PantherSoft-Scheduler`s Training Guide
PantherSoft-Scheduler`s Training Guide
Office of Class Management PC-138 Office: 305-348-2369 Email: PantherSoft-Scheduler’s Training Guide 1 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Contents PANTHER SOFT- Navigate to: 4 Schedule New Course ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Helpful hint: Clearing Cache on Your Computer >>> Short Cut= Shift+Ctrl+ Delete ...................................... 4 Requesting a Room Characteristic .................................................................................................................. 5 Pre-assigned Room ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Maintain Schedule of Classes ......................................................................................................................... 6 Permission Numbers (General Class Permission) ........................................................................................... 6 Permission Numbers (Student Specific) .......................................................................................................... 7 Combining a Section ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Cancel a Class that's Combined .................................................................................................................... 10 Class Cancellation Notice .............................................................................................................................. 12 Campus Meeting Details ............................................................................................................................... 13 PantherSoft Scheduler Pages............................................................................................................................ 14 Helpful hint: Clearing Cache on Your Computer >>> Short Cut= Shift+Ctrl+ Delete .................................... 14 Basic Data Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Basic Data tab- NEW ** ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Meeting Tab .................................................................................................................................................. 16 Enrollment Cntrl Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Reserve Cap Tab............................................................................................................................................ 18 Notes Tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Exam Tab....................................................................................................................................................... 19 LMS Data Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Textbook Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 20 GL Interface Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Register Alumn Tab….. “NEW TAB” .............................................................................................................. 22 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................... 23 Queries.......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Meeting Patterns .................................................................................................................................................. 24 Summer Meeting Patterns ............................................................................................................................... 24 2 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Fall/Spring Meeting Patterns ............................................................................................................................ 25 OCM General Purpose Classrooms ....................................................................................................................... 26 MMC-General Assignment Classrooms ............................................................................................................ 26 BBAY-General Assignment Classrooms............................................................................................................. 36 EC-General Assignment Classrooms ................................................................................................................. 40 Other Classroom Space................................................................................................................................. 42 3 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 PANTHERSOFT- Navigate to: Schedule New Course Note: All courses are rolled over from previous like term. Step 1. Action Click the Curriculum Management link. Helpful hint: Clearing Cache on Your Computer >>> Short Cut= Shift+Ctrl+ Delete 2. Click the Schedule of Classes link. 3. Click the Schedule New Course link. 4. Select the term. 5. Enter the Term: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "1121". 6. Click in the Subject Area: field. 7. Enter the Subject Area: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "arc". 8. Click in the Catalog Nbr: field. 9. Enter the Catalog Nbr: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "5935". 10. Click in the Search field. 11. Select course. (Always select “COURSE OFFERING” 1), 40 is for non-resident 12. Click in the *Class Section: field. 13. Enter the *Class Section: field. Enter e.g. "U01". 14. Click the Look up Campus icon. 15. Click on the Look Up icon to select from the list of results. 16. Click the UPARK link. 17. Click the Look up Location icon. 18. Click the UPARK “1000” link. 19. Click the Look up Instruction Mode icon. 20. Click in the Look Up field. 21. Click the “P” In Person link. 22. Click the Meetings tab. 23. Click in the Mtg Start field. 24. Enter the Mtg Start (standard starting meeting time) field. Enter e.g. "08:00am". 4 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Step Action 25. Click in the Mtg End field. 26. Enter the Mtg End field. Enter e.g. "08:50am". 27. Click the day(s) the class meets. Select M,W,F. 28. Click “Save” 29. Click the “ID” field. 30. Enter the “Instructor PantherSoft ID”. Enter eg: 1166333 31. Click the Access drop down field. 32. Click the column header. Select "Submit" 33. If needed, click the “Plus sign” to add another instructor ID. (repeat steps 29-32) 34. Click “Save” 35. Click Facility ID to add your own departmental room. 36. Click “Save” 37. Click the Enrollment Cntrl tab. 38. Click in the Requested Room Capacity: field. Requested Room Capacity = room placement and affects permission number. 39. Enter the Cap for the class into the Requested Room Capacity: field. Enter e.g. "45". 40. Press [Tab] or click in the Enrollment Capacity Field. 41. Enter the Enrollment cap into the Requested Room Capacity: field. Enter a "45". Enrollment capacity = How many students you want enrolled in the course and it must be equal to or less than the Requested room capacity. 42. Click in the Save field. 43. Congratulations, you have scheduled a New Course. End of Procedure. Requesting a Room Characteristic 1. Click on the “Look up” icon. 2. Click on the button. Select from the results list. (please no more than 3 characteristics) Ex: Computer Labs, Back-to-Back (if 10-15 apart) 3. Click in the Save field. 5 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Pre-assigned Room 1. Click on the “Look up” icon. or enter “27” for Pre-assigned - Do Not Move Room Note: You can only use “27” to pre-assign your own departmental room. 2. Click in the Save field. Maintain Schedule of Classes Step 1. Action Click the Curriculum Management> Schedule of Classes> Maintain Schedule of Classes link. 2. Verify the Term is correct 3. Enter the desired information into the Subject Area: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "NUR". 4. Enter the desired information into the Catalog Nbr: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "3029". 5. Click the Search button 6. Any Catalog Nbr ending in: Blank means Course Lecture C means Course Lecture L means lab 7. Click the 3029 link. (Always select “COURSE OFFERING” 1), 40 is for non-resident 8. Click the Home link to return to the main menu. 9. Congratulations, you have successfully viewed the "Maintain Schedule of Classes" page. End of Procedure. Permission Numbers (General Class Permission) *Class sections are not in order. Step Action 1. Click the Records and Enrollment> Term Processing> Class Permissions link. 2. Enter the desired information into the Term: field. Enter e.g. "1121". 3. Enter the desired information into the Subject Area: field. Enter e.g. "NUR". 6 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Step Action 4. Enter the desired information into the Catalog Nbr: field. Enter e.g. "3029". 5. Click in the Search field. 6. Click the 3029 link. (Always select “COURSE OFFERING” 1), 40 is for non-resident 7. Click in the Assign More Permissions and enter the number of permissions that you want to generate. Enter e.g. "10". 8. Click in the Generate field. 9. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. 10. Congratulations! You have successfully added General Class Permission Numbers. End of Procedure. Permission Numbers (Student Specific) Step Action 1. Click the Records and Enrollment> Term Processing> Class Permissions> Class Permissions link. 2. If the Term is different, select the appropriate term. 3. Enter the Term: field. Enter e.g. "1121". 4. Enter the Subject Area: field. Enter e.g. "RED". 5. Enter the desired information into the Catalog Nbr: field. Enter e.g. "4325". 6. Click the Search button. 7. Click the RED link. (Always select “COURSE OFFERING” 1), 40 is for non-resident 8. Click in the ID field, to add student’s Panther ID. 9. Enter the PantherSoft Id number into ID field. Enter e.g. "1666095". 10. Press [Tab]. Student’s name will populate. 11. Click in the Save field. 7 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Step 12. Action Congratulations, you have added a class permission number to a specific student. End of Procedure. 8 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Combining a Section Note: Only one section should have the meeting pattern, if not, upon saving you will get an error message. Step Action 1. Click the Combined Sections Table link. 2. Enter the Term ex: 1131 Spring 3. Click the Search button. 4. Click the Regular link. Note: Except for Summer and DYN which have different semester dates. 5. In the Combined Sections Table page, click the Add (plus sign) 6. Click in the Description field. 7. Enter the 2 classes being combined into the field. Enter e.g. "RED4325B51/RED5339B51". 8. Press [Enter] or click in the Save button. 9. Click the View Combined Sections link. 10. Click in the Requested Room Capacity: field. 11. Enter the desired information into the Requested Room Capacity: field. Enter e.g. "35". Note: Must be the combined cap of all sections. 12. Click and enter the Enrollment Capacity: Enter e.g. "35". 13. Enter the class number e.g. "19224". 14. Click on the Plus sign to add a row. 15. Enter the “Other” class number e.g. "19225". 16. Press [Enter] or click in the Save field. 17. Congratulations, you have combined 2 classes. End of Procedure. Curriculum Management> Combined Sections> 9 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Cancel a Class that's Combined Step Action 1. To un-combine sections, you must click the Schedule Class Meetings menu. 2. Enter the Term: "1128". 3. Enter the Subject Area, Catalog Nbr and Section. Click in the Search field. 4. Click the Combined Section link. 5. Make a note of the Combined Sections ID and the class Number Click the New Window link (top right of page). 6. Navigate to: Curriculum Management>Combined Sections> Combined Sections Table Tip: Set this page to you favorites: Combined Sections Table 7. Enter the Term: "1128". 8. Click in the Search field. 9. Click the FALL 2012 link. 10. Press Ctrl + F to find the Combined Section ID number. Press [Enter]. 11. Click the View Combined Sections link. 12. 13. 14. Click the Delete row 1 (Alt+8). You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the combined section. Click the OK button. Click the Delete row 1 (Alt+8) graphic. 15. You will be prompted again to confirm the deletion of the next combined section. Click the OK button. 16. Click in the Save field. 17. Click the View Combined Sections Table link. Next step, remove Combined Section ID from the table. 18. 19. Click the Next button to find the ID number to delete. Click the Delete row button. 20. PS will confirm your request. Click the OK button. 21. Press [Alt+1] to save or scroll to the bottom of the page a click on the Save button. 22. Navigate back to the Schedule Class Meeting page. Enter the Subject Area, Catalog Nbr and Section. Click in the Search field. 23. Click the Enrollment Cntrl tab. 10 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Step Action 24. Click the "Cancel if Student Enrolled" option. 25. Panthersoft has a temporary work-around. However, it will cancel the class and workflow will alert the instructor as well and the students that the class has canceled. It is OCM's policy is that a follow-up email from the department scheduler should be sent to the instructor and the student's that were enrolled. 26. Click the *Class Status dropdown list. 27. Select Stop Further Enrollment value. 28. Click in the Save field. Note: Enrollment Status will change to Closed. Also, there are 4 students enrolled in the class. 29. A general message may alert you. Click the OK button. 30. First check the Cancel if student Enrolled. Go back to the *Class Status and now select the Cancelled Section from the dropdown. Click in the Cancel Class button. And lastly, click on the Save button. 31. On the Meetings tab, enter the Instructor's Panther ID., Instructor Role, and Access. 32. Click in the Save field. 33. Once the instructor is entered in the Meeting's tab, navigate to the Enrollment tab and click on the Cancel Class button once more. 34. Note: that the enrollment which had 4 students before is now at zero (0). Click the Save button. 35. Click on New Window. 36. Enter the Term, Subject Area, Catalog Nbr and Class Section. Click in the Search field. 37. Enter the meeting pattern for section U02 since it was wiped out when you uncombined the sections. Note: It must be entered in 3 parts: 1. Times and day, then SAVE 2. Instructor info, access, the SAVE 3. Facility ID, then SAVE 38. Click the Enrollment Cntrl tab to confirm that section U02 is active. 39. Congratulations! You have successfully learned How to Cancel a Section that is Combined. End of Procedure. 11 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Class Cancellation Notice Step Action 1. Click the Curriculum Management> Schedule of Classes> Maintain Schedule of Classes link. 2. Select or enter the appropriate term in the Term field. Enter e.g. "1118". 3. Click in the Subject Area field. Enter e.g. "ART". 4. Click in the Catalog Nbr field. Enter e.g. "1201C". 5. Click the Search button. 6. Click the ART link.(Always select “COURSE OFFERING” 1), 40 is for non-resident 7. Click the Enrollment Cntrl. 8. Click the Cancel if Student Enrolled option.(if applicable) 9. In the Class Status field, click the Cancelled Section list item. 10. Once you click on the Cancel Class button, the process is complete. Please note: Make sure enrollment status changes from OPEN to CLOSED. 11. An email is sent to the instructor notifying the professor that the class has been canceled. 12. An email is sent to the student notifying them that the class has been canceled. However, the Dept. Scheduler must follow up with a communication to the professor and any students enrolled for the course that was cancelled. 13. Congratulations, you have generated a Class Cancellation Notice. End of Procedure. 12 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Campus Meeting Details Step 1. Action Navigate to: Main Menu> Campus Community> Campus Event Planning> View Event Information> Campus Meeting Details. Tip: You should set this page to your favorites. 2. Enter the Facility ID that you are inquiring about. e.g. Enter "PC 422". 3. Click in the Search button. 4. In this field, you can either type in the day that you are looking to reserve or use the calendar icon. For Example: For the spring term session the first Tuesday class would be on 01/08/2013. 5. Click the Search button. 6. A list of classes will display. Click in the Return to Search button to return and inquiry about another room. 7. Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to look up Campus Meeting Details. End of Procedure. 13 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 PantherSoft Scheduler Pages A customization is under construction to allow schedulers to modify certain fields even when the keyin period is closed for schedulers. The customization was created in order to reduce the number of tickets submitted though OCM Helpdesk. Helpful hint: Clearing Cache on Your Computer >>> Short Cut= Shift+Ctrl+ Delete The screenshots below show the fields that the Office of Cass Management works with. Basic Data Tab 14 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Basic Data tab- NEW ** ** The component and instructional mode tab must be entered in order to have a general classroom assigned. Component “C” is for Class Lecture. Instructional Mode “P, H, W, V” are used to assign rooms. The definitions are as follows: P - In Person H – Hybrid (Class is both In-Person and Online, but less than 80% is Online) **Hybrid courses should include information in the “Notes” with the details of the in person and the online components. W - Web-Assisted Classroom Instruction V– Video Conferencing **Video Conferencing Courses should also include a request for “Distance Learning” room characteristic to ensure an appropriate classroom is assigned to the class. 15 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Meeting Tab 16 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Enrollment Cntrl Tab 17 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Reserve Cap Tab Notes Tab 18 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Exam Tab 19 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 LMS Data Tab Schedulers will not be able to modify any fields on these tabs. Textbook Tab 20 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 GL Interface Tab Schedulers will not be able to modify any fields on these tabs. 21 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Register Alumn Tab….. “NEW TAB” The department scheduler or primary instructor will contact the OCM office and request to check off the “Authorized” box in the Class Sections field to approve an Alumnus Guest Speaker to be a guest. 22 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Appendix Queries The queries listed are to help you in managing departmental courses in a more efficient manner. Helpful hint: Clearing Cache on Your Computer >>> Short Cut= Shift+Ctrl+ Delete Navigate to: Panthersoft> Query Manager Queries: as of 10/01/2013 Description Name of Query FIU_OCM_SCHEDULE_NEW Information gather by Query Need to filter: Enrl Stat: Only O, Class Stat: No X, Comp: Only C & L Mode: No I-N-or C. Other: Only BBAY and UP, take out 12am and blank times and caps 10 or less. *Check for hrs too earlier/late FIU_OCM_GRADE_ROSTER_ACCESS Track courses where Prim Instr. doesn’t have submit access FIU_SANDS_CLASS_ROSTER_EMAIL Get student’s emails who are registered in a class. 23 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Meeting Patterns Summer Meeting Patterns (Time-bands) Standard MWF and/or Tuesday/Thursday Schedule 12 Week Session Monday, Wednesday & Friday Day Schedule (1 hour & 5 minutes, no break) Tuesday/Thursday Day Schedule 1 hour and 45 minutes per meeting 7:00 am-8:05 am 8:15 am-9:20 am 9:30 am-10:35 am 10:45 am-11:50 am 12:00 pm-1:05 pm 1:15 pm-2:20 pm 2:30 pm-3:35 pm 7:00 am-8:45 am 8:55 am-10:40 am 10:50 am-12:35 pm 12:45 pm-2:30 pm 2:40 pm-4:25 pm 4:35 pm – 6:20 pm 6:30 pm-8:15 pm 3:45 pm-4:50 pm 8:25 pm-10:10 pm 5:00 pm-6:05 pm 6:15 pm-7:20 pm 7:30 pm-8:35 pm 8:45 pm-9:50 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday Tuesday/Thursday 2 hours & 15 minutes 3 hours & 20 minutes 7:00 am-9:15 am 9:25 am-11:40 am 11:50 am-2:05 pm 2:15 pm-4:30 pm 4:40 pm-6:55 pm 7:05 pm-9:20 pm 7:00 am-10:20 am 10:30 am-1:50 pm 2:00 pm-5:20 pm 5:30 pm-8:50 pm 24 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Fall/Spring Meeting Patterns Standard Daytime/Evening Meeting Patterns The 3-day meeting pattern meets for 50 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and the 2-day class pattern meets for 75 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday. There are 17 time-blocks during the daytime 6:40 AM through 4:00 PM; 10 periods are on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 7 periods are on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. There are 4 evening meeting patterns on Monday, Wednesday and 4 evening meeting patterns on Tuesday, Thursday. Please conform to the official start and end times as indicated below. This is to assure that the there is a balanced Schedule of Classes, minimization of course conflicts for students, and maximization of classroom utilization. It is critically important and to the greatest extent possible to follow the meeting patterns provided below for all courses up to and including lectures, labs, cohort programs, etc. Official Daytime Schedule: Fall and Spring Terms Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday Start End Start End 7:00 AM 7:50 AM 6:40 AM 7:55 AM 8:00 AM 8:50 AM 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:00 AM 9:50 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 10:00 AM 10:50 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 11:00 AM 11:50 AM 12:30 PM 1:45 PM 12:00 noon 12:50 PM 2:00 PM 3:15 PM 1:00 PM 1:50 PM 3:30 PM (NOT THURSDAY) 2:00 PM 2:50 PM 3:00 PM 3:50 PM Free Period is 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM every Thursday during the Fall/Spring semesters. 4:00 PM 4:50 PM Do not schedule or overlap course(s) in the Free Period time-block. Official Evening Schedule: Fall and Spring Terms Monday, Wednesday Tuesday, Thursday Start End Start End 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 6:25 PM 7:40 PM 6:25 PM 7:40 PM 7:50 PM 9:05 PM 7:50 PM 9:05 PM 9:15 PM 10:30 PM 9:15 PM 10:30 PM 25 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 OCM General Purpose Classrooms MMC-General Assignment Classrooms LEGEND Building Code Building Name AHC2 AHC3 CBC CSC CP DM ECS GC GL USCBA LC OE PC PCA PG5 RB RDB SIPA VH ZEB ACADEMIC HEALTH CENTER 2 ACADEMIC HEALTH CENTER 3 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS COMPLEX CAMPUS SUPPORT COMPLEX CHEMISTRY & PHYSICS DEUXIEME MAISON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING GRAHAM CENTER STEVEN & DOROTHEA GREEN LIBRARY U.S. CENTURY BANK ARENA LABOR CENTER OWA EHAN CHARLES E. PERRY PRIMERA CASA PAUL CEJAS ARCHITECTURE PG5 MARKET STATION RYDER BUSINESS BUILDING RAFAEL DIAZ-BALART HALL SCHOOL INTER. & PUBLIC AFFAIRS VIERTES HAUS SANDFORD & DOLORES ZIFF EDUCATION 26 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Facility ID Cap Room Type Media Features AHC2-570 45 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AHC3-110 298 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER AHC3-205 89 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER AHC3-214 60 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AHC3-215 60 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY CBC-140 48 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER CBC-142 48 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER CBC-155 292 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER CBC-254 58 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER CP-101 48 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY CP-103 26 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY CP-107 36 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP 27 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY CP-111 36 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY CP-115 26 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY CP-117 48 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY CP-145 204 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER CP-151 150 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER CP-197 103 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER DM-100 166 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, SURROUND SOUND, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER DM-110 66 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, PIANO DM-144 28 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY DM-163 28 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY DM-164 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY DM-190 66 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, PIANO DM-193 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, PIANO 28 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 DM-194 28 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS ECS-132 38 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY ECS-134 37 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY ECS-135 88 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY ECS-136 37 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY ECS-138 38 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY ECS-143 36 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY ECS-145 36 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-271A 25 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA GC-271B 27 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA GC-272 21 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA GC-273A 24 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-273B 26 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-274 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-275A 25 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-275B 26 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-276 28 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY 29 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 GC-277 48 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-278A 34 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-278B 34 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-279A 47 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-279B 46 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-280 81 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER GC-283A 54 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-283B 19 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-285 47 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-286 34 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-287A 47 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-287B 48 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-288 34 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GC-289 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GL-100 320 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, 30 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 iCLICKER GL-100A 89 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GL-100B 89 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GL-132 50 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GL-137 32 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GL-139 60 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GL-165 76 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER GL-166 40 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY GL-250 14 CLASSROOM GL-266 21 GL-523 79 COMPUTER LABORATORY CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PROJECTOR, WHITEBOARD LC-301 22 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, WHITEBOARD, TV/VCR/DVD OE-100 35 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY 31 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 OE-102 36 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY OE-105 57 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY OE-134 122 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER OE-222 24 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS PC-211 55 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-212 56 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-213 56 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-214 46 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-310 105 CLASSROOM PC-331 48 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-332 35 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TV/VCR/DVD PC-416 30 PROJECT, WHITEBOARD PC-419 30 PC-422 29 PC-424 56 COMPUTER LABORATORY COMPUTER LABORATORY COMPUTER LABORATORY CLASSROOM PC-425 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-426 58 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER PROJECTOR, WHITEBOARD PROJECTOR, WHITEBOARD TABLET ARMS, TV/VCR/DVD 32 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 PC-428 58 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TV/VCR/DVD PC-431 66 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TV/VCR/DVD PC-432 47 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-438 62 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-439 61 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER PC-441 31 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PC-443 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TV/VCR/DVD PC-445 29 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TV/VCR/DVD PC-447 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TV/VCR/DVD PC-449 18 PROJECTOR, WHITEBOARD PCA-135 200 COMPUTER LABORATORY CLASSROOM PCA-150 86 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PCA-165 43 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PCA-167 43 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PCA-171 43 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PCA-180 83 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY PG5-134 96 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER 33 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER, DUAL PROJECTION DUAL IMAGE PG5-153 144 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER, DUAL PROJECTION DUAL IMAGE PG5-155 120 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER, DUAL PROJECTION DUAL IMAGE RB-120 183 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER RB-130 78 CLASSROOM RB-140 78 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY RDB-1100 282 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER SIPA-100 98 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER SIPA-103 98 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER SIPA-125 484 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER 34 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 SIPA-220 80 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER USCBA-117 40 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY USCBA-119 60 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY USCBA-121 60 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY VH-131 143 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER VH-133 54 PROJECTOR, WHITEBOARD ZEB-110 46 COMPUTER LABORATORY CLASSROOM ZEB-120 96 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER ZEB-150 69 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY 35 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 BBAY-General Assignment Classrooms LEGEND Building Code Building Name AC1 AC2 HL HM MSB ACADEMIC CENTER ONE ACADEMIC CENTER TWO GLENN HUBERT LIBRARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT MARINE SCIENCES Facility ID Cap Room Type Media Features AC1-130 59 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-135 59 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, PIANO AC1-155 63 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER AC1-194 118 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-226 55 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-226A 20 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-227 48 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-228 42 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-229 42 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER AC1-231 24 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC 36 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 AC1-232 28 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-233 32 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-261 36 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-262 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-263 30 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DIGITAL WHITEBOARD, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-264 90 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC AC1-265 90 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-266 25 PROJECTOR, WHITEBOARD AC1-326 36 AC1-327 45 COMPUTER LABORATORY COMPUTER LABORATORY CLASSROOM AC1-328 44 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-329 42 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC1-330 29 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, PROJECTOR AC2-110 77 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC2-115 77 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER PROJECTOR, WHITEBOARD TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY 37 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 AC2-210 43 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY AC2-218 19 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, TV/VCR/DVD HL-160 112 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HL-170 49 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HL-250 49 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HL-255 49 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HL-260 49 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HL-265 112 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HM-135 238 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, ENHANCED MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER HM-230 54 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HM-235 42 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HM-242 39 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY HM-260 118 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY MSB-110 33 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP 38 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY MSB-111 33 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY MSB-112 29 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY MSB-113 35 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY MSB-150 102 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, TV/VCR/DVD, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER 39 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 EC-General Assignment Classrooms LEGEND Building Code Building Name EC ENGINEERING CENTER Facility ID Cap Room Type Media Features EC-1104 56 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY, iCLICKER EC-1105 50 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1107 49 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1109 38 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, TV/VCR/DVD, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1110 38 CLASSROOM PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1112 65 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, STANDARD MEDIA, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1113 38 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1114 38 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1115 106 CLASSROOM FIXED SEATING, STANDARD MEDIA, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-1116 38 CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS, PROJECTOR, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-2410 43 CLASSROOM TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, 40 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 COURSE CAPTURING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-2420 39 CLASSROOM TABLET ARMS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY EC-2440 43 CLASSROOM TIERED SEATING, TABLES & CHAIRS, ENHANCED MEDIA, DISTANCE LEARNING, COURSE CAPTURING, INTERACTIVE MONITOR, DESKTOP PC, LAPTOP CONNECTIVITY 41 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014 Other Classroom Space If the Office of Class Management does not have any available classroom where else can I request a room? Athletic Facilities | 305-348-6228 Broward Pines Center| 954-438-8604 CBC Event Banquet Rooms | 305-348-7197 | 305-348-2751 College Law Rooms | 305-348-6296 | 305-348-1118 Courtrooms and Classrooms in RDB | Only Available to College of Law Clubs FIU Stadium Club | 305-348-4327 Frost Art Museum | 305-348-2890 Graham Center Reservations | 305-348-2297 Koven’s Conference Center | 305-348-2063 | 305-919-5926 | 305919-5000 | MARC Building | Recreation Center | 305-348-2063 | 305-348-2951 SIPA Café | 305-348-7266 SIPA Lobby | 305-348-7266 SIPA Terrace (North and South | 305-348-7266 VH 100 Dance Studio | 305-348-2895 W-6 Building | 305-348-6268 | 305-348-2897 Wertheim Conservatory | 305-348-2201 | 305-348-1319 Wertheim Performing Arts Center | 305-348-2636 Wertheim Performing Arts Center Auditorium | 305-348-1998 Wolfe University Center | 305-919-5912 42 Schedulers_Training_PS__Rev_02_04_2014