Top up your oil with Mobil 1 Why yo your oi When t How to
Top up your oil with Mobil 1 Why yo your oi When t How to
Top up your oil with Mobil 1 How, when and why Why Why you you need need to to check check your your oil oil regularly regularly Thanks Thanksto toadvances advancesininengine enginetechnology, technology,today’s today’s cars carsare areexceptionally exceptionallyreliable reliableand andcan cango gomuch much further furtherbetween betweenservices servicesthan thanearlier earliermodels, models,often often thousands thousandsof ofmiles milesfurther further. . Of Ofcourse, course,that’s that’sgood goodnews newsfor foryou you. .But Butititdoes does mean meanthat, that,it’s it’smore moreimportant importantthan thanever everto tocheck check your youroil oillevel levelregularly regularlyand andtop topititup upwhen whennecessary necessary. . IfIfyou youdon’t, don’t,you’re you’retaking takingaareal realrisk riskwith withyour your engine’s engine’shealth health. .As Asthe theoil oillevel leveldrops, drops,the theremaining remaining oil oilininyour yourengine enginehas hasto towork workharder, harder,becoming becomingdirtier dirtier and andwearing wearingout outfaster fasterwith withthe theresult resultthat thatyour yourcar’s car’s performance performancewill willstart startto tosuffer suffer. .Not Notmuch muchfurther further down downthe theroad, road,your yourengine enginewill willbe beininreal realdanger dangerof of increased increasedwear, wear,overheating overheatingand andeven eventotal totalseizure seizure. . When When to to check check your your oil oil Ideally, Ideally,you youshould shouldcheck checkyour youroil oilweekly, weekly,as as recommended recommendedby bymost mostcar carmanufacturers manufacturers. .IfIfthe theoil oil level leveldrops dropsfrom frommaximum maximumto tominimum minimumafter afterless lessthan than 1000 1000miles miles(1500 (1500km), km),you youshould shouldhave haveyour yourengine engine checked checked. .Oil Oilconsumption consumptionisisdifferent differentfrom fromone onecar carto to another anotherand andfrom fromone onedriving drivingstyle styleto toanother another. . How How to to check check and and top top up up your your oil oil 11. .Park Parkon onaalevel levelsurface, surface,turn turnoff offthe theengine engineand andwait wait for for3-4 3-4minutes minutesto toallow allowthe theoil oilto tosettle settle. . 22. .Find Findthe thedipstick, dipstick,pull pullititout, out,wipe wipeand andre-dip re-dipbefore before taking takingyour yourreading reading. . 33. .IfIfititisisless lessthan thanmaximum, maximum,check checkthe thefill fillguide guideto to find findout outhow howmuch muchyou youneed needto toadd add. . 44. .Remove Removethe theoil oilfiller fillercap capon ontop topof ofyour yourengine, engine,add add the theright rightamount amountof ofoil oiland andreplace replacethe theoil oilfiller fillercap cap after afterthe theoil oiltop topup up. . 55. .Wait Wait60 60seconds secondsto toallow allowthe theoil oilto todrain draininto intoyour your engine, engine,then thenre-dip re-dipto tocheck checkthe thenew newlevel level. .Add Add more moreoil oilififnecessary necessaryand andreplace replacethe theoil oilfiller fillercap cap. . The The difference difference between between the the maximum maximum and and minimum minimum levels levels on on your your dipstick dipstick is is at at least least 1/2 1/2 litre litre.. But But itit does does vary vary depending depending on on the the make make of of car car.. IfIf in in doubt, doubt, check check your your car’s car’s handbook handbook.. Your Your Mobil Mobil Top-Up Top-Up pack pack contains contains 11 litre litre.. Mobil Mobil Mobil111 The The Theworld’s world’s world’sleading leading leading synthetic synthetic syntheticmotor motor motoroil oil oil Throughout Throughout Throughoutits its its40-year 40-year 40-yearhistory, history, history,Mobil Mobil Mobil111has has hasbeen been beenat at at the the theforefront forefront forefrontof of ofautomotive automotive automotivelubrication lubrication lubricationinnovation innovation innovation ... Constantly Constantly Constantlydeveloped developed developedto to toexceed exceed exceedindustry industry industrystandards, standards, standards, Mobil Mobil Mobil111isisisthe the theworld world worldleader leader leaderinininthe the thefield field fieldof of ofsynthetic synthetic synthetic motor motor motoroil oil oilwith with withan an anoutstanding outstanding outstandingheritage heritage heritage ... Advanced Advanced Advancedengine engine engineprotection protection protectionfor for foroptimum optimum optimum performance performance performance No No Nomatter matter matterwhat what whatcar car caryou you youdrive, drive, drive,Mobil Mobil Mobil111isisisthe the theone one one engine engine engineoil oil oilyou you youcan can canrely rely relyon on onfor for forall all allthese these theseimportant important important reasons reasons reasons ::: •••Enhanced Enhanced Enhancedfuel fuel fueleconomy economy economy •••Increased Increased Increasedwear wear wearprotection protection protectionfor for forlong long longengine engine enginelife life life •••Formulated Formulated Formulatedto to tohelp help helpkeep keep keepcars cars carsrunning running runninglike like likenew new new •••Outstanding Outstanding Outstandingcleanliness cleanliness cleanlinessand and anddeposit deposit depositcontrol control control •••Fast-starting Fast-starting Fast-startingat at atlow low lowtemperatures temperatures temperatures •••All-temperature All-temperature All-temperaturedurability durability durability •••Great Great Greatcatalyst catalyst catalystefficiency efficiency efficiency •••Helping Helping Helpingto to toreduce reduce reduceengine engine engineemissions emissions emissionspotentially potentially potentially lessening lessening lesseningenvironmental environmental environmentalimpact impact impact The The Thepremium premium premiumbrand brand brandthat that thatcan can canhelp help helpyou you youto to tosave save save money money money The The Theadvanced advanced advancedformulation formulation formulationof of ofMobil Mobil Mobil111that that thatcan can canhelp help helpto to to conserve conserve conserveenergy energy energyand and andcan can canreduce reduce reducefuel fuel fuelconsumption, consumption, consumption, as as aswell well wellas as asengine engine engineemissions, emissions, emissions,by by byreducing reducing reducingfriction friction friction ... What’s What’s What’smore, more, more,improved improved improvedengine engine engineprotection protection protectioncan can can translate translate translateinto into intosavings savings savingson on onmaintenance maintenance maintenancecosts costs costs ... The The TheOne One One . .Whatever .Whatever Whateveryou you youdrive drive drive Mobil Mobil Mobil111meets meets meetsthe the thehighest highest higheststandards standards standardsof of ofcarmakers carmakers carmakers and and andthe the thepetroleum petroleum petroleumindustry industry industryworldwide worldwide worldwide . .That’s .That’s That’swhy why why itititisisisfitted fitted fittedas as asoriginal original originalequipment equipment equipmentinininsome some someof of ofthe the the world’s world’s world’sfinest finest finestvehicles vehicles vehiclesincluding including includingPorsche, Porsche, Porsche,MercedesMercedesMercedesBenz Benz Benzand and andAston Aston AstonMartin Martin Martinand and andisisisrecommended recommended recommendedby by by aaahost host hostof of ofmanufacturers manufacturers manufacturersincluding including includingBMW, BMW, BMW,Saab, Saab, Saab, DaimlerChrysler DaimlerChrysler DaimlerChryslerand and andVolkswagen. Volkswagen. Volkswagen. Older, Older, Older,higher-mileage higher-mileage higher-mileagevehicles vehicles vehiclesalso also alsobenefit benefit benefitfrom from fromthe the the added added addedprotection protection protectionof of ofMobil Mobil Mobil111 . .And .And Andit’s it’s it’ssuitable suitable suitablefor for for both both bothpetrol petrol petroland and anddiesel-engine diesel-engine diesel-enginepassenger passenger passengercars cars cars ... TM Mobil Mobil 11 with with SuperSyn SuperSynTM The The utlimate world’s utlimateleading anti-wear anti-wear system system synthetic motor oil TM Mobil Mobil11with withSuperSyn SuperSynTM combines combinesanti-wear anti-wearadditives additives and andaacombination combinationof ofhigh-performance high-performancefluids fluidsthat thatare are Throughout its 40-year history, Mobil 1 has been at engineered engineeredto toprovide provideoutstanding outstandingengine engineprotection protection. . the forefront of TMautomotive lubrication innovation . The TheSuperSyn SuperSynTM anti-wear anti-wearsystem systemisisat atthe thecore coreof ofthis this Constantly developed to exceed industry standards, formula formula. .Instead Insteadof ofbreaking breakingdown downininextreme extremehighhighMobil 1 is the world leader in the field of synthetic TM stress stressat athigh-temperatures, high-temperatures,the theSuperSyn SuperSynTM anti-wear anti-wear motor oil with an outstanding heritage . system systemactually actuallyexcels excelsunder underthese theseconditions conditions. . Advanced engine protection for optimum TM Mobil Mobil11with withSuperSyn SuperSynTM : :superior superiorto toconventional conventionaloils oils performance ininthese thesevital vitalareas… areas… No matter what car you drive, Mobil 1 is the one engine oil you can rely on for all these important reasons : Conventional Mobil11 • EnhancedConventional fuel economy Mobil TM lubricant lubricant SuperSyn SuperSynTM • Increased wear protection for long engine life • Formulated to help keep cars running like new • Outstanding cleanliness and deposit control Heat Heat Thickens Thickens • Fast-starting at low temperatures resistant resistant at atextremely extremely atatextremely extremely high high • All-temperature durability high hightemperature temperature temperature temperature • Great catalyst efficiency • Helping to reduce engine emissions potentially lessening environmental impact Viscous Viscous Pourable Pourable atatextremely extremely low low The premium temperature temperature atatextremely extremely low low brand that can help you to save money temperature temperature The advanced formulation of Mobil 1 that can help to conserve Sludge Sludgeenergy and can reduce fuel consumption, deposits Clean Clean . as deposits well as engine emissions, by reducing friction after after after after What’s more, improved engine protection can 20,000 20,000km km 20,000 20,000km km translate into savings on maintenance costs . The One . Whatever you drive Developed Developedtoto Mobil 1 meets the highest standards of carmakers Normal help helpreduce reducefuel andNormal the petroleum industry worldwide . That’s why fuel fuel fuelconsumption consumption consumption consumption it is fitted as original equipment in some of the world’s finest vehicles including Porsche, Long MercedesLongdrain drain Benz and Aston Martin and is recommended by inin May Maynot not be besuitable suitable intervals intervals for forvehicles vehicles with accordance accordancewith with a hostwith of manufacturers including BMW, Saab, long-life long-lifeextended extended manufacturers’ manufacturers’ DaimlerChrysler and Volkswagen. drain drainintervals intervals requirements requirements Older, higher-mileage vehicles also benefit from the added protection of Mobil 1 . And it’s suitable for both petrol and diesel-engine passenger cars . Mobil1 0W-40 Engineered for the latest engine technology, Mobil 1 0W-40 with SuperSyn is the ultimate, high-performance synthetic engine oil . The outstanding added value of Mobil 1 0W-40 • Enhanced fuel economy • Increased wear protection for long engine life • Formulated to help keep cars running like new • Outstanding cleanliness and deposit control • Fast-starting at low temperatures • All-temperature durability • Great catalyst efficiency • Helping to reduce engine emissions potentially lessening environmental impact It also meets or exceeds the following specifications API SJ/SL/SM/CF ACEA A3/B3 & A3/B4 Approved and recommended by the leading car makers Mobil 1 0W-40 exceeds the engine oil requirements of BMW, SAAB and Volkswagen (VW) Group . Mercedes-Benz and is initial fill for all MercedesBenz AMG vehicles . It is approved by Porsche as the initial fill and recommend for service fill . These engine oil recommendations are a general guide only, for specific model please refer to vehicle handbook. Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 is an advanced performance engine oil designed to provide exceptional cleaning power, wear protection and overall performance . Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 has been expertly engineered to help prolong the life and maintain the efficiency of Car Emission Reduction Systems in both diesel and petrol powered automobiles . The outstanding added value of Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 • Enhanced fuel economy • Contributes to prolong the life and maintain the efficiency of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF’s) and petrol Catalytic Converters (CAT’s) • Meets the requirements for extended service intervals* • Engineered for diesel and petrol engines* • Outstanding wear protection • Excellent high and low temperature performance • Helps improve protection against sludge (*) refer to OEM specification and owner manual . Meets or exceeds the following specifications API CF ACEA C2/C3, A3/B3 & A3/B4 Meets the following engine test requirements ACEA A5/B5 API SL/SM These engine oil recommendations are a general guide only, for specific model please refer to vehicle handbook. How Howdiesel dieselparticulate particulatefilters filterswork work The Theprinciple principlebehind behindall alldiesel dieselparticulate particulatefilters filtersisisthe the same same: :they theycollect collectsoot sootparticles particlesand andcombust combustthem themat at electronically electronicallycontrolled controlledintervals intervals. . Discharge Discharge of offiltered filtered exhaust exhaust gases gases Diesel Dieselparticulate particulatefilter filter Exhaust Exhaustgases gases from fromengine engine Ashes Ashes Soot Soot To Toensure ensurethat thatdiesel dieselparticulate particulatefilters filtersoperate operate efficiently, efficiently,ititisisimportant importantthat thatash ashdeposits depositsfrom fromthe the oil oilare arekept keptto toaaminimum minimum. . Mobil Mobil11ESP ESPFormula Formula5W-30 5W-30has hasaaspecial speciallow lowash ash formulation, formulation,ensuring ensuringthat thatdiesel dieselparticulate particulatefilters filters continue continueto tooperate operateat attheir theiroptimal optimallevel level. . Frequently Asked Questions 1 . What’s the difference between a fully synthetic and a semi-synthetic motor oil ? All motor oils are made up of base oils and additives . Fully synthetic motor oils contain 100% nonconventional, high-performance fluids . Semi-synthetic oils (also called “blends”) contain a smaller percentage of these high-performance fluids in combination with conventional oil . Mobil 1 is a fully synthetic motor oil . 2 . What makes synthetic motor oil superior to conventional motor oil ? The performance of synthetic oils, and in particular Mobil 1, is more robust, especially in terms of lowtemperature pumping and flow, and high-temperature stability and protection against deposits . These attributes translate directly into less engine wear and longer engine life . Conventional oils also contain much greater amounts of impurities, such as sulfur, reactive and unstable hydrocarbons, and other undesirable contaminants that cannot be completely removed by conventional refining of crude oil . 3 . Is it true that new engines need break-in periods using conventional motor oil ? That is a myth . In the past, engine break-in was necessary to remove any metal flashing (called swarf) or abrasive material left inside the engine after machining, as well as to allow the valves and rings to “seat” properly . Today’s engines are built with much tighter tolerances, much improved machining and under much cleaner conditions compared to the engines of 10 or 20 years ago . Current engine manufacturing technology does not require a breakin period using petroleum-based motor oils . In fact, Mobil 1 is chosen as the standard factory-fill for many leading vehicle manufacturers such as Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, Aston Martin and many more . So Mobil 1 is often used in a car, even before you drive it off the showroom floor . 4 . Is it okay to mix conventional oil with Mobil 1 ? Yes, Mobil 1 is fully compatible with conventional motor oils, semi-synthetic motor oils and other synthetic motor oils should it be necessary to mix them . However, the superior performance of Mobil 1 will be reduced by diluting it . 5 . Is it okay to mix brands of oil ? Yes, Mobil 1 fully synthetic oils are fully compatible with other brands of oil . No flushing is required . 6 . What’s inside the oil that can help it accomplish all these tasks ? Oil is made up of basestocks and additives . Additives are the ingredients in oil that take it beyond basic lubrication and help it perform specific functions . 7 . Can I use an oil supplement and/or engine treatment with Mobil 1 ? We do not recommend it . If the oil you use meets the specification required by your vehicle manufacturer, then this eliminates the need for supplemental engine oil additives . Considering the comprehensive testing and engineering that has gone into Mobil 1, nothing can be gained by using these supplements. 8 . What is viscosity and why is it important in motor oils ? Put simply, viscosity refers to the ‘thickness’ of a fluid . ‘Thin’ or low viscosity fluids flow easily – water is a good example . On the other hand, honey is an example of a ‘thick’ high viscosity fluid . However, the viscosity of a fluid isn’t always constant . It changes with temperature . For example, motor oil becomes thicker when cold and thinner when hot . The technology used in engine oils tries to combat this viscosity change to ensure that at high temperatures it remains thick enough to form a protective film on engine parts and at low temperatures it remains thin enough to quickly flow to the critical engine parts . . What does “multigrade” referoiltowith ? Mobil 1 ? 49 . Is it okay to mix conventional Multigrades multi-viscosity oilsconventional that have Yes, Mobil 1 isare fully compatible with beenoils, designed to perform over oils a wider motor semi-synthetic motor and range other of temperatures than olderit ‘monograde’ . synthetic motor oils should be necessaryoils to mix Multigrade oilsthe aresuperior identifiedperformance by two SAE of (Society them . However, Mobil 1 ofbe Automotive Engineers) designations will reduced by diluting itgrade . e .g . 0W-40 . The lower number in front of the ‘W’ 5 . Isindicates it okay to mix brands of oil the oil’s viscosity in ? cold temperatures – Yes, Mobil 1 fully synthetic oils arethe fully compatible the lower the number the better oil’s ability with other brands of oil . No flushing is required . to flow . Similarly, the second part of the viscosity grade indicates the oil’s viscosity in hot 6 . What’s inside the oil that can help it accomplish temperatures – the higher the number the thicker all these tasks ? the oil film . Oil is made up of basestocks and additives . 10Additives . Can I use the Mobilin1oil products areany the of ingredients that takeinitmy vehicle, irrespective its help age ?it perform specific beyond basic lubricationofand Since every Mobil 1 product has been formulated functions . to provide exceptional performance and 7 . Can I use anyou oil supplement protection, could use anyand/or of our engine Mobil 1 treatment with confidence, Mobil 1 ? whatever the age of products with We do vehicle not recommend it .you If the oil not youexperience use your . However, may meets the specification required by your by vehicle all the benefits that could be provided using manufacturer, then thisfor eliminates the need a product optimised your particular agefor and supplemental engine oil additives . Considering design of engine . Always consult your owner’sthe comprehensive testing and engineering that has manual to check the recommended specification gone into Mobil for your vehicle1,. nothing can be gained by using these supplements. 8 . What is viscosity and why is it important in motor oils ? Put simply, viscosity refers to the ‘thickness’ of a fluid . ‘Thin’ or low viscosity fluids flow easily – water is a good example . On the other hand, honey is an example of a ‘thick’ high viscosity fluid . However, the viscosity of a fluid isn’t always constant . It changes with temperature . For example, motor oil becomes thicker when cold and thinner when hot . The technology used in engine oils tries to combat this viscosity change to ensure that at high temperatures it remains thick enough to form a protective film on engine parts and at low temperatures it remains thin enough to quickly flow to the critical engine parts . ©©2008 ©2008 2008 Exxon Exxon Exxon Mobil Mobil Mobil Corporation Corporation Corporation Specialities Specialities Specialities Europe Europe Europe The The The Mobil Mobil Mobil and and and ExxonMobil ExxonMobil ExxonMobil logotypes logotypes logotypes are are are registered registered registered division division division ofofof ExxonMobil ExxonMobil ExxonMobil trademarks trademarks trademarks ofofof Exxon Exxon Exxon Mobil Mobil Mobil Corporation Corporation Corporation ororor one one one ofofof its its its Petroleum Petroleum Petroleum &&Chemical, &Chemical, Chemical, bvba bvba bvba subsidiaries. subsidiaries. subsidiaries. The The The term term term “ExxonMobil” “ExxonMobil” “ExxonMobil” isisused isused used for for for convenience convenience convenience Polderdijkweg Polderdijkweg Polderdijkweg only only only and and and could could could refer refer refer tototo Exxon Exxon Exxon Mobil Mobil Mobil Corporation Corporation Corporation ororor one one one BBB2030 2030 2030 Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp ofofof its its its affiliates affiliates affiliates as as as the the the case case case may may may be. be. be. Other Other Other logotypes logotypes logotypes and and and Belgium Belgium Belgium trademarks trademarks trademarks are are are the the the property property property ofofof the the the respective respective respective owners. owners. owners. For For For more more more information information information visit visit visit us us us atatat 06.08.12.EN.GB 06.08.12.EN.GB 06.08.12.EN.GB ExxonMobil ExxonMobil ExxonMobil Lubricants Lubricants Lubricants &&&