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Your Community’s Business SERVING STRATFORD, ST. Business MARYStoand all ofNewspaper PERTH COUNTY Stratford, St. Marys & Rates Perth County Advertising Published Monthly • Circulation 7,500 Ad Size 1 Issue 3x Issues 6x Issues 12x Issues Full Page $1,200. $1,080. $960. $840. $650. $585. $520. $455. $350. $315. $280. $245. $200. $180. $160. $140. $125. $112.50 $100 $87.50 (10%) (20%) (30%) 10.375” x 12.5” Half Page 10.375” x 6.25” or 5.145” x 12.5” Quarter Page 5.145” x 3.125” Eighth Page 5.145” x 3.125” Sixteenth Page 2” x 4” or 5.145” x 1.5625” NEW Business Card $50 3.25” x 2” Flyer/Inserts $65. per thousand Specified Position $50. Surcharge Front Page Banner 10.375” x 1.75” $499. (includes full colour) Colours: Full Colour $100. Single Colour $50. 2011 10 REAL ES TATE LIS TINGS Oc tob er Call your ad rep today per full colour listingto book your space! Less than 3 Listings To$40 reserve ad space contact: YOUR CO MMUN INDUST ITY'S BUS INESS TO BUSINE SS REA L ESTATE LISTINGS RIAL | OFFICE 390 MAI N ST. W., LISTOWEL FOR SAL E | RETAIL | INVEST 101 QUE EN | ST. MA RYS NITIES 434-440 LEASE $30 IN STRATF ORD MENT | OPPORU ST., ST. MAR YS TURNBE RRY ST., BRUSSEL S FOR SAL E | PERTH COUNTY 170 ONT ARIO ST., STRATFO RD 433 ERIE ST., LEASE • Exce STRATFO ptional RD • 3 dinin hom g room e & business s for sale FOR SAL Call • Great • 2 entra E $399,000 for details.opportunity. nces • High Brian Barfo • front + 900 traffic area ot* Pea MLS 146141 k Prem • 1100 Auc month ($600 sq.ft. in back ier Rea 519-444- tions Inc. Brok /mnth prope • Central Air sq.ft. in lty & • Building 8844 (D) erag • $1,000/ Sutto rty/ut 519-273- e & Busin Brokerage n Group First Choi ilities) • MLS 79657 190 ONT 2821 (O) Apt's abov ess • Over . Independe ce Realt 1 ARIO ST., 7000 e Traffi y • Large sq ft • 3 Ltd., Cathie Szmo ntly Own c Loca STRATFO • 2510 sq.ft. n** 519-2 ed & Operated Coldwell Banktion • $239,000Lot • High RD Office Spac 84-4515 • MLS 2405 er All Point • Front 425 Broke (O) e & Rear FOR SAL • Handicap rage Indep TURNBE s-Festival 48 RRY ST., E City Real Acce sq.ft. net access •Close Jeff McC endently Owne BRUSSEL ty. to Shopping ssible • Licen + $5.50/sq.ft d ulloch* Sutto S 519-348-08& Operated sed . cam • Brokerage n Group First Choi • MLS 97308 $10/ exposure B&B • 5 bdrms/5 00 (O) 925 ONT FOR SAL 4 . Independe ce Realt ARIO ST., • Landscapin• Beautifully deco bths • Major Highw E y Ltd., ntly Own Grant Buxto STRATFO ay g unmatched rated • High n* 519-2 ed & Operated RD ceilings • $470,000 71-5515 REMAX • MLS 15076 57 WO (O) Brokerage FOR SAL a-b ODSTOC 8 Independe Realty Ltd. Kathie Skowb E K ST. S., y* & Susan ntly Owned & TAVISTO Molenhuis* Operated CK 519-273-28 395 FOR SAL 6 RD. 160 21 (O) • Fast grow E , MITCHELL reputatio ing industry • team alrean • 1140 sq.ft. Great location office & dy in plac LEASE • Recently e • $20,0 • Well trained Reno 00 • MLS REMAX Brokerage 955579 • Fenced Privacy vated • High Traffic a-b Independe Realty Ltd. Area • Core Susan Molen Location ntly Owne huis* & Gary Coldwell • $59,900 • MLS Commercial Zonin • Be Van Bakel d & Operated Bank g • Estabyour own boss • One 368211 ** 519-273-2821 19 WAT Brokerage er All Points-Fes lished of a ERLOO (O) Indep tival City growing econreputation • Nutrit kind turnkey busine ST., STRA Jeff McC endently Owne Realty. ion - one ss omies today TFORD d ulloch* • High Traffic 519-348-08& Operated • $200,000 of the fastest Downtown REMAX • MLS 19522 184 ONT 00 (O) Central Brokerage LEASE a-b 5 ARIO ST., Independe Realty Ltd. Susan Molen Renting forCommercial • 2 Location • Zone STRATFO ntly Owne d Bdrm huis* & Gary • 7 office RD Coldwell $700/mnth • $219, Appartmen Van Bakel d & Operated t s, 2 floors Banker All 900 ** 519-273-2821 A - 684 Brokerage board of office Points-Fes • MLS 928554 LEASE Indep (O) ONTARIO receptionroom, coffee and space including City Sandra endently Ownetival ST., STRA area • $8.50 lunch d & Opera Realty Eby* 519-2 TFORD ted REMAX /sq.ft. NET rooms and 73-4400 a-b Real • MLS 6000 (O) 51 ONT Brokerage ty Ltd. LEASE ARIO ST., 96 Michelle Independently 519-273-2821 MITCHELL Chessell Owned & Opera (O) * 519-275ted E 5004 (D) - 684 ONT FOR SAL • Close to ARIO ST., E STRATFO Area w/3 Downtown • Main RD Floor Rece $196.94 (txs)Offices & Lunc ption h Rm LEASE & $36.04 • Commerc Sutton Grou (insurance• $1200/mnth ) • MLS 46407 Brokerage p First • 2000 Sq.Ft ial Space in Downtow . Independe Choice Realt 8 . in High y Ltd., ntly Own Grant Buxto $5.50 cam Traffic Location n Plaza • High Expo n* 519-2 ed & Operated & HST • • $9 net Sutto 71-5515 & sure • FREE Brokerage n Group First ChoiMLS 103991 (O) • East LAND OPP . Independe ce Realt • HandicapEnd Plaza • 1000Parking • 3126 sq.ft. ORTUNIT y Ltd., ntly Own Grant Buxto sq.ft. IES washroom • Turnkey n* 519-2 ed & Operated Sutto s • $14/s for Storage 71-5515 Brokerage n Group First Choi q.ft. • MLS 91625 • Grea Business (O) UNIT 2 . Independe ce Realt 2 • Goo t Reputat • Great Visa y Ltd., ion • bility ntly Own Grant Buxto d Leas FOR LEAS35 SCOTT ST., • 2400 sq.ft. n* 519-2 ed & Operated Coldwell Bank e • $69,000Well Stocked STRATFO E - 2700 71-5515 functiona • Sq.ft RD Parking • in busy east end Brokerage er All Points-Fes MLS 2739 (O) l and secu. of I2 zoned 85 Major Hwy plaza • Indep tival City KENTON re spac Jeff McC endently Owne Use Realty. MLS your ST., $5.50 CAM Exposure • $12/nPlenty of e. 2415 Shackleto own MITCHELL d ulloch* 77 Sutto et plus • MLS these large builder & be 519-348-08& Operated Brokerage n's Real Estat Brokerage n Group First Choi 927189 Huron Per 00 (O) lots on Kento in your own e & Auct Independe MLS . Independe ce Realt home 77161 n ion th Associa ntly St. • Colin Jam on Owned Co. 7 • 67'x1 y Ltd., ntly Own Grant Buxto & Opera 30' $69,9 60'x147' $64,900 tion of REA es* 519REMAX ted n* 519-2 ed & Operated 00 MLS 97372 a-b Real 276-0430 Category LTORS® 71-5515 Brokerage ty 1 (C) Ltd. Gene Dolla (O) 519-273-28 Independe NORTH rated on: 2011 r Value Michelle ntly 21 Septembe Business PERTH Chessell Owned & Opera (O) 2010 % r 9, 2011 Only ted Commercial * Chan Medi 519ge an SALES REP 275-5004 $0 Industrial 2011 Sales (D) Average $0 RESENT $0 2010 Multi Famil Sales 2011 ATIVE **B $0 $0 y Units Vacant 2010 Land $0 ROKER $0 2011 Sold PERTH % 2010 Chan *** BRO $0 $0 New Listin Business EAST ge KER OF gs Active $0 2011 2010 Only 0 Comm per full colour listing Karl Grobbecker 519.271.8002 ext. 222 Greater than 3 Listings Bob Shannon 519.271.8002 ext. 225 $25 | Your Com dcount munity's ry.metro Business land.c to Business om New spaper per text only listing Val Trudgeon 519.271.8002 ext. 228 Monthy Commerc ial Stats or IC&I stats. by Category Christy Bertrand 519.271.8002 ext. 231 * /Type Au townan The Busin ess Tim es Commercial/Industrial Kara 519.284.2440 RealStevens Estate Listingsext. 108 RECOR * Ask your realt or The ONL Y publica tion ded icated to help ing your nex you find t home. One plac e your ope to look for n hou listings , with an se easy to find loca FREE insil map de D for deta ils ercial Industrial Multi Famil y Vacant Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PERTH Business SOUTH Only Commercial Industrial Multi Famil y Vacant Land one-stop $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ST. MAR YS Business Only Commercial Industrial Multi Famil y Vacant Land Can't find house the open you looking were for? Call Chris ty at 519-2 to find your 71-8002 Town & home inside Country.* WEST PER TH Business Only Commercial Industrial Multi Famil y Vacant Land STRATFO Business RD Only Commercial Industrial Multi Famil y Vacant Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $535 $0 $685,000 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $208,000 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Listings 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 gust 20 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 Melissa Hart 519.284.2440 ext. 107 $535 229.33% $360,000 $535 $208,000 $342,500 $208,000 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 100.00% 0 2 2 1 0 1 5 2 2 0 4 31 12 4 0
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