Tenderfoot Rank training:


Tenderfoot Rank training:
The BSA website at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Applications/RankVideo.aspx
is a tremendous resource for training Scouts on basic skills like the ones that will be used
at this year’s Camperall.
After accessing the website, you will be presented with the following page with 3
different Boy Scout rank badges (Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class). To access
the training for a particular rank, click on the rank badge. See the list below on how to
use this site to train your Webelos for specific Camperall events.
Tenderfoot Rank training:
After clicking on the Tenderfoot rank badge, you will be presented with a list of 1 – 15
different rank requirements.
The following rank requirements are applicable for preparing for the Camperall weekend
or for preparing for the Saturday Competitive events.
Training Item #
Tenderfoot # 2
Tenderfoot # 3
Rank Training
Help pitch a tent (this will help in both setting up your campsites and in
competing in the Tent Building Saturday competitive event.) (EVENT 202
Tent Building)
Help cook a meal (this will give you pointers on how to help cook a meal at
Camperall and complete requirement # 8 for the Outdoorsman Activity
Training Item Rank Training
Tenderfoot # 4b Demonstrate that you know how to tie the following knots: two half hitches
and the taut-line hitch. (this training will help you train for both the Tent
Building Saturday competitive event and the Knots competitive event.)
(EVENT 201 Knots, EVENT 202 Tent Building)
Tenderfoot # 6 Demonstrate how to fold the American flag. (this training will help you train
for the Flag Ceremony competitive event) (EVENT 205 Flag Ceremony)
Tenderfoot # 7 Repeat from memory and explain in your own words the Scout Oath, Law,
motto, and slogan. (this training will help you prepare for the BSA 101
competitive event) (EVENT 102 BSA 101)
Tenderfoot # 8 Know your patrol name, give the patrol yell, and describe your patrol flag.
(this will help you prepare to demonstrate your SPIRIT at the Camperall.)
(Spirit Awards for Camperall)
Tenderfoot # 9 Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your personal
safety on outings and in your neighborhood. Describe what a bully is and
how you should respond to one. (the Buddy System is mandatory for
Webelos during the entire Camperall)
Tenderfoot #
Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first-degree, 2nd degree
and third degree burns) (this will help you prepare learn the first aid for burns
or scalds) (EVENT 203 First Aid)
2nd Class Rank training:
After clicking on the 2nd Class rank badge, you will be presented with a list of 1 – 11
different rank requirements.
The following rank requirements are applicable for preparing for the Camperall weekend
or for preparing for the Saturday Competitive events.
Training Item
2nd Class # 2d
2nd Class # 3
2nd Class # 6a
2nd Class # 6c
Rank Training
Prepare tinder and kindling for a fire. (EVENT 204 Fire
Building)(IMPORANT – for the Fire Building competitive event, only
kindling and tinderwood will be used to build the fire, no fuel wood will
be used.)
Participate in a flag ceremony for your school, religious institution, chartered
organization, community, or troop activity. (EVENT 205 Flag Ceremony)
Show what to do for "hurry" cases of stopped breathing, and internal
poisoning. (EVENT 203 First Aid)(We will not be covering serious
bleeding at the First Aid competitive event)
Demonstrate first aid for the following: Demonstrate first aid for the
following: Serious burns (partial-thickness, or second-degree), hypothermia
(EVENT 203 First Aid)(We will be covering burns and hypothermia at
the First Aid competitive event)
1st Class Rank training:
After clicking on the 1st Class rank badge, you will be presented with a list of 1 – 14
different rank requirements.
The following rank requirements are applicable for preparing for the Camperall weekend
or for preparing for the Saturday Competitive events.
Training Item
First Class # 8a
Rank Training
Demonstrate tying the bowline knot. (EVENT 201 Knots)
Competitive Event to Training Video List:
Event 205
Event 204
Event 203
Event 202
Event 201
Item #
Event 102
# 4b
# 12b
2nd Class #
2nd Class #
2nd Class #
2nd Class #
First Class
# 8a
Rank Training
Help pitch a tent (this will help in both setting
up your campsites and in competing in the Tent
Building Saturday competitive event.) (EVENT
202 Tent Building)
Demonstrate that you know how to tie the
following knots: two half hitches and the tautline hitch. (this training will help you train for
both the Tent Building Saturday competitive
event and the Knots competitive event.)(EVENT
201 Knots, EVENT 202 Tent Building)
Demonstrate how to fold the American flag.
(this training will help you train for the Flag
Ceremony competitive event) (EVENT 205 Flag
Repeat from memory and explain in your own
words the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan.
(this training will help you prepare for the BSA
101 competitive event) (EVENT 102 BSA 101)
Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial,
or first-degree, 2nd degree and third degree burns)
(this will help you prepare learn the first aid for
burns or scalds) (EVENT 203 First Aid)
Prepare tinder and kindling for a fire. (EVENT
204 Fire Building)(IMPORANT – for the Fire
Building competitive event, no fuel wood will
be used.)
Participate in a flag ceremony for your school,
religious institution, chartered organization,
community, or troop activity. (EVENT 205
Flag Ceremony)
Show what to do for "hurry" cases of stopped
breathing, and internal poisoning. (EVENT 203
First Aid)(We will not be covering serious
bleeding at the First Aid competitive event)
Demonstrate first aid for the following:
Demonstrate first aid for the following: Serious
burns (partial-thickness, or second-degree),
hypothermia (EVENT 203 First Aid)(We will
be covering burns and hypothermia at the
First Aid competitive event)
Demonstrate tying the bowline knot. (EVENT
201 Knots)