HSPT® Interpretive Manual - Scholastic Testing Service, Inc.
HSPT® Interpretive Manual - Scholastic Testing Service, Inc.
High School Placement Test Interpretive Manual Administrative and Editorial 480 Meyer Road Bensenville, Illinois 60106 –1617 Tel: 1.800.642.6787 Fax: 1.866.766.8054 email: sts@ststesting.com Research and Development 4320 Green Ash Drive Earth City, Missouri 63045 Tel: 1.855.532.0787 Fax: 1.314.739.3857 email: stlouis@ststesting.com www.ststesting.com CONTENTS Alphabetical List Report and Rank-Order List Report....................................................................................... 2–4 Normative Scores................................................................................................................................................. 4–6 National Percentile (NP) Rank..................................................................................................................... 4 Local Percentile (LP) Rank.......................................................................................................................... 4 Grade Equivalents (GE)............................................................................................................................... 5 Cognitive Skills Quotient (CSQ).................................................................................................................. 5 Standard Scores (SS).................................................................................................................................... 6 Using the Individual Results............................................................................................................................... 6–7 General Considerations........................................................................................................................................ 7–8 Local and National Norms........................................................................................................................... 7–8 Questionable HSPT® Scores............................................................................................................................... 8–9 Coded Student Information................................................................................................................................. 9–10 Group Summary Statistical Report..................................................................................................................... 11–15 Frequency Distribution................................................................................................................................. 12–13 N-counts, Standard Score Means, and Standard Deviations........................................................................ 13–14 National Percentiles for Selected Group Percentiles.................................................................................... 15 National Percentile Group Summary................................................................................................................... 16 Performance Profile............................................................................................................................................. 17–19 The Performance Profile Summary..................................................................................................................... 19 Item Analyses—Individual and Group................................................................................................................ 20–23 Individual Item Analysis Report.................................................................................................................. 20–21 Group Item Analysis Report......................................................................................................................... 22–23 Student Score Report........................................................................................................................................... 24–25 This booklet is a guide for interpreting results of STS’ High School Placement Test. It contains samples and discussions of the following reports: • HSPT® Alphabetical List Report • HSPT® Rank-Order List Report • HSPT® Group Summary Statistical Report • HSPT® National Percentile Group Summary • HSPT® Performance Profile • HSPT® Individual Item Analysis Report • HSPT® Group Item Analysis Report • HSPT® Student Score Report Detailed technical information about the reliability and validity of the test and correlations with various other standardized tests are given in STS’ High School Placement Test Technical Supplement. Copyright © 2012, 2008, Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Scholastic Testing Service, Inc., Bensenville, Illinois 60106–1617. Printed in the United States of America. 2 See explanation on page 4. Kacie Rachel Lauren Anthonv J00001 3499 Melanie R00001 3400 Justina Moarey 13 09/26 Natlusek 13 02/14 Pleuker 13 09/22 Saitnella 13 04/29 Taktedy 13 03/23 Vugorska 13 09/29 SS- STANDARD SCORE GE- GRADE EQUIVALENT Kaitlyn N00001 34 Lomerez 13 06/06 137 173 207 173 173 217 999 173 3 215 558 73 61 637 92 87 558 73 61 558 73 61 614 89 81 614 89 81 515 56 45 524 61 49 614 89 81 602 87 77 502 50 40 405 18 13 558 73 61 581 81 69 547 70 57 558 73 61 NP LP VERBAL SS 00001 TOTAL NP LP READING SS GE NP LP MATH SS GE SS GE NP LP LANGUAGE SS GE NP LP TOTAL FORM: K 472 35 8.1 30 27 64 SC 56 594 83 9.7 78 561 71 9.5 63 579 76 9.8 71 528 58 9.0 51 446 31 7.8 30 491 47 8.6 43 428 26 7.5 24 491 47 8.6 43 579 79 9.7 73 579 79 9.7 73 521 59 9.0 48 511 54 8.7 44 520 58 8.8 50 563 75 9.5 66 502 51 8.7 43 528 62 9.0 53 541 63 9.2 55 510 56 108 44 517 53 8.9 47 606 87 636 90 118 76 10.4 89 540 67 110 54 525 60 8.9 54 536 63 9.1 58 503 52 8.7 47 521 59 9.0 48 588 82 9.8 77 437 29 7.6 21 520 58 8.9 50 594 83 9.8 78 494 49 8.5 40 29 76 SC 68 34 95 SC 94 29 76 SC 68 27 64 SC 56 25 52 SC 44 30 82 SC 74 30 82 SC 74 22 34 SC 28 26 58 SC 50 20 24 SC 19 28 70 SC 62 26 58 SC 50 27 64 SC 56 19 19 SC 16 491 48 8.5 39 375 11 6.4 4 458 35 7.9 26 597 84 9.9 79 498 50 8.6 41 560 73 591 80 657 94 648 93 641 92 115 61 10.0 75 10.8 93 10.5 92 10.4 92 570 77 113 66 3 1 562 73 9.6 65 262 5.2 525 60 676 96 8.9 54 10.8 96 409 21 7.2 19 359 10 6.5 8 450 33 7.8 24 569 76 9.7 69 578 78 9.7 72 419 23 7.3 22 511 54 8.7 44 525 60 8.9 54 579 76 596 83 625 91 608 86 9.8 71 10.0 78 10.3 88 10.0 83 561 71 9.5 63 508 50 8.7 43 425 21 7.5 15 500 47 8.6 39 499 51 602 83 108 39 10.2 79 499 51 106 39 527 61 108 50 649 94 123 90 566 75 113 64 499 51 107 39 399 17 89 11 491 47 105 35 610 87 623 88 114 78 10.2 86 540 67 113 54 35 96 SC 96 RS NP SUB LP OPTION NP LP 510 57 47 594 84 77 507 55 46 611 88 83 542 67 57 538 66 56 496 51 41 524 62 52 625 90 87 583 80 73 490 48 38 369 11 6 466 40 28 599 85 79 509 56 47 609 87 82 SS COMPOSITE 1 (WITHOUT OPTION ) PAGE: RUN DATE: 11/12/08 592 83 602 83 596 83 638 92 617 88 116 72 10.2 79 10.0 78 10.4 90 10.2 87 SS NP CSQ LP CSQ- COGNITIVE SKILLS QUOTIENT RS- RAW SCORE 468 39 28 549 68 57 517 56 47 549 68 57 517 56 47 386 15 9 486 45 35 527 59 50 668 96 93 517 56 47 496 48 39 414 21 13 424 23 15 613 88 82 527 59 50 599 84 79 NP LP QUANT SS SEC: BASIC SKILLS 08 BY TOTAL GROUP DATE: 11/22/08 GRADE: COGNITIVE SKILLS NP- NATIONAL PERCENTILE LP- LOCAL PERCENTILE 00001 3499 E00001 3436 K00001 34 M00001 3450 J00001 3426 Daniel Kleinman 13 04/30 F00001 3415 Darren Herrreral 13 03/13 175 Marie Haynton 13 03/05 C00001 34 175 AlexandrM00001 34 Gonzalez 13 07/11 173 183 Rachel Drand 13 05/12 T00001 3415 173 Ertellazyk JonathanM00001 13 02/22 3450 Ethan Carrillon 14 09/28 M00001 34 175 217 Brian Baniels 13 08/16 E00001 3415 M00001 3450 James Aragonman 13 01/09 12 34 OPTIONAL CODES 3 OTHER CHOICES 2 ELEM SCHOOL CODES TEST CENTER 1 SAMPLE SCHOOL STUDENT'S NAME AGE B-DAY GROUP I.D. ALPHA LIST 00001 HSPT® Alphabetical List Report 12 34 James Ethan Melanie R00001 3400 Marie Rachel Aragonman 13 01/09 Carrillon 14 09/28 Taktedy 13 03/23 Haynton 13 03/05 Natlusek 13 02/14 3 Justina Brian Anthonv J00001 3499 Kaitlyn N00001 34 AlexandrM00001 34 Rachel Vugorska 13 09/29 See explanation on page 4. Baniels 13 08/16 Saitnella 13 04/29 Lomerez 13 06/06 Gonzalez 13 07/11 Drand 13 05/12 405 18 13 558 73 61 502 50 40 515 56 45 558 73 61 547 70 57 558 73 61 524 61 49 614 89 81 614 89 81 602 87 77 637 92 87 581 81 69 558 73 61 558 73 61 614 89 81 NP LP VERBAL SS 00001 TOTAL NP LP MATH SS GE SS GE NP LP LANGUAGE NP LP TOTAL SS GE 528 58 9.0 51 561 71 9.5 63 399 17 89 11 491 47 105 35 499 51 107 39 499 51 106 39 540 67 110 54 540 67 113 54 510 56 108 44 527 61 108 50 425 21 7.5 15 500 47 8.6 39 508 50 8.7 43 561 71 9.5 63 541 63 9.2 55 472 35 8.1 30 517 53 8.9 47 579 76 9.8 71 499 51 602 83 108 39 10.2 79 570 77 113 66 566 75 113 64 606 87 636 90 118 76 10.4 89 610 87 623 88 114 78 10.2 86 359 10 6.5 8 419 23 7.3 22 409 21 7.2 19 428 26 7.5 24 503 52 8.7 47 525 60 8.9 54 525 60 8.9 54 491 47 8.6 43 491 47 8.6 43 262 5.2 3 1 450 33 7.8 24 562 73 9.6 65 521 59 9.0 48 437 29 7.6 21 511 54 8.7 44 521 59 9.0 48 511 54 8.7 44 579 79 9.7 73 375 11 6.4 4 458 35 7.9 26 491 48 8.5 39 502 51 8.7 43 494 49 8.5 40 498 50 8.6 41 520 58 8.9 50 528 62 9.0 53 563 75 9.5 66 520 58 8.8 50 446 31 7.8 30 579 79 9.7 73 594 83 9.8 78 597 84 9.9 79 594 83 9.7 78 588 82 9.8 77 569 76 9.7 69 525 60 676 96 8.9 54 10.8 96 536 63 9.1 58 578 78 9.7 72 28 70 SC 62 26 58 SC 50 20 24 SC 19 30 82 SC 74 29 76 SC 68 19 19 SC 16 29 76 SC 68 22 34 SC 28 30 82 SC 74 25 52 SC 44 27 64 SC 56 34 95 SC 94 27 64 SC 56 35 96 SC 96 592 83 602 83 596 83 638 92 617 88 116 72 10.2 79 10.0 78 10.4 90 10.2 87 26 58 SC 50 RS NP SUB LP OPTION NP LP 369 11 6 466 40 28 490 48 38 496 51 41 507 55 46 509 56 47 510 57 47 524 62 52 538 66 56 542 67 57 583 80 73 594 84 77 599 85 79 609 87 82 611 88 83 625 90 87 SS COMPOSITE 1 (WITHOUT OPTION ) PAGE: 27 64 SC 56 579 76 596 83 625 91 608 86 9.8 71 10.0 78 10.3 88 10.0 83 NP LP READING SS GE FORM: S RUN DATE: 11/12/08 560 73 591 80 657 94 648 93 641 92 115 61 10.0 75 10.8 93 10.5 92 10.4 92 649 94 123 90 SS NP CSQ LP CSQ- COGNITIVE SKILLS QUOTIENT RS- RAW SCORE 414 21 13 424 23 15 496 48 39 486 45 35 517 56 47 527 59 50 468 39 28 527 59 50 386 15 9 517 56 47 517 56 47 549 68 57 613 88 82 599 84 79 549 68 57 668 96 93 NP LP QUANT SS SEC: BASIC SKILLS 08 BY TOTAL GROUP DATE: 11/22/08 GRADE: COGNITIVE SKILLS NP- NATIONAL PERCENTILE LP- LOCAL PERCENTILE 183 Ertellazyk JonathanM00001 13 02/22 3450 SS- STANDARD SCORE GE- GRADE EQUIVALENT 217 175 999 207 173 137 173 217 3 173 175 173 173 175 173 215 M00001 3450 M00001 34 00001 3499 J00001 3426 Daniel Kleinman 13 04/30 M00001 3450 Kacie Moarey 13 09/26 K00001 34 C00001 34 T00001 3415 E00001 3415 E00001 3436 Lauren Pleuker 13 09/22 F00001 3415 Darren Herrreral 13 03/13 OPTIONAL CODES 3 OTHER CHOICES 2 ELEM SCHOOL CODES TEST CENTER 1 SAMPLE SCHOOL STUDENT'S NAME AGE B-DAY GROUP I.D. RANK LIST ON COMP HSPT® Rank-Order List Report ALPHABETICAL LIST REPORT AND RANK-ORDER LIST REPORT The test scores for a given student appear on two separate list reports: the Alphabetical List Report and the RankOrder List Report (from highest to lowest) of the composite scores. Unless special arrangements were made, two copies of the Alphabetical List Report and two copies of the Rank-Order List Report are provided for your use. Each list report is suitably labeled for convenient identification, and each copy is distinctively colored for ease in use and distribution within the school. The basic format of both lists is identical. The reports are illustrated on pages 2 and 3. Both reports are divided into six major columns, each of which provides a rich assortment of information about the individual student. At the far left you will find the “STUDENT’S NAME” column, as it was gridded on the answer sheet at the time of testing. The second column, “CODES,” accommodates two lines of coded information. The specific codes may be located and identified by referring to the descriptions shown at the top of this column. The value of these codes and their uses are discussed on pages 9 and 10. “COGNITIVE SKILLS” is the third major column, which presents the scores the student earned on the Verbal and Quantitative subtests as well as his or her total score for these two subtests combined. The computed cognitive skills quotient (CSQ), which replaces the traditional IQ, will be found in this column as well. The next major column is “BASIC SKILLS,” which displays the scores attained on the Reading, Mathematics, and Language subtests. The scores for these three subtests are combined and reported as a total basic skills score. The fifth major column is designated “OPTION” and contains the scores for any of the optional tests—Science, Catholic Religion, and Mechanical Aptitude—which may have been administered in conjunction with the HSPT®. For your convenience, the optional test used is identified by a two-letter abbreviation (SC, RL, and MC) beneath the scores. An optional local test can be used to supplement the HSPT®. STS will score a school’s local assessment and generate raw scores and local percentiles, provided the assessment is in a multiple-choice format with at least four foils. An optional local test must not exceed 40 items, and a school must provide an answer key to the STS Scoring Center prior to testing. The composite scores are provided in the sixth major column, “COMPOSITE.” The composite score indicates a student’s total performance on the five subtests that comprise the HSPT® battery. Like any total score, it cannot be reported when one or more of the component subtests have been omitted from the testing. NORMATIVE SCORES As indicated by the score legend at the bottom of the Alphabetical List Report, five different types of scores are incorporated into a student’s test results. As may be noted in the illustration, three or four of these measures are used in connection with each subtest or total score. The specific scores included for a given part may be identified by abbreviations which appear at the top of the appropriate column. The five types of scores are explained below. National Percentile (NP) Rank The percentile-rank scale ranges from 1 to 99 and compares the performance of an individual student with that of other students within the same grade level. More specifically, a national percentile rank indicates the percentage of raw scores (i.e., the total number of correct responses) in the representative national norm sample that are lower than the raw score attained by a given student. Therefore, if an individual’s raw score on the Math subtest is equal to the 64th percentile, this means the raw score was higher than 64 percent of those in the national norm sample. Local Percentile (LP) Rank Local percentile ranks provide the same basic comparison as national percentile ranks except that the comparison group is composed of local students rather than a national sample. In the case of your test results, the local group consists of all of the students who were tested either at your school (if your testing was an independent effort) or in your school system/district (if your testing was part of a coordinated, multi-school program). If a student earns a local percentile of 71 on the Language subtest, this means the raw score was higher than 71 percent of those in your group and/or school system/district. 4 Grade Equivalents (GE) Percentile ranks compare the performance of an individual student with other students at the same grade level. Grade equivalents compare the performance of an individual with the average performance of students at other grade levels. Consequently, the grade equivalent scale extends across grade levels. As a normative measure, grade equivalent scores are subject to several limitations and certain precautions must be observed: 1) Unfortunately, grade equivalents lend themselves to misinterpretation. If an eighth-grade student earns a GE of 10.4 on the Math subtest, this does not mean that the student is capable of doing tenth-grade math. It simply means that the student can do eighth-grade math as well as an average high school sophomore can do eighth-grade math. 2) Grade equivalents are meaningful only within the range of skills measured by the test administered. In the case of the eighth-grade student who earns a GE of 10.4 on the Math subtest, it is clear that this individual is doing considerably better than most eighth graders. It must be remembered, however, that such a test was designed primarily to assess those math skills and concepts that should have been learned through the eighth grade. If this student were given a math test designed for use at the tenth-grade level, it is very unlikely that he or she would attain a GE of 10.4. 3) Grade equivalents should not be used as the basis for placing students at grade levels that correspond to attained GE scores. Cognitive Skills Quotient (CSQ) This measure replaces the traditional IQ score, but its purpose within the school setting remains the same—to function as a predictive index of a student’s future academic performance in order to assess learning potential. Like the IQ, the CSQ is based upon the student’s scores on both the Verbal and Quantitative subtests as well as his or her age at the time of testing. Unlike pure intelligence tests, however, these subtests do not restrict themselves to measure only innate abilities. Instead, test items were carefully designed to provide various measures of the cognitive skills (i.e., skills related to learning) whether such skills are innate or acquired. Consequently, the CSQ is a richer, broader measure since the test items upon which it is based have a wider, more extensive scope than those ordinarily used in intelligence tests. For convenience, the CSQ was designed statistically to be interpreted in the same manner as the traditional IQ. Thus, the following guide may be used in evaluating the CSQ: above 130 110 & above 100–109 90–99 89 & below below 70 represents academic potential that is found in approximately the upper 3% of the school population; represents academic potential that is found in the upper 25% of the school population; represents academic potential that is found in the second quarter of the school population—50th to 75th percentiles; represents academic potential that is found in the third quarter of the school population— 25th to 49th percentiles; represents academic potential that is found in the lower 25% of the school population; represents academic potential that is found in approximately the lower 3% of the school population. 5 Standard Scores (SS) A new edition of the HSPT® is published annually, and the national normative scores described thus far are developed each year for the newest form of the test series. As a result, these normative measures are current and ensure that students seeking admission or entering a high school can be compared with an up-to-date representative national sample of their peers. Establishing a new normative scale each year offers distinct advantages, but also introduces a potential problem. The annual scale is affected by any shift in performance that might occur within the normative sample groups from one year to another. (Such shifts have been amply demonstrated among the national samples of entering college students.) As a consequence, performance at the 65th national percentile on the current scale may not have the same meaning as performance at the 65th national percentile on an earlier scale. This variability—when it occurs—can be troublesome for administrators and admission personnel who wish to compare the data for an entering group with that obtained from groups in the past. Suppose, for example, that the math skills of those in the national norm samples slowly declined from one year to the next. If the math skills of your entering groups remained essentially unchanged during the same period, the normative scores of your groups would slowly increase across the years. Such “improvement” is largely theoretical, of course, and is merely a reflection of the declining performance of their national counterparts. In a more absolute sense or from the standpoint of curriculum and teaching techniques, the level of your students’ math skills is unchanged. If the math skills of your groups were eroding at the same pace as those in the national samples, however, it is likely that their normative scores would remain essentially the same from one year to another. The key point to be noted is that any performance shift within the national sample will be reflected—in some fashion and to some degree—in the data for your groups and could lead to misinterpretations when year-by-year comparisons are attempted. Since such comparisons can be extremely valuable when suitable confidence may be placed in the conclusions, some solution to this difficulty was needed. It came in 1980 when Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. introduced the use of standard scores into the HSPT® reports. At that time, a normalized standard score scale was developed for all subtest and total scores of the 1980 edition, Series EE. These three-digit scores—with a mean of 500 and standard deviation of 100—are invariant from year to year and edition to edition. Patterned after the College Entrance Examination Board procedures, all subsequent editions of the HSPT® are equated to the Series EE, and this inter-relationship is expressed in the form of standard scores that are included in the various reports. Consequently, the standard score scale is an absolute, unchanging frame of reference which permits group comparisons to be made year after year with precision and confidence. In most instances a given standard score scale ranged from 250 to 750. (For those interested in specifics, the equating procedures are based upon the Rasch latent trait model. A complete explanation is contained in STS' HSPT® Technical Supplement and HSPT® Validity Studies.) USING THE INDIVIDUAL RESULTS The national percentiles, local percentiles, grade equivalents, and standard scores offer each test user a variety of perspectives within which the performance of a student may be viewed. It should be apparent that the choice of which normative score(s) to use will vary according to the experience of the test user, his or her professional preferences, and the particular task to accomplish. We offer the following general comments for your consideration. 6 STS’ HSPT® has been in continuous use since 1958. During its long history, the various editions have been administered to several million students, and an extensive number of research projects have been conducted. These have demonstrated repeatedly that the composite score is the best single measure for predicting subsequent academic performance. Consequently, we can recommend the use of this score in such applications as admission, scholarship awards, general placement, and so forth. (For those interested in specifics, predictive validity studies are reported in the HSPT® Validity Studies manual and the individual technical supplements which are published for each edition.) Individual subtest scores should be carefully evaluated when placing students in specific courses. Based upon a survey of HSPT® users, it is evident that most schools utilize two or more subtest scores for this purpose. Thus, both the Quantitative and Mathematics scores are frequently considered for placement in math courses; while the Verbal, Reading, and Language scores are considered for English courses; and so forth. In addition, many reported the use of other criteria as well, such as elementary school grades and teacher recommendations. Do not overlook the advantages offered by the local percentile scores. If your school tested independently—rather than participating in a coordinated, multi-school program—your local percentiles are based solely upon the performance of your group of students. Consequently, a student’s local percentile on a given subtest directly indicates how well or poorly that performance compares with others in your group, regardless of how well or poorly that performance compares with the national sample. Thus, you can easily identify the high-, average-, or low-performing students with respect to the group itself. Such scores can be very helpful in placing students in classes formed upon similar levels of a given skill. As was noted earlier, standard scores function as a fixed common denominator among the various HSPT® editions. As a result, the primary value of this scale lies in the area of evaluating group results from one year to the next. Nevertheless, the standard scores have some applications in the area of individual test results. For example, you may find a small number of students, all of whom attained the 99th percentile on a given subtest or the battery composite. It is quite likely, however, that the standard score each earned will not be identical, which allows further differentiation among them. This can be very useful in settings where a single scholarship is to be awarded. If your school has established a cut-off score for admission, placement into an advanced math course, and so on, you may wish to consider using a standard score cut-off rather than one of the other normative scores. Since the standard scores are an invariant measure, such a cut-off may be used year after year with the assurance that it is identifying students who have met or surpassed a consistent level of performance in a particular area. Since other national normative measures are subject to some variability, their use as a cut-off may be less precise over a period of time. (See discussion of standard scores on page 6.) Regardless of which measure is used as a cut-off, it is always desirable to conduct appropriate research studies within the school to determine its effectiveness as a selection device. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Local and National Norms The distinction between local norms and national norms is confusing for many students and parents. In non-technical terms, each simply represents an established scale or standard of performance—a type of yardstick, so to speak— by means of which a student’s performance can be measured and compared. In theory, the national scale and the local scale could be very similar if not identical, but in practice rarely are. Since the two scales commonly differ (to a greater or lesser extent), it follows that they commonly give different comparative measures (also to a greater or lesser extent) of student performance. Such differences, particularly when they are large, can be confusing. 7 Of the two, the national norm scale is undoubtedly the more familiar. This scale is established on the basis of a nationwide testing program that is conducted at the time a test battery is standardized. Thus, the national norm scale offers the means to compare an individual’s performance (raw score) against that of a representative sample of students throughout the nation. Regardless of the type of normative score—percentile ranks, grade equivalents, standard scores—all national norm scales are established in this manner. The phrase “local norms” refers to the scale that is based solely upon the performance (raw score) of a given group of students—most commonly, all those who were tested in a given school. In this context the phrase “school norms” could be interchanged with local norms. This scale is established by ranking student raw scores on a given subtest from highest to lowest. Whether the group’s collective performance is very high or very low with respect to the national scale, it should be apparent that some students must be at or near the top of this ranking (these would comprise the upper 5% of the group) while others must be at or near the bottom (the lower 5% of the group). Those in the upper 5% achieved the highest performance within this group and, regardless of their performance in terms of the national scale, will earn local percentile ranks of 95 or above to indicate their high position in their local group. As one might expect, those in the lower 5% will earn local percentile ranks of 5 or below to signify their bottom position within the local group. In effect, national and local normative scales provide two different frames of reference in which to view an individual’s performance. Therefore, it is possible for a student to obtain high national norm scores (because his or her performance compared favorably with the national sample) and low local norm scores (because that performance fell in the lower ranges of the local group ranking). Conversely, a student could earn high local norm scores (because his or her performance fell in the upper ranges of the local group) and low national norm scores (because that performance was below par with respect to the national scale). QUESTIONABLE HSPT® SCORES It can be very disconcerting for all concerned when the reported test scores sharply disagree with our expectations and/or other available data. Fortunately, this is not a common problem, but it merits some attention. Group Performance If your Group Summary Statistical Report (discussed on page 11) indicates that the students performed unexpectedly high or low on a particular subtest, the most likely explanation is that some irregularity occurred during the administration of the subtest. For example, reducing the specified time limits tends to lower performance; extending them serves to raise performance. Since the unexpected results may have been caused by an error that went unnoticed, it is often difficult for the test administrator to recognize that an irregularity occurred at all. Nevertheless, mistakes are made—recognized or not—and the only indication may be an unexpected and unexplainable shift in the group’s performance on a single subtest. Other factors which typically lower group performance include departing from the test directions as given in the Manual of Directions, any disruptive or distracting activity during the testing session, poor physical conditions in the room used for testing (temperature, lighting, ventilation), and so forth. Individual Performance Virtually all inquiries related to student performance are concerned with individuals whose test results are lower than expected. A typical example: Lisa Smith is an excellent math student, but her math scores are substantially below average. A typical reaction: the scores don’t make any sense. When the unexpected test results are confined to a single individual, it is highly unlikely that administrative irregularities are responsible. Instead, one must be alert for factors that would have an impact only upon the student involved. For those who encounter a “Lisa Smith” among their students, we offer the following suggestions: 8 1) Discuss the matter with Lisa at the earliest opportunity. Such a discussion may be unproductive since the testing probably occurred several weeks earlier, making recall difficult. Nevertheless, she may remember that the math subtest seemed especially difficult, or she found the directions confusing, or she may have skipped one or more items (which might have led her to mark her subsequent responses in the wrong locations). You may discover that she did not feel well that day or was extremely anxious about taking the test. Lisa may realize that you share her concern about the math scores, have reservations about their validity, and are prepared to pursue the matter further if necessary. Most students (and parents) find such an attitude supportive and reassuring. 2) Contact the STS Scoring Center, request a verification of the math scores, and include any information that may have a bearing on the matter. In this age of optical mark readers (electronic scoring devices), highspeed computers, and sophisticated computer programming, it is extremely unlikely that Lisa’s math responses were erroneously scored and reported. Nevertheless, it is a legitimate question which needs and deserves a definitive answer. 3) Inspect Lisa’s answer sheet, particularly her math responses. (Answer sheets are generally returned with verification replies.) Excessive erasures frequently indicate uncertainty or confusion on the part of the student. Determine whether she responded to every item on the subtest or omitted a substantial number (25% or more). Time limits for the HSPT® are generous. Consequently, excessive omissions usually indicate that the student found the subtest quite difficult or was overly cautious in responding, perhaps only marking those items about which he or she felt very confident. Finally, examine Lisa’s responses to the math items, noting each item in the test booklet used for the testing. (If one is not available, request a copy from STS.) If possible, examine the responses with Lisa and discuss those that are incorrect. Such a session can be very enlightening for both you and the student. Needless to say, these suggestions require additional time and effort, but they will yield the maximum amount of information about the subtest in question. In the vast majority of instances it is possible to arrive at a definitive conclusion regarding the validity of questionable test scores. CODED STUDENT INFORMATION SAMPLE SPECIAL CODING The HSPT® answer sheets, both two- and four-page sheets, contain a special code grid immediately below the student name grid. This grid contains space for marking an individual’s: a) elementary school code, b) first, second and third choice high school codes, c) other codes, and d) optional codes that may be needed. These sections (elementary school, high school choice(s), other codes, and optional codes) offer a total of twentythree columns, each of which contains response positions numbered zero through nine. Any marks entered in these columns automatically appear in appropriately designated locations on the HSPT® report materials. (Please note that this information is specific only to the use of the general HSPT® Manual of Directions.) For those who wish to use the special code grid in their HSPT® programs, it should be understood that certain preparations must be made prior to the test date. For example, if each student is to identify his or her elementary school, it is necessary to develop a list of all elementary schools represented in the group (or in the area served by the high school), so that each school may be assigned a unique 3-digit code. In most settings such a “code list” is reproduced in sufficient quantity to provide each student with a copy on the day of testing. Experience has clearly established two basic rules for code lists. First, assigned codes should never include leading zeros (e.g., 001) since these tend to be ignored by students; second, a general code (e.g., 999) should be included to be used, for example, when a student cannot find his or her elementary school among those shown on the code list. 9 Some schools may wish to include other codes specific to their HSPT® programs. For example, if an individual school wishes to know what foreign language each incoming student hopes to study, these codes may be coded in the “OTHER CODES” column. The school might offer five foreign language courses, and they will be arbitrarily coded “10” to “50.” A code of “60” is assigned to an “Undecided or None” category. In column A under “OTHER CODES,” the students will write the appropriate code to show their language preference. Students will use column B under “OTHER CODES” to show previous study of the language. A “10” in column B means “yes, previous study”; a “20” in column B means “no previous study.” Students who marked “0” in column A (undecided or no interest) are directed to leave column B blank. Another common situation may request that more specific information be provided by the schools and/or students. Under “OPTIONAL CODES,” a school system may have school identification numbers, Social Security numbers, or additional special coding included in this section. When developing response possibilities within a given area, care must be exercised to ensure that only one response can be selected from the list since the related column (or columns) can accept only a single coded response. Multiple responses within the same column generate a “multi-mark condition” which electronic scanning devices are programmed to disregard as ambiguities. Whether the special code grids are used for their designated purposes or in connection with a questionnaire, the appearance of the coded responses on the HSPT® reports often eliminates the need to search for such information in other files or lists, which simplifies the use of the results. It should also be noted that STS can produce any of the reports discussed in this manual based upon student responses in the special code grids. Thus, separate alphabetical listings could be developed for each of the elementary school codes that are represented in a given code list. Similarly, listings could be produced for students who are planning to attend college, junior college, trade school, and any other category that might be included in an educational goals category. Of course, such reports are provided only upon request and increase the cost of HSPT® programs. Nevertheless, a growing number of schools have discovered that the nominal cost is more than offset by such advantages as convenience, immediate availability of the data, and more effective use of personnel time. 10 11 See explanation on pages 12–15. 02-03 01 10-11 08-09 06-07 04-05 LOW ********** AVERAGE ********** SS- STANDARD SCORE GE- GRADE EQUIVALENT GROUP PERCENTILES 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 13 1 6 1 5 31 2 13 2 13 1 6 6 6 1 6 4 25 1 6 2 13 3 19 2 13 1 6 1 6 1 READING 6 6 1 1 6 6 2 13 2 13 2 13 1 6 2 13 3 19 1 1 MATH GROUP FREQ % GROUP FREQ % LANGUAGE TOTAL 6 1 6 2 13 2 13 1 6 2 13 4 25 2 13 1 6 1 6 6 1 6 2 13 4 25 1 1 6 3 19 2 13 1 6 1 6 6 6 6 1 1 6 6 3 19 3 19 1 1 GROUP FREQ % OPTION GROUP FREQ % 6 6 1 1 1 6 6 6 3 19 1 6 3 19 2 13 2 13 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 25 1 6 3 19 2 13 1 6 1 6 1 1 6 6 COMPOSITE (WITHOUT OPTION ) PAGE: *************** 1 6 3 19 1 1 GROUP FREQ % D I S T R I B U T I O N GROUP FREQ % FORM: K RUN DATE: 11/12/08 PERCENTILES FOR SELECTED GROUP PERCENTILES---------78 81 64 83 84 77 85 67 71 53 74 59 64 63 51 51 27 54 50 53 52 CSQ- COGNITIVE SKILLS QUOTIENT RS- RAW SCORE ----------NATIONAL 88 68 73 56 62 40 --------N-COUNTS, STANDARD SCORE MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS--------16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 559 516 541 552 505 542 538 536 58 56 77 97 67 65 55 71 1 1 1 6 38 1 6 1 1 3 19 NP- NATIONAL PERCENTILE LP- LOCAL PERCENTILE 75TH %-ILE 50TH %-ILE 25TH %-ILE GROUP SIZE TOT: 16 STANDARD SCORE MEANS STANDARD SCORE STAN.DEVIATIONS 1 2 19-23 15-18 12-14 26-40 24-25 51-59 41-50 85-87 81-84 76-80 5 3 6 1 HIGH 1 TOTAL GROUP FREQ % F R E Q U E N C Y 94-95 92-93 90-91 88-89 *************** 1 69-75 60-68 4 3 99 98 96-97 6 7 8 9 2 OPTIONAL QUANT GROUP FREQ % VERBAL OTHER CHOICES SEC: BASIC SKILLS 08 BY TOTAL GROUP DATE: 11/22/08 GRADE: COGNITIVE SKILLS 00001 GROUP 12 34 CODES FREQ % ELEM SCHOOL CODES TEST CENTER 1 SAMPLE SCHOOL NATIONAL STANINE* PERCENTILE BAND * INTERVALS GROUP I.D. SUMMARY REPORT 00002 HSPT® Group Summary Statistical Report THE GROUP SUMMARY STATISTICAL REPORT As its name suggests, this report summarizes the performance of each distinct group of students that participated in a given HSPT® testing session. In most instances the students constitute an integrated whole; consequently, most schools receive two copies of a single Group Summary Statistical Report. Quite simply, its purpose is to provide an overall picture of the collective performance of the individuals who were tested. More specifically, it presents a distribution of their scores in terms of two different national norm scales, reports the means and standard deviations of the standard scores, and relates selected levels within the group to the national percentile-rank scale. A sample of the Group Summary Statistical Report is given on page 11. Frequency Distribution The frequency distribution occupies the upper portion of the Group Summary Statistical Report. The column at the far left contains a listing of the national stanine and national percentile-rank scales while the adjacent column divides these scales into their high (76th to 99th percentiles), average (24th to 75th percentiles), and low (1st to 23rd percentiles) components. (A table showing the fixed relationship between stanines and percentiles is shown below.) To the right of this display, under “FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION,” you will find the number (frequency) of students and the percentage within the group who earned a given national norm score on each subtest, the totals for the cognitive and basic skills tests, the optional test if administered, and the composite score. Thus, a look at the sample reveals that on the Reading subtest, 2 students (13%) earned a national percentile of 81–84, which in turn is equivalent to a national stanine of 7. By combining selected data points, it can be determined that the Reading performance of 2 students (12%) fell within the upper 12% of the national normative sample (88th percentile), which corresponds to the 8th national stanine band, and that a total of 7 students (44%) earned Reading scores which fell in the high range of the national scales. From the data points shown for Math, it may be determined that the performance of 2 students (13%) fell within the 4th stanine band. For Language, a total of 3 students (19%) fell at or below the national average (50th percentile), and 1 student (6%) fell in the low range of the national scales. Needless to say, the focus of this report is based upon the group rather than individuals. Hence, if one wishes to identify the students who attained a national percentile of 99 for the composite score, it would be necessary to search the list of individual student results to discover their names. Fixed Relationship Between Stanines and Percentiles Stanine Percentile Rating 9 8 7 76–99 High 6 5 4 24–75 Average 3 2 1 01–23 Low 12 In essence, the frequency distributions are a graphic display of your students’ scores on each component of the HSPT®, and an analysis of these data can provide useful insights into their performance characteristics. You may wish to begin simply by noting the highest and lowest points represented in a given distribution. These points define not only the range of skills possessed by your group in terms of the national scales, but also the scope of the local percentile scale developed for a given subtest. Consequently, it is possible to obtain a general impression of the relationship between the local and national scales. For example, the range of “TOTAL BASIC SKILLS” scores of the sample group, shown on page 11, extends from the 10th–11th interval of the national percentile scale to the 92nd–93rd interval. Since this range also marks the limits of the local percentile scale, one can add the local percentiles in the right column of each score reported and see that the lowest 6% (6% in the 10th–11th national percentile interval) are at the 10th–11th national percentile interval. Similarly, the highest 6% according to the local percentiles are at the 92nd–93rd percentile interval. The distributions may also be used to determine the number and/or percentage of students represented in the high, average, and low categories or in some other categorical scheme of your own devising. Such information can be useful in establishing the number or percentage of students who are likely candidates for admission or placement in your setting and the relative range of skills represented in the defined categories. In some settings the skills of the group will range from the lowest end of the national scales to the highest, and the majority of scores will occur in the average category, with the balance divided more or less evenly between the two. Such groups may be described as typical or normal, if their scores were plotted in a conventional graph, since the resulting curve would approximate the familiar bell-shaped or normal curve. In other instances, however, the majority of scores will occur in either the high or low categories or exhibit marked tendencies in one of these directions. Such groups may be described as atypical and often are the result of a school’s location, general reputation, or other factors which attract a much more homogeneous group of prospective students. Whether your group is typical or highly unusual, the frequency distributions can assist you in recognizing both the specific and general performance characteristics of your applicants, and in forming preliminary judgments related to admission or placement factors. N-counts, Standard Score Means, and Standard Deviations As noted earlier, the standard score scale is an invariant measure based upon the 1980 national normative sample. This scale has the following characteristics: • • • • • the average standard score is 500 700 corresponds approximately to the 98th percentile 600 corresponds approximately to the 84th percentile 400 corresponds approximately to the 16th percentile 300 corresponds approximately to the 2nd percentile The standard score means or averages shown for your students are based upon this scale, and in effect compare their performance with that of the 1980 national sample. Such a comparison may be of interest in itself, but the greatest value of the scale lies in its ability to function as a common denominator between various editions of the HSPT®. Thus, it forms a bridge between your current group and previous groups, and allows you to make direct comparisons of their respective performance levels. 13 When comparing two groups of students, each consisting of 100 or more individuals, differences as small as 4 or 5 points between standard score means are statistically significant; that is, one can conclude with reasonable confidence that the observed difference stems from a true difference in test performance rather than the occurrence of chance variations. As either the size of the groups or the magnitude of the difference increases, the same conclusion may be drawn with even greater confidence. One must also recognize, however, that a difference which is statistically significant does not always possess practical significance. While differences in the range of 5 to 40 standard score points are statistically significant for groups of 100 or more, such differences are not large enough to warrant any special concern other than noting their occurrence and the direction of the shift. In other words, the skill level of the two groups—while measurably different—is sufficiently similar to be considered equivalent for all practical purposes. Consequently, differences in this range lack practical significance. As one might expect, observed differences in excess of 40 standard score points require more than a passing comment on your part. Values in this range are indicative of substantial differences in test performance between groups, and thus, signify major differences in their respective skill levels. When confronted by differences of this magnitude, attention should be focused upon the curriculum related to the area in which the excessive difference was observed. For example, if the standard score mean for Math of the current group were 45 to 50 points lower than that earned by an earlier group, one would be well-advised to re-evaluate the math curriculum with respect to its suitability for a group whose math skills are substantially weaker than those of previous students. A separate remedial program might also be considered for those whose individual standard scores in Math are well below the mean of the current group. Conversely, if the math performance of the current group were 45 or 50 points higher than earlier students, it might be appropriate to increase the scope, pace, or depth of the curriculum to accommodate or even challenge their higher level of math skills. It should be noted that differences in excess of 40 points usually are not observed between groups whose testings are separated only by a year or two. Typically, year-by-year comparisons yield differences well within the 5–40 range noted earlier. However, if a given trend continues over an extended period, the accumulated differences (or the difference between the initial and current groups) can reach proportions that merit serious attention. In other words, substantial changes in performance are more likely to creep into view than burst dramatically upon the scene. Consequently, for those who wish to monitor this aspect of the HSPT®, it is vital to retain the data obtained from each testing for use in subsequent analyses. Finally, one should not lose sight of the fact that a standard score mean reflects the general performance level of the group in a given area, but it offers no insights regarding the specific skills which underlie that performance. It may be clear, for example, that the language performance of your applicants is declining, but this fact sheds no light upon which specific skills have deteriorated and thus contributed to the decline. In settings where curricular modifications or remediation programs are under consideration, information concerning the relative strengths and weaknesses of specific skills can be especially useful. Such information can be provided in the form of two different reports—the Performance Profile and the Individual or Group Item Analyses—which are discussed later in this manual. 14 National Percentiles for Selected Group Percentiles As was noted earlier, the frequency distributions present a very detailed picture of your students' performance by reporting the exact number of individuals occurring in each national percentile interval and/or stanine band. The purpose of this section of the Group Summary Statistical Report is to provide an abbreviated description of your group's performance, and in doing so, to refocus attention upon their performance as compared with their peers in the current national normative sample. At the far left of this section are the selected rank positions within the group (i.e., the group or local percentiles). The 75th %-ile represents the typical performance of those in the upper half of your group, the 50th %-ile indicates the typical performance of the group as a whole, and the 25th %-ile reflects the typical performance of those in the lower half of the group. Immediately to the right, in each of the columns related to test performance, are the national percentile ranks attained by your group as a whole as well as those in the upper and lower segments. If you wish to evaluate the typical or average performance of your group (i.e., the 50th percentile or the median), your attention would be directed to the national percentiles that appear in each of the test-related columns on the same line as the phrase “50th %-ile.” Any national percentile of 50 indicates that the average performance of your group is the same as the average performance within the national sample; that is, the 50th percentile of your group corresponds to the 50th percentile for the national sample. Any national percentile greater than 50 indicates that the typical performance of your students was higher than that of the national sample; any below 50 indicates lower performance. As may be seen in the sample Group Summary Statistical Report on page 11, the average performance of that group was above the national average on every component of the HSPT® ranging from 53 for Math to 74 for Language. If the average performance of the upper half of your group is under consideration (i.e., the 75th percentile, or the upper 25% of your group), you would note the national percentiles that appear in each test-related column on the same line as the phrase “75th %-ile.” If, for example, the performance on the Language subtest from this segment of your group were equal to their counterparts in the national sample, you would find a national percentile of 75 in the Language column. Any value higher than 75 would indicate that the performance of this segment (the upper 25%) was higher than that of the upper 25% of the national sample; any below 75 would signify lower performance. As may be noted, this segment of the sample group outperformed those in the national sample by earning national percentiles above 75 on every component except Quantitative Skills and Math. To be more specific, the average performance of those in the upper half of that group (75th %-ile) was equivalent to a national percentile of 81 for Reading; hence, their performance exceeded 75% of those in the local group and 81% of those in the national sample. In other words, those in the upper 25% of the illustrated group are in the upper 19% of the national sample in this subject area. The data given for the average performance of those in the lower half of your group (25th %-ile) may be analyzed in a similar manner. One must remember, of course, to adjust the level of comparison to correspond to the level of the segment being evaluated. As may be noted in the sample Group Summary Statistical Report, this segment outperformed their counterparts in the national sample in every area, ranging from 27 for Math to 62 for Verbal Skills. 15 HSPT® National Percentile Group Summary High School Placement Test National Percentile Group Summary Results (Scholastic Testing Service, Inc.) (00001) Group Name: SAMPLE SCHOOL Grade: 08 16 Group Size: By: Total Group Date: 11/22/08 Form: S Section: The following charts allow you to look at three different sub-populations in your testing group, and to compare them to the national average. Note that the option test is not included in the computation of the Battery Composite score. A line has been drawn where your group would match the national average. The median or average of your group The first chart at the right compares your total group median or average performance to the national average. 100 90 80 70 60 50 The second chart (below left) compares the top 25% of your group to the top 25% of the nation. 40 30 20 10 it e 63 os mp Co Ba sic tio n ills 64 Op ge 59 Sk th ua Ma 74 La ng s ad i ng kill an os it e 52 mp ills Sk 53 tio n 50 Op 54 ge 27 Co Co 51 Ba sic Ve 51 ua rba l it e os 40 th 62 NP mp tio n 85 Co ills 77 Op 84 Sk ua ge 83 Ba sic Ma th 64 La ng s Re ad i ng t kill l Co gS an Qu rba Ve 81 Ma 10 78 53 La ng 20 10 s 30 20 ad i ng 40 30 Re 50 40 kill 60 50 t 70 60 an 80 70 gS 90 80 Qu 90 68 71 The bottom 25% of your group 100 88 gS Co The top 25% of your group 100 NP 67 t l rba Ve Qu The third chart (below right) compares the bottom 25% of your group to the bottom 25% of the nation. 56 Re 73 NP NATIONAL PERCENTILE GROUP SUMMARY (See above report). The National Percentile Group Summary is a report that displays the results of the HSPT® testing program in three different ways. The first bar graph shows how the group median compares your total group median or average performance to the national average. The second bar graph displays how the students in the top 25% of your group tested compares to the top 25% of the nation. Finally, the third bar graph displays the bottom 25% of the group tested to those in the bottom 25% of the nation. While the bars represent the local group of students, a horizontal line has been drawn to show where your group compares to the national average. Please note that any optional test is not included in the computation of the Battery Composite score. 16 AVG SPECIFIC SKILLS See explanation on pages 18–19. VERBAL Analogy Logic Verbal Classificati Synonyms Antonyms **COGNITIVE SKILLS* 10 8 12 7 1611 13 7 9 6 X X X X X 10 3 1010 Spelling Composition QUANTITATIVE Sequence 2220 Reasoning 1210 Geometric Compariso 8 7 Non-Geom Comparison 10 5 **COGNITIVE SKILLS* 1412 4 3 4 4 6 5 1110 3 1 1211 # OF NO. ITEMS RIGHT Incorrect Usage --Nouns/Pronouns --Verbs/Adv/Adj --Other Parts/Spch Correct Usage Capitalization Punctuation -AVG Comprehension 4032 X --Vocab in Context 7 6 X --Literal Comp 7 6 X --Inferential Comp 1714 X -Main Idea 2 2 X -Draw Conclusions 7 6 X -Reasoning 3 2 X -Implied Characteri 5 4 X --Critical Comp 9 6 X -Author Purpose/Qua 2 2 X -Compare/Contrast 2 1 X -Predictions 1 0 X -Fact/Fiction 4 3 X Vocabulary 2215 X +AVG *****LANGUAGE***** # OF NO. ITEMS RIGHT SS- standard score RS- raw score 82-7 87-7 96-9 96-9 1 1 LOW X X X X AVG LOW 5 2 10 3 20 X X X 60 70 ****MATHEMATICS**** SPECIFIC SKILLS X X 90 3 5 2 1 1 3024 3 5 3 1 1 1312 # OF NO. ITEMS RIGHT 2114 -Numbers/Numeration 10 7 -Measurements 2 1 -Geometry 3 2 -Algebra 3 3 -Stats/Probability 3 1 Applications -Numbers/Numeration 1613 -Measurements 1 0 X -Geometry 4 4 -Algebra 5 3 -Stats/Probability 4 4 Procedural X Conceptual 7 8 95 XXXX 9 HIGH 99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 00001 11/12/08 SPECIFIC SKILLS, Each major test area consists of various specific skills detailed below. Performance is shown on each of these by the # of items answered correctly and may be evaluated by noting the shaded or unshaded column in which a single mark occurs. These columns have the same meaning as the shaded/unshaded columns in the Performance Ratings section. 4 5 6 NATIONAL STANINE RANKING 80 XXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX X X 50 OTHER: DATE: 11/22/08 RUN: ABOVE AVERAGE -Numbers/Numeration -Measurements -Geometry -Algebra -Stats/Probability X 40 AVERAGE NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKING 30 BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE RATINGS PERFORMANCE RATINGS, The student's national percentile scores are also shown on the graph. A band of marks is used to allow for any inaccuracy in measurement with the score for this testing being near the center. When comparing any two tests, it is likely that there is a true difference in scores only when the ends of the bands do not overlap. For most uses performance may be judged by noting the shaded or unshaded rating column in which a band occurs. The High, Average, and Low ratings represent the highest 10%, middle one-third, and lowest 10% respectively. The Above Average represents the upper one-third (excluding the highest 10%) while the Below Average represents the lower one-third (excluding the lowest 10%) HIGH ******READING****** SPECIFIC SKILLS 609 35 ST- stanine GE- grade equivalent RS: 83-7 83-7 92-8 88-7 79-7 78-7 90-8 87-7 10.2 10.0 10.4 10.2 602 596 638 617 -AVG PERFORMANCE SCORES, This student's performance is shown above by a series of numeric scores for each test area taken. These may be interpreted in the conventional manner. Thus, a national percentile rank of 65 (which would be located in the NAT'L column) would indicate that the PCT student's test score exceeded 65 percent of those in a national normative population. SCORE PCT- percentile rank LEGEND CSQ- cognitive skills quotient COMPOSITE (W/0 OPTION) 116 LOCAL PCT-ST 61-6 73-6 79-7 84-7 72-6 83-7 GE NAT'L PCT-ST 558 599 592 SS PERFORMANCE SCORES FORM: S BY TOTAL GROUP OTHER-CODES: ELEM: 175 H.S. CHOICES: 3415 +AVG OPT: SCIENCE COGNITIVE SKILLS VERBAL QUANTITATIVE TOTAL CSQ = BASIC SKILLS READING MATHEMATICS LANGUAGE TOTAL MAJOR TEST AREAS (00001) SECTION: GENDER: M HIGH SAMPLE SCHOOL GRADE: 8 AGE: 1310 LOW E AVG James -AVG Aragonman +AVG REPORT FOR: HIGH 17 LOW PERFORMANCE PROFILE HSPT® Performance Profile THE PERFORMANCE PROFILE Upon request this diagnostic report is provided for each student within a group. Generally speaking, it offers a unique blend of information about student performance in that it not only provides the general scores attained by an individual, but also indications of his or her performance on the specific skills assessed by the HSPT® battery. School personnel will find the convenient size and wealth of data quite useful for a wide range of purposes. The individualized character of the report, its graphic displays, and self-contained explanations make it an ideal report for distribution to the students and parents. A sample of the Performance Profile is shown on page 17. The upper portion of this report focuses upon the student’s performance on the various subtests of the HSPT®. The subtests are identified in the “MAJOR TEST AREAS” section, and the various scores are displayed in the “PERFORMANCE SCORES” section. In addition to the scores provided in the other report materials, the Performance Profile includes both local and national stanine scores. Stanines utilize a 9-point scale on which 9 represents the highest performance, 5 the average, and 1 the lowest. One important advantage of stanines is their basic simplicity, which some students and parents find less confusing than other types of scores. At the far right is the “PERFORMANCE RATINGS” section. Here the student’s performance is presented in a graphic display of X-bands. The national percentile rank earned by the individual lies near the center of a given X-band, and its width reflects any variation in measurement that might be likely to occur. The shaded and unshaded areas of the graph depict the various levels of performance, and the national percentile rank and stanine scales are shown at the bottom for reference. The mid-portion of the Performance Profile offers brief explanations of the “PERFORMANCE SCORES” and “PERFORMANCE RATINGS” shown in the upper portion, as well as the “SPECIFIC SKILLS” data shown in the lower portion. The lower portion of this report presents a listing and graphic display of the “SPECIFIC SKILLS” assessed by the five subtests of the HSPT®. Performance is indicated by the number of items answered correctly—“NO. RIGHT” column—and the total number of items related to the skill is given as a frame of reference—“# OF ITEMS” column. As a further aid to interpretation, the student’s performance is indicated by a single “X” in one of five columns which have the same meaning as the shaded and unshaded columns in the “PERFORMANCE RATINGS” section in the upper portion. A more complete description of the specific skills appears on the back of the report. As may be noted in the sample report for James Aragonman on page 17, the Reading subtest is divided into two major categories: Comprehension (40 items) and Vocabulary (22 items). James correctly answered 32 of the 40 Comprehension items. The location of the single “X” indicates that his performance was in the above-average (“+AVG”) range when compared with the national sample. The category of Comprehension is further divided into Vocabulary in Context (7 items), Literal Comprehension (7 items), Inferential Comprehension (17 items), and Critical Comprehension (9 items). The report shows the number of correct responses for each of these more specific areas as well as the ratings those responses earned. Thus, this student correctly answered 6 of the 7 Vocabulary in Context items, which yielded an above average rating. Some areas are divided even further. For example, the seven items related to Inferential Comprehension consist of two items dealing with main ideas, seven items dealing with drawing conclusions, three items dealing with reasoning, and five items dealing with implied characteristics. 18 Occasionally a skill of relatively minor importance is represented in a subtest by only two or three items so that areas of greater importance may be assessed more fully or in greater depth. Whenever such a skill is measured by three or less test items, the student’s performance may be reported only in terms of the number of test items involved and the number correctly answered. If an “X” is not displayed on the graph, it may be difficult to statistically provide a reliable rating based upon such a small item base. The primary advantage of the Performance Profile lies in its ability to communicate both the general performance levels of the student as well as a more detailed picture of his or her specific skills. This approach can provide useful insights for both school personnel and the student. Depending upon the specific factors involved in an individual case, low or below-average ratings on a specific skill may be acceptable or even expected. If this is not the case, however, attention is focused upon achievement weaknesses that might otherwise escape unnoticed. THE PERFORMANCE PROFILE SUMMARY A Performance Profile Summary is developed for each group of students for whom this report is requested. Its purpose is identical to that of the Group Summary Statistical Report provided in connection with the Alphabetical List Report and Rank-Order List Report—to present an overall picture of the collective performance of a group of individuals. In appearance, the Performance Profile Summary is virtually identical to those provided for the individual students. It differs, of course, in that its contents reflect group rather than individual performance. This is accomplished by computing averages for the group with respect to both the general test scores in the upper portion and the number of items correctly answered for the specific skills in the lower portion. These average values are presented in the appropriate locations and are displayed graphically as well. Note that local percentile and stanine averages are not shown since such values would invariably be 50 and 5 respectively for any of the general scores. 19 Ethan Rachel +DA DA++ ++C+++ B ++ +BA++++ ++C ++ADA B A+ + + ++CB ++D+++C+D+C+++B+C+CB+A Drand 20 Daniel +++ +C++ ++++++ + ++ +++++++ +++ +AA++ + ++ + + A+CD ++A++C++++AADDC+B+A +B Kaitlyn+++ +C++ B+++B+ + ++ A++++B+ +++ ++A+B + ++ + + ++C+ C+B+++BA+++BAD+B++AC+D Kleinman Lomerez Kacie Rachel B++ +C++ +++++C + +B +BC++++ ++C +AA+B C ++ + + A++C +DB++C++D++A++BBD++++D Lauren +++ ++++ B++++A + ++ +B+A+++ +DC C+++A + ++ + + ++B+ +D+++++AD+++++CBC+A+++ Anthonv+DA +C++ B+++D+ + ++ C++++C+ +++ +AA++ + ++ + + ++BD +BB+++B++++AD+B+B+CC+B Melanie+++ +C++ ++++++ + +B +++++++ +++ C+++A + A+ + + ++BC ++B++++A++++++AB++C+++ JustinaB++ AC++ +++++A + ++ C+BC+A+ +++ ++B++ + ++ + + ++C+ A+AA+AC++CC++CC+CCCC++ Moarey Natlusek Pleuker Saitnella Taktedy Vugorska +++ +A++ ++++++ + ++ +++++BA +++ ++A++ + DB + + ++++ ++AC++BDB+++++AAB++++D Darren +++ +C++ +++ ++ + ++ CB+++++ ++C +D+++ + ++ + B D+++ ++D+++CDD++BD+A++++B+D Herrreral +C+ +D++ +++++A A ++ +B+++++ +D+ +D+++ + ++ + + A+B+ ++A+++C++A+BD+CBD++C+D Marie Haynton ++A +++++ + ++ + + +BAB Alexand+C+ +C+A ++++++ + ++ +B+A+++ C++ CAA+B + ++ C + +DCB ++A+++CAA++BD+A+++C+BD + ++ CB+++ Gonzalez Ertellazyk JonathaBC+ ++++ ++++D +++ ++++ ++++++ + ++ C++++B+ +++ CA++A + ++ + + +++B ++++B+B+A+++++++D+BD+D BDC +++++ B ++ + + D+C+ BBAB+B++A+++DDCDB+++B+ Carrillon ++C +CCA +++++D + +A +BCD++ Brian Baniels ++D ++++ +++++A + ++ +++++B+ ++D ++++B + +B + A ++C+ ++A+C+C+++++A+A+C++++B James ITEM 111 1111 111111 1 11 1111111 111 11111 1 11 1 1 1111 1111111111111111111111 NUMBERS 123 1123 133345 2 22 1222355 134 12344 4 34 2 4 3444 5555555666666666677777 694 5836 935940 4 08 7567812 476 31027 3 25 2 0 1189 3456789012345678901234 Aragonman NAME INDIVIDUAL ITEM REPORT Test Date: 11/22/08 Test: READING 00001 Gr: 08 Sec: -------- C O M P R E H E N S I O N -----------------*V O C A B U L A R Y--1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 TOTAL GROUP SAMPLE SCHOOL 1 5 6 7 8 Author's Purpose/Theme Compa rison and Contrast Autho r's Qualifications Predictions Fact vs. Fiction VOCAB ULARY CRITI CAL COMPREHENSION Main Idea or Title Drawing Conclusions Reaso ning Impli ed Characteristics INFERENTIAL COMPREHENSION 3 Details 4 Cause and Effect LITER AL COMPREHENSION 1 Meani ng from Context 2 Multi -Meaning Words VOCAB ULARY IN CONTEXT COMPREHENSION OBJECTIVE/SKILLS OUTLINE Run Date:11/12/08 Form: K Page: 9 10 11 12 13 14 Level: See explanation on page 21. 00001 HSPT® Individual Item Analysis Report ITEM ANALYSES—INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP The test results provided on such reports as the Alphabetical List Report and the Group Summary Statistical Report allow a test user to determine achievement levels for any individual or the group as a whole. In some settings it may be sufficient simply to know, for example, that the math skills of a student are average in terms of the national normative sample or that those of the group are at essentially the same level as earlier groups. In other settings, however, where the focus of attention is upon the specific skills or objectives which underlie general performance, there is a legitimate need for test data reflecting such skills. The Performance Profile, discussed earlier, allows a test user to gain some insight into these specific skills. However, the Individual Item Analysis Report and Group Item Analysis Report extend this insight to its fullest by providing performance information on an item-by-item basis and relating it to a comprehensive outline of specific skills or objectives. In short, item analyses reports equip the test user to make as penetrating evaluation of specific performance as his or her purpose may require. Individual Item Analysis Report A sample Individual Item Analysis Report is shown on page 20. As may be noted, the test results are presented in alphabetical order and restricted to a single subject area–Reading in this instance. At the far right is the “OBJECTIVE/ SKILLS OUTLINE” column which identifies the specific skills or objectives measured by the items in this subtest. Major categories within the outline (e.g., “COMPREHENSION”) reappear as the first line of information in the body of the report as a general reference for the data given below. Each skill or objective within a major category carries an identifying number, and these are presented as the second line of information in the body of the report. The item numbers related to a given objective appear beneath the major category (e.g., 1–Meaning from Context) and constitute the third, fourth, and fifth lines of information (item numbers must be read vertically). Thus, as may be seen in the sample, items 116, 129, and 134, deal with skill 1–Meaning from Context within the major category of “VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT.” Student results are reported in terms of the individual’s response to each test item: a “+” indicates a correct response, a letter indicates the incorrect response that was made, and a blank signified that the student made no response to the test item. As may be seen in the sample, James Aragonman correctly answered two of the three items related to objective 1–Meaning from Context. He elected answer choice D (an incorrect answer) for item 134. When using the Individual Item Analysis Report, one must not lose sight of its purpose, which is essentially diagnostic. Accordingly, it directs attention to student performance on individual items related to specific skills, rather than focusing on a set of normative scores. In this context, evaluation of a student’s performance must be based upon your knowledge of the subject area and the available information concerning the student, his or her educational background, and so forth. If a given objective/skill was included in a school's curriculum, perhaps even emphasized, your expectations would be vastly different than if the objective/skill is commonly excluded or treated lightly. Incorrect responses should be examined by referring to a test booklet. (If one is not available, request a copy from STS.) It is often possible to discover a pattern to the errors on an objective/skill that could provide the basis for remedial instruction. It should be apparent that this evaluative procedure is virtually identical to that applied to criterion-referenced test results. Needless to say, it is an intensely individualized process, but for this very reason can produce the most useful and meaningful assessments of the specific strengths and weaknesses of the students. 21 22 81 84 94 88 58 9 10 11 12 13 14 GROUP SIZE: 54 91 71 75 65 16 143 132 122 140 131 153 160 167 174 120 117 114 113 81 81 94 88 69 75 56 13 25 49 72 90 83 47 75 45 22 21 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 85 49 83 52 81 50 81 56 141 154 161 168 88 57 32 39 88 69 44 50 145 69 88 128 125 137 121 133 91 99 129 53 69 118 31 25 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 148 155 162 169 30 27 60 35 25 13 81 25 126 75 75 146 42 56 130 29 50 135 82 94 134 72 75 123 85 94 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 149 156 163 170 41 75 67 63 50 75 75 88 142 88 94 127 69 75 139 91 94 136 62 88 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 157 44 81 164 40 50 171 34 38 147 63 50 138 93 99 144 71 81 (NT-P = National P-Value, GP-P = Group P-Value) 99 63 88 75 87 39 64 62 119 77 81 124 71 88 84 88 3 4 5 6 7 8 116 77 81 115 62 88 75 73 1 2 -OBJECTIVE# AVG-P INDIVIDUAL ITEM REPORT Test Date: 11/22/08 Test: READING 00001 Gr: 08 Sec: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 158 42 69 165 39 44 172 63 44 151 57 56 150 52 56 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 159 38 31 166 62 69 173 54 81 152 59 81 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 2 5 6 7 8 Author's Purpose/Theme Comparison and Contrast Author's Qualifications Predictions Fact vs. Fiction VOCABULARY CRITICAL COMPREHENSION Main Idea or Title Drawing Conclusions Reasoning Implied Characteristics INFERENTIAL COMPREHENSION 3 Details 4 Cause and Effect LITERAL COMPREHENSION 1 Meaning from Context 2 Multi-Meaning Words VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT COMPREHENSION CONTENT OUTLINE Run Date:11/12/08 Form: K Page: 9 10 11 12 13 14 Level: -------------------INDIVIDUAL ITEMS--NATIONAL AND GROUP P-VALUES------------------ITM NT GP ' ITM NT GP ' ITM NT GP ' ITM NT GP ' ITM NT GP ' ITM NT GP ' ITM NT GP ' # P P ' # P P ' # P P ' # P P ' # P P ' # P P ' # P P ' TOTAL GROUP SAMPLE SCHOOL HSPT® Group Item Analysis Report See explanation on page 23. Group Item Analysis Report A Group Item Analysis Report is provided routinely when an Individual Item Analysis Report is requested, but it may be ordered without the individual student data if so desired. In either case its purpose is the same—to provide an overall perspective of the collective performance of the group on a single subtest. A sample of this report is shown on page 22. As in the case of the Individual Item Analysis Report, the specific objectives/skills measured by a given subtest are displayed in the “CONTENT OUTLINE” column on the right side of the form. At the far left in any given line of information, you will find an objective number, the average percentage of students in the group who correctly answered the cluster of items, and the individual item numbers themselves. In addition, each item number is shown with the percentage of students in the national sample—“NT-P”—and in your group—“GP-P”—who correctly answered it. Such percentages conventionally are termed p-values. When examining this report, a useful entry point is the average p-values—“AVG-P”—shown for your group. Each average p-value indicates the average percentage of students who correctly answered the cluster of items related to a given objective or skill. In effect, the average p-values present a concise summary of the group’s performance with respect to the assessed objectives/skills. Generally speaking, those in the lower range of the reported values represent weaker group performance while those in the upper range reflect stronger group performance. As you might expect, in this context terms such as “weaker” and “stronger” necessarily are relative terms whose significance will vary from one group to another. In most settings the test user will find it necessary to turn to the individual item numbers and determine how the group’s p-values compare with the national p-values. Needless to say, such a procedure gives rise to a more comprehensive view of the group’s performance, which in turn allows one to develop a fuller appreciation of the average p-values. For example, in the sample it may be seen that objective 1 has an average p-value of 75. This value falls in the middle range of those reported for this group. Upon examining the individual data, however, it is clear that the group excelled on one of the items in the cluster, but trailed the national normative sample on the remaining three. It would be very worthwhile to inspect the latter test items in the test booklet and determine the specific content which posed such difficulty for most of the students in this group. As should be apparent, one approaches the Group Item Analysis Report in much the same fashion as the Individual Item Analysis Report—that is, the various data must be analyzed using your knowledge of the pertinent factors as the primary frame of reference. 23 HSPT® Student Score Report HIGH SCHOOL PLACEMENT TEST Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. Student Score Report School: SAMPLE SCHOOL Grade: 08 Form: S (00001) Elem: 175 National Percentiles Test Date: 11/22/08 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Codes Report by -Total Grp 5th Choices: 34 15 Percentile Cognitive Skills James's VB QT TCS RD MT LN TBS OP CMP 99 98 96 - 97 94 - 95 90 - 93 85 - 89 77 - 84 70 - 76 60 - 69 50 - 59 40 - 49 31 - 39 24 - 30 16 - 23 11 - 15 7 - 10 5 - 6 3 - 4 1 - 2 High Above Avg Other Codes: Avg To the parents or guardian of: James Aragonman 00001 Park St.Louis MO 63045 Below Avg Low Dear James: NATL Percentiles 73 84 83 Basic Skills 83 83 92 88 Composite 96 87 STS' High School Placement Test is a measure of your basic skills and your educational achievement. It was given so that you, your parents, and your teachers can learn more about your preparation for high school. WHAT THE TEST MEASURES Cognitive Skills Verbal Skills (VB) This test measures how well you perform reasoning tasks involving the use of words. Your ability in this area is related to your performance in language, reading and various areas within social studies. Quantitative Skills (QT) This test measures your ability to do reasoning problems involving numbers and quantities. This ability is related to performance in mathematics, sciences and other areas that deal with numbers and things. Total Cognitive Skills (TCS) This is a total of the Verbal Skills and Quantitative Skills subtests. Basic Skills Reading (RD) This test measures your ability to remember important ideas and significant details, recognize central thought or purpose, make logical inferences and understand vocabulary in context. Since good reading habits and skills are essential to learning, thinking and problem solving, this score is usually related to your overall success in school. Mathematics (MT) This test not only measures your ability to perform arithmetic operations and apply math concepts to solve problems, but also your knowledge of important concepts and ability to reason. Your score on this test tells you how well you are prepared for high school mathematics. Language (LN) This test measures your knowledge of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, usage and composition. Total Basic Skills (TBS) This is a total of the Reading, Mathematics and Language subtests. Optional Test (OP) The option test is a 40 item test in either Science, Mechanical Aptitude, or Religion. Battery Composite (CMP) This score is a total of the Verbal, Quantitative, Reading, Language and Mathematics sections of the battery. WHAT THE SCORE FOR EACH TEST MEANS The scores reported above are "National Percentile Ranks." They tell what percentage of students had scores below yours in a national sample. If your Verbal Skills score is 55, for example, this means you did better than 55 percent of the students in the national sample. A percentile rank of 50 is exactly average. Cognitive Skills Quotient (CSQ) This score is a measure of a student's learning potential. It is an age-based norm rather than gradebased. The scale has a mean of 100 and an operational range of 55-145. Your CSQ score is 116. Grade Equivalents (GE) These scores in the basic skills areas compare the student's performance with those of other grades. If one were to test in January of grade 8, for example, and attain a Reading GE of 10.5, this means they scored as well on the grade eight material as a mid-year grade ten student would have on the grade eight material. Your GE scores are: Reading GE: 10.2 Mathematics GE: 10.0 Language GE: 10.4 Now is a good time, as you enter high school, to make the most of your special talents and to begin serious planning for your future education and career. See explanation (pg 1)on page 25. 24 Student Score Report The Student Score Report is a one-page report for an individual student and his/her parents or guardian. The top part of the report provides a graphic representation of the student's "National Percentile Rank" for each subskill taken, total basic skills, and the battery composite score. Under “WHAT THE TEST MEASURES” you will find an explanation of what each subtest measures. The ‘Total Cognitive Skills,’ ‘Total Basic Skills,’ and ‘Battery Composite’ are also defined. In the last section labeled “WHAT THE SCORE FOR EACH TEST MEANS” you will find an explanation on the students cognitive skills quotient (CSQ) and their grade equivalent (GE). A breakdown of the student’s grade equivalent scores are also given. SUGGESTIONS Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. welcomes any suggestions for improving this testing program. Many times we find that our best suggestions come from school personnel who have administered the tests and used them in parent conferences and student counseling. If you have suggestions, criticisms, or questions, please feel free to send them to us: SCHOLASTIC TESTING SERVICE, INC. 480 Meyer Road Bensenville, Illinois 60106–1617 25 CAT # HP 120012R1-013112