See my logs
See my logs
1 mar 10 bluehive@/scratch/mhuartee/PNwind-2dmhd-cool/successful-PNwind/ run2-AGBwind-NOjet-fastWind-NOionFrontTempRaise/ fig 1 The "line" behind the shoch should look more spherical. temperatureWind=constant=10000K but I was using temp_t before. densityWind propto 1/((dsqrt(vx**2+vy**2)*100000d0)) but it was propto 1/vamb**2 before. but was 100000 febore. I can see the problem from time=5cu Rerun: twind=temp_t, outFrames=15, finalTime=15: I dont see the inwards-moving shock. fig2 densWind=mDotT/10.d0*densFactor/vamb/((r*lScale)**2)/nScale/hMass was density = densFactor/(dsqrt(vx**2+vy**2)*100000d0)/((r*lScale)**2)/nScale/ hMass smooth1=.5; smooth2=.3 [was .4]; tpPN=.5; tPN = 3 [was 2] fig3 rerun, nScale=100000 [as for the working simul]; mx=400 [was 800]; wwind=40[was 33]. THE PROBLEM REMAINS. tempRaise=0 2 March 10 t=0 AGB. Imediatly after that the conditions are that for a short jet of 1.5 cu [160 yr]. Then, there is ONLY ONE TRANSITION to the fast stellar wind. See Perinooto etal. 04. So: tpPN=tUNUSED; smooth1=UNUSED; tPN=40; smooth2=.04; tempRaise=1; cflv=.4,.35,.05 vT=1000./(exp(-2*.05*(x-40 ))+1)+200. fig4 mDotT= -.5/(exp(-2.*.1*(x-20))+1)+.5 +0.00001 fig5 temp_t= 9000.d0*(1.d0/(dexp(-2.d0*.05*(time-40.))+1.d0))+1000.d0 fig6 sigma=0 density [wind] = mDotT*densFactor/vamb/((r*lScale)**2)/nScale/hMass => problem remains. temp rise happens at time>3cu run: tamb=10 K ; t_wind propto temp_t; finalTime=20.; tempRaise=0; nScale=100; cflv=.6,.5,.4 plan: resume from frame 20 with tempRaise=1 chombos at: martin@m_tssvlu:~/data/astrobear/bluehive/PNwind-2dmhd-cool/successfulPNwind/ run2-AGBwind-NOjet-fastWind-NOionFrontTempRaise/2mar10a run: twind=100K=constant; tempRaise=0. plan: resume from 20, twind=10000; tempRaise=1 3 mar 10 amr problems. Caused by wrong set of refinement parameters: Back to the spherical wind. No ionisation temp raise. BUNNY EARS? fig8 fig7 SWEEPdata, Method: was 1,1,0,1,2,0,0; is 1,1,0,2,0,0,0. ARE: qTolerance = .2 .2 ...; FillRatios = .5 .5 ... ; wwind=60. WERE:qTolerance = .5 .3 ...; FillRatios = .99 .99 ... ; wwind=40. nSacle =100; TempScale=1000; ViscCD = 2 tempRaise=0 => output: "setting method(4) = 1" [refers to SWEEPdataMethod component 4. quick reran with it being 1 and the error is no longer displayed.] comparison: fig9 run: SWEEPdataMethod(4)=1. Output the same as in fig9 right. run : SWEEPdataMethod(4)=0. output "setting method(4) = 1". Output the same as in fig9 right. run: SWEEPdataMethod(4)=1; SWEEPdataMethod(5)=2. Only diff with fig8 is that here wwind=60 while there wwind=40: fig10 SO, SWEEPdataMethod(5)=0 DON'T SEEM TO WORK WITH COOLING 4 mar 10 fig11 theories on the problem: bc @ proble.f90+lib/i_setbc.f90. I see increasing negative vx values behind the bunny ears idea: ambient region: 22: if ( vx(close to the boudary for ~2cells) vx<0) then vx(close to the boudary for ~2cells)=vx(close to the boudary for ~2cells for i-1) GOTO: 22 endif =============== /bearclaw/lib/i_setbc.f90: ... SELECT CASE(Info%nDim) CASE (1) CALL SetBC1(Info) CASE (2) CALL SetBC2(Info) ... SUBROUTINE SetBC2(Info) ... ! Left Boundary along dimension 1 SELECT CASE(Info%mthbc(1)) CASE (1) ! Zero-order extrapolation DO ibc=1,rmbc Info%q(1-ibc,:,1,1,:)=Info%q(1,:,1,1,:) END DO CASE (3,4,5) ! Solid-wall boundary condition DO ibc=1,rmbc Info%q(1-ibc,:,1,1,:)=Info%q(ibc,:,1,1,:) END DO IF (icylindrical==2 .AND. iSymAxis==1.AND.xLower(1)==0.) THEN ! Negate the normal velocity (assumed to 2'nd component) and the angular velocity (4th component): DO ibc=1,rmbc Info%q(1-ibc,:,1,1,2) = -Info%q(ibc,:,1,1,2) Info%q(1-ibc,:,1,1,4) = -Info%q(ibc,:,1,1,4) END DO IF (lMHD .AND.Info%mthbc(1)==3) THEN ! Negate the poloidal B field (B field in phi direction) DO ibc=1,rmbc Info%q(1-ibc,:,1,1,qb3) = -Info%q(ibc,:,1,1,qb3) END DO END IF ELSE ! Negate the normal velocity only (assumed to 2'nd component): DO ibc=1,rmbc Info%q(1-ibc,:,1,1,2) = -Info%q(ibc,:,1,1,2) END DO END IF ... ================ run: again: SWEEPdataMethod(4)=1; wwind=60. change: SWEEPdataMethod(5)=1; iCooling=0 output: sweep method not setup for method(5) == 1 (src1D). run: MaxLevel=1 to see if seatures in fig11 improve; iCooling=1; SWEEPdataMethod(5)=2 fig12 No cells with strange values of either vx or vy. Black density contour looks better. RESOLUTION WAS THE PARAMETERS THAT HELPED HERE. run: MaxLevels=2; finaltime=out_frames=15.; dtv=2e-3, 4.5e-2; cflv=.4,.35,.1. Bad cfl reports and NAN at ~ tnext=0.5536E+01 run: dtv=1e-3, 2e-2; cflv=.4,.35,.1.; result: bad cfl at 0.9716E+01. I stopped it. No sign of the uggly bubble in fig9 left. Bunny ears remain and I see spurious negative velocities: vx<0 close to both the bowshock and the -X boundary (left), vy<0 close to both the bowshock and the -Y boundary (bottom). Files at m_tssvlu@/home/martin/data/astrobear/bluehive/PNwind-2dmhd-cool/ successful-PNwind/run2-AGBwind-NOjet-fastWind-NOionFrontTempRaise/4mar10a run (A) : dtv=5e-4, 1e-2; cflv=.35,.3,.05. Also, PNwind.f90, line 505, b4PNwind in ambient region: aux(i,j,k,1,all)=q(i,j,k,1,all)=0.0d0 !if ( .and.*20 .and.& if (q(i,j,k,1,2).lt.0. ) q(i,j,k,1,2)= 0.0d0 & similarly for q(i,j,k,1,3) files at m_tssvlu@/home/martin/data/astrobear/bluehive/PNwind-2dmhd-cool/ successful-PNwind/run2-AGBwind-NOjet-fastWindNOionFrontTempRaise/ 4mar10b results: 5 mar 10 ideas: iProtect=1; iCylindrical=1; MUSCL instead of SWEEP; Modify either the ambs or the winds vel at angles ~0 or ~90 so that evolution of wind is changed. run: added a final loop array to kill p_i<0 only in grid cells@PNwind.f90. Register: PNwind.f90.5mar10. qTolerance = .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 [was .2 .2 ...]; mx =500^2 [was 400^2]; cflv(3)=.025 [was .05]. output: Bad CFL = 1.05846442240151 @ tnext=0.7979E+01 bunny ears still present and ~ 30cells long at y=1. dir: m_tssvlu:~/data/astrobear/bluehive/PNwind-2dmhd-cool/successful-PNwind/ run2-AGBwind-NOjet-fastWindNOionFrontTempRaise/5mar10 run: xLower=5. 5. 0. [was 0. 0. 0.]; mX=400^2 [was 500^2]; MaxLevel=1 [was 2] TO MAKE IT FASTER. output: NaN @ tnext=0.4629E+01; run: xLower=0. 0. 0. [was 5. 5. 0.]; iScheme=0; imhd=F SEGMENTATION FAULT. run: iScheme=1; imhd=T; iCylindrical=1. SIMUL IS MUCH SLOWER. run: using 16 procs instead of 32 because the W.Load report showed a lot of 0.00 values. Then, the simul ran faster for the first .1 cu and start slowing down afterwards, to the point where each timestep takes > 10sec to execute. tracer1 grows exponentially and it reaches ~3e6 @ t~.31cu. run: tracer*=1@PNwind.f90. Tracer1 is still > 10^4 and grows. run: iCylindrical=2; based on my webpage annotation from 15dec09. Tracer1 is still > 10^4 and grows and simul get terribly slow at~tnext=0.3346E+00 run: Commented the negative momenta killing commands at run (A), see above. 8 mar 10 I have two r507 in bluehive, one update and one built from scratch. r507-update. Manage to control de tracer fields growth (found when iCylindrical/=0) by adding q(i,j,k,1,nambtracer) = 1.0d0 q(i,j,k,1,nwindtracer) = 0.0d0 (8mar10-1) q(i,j,k,1,nshocktracer) = 0.0d0 at the ambient section. run: r507-new. Sim slows down without (8mar10-1). tracer ambient ~ 1e6; E~7e6 @ t~.33457. run, r507-new: cycle command below the i do loops in b4step, thus b4step does nothing to the q array. Sim didn't slow down. run, 507-new: iCylindrical=0. Sim is much faster. run, 507-new: iCylindrical=2; b4step {tracer wind=density@wind region; tracer amb=denity@amb region; negative momenta are not killed}. sim slows down from t=.15 on. run 507-new: windtracer=1 and abmtracer=0 at wind region; the tracers take the opposite values at the amb region. Sim speed starts fast but oscillates afterwards. fixed grid doesnt really help much. ========= run idem: iCylincrical=0; commented very last do loop at b4step; mintemp=2000. [was 1e-5]; maxlevels=1; mX=400^2. Sim much faster and constant velocity. 12 MAR 10 SEE DOCUMENT "icylindricaL /=0 debugging" run, grass: icylindrical=1; iprotect=1; mX=200**2; MaxLevel=1; MinTemp=10. fig3 12 mar 10 run, bluehive: same but mX=400**2; MaxLevel=0. fig4 SO THE FLAT SHOCK AT ~ 45DEG IS DUE TO MINTEMP. run, bluehive: MinTemp=5; mX=256**2;MaxLevel=2;decomposeMethod=0; decompopsition=4 4 fig5 fig6 SO THE MIN TEMEPRATURE IN THE GRID IS SET TO MinTemp*TempScale run, bluehive: MinTemp=.05 so that tamb=500K; TempScale=10000.K mX=256**2;MaxLevel=2;decomposeMethod=0; decompopsition=4 4 1; Resampling the velocities within the wind. 17 mar 10 Rewritten resampling and source term implementation with Jonathan. run, bluehive, 32 adams procs: mX=128^2 [was 256^2]; sample=8 [was 4]; MaxLevel=2 still;ViscCD=0 run, bluehive, 32 adams procs: Same as above but I've included momentum protections @ PNwind.f90. run, bluehive, 32 Adams p: same but mX=512^2 [was 128^2] 19 mar 10 ============================================ run, bluehive, 16 Adam's p: same but iProtect=0. => more than 1000 steps report from the src from tnext=0.1060E+01. The problem remains. ============================================ run, bhive,