The Combined Arms Military Academy - Les écoles de Saint
The Combined Arms Military Academy - Les écoles de Saint
Summary Editorial............................................................................................................................. 3 The School of command and leadership.............................................................. 4 A regulary updated expertise................................................................................... 5 A school training all the officers............................................................................... 6 A school opened on the world................................................................................. 7 History of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academy.......................................... 8 - 9 In the heart of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academy................................. 10 - 11 Military training.............................................................................................................. 12 - 13 Saint-Cyr Special Military Academy........................................................................ 14 - 15 The Combined Arms Military Academy................................................................. 16 - 17 The Military Administration Academy................................................................... 18 - 19 4th Battalion : short training courses....................................................................... 20 - 21 The Academic Research Centre................................................................................ 22 - 23 Ethics and legal environment department.......................................................... 24 - 25 European defence and security department...................................................... 26 - 27 Global action and land forces department.......................................................... 28 - 29 Defence science and technology department .................................................. 30 - 31 The Saint-Cyr Foundation........................................................................................... 32 - 33 Research development fund..................................................................................... 34 - 35 Project-based learning................................................................................................ 36 - 39 Training for civilian executives.................................................................................. 40 - 41 International exchanges............................................................................................. 42- 43 Recruitment..................................................................................................................... 44 Notes.................................................................................................................................. 45 Crédits photos : Marc Charruel, Arnaud Chapin, CMAF. Conception graphique : ESCC / DIRCOM / Cellule Infographie / Guillaume Roger. Impression : atelier de reprographie de Coëtquidan. As the Army School of Command and Leadership, the Saint-Cyr Coetquidan Military Academy trains prospective officers whom the French Army will need in its operational commitments. It provides a demanding and unique multidisciplinary teaching which includes military, human and academic training. The cadets are actively involved in their training and gradually acquire the technical, tactical and social skills that will constitute the foundation for the analysis and decision-making abilities required in complex and critical circumstances. In this modern and progressive institution, military expertise is at the core of the training, whose vocation is to produce military leaders with great tactical skills, able to defeat the adversary. To that purpose, the training is largely based on the lessons learnt from the French Army’s current operational commitments. While focusing on the military profession, the academic courses are supplemented by scholar research. It provides prospective officers with the keys to understanding the complex situations they will have to evolve in. It also contributes to their intellectual development, essential to future decision-makers who will have to imagine the solutions to tomorrow’s challenges. As a school open to the world, the academy has secured diverse partnerships – with universities, military and scientific institutions, nation- and worldwide – in order to develop a culture of defence tailored to today’s world, and to anticipate future threats. They are involved in the review process set out by the Ministry of Defence on the evolution of conflict situations. Indeed, they recently took part in cyber security and cyber defence research, thanks, in particular, to the contributions of its research centre. In this guide, you will find all the elements necessary to understand the inner workings of the teaching and training given at the Saint-Cyr Coetquidan Military Academy. I hope you find it interesting. Brigadier Antoine Windeck, Commandant of the Saint-Cyr Coetquidan Military Academy 3 The School of command and leadership As the Army’s School of Command and Leadership, the mission of the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies is to enable prospective officers to command in challenging circumstances, whatever the combat situation they may face. The necessary skills are thus three-fold : to cope with complex situations , to make decisions regardless of uncertainty ; to take action in a hostile environment. With that aim in mind, the School of Command and Leadership is dedicated to providing future officers not only with basic technical and tactical knowledge, but also with behavioral qualities and intellectual skills that will enable young officers to become decision-makers and take up tomorrow’s challenges. to cope with complex situations to make decisions regardless of uncertainy to take action in a hostile environment A regulary updated expertise With the ongoing emergence of new global patterns, the armed forces are faced with an ever-changing environment. Using its lessons learned system, the Saint-Cyr-Coëtquidan Military Academies are intent on catering for the needs of the Army. Accordingly, training courses undergo constant and forward-looking reviews. Academic contributions made by the CREC (the Coëtquidan research centre) allow for top-quality teaching standards. Research is divided into 4 main specialist areas : Ethics and legal environment European defence and security Global action and land forces Defence science and technology The broadening and tightening of research networks, together with the action of the Saint-Cyr Foundation, are great incentives for research programs. Strategic development : high level education ; Continious adaptation to the needs ; Pro active and recognized at world level ; Partneship and opening to the others ; Research ; Standards of quality ; Adapted means and facilities. 5 A school training all the officers Indeed, it stands as the breeding ground for all officers, whatever their way of entry (direct nominations or late-entry commissions), their career plans (shortterm or long-term), their status (active duty or reserve force), or their prospective specialist branch (command, support, service support). Furthermore, the mission of the Academy extends beyond the Army per se, insofar as officers from other corps also receive training here – Gendarmerie Nationale, POL Service, or Medical Corps and also students from other schools of higher education (Polytechnique, HEC, IEP...). A group of Academies Saint-Cyr Special Military Academy The Combined Arms Military Academy The Military Administration Academy 4th Battalion : short training courses All the officers external recruiting process officers internal recruiting process officers officers under contract reserve officers and others partnerships... A school opened on the world. The international renown of the school, based on its prominent role in military leadership training, makes it a compelling reference in Europe to all those around the world who have an interest in military leadership. This famous and acclaimed experience is reflected by the growing number of foreign trainees and partnership programs with other schools of higher education in France and throughout the world, but also with the business sector. Partnerships : Grandes Ecoles Universités Paris ESSEC IEP Paris École des Officiers de la Gendarmerie Nationale ISAE HEC Polytechnique École des Officiers de la Gendarmerie Nationale Universités Paris HEC Polytechnique IEP Paris ISAE Universités Paris IEP Paris ESSEC Polytechnique École des Officiers de la Gendarmerie Nationale Companies AXA DOUX CAISSE D’ÉPARGNE MICHELIN OUEST FRANCE BOUYGUE CONSTRUCTION MICHELIN OUEST FRANCE OUEST FRANCE DOUX CAISSE D’ÉPARGNE AXA MICHELIN CAISSE D’ÉPARGNE OUEST FRANCE BOUYGUE CONSTRUCTION AXA Internationaly a partner in over 40 countries 20% of foreign interns a partner in over 40 count 20% of foreign interns 50 delegations a year a partner in over 40 countries 20% of foreign interns more than 100 Academies or foreign universities 50 delagations a year 50 delegations a year 20% of foreign interns more than 100 Academies of foreign universities 7 « To the glory of Saint-Cyr » History of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies Founded by Bonaparte (then a Consul) on 1 May 1802, the « Ecole Spéciale Militaire » left Fontainebleau on 24 March 1808 to a new site at Saint-Cyr near Paris, which gave it its name. Activation of the School was part of an extensive project, whose purpose was to provide the State with competent executives trained to ensure safe management and stability of the French society that emerged from a large-scale revolutionary upheaval ; another purpose was to reconstruct a body of officers disrupted by political crises and conflicts since 1789. Disbanded in 1815, the School was again activated in 1817, and was adapted to a new political and social context. The recruiting process was modified, based on competitive examinations and recruitment from the La Flèche military school, which at the time was attended by young aristocrats loyal to King Charles X. The monarchy issued from the 1830 revolution was a landmark in the sense that all cadets were now recruited through competitive examination. Also, recruitment covered a broader social spectrum, and the “ Special School ” thus built its traditions in spite of the diverse political regimes, from the Second Republic to the Second Empire, with occasionally unruly and rebellious students, who nevertheless were submitted to strict, and even very formalist and repetitive, teaching methods. The 1870-1871 crushing defeat was a decisive turning point concerning the Academy and French forces, who realized they had to question themselves and their skills and doctrines. Then with the help of a strictly selected teaching staff, emphasis was laid on scientific subjects, and attention given to theoretical as well as practical aspects, with large-scale exercises organized in the field. The level of examinations improved, and the best students were then taken in, so that the “ École Spéciale ” became a breeding ground producing a body of officers who fought victoriously throughout the First World War in spite of very heavy losses. As it was, Saint-Cyr classes were particularly affected, distinctively the “ Montmirail ” class who lost half its former cadets. The general collapse in 1940 made it necessary to bring radical changes in ideas and principles. The military academy of “ France Libre ” cadet officers in England took over, as well as the training centre of cadet “ aspirants ” in Cherchell (North Africa). The latter was to become the combined arms school in 1944. Deep transformations occurred, because military authorities wanted an army with experienced, seasoned officers with different backgrounds who would be trained together in spite of the differences in the admission rules. That merging concept was implemented through the creation of the Special Combined Arms Academy, which was stationed in Coëtquidan in 1945, and this brought together students originating from operational units, as well as those recruited through a selective examination process. All of them received a thorough training, fitted to modern warfare, and were called to serve in the difficult context of decolonization, then of the Cold War. In 1961, economic expansion and the drying up of recruiting sources entailed a new reform, which resulted in the activation, on the same site, of the Special Military School on the one hand and the Military Combined Arms School on the other hand. In 1977, a third school was created at Coëtquidan : the Military Technical and Administrative Corps School. The gradual changes in the “ Special School ” have been governed for some twenty years by a will to diversify recruitment sources (illustrated by the recruitment of women as of 1983), and to update training so as to prepare officers for missions to be achieved in a rapidly changing world. Designed according to the international references of the Bologna Process, the training has at once military, academic and leadership components. Within a remarkably shifting geostrategic context, while the European defence identity is being developed, a new international-oriented posture makes it possible to establish close links with foreign military academies and universities. The French Military Academies are becoming a European reference as regards officers’ basic training. Through a two-century history, Saint-Cyr Academy has shown that it regards adaptation to current requirements as a crucial necessity. By combining tradition and modernity, the Academy is at the heart of excellence, providing training that neglects none of an officer’s qualities : he must be a man of action as well as of thoughtfulness, leading men and serving his country and the State. 9 « The Army officers’ school » In the heart of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies Located in the heart of Brittany (in Morbihan), the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academy has a unique environment. It has developed a full-blown “ military campus ” enabling officer cadets and cadet officers of the Academies to train in the best conditions. In the heart of the Forest of Brocéliande… A unique environment in France… Over 200 hectares of built-up area ; Training areas over more than 5,000 hectares ; 90 kms of roadway. The facilities of a school of higher education… 365 buildings ; 700 student rooms with internet access ; Specific facilities devoted to military education and training. 1 educational internet network ; 4 gymnasiums or specific indoor sports facilities ; 1 Olympic-size swimming-pool ; 1 confidence obstacle course ; 2 assault obstacle courses ; 22 shooting range installations ; 2 explosive ordnance firing ranges ; 1 parachute jumping area ; 1 training area for fighting in built-up areas. Optimized training personnel and technical support… 610 military personnel ; 220 civilians ; 70 full-time and 110 temporary teachers ; 295 vehicles ; 450 000 meals served each year. Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies in the heart of Brittany. Coëtquidan Rennes Paris Vannes Nantes Log on to, for a virtual visit in 3D, « go and see for yourself » 11 Military training Military training is at the core of the training provided at the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies, whose vocation is above all to produce military leaders. It is intended to develop physical and psychological qualities of officer cadets, their capabilities for training and leadership, to teach them technical and tactical skills, as well as to develop situational awareness, which current operational engagements require. This stands for an average 57% of the teaching hours, and training is organized into three main components : military behavior, operations, physical training and sports. Training for military behavior This is the foundation of the officer cadet’s military training. It is provided mainly by trainers, with support from specialized instructors. It covers 5 main areas : • • • • • Institutional awareness : knowledge about mi- litary personnel, tradition and cohesion, general knowledge about Defense and its regulations ; Behavior : moral and professional ethics, stress management, law of war and legal aspects of military service, negotiation techniques and multicultural relations, military dress code and social intercourse ; Communication : written and oral communication ; Teaching : basic training to teaching methods ; Command : basic training to leadership and command. Training for operational missions Beyond teaching of indispensable basic technical and tactical skills, which will be completed by specific training in branch schools, training for operational missions is intended to develop students’ skills in the tactical decision-making process. That training is mostly performed in the field, in France or abroad, and emphasizes real-situation platoon leadership (of some thirty troops) by officer cadets, in association with actual army units. Combat practice shooting is a core activity. It is organized around basic training for tactics and associated techniques : combat shooting, survey, intelligence, signals, explosive ordnance, river crossing, NRBC hazard awareness. Physical training and sports The purpose of physical training and sports is dual : • to enable prospective officers to organize, conduct and direct physical training sessions in their units ; • to enable prospective officers to adapt physically and psychologically to tough, long-lasting and unpredictable situations, so as to be able to maintain and exercise their leadership qualities in all circumstances, mostly thanks to various specific confidence-building training periods. 5 minimum levels of performance applicable to all students ensure they have the required physical capacities : resilience, swimming skills, rope climbing, obstacle course, physical strength (push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, etc.). 13 « Training for victory » Saint-Cyr Special Military Academy The “ École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr ” (ESM Saint-Cyr), which is a graduate school, provides basic training for combat arms officers, after direct recruitment. It produces officers whose vocation is to lead army operational units, then to hold responsibilities of increasing importance in units and staffs at the Army, Defence and multinational levels. It provides multidisciplinary Master’s degree-level teaching, which includes human, military and academic training, to be supplemented by specialized training in branch schools, thus enabling young officers to hold their first responsibilities in Army units. Admission process Admission through competitive examination of students originating from preparatory classes, aged less than 22. Admission on qualification basis of students with a Master’s degree (or equivalent degree), aged less than 25. Admission through competitive examination (after completion of secondary education) of officer cadets attending a basic training course in Germany aged 17 to 19, who will get their training in Germany. There is a similar partnership for German officer cadets in France. Educational process High-level training (Master’s degree), finalized on military vocation, providing the fundamentals for holding responsibilities in the long term. This process is in keeping with the standards of the Bologna Process (European agreements). Three courses of study : Engineering and basic sciences ; International relationships and strategy ; Management of men and organizations. Long-duration course : (students recruited through competitive examination) 4 academic-oriented semesters, one in a foreign country (devoted to research work and production of a dissertation, with oral presentation) ; 2 military-oriented semesters : military training is at least 60% of the syllabus. Short-duration course : (recruitment on application basis) 2 military-oriented semesters. Qualifications and degrees All students : Saint-Cyr degree equivalent to a Master’s degree (300 ECTS), validated by the Ministry of Higher Edu cation and Research. Scientific students : Engineer’s degree, subjected to the approval of the Engineer’s Degree Committee. Specific training periods, degrees and certificates : Platoon leadership capability (40 troops) ; Paratrooper’s certification ; Explosive ordnance operation officer ; Gunnery officer ; Combat shooting instructor ; Commando warfare trainer ; Basic level civic prevention and rescue certificate ; Foreign languages proficiency certificates ; Training periods in troops units ; Joint seminar of military academies ; Academic research training period in an international environment ; Jungle training period in French Guyana ; Openings and job prospects After schooling, Saint-Cyr students will choose to serve in an operational function (infantry, signals, armor, artillery, etc.). They will be submitted to one year’s specialty training in branch schools before commanding a platoon in an Army battalion. 15 « Dedication to their task and honour as their guide » The Combined Arms Military Academy The Combined Arms Military School (“ École militaire interarmes ” : EMIA) provides basic training for combat arms officers recruited from enlisted personnel (NCOs and other ranks). It trains officers whose vocation is to lead army operational units, then to hold responsibilities of increasing importance in units and staffs at the Army, Defense and multinational levels. Upon graduation, the officers will belong to the combat arms officers’ corps. The EMIA provides multidisciplinary training of Bachelor’s degree level ; this, after final specialized training in branch schools, will enable young officers to have command responsibilities. Admission process Competitive examination, including written and oral tests, open to enlisted personnel aged 23 to 29, who have served at least three years in the armed forces after completion of their secondary education. Recruitment on qualifications has been since 2011 open to enlisted military personnel aged 23 to 29 with a degree equivalent to 120 ECTS, who have served at least three years in the armed forces. They also must have a pass in TOEIC, a Military Foreign Language Certificate or a foreign language proficiency (DCL) certificate. Curriculum Three channels : Basic sciences ; Geopolitics, international affairs, strategy ; Economy and management. Two years’ curriculum, including 2 semesters in military training and 2 semesters in academic studies. Qualifications and degrees After schooling, all cadets get the Military Combined Arms School degree, equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS), validated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Specific training periods, degrees and certificates Platoon leadership capability (40 troops) ; Paratrooper’s certification ; Explosive ordnance operation officer ; Gunnery officer ; Combat shooting instructor ; Commando warfare trainer ; Basic level civic prevention and rescue certificate ; Foreign languages proficiency certificates ; Jungle training period. Openings and job prospects After schooling at the Military Combined Arms School, officers choose a specific army branch (infantry, signals, armor, artillery, etc.). They attend a one-year course in branch school, and then take up command responsibilities in Army units. 17 « Primo imperare, procurare semper » The Military Administration Academy Created August 1, 2010 through the merging of two schools, the Military Administration School (École d’Administration Militaire, EAM) provides basic training, branch and special training of quartermaster officers (“ commissaires ”) and Technical and Administrative Corps (CTA) officers. Fields of activities : administration, finance, human resources, personnel support, regulations and legal activities. Admission process 1) “ Commissaires ” (staff and personnel support) : • • • External competitive examination (for civilian graduates entitled to take the National Civil Service School (ENA) competitive examination, age limit 26) ; Internal recruiting process (non-officer military personnel, or “ B category ” civil servants of the MOD, with 5 years’ service and completion of secondary education, 27 to 35 years of age) ; Competitive examination based on qualifications (civilians, Master’s degree, age limit 27). 2) Technical & Administrative Corps : • • • • External competitive examination (civilians, Bachelor’s degree, age limit 26 for the 2012 intake, then 25 for 2013 and later) ; Internal competitive examination (non-officer military personnel, 3 years’ service or more and completion of secondary education, 25 to 29 years of age for Army or 26 to 34 for 2012 intakes and later for POL, Medical Corps and Navy) ; Internal joining process of active duty officers of service support branch schools (NCOs, 8 years’ duty or more, Army technician certificate, aged 31 to 41 ; Internal recruiting process of officers under contract (2 years’ service, Bachelor’s degree, aged 25 to 31). Curriculum 2 channels are offered : Staff and Personnel Support Corps (“ Commissaires ”) ; Technical and Administrative Corps. Two years’ curriculum including leadership, military training, and academic studies. Higher education : Rennes Management institute Rennes 1 College of Economics Administration Graduate School (Paris Dauphine). Qualifications and degrees Commissaires : professional Master’s degree of public service management of Paris Dauphine (Administration Graduate School). Technical and Administrative Corps : Bachelor’s degree (economic and social administration) or Master’s degree (business administration) for students with a Bachelor’s degree. Specific training periods, degrees and certificates : Parachute badge ; Explosive ordnance operation officer ; Gunnery officer ; Combat shooting instructor ; Commando warfare trainer ; Basic level civic prevention and rescue certificate ; Foreign languages proficiency certificates ; Exchanges with the German Army ; Training period in a multinational staff (NATO or EU). Openings and job prospects After schooling, young officers are assigned to Army, Joint Medical Corps, POL Corps or Joint administrative and support agencies. The Military Administration School also provides a wide range of adaptive and specialty training for civilian and military personnel all along their careers. The training periods, of 2 days to 2 months’ duration, are organized on the premises of the Military Academy, or in the Army branch of the Navy Quartermaster School in Querqueville (Cherbourg). 19 « Training for victory » 4th Battalion : short training courses The 4th Battalion, the “ school for short training courses ”, integrates each year approximately 1,000 trainees with different backgrounds, for specifically tailored training periods of 1 week to 5 months, providing essentially military and leadership training. Their military culture will afterwards be enhanced during their future assignments. Officers under contract (OSC) Whether of the “ specialist ”, “ combined arms ” or “ helicopter pilot ” branch, officers under contract normally have short careers in the Army. 1> Specialists (about 200 cadets each year) 3 months’ basic training ; assignment in units as “ specialist ” officers (legal, public communication, etc.). 2>Combined Arms Officers (about 60 cadets each year) 5 months’ basic training (then one year in branch school) ; assignment as platoon leaders to Army units. 3> Helicopter pilots (45 cadets each year) 3 months’ basic training (then specific pilot’s trai ning in Dax and Le Luc) ; assignment to helicopter pilot’s duty. Students from the Ecole Polytechnique and officers specialized in armament engineering about 130 “ Polytechnique ” students (“ EOX ”), 10 officers spe cialized in armament engineering, as well as a few students from the Armament Technical and Administrative Corps ; 6 weeks’ basic training (leadership), followed by a training period with a position of responsibility in an operational unit. Officers of the National Gendarmerie (about 200 cadets) 3 months’ basic training for learning skills in leadership, life in the field and basic tactics ; then, students go on with their training at the Gendarmerie Officers’ School in Melun. Reserve officers training including 2 two-week periods ; assignment to Army units as reserve officers (on a periodical basis) ; specific training for reserve officers of the Medical Department of the Joint Technical and Administrative Corps. “ Home of the Officers ” training period 1 week integration seminar ; intended for officers recruited among senior NCOs after passing the Arms branch schools’ competitive examination. Vocational training periods for higher education students (about 20 students originating from graduate schools) 3 months’ duration (6 weeks in Coëtquidan, 3 weeks in branch school, 3 months in troops unit) ; training for positions of responsibility and leadership ; temporary assignment to a position of responsibility in ope rational units. 21 The Coëtquidan Research Centre Among all French and foreign prominent higher education establishments, whether civilian or military, there can be no quality teaching without generating knowledge. It was on the basis of this principle that the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies authorities have decided to make research one of the pillars of training ; this has been one of the strategic lines of its development. The will to ensure on a permanent basis the relevance, quality and high level of the teaching and training at the Academy is a core mission of the Coëtquidan Research Centre (CREC : Centre de Recherche des Écoles De Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan). This is a prerequisite for the training of the Army’s future leaders, for acknowledgment of degrees delivered by the academies and beyond by all higher education organizations, universities and graduate schools within a national, European and international environment. Research work is organized into four centers of excellence, all of which militaryoriented. Those research main lines are clearly defined and intended to federate the research activities ; the idea is to make sure that the relevance of research work can be perceived among research organizations in France and Europe. They naturally emphasize issues that are relevant to Army and defence. The vocation of the department of ethics and legal environment is to deal with controlled employment of force. Its courses are part of the curriculum of a Master’s degree, with a syllabus emphasizing responsible decision-making based on a culture of moral fortitude. The concern of the European defense and security department is the implementation framework of the European security and defence policy, with European multidisciplinary teams working on a network-centric basis. The Global action and land forces department is devoted to the study of the radical changes in the nature of conflicts, and of their consequences on engagements and global action of land forces. This centre is intended to produce, disseminate and make debatable the academic and professional knowledge relevant to its areas of teaching. Its areas of expertise are the following : global strategic issues, defence and security policies, forces employment doctrine, tactical studies, intelligence organization, the legal aspect of military operations, equipment of forces, and partnerships between state and private sectors. This department was complemented in May 2009 by a university chair in “ Land Action ”. The Defence sciences and technologies department performs research work on themes linked to defence and security broadly speaking. Involved in the upstream development of future equipments and emerging technologies, it feeds training programs thanks to its knowledge production. This department contributes to high-quality teaching, granting a Master’s degree. It brings an expertise capability to military agencies in charge of prospective research, and takes part in the influence of the Saint-Cyr Military Academy through its publications and its participation in collaborative projects. Moreover, the development of research activities has encouraged seeking innovative courses of action and funding on behalf of cadets’ training missions, as shown in the creation of the Saint-Cyr Foundation in late 2006, whose vocation, according to the provisions of Article 1 of its statutes, is to “ enhance research by the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies and defence organizations through increased partnership with civilian agencies ”. 23 Ethics and Legal Environment Department The Ethics and Legal Environment Department was the first department created in October 2004 in the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies. Ethics has become, especially in a world where military action is submitted to the scrutiny of the media and the law, an absolutely essential element of the education of young officers. These officers would not be equal to their primary function - setting an example - vis-à-vis their men, if they did not meet the demand for human substance in matters of moral ethics, a substance of such quality that it will constantly irrigate their unit and their own command in the future. This department builds the foundation for the three other research departments, which would not exist without it. Its field of research is a vast realm, encompassing the infinite diversity of the situations in which men and women engaged in various security and defense actions might loose their behavioral references. The department, considering the nature of its work, is designed to share its activities with all the domains where leadership, command and/or management lead to think and analyze in depth. Ongoing research programs The Ethics and Legal Environment Department aims at conducting research campaigns included in the following research directions : • Identifying the fundamentals in the field of ethics ; • Identifying the rightful place of politics ; • Thinking out the human integration of technology ; • Military culture ; • Ethics and intelligence ; • The legal framework of land forces action. This department works on research programs : Salle Aubry ENTRÉE CHAPELLE CHEAR CSFM COUR LEGRAND COUR MORLAND COUR WESTEL 1BSC CSEM COUR LECLERC ALMANDET CID DEO BAR COUR DELATTE SAI CAD, MAP Éthique et alliances Éthique militaire Atelier SAPM Sports P1 OP COUR GARNIER COUR RODERER 1BSC COUR BERTHIER COUR MALANOT Amphi SABATIER Amphi POMPADOUR CAD COUR RIBERPRAY CHEAR CHEM COUR COQUELIN DE L’ISLE COUR GERCET AMPHI des Vallières CID COUR BEAUMEL CID CDEF DREX BGP Ethics and military techniques : robotics ; Ethics and politics : thinking on war to build Europe ; The responsibilities and liability of military personnel ; The economic requisites of peace ; Making moral choices : between doubts and certainties. CESAT COUR D'HONNEUR EGP SHN ANT.EIREL INFIRMERIE ESC DE BASE IHEDN CID AMPHI FOCH Ethics and alliancEs Military Ethics PETIT COUR JAQUELOT MCC DICOD InformATIons PrATIques / usefuL InformATIon Les interventions de l’amphithéâtre Lacoste seront en français, anglais ou allemand. Traductions simultanées disponibles : français/anglais, anglais/français, allemand/ français. Les interventions de l’amphithéâtre Pompadour seront uniquement en langue anglaise, sans traduction simultanée. Coût : 90 € comprenant les deux déjeuners Paiement possible par espèces, chèque ou Paypal. Pièce d’identité obligatoire. La restauration du midi se fera dans la salle Aubry (attenante à l’amphi Lacoste). Dîner libre. L’hébergement n’est pas pris en charge. Colloque ouvert dans la limite des places disponibles. Tenue 22 veste Fields of expertise Speakers in Pompadour Hall will speak only in English. No translation available. Cost : 90 € including the two lunches and coffee breaks. Payment in cash, cheque or Paypal. ID card is mandatory. Lunches will be served in Aubry Room. Dinners and accommodation are not provided. Symposium open in the limit of available places. Dress code : tie and jacket contacts / inscriptions (+33) (+33) si vous avez une question particulière lors des journées du 16 et du 17 juin, vous pouvez joindre le (+33) For further information during the 16th and the 17th of June, you can join the (+33) The Ethics and Legal Environment Department provides an expertise in the fields of : Speakers in Lacoste Hall will speak in French, English or German. Translations available : English/French, French/English, German/French. knowledge production : • Writing training books and taking part in exchanges of trainers with partner institutions (US Naval Academy, Annapolis) ; • Organizing international scientific meetings. Conception graphique : DIRCOM / Cellule Infographie. Impression / Finition : Service Reprographie de la Base de Défense de Vannes - Coëtquidan. • • • • • 1, Place Joffre Bibliothèque Amphi LACOSTE COUR DESJARDIN Euro Euro International Society for Military Ethics 16 et 17 juin 2011 Amphithéâtres Lacoste et Pompadour École Militaire - Paris 16 et 17 juin 2011 : Éthique et alliances Éthique militaire Support of research and study programs : • Providing mentorship and direction of studies ; • Delivering simulation and teaching methods in the field of ethics. Training engineering : • Designing the Ethics / Europe Internet website : From Image to Concept. 1er et 2 décembre 2011 : Colloque « Justice et militaire » Program coordinator Dr Henri HUDE Contact details Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan CREC Saint-Cyr Pôle Éthique et env 56 381 - Guer Cedex Tél. : 02 90 40 40 40 Mail : M. Henri HUDE 25 European Defence and Security Department Belonging to a network of interconnected pluridisciplinary European research teams, the European Defence and Security Department focuses on the framework of action of European defence and security policy. The Department provides quality training integral to the Master’s degree program. Ongoing research programs The Department strives to provide a contribution unique to the Saint-Cyr Military Academy Research Centre’s on such European subjects as : • • • Issues of borders and territories in Europe in connection with foreign policy aspects and military practice ; Institutional, political and military defense cooperation projects in Europe ; Cultural aspects, to include national and European perspectives on war. This department works on research programs : • Europeans and War. International conference (November 2010) and two-year research program. Fields of expertise The European Defense and Security Department provides expertise in : Producing knowledge : • • Setting up research programs ; Setting up international scientific meetings. Monitoring research and study programs : • Research training, supervising Ph. D students and mentoring students attached to ESCC. Training engineering : • 31 mai 2012 : Journée d’études « Ennemis héréditaires, amis pour toujours ? » Implementing training packages on Defense trades. Program coordinator : Monsieur Frédéric Dessberg Contact details : Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan CREC Saint-Cyr Pôle Défense et Sécurité européennes 56 381 - Guer Cedex 9 December 2010 : Seminar « Conflicts as a vector of national identity » Tél. : 02 90 40 40 40 Mail : M. Frédéric DESSBERG 27 Global Action and Land Forces Department The Global Action and Land Forces Department is involved in the study of mutations in conflictuality and their effects on the engagement and the global action of land forces. The Department provides quality training integral to the Master’s degree program. The Department aims to produce, disseminate and question the academic and professional elements of knowledge that fall within its sphere of interest. The Department has expertise in the fields of geo-strategy ; security and defence policy ; force employment doctrine ; tactical studies ; intelligence structuring ; the legal framework of military action ; the equipment of the forces ; and partnerships between the public and private sector. Ongoing research programs The Global Action and Land Forces Department is proposing to conduct research activities integrated into the following areas : • • • • • • • • Geo-strategy ; Defense policies and security ; Force employment doctrine ; Study tactics ; Intelligence organization ; Legal framework for military action ; Force equipment ; Public-private partnerships. This department works on research programs : • • • • • Irregular warfare ; The privatization of military action ; Battlefield robotization ; The breaking-up of territories ; Ethnic conflicts and identities. Fields of expertise The Global Action and Land Forces Department provides expertise in : Producing knowledge : • Designing, conducting and implementing fundamental and applied research programs ; • Producing contracted reports, notes and studies on the major stakes of contemporary conflicts ; • Organizing scientific exchanges between researchers, experts and practitioners from the defense field (academics, military personnel, manufacturers, NGO personnel …). Monitoring research and study programs : • Assisting the design and follow-up of research and study programs ; • Providing feedback on research programs conducted by cadets on the employment of dual-use technologies for battlefield robotization ; • Providing expertise and assessing the results of research and study programs. Training engineering : • Providing training through the practice of research (from the master’s degree to the Ph. D.) ; • Producing specific training packages on contemporary conflicts. 26 et 27 septembre 2012 : Journée d’étude « Armées et révolutions arabes » 9 et 10 novembre 2011 : Colloque international « Robotisation du champ de bataille » Program coordinator Monsieur Didier DANET Contact details Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan CREC Saint-Cyr Pôle Action globale et forces terretsres 56 381 - Guer Cedex Tél. : 02 90 40 40 40 Mail : 29 M. Didier DANET Defense Science and Technology Department The Defense Science and Technology Department conducts research on themes broadly connected with defense and security. The Department is involved in the development of next generation equipment or emerging technologies and thus nourishes training programs through the production of knowledge. The Department contributes quality training integral to the delivery of the Engineer’s degree program. The Department provides an expertise capability to military agencies responsible for futures studies. The articles published and participation in collaborative projects contribute to the promotion of the presence of the French Military Academies on the international scene. Ongoing research programs The Defence Science and Technology Department is proposing to conduct research activities integrated into the following areas : • • • • • • Project « High Speed HF » supported by the Saint-Cyr Foundation : design of a demonstrator for high speed and long range HF radio communication using MIMO architecture. • • High data rate radio communications within the H.F. band ; Electromagnetic propagation in indoor & outdoor environment ; Artificial Intelligence Planning for video-games ; Cryptography, cryptanalysis, error correcting codes, steganography ; Dynamic Adaptation and re-configuration ; Dynamics of mechanical structures and materials under impact ; Numerical methods and instabilities ; Problem solving of differential equations. Fields of expertise The Defence Science and Technology Department provides expertise in : Producing knowledge : • Conducting research work with production of deliverables : simulators, demonstrators, scientific and technical reports ; • Organization of scientific exchanges between operational and industrial executives, and academic research fellows : seminars and conferences ; • Publishing in reviews and international and national conferences. Monitoring research and study programs : • Production and follow-up of contracts with defense manufacturers (EADS, Thalès, CSSI, …) ; • Multi-year programs with European and international academic partners (Bundeswehr University, Hamburg, Ecole Royale Militaire, Bruxelles, Faculté des Sciences de Rabat-Agdal, Morocco, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich…). Training engineering : • Hosting French and international trainees joining the Master’s degree program or Engineer courses ; • Joint Ph.Ds. Program coordinator 19 et 20 mars 2012 : Journées Codes et Stéganographie - 2e édition 6 au 8 juin 2012 : 5e Colloque « Mathématiques et Formation des Ingénieurs » Monsieur Yvon ERHEL Contact details Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan CREC Saint-Cyr Pôle Sciences et technologies de défense 56 381 - Guer Cedex Tél. : 02 90 40 40 40 Mail : M. Yvon ERHEL 31 The Saint-Cyr Foundation The Saint-Cyr Foundation began in 2006 from a realization that there were shared interests between the civilian and military environments. To work effectively together each culture must get to know the other, sharing experiences and knowledge. The state approved Saint-Cyr Foundation provides a platform through which this exchange in research and training can take place. The scientific council : The Scientific Council is directed by Ronan Doaré and aims to develop research and encourages cultural exchanges to benefit and promote the Saint-Cyr Academy. In order to achieve its objectives, the Scientific Council sponsors research between that of Saint-Cyr and other military, civilian, public and private research centres. It finances chairs of research and forms hubs of excellence. Exchanges between the various centres are stimulated by events, exhibitions, conferences and seminars. To learn more : www.f-sc.orf The training centre : As human relations are at the heart of soldering, SaintCyr devotes a large part of its training to giving young officers the skills which will enable them to lead those under their command and form cohesive teams. These skills are solicited by companies eager to train their managers how to better lead and manage their teams. The Saint-Cyr Foundation created a training centre to respond to this need, to share military expertise specifically in the domain of leadership with the prestigious French Universities and larger companies. The training centre provides courses specifically tailored to the needs of the client’s organization. They impart the technical and practical techniques which will allow business leaders to develop their leadership skills. These courses are based around practical simulations re-enforced with key messages and feedback which help participants achieve their maximum potential. The aspects covered : • Team work and cohesion ; • Self-knowledge and how to surpass one’s expectations ; • Operational management ; • Crisis and stress management ; • To companies in the defense industry, specific training courses which provide a detailed knowledge of the armed forces are offered. Contact : Saint-Cyr foundation 02 97 70 74 21 To learn more : www.f-sc.orf Partnership : You can support the foundation’s activities by suggesting research topics in the fields of science, law or sociology or by participating in the research centre. By donating to the military ceremony, the Triomphe, or by supporting the students in sport competitions you can contribute greatly to the life that the students at St-Cyr experience. Don not hesitate to contact us about your training requirements, we can design a course that specifically matches your objectives. To learn more : www.f-sc.orf 33 Project-based learning Our working capacity in support of corporate projects ! The Saint-Cyr military Academy is implementing an original teaching method by project development, based on active and responsive relationships with the corporate sector. The purpose of that method is to give full sense to academic training through commitment in ambitious projects ; the research is organized into teams of 4 to 6 Saint-Cyr cadets, supervised by teachers of the Saint-Cyr Research Center. Project organization : • • • • • Teams of 4 to 6 Saint-Cyr cadets ; At least 700 hours’ work for each project ; Projects extending over 1 or several years, possibly extended to the international semester ; 1 Academic tutor for each project ensuring partnership, cooperation with firms, assistance and supervision of cadets ; Projects suggested by firms, with certification of scientific and educational content by the Academy. Benefits to partner companies • • • Research work done on prospective subjects, opening to new fields of research, opportunities of research on ground-breaking subject matters ; Putting prospective French Army officers into contact with the corporate world ; Benefiting from Saint-Cyr cadets’ skills, instigated by university teachers working in the Academy Research Center. Financing • • • Tax-free contribution through the “ Saint-Cyr Grande Ecole ” development fund ; No remuneration paid to cadets ; Possible pay through training levy payment. Projects benefiting from the skills and structures of the military Academy • Research fellows ; • Laboratories and specific facilities may be used by project teams. For further information : Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Projets enseignement / CREC 56 381 GUER Cedex tél. : 02 90 40 40 04 37 Project-based learning 270 Saint-Cyr cadets are trained to the issues of management of men and organizations. They conduct research work on core strategic developments and current international relationships. Expertise capabilities in 63 major fields of implementation of social and political sciences : Economic intelligence French firms are facing security challenges at home as well as on their foreign sites. The point is to understand issues and enlighten choices. Defense and new technologies Robotization of the battlefield : economic, sociological and ethical aspects are being researched as this latest development is affecting warfare. Geopolitical expertise Changes in the concept of international borders within the Schengen area : sovereignty, security, intelligence are being researched as regards the consequences of those developments. Sociological research The purpose is to make it possible for disabled veterans to have jobs. This initiative deserves support from judicial and sociological research work so as to get better awareness of issues. Historical research The First World War centennial will be an occasion to draft an innovative synthesis of a kind which has yet not been published in France, and which will pave the way for the launching of a series of military history books supervised by the Academy’s History department. Legal expertise Radical changes currently affecting the nature of conflicts are an issue which should be addressed by international humanitarian laws. 210 Saint-Cyr cadets of the engineering sciences syllabus with a lot of motivation and availability are being trained so as to obtain an engineer’s degree. Expertise in 3 major fields of engineering sciences application : Electronics (image processing, sensors, propagation, telecommunications, laser technology, robotics, etc.) Mechanics (structure, dynamics of solids, propulsion technology, detonics, ballistics, aerodynamics, materials properties, etc.) Computer science (programming, database management, simulation, cryptography, security of IT systems, etc.). 39 International exchanges A reference training establishment of European and international scope As a top-level military academy, the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan establishment is steadily open to partnership with prominent universities, and is a prime example in the field of training for leadership. Training abroad and international exchanges are obviously crucial to young officers, who will always work within an international context, often in remote countries and among different cultures. An academy providing great opportunities Each year more than 30 countries show they have full confidence in France by sending their prospective officers to be trained in the Academy. Those cadets or trainees are always included within an intake of French cadets. The Bologna Process (Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees) facilitates exchanges (on a semester basis in particular) and ensures academic standards (ECTS credits). They can take part in military training periods : parachute training including jumping qualification, jungle, mountain and commando training. • • • • 1803 : first foreign cadet ; Some 3,000 foreign cadets trained during the 20th century ; 100 foreign cadets for long-term courses in the Academy ; 150 foreign cadets for 3 week- to 5 month-training periods in academic and military courses. Training abroad for all cadets All Saint-Cyr cadets attend a 3-month international training period abroad, thus performing research work, and producing a Master’s degree research paper. Cadets of the Combined Arms School attend a study course in a foreign country. Cadets of the Military Administration School perform a research mission in an EU country. Some cadets perform a degree-delivering training period abroad : parachute-jumping in Germany, Great-Britain, Italy or Spain ; military training in Great-Britain (Sandhurst). Each year, five French cadets are sent to Germany to attend the whole training cycle of German officers. • • More than 50 host nations ; 50 partner firms or universities. Multinational training exercises Multinational exercises train cadets to command in an international environment, as in the final exercise of RMA Sandhurst, which gathers British and French cadets for several weeks. A flourishing international network The Coëtquidan Research Center builds up numerous networks with international research workers in the framework of research center activities (Ethics and Legal Environment – Defense and European Security – Global Action and Land Forces – Defense Science and Technology). • • • Organization of an international symposium each year ; Organization of a dozen conferences each year ; The Center is a member of the Military Ethics Education Network. The Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academies favor the meetings which make it possible to improve training and cooperation. • • EMACS : European Military Academy Commanders Seminar ; ISODOMA : International Seminar on the Development of Military Academies. Numerous foreign delegations of authorities and/or cadets come to the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Academies to visit the campus and its facilities. 43 Devenez officier dans l’armée de Terre INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES WWW. DEVENEZ VOUSMEME .COM N° Azur 32 40 dites “ armée de terre ” PRIX APPEL LOCAL envoyez armée de terre au 53 321 0,20 € PAR SMS + COÛT EVEN T U EL O PÉR A T EU R INFORMATIONS TECHNIQUES Bureau concours DRHAT Case 120 - Fort Neuf de Vincennes Cours des Maréchaux - 75 614 Paris cedex 12 Fax : 01 41 93 34 41 Notes 45 NOUS CONTACTER Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan 56 381 GUER Cedex Tél. : 02 97 70 72 15