2012 Volume 9 - Issue 03


2012 Volume 9 - Issue 03
September - December 2012
Dulsco Employee Newsletter
Volume 9 Issue 3
September - December 2012
Dulsco Wins the Frost & Sullivan Excellence Award
Page 1-3
Dulsco News
Page 4
Dulsco Customers
Page 5-7
Dulsco Human Resources
Page 8-9
Dulsco Sports
Page 10
Dulsco Moments
Page 11
Dulsco Cognition
Page 12
In the times that we live-in, balancing our varied
requirements that we face as individuals and
as employees have gained much attention, and
probably rightly so. This can commonly be
referred-to as work-life balance. The balance
herein has nothing to do with 50/50 or
clock-time. It has to do with how we use the
time we have. It doesn’t mean that for every
hour of work, you must have an hour off-work.
It just means finding what the reasonable balance
is for you.
Is it a few hours a week unencumbered by
work-worries? Is it four work-breaks a day? Is
it some solitude before bedtime? Is it playing
with your children more? Is it having an actual
conversation with your spouse each day? Is it a
community, religious or sports activity that you
are passionate about? Schedule them; structure
them into your life; don’t just accept life
as given.
Author Eric C. Sinoway and entrepreneur Howard
Stevenson have said there are seven dimensions
in our life or we can extrapolate this to mean
the different facets of our work-life: family; social
and community; spiritual; physical; material;
avocational; and career. Given that we have
finite amount of time, energy and resources, how
important is each of the dimensions relative to
others? It is by arriving at the right balance or
prioritizing between these dimensions at different
stages of our lives and having a clear personal
vision or plan for ourselves that we can truly
achieve work-life balance.
As Harvey Mackay, the author and business
motivational speaker said, knowing when not to
work hard is as important as knowing when to.
The late Steven Covey wrote, it is by renewing
or sharpening the saw in the four areas of our
human nature - physical, spiritual, mental and
social/emotional - that we can complement the
same with our work and career aspiration to be
truly satisfying and successful.
Johnson Alexander
demonstrating best practices in a variety
of regional and global markets. This award
recognizes the superior planning and execution of
product launches, strategic alliances, distribution
strategies, technological innovations, customer
service, and mergers and acquisitions. A host
of crucial marketing factors such as leadership,
Prakash Parab (right), Director, Dulsco Waste
strategy, service, innovation, integration, and
Management Services, receiving the award from
development are also considered as part of the
Y.S. Shashidhar (left), Managing Director, Middle East award methodology.
and North Africa, Frost & Sullivan International.
Dulsco Waste Management Services has The winners are companies with diligence,
been awarded the distinguished Frost & perseverance, and dedication required to develop
Sullivan Excellence Award for Customer Value a successful business plan and to excel in the
increasingly competitive global marketplace.
Enhancement for the year 2011.
Winning this award has reinforced Dulsco’s
The Frost & Sullivan Best Practices team of commitment to provide superior service to our
industry experts presents awards to companies customers, associates, and employees at all times.
ENOC Awards Dulsco
Prakash Parab (centre), Director, Dulsco Waste
Management Services, receiving the award from
Tayyeb Al Mulla, Managing Director - Supply, Trading
& Processing, ENOC, in the presence of Abdulsalam Al
Hammadi, Director - Procurement & Contracts, ENOC.
at the ENOC’s Strategic Suppliers Recognition
Awards event for providing valuable support and
service to their organisation. Seventeen suppliers
were awarded at the ceremony held on 10th June
2012, at the Grand Hyatt, Dubai. The winners
were selected from 316 suppliers short-listed from
over 2,000 companies.
Dulsco WMS has been providing waste
management solutions and tank cleaning services
to the ENOC refinery, Jebel Ali, since 1996.
Dulsco also works with other ENOC subsidiaries
Dulsco Waste Management Services (WMS) was including EPPCO International Limited, DUGAS,
recently recognised by ENOC in the silver category and ENOC Supply and Trading llc.
Dulsco Ramadan Cricket Tournament
Winners - Almasa IT Distribution.
Runner-up - Carfare Dubai.
Almasa IT Distribution retained the Dulsco Ramadan
Twenty20 title defeating Carfare Dubai by 28 runs
in the final played at the Zabeel Park cricket
ground, Dubai, on 18th August 2012. Batting first,
Almasa IT Distribution were all out for 145 runs
and later restricted Carfare Dubai to 117 runs for
4 wickets to complete a hat-trick of victories by
winning the 11th edition of the competition, the
oldest cricket tournament in Dubai being played
during the holy month of Ramadan.
Sixteen teams, divided in four groups of four each,
played a round-robin league, with the top two
qualifying for the knock-out quarter-finals. Hosts
Dulsco, Merlin, Jashanmal, ENOC, IKAT Brothers,
Wings XI, Almasa IT Distribution and Carfare
Dubai made it to the last eight of the tournament.
Prakash Mahadalkar, Managing Director; Johnson
Alexander, Director, HR and QHSE; Prakash Parab,
Director, Waste Management Services; and other
Dulsco officials were present to witness the match.
“We are very happy to retain the title,” said Almasa Farooq Siddique and Gopal Jasapara of Dubai
captain, Pervaiz Ahmed, after their victory. “It was a Cricket Council were also present at the final.
team effort; our team had been bonding well for the Player of the Tournament
Kaleem Burhan, Carfare Dubai
last two years. I was hoping to get around 140 runs
Bowler of the Tournament Shafqat Ali, Almasa IT Distribution
and we did get that score in the end thanks to the last
over in which we scored 24 runs. Good fielding finally Batsman of the Tournament Ali Waqas, Almasa IT Distribution
Shafqat Ali, Almasa IT Distribution
brought us our third consecutive victory,” Ahmed added. Man of the Final
We build more computers to hold more information; to produce more copies than ever; but we communicate less and less.
September - December 2012
Dulsco Values Refresher Campaign
A photo-feature of the Dulsco Values Refresher Campaign.
Dulsco has always emphasised that its values are
in the forefront in all its internal and external
interactions. These values are not just writings on
the wall but are being practiced by the employees
at all levels in the organisation. As an initiative to
refresh the staff on the company values, Dulsco
embarked on a month-long campaign.
The campaign on the four individual values,
viz., Respect, Integrity, Environmental Awareness,
and Contributing to our Society, followed the
message of the chairman. Each value was taken
up for a week where these were given pictorial
representation and communicated through various
channels across the company. A competition
based on the values was held mid-way through
The initiative started with a message from the the initiative which received a huge response
chairman stating that Dulsco's values have been from the staff and kept them connected and
the foundation of the company's success and excited about the campaign.
thus are being reinforced. This, he stated, would
motivate employees to produce effective results Having thus communicated the four values, a two
and hence exceed customer expectation. He hour get-together was arranged for all members of
called upon every employee to come together staff including the chairman, managing director,
and make the campaign a success and one that directors, and other senior management members.
The get-together had a clear agenda to Explore,
is continuous in nature.
Express and Exchange the Dulsco values. It was
held in an open setting with all members of
staff working in groups through the stages of
Explore, Express and Exchange. This, on one
hand, created a relaxed and exciting ambience,
while on the other hand gave an opportunity to
discuss practical applications of the values. A
highlight of the get-together was when each of
the members committed to a value and described
how they would ‘walk the tallk’. The chairman
ended the programme by unveiling the collage
of values installed in the Green Room at the
Dulsco corporate office. The concluding address
from the chairman and the mananging director to
keep Dulsco values always in the forefront in the
conduct of company affairs reiterated the purpose
of the refresher campaign.
Dulsco at GITEX: Demand for Outsourced Staff Increases by 52%
Kicking off the events calendar post-summer
were the region’s popular technology exhibitions,
GITEX Shopper and GITEX Technology Week,
where Dulsco supported several exhibitors by
providing skilled and semi-skilled outsourced
staff such as promoters, cashiers, ticketing staff,
ushers, carpenters, electricians, drivers and
general helpers.
“Specialist and high-footfall events such as these
require trained manpower that can be deployed
at short notice. The events segment forms a
significant part of our business and we invest
a great deal in training the team members in
all aspects of event management so that our
The demand for outsourced staff that can clients can focus on their core business,” says
independently manage and support events S. Balakumar, Director, Dulsco HR Solutions.
have peaked to an all-time high. At the two
GITEX shows, Dulsco deployed a total of 350 With the technology shows concluding
outsourced staff – a 52 % increase over the successfully recently, Dulsco is now turning its
corresponding period last year – to handle sight on other events across the UAE, such
various activities such as product sales, ticketing, as concerts, sport tournaments, retail activities,
managing visitors, and handymen jobs. Dulsco’s corporate events, exhibitions, cultural festivals
clients at the shows included major players and other high profile events.
Dulsco promoters at GITEX.
Healthy Heart Campaign
Facilities Management Middle East Awards
Medical and para-medical professionals with Dulsco officials.
A ‘Healthy Heart’ campaign was
organised for Dulsco employees
in the Dulsco Village Events
Arena, Al Quoz, Dubai, on 12th
May 2012. The objective was
to promote healthy heart for a
healthy living.
Cardio-vascular experts from medical facilities under the patronage of Dubai
Health Authority in co-ordination with Dulsco organised the campaign. HDL, LDL,
triglyceride tests, blood sugar and blood pressure test, and other necessary tests
to calculate the risk of heart ailments and heart attack were conducted. Expert
cardiologist, Dr. Khalifa from the Rashid Hospital, Dubai, was available to answer
cardio-vascular-related queries and to guide the participants for a healthy living.
such as Dubai World Trade Centre, E-Max,
Fujitsu, LG Electronics and Samsung.
The 5th Annual Facilities
Management (FM) Middle
East Awards was held at
The Westin, Dubai, on
6th June 2012. These
awards recognise and reward those individuals and
companies that have made a significant contribution to the
development of the region’s FM industry.
Dulsco was shortlisted in Sanitation & Waste Management
Company of the Year category and the Health and
Safety Initiative of the Year category at the FM Awards
2012. Dulsco was mentioned as a ‘commendable’ waste
management company at the event.
We have conquered outer space, but not inner space.
September - December 2012
Dulsco Celebrates the World Environment Day
A pictorial-representation of the events held during the World Environment Day.
Dulsco participated in the World Environment •A quiz competition was held for Dulsco
Mohammed Khan Abdulla, Chairman, Dulsco,
Day (WED) held under the auspices of United
employees at the Green Room, Dulsco
and the members of the management. Around
Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).
Corporate Office. 36 employees participated
20 trees were planted on the occasion.
WED is an annual event that is aimed at being
with enthusiasm exhibiting their environmental
the biggest and most widely celebrated global
and related knowledge.
•An enlightening address on the need for
day for positive environmental action and is
environmental conservation was delivered
held on 5th June every year.
•An e-waste collection drive was held to
by Ajay Kumar, Senior Manager, Operations,
collect recyclables such as unused cables,
Dulsco Waste Management Services.
Environmental Awareness and Contributing to
remotes, mobiles, VCRs, TVs, radios and airour Society being among the values of Dulsco,
•‘Show You Care, Do Your Share’ and ’Bring
Recyclables from Home’ initiatives were also
organised in the company.
•Tree planting was done by Abdul Aziz
launched on the day.
'Show You Care, Do Your Share'
Dulsco recently launched an ongoing recycling
initiative under the programme, ‘Show You
Care, Do Your Share’. The initiative was
presented by Shageena Nirandas and was
adopted across Dulsco offices on World
Environment Day. Recycling bins for collection
of paper, plastic and cans/tins have been kept
at key locations offering easy access. Recycling
bins for plastic and cans have been placed
near the pantry in each office. Paper recycling
bins have been kept near central printers and
at key locations.
'Bring Recyclables from Home'
In line with Dulsco’s values Environmental Awareness and
Contributing to our Society Dulsco Waste Management
Services has recently launched
‘Bring Recyclables from Home’
initiative as part of Dulsco’s
recycling programme. Herein
employees bring recyclables
such as paper, plastic and tin
from their homes every Thursday. Old clothes, toys and books are also
collected as part of the initiative.
Dulsco Partners with Dubai Municipality for the 'My City…My Environment' Initiative
landfills in the emirate.
Dubai Municipality has chosen Dulsco as
a strategic partner for the My City…My
Environment initiative to manage the door-todoor waste and mixed recyclables collection for
the Nad Al Hamar community in Dubai. Every
resident has been given two bins as part of this
Abdulmajeed Abdulaziz Saifaie,
initiative: black bin for managing general waste
Director of Waste Management Department,
and green bin to collect all dry recyclables.
Dubai Municipality.
These bins are collected from their door step
My City…My Environment is an initiative by every day.
Dubai Municipality to encourage recycling
practices among residents. This initiative is in Abdulmajeed Abdulaziz Saifaie, Director of Waste
line with Dubai’s vision to be a green city. The Management Department, Dubai Municipality,
initiative also reinforces the effort by Dubai explains that Dulsco was selected as a strategic
Municipality to maintain a clean environment, partner because it is one of the oldest and well
raise environmental awareness and provide high established companies in the market. He adds
quality services. With this initiative 3,700 waste that there has been a comprehensive selection
recycling bins have been distributed to the process to identify the strategic partners for
households in the emirate free of cost with the the My City…My Environment initiative; and
objective to separate the recyclable materials, that Dulsco was selected for its expertise,
and thereby reduce waste being transported to competitiveness and track-record.
Dulsco launched the initiative at Nad Al Hamar
with an extensive awareness campaign to
educate residents about recycling and the ways
to practise it. Volunteers visited every house in
the area and explained the process; and leaflets/
booklets were also distributed to the residents.
In addition, the bins provided have clear
bi-lingual communication on what type of
waste should be put in each of the coloured
bins. Communication panels have also been
installed in common areas of the Nad Al
Hamar community that further emphasize and
explain recycling.
The residents have welcomed the initiative and
have been very supportive. There has also been
a steady increase in the practice of segregation
at source among residents resulting in a positive
impact on the recyclables collected.
Abdulmajeed Abdulaziz Saifaie confirms that
Dubai Municipality plans to extend the initiative
to other localities in the emirate.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
September - December 2012
Dulsco Contributes to the ‘Go Green’ Initiative
of Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi
Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi, a part of
the Hyatt Hotels Corporation, is a premium
business hotel located in Abu Dhabi’s iconic
Capital Gate building. It has three properties
in Dubai and two in Abu Dhabi. Hyatt has
hotels across the globe and continues to set
the benchmark in the world-wide hospitality
industry. Of the Hyatt hotels, Hyatt Capital
Gate Abu Dhabi, is unique as the Capital
Gate building is certified by the Guinness
Sohail Ahmed,
Book of World Records as the ‘world’s furthest
Materials Manager,
Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi. leaning man-made tower’ at 18 degrees.
Environmental awareness is not new to Hyatt. As in all Hyatt hotels, Hyatt
Capital Gate Abu Dhabi, has a ‘Green Team’ consisting of representatives
from all the departments in the hotel. The ‘Green Team’ meets every
month to initiate new projects and track the recycling footprint. The use
of 100% recycled paper is a testimony to the commitment towards this
initiative of the hotel.
Dulsco commenced servicing Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi, in September
2011, three months before the hotel was inaugurated during December
2011. The decision to appoint Dulsco as its waste management partner
was backed by a strong reference from Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions
Company (ADNEC), which have been associated with Dulsco for over four
years. Sohail Ahmed, Materials Manager, Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi, was
complimentary of Dulsco customer service representatives. He said, “They
are very good, friendly and informative. Rasik Manayil, the customer service
representative from Dulsco, is very accessible and service-oriented.” The
details regarding the percentage of recyclables and general waste collected
are given on a monthly basis to Ahmed, and he is particularly appreciative
of the regular and informative reporting system that Dulsco follows.
Hyatt has always regarded safeguarding the environment as one of its top
priorities. The numerous initiatives being carried-out in the hotel to reduce
food, electricity and paper wastage are a proof to this philosophy. In line
with this thought, Ahmed applauded Dulsco’s latest addition
to its service - Converta: a seemingly simple yet impressive
technology of recycling food waste to compost. Ahmed looks
forward to working with Dulsco to contribute to a greener earth.
DP World Applauds Dulsco’s Safety and
Quality Standards
DP World is a leader in international
development, logistics and related
services. Headquartered in the UAE,
DP world operates over 60 general
cargo and container terminals
around the world.
DP World’s association with Dulsco
dates back to the 1970’s since the
inception of Port Rashid, though
Nathan Seal,
Dulsco has been established over 75
Manager, Global Safety and Environment,
years back in 1935 as a stevedoring
DP World.
entity for the loading and unloading
of cargo-vessels. Dulsco now deploys over 300 skilled and unskilled
manpower at various DP World cargo and container terminals in the UAE.
Nathan Seal, Manager, Global Safety and Environment, DP World, has
been associated with Dulsco for more than 5 years. Describing his
experience with Dulsco, he explained, “Dulsco is one of the major
manpower services providers in the UAE and at DP World. From day
one, Dulsco has given me great support and has always been happy to
work with us. It is a strong company and a brand to be recognised with
a high level of safety, quality and environmental standards. I have had no
issues with Dulsco and my expectations were met to a 110%.” Having
personally visited Dulsco accommodations, Nathan Seal is impressed
with the infrastructure that Dulsco provides to its employees, especially
the medical and sporting facilities. He qualified the accommodations as
‘excellent’ and praised the way Dulsco lives as ‘one big happy family’.
He commended Dulsco for the certifications and standards that it meets,
especially legal dimensions. It is Dulsco’s standards to go above and
beyond what is required to facilitate the well being of its people that
struck Nathan.
“I can’t speak highly enough of Dulsco.” he said, and added that the
management is very professional and friendly as well. He concluded
saying, “I believe that Dulsco will continue to have
a great relationship with DP World…rather an even
better relationship, for the next 75 years and more!”
Legnano Compliments Dulsco
Legnano Teknoelectric Company (LTC) Middle
East FZCO is a subsidiary of the Italian
parent company located close to Milan. LTC
manufactures cores for electrical transformers.
With an objective to go international, increase
volume, and be closer to the customers, LTC
group decided to set up a unit in the UAE. The
company was set up in JAFZA in 2009.
partnered with Dulsco in 2011 with 10 helpers
to man its machines at their JAFZA unit. Today
the number has grown to 60 with the quality
of the machine operators being enhanced
over a period of time. LTC, with a long-term
vision, has partnered with Dulsco to train the
outsourced employees to suit its needs. The
machine operators who work with LTC are now
of a much higher calibre and skill. Mereghetti
says, “Our manpower partner has thus been an
important part of our journey to success. Though
we have been dealing with the UAE market for
more than 20 years, the decision to set up a
unit in the UAE meant pressure of recovering
cost. Thanks to the efforts of the management
and employees down to the last level, the UAE
market has responded well to LTC.”
the company, there should be a relationship of
give and take between the company and the
employees. His people philosophy thus ensures
that good care is taken-of every employee - be
it an employee of LTC or Dulsco. He encourages
employees at all levels to be free to approach
him directly in case of any difficulties.
“Our continued partnership with Dulsco says a
lot about the relationship. The pros far exceed
the cons in favour of Dulsco. We have reached
our goal in a short time in the UAE. This would
not have been possible without the partnership
with Dulsco. As is the growing trend of super
specialization in Europe, manufacturing is our
specialty and we focus on
that. Dulsco is the manpower
specialist and we trust
Mereghetti modestly admitted as to how he Dulsco with that!,” concludes
Mauro Mereghetti, General Manager of LTC, learnt from his management that while running Mereghetti.
Being a family-run business by 3 Bertelli brothers
in Italy, LTC took time to recruit managers and
supervisors with knowledge of the business
from Italy. While evaluating vendors to award
manpower and recruitment contract, LTC wanted
to ensure that the manpower provider abides by
the laws of the UAE and knows the market well.
Dulsco, having satisfied the requirement, was
thus a natural choice to provide services to LTC.
We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less.
September - December 2012
Client Appreciation Award (April 2012 - July 2012)
Abu Dhabi Waste Management Services
Dipesh KC
Habibur Rahman, Mohammed Sagar Mahmud, Chandra Bahadur Oli, Zabirul
Islam, Afaz Uddin, Gunasekaran Natarajan, Md. Amdadul, Muhammad
Awais, Mohammed Nurul Amin, Aftab Hussain, Qadeer Hussain, Bisho Sarki,
Mohammed Saiful Islam, Helal Uddin, Noyab Shaikh Mokbul Hossain, Hares
Ahmed, Aboobakkar Puthuvally, Md. Masum Billa, Muhammad Shahzad,
Rahul Amin, Masum Salam Miah, Nur Islam, Suman Mollik, Ali Rizwan Khan,
Muhammad Khalil, Mohammad Abdul Quddus, Aslam Miazee, Md. Mahbub
Alom, Abul Madbar, Kabir Hossen, Om Prakash Gupta, Adeel Noor Elahi,
Lokman Hossain, Nazrul Islam, Mogammal Hoque, Mohammed Firoj, Rasel
Barek Mollah, Sogir Howlader, Rahad Hossain, Al Haj, Rezaul Kabir, Faruk
Hossain, Muhammad Ilyas, Abul Kalam, Basharat Mehmood, Jeffrey Leonardo
Cortez, Md. Mahabub Khan, Nimmala Shankar, Dhan Prasad Rai, Abdul
Jalil, Mohammad Shamim, Habibur Rahman, Shahin Sikdar, Niaz Ali Khan,
Billal Hossain, Nazrul Islam, Komara Tata Rao, Abdul Waheed, Muhammad
Nawaz, Imran Hossain, Suruj Dudumiah, Masud Rana, Abdur Rouof, Shahid
Mehmood, Suryanarayana Veeravalli, Veera Kumar Rokkala, Dider Hossain,
Riyaz Peer Mohamed, Ratnakar Bhoi, Mahfuzur Rahman, Zaheed Akhter,
Abad Sher, Nizam Nuruzzaman, Mian Shahid Shabbir, Musa Altaf Hossain
Khan, Nazam Hussain, Hazrat Gul, Asmat Ali, Ahsan Shazad, Israr Ahmed,
Mukhtiar Khan, Imran Javed, Santosh Kumar Yadav, Krishna Prasad Paudel,
Om Prakash Saithwar, Man Bahadur Pun, Khadka Bahadur Gharti, Laxman
Napit, Harchan Shoren, Tulasi Ram Kanwar, Prem Kawar Yogi, Krishna Bahadur
B.K., Mohan Yadav, Sanu Kanchha Tamang, Domingo Dilay Magtibay, Ashfaq
Ahmad, Kashif Zahoor, Akhlasul Hoque, Asaduzzaman Fozlul Haque, Shah
Alam, Azahar Sonar Uddin, Jasim Howlader, Md. Al Amin, Jabed Malek, Julius
Mwaniki Kinyanjui, Faruk Hossain, Sharif Abu Hanif, Probal Rahman, Delwar
Hossain, Md. Mahabub Md.Mojibul Haque, Susantha Weerarathna Polhenage,
Bodiyabaduge Jude Dilhan Perera, Migel Hettiarachchige Anjuia Mahesh Tiss,
Maiku Tamang, Jojin Josy Thekkekara, Sarfaraj Nawaz Alli Shaikh, Aashish
Pradhan, Kumar Karki, Abhay Kumar Pandey, Pravin Rai, Uttam Pun, Som
Prasad Gaudel, Prabin Kumar Thapa, Nabin Bhattarai, Genaro Motoc Navarro,
Joel Alicaba Jusay, Dinesh Sharma, Shyam Bahadur Karki, Iswor Yadav, Bikash
Karki, Durga Bahadur Gurung, Jervis Julius Gomes, Sahidul Eslam Pathan, Md
Sujon Ali, Rajees Edathil Kaniyarath, Syam Krishnan Nair Sheela Kumari, Afsal
Habeeb, Awan Zafar Mahmood, Muhammad Faisal, Sreejith Radhakrishnan
Mallika, Liju Pottayil Raju, Mohamed Imran Mohamed Mousoon, Dipin
Dahal, Sumit Gurung, Amrit Bahadur Ale, Dipesh Karki, Nandjung Gurung,
Syed Nasir Abbas, Shamim Reza, Hakim Ahmed, Shajahan Dewan, Md Amir
Hosen, Md Shamim Hossain, Abu Bakar Siddik, Navaraj Woli, Arjun Yolmoo,
Gyan Bahadur Tamang, Sunil Dahal, Mizan Shakh, Salim Reza, Muhammad
Zakir Minhas, Waleed Raza, Kamran Shahzad, Abdul Wahid, Aqeel Murtaza,
Muhammad Imran Rafique, Noor Akbar, Hassan Ijaz Kiyani, Tajammal Butt,
Furqan Ali, Ramiz Raja, Muhammad Akraam, Bal Kumar Puri
Abu Dhabi
Sidhik Kozhisseri, Hari Parakkottil Velu, Zahoor Ellahi, Laxman Nalla,
Saride Srinivasa Rao, Majid Rasheed Butt, Hafiz Ur Rehman, Shahidul
Islam, Gangadas Donth Saram, Gopi Lokani, Imad Ud Din, Muhammad
Adeel Abbasi, Chandra Bose Chellachamy, Piara Lal, Sivayogarasa
Thurairasa, Sanjeev Kumar, Bhuban Timsina, Md Shah Alam, Kuddus
Ali, Narendra Singh, Mohi Uddin, Md Mostafa Kamal, Prakash Chandra
Pradhan, Barhma Nand, Qaiser Mahfooz Awan, Riasat Ali, Thangaraj
Rethinam, Shahzad Khan, Sabih Ul Hassan Hussain Minhas Mushtaq,
Muhammad Iqbal, Safeer Ahmad, Sohail Sarfaraz, Sujan Gurung,
Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Arif, Waqas
Ali, Fiaz Ahmad, Sohail Abdul, Awais Ahmad Chaudhry, Muhemmed
Faisal Nechingathody, Kalaikumar Poomonyraj Merlin, Javeedali Saleem,
Govinnage Maduranga Pathum Perera, Ravishankar Munisamy, Gihan
Dhanushka Jayasankha, Mohamad Shafeek, Anith Hasanka Jayawardena
HR Outsourcing
Louie Ocumen Dumo, Mir Hussain Ali Khan, Muhammad Farhan Mirza,
Valiya Parambath Shafirali Muhammed, Lizlyn Saquibal Parian, Parag
Navinchandra Jethva, Noufal Puthiyapura, Ahmed Siddique Abdul Rehman
Siddique, Abul Faiz Elias Salman, Sunil Harish Poriya, Alex Kevin Kubai,
May Ryan Roque Purificacion, Ryan Cavan Tingzon, Shuhaib Mukkannan
Kandathil, Muhammad Faizan Khan, Gul Zeb, Haseeb Raza, Deepak
Tamang, Shuman Hussein
Manpower Services
Muhammad Zaheer, Masum Rahaman, Enamul Haque, Suraesh Padma,
Shahadat Hossain, Ravishekar Gunda, Zaheer Ahmad, Nasir Howlader,
Sajid Mehmood, Khalid Farooq, Shiv Prasad Mandal, Rahis Miah,
Mankumar Rai, Md Mizanur Rahman, Mohammed Nabab Sharif, Rafiqul
Islam, Abdul Rahim, Munna Miah, Younus Ali, Ram Kumar Rai, Javed
Rasheed, Sher Afzal, Jamiluddin Md.Nazimuddin, Anwar Hossain, Rinku
Kumar Tharu (Chaudhary), Ram Sunil Kewat, Ganeshapandi Animuthu, Anil
Kumar, Palaiyan Stalinraj, Bakul Mia, Mohamed Rabeek Nagoor Pitchai,
Eddris Ali, Abdul Matin Molla, Faisal Mehmood, Mohammad Ibrahim,
Kawsar Ahmed, Abdul Haseeb Siddiqui, Resham Adhikari, Surendra
Haluwai, Adnan Sultan, Nazim Uddin, Pratap Singh Gurung, Nazmul
Hasan, Muhammad Masood, Amir Nafees, Amjad Mehmood, Toriqul Islam
Milon, Wasim Miah, Abu Talib Rubel, Aneesh Karattil, Yubaraj Bhandari,
Paramasivam Periyasamy, Venkateswara Rao Pasupuleti, Waqas Ali, Surya
Tamang, Nasir Khan, Ashes Thapa
Employee of the Month (April 2012 - July 2012)
Abu Dhabi
Marine and Tank Services
Abu Dhabi Waste Management Services
Chandrasekaran Karuppaiah
Md.Monir Abdus Sattar Howlader
Jhapendra Bahadur Khadka, Sreenarayanan Puthurath, Rabnawaz Khewat Shah,
Ram Bahadur Sunar
Narikkodan Saidalavi, Muhammad Latif, Md.Chopol Rayhan, Narayan Prasad Adhakari,
Sekander Idris Khan, Ghulam Yasin, Bekha Nanda Dangol, Khalid Mehmood, Abdur
Rahman, Yousuf Mohammed Ullah, Dharma Bahadur Oli Kshetri, Sahin Miah, Jiba
Raj Lama, Kamran Riaz, Shehbaz Alam, Atif Sarfraz, Sheth Prasad, Abid Hussain,
Muhammad Rashid, Muhammad Irfan, Nazir Ahammad, Md. Shafiqull Islam, Samsuzzaman
Safiuddin, Md.Younus Ali, Abul Kalam, Mohammad Sazu Sarker, Jasem Bojolar Rahman,
Birbal Budhathoki, Humayun Kabir Khan, Jobayar Hossein Mohsin, Muhammad Irfan, Rajan
Neupane, Muhammad Naveed, Inshaf Thaslim Mohamed, Krishna Prasad Lamichhane, Abdul
Momin, Arifur Rahman, Dipak Khadka, Mizanur Rahman Reday, Sohail Abbas, Sundar Basnet
Waste Management Services
Muthukumar Padmanathan, Senthilkumar Rajendran, Sukhjinder Singh,
Muhammad Ashfaq, Chandrasekaran Seeni, Rohit Kumar Thapa, Rafikul
Islam, Abdur Rob, Md. Gulfikar Ali
Gajendra Rai, Mohammad Zakir Hossain, Salauddin Molla, Prasu Ram Khatri Chhetri
Manpower Services
Monsur Alam, Drona Bahadur Khatri Chhetri, Muhammad Waheed, Anisur
Rahman, Amir Rehman, Zahidul Islam, Shanker Deshaveni, Sana Ullah, Yasir
Rafiq, Ramesh Muthaiah, Mohsin Khan, Golap Ismail, Bhuneshwar Majhi,
Nawaz Hussain, Bakul Mia, Mahadev Yadav, Ramnath Thakur, Md. Anwar
Hossain, Sultan Late. Ali Akbar, Jit Bahadur Darji, Hari Prasad Bhattarai, Zubair
Arif, Muhammad Imran, Farhat Mumtaz, Asif Hussain, Muhammad Sadiq,
Shahid Shoukat Khokhar, Padam Kumar Rai Khewache
Sadaquat Hussain, Sant Bahadur Rai, Bishal Khatri, Hari Bahadur Shrestha
We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time.
September - December 2012
Employee Training Programmes (April 2012 - July 2012)
Sales, Cross Sell, and Customer Service Awards 2011
First Aid
Nitin Vas, Dynatech, Dubai, UAE
Business Networking
British Business Group,
Focus Marketing & Communication Dubai, UAE
Business Registration and
Mohammed Shael Al Saadi,
Canadian Business Council, Dubai, UAE
Middle East Public Relations
Social Media Forum
Association, Dubai, UAE
Fire Fighting
Trakhees, Dubai, UAE
E-learning Courses
Xpert Learning, Dubai, UAE
Planning and Organising
Supervisory Skills
Prakash Chugani,
Dulsco, UAE
Time Management
Sales, Cross Sell, and Customer Service Award winners and Dulsco officials.
Aakash Ashok Chawla
Ras Al Khaimah
IOSH Managing Safely
Mohammed Ayub, Dulsco, UAE
Madeeha Saeed
Assistant Manager-Sales
East Coast
Zabeel International, Dubai, UAE
Ramez Helou, Right Selection,
Dubai, UAE
Khaled Ali Abbas Karim Al Blooshi,
Dulsco, UAE
Carmenchu Domingo
Senior Executive-Sales
HRO, HRS, Dubai
MPS, HRS, Dubai
Ignite the Spirit of the Team
Sales and Negotiations
Conversational Arabic
Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Administration, Configuration and
Application Development
Dangerous Goods Awareness
Amir Bahkt, New Horizons,
Dubai, UAE
Arjun Rayamajhi, Dulsco Qatar
Safety Award (April 2012 - July 2012)
Abu Dhabi
Ravi Kolipaka, Saride Srinivasa Rao, Dhan Lal Rajbanshi, Khalid
Mehmood, Arjun Nepali, Amrit Lawati, Muhammad Awais, Muhammad
Ali, Muhammad Shaban, Naib Singh, Muhammad Adnan, Karam Khan,
Thangaraj Rethinam, Anwar Ali Jolah
Kaleem Ahmad Hashmi, Bal Bahadur Tamang, Sakhawat Hussain,
Mohammed Firoj, Jabed Ali, Awal Harmez Ali, Sardar Jamil Ahmed,
Krishna Prasad Paudel, Joey Fajardo Uy, Bodiyabaduge Jude Dilhan Perera,
Ashwini Kumar, Nirbhik Adhikari, Kumar Karki, Prabin Kumar Thapa
Manpower Services
Ananda Miah, Abu Taleb, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Sefatullah Abdul
Dattaram Gopal Gawas, Hamza Puthan Peediyan, Surendran Kadengal
Best Foreman Award (April 2012 - June 2012)
Dulsco Qatar
Sujan Khadka
Driver Safety Award (April 2012 - July 2012)
Muhammad Abid, Abrar Hussain, Muhammad Saeed
Senior Executive-Sales
MPS, Qatar
Jacob George Samuel
Senior Manager
Ras Al Khaimah
Rita Eseli
Senior Executive-Sales
Logistics, HRS, Dubai
Aakash Chawla
Star Referrer
Ras Al Khaimah
Abel Bajamunde
Star Performer
WMS, Dubai
Ambili Kumar
Star Team Lead Converter
HRS, Dubai
Paresh Karia
Star Team Lead Converter
WMS, Dubai
Arjun Rayamajhi
MPS-Logistics, Qatar
Eddy Wamai Njoro
HRO, HRS, Dubai
Nina Cayos
Abraham Philip
Abel Bajamunde
Charesse Taroy Rodolfo
Jonalyn M Gracia
Faron Xavier
Executive- Sales &
Customer Service
MPS, HRS, Dubai
WMS, Abu Dhabi
WMS, Dubai
WMS, Sharjah
Ras Al Khaimah
Logistics, HRS, Dubai
East Coast
1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
HRS, Dubai
Employee Spot Award (April 2012 - July 2012)
Abu Dhabi Waste Management Services
Kashif Ali
Manpower Services
Sajid Mehmood, Aurangzab Khan, Muhammad Saddiqe, Mohammad Jamal
Hosan, Shah Zeb Khan, Nasir Hakeem, Muhammad Usman
Ambili Kumar
Ajas Khaleel Mohammed
Dattaram Gopal Gawas, Hamza Puthan Peediyan, Surendran Kadengal
We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
September - December 2012
Welcome To Dulsco
Makarand Ramesh Patil
Senior Manager
Business Development
Soon Chew Chai
Advisor-Airport Services
Isam Shamma
General Practitioner
Dulsco Medical Clinic
Vipinu Babu
Assistant Manager-Sales
Manpower Services
Rekha Philip Padachira
Assistant Manager
Marketing and Customer Service
Xavier Gimenez
Senior Executive-Sales, Logistics
Dulsco Qatar
Khaled Ali Abbas Karim Al Blooshi
Executive-PR & Corporate Affairs
Human Resources and QHSE
Jobin Jacob Thomas
Dulsco East Coast
Rasika Hemantha Samarajeewa
Finance and Administration
Kurian Mathew
Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah
Syed Fahad Aftab
Dulsco Abu Dhabi
Muhammad Fahad Shakil
Mohamed Zaid Imthiaz
HR Solultions
Adrian Domingo Sengseng
Yasmin Abdulla Gomes
Sammy Javier Dimaano
Coordinator-Customer Service Coordinator-Customer Service Co-ordinator-Customer Service
Marketing and Customer Service Waste Management Services
Mohammed Ismail Parveez
Shahzad Nasim
Venkatesham Chinthapandu Mohammed Basheer Padinharathil
Supervisor-Operations Male Nurse-cum-First Aid Attendant
Dulsco Medical Clinic
Manpower Services
Manpower Services
Irshad Baig
Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah
Satnam Grover
General Manager-Logistics
HR Solutions
Vinesh Menon
Senior Manager
Automotive Workshop
Edward Alfanso
HR Solutions
Deepak Choolackal
Assistant Manager-Recruitment Services
HR Outsourcing
Mosad Fawzy Ahmed
Abu Dhabi WMS
Denny Varughese
Coordinator-Sales & Customer Service
Abu Dhabi HR Outsourcing
Muhammad Iqbal
Light Duty Driver
Manpower Services
Satisfaction Survey of
Blue-collar Employees
Sony Paul
Sr. Manager-Manpower Services
HR Solutions
Mangesh Gadge
Manager-Sales & Commercial
Sharjah WMS
Ani Surendran Nair
Sr. Manager-Accounts & Administration
Waste Management Services
Sriyani Sirimanne
Waste Management Services
George Samuel
Senior Manager
Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah
Muhammad Saqib
Manager-Accounts & Administration
Abu Dhabi
We have learned how to make a living, but not a life.
Worker satisfaction survey, covering different categories
of workers in Dulsco UAE and Dulsco Qatar, was
conducted during the first half of 2012. The survey
covered over 3000 workers or an equivalent of over
50% of the worker-population of the two companies
in the two countries. The satisfaction survey was
based on 5 dimensions: · About Dulsco · Work
Environment · Training and Learning Opportunities
· Recognition · Welfare System.
The optimization of employee satisfaction is key to
the success of any organisation or business. This is
the third worker satisfaction survey that has been
conducted in Dulsco UAE, and the second in Dulsco
Qatar. Dulsco has been conducting satisfaction survey
for its staff since 2005. The 8th edition of the staff survey
will be conducted during October-November 2012.
September - December 2012
International Labour Day Celebrations
Dulsco volleyball team with officials from the Community Development
Authority, Government of Dubai, and Dulsco.
International Labour Day Cricket Tournament
Dulsco cricket team with officials
from Dubai Municipality and Right Track Advertising, Dubai.
Dulsco secured the second place at the International Labour Day
celebrations cricket tournament, on 26th May 2012, at the Dubai
Municipality cricket ground, Sonapur, Dubai. Dubai Municipality,
Sonapur, won the tournament with a 1 wicket victory over Dulsco
in the thrilling final. The tournament was organised by Right Track
Advertising under the auspices of Dubai Municipality. Iqbal Haider of
Dulsco was adjudged the best bowler of the tournament. Mohammad
Al Noori, Director ECAT, Dubai Municipality, was the chief guest at
the prize distribution function.
Participants with officials from Dulsco and Smart Life.
India Club Badminton Tournament
Dulsco celebrated the 'Honour Labour' initiative in association with the
Community Development Authority (CDA), Government of Dubai, on
4th May 2012, on the occasion of the International Labour Day. In line
with this initiative, a volleyball tournament was organized by Dulsco
at the Dulsco Village Events Arena, Al Quoz, Dubai.
Dulsco volleyball team was the winner in the exciting final played
between Dulsco and Laing Oreke, Dubai. H.E. Khaled Al Kamda,
Director General, CDA; Dr. Omar Al Muthanna, CEO of Social Regulatory
& Licensing Sector and Social Care Sector, CDA; Salah Al Sayed Al
Hashimi, Director, Marketing & Communication, CDA; Palani Babu,
Manager – Facility & Society Licensing, CDA; Ram Buxani, President,
India Club, Dubai; K. Kumar, President, Indian Welfare Community,
Dubai; Abdul Aziz Mohammed Khan Abdullah, Chairman, Dulsco;
Prakash Parab, Director, Waste Management Services, Dulsco; and other
Dulsco officials were present at the prize distribution ceremony.
An entertainment programme was organised by the voluntary organisation
- Smart Life, and Right Track Advertising. Select Dulsco employees also
exhibited their cultural and musical talent at this evening function.
Dulsco badminton players with Palani Babu, Community Development Authority,
Government of Dubai, and Dr. Ram Buxani & other officials from India Club, Dubai.
Seven Dulsco employees participated in the India Club - Western
Union badminton tournament organised by India Club, Dubai, as a
part of the ‘Honour Labour’ initiative of the Community Development
Authority (CDA) on 1st June 2012, at the India Club indoor hall,
Dubai. All the participants received certificates and medals from the
officials. Palani Babu from CDA and Dr. Ram Buxani, Chairman of
India Club, Dubai, were present to witness the matches.
Dulsco Sonapur Indoor Games
Badminton Doubles.
Carrom Doubles.
Table Tennis Doubles.
The indoor games tournament for Sonapur Accommodations, Dubai, was held on 18th May 2012. The games were held at the Sonapur recreation
hall. Around 56 employees participated in the games.
We live in a time when there is much in the show window and less in the stock room.
September - December 2012
Dulsco Village Employee Evening
Dulsco Fujairah Sports Day
Cricket - Winners.
Carrom Doubles - Winners.
Tug of War - Winners.
Chess - Winner and Runner-up.
Table Tennis - Winner and Runner-up.
The sports day of Dulsco East Coast was held from 20th April 2012 to
3rd May 2012, at the East Coast Employee Accommodation, Fujairah.
Around 90 employees participated in the events.
A photo-feature of the employee entertainment evening.
An employee entertainment evening was held at the Dulsco Village
Events Arena, Al Quoz, Dubai, on 25th May 2012.
Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah Sports Day
The Utsav Mega final, the singing competition, organised by Equity
Plus Advertising, Dubai, was also held on the same day. Rajpal from
Amana Company, Dubai, was the winner of the competition. Last
year's winner, Colin Isaac of Dulsco, secured the second place.
Francis Xavier Xaxa, Consul, Community Affairs, Consulate General of India,
Dubai, was the chief guest at the function. Palani Babu of Community
Development Authority, Government of Dubai, was also present.
Cricket - Winners.
Darts - Winner and Runners-up.
Felicitation of Dulsco Cricket and Volleyball Teams
Carrom Doubles - Winners and Runners-up. 100 meters Sprint - Winner and Runners-up.
Cricket and Volleyball players were felicitated for their outstanding performance
during the period from September 2011 to May 2012 on 6th June 2012
at the Dulsco Village, Al Quoz, Dubai.
Table Tennis - Winner and Runner-up.
Chess - Winner and Runner-up.
The sports day of Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah employees was conducted
on 4th May 2012. Around 80 employees participated in the sports day.
We have cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.
September - December 2012
PCLAD Felicitation
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Nepal Delegation at Dulsco Village
Employee Accommodation
Major General Mohammad Al Merri (centre), Director
General, General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners
Affairs, Dubai, and the Chairman of The Permanent
Committee of Labour Affairs in Dubai, presenting an
appreciation memento and certificate to Shaik Rafik (right) of
Dulsco, in the presence of Javid Rashid Butt (left) of Dulsco,
on 17th May 2012, at the Dubai Immigration Department.
Amjad Khan (left), General Manager; Nawraj Paudyal
(right), Assistant Manager - Accounts and Administration;
and Yasar Arafath (centre), Coordinator-Customer
Service; of Dulsco East Coast, with the Departmental
Customer Satisfaction Survey winner’s trophy.
Eihab Izzuldin (left) of Dulsco with Som Lal
Subedi (centre), Secretary, Ministry of Labour and
Employment, Nepal, and L.B. Chhetri (right), First
Secretary, Embassy of Nepal, Abu Dhabi, at the
Dulsco Village Employee Accommodation.
Dulsco Toastmasters Club
Appreciation for Dulsco Qatar
Star Sales Performer at Dulsco Qatar
Johnson Alexander (left), President, and Prakash
Parab (right), Past President, Dulsco Toastmasters
Club, with the Select Distinguished Club 2011-2012
appreciation ribbon received from Toastmasters
International World Headquarters, USA.
Joevanie Zabalate Buscato (centre) receiving a certificate of
appreciation from Lyrine R. Saludez (right) of Sahara Trading
& Contracting, Doha, for excellent welding job done during
June-July 2012. Mark Alvin (left), Executive Sales-MPS, was
also recognised for outsourcing quality manpower.
Arjun Rayamajhi (left), Senior Executive - Logistics,
receiving certificate of recognition for Star Sales
Performance during April-June 2012, from Joseph
Mathew (right), General Manager, Dulsco Qatar.
'Igniting the Spirit of the Team'
Conversational Arabic Training
DGA Training at Dulsco Qatar
'Igniting the spirit of the team' learning workshop
was facilitated by Prakash Chugani of Dulsco
on 14th July 2012.
Conversational Arabic training was conducted by
Khaled Ali Abbas Karim Al Blooshi of Dulsco,
coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan.
Dulsco at DWC Employers Day
Simi Mathew (right) of Dulsco receiving an appreciation
certificate from Jamie Stewart (left), Associate Director,
Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, for participation
in the Dubai Women's College Employers Day.
Dangerous Goods Awareness (DGA) training
was conducted by Arjun Rayamajhi, Senior ExecutiveSales, Logistics, Dulsco Qatar, at the Qatar Aviation
Service Center, Doha, Qatar, on 18th July 2012.
Dulsco Iftar Evening
An Iftar evening during the holy month of Ramadan was organised at the Dulsco Corporate Office
on 8th August 2012.
We have split the atom, but not our prejudice.
September - December 2012
How to be an Effective Supervisor?
4. Keep cool: Your men can lose their temper but as their supervisor you
cannot lose yours.
5. Be concerned about the task, and even more about your people:
The best supervisors are those who are task-minded as well as
people-minded. Their teams accomplish much because they have a
hand in setting goals and they feel they have a stake in the work,
for they are treated with respect and trust, as resource, not as cost to
be controlled.
6. Be fair: Don’t play favourites. Justice is blind. Remember the hot-stove rule.
As is the role of the manager, the role of the supervisor is also changing. The
emphasis now is on supervisor as a coach, team-builder, facilitator, expediter,
barrier-smasher, and as someone crossing boundaries when necessary which
were previously held sacred. The supervisory-subordinate relationship is also
now seen as a partnership as opposed to paternalism. Here are some tips.
7. Take responsibility, don’t run away from it: You grow as a person by
taking responsibility. Stand up and be counted. Be honest with yourself.
1. Know yourself: Good supervisors know themselves. They know their
strong points as well as their weak points. They know where they are
secure and where they will need help.
9. Develop teamwork: By developing teamwork, by training, by involving
your people more and more in group decisions, you leave your team
members as better people for having worked under your supervision.
2. Know your people: Know their names. Everybody likes to be called by
his or her name. Know what they expect, how they differ, how well the
group can pull together. Know the key people for getting group support.
10.Be yourself: Don’t pretend or bluff. When you say something, mean it.
Remember, workers take very seriously what the supervisor tells them.
3. Know when to make decisions yourself and when to ask help from the
group: As supervisor it is your duty to see that the necessary decisions
are made; but whether you make the decision by yourself or with others
is for you to decide. Shared decisions are usually best but this is not
always practical.
8. Foresee problems: Something will always go wrong. Foresee obstacles.
Have back-up plans.
11.Be a good listener: Studies the world over have shown that one of the
most appreciated qualities of a supervisor is their ability to listen.
12.Develop your people: By example, by training, and by involving them
more and more in decisions; thereby it enables your people to be better
persons for having worked under your supervision.
Word Power
Word Power Solution - Previous Edition
How many words of four letters or more can you
make from the letters shown here? In making a
word, each letter may be used once only. Each
word must include the centre letter, and there
must be at least one nine letter word in the
list. No plurals or verb forms ending in ‘s’; no
foreign words; no words with the initial capital;
no hyphenated words.
allotment, allot, aloe, alone,
alto, atoll, elan, lame, lament,
lane, late, latent, lean, leant,
lemon, lent, lento, loam, loan,
lone, male, mall, mallet, malt,
mantel, mantle, meal, melon,
melt, mental, metal, molal,
mole, moll, molten, motel,
mottle, tale, talent, tall, talon,
teal, tell, toll, tonal, total.
Winner - Sriyani Sirimanne, Waste Management Services
Good - 15 words; Very Good - 22 words; Excellent - 29 words.
Su do ku
Sudoku Solution - Previous Edition
7 6
5 3
9 4
7 2
4 2
1 6
4 7
9 5
Prabhu Dharmarajan,
HR Solutions
How to play: The numbers 1 through 9 will appear only once in each row, each column,
and in a 3x3 zone. There are 9 such zones in each sudoku grid. The normal solving time
Winner - George Jacob, Finance and Administration
is up to 30 minutes.
Please solve the mind games and send your entries to the Editorial Desk by 31st December 2012. A prize will be awarded for the correct entry in each
of the mind games. The winner will be drawn by lots from among the correct entries.
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
September - December 2012
Book Review
The Casual Vacancy
By J.K.Rowling
Published by
Little Brown
Copyright ©
J.K.Rowling 2012
ISBN 978-1-4087-0420-2
The Casual Vacancy, the first book for adults
from the author of Harry Potter, J.K.Rowling,
has been described as unadventurous, bleak
and brilliant in reviews around the world.
This is the first book review on fictional
writing by DulscoNews. The editorial team
opines that an author who has published just
seven books but which have sold over 450
million copies world-wide, distributed in more
than 200 countries or territories, translated
into 73 languages, and have been turned
into eight blockbuster films need recognition.
Hence the tribute and critical appreciation for
the author and the novel by this magazine.
Set in a fictional English village of Pagford,
the book chronicles the political and personal
fallout created by the sudden death of a
member of the parish council named Barry
Fairbrother. The consequent election sharply
divides the apparently cozy community and
reveals the snobbery, malice, darkness and
desperation at the heart of the village.
The Casual Vacancy features scenes that would
make Harry Potter blush and it definitely isn’t
for children. The book isn’t flawless; it is
also long. Rowling has generally been prone
to over-writing. Rowling’s style is direct and
uncomplicated rather than literary. Some
readers will be shocked at her departure from
wizardry and magic.
All told the book is a bold and distinctive
effort, and a moral-tale of our time. Sometimes
one can marvel at the skills with which
Rowling weaves such vivid characters in and
out of each other's lives.
Rowling, who like Charles Dickens, rose to
fame and wealth from poverty has in The
Casual Vacancy taken it upon herself to revive
the idea of a novel as a force of social good.
She does so by fictionalizing characters with
characteristics that are all too familiar to us in
the contemporary period, and the book is also
an evocation of British society as is today.
Please solve the crossword and send your entries to
the Editorial Desk by 31st December 2012. A prize
will be awarded for the correct entry. The winner
will be drawn by lots from among the correct entries.
1. Snakes and arithmetic (6)
3. To fiddle with (6)
8. Relating to tongue (5)
9. A worm is lacking this (5)
10.To alter one’s vertical alingment (4)
11.Sort-of (3)
13.American terms for petrol (3)
15.Not feeling well (3)
16.Not large (5)
17.Squeeze hard between fingers (5)
19.The original state of gold (3)
20.Relating to the eyes (3)
22.Not cold (3)
23.Unsolicted advertising (4)
24.Used when dealing with wallpaper (5)
26.To remove (5)
27.Invalid (6)
28.Very bad (6)
1. Creatures known for bounding strides (9)
2. Far (7)
4. Like a mule (3)
5. Get (5)
6. A female sheep (3)
7. Rotten (5)
12.Exaggerate (4)
14.Detailed information about something (9)
15.Scratch (4)
18.Sleeping lightly (7)
19.A river creature (5)
21.An artist works upon this (5)
24.Badge (3)
25.Prior-to (3)
Prabhu Dharmarajan, HR Solutions
Crossword Solution - Previous Edition
Winner - George Jacob, Finance and Administration
Every time you say that you'll do something,
and end up doing something totally
different, you're chipping away at your
personal power. The more you stand by your
commitments, the stronger you become.
Editor: Johnson Alexander
Associate Editor: Aruna Narayanan
Editorial Desk: Margaret Gonsalves,
Crescentia Cardoz, Rekha Philip Padachira
The contents of the Newsletter are those of the
contributors and not necessarily those of the
Editorial Board or Dulsco. The Newsletter is for
private circulation only.
Please send in contributions, suggestions, comments
and compliments to the Editorial Desk or e-mail at
DulscoNews is published by the Human Resources
& QHSE and Marketing & Customer Service
Departments of Dulsco.
Dulsco L.L.C., P.O. Box 6238, Dubai, UAE.
Tel: +971 4 3404660, Fax: +971 4 3404661
Website: www.dulsco.com
We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge but less judgment; more experts, yet more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.