October 2015 Cuby News
October 2015 Cuby News
shire website. Thank you to local people who have already sent in their photos but more are needed! Please drop a copy of your photos off to the Shire office or if you would prefer, contact Libby or Michelle on 98836036, they will be happy to visit and digitally record your old photos. Memorabilia: The Shire of Cuballing is collating photos for a historical collection to be displayed on a October 2015 For the communities of Cuballing, Popanyinning and Yornaning Seeding at Rosedale about 1912 Photos courtesy of Libby Newman and Narrogin Museum When farming was a real family affair Harvesting on Rosedale, located on the Great Southern Highway, about 2 km south of Cuballing town, about 1912 Prohibited Burning Period from the 1st of November 2015 until further notice 1 Sharna Harvison Nail Technician & Beauty Therapist (Esthetician) 0400 607 030 harvisonsalive.com.au or facebook.com/CubyBeauty Poker Run 2015 All About You Beauty The Poker Run 2015 attracted over 80 entries this year. The event, held on the 24th of October, went without incident and all of the participants had a fabulous time. After the event, back at the Cuballing Tavern, there was a slight drama with the band having double booked without notification. However, grateful thanks go out to DJ Watkins, who saved the night by coming in at the last minute to save the day by providing the entertainment for the crowd. The Poker Run 2015 would not be able to be held, if it wasn’t for the generous support of local businesses in Narrogin and Cuballing, competitors, donations and volunteers . An amount $4800 was raised, with still more money coming in, and with two raffles still to be completed. Look forward to the Poker Run 2016 and reserve the date for a day of fun and entertainment, as well as healthy competition! Cuby News Next edition: 1st week in December Deadline: Last week of November Editor: Deb Hopper-Wood JP Contact: 0419941512, 98499116 dhopper@westnet.com.au Produced by Deb Hopper-Wood, on behalf of the Popanyinning Progress Association, and printed by the Shire of Cuballing 2 Council Election Results The results of the Shire of Cuballing’s local government election held on 17th October 2015 were: Deb Hopper 86 votes Dawson R Bradford 115 votes Roger DJ Newman 136 votes Tim Haslam 114 votes Therefore the following were declared as have been elected as Councillors for the Shire of Cuballing for four years to 2019: Roger DJ Newman Dawson R Bradford Tim Haslam At a Special Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 20th October 2015 the three new Councillors were sworn in and made their declarations of office. At the same Special Meeting Cr Mark Conley was re-elected unopposed as Shire President. Cr Conley will serve a 2 year term as Shire President until after the 2017 Council elections. Cr Eliza Dowling was also elected unopposed as Shire Deputy President. Cr Dowling takes over as Shire Deputy President from Cr Roger Newman. Cr Newman had served as Deputy President since 2009. COUNCILLOR CONTACTS Cr Mark Conley…….…0417 503 343 mjmconley@westnet.com.au Cr Eliza Dowling……...0488 775 095 t.w.dowling@bigpond.com Cr Scott Ballantyne…..0418 814 761 gunnastay@bigpond.com Cr Dawson Bradford….0427 877 055 hillcroftbradford@gmail.com Cr Tim Haslam………..0429 112 976 haslams1@bordernet.com.au Cr Roger Newman….. 0428 836 036 accounts@lintonparkfarms.com UPCOMING COUNCIL Shire Notes At their October 2015 Meeting Council approved a 10 Year Road Construction Program. The plan featuring the major Shire roads can be viewed on the Council website. The Family Movie Night under the stars on the Cuballing oval will again be held in December. More details to follow. During November the Shire has planned resealing works on some town Office Opening Hours: Monday—Thursday, 8.30am—4.30pm Friday, 8.30am—4.00pm streets in both Popanyinning and Cuballing. Beeston Street, Ingram Street, Carton Street, Cuballing Street, Gerrard Street and York Street will be resealed. The Shire of Cuballing is now on Facebook. The latest information and links can be found on the Shire of Cuballing’s face book page. Please check it out or leave a comment. MEETINGS Thursday, 19th November 2015 Thursday, 17th December 2015 Thursday, 18th February 2016 All meetings are open to the public and will commence at 3:00pm with fifteen minute Public Question Time at the commencement of each meeting. PO Box 13 Cuballing WA 6311 Ph: 08 9883 6031 enquiries@cuballing.wa.gov.au www.cuballing.wa.gov.au 3 POPANYINNING SCHOOL Public Meeting 7pm Wednesday 11th November 2015 at the Popanyinning Town Hall At their Ordinary Council meeting held on Thursday 15 October 2015 the Shire of Cuballing again discussed the future of the Popanyinning School. At the meeting Councillors considered a nine public submissions received from interested locals. The public submissions highlighted: eight of the nine written submissions received favoured retaining the School; seven submissions suggested retaining the building because of it is a heritage building in Popanyinning. Several of the submissions were from residents who had attended the school; five of the submissions believed that the cost was reasonable or was a worthwhile investment; five of the submissions didn’t identify an use for the School on the current site. submission supported using the building as a Church. three submitters identified that if demolishing the building was an option, any funds raised should be reinvested into Popanyinning. Children’s playgrounds were the preferred activity. two submitters suggested private sale with relocation of the building would be an option. The relocation of the School to the railway reserve in the Popanyinning main street would provide another tourist attraction; two submitters requested that Council continue to liaise with the community over this matter. The Popanyinning Progress Association requested that a public meeting be held to discuss the Popanyinning School with the broader community. One The Council formally decided at the meeting to: 1. note the submissions set out in Attachment 9.2.3C and request that staff respond to the submitters thanking them for their submission; 2. conduct a public meeting on Wednesday 11th November 2015 at the Popanyinning Town Hall to further discuss: a. Council’s intention to consider the demolition of the Popanyinning School; and b. new and alternative community uses for the Popanyinning School that would make the renovation of the Popanyinning School a beneficial activity for Council; c. the possible sale of the Popanyinning School to a private individual and what conditions Council should consider in any sale; 3. request staff to provide information on the possibility of private purchase of the Popanyinning School site or building for a private purchase; and 4. consider at a future meeting of Council the proposed demolition of the Popanyinning School. The Shire of Cuballing Minutes are available at the Shire office and on the Shire website. These minutes contain a copy of all the public submissions received, the quotations to complete work on the School building by the local builder and the report on the School Building completed by the Shire in 2012. Office Opening Hours: Monday—Thursday, 8.30am—4.30pm Friday, 8.30am—4.00pm 4 PO Box 13 Cuballing WA 6311 Ph: 08 9883 6031 enquiries@cuballing.wa.gov.au www.cuballing.wa.gov.au Kerbside Rubbish and Recycling Collection The Shire of Cuballing will improve and expand the waste management services in the Shire of Cuballing over the next year. The reasons for making these changes are : 4. introducing a voluntary kerbside rubbish and recycling collection service next year. The rubbish pick-up would occur weekly and the recycling fortnightly. to improve and make more efficient the waste management services provided to local residents; and to ensure that the Shire complies with the requirements of it’s waste management licences both now and for the foreseeable future. The final cost for each service will depend on the number of people who take up a collection service. The more services being delivered will reduce the cost for each individual service. It is expected that each service will cost up to $150 each. If the Council is able to buy the service at a lower rate this will be passed on to residents who choose to purchase a service. The changes include: 1. constructing a waste transfer station in Cuballing in early 2016 and closing the Cuballing landfill. The Transfer station will be constructed on the site of the Cuballing Landfill using a $30,000 grant obtained with other local governments in the region. The only change for residents will be to drop off their waste into skip bins at the Transfer Station rather than on the ground at the landfill site. The waste collected in the skip bins will be transferred by sealed rubbish truck to another landfill site in the region once each week. This collection could occur more often if required. A waste transfer station has much less issues with feral animals and windblown waste. There will be no changes to the recycling collection that currently operates at the site. 2. constructing a waste transfer station in Popanyinning in 2016/17. Until 2016/17 no change in operation will take place. 3. manning both the Popanyinning and Cuballing Landfill/Transfer Station sites. Supervision of waste disposal will improve recycling and ensure that waste is disposed in ways that comply with the Shire’s licence. Office Opening Hours: Monday—Thursday, 8.30am—4.30pm Friday, 8.30am—4.00pm At this time the Shire has no plans to make this service compulsory. The service would be cheaper to residents if it was compulsory, because the Shire would be permitted to not charge GST on the service. The Shire expects to commence the service in March or April 2017. Those people who are interested will need to advise the Shire that they are interested in due course. The regulations around waste disposal are becoming increasingly complex and more costly to implement. The Shire had hoped that the proposed Regional Waste Disposal Site at Nebrikinning Road would assist in meeting the compliance issues associated with waste management and the costs of the site would be shared amongst the seven participating Councils. If this site is ever approved it will be a considerable time. The Shire of Cuballing will continue to work with neighbouring Councils to establish a better, long term, compliant and cost effective waste management solutions for local residents. PO Box 13 Cuballing WA 6311 Ph: 08 9883 6031 enquiries@cuballing.wa.gov.au www.cuballing.wa.gov.au 5 Funding Opportunity Changing Landscapes Peel-Harvey Community Environment Grants for on-ground action are now open! Grants up to $50,000 available for more information: www.peel-harvey.org.au or phone: 6369 8800 Closing date is Monday 30 November 2015* at 10am *EOIs close 12 November 2015 at 10am This project is supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme 6 Funding opportunities The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council (PHCC) is pleased to announce their inaugural round of Community Environment Grants under the National Landcare Programme. Community groups and individuals can apply for up to $50,000 for on-ground works. Projects must focus on on-ground activities that maintain or enhance threatened species habitat, threatened ecological communities, migratory species, regionally significant species habitat (or communities) or the ecological character of the Peel-Yalgorup Ramsar site. Total funds of $150,000 are available across two levels of grants: 1. Up to $10,000 for projects to be completed by 30 September 2016. 2. $10,001-$50,000 for 1-3 year projects to be completed by 30 March 2018. PHCC’s Community Environment Grants are designed to support local communities to undertake projects that protect and enhance natural assets in accordance with the region’s NRM strategy – Bindjareb Boodja Landscapes 2025 - and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program objectives. Expressions of interest for the larger grants close 10:00am, Thursday 12 November. All applications are due by 12 noon, Monday 30 November. Guidelines are available on Peel-Harvey Catchment Council’s website www.peel-harvey.org.au Safe end to the Burning Season Last Saturday, the Popanyinning Volunteer Fire Brigade carried out its last controlled burn for the season. With the weather conditions more than perfect, we were able to successfully burn two town blocks. As a new member I was thoroughly impressed at the standard of safety, guidance and team effort that everyone displayed. Well done everyone! Even a little help goes a long way. Great to see young members of the community (Hayden) sign up and be involved. So, now starts the fire season; may it be ‘a quiet one’ for Popanyinning and surrounding communities. Let’s keep safe and look out for each other!!! Christine Whitmore Cuby Tavern Events for November Special 29 November: Johnny Taylor Sunday session 6 - 9 pm th Now taking bookings for Christmas functions New menu & pizza menu Weekend bookings advised & appreciated 9883 6032, or facebook Cuballing Hotel Wanted to Lease Land for cropping I am interested in talking to any local resident who has arable land available for cropping from next season. Willing to pay up to $60 per arable acre . Call Darrel Phone: 9887 5321 Mobile: 0497555961 Cuballing: Opening times: Monday: 3pm - late Tuesday - Saturday: 12 - 12 Sunday: 12 - 10 Lunch: Tues -Sun 12 - 2 Dinner: Everyday 6 - 8 Every Thursday: $15 pensioner LUNCH. Bookings essential - you must present your pensioner card Bookings essential - you must present your pensioner card 7 Cuballing Refuse Site Open Hours Saturday Sunday Monday 11.00am – 5.00pm 10.00am – 5.00pm 8.00am – 1.00pm Popanyinning Refuse Site Open Hours Saturday Sunday Monday 8.00am – 5.00pm 8.00am – 5.00pm 8.00am – 1.00pm The refuse sites will be closed Anzac Day, Good Friday and Christmas Day. Popo Shop & Food Van Dryandra Pony Club Notes One hundred competitors descended on Cuballing on the weekend to compete in the Dryandra Pony Club Two Day Event. The event consisted of a dressage phase on Saturday and cross country and show jumping phases on Sunday with riders competing at five different heights from 45cm to 1.05 metres. Local clubs were well represented with junior riders from Dryandra, Wagin and Pingelly Pony Clubs and adult riders from Dryandra Regional Equestrian Association. Generous sponsorship from Dowlco Transport and Ballards of Narrogin Van Hours: Monday - Friday: 6am - 6pm Saturday: 7am - 2pm Sunday: 8am - 1pm Don’t forget to try the Popanyinning Best Burger with the lot (winner of Radio West Best Burger) and Fish and Chips Phone orders: 98875033 Come and giver the new Post Office a go! QB RENOVATIONS CIVIL and CONSTRUCTION Bobcat , Tip truck , Backhoe and Crane truck 8 0408226662 provided beautiful embroidered rugs for the winners in each class. Local riders in the placings included Chloe Edwards placing first in the 1.05m class on Bindarees Leroy Pictured below, left) and 3rd in the 95cm class on Bindarees Macca. Charlotte Skerritt on Asti Ignition placed 4th in the 95cm pony club class. At 80cm Joslyn Dowling on Digger placed 2nd and Dan Wiese (pictured below) on Karlinda Gus placed 6th in the 14 and under pony club class and Katrina Reynolds on Phoenix Quill placed 2nd and Cassie Andrew on Falcons Temptation placed 4th in the 15 and over pony club class. In the open 80cm class Sarah Wiese on Tyrooki Star Billing placed 4th and Sarah Haynes on Noran Country Pride placed 5th. In the 65cm 15 and over pony club class Chloe Blight placed 4th on Gordon Park River Dancer. The event provided an opportunity to showcase the fantastic facilities at Dryandra Regional Equestrian Park and to raise significant funds towards the development of the purpose built show jumping arena currently under construction at the grounds. Despite the weather, there was a great turn out for the Opening day of tennis on the 18th of October, with as many kids as adults hitting the courts. There were 15 kids who showed up and thanks to Jodie and Bevan George, all enjoyed some ANZ “Hot Shots” action. The seniors enjoyed a few rounds of tennis before the weather halted play, which gave rise to a relaxing refreshment or two to end the day. Sunday the 25th saw a roll up of 14 seniors and 9 kids, who once again were able to enjoy some “Hot Shots” action. Thank you to Sportspower Narrogin, who made an appearance with some racquets to test out. Halloween weekend was celebrated with the BANKWEST sponsored day. Orange was the dominant colour on the day. A great day was had by all, both seniors and juniors, and there were many prizes awarded for playing –(including a “Hit the Squirrel or Bankwest Pig”task) as well as dressing up. Thank you to Gavin for this day, we really appreciate the efforts he puts in for the rest of us to enjoy a social game of tennis. Winners were Carol Potts and Tim Short on a count back from the ever youthful Barry Harris and Justin Fox. FOR SALE Tennis News Best dressed was undoubtedly Justin Fox and best dressed Junior was Kelsy Sprigg. Everyone took home something and all enjoyed a great day of tennis. Wednesday night pennants has begun and Cuby are not travelling well in the results area, but it is great to play some good quality tennis against other Clubs. Unfortunately we have gone down in all matches ,but we are struggling with injuries at the moment, so if there is anyone out there who would like a game of tennis on a Wednesday evening please give Gavin a call and volunteer. (0407 386 299) All of our games during November are at home in Cuballing so no travel issues there. Social tennis on Sundays hits off at about 3.10 pm so please arrive by Wendy Wittwer 3.00 to get organised. We play a few rounds, have arvo tea, play a few more then unwind with a refreshment or two while those who are still keen, hit on. So as you can see we are very social and encourage any new faces to come along and join in the action. Over the month of November there is a wrapped can tournament, and a few other activities planned for the social Sundays, before we move into December and some Friday night tennis as the weather warms. A reminder to like out facebook page (Cuballing Tennis Club) to keep up to date with all the action at our Club. Gavin will be keeping this page up to date with up coming events and activities so please follow the page to stay in touch. House on 5 acres in Cuballing Three Bedrooms, activity room, jarrah kitchen and floors, verandas all around, views, large powered shed, very reasonable price. Phone: Ian 0458 290945 9 Cuby’s Roll of Honour Author: Stephen Bowes (Popanyinning) George Herbert Watson Opposite the former Western Australian Bank building in Alton Street, Cuballing, is a serene and pretty garden, which has as its centrepiece the Cuballing War Memorial. The memorial features a blue granite pedestal, one face of which lists the names of those men of Cuballing and Yornaning who died on active service during The Great War, whilst other faces list those additional men who came forward to serve Country, King and Empire. When the Memorial was unveiled by Dr Mackie in 1921, over 300 people travelled by train from Narrogin to join the Cuballing community for the ceremony. This simple single pier encapsulates precious concepts sometimes forgotten: service and sacrifice. George Herbert Watson was born in Mount Gambier in the late 1880s and came to Western Australia in 1902 with his parents, George and Alice (nee Johnston) and his brothers and sisters. His father, a Scotsman, took up virgin land on Yornaning East Road to establish a farm, which he called ‘Nilgherry’, a name which the property bears today (see photo on page 12). Young George was a 27 year old single farmer, of Presbyterian faith when he applied to enlist in the AIF in November, 1914. He took his Loyal Oath at Blackboy Hill on January 4, 1915 witnessed by Lieutenant Mansfield. His medical examination recorded that he was just under six feet tall, he weighed 147 pounds and had dark complexion, blue eyes and black hair. He was deemed fit for active service subject to having his teeth attended to. Subsequently, he was assigned to the 3rd Reinforcements, 11th Infantry Battalion and was to serve in D Company. George sailed with this group of reinforcements on HMAT Itonus A50 from Fremantle on February 22, joining the 11th battalion at ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli on May 7, 1915. By the beginning of May, the battalion was badly in need of reinforcement, due to heavy casualties sustained in the landing, and numbered only 450 officers and men. On May 19, the Turks attacked along the whole front at Anzac in an attempt to drive the invaders off their narrow beach head. This assault was successfully repelled and was followed by the May 24 armistice, when both sides emerged from their lines to bury the dead lying in No Man’s Land. Turks and ANZACs fraternized for a short time (between 7.30 am and 4.30 pm), exchanging greetings, small gifts and souvenirs before returning to their respective firing lines. On May 28, the 11th supported the 9th in an attack southwest of Lone Pine. On July 31st, 200 men under Captain Leane attacked enemy trenches from Tasmania Post. The successfully captured position was known as Leane’s Trench from then on. In this action, 36 men were killed, including Harold Laycock (on the Popanyinning Roll of Honour). The 11th repelled a heavy attack on August 6th in which the enemy attempted to take back Leane’s Trench. However, it remained in ANZAC hands until the end of the Gallipoli campaign. In late August, George became ill on the Gallipoli Peninsula and reported to the 1st Field Ambulance. He was transferred to the 1st Australian Casualty Clearing Station (CCS), who shipped him to the 25th CCS on the Greek Island of Imbros. On August 28, he was placed aboard the Hospital Ship ‘Gascon’, disembarking at Alexandria on September 1, where he was admitted to the 1st Auxiliary Hospital Heliopolis. As he recovered strength in Egypt, George was transferred to the Australian and New Zealand Convalescent Hospital at Helouan on October 16. Five weeks later, he was considered well enough to be discharged back to duty with the 11th Battalion. After seven months service on the Gallipoli Peninsula, the 11th Battalion had been withdrawn to Lemnos Island for six weeks rest and recovery. As winter closed in, conditions on Lemnos were bleak. The soldiers, who had cut down uniforms to cope with the heat of summer on Gallipoli now found themselves exposed and unprotected from bad weather. (Continued on page 12) Cuballing (Cuby) Roadhouse .... The Cuballing Post Office is now computerised and offers a full range of: Overnight payment of bills Fuel card applications Cuballing Store and Post Office Firearm applications Open Mon to Sat 6am to 6pm. Sun Closed. Department of transport payments Traffic Infringements We offer: Cheap fuel, Hot food, Cold drinks, Cigarettes, Daily Money orders papers, Weekly magazines, Groceries, Greeting cards, Gift Phone and Internet recharge lines, Car batteries, Hardware and lots more.. Parcel and mail postage We accept Country fuel cards with no added charges Banking service...Deposits / withdrawals Takeaway Fish and Chips Tuesday and Friday nights from 5pm / balance is changing with the times Don’t wait in lines during your lunch hour, come to the Cuballing Post office after work without all the rushing around. 10 Steve and Karen look forward to seeing you Photo Competition The Blackwood Basin Group’s is proud to announce that the WaterBird Project’s Photo Competition is now open! With the theme of Wonderful Wetlands and Bountiful Biodiversity there is no limit to subjects to photograph in our picturesque area of the world. The competition runs from the 21st September - 2nd November 2015. The four categories are: • Junior 0-12 years • Young Adult 13-25 years • Adult 26+ years • People’s Choice Award Entrants are allowed to enter up to a maximum of five images. Each electronic image should be saved and named with your first and last name, underscore, brief image subject, and .jpg. (Example: JohnDoe_fox.jpg). Email entries to our office by 2nd November 2015 or call into the office with the file saved onto a USB stick. Each image must be accompanied by an entry form; if you are submitting multiple entries, you only need to fill out the Photo details and Agreement. Photos will be displayed at Tasty Edibles café for a week from 9th – 13th November 2015 where the People’s Choice Award will be open for voting. Photos will also be on display at the Waterbird Project Open Day on 14th November from 9am – 11.30am, if weather permits. For further information, please contact Project Officer Joby Rand on 9765 1555. Independent Scentsy Consultant Taryn Aurisch is available for parties in the Great Southern. Contact her now to book your party or ask her for a current catalogue. Phone: 0403 534 827 facebook: The Sixth Scents with Taryn; Email: thesixthscents@hotmail.com Or order via the online parties: https://tarynaurisch.scentsy.com.au 11 Lions Club Fund Raiser Drop off you old Batteries to McDougall Weldments, Cuballing or phone Gordon to arrange pickup. Ph. 98836020. Local JP Illness began to blight the depleted ranks of tired, emaciated men, including cases of diphtheria and meningitis. The camp was put into quarantine. The 11th Battalion sailed from Lemnos bound for Alexandria on January 4 aboard ‘Lake Michigan’ and ‘Empress of Britain’. Back in Egypt once more, George’s health took a sudden turn for the worse. He was reported dangerously ill on February 7, when admitted to the 4th Auxiliary Hospital, Abbassia, this time stricken with meningitis. He died on February 15, 1916. The personal effects of Private George Herbert Watson were dutifully returned to his father at ’Nilgherry’, Yornaning through the services of (Continued from page 12) the Thomas Cook Company. They consisted of letters, military book, bible, shaving brush, handkerchief, disc, leather belt and photos. Shortly after George’s death, his younger brother, James Harrold Watson, sailed from Fremantle as an officer in the 16th Battalion, bound for the Western Front. He was to survive the Great War. LEST WE FORGET (Acknowledgements: Evelyn Roots: ‘Numbat Country’; James Hurst: ’Game To The Last’; Ian Gill: ‘Fremantle To France’. Throughout this series of biographies, the author will rely heavily on the websites of The Australian War Memorial, The National Archives of Australia and The Commonwealth War Graves Commission) I am a Justice of the Peace, living and working in Popanyinning, and am available for witnessing signatures, swearing of documents and certifying copies of documents. There is no charge for this service and I am available at most times, including weekends and public holidays. Deb Hopper-Wood JP 7540 0419941512 Cuballing Uniting Church Our beautiful little 100+ year-old church has history, strong community ties and though we are few, our welcome is warm. We conduct our own services, based on simple Bible teachings, relating them to our own experiences of the joys and problems of every-day life. Come and join us at our weekly 9 am Sunday service. Bring the children – we have trained and certified (Working With Children) Sunday School teachers. George \Watson’s place of residence before his enlistment - Nilgherry Farming for You Share farming, Fire Breaks, Stock Transport, Fencing, Fertilizer spreading, Stock Management, Labour hire, HC License, Organic farming, Care taking, Pilot Escort, Contract Hay (large & small), Crops sown & harvested, Water carting, Stock feed mixes (yours or mine), Tractor hire, Ride on mower, Ground preparation, Chemical spraying. I will work with you and your ideas. ABN: Registered. Call Darrel Phone: 9887 5321 Mobile: 0497555961 5 acres to 500 acres, no job too big or too small 12 Cuballing Golf Club Morty Wanted The Final Chapter 2015 The end of the season has come to a end with a fiery end. The usual Saturday night had the members gagging for air with the fun and games of the wind up for the 2015 Golf season. A brave few played 13 holes (Ambrose), then sat down and had a beverage reflecting on how good or bad they had played over the season. Some of us turned up round 4 pm to just have a drink, while others just graced us with their presence for trophy’s and bbq tea . The winners grinned and told of how they pulled off the championships, and others just smiled and clapped. Well done to all the trophy winners for 2015. The Club also jammed an AGM into the equation. The Guardians of the club didn’t change much, so next year the same old faces will still be smashing that white ball around and around and looking after you. By this stage all were getting a bit hungry so the old donated bbq came out and blazed into life. Now I should watch what I say here because when I say blazed into action....... yes folks the bbq flamed up with a fat fire and nearly burnt the club down. Now you are asking the question For all your General Building and Maintenance : • Walls removed • Openings created • Doors Repaired • Built-in Wardrobes • Sagging Ceilings • Patios & Pergolas • Bathroom Renovations Qualified Local Tradesman with 40 years experience Phone Stuart for Quality Workmanship at Competitive Prices - did the bbq finish the grub, and yes it did with fast thinking, getting the bbq out onto the lawn and flame grilling the steaks and snags, oh and Deb’s chicken all was saved in time. All those present enjoyed the meal and while we were sitting down, the smell of the flame was all we could remember. The night rolled on with stories of how it was and the Cuballing Golf Club is now reloading for next year to make sure our hospitality is still shown through the golfing world. Thank you to our members, sponsors, the supporters of our game and all of our helpers over the year. I am currently building a passive solar dwelling in Popanyinning and require stone to build an internal gabion wall to add to the thermal mass. I require granite rocks (not large boulders) and building rubble to fill the mesh cages. If you are able to assist please ring Graeme on 0476 660 306 or email vk6lv@bigpond.com All available material will be picked up at your convenience. Cheers to everyone Please remember that the club operates over summer with the place still having patrons enjoy our lovely play ground. All are welcome and remember Golf is the Greatest Game Ever invented. Keep Hitting The President Cuballing Golf Club Time to polish and clean the clubs ready for next season! Your Avon Valley Nursery is seeking orders for the 2015 season. For all your maintenance and General Building Repairs Phone Stuart on 9887 5254 or 0407723157 For Quality Workmanship at Competitive Prices Early bird discount of 5% applies till the end of November. 40 & 88 cell trays or single tubes Range of tall, mid & low plants or tell us which species you want Annual bulk order of tree guards E-mail lisa@talbotnursery.com.au for a catalogue or phone 9646 1716. 13 Looking for hydraulic repairs: We have the answer!!hose fittings and hoses made to your requirements. Call into McDougall Weldments in Cuballing, or call us on 9883 6020 Relay for Life Breakfast Optometrists and Contact Lens Consultants Stephen Bowes BSc(Syd) BOptom(NSW) Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Serving this Community since 1985 Monday, Tuesday & Friday Suite 4, 2 Williams Road, NARROGIN Phone: 9881 2288 Wednesday & Thursday 173 Clive Street, KATANNING Phone: 9821 1600 email: familyeyecare@westnet.com.au Team Crackers had our Cancer Council Relay for Life breakfast fund raiser on Sunday the 4th of October at The Gate Bar and Bistro in Cockburn. 136 ladies came and we raised $4,300!!! So far our team has raised $6,400 this year to go to the Cancer Council – go Team Crackers!!! Deb Dillon, Popanyinning “Rabbit Trap” A unique, but not recommended variation of a rabbit trap was exhibited in Popanyinning last week. A local resident “caught” this bunny whilst travelling along the highway. Pity about the bumper damage! The rabbit was cleaned and cooked and fed to the dogs. POPANYINNING DANCES Help - I can’t hang on - you’re going too fast! 2015 Dance Dates Saturday 21st Nov Two Special Events: •Christmas Dance Saturday 19th Dec •New Year’s Eve Dance 31st December Popanyinning Hall, Francis St Popanyinning, where dancing starts at 8pm with live musicians going till late. Entry Fee is $10 per person or $25 per family with raffles and door prizes to be won. Unsure if you can remember the steps? Come along, join in and you will soon recall the pleasure of dancing. 14 These family dances are organised by the Popanyinning Progress Association and all funds raised are used for future community projects, like the Bonfire and Fire Works Night. First for Cuballing Left: Three happy graduates from the Monroe Institute Excursion Workshop at the first of its courses to be run in rural Western Australia - and that was in Cuballing! DENTIST Smiles In Narrogin 98815573 Shop 7, Bintamilling Arcade, Egerton St, Narrogin Consciousness Explorers from Fremantle and Bickley travelled to the CWA Rooms in Cuballing, to attend the first Two Day Monroe Institute Excursion Workshop to be held outside Perth and only the fifth to be held in Western Australia. During the Workshop, presented by Outreach Trainer Elaine Bowes-Lamb, participants undertook a series of meditation exercises featuring the Hemi-Sync® audio technology patented in the 1970s by the founder of The Monroe Institute, Robert A. Monroe. Short for “hemispheric synchronization”, Hemi-Sync® works by sending a complex blend of sounds to each ear, via stereo headphones. The brain integrates the two signals and produces a sensation of a third sound, called the binaural beat. The binaural beat is neurologically conveyed within the brain and initiates changes in brainwave activity. Hemi-Sync® technology incorporates specially blended frequencies that move brain waves to different frequencies, which in turn, manipulate consciousness. The Explorers experienced two ‘states’ of consciousness, labelled by Bob Monroe as Focus 10 – Mind Awake, Body Asleep and Focus 12 – the State of Expanded Awareness. Profit from the Workshop will go to Cuballing CWA, which is currently fund raising for research into and support of sufferers with Motor Neurone Disease. Anyone interested in acquiring further information, can contact Elaine on tmiperthandregionswa@ gmail.com or 0408 919 768. Wool Buying Auction Sale On farm Oddments Prompt Payment Kyle Gumprich Mob: 0428 112 830 Fax: 9881 1208 Email: kyle@wcw.com.au Proudly WA Owned & Operated Malicious Farm Damage The Cuby News has been receiving reports of malicious farm damage being done in the shire. These include cutting of paddock fences, loss of animal stock, loss of farm materials and equipment, sabotaging of electric fences and roaming dogs being involved in sheep attacks. If you have any information of similar incidents, please report these to the Narrogin Police, or call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000. 15 Community Notices Sporting Club Fixtures/Events The Cuballing Shire website now features Fixtures and upcoming events for the Golf Club, Cricket Club and Tennis Club. Go to the Public Notices Tab and follow the link. The Cricket Club publishes its own newsletter. This is also available on the website in The Cuby Newsletter Tab. To view information or upcoming events for the Dryandra Regional Equestrian Centre, please click on the Dryandra Regional Equestrian Centre Tab and Follow the links. Do you want to have a say in “Cuby News”? It is free. Send an email to dhopper@westnet. com.au or call me on 0419941512. Cuballing Men’s Shed Meets every Tuesday from 9 am to 12 pm Everyone is welcome, no matter your level of skill - come and share and learn. The Men’s Shed is located at the back of the Old Post Office in Cuballing. Popanyinning Progress Association (PPA) The PPA meets at 6.30 pm on the last Wednesday of the month at the Popo Hall. Come along and help make your community stronger. Hay for Horses Sweet, new season hay, small bales, oaten and triticale available. $10 delivered in Cuby Shire Phone Barry: 0439945453 Hotham Ridge Winery Enjoy a fresh home-made lunch with organic wines, in Wandering just a short drive from Cuballing. Call to book: 98841521 www.hothamridge.com.au 16 Advertising Advertising is now being accepted for publishing in the Cuby News. We will publish all community events and functions for free, as well as Wanted and For Sale ads (small and concise only). Business advertising will be published at a cost of $5 per month for small ads. We have no immediate plans to publish half or full page adverts for businesses, as the newsletter is primarily a community communication newsletter. Cuby News is produced by the Popanyinning Progress Association in association with the Shire of Cuballing, for the communities of Cuballing, Popanyinning and Yornanning. Printed by the Shire of Cuballing. Want to advertise? Contact Deb on 0419941512 or dhopper@westnet.com.au and ask. Come Old Time Dancing Want to re-live the old time dances where you hold your partner and move together? Come and join in at the dances at the Popanyinning Hall. They are held on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Ask Jenny or Sam at the Popo shop for details. Tickets at the door - $10 pp Cuballing Town Bush Fire Brigade The Cuballing Town fire Brigade will be holding a general meeting Bootscooting Monday nights at Cuballing Hall at the Fire shed on Wednesday from 7 - 9pm, with beginners at 5.30 the 19th of August 2015 at 6pm all members past and present - 6.30pm. Contact Lynnelle on welcome. 0467271552 for There will be a cook up on the bbq, further details. and the fire going to keep warm. New members also are invited to come along so don’t be shy both Cuballing and Popanyinning Brigades are always looking for new blood we are only a small crew but more hands make light work. Our cause is to SAVE, PROTECT,AND PRESERVE LIFE. More than just tea For any queries please call the Cuballing Shire Office on 9883 6031 and scones Anthony Mort Chief Bush Fire Control Officer 0429 898 214 Cuballing CWA Notes ‘A VOICE FOR COUNTRY AND CITY WOMEN’ THE CWA NEED YOU! We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 9.30am. Annual membership costs $65. Any funds raised are donated locally to help in our community. Come along and enjoy the fun and outings. Contact Jan 9883 6244, Helen 9883 6052 Popo Town Volunteer Fire Brigade Meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Fire shed, Popo, @ 5.30pm New members are always welcome - especially for those of you who are under 40!!
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cuby news february 2015
are both smitten with our little creation.
Thank you to everyone for your love
and support especially the Popo crowd.