505 - University of Illinois Archives
505 - University of Illinois Archives
INDEX Aaronson. A L.. appointment, 377 degree, 629 A. A. U. W. membership, 50 Abbell, M.. C.P.A. certificate, 19 Abbott. A. K.. scholanhio. c8+ Abbott; A. N.; appointm;nt& i 9 . 461 Abbott, H. C., dqprec. 265 Abel, T. F., a p ointments, 330. 377. 585 Abel, Mrs. T. appointments. 447, 538 Abelson S. M., degree 629 Aber, L: M.. d e ree, 6;o Abrams, A. Fr,g2r:2c55444 Abramson, Absence. leave of, JCC Leave of absence Accident compensation, awarded. 479 report. 40 request, 640 Accountancy Act. new, 291 reports. 462, 559 Accountancy Committee. appointment, 276 report. 151, 466 Accredited schools. 197 Ackerman A degree, 252 Ackermanh. $.B., C.P.A. certificate. I90 Ackley, A. M.,appointment, 66 Acosta, E. V., appointments, 330. 5 2 5 Adair C. G., degree a59 Ada& A. B., degrle. 263 Adams. L. A.. appointment. 331 Adama, L. R.. degree, 247 Adams. R., a pointments. zoo, 323, 521. 599 discovery, Peprosy treatment, 592 Adams, W. G.. degree, 174 Adams, W. R., degrrc, 629 Adams. W. S., appointment, 400 Adams and Hatch Funds 344 Adamstone F. B., appoin)tmcnts, 15, 331 Addes, M. k..degree. 268 Addresser of former ntndcnts, sale of lists proposed zv Adducci D. E., degree 43 I Ade. B. ’F.. deeree. 2 :; Aden. C. F., a; o h t k e n t . 318 Adkins W legrec, 608 Adler, h. d;*appointmtnt, 294 Adler, J., degrees. 81, 444 Administration Building. name extended t o eaat wing, 637 Administrative offices. summary, 374. Admission. chemistry, language requme- ment 230 Admissiod to COIICRC of Medicine, requite- ments 139 Admission‘ Division of budget, 317 Advertisink of Univers/ty 277 Agar, H. L., appointmcnt’750 Amsim. L. G.. C.P.A. cerhirate. roo Agricultural advisory committees. 49, 4 6 0 Avricultural balances, 3 9 Agricultural Econonucs, budget. 3 5 1 Agricultural Education budget, 336 expense, 334 salaries, 3 Agricultnral~=pcrimentStation, budpct. 343 Agricultural Memorial. 41 I Agricultural research 171 520. 562, 598 Agriculture Building,’ new: ridcwalks, 365 old. remodeling, 36 Agriculture, College budget, 343 bud e t a r y needs, 642 builsings, new. contract$ 48 commercial activitiei, 5 8 4 experiment fields, discontinuance, I 14 extension service. federal funds, 298 &.. k 01, Agriculture, electricity in, 171 Agriculture committee, report 561, 588 Agriculture scholarships, e r t e h o n , 9 Apn’culturLSt, appropriation cancelled, 191 t o high schools. 149 Agronomy, balances appropriated. 39 budner. 345 building, remodeling, 365 cottage. 82 expe&e. 343 Pana experiment field discontinued, I 14 Vienna experiment field discontinued. 272. 298 Aikman, R. W., Aker L P degree 513 Albaib .MI:degree: 444 Alberr,’V. M appointments, 203. 341 deprec. 26: Albek fi. 6..degree, 514 Albert’ P. M degree, 613 Albert;. H. W.,degree, 5 1 3 Albrecht P. G., dcgrce, 444 Albright,’D., appointments, 119, 223. 316 M., degree, 253 Alcivar degree 444 Alcock’G.’E. appbintmtnt, 353 Aldriri C. degree. 63 I hldricb’ E. T “degree 2 5 2 Alerhir; M. E., deg& 249 AlcxandLr D. S., degrie, 81 Alexander: E. H., appointment, 447 Alexander, J., appointments. 330, 5 2 5 deercr. 262 Alexind:r; Id. H., degree, 257 Alford. F. L., degree, 267 Allais, I. A., degree, 619 Alleman, N. J., appointment, 64.5 degree 617 Allen, C.’E., appointment, 332 degree, 400 Allen, C. L., a pointment, 4 0 0 Allen D C., &grre 608 Allen: F.. M., degree: 247 Allen, H. J., degree, 258 Allen K. G., degree, 429 Allen: L. R.. degree, 5 14 Allen, Lilburn, appointments, 66, 346 Allen, Lucile, appointment, 353 Allen M E degree, 247 Allen: O k . ibt purchased from, I 14 property, option, 45 purchased, 8z Allen, R appointment&,49. 461 Allen, R:’T., degret, 5 14 Allen property, option on, 45 purchase, 8 2 Allentharp. R. R., degree, 612 Allison B. H degree. 254 Alliwn’ C. B.: degree, 250 Allison’ D. 0.. degree. 430 Allnut; L B degree 6 1 3 Almond, N., dcgre;, 268 Alseth H. J a pointment, 321 Alsteriund, 6. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Alter D. R. appointmcuts, 336. 377 Aludni recoids, budget, 318 Amberson, H. R.. appointmcntu. 277. 391 desrce, i f 4 Ambrose S., appointment, 348 Ambuhl.’F. I., appointment, 585 Amelotti, E., degree, 430 w’ A. i., 647 648 BOARD OF TRUSTEES American Medical Colleges Asnociation. appro- priation for, 387 Amer!can Seating Comppny. contract, 285 American Steel Foundriea, cooperative work, 242 American Telephone and TeIegraph Co., con- tract, I 18 H. A.. de,gree, 629 H.. appointment. 505 Ammann J. F appointment. 461 Amory. 1.E.,)r.. degree. 80 Amtman, L. E., degree. 629 Ander, 0. F., scholarship, 584 Anders, G. M.. degree, 612 Anders P., appointment, 324 Andera;h. M. A.. degree, 611 Andersen A C.P.A. examiner 559 Anderson. A:’G appointment;, 332. 520 Anderson’ A. M appojntments, 322. 336 Anderaon: A. W:: appointments, 243. 3 2 1 Anderson, C. B., degree, 175 Anderson, C. C., degree, 256 Anderson, C. D., degree. 617 scholarship, 584 Anderson, C . R., appointments, 15, 5 3 8 Anderson. C. S., appointmenta, rgg. 336 degree. 106 Anderson, D. C.P.A. certificatc, 190 Anderson, E. appointment. 321 Anderson, F. E., degree 247 Andenon, H. I., degree,’6o8 Anderson, H. degrec, 515 Anderson, H. a pointmcnt, 350 Anderson. Harold, legree, 106 Anderson, Harriett. appointment. 329 Anderson, J. C., appointment, 346 Anderson, W. C.. degree, 257 M., degree. 629 Anderson, Anderson, L. G., degree, 624 Anderson, P. M., appointment, 317 C.P.A. certificate. 398 degree, 61z Anderson, R., degree, 429 Anderson. R. E. degree. 631 Anderson. R. H: appointments, 192,g28.4or degree, 400 Anderron, S. M., degree, a47 Anderson, V. O., degree, 268 Anderson. W. B., degrets. 173, 400 Anderson W. D degree 514 Anderson: W. T.-, dcgree,’613 * Andree, H. F., degree, 630 Andrew, J., W., appointment, 192 commission, 261 degrees, 2 4 623 ~ Andrews A. .,appointments, 392, 401 Andrews: D. G., degree, 257 Andrews, E., appointments, 166, 447 Andrews, F. B.. C.P.A. examiiier, 463 Anell. E. W., appointment. 320 degree. 619 Animal Husbandry. budget, 346 expense, 343 salaries, 343 refrigerating laboratory, 505 Animal Husbandry 41. laboratory fee. 122 Annexation. Stadium area. 561 Annual Register, printins contract, 125, 477 Appelman. H. L., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Appelman, M. J.,degree, 256 Ap le, C., appointment, 447 L e e , 44 Apple, (I..>., appointment. 107 cornmiasion, a61 degrees, 81 z I Applegate, D: degree, 257 Applegate, K. H.,degree, 268 Applegate R. B degree 256 Applegath: L. A: degree: 608 Appleton, J. B., appointmenti, 234. 327 f:?%%: ~ k, b., k. 2, Ap linp. J. W., appointment, 66 Bcgrce, 400 Appointment forms,new, 271 Ap ropriations &ricultural Experiment Station, 42 AfriculluriJ! to high schools, 149 aasintants for L.A.S 495 Association of Amc;kan Medical Col- leges, 387 automobile, 642 binding books. Law, 9 bonds, College of Physicians and Sur- geons. 460 budget, 1925-26. 3 13-66 buildings, Architecture, 295 Armory addition, 295 Auiitorium. panic locks, 5 9 9 piers, 171 ventilating, 367 blacksmith shop. 46 boiler house addition, 7 Commerce, old, remodeling, 367 dairy barn, 7 Gymnasium, basement room, 548 lockers, 367 loud speaker. 367 Gymnasium Addition, 295 Library, new, decorating, 367 second unit, 295 Library, old, remodeling, 83 McKinley Hospital, plumbing, I I 8 service extensions, 7 Medical Research, 42 heating and water. I 14 help, 149 Pharmacy, 2%. 544 Physics, remodeling, 146 warehouse, storage, 7 West Residence Hall, 204 Woman’s Residence Hall, 82 Business office, 459 Cahokia mounds, 426 Chicago departments, wafer bill, 459 Chicago property. repairs, 385 clearance of south campus, 592 College of Medicine, summer courses, 559 Commerce, moving expenoe, 367 Comptroller’s office 549 C o d Count Expt;iment Station, 50s Crathorne, R honorarium, 102 Dairy Hurbandr‘;. 562 Dairy Manufactures, service extensions, 7 death benefit, Wm. Fogarty, 519 W. L. Harris. 5c6 Ralph Pritchard, 459 dcbating, promotion of, 487 Dentistry. equipment, 386 drainage project, south farm. 367 Economics, instructors, 40 exhibjt, D a t a 1 Congress. 592 Univeraity, a t Chicago, 45 Faulkne-. B., traveling expense, 5 1 8 fencing University woods 119 fire damage, Dental Building, $98 General Assembl visit, 228 grading Florida Avenue. 48 Graduate fellowahioa a n d scholarshion. r493 51s Health Service, 5Gr Honorr Day expense. 196 hospital beds, rental, 76 insurance, Chicago buildings. 8 stadium. tornado. 6 interest and taxes 8, 494 investigation. student living conditions. 425 land, College Place, Foster, Picknell. Csrpen- ter properties, 384 J. W. Swain’i, 383 lot z 148 lot 6: 197 A. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Appropriation. conr’d. lot 11. 148 lot 29. 548 lot 86, 478 lot 160,82 indebtedness, 83 Cook County Truck Experiment Farm, 136 Ells. c Hc.4. 400 fioyd-iG;f-Martin property, 44 Roland property 274 Landsca e G a r d e d n summer school, 177 Law, Cotegc of, binifkg books, D Library, moving expenee, 367 . loud speaker apparatus, Gymnasium, 367 meats refrigerating laboratory, 505 Medical library, 148. 505 stacks, 171 Medical Research Hospital, expense. 42 heating and water, 114 help, 149 Military bands, 5 18 Military equipment, 9 Military overcoats, renovation, 8. 291 moving, Library, 367 tenant houses, 367 Musjc School. piano, j48 nutntion investigation, 5 2 0 organ, Recital Hall, 146 panic locks, Auditorium, Gymnasium, 599 parade ground, grading. 367 Paateur treatment 518 Patents Committ;c 102 paving, Armory Avenue. 367 Fourth Street, 7 south campus, 571 Stadium approaches. 7 y v i n g and lighting assessments. 118. 493 harmacy. School of, 458 equipment and salaries, 5 Physical Education for women, 149 Physical Plant Extension budact, 493 Physicians and Surgeons bonds. purchase, 342, 460 Platt, C. A., services, 593 President’s car. ?OA printing 1914 t;;Gdiai report. 230 property, C. S. Dale, 273 Stebbins and Walcott, 47 Prussing & Co.. 305 repairs, Carter property, 594 South Farm drainage proiect. 367 Stadium, grounds improvements, 83. r 1 8 trees, 136 sterilization apparatus, 290 summer school, Landscape Gardening, 177 Su,pervising Architect, studies of new build- ings, 14 tiling, grading. new lots, 419 traveling expenses, B. Faulkner, 518 turbine. 7 walks. k u t h campus. 571 wells, new. 7 Archer, L. B., appointment, 339 depree 106 Architec2a feca, new buildings. report of, $11 Architects for Architecture Building, 295 Armory Addition, 295 Pharmac Additioe, 385 Arndt, F. degree. 255 Arneson, M., appointment. 359 Arnold, C. N., appointment, 339 Arnold I. P a pointment. 107 Arnold: L. R:, Segree, r7i Arnold R. D degree. 398 Arntzek J. degree, 254 Aronofsiy E” degree 63 I Aronson, b. k,d e g d e 6 2 0 Aronron, J. M.,degrec,’619 &., d‘ 649 Arrick, D. C.,degree, 613 Arrington. J. N.,scholarship, 584 Art and Design, budget, 322 ex enre, 322 saParies. 322 Arthur, G. L, degree, zq7 Arvin, J. A., degree, 251, 625 scholanbip, 122 Ash E. R de ree, 259 AshbauKh:)R. degree, 81 Ashby R. C., appointment, 3-50 Asher.’O.. appoinfmentr, 286, 335 Ashton, M..appointment. 3 3 0 Askey, R. O., degree, 616 Asman. C. F.. contract. 628 Assessment, Urbana liphtbg system, 415,493 Assistants, for Political Science, 495 SpcioIogY., 495 Assistantship. research, gift of, 43 Architerture, budget, 337 expense, 337 salaries, 337 Architecture Building, appropriation, 2.95 architects, 295 location, 221 plans 525 ArchiteLture fellowship. Plym. awarded, 78, 231 276,599 Architefture prize, Christian Gross. cstab- liahed 505 Arends. L. V.. dearee. 2 w Aries, H. S., app&tme%r, 362, 447 Arkema H.P degree, 617 Arming;on M‘.’E. degree 254 Armitagc. k. B., degrees.’268, 444 Armory Addition. appropriation, 295 architects, 295 contract, 571 heating equipment, 641 plumbing contract, 640 wiring contract, 640,644 Armory Avenue. pavin5, 294 Armstrong, A. A., appointments, 49. 460 Armetrong, R. M. appointment. 328 Armstrong, G. B.,’appointment, 353 title changed, 393 Armstrong, G. C.. degree, 616 Armstrong, L., degree, 611 Armstrong, kf.,de ree 611 Armstrong. R. C., tegiee, 267 Armstrong. R. E., degree, zso Armstrong, R. W., appointments, 277, 342 degree, 255 Astronomy, budget, 322 exoense. t a z saiaries,‘ j22 Atanasoff. J. V., scholarship, 243 Athanas, G. V., degree, 267 Athletic Association. directors, rBq, 563 research project, za7, 397 tract, plotting of, 229 sold, 274 Athletic Coaching, budget, 334 expense, 334 salaries 334 Athletics Hnd Physical Education, research i J b 227. 397 Atkinson C. E., appointment, 321 Atkinson’ J. E degree 173 Attick M. L. ’Acgree, ;47 Atwook. E. M., appointment, 6 6 Auble, D. J., degree, 618 Audit reports, 50, 84, 212,242. 394. 432, 598 Auditing Division, budget, 3 16 Auditorium, panic locka. 3-99 piers repaired. 171. 1p0 ventilatin&- 367 Augustine, E., degree, 254 Austin, M. M..appointmeutr, 324. 401 Austin, R. P.. degree, 249 5.. BOARD 01 Austin. T. E.. degree, 429 Austin, V. 0..degree 2 I Austin Manufacturin'g Zo., Automobile for Agricultural%!~~c%on, 642 for President, 394, 560 Automobiles, campus regulations. 43, I 14 private, University use, 206 h b b B. Y degree, 608 B a b i a g e . 2 , degree, 618 Babbitt, E.. appointment. 340 Babbitt, R. M., Jr., commission. 622 degree, 608 Babcock. K. C., appointments. 315. 3, 2 2 leave of absence. to7 Babicky, F., dcg&"6;8 Babson, F. K., gtft, 549 Baccur, J. H. degree. 259 Bach E. L., degree 613 BachLm, A., appoinknenta, 127,362 title changed, 199 Bacon, A. T., C.P.A. examiner, 463 Bacon. C. M., degree, 251 Bacon, C. S., appointments, 389, 427 profecaor emeritus, 505 Bacteriology, budget, 3 23 ex ente 322 saErics: 3 2 2 Bacteriolog and Pathology budget, 360 Baden, P. degree, 619 Badger, C. J., appointment, 346 G degree 615 degre; 608 Baeisky. L. S., de&, 516 Bagley, F. A.. degree, 266 Baalev. H. A.. dewee. rao Bakoct; A., appointments; 317, 401 Bailey B degree. 611 Bailey: C: appointments, 323, 401 degree, 622 Bailey, H. 0..degree, zsz Bailey, H. P., degree, 259 Bailey, H. W.. appointment, 2 0 2 de Tee, 628 felfowsbip, 2 2 8 Bailey. L., a pointment, 337 Bailey M. E,! degree, 259 Bailey: W. F., degree 263 Bailey and Himtr. c o k r a c t , 285 Bailre, R. M., deKree. 265 Bailie, V. W., appointment, 3 1 Baille-Barrclle patent, assignea t o Univcr- sit 187 purcl;se*, 151 Baily. H. H., appointment, 332 Baird, G. B., degree. 79 Baird, K. A., degree, 6 2 0 Bairrtow. J. E., degree. 258 Baker. D., degree, 250 Baker, D. R.;degree. 250 Baker E. L., degrees ? I 444 Baker: Edna E., degree, boe Baker. Mrs. Estella E.. aonointment., A... d7 Baker; F. C., appointment, 331 Baker, G. A., degree, 51s Baker. I. J., scholarship 223 Baker, I. O., appointm;nt, 339 Baker, J. B., appointment, 342 Baker, J. C., appointment, 377 Baker. I. E.. wile. 271 Bake; LL.; demce. i s 4 Bake; A., degree, 247 Baker: R. E., degree. 620 Baker, R. H., appointment6. zoo, 322, 5 2 1 Baker. R. V.. denrec. 668 Baker prize fund-securities, 87 Baker's Building. refitting for Pharmacy, 544 Balduf, W. V appointment, 327 Baldwin, E. 6. appointments, 2 0 1 , 32; Baldwin. J. H., degree, 252 k, k: k.i:, 6.. I _. RUSTEES Baldwin, M. L.. degree, 620 Raldwin..'l M., appointments, 177,347 degree. 173 Baldwin. T. W., appointments, 296, 326, 5 2 Bales, E. J., degree, 618 Balin, M., appointment, 401 degree, 169 Ball, D. K., degree, 61 z scholarship, 584 appo!ntment, 5 0 5 appo~ntments,347,377 degree, 431 Ball S. S degree, 25 BallLntinz, H.W., C.$.A. committee, 463 Ballard, F. B., degree, a50 Ballard, L. A., degree, 429 Bslier, J. E., a pointment, 645 Balsley, S. J.. fegree 7.47 Bamber. L. E., appoktment, 3 3 1 Barnberger A., appointment, 391 Bancroft, 4. R., degree 629 Bands, Military, ~ tMiiitary t Bande Bandy, J. H.. degree, 613 scholarship 584 Bandy, L. W:, degree, 260 Bane, M. L., degree, 250 Baninter, G., degree. 617 Bannister, C., degree, 5 1 5 Banno T., degree, 264 Banta,'C. E., degree, 173 Banta, E. B., degree, 247 Banton, H. degree, 629 Barber, A. degrees, 247. 629 Barber, A. H., executor, Carter Estnte, 5 9 3 Barber, C. D., degrees, 149, 6 2 3 rcholarahi zzz Barber, C. degree, 629 Barber, &M.. appoi?tments, 326, 401 Barber, B., appointments, 119, 447 Barcur, G. L., appointment, 166 Barcus, 0. G., degree. 80 Bard, R., degree, 267 Bardwell, W. U., degree, 247 Barker, I. C., rchdarrhip. 2 2 2 Barkley, P. C., degree, 247 Barnes, H. B., degree, 2 5 2 Barnes, I. M.. appointment, 350 Barnes, M. H., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Barnes, R. S., degree, 259 Barnes W. E J r degree, 631 Barnet;, F. hi:. d&e, 258 Barnett. J. A.. degree, 631 Barr, C.. degree, 608 B a n , D. L., appointment, 107 degree, 430 Barr, J. W., commission. 622 derree. 617 B a ~ ; L . - ' ~ . ~ h e p e 608 e, Barr R. J degree 257 Barrett. C:'W., apbointment, 388 Barrett, H. E., degree, 173 appointments, 325, 342, 447 Barw. E.* L.. avoointments. 121. 401 Barriie, W. B.; &pees, z6&-516 . Barta J . T. de rec, 621 Rarteis, E. t g r e e , 266 Bartholomew, H..appointment, 350 Bartle, K. L., degree, 618 Bartling. H. A., degree, 25s Barto. H. T.. appointment, 349 Barton, H. J., amotint of allowance, 636 appqintment, 315 hearing. 590 retirement 6 5 Barton H. S :, Aegree, 2 5 2 Barto;, V., appointments, 177, 324 Baaeball grand-atand, 414, 468 Bantman E. G., degree. 255 Bashaw 'c. W.. degree, 631 Baskes,'C. G., degree. 631 . Ett:FH., 2:: f: . fi. e., UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Baekin R E degree, 620 Bau. H &ee. 43 I Ba.8. P. B:degrees. 269,6g r Basutt. C. F., apwintments.107. IPZ. 3 27 Bassett, V. V., degree, 262 Baasic W. R.. degree 616 Basta,'J. 0.. degree, 23 I Bateman. D.L,appointment, 324 de me. 261 fclfowshk 583 Bateman T., degree 618 Bateman: M. B., dcgrc;. 620 Bates M. M.,appointment, 360 Batkd, J. B.. degree, 267 Batman, C. L., degree, 259 Batman, D., appointments, 66, 177 Baucr, E. E., appointment, 338 Bauer. F. A., degree, 613 Baucr, F. C., appointments, 345. 353 Bluer. degree. 513 Bluer. C., degree 159 Baughman H. E .. d&ree, 247 Baughman' P. H.. degree, 255 Bnuld K. dc ree. 608 Bauminn P& hkg. Ca, contracts. 273, 571 Baumgardner, A.. degree, 247 Bnumgartner G. J dc ree, 444 Bsuml J. L 'de r& 2& Baum&ker: E. degree, 63 r Bauser, T. R., degree. 3 9 9 Baxter, F. N., a pointment. 401 degrees, 398 g23 Baxter G. M ' degree 608 Baxter: 0.W:; appoiitment, 66 Baxter, R. K appointment 364 Baiter, T. H :: armointment;. 102. AAT Barter; W.,appoktments. 107,'326,'44; ' 9 553 Bnxter, W. O., degree. 623 Baylea, L. hi.. degree. 620 Ef. b. k k., Beale, L. R., appointment, 447 Beall, K. S., degree, 514 Beam, Mrs. M. W., appointment, 553 Beam. P. C . deeree. --z ,c 2 Bean,'F. a poxntment, 470 Bean S. &.,kgree, 616 Beno;, H.E.. appointment. 332 degree, 2 5 1 Beard, H..appointment, 388 Beard J H ap ointment, 357 to h;rciciiicv Aosoital staff. zoo Beardsle ,K.;deg&e, 608 ' Beatty degree, 172 Beatty: F. M.. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Beatty, W. H.. de ree. 247 degree, 259 Beaugurcau. H. Beauman, G., appointment, 461 Beaumont Memorial fond. 517 Beaver. 1. F.. deeree. 61% --Beaver; J. M;,-appointment. 3 15 Bcazlcy, E A., degree, 247 Bechtold,- 1U. D.,,appointmcnt. 327 Bcck, J. C., appointment, 390 Becker G degree 255 Beeker: G:R.. dc&ee. 2 c 1 Becker; H. C.; apj;ointm;;lts, r77, 553 Beckwith. R. E.. degree, 608 Bed.. hoapitnl, appropriation, 76 B e c k . T. G.. commiieion. 622 degm. 613 Beebg, H.J.. appointment. 329 :, I ~-~ &., d. . _---. 6.51 Beem, W. E.. degree, 79 Beggs, T. P., degree, 616 Beguesu H. H degrees, 175, 629 Behrcor,'M. A "a pointments, 332, 377 Behrens, N. W: &gree, 619 Beiaer, C. H., degree 25 I Belford R. L.. degree, 256 Bell C.'M degree zs9 de&, 79 Bell: D. A:"., Bell. J. C., degree 252 Bell. .1. F., appoi&ments. 177, 401 degree, 78 Bell, M. A., degree, 259 Bell M. E., degree 247 Bell. N. I degree ,247 Bell' P. P" degree' 173 Bell' V. dcgre; 608 ~ e i i ' ~ e iLone e co:, contract, 117 Belnsp, I.! E degree 444 Belshaw, F. E , degre;. 621 Belshaw, M.I.., degree, 249 Beloley, M.H., degree, 608 ncholarship, 584 Beltink. T.. degree, 629 Belz degree 631 BenGow, F. W.. digree, 6 3 0 Benda F. J degree, 258 Bende;, H. appointment. 323 Bendir Brake Co gift, 5 9 2 Bendle C . J dekree 251 Bened;tto, i.'M., dckree, 267 Bcnedict, A., degree 174 Benedict. B. W.,ap&intment,,339 Beneficiaries, death benefit, designation, 572 Bengston, H., degree a63 Bcngtron, B. N., degkes, 267. 5 1 2 Benjamin, A. C., appointmcnta. 329. 5~ 4 Benjamin, P. K., degree, 620 Bennett, C. D.. dcpree, 255 Bennett, C. W., degree, 612 Bennett E. F degree, 444 Bennett: G a&ointment 66 Bennett, G:'H., degree. 5 i.1 Bennett H., degree, 173 Rennet; L., degree, 247 Bennett, degree, 608 Bennett, T. L., appointments, 328, 401. +.' {., x., &.. B$e:n: ?.'M., degree, 623 scholarship. 223 Bennett W. H degree, 629 Benncti W. L.: appointments, 316, 325 Bennitt, F. D.Tdegrte, 106 Bensema. C. E., degree, 629 Beuton, E. G., scholarship, 584 Benson, G. E., a pointment, 447 Benaon, W. R.. &gees, 269, 516 Bentley G E degree. 5 1 2 Bcutlcy: G: HY, appointment, 326 Bentlcy, M.,appointments, 203, 329 Benzie, C. A., degree, 629 Bequest, Eaten, Jessie, 517 Hare, Sam& 42 Haweia, Gertrude E., so6 Berardi, B degree. $29 Berchtoid: w': E.. appointment. 447 Berdahl, C. A., appointment, 329 leave of absence, 5 jo Beredord. A., appointment, 3 54 Berg, C. P.,appointment, 6 0 2 degree 399 Berg, D.'J. van den. degree. 81 Berg, H. A., appointment, 349 degree, 4 t 8 ialar adjustment 9 Berg, &:an den,'appointmcnra, 354. 523 Berg, 0. degree, 249 Berg. 0.W.van den, appointment, 192 degree, Bcrgcim. d!:appointment. 361 If: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bergen, Mts. H. D.. appointmenta. 15. 277. 358 Bergen, H.,degree. 619 Bcrger, fk, degree, 615 Berger, R. O., C.P.A. examiner, 463 Bergman, G. M., degree. 173 Bergmann. 0. T.. degree, 400 Bergmann, T., appointment, 66 Berkowitz, F. E., degree. 79 Berkowitz, P., degree, 254 Berleman E. L.. degree, 618 Berman, L., degree, 631 Berman, C., degree, 175 Berman E a pointmentc, 1g9, 333 Berman: H:, g g r e c , 268 Berman. S. L.. appointment, 447 Bernardo. M. V., degree 623 Bernbaum, E., appointmknts, 201,325 394.522 Berner, J. L., degree. 615 Bernstein, M., degree 631 Bernstein, S., C.P.A. kertificate, 398 Bernstein, T. B., degree 629 Berry, L. S., degree, 63; Berzunza appointment, 243 Bcshcrs, &I., degree, 173 Best M. V degree 247 Be&, C. J:: degree: 267 appointment, 107 &zeTF!:H., appointments, 5 6 , 2 6 2 , 335, 522 Bevan, A. C., appointment 327 Beveridge H. R., appointmknt, 243, 3 2 9 Beverly. 6. E.. commission. 622 degrel 617 . Bevia hi. L.,degree. 429 Bickei, J. j.,dc rce, 429 Bids, opening of, procedure. 641 Bidwell D. I.., scholarahip, 645 Bidwell: G. J., degree, 619 Biebinger V degree 247 Bid, L. A’., d&rce,.6;, Biennial report, printing, 230 Bierdmann R. A., degree, 251 Biersmith, h. K., degree, 247 Bi glestone, H. C., degree, 444 Bifhorn, C. P., degree, 247 Billineton. W. H.. C.P.A. certificate.. loo , Bills,%. 6..degree, 247 Bills R. W degree 2 j 7 Bilsdorrow,.]. D., abpointment, 3 5 2 Birch, C. L.. degree, 267 Birchard, h4. V., degrce, 618 Birchett, R. C., degree, 254 Bird, R. D., fellowship, 585 Biachel, A. C.. C.P.A. certificate, 638 Birhop, S. D.. degree, 430 Bishop, W. L., appaintment, 333 Black, H.L., degree, 628 fellowahip, 223 Black, L. A.. appointment, 323 degree, 428 fellowshit 2 2 2 Black M. degree, 398 Blackburn $ache1 E degree 261 Blackburn’ R u t h E.,%egree. Blacksmiti aho building for, 46 Blackstone, G. appointment, 447 Blackwell, M. L.. appointment. 325 Blade1 H. C degree 613 Blain, ’W. L.~degrce.’513 Blaine, H. L., degree. 620 Blair, E. T.,appointment. 390 Blair F. C degree 258 Blair: H. degreg, 625 scholarship. a z z Blair A., degye, 256 Blair: C., a p ointment, 350 Experiment Itation report, 134 A. P.. -f .. f.’, Blaisdell, D. L.. appointment. 107 leave of absence 242 Blaisdell, F. R., adpointment, 66 Blake, H. W.. appointments. 326, 377 Blake, I. H., degree, 266 Blakely, I,. J., degree, 431 Blalock J. T., degree, 175 Blanchird, W. 0..appointments. 201, 327 E., 22 Blane, j . degree, 2 6 0 Blankenship. G. C., degree. 608 Blatt, M. L., appointment, 390 Blauser. I. P., appointment. 348 Blayney, J. R., appointmeet, 363 Blevins, L., appointment, 470 degree, 262 Blevinn, 0.M., degree, 428 Bljckhan. N. A.. depree, 266 Blizard, R P degree 615 aegree, 812 H., appointment, 53R degree, 608 Blocktv, J. G., degree, 254 Blodgett, H. W., appointments, 66,326 Blood E G degree 398 Blood: M. k.’, dcgre;, 608 Blough J. A., appointment 3 3 5 Blough: J. H., appointmen;, 166 Blum, J. H., degree, 613 Blumberg, H., resignation, 1 2 2 Blumenfeld, D., degree, 608 Blunk, C. L. M., degree, 624 Blye, F. W.. degree, 267 Blyrhe T. K degree. 608 Board kund geports 1 2 9 Boardman,‘H. C., abpointments, 66, 3 3 8 degree, 627 Boardman, M.L., scholarship, 584 Bock S appointment, 361 Boddan: W. S., degree, 608 Boehm M. M. degree 608 Boelio,’L. N., ;ppoint&ent. 447 degree, 267 Bogart, E. L., a p ointments, 333. 520 Bohne E. F C.$.A. certificate, 4 4 Bohner C. B. degree 629 Bohrod’ M degrc;, 629 Boice, 8. I , d&ee, 250 Boice, L. A., appointment, 317 Boikansky? W., degree, 266 Boiler equipment, 239 Boiler house addition, appropriation, 7 contract, 282 Boilers new, contract, 410 Bolan,h. R., appointment, 364 Boles, M. V., degree, 247 Bolin M., appointment, 365 Bolin: K. S.. appointment, 585 Bolinger, G. N., degree, 253 Bollas, G. D., degree. 608 Boller R. P de rcc, 514 Bollm;n, J. feegree, 444 T., degree, 629 T.. degree, 444 Bolotn;, S. N.,.degree, 630 Bond, E., appointments, 201, 35%523 Bond L H J r degree 617 \ Bond: Re. E:: deirec, 26; Bond, for museum imports, 425 of Treasurer, 184, 228, 3 1 1 Bonds: Booth Fisherica, action rescinded, faving,. validation, 48. 1st University securitie~422 p d c h a t e d Amer. Tel. &%el 508 Coll. of’Physicianr & Sur&ns. 460 Commonwealth Ediron, 508 Northern States Power, 508 sale, U. S. Trealury 8 Bondurant, A. L., ap&ment, 200 H:;: k.:A., d i., pJ$nn(&. . UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Boner J., appointments 66. 327 Bonn,’D. E.,salary adjuitmcnt, 9 Bonnen, C. A., appointment, 349 Bonnen, E G., degree, 620 Bookstacks for new Library, 383 contract, 410 Boon, G. T., degree, 264 Booth Fisheries bonds, sale authorization re- scinded, ~ o p pc. E.,J&e 429 Bopp’ H. F degree’ 174 Bora; L. I;., degr<e qoo BordnLr, H. W.. C.P:A. certificate. 618 Borgeson, C., appointment, 107 denree. ZF: Borgkeier,.P.E,.,, degree, 2 5 2 Borklund. C degree, 608 Boding J. R. degree 614 Born, d. E., degree, 825 Borovsky. M. P., appointment, 3 9 0 Borrelli, W. F.. degree. 612 Rorror, C. D., degFee, i;i j Boruff, C. S., degree, 263 Boseley, H. R., commission, 622 degree 616 Boshel!, E. O., depree, 61p Bosquet, E. W., dearee, 261 Boas, A. E., appointment 124 Boiworth, A. W., degree,’6rg Botany, budnet, 323 expense, 3 2 2 salaries. 322 Boteler, G. 0.. degree, 2 5 9 Bothman, L., appointment, 388 Bott. R. F.. degree, 429 Boudrearr, E.. aooointment. 2 1 6 Bou hton, C.. J..B., degrce;bos Boufanqr, Nadia, contract, 117 Bourlanu, L. T., degree, 616 Bourne. E. G., appointment, 338 Bousquet, E. W., appointments, 447, 538 commission. 261 degyee. 247 Bowditch, I.. J., degree, 264 Bower L. E., appointment, 390 Bower: 0. K., appointmcnta, 448, 5 5 3 Bown A. J., degree, 266 Rowtin, R. M., degree, 620 Bo ce. A. C.. appointment, 107 Jegree, zso Boyce P. R., degree, 2 5 6 Boyd,’A. hl., appointments, 201, 354 , 523 Boyd, B. B., scholarship, 584 Boyd, Mrs. E. F., appointments. 192, 277, 3589 470 Boyd J. A.. degree, 254 Boyd: P. V., degree, 258 Boyer, C. A., degree, 257 Boyer, C. V., appointment, 325 Boynton, F. I,., degree, 256 Boynton, M.E.. degree, 5 1 3 Bradbury, C. E., appointment, 37.2 leave of absence, 505 Braden, E. F., degree, 173 Bradley, C. G a pointment, 340 Bradley, M. E:, Lgree, 259 Bradley, M. J., appointments, 324. 521 Bradley, R. S., degree, 174 Bradt, C. W., degree, 613 Brady D. A degree 259 Brady’ E R ” d e ree,’ 255 Brad; T: G:: C.P.A. certificate, 398 Brady, Z. L., degree, 173 Braese, 0.C.,appointments, 119, 364 Brahana, H. R. appointments, 328. 523 Brakrr, E. A., degree, 617 Braley, S. A., a p ointmcntr, zoo, 323, 5 2 1 Bramlet H. B., 8e, 400 Brams, J.. appointment, 362 653 Branch, W. L., commission, 622 degrec. 616 Brandenberger, A. R., degree. 629 Brandenburg. K. C., degree, 267 Brandt, T., appointment, 139 Brandtzaep, A., degree, 626 Brannon, J. M.,appointment, 348 Brasmer, C. E., degree. 630 Braucher. H. H., ?ppointments, 231,336,523 Braude, B., appointment, 391 Braun, C. C., appointment, 448 Brauner, E. R., degree, 5 1 5 Braunstein, B. D., degree. 629 Bray, C. I., degree, 5 13 Bray, E. C., degree, 616 Bray R H ap ointment, 346 Bra&, W. Jegrce 256 Braznc!l, E. E:, degre; 617 Breathwit, R., appoin<ments, 203, 330 Breckenridgc, bl., appointments, 277, $50 Bredenbeck, F. W., degree, 2 5 2 Breeding, G. K., appointments, 277, 448 Brchm. H. E., appointments. 66, 107, 326 Brejsh, C. F., degree, 608 Breitweiser. J. V., appointment, zoo Bremer, E., degree, 256 Brennan, J. E., degree, 253 Rrennan, J. W., a pointmenta, 107, 448 appointments, 318, 509 Brennan, Jessica Brennan, M. E., appointments, 3 2 1 , 538 Brenncman W. W.,desree 2 5 9 Brennen, W. T., C.P.A. c e r h c a t e , 44 Breuillaiid, C., appointments, 330, 377, 5 2 s Brewer, L. D., degree, 2 5 5 Brewer, L. R., degree, 267 Brcy, E. I,., degree, 613 Brickett, E. M., degree, a65 Bridegroom, H. G., degree, 629 Bridegroom, P. L., degree, 259 Briel, C. G.. degree, 6 3 I Briggs. F. A., degree, 61 I Brigham. H. S., appointments, 66.321, 401 Bright, L. 0.. degree, 262 Briney, E. M., appointment, 553 Briney, W.F., degree, 267 Brink, 111. C., degree, 430 Brinton, J., degree, 247 Bristow, L., scholarship, 584 Brirton, W. E., appointments, 2 0 1 , 354 C.P.A. committee, 443 Broadhurst, T. j.,appointment, 317 Brock, J. H., degree, 258 Brock, W. S., appointment, 3 5 0 Broday, E., appointment, 359 Brodboll N. F degree z67 Brode W. R. degree l665 Brodlrick A.’E.. deiree 250 Broderick: J. R., degrce.’616 Brody D. J degrce, 631 Bronais, J. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Brook, C . M..degree, 608 Brooke, D. F., appointment, 389 Brooks, F,. B., degree, 256 Brooks, Ellis. contracts, 49. 282 Brooks, F. M.,appomtment, 470 Brooks, H. E., degree, 429 Brooks J. 0 degree, 2 5 1 Brooks: M.,&point.ment, 338 Brooks, N. C., appointment, 327 Brooks, V., appointment, 357 Broom, M. E., de m, 78 Bropby, D. A,, C.S.A. certificate, 44 Brothen, H. 0.. degree. 613 Brothers, E. D.,appointments, 362,364 Brpugh, G. A., de rees, 268 444 Brouzas. C. G., fefiowibip, ;w degree, 628 Brown, A. W., degree, 608 Brown, B., degree, 249 ‘i. fv., 2.. 654 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brown, C. Addison, degree 6 1 3 Brown, C. Andrew, appoiniment, 448 Brown, C. D.. degree, 266 Brown, E. B., scholarship, 243 degrees, 252,625 Brown, E. F., degree, 63 I Brown, E. V. L.. appointment, 294 leave of absence. 5 9 1 Brown, F. A., degree, 266 Brown F. 0. denrce, 2 5 2 firown: H., abpointment, 340 Brown, H. A., appointment, 338 engineer, radio station, 5 9 9 Brown, H. N., degree, 444 Brown, J. C., dcgrcr, 613 Brown, J. G., degree, 620 Brown L. H. degrcc, 263 Brown: L. R.: degree, 429 Brown, L. T., appointments, 329, 331 Brown, hi., appointment, 401 Brown M. J a pointment, 317 Brown: M. O:, fegree, 611 Brown, M. P.. degree, 2 j 9 Brown, P. H.. appointments. r g p . 333 Brown, R. C., degree, 629 Brown, R. E degrfe. j 1 5 Brown, R. G:: appointment, 107 Brown, R. L., a pointment, 342 Brown, R. R., &Pegree, 621 Brown, S. E.. a pointmcnt, 498 Brown, T. G., fegree, 247 Brown, V. I., degree, 78 Brown, V. L., degree. 247 Brown, W. K., appointments. 278, 34: Brown, W. S., appointments, 66. 203. 356, 5 2 4 salary, 356 Brown, W. Y., degree, 619 Brown, Z.. degree, 247 Brown-Knipp patent, report requested, 560 reports, 116, 1 z g , i 7 7 , 2 2 1 sale, 588 C. A. Trimblc’s services. 192 Browne, W. H., appointments, 358, 359 Brownell, K. K., degree, 247 Browning, H. C., C.P..A. certificate, 638 Browning, I. R., appo!ntment, 391 Brownle:,Ji7J., cornmiasion, 622 degree Broylcs, W. A., degree, 172 Brubaker, M. M., appointment, 324 Carr fellowship, 583 degree, 400 Bruce, A. W., commission, 261 degree, 256 Brumbaugh, A. L., scholarship, 584 Brumbaugh, L. A., degree, 6 0 9 Brummett, K. D., degree, 80 Brune B. H., degree, 613 Brunir. A. M., degree. 6;9 Bruner, H., a pointment, 337 Brunkow, C. degree. 175 Brunkow, F. G., degree, 247 Brunn, F. W., degree. 5 1 5 Br an, M. H., appointments, 107, 177 legree, a61 Bryant, G. A., a p ointments, 49, 461 Bryant, R. A., C.F.A. certificate, 19 Buchanan, D. P., a p ointment I07 Buchanan, R. S., &.A. examiner, 463 Buck, E., appointmenta, 355. 377 Buck, M.L,degree, 618 Buckardt, H. L., degme, 618 Bucklcy, R.. a ointmunt, 348 Budenbender, W.. degree, 80 Budget, 1925-26,313 aoeroved. .. . 3-6 6 expense, 314 salaries, 314 legislative, sp summer session, 199 ,520 b., Budnet adjustment ~ 9 ~ 4 - 295 Buduetar needs. b & k a l , 6i4, 642. 645 Bueche. H.. degree. 260 Bueche, G. V., commission, 261 degree, 2 5 2 Buchrig, D. F., degree, zst Bueacher W. H. S., degree. 251 Building’appropriationa, 1923-25,report, 383 Building program 192pz7 14 Building progress’reports ’192. 196, 470, 486 Building Service Employ&r Union. hear- . . ingl412 Buildjngs, appropriations, Jcr undrr Appropriations architectr, 295, 311, 385 Buky F. dc ree, 608 B ~ ~ jI .I ,w., egree. 629 Bull, S., appointment, 347 Bullions, C. S., appointment, 339 Bullions L., a pointment. 348 Bullmao’ T., g g r c e , 257 Bullock,’D. M., appointmcnts, 202, 3 3 5 . 356,524 salary,-.?56 Bullock. N. C., degree, 629 Bulow. W. E., degree, 247 Bumann, D., appointments, 243, 318 Bumstead, .M. L., degrce, 608 scholarship, 584 Bundy, M. W., appointments, 325. 522 Bunge, G. C degree, 619 Runncy, W.’k., appointments, 192, 324. 377 degree 4co fellawihip, 583 Bunting, J. D., appointment, 448 commission, 622 degree. 613 Burchell, L. C., degree, 613 Burford, L. B., appointment, 67 Burse. W. E., appointment. 329 Burger, A.. appointments, 107, 565 Burger, F. R., degree, 268 Burgess, G . W., appointments, 278. 3 3 9 Burgess, P. V., degree, 259 Burglary insurance, research hospitals, 633 Burhans, Mrs. L. M.,appointment, 3 5 5 Burke. A.M.. bond, 184, 228. 311 elected treasurer, 184 reports 10, 419 Sic d i d undcr Treasurer Burke, E. I., elected director. 189, 563 Burke. H. L., degree, 631 Burke, R. B., degree, 514 Burke Engineering Co., contract, 56g Burks. M. N.. aorrointment. AOI degree 624. Burley. k. E., degree,620 Burlison, W. L., appointment, 345 espcrimLent fields report, 114 Burmeister B. B. dcnrce. 80 Bnrncll, E.. degree. 233 ’ Burnett, 0. F., Jr., degree. 616 Bnrnier, M. L., degree, 620 Bnrnighr E. R.. appointment. 401 Burns G: C.. degree, +*I Burn;, G. M.,degree, 608 Burns, G. W, degree, 247 Burnr, M. B., dcgrce, 629 Burn6.0. R, aqpcnntmentv, 139, 361 Burpo. V., appointment, 509 Burr B a pointmcnt,401 Burr: e ree, a47 Burrell, ,&?I degree. 621 Burrill Avenue. traffic reiyulation. 431 Burris, Q. G, appoi?tmenu, 278, 326, 5 2 2 Burrow@,;J:S .. apporntmcntr, 107, 448 Burrur. H. degree, 261 Bursar’m Division, budget, 316 Burstein. H. J., degree, 629 Burt, D. P.. degree, 5 15 1. f, .. .. d, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Burwash, M., appointment, 320 l u v c of absence, 572 Busby, L., degree, 249 . Busby L. C.P.A. certificate, 638 Bunch,' L. degree, 610 Busey, K., appointment, 3 5 1 E., elected t o executive com- Busey, mittee, 184, 5 4 2 Bushman J. R. dcgrec 2 5 5 Busbnel1,'D. H.1 degrek 616 Business Office, appropriation, 459 budget, 316 Business Organization and Operation, budget, 332 salaries, 3 3 I Busincsa Research, Bureau of, budget, 3 3 3 expense, 3 3 1 salaries, 3 3 1 Bussart. I. E.. degree, 620 Bussell 1%.K., degree, 624 Bussey: C. B.. degree, 621 Buswell, A. M., appointment, 3 2 3 Buswell, C. A., appointment, 326 Butler, C. L., degree, 265 Butler, S., degree, 5 1 3 Butler W. G., appointments. 67, 377 Hutne; B. B., degree, 608 Butterield, F. F., degree, 615 Butters, H. E., appointment, 107 degree, 256 Bye, C. R., fel!owship, 222 Byers, W. M., degree 444 Byrnc, E. R., de~ree.'268 Byrne, F. A., degree, 6 1 8 Byrne, F. H., appointmenf, 448 degrees, 247, 624 fk . Cabinet Work, new Library, 273 Cadaval, A. G., degree, 174 Cady, G.d:. frllorship, 584 Ca ann, W., appointment, 3 3 2 jegree 78 Cahn A.' R., appointment, 3 3 1 Cahoiia Mounds, appropriation, 426 Cain, C. R., degree, 266 appointment, 338 appointment, 357 Cain;. A. B.. commission, 622 degree, 621 Caldwell C T degree, 251, Caldmell' J.'E "C.P.A. certificate, 398 Caldwell'Br Co-.', Edward F., contract. 283 Calhpun, M. K., degree, 608 Calkm, C. J., degree, 515 Callaway, P. M., degree, 620 Callen, A. C., appointment, 340 Callen R J de ee, 256 Calvct'ti, T . L . Zgree, 430 Cilvin J. K appointment, 390 Cameron, A . k , degree, 617 Cameron, E. H., appointments, zoo, 335 Cameron, S. A., degree, 267 Camp, C. C., appointments. 328, 523 Camp, F. E., degree, 621 Camp M a p intment, 67, 3 2 1 CampbelfA degree. 2 5 9 Campbell: C: E., dcgrcc, 625 scholarship 277 Campbell, F.'N., degrees. 25% 625 s c h o l a r s h g 243 Camnbell. A.. dePree. ?w Carnabell.' A..'de&;ee. i i 7 S%*f:E: g, Campbell, R. Elbridac, degree. 2 5 2 Campbell, R. K., degree. 429 Campus, south, clearing ground, 592 Campus development. 2 2 1 Campus traffic, regufaaonn, 114 655 a n a n , M. C., degree, 629 'anavan, W. P., appointment, 67 'annon. -..... , C. R.. denree. 174 'annon, R. S.,.de&ee, 6 1 ? 'anter, E. M.,degree, 608 'anter, H. V., appointment, 322, 325. 5 2 1 salary adjustment, 427 'anter, H. V., Jr.. commission, 622 degree, 608 :antion, R., appointment, 401 :ar President's ,report, 394. 560 :a;d, H. H.. degree, 608 Iard, L. E., appointment. 346 .arelli, P. V., Jr., degree, 629 :arey, G. H., de rec, 608 Lrhart. R. M.,Segree, 2 5 2 :arl E. P., degree, 6 1 9 hrl: I,. A., degree, 613 yarlock, M. L., degree, 263 ?arisen, D. A., appointments, r77, 3 3 2 :arlson, Mrs. A. D., appointments, 326, 377 :arlson, C. H., degree, 6 1 6 :arlson, H. G., degree, 258 :arlson, S. W., degree, 255 Iarlton. F. T., appointment, 3 3 3 :arman, A. P., a pointment, 341 :arman G. G., Zgree, 263 :arman: M. G.. appointment, 328 degree, 266 ,arman, R., degree, 262 Iarniichael, E. L., degrees, 249, 624 :armjchaeL G. N., degree, 608 larmichacl, R. D., appointments. 202, 328 Iarmichael, R. S., degree. 608 Zarnalian, D. H., appolntments. 3 3 0 . 525 Carney, A. M., degree, 428 Zaro, M. R., degree, 266 Caron E. degree, 268 Earon: E. degree. 269 Caron, R. P., degrees, 268, 444 Zarothers, W. H., a p ointments, zoo, 324 Zarpenter, H. I., lanipurchased, 384 Carpenter, K. D., degree, 6 1 3 ucholarshit g 4 Carpenter, degree, T o 6 Carpenter, L. V., degree, 626 Carpenter, P. D., appointment, 365 degree, 268 Carpenter, P. F., degree, 6 1 3 Carqueville, M. T., degree. 247 Carr C. E., degree, 629 Carr: W. A., degree, 258 C a n , W.J.. degree, 514 Carrel]. W. D., degree, 267 Carroll, G., a pointment, 448 Carroll, W. E,! appointments, 83, 346 Carroll, W. R., appointments, 346. 377 Carson-Paysou Co. contracts, 180. 188, 545 Carter, B. M., degiee. 608 Carter, C. H., degree, 398 Carter, D. E., de rce, 80 Carter F. E. S.. i e ree 247 Carter: P. J., c.P.~. clrtificate, 44 Carter Estate, report, 468 Carter property, resolutions. 593 Carter will, probated, 595 Carter-Pennell buildings, insurance, 172 Carter-Pcnncll loans, rules for, 298 Carter-Pennell Truat, resolution, 186 Carter-Penncll Truat farms, lease, 189 managers. 638 report, 206. 563 Carthqge Experiment field, drain con- nection, 5 1 9 Cartinhour, G. T., degree, 14 Carty, E. A., degree, 259 Carver, E. W., degree, 251 Carver, F. E., degree, 4 m Cary, E., appointment, 389 b, BOARD OF TRUSTEES 656 Casberg, B. P., appointments, 139. 448 degree. 623 Casberg, C. H..appointment. 3.19 Case, H. C. M.. appointment, 348 change of status, 392 Caseley, F. C., degree, 608 Casey, W. C., appointments, 278. 329, 602.645 degree. 628 Casper R. E., degree, 2.59 Cassid;, H. B., degree, 629 Castellano, M., depree, 268 Castle, H. P., Experiment Station report, 132 Castle, R. L., appointment, 1 5 , 316 Cathcart, J. M.,620 C a t h e r r w d B. F a pointmcnt, 107, 333 Catherwood: M. i:,&re,, 618 C a t t 0. A., degree, 431 Cattie feeding shed, contract, 2 8 2 c u p h e y , C. H., a p ointments, 278, 339 Cavanagh, M. F., &we, 616 Cavanaugh, D. P., degree, 630 Cayard, R. C., prize, 270 Cecil, L. K., dcgree,.fO Cen. Ill. Public Service Co., cooperative agree- ment. 1 7 1 , 598 Ceramic Engineering, budget, 338 eanense. 1 1 7 siiaries,' jjj research graduate assistants, 43 Ceramics scholarships, extension, 9 Ceding. F. A., degree, 615 Cermak, A. J., Experiment Station report, 1 3 3 Cerny, J. J., degree, 631 Chadsey, C. E., appointments, zoo. 334. $ 2 2 Chadsey, C. P., degree, 249 Chairs, new Commerce, 285 Challacombe, R. N., degree, 613 Chamberlain, H. T.,C.P.A. certificate, 394 Chamberlain, I. M., appointment, 3 9 0 Chamberlain, L. E., dcnree, 631 Chambers L. F. degree. 2 5 1 Champaigh k Uibana Water Co.. agree- ment 198 Chance, J'. H., appointments, 67. 338 Chao, C. Y., degrees, 253, 624 Chapin, G.,a p ointment, 67 Chapman A. degree. 624 Cha man' E. L., degree, 623 ackolar;hi Chapman, kf: Zdzeirce, 514 Chapman, I. M..degree, 247 Chapman, J. E., degree. 618 Charlton. C. D.,degree, 619 Chase E R. a pointmcnt, 40c Chase: W. A:, 8.P.A. examiner. 463 Chauvet, F., appointment, 389 Cheatham, E. E.. appointment, 354 resignation, $ 5 0 Cheeseman, C. R., degree, 624 Chemical Engineering. language require- ment, 230 Chemical Foundation, gift, 23 I. 639 Chemicalr, manufacture of, 150 Chemistry, budget, 323 expense, 322 salaries, 322 curriculum, language requirement, 230 Sanitary, research. 231,639 Chen, K. Y.. appointments, 278. 342 Chen L. K., degree, 264 Chen: W. C. degree,. 5 1 5 Cheney, H. appointment. 468 Cheng C. K., degree, 6s6 Cheng: S., degree, $ 1 2 Cheng, T.Y.,degree, 78 Chenoweth, E. C., degree, 620 Chesnut, N. H.,degree, 629 Chessen L. M., degree 631 Chester,' D. E., degree,'608 If., t., Chestnut, N. H., degtee, 431 Chcydleur, F. D.,appointment. 203 Chez, M.M., degree, 268 Chicago W p a n m e n t r , budget. 358, 366 ex enses 358 satries, j s a commencement a t Urbana, 171 insurance on buildings, 8 nurse, dental clinic, 1 4 repairs on property. 38; water bill, 459 Chicago Opera Trio, contract, 99 Chicago Productn Exposition, 45 Children's clinic, nurse, appointed, 14 Choiaser, C. W.. degree, 631 Christensen Brm., contractn 410,469 Christian H. M.,appointmlnt, 402 degree,'], Christoffer, E., degree, 620 Christopher. F., appointment, 391 Christy, G. J., appointments, 119,337 Chubbuck, J. E., note canceled, 386 Ciesla, C degree, 629 Cigrand;B? .,appointment, 389 appointments, 389. 448 Ciprianr. Ciane. I. degree 611 Civil Engineering, dudget, 338 exvense, 337 salaries. jjj Cizek C.'J de ree, 268 Clan;;, E. feegree, 80 Clanton, E., appointment, 320 Clarida, B. M. degree, 259 Clark A appointment 3 3 0 Clark: A:'H., a p p o i n t m h t , 364 Clark, A. L., degree, 629 Clark, B.. appointment, 243 Clark, C. R., degree, 5 1 3 Clark, E. C., appointment, 402 Clark, F. M.,appointment, 346 Clark, H. C., degree, zgz Clark, H. M.,appointment, 402 degree, 173 h. k.,I., 1.. Clark M. appointment, 67 Clark: R. C.P,A. certificate, 1 9 0 Clark, T.A., appointments, 317,325 leave of absence, 1 9 1 Clarkson, L. H., degree, 617 Classics, budget, 325 expense, 322 wlaries, 322 Clausen H., appointment, 358 Clausen: R. S., degree, 621 Claxon, L., degree, 247 Clayberg, H. D., appointments, 67, 360. Clayton, M. B., appointments, 107, 357 Clayton, W: S., degree, 256 scholarship, 243 Cleary. J. A., degree, 2 5 2 Cleaveland D., appointments, 344, 377 Cleaveland: D. K., degree, 2 5 9 Clement, J. A,, a pointmcnts. zoo. 335, Clementi. J. L., lcgree, 623 Clemmons, D. G..degree, 268 Clcndenen, H. C., degree, 616 Clendtnin, J. C, degree, 173 Clercq, M. L. de, degree, 61I Cleveland, E. G., degree. 261 Cleveland S niphony Orchcatra, contrac Clifton, C. degree, 617 Clingman, W. H., degree, 256 Clinite R., appointments, r i g , 316 Clock Memorid. repair fnnd, 517 Clotfelter, A. M.,appointment, 67 Coady, G., a pointmeah 338 CoadG M. appointment, ~8 C o d inea Investigation, budgct, 343 h., g., I., UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Coates, F. K.. degree, 612 Coath E.S. degree 2 5 1 Coats&orth.'J. T., dcgrcc. 251 Cobb, C. C., degree, 514 Cobb, E. W.,C.P.A. certificate, 398 Cobb, J. L., degree, 264 Coble, A. B., appointments, 328. 523 Cochran C. V.. degree 2 6 0 Cocke, H., degree, ;14 Cody W..degree, 631 Coffe;n.E..de ee 611 Coffman. A. f l a i p o i n t m e n t s , 278, $42 Cogen,". J.. C%.A. certificate, 44 Coghland, N., appointment. 326 Cohen, A. E., degree, 266 Cohen, B. W.. degree, 608 Cohen. C., appointment 390 Cohcn, E. N.. degree. 6;s Cohen, F. L., appointment. _ t t .. ~ degrees, 2 jo, 625 Cohen, H. D., appointment, 388 Cohen, I. V., degree, 617 Cohen, J. L.. degree, 2 5 2 Cohen, L. U., degree, 613 Cohen, R., degree,. 106 Cohen, S. J., appoi.ntments. 15. 360 Cohen, S . L., appointments, 107, 389 Coking rocess. $4Parr. S. W. Colby, S., appointment, j g o Colby, R., appointment, 15, 201. 326 Cole, A G a pointments, 138, 361 Colc, F: hi.', Agree. 611 Cole, H. A., degree, 168 Cole, J. L., degree, 621 Cole, R. I.. commission, 261 degree, 247 Cole, V. I., appointments. 50, 461 Cole, W. B. V., degree, 624 scholarship 2 2 2 Colcman, G. appointments. 1 5 . 324, 5 1 2 Colcman, J. W degree 51s Coleman, M. 61, degreg, 106 Coleman, 0.. degree, 429 Col!ege of Physicians and Surgeons, bonds,46o College Place land, SIC under Land Collier, Experiment Station report, 13 I L., degree, 608 Collier, Collins, D. F., degree, 247 Collins, F. P., degree, 620 Collins, H. degrec, 629 Collins, L. degree, 612 Collins, L. L., degree, 454 Collins, W. G., degree, 2 5 2 Colmsn, D., appointments, ~ 4 3 359 , Colonel Nodine Post, gift, 635 Colvin, B. M., degree, 613 Colvin, J. C., degree, 173 Colyer R. G degree 444 Combs: R. appoikmcnt, 67 Commencement, timc chan ed, 517 Commerce Building, new. ctairs, 2 8 5 lighting fixtures, 283 linoleum. 286 new sidekalka i. 1. h., b. d:: d, ,Id, name cha mmerce, College of, budget, 331 expense, 3 3 I salaries. ? % I Commerciai"activities, College hgri- . culture, 589 University policy, 5 88 Committee, Agriculture. report, 8 Executive. elected. 185, 542 Finance, report. 103 Standing, report, 5 8 8 657 Committees, Advisory, 49 for 192546, 185 Standing. 1926-27,543 report on, 88, 606 Commons, C. prize, 270 Compensation, accident, awarded, 479 request, 640 Comptrollcr, contracts and purchase orders. 6. 43. 99. 117, 125, 149, 187, 204. 232, 276, 3 1 0 . 395. 415. 461, 478, 507, 5 2 0 . 544. 569. 59% 637 ofice of, appropriation, 549 quarterly reports, 51. 88, 156. 212, 368, 432. 526, 572 Scc U ~ J OMort Lloyd Condit, H. Y., d&ree. 2 5 8 Condit, R. 0..degree, 81 Condon, V. H., degree, 430 Conely, C. B., degree. 611 Combear, L. M., degrec, 608 Conkey, F. I., degree, 259 Conkey, R. W., degree, 80 Conklin, N. C., degree, 613 Conkwight, N. B., appointment, 15 degree, 628 fellowship, 2 2 j Conlec, G. L., appointments, 243. 3 2 1 Connelly M. L. degree 167 Conneily: N. H.: certificate, 44 Canner, R. R., degree, 612 Connor, D. R., degree, 616 Connor, J, H., scholarship, 243 Conrad, C. K., degrees., 268, 444 Contract withdrawn, Pharmacy floors,593 Contracts Comptroller's, list of. src Comp- trolle; Converse, P. D., appointments. 199, 332 Cook, H. G., degree, 247 L Tr degree, 2 5 2 Cook, Cook, Agree, 106 629 Cook, K. W., degree. 2 5 ; Cook Count Experiment Station, report, 194 erection orshed, 227 establishing station, report, 1 3 0 funds appropriated, 42, 506 land purchased, Nebel. 168, 189 recommendations, 134 , Cooke, F. W., appointment, 341 degree 265 Cooke, G., degree, 429 Cooke, W. H., degree. 619 Cookson J. E. C.P.A., certificate, 44 G&kt D. B.,hw e e , 247 e N., degree, 247 Coon, M., appointments, 278, 350 Coons, C. C., appointment, 343 degree, 625 Cooper, A. R., appointments, 67, 268, 360, 402 444 Cooper, I. E.. C.P.A.certificate,638 Cooper J. D., dc ree 631 Cooper: J. H., C.%.A:examiner, 463 Cooper, Mrs. M.. appointments, 192,364 Cooperation, International Institute of. conven- tion, 50 Cooperative Foundry Co., gift, 150 Cooperative rcsearch. agricultural, 171. 52 o t62. FQE Er&es,nng, i p . 242,459, 549,639 University policy, 230 See also Research Cooperman, H., degrec, 268 Coopersmith. M. M.,degree, 267 Cope, A. J.. Jr.. degfee. 616 Copley, Id.J.. appotntment, 324 Copp, F. W.,degree, 256 Corbctt, C., degrec, 5 1 3 d., k.6.; T'. Bi. BOARD OF 'RUSTEES Corbett C. E degree, 173 Corbin 'E. B "a pointment. 340 Corbin: H. M:, Begree, 612 Corbin, L. H.,degree, 618 Corbin, R. M..amointment. 191 Craw, E. C.. appointment, 67 Craw R. B degree, 258 C r a d o r d 2. C appointment. 325 Crawford' C. L" degree 618 Crawford' C. W:,a p p o i h e n t , 347 Crawford'J D a pointment. 328 Crawford P. &ree 262 Crawford' V. M" degree' 608 Crcan C' L de& 624 Creek' F ' M" degre; 6 r g Creek' L: W" degree' 63 I Crile,'D. R. W.,appdntmenti, 108, 391. 448 Crimmins, B. R., degree, 253 Crink, E. S., degree, 622 Crink M. E degree 608 Crisler A. E" degre; 608 Crime; K ree 2'47 CrittcnhcnyT.%.. hcgree, 3 9 9 Croft, H. 0..appointment, 339 Croll H. A., degree, 2 5 5 ~ r o ~H. l ' M., a p ointments, 19,349,952 C r o n L l l , Bf;,] I., degree, 629 Cronwell egree, 253 Cronwell: S.,jegree, 2 5 5 Cross H., appointment, $38 Crossitt. R. G.. canmissson. a61 degree 256- ' Croasett,'R. J., degree, 2 5 6 Crossland, C. M.,appointment, 498 Crossman, A. M.,appointment, 341 Crossman, R. S., degrees, 264, 339, 5 2 1 Crosson, E. C., degree, 80 Crouch, I.. degree, 257 Crouch, K. G., degree. 2 5 2 Crouch W. U,appointment, 323 Crouse,' L., degree. 174 Crow, R. N., d c g ~ e e s , 268, 444 Crowder: F.. appointment, 470 commission. 622 degree, 613 Crown, A.. C.P.A. certificate, 398 Cmrton. W. C., appointments, 323, 577 Crucibles, theft of, 507 Crum F. B.. degree, 106 Crummer. W. F., commission, 622 degree, 613 Cullen, E. B., degr?, 608 Culler, E. .4.. appmntments, 329, 402 Culp N. G. C.P.A certihcate, 44 Culp: R. A.: degree,'255 Culver. H., appointment, 391 Cumhqck, P. W.. appointment, 108 Cummingr, H. H.,commission, a61 degree, 259 Cummjngs, M. L., degree. a62 Cummins, J. W. K.. degree, 2 5 2 Cunningham. E.. degree. 2 5 9 Cunningham, F., qpointment. 538 Cunningham, H. E . . appointments, 315. 318 delegation of ~ignature, 184, 542 elected Secretary, 184, 542 Cunningham, L. C., degm, 618 scholarship 583 Cunningham,' Mra. L. M., appointments, 67. 166 347 Cunningham, R. L., degrrc. 79 Curran C. M dcgrec 631 Currichurn c h k -e .. m;dical. 600 d t i. ~ 9 4c I degree, 625 Crane 0. L. degree, 173 Crathornc, A: R., appointmcnta, 3a8. 523 honorarium, to2 Crathornc, F., retirement, 635 Craven A. 0 a pointment. 328 Craven: M. Segree. 2 5 0 Cravcr, N. C., degree, 3 9 9 i:, CZ$k6$', dgrec, 247 Curry E. G., degree, 247 Curts,' D. D. degree. 429 Curt6 H. E.' degree 252 Cushi'np H. 'L., Jr.' degree, 2 5 1 Cushmai. B., appoitkment. 388 Custcr, F. 8.. appointment, 317 Cuthbertson. S.. appointments. 231, 330, 419 Cutler E. C degree, 61s Cuyuian, J. 'i.,degree, 267 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Dace. F. E., degree, 265 Da Costa, D. N.. dcpree, 631 Dager J. H.. degree. 5 1 5 Dahlenberg. L. M, appointments, 15. 316 Dahlgren, E. V., appointments. 202, 357 Daigh F. C.. degree, 620 Daigh’ P. H.,degree, 626 D i n e s , H. C., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Daines L. L., appointment, 1a8 Dairy b a rn . appropriation, 7 contract, 49 Dairy buildings, old, sale, 550 Dairy cattle organisms, research, 549 Dairy Husbandry, appropriation, 562 balance appropriated, 39 budset, 347 expense, 343 salaries 343 Dairy ManLfactures Building, appropriation, 7 lighting fixtures. 283 metal partitions, 284 refrigeration equipment, 239 screens. .. .. , 281 shades, 284 Dale, C. S., property purchased, 273 sale of land, 296 Dale, H. L., degree. 254 Dallas. H. V.. dearee. 611 Dallera, M., ap&ntFnt,- 108 Dilton, C. E., appuintment, 325 Dame. M, appointment, 364 Ddmron, M. E., degree, 608 Danforth. G. V., degree, 259 Daniel, R. I., degree,, 611 . Daniels, A. H., appointments. 329, 3 5 5 acting %an. L. A. S., 397 salary adjustment, 9 Daniels, E., degree, 400 Daniels, E. G.,degree, 631 Daniels, M. A.. degree, 621 Danielson. C. B., degree, 247 Danielson, J. F., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Dann, M., degrees, 173. 193 Danziger, F., degree, 629 D3ppert. A. A., d e g m , 247 DArcy, J. hl., appointment, 193 degree, 247 Darlington R. L degree, 247 Damall, A’. J., d & c , 614 Darnell, R. C., degree, 616 Datta, R. S., degree,. a55 Davenport, E., appointment, 344 Davenport. G. L., appointment, 391 Davenport House offer of purchase, 425 David, A. I., depree, 2.47 Davidson. F. A., appointment. 348 degree, 106 Davidson. ,G. Y. appointment, 448 commission, 6;2 degree, 612 Davidson, J. M, appointment, 538 degrees 250 625 Davjdson: M.,’ degree, 444 Davidson P. G. appmntment, 402 Davic, G: M.. degree 252 Davies, C. M.,degr&, 620 Davies, D. T., appointment. 49 Davjes, E. E.. degree, 612 Davres, L. A., appointment, 538 dearec. 6 2 ~ DavB. A. A, d e g m, 252 Davis B. M. degree 613 Davis’ C. B. ’a p p o i n t k n t s 6;r. 326, 402 Davis: D. J..’ acting &an. ;46 appointments 293 359 360 Davis D. W..’d&, sds Davis’ E. M..degree 259 h v i l F. E.,degree, ’241. 402 659 Davis, G. V.. appointment. 509 Davis H. I. appointment. 389 Davis: H. L.: appointment. 402 Davis, I., degree, 444 Davis, I. W.,degree, 2 5 1 Davis, J. E., degree, 257 Davis J. K., appointment, 193 Davis: L. K., degree, 623 Davis M. appointment 202 Davis: M.’M.. degree, is? Davis, M. R., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Davis. M, V., appointments, 67, 364 Dav!s, R. L.. appointment, 329 Davis Co., E. E., contract, 56g Davjson, A. K., degree, 261 Davtson, C., appointment, 390 professor emeritus. 505 Davison, C. L., degree, 267 Davison, D. M.,degree, 608 Davison M. appointment. 448 Davison: P.’H., degree, 618 Davisson, R. M.,leave of absence, I t 2 Dawley, W. A., degree, 43.1 Dawson W. M. scholarship 2 2 2 Day, H‘. W.,Eiperiment SLation report, 1 3 3 Day. L. I., degree, 608 Day. V. S . . appointment, 341 Day W. B. appointment, 364 Deames. M.’D., degree, 608 Dean, E. H., degree, 620 Dean, P. V., degree, 258 Dean of Men, budget, 317 Dean of Women, budget, 317 office appropriation 9 Deane,, H. A., degrL, 611 Dearmin, W. F., degrees, 1 5 1 , 261 Death benefits, W. Fogarty Estate, 519 Eric Froberg, 637 Ralph Pritchard, 459 Death k n e f its and retiring allowances, amendments 6 2 5 . 634. 642 hneficiakes destanated. 5 7 2 interpretation of-rule, ‘2s; policy, 222 reports. 102, 116, 128 term appointees. 601 time of retiring, 237 special cases, 508 Debating, appropriation, 487 DeBaun, H.. C.P.A. certificate. 44 Dehevoise. N. C., degree. 608 scholarship, 584 DeBruine. H.. appointmenrs, 33 I. 377 Decker, B. M.,degree, 608 Decker E. H. C.P.A. cummittee. 463 Decker‘ €1. E.’,degree, 2 5 2 Dcckcr: R. T.,appointment, 193 degree, 2 5 1 Decker, S. W., appointment, log, 351 DeClerc. L. W. J., degree, 618 DeCmk, H. B.. appointment, 356 salary, 356 DeCoursey, R., appointments. 327, 5 2 2 degree. 262 felIowship 584 Dedrick. L.’ S., appointment, I 5 Deem, W. C.. appointment, 341 h e n , A. C.,degree. 514 Deer, D. L., appointment, 498 degree, 251 Deem. T. A,. degree. 624 scholarship, 223 &Forest PhonoKlrna mntract with, 436 k f r e i t a s . C., degd, 444 &Fur, E. G.,dgr ee, 258 Degltr, H. E., appointment, 339 DeGrazm, J. A., degree, 516 660 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Degrees. conferred August, 1 9 ~ 4 ,105 1 9 2 5 , 398 February, 1925. 172 1926. 5 1 2 June, 1925. 247 1926, 6 0 7 October, 1924, 78 192S.9 427 Mcdical, 494 Summary. June, 1925, 246 1926, 607 Pbarrnacy, Graduate in, discontinued, 204 Phdrmaceuticai Chemist substituted, 204 Deitchman, M. M., d e g m , 267 DcJonge, C. A., scholarship, 584 Delahunty, W. P., appointment. 1 9 3 degree, 257, 261 DeLaney, C. M., C.P.A. examiner. 463 DcLano P. I. degrec 62.9 D e l b r i d k i. ’I?.. de&. 260 IkIegaGon of si&aGrcs,. 164, 54a DcLong, C. C., degree. 612 DeLonp. K. E.. drsree. 6 0 8 Lkrnarw, 1. P , degree, 610 I)e\layo, M., appointment, 23 I I>ctiictn~puIw. S . D., degree. 629 1Xinmer. A. tl , degree, 616 I>rmmler, J. X., degree, 617 Lhinpsev. H. C.. degree, 247 l k n t d l Concress. exhibit, 592 I h i i t a l lecture courses, 227 I k i i t i s i r y , college of. budget, 363 cxpcnsr, 362 s’ilary, 101 cxhibit. 5 9 2 lees. listeners. 549 6re. 568 lccturr courses. 2 2 7 ,xosthetic models piirchascd. 386 Denton. A. Ill.. degree. 6 2 1 I)el’iima, A,, depree. 268 Deputy, R. M., degree. 247 I)Prm;ltdogy. budger. 3.61 Ikrrough, C. E.. appointments, 119. 340 1 k S h o n g D., dcgree, 399 DeShong. C . F. S., degree, 2 4 9 D P r s ~ n t . R . degree. 444 IhSuarte. R P.. C.P.A ertificatc, 4 4 I k l j m . 11. F.. degree, 621 JkTrann. G . E.. deer?. 639 DeTurk, E E., appointment, 3 4 5 DeTiirk. L.. appointment. 330, 402 Lkuel, W. R.. degree 608 Ikuss, H . O., degree;, 444, 585 Ikvereux. E. D.. degree. 172 fellowship, 222 I k r i e o T. fellowship. zzz DCWUS’. H’.. dc(rree. 257 l k w e y . A . W.. appointment. 363 Dewhirst. E. M.degree, 2 6 6 DcWiit. H.. degree. r 5 g DcWitt. L. R.. drnree, 247 Diamond, 1. B.. appointments. 389. 5 6 5 Dice, W. R.. C.P.A. certificate. 396 Dick. F. J.. degree, 258 Dickie, F. A,. degrrr, 608 Wickinson, D. M..d y e , 17; Dickinson, F. G., appointment. 3 3 3 Dickinson, M. M., degree 2 5 1 , Dickinson. M R.. degree,’ 618 DiCoJola. R. M.. degrees. 629 DICUS. V. R., degree, 620 Diehl, 0. W., C.P.A. certificate, ipo Diekman, F. B.. Expuimeot. Station report. r33 Dienner, J. A., Bruwn-Knipp patent negotir- tiona. 568 Dicrs. C. A., degree, 263 Dieterle E. A. degree, 627 Dietrichkn, Dr: J. G.. hearing, 287 request zgg Dietr F.’ C., a p ointment, 328 Diffedbaugh G. degree, 266 Dighton, A: C.. degree, 408 Dillavou, E. R., appointments, I W , 332 salary adjustment, 9 Dillenback, L. C., appointment, 337 Dillon P. L. degree 2 5 2 DilsavLr J. f., de& 619 Dimford: 8 . I., degrch, 6t6 Dirnond, L. E., degree, 6 1 3 Dingledy. P. G., degrees, 2 5 5 , 261 Dining, M. V., degree, r73 Dinsdrle. D. A.. denrec. 617 Dintrie, $. M.. ‘dig;ee,’268’ Dippell, R. L.. degree, 247 Directory of former students, printing, 293 sale of list, 293 Disability benefits, report, 102, 116, 128, 291, f., sz, 57% 601, 6 3 4 o h Death benefits and retiring allowances Dispensary budget, 359 Dittmar, G. W., appointment, 3 6 4 Divers, R. A., degree, 612 Diron, A. L.. fellowship, 222 Dixon. M. L., appointment, 3 6 0 Doat. J., appointments, 68, 321 Dobbins, R. F.. degree, 258 Dobbs J. I degree, 259 thbie,’ G., &ointments, 202, 524 Dobry, E. appointment 470 Dobson. R. P.. degree, ’618 Dobson, R. R., C.P.A. certificate. 44 Dodd. W. F.. C.P.A. examiner, 463 Dodge A. F., appointments. 519, 538 ~ o d x e (C. appointment 448 Dodge: D.’ K.. appointment, 325 leave of absence 291 591 Dodge, E. N. M.,‘ degr;ee. 247 Dodge, U R., degree, 259 Dodge, R. C., degree, 249 h p p W. C appointment 5 5 3 Doerr ’ I . E. “scholarship, sk+ Doisy’ R. a‘ppointment 318 Dolan’. E.’ M., degree, ;47 Dolch E. W.. appointments. zoo, 335, 522 dcpke, 266 D d c h M. P., degree 620 D o h , ’ M. S., degree,' 619 Dollahan, ,H. A., appointment, 4 4 9 Sir corntn1ssmn. 622 degree. 608 Dollinger, F. A., degree, 616 Domoto, T. degree 5x5 Doner H. $& , d e g k 619 Doner: R. D.,’ appointments, 328, 523 degree, 6 2 8 Doney, 0. K., degree, 623 h n n e l l y , C. J.. degree, 614 Donovan C. V appwntment. 322 Donovetdky B ”degree 616 M y A. b.”degree ’620 M y : B. K.,’ degree’2 5 9 Doolen B. C., d y r & 620 Doden: E., appointment, 317 I h r i a h n , J. A., appointments, 132, 3 6 4 Dorman, H. P., appointment, 331 Dorman, M. P., deg.m, 4 j 1 Dorner. N.B.. appointment, 350 salary changed 392 Dorris, J. T.,i&oitnmentr, 108. 193. 4 4 9 degree. 628 Dorrry, M. J., appointmenu, 199. 350 Doty, G. L., b e , a66 h t y , J. R., appointments, 177, 377 661 UNI\'ERSITY OF ILLINOIS Dunning, A. W., C.P.A. examiner, 463 Dunxomb. 1M. E., degree, 79 Dunseth, C. A., retirement, 635 continued one year. 636 Dunsing. D. M. degree, 247 Dupee, R. K., degree, 616 Duskin I. A. degree, 631 Dutton: F. denree. 616 Duvnll. K. L.' n<pointment, 316 Dvorak'. J. w.', degree. 253 Dvorak. R. F.. appointments, 68, 318 Dyarman, C. N., d e w . 262 Dy:u. F. G.. appointment, 3 9 0 Dyroff, E. A., degree, 259 h t y M. L. Ir., degree 80 3oug'hty H.'H., dcsree,'ZS7 kuglas ' I. E. appointment 340 >ouglal' L R:. degree. 616' louglas: R. J.. degree, 267 h n , H. I., d a m , 267 h v n ~ y ,G. E.. appointments. 15, 202. 327 bwninn. E. E.. deeree. 620 bownine. G. M:, M' d&r&, d&r& 620 620 bownine; Downs. W. W. B B. Agree degree. 631 6'31 Doxree, Doxree E. D.: D.' appointment. ap-tmcnt. 147 Doyle,'B. G.,'appointments.;, 119. 119. 322 322 Doyle Doyle, E. A., appointments, 119, 317 Doyle. K., appointment, 319 Draffin, 1. 0:. appointment. 340 Drainage project, Champaign, wc Sewer. Storm- d. Eadie, J. 0.. degree, 252 Eads. C. F.. degree, 608 Eagle. I. 0.. degree. 263 Earl A. M. degree 631 Ear&, E. k., deg& 247 Earnill, T. C.. appoiitments, 108, 340 Eastmnn. A. R., Plym fellowship, 599 Easton. B. R.. denree. 2ca Easton; V. dig&,-& Eaton. J. M..degree, 2% Eaton. M..C.P.A.. examiner. 463 Ebert. M. F.. degree. 247 Eckhart, L. A. dcgme 269 Eckles. E. A., 'degree, ; 9 Economics, budget. 333 salaries, 33r instructors, additional 40 Economics Thrift Essay 'prize fund inveqt- ment, 1 3 0 Economics of Public Utilities, fellowships and scholarships 44 Edahl. E. W..degr,. 629 Eddy, L. J.. degree, 80 Eddy, S., degree. 428 Edclman S. degree 268 Eden, J.' I.,'degree. '621 Eden, R. K. degree 264 Edgett. G. L., appdintments. 2 2 3 , 329 Edholm, W. L., dtgree, 615 Edison. H. J.. degree, 618 Edmonds, J. L., appointment, 346 Edquist. E. L.. degree, 613 Edsmm. A. E. degree, 247 Education, bud&, 335 expense, 334 salaries, 334 Educational Research, Bureau of, budget, 33s erwnse. ~ Z A saiaries; j j i Educational and Research Hospitals, rrc Huspitals, Medical Research Edwards, E.. appointment 68 Edwards E. A. degree, ;44 Edwards' E. E..'degree 398 Edwards: E. M.,degr&, 431 F.dwards, H. M, appointment, 316 Edwards. Howard M.. denree. A A A Edwards, L- F.: appdint&ent; &6 degree. 247 I. D., appointment, 326 . W.,degree. 267 Eggman H. F. appointments 319, 429 Ehrhard;. E. 0;.scholarship, '584 Ehrlich, J. J.. C.P.A. certificate, 190 Eichenberger. W. G., appointment. 68 Eichler Heating Co.. contract. 641 Eigenbrodt, H . J., degree, 266 Eikenbary. M.. desree. 429 Eikanberry, F. L.. degree 247 Eikenhrry, R. C., degree,' 247 Eiler R. D. de ree, 618 Eirnk Grodry t o . . contract, 276 Eklund, C. L., degree, 8 t a, 521 I -.. 662 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ekstrand R. M. degree 629 Elder, A: L.. a&intm;nt, 403 desree, 428 Elder C. H., degree 2 5 s Elder: T. C.. degree: 6 3 1 Eldredge A. G. appointment. 3 1 8 Eldredge: J. R.,’d e w . 260 Electrical Engineering. budget. 338 expen=. 337 salaries, 337 Electricity in agriculture, 171 Element, new, discovery, 544 Elevator contracts, 180 Eliot, R. F.. appointments, 68. 354 Elliff. 1. E.. denree. 260 Elling&. A:, a&ointment, 363 Ell+ton. E. W., degree, 106 Elliott, F. F., leave of absence. 176 lenve extended, 231 Elliott, Francis F., degree, 612 Elliott, H. M., degree, 629 Elliott, Halleen M,degree. 80 Elliott, W. A., degree. 631 Elliott, W. G.,degree, 444 Elliott. W. I.. denree. 80 Ellis C. F. degree 6’15 Ellis: E. I.,’ degree,: 608 Ellis, M. H., appointment, 108 Ellis, 0. I., appointment, 345 Elhs. R. M.,degrre. 247 Ells Harry land sale 141 Ells’ laEd, ;te- vxdm ’Land Elshtain, N. L. degree, 2 5 5 Elson. H. J., 6egree. 618 Ely, L. G.,dcgree, 620 Emhrey, F. A., degree, 618 Emch, A.. appointments, 202. 328 Emch. A. F.. degrees, 249, 624 fellowshio. .. CEA scholarship, 243 Emeritus professorships granted, 505 Emerson, E. A,. degree. 106 Emery F appointment 3 2 9 Emley: P.”W.. degree. d16 Emmel. V. E., appointment, 360 Emmerling, C. J.. degree, 267 Ems W. W. degree, 613 End&, A. i., appointment, 346 Engelhard, H. H.. degree, 267 Engelhard Company, gift 549 Engelhardt. L. H., degrd, 260 Engelhart. M. D.,degree, 626 Enger, M. L.. appointment, 340 Engerman, M.. degree, 175 Engerman M E. ap ointment, 390 Enpineeridg. Collek o[ budget, 337 expense 337 salaries,‘ 337 Engineering Experiment Station, budget, 34’ expense, 337 salaries, 337 moperative research, 639 England, G. L.. degree, 608 Engle, R. H.. degree, 263 Engle. W. J., retirement, 635 Englejohn, E.. appotntment, 358 Englis. D. T.,appointments, 323, 5 2 1 English, M., degree, 260 English, T. F., 613 English Bros., contracts, 282, 295, 382, 415. 593 English, budget, 325 expense, 322 salariea 322 English & t r y fund invested. 130, 3 1 1 Engraving. contract, 291 Ennis, B.. degree, 79 Ensign, N. E., appointment, 340 - . *. Entomology. budget, 327 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Enyart R. C., degree. 613 Epler ’E. P degree, 261 Epstdn. C. degree, 267 Epstein, D..degrees, 81, 268, 444 Eprtein J. degrn 81 Epstein: J.’ N. L.,’degnc, 63 I Equipment. apprcpnatmn, 9 Erickson, A. S.. degree, 620 Erickson, C. V., appointments, 278, 342 degree. 256 Erickson. E. T.. degree, 513 Erickson, I.. degree, 2 5 s Erickson, W. N. L., degree, 79 Ericson M. E. degree 609 Ericson: R. C..’degree;, 255, 261 Ernest, B.. degree. 2 5 0 Ernest, J. H., appointment, 323 Ernest, W.. degree, 247 Ernstein. E.. degree, 252 Ervin, A. L.. appointments, 166. 317 Ervin, E., degree, 611 Escher. G. I. degree. 247 Eshman. L., hegree. 444 Esper. E. A,. appointments, 329, 524 Espy, W. N.. appointment. 339 Esser, W. D., degree, 252 Essex, H. E., appointments, 68, 3 3 1 fellowship, 585 Esslinger, P. H., degree. 629 Estep. Jessie. bequest, 517, 641 Estes. G. L.. appointment, 329 Estes. J. G., appointment, 223 Etheredge. M. L., appointment, 3 ~ 7 to McKinley Hospital staff, 290 Etheridge, F. D. L., degrees, 247, 2 6 0 Etherton, F. S., degree, 444 Etnoyer, R. N.. degree 80 Etr. H. N.. aooointrneh.. 68. MO Ettieson, A:, d i g r e . 444 Etzel G. degree 10s Eubinks ‘.IE . kegree 629 Eulenbe&. A..”C.P.A. ’certificate, 44 Evans, E. J.. degree, 609 Evans, E. V., appointment, 325 Evans, H.. degree, 429 Evans, H. T.. Jr., degree, 247 Evans, J. G., degree, 78 Evans. P. G., Icllowship, 223 Eveiand. H. E.. degree. ~ 2 8 Evens, P. L., degtk,.‘280 Everett, R. F., commission, 622 degree, 618 Eversole, H. B., appointment, 60 C.P.A. certificate, 44 degree, 624 Eversole, M. E., degree, 623 Ewell. W. G.,degree. 631 Ewend, W. H., degree. 256 Ewert, E. E., degree, 630 Ewing C. A a pointments, 49, 460 Ewing: L. B.: Agree. 430 Ewing. M. R.. degree, 430 Ewinq, R. H.. appointments. zqq. 329 Examination books, rule amended, 519 Executive committee elected, 184, 542 meetings, 20. 141, 170, 180, 226, 228, 397. 410, 469, 557 reports. 20, 46 Exhibit, Dental Congress, 592 Philadelphia, 57: Products Exposrtson 45 Experiment fields. dis&ntinuane, I 14. 271 W i n lease, 561 Experiment Station, Cook County, fec County Experiment station ‘k, I .._ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Ferris W. degree 514 Fetteiolf. D.,&Ere. 615 Fiddelke. W. B.. degree, 2% Fieg, C. W.. appolntment, 341 Field, K., degree, 623 fellowship, 584 scholarship, 222 Field, M. A., degree, 262 Fielder, V. B., degree, 257 Fife, H. K., appointments. 349. 377 Fabhn, A. C., degrees, 613. 614 Figueroa L. degree, 444 Fabri A A degree 609 Filbey, E. J.: appointments. 1g9, 331,332. 5 2 0 Fabrikan; N. D.. degree 266 Fillingham, E.. degree, 267 Fackler. k. W.. C.P.A. anificate, 190 Finance committee, trust fund investment3 re- Factor, F. G.. degree. 631 port. 103 Fahlstrom. S. W., degree,. 267 Finder. J. G.. degree, 609 Fahnestock M. K. appointment, 602 Fine, J., degree, 268 Fairchild. j. E.. dggree. 267 Fineman. I., appointment, 340 Fairfield, D., degree. 609 Finkel, I.. degree. 268 Fairlie J. A. appoktment, 329 Finkelstein, J. L., dFgree. 268 Fairwiather, h. A. J.. degm, 247 Finlay, A. H.. appointment, 403 Faissler. J. F.. degree, 609 Finley, L. W., degree, 262 Fait. W. H., degree. 247 Finne, B. A.. degree, 629 Fales. C. B., degree, 430 Finney, C. L., appointment, 633 Fallon A. M.,degree 620 Finnigan. C . E.. appointment, 341 Fallon: W. R., degfee: 266 Fiork, E. F., degree, 627 Falls, F. H., appointment. 388 fellowship, 2 2 2 Farm advisers, rnlary budget, 354 Fiock G. E. degree 611 Farm Mechanics, budget. 348 Fire hpmage,' Dental' Building. 568, 598 expense, 343 horticulture barn, 40 saiaries j 4 j poultry plant. 595 Building, 'remodeling. 365 West Residence Hall, 469 Farm Organization and mnagement, budget, Fisch, M. E.. appointments, 68, 108, 389. 403 348 Fischer A. E . degree, 252 salaries 343 Fischer: H. H.', degree. 398 Farnham.' B. F., degree. 173 Fischer. J.. degree, 444 Farnworth, E. M.,degree, 621 Fischer. J. R.. degree. 254 Farrand, H., degree, 249 Fischer. W. R., appointment, 391 Farwell, L., degree, 247 Fischman, W., degree, 616 Faucett, M.A., appointment, 338 Fischmann, E. W.,.appointment. 388 Faude. C. W.. depree. zcz Fiscus, J. J., appointment, 3 3 8 Faultner. Bariy. &tract,- 518 Fiscus. L., degree, 173 Faun-, J. C.. degree, 247 Fish, F. H..appointments, 325, 403, 538 Federal funds, extension service, 298 degree. 625 Fees, Animal Husbandry, 41. 122 Fisher, E. N., degree, 621 Gymnasium, new, 419 Fisher, E. W.,degree, 613 Home Economics 44. 494 Fisher, F. D.,degree, 609 laboratory. 2, 299 Fisher, M. I., degrpe, 609 listeners, Chicago depmmenn, 549 Fisher, N. F.. appolntment, s rabies. diagnosis, 562 Fisher, R. E., appointment, 403 Registrar's report, 122, 209, 306, 595 dcgree. 247 Summer session. 418 Fishman. L. 2.. degree, 266 X-Ray, schedule, 592 Fiske. Mrs. A. A appointment. 449 Feinstein, E. M.,degree. 616 Fiske, D. L., app&itment, 15, 342 Feldman, A., appointment, 403 Fjtch. F. R., appointment, 68 Feldman, I., degree, 068 Fitch. K. R., commission, 622 Feldman, L., appointment, 585 degree. 612 degree 444 Fitch, N. K., appointment, 349 Feldwisch L. E. degree 6og Fits-Gerald, J. D.,appointments. 203, 330, 5 2 5 Felker H W Jegree &,I Fitzgerald. J. E., appointment. 390 Fellods $ degr& 81 630 N.. degree, 249 Fellowd~io an$ scholakhid. .. Plvm. . . fund Con- FitzGerald, FitzGerald, T.A.. appointments. 330, 525 solidkion 122 Fellowships, b m i c s of Public Utilities, 44 Flack, C. E., degree, 630 Flack, C. R., degree, 619 Graduate scr undcr Graduate School Plym sc; Plym Fellowship F l w . D. J., dCgree, 609 Flaningam. W. D.,degree, 268 Fels, C: G., degree, 254 Flattery, A. M.. appointment, 320 Felton L. E., C.P.A., certificate., 44 Fleischner. J. E.. appointment, 388 Fencin'g University woods. appropriation, I igI Fleming, C. S., appointment, 449 Fender, 0. D., appointment, 449 degree 5 1 5 Fleming, D. F., appointments, 449. 553 Fleming, J. K., degree, 624 Fenton. 'E. L. deg~ee,623 Fleming, R. C.. degree, 174 Ferguson B., appointment, 585 Fleming R. H.. degree, 106 Ferguson' C E. degree, 609 Fleming: V. R.. appointment, 340 Ferguson' F: G' degree 266 Flesher C. E. degree 51s. Fernald 'C. H.."appointmenu, I-, 332 Flesher: Mrs. k. W..'appointments. 166. 335 Fernseker, 0. F. W.. appointments, 15. 201 Fletcher, C. H., degree. 247 Fcrrell C. P degree, 2 5 5 Fletcher, E. C., appointment, 358 Ferris,' M. E:: degree, 260 Extension service. Agriculture, Federal fund,, 298 Eydeshpner, Dr. A. C., appointwnt, 360 death 508 leave'of absence, 146, 292 resignation, 413 Eye C. H.,dewas, 268. 444 Eyman, R. K., degree. 514 G. i. 664 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fletchcr H. M..appointments, 333. 520. 628 Fletcher: R. B., degree. 613 Flint, T., degree, 2 5 2 Flohr, 0. M., appointment. 363 Flom, G. T.,appointment. 325 Floqd, A. C., C,P.A. certificate, 44 Floriculture Advisory Committee, appointments, 505. 552 - - Florida Avenue. closim of Dart. 2 2 1 grading, 547' pavement, 291 Florin, A. C., degree, 267 Florman. L. W., degree, 2 5 0 Floyd, T. W., degree. 2.51 Flude, J. W., degree, 613 Flynn, J. F.. degree, 444 Flynn, R. W.,degree, 4 4 Fcgarry W., death beneit. 519 Fogelso;, B. C., degree, 269 Fcgler, R. W., appointment, 108 Foley, E.. appointment, 449 Foley. E. C. degree, 430 Foley, L. A.: degree, 247 Folk, M. L., appointment, 244 Fdkers. F. M.,degree, 430 F d l e t t , D. W.,degree, 248 Foltz. G. A.. degree, 260 Foltz, K. C., degree, 2 6 0 Fonda, J. E., appcuntment, 363 Football ticket allotments. 305 Foote, L. S., appointment, 460 Foran M. C. degree, a48 Forbri'ch J. A.. degree, 632 Ford. C: M., appointment, 349 Foreign .language requirement. chemical mgineering, 230 chemistry, 230 Forester D. V. degree 514 Forester' M. A,', degrea, 609 Furestr; investigations, resolution, 14 Fork, Mrs. E. M.. appointment. 470 Fornoff, C. W.,appointment, 328 degree, 628 Fortney, H. D., degree, 430 Foss. V., appointments. 223, 3 6 0 Foster A. T. degrees 269, 631 Foster: C. L.: degree.' 260 Foster, E. M., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Faster E. S. degr?, 430 Fostc-r: I. 0.: sppo~ntmcnts, 286, 328 degree, 266 Foster, J. M.,degree, 106 Foster, J. P.,degree, 175 Foster L. 0. degrees 106, 332 Foster: M. C., {and purchased, 38 461 land s d d , 413 Foster, R.. degree, 260 Foster, S. R. degree, 257 Foster, W. k , appointment, 337 Foster, W. G.,degree, 620 Fourth Street. paving. 7, 20 Fouts, W. H., degree, 619 Fowler, C. F.. degree. 609 Fox. A. W..appointment, 333 degrees, 174. 626 Fur, C. P.. degrfe. 444 Fox, E. F., appointment, 449 commission, 622 degree, 609 Fox, F. H., deGree, 613 Fox G.. appointment, 325 FOX: G. A., appointments, 49, 460 Fox. W. L.. degree 615 Frain, N. M., apdointment. 363 Frame Drntal Supply Co.. m n t r a d , I I Francis. G. M.,degree, 262 fellowships, 243, 584 Frank, E. R.. appointments, 193, 347 ms. Frank R. W degree. 2 5 2 Frsnk;nfeld. C.. degree, 257 Frankenfeld, R. L., degree. 618 Franklin, D. M.,degrrr, 266 Franklin. M. B.. denree. 61; Franklin; R. A.. 'occi&nt mn&mtion, 479 degree, 398 Franklin, W. R.. degree, zsz F r m r , G. G., appointment, 108 Fraser, W. E., degr,ce, 254 Frascr W. J. appointment, 347 Frazie;, C. R:, degree, zsz Fraeier, R.. rent relund. 479 Frazin. S. U., degree, 631 Freas I. M. degree 248 F r e d e h k . 1. 'B., deiree. 620 Frederick, J. T..degree, 258 Fredericks, L. 0..degree, 2 5 2 Frederickson J. R., desrec, 2 5 1 Freeman, I.' A., degree, 248 Freeman L. M degree 623 Freeman: Ralph"W. digree 609 Freeman, Richard W., degr&, 61r Freer, L., appointments, 357. 524 Freiberg, F. A., degree, 615 Freilich, E. B., appointment, 389 French, M., appointments, 108, 326, 403 French for admission 230 French patent. p u r c h a k I c I Sir also undrr Parr Coking Process Frenzel, W. C., degree, 444 Freud, I., degree, 268 Frick, A., appointment, 389 Fried, B. A,, degree, 609 Friedlander, R.. degree, 613 Friedman, B. R. degree, 2 5 2 Friedman, M. M.,degree, 252 Friedman, S., degree. 174 Frier, F. N.. degree. 757 Fritschle, A. E., appointment, 5 5 3 degree 358 Frokrg.' <:8appdutment, death benefit, 637 Frohs. L. J., degree, 631 Fry, B. J., degree, 174 Fry E. L. degree 609 Fry: M. L: degree 611 Fry. R. D.' degree' 619 Frye, 13. P: degr;. 81 Fryxell. C. h.. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Fuchs, H., degree, 631 Fulkerson, J., appointments, 49, 460 Fullenwider, L., appointment. 326 Fuller. L. J.. degree, 248 Fuller. T. F., degree, 5 1 3 Fullerton F. I. degree, 609 Fullerton: G. G : , degree, 78 appointment, 332 Fullerton, W.. degree, 6cq Fullmer, B. B., appointments. 278. 350 degree, 621 Fultz. I. B., appointment, 403 Fultz. L. C., appointment, 449 degree, 248 Funds, Cook County Experiment Station, !;06 May Fete, 504 uu5t. 504, 508 Sir Q/IO Comptroller's quarterly reports Funk, E., appointments, 49. 460 Funk, E. 0..degree 248 Funke, M. E., degrie, 619 Furby. R. L.. appointment, 3 9 0 Furmaniak. C. W.. degree, 632 Furness, C. N.,degree, 267 Furnishings for new Residence Hall, 287 Furniture and Fixture. budget, 365 Fuaon, A. A,, degree, 609 1. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Caberman. P.. denree. 266 Gadinsti. J. V., &;B.'n. 631 Gplvert. G. A. appointment. 278 Gage, A. N., appointment. 319 Gaines. D. L. depree. 2 5 0 Gaines; W. L., afpointmcnt, 347 Gnlateer. B.. degrees, ~ 6 516 9 ~ Gale. W. D..C.P.A. certificate, 44 Gallagher M. degree 612 Gallaher 6 Sdeck Co.,' contract, 569 Gallie, D. M.. appointment, 364 Gallivan. T. J.. degree. 2 5 2 Galloway. M. E., desree, 429 Galt, R. H., degree, 173 Gamage. H. G.. appointments. 286, 335, 524 degree. 430 salary, 356 Gandy, C. J.. cnntract, a84 Gans. L. degree, 268 Ganschinfetr, J. W., degree. 615 Ganson W. C., degree, 252 Gzrard ' C. L.. degree, 609 Garber. L. 0.. degree, 616 Gardner, J. P., degree, 257 Gardner. L. B., degree, 616 Gardner, L. M.,degree. 258 Gardner, V. D., degree, 106 Gargnn, J. E.. degree, 174 Garner, C. A,, appointment, 350, 403 Garner, C. W.,degree, 80 Garner. J. W.. appointments, 203, 329 Garner, L. P. appointments, 1 5 . 342 Garnr H. S . ' d e ree 615 Garreit, J. 3.. E.P;A., certificate, :go Garrett, 0. F., appointment, 449 commission. 622 degree 618 Garrison: E. R.. commission, 622 degree, 613 Garrison, W. H., degree. 617 Garstang. G. E., appointment, 321 degree, 263 Garver. W. K., appointment, 3 1 9 Garvey. B. S. J., Jr., appointment, 15 degree, 400 Garvin, J . . appointments. 357, 524 Garvin. W. B., degree, 80 Gasoline station. near campus, 572 Gasser. J. I . , degrees, 268, 445 Gasteiger. E. L. degree 261 Gasvert. G. A,,' nppoiitment, 339 Gotcs. C. E.. appointments, 352, 615 Gathercoal. E. N., appointment, 364 Gnuerke. C. G., appointment, 324 degree, 106 Gauger, E. V., Plym Iellowship, 231 prize. 270 Gauger. R. J., degree, 254 Gay, W. B.. C.P.A., certificate, 398 degree, 254 Gaylord. D., appointments, 330, 403 Gebhardt, W. H.,degree. 80 Gehlbach. L.. degree, 253 Gehrmann Mrs. A,, form of bequest, r47 will, i7k Celrrmann F gifr. 592 Gehrmanii' fu;d. investment 188. 19s Geisaendoerfer, J. T.. appointments. 327, 522 Gellenthein, C. H., degree, 630 Gelwick, C. W..degree, 613 Genena, M. H..degree, 256 General Assembly visit, expense. 228 General Electric Co., license, 588 suggested contract, 10 General Engineering Drawing, budget, 339 e=pen=, 337 salaries, 337 Genre, D. J. appointment, 193 commission: a61 degree. 257 Geology. budget, 327 expense, 3 2 2 salaries, 322 George. F.. appointment. 347 Gmrgf L. W.,degree, 175 Georgihf, B., degree, 79 Gerber. L. P.. degree, 250 Gerdes, W. F., Jr., degree, 616 Gerdung. G. F., degree, 632 Gere, G. M.,degree, 609 German, budget, 327 expense. 322 salaries, 322 German, for admission, 230 Getchell, M. W., appointment, 320 Gettle. G. H., degree. 2 5 5 Gettys C. L. appointment, 68 deg& 266' Gevirtz, M. B., degree. 445 Geweke. A., appointments. 49. 461 Experiment Station report, 1 3 3 Giacomellie, G. J., degree, 258 Gibbel, J. P., degree, 267 Gibbs, W. F., degree, 626 Gibscn. J. D., degree. 106 Gibson, L. L., appointment, 338 Giese, W . E., degree, 631 Giexking. J. E., degree, 618 Gifling, H. J,, degree. 614 Gift, Austin Mfg. CO., 1 5 0 Bendix Brake Co.. 592 Charles Engelhard Co., 549 Chemical Foundation, 231, 639 Cooperative Foundry Company, 150 Felix Gehrmann 592 G. A. R. Post '140, 635 lron Mountain Co.. 150 Mellon Institute 504 591 Public Utility d m p a k e s . 44, 558 Marcus Russell 558 Boetius SuIIivai 226 Titanium Alloy 'ivffg. Co., 43 Gilbert, A. A., degree, 268 Gilbert, B.. C.P.A. examiner, 463 Gilbert, I.. degree, 445 Gilbert, L. B.. degree, 613 Gilbert, W. A.. commission. 622 de;gree, 618 Gilbrcath. I. P.. denree. 620 Gilchrist.. V. M:. annointments, 68. 357 Gilkinsoi , W .W .', -k:P.A. certiificate. 1% Gill, H. L., appointments.. 2 0 2 .. 334. 355. 585 salary, 356 Gillespie. F. D., Jr.. dcgree, 24s Gillespie. M.. degree, 248 Gillett, L. T. degree. 2 5 1 Gillham E.L. ' appointment 49 Gillis. M. C.,' appointment; 15, 351. 378 Gilsdorff, H. €I., degree. 6'13 Gilson. H. F., degree, 620 Ginnaven. S. N.. degree. 248 Ginnings, D. C.. degree, 612 schoiarship, 583 Giryotas. E. J.. appointment. 15 degree. 630 Giryotas. S. J degrees ~ 7 5 6 , 30 Gittlestein, F.:' degree, '629 Giudici. S. P.. degree. 611 Given, .J. G., 'degrk, '51; Glaeser. E. W.. degree, 258 Glanzer, E. E., degree, 257 Glasgow. G. E.. degree. a66 Glasgow, J. B.. appointment, 108. 449 Glasgow. R. D.,appointment. 327 Glass panels, new Library windows. 286 666 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Glasser, J. F.. C.P.A. certificate, 190 Glassoff. G. S.. appointment. 538 degree, 494, Glassow. R. B.. appointments, 2 0 2 , 357 Glcnn, M., degree, 611 Glenn, 0. J., degree. 268 Glenwright, J., Jr., degree, 251 Glickman, L. G., degree, 445 Glw. R., appointment, 332 degree 254 Glos, R.’ E., C.P.A, mtificate, 638 Glover, A.C.. appointment, 3 4 4 salary adjustment, 9 Goat herd, supplementary report, 20 Gobel, J. C.. degree, 612 Goble, G. W.. appointments, 201, 354 Goda. L. H., degree. 613 Goddard J. H. degree 258 Goddard: L. P. degree’ 2 5 2 Godeke F. B., degree 258 ~ o d ~ o v ; ,~ r s E . . H.:appointment, 403 Godlove I. H.. appointments 324, 403 degree’, 627 Goebel, E. C., degrees, 173, 623 Goebel. J., amount of allowance, 636 apyintments. 327 hearing, 59 retirement, 635 GoeM 0. H., degree 613 Goebtl: R. W.. degree; 445 Goeljtz. M. J., degree. 248 prize, 270 Goessling V. appointments, 327. 449 Goff F ’M.’ d c g r ~ ,248 G&’ J.’ A. ’ appointment 339 Goh; R A. degree 63; Goldhrg: A.’ H., dgree, 266 Goldberg, I degree, 268 Gddbrrg. S:’R. C.P.A. certificate, 638 Gddberger, S M appointment 390 Golden, C. degree, 25: Goldenson H M degree 268 Goldsmith’ J.’ H.” degree ’ 63 I Goldstein.’ A. A.,’ degrees: 269, 63 I Goldstein B degree 514 Goldstein: H. M.,degree, 613 Golf club, report of transfer, 47 Gollendberg. K., degree, 431 Gonia. R. M. degree 631 Goodall. H. M., deg& 260 Goodall. J. C.. degree, 248 Goodell, H. L., degree 255 Gmdenough, A. L., appointment 49 G d e n o u g h , G. A., appointment: 339 elected director 189 563 Goodheart. E. j.: de&, 255 Goodman. C.. zppointment, 349 Goalman C. W. degree 1 5 5 Goodrich ’ A. H.,’ +gree.’ 24s Goodrich: E., a p p n t m e n t , 357 Goodsmith, H., appointment, I 19 Goodspeed W. S appointment. 339 Goodwin, ’J. w., ’begree. 609 Goodwin. M., degree, 445 Goatwin. N. F.. a m i n t m e n t s , 49, 461 Goodwine. A. M..degree. 620 Goold. R. H.. degm, zsz Gorchow. E. W., degree, 631 Gordon, L. A., degree, 248 Gore, E. E.. C.P.A. examiner, 463 Gore. F. B., degree, 259 Gore, R. C., appointment. 392 Gorecki. H. T.,degree, 6 3 1 Gorenstein, E. A., degree, 6 q G o s h . C. H.. degree, 269 Gosman, 0. A., degree. 79 Gottschalk, C. G., appdnment, 391 Gough, F. L., degree, 252 <. d, Gould, F. D., degree 248 Gould R. E., appqiAtment, 470 Gould: W. E.. appointment. 193 commission. 261 degree, 257 Governing Boards of Universitiea, Association, 470 Gower W. E. degree 398 Grabakki E.’A. dekree, 266 Gradle. H. S.. appointmcnt. 388 Graduate school. budget, 3 5 5 excares, 355 salaries, 3 5 5 feliowships and scholarships, appropriations, 149, 355. 518 list, 2 2 2 , 243, 277. 583, 602, 64s thesis requirement. 176 Graduation with honors 529 Graduation requirements,’ i n Pharmacy. 136 Gradwohl, B. E.. appointment, 16. 403 Graesser, R. F., appointment, 328 degrce, 628 Graffis. H. A.. appointments, 324, 553 Grafmyer, R. D., dairy barns purchased, 550 Graham, A. J., appointment. 391 Graham, C. A.. degree, 623 Graham C. E. d e g m 173 Graham’ F. S. ’degree,’8o Graham: G. A:, scholarship, 584 Graham. K. D.. deeree. 267 Graham, R., appointments, 346, 353 Pasteur treatment, 518 Graham, W. J., C.P.A.. certificate, 190 Grainger. A. H. appointment 468 Gmmesly, M, appointmento, ‘ZOI, 354, 523 Grant, A. R., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Grant. D. I.. degree, 609 Graves, K. 0..degree. 2 5 8 Graves, R. B., degree, 79 Grav. A. E.. deeree. 26c Gr3.y; E. R.; appointmek, 353 title changed, 393 Gray, H. D appointment, 327 Gray, H. M.: degree. 628 fellowship. zzz Gray V. M degree, 248 Greaihouse. B., degree. 250 Greef, A. 0.. appomtment, 403 Greek, lor admission. 230 Green, C., degree, 262 Green C. F., tppointment, 32s Green: F.. appointment. 354 Green, H., appointments, 68. 326 salary. 3 2 7 Green, -H.-S: appointment, 108 Greene J. W. degree 616 Greenfield, M.,’ degree,’ 629 Greenfield, R. E., appointment. 7 2 4 Greengard J. degrees- 445 585 . Greengard’ M., degrd 63; Greenlee, ’M. R., deg& 630 Greenslet, D.. degree, 631 Greenwald D. P., mmmission, 261 degree, ;sz Greenwald, degree 629 Grcenwill &’B d e s k 80 Greer D.’ E.’ I.”degree ’618 Gregg‘, J. W., degree 6 1 5 Gregg. R. S.. sppoi&ment 68 Gregory, S. S. C.P.A exakiner 463 Gregory bequAt finai‘ pettlemekt 516, 562 GreEory Mnnorik, proposed. 29; report of committee, 382. 588, 606 requested 5 6 a Grzgory scholarship fund, invested, 7, 130, 144, 196, 2=,.3.11, 641, sale of securities, 78 Greasens, 0.. appointments, 333, 58s degree. 79 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Grittin E. D. appointments, 1 0 8 . 345 Griffin: G. c.,’appointment. 32s Griffin J. R.. degrte 248 GriKn: M. A. D., d&ree. 260 GriKth. C. R., appointments. 2 0 0 , 329. 449 leave of abenrr. 297, 591 GriRth, M F., appointment, 327 Griffith, Mrs. 0. B., appointment, 553 Griggs H. M..degree 620 Grigsb; C E degree’ 254 Grimes ’ H.. M:’ degree: 619 Grind&, H. S:, appointment, 346 title changed. 93 Grinter, L. E., J w e e , 628 fellowshtp, 223 Grissom L. L.. degree 631 Griawold F. C., schoiarship, 584 Grizzell, ’E. F., degree, 260 Groff R. H. degree, 609 GrolTman. R.’ C., degree 613 Grogan, G . G., degree, is15 Grohnc. E. O., degree. 614 Gronert, H.. appointments. 278, 327 Grws H. Q.. degree, 268 Groot: 1. T.. apaointments. log, 193, 244, 362, 365 378 Grosche ’ A. G. degree 173 Gross. 6.. archAecture brizc established. 505 Grrrs. H. Q., degree. 445 Gross. M. F., degree. 429 Gross, R. A.. degree, 173 Grossart, C. R., degree. 252 Grossfeld, E. A., prize, 2 7 0 Grossman D. A., appointment, 317 Grosstephk, A. R.. degree, 2sS Grout J. R.. Jr.. degree. 254 Grove; M. L.. degree. 6 2 0 Grover: N. H., degree, 431 Groves, R. L.. degree, 265, 26: Grubman, H. A.. degree, 631 Gruenbcrg. A. A., degree, 248 Gubbjns, M., appointment. 363 Guenther, 0. H., degree. 515 Guernsey D. L.. degree, 612 Guernsey: R. D., degree, 2 5 1 Guild. W. G. degree 616 Guild Prize’ _ Memorial . ~ fund investment.. 1 7-0 Gulmyer, R. J., degree, I73 Gundiach, R. H.. appointments, 278. 329 Gunn. K. B.. appointments. 278, 350 Gunn T appointment, 362 Gustaison: J. M.. degree, 620 Guthrie. N.. degree, 625 scholarship, 222 Guttman M. R., degree, 445 Gutzsell.’M. J., degree. 2 6 0 Gwinn, J. F.. commission, 261 degree 257 Gwizdalk, C. B.. degree, 175 Gymnasium, men’s.. new Addition, appropriation, 295 architects, 295 bids, plumbing, wiring. heoting, 383, 544 wntracts, 4x5, 477. 571 fees for USC. 419 furnishings and equipment, 228 heating and ventilating contract, 8 lighting fixtures, 283 linoleum, 266 panic locks. 599 partitioning basement room, 548 screens, 283 shade 284 ridewaiks 365 Gynecology: budget, 360. 362 Hmck, A. degree. 620 Haas, E. S., degre, 173 has, J. J.. degree. 631 iaas, M. C., degree, 613 labbegger F. L., degree, 613 lackbarth: A. E. F.. degrct 6 1 3 Iackett R. P., appointmenis, 332. 378 Iackleman. J. C.. appointments. 345, 3 5 2 Iackleg, R. G., appointments, 68, 348, 403 Iadam B. E. degree. 609 Iadden’. S. L.; degree, 445 Iadley, W. P., degree. 2 5 1 Iidlock, G . W., degree 614 blenrirhter. A. L., deiree, 627 fellowship, 222 lafer T. H., degrees, 257, 261 laffe;, Sister M., degree. 428 Tagan, M.. appointment. 323 lagebush C. A.. degree. 430 Tageman’ R. C.. degree. 617 iagemeyir, W. G., degree, 616 l a w r D. C. degree, 248 Iager: F. D.,’ degrees, 106. 627 fellowship. 222 3ager L. J., degree, 257 lagna’uer, W W.. degree, 617 lague S. M. appointmcnt, 323 lahn.’ J. P.. ’degree, 445 4ihneman. V. L., degree, 613 scholarship. 584 Haines H. F., degree. 613 tIa]nes’ L. M., degree, 613 Kalnes: R. D., appointment, 333 CP.A. certificate, 398 degree 428 Kale. M. J.. degree. 6 9 Hiley G. J.. degree, 617 Haley’ K. H. degree, 173 Hale; P. E.,’degree, 629 H3lfi)At D., appointment, 178 Hallord’ R. W. degree, 2 6 9 Hall, G.. adpointment, 449 cummission, 62a degree. 60s Hall, A. R., agent, Carter property, 593 Hall, B. R., appointment, 33q Hall. C. E., Experiment Statton report, 133 Hall, C. L.. degree, 609 Hall, E. H.. degree. 445 Hall, E. W., degree. 257 Hall F. a~pointment,4 5 0 Hall: G: G., prize. 270 Hall. H. A.. degree, 619 Hall J C.P.A. examiner. 463 Hall: J.” W.,degree, 80 Hall M. F., degree 611 Hall’ P. S. degree: 6r5 Hall: R. A:, appointments, 200, 339 degree 79 Hall R: B.. degree, 256 Hall’ R. H., appointment, 378 Half R. L.. degree 2 5 2 I I ~ I I S’ . appointment, 3 5 0 Hall: Serena G.. appointments. 68, 326 Hail, Stanley G.. appointments. 278, 339 Hall. V. A,. degree, 513 Hall W. W.,degree, 513 Hall’ Z.. appointment, 317 Hallh A. T. degree. 632 Hallgren, E. R., degree, 268 Halloin. W. G.. degree. 254 Halperin H., degree, 631 Halperin: I.. degrees: 515, 630 IIalpxn, L. J., appointment, 509 degree 445 Ham C: W. appointment 339 Hamill T. W., degree, 6;1 Hamikon. A., appointments, 330, 5 2 5 Hamilton, A. U., appointment, 345 Hamilton, 1. C., degree, 619 A’: w., 668 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hamilton, R. H., degree, 630 Hamilton. T. P.. dearee. 80 Hamilton; T. S.; appointment, 347 Hamlin. F. J., d e g F , 612 Hamlin. I. P.. appointment, 331 Hamm,-H., appointment, 317 Hamm W. E., degree. 256 Hammaker, P. M..degree, 2 5 2 Hammond, C. E., &r?, 260 Hammond W. C., appointment. 389 Hanaford,'G. E., degree. 620 K a n a P. D. Jr., degree. 2 5 5 Han&k, L. degree. 611 Hank. L. M.. depree. 252 k., Hanna H. H. I H a n n a k i n , C.'H.. d Hanselman. J. D.. d e g r a , 429 Hansen, J W. appointment, 332 Hanwn. V. .K.'. dearce. 618 ~ ~ Hansle;, J. E.,'degree, 256 Hanron. F. P., appointments, 348. 353 Hanson, N T., degree, 631 Hantover M. J. degree 630 %. G.. Acme. ;06 H&&&-w.- A., lppiintment, 325 Hardesty, J. M.. degree. 264 fellowships. 243, 584 Harding A. A., appointments, 318, 354 Harding: F. M., appointments, 68. 320 263 Harding. H. G., +ee, Hardt L. L. appointment, 389 Hard;are fo; new buildings, 238 Hare Samuel will. 42 Hare;, A,, digree, 80 Harger. J. R., appointment, 391 statement, 145 Hargis, L. L. degree. 80 Hargitt, G. degree, 106 Harker M., degree 609 Harker: 0. A., ambunt of allowance, 636 appointments, 31s. 354 elected director, 189, 563 Ells land reoort. 1 1 1 retirement, 4 3 5 . . Hariand, L. E., degree, 613 Harland. M. B.. appointment. 345 Harman; H. F., degree, ,267 Harmon, D. E., scholarship. 584 Harmon, H. E.. degree. 612 Harmon, J. C., degree 617 Harmon, R. C., a p p o h n e n t , 450 Harms. F. R.. demee. 128 Harms: G. W:, d&r&, -613 Harnish, W. E., appointments, 278, 336 Harnit, K. A., degree, 258 Harno A. appointment, ,354 Harp;, B. appointment. 354 Harrington. E. J:. degree, 260 Harris, C., appomtment, 321 Harris, D.. degree, 79 Harris G. R., degree, 2 6 9 Harris: H. C degree, 630 Harris, J. A.: appointment, 324 degree 627 Harris, R. A. degree, 445 Harris, R. J.: degrees, 248, 261 Harris, S. C.. degrees, 175, 445 Harris, W. L,. appointments, 16, 336 death 5 0 6 Harriso;, C. H.. degree, 613 Harrison. D.. dcnree. 6 1 ~ Harrison' F'. 'G.,-&sree j I4 Harshb&r, E. M.,a&ointments, 16, 166 Harshbarger F. I degree, I73 Hart E. F:. appchrnents, 69, 319, 619 Hart: J. A.. degree. 614 H a r t , L., appointment, 6g d., h., H a r t R. W., appointments, 16, 193 deiree, 400 Harter. A. L., scholarship, 277 Harter. J. A., degree. 267 Hartlett, E. M., appointments, 362, 378 Hartman, 0.. degree. 609 Hartmann, E. C., .appointments, 278, 340 Hartung, A., appointments, 199, 362 Hartung, P. T. T.. degree. 248 Hartwcll, T. K., dcgr.ee, 618 Hartzell. T. M.. University drain connection, 5 lP Harvey, C. W., deer?. 431 Harvey, J. M..appointment, 336 Haseman. M. G.. appointment, 328 Haskins. F. E. degree, 629 Hasain. G. B.. 'appointment, 389 Haswell, R. E.. degree, 609 Hatch, J. E., appointment, 450 Hatch and A d a m fund 344 Hatchett. M. P., degrd, 627 Hatfield, F. E. degree, 627 scholarship, i 4 3 Hatfield Electric Co., contract, 644 Hathaway R. J. degree z6g Hathorne ' E. M.' degree' 611 Hathorne: W. S.,' degree: 263 Hatton, M., appointment, 3 17 Hatzir, P. N., degree, 630 Haug. H . , appointment, 585 Haughton H. 0. appointments 16 69 339 Hasworth: W. P:, C. P. A. ce;tifi&te.'44 Haweis, G. E.. bequest, 5 0 6 Hawker R. P. degree, 260 Hawkes' J. B. 'appointments 16 69, 323 Hawkids, G. B., fellowship,' 584' Hawkins, H. W., degree, 267 Hawkins, J. H., degree, 514 Hawley, E. E., degree. 618 Haworth, C. W. degree 618 Haworth, L. G..'degree, '621 Hawthorne M. F. degree, 620 Hawthorne: R. A..'degree, 609 Hay, S. F.. degree, 7 9 Hayden. L. J., degree, 257 Hayden. T. C., degree, 260 Hayes, B. F., degree, 2 5 5 , 2 6 1 Hayes, E. C., appointments, 203, 330 Hayes, H. P., degree! 249 Hayes, M. D., appointment. 390 Hayes, V. L.. degree, 609 Hayes, W. P.. appointments 69, 201, 327 Haygreen, G. A,, degree, 61; Haynes, G. L.. degree, 2 5 1 Hayward, € I . N., degree, 256 Hazleton. II. A.. appointnients. 16. 316 Hazlehursr. J. H., degree, 616 Hnzlett, 0. C. appointments 234, 328 Head, J. R., apporntment, 5;s Heald, H. T., degree, 264 Heald R. F., degree 263 Heal& Service, apprbpriation, 561 budget. 357 Heater. E. F., appointment 342 Heaton, M., appointments '69 358 Heberer H. M. appoint&&, 109, 193. 201 Hebert, 'M. C.. 'degree, 359 Heckman, 0. S., appointments, 328. 378 degree, 623 Heckman W. C. degree 627 Hedberg.'C. A., hegree, b3o Hedblom, C. A , . appointments, 392, 485 Heddins, H.. degree. 2 6 0 Hedgcock S. F degree 630 Hedges. A., degree, ;67 Hedrick. L. C.. degree, 615 prize, 271 HEdrick, L. R., degree, 609 i. UNIVERSlTY OF ILLINOIS Heffernan, H. G., degree, 248 Helner. G. L., C. P. A. certificate, 190 Heggland, M., appointments, 16, 3 17 Heidler, J . B., appointments, 201, 5 2 2 degree, 628 fellowship 223 Hcidloff, R.' C., appointment, 356 salary, 356 Heiligenstein, C. A., Jr., degree, 253 Heiman. I., degree, 2 6 9 Heimlicher. M. S., degree, 620 Hein, M. A., appointment, 346 Heinekamp, W. J. R., appointment. 360 Heintz, E. L., appointment, 389 Neissig. I., degree, 629 Helbling, R. L., appointment, 316 Hellar. Mrs. G . E., appointment, 357 Heller. C. M.,degree, 2 5 1 Heller, L. L., Experiment station report, 132 Hellmuth J . K., degree 6 3 1 Helming,'A. D., degree,' 609 Helmreich, E. C., degree, 400 Helms, K. C., degree, 615 Ilelms, L. A., degree, 623 fellowship, 584 scholarship, 1 2 2 IIelsing, E. A., degree, 6q Helson, H., appointment,, 403 Hembreiker, W. J., appointment, 50 Hemphill, H. M., degree, 609 Hemphill, J. S., degree, 617 Hemwall, J. E., degrees, 252. 261 Hcnderson, C. B.. degree, fkg scholarship, 584 Hendcrson, D. C.. appointment, 347 degree, 625 Henderson, G. E., degree, 614 Ilrnderson. M., degree, 258 Henderson. T. 0.. amointment. 121 Henderson' W. T' d&ee 61b' Hendrick, 'C. F., "degree. '616 Ifendricks, F. W., degree, 2 5 2 Henkel, E. R., degree, 622 Henneberry, M. T., degree. 173 Henness, C. F., degree, 256 Hennig, E. A., degree, 260 Henning, G. E., degree, 617 Henry, A. F., appointment, log degrees 255, 261 Henry, B. L., appointment, 403 degree, 261 Henry G. H. degree 6 3 0 Henry: M. V.; degr&, 260 Henshel, W. M.,degree, 252 Hensler. E. D., appointment, 109 d w e e s . 2 5 2 , 261 Henson, C. T.. silos purchased, 5 5 0 Henwood P. E appointment 339 Hepburn,' N. W:,appointmen;.. 49, 4 6I ~ Hepler, A. L., degree, 612 Heppes, J. O., degree, 614 Herbqn. C. A,, degree, 2 . p Herdlicka E. L. degree 632 deg&. 6 3 1 Herdlicka: R. W., Herman, C. W., degree, 6 3 0 Herman M. degree 6 3 1 Herr B: R.' degree' 2 5 5 Herrick, H.'H., degree, 2 6 0 Herrick, M. T., appointment. 633 Herrick, N. G., degree, 514 Herrick, W. C., appointment. 315 Heirin S. E., degree 6 q Herrioit, M. E.. app&tments, zoo, 335, 5 22 H a r o l d , R. D., appointment. 391 Herron E. degree 266 Herron' M' E ddgree 620 Hcrsh. 'K. R.,'hcgree, 613 *emhey, A. E.. appointments, 16, 342 degree, 626 3ershey. C. 0..appointment, 390 lerting, H. E., appointment, log less. 1. €I., appointment, 194 -lessel boulevard, vacation of. 504, 546 Scf also irnder Land 4esscl land, fie under Land Liesser. M.. derree.. I77 ._ Hessle;, M:, appointment, 450 Hcster, M. F., degree, 6 t 4 Hetherlin. R. T., degree, 615 llettel, E. F., commission. 622 degree, 616 Hcusinkveld, C. T., degree. 248 Hews , G. C., degree, 263 Plym fellowship. 78 Hewitt, H. C. degree 430 Hey, A. T., abpointr&ots, so. 461 Hey E. M. appointment 450 Heykmd-W;kefield Co., awarded contract, 2.28 Hiatt, H. H.. degree, 614 Hibbs, E. A., degree, 620 Hickey. R. M., C. P. A. certificate, 638 Hickman, W., appointment, 339 degree, 616 Hicks, G. G., degree. 618 Hicks, T. H., degree, 631 Hieronymus, R. E., appoinlments, 334. 345 Hiers. G. S., degree, 627 fellowship, zzz Higgin Mfg. Co.. contract, 283 Higgjns, F. R., degree. 248 Higg!ns, H. R., nppomtmcnt. 341 Higgins, K. A,, degree 137 Iliggins, M. R., m m m k i o n , 623 degree, 618 Higginson, G. D., appointments, 203, 329, 524 degree, 5 1 3 High school junior petition for, 635 High Schooi Visit$. offi- of, budget, 317 High schools, accrediting, change, 197 Highshew, W. S., degree, 514 Hildenbrand, H. L., degree, 256 Hiles, R. E., degree, 616 Hilgert, J. R., appointments. 332, 378 Hilkert, R. C., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Hill, A. J., degree, 261 Hill, B. H., appointment, 331 Hill, B. W., dqr ee. 632 Hill, C. A., degree, 5 1 3 Hill, D. B., degree. 429 Hill D. I. degree 609 Hill: D. M. appointment. 69 Hill, E. L.. 'appointment. 69 degree, 263 Hill, E. W., degree, 248 Hill Harold H. degree zs$ Hill: Harold Hhrrin, depree. 629 Hill, J., contract. 117 Hill, L. R., degree, 267 Hill, N., prize 270 Hill N. P. degree 248 HillLbrand, H. N., ippointments, 190, 325, 5 2 2 Hillebrand. J. G.. depee, 629 Hillcr, E. T., appointments, 203. 330, 505 Hiller J. L degree z6p H i l l m k , D:: degrd, 269 Hills E. B., appointment. 327. 403 Hil!s: S. H., degrees, 257, 261 Hiltabrand, W. F., degree, 257 Himes, V. B., degree, 620 Himmele, I. H.. appointment. loo commission. 26a degree, 26; Hincks, H. 0.. C.P.A. certihute, 44 Hindman, D., appo~ntmcnt.z o j ~ 670 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hines, G. I., appointments, 69. 348, 403 Hinotc. R. C.,appointment. 109 Hinrichs, H. W. R., degree, 631 Hinrichsen, J. J., scholarship, 223 Hinton, A. B., degr~,.631 Hirchbere. 5.. mmmisston. 623 L. A.. 6tr -_.__. Holmes, rlemc. 2 562 , 335 retirement, 635 H o l l q ~ t s r ,C. F., degree, 2 6 , 261 Holloway F. I. degree. 263 Holloway: L. E:. +gra, 609 Holly, J. A., appoinlopent, 404 Holmw A. W.. degree, 80 Holmes: H. E.,degree, 254 commission, 621 - ~ . Holmes R. N degree 609 Holt. E. D., d & e , Z ~ I Holt. H. E.. C.P.A. certificate. 398 Holt 0. C., degree, 257 Holtbn, E. M. degree 611 Holton, W. B.,’ degree,’ 627 fellowship, zzz Home Advisers budget, 354 Home Economics, budget, 349 exrxnse, 343 salaries, 343 Home Economics 44,fee 494 Home Economics Ed6ca;ion. buidnet, e w n s e , 334 salaries 334 Home Eioiomics Extension, title changes, 393 Hon R. C.. degree, 79 Hon&well, E. M.. appointment, 166 Honorarium, for A. R. Crathorne, 102 Honoroff. L., degree. 631 Honors Day appropriation, t$ Honors for graduation form changed, a29 H d , F. C., appointkent, 538 Hood H. B. degree 248 H&’ C. H.’&m,’z6g Hoopir H. i. degree 2 5 1 Hoos K. de&ee, 63; HooGer, 6. P., degree, a66 Hoover, D. H., appointment, 333 Hoover, I., degree, 262 Hoptins. B. S., appointments. 323, 5 2 1 discove of element, 544 leave absense, 1g0 HqAins C. appointment 328 Hopkins: H.’C., degree, 1;3 Hopkins H. M.. appointment, 178 Hopkins: L. T.,degree, 257 Hopkins, R. E., appointments. 16. 317 Hopwood F. H. degrees 257, 261 Hordyk, ’E. M.,’degree, ;so Horn A. 0..degree 260 Horn: J. L., appointknt, gaz Horn, R. F.. degree. 623 scholarship. 222 Horne, C. E., appointments. 224, 328, 4 5 0 Horneman, H. C., appointments, 49. 4Qo Hornish, M. M., degree. 618 Hornkohl. F., appointments, 69. 224. 321 Horrow, S. R.. degree 253 Horse barn, contract, ’49 Horsky, B., degree, 267 Horticultural products contract. 276 Horticulture, budget, 350 =pen=, 343 salaries. 343 building burned, 4? Horton, J. W., appointment, ioq dew% 253 Hciton, R.. appointments, 69, 338 Horween, C.. degree, 609 Horwitz A., degree, 631 Horwitz: J. J., d e s r a , 6ag Horwitz, R., degree, 17s Hosford. H. M., appointments. 16, 202 degree, 628 kll?wship, 223 Hoskin, A. J., appointment, 343 Hoskjns, J. H.,degree, 445 Hoskinr, R. N., depm, 620 Hoaler I. V appointmmt, 318 Hospi&l, M k n k y , appropriation, 7 building expendit-, 4r3 dedication. 518 executive staff, 290 linoleum 286 oSieopatiL practitioners. 2 2 9 plumbing, additional, I 18 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hospital, McKinley, appropriation, cont’d. screens? 283 securities. sale. 6. 7 s a k withheld, 413 sidewalks, 365 staff, 196 St. Anthony, contract with, 41 University, old, wing assigned to Military, 387 Hospitils, Medical Research, appropriation for beds, 76 for equipment, 114, 149, 1 5 1 for incidental expenses. 42 for X-ray apparatus, 166 cooperative agreement with State, 287, 411 Director of research. 293 organization, 14s outside practitioners. 376 Hotchkiss R. G., degree, 2 5 5 Hotel ratis. committee on, 397 444. 458 Hottes, C. F.. zppointments, zoo. 3.13. 345 Hottes. F. E., degree, 620 Hotz, C. J. H., degree, 513 Houchens, J. B., appointment, 3 19 leave of absena, 5 5 0 Hongh. E. R.. degree 257 Hough, P. V., degr&, 613 Huupbam, E. B., degree, 621 Houghton. A. V., degree, 620 Houghton, A. W.,degree, 631 House, B. 0..degree, 619 House. moving, Agronomy, Sa Ifousehold Science scholarships, extension. 9 Houserman 81 Co.. E. F., contract, 284 Houses. College Place lots, sate, 240 Housh. C. N., degrpe, 257 Hovorka. F., degree. 265 Howard, C. G., appointments, 69, 332 Howard, C. W.,degree, 2 5 2 Howard, P. J.. degree. 255 Howe. P., appointment, 317 Howe R. F degree 158 Howeil N. k. de& 621 Howie.’J. L., ’5egree ’627 Hawk, C. D.. degree: 623 H o w , A., degree, 632 Hoyt, F. F.. C.P.A. certificate. 398 Hruby F. E. degrees 515, 630 HSU. T. L.. degree. 263 Hsu Y. Y. degrees 253, 626 Hu.’K. C.. ’degree, ;73 Huang C. C. degree 624 Hubbaid G. 8. a k i n t r n e n t zoz Hubbard: K. H.’. appointmen&. 341. 626 Huhbard. R. W.. de*rees, 81, 630 Huber. C. M., appointment, 318 degree, 628 Huber M. appointment 337 Huck,’J. degree, 61; Hucker A. M.,degree 609 Huckeri, J. W.. dcgr&, 264 Huddlestun, B., appocntrnents, 350, 378 Hudelson J. E. degree 429 Huddson: R. R :, rppoi’ntments, 275. 349, 353 Hudson E. C. degree 249 Huegy.’H. W.’ & r e * $06 Huelsen, W. i.. appointment, 350 degree, c I 2 Huelster, L. F., scholarship, 584 J S degree, 428 G: A:: appointments. 202, ;34. ~ G F elected direct&. 189. 563 . --- leave of abscncc. 493 salary, 356 Huff. J. 0..appointments, 69, 318, 326 Hufler. J. H.,appointment, 340 Huggans, E. R. dcgra, 398 Ih., gyx’ Hughes H. F degree, 25.2 Hughes’ M. degree, 627 Hughes: M. E:: degm, 250 Hughes, P. M., degree, 620 Hughes, R. R., degm, 614 Hughes, S. K. degree, 619 Hughes, S. M.: degree, 252 Hughes Krabbe CD.. contract, 545 Huehitt. A,, appointment, 357 S.. degree, ,252 , H. S., appointment, 389 3. E.. degree, a60 d‘ 404 commission, 622 degree. 612 H u m , M. E., degree. 399 Husaey. S. C.. degree, 611 Hested. J. K., degree, 620 Huston, G, R, degree, 257 Huston H.‘-S degree, 266 Hutchi&, K. degree, 6cq Hutchins, M..appointment. 3 2 0 Hutchinson, J., appointment, 3 5 1 Hutchison, C. E.. degree, 631 Hurson, N. E.. degree, 258 Huxham H. H. degree. 260 Hyde. i. M., abpoistment. 450 Hyde, A. S., appointment, 554 degrec, 105 Hyde, E. C. degree. 172 Hvde. 1. F..’ nowinunent. ? Z A Hide’ R. B.’ a&n&ent’ &I Hylddt. E. ’A., degree. 428 Hyler, F. W.. appointment, 336 Hyman. I. I., depm. 631 Hymovitch, H. H., degree, 269 Hpnds. T. J.. degree, 614 Hynes, B. E.. degree, 2 6 9 Hypes. G. W.. degree, 269 s., . Ideal Electric Co.. contract. 2 8 3 Iftner, J. L., degree,’z57 IgIowits M.,degree 630 Illinois ’Guernsey Breeders’ Assn.. resolution. I 552 _ BOARD Of ‘RUSTEES 672 Illinois Master Plumbers’ Assn.. mowrauve agreement, 549 Illinois Power 8 Lieht Corn.. coo . nroxv. -. _Illinois Press Association request, 277 Illinois State Electric hssn., cooperative re- search, 171, 598 Imbiorski, S. J. appointments, 193, 450 Industrial E d u c h o n , budget, 336 exwnse, 334 salaries, 334 Infirmary. budact, 363 Incormation Office, budget, 3 IS Infringemect of patents, policy. 88 Ingalls, H. B.. appointment, 316 Ingersoll, A. W., appointment, 602 lngler F. M., degree 262 Ingram, W. C.. degrLe, 619 Inman, J. E., degrees, 2 5 5 , 261 Inman, R. F.. degree, 267 Innes D. H. degree 254 innis’ C. A.,’degree,’609 1nsti;ute of American Meat Packers, coopera- tive investigation, 520 lnsulite Chemical Company, contract, 593 Insurance, hurglary, Chicago departments. 633 Carter-Pennell buildings, I 7I Chicago buildings 8 liability, X-Ray, ,232 Stadium. 6 Interest on land, 8 property purchased, 494 International Institute of Cooperation, conven- tion, 50 Investment of trust lunds, scc under Trust lnnds Ireland. I. I., degree. 79 Irish, F. E., degree, 6 q Irish, H. E., appointment, 39a statement. 145 Iron Mountain Co., gift, 1 5 0 Irvin. A. C.. aooointments. 278. 1 5 0 Irving, A. S., appointment, 340 - - Irvine, E. T., degree, 60 Irwin, L. H., cuntract, 638 Isaacs, E. M., degree, 257 Isaacson, M R., appointment, 49s I s d x r g , H. M.,degree. 631 Isenhart. L. F. degree 630 Ittner F. W.,’degree,’614 Ives, j. T.. degree., 429 Ivcy, A. C., appointment, 325 I nbusch, R. L ~ degree. 631 ack, M. L., dgrec, 248 ack. P. E., degree, 621 ack, W. R., dwee, 81 ackel. H. A., degree, 430 acks B. B. degree 609 acks’ R. L.: degree’ 2% acksbn, A. K., degiee, 260 ackson. C. 0. degree, 622 ackson, M. L.’. degree, 259 ackson N. K. degree. 631 a d s o n : O . L..’ d a r e . 249 ._ prise. 270 Jackson. R. W. degree, 265 lackson, T., dc&es, 629, 630 Jackson, 2. M.. appointments, 69. 316 Jamb, J., contract, 286 Jacob, P. E., appointments, 16, 330 degree, 5 1 2 Jacohi A. degree 248 Jacob; F.’D. Jr.’ degree 629 Jacobs’ H. F ’ d e k e 61; Jacobs’ J. L.? degree,’ 269 J ~ C O & M c.. appointments, 323, 554 degras. 249, 62z Jacobs, M. R.. appointmenta, 470, 585 Jacobsen, E. A.. w p i n t m e n t , 349 Jambson C. degree. 631 Jambson: H.’ A., degree, 5 1 5 Jacobson H. L., degree 620 Jacobson: J. M., fellowihip, 584 Jacobson, J. R., degree, 266 Jambson, 0. B., appointment, 193 degree, 263 Jacobson, P., appointment, 450 Jacobson, R. A.. degree, 265 Jacobson, R. B., degree, 620 Jacobson V. H. degree 631 Jamby, M.,begree, kog Jacubziner H. M., degree, 431 Jaffe, R. H., appointments, 360, 404 Jahlstrom I. 0..degree 264 Jahn, R.’G,, C.P.A. ceitificate. 44 Jahn & Ollier, contract, 6, 291 Jakuhowski, A. I., degrees, 269 516 James, Edmund J., committee ’m resolutions, k. 287 resolutions o n death of, 290 salary allowance, 427 James, H. C., degree, 106 James, H. T.,degree, 252 James M. C. degree, 258 James’ W. F..’degree. 629, 630 Jamesbn, P. V., degree. 167 Jamieson. G. W.,degreec, 2 5 2 Jamison, H., appointment, 404 Jamison, H. E., appointments, 348, 353 Janata, A. J., appointment. 315 Janicti, S. F., degree. 445 Janitors’ wages. hearing, 412 report. ,458. 479 Jankowski A. M.,degree 631 Jansen, H. D.,degree, ;54 Janvrin, C. E., appaintment, 321 salary 427 Jarecki, ’C. A. degrees 269, 631 Jarrett, H. W:, degree: 257 Jasmviak. R. A., degree, 256 Jasper, T. M.,appointment, 342 Jaudes, A. W..degree. 2 5 2 Javier, P. V., degrees. 253, 623 Iav. H.. deeree. 620 .ieff& k,&ee,, 259 Jenison, C., appointment, 404 Jenkins, C., degree, 627 Jenkins, J. H.,degree, 2% Jenks, J. P.,degree, 620 Jeniiings, K. D.. degree. 615 Jentzsch. R. A., degree, 631 Jentzsch. W. H.,,degree, 252 Jepson H. appointment. 552 Jerowky, M. S., degree 445 Jervis, F. M.,degree, OT: Jewell E C. S degree 2 5 2 Jewtll’ L.’ R dwree @ ; Jewell’ W. R: degrd. 260 Jindra: J. V.,’ degree, 2% Joannes. H. R., C.P.A. certificate. 190 Johit, V., degree, 6og Jodar. E. 0.. d e a m . 266 bhannesen, R. t.,appointments, 404, 554 Johns, H. C., degree, 429 Johns, R. S., C.P.A. certificate. 398 degree, 254 acholzrship. 222 Johnson. A. J., dcgr?. 268 Johnson, A. S., appointment. 320 Johnson A. T.. degree 248 Johnson: C. A.. degree’ 630 Johnnon C. L., d e m ’ 174 Johnson: D. R.. degr?; 6r2 Johnson, D. V.. appointment 450 Johnson, E. B.. degm, 256‘ Johnson, E. M.,Mbdarship, 584 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Johnson, E. V.. degree. 430 Johnson, F. P.,, apppintment, 325 lohnson. Franklin Pitcher, appointment, 16, 335 salary, 356 lohnson. F. T.. appointments, 202. 354, 5 2 3 Johnson; F. V., a-ppointment, 324 Johnson, G. E., dolarship, 584 Johnson, H. C.. degree, 445 Johnson, H. M., degree, 617 Johnson, H. O., degree, 429 Johnson H. R., degree ~4.5 Johnson' J. Raven appointments zoo 324 Johnson' John R&rt, degree (Bus.). '252 Johnson: John Roben, degree (Med.), 445 lohnson. I. S.. depree. 6 5 2 "Johnson; j. T.;aGoidtm;nt, 323 Johnson, J. W., degree, 268 Johnson L. E. degree, 513 Johnson' L. 0.' appointment, 166 Johnson: L. R.: degree, 626 Johnson, M. B., degree, 631 Johnson, M. E., degree, 248 Johnson, Maynard S., degree, 266 Johnson, Milo S.. degree, 399 Iohnson. R. E.. deeree. 267 iohnson: R. G., deqee, 154 lohnron. Ray, appointment, 340 Johnson, Russell, degree, 445 lohnson, S. H., degree, 614 johnson, V. H., degree, 173 Johnson, W. R.. degree, 6x4 Johnson Brothers, contract, 545 Johnson Service Co., contract, 56g Johnston, B., degree, 2 5 2 Johnston, B. W.. degree. .261 Johnston, Mrs. C., appointment, 5 2 2 Johnston, C. R., degree, 619 Johnston, E. O., degree, 257 lohnston. F. E.. deeree. 628 fellowship 27.3 - . Johnston, Fiances E., degree, 609 Johnston, H. B.. appointment 315 Johnston, M. H., degree, 6og' Johnston, MIS. N. C. B., appointment, 335 Johnston, 0. K., degree, 609 Johnston, P. E., appointments, 349, 352 degree 626 Jokisch, 'E. W.. degree, 6og lolly, J. W., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Jolly M. G., degrees, 609, 620 Jone;. A. degree 6 q Jones, A.' B., d&ree, 260 scholarship 602 Jones. A. M:, degree, ,513 Jones, B. R., commission, 622 degree. 609 Joncs, C..W.. C.P.A. examiner, 276 resignation, 5 5 9 Jones G. A. dmree, 2 5 1 Jones: G. B.: degree, 614 Jones, G. 0.. degree, 168 Jones, H. E., degree, 614 Jones, H. S. V.. appointment, 325 leave of absence 505 Jones, J. B. W., 'degree. 616 Jones, J. E. degree, 619 Jones L. H.' degree, 429 Jones: L. M.*degree, 248 Jones, M., aipointment, 404 Jones, M E., appointments, rw, 348 Jones, I@. F., appointment. 331 degree 627 Jones N. B., scholarship 584 Jones: P. V. B. appoint&ent, 328 Jones R. L. &, 251 Jones: T. L..' degree. 268 Jones, T. P., degree, a60 Jones. 3'. S., appointment, 360 ~ 673 Jongewaard, J., deqees. 81, 445 loranson, Y., a m n t m c n t s , log, 404 Jordan, C. L., degrq, 430 Jordan, H. H., appointmentn, 337, 339 Jordan, J. J., depree, 620 Jordan W., appointment, 224 Jordan: W. C., degree, 2 5 2 Jorgensen, A., appointments, @, 339 Jorgensen, J., degree. 25s Joseph. E. C., degree, 105 Josephson G. E., scholarship, 584 Josephson' H. 3. C.P.A. certificate, IQO Josephson: S. A.: degree, 269 Joshi, A. K., degree, 173 Joss, E. F. degree, 629 JOY, P. appointment, 109 degree. 2 5 5 , 261 Judah, C. B., Jr., degrees. 429, 624 Judson, V. J., degree. 618 Judy, P. R., appointment, 324 Juhnke, L. A., appointment, 388 Jung, F. W., degree, 2 5 0 .lungell E. W., degree. 430 Junior 'high school, petition for, 635 Junkens J. H.. degree. 618 Jurgens,' J. J., degree, 630 Jurisprudence, Dental, budget, 364 Just, J. H., degree, 6 2 9 Jutton, E. R., appointment, 32.0 w.: Kibbes, S. P..degree. zsz Kaecker, A. M, degree, 79 Kaemper E F. degree 256 Kagey, R. .H., Agree, &g scholarship, 645 Kahlert, J. H.. degree, 609 Kahn, B., appointmenu, 70, 3 5 9 Kahn, H., appointments, 139. 361 Kahn, Helen, degree, 429 Kaiser, C. A,, appointment, 1 0 9 dpmrr IC . . ..-_, ~C ~ Kallina E. J.. degree, 514 K a l l i d M. B. degree 269 Kalman'Floor do.. Inc.', contract, 5 6 9 Kamin. H., degree, 267 Kaminski, A,, degree, 622 Kammlade, W. G.. appointment, 347 Kamplain, J. C., appointment, 7 0 Kampmeicr, 0. F., appointment, 360 Kamrar. F., appointment, 16 Kandelin, L. M., degree, 2 5 5 Kine, C. M., degm, 620 Kang C. H degree 616 Kantk, N., Jegree3 ;68 Kantor J., degree, 630 ~ a p d B., , appointment, 487 Kaplan L. A,. degree. 632 Kaplan: S., degree, 445 Kappa Kappa Gamma property, purchase considered, 551 Kappus,. J. A., degree, 250 Karklncg, M. L., degree, 445 Karlin I degree 445 Karnes' 'f. D d&ce 260 Karns 'G. M..:appoi&nent. 404 Karr. 'G.,degrees, 248,. 323, 6 2 2 Karraker, A. H., appointment. 345 Karrenbroclr W. E., appointment, 332 Kartheiser, P. J.. degree. 630 Kaspar, G. I., degree, 631 Kastel, S., degree, z6g Katti, M. C. T., appointment. 404 Katz E. S. degree, 631 Katz: H.. deploe. 611 Katz; M.;deiree; 6 j r Katz M A. degree. t@ K & n a n ' G: M.,degree, 267 Kaufmrd, A. S.. degree, 609 BOARD OF R U S T E E S 674 Kaufman, F., degree, 2 6 9 Kaufman, S . E., appointment, 450 Kaufman, S. I., appointment, 1fj6 Kench. G. E., degree, 429 Kearns, J. J., degree, 630 Keaton, C. A., degree, 399 Keefer A. L. degree. 399 Keele.’H. M..’ awointment. 70 Keele;, 0..dig&, 399 ’ Kecley, A. C.. degree, 614 Keely, R. W.. degree, 620 Keen, G. F., degree, 612 Keener. C. A., appointment, 338 Keenev. H. F.. degree. 2 ~ 7 Keeton,’ R. W..‘ apGoiu;me-nt. 427 Kehart, M. W.. denree, 616 Kehl, ,C. E., degree, 248 Keigwin, J. R., degree, 257 Keilholz, F. J.. appointment, 352 Keith, J. A., degree, 173 Keith, M. H., appointment, 347 Keith, R. P., degree, 6ag Keith, T. 6.. degree, 625 Kell. R. D., degree, 616 Kelleher. R. C.. appointment, 348 Keller M. M appointment, 538 Keller: W. H.:‘c.P.A. certificate, 44 Kclley, C. P., appointment. 326 Kelley, J . A,, scholarship, 584 Kelley U C. degree 624 C.P.A: certificate, 44 Kelicy: V. Kelley, V. W., appointment, 351 Keliom. D. S.. degree. A&< KellogE, J . S.,’ appointmcnta, 364, 404 Kelly, B. N., degree, 2 5 7 Kelly, D. V., degree, 609 Kelly, E. J., degree, 445 Kelly H. R. degree 248 Kelly’ T. G.’ degree,’ 614 Kelse;, A. B:, appointment. 16 dcgree, 263 Kelaey. W. W., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Kelsheimer, E. G., degree, 257 Kelsa. R., appointment, 326 Kelso, R. W., degree, 6 3 0 Kemp, D. W., degree. 258 Kemp, E. L., appointment. 404 degree, 254 Kemp W. L. appointment, 585 Krmp’ W. W.’ degree 618 Kern&, T. A,,’ degree,: 631 Kcndall, F. E., appointment, 324 degree, 627 Keniston, E. G., degree, 257 Kennedy, R. E., degree, 430 Kennedy, R. R desree, 252 Kennedy, S. J.,”appointment, 450 commission, 622 degree, so9 Kennedy, W. C. degree 6 x 4 Kennedy W. G.’ degree,’ 255 Kennedy: W. HI. degree, 429 K e n n y , H. F., &*re, 261 Kennimtt, Mr., Experiment Station report, 133 Kenny, W. L.,. degree, 494 Kent, E.. appointment, 319 Kent, E . F. & Ca, contract, 20 Kenyon, J. S., d e g r e , 360 Keppl, J.. degree, 632 Kerancn, G. M., degree, 264 Keranen, J. E.. appointments, 193, 343 degree, 5 1 2 Kern J. W. degree, 172 Kerr,’ H. H.: appointment., 450 Kerrick, C., appointment, 363 Kcrrins, J. Q.. degree, 252 Kcrwin, J. J., degree, 616 v.1 Kessinger, H. E., degree, 248 Kessler I J. degree 2 5 2 K e u l e i W. d. d e & e 2% Kesert,’ E. M.:degree: 631 Ketchurn, M S., appointments, 337, 341 Ketchurn, P. W., degree, 628 Kewley, R. J., degree, 173 Keycs. D. B., appointment, 590 Keyes, 0. W., degree, 399 Kharasch D. degree, 2% Kick, C.’H..* appointments, 109, 347, 378 degree 78 Kienhola A. R appointment, 323 Kieradlo,’ E. M:: dew, 631 Kieran, J. T., degree, 609 Kilcr, C. A.. contract, 286 Kilgore B. F degree, 445 Kiilele; F W. degree, 248 Killefer’ M. E.’, degree, z 6 a Killian,’ A. S., degree, 267 Killinger, D. W., degree, 630 Killoogh, E. M. degree, 262 Kilmartin, R., appointment, 6 0 2 Kimber. M. C., degree. 609 Kimmel, L. A., degree. 611 Kinder, A. C., degree, 6 q King, A. R., appointments, 328, 404 degree, 262 King, Agnes, appointment, 201 Kjng, Audrey, degree, 263 King, E. E., appointment, 341 Kins. F. D., degree, 174 King, F. L., appointment, 450 King, F. M..appdntments, 279, 336 King, G . E., appointment, 327 King. L. T., degree, 172 King, P. G., degree, 516 Kiag, R. O., degree, 248 King, W. R., appointments, 109, 193. g z q King, W. T., degree, 616 King & Petry, contract, Gymnasium, 477 horse barn, 49 Stadium approach, zp Kingsley, F. C., appointments, 224, 348, Kinhofer, G. G., degree, 248 Kinison, C . R.,degree, 621 Kinley, David, appointment, 3 I 5 C.P.A. committee member, 463 elected President, 184 portrait ol, artist selected, 642 committee, 376, 397 report, s60 vacation. 376 Kinnane, C. H. T., degree, 8 1 Kinsey. D. C., degree, 620 Kionlta, P. F. degree, 515 :“hi, E. E.,’degree, 262 irc ner, H. J., degree, 629 Kirchner, L. R. W., degree, 429 Kirkpatrick, K. W., degree, 251 K+ch, D. B., degree, 609 Kirschenbaum. I.. dearee. 2 6 0 Kirsner, H. R., degree, 2 5 1 Kirsten P. J degree 631 Kishpaigh, H.”W.. defree, 5 1 5 Kistner, A. W., degree, 266 Kistner H. W. degree 2 6 0 Kjtcheli V. I. ’degrecs.’61g, 6 2 1 Kittell, ’I.. deiree, 626 scholarship, 243 Klages, K. H. W.. degree, 265 Klapman P. A., C.P.A. certificate 1p0 Kleckmr.’ T. A., appointment, 32; Klein H. A. degrees, 270, 631 Klein: J. E.,’appointment. 498 degme, 445 Klein, 0. G.. degree, 148 Klein, S.. degree, 631 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Kleinheksel, J. H., appointment, 324 degree, 264 Kleinman B. S. degree, 267 Klindt H. J., degree, 260 K L ~'L. E., appointments, 70, 331, 332 Klivins H. I., denee, 613 K l q p e L b o r ~ ,R . H., degree, 615 Klorhne. M., degree, 250 Klos M. A.. degree, 631 Kluiip N. F., degree, 260 Klute,'M. H., degree, 612 Knapheide M. H. degree 2 6 0 Knarr K.'IK. depree, 606 Knauir M. W. degree, 609 Knecht,' W. G.: deprees, 2 5 5 , 261 Kneier, C. M.,appointments, 70, 329 Kniebusch, H. C.,degree, 615 Knight, A. R.,appointment, 338 Knight H. B., degree, 620 Knight: P., appointment, 2 0 1 degree 430 Knight, 'P. D., deqee, 620 Knipp, C. T., appointments, 341. 524 Knipp, F. M.,degree, 6og Knipp-Brown patent, rec Brown-Knipp patent Knircly. C. W., C.P.A. examiner. 463 Knowles, E. B., appointments, 404. 450 Knowlton. S. B., appointment, 3 2 1 Knox, J. H., appointment, 347 Knudsen, C. W., appointments, zoo, 317. 522 Knudson. W. €I., degree, 629 Kohak A. J., degrees, 175, 445 Koch,'E. M.,appointments, 16. 360, 487 Koch, L. J., degree, 616 Koch, R. W..commission, 622 degree. 614 Korh, V. H., dyree, 2 5 2 Kuch, W.,. appointments, 325, 538 fcllowship, 583 Koci, E. W.. degree, 631 Kocour, L. J.. degree, 2 6 9 Koehler B. appointment 345 Koehler: E:' G.,degrees, ;66, 630 Koenen, A. T.,degree, 256 Koer>ke, E. F. A., degree. 614 Kohlhaeen, G. E., degreee, 248 Kohn, F.. appointment, 498 Koliner, C. 1.. degree, 613 Kohout, F. J., degree 631 Kolar, G. F.. appointkents, 364, 405 degree, 268 Kolh A. €I. degree 632 Kolb: M, degree, L48 Koller, A. H., appointments, 327, 5 2 2 Konichek J. T. degree, 2 6 0 Konradt,'E.. appointments, 346, 450 Koonz. J. C.. degree, 256 Kopf, H. C., degree, 2 5 2 Koppel, M. G., degree, 61s Korenat. R. A., appointment, 391 Koritz, L. A., appointments, 70, 351 degrees, 81, 5 1 2 Kascr, S. A., appointments, 16, 323 Kostohyn. J. J., degree. 631 Koucky, J. D.,appointments, 178, 451 Kovarik, F. A., degree, 2 5 1 Kostohryz, J. J., degree, 63 I Kozlov S. degree 632 Kraehenbuihl, J. 0.. appointment. 335 degree, 627 Kraft, A., appointments, 70, 391,470 Kraft. F. W., degree. 2 5 5 Kraines, S. appointment, 487 Kramer. J.'L., degree, 258 Krampe, M. F. degree 263 Krasa., J. C. a p p o h m e n t , 389 Kratz, A. P.. a pointment, 342 Kratz. L. A., ggree. 630 Id., 675 jrauskopl, K. H.. degrees, 173, 6 2 5 .raws. F. E. degree, 632 Lraut. H., ddree, 266 j.,vetz, E., dcgree, 2 6 9 .reer. I . G.. lr.. decree. 2 5 5 Lrejci, -E. J:, -appi;tment,- 364 hell, E. 0. degree, 616 Cremers. H.'c.. appointments, zoo, 323. 5 2 1 Crenz. M..appointment, 323 ireuser, T. A., degree. 2 5 5 Cricke, A., degree, 79 CrieFkhaus, E. W.,degree, ~ 4 9 prize 270 (rieg 'A. W. degree 254 iriiisky, J. k,degrees, 270, 632 irwnlein, I. C., degree, z s o iroepel, G. K., degree, 609 Crohn R. degree. 630 <rone&r;, M. H., appointment, 451 degree, 494 (rumsick, A. E.. degree, 609 Cuan, C. L., degree, 5 1 5 Subacki. W. H.. appointment, 364 (ubltz. 0. A.. avvointmcnt, 16 .. degree 624 Kuchmak, N. A,, degree, 609 Kudo, R. R., appointments, 331, 5 2 5 Kugler, R., appointment. 405 degree. 253 Kuhlemeyer, F. V., degree, 248 Kuhlman, A. F., appointment, 451 Kuhlman, G. W.,appointment, 349 Kuhn R. M. degree 609 K u h n i , M. M., degreh, 609 Kuhnen, H. H.,degree, 431 Kukets, W. R.,appointment, 405 Kulakowsky, C. E.. degree, 2 5 8 Kulcinski, L. L., appointment. 356, 378 salary, 356 Kulwinsky, A. M., degree, 2 6 9 Kumro, D. M., degree. 400 Kuner, S., degree, 267 Kunz, H. L., degree, 617 Kunz, J., appointment, 341 Kunz patent, committee, IOZ contract for, 438. 477 Ku:rus, C.G., degree, 513 Kurt, 0. E., scholarship, 645 Kurtr F degree, 79 Kurz,'N."W., degree, 612 Kyle, M. J., appointment, 326 request, 292 Labada. A. H J M., degree, 268, 445 Laboratory fee, Animal Husbandry. 41, I Z Z Lahoratorv fees. 2. zoo Lachenm;cr. A ' L:, &ee. 173 Laclede Stoker Co, contract, 240 Ladwig, W. C., degree, 631 LaRerty G. G. dcgree, 430 Lagerpusch, H.' H., degree, 106 Laibl, J. W., degree, 616 Laible, R. J.. degree, 263 Laidlaw, E., appointment, 320 Laird L. K degree, 615 List,' E. A.: degree, 620 Lake, E. J., appointments, ZW, 322, 5 2 1 Lake, M. E., degree. 250 Lamb J.. Jr. appointments, 345, 353 L a m k n , B. 6.. degree, 269 Lambert M. E. degree, 620 Lambert: L.', appointments, 203, 524 Lamberton. M.,d g r e 430 Lambesis, E. G., deg& 632 Lamp E. E., degree 617 Lam&. C. E.. m m m h o n . 261 d&& 254- Lampert: E. N., degree, 609 w. 676 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lampcrt, M.. appointment, 357 d e r n 398 Lamphi&, M.E., C.P.A. certificate. 398 Lamprecht, S. P., appointments, 329. 524 Land, L., commission, 622 degree, 609 Land, Allen, option, 45 purchase, 82, 114 College Place, appropriation for purchase, 383 clears?ce of, 220 commi~sionon, 44 indebtedness cancelled, 83 lots t, 22, 23. purchase, 148 lot z z , purchase completed, 170 lot 7, purchase, 275 lot 29, purchase, 548, 633 lots 26, 27, 28, 5 5 , purchase, 384 lot 55, purchau, 413, 461 lot 86, contract for, 87. 504 purchase completed, 478, 504 lots 29. 33. 62, report on, 384 lot 94. sold, 274 lot ih, purchase, 114 houses, sale of, 240 summary of purchases, 1924-25, 426 tiling and grading, 419 Dale, purchase. 273 Ells, assigned. 171 option accepted, 46 purchase recommended, 5 , 141 concluded, 146 Hessel, acquiring, 412 boulevard, vacation, 504, 546 offer of sale, J. F. Hessel. 485 plot Of, 492 purchase, 490. 518 report. attorney's, 502 comptroller's, 503 of progress, 461 interest and taxes. payment. 8. 494 Odin, Experiment Field lease, 561 Pana Experiment Fields, discontinued. I 14. 191 resolution o n purchase, 296 Roland, purchased. 274 Stadium area, annexation by city, 54; Vienna Experiment Field, discontinued, I 14. 272. 298 Lander. R.. H.,degree, 258 scholarship 223 Landis. P. N'., appointments, 275, 326 Landon, C. E.. appointment, 333 degree, 628 Landon. H. I., degree, 5 1 5 Landscape Gardening, changed to Landscape Architecture. 197 summer s c h d , 177 Landsman, H. G.,degree, 270 Landwehr, M. A,, degree, 620 Lane. C. F., degree, 429 Lane, F., appointment, 388 Lane. J. R., degree, 620 Lang, A. L., appointment, 346 Lang, J. M.,appointment, 388 Lang L. J . degree 621 Lang: V. G:, degree', 609 Lange F. C degree 1 5 5 L a n e : R. H.', dcgrd. 632 Lawford, E., appointment, 338 Language ,requirement, chemistry, cbemical englneering 230 Lanham, E. ?.., appointment, 339 Lanquiat, F. W.,degree. 620 Lana, N. B.. appointment, 451 dcp-, 445 Lansche E. A. d q n e 445 Lansing: P. J . , ' M ~ . . &, 258 Lansing, W. D., appointments, 341, 524 degrees, 2 I, 626 Lantz C. degree 265 Lantr: K. A.: && 620 LaPiana, A., appointments, 231, 3 L a m , E., appointment, 326 Larmnce, G. S., degru, 399 Larry, H. F. &ree 255 Larsen, ~ r s . ' ~H.,' . appointments i54 d e p m . 172 Larscn, H. C. appointmenta, 244. Larsen. R. P:, degree, 632 Larsen, V. C., Jr., degree, 248 Larson, A., degree 619 Larson, E., nppoi&ents, 70, .361 Larson, E. R., degree, 260 Larson, H. C., appointment, log Larson. L. J., appointment, 340 Larson, L. L. degree 609 Larmn. L. ~ . appointment, , 328 leave of absence 83 Lirson. R. F.. mhmission. 261 degree. 430 Laryngology budget, 361 Laqh, A. F., appointments, 70. 360 degree, 5 1 2 Lasinsky. S., degree. 6 3 2 Larkov, D. M., degree, 633 Latin, for admission, F 3 0 Latshaw, R. N., appointment, 202 Lau S. P., degree ZSI Lauhr, C. appbintments, 19, 451 commissions, 622 degree 613 Lauritse;, D. L., degree, 609 Lavender. E. H., degree, 631 Lavender, H. E., degree, 609 Lavieri, A.. degree, 269 Law. B. B.. degree, 398 Law. G. C., degree, 622 Lnw. P. M. degree 630 Law, Colleg; of, appropriation, binding d. w., books, 9 assignment of Library Building. 83 budget, 354 oropcsed transfer 176 ' Lawrence, J. W. degree, 609 Laws. C. D., a & o i n p n t s . 224, 329 Lawson, B. C., appointments, 17, 335 Layne, D. B., degree, 614 Layng. T. E.. appointment, 323 Layng patent, rcc Pair process Lazar. N. K.. degree. 81, 630 Lazarus, B., degree. 253 Lazarus, M..degree, 248 Leach, J. C.. degrv, 255 Leach, J. J., appointment, 390 Leahy, A. E., degree 622 Leahy, F. S.. degree,' 5 1 4 Learning. J. C.. degree. 105 Lease. Illinois Bell Telephone CU., 598 Leases executed, 43, 99, 117, 1 5 0 , 23. 276. 311, 395, 416, 461, 508. 637 Leases of trust farms, comptroller and secretary to sign, 189 Leasure V. A., degree 615 Leave df absence, BabAck, K. C., 397 Berdrhl, C. A. 5 5 0 Blaisdell, I>. L:, 242 C. E.. E%. 505 v, L., 591 Burwash. M..e n UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS L e a v e of absence, cont’d. Houchens. J. B.. 550 H U E G. A.. Jon& H. S. $?3s05 Larson. L. M, 83 hterry W. T., 485 Moodie, R. L., 122, 234. 493 Nolan. A. W., 147 Oslund. R. M.,591 Quirke. T. T., 275 Roe. M., 5 9 1 Ruth, W. A.. 275 Seybolt, R. F., 2 3 1 Small, D., 2 3 1 Stevens. F. L., 176 Van Aken. K. G., 147 Van Horne. John, 83 Watkins. G., 229, 563 Watt, Jean, 114 Williamson, C. S., 591 Young, P. T., 591 Lebstein. S., appointment, 451 LeConte. A., degree, 248 Lectures, Gelirmann, reprintiw. 592 Lederer, F. L., appointments, 390. 5 5 4 Ledford, R. M,degree, 267 Lee. A. E., appointment$, 17. 316 Lee, A. R., appointment, 3 1 5 Lee, C.. degree. 2 6 9 l a e , C. H., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Lee, D., degree, 257 Lee, D. 0..degree. 257 Lee. F. H., degree. 6 1 7 Lee, F. N., appointment, 487 Lee, K. G., degree. 8 0 Lee. S . R.. degree. 6 3 0 Lefstein, S. M., C.P.A. certificate, 1g0 Legd opinion, Chicago Departments commence- ment a t Urbana, 171 Imgislntive budget, 47. w Legislative visit. expensc, z z 8 Legislature, memorial to. 237 Lehmann. E. W.. appointment, 348 Lensten A. von degree 8 0 L i b , F: E. degke, 616’ Leilwt, E.’R., dtgree. 248 Leighly. H. P.. degree, 8 r Leighty, W. J.. degree. 618 Leitch N. M. degree u s Leh4a;r, P. E.’, degree’, 428 LeMaster, J. L.. appointment, 405 Len. W. Y.. degree, 6og Lenit. H. W., appointment, 498 degree, 445 Lenzen, A. F.. degree, 494 Leonard, E. T., degree, 624 scholars$: 223 Leonard, appointment. 3 17 Leonard, V. L., scholarship, 583 Lepak. J., appointment, 3 6 0 Leprosy treatment, ditcwery, 592 Lerche. T. I.. appointment, 363 Lesch, E.,C. A., degrees. 2 5 0 , 613 [cl!omhip, 584 prize. 270 scholarship, 243 Lexher. F. M,appointment, 338 Lesernan F. F degree 519 Leslie, R. T., &reca, ;51, 625 scholarship, 2 2 1 Leiter, R. H., degrees. 629, 630 k u r i g , P. M.,degree..399 Leutwtler, P. A., appomtment, 3 3 9 Leverenz, C. W., degree, 2 6 9 Levjn. A.. &m, 4 3 1 Levin, B. M.. appantrnenta, 1 2 0 . 3 9 0 d w m . 445 Levin, H., degree. 629 677 Levin, I. M.,appointment, 390 Levin L. L. degree 80 Levin‘ M a n i e l M ‘degree zsr Levin: Maurice, digreea, 6 29, 630 Levin Meyer degree 173 Levin: S. A.,’degree,’6jo Levin, S. N.. C.P.A. certificate, 190 LeVinc, H. J., degree, 629 Levings, E. B., degree, 609 Levinsky, M., C.P.A. certificate. 638 Levinson, S. A.. appointment. 5 0 9 Levitt, M. degree, 248 Levsen, M. C., degree. 5 1 5 Levy. B.. degree, 431 Levy, D. M., appointment, 3 9 0 Levy, J.. degree. 630 Levy, 0. C.. degree. 616 Levy R. D. degree 256 Levy’ R. M.’degree’ 609 Levy: R. R.: degree,’ 269 Levy, S.. degrees, 268, 631 Lewicki. J. A,, degree, 632 Lewis. B. L.. appointment, 353 Lewls, C. B., degree, 175 Lewis., D.. D.. appointment, 4 0 resignation, 234 Lewis, E. L.. acpointment. 405 Lewis, E. P., appointment, 3 5 1 Experiment Station report, 1 3 3 Lewis, H. F., appointment, 389 Lewis J. T. degree 613 Lewis: L. L.: degree,’ 2 5 0 Lewis. P.. degree, 81 Lewis, S. F., degree 248 Lewiaon, M.. appoidtment, 389 Leyden, R. J. T.. dcgreq, 253 Leytze, A. A., scholarship. 243 Li, S. H., degree 265 Li, T. C.. degree. 174 Li, Y. C., degree, 174 Liability insurancc, X-ray, 2 2 2 Liaqg, C. C., degree, s t 4 Liberal Arts and Sciences, Cdlege of, budget, 322 exoense. 122 taiaries,’ Libermann, A. B.. degree 630 Liberty Bonds, sale rer&mended, 504 Libman, M., degree. 629 Library. new, appropriation, 295 architects, 295 bookstacks. 383 cabinet work, 273 chairs 285 deliveiy desk, 571 elevator mntract 571 lighting fixtures,’z83 special, 283 Iindeum, 28s mural decorations, 425, 458, 518. 590 sneens, 283 shades, 284 sidewalks, 365 stack room. heating equipment, 641 wiring mntracts. & I , 644 stair railing, 286 strike report, 5 9 9 tables. 284, 2 9 5 window panels. 286 Library, old, Addition, stone work, 144 addition and itone facing, m n t r a a s , 295 assignment to Law, 83 remodeling, 83, 365 Library Bureau. wntract, 284 Library, Medical, appropriation, r48, 50; stacks, 171 Library Schod. budget,, 354 Lichtenberger, C., appointment, 320 i~, 678 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lichty, K. C.. degree, 614 Lidster. H. A,, appointment. 109 Liebeler. W. A., degree, as Lieberman, B.. degree, 630 Liebcrman H. B. degree 269 Lieberman: M. degree z’h Lieberman, S. H., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Liedermnn, S. E..degree. 174 Liesen, P. G..C.P.A. certificate. 396 Lilshin J. A degree, 630 Lilvendahl. R: A.. appointment, 451 degree. 494 Ligsett, W. A.. degree, 609 Liggett, W. L., de ree. 2.51 Lightfwt, Mrs. M! H., appointment, 496 Lightfmt, M. J., degree, 632 Lighting assessment. Urbana, 415. 493 Lighting fixtures for new buildings, 283 Lill, J. E., degree, 615 Lin, W. Y.. degrees, 251, 626 Linnne. F. 1.. dearee. 8 1 Lincicome, A,’ appointments, 120, 316, 4105 C.P.A. certificate, 44 Lind H. A. degree 248 Lind’ P. B . ’ N . degree 6rp Lindbcrg, L. M.’, degred. 621 Linde, G.. appointments, 334. 336, 405 Linde. G. H. appointments, 332, 378 Linde. G. I.,’degree, 248 Lindel. A. L.,degree, 2 6 0 Lindeman, A. B.. appointment. 316 Linder, R., degree, 620 Lindley, F. L., degree, 620 Lindley. H. R.. degree, Qs Lindley. M. H., degree. 248 Lindner, C. T..degree, 619 Lindquist. C., appointments, 17. 70 Lindquist. R. 1. C.P.A. certificate. 44 Lindsey C. P. hegree 80 Lindsey: G. A:. appoihtment, 347 degree, 512 Ling, H. C.; degree, 2 5 1 Lingenfelder. K. L., appointment, 586 Lingerdelter, M. G., degree, 620 Link Belt Co.. contract 239 Linnard. L. G. degree,’z58 Linoleum lor &w buildings, 285 Ljnowiecki. E. J.. degree, 632 Linsley. C. M.,appointment, 193 Linthicum, C. I., degree, 261 Lipe, C. C.. appointments. 335, 351 degree, 2 6 0 L i p , R. C., degree, 253 Lipow, E. G.,degree, 632 Lipsett, E. M.,degree, 267 Litman. S.. appointment, 3 3 3 Little E. E. appointment, 357 Little: E. M:, appointments, 178, 341 degree, 628 Little. M. E., degree, 2 5 0 Littleton, A. C., appointments, 332, 333 Litton. L.. degree, 445 Liu H. C. degree. 174 Liu: J. I..’ degree, 174 Livinxston, G. A.. degree 609 Llewellyn, J. C., appointment, 468 Lloyd, B. L., appointment. 70 Lloyd, F. H. degree, 612 Lloyd, J. W.:appointment, 350 Experiment Station report. 133 Lloyd p r w r t y , u Loans. student. payment, 592 trust Sund, 6 Lobstein A. M. degree 609 Lockord,’ E. N.,’degr?,’ 609 Loctlin, D. P., appointments, 199, 333, 520 degree. 628 Lodge, L. F.. degree, 105 Loekle, 0. J., degree, 626 Logan, M..E., degrpc, 624 scholarship, 223 Logan. T. H , degree. 614 Loh, I-.T.,degree, 173 Lohmann, K. B., appointment. 350 Long, G. E., degree. 399 Long, M. W., degree, 619 Long, W. B.. appointment, 109 commission, 261 degree, 254 h n g . W. N., degree, 619 Lnn&ons, H.. degree, 619 Lnngcor, W. H..degree, 51s Longstreet, K L., degree, 620 Longwell, J. H.,appointments. 70, 347, 3! I Loomis, J. H..degree,. 78 Loomis, M. M., appointment. 3Go Lorance, L. M.,degree, 267 Lord. Mrs. A. M., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Lorfeld. G. W..degree. 445 Lossman. M. F., degrees. 270, 516 Loucks. P. W. degree, 430 Loud speaking’ apparatus, Stadium. 548 Louden. R. H..degree, 80 Louis. E. V., degree, 429 Lounshury, B. F., appointment, 391 Love. A. W..degree, 614 Lovvorn, J. E., appointment, 405 degree 42.8 Low. E.: degree, 248 Lowe, C. M.. appointments, zqq, 359 Lowe, H.B.. degree. 6 1 2 Lowe, J. W..degree, 445 Lowe, R. E.. degree, 260 Lowis, F. A.. commission, 261 degree, 257 Luce, W. M.. appointment, 331 degree. 617 Luckey. L. F., degree, 618 Ludlam, J. S.. degree. 622 Ludwig. L. R. degree, 256 Luedeman, A. k., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Luhrs. J. F.. degree, 617 Lukinsky, M., degrees, 170, 632 Lumsden. H. A,. degree. 268 Lumsden’ W. K.’ appointment. 316 Lund, H’. D.,deiree. $0 Lnndbeck, 0. R., degree, 430 Lundgren, C. C.,appo[ntment, 202 Lundgren, C. L., appointments, 334, 355, 524 s a l a r y , 356 Lundstrom, J. M., ,degree, 6oq Lunt. H. A., appaintment, 346 Lustgarten E. M. degree 609 Luther, H: M., degree, 6dg Luther W. appointment. 342 Luthri&er,’M. S., degree. 2 5 5 Lybyer. A. €1.. appointment, 328 -.r Lycan. M. L.. degree; 2 4 8 Lycan, W. H., appointment, 451 degree, 105 Lyddon C. 0 degree, 514 Lyman ’ 0.F.,”degree zsz Lynch,’E. W., degree: 80 Lynch, J. G., degree. 617 I m c h W. E. degree. 616 Lyon.’J. B., degree, 627 Lyon L. H. degree, 612 Lyon: S. appointment, 586 Lyons. R. C., appointment, 405 degree. 622 Lytle, E. B., appointments, 202, 328, 336 w.’, BdcAdams, M. E.,appointment, 3 5 1 McAdoo. C. E.. degree, 252 MrAdow. H. E.. degree, 5 1 3 McAnally, M. P.,appointment, 326 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS McAnulty, J. S., degree, 614 McBrian, M. J., degree, 61z McBride, G. C.. appointment. 109 679 MeGIashon, D. W.,degrtc. 255 McGovern. J. V., C.P.A. certificate, 44 McGowan W. I. degree 79 McGrath,'C. S . , 'degree. '610 McGrath, E. M., degree, 610 McGraih, F. L., degree, 445 McGrath, L. E., degree, 620 McGregor J. P., C.P.A. examiner., 463 McGregor: R. R., degree, 627 McGuigan, H. A,. appointment, 360 McGuiie, M. M., degree, 2 6 0 McC;urk H., prize, 271 McHarr;. L.. appointment, 336 McIlhenny, C. W., degree, 613 MrIlwain, W. W.,degree. 617 McIntite, C. E., degree, 614 McIntire, E. J.. degrees, 81, 445 McIntire, W. A., continued one year, 636 retirement, 635 McJntyre, E. A.. degrees, 81,630 Mclntyre. M. T., degree, 269 McKay, F., death, 487 McKay, H. D.,appointments, 70, 330. 5 2 5 McKeague. J. J., C.P.A. certificate. 44 McKee, H. J., degree, 615 McKee. M. A.. appointment, 405 McKelvey F. H. appointments, 49. 460 McKelvey: L. W.: appointments. 244, 327, 5 22 McKcnna, C. M., appointment, 391 McKenzie. K., resignation, 7.98 MclCwwn M. E., degree 610 McKinley,' W. M.. degred, 632 McKinley Hospital, JCC Hospital, McKinley MacKinnon, R. H., commission, 261 degree, 2 5 5 McKinstry. J. W., degree. 267 McKittrick. J. E.. appointments, 194. 346 degree, 263 McKnight, D. I., degree, 255 McKnight, M. E., degree, 611 MrKown L. W. degrm 8 1 McLaughiin, J. D., degree. 614 McLaughlin W. C. degree 621 McLcnn A.'C. deiree 61; McLean: D. R.: degree. 630 MacLean, E. A.. degree, 625 McLean, H. F.. degree. 2 5 0 McLellan, E. H., appointment, 538 &Mains. T. F., appointment, 4s1 McManus, F. J., degree, 610 McManus, T. F., fellowship, 277 hkMaster, A. J., appointments, 341. 3; rR degree. 256 &Masters W. H.. degree 632 McMillan.'F. L.. degree, ;IS McMjllan, H. M.. degree, 248 McMillan, I. R., appointment, 451 degree. 5 1 3 LlcMillan J C. degree -67 McMillan' M d;gree 6ioMcMillan: M:' C.. desree, 610 McMillin, 0. C., appointment, 3 3 1 McMinn, H. A., degree. 623 McMullen, C. J., appointment, 389 McMunn. R. L., appointment, 3 g t degree, 17s =Murray, R. E.. commission, 622 degree, 612 McNabb, 0. J., degree, 269 McNair, F. G., depree. 430 McNair, H., appointment, 317 McNair, R. H., degree, 618 McNally A. Jr. degree 445 McNally: D.' J.. 'degree '620 McNaughton. W. L. ippointment 554 McNealy, R. W.,adpointment, 3 6 1 McNeil. A.. appointment. 320 McNeil, H. K.. degree, 398 680 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MacNeill H. appointment, 355 McNeil1,'T. F., exchange of lots, 197 lease. 1 5 0 prqwny purchased l48 ?&Nichols, J. H.. C.P.A. certificate, 39E McPherson, H. M.,degree, 6ao McPherson, R. J.. appointment. 70 McRoberts L. H. degree 264 McVav. T.'N... a-intme'nt. .. . 118 deg;&, 625 McVc G .W..degree. 257 McWihuns, J. L., appointment, 357 __ C. 1.. degree, 615 Macbeth, G.. degree, 623 scholarship, 223 Maccono. j . D.. degree, 616 Madntire. H. J.. appointment, 339 Macintyre. G . I.. degree, 610 Mackay D. degree 257 Mackay: G.'G.. dekree, 614 Mackay I. degree 2 5 0 Mackay: W. J., dkree, 616 W c k e y W. B.. deer= 248 W d d e i , M. M., dcgr&. 623 scholarship 222 Mader, 1. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Madigan. J.. appointment, 451 Madison, F. W.. degree, 616 Madison. R. S.. degree. 61s Madsen,.G. S.,.appbintme<t, 339 Mages M. degree. 2 5 5 MaGili, C.' R., degree. 445 Magnusstn. H. G.,degree, ZSJ Magnureon E. A.. degree, 248 Magnuson: L. G.,degm, 2 5 5 Maguire, R. F., degree, 614 Mahaffie, F. M., degree, 262 Maher. C. C.,degree. 445 Mahoney. C. E.. appointments, 6 0 3 Mahonc E P.. degree, 255 Maiir P' degree 614 Maile; A. R: degrd 267 M a i e d i A. E. degrde, 2 6 0 Major, 'c. F. begree 622 Malin. R., d&, 78 Malina D. M..degree 431 Mallin,' 1.. degree, 626 Malnekoff, B. J.. aawntment. iza .. d c g m 445 Maloney: W. W.. appointment, I I 0 commirsion, 261 degree 2 5 2 M.,degrec 615 Matter, Manaan. M. T.. deniee. 610 ManTon,' P. P., degGe, 617 Manley. E. J.. appointmeno, 134, 355 salary, 356 Manley F. V.. degree. 248 Mann, F. I.. appointments. 49, 461 Mann J. E. degree 252 hfann' T. degr;. 610 Mann' W A: degree u s Mann:ng 'M. E &ee 248 Manter H W ''degree ,266 Mantz.' 1. 'M.."denree. '610 Manuil -L. E:, de&es; 2 5 5 Manuficture of chemiuls, 1 5 0 Mar S F degree 445 M a r k ' S "degrcc,'63z Maram: W.,degree,. 633 Marchant. E.. appointment. 3 3 0 Marchildon C. A. degree 622 Yll8, hi., i. hi marc us son,'^. B.', b e e ' , +4j Marck. F. A.. dceree. 632 Margoljr. j . , degree, 44J Margolls. R. degree, 622 Mark. B. E.: degree, 613 Mark R degree, 630 Markiani: I. M.a p i n t m e n t s . 316.498 Markland. N.. appantment. 347 Marks, J. L., degree, 2 6 6 Marlaire. S. 1.. denre. 6 1 ~ Maroney, F. W.. abpoihn&s. $03, 524 Marple R. P.,degm, 106 Marquirdt. P., appointment. 339 Marr H. E. degree 260 Mark-Tann; Electiic Co., cuntracts awarded. 180, 640, 641 withdrawn, 644 Marsh, C. F., degree, 623 fellowship. 584 scholars6ip -223 Mdrsh H. L' degree, 267 Marsh: R. L,: degree, 613 Marsh, R. S.. appointments, 391, 405 Marshall, A. G., degree, 630 Marshall B. L. degree. 2 5 0 Marshall: I. M:. appointments, 40, 70, 340 Marshall, J. G., degree. 619 Marshall, V. E.. appointment. 70 Martel, E. A.. appointment. 405 Martin, C. M.. C.P.A. certificate. 44 Martin. D. L.,degree, 2 5 8 Martin, E. R.. degree, 617 Martin. F. E., degree, 610 Martin, G. E., C.P.A. certificate, 39s Martin, H. E., commission, 261 degree, 2 5 3 Martin, J. R., commission, 622 degree. 615 Mdrtin, J. S., degree, 632 Mtrtin. L. E., appo,intments, 1 1 0 , 364 Martin, L. F. appointment, 324 Martin, M. A., degree, 248 Martin, R. R., degree, 514 Martin property, purchase. 44 Martoccio, J. B., degree, z6g Martone. J . , degree. 514 Marty, K.V.. degreg, 248 Marvel C. S. appointments zoo 323 Marvin', M. a'., C.P.A. certiilcate,'igo Marzulo, S. C., degree, 2 6 0 Mashek, E. B. J., commission, 261 degree, a 5 5 Maslow, L., degree, 267 Mason, C. E., degree. 51s Mason C. Y. appmntments, 244. 327 Mason' E. W:. appointments, 178, 316 Mason' G. E degree 257 Mason' J. B."schdar;hip. 584 Mason' J. C.' degree 266 Massel' H. M. degr&, 630 Massli;h P. B.', apyintmcnt, 1 1 0 MastermHn. I.. appointments. via, 3 3 2 Ikfiiswraon. A,, degree. 616 Materia M e d i a budget, 363 Mathematics bidget, 328 Matheny A: appointments, 194. 316 Mathews: D.'E., degree. 248 Matheas, F. F., degree. 632 &thews, J. X. appointment. 329 Mathews, R. M., appointments, 1 1 0 , 405 degree 2 6 6 &thre,'A. I degree 445 Matkocsik A:'A deiree, 174 Matousek 'F. L. "degree 610 Matthes *€ A. 'I degree.' . 269 Mattmn' E. W: degree, 428 Mittox, 'E. F., degree, 1 0 5 Mauer J. W. degrec. 622 Maulfiir S. degree, 614 Mavis. k. T..benree. 6ac Manw&ll, A. L., ipp&nt&nts. 17, 353 title changed 393 Maxwell. D. C:, appointments. 194,346. 470 i. 68 I UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Maxwefl E. C., degree 619 M;lxwell: M.V., de& 618 Maxwell, R. C.. appmntment, 321 M a y Fete Fund, Comptroller’s report, 504 Mayer C. C., appointment. 391 Mayer: N. C.. degree, 615 Mayer, S. A. M.. degree, 263 Maves. R. E.. C.P.A. certificate. 638 dkrees. 254, 624 scholarship, 2 2 2 Mayfield. E. E., degree, 80 Mavnard. I . A.. degree, 400 Mayo M., appointments, 71, 330 Mays,’ A. B., appointments, 201, 336, 523 Mazanek, L. J., degree, 614 M i l l s , R. W., degree, 445 Meara J. W. degree 632 Mechakcal E&zinecri&. budget, 339 exnense. % ; 7 saiaries- jii Mechanich Equipment, budget. 366 Medical Building. mortgage released, 170 Medical curriculum. change, 6oa Medical decrees. list. UAI ~ Q A Medical EJircat.inn, ‘su&<y,..367 Medical laculty petition 145 Xledirnl M t u i o i r r y schdarship. Scholield. established, 125 withdrawn. 242 Medical prize, Smithies, accepted, 484, 517 offered, 431 Medical research gift for 504 591 Medical Rescarci Hmpitdl, st: Hospital, Medi- cal Research Medicine, College of, admission requirements, 139 Bachem. Albert, appointment. 127 Beaumont award, 431, 484, 517 budget, 359 expense. 359 salaries, 359 budgetary needs. 634 building, mortgage released, 170 curriculum change, 6ao dew-, list. 444. 494 fnculty! appointments, 388 petition, 14s gift, Gehrmann lectures, reprint, 592 research, 504. 591 hospital beds, 7 6 library appropriations, 148. 505 library stacks, 171 listentr’s .fees, 549 orgnnlzat~on,293 policy, University, appointments, 145 statutes repealed, 494 summer course. 559 X-ray insurance, 387 Mee C. L degree, 256 Mee: M. H., degree, 250 Meerm. L. E., appointment, I I O Meeker. W. R., appointment, 120 Mehock, H., degree, 620 Mehring and Hanson Co. contract, 569 Meier. L. A.. degree, 62; Meislahn, J. L.. appointment, 45 I Metberg, H. H.. appointment, 451 Melby. H. M.. degree, 248 Melchior. C. J., degrees. 619 Mrllon Institute. gift, 504, 591 Melnick, P. J., appointmenc. 451 Melnik, M. A., degree, 254 Melton, C. R.. degree, 616 Melvin, V., appointment. 405 Melzer, R. L.. appointment, 451 Mcmorial clock, repair fund, 517 Memorial fund. Beaumont, 5 1 7 Memorial t o House of Representatives, 237 Mender.hall, I. F., degree, 621 Men’s Gymnasium, new, ICC Gymnasium, men’s new Menz. R. E., prize. a71 Memimer. L. W.. degree, 399 Mercer, A. M., degree, 267 Mercer, G. E., degree, 257 Mercer. H., degree, 399 Merchant, R.. appointments, 324. 554 Merker, H. K., degree. 2 5 1 Merritt. L.. appointment. 357 Merry, W. T.. appointment. 357 leave of absene. 485 Merryman, G. T., degree, 268 Merwreau, A. V., degree, 620 M d e r , H. G.. deeree, 610 Metal partitions. Dairy Manufactures Euilding, 284 Metali, C. L., appointments, 327. gzz Mctcalf, N. W., fellowship, 2 2 2 M e t o l l , 0. E.. degree, 260 Methodist Missionary Society. scholarship, 1 2 5 , 242 Mette, M I., degree, 610 Metter. H. L.. deerees. 80. 264 Metz. A . R., appointment, 391 Metz. H. E.. degree, 248 Metzel, C. H., commission, 622 degrce, 610 Mewes, D., appointments, 2S6, 358 Meyer, A. H., degree. 248 Mever, A. W., degree, 614 Meger, B., C.P.A. certificate. 638 degree. 612 Meyer, E., appointments, 232, 3 6 5 Meyer, F. W., degree, 2 5 % Meyer. G. A,. degree. 632 Mfyer, €I., degree, 629 Meyer. J., appointment. 389 Meyer, J. R., degree, 268 Meyer J . W., degree, 612 Meper: K. A., appointment, 390 Meyer, M ,degree, 613 Meieyer, M. M., degree, 252 Msyer, 0. C., appointment. 4 0 j Meyer, R . J.. degree, 445 Meyer, S. D.. degree, 2 5 0 Meper, W. M.. degree, 257 Meyer. W. P., degree, 257 M-ycrson, S., degree, 267 Mican, G. S., degree. 256 Michael. M., accident compensation, 479 Michael, V. M., degree: t i ; Michaels, W. €1.. appointment, 323 Michnlek, J. C., appointments, 17. 3 2 4 Michel. Mrs. H. D., appointments, 451. 554 Michel. R., appointment, ;39 Michelmann, I. C., degree, 610 . Midrener. P., degree. 616 Microscopes, theft of, 461, 507 Middleton, A., degree, 5 1 5 Mielier, E. C.. degree. 157 M i m , C. T.. depree, 61s Mihlik. M. S., degree. 620 Mikesell, W. H.. appointments, I;, 326. 406 denrec, 628 Milch goats, supplementary report, 2 0 Miles, M., deer=, 431 Miles, P. M. B.. d:gree, 624 Miles, R. H., appointments, 202, 354 degree, 248 Military Bands, appropriation, 5 i 8 budget, 318 Overcoats Committee report. 606 request for appropriation, 14 Military Departmcnt. appropriation for equipment, 9 b u d wt, 357 , _ . . . 682 BOARD OF ‘RUSTEES Military Department, mnt’d. loan of equipment, $75 oropcrty withdrawal, 87 quarters for enlisted personnel, 387 registration limited, 387 uniforms. cleanina. 8 contrait s Military Scilnce, registration limited, 387 Millar J 2. degree. 80 M&r; A. degree, 248 Millrr C. appointment 317 Miller’ c.’A. degree z;o Miller: C. F.: appoiAtment, 316 Miller. C. G.. commission, 268 degree, 252 Miller C. J. degree 514 Miller’ K: appoihtment. 234 Miller’ C: 0.’ degree 267 Miller: C. R.’ degree’ 258 Miller, D., appointmLnt, 17 Miller, G., appointment. 360 Miller, G. A., appointments, 328, 523 Miller, Mrs. G. L., appointments, 231, 330 Miller H.D.. degree, 632 Miller: H. J C.P.A. certificate. 398 Miller. H. d.. commission. 261 degr’ee. 2 5 2 . Miller. H. V.. deeree. 620 Mnlle; J. F ’ d e g k . 1 7 4 Miller‘ L. appointment, 406 Miller: L.’ B., apwintmente. 194. .. . 146 .. degree, 2 5 8 Miller L. E. degree 620 Miller: L. K.’, appoihment, 406 degree, 2 5 3 Miller, M. C.. degree, - 2 4 8 Miller M. E. degree 2 5 0 Miller: M. M:, degr&, 610 Miller, N. W..degree, 614 Miller Ralph A. degree 614 Miller’ ROY A,. hegree, i60 Miller: R. F.. deerce. z < < Miller; V. C.,’ ap&in&nen<. 4 5 2 commission, 622 degree, 619 Miller W J degree, 79 Miller: W: appointments, 71, 329 Milks. G., degree, 266 Millhouse, L., appointments, 350, 378 degree, 429 Milligan, D. A., degree: 262 Millinan. M. V.. . aoomntment. zoo .. degree,’ 261 Milliken M. M.. degree, 2 5 0 Wllizen: J. E.. appointment, 3 16 Mills. A. J., appointments. 120, 340, 645 Mills C. H., degree, 398 Miiis: G. A., appointment, 316 Mills, M., appointment, 390 Mills M. J. degree, 445 Milner R. T.,d!gree, 264 Milton’ C. appointments, I ~ O327, 452 Milum: V.’ G.,appointments, ‘327, 378 Mineral specimens, theft of, 462 Minier J. P. degree 610 Mininp’ Engineering. ’budget, 340 expen=. 337 salaries, 337 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, contract, I 5 0 Minor L. H., degree. 257 M i n u t e approved, I, 19, 77, 117. 1 2 1 , 143, 183. 195. 225, 245. 2 8 9 , 381, 409, 457. 4?3. 497. 5 0 1 , 511, 541, 5 6 0 , 587, 605 Mishkin H. L., degree, 267 Mishlov; J . degree, 632 Misiora degree, 632 Mitcheli C. E.,Jr.. degree, 106 Mitchell: H. A., degree, 2 5 1 Fd., c d., i.h.. Mitchell, H. H., appointments, 346, 393 Mitchell, R. I.. degree, 5 1 4 Mitchell W. A., degree 5 1 4 Mitchell: W. A. E., appointment, I I O Mitchell-Walmtt, property, purchase completed, 170 Mitlin S. H. degrees, 270, 632 Mizocc, J. J.,’ degree. 630 Mlotkowski, P. N.,degree, 632 Moberly. G.. nppointment, 202 degree, 260 Mochon F 0. degree 174 Mock, 8. k.,bearee, 610 Mock, F., appointment, 325 Mock, F. C., appointment. 339 Mndjesky, H.. C.P.A. certificate, 398 Mwhlenhof, G. J.. degree, 614 %en, E. C . . appointment, 17 Moen G. C. degree. 445 Mohie‘nhoff. 6. C.,depree. 248 Mohn, P. E.,appointment, 406 Mohr F. K. appointments 327, 452. 5 2 2 , 554 Moitia, M. N., degree, 25g W j o n n i e r . Ii. G..degree, G14 Moline Heating & Construction Co., contract. 8 Moll, E. S., deqree, 612 Moller, E.. appomtment, 406 Mollman, L. A., commission, 261 degree, 2 5 5 Monahan. M. A., appointment, 5 3 0 Moncreiff, W. F.. appointment, 36s Mong, W. S., degree, 1 7 3 Monk H. H. degree 614 Monk: R., appointmeks, 333, 586 deer=, 254 Monroe, W. S. a pointments, 335, 5 2 2 Monser M. L.’, 8,gree. 245 Monsmh, E. Y., appointment, 406 Montgomery. H. C. degree, 623 Montgomery. J. W.’ degree 252 Mnntgomery Martha depre; 621 Montgcmer; M3ry hegree ‘621 Montgomery’ Eleva;or Co..’ contrart, 571 Montroy. D. G.,degree, 2 5 2 Moodie, R. L., appointment, -460 leave,of absence, 122, 493 vacation, 234 M d p , A. L., appointment, 323 M m n , J. F., degree, 445 Moore, C. B., desree. 400 Moore, C. L., appointment, 539 Moore C. R. degree, 632 Mmr; C. W ‘ degrees 262, 333 Moore: D. L.: degree, k 1 8 Moore E. S. appointments, 71, 3S9, 406 Moore’ G. D: C.P.A. certificate, 398 Moore’ G. F ’ degree 610 Moore’ G. S ’ degree ’ 2 5 2 Moore: H.. lend puichased. 148 Moore, H. F., appointment, 342 Moore J. G. degree 80 Moore: L. A,’, appoiitment, 71 Moore. M. G., degree 622 M w r e , R. F., appoiniment, 71 Moore Ruth F. degree 398 Moore: R . L., degree, 6’19 1LIOore. S.. appointment, 3 6 0 Moore, V. B., degree, 610 Moore, W. L., appointments. 224, 263, 329 Mmrehead, F. B., appointments. 363, 406 resienation offered.. z u withdrawn 392 salary. 4z; Mora, J. M.,appointments. 120. 452 degree, 445 More, H. G., appointment, 71 degree. 2 5 9 Moresky, B., degree. 8 1 __ 683 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Mores, L., appointments, 316. 332 Baker prize fund securities, authority in, 87 elected Comptroller, 184. 542 loaning of trust funds, 6 purchase of military uniforms, 5 quarterly reports, ICC undcr Comptroller Scholield schdarship report, 1 2 5 see also Comptroller Morf, F. P.. degree, 616 Moraan, J . C., degree, 173 Morgan, N. D.,appointments, 71. 337 Morean. 0.V. drgree, 626 Morgan, R. B.,' appointment. 7 1 Morgan, R. W., degree, 615 Mnrpan, W. B., degree, 610 Mmrel, J. S., appointment, 328 degree, 263 Morrell, E. A., degree, 250 Morris, D. E., degree, 2 6 0 Morris, G. E., degree, 2 5 6 Mmris, J . L., degree, 628 h r r i s , K . J., degree, 610 Mbrris, N. F., degree, 2 5 0 M x r i s , S. D dcgree. 616 Morrison, C."H., lease. of Odin field, 561 Morrison, G. E.. appointments, 3 3 3 , 378 Morrison, R. H.,C.P.A. certificate, 190 M.orrjson, S. W., appointments, 71. 365 Morrson. V. L.. degree. 2 5 2 Morrison, W. NL, degree. 613 Morrisson. S., appointment, 359 Morrow, J. A,, appointment, 321 Morsch, G. E.,degree, 248 Morse, A. S.. degree, 621 Morse 0. D.,degree. 632 Moartekson E. E. B., degree, 248 Mortimer, 'H. M., degree, 629 htorton, C. A,. degree. 610 Morton, M. I.. degree, 254 Mme. H. E. H., degree, 259 Moseley. A . C., ,degree, 514 Moses Construction. Co.. C. A.. contract, 569 Mnsgrove. L.. appointment. 3 5 1 Mosher. M. L., appointments, 178. 349, 3 5 3 Mosier, D. R., degree, 614 Mosier, H. K.,degree, 248 Moskos. II. A,, decree, 610 hloss, C. M., appointment, 325 Moss, H., prize, 2 7 1 Moss, J.. appointments, 140, 322 Motschman. A. V., degree, 79 Mottar, R . F., degree, 2 5 3 Moulton. G. F., degree, 80 Moulton, W. L., degree, 612 M o u w n , E. D.,appointment, 328 Mowery, 0. O., degree, 618 Moxley, M. V.. degree, 248 Moxon. G. W.,degree. 267 Moyer, E. L., degree, 614 Mracek. J.. degree, 614 M r z , R. J., appointments. 71, 391 Mueller, F. W.,degree. 8 0 Mueller, J. H., C.P.A. certificate, igo Mueller. I.. L., degree, 263 Mueller, P. L.. degree, z s z Mueller. T.,degree. 6j2 h"ueller, W. G . . degrees, 154. 626 schdarship, 2 2 3 Muhl, C. A,, degrees, 619, 621 Miiir 11. C. C.P.A. certificate, 395 Mulderry, D: M.,degree, 621 Mrilcahy. B. P.,degTK, 2 5 1 Mulcahy, J. P.. degree, 4 4 s Mulcay A. G. degree, 618 Mullen,' J. P.,' appointment, 342 Mullen, T. F.. degree, 630 Mullen, V. H.. degree, 622 Muller, J., appointmcnts, 286, 342. 554 drgiee 256 Muller, j. F., appointments, 71, 331. 406 degree, S I Z Mullins, A. M , appointment, 498 degree, 248 Mulins, E. R., degree, 428 Mumlord, H. U'. appOmtmentE. 344. 352 Experiment Staiion relmn, 133 recommends experiment fields dismntinuance, 114 Mumma, F. i t ' . appointmcntc, 71, 49s Muncsella, A. E., denree. 6 2 1 Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, budget, 3 40 expense, j 37 salaries. 337 Manroe. H. C.. decree. 621 Murphy, Murohv. Murphi: Murphy. degree, Murphy Murphy: F. J.. appointment. 406 1. C.. deeree. 618 11. F.; deiree: 257 J. J., Jr.. commission, 622 615 L. M deeree 610 L. W'.', appoibtrnents, 201, 326, 404. 522 Murray, A., appointments, 318, 498 Murray, A. N.,appointment, 406 Murray, E., appointment, 3 3 0 Murray. E. E., degree, 614 Murray, F. F. degree 610 Murrav G. E.: appointment, 71 Murray: G. L., degree, 618 Murray, N. E.,degree, 260 Murray. W. N.. Jr., degree, 2 5 2 Murrell, M. T.,appointment, 5 3 9 Murton, A. E., degree 256 Murvin T. J. degree '614 Muse, i. L., hegree, ~ Z I Musgrme. J. E., degree, a57 Music, School of,curriculum chanpe, 639 piano, 548 sub-collecinte, discontinued, 204 Muesman, L. K.. degree, 6 2 1 Mutual Renefit Association, agreement, 102 Mvalski, W. A,. degree, 2 5 1 Mycrs. K. H., appointments, 194, 349 degree, 626 Myers, L. E. T., degree, 5 1 4 Myers, L. J., appointment. 326 degree, 6 2 3 Myers. M. E.. degree, 260 Mylrea. T. D., qqmintment, 338 Raber. K., degree, 610 Nachenberg, A. S., degree, 269 Nachtigall, H.. appojntmenr, 389 Nadeau, 0. E., appaintmeut, 452 Naegele, F. H.. degree, 254 Nagle, S. K.. appointment 346 Nakayama, M.. degree, 26; Nance. 0. 0. degree 621 Nanningn, 1. ap&intrnmts. 405, 5 5 4 Nasatir A. V., degree, 446 Naseef.'G. W degree 614 Naselli. G. E.'.' dcaree.' 691 National Boiler Radiator Mfrs'. Assn.. COopcratlve agreement 549 National Brick Mfrs'. Assn,. cooperative aaree- ment, 4c9 National Power Construction Co., contract, 410 Nauman R. H., degree, 1 7 2 Naumanb, K. R., depree. 254 prize, 271 k.. BOARD OF 684 Naumann M. K.. degree, 514 Naumann: W. H.,degree, 269 Naven. B. S.. C.P.A. certificate, 44 N a y B. E. degree 514 N e a h e . R. ’J., deg& 619 Nearpass, E. E., appointment. 322 Neave. S. L., degrees, 105, 5 1 2 Nebeker, H. R., degm, 2 5 0 Nebel L W land purchased, 168 Nebe; L: W?, degree,. 633 Neckers. J. W., appointment, 324 degree. 264 fellowship 583 Ncedharn, D. W.,degree, 610 Needler, D. W degree, 619 Neeld, M E., >egret. 621 Neff, G. A,, C.P.A. certificate, 638 Neff. G. V.. degree. 2 ~ 6 Neiberg, C..M.: dew& 446 Neil1 H. D. degree 614 Nelsdn, A. M., d&, a59 Nelson, C. G., degree, 257 Nelson, E. G., scholarship, 584 Nelson P . C. degree, 626 Nelson‘ G. V.’ degree 625 Nelson’ K. degree, 632 Nelson: L. N..”degree, 105 Nelson, R. A.. appointment, 341 Nelson, S. B.. degree, 6 3 0 Nelson S. E. appointments, 326. 5 Nelson: S. R.: degree, 248 Nemkovsky, A., degree, 6 2 1 Nesmith, P. H.. degree, 610 Neubauer C. B degree 431 Neulxr. L., &ointment. 318 salary adjustment, 9 Neumann M. E.. degree, 399 Neumann’ P. E.,degree, 248 Nevens W.B. appointment, 348 Neville: H. A.: appointments, 324, Nevins, A. S.. appointments, 224 Newbcrg. J. M,C.P.A. mrtificrte N e w k r g e r C. appointments. 71, ‘ 3 Newhurn, ’A. R., degree, 80 Newcomb. E. E., appointments, 71, degree 625 Newcomb, M. P., degree, 621 Newcomb, R., appointment, 337 Newcomher, H. L.. appointment, 33 deeree. 2 5 1 Newel! H. M. appointment 499 Newell: M., a;pointment, 384 Newenham. R. L. degree, 514 Newkirk, A, F.. ippointment. 452 mmmission, 622 degree. 6 I 3 Nrwman, B., degree, 632 Newman M. M., degree, 446 Newson ’C. A., degree, 249 Newton: C., appointment, 202 N g i n . C. O.,degrees, 105, 264 Nichols D A. appointment, 17 Nichols’ E: A.’ degree 614 Nichols’ H. degree 6 ; o Nichols’ H.’M. d&ee 2 5 0 Nichols’ 0. R ’ degree,’ 2 5 5 Nichols: W. A:: degree, 258 Nicho!son, J. A,, appointment, 329 Nickerson L. W. degree 614 N i k o l , W, B., &gree,. 6’14 Nickoley E. R. appomtment, 406 Nimlet P. degree, 618 Nielien’ A. 6. appointment, 406 Nielsen: E. 0.:degree, 446 Nielsen, J. M.,degree, 446 Nieman, A.. degree. 267 Niemann, K.,appointment, 178 Niepodziany, C. E.,degree, 632 d A. i. IRUSTEES Nightingale. A. F., death, 487 Nilson. E. H., degree, 248 N i l m . K. A.. dcerer. z;z Nisbet. J. I. ‘appointhe& 471 Nix W.A. ’scholarship 5k4 N d l e . B. E., appointmints. 178, 4oG Noble, M. S., degree, 614 Noble. W. L., elected to Executive Committee, 541 elected President of Board, 184 vote of thanks, 542 Nodinger L. degree 267 Noffte, G. J.; appoiitment. 452 Nolan, A. W.,appointments, 199, 336, 511 leave of absence, 147 Noller, C. R., appointments, 603, 627 Du Fo nt Fellowship 222 Non-union printing, i77 Noon, E. M.,degree. 616 Nora, I. J., appointments 224, 452 Nornin, H. B., degree 61; Nordmann, B. F., appointments, 17, I to, 194, 328 degree, 262 Norgaard, E., appointment 5 3 9 Norman, G. E.,degree, 61‘0 Norman M. degree 269 Norman: M.* A., drhree. 262 Norman. P. L., degree, 615 Norris. R. E.,degree, 610 North, C.. degree, 218 North E. 0. degree 172 North: G.. digree, 2;o Northrup, R. T., degree 621 Nnrton, E. A, appointAent, 3 4 5 Norton. H. M., degree, 258 Norton, L. J., appointments. 333. 344, 351 Nortridge, F. M., degree, 248 Norviel, H. B., appointment, 471 Norwood. E. E.. degree, 255 Noskin. S., degree, 632 Nothenberg, A. L. A. degree, 248 Novnk. J. B., degree,’267 Novotny, G. W..appointment. 406 Nowlin, 0. W.,degree, 446 Nowlin, W. J., degrees, 175, 630 Noyes, F. B., appointment, 364 Noyes, W. A., appointment, 323 retirement, 635 Nuhn, F. R., appointments, 327, 378, 452 degree, 361 Null F. E. degree 628 Null’ N . O.*, degreh 610 Nurse. Children’s Ciinic. appropriation, 14 Nutrition investigation, piiblicntinn requested, 520 commision report. 635 Nye, L. M..degree. 262 Nylander, V. T..appointments, 363, 364 Oakdale, U. 0.. degree 633 Oakley, C. F.,degree, 6i.r Oakley, L. G.. fellowship. 584 Oathout. C. H.,degree, 263 Oathout, E. E., appointment, I I o degree, 250 Obartuch H. W.. degree. 632 Oberman,’ H. I., degree, 633 O’Brien, R. J., degree, 251 O’Brien W. C. degree 610 O’Bryn$. K . C.: degree: 618 Obstetrin Department, budget. 362 Ocenasek. J. C., appointment. 7 1 Orenasek, J . J., appointment, 365 O’Connor, J. E.. degree. 632 OConor. V. J., appointment, 3 9 1 Odell, C. W., appointments. 200, 335 Odin land. experiment field lease, 561 68j UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS O'Donnell. T. E., appointment, 337 degree, 265 O'Donneil, T. F., degree, 260 Oehmke, G . J., appointment. 340 &sterling, H. C.,dppointment, 326 Officers, election of, 184, 542 OB!ighter, H. M.. degree, 624 Ogdon, M. E., appointment, 3 5 1 degree. 248 @gg, F. C., appointnrcnts, 338, 523 fellourship, 584 O'Grady, L. J., degree, 615 O'Hair, F. K., degree, 248 O'Hora, C. M..degree:, 265, 446 Ojemann, R. €I., appointments. 33 5 , dcgree, 106 Oliada €1. degree, 266 O'lieek. J: A., degree, 5 1 2 Olander, M. M., appointments, 17. 2 0 2 , 334. 355, 524 salary. 356 Olcott, G . W., degree, 258 Olcott, H. W., degree, 173 Oldfather, M., degree, 610 Oldfather, W. A,. appointments, 325, 5 2 1 , jW Oldham, H. E.. C.P.A. certificate. 190 Olech, E.. appointnrents, 7 1 . 406 Olesen, J. M., Jr., degree, 2 5 1 Oleson, P. C., degree, 610 Olio, G. M.,degrec, 248 Oliwr, E. A., depree, 248 Olivcr, R. L., degrees. z j S , 619 Oliver, T. E.. appointments, 203, 330 OlivSr. T.W., degree, 256 prize. 2 7 1 i)livo, H. L.. degree, 632 @Ikon, D. M., appointments, I 10, 389 Olnrstead, A. T.,appointments, 2 0 1 , 328, 523 Olsen, 0. M., appointment. 407 Olson, B. L., degree, 238 Olson, E . O., degree, 429 Olson, G. T.,degree, 174 Olson, H. E., appointment, 71 Olson, I. E. W.. degrec, 261 O!son, R. C., degrce, 610 Olson, S. NL, degree, 610 Olson W. C. degree 614 Olmn: W. C.P.A: certificate,. 44 O'Malley, Mr.. Experiment Station report,I 133 O'Mark, R. E., degree. 79 O'Neal. C., appoir.tments, 317, 407 O'Neal, C. E.,degree, 619 Onesto. A. M ,degree. 269 Opera Trio, Chicago, contract, '19 Operative Dentistry, budget 364 Ophthalmology, budget, 36; Opperman, H. H.,degree, 254 Oral Siiryery, budget, 363 Orata, P. T.. degree, 264 Oren, B. S.. degree, 2 5 2 Organ, appropriation for. 146 purchase of, 170, 185 Orians, G. H., appointments. 17, 326 Orr, P., deprecs, 249. 624 scholarship, 223 Orthodontia and Children's Clinic, budget 364 Orton, IbL H., appointment, 286 degree, 623 O R y a n . J. F., degree, 79 &beck, G. W.,degree, 2 5 2 Osborn, E . M., appointments, 1 1 0 , 348 Osborn, F. L., degree. 2 5 1 Osborn, I. M.. degree, So &born, Lane B.. Jr., degree, 610 Osborn, Louise B., appointment, 71 O s h n , Lucile B.. dcgree, 248 Osgood H. E degree 621 Osgood: W. R:, appoi6tmeat. 340 0.1 c. I 3slund. R. M., appointment. 392 leave of absence, 591 3smanson, G . L.. degree, 5 1 5 Dsewaardc. C. T., degree, 261 3stwpathic Association. correspondence with, 486 hearing, 36s request, 187 3stcopathic practitioners in McKinley Hospital, 229 Universitv policy, 425 3ster. M. G.,degree, j13 ?ti, Elevator Co., awarded contract, 181 Jto!opy, budget, 361 Ott. E. R.. degree, 429 Dtt. F. C., degree, 429 Ort, \V. C.,commission. 622 degree, 622 Otto, C. A., degree, 632 Oiiry, M. E., C.P.A. certificaie, 398 Over, H. A., degree, 80 Overcoats, army, renovation 01, 291 Overman, 0.R., appointment, 348 Overtoom, L. J., degree, 2 6 0 Owen, M., degree. 610 Owens E. C. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Om&, 1. B,'. degree, 267 Pabst, A., degree. 173 Pabst, A. R., appointment, 194 Pacard. B., appoiniment, 3 5 0 Packard, J. E.. degree, 514 Paden. W. R., appointments, 279, 346 Padnos. E., degrce, 629 Pecp!ow, E. W..appointmcnt, 324 Paguio, A. Q.,degrees, 175, 626 Paine, E. B..appointment, 33s Painter, H. E., degree, 269 Painter, J. R., degree, 431 Paisley, S. E., degree, 2 5 0 Pales, H.. degree, 633 Palfrey, T. R., appointment, 2 3 1 , 330 Palmer. B. B.. degree, 79 Palmer. C. E., appointment, 337 Palmer, E. F., appointment, I I O Palmer, G., degree, 259 P;lmer, H. E., degree 260 Palmer, M,Jr.. degr&. 6 1 7 Palmer, M. D., appointments, 7 1 , 320 Pdumbo. 0. J., depree, 269 Pana experiment fields, discontinuance, release, 191 P a n a b r n , E. E.. appointment, 342 Panlilio, V., degree, 262 P:ipanek. S., Jr., degree, 614 Pnili, 0.W.,appointment, 1 1 0 Pdrk, S. E.. dwrce, 248 Parker, J. 8.. C.P.A. certificate, 6jS Parker, J. H..appointment, 3 39 Parker, M.,appointment, 452 P;;rker, M. L., appointment, 391 Parker, O. T.,degree, 616 Parker. P.. degree, 513 Parks, B. K., degree, 630 Parks, F. C., appointment. 460 Parks, H. 0..degree, 621 Parks. J. H.. commission. 261 degree, 253 Perks. T. H., degree, 264 Parmacek, I., degree, 270 Parmacek, L., degree. 266 Parmelee, C. E., degrce. 254 Parmelee. C. W..appointment, Parnell, E. F., degree, 251 Parr. E., degree, 610 Parr, F.. Jr., degree, 622 Parr. F. W., degree, 2 6 0 Par:, M. C., degree, 618 I 14 686 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Parr, R. M., appointments, zoo. 324 Parr, S. W., appointments. 323, 342 Patent coking process, Jcc Parr Coking Process retirement, 635 Parr Cgking Process French patent purchased, 1 5 I assigned t o Gniversity, 1 6 7 patent litigation, 220 purchase proposed. 474 reports, z42. 438, 468 sale contract, 475 Parrish, B. V., degree, 249 Parry, G. M., depree, 79 P ~ r r y ,J. J., appointnient, 326 Parsons. T. E., appointment, 340 Parilow. W. D.. deprees, 8 1 , 619 Partridge. E. G., appointment, 3'4 fcllowship, 5S3 Paschen, F. H., degree, 2 5 5 Pascua, L. G., degree, 256 Passmore, C. 0.C.P.A. certificate. I 9 0 P.tsteur treatme;t, Dr. Robert Graham, 518 Patent, Brown-Knipp, sct Brown-Knipp patent French, ICC undrr Parr Coking Process Kunz, ICC Kunz patent Parr-Layng, scc Parr Coking Process PAtent attorney, employment. S; Patents, committee on, report, 102 infringement. 88 radio, negotiations for sale, 192 University, contract for use, 9 policy, I 1 5 Paterno A. M. degree, 2 5 5 P.jterso& H. C:, degree, 430 Psthology and Bacteriology, budget, 360 ~ A Paton. R. F.. aooointments. 2 0 % _ ., . I Patrick, E. H.,'de:ree, 514 Patrick, R. W . . degree, 257 Pattengnle, N. T.,degfee, 629 Patterson, C. A,, sppointment, 3 38 Patterson. 1. R.. dccree. 6 r n Patterson; 0. F.; dGree, 430 Pattcrson, 0. S., degree, 613 Patterscn. R. J., degree, 615 Patton, A., appointment. 320 Patton, A. E., appointment, 333 f a t t o n , J. M.,appointment, 389 Patton, I,. M.,degree, 260 Patton. W. A,. degree, 253 Paukcr, N.. appointment, 586 Paul, A. H., dcgree, 615 Paill, C. T.,degree, 254 Paul, E., degree, 621 Paul, I-I. G.,appointments, 325. 336, 5 2 2 P a u l , Ii. H., appointment, 331 P a u l , 0. D., degree, 2 5 0 Pauling, E. J., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Paulsen, H., appointment, 360 Paving, Armory Avenue, 294 Florida Avenue, 291 Fourth Street 7. 20 Library-Gymnasium, walks, 593 o n South Campus, 593 Stadium approaches. 7, 1 4 Stadium vicinity, 601 Paving assessments, appropriation, I 18, 493 Paving bonds, validation, 4 8 Pavlin, 0. B.. degree, 267 Pawlisch, 0.V.. degree. 267 Pnxton. A. E.,degree, 25% Payne, A. B.. degree, 6 2 1 Payne. H. P . depree, 514 Payne. T. D.,' degrees, 80, 105 Payne, W. L.. decree. 626 Payton, M. A., appointment, 110 commission, 261 degree, 252 ~ Peabody, R. A,, degree, a60 Peabody. R. D., C.P.A. certificate, 638 degree, 612 Pearcc, E. L., degree. 618 Pearce H. I., appointment, 3 2 1 Pearce' €I. W. degree, 254 Pearsail, A. L.: degree, 248 Pcarson, E. L. degree, 610 Pearson, P. 0.: C.P.A. certificate, IW Pease, T. C., appointment, 128 Peck. L. A., appointment, 320 Peck, R. B.. commission, 622 degree, 6 2 2 Peckenpaugh, E. B., degree, 610 Peeff, N . T., degree, 174 Peel, T., appointment, 325 Peer. H. L.. commission. 261 degree, 429 Peffer, €I. H., appointment, 344 degree. 623 Pc!Anan, J. E., degree, 615 Pcirce, L. F., depree, 106 Pelusc. S.. decree. 620 Pence.' D ,' deiree,' 6L9 Pence, E. C.,C.P.A. certificate, 638 Penfield, E. M..degree. 623 Penlowid, E. A., appointment. 323 Penfound, W. T.,appointments, 5 2 1 , 5s Penhallow, €1. W., degree, 79 . Penn Stone Co., c o n t r x t , 144 Penner, R. A., degree. s ~ j Penningtcn, L. E., scholarship, I 1 0 Penny, J. L.. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Perbix, L. E., desrce, 257 Percival, S. R., appointments, 1 1 0 , 3 5 5 , Pcrcival farm, option, 590. 606 Percy, N. M.,appointment, 390 Perdue, R. P., degree, 619 Perca, C. H., appointment, 330 Perganda, R.. 3 4 1 Perkins, E. E., appointment, 339 Perkins. E. V., degree, 264 Perlman, S., degree, ?@ Perlstein, S . , appointnients, I:O, 389 Perrenot. 0.M.,C.P.A. certificate, 190 Perrine, W. S., appointments, 49. 461 Perry, B. E., appointment, 325 Perrv. D. E.. anoointment. 17 Pcrri,' W. L. ' appointment,' 319 Pertzoff. L. 6.. degree, 630 Pesrnen, W., C.P.A. certrficate. 44 Pesmen, William. degree, 624 Peters. C. L.. decree. 6?2 Peters; R. M.,d i p & , 1 5 3 Petersen, E., appointment, 509 Petersen, W. F., appointments. 360, 407 Peterson C. appointment 471 Peterson: F. 'M., degree, I & Peterson, G. 0.. degree, 269 Peterson, H. S., degree. 615 Peterson, H. W.,degree, 267 Peterson, I. L., appointment 35 I Peterson. J. M., appointmedts, 72, 324, Du Po nt Fellowship, 583 Peterson, M. A.. degree, 2 6 0 Peterson. N. D., dwree, 260 Peterson, R. E.. degrees. 256, 626 prim, 2 7 0 scholarship, 223 Peterson R. 0. degree 266 Peterson: W. R.: schdakhip, 583 Petri, K. N.. degree, 629 Pettinger. N. h.. appointments, 72, 407 fellowship, 583 Pettis, 1. M.,degree, 80 Petty, M., appointments, 231, 330 Pfankuchen, L. E., appointment, 4 5 2 Pfeifcr, 0.C., degree, 267 UNWERSITY OF ILLINOIS Pleifer, R. J., Plym Scholarship, 276 prlzc 270 Pleiffcr: H. A., degree, 262 Pfciffer. H. F.. dezree. L<s -. prize, 270 Plutzenreuter, E. M.,decree. 259 Pharmacy, Scliwl of, special appropriation, 5 . I I I A58 hudiet, 364 building. refitted, 544 Addition, appropriation, 295 architects, jo;+ 385 contracts awarded, 569, 593 plans for, 477 report of progress, 458 degrces, change, 204 listeners fees, 549 resuiremcnts for graduation, 136 surnmcr work, 231 Phxniacnlogy and Therapeutics. bud@, 160 Phelps, G., degree, 248 Phifer, C. H..appointment, 391 Philhrick, E. I*., degree, 623 Philhrick. F. S., appointments, 354, 523 Phillippc, B.. appointment, 346 Philips, A. IT., degree, 174 Phillips, D. E., appointmcnt, 5 2 2 Phillips I. B. degree, 624 Phillips: R. J.: degree. zj3 Philosophy, budget, 329 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Phipps, H. T., drrree. 614 Phipps. R. M. dcgree, 248 ~ ’ ~ i i p p sT. . E.,’ a ppointment, 324 Photography, hudget. 3 18 Physical Education for mcn, budget. 35 salaries, 356 for women. ZoDrWr~ation. I 4 9 budget, 3;iPhysical Plant. budget. 311 cxtcnsion, 365 special improvements, 367 Physical Welfare, research, 227. 397 Phvsics. budact. ~ L I ixpeise, 337 salaries, 337 Physics Building. remadelinn, 147 Physiolozs budzet. ._ . . Urbana.. .129 expense. 322 salaries. 1 2 2 Chicago, P i o r d , A. P., degree, 446 Pickels, G . W., appointment, 338 Picker. L. E.. deeree. 611 Pickerel, E. ?.. &&. 6;z Pickering. E.. degree. 627 Pickett, G. A., degree, 248 Pickles. L. K., degree 621 Picknell. S. L., land burchnsed, 384 Pictures Sloan collection oRer, 549 Picczyndki, J. L., degree,’ 267 Piehl. W. P.,appointment, 452 Pieper, E. H.,denree, 624 scholarship, zz3 Picoer. G. 1.. deer-. 610 Pieper; J.. ;&oiRtm&t,- 3 3 5 Piepho, W. A., degree. 269 Pierce. H. M.. degree. 446 Pierce, N.. appointment, 294 Pierce W. K.. degree, 7.55 Piercy: J., appointment 326 Pierson, I. D.. degree, ’248 Pierson 0. P. degree, 628 Pierson: P., appointments, 203, 330 Picters, D. D.,degree, 513 Piette, E. C., appointment, 586 Pw, suckling. immunization experiment, 562 I is-I ~ _ 487 Piit, G. E.. degree, 446 Pilchard, E. I., appointment, 352 Pilka H. J. appointments. rzo, 4j2 Pillsdury, W’. L., C.P.A. committee, 463 Pilot, I.. appointment, 360 Pink M. D. degree 10; Pin&, M, hppointkents. 110, 360 Pinney, C. J., degree, 6 1 4 Pinsenshaurn, A.. appointment, 3 57 Pintzow. 14. Z., degrees, 431, 630 l’ires, V. M., scholarship, 583 Pilchrnan, I., degrees. 270, 516 Pitkin, M., scholarship, 2 2 3 flambcck, W. F., degree, 430 Plato R. A,. degree, 260 Platt,‘ C. A., architectural services, 593 Pless, B. M., appointment, 340 Pletta, D. H.,appointment, 452 Plhak, C. F., decree. 632 Piice, S. G., appointment, 390 Plot ring Athletic Association tract, $ 2 9 Plumbing, research in, 234 Plummer F. B. degrees, 174, 263 Plunkctt.’ C . B.,’ degree, 610 Plym Fellowship, awardcd, 7S, 231, 599, 633 committee, 1925-26, 468 Plym Fellowship and Scholarship fund, consolidation 1 2 2 investmen’ts, 144. 16, 211, 3 1 1 Plym Foreign Scholarship awarded, 78. 276, 633 l’fzak, 2. F., degree, 2% Poap. B. G., dcgree, 612 Poetry Prize Fund. investment of, 387 P’omensce. E. R.. degree. 610 Policy, Unjversity, Ice University policy Political Science, assistants, 495 budget, 329 expense. 322 salaries. 322 Polk. M. A.. decree 610 Poll=ck, L F., &pdmtment, 1 1 1 Pollack, M., desree, 616 Pollock. A. W., degree, 614 Pollock, L. F., dcgrcc, 253 l ’ o l ~ , M. L., degree. 630 Poison, 1. A.. appointment, 339 Pomerantz, M., degree, 269 Pomeroy. H. R., degree, 2 5 0 Pomeroy, J. N., C.P.A. committee, 463 Pond, B., appointment, I I I Pond, B. P.. commission, 261 degree. 256 Pond, G. P., appointment, 3 9 1 Ponting. T. C., degrce, 399 Ponzer, E.. degree 267 Pwle, W. C.. Jr.,.’appointments, 330. 379 Pour, R. S.. appointments, 327, 452 derrw. 264 fellowship. 584 Popc, W. T., appointment, 342 Poretsk?, H. L.. degree, 248 Porter, D. Q., degree, 431 Porter. E. C.. degree 630 Porter, F. M.,appoiktment, 339 Porter. H. V. A.. deeree.. 100 _,_ Portcri J., degrg.’ 610 Portrait of President, rcc undu Kinky, David Poser, E. F., degrm, 630 Post, G . , W., appointmect, 391 Postlewait, H. L., appointmcnt, 337 Pothoff, E. F., appointment, 3 3 5 Potkiil, M., degree, 632 Porter, J. L. degree 619 Potter, M. amoihtment, 3r6 degree. 622 s&y, 356 Potter, V., degree, 248 Pottle. L.. degree, 248 1.. 688 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Poulson C. T, degree. 446 P o d t r y 'plant, 'fire 1056, 595 house. contract, zSz Pound D. B. degree, 248 Powel' R. N.' degree, 617 Poweli C. L.' degree, 610 Powell,' C. R.* degree, 6:s Powell, D. S.,' appointments. z x , 326 Powell, M. E.. appointment, ] : I degree. 618 Powell, W., C.P.A., certificate, 4s Powera F. B., degrec 617 Powers: J. H., eiccteh director, 189, 563 Pranter, L. J., degree, 399 Pmther, C. L.,appointment, 3 3 3 Prather, 0.. appointment. 326 Prather. 0. A. dccrce 160 Pratt, C. H., ;ppolnt&ent, 316 I'mrt, E. S., appointment, 326 degrec, 623 P r a t t H. A., degree, 257 Pratt: R. G., degree, 514 Pratt S. appointment, I I I Prehn' F: C., degree. 267 Prehn: P.. appointments, 335, 356 salary, 356 Prexcott M. U.. appointments, 1 1 1 , 194. 4-52 Presideit of Board, delegation of signature, 184, 542 President of University. car, report, 394, 5 6 0 Office of budFet 3 1 5 Src &o' Kinley,' David Pressey, J. C., appointment, 523 degree, 620 I'reston, W. T., degree, zj3 Prcrtyman, H. F.,. d c p e e , 260 I'reucil, A., degree, 260 Price A. J. degree 431 Price: C. C:, depred. 616 Pxice, C. W., degree, 8 0 Price, H., degree. 632 Price, R. A,, degree, 174 Price R. M., degree, 616 Price: W. F., degree, 24s Prichard, W. T.. appointment, 332 degree, 428 Priebc, 0. J., degree, 2 5 8 Priewe, F. L., degree, 611 Primm, J. F., degree, 616 Prinple, K. R., degree, 610 Printing annual register. 477 Printing contracts with non-union firnrs, 277 Pritchard, R., death benefit, 459 Prize Christian Gross i n architecture, 505 mkdical. Heaumont 'Memorial, 43 I , 484. j 17 Pr-e fund. Baker. securit~cs. 67 Prizes, 133q. list, 270 Prohate of Carter will, 595 Procise, A. M.,appointment, 349 Proctor G. M., degree, 428 Produ$s Exposition. .45 P r q s t . D. W. appointments 389, 453 Prosthetic D e n h t r y , budget,' 364 Prouty, J. D., prize, 271 Prouza A. E. degree 632 Provin; L. H: appoihtmcnts, 337, 468 Provost' budge; 315 Proxy, 'Ill. Poder & Light Corporation, 5 y g Puhlic Service Co., Cen. Illinois, 190 Northern Illinois, 5 19 S. P. stock, 502 Prucha, M. I., appointment, 347 Truett, F. G., degree, 3 9 9 Pruitt, F. H., degree, 610 Prussing B Co., bill, 305 Psychology. budget, 329 exoense, 322 salaries, 322 ?ublic Service Co., G n t r a l Illinois, proxy, 190 Northern Illinois, proxy, 519 "ublic Utilities Scholarships, 44 'ublic Wdfarc Department, conmittee report, 560 Chicago hospitals, cooperation with, 287 University reiations with, 4 1 I Puhlicity. budget, 3 18 'uderer. P. C., degree, 619 'udil, G. J.. degree, 270, 632 'ugh, C., appointment. 379 degree, 629 Puph. P. E., degree, 624 'ugh R . L. degree 61s Wle;i E. M degree 619 %mpdrey. L."C., deiree. 630 'unke, H. H..appointment, 7, degree, 263 Puntarnbcker, S. V.. appointment, 453 degree. 627 %cell, J. S., degree, 80 Purchase orders, rre under Comptroller's con- tracts Purchasing Division. budget, 3 16 h r d y , J . R., appo{ntments, 329, 379 i'uris. A. M.. appoinunent. 1 2 0 Purkins. J. F., retirement, 635 Purnell Fund, budget, 344. 351 expensc, 341 saiaries, 343 Puraell, L. D., degree, 618 Purves, H J. degree 218 Pore?, L. 'G.,' degree,' 610 Piitnam, G . E., appoiniment, 5 5 3 Piitnnm, H. M., appointment, 335 Putnam, K. M., appointments, 244. 358 Putaam, W. J., appointments, 202, 340, 523 Pyle, C. w., degree. 610 Pylc. W. A.. degree, 80 Prrometer. gift, 549 puacbenbnsh, B. H.,degree, 616 &ad,, M. M.,degree, 256 orue. 2 7 1 scholarship, z - 2 ~ Quarters for military enlisted personnel, 387 Quick. G F., degre, 5 1 3 Quipley, W. J., appointment, 389 Quill L. L., appointment, 324 Quiltan. B. B., degree. 2 5 7 Qiiiring, D P., appointment, 331 Quirke, T. T..appointment, 327 leave of ahsence, 275 Rabe, L. L., scholarship. 602 Rabc, M. E.. degree, 260 Rabens. I. h., appointment, 389 Rabies, diagnosis, fee. 562 Racine, M., appointments, 347. 453 Racine. R. C., depree, 258 Radcliffe, C. B., degree. 253 Radio broadcasting I!cense. 45 Radio station. building. contract awarded, 638 estimate of cost, 601 location, 486, 5 5 1 director, 599 engineer, 5 9 9 g i f t of, 226 report of progress. 296, 413, 498, 502. 5 1 2 Radiology, budget, 362 Radner D. degree 633 Racder' L ' M . ap&ntments, 17.0,178, 358 Raff, f. H.,d&ree, 633 RaM. A.. aowintment. 7 2 RamB,E.'hi; degree, 246 R a 5 R. degrce 610 Ragshale: R. W.: degree. 2 5 7 Rahe, H. E., degree. 621 689 U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS Rahm L. F.. appointment 339 Railrdad switch Univcnii; grounds, 602 Railway EnginAing, bud@, 341 erpe=. 337 salaries, 3 ~ ~ ; Ralutis, J. degree, 2 6 Ralston, J. F., degree 446 Ramsdell, C. W., apdointment 5 2 3 Ramser, J. R.. appointments, , 1 1 1 , 3 3 3 degrac 264 Ramsex 'M L degree 253 Rand h. L., Jegree 6x0 Rand' H., appointm;nts. 201 326 Rand' H. M. appointment ;zz Randill F. degree 17; Randall) G. S '' degree,'618 Randall' J. G ' appointment 326 Randoldh. F. ?., degree, 61; Randolph, O., Contracts. 117, 385 Rankin, F. H., appointment, 3 4 5 Rankin, J. T., degree. 610 Ransddl. F., appointment, 3 19 Ranadell, T. F degree 622 Raphael H. B." degree: 632 Rapp, k s . E. 'H., appointments, 194, 326 degree, 262 Rapp, 0. L.. degree. 6a1 Rappaport, B. Z., appointments, 72, 361 Rash B appointments 336 453 Rasm'use;, R. N k r & , 6;s Rasmussen. G.. dkree, 614 Rasmusscn, M.. appointment, 471 Rassweiler, G. M., appointment. 341 degree 626 Ratdiffe' M F degree, 3 9 9 Ratdiffe: S. A.,"appomtrnent, 203 Ratdiffe, S. C,appointments. 330, 5 z j Ratsek, J. C., degree, 6 t 8 Ratzesberger. A. S. degm, 79 Rauch A. E. deg& 251 Raw. 'E.A.. 'dcnree. ' 6 2 1 Rawlings, C.' 0.;dekm. 257 Ray, G. R.. degree 629 Raymond, S. W.. &ee. 610 Rayner, W. H., appointment, 338 Rea Scholarships fund, investment, 1 3 0 Read C. F. appointment 389 Read' F. degree 61: Readkr, J. I.: d-' 632 Reagan. C. W appbintment. 427 Reagan. G. W:,appomtments, 166, zoo, 335, d. 522 Resmr, M. L., degree, 25; acholarship 277 Reckitt. E.. k.P.A. examiner, 463 Records and Repqrts, Division of budget, 3 1 7 Rector, M., a w r n t m e n t s 17 361 Reddick, W. C., mmmis&. kzz degree, 610 Reed. A. J., degree 173 Reed. C. S., Jr., digree, 429 Reed. J. L., dcgm. 515 Reed, 0. R., degree. 621 Reed, V. V., appointments, 279. 3 5 5 Reedy J. H. appointments, z m , 3 2 3 Rms '0. W.'degree, 264 ReeGe, K. d., appointment, 407 d g n e , 214 Plym Scholarship, 633 Reeves, D. C.. degree, 446 Reeves, D. L., degree 610 Refrigerating laboratdry fw meats 505 Refrigeration eqnipment Dairy bas 239 Register. Annual printkg n m k a a , '477 Registrar. Ol7ice A, budget, 31 rrpwt pf fees, 122, x9, 3 2 595 k i s u a t m , amparative figures 432 Registration d a t a for September,' 1926, 507 Rebling. A. J., degree, 618 Rehm, A. C., degree+. 15s. 261 Reich. W. J.. degree, 629 Reid, E. A.. appointment, 338 Reid, E. C., degree, 79 Reid. G. L., degree, 612 Reid, P. E., appointments, 17, 1711, z m degree. 172 Reid S H degree, 256 Reif' S ' B. "degree 250 Reider 'R.'M., d & r e 6 3 3 Reinhirdt, E., degree, '262 fellowship, 223 Reins&, B. P.. appointments, 17, t o t , 328 Reir, R. N., degree, 5 1 6 Reisch. J. E.. degree, 629 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 636 641 RemingGn 0. J. degree 248 RernodeliG Buildh~gr, bidget, 365 Rendhn, T. B., degree, 610 Rennen, M. E.,degree, 610 Renner. W. S., degree, 260 Reno, R. R. appointment 45j Rescarch, cmdical, 504, Physical Welfare department, 227, 397 Sanitary Chemistry, 231, 639 See Q ~ S OCooperative nwarch Research graduate assistants, budget, 341 Research graduate assistantship, gift, 43 Research Hospitals, rcc Hospitals, W i c a l Re- search Residence Hall, West, appropriation. 82 additional, 204 bids. 82, 1 1 5 , 117 contract, building, I 17 heating, 188 linoleum, 286 plumbing, wiring, 180 roofing, 129, 168 screens. 282 director appointed, 271 fir-,. 4 9 furnishings for, 287 named, 382 settlement of contract 385 Residence Hall, Women's, budget, 358 director. appointed, 271 funds, investment, 82 rates, 2 2 2 rcpons, 3 x 1 440 room assignments, 553 Resolutions, Carter property, 593 Carter-Pennell Trust, 186 Dcath of President James 287 290 by Ill. Guernsey Breeders! As& 5 5 1 land transactions 272, z# on medical appdntments, 145 Retirements. University staff, 635 Retiring allowance, Barton, H. J., 5 9 0 h b e l , J., 590 Retiring allowancen, amendments, 525, 634, 642 policy, 222 report, 101. 116, 1-28 special cam, 5 0 8 time of retiring, 237 sce a h Death Benefits and Retiring Allow- anas Reuterskiold, K., appintmtnts, I I I , 178, 453 Reuther. T. F., apporntment, 453 d a m e , 446 Rew C. L appointments, 2 3 1 , 330 Rer,'C. H:: degree. 616 Reynolds, G. V., degree. 260 Remolds. H. E., degree, 258 Reynoldr, M. F., &re, 621 Rezilitc Mfg. Co., contract, 569 Rhinology. budget, 361 541 . 690 30ARD OF Rhoads. M.. appointment 3 16 Rhode. C. S., appointme& 348, 353 Rhue, L. C., appointment, 349 Riback, D. J.. degree 633 Rice D. degree, 63; Rice: M.',degree, 633 Rice M. D. degree 250 Rice' N. L. ' degree ' 610 Rich' A. D.'degree' 513 Rich' B. G.: degree' 256 Rich: F. M.,degrd. 256 Richardson, R. L., degree, 255 Richart, F. E., appointment. 342 Richie. H. B., degree, a57 Richmond P. degree 613 Richter d. degree ;67 Rickheii R: E. degrees 173 263 Ricklrelm;n, R. degree, z&) Rickey, B. M.,degree, 248 Rickey, L. F., appointment, 453 Riddell, M. R., appointments, 339. 342 Ridge, P. A., commissioii, 622 degree, 621 Ridlen, H., appointment, 17 degree, 4 m Riegel, W. E., pppointmcnts, 49. 460, 461 Rieke, A.. appointment, 363 Riess, R. N., degree, 248 Rifas L. degree, 632 Riggfe, L. C.. degree. 25s Riggs, B., 'appointment, 344 Riley R. M.,degree. 269 Riley: W. B., College Plice lot mntract. 87 Rinaker, C., appointment. 325 Rinehart, F. E.. degree, 610 Rinehart, W. G., degree 267 Rinehimer. B., appointmknt, 453 Ring, G. F., degree. 80 Ringhofcr, J., degree, 269 Ringland. A. D., appointment. 326 Rinaness. T.R., degree. 2 5 s Ripnie, C. W.. appomtments, 324. 407 degree, 173, 627 Rising, A. F., appointments, 49, 460 Rissinaer A. J., degrees 81, 446 Ritchie. '?. B., degree, 6;9 Ritter, L., degree. 81 Ritter. V. W.. denree. 620 Rivard, J. X., dcgr&, 2 6 Rives, H. V.. degree 5 1 3 Robbins, E. T., apdoinunents, 347, 353 Roberson, F. R., degree, 615 Roberson, G. G. V., degree. 248 Roberts, A. S., appointments, 201, 328, 407. i., c2* Robe;;; D. M.,degree, 446 Roberts E.. apwintrnent 347 Roberts: Mrs. E. C., r p p h m e n t , 453 Roberts, F. E., Jr., commission. 261 degree 25s Roberts.'G. J., degrees, 250, 270 Roberts N.. appozntment 346 Roberts' R. W. degree 614 ~ o b e r t s '~ r s q., . appoi'otment 3 18 Robertsbn, C.. appointments. ;57. 379, 524 Robertson, E. J.. degree, 267 Robertson, E. L., degree, 262 Robertson, E. M.,appointment, 320 Robertson hiL. J., degree, 611 Robertson' M. R dqree 10s Robertson: R.. appointm&ts. 316, 471 Robertson. R. C., degrees, 268, 446 R b t s o n R. L., degree 630 Robertson: T. J., sppoikment. 453 Robertson, T. S., dtgree, 494 Robertson. W. S., appointment, 328 Robenon. F. G. degree, 268 Robin, S. L.. d-, 250 YtUSTEES Robins, M., degree, 624 Robinson, A. B., appointment, 336 Robinson, A. I., depm. 248 Robinson. C. E.,degree, 613 scholarship 223 Robinson K: F. degree. 261 Robinson' L. E.' degree 630 Robinson' M H'. appoihtment. 333 C.P.A.'commit;ee, 463 Robinson W. S. degree 615 Robison 'M. L 'degree '248 Robison' M.W. degr&, 174 Rodebuih, W. H:, appointments. 323. 5 3 1 Roche A. T degree 610 Rde&ld. C:'W., d&e, 172 Rodkcy. F. S.. appointment. 523 Roe, F. C.. degree, 256 Rae, M,appointment, 320 degree 620 leave bf absence, 591 Roe. M.A,, appointment, 194 degree, 630 Roe, S. G., appointment, 1 x 1 commission, 261 degree 251 RoentgeAology and Photonraphy budget, 364 Roesch, W. G.,dearee, 256 Roeske, A. G., appointment. 1 1 1 degree, 615 Roessler, C. E., degree, 254 Roewade, A. G., appointment, 140 Rogers, C. C.. appointment. 391 rcaignation, 562 Ropers C. E. degree, 2 5 5 Rogers: D. d,appointment, 341 Rogers, H. P.. degree, 623 Rogers, J. P.. degrees. 268, 446 Rwers. M.1.. denree. 80 Ko&s.Priniinp do.. contracts 1 2 5 . 477 Rohrlack, 0. 11.. appointment: 38y Rokusk. F. E., appointment. 3 3 5 dmree. 253 salary. 356 Roland Estate, land purchased, 274 sold. 274, 297 Roland heirs, sale 0.f land, 297 Rolk. C. W.,appointment, 327 Rolleston, W. A., degree, 254 Romance Languages, budget, 330 expmse. 322 salaries, 322 Romanek. W. A. C.P.A. certificate, 44 Romano, E. C.,'degrees. 2 7 0 , 516 Romano, T. M.,degree, 632 Romine, V. M.,dcgiee, 25s Ronalds, F. S., appointments, I I I . 194 fellowship. 223 Rwhng mntrart, West Reskknce Hall, 129, Rooming houses, investigation, 425 Roor~ey,E. J., degree, 630 R w a G. B., appointment, 140 dcgree. 428 RDOM, W. L., appointments, 17, 354 Rose, M. I., appointment 453 RW, W. appointmenl zoo 323 Roseberry, C. J. ZppointAent,' 3 18 Rosccrans C. 2.' appointments, 72 342 Rosenberi, M. L:, C.P.A. certificath, 190 Rosenberg, P., dcgree, 516 Rosenberg R. degrees 31, 630 Rosenbers' S ' degree 'z& Roscnblat;, i: A,, d i y e 2% Rosenbloom, H. H.. d&. 267 Rosenblum A. 1 degree 630 Rotcnblum: D.. & f e e . i46 Rofcnblum, H. F.. degree, 269 Roscnhlum. P.. appointment, 390 Rosenblum, R., appointment, 407 c., U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS R m n b l u m , S., degree, 267 Rmenhohm, A. M.,degree, 248 R o n n e , R. W. degree. 614 Roscnga:d. J. degree. 267 Rosenstein, L., degree, 8 0 Rwenston, D., degree, 430 Rosenthal, S., degree, 267 Ross, D. L.,C.P.A. certificate, 44 Russ. H. M.. denree. 267 Ross; M.. a$pintments,’ 407, 453 Ross, M. L., degree, 264 Ross, R. C., appointment, 349 degree, 264 Ross, R. H., degree, 610 ROES, V. appointment, 357 t o MsKtnley Hospital staff, zgo Rotberg, D., degree, 2% Roth, F. W.. degree q60 Roth, H., degree,, 632Roth, J. H.,appointment, 390 Roth J. P., degree, 615 Roth: L., degree, 269 Rothhaum P. degree 621 Rothrock ’H. ’V. deglee 610 Roti, R.’M., deLree z j b Rottman, S., C.P.A.’certificate, 44 Rottaayer, S. I.. degree, 617 R o d e t , P. A,, de, degree, 514 Rovelstad, R. P., degree, 614 Rowe, C., appointments, 49, 460 Rowe, C. C . . degree. 2 5 1 Rorve, J. W., degree 174 Rowley, M. A.. c o r k s s i o n , 261 degree,, 2 5 5 Rubenstein, J., degree, 446 Rubey, H. K., degree, 265 Rubin, A. H. degree, 269 Rubin. H. HI, appointments 453, 539 Ruby, J. C.,appointments, ;cz, 334, 3 5 5. 5 salary, 356 Ruby, L. 1.. degree. 2 5 1 Rudd. G. C., degree, 2 5 5 Rudd, W. N., appointments, 50, 461 Experiment Staticn report. 133 Rudman, L. R.. appointments, 72, 326 Rudnick, D. F. appointments, izo, 391 Rudolph, G. A.: degree, 610 Rueh F. Jr. degree. 610 Rueccert,’ L. H., degree. 632 Ruedel, F. J., appointment, 194 commission 261 degree, 2 5 ; Ruche, 1%. A., appointment 347 Ruffin. V. C..appointment,’ 355 Ruffdo, A. F.. degree, 630 R u s g H. C degree 513 Rumfield G: D d&ee 614 Runkle, W. C. ‘kegree 614 Runyard, J. D: d q & , 610 Runyon. B. F.,’appointments, 279, 341 Rush, R., degree 175 Rusk H. P.. a p h i n t m e n t 346 Russil, M. A., degree, 61; Russell, F. A., appointments, 332, 5 2 0 salary adjustment. 9 Russell, M., deed of gift, 558 Rursenberger, M. R., degree 614 Rusaman. A. H..C.P.A. c e h i c a t e 44 Rntarsey, L., C.P.A. certificate, j g i Ruth, W. A.. appointment, 350 l e ~ v eof absence, 275 salary adjustment 9 Rutledge, A. W.. degm, 513 Ryan. E. J.. appointment, 364 Ryan, I., appointmmt, 50g Ryan. J. P., appointment, 398 Ryan, L. D..depree, 267 Ryan, Mrs. hL. appointment, 350 i., 4.. 691 Ryan R. W. degrm 265 Ryde; B. I.,’degrec,’630 Rygel E. degres, 253 Rykoff, L.’ D.,degree, 621 Sabbatical leave, rcc h a v e of absence Saben. A. R., degree, 621 Sachar, A. L.. appointment, 328 Sachs, L. H.,degree, 632 Sacks, J., degrees, 627 fellowship, 222 Safford V. W., degree 258 Sager, &n C.. degree: 617 Sager, Josephine C., degree, 610 St. Anthony Hospital, contract with, 41 St. John, L. B.. degree, 253 Salaries of staff during illness, 495 Salary adjustments, 9 Salary budget, 314 Sallee, G. A., appointment, 349 commission, 261 degree, 2 j 8 Sallee, Mrs. H. H., appointment, 453 Salmen, F.. degree, 2-55 Salzberg, H. K., deeree, 164 Salzberg. P. L., degree. 625 fellowship, 583 scholarship, zzz Salzmann. V.. degree, 610 Sandal1 A. M. degree, 2 6 0 Sandboin, L. T., appointments. 324. 6 0 3 d e w c , 399 fellowship, 583 Sanders. M. G., degree, 610 Sanders, W. H., appointment, 539 degree, 628 Sandford, F. L., appointment. 453 degree, 262 Sandford W. P. appointment 633 Sanford, ‘ G . W.,’ appointment.’ 178 Sanford, W. C.. appointment, 391 degree, 269 Sang. P. S.. degree. 632 Sanial, A. J., degree. 174 Sanitary Chemistry, gift, 23 I Sankre, R.. appointment, 523 Sanmann, F. P., appointment, 348 Santiago, F. D.,degree, 260 Saper. M., degree, 613 Sarnoff. H. S., degree 267 Sarven, J. D., degree,’ 630 Sattler, L. I. degm: 250 Saunders, Mrk A. G., appointments, 20‘ 1 , 332. 326 Saunders, E. M, degree, 248 Savage, J. R., appointment 407 Savage, M.T..degree, 246 Savage, R. A., degree, 618 Savage, T. E., appointment 327 Sawyer, A . L.. appointmen&, 389, 454 Sawyer. H. G:, degree, 632 Sax, H.. amointment. d u Sayre, B., -degree, 446 .-’ Sayre, H. A., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Scandrett, F., degree, 610 Scanlan, M., appointment, 365 Scarlett. M. B., appointments, 72, 3 1 5 Scarritt, E. W., degree, 264 Schad, E. F., degree 617 Schaefer, J. E., appointment, 17 Schaefer J. W. degree 156 Schafer ‘R., de&e 446 Schaff.’J. W.,de&. 618 Schaffer. 0. G., appointment, 350 salary adjustment 9 Schecter. W., degree’ 446 Scheidenhclm, E. C.: degree, 618 692 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Schelb, C. W. L., C.P.A. certificate. 398 Schell. M. I., appointments, 72, 3az Schenck E. F., degree 621 Scherer,' A. C., degree ' 632 Scherer. L. F. degree' 256 Schiavone J. 'M. d&ce 630 M i d L'G. c.P.A. &ificate, I90 Sd+ff,'dJ.: degree. 267 Schildhauer. F. J. degree, 622 Schilling, C. G.. Ammission, 622 degree 610 Schirmer' E. H. degree 630 Schirrmaber F.'C. digtee 610 Schlapprizzi,'L. B., 'degree, '253 Sddannan C. E. appointments 178 346 Schlatter %. F., 'appointments. '932, ,520 Schleck k. appointment, 407 G. degree 617 Schlichiing, Schlots, F. E.. d c g k , 618' Schmaus, M. J., C.P.A..artificate, 190 Sdmeltzer, C. B., appantment, 338 Schmjd. A. V., degree 632 Schmidt C. C. appoiitments 203 3 1 1 , 5 !;4 Schmidt: E. C:, appointment: 34; Schmidt, Garden 4 Martin, agreement for ser- vices, 386 architects, Pharmacy Building, 305 contract awar2ed 385 Schmitt A. W dggree 632 Schmitt' G. R" degree' 631 k h m i t t ' H. A: appoin'tment, r8 *itt: H. I.. awointments. 178. 487 degree 617 -- Shmitt,' P. G. F., appointment, 539 Schne!der, A. L., degree, 251 Schneider M. degree a@ Schneider' M ' M d&et 2 5 0 Schneider: H'. B.: appoiitments, 195, 326, 454 degree 623 Schoch, b. F.. mmmission. 6 2 2 degree, 610 Schoenling, P degree 260 Schofield Medical Missionary scholarship, es- tablishcd, 125 withdrawn, 242 Scfioggins C. appointment, 407 Scholarshks, 'Emnomica of Public Utilities 44 extension, ruling, 9, 572. 634 Graduate, scc s d c r Graduate School Plym Foreign, 78, 276. 633 Schofield medical 125 242 Wallace E. A., nXmo;idl, 507 Schdarsh,ip fund, Gregory, ICC Gregory Scholarship fund Plm. consolidation. 12% Scholz. .R.F.,.dcgree ' 2 5 8 School of MUSIC, rcc 'Mum, School of Schmnmaker, S.. appointments, 407, 523 Schorr, A. M., degree, 267 Schott, H. F. 253 Schour I., apbointmckt 363 Schradir F. M degree' 249 Schrader: H. J:: appoi&tmentn, 341. 379 Sehrader, M. appointment 347 s~lreiber.A.'M, appointn;ents. 350, 379 Sch+ber, N., nppwntmcnt. 407 Schreiner H. W dqree a53 Schrcpfer: F. A.,"degrccs,' 258, 625 scholarshin. 222 schricku 6..W appointment 340 Schrodcr ' D.L. %.P.A. certi&tc, 398 Scbmed;r, G. d., dew=. 254 sdyoeder, L. J., appointmenti. 323, 554 b e e . 615 smmder. M. H., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Qchradp R W.. appOlntment, 340 schmeder' S.'W. degree 267 Schroeder: T. W:. d g r d . 25s k. I ~ Schraeder W. E., commission, 622 degree.'617 S+&, W. L., commission, 622 degree, 612 Schuh I. appointments 1 1 1 , 357 Schultk. M..degree,' 616 Schultz B. I. degree 633 Schultz: E. 6.. de&, 257 Schultz. E. J., appointments, 336, 3 5 5 , 523 Schultz H. R degree, 174 Schultk L &ointments 363. 554 Schultz'id L degree 6;r Schultz: N. A:,' degree,' 2 5 3 Schulz. R.. C.P.A. certificate, 44 skulz. F.. appointments. 341. $24 Schulze, E. W, degree, 238 Schumacher, J. H., degree, 614 Schuneman, I. J., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Schuppert, H. J., degree, 260 Schurch, C. F., degree. 625 Schwab, F..appointment, 363 Schwake, H.. Experiment Station report. 1 3 0 Schwalbe, W. L.. appointments, 202, 340. 5 1 3 Schwartz, A., appointments, 316, 499 Schwartz, G. C.,d e j p , 611 Schwartt G. F., appointments, 354, 523 Schrvartz: H. M, degree, 632 Schwartz M. A. degree 174 Schwarts' M. J.: degree: 630 Schwarz,'C., degree, 610 Schwarz N. M degree 611 Schwarz: T. G."degrees' 630 63 I Schwarzwalder 'B. M.,iegree: 614 Schwebel D. degree, 249 Schwemm R. L., degree, 610 Schwing, 'A. W.,commission, 622 degree. 622 Sconce. H. J., appointments, 49, 460 Scott, C. M,appointment, 325 Scott, F. .W., appointment, 32s resignation, 393 salary adjustment 9 Scott H. M. degre;? 249 Scott: J. T..hegree, '613 Scott, P. B., coqwative investigation, 562 Scot!. T. C., degree,,446 Sntville, H. T. appointment 332 Saanton L. L:, appointmeni8, 18, 336 degree,' 626 Screens for new buildings, bids, 283 Scro gie, A. G., appointment. 324 Scuc?eri, C. S., degree, 629 Sculley, J. C.. degree, 267 Seabert, E. M, degree, 621 Seal, request for use i n stationery, 8 Seaman. 1. T.. denree. 2:c Seaman; R. GI, d&&. 6;o Seaney. H. K., degree, 632 Sears, B. H.,degree, 105 Sears. M.R.. deeree. 618 S e m i 0.H.;a & o i h e n t , 345 Seaton. D. C.. degree. 260 Seatree W. E. CP.A. Examiner 463 Secord.' A. W.,'ap&~tmenta, 326, 454 Secretary of the Board, delegation of signature, 184, 542 Sre. also Cunningham, H. E. .%curitas. sale, 78 Sced. L.. appointments, 178,454 h. h. k. 2i!Z:,*.F gm F. B., appointmeht, 80 MY, 340 Seew. R. A., degree, 617 S e w . R. M. degree. 253 k h e r r , P. D.,C.P.A. certificate, 44 S+d, R., degree, 630 Seidmon E. E. degra, 632 Seifer. B., degrk, 513 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Seifert. M. H., appointment, 72 Seiofeld, S. G., degree, 630 Seipp G., degree 249 %it& V. C. ddree 2 5 1 Seldei, B. R., degra, 630 Seletr, R., degm. 267 Sender F. R., degree, 630 Senear: F. E., appointments, 294, 361 Senf E. I degree, 610 S n i , R. degrees, 250, 623 prizr 270 Senneiald, M r s . E. F appointments, 539. 603 Sergeant A. G ap&ntment, 326 Seritclla,' W. J.,"degree, 81 Setser. V. G., degree, 624 scholarship, 223 Severns W. H.. appointment. 339 Sewage'research. gift for, 23 I, 639 Seward, J. F., degree. 632 Seward, MIS. L., appointment, 539 Sewer syatem. storm-water, mntract, 410 proposed, 547 report, 561 Sexton, A. M., appointment, 320 Sexton M. M degree, 620 ~ e y . b ~ lR. j , F.:*appointments, zoo. 3 3 5 request for leave. 231 Seyfarth, G. A., degree. 269 Seyler, J. B., degrees, 270. 516 Seymour, A. R.. appointments, 330, 336 Seymour B. D. degree, 2 5 1 Seymour: G. E.,' degree. 610 Seymour G. H. degree 262 Shackeldrd! M.'W., feliowship, 585 scholarship 223 Shades for n;w buildings, 284 Shafer M. M.,degree, 616 Shall, 'M.J., appointments. 72, 340 Shaffer, F. M.,degrees, 260, 622 Shaffer G. V degree 249 Shaft&, H. H., degre;, 249 Shafton, L. B., degree, 2 5 1 Shah C. N. degree. 264 Shalia. L. S:, degree, 267 Shames, H. J.. degree, 269 Shanks, T. K., degree, 2 5 5 Shantz, H. L. R., appointment, 570 Shapero L. degree. 269 Shapiro,' I. 'I C.P.A. certificate, 638 Shapiro, I. degree, 629 Shapiro, J.. degree, 2 6 9 Shapiro, S. L.. degree, 446 Shapiro, S. S., degree, 269 Shrppen, L. J., degree, 6 9 Sharer, D. M., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Sharkcy, A. K., degree, 6 3 2 Sharp, F. W., appointment, 539 degree, 514 Sharp, H. N., degree, 257 Shatiko, B. A., degree, 257 Shaughnessy, R. D., degree, 610 Shaver C. H. C.P.A. certificate, 398 Shaw. 'E. J.. b e e , 612 scholarship 6 0 2 Shnw, F. B.,' degree, 614 Shaw, H.E.,degree, 8 0 Shaw, H. W., degree. 6 3 2 Shaw H. Y.,appointment 320 Shaw: J. B., appointments,' 202, 328 Shaw, J. L.. degree, 2 5 1 Shawl, R. I., appointment, 348 Shay, M. L., degree, 262 Shame D. degree 494 Sheadle' R.' R. digree 2 5 3 Shedd, T. C.. 'appointkent, 338 degree, 265 Sheehan B. P . degree 632 Sheehen: D. E:, C.P.A. certificate, 44 x., d, 693 Sheehan, E. D., degree, 255 Shcehy L W. degree 256 Sheen 'E.'D. ;cholatsiip 584 Sheep' herdsm'an. cottage. ' I 18 Sheets, V. A.. degree, 5 1 3 Sheiry V. L. appointment, 337 Shelddn, J. d., degree, 399 Sheldon L C. degree 429 Shelford V. E'. appdntment. 330 Shellow ' C. I. 'degree 630 Shelton,' H. I:, degrd, 632 Shepard. F. P. appointment 327 Shepherd, J. C:, appointmen;, 324 Shepherd R. L. degree 251 Shere N. H. d i g m i 1 3 Sherf; F. B' Coll& P l a e lot, contract, 87 lot i d d . 4;8, 504 Sherman, G. W., degree. 253 Sherman. S.. degree, 249 Sherman, W. S., degree, 514 Sherrard C. F., degree 429 Sherrick,' 0. C. degree,'632 Sherry, I. L., 'appointment 3 9 0 Sherwood. G. R.. appointnbents, 72, 324, 379, 407, 6 0 3 degree. 399 Shields K. D. degree 621 Shields: R. W:, degree, 617 scholarship, 584 Shifrin M degree 267 Shimkis F: A. degree 632 Shinkle 'C. A. 'degree '253 Shinn. 'W. C..'degree.'61o Shipley. M. L., scholarship, 602 Shipley W. W. degree 80 Shjrey,'C. D., khchdarslhp. 223 Shive, R. A,, degree, 172 Shively, E. K degree, 80 Shkolnik, S., ;p;ppointment, 365 degree, 269 Shockley, C. M., appointment, 1 1 1 cammission. 261 degree, 2 5 1 Shoemaker, F. R., degree, 174 Shopen, K. G.. degree, 249 prize, 271 Shore. S.. deeree. 267 Short' E.'F -degree '249 Showhter. di. J. B.: degree 258 Showers, T. J., appointmen;, 3 2 1 Shrinn. R. L., degree, 265 Shrout. 7. B.. degree. 260 Shrynck-B. H. degree 173 Shuler, A. M., 'degree, '2% Shulman, B.. degree, 632 Shultheis. A. Y.,appointment 5 3 9 Shumway, W., appointments, l o j , 330, 356 salarv. 1 ~ 7 Shurtz.- R.-C., degree, 630 Shurtz. W. G.. appointment, 4 5 4 degree 267 Shuster, 'F. E., appointment, 460 Shut!, A. J., degree, 617 price, 270 Sibley E. degree 257 Sidemin S. degrk 5 1 5 Sidewaks oh South' Campus, 382 Siebens, R. H., degree, 269 Sieferman, A C.P.A. certificate, 190 Siegmund, H: 0..degree, 627 Sievekina. E. G.. amintment.' -2 ' ~ 6 Sigler, G.' L., ⅇ'2;9 Sigmann R. ' A. " C.P.A. artificate Siimahn C.k.x.' Signaturks of d a r e , delegation oi, oi, 542 Signor, N. M.,appointment, 3 2 0 Sih T. S., d e g m 515 Sih. Sikes, A. W., Sikb, W. de&ee, +&ee, 612 612 Sites, E., appointment, Sites, a;pointment, 524 694 BOARD 01 Silberman, J., degrees, 270, 632 Silos, roofing bids. 282 Silver, U E., degree. 260 Silverstein. L. H., degm, 79 Sim S. Y.,degree, 614 Simbr. P. Ii., appointments, 18, 3 3 1 degree. 5 1 2 followship, 585 Simki-s, C. C., commission. 6 2 2 degree, 614 Simmons, D. A., degree, 629 Simmons. R. E., appointments, 332, 379 degree. 2 5 3 Simon, N. W.. C.P.A. certificate, 398 Simonich, L. J., degree, 255 Simons. F. L., degree. z@ Simpson, F. appointment, 354 Simpson, G.’ E., schdarship. 602 Simpson, 1. R., degree. 616 Simpson, L. P.,appointments, 73, 332, 520 Simrell. R. E.. appointment. 379 Sjmrell. V. E., appointment, 327 Sima, D. E., degree. 2 6 0 Sims. G. L.. degree. 256 Sims, L.. appointments, 18, 178 Sinclair, C. A.. Jr.. degree, 2 5 1 Singer, H. .A.. appointment, 633 degree. 446 Singer, H. D., appointment, 3B9 Singer, M. B., appointment. 5 5 5 Singer M. S. degree, 632 Singer: R. L.,’ degree, 253 Singer. S., degree, 2% Sipfle, W. R.. degree, 2 5 5 Sippy, B. O., appointment, 364 degree 626 Sites. E.’ L... degree.. ._ to8 Sittner, A. degree 249 Skaoerud, A. M..hegree, 446 Skelton, A., degree, 612 Skinr.rr, H. H..appointment, 539 Skinner, S. P., degree, 173 Skinner Organ Company, awarded contract, 185 Sklovsky, I. D.. degree, 256 Skw, M., degree, z6q Skroder, C. E., appomtment, 454 Skuoa. A.. aooointment.. 16a - . Slat‘er.’ J. E.;.appointments, 295, 3 3 3 Slater. J. W.,degree, 429 Slattery, B. M..degree, 250 Slaughter. C. F.. C.P.A. certificate, &3 Sleadd. H. L., degree, 621 Slimmer. L. F., degree, 260 Sloan, H., picture collection, 549 Sloan H. J degree, 618 Slow.’J. R.:’degree. 249 Slutsky. M..degree. 2 5 5 Slutzkin S. F. degree 267 Small, b., i e d e of adaence, 231 Small, H.. appointment. 354 Smalley. A. E., degree, 259 Smart, J. W..C.P.A. certificate, 638 Smart, R. F., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Smcikel F. J degree 494 Smejkai. H. B., degrle. 79 Smejkal, H. J., appointment, 3 9 1 Smith, A. F., appointment, 335 salary, 356 Smith, B. E., degree. 249 Smith, B. M.,degree. 446 Smith, C. F. Jr.. appointment, 539 Smith, C. d., a ppointment, 340 Smith C. T. dqru 258 Smith: C. U.’ deg& 617 Smith, C. W.‘,degree, 430 Smith, Carleton R., appointment, 454 commission, 622 degree. 610 I RUSTEES Smith Charles R. degree 446 Smith’ D. E.,deiree 24; Smith’ D. G. degree’ 257 Smith: D. W.: degree: 631 Smith, E. C.. degree, 258 Smith, E. E., appointments, 234, 349 Smith, E. J., degree. 610 Smith, Earl G. degree 253 Smith, Everett ’G., apdointments, 166. 3 16 Smith, F., degree, 614 Smith, Frank. appointment, 330 retirement. 63s Smith, G. F.. appointments, zoo, 324 Smith. G. H.,appointment, 323 Smith, G. K.,degree, 249 Smith, G. R., degree, 610 Smith, H. C.. degree. 175 Smith, H. E., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Smith, H. F., degree, 267 Smith, H. H., degree, 2 5 s Smith, H. L., appointment, 72 Smith, H. V., degree, 610 Smith, 1%.W., degree, 2;; Smith, J. A,. degree, 610 Smith, J. B.. appointment, 356 degree, 612 sjlary, 357 Smith, James H.. degree. 617 Smith John F.,degree. 446 Smith: John H.,degree, 261 Smith. Joseph F., appointment, 407 Smith. K. D.. degree, 249 Smith, K. 0..appointments. 203. 341,454, 5 2 4 Smith, L., degrees, 270, 632 Smith, L. C., degree, 253 Smith, L. H., appointment, 345 Smirh, L. J.. C.P.A, certificate, 44 Smith, M. M., appqntment, 72 Smith M. R. appointment, 327 Smith: Margaiet. appointment, 3 17 Smirh. Marguerite, degree. 349 Smith. M a y , appointments, 72, 320 Smith N. J degree 257 Smith: R. A:: appoidtments, 18, 279, 347 deRree. 6z5 Smith. R. F., degree, 354 Smith, R. S., appointment, 345 Experiment Station report, 133 Smith R. V. degree 1 0 5 Smith’ Richatd W. ’degree 625 Smith: Roland W.. ’degree, ’174 Smith, Roy W.,degree, 253 Smith, S. C.. appointment, 316 Smith Mrs. T. C. appointment, 645 Smith: V. E. W..hegree, z(;9 Smith, V. G., fellowship, 277 Smith W. G. degree z j t Smith’ W. H.’ appoidtment, 49 Smith: W. N.: degree, 174 Smith, William Herschel. appointments. 346, Smith and Co.. contract 395, 571 Smith-Lever Acwunt, akgnments, 3 5 2 salaries, 3 j2 Smithers A. E. appointment, 3 3 0 Smithies,’ F r a d , medical prize, accepted, 484. 517 offer, 431 Smothers, E. H.,degree, 262 Smunvnski. 1. E.. denre. 612 Smyth. J. K.- degiee 6 1 4 Smyth’ R. K : degr& 610 Smyth;, C. V.’, degre: 610 Smythe, J. M., scholarship, 584 Snspp, R. R., appoinment, -347 Snavely, R. B., degree. 446 Snead and Co.. contract for bmkstach. ,383 Sncdaker, D. C., degree. 262 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C.P.A. certificate. Snodgrass, j. M.. appointment. 341 Snodgrass M. H. degree 258 Snow, C.‘M., apbointmehts, 361. 364 Snow, L. H., deuree 630 Snyder, C. H., de&e 429 Snyder, D. A., C.P.A: rrrtificate, 638 degree, 612 Snyder. E. U,degree, 2 5 1 Snyder, F. S.. dqree, 618 Snyder, G. C., degree 249 Snyder. H. L.. degree’ 6 r o Snyder, L. M.. degrd. 2 5 3 Snyder. Ws. M. S.. death, 5 0 6 Snyder. N. C.. appointment, 454 Snyder, R. G.. degree, 610 Sobel, H., degree. 615 Sobpta, E. degree, 616 Sociology, assistants, 495 budget, 330 vxpense, 322 salaries, 322 Sogolow, M. H., appointments, 335. 356 salary, 356 Sokol. L. I. degree 267 Solheim, W.’ G., appointments, 178, 323. 521, 612 Solliday, D. W., degree, 6 ~ 6 Solliday, Monroe F., hearing. 559 netmon. cgz report of case, 590 Solorrian, M. C., appointment, 1 2 0 Solomon. A. P., degree, 494 Somer, 0. J., appointment, 49 Somers. L. A.. appointment, 407 degree, 257 Sommer, 0. J., appointment, 460 Soneson, P. E.. degree 615 Sorgatz, W. D.. appoiitments. 72, 321 Sotier, A. L., appointment, 72 Souder, M. A.. appointments, 3 2 , 353 title changed, 393 Soughers, R. P., degree, 621 Soukup, R., degrees, 1 0 5 , 625 fellowshio. < 8 t scholarsh‘ip, -2 i 3 Soutrr, R., degree. 174 South Drive locat& 221 Southern Pacific d m p a n y . proxy, 147, so2 stock sold. 1 1 8 . I A A . 220 Sowers and Coorkeiy, ‘&tra;t, 49 Spa]. E. C.. degree 174 SpmgIer, R. E.. a’ppointments. 73, 321, 338, F.. ~~ ~ ~~~. .nP -” ~ ~ II Spanish, for admission. 230 Sparks. M., appointment. 32 I Sparks, N. X., degree, 621 Spector, B. C., degree 2 5 1 Speers, D. C., degree ’513 Soelman. A. E.. d c r k . 620 S b n c e , L. w., bepF&’,60’ Spencer E. G.. degree‘ 254 Spencer: Mrs. P. C., ippointments, 454. 5 5 5 Spencer, R. C., appointments 329, 5;4 Spencer, V. E., appointment,’ 345 degree, 5 1 2 Sperl, J. T. degree. 269 Sperling F.’ degree 250 Sperling: R.’E., dAree, 610 SpFrry, G., appointment, 454 Spicer. R. E., appointment, 32r Spicer, R. F., appointment, 73 Spiro, R. H.. degree, 253 Spitler, J. C., appointment, 352 Spoor. H. C . , degree, 610 695 ipragne J. P.. appointment. 391 iprague’ M. E. degree, 621 ipringe; C. H.,’ appointments, 73. 339 j r o n y n h i R. P. degree. 632 ;rout. H.b., apdoinunents, 73, 336, 400 irp, J. k.. appointment, 408 degree. 269 ;tach, A , . degree, 2 6 9 $tach W. degree 269 ;tadi&, iunds &port, 65. 84, 165. 2 2 0 , 234, 376, 424. 438, 534. 582 grounds nnprovements, 83, 118, 601 land annexation by city, 546, 561 loud speaking apparatus, 548 paving approaches. 14, 20 paving bonds, validation, 48 :ornado insurance, 6 trees and plznting 136 Staehle, Mrs. I. M.: appointment, 408 jtafford, G. T., appointments. 203. 334. 355, 524 deeree. 621 sarary’ 356 jtahl C’. R. C.P.A. certificate, 398 Stahl: E. F.: degree, 617 Stahl F. S. degree 622 Stair’railing’, for n;w Library, 286 Staiey, S. C.. appointments. 2 0 3 , 334, 355, $24 salary. 356 Staley, W. D., appointments, 287, 342 degree, 2 5 1 Stamberg E. L. degrez, 269 Stamler, ‘A. E., ‘degree, 267 Stanberry. R. A.. degree, 2 5 1 Standing Committee. report. 588 Stanford, C. F., degree, 8 r Stanger P. C., degree, 260 Stangle: S., degree, 615 Stanley, R. E., degree, 614 Stansfield J. appointment. 327 Stansfield’ J.’ W. degree. 257 Star. J. i., degr k, 612 Starcher, G. W.,scholarship, 602 Stark. E. degree 249 Stark H.’J. deg;ee 616 Stark’ J. W: degr; 257 Start: 0. R.: appoirkments, 179. 222, 345 degree, 627 Starr C. J . appointment 339 Starr: C. W., degree, 426 Starr, H. D.. appointment. 316 degree. 2 5 1 Starrett L. L., degree 514 State Skentific Surveis, budgetary needs, 644 Statistics, Division of budget, 317 Statutes, College of h i c i n e , repealed, 494 University. cooperative research, 230 Stauffer. M. S.. d e e m . 621 Stauffer; R. S.; apioirkment, 345 Stauss, R. 0..degree, 255 Stebbins house, moving, 4 7 Steckbauer. C. E.. degree. s 1 6 Steele, R. ‘R., appoinimen’ts; 327. 408 Steely J. D degree 253 Stem;, D. M.. degree 621 Steggerda, M..appoinkent, 33 I Steimley. L. L., appointments,- 2 0 2 . 328 Stein C. C. degree 5 x 5 Stein‘ G., digree 6;1 Stein: I., C.P.A: certificate 638 Stein P. F. C.P.A. certific‘ate, 190 Steinbach $. prize 270 Steinberg’ M: J.. appointments, 539, 5% Steinberg: P. S., degree, 632 Steiner. E., degree, 249 Stcincr. M.L.. degree. 610 Steinert, L. E. T.. degree, 267 Steinkraus. W. C., degree, 2 5 1 w BOARD OF TR4”EES S t e i m a n F. H. degree 267 Stejskal ’A. G ’degree ’174 Stellner: W. HX deffS;.~610 Stelloh, R. F.. schoarahlp, z.23 Steniclra. C. E.. dearee. 80 Stepan, 0.. degrec-zsi Stephens C. J.. degree. 617 Stephens: D. M.degree. z j o Stephens, P. H., apmintment, 349 S t e n l i t i o n plant, zpo Stern, D. D., degree, 249 269 Sternberg, E. H., + r e , Sterner, C. J., appointment, 555 Stetler P . M. appointment, 390 Stetso& J. appointment. 328 Stevens F. L.. appointment, 323 !eave’terminated. i f 6 Stevens, G. D., degree, 253 Stevens. K. G., degree. 514 Stevenson, G., appointments, 328, 408 degree, 628 Stevenson, J., degree, 260 Stevenson, J. V., appointment. 49 Stewart C. L., appointments, 333, 344, 3 5 1 Stewart’ F. A. dcgree 257 Stewart’, L. d..appaLtmcnt 73 Stewart, R. D., ,degree, 6 2 0 Stewart P. J., appointments, 335, 356 Stewart’ R. G., degree, 618 Stewart: R. M.. degree, 2 5 3 Stewart, W. M, degree, 428 S t i a J. M. degree 106 S t i d e n M.’ degree: 260 Stickler,’ M.’C., degree, 249 Stickney. B., commission, 261 degree 429 Stjckney: C., appointment, 454 Stidham. G., appolntment, 326 d, 454 LI d g r e t , 615 Stoolrep. C. A., Jr., degree, 621 StmLey D. W degree, 617 Stodmab, A. ‘W., c ontract, Armory addition, 571 Library land p;rCb:osed fram, 275 sold to 274, 296 Stoops. R’. B., ckgree, 446 Storage Warehouse appropriation, 7 St-. H. W..d q e e , 614 Storli, V. E.,appointment, 408 H. appointment, 408 Stormlrvat& sewer, scr s c ~ e r ,storm-water Story. R. M., appointment. 524 Story, W.M dqree, 6ra Stoshak, F.. & p o i n m n t , 358 Stotlar 0. E. d e , 2.53 Stoude;, F. D:, degree, 265 Stout, J. P. appointments, 49. 460 Stout M. i pointment..34~ E. appointment, 4 h StouGntx;g. Stover, N. M, apGointments, 194, 324 degree, 627 Straka F. C. degree, 632 strandrtov, $ H., i. degree, 400 Straub F G. appointments r40, 342 Stranb’ L’ G ’ fellowship Strauck L. degrct. ;8 ~ t r a u s s ’S. appointment 389 Strawn,’ S.’H.. C.P.A. Examiner, 463 Street, F., appointment, 202 Street through Illinois Field, 469 Streicher, M. H., appointments, 73. 454 degrees 172 5 1 6 Stresser T. C: degree 617 Strickhdurer S : I. deiree. 627 Strickland k . A..’degm, 3 9 9 Strike rep&. new Library. 599 Strohecker, W. D., degree, 626 Strong, K. B., degree, 615 Strong W. S degree, 3 9 9 Strou;. F. A:: commission, 261 degree, 2 5 5 Stroud R. degree 621 Strout’ F. ’H. d e g k 256 Strubihger. L: H., d<gree, 618 Struck H. E. degree, 6 1 6 Stuart,’ C. W.,’ appointment. 363 Stubbs, K.. degree, .79 Stubbs, S. L.. appointment. 3 2 1 Student loans payment, 562, 592 Student’s Enilish, committee on, 3 1 8 Stuebe. J. J., degree, 2 5 1 Stull H. G., degree, 249 Stnllhr, G. E.. appointment, tzo Stumm, W. M.. degree, 615 Sturm R. G. degree, 6a5 Stutzkan D.’c.. degree, zp9 Styan, D: E.. degree, 611 Subin, B., degree, zp9 Suess, G. M., appointment, 319 Sugar, S. A , , degree, 267 Sugars, R . T., degree, 267 S u w , J. E., degree, 80 Sukumlyn, S . W.: degree. 267 Sullens, E. appointment, 20.7 Sullins G.,’ degree, 249 SuIliva;l, A. A., appointments, 329, 5 2 5 Sullivan, B. H., gift of radio station, 226 Sullivan. C. F.. denree. 621 Sullivan; G. F.; dⅇ 618 Sullivan. R. C., appointment, 3 9 1 Sullivan S. J., degree. 630 Sullivan: W. W.. deeree. 1 7 2 Sullivan’ Radio Stntio;, fir kadio Station Sumarkoff, L. P.? prize, 270 Summary of business, for Board. 5S3 Summer course, Medicine, 559 Pharmacy, 231 Summer Session, appointments, zgq budget. 520 fees. 418 Summers. C. R.. depree. 620 Storm L.. ld.* Sun, 0.L.. deg;ee,‘i53 Supwising Architect, office of, budget, 3 1 1 Surnrvision and 1High School Instruction, bu . 336 Supirak, M. P., degree, 255 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Surzerv. budeet. 161 Sut;;ister, 8.'p,-degm, 610 Sutherland E. H. appointments, 330, 525 ~utherland: M. L.: degree, 249 Sutherland, T. A., degree, 260 Sutin, 0. degree 612 Sutker, L: L.,debee, 612 Sutton, C. R., degree, 619 prize, 271 Sutton L degree, 263 Svec, i;.,"appointment, 33 1 Svihla, A., degree, 249 Swaim, R. S., degree, 619 Swain, J. W.,appointments, 201. 328 Swain, J. W.,land purchased from. 383 Swander. E. L., appointments, IE, 408 Swacder, R.,appointment, 336 Swanson. B., appointment, 363 Swanson, F. E., appointments, 18, 317 Swanson. G.. appointment, 363 Swanson, H. G.,degree, 174 Swanson, J. H.,appointment, 454 degree, 249 Swanson, V. M., Swanzey, H..appolntment, 49 Swzn7.y 1 H. appointment, 460 Swartz E: 'H. 'degree 253 swart=: J. T.,' degree ' 614 Swartr, L. F., degreh, 618 Suearingen, L. F., appointment, 32.0 Sweeney. M. J., degree, 253 Saeet, H , degree, 610 Sneney, M.A. appointment 326 Swcngel hi. degrees 611 6;1 wens son', H.' M. d&ree kz9 Swenson, H. K.,' appoin;ments, 341, 524 Smett, M. L., degree, 513 Swienton A. S., degree. 632 Swift. R: B., appointments, 49, 460 S w i g ~ r t B. H. degree 79 ~ailieyA ' . A. 'degree ' l a 6 Swine Plant. iontract,' 49 Swinehart, P . hL, degree, 249 Switser, L. M, appointments, 224. 329 Saitzer, L. W., degree, 630 Swope, R. C., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Sykora, E., depree. 269 SYP, h l . L., C.P.A. certificate, 636 Szpnaniki, R. T., degree, 269 Tables for new Library, 284, 2 9 j Tabor S. C. degree 61 I Taft, 'L.,apdointmeit, 3 2 r Taggart G. L. H., degree, 249 Taheny ' J. A., degree 62 I ~ a l b o t . ' ~N., . appoidtment, 340 retirement, 635 p l b o t , H. G.. degree 446 ralbot, N. S.. appoiniments. 73, 3 6 j Talbot R. H. degrees 612, 625 alley,' C. v.,'degree. '616 Tallmadge A. J . degree 618 Tallyn, W.H.,d'egree, ~6~ Taiwalkar, T. W.,degree. 615 Tambling, R. L., appointments, 279, 341, 5: degree, $19 Tanner F. W . appointments 200 323 j z r ~ a p p a n ' ,E. A.: appointments', 356; 586 salary, 3 j6 Tappnn, hf., appointment, 379 degree 2 j j Tascher ' H degrees 429 624 R. apiointment, 346 ~aacher' Taube<, E. A.' degree 619 Taxes on prop&ticp pdrchased 8, 494 Taylor, A. G..appointment, 3'33 Taylor, A. M., degree, 314 Taylor B. E degree 260 ~ a y t o r :D. degree: 398 w:' EX Taylor E. E. degree. 630 ~ a y l o r :F. M.: d,,egree. 6x4 Taylor. H. appolntrnent, 336 Taylor, &. H. B., appointment, TaGlor, H. J., degree, 8 1 Taylor I. C. degree 611, 619 ~ a y l o r :I. L.', degrd, 6 1 r Taylor. J. B , Carr feliowship, - 2 degree. 627 Taylor. J. S.. degree, 629 Taylor, J. T . appointment, 4 j j Taylor. M., degree, 261 Taylor, P. C.,appolntment, 199 C.P..4, certificate, 44 decree. 628 mineral specimens, 462 in Research and Educational hospitals, 633 Theiss, E. L., C.P..4. certificate. 398 Theobald. J. J., appointment. 390 Throbaid, W H.,appointment. 390 Thmdoroff, J.. degree, 80 Theoretical and Applred Mechanics, budget, 340 eipensc, 3 3 7 salaries, 33; Therapeutics and h b t e r i a Uedica budget. 363 Tlleraps-tics and Pharmacology budget, 360 Thesis requirement Graduate School. 176 Thiel Charles J. degree 269 ?hie!: Cli5ord J:, degree, 632 Thilo C . M.. depree 61 r ~ h o d a P. J.. appoiAtment 455 Thoma; A . E., degree 61; Thomas' D. E.,degree' (Ed.) q j o Thomas: D. E., degree ( 6 m . j , 614 Thomas, E. W.,degree 81 Thomas. H. .4.. decree: 1 . r ~ Thomas, J. G., appointment, 3 1 7 Thomas. 1. H.. deeree. 666 Thomas, j. \I:., a h i h t k n t , 361 Tlromas, L, F., degree, 61 I Thamas. L. J., appointment 33 I Thomas, N. G.,appointment,' 363 Thomas, T., degree, 249 Thompson. A. A,, degree. 632 Thompson. A. N., C.P.A. ocrtificate, 398 Thompson, 4 . P., degree, 265 Thompson, C. F., appointment. j j BOARD OF TRUSTEES 698 Thompson, C. M., appointments. 331, 333 Thompson, C. W., degree, 266 Thompson. D. G.. degree, 249 Thompson. E.. degree. 621 Thompson, F. R., appointments, rzo, 455 Thompson, G. F., appointment, 390 Thompson, H. S.. C.P.A. certificate, 190 Thomnson. K. L.. depree. 611 %omp;on: L.. degree; 265 Thompson. R. D., degree. 612 Thomsen, A., appointment, 336 Thomsen M..degree, 249 Thor A,' U., appointment, 346 ~ h o r L e J. F.. degree, lo6 ~ h o r n e 'M. K degree 611 Thorndl1 W. R. degree. 249 Thornsbdgh V. 'L.. degree. 61 I Tbornsburgh: Z. G., degree. 172 Thornton. M. 7.. degree. a a 6 Threlkeld: L. M.', d&ree; i 4 9 Thurn. A. R.. degree, 611 Thurston, A. S., degree, 446 Tice. F., appointment. 389 emeritus proiessorship, 494 Tice H. I. d e g m zQ ~ i g & , C. D., degiee, 630 Tiling and grading, appropriation, 419 Tillman. P . E.. C.P.A. certificate. 190 ~ i l l o t s o ~L., E:, appointment. 325 Tinsky. T., appointment. 365 Tipp&. W. P.: degree, 446 Tipton H. B. degree 624 x p t o n : J. B.,' degree: 626 %tahky I degree 269 ~ i t a n i u ki l l o y Mig. Co., gift, 43 Tod. I., appotntment. 320 Todd L.. degree, 625 Toepier, R. A., degree, 446 T d c h , N. A., appointment, 555 T d e r , H.. appo~ntment. 327 Tollar. A. O., degree, 269 Tomasek, J. A,, degree, 617 T o m b a u ~ h .R. R.. dearee. 618 ~ o m e c k oC. G. degree 627 Tomlin, 'K. L., 'scholarship. 602 Tomz, G., appointment. 358 Toney L. E.. degree. 249 ~ o o k c ; , D. E., degree, 514 Toomey, A., appointment, 363 Topper. M. A.. degree. 260 Tornquist, A., appointment, 341 length of service 636 Torrcy, M. M., appointment, 18 Tosetti, A. C., degree, 616 Totte, C. J.. degree. 63 I Tourek G. degree 8 1 deg;ee 25s Tower 'R. Towns'end. C. E.. deiree. :I: ~orvnsend; E. J.; aipointh&t. 328 Townsend M. T. degree 172 0.0.:c.P.A.' certificate. 190 623 Tozier R.'B. de& ~ r a b u ; , J. 6.. degree. 613 Tracy, G., appotntment, 361 degree, 630 Tracy, P. H., appmntment, 348 T r a e ~ e r ,J., degree, 430 Traffic, campus regulations, 114 Trakel L. A., appointment, ~ 9 4 Transportation budget, appotntment. ralaries, 33 r Trant, J. B.. degree, 266 Tranter, P. W.. degree. 446 Trautwein. M. M. A,, degree, 249 Treasurer of Univers~ty, a u t h o r ~ t y money, 184, 542 balances, 88 bond. 184. 228, g t r - k.. owns send: I Treasurer of University, cont'd. election, 184 r e p r t , 10. 419 Trebilmck, P., portrait commission, 642 Tredwell, F. R., degree. 614 Trees, M. J., elected to executive committee, IS4 President of Board. 542 Trees and planting, Stadium. 136 Treieasc, W., appointments, 323. $21 retirement, 635 Trenchard. W. B., degree, 515 Trevett, John R., death, bo6 funeral, 642 resolutions. 637 Trickle L. E., degree, 175 ~ r i ~ ~ s , F., ' L . appolntment, 279 Trimble. C. A., t o negotiate sale, I92 sale. Brown-Knipp patent, 588 Trimble, 33. D., appointments. ZOO, 317, 522 Tripp, E. A., appointment. 326 Trissal, J. M., degree 256 Troche. E. R. degre; 256 Troth. D. C.,'appointments, 335. 522 Troutman, W. C., appointment, 201 Trovillion. P. L., degree, 257 Trowbridge, V. H., appointments, 224, 3zg Troxel, S. M., scholarship, 503 Truck garden experiment station, 42. 149, 168 Truck Gardners' Assn., Experiment Station report, I 3 I Truckenbrod, G. J., degree. 257 True J. H., degree, 614 ~ r u r r h e i ,R. G., appointment, 455 degree, 257 Trust funds, balances, Nov. 30, 1925, 504 investments, 6, 103, 130, 144, 148, 192, 1 6 , 3.11. 387, 42% 504, 508, 641 resolut~on. 120. z 12 rules for '103 - i 4 8 See also rr;idrr komptroller's quarterly reports Tschenke, H. H., appointment, ~ S S Tschentke, H. L.. appointment. 1 1 I degree, 264 Tucker, H.. appointment, 32 I Tucker. L. R., degree, 618 Tucker, M. E., degree, 6 1 I scholarship, 585 Tucker, R. E., dearee, 264 Tuley. W. F., appointment, 324 degree, 627 Tullock, G. F.. appointments, 49 461 Tullock, W. M., appointment, j;6 Tumminkatti, M. C., degree, 627 Tunick, S. S., degree 175 347 Tunnicliff. E. A., a;pointment, Tupper, C. F., appointment, 326 Tupy, L. T.. appointment. 7 3 degrees, 106, 4 0 0 Turbine, appropriation, 7 Turek, I. E., degree. 269 Turnbull, R. W., degree, 251 Turner, E. C.. degree. 630 Turner, F. H.. appointment, 3 17 degree, 624 Turner L. M degree, 263 ~ u r n e r : 0. Y:: degree, 174 Turner. W. D., appointment, 471 Turner, W. W.. degree. 621 Turton, J. F. H., degree 614 Tuthill, J. K., appointmLnt. 341 degfee, 165 Tutoring, regulations, 640, 643 Tuttle. F. W.. appointment. 333 Tuttle, G. P., Jr.. appointment. 3 17 C.P.A. committee, 463 Tuttle, P. H.. degree. 257 Tuttle, W. W.. appointments, 203, 329 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS T u x h w n , D. B., degree, 2 j 6 Tweed. J. A.. degree, 251 Tweedie, F. J., degree, 269 Tw!chell, H . F., degree, 513 T w ~ g g ,C. E., appozntments, 327, 4 j 5 degree, 257 Twiggs. L., appointment, 327 T w i n C i t y Roofing Co., contract, 168 Twitchell, B. E., degree, 249 Twitchell H . E. degree. 249 Tygett. G. J., degree. 446 Tykociner. J. T.. appointment, 342 Tyler, R. W.. scholarsh~p. 584 T y l s a n , S. D., a p p o i n t n ~ e n t ,3 6 4 Tyner, C. E., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Ueber, W. J., degree, 632 LThlir, W. G . , degree, 261 Ulrey, 0.. appointment, 7 3 Ulum, Z., appointment, 316 y m n u s , L. J.. degree, 260 Lnencumbered balances reappropriated, 36; Uniforms, military, cleaning, 8 contract 5 L'niversity: budgetary needs, 1927-mp. 6 4 4 University and Accountancy Act, 462 Srr alro Accountancy Act University exhibit. Dental Congress, 592 Philadelphia. 572 Products E x p o s ~ t ~ o n45 , University Hall, budget appropriation, 3 6 j repairing tower, 4 7 C'niversity Hospital, srr Hospital, Universil Hqspital, ,*Kinley L'niverrrtv. .o o l l m commercial actirities. 588 cooperative r & e h h , 230 manufacture of chemicals, I j o rredical staff, appointments, 145 mteopathic practitioners, 42; uatents.. I I ;. infringement. 8 8 practitioners. Chicago hmpitals, 376 Gl~iversityPress. budget, 318 Upham, E. J., degree. 253 Urbana llghtlng system, 4 1 j , 493 Lrbancek. J. J., degree. 80 U. S. Department of Agriculture, funds, 298 U s h n , B., appointments, 167, 383 I:srey, V. R., d e g r ~ ,257 Cthoff, C. J.. appointment, 471 d q r e e s . 268, 446 C'tilities Research committee, agreement, 6 3 9 Ucley, M. L., appointments, 344, 352 Utter F. M., scholarship, 584 Ct:erback. A. C., degree, 254 Utzig, E., appointments, 18, 111. 317 degree, 623 VIICin, X. E., appointment, q j 5 Vsgtborg, H . A,, degree, 6 1 7 Vahlteich H. W . appointment, 75 \'alberr, j . N., degree, 4 2 9 Valentine, R. C., degree, 253 Valentine, R . W. appointment, 333 VanAken, K. G.: appointments. 349. 313 leave of a b u n c e , 14) Van Bellehem, L. B., degree, 4 3 0 Van Carpenter. L., lellorship, 277 Vance, C. E . , degree, 2632 Vance. I. G., appointment, ? s o V a n e , P., appointment, 317 Vance. P. W..d e g r e , 613 Vance, R. E..degree, 249 Van Cleave, H. J., appointments, 203, 330 Irandaveer, F. E., degree, 265 V a n Derbeek, H . J., appointment, 340 Vander K l m t , A., appointments, 389, 4 5 5 \'anderrnark, W. R.. degree, 6 1 4 Vandcr Plocg, J. E. M., appointment, 586 V a n Dervocirt, L. A., degree, 249 Vandervoort. P . W., degree, 6 2 1 Vandervort, J. appointments, 73, 347, 353 Van I h i a h , D., degree. 7 9 V a n Doorn, J . A,, Jr., degree, 5 13 \'an Duzer, M. E.. appointments, 73, 337 \'an Dyke, G. E., appointment, 586 Van Dyke, George E , d g r e e , 6 2 1 Van Dyke, R . I i . , appointment, 324 degree, b?j \'an Gerpen, M. H., degree, 611 Van G u n d g , A . J., appointment, 326 \.'an Hazel, W.,appointments, 244, 379. 4 5 5 Iran Horne, J.. a p p o ~ n t m e n t s ,330, j z j sickleave, 83 \:animan, V., appointment, 352 V a n Liew, V. C., degree, 6 2 1 Van Lone, G. E., deoree. 263 Vanscoy, H . L.. C . P .4. certificate, 6 3 5 V a n Tress. R. T , degree, 616 Van Winkle, L. H., d e ~ r e e ,269 Van Zanren, A,, appaintments. 73, 319 V a s i d . N.. aroointment. z t ; Vaughan, W . H., degree, i6k- Vaughn P . A , dezree, 249 Vaughn: W. E'. degree. 6 1 2 Vawter, J., ap&intment, 338 Leach. I'., degree, 621 Veatch. C. R.. desree. 6 1 2 Vedder; H . , appointrn;nt: 3 5 I Vega, R. M., C.P.4. certificdte, I W Veihl, E. E., comm~ssion, 6 1 2 degree, 6 1 7 \-encovsky, B. J., degree, 269 Vener. H. I... deeree.. 1.. 1 6 Ventcrs, S . J., degree, 5 14 Vergara, M. M., degree, 616 Vernon, G. H. Jr.. degree, ,250 Vernon. W. L.: C . P . A . certificate.. AA L'errier, A. H.,' degree] 269 \'esps, D , degree, 6 1 6 Vespz, I). R., depree, z ~ z b-ick, C. E.. degree, 260 Vickery, K. F.. schdarship. 222 Vienna experiment field, discontinuance, I 14 sale, 272, 298 i-iliard. W. J., conrract, 282 V i n e n t , H. R., degree, 26: i . i r g ~ n . L. M.. degree. 260 1-isotzky, H . A,. degree, zGg Vllet, E. B., degree, 5 1 2 Vocational training, financial report, 4 1 7 \-%el, J. L C.P.A. certificate, 398 Vogel, S . A:: degreq, 446 Voight, L. E.. appointment, 355 V o l k m a ~ n , J. E appointment, 4 ; j Volpe P . F. degree 632 Von 0 h l e n . 6. W . G. degree, 625 Vowhees, J . C. degrie. 6 1 6 Vmihees, J. D.', degree, 6 1 6 Vwiz, L1. R.. degree, s r i Vorre, B. B., degree 258 Vose, R . M., degree:.3gg Voyles. C. M., appotnunents. 33 5. 3 i 6 salary 3 j6 Vovles. E.. commission. 622 degree-, 61; Vrablik, S., Jr., degree, 632 i'ratny, T. J., degree. 269 - . i. Wad, E. C., appointment, 363 Wadepuhl, W.. appointments, 201, 32; Wages of Janitors. 412, 458, 479 Waggoner, C. V. E.. degree. 6 3 0 Wagner. C . J.. apporntments, zoz, 334, 356, 524 Wagiier, C. U,degree, 6 2 1 7O0 BOARD Wagner. C. R., appointment. 586 Wagner, E. W., d a r n , 431 Wagner, H. L., degree. 624 ~Eholarship. 2%3 - . Wapner, M. M., C.P.,A. certificate, 398 W a p n t r , G. L., appozntrncnt, 3 9 0 Wagy. J. Y., appo~ntment,326 Wahlqu~st C A.. C.P.A. certificate, 398 255 ~ n ~ s t r o mR. ' D +, Waj, H-s.: degm:' 5 15 Wainwright, B. B., appointment, 201 degree 262 Wait E' degret 611 waii H.; degrd, 260 Wakefield 0.B. degree 253 Wnkely f. E. dLgree 8; ~ a l b o r ; . M. 0..ap&ntments, 73, 365 Wslcott house, movxng. 47 Waldman, L. F., degree, 267 Waldo, E. H.. appointment, 338 Welker, D. E., degree, 79 Walker. E. E., degree, 249 Walker, E. M degree 618 Walker, F. F.,'appoin;ments, 73, 408 Walker G. A degree 260 Walker' G. L " degree' 619 walker: H. F:, appoiktrnent, 344 Walker, K., c n n t n a , 99 Walker, L. V., degree, 250 Wallrs. Library-Gymnasium, contract, 593 south campus, appropriation, 571 Wall. C. N.. appointment, 341 degree, 628 Wall. 1. R.. deeree. 612 249 t\'aII M. B.' de& Wal<ece D. 'E appbintment 455 wallam' E. A:,' Scholarship lstablished, 507 G. I., appointments, 200, 323. 521 Wallace J. P. degree, 2 55 M. k,degree. 429 Wallace W H. degrce 614 W a l l a ~ 'W: W ' degree' 616 W. 'begree k15 Wailin wallman, S. &ree, ;69 Walls. E. E: ap intment, 499 U'alls, Mrs. appointments, 329, 586 Walraven. W. B. degree, 265 Walsh. B., a poiAtments, 179, 358, 471 C.P.A. certificate, 638 Walsh, F. Walsh. H. P., degree, 615 Walsh, T. G.. appointment, 487 \Val& and Slatterv. contract. 640 Walter, R. H., d&&. 253 ' ' Walter, Mrs. V. M.., degree, 258 Walter, W. R., degree, 261 Waiters E. G. degree 612 E. M: H., digree 611 Walton, A. C., appointmeht, 203 Walz, F. M. degree, 611 Wang, C. Z., degree, 430 Wanger, H., degree, 267 U'anless, H. R., appointments, 327, 408 Wanner. W. K., degree, 253 War Dqartment withdrawal of property, 87 Wnraak E. E. 'degree 269 Ward d. A. C:P.A. &rtificate, 44 ward: E. L ' degree, 80 .: appointment 330 Ward, H. B Ward. R. L. C.P.A. certi'ficrte rgo Wardall. R. h., appointments, '349, 353 Warehouse, storage approprlatlon, 7 Warner E degree 61 I ~ a r n e r :E:' L., & 61 1 Warner. F. J., appoh'bcnts, 455, 540 Warner. G. A., degree, 429 Warner G. E degree, 174 ~ a r n e r :W. F:: degree, 239 alla ace: aila ace: 'v. k g, d alter^: RUSTEES Warner lot purchased 148 Warren, G. G.. degr&. 612 Warren H. degree 79 warren' I*.' E d & e e 614 Warren: M. E:: degree: 260 Warren, M. L., degree, 62 I Warsaw. M M.. deem. 632 Wasdau, R. W.',d&re; 6;s Wascher I. L. appoint&ent 3r7 washbuin, F. 'L., appoinunLnts, 50, 461 Washington, C. degree 249 Washington, E.'L. degree, 80 Wasserman, M. ~.,'appointments, 333, 520 Water bill Chicago Departments. 459 Water mafin crossing campus, 198 Waterbury, C. L., degree, 616, Waterbury, Mrs. E. C.. appointment, 643 Waters. M. F.. de~ree.z:o t h t k i i s , G. S:, l e k e 'of ibsence, leave extended. 563 Watkins, R. T., appointment, 73 Watson. A. H., appojntment, 120 Watson, F. R., appointment, 341 Watson, R. A.. degree, 255 Watson. W. A., degrce, 625 BOARD OF TKUSTEES Williams, L. W., appointaents, zoo, j34, 336, 522 \$'illiams, hf., appointments, 348, 408, s j s degree, 626 Williams M. E. degree 618 Williams: M. L.', degre;, 260 \I'illiams, O., degree. 632 Williams, 0. B., degree, 61 I Williams, 0. H., appointment, 522 W~lliams,LV. I., appolntment, 364 Williamson, B. M., degree, 6 1 I \Villiamson, B. \V., scholarship, 563 Williamson, C. S., appointment, 294 leave of ahscnce, r o ~ Wtlson. rl. G.. dieree. . . 614 - Wilson: B., appointment, LX'ilson, B. J., nppolntments, 279, 342 \Vilson, C. I.. C.P..i. crrtificate. 190 Wilson, D., degree, 5 1 3 Wilson. D. D., appolntment, 74 Wilson, E., appointment, 324 lVilson, E. C., degree, 245 tlson, E. F., deer=, 61 I Wilson, E . N. degree, 621 Wilson. E. denree. 260 Wilson. S.,' ap&niment, 389 Wilson, E., degree, 263 Wilson, G., degree, 61 I Wilson, W~lson. wiisa., fellowship, 584 Wilson P. R. degree. 621 Wilson: T. J.: .ippoinmcnt, 338 Wilson, W . F., degree, z j j Wilson, W. M, appointment, 342 Wilson. Walter C.. commission. 2 6 1 degree, 258 ' Wilson, William C., degree, 621 Winier, D. C.. appointment, 3 4 j Winakor, A. H., degree, 612 Windlc, J . T., degrec, 249 Windsor, M.,degree. 428 Windsor, P. L., appointments, 319, j j q Winkler, C. E., degree, 7.51 Winkler, G. F., contract, j69 Winkler, J. F., degree. 616 Winn, L., appointments, 74, 315 U'ion, L. L., degrce. zsB Wioslow, N . R., dcgrce, 429 Winstein, G . I.. degree, 260 Winston, W. M.,degrce, 267 Winter. F. L., appointment. 346 Winterholter, G. J., C.P..4. certificate, j 9 8 Winters, E., appointment, 363 U'inters, E. B., degree. 253 Wirth, E. H., appointments, 232, 364 Wisch, L. J.. appointment, 390 Wise, W . J., degree, 614 Wiseman, R., degree, 618 Wishnef, R. R., degree, 81 Wist, J. E., degree, 257 Witkin. H., degree, 63: 5q R.I W i t t J l e F. M. appointment, 389 Wittick,' E. C.. 'degree. 3 9 9 W i r m a n , A. L., degree, 249 W i t r e r , M S., degree, 61 I Woelfersheim, W . A , , degree, 8 0 Wceltge, F. W.. degree, 616 Wohlfrrth, L., appointrnent, 3 15 Wohlfarth. W . W., degree. 6 1 I Wohnke, D. E., appointrnent, 320 Wojtalewicz, F. L., degrees, 270, 516 Wolf, E. W., degree, : j j W d f , J., degree, 269 Wolf, J . G., degree. 615 WolIe, F. E., appointment, 333 Wolfe, G. C., degree, 8 0 Wolff, C. H., degree. 615 Wolff, J . S.. degree, 63: Wolff, T. G , degree, 633 Wdford, J. J., scholarship, 223 Wolfson, M., defree, 632 Wolinshy, L., degree. 256 Woltmann, J. J., degree, 627 U70man's Residence Hall, see Residence all, Woman's Women, Association 01 American Universit 50 Wong. D. M., degree, 167 Won& K. T., degree, 79 Wood, C. A., degree, 446 Wood, C. K., degree, 61 I Wood, W. S., degree, 446 W w d f o r d , C. R., degree, 614 Woodford. K. S.. degree, 249 Woodrooie, L. .M., appointment. 338 Woods, S. L., appointrnent, 320 Wccds University, fencing 1 lg ~ o o d s b n ,P . E., degree, 2;7 W w d n a r d , A. O., degiee, 249 Woodward, C. A,, degree, 249 Woodwzrd, H. C., degree, 1 7 3 Wardward, W. V. B., decree, 256 W d a o r t h , C. M, appolntment, 345 Woodworth. G . W., fe!lowship, 223 Hrool+rt,,C. H., appointment, j z j restgnatton, 550 Worth J. C. degree 622 worthin, M.'T., deirff, 61j Woteli, J. B., Jr.. dcgree, 633 Writht A. degrce 618 ~ r i g h r : A.' D., a h o i n t m e n t , 340 Wright, C. H., degree. 623 Wright, C. T., degree, 617 Wright, F. M., degrm, 611 W r i ~ h t ,G. C., degree, 43 1 Wright, G. E., appointment, 3 2 1 Wright H. S.. degree. 257 ~ r i R h t :I.. appolntment, 33 3 Wright, 1. appointment 317 Wright, J.'F., appointmLnts, 318, 326 director, radio station, 559 Wright. J. W. D.. C.P.A. certificate, 408 digree,. 254 Wright, K. E., appointment, 348 degree, 257 Wrieht, K. R.. degree. 80 Wright, K. T., appointments, 18, 349 Wright, L., degree, 61 I Wright, L. S., degree, z j j Wright, M. U'.. degree, 2 5 1 Wright Street. widening, 515 Hjrigley, D. H.. dcgrce. 61 I R u , E. P. degree 5 1 5 y u , P-M.,' degrec,' 255 Wuerteman A. E. degrees 249 612 WUIS, G. :4. C.P.A. -i'fiute: 398 Wygodski, B.: & r e , 268 Wvke, W. J.. d c g m , 622 Wyninger, H. T., appointment, 341 Wyrick, A . B., degree, z j 6 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I K O I S Yuan. T. T., degree 4 j o Yuenprr, A. T.. depiee, 61 j X-Ray apparatus, 166 fees, schedule, 59: insurance, 2 2 2 , 387 Zabel, J. M., degree, 6 1j Zdcher, .4. N., commission, 622 Yackel, W. C., degree. 253 Yahya, hf. A , , degree, 446 Yang. C. H.. degree. 5 1 2 Yanowiky, F. C., C.P.A. certificate, j J Yapp. i V . W.. appointment, 3 4 i Yarlinc, F. i V . , cornm~ssion, 623 degree, 616 Ydrros, R . S.. appoiritment. 389 Yatcs, H., appointments, 74, j 1 7 Yates, hl. R.. degree, 6 1 t Yates, R.,.v'i degree, 614 Yeilcn, G., degree, 1.75 Yerger, C. F., aprotntment, 390 Y . ht. C. .-\. cornmlttee, request. 42j Yntema, L. F., appmntments, 200, 324, Yockey. J . C . . degree, 416 Y d e r , .4. S., degree. 621 Yoder, L. O., appointment, 18 Yolie, G . R., appointments, 325, j j j Ynrh, C. P., degree. 2jo Y o ~ k e r ,hl. 4.. degree. 612 l b ~ ~ n A. g , D., degrw, 6 1 1 Yoling, A. L., appolntnrent, j q S Y.1 zng, E.V., degree, 446 Young, 0.B., appointments, 167, 341, Yoor,g. P. A . , dcgrec. 365 Young, P. T.. appointment, 329 leave of absence, 591 Young. R . C., degree, 249 Young. S., degree, 267 Y u a n r . V. R., acholarsi~ip, 602 yol:ng, H., xppointment, 34; YOIIT.?.W. Af.. apuointment. ? d. l .. . de-ree, 628 Young, \V. Clyde, degree, 2 5 7 Young, W. Cyrus. degree, 8 1 Yoling 6: CO's. audit reports, 50, 84, $12, 394, 4 3 2 . 588 Yoiinger, L I., degree, 2 5 0 Y u , R., J r . , degrec. 614 \v. crpense, 322 salaries. 322 Zuppke, R . C., appointments. 243, 355 120, 202, 334, saiary, 7 5 6 Zuschke, W . . appointments, 327, 379, 522, s j j Zwick, A., degree, 249
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