Health Program, and Walter Panzirer, a board
trustee with the Helmsley trust, during the CancerCare Center’s ribbon cutting on October 10.
While Trinity
raised about $6
million dollars,
The Helmsley Charitable
Trust chipped in a $6.57
million grant in June
John M. Kutch, Trinity
Health CEO, explained
that the grant was
“significant” because
“their partnership was
vital in making this
dream a reality.”
A grand opening was
held on the afternoon of
October 10, with
Helmsley representatives
Walter Panzirer, a board
trustee, and Shelley
Stingley, program
director of the Helmsley
Rural Health Program, in
attendance. Before the
ribbon cutting, they
were offered a tour of
the facility.
“We are so excited to be
partnered with Trinity,”
Visitors at the Trinity
CancerCare Center’s
ribbon cutting on
October 10 were
encouraged to sign a
memorial board,
which now contains
several signatures of
cancer survivors, as
well as the names of
loved ones who either
lost their battle to
cancer or on behalf of
survivors were unable
to attend the ribbon
cutting. Patients and
Cancer survivors are
welcome to sign the
board at any time.
Panzirer said, noting how
nice it was to see a
project completed.
Americans are often
disadvantaged in their
ability to access quality
healthcare.” The
program’s current
projects include cancer
screening and care (to
which the Trinity
CancerCare Center
center lacked some
updated technology. But
that is no longer.
❖ A second linear
accelerator with
Radiosurgery (SRS)
and Stereotactic Body
Radiation Therapy
(SBRT) capabilities
along with
Radiation Therapy
(IGRT) provide the
most precise radiation
treatment system
❖ High Dose Rate
Brachytherapy –
radiation delivered at
a high dose rate to a
specified target,
minimizing dose to
surrounding tissues.
This drastically
“This takes our center to
The grant was part of
a whole new level,” said
the Helmsley Rural
Kevin Collins, MD,
Health Program, which
medical director. “No
serves the upper
longer will patients have
Midwest states of North
to travel outside of the
Dakota, South Dakota,
Nebraska, Montana,
Wyoming, western
Minnesota and
Iowa. “The
obstacles faced by
providers and
patients in rural
areas differ from
those in urban
areas,” the trusts’
website states.
“Because of lower
average incomes,
John M. Kutch, CEO of Trinity Health, speaks during the ribbon cutting at the Trinity CancerCare
Center on October 10. “This center carries Trinity’s name, but it is not ours; it is yours,” he said. On
isolation, and a
his left is Shane Jordan, director of the center, and Dr. Kevin Collins, the center’s medical director.
severe shortage of
qualified healthcare
benefits), pre-hospital
area to receive treatment
providers, rural
minimizes the overall
training and care, and
using the most up-totreatment time for
e-technology for
date cancer fighting
some cancers.
hospitals and other
“Our departments are
healthcare facilities.
The center’s notable
much more comfortable
The Trinity
features include:
and our staff have
CancerCare Center
❖ An expanded infusion adequate space,”
opened officially in
center, which features Collins said.
1999, treating at least
“chemotherapy suites,” “The CancerCare Center
500 patients for cancer
has almost doubled in will expand access to
annually, with most –
size. Originally with
care for all,” Kutch said,
about 80 percent –
11 stations, the new
adding that while the
traveling from outside
infusion center
center carries Trinity’s
the city of Minot. In
features 18
name, “It does not
recent years, the
chemotherapy suites.
belong to Trinity, but to
numbers increased
❖ Recliners that provide the entire region that
and, as technology
we serve.”
heat and massage
progressed rapidly, the
Dr. Mattern to officiate at National Finals Rodeo
The premier championship rodeo event of the United States will have a local premier doctor on call as part of its
medical staff.
Dawn Mattern, MD, of Trinity Health’s Sports Medicine department, will join four to
five doctors and 10 athletic trainers at the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas this
“I work with Justin Boots Sports Medicine when they come here to the Y’s Men’s Rodeo,”
she said. “Since then, I’ve been invited to the Justin Boots Sports Medicine conference that
coincides with the National Finals Rodeo. I’ve given a few lectures at the conference, but
this is the first time I’ve been asked to work.”
But this isn’t Mattern’s first time at the rodeo. For 15 years, she has performed
her medical magic at rodeos. As a member of Justin Boots Sports Medicine, Mattern
works at the Y’s Men’s Rodeo in October and the rodeo at the North Dakota
State Fair.
“Here in North Dakota, we consider rodeo to be a sport. I grew up considering it sport,” she
said. When looking at sports to cover under her medical jurisdiction, “rodeo was one of them.”
The National Finals Rodeo
is a two-week event, of
which Mattern will work
December 11-13, 2012.
Injuries such as concussions and broken bones are apt to happen when a brave cowboy attempts
to go eight seconds on a bucking bronco. In more serious cases, men are killed, although that hasn’t
happened in Minot, Mattern said. The most serious injury she has dealt with here was a rider being paralyzed in the chute.
Marketing Department
Trinity Hospital – St. Joseph’s
407 3rd Street SE
Minot, ND 58701
Toll free in ND: 1-800-247-1316
Visit our website:
Join us on facebook:
3 • NOVEMBER 2012
Send for the midwife!
Midwives dispel myths about practice
October 7-13 was
National Midwifery
Week, which
commemorates the work
performed by midwives,
an integral part of
women’s health.
The American College of
describes a midwife as
being “a primary health
care provider to women
throughout the lifespan.”
“This means that
midwives perform
physical exams, prescribe
medications including
contraceptive methods,
order laboratory tests as
needed, provide prenatal
care, gynecological care,
labor and birth care, as
well as health education
and counseling to
women of all ages,” the
college’s website
There are some
misconceptions about
midwives which sully
the important work that
they do and misinform
others about what
exactly it is that
midwives do and don’t
do. The Midwifery
Services department at
Trinity Health has
prepared a list of these
misconceptions, as well
as an explanation of
what they really do.
❧ Myth: Midwives have
no formal education.
Fact: Certified Nurse
Midwives (CNM)
have Master’s degrees
and are required to
pass a national
certification. At
Trinity, all the CNMs
started as Registered
Nurses in labor and
delivery. All Trinity
CNMs completed
their graduate programs at Frontier
School of Midwifery
and Family Nursing in
Hyden, Kentucky.
Many CNMs now
hold doctorate
❧ Myth: Midwives only
focus on pregnancy
and birth.
Fact: Midwives have
expert knowledge and
skill in caring for
women through
pregnancy, birth and
the postpartum
period. CNMs also
provide services to
women in all stages of
life from the teenage
years to menopause.
This includes health
checkups, screenings
and vaccinations,
well- woman
gynecologic care,
assessment and
treatment of sexually
transmitted infections,
and prescribing
❧ Myth: Midwives
cannot prescribe
medications or
order tests.
Fact: CNMs are
licensed to prescribe
a full range of
medications and
treatments, including
pain control
medications and birth
control. They can also
order needed medical
tests within their
scope of practice.
❧ Myth: Midwives don’t
offer pain medication
during labor.
Fact: CNMs are
leading experts in how
to cope with labor
pain. As a partner
with you in your
healthcare, your
midwife will explain
pain relief options and
help you develop a
birth plan that best
fits your personal
needs and desires.
Whether you wish to
use methods such as
relaxation techniques
or movement during
labor or IV
medications or an
epidural, your
midwife will work
with you to meet
your desired approach
to birth.
❧ Myth: Midwives only
attend births at home.
Fact: According to the
American College of
Nurse Midwives
(ACNM), 98 percent
of births attended by
midwives are in
hospitals. While some
midwives assist with
births at home or a
freestanding birth
center, in North
Dakota, all CNMs
attend births in the
In addition to dealing
with pregnancy, the
midwifery department
also offers other
women’s health options.
The Midwifery Services department has an
office and clinic at Health Center – Medical
Arts, located at 400 Burdick Expressway
East, Minot. The department can be
contacted at 857-7385.
Wendy Flansburg, CNM
Professional- Wendy received her
Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN)
from Montana State University in
1992. She received her Bachelor of
Science in Nursing (BSN) from
Montana State University in 1999.
She received her Master of Science in
Nursing (MSN) from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, with a certificate of nurse
midwifery from Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing in Hyden, Kentucky, in 2003. She is
certified through the AMCB. She was a labor and delivery nurse for 10 years and later provided midwifery
care to patients in the Great Falls, Montana, area. She has been at Trinity since 2004.
Personal- Wendy is a mother of four with three grandchildren. She enjoys the outdoors, fishing, camping,
gardening and kayaking. She also enjoys home decorating, quilting and crafting. She loves to travel and
Green Bay Packer football.
Shawn Brooking, CNM
Professional- Shawn received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(BSN) from California State University San Bernardino in 1994.
She received her certificate of nurse midwifery and Master of
Science in Nursing (MSN) from Frontier School of Midwifery
and Family Nursing in Hyden, Kentucky, in 2005. She is certified
through AMCB. She worked as a labor and delivery nurse for
over 10 years in the Southern California area, including four
years active duty Navy stationed at Camp Pendleton, California.
She has been at Trinity since 2010.
Personal- Shawn is a married mother of two, a college
sophomore and a 3 year old. She enjoys running, cycling, reading
and cooking. She actively participates in running events and
triathlons. She is an avid fantasy football player and a
shareholder of the Green Bay Packers.
Erica Riordan, CNM
Professional- Erica received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from Aurora University in 1999.
She received her certificate of nurse midwifery and Master of Science (MSN) from Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing in Hyden, Kentucky, in 2011. She is certified through AMCB. She was a
labor and delivery nurse for 10 years in the North Central Illinois area. She joined Trinity in September
Personal- Erica is a married mother of two teenage boys. She has two dogs. She loves to scrapbook and
craft but most of all she enjoying spending time with her family and friends.
Gloria Berg, CNM
Since 1982, Gloria Berg, CNM, has been providing care for women, as well as working in labor and
delivery, in Minot. Today, she continues to provide women’s health care. Although she no longer deliveries
babies, Gloria Berg is a women’s health provider.
A certified nurse midwife, has a master's degree in nursing from Case Western University in Cleveland,
OH, and nurse midwifery credentials from the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing at
Hayden, KY. She is certified through the American College of Nurse Midwives. Gloria has worked labor
and delivery and has been providing care to women in Minot since 1982. Her care has come full circle as
she is now caring for women she helped deliver years ago.
4 • NOVEMBER 2012
Trinity Health receives award from Blue Cross
Blue Shield North Dakota
Trinity Health has received the Honorable
Innovator Award from Blue Cross Blue
Shield North Dakota.
Trinity was among five urban health care
centers in North Dakota that received the
award, with Trinity receiving the award for
continued efforts toward chronic disease
The award was part of the first annual
Innovations in Health Care Awards
banquet, which was held in Fargo on Sept.
25. The event was hosted by BCBSND and
the North Dakota Department of Health.
“All the winners should be commended for
their accomplishments,” said Paul von
Ebers, president and CEO of BCBSND.
“North Dakota providers are succeeding in
transforming the state’s health care system
and putting a greater emphasis on patient
care, coordination and quality, while also
reducing costs.”
processes that
we are
required to
document in
our chart. For
instance, for
evidence based
practice is to
obtain a blood
test called
HgA1C. But
beyond that,
not only did
Lana Brandt, director of clinic nursing at Trinity, and Randy Schwan, Trinity vice
we obtain the
president, accepted the Honorable Innovator Award from Blue Cross Blue Shield of
North Dakota on Sept. 25.
HgA1C, was
the outcome of
that test within
shows how we are managing their disease
normal limits? In other words, how well
process. It’s for preventative health, as well
are we managing the chronic disease?”
as controlling chronic disease processes. It
assists us in managing care for all patients,
not just BCBS patients.”
Lana Brandt, director
of clinic nursing with
Trinity, explained that “North Dakota providers are succeeding in
Trinity has been
involved in developing transforming the state’s health care system
medical homes in
and putting a greater emphasis on patient
response to health
care, coordination and quality, while also
care reform.
BCBSND’s version of
reducing costs.”
a medical home is
-Paul von Ebers, president and CEO of BCBSND
called MediQHome.
Trinity Health was
“one of the first health care organizations
“We were given the award for innovation
in the state to work with the program,”
in health care management using
Brandt said, adding that the award was
patient-center medical home,” Brandt
given “because our work continued during
added. “It’s a process by which we
the devastating flood, and we are using the incorporate preventative medicine for
information to improve the quality of
instance, screening for cervical cancer,
patient care within our system.”
colon cancer, or breast cancer. The “Q” in
“The information from our electronic
medical record is aggregated and sorted by
MDinsight,” Brandt added. “There are
Send a
“Since introducing MedIQHome statewide
in 2009, we have seen consistent
improvements in the quality of care
provided to North Dakotans,” explained
Dr. David Hanekom, chief medical officer
of MDdatacor, whose MDinsight tool
allows facilities to share patient
information regardless of the internal
computer system. “The doctors, nurses and
health care systems in the state deserve
credit for making improvements and
helping to transform North Dakota’s
health care system. Thanks to them and
MediQHome, patients are now receiving
the right care at the right time for the
right reason, which leads to better care
coordination and lower costs.”
the MediQHome prompts the primary
care provider that the patient is due for a
screening exam or a diagnostic test that
Even when you can't visit your friend in the hospital,
you CAN send a greeting and let them know you're thinking
about them. Simply 'click' on
Send a gift or some flowers with your
message – call the Gift Shop at
(701) 857-5205 and have a special
package delivered to the patient room
with your eGreeting!
Glasses • Contacts • Frames
Plaza 16 • 2815 16th St SW • Minot, ND • 857-7440
Need a Doctor?
A trained professional will assist you in selecting a health care
provider right for you. Please feel free to leave a message after
hours, and your call will be returned the next regular
business day, or email us anytime at
Trinity Health’s Speaker’s Bureau
Call our Community Education Department at 857-5099 to check for available dates and topics.
5 • NOVEMBER 2012
E-monitoring latest in diabetic management
It seems like everything
can be done on your
telephone these days.
You can check your
e-mail, send a picture of
the kids to Grandma,
consult your horoscope,
or post your thoughts on
Who knew that you
could monitor your
diabetes with it, too?
As technology grows, so
does the ability to
manage your diabetes,
explained Deanna
Westman, RN, CDE,
diabetes education
coordinator with Trinity
Health’s Center for
Diabetes Education.
“The industry is trying to
make diabetes
computer and download
her data. It can also be
transmitted directly to
her insulin pump.
“more technological and
more user-friendly,”
including the use
of touch screens,
Westman said.
“There have been apps
out for a while that
help patients count
carbohydrates, educate
them on using an insulin
pump, or calculate
insulin dosages,” she
added. “Some use apps
to log blood sugars and
insulin dosages and what
they are eating – they
can do food logs on
an app.”
One such revelation in
technology is the
iBGStar, the first blood
glucose meter that can
be used on its
own or connected directly
to an iPhone or
“Once patients
check their
blood sugars, it
downloads into
the app,”
Westman said.
This application allows the
patient to input
data with
Lisa McQueen, a first grade teacher in
Minot, checks her blood sugar levels six
times a day, including while at work. The notes, which
latest technology in diabetic meters makes can help anait easier to monitor her levels, she said. “It lyze patterns
makes it easier to manage.”
and variations
to help make
informed diabetes-relatmanagement more
ed decisions. The data
flexible and more
can also be sent through
While diabetes meters
Lisa McQueen, who
have been “out there
lives south of Minot, is
since the 1970s,” the
recent meters have been thankful that technology
Diabetes meters have been available since the 1970s, but
recent meters, such as those pictured, are more technological
and user-friendly in the 21st century.
has played its part in
diabetes management.
“It makes it easier to
manage,” said McQueen,
who was diagnosed with
gestational diabetes two
years ago while she was
pregnant with her
daughter. Last year, she
was diagnosed with Type
1 diabetes. “You just put
the data in and it shows.”
Six times a day – before
she eats and before she
goes to bed – McQueen
checks her levels. It has
become something of
interest to her classroom;
she teaches first grade at
Perkett School.
“I think its okay for
them to know about it,”
she said, noting that they
sometimes ask about her
sugar levels when she
uses her meter before
lunch. She added that
many of her students can
relate as they have
grandparents or cousins
who are diabetic.
Diabetes management is
dependent on each
patient, Westman
explained. “No two
patients have exactly the
same treatment regimen.
Some patients are not
candidates for insulin
pumps or continuous
glucose monitoring,
based on their current
situation or management
When she was first
diagnosed with diabetes,
McQueen would get
insulin shots. In
February, she got an
insulin pump. With her
one-touch meter, she can
plug it into her
“It seems every year,
they are upgrading
meters and devices. Most
of them are very simple
to use: a finger stick, a
small blood sample and
results within seconds,”
Westman said. “There
has been a continuous
glucose monitoring
system available, but we
are seeing them utilized
more by patients and
there are new insulin
pumps and continuous
glucose monitoring
systems coming on to
the market as well.”
A few months ago,
McQueen also acquired
a sensor “which always
gives you an idea of
where your blood sugars
are,” she said. “You can
see the patterns. It helps
you feel better and your
body work better.
“The diabetic educators
have been a great help
through the whole
process,” she added. “It’s
nice to know they are
willing to help and do
anything they can to
help you deal with it.”
For more information
about diabetes
management, as well as
please call 857-5268 to
set up an appointment.
Community Events
Trinity Health Sports Medicine participated in the Dakota College at Bottineau
Homecoming Parade on October 13. From left are Steve Geary, athletic trainer for
DCB; Robyn Gust, Sports Medicine Coordinator, and Levi Tande, athletic trainer.
The DCB Lumberjacks took on the Trinity Bible College Lions in the Homecoming
football game.
Russell Gust, Exercise Physiology Coordinator, and Kevin Collins, MD, Trinity
Health CancerCare Center Medical Director, received a check for $53,208 at the
Y’s Men’s Rodeo on October 8. The money, which was raised by selling Tough
Enough to Wear Pink T-shirts and other pink merchandise, will be used to help
cancer patients participate in Trinity Health’s cancer exercise rehab program.
Erica Riordan, CNM, talks with a group of attendees at the Your Birth, Your Way:
Meet Your Midwives Healthy U presentation on October 16.
Kelly Wolfe, Trinity Health Occupational Therapist, gave a presentation on Balance
and Falls Prevention to residents of The Wellington on October 22.
6 • NOVEMBER 2012
Trinity Occupational Medicine – Helping local
businesses with Ergonomics and Equipment
Telehandlers, scissor lifts,
ergonomic chairs,
vactrons, anti-fatigue
mats, and hand trucks
are all examples of
names that are becoming
a greater part of the
vocabulary of Trinity’s
physical therapists as
part of Trinity’s
Occupational Medicine
So what does a scissors
lift & keyboard tray have
to do with physical therapy and ergonomics?
Both pieces of
equipment can improve
the ergonomics (fitting
the job to the worker)
for an employee. A
keyboard tray can
improve the positioning
of the wrists and arms
during repetitive typing
activities. This keeps the
wrists more neutral and
muscles of the upper
back more relaxed
preventing common
repetitive strain injuries.
A scissors lift helps
improve ergonomics
because it allows a
worker a larger, more
stable platform to work
from and it reduces the
repetition of frequent
ladder climbing which
can increase the
likelihood of knee injury
due to repetitive
Mike Rexin, physical
therapist, explains, “As
physical therapy
professionals trained in
the field of ergonomics,
we can recognize and
help identify job duties
that may be increasing
an employee’s risk of
development of work
related injuries.”
Trinity has been working
with local businesses as
an approved provider of
the North Dakota
Workforce Safety and
Insurance (NDWSI)
Ergonomic Initiative
Program to help improve
the safety of the
workplace and assist in
reduction of
development of
trauma injuries.
Working together
with the
employer and the
Trinity’s physical
therapists can
identify solutions
to help improve
the work
environment for
That’s where
modification of
work practices
and sometimes
equipment can be
purchased to help.
“Often times the
worker or the
employer helps in the
process to identify some
of the industry specific
equipment available but
they have not made a
purchase due to the
costs associated with the
new equipment.” That’s
where the Ergonomic
Grant Program comes in.
Once an ergonomic
assessment and
recommendations for
ergonomic equipment
are made, the business is
eligible to receive 3:1
matching funding from
NDWSI for approved
ergonomic equipment
up to the grant limit the
company is eligible for.
That often means big
savings for the company
and improved working
conditions for the
employee. “We hope by
being more proactive,
local companies will
have a reduction in
cumulative trauma
injuries seen in their
employees,” Rexin said.
“In addition, the
companies utilizing the
NDWSI Ergonomic program often times can see
improved productivity
and in addition to having
a healthier workforce are
also obtaining long term
cost savings.”
About the NDWSI Ergonomic Initiative Program
WSI has seen a steady number of ergonomic related injuries each year and is
now focusing on preventative measures, rather than post-injury, to assist
employers in controlling these costs. Cumulative trauma injuries (including
strains) have accounted for approximately 35 percent of all reported claims
in North Dakota over the past five years.
The purpose of the Ergonomic Initiative is to reduce or eliminate
cumulative-type injuries at the workplace. What typically begins as minor
aches or pains, if ignored, has potential to develop into costly claims. Through
the Ergonomic Initiative Program, WSI will be offering the employers of
North Dakota resources, as well as financial assistance, to address their
ergonomic issues.
Ergonomic Initiative and Ergonomic Grant Step-by-Step Process:
1. Submit a complete Ergonomic Initiative Employer Application to WSI.
2. If approved, you will receive email notification of approval. You will also
be given a list of area providers to work with throughout the program.
3. Employer selects a provider.
4. After the final assessment from the provider has been completed, the
employer is now eligible for the Ergonomic Initiative Grant Program.
NDWSI pays for 75 percent of the project cost and the employer is
responsible for the remaining 25 percent.
5. If equipment has been recommended through the initiative process, the
employer completes the Ergonomic Initiative Grant Application requesting
these recommendations.
6. If grant application is approved, and after agreements have been signed by
WSI and the employer, the employer may order/purchase equipment.
7. After the equipment has arrived and payment has been made, the
employer submits a reimbursement request. NDWSI pays for up to 75
percent of the project cost, based on the company’s WSI annual premium
and the employer is responsible for the remaining 25 percent.
Contact Information:
Questions regarding the Ergonomic Initiative Program may be directed to:
Randy Wegge, WSI Loss Control Ergonomic Coordinator: telephone at
(701)328-6006, toll free at 1-800-777-5033; fax at (701)328-6028
Phone numbers to keep handy:
Trinity Emergency/Trauma Center – 857-5260
Trinity Convenient Care Clinic – 857-7817
Trinity Outpatient Physical Therapy Center – 857-5286
Physician Referral Information – 857-DR4U
Occ Med Tip of the Month.....
It’s time to schedule your company’s flu and pneumonia
vaccination clinics.
To set up your vaccinations at our clinic or your worksite, contact
Trinity Occupational Medicine at 701-857-7830 or
7 • NOVEMBER 2012
In Recognition and Thanks...
Trinity Health Foundation is proud to list the names of individuals, organizations, and businesses whose gifts were received from July 1
through September 30, 2012. These contributions illustrate a generous and caring community, striving to bring the highest quality care
to those we serve. We want to thank these contributors for their generous support of Trinity Health’s mission, “to excel at meeting the
needs of the whole person through the provision of quality healthcare and health related services.” For more information on honoring
the memory of a loved one through philanthropic giving, contact Trinity Health Foundation at 857-5432.
In memory of Mel Jerstad
Reginald & Brenda Morelli
In memory of
Bonnie Beeter
Marilyn Qvale
F. Bruce Walker
Gordon Lund
Barbara Olson
Mark & Clarice Purdy
Gabriel & Nina Sattler
Kayla Thorson
Carmen Welscher
In memory of
Donald Gackle
Hjalmer & Karen Carlson
In memory of Cathy May
Tim May
Don & Carol Mohagen
In memory of
Emery Carbonneau
Marilyn Sauer
In memory of Clair Watne
Hjalmer & Karen Carlson
In memory of
Everett Solper
Lynn & Judy Stevens
In memory of
Colleen Couture
Wayne & Shelley Semrau
In memory of
Dan Aasheim
Miriam Lynnes
In memory of
Dean Opperude
Mike & Sue Anderson
In memory of
Jan Christenson
Bremer Bank
In memory of
Luella Jesperson
Don & Corky Johannes
In memory of
Gertie Weyrauch
Connie Bergstrom
In memory of
Jan Christenson
Hjalmer & Karen Carlson
In memory of Julia Rhoads
Ardien & Carolyn Tandberg
In memory of Marie Dunn
Ardien & Carolyn Tandberg
In memory of
Marilyn Anderson
Lynn & Judy Stevens
In memory of
Melvin Boeshans
Marie Boeshans
In memory of
Pearl Christianson
John & Karla Martin
Lynn & Judy Stevens
In memory of
Robert Cooper
Kathleen Beeter
In memory of Regina Cook
Ardien & Carolyn Tandberg
In memory of
Shelly Peterson
Ronald & Avis Tvedt
In memory of
Agnes Schmid
Ardien & Carolyn Tandberg
In memory of
Bonnie Beeter
Paul & Patty Bretheim
In memory of
Carmen Olson
Donna Olson
In memory of
Caroline Thom
Connie Bergstrom
In memory of
Clayton Johnson
Tilfred & Maxine
In memory of
Dan Aasheim
Connie Aasheim
Leann Bair
Barry & Jill Bruce
Lea Floberg
Nathan Fulsebakke
Kathleen Gilbraith
Peggy Gregg
Jane Hirst
Janet Kornkven
L. Duane Larson
In memory of Kim Hansen
Tracy & Kim Kraft
In memory of
Dagney Siebert
Judith Siebert
In memory of Clem Leier
Peter & Linda Bossert
In memory of Ann Black
Charles & Mildred Bartsch
Judith Bloms
Agnes Brandt
Carole Goldberg
Victor Loehrer
Theresa Nyre
Zoe Palmrose
Betty Spaulding
Donald & Bertha Wald
Leonard & Ilene Wald
In memory of Arthur Lee
Nora Pederson
In memory of
Bonnie Beeter
Bonnie Beeter family
David & Penny Adam
Robert & Kimberly Amick
Joby Anderson
Joni Anderson
Alan & Julie Argust
Keith & Pamela Axtman
Bernard Beeter
Colleen Beeter
Dennis & Wendy Beeter
Kathleen Beeter
Benjamin Berg
Gale Bergo
James & Carolyn Bodell
Penny Brandt
Virginia Brandy
John & Sheryl Burke
Donald & Kimberley Cartier
CS Dubois Construction Inc.
Holly Eidsness
Darla Felber
Leonard & Shirley Fettig
Diane Fjeld
Kimberley Gange
Richard Gruenberg
Roger Harmon
Harold & Darlene Haugstad
Tom & Cathy Henderson
Tamie Hickel
Timothy Hoff
M.L. Holen
Carlene Huber
Cindy Jenson
Corky Johannes
Melissa Johannes
Laureen Johnson
Wayne & Sharon Johnson
Vern & Olive Kelly
Maxine Kramer
Theresa & Lenus Krebs
Allan & Toni Kremer
Tracey Lawson
Gary & Sherry Leslie
Lloyd & Roxanne Lochthowe
Gordon Lund
Darla Mautz
Pat McNally
Chad McNally
Lloyd & Cherie Mergel
Addie Nelson
Betty Nordstrom
Amanda Olson
Ted & Dolly Pfau
Tamara Rodman
William & Cindy Ruelle
Mavis Schaberg
Verna Schei
Barry & Donna Schlosser
Linda Scott
Arvin & Pat Swanson
Julie Upton
Lisa Weaver
Kris Weber
Debra Wentz
In memory of Clem Leier
Michael & Joyce Dupay
Clara Gilderhus
Bruce & Linda Rostad
Debora Seright
In memory of
Clifford Kling
Darvin & Shirley Lindquist
In memory of
Colleen Couture
Michael Couture
Mike & Nancy Hardy
Laurnece Thompson
In memory of
Dallas Perron
Ron & Marilyn Nehring
In memory of
Dan Aasheim
Victoria Brandjord
Dawndi Kesler
Wayne Martin
In memory of Daniel Hieb
Debra Wentz
In memory of
Dollie Sevland
Jo Ashley
Juell Brabandt
Judy Erickson
Danette Frounfelter
Velda Glick
Merry Green
Doran & Juanita Hanson
Leonard & Marlene Larsen
Howard & Jenell Loftesnes
Lucille & Andrew Loftesnes
Harlan Spokely
In memory of
Dolores Jeanne Johnson
Robert & Bonnie Berntson
Phil & Jeanne Johnson
In memory of Elaine Engel
Diane Stai
In memory of
Esther Bromley
Janette Timmreck
In memory of
Bryan Anderson
Rebecca Abner
Bryan Anderson family
Shelley Becker
Bernard & JoAnn Brown
Thomas Carver
Jacqueline Craig
Bonnie Dammel
Debra Hoover
Caleen Larson
Rachel Linnertz
Myron & ShirleyThompson
TJ Wagoner
In memory of
Gene Finneseth
Robert Anderson
Norma Effertz
Joanne Fabiano
Jane & Gene Finneseth
Lowell Heskin
Norris Heskin
Becky Hillerud
Stener & Ardelle Hillerud
Joseph & Evelyn Klein
Dorothy Kruse
Janet Langseth
Leonard & Marlene Larsen
Curtis Lee
Duane Ofsthun
S & N Olson
Patty Pretzer
Clara Sue & Gary Price
Fred & Veronica Sauer
John & Donna Stuck
Marvin Sylstad
In memory of
Chandra Hanson-Behm
Kyle Hanson
In memory of
Gene Melgaard
Robert & Bonnie Berntson
In memory of
Clayton Johnson
Carol Johnson
In memory of Jamie Kok
Debra Wentz
In memory of Jerry Boehm
Maynard Anderson
Horizon Resources
SDT Trucking
Brad Shelby
Westlie Motor Company
In memory of John Kallias
Vernon & Maye Jones
In memoiry of
Lucy Sinclair
Duane Sinclair
In memory of Mae Luke
Theresa Brekke
Richard & Marie Casey
In memory of
Marjorie Jordahl
Mildred Slind
In memory of
Melvin Boeshans
Marie Boeshans
Deane Feist
Lambert Gerhart
Geneva Roggenbuck
Blanche Schaan
Margaret Schmidt
Gerald & Susan Simonson
Virginia Slavick
Ernie & Helen Tague
Dennis Tuff
In memory of
Myra Schroeder
Janette Timmreck
In memory of
Naedine Aanestad
Roald & Marilyn Mattson
In memory of Paul Stein
Janet Newman
In memory of
Phyllis Hudson
Danny & Debora Seright
In memory of
Antonio Frank
Ron & Marilyn Nehring
In Memory of
Clayton Johnson
Ron & Marilyn Nehring
In memory of Ruth Lunde
Timothy & Brenda Baier
In memory of Katie Allers
Sharon Tranby
In memory of
Edith Reigstad
Audrey Eidsness
In memory of
Marilyn Payne
Betty Peterson
Join us at
Visit our website at
8 • NOVEMBER 2012
New Providers join Trinity Health
Trinity Health is pleased
to welcome the following
new practitioners to our
Rukshana Cader, MD
A specialist in
Rukshana Cader, MD, is
dedicated to improving
the health and
well-being of patients
with gastrointestinal
and liver diseases. A
graduate of Trinity
College Dublin School
of Medicine in Ireland,
she completed her
Internal Medicine
residency at Baystate
Medical Center,
Springfield, MA, and her
Fellowship at Johns
Hopkins University
School of Medicine,
Baltimore. A member of
the American
Association and American
Society for
Endoscopy, Dr. Cader is
board certified in Internal
Medicine and
Gastroenterology. For
appointments and
consultations, call
857-7389 or
1-800-598-1205. Her
office is located at Health
Center – Medical Arts,
400 Burdick Expressway
E, Minot, ND.
Nigeria and completed
her family practice
residency in Minot at the
Center for Family
Medicine. A member of
the American Academy of
Family Physicians, Dr.
Olatunji and her husband,
C. Tolu Oni, have a
year-old son. For
appointments and
consultations, call
701-385-4283. Her office
is located at Trinity
Community Clinic –
Kenmare, 307 1st Avenue
NW, Kenmare, ND.
Buki Olatunji, MD
Family Medicine
Health is
pleased to
that Buki
MD, has
Community ClinicKenmare in the specialty
of Family Medicine. Dr.
Olatunji provides primary
care services to people of
all ages, with special interests in preventive health
screenings, women’s
health and geriatric care.
She earned her medical
degree from the
University of Ibadan
College of Medicine in
Warren Ho, MD
Trinity Health is pleased
to welcome Warren Ho,
MD, to our Nephrology
staff. Dr. Ho is board
certified in Internal
Medicine and Nephrology
and is dedicated to
providing high-quality
care for patients
affected by kidney
disorders. An Indiana
native, Dr. Ho earned
his medical degree from
the University of
Missouri in Kansas City.
Community Education
An Educational
Event for the Community
He completed both his
Internal Medicine
residency and Nephrology
fellowship at Baystate
Medical Center in
Springfield, MA, an
affiliate of Tufts
University School of
Medicine. A member of
the American Society of
Nephrology, Dr. Ho has
practiced the last three
years at MedStar Franklin
Square Medical Center in
Baltimore. For
appointments and
consultations, call 8575979 or 1-800-862-0005.
His office is located at
Trinity Health Center –
East, Suite 201, 20
Burdick Expressway W,
Minot, ND 58701.
Blendi Cumani, MD
Hand Surgery
Health is
to welcome
MD, a
surgeon dedicated to
providing the most up-todate surgical care for the
hand, wrist and upper
extremity. Dr. Cumani is
board certified and
recently completed a
year-long fellowship at
the Christine M. Kleinert
Institute for Hand &
Micro Surgery, one of the
world’s most prestigious
hand centers. A graduate
of Medical University of
Americas in Nevis, WI,
Dr. Cumani completed
four years of surgical residency, including a year at
Graduate Hospital of
Philadelphia and three
years at Saint Vincent’s
Catholic Medical Center
in Manhattan. He served
as chief surgical resident
his final year. He’s a
member of the American
College of Surgeons. For
appointments and
consultations, call 8577301 or 1-800-598-1205.
His office is located at
Health Center-Medical
Arts, 400 Burdick Expy E,
Minot, ND 58701.
Balloon Sinuplasty:
Helping You
Breathe Easier
November 8, 7 pm
Trinity Community Conference Room • Town & Country Center
Mark Noel, DO
Ear, Nose and Throat
Sinusitis affects 37 million Americans each year, making it one of the most common health problems. When you have acute or chronic
sinusitis, the mucous membranes of your nose, sinuses and throat become inflamed. Join Mark Noel, DO, an ear, nose and throat specialist, as he discusses Balloon Sinuplasty, a breakthrough procedure that relieves the pain and pressure associated with chronic sinusitis.
Reservations are not required but requested; call 857-5099. Refreshments will be provided.
For the latest updates, check online at
November 2012
Mobile Mammography Schedule
Nov. 1. ..............................IRET – Minot Office, 837-4738 (Dondi)
Nov. 5-6 ................................Johnson Clinic – Maddock, 438-2555
Nov. 8 ........................Senior Center – Anamoose, 465-3692 (Lyla)
Nov. 12 ......................................................Crosby Clinic, 965-6349
Nov. 13..................Mountrail County Hospital – Stanley, 628-2505
Nov. 19..........................Kenmare Hospital, 385-4296 (Sherry/Kris)
Nov. 20 ........................................................Tioga Clinic, 664-3368
Nov. 21 ..............................................TCC – New Town, 627-2990
McKenzie Cty Med Ctr – Watford City, 842-3771
Nov/Dec 2012/Jan 2013
Prepared Childbirth Classes
Learn about exercise and breathing techniques, labor/delivery,
newborn care, newborn feedings, etc. Enrollment is limited.
November 13-December 4 and January 8-29 (Tuesdays)
7-9 p.m., in the Prepared Childbirth Classroom, Trinity Health
Center – Riverside Education Center, 1900 8th Ave. SE.
November 21-December 12 and January 2-23 (Wednesdays)
7-9 p.m. in the Airmen and Family Readiness Center, MAFB.
Please call 723-3950 to register.
November 17, December 8 and January 5 (Saturdays)
9 a.m.-4 p.m., in the Prepared Childbirth Classroom, Trinity
Health Center – Riverside Education Center, 1900 8th Ave. SE.
Nov. 26 ..........................Devils Lake Community Clinic, 662-8662
Nov. 27 ......................Towner Cty Med Center – Cando, 968-2522
Family Birth Center Tours
Nov. 28 ....................................................TCC – Mohall, 756-6841
Expectant mothers are invited to attend a formal group
tour/education/Q&A session at Trinity Hospital’s Family Birth
Center. This opportunity allows every expectant mother to hear
and see valuable information in a relaxed environment. We will
also provide information on self-care, infant safety and what to
expect during your delivery. See or call
701-857-5380 for detailed schedule.
Do you or someone you know suffer from a chronic lung disease?
Please join us for an educational support group
Breathing for a Better Tomorrow
Oct. 30 • 7 pm • Health Center – Riverside
1900 8th Ave. SE
Information will be provided on medication therapy, nebulizer treatments, and oxygen therapy
Breastfeeding Basics
Health and Wellness Fair
Hosted by the Center for Diabetes Education
Nov. 1 • 2-6 pm • Town & Country Center
Educational booths will feature information on products and programs
like insulin, foot care, insulin pumps, eye care, and many others!
Glucose and Cholesterol screening $15
November 14, December 12 and January16
Offered by Laureen Klein, RN, BSN. Meets from 7-8 p.m.,
in the Prepared Childbirth Classroom, Trinity Health Center –
Riverside Education Center, 1900 8th Ave. SE.
These classes are offered free of charge as part of Trinity’s community benefit
mission, but registration is typically required. For more information or to
register for classes, call 701-857-5337 or 857-5319 or 1-800-862-0005.