PDF instructions - Salt Spring Unitarians
PDF instructions - Salt Spring Unitarians
P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 Fax (602)532-7449 AzBill@PossessionStudios.com PDF Instructions How to create professional PDF files for pre-press. ©2003 Possession Studios. All rights reserved worldwide. Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Table of Contents Introduction Introduction ....................................................................2 Basic PDF Guidelines and Potential Problems...................3 Acrobat Distiller 4.0 setup ...............................................5 Acrobat Distiller 5.0 setup ...............................................6 PDF Creation in Mac QuarkXPress 5.0 .............................7 Export to PDF Filter .......................................................9 PDF Creation from PC QuarkXPress ...............................11 PDF Creation from Mac Pagemaker 6.5 and 7.0............12 PDF Creation from PC Pagemaker 6.5 and 7.0 ..............13 PDF Creation from PC InDesign 1.5...............................14 PDF Creation from Mac InDesign 1.5 ............................16 PDF Creation from PC/Mac InDesign 2.0.......................18 PDF Creation from Mac Illustrator 10.0 .........................20 PDF Creation from Mac Photoshop 7.0 .........................21 This set of instructions is not intended to replace the manual for your software. It is intended to help you to create PDF files that can be used for pre-press by most commercial printers. Some printers may have slightly different requirements. History PDF was initially created as an Adobe internal project to allow documents to be distributed through the company and displayed on the various computer systems in use there. In 1992 the commercial version of Acrobat was announced at Comdex, the file format went through several releases until Acrobat 4.0 was released in 1999. Acrobat 4.0 was the first version fully useable for a Pre-press environment. Today Additional Help Acrobat and the PDF file format are in use for more than just Pre-press. Government and corporations are using PDF to distribute; annual reports, forms, advertising, and other publications. Software manufacturers are including a PDF of the instruction manual instead of printing and shipping. Book publishers are exploring the security features of the latest versions to sell eBooks. We are using PDF to make your printing job a much smoother experience. Production Software: Adobe Acrobat, Pagemaker, InDesign, Illustrator & Photoshop http://www.Adobe.com/ QuarkXPress http://www.Quark.com/ Preflight Software: Enfocus PitStop Professional http://www.enFocus.com/ Callas PDF Inspektor http://www.CallasSoftware.com/ Adobe InProduction http://www.Adobe.com/ PDF and Pre-press The great advantage of PDF is in you, the customer, not having to collect the various components of your job for delivery to us. You create the PDF file and just deliver that. A secondary benefit is in the PDF being mostly WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). You don’t have to worry about text reflowing, or having fonts go bad, if it PDF’s correctly it should run correctly. The difficulty is in learning how to make good PDF files, that is what this document helps to address. Good luck and if there are any questions, comments or problems, contact Possession Studios. 2 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com ✔ Image resolution. For resolution, we are looking for 1.5 to 2.0 times the line screen of the job. Contact your printer for that information. As a general rule though, 300DPI at final size will work. If you know what paper your job prints on, you can also consult the chart on the next page. Basic PDF Guidelines and Potential Problems PDF creation is not an especially difficult or complicated task. However there still are a few places where problems can occur. ✔ Export to PDF. Export to PDF from InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop don't use the Distiller to create the final PDF. Not using Distiller can cause unpredictable font issues. The exception to this is InDesign 2.0 it’s export function is as reliable as using Distiller. ✔ Image color. If your images are color, they need to be CMYK without any ICC profiles embedded in them. Sometimes ICC profiles can cause a CMYK image to appear in Acrobat as LAB color. This will not print correctly. ✔ Acrobat Distiller 4.0 or newer must be used. The earlier versions of Acrobat didn’t embed the “Base 14 fonts”. If you are using Acrobat 4.0, there is a free update to 4.05 available from Adobe, it fixes some resolution related difficulties in 4.0. ✔ Grayscale Tiffs colored in PageMaker won’t separate correctly. You will have to use CMYK tiffs instead. ✔ PDF files placed as art. Generally, PDF files placed in your page layout program will not re-PDF correctly. Either the fonts won’t be correctly embedded, or the graphics will have some strangeness to them. This will depend on how the original PDF was created. ✔ The Document size is not correct. Most commercial printers rarely print a job at 8.5x11 much more common sizes are 8.375x10.875 or 8.25x10.75. If your source document isn’t built to the correct size, the final output may not be quite the way you are expecting it to look. ✔ Spot colors. PDF files don’t always handle spot colors correctly, the solution is to replace the spot color with Magenta or Cyan. If your job prints 5 colors on the same form, contact your printers. PDF may not work. ✔ Bleed. We ask for .25” bleed. If you send files with less bleed, we may have a difficult time with your job on press or in the bindery. ✔ The color palette. Remove all unused colors from the palette, and make sure that all colors are converted to process. ✔ Type too close to trim. The errors that bleed is designed to compensate for go in both directions; as a result we ask that you don’t place anything important closer than 1/4” from trim, especially type. If the type is within 1/4” of trim, it is possible for it to be cut off. ✔ Fonts. Occasionally a font will not embed, without the fonts embedded, we will not be able to print your PDF correctly. ✔ Number of pages. While we can accept single page PDF files, the preferred method is to try and send us as few files as possible. If you can save your entire job into 1 PDF that would be preferable. For any correction pages, single page PDF files are fine. ✔ Crop marks. For Quark and InDesign users, make sure that crops are turned off. For Pagemaker users, if your job bleeds, you have to have crops on. Without crops, the bleeds won’t show. ✔ Images too dark. One of the things that we normally check is the tonal range of your images. If they are too dark, we let you know and/or adjust them. With PDF files, we can neither check or alter the images. We are looking for halftones that have approximately a 3% highlight dot, and an 88% shadow. Color images should be 270% total ink coverage, and approximately a 75% black in the shadows. ✔ PDF file failed to be created. Look in the directory that the PDF file was being created in for a .log file. This file can be opened in any text editor, and should hold some clues as to why the PDF wasn’t generated. The single biggest reason that we have seen, is that you don’t have both the printer and screen fonts for a font, and it can’t embed. If this happens, try to find the missing component, or change the font. Guidelines and Potential Problems 3 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com ✔ Color Management. In general color management features will cause problems with Acrobat, it tends to convert color managed documents to either RGB or LAB Color, neither of which will separate correctly. These may seem like a lot of potential problems to look for, but you are doing a good deal of the work that we would normally do. With the limited editability built into the PDF format, you are ensuring your job will run smoothly. ✔ Test files. Before your first PDF job, contact your printer, and try to arrange sending a couple of pages in for us to test. This allows us to check to see if anything is going to cause us problems, and to let you know, before it is crunch time and your job is due, but it won’t run, or you can’t even create the PDF files. ✔ Hard Copy. After creating your PDF files, you want to generate a final set of hard copy to send. The other use of this hard copy is to double check that nothing strange happened while creating your PDF files. ✔ If you are using PageMaker 6.5 and Windows 2000 or Windows XP please remember that PageMaker 6.5 is not certified to work with these operating systems and you may get unreliable performance. One of the most common issues is fonts not being sent to Distiller properly the workaround is to not treat Acrobat Distiller like a printer. Instead, please refer to the Macintosh instructions for the correct procedure. Remember to use Acrobat Distiller 3010.106 as your PPD. Even then, it may not work, the most reliable solution will be to purchase the PageMaker 7.0 upgrade. ✔ To further check to see that everything was done correctly, there are products that preflight PDF files. Enfocus PitStop, Callas PDF Inspektor, and Adobe InProduction. Currently PitStop is less expensive, and you can download a 30 day fully working trial copy from their website. InProduction has a trial via eMail. PDF Inspector is an application we have tested but not used at all, it is the most limited of the options. Paper Line Screen Gloss Matte Opaque Offset E-Cal Newsprint Rebrite 150 150 133 120 120 100 100 Guidelines and Potential Problems 4 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Acrobat Distiller 4.0 setup The default Job options in Acrobat Distiller can be adjusted to whatever specifications you need. With the Press Optimized Job Option selected, go to Settings > Job Options. Under the General Tab, set Compatibility to Acrobat 4.0, Resolution to 2400 dpi, and Binding to Left. Generate Thumbnails is optional, it will make your PDF file larger, with thumbnails for ease of navigation, this setting does nothing for us. Under the Color Tab, uncheck “Preserve Overprint Settings”, this will fix the trapping issues our RIP sometimes has. Make sure that Leave Color unchanged is checked, this will ensure that Distiller doesn’t add any color profiles, this could change the colors in your file. Under the Compression Tab uncheck all of the Bicubic Downsampling buttons, this will leave the resolution of your images untouched.Leave the compression settings on automatic and Quality at Maximum. Under the Advanced Tab, uncheck the “Preserve OPI Comments” box. Under the Fonts Tab, make sure that Subset all fonts below 100% is checked, this will force the font to embed correctly. When embedding fails should be set to Cancel Job, so that if the fonts don’t embed properly, the job will fail to distill, and a log file will be generated. With all of these sections, please make sure that your settings match the provided images. Distiller 4.0 Setup 5 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Acrobat Distiller 5.0 setup Under the Compression Tab uncheck all of the Bicubic Downsampling buttons, this will leave the resolution of your images untouched.Leave the compression settings on automatic and Quality at Maximum. The default Job options in Acrobat Distiller can be adjusted to whatever specifications you need. With the Press Optimized Job Option selected, go to Settings > Job Options. Under the General Tab, set Compatibility to Acrobat 4.0, Resolution to 2400 dpi, and Binding to Left. Embed Thumbnails is optional, it will make your PDF file larger, with thumbnails for ease of navigation, this setting does nothing for us. The other settings can be left alone. Under the Fonts Tab, make sure that Subset all fonts below 100% is checked, this will force the font to embed correctly. When embedding fails should be set to Cancel Job, so that if the fonts don’t embed properly, the job will fail to distill, and a log file will be generated. Acrobat Distiller 5.0 Setup 6 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Under the Color Tab, change the Settings File to Color Management Off. This will prevent Acrobat from applying any ICC color profiles to your images that may alter the expected color. Uncheck Preserve Overprint Settings, Preserve Undercolor Removal, and Preserve Halftone Information this will further prevent any unusual color shifts and allow your job to be trapped correctly. Under the Advanced tab, Uncheck Illustrator Overprint Mode and Preserve OPI Comments. Everything else should be set as indicated below. With all of these sections, please make sure that your settings match the provided images. Acrobat Distiller 5.0 Setup 7 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation in Mac QuarkXPress 5.0 Setup Tab, choose the Printer Description file based on the version of Acrobat installed on your computer, the Printer Description for Acrobat 4.0 is just called Acrobat Distiller. Paper width and height should be .5” larger than the document size, the document size plus .25” for bleed. In the example below, I set the document up as 8.375x10.875, and the paper size for the PDF is 8.875x11.375. There are 2 methods of creating PDF files from Mac Quark, the first method is to go through the Print Dialog boxes to create a PostScript(.PS) file, then to Distill the file into a PDF. The second method is to use the PDF export filter that can be downloaded from the Quark website. This method creates the .PS file and makes the PDF file in one seamless step. Quark settings common to both methods Make sure that any bleeds in your document are set to .25”. Consult with your printer to determine the final size of your document, and build the Quark page to that size, if we have to reduce or enlarge the PDF, it could cause problems with bleed or images cutting off. Set the Trapping Preferences to Knockout All. Remove any Unused Colors, and ensure that all colors are specified correctly. Print Dialog Boxes Method Under the Document Tab, make sure that registration is off, and bleed is set to .25”. DO NOT turn separations on, we need to get the PDF files as composite, our RIP will do the separations and trapping. If either Registration or Separations are on we won’t be able to work with your PDF file. Spreads, Thumbnails, and Tiling should also be off. Under the Output tab, set Print Colors to Composite CMYK, Halftoning to Printer, and Resolution to 2400. If the resolution is set to less than 2400, it is possible that some of your images may PDF at a lower resolution than you would expect. PDF Creation in Mac Quark 8 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Options Tab; Turn the Quark Postscript Error Handler on, and pictures should be set to Normal, Binary, Include Images. Page Flip Should be set to none, and Negative Print, should be off. Depending on your PostScript driver, this next screen will look somewhat different, it will also be named slightly differently, again depending on PostScript version. The general idea for this screen is to have the PostScript level set to one that contains Level 2, Data format set to Binary, and Font Inclusion set to All. The font inclusion is extremely important, without it being set to all, your PDF won’t have any embedded fonts. Once you are satisfied that these settings are correct, press the Printer button, this will bring up another set of print dialog boxes. This is where you specify that you want a .PS file. Once you have successfully saved your .PS file, open in in Acrobat Distiller with the correct Job Option selected. Once Distiller is finished processing the .PS file, it can be deleted. Check your PDF carefully, there are several tools available for checking PDF files, “Enfocus Pitstop” and “Adobe InProduction”. In the first screen, set the Destination to File. Export to PDF Filter This filter must be downloaded from the Quark web site. Once the filter is properly installed, the export function can be found under the Utilities Pulldown menu. All the following screens can be found by pressing the Preferences button. PDF Creation in Mac Quark 9 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com The Document Info tab doesn’t really have any settings that must be changed to create a working PDF. The Job Options tab should be set so that the filter does NOT override Distiller's Job Options. The Hyperlinks tab should have all the items unselected. The Output tab is where all of the important settings are made. Set the Printer Description to Acrobat Distiller, leave Separations and Use OPI unchecked. Registration should be set to Off and Bleed set to Symmetric with an amount of .25. This bleed setting will add .25” to each dimension of your document. if it is created tot he correct size, your will get a PDF that is sized correctly. Once Distiller is finished processing, check your PDF carefully, there are several tools available for checking PDF files, “Enfocus Pitstop” and “Adobe InProduction”. PDF Creation in Mac Quark 10 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation from PC Quark Output Tab; Print colors set to Composite CMYK, Halftoning set to printer, and resolution set to 1200 or greater. PDF creation from PC Quark is essentially a 1 step process. You do not want to use “Acrobat PDFWriter” this is only good for creating PDF files suitable for screen viewing. The first step is to choose the Job Option you created for use with your printer, the rest of the work is done directly in Quark. After ensuring that your document is created to the correct size, and the bleeds are all set to at least .25”, and trapping is set to Knockout All. Under the Document Tab choose Acrobat Distiller as the printer, and set bleed to .25”( if your document bleeds on any page). Registration and Separations must be off. Registration marks will interfere with the bleed, and our system needs the PDF files to be composite in order to trap correctly. OPTIONS TAB; Turn the Quark Postscript Error Handler on, and pictures should be set to Normal, Binary, Include Images SETUP TAB, choose the Printer Description file based on the version of Acrobat installed on your computer, the Printer Description for Acrobat 4.0 is just called Acrobat Distiller. Paper width and height should be .5” larger than the document size, the document size plus .25” for bleed. In the example below, I set the document up as 8.375x10.875. Once your are sure all the settings are correct, press the print button. The file will be printed through Acrobat Distiller, when distilling is complete, the file will be automatically opened in Acrobat. Check you document carefully to ensure there were no problems in creating the file. We do not have the ability to make even simple changes to your file at this point. If there are any type corrections you will need to supply us with a new file. PDF Creation in PC Quark 11 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation from Mac Pagemaker 6.5 and 7.0 PDF creation from Mac Pagemaker is a 2 step process. You do not want to use “Acrobat PDFWriter” this is only good for creating PDF files suitable for screen viewing. Before starting to create your PDF file you must make sure that your document is built to the trim size in your bid and that anything that needs to bleed hangs off the page .125”. Also make sure that trapping is not enabled, this will conflict with our In-RIP trapping. Once you are satisfied that your job is ready to PDF, hit Print. Document is the first tab that comes up, choose the Acrobat Distiller PPD file. Make sure that the PPD file you have chosen is the one that installed with Acrobat 4.0, the PPD that installed with 3.0 will turn your job RGB. Under the color tab, Composite color should be checked, change Frequency to the line screen of your job, and Angle can be left alone. Under the Paper tab, choose Custom for paper size, and set the size to 1 inch larger than your trim size. Activate the printers marks, set them to print Crops and bleeds only, and to center in the print area. Under Features, set Resolution to 2400. Once you have successfully saved your .PS file, open in Acrobat Distiller with the correct Job Option selected. Once Distiller is finished processing the .PS file, it can be deleted. Check your PDF carefully, there are several tools available for checking PDF files, “Enfocus Pitstop” and “Adobe InProduction”. Under the Options tab, Image data set to Normal, Data encoding to Binary. Download PS and TrueType fonts, use Symbol font, write PostScript to file, normal, and Page independence set. Mac Pagemaker 12 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation from PC Pagemaker 6.5 and 7.0 the printers marks, set them to print Crops and bleeds only, and to center in the print area. Under the Options tab, Image data set to Normal, Data encoding to Binary. Download PS and TrueType fonts, use Symbol font, PDF creation from PC Pagemaker is a 1 step process. You do not want to use “Acrobat PDFWriter” this is only good for creating PDF files suitable for screen viewing. Before starting to create your PDF file you must make sure that your document is built to the trim size in your bid and that anything that needs to bleed hangs off the page .125”. Also make sure that trapping is not enabled, this will conflict with our In-RIP trapping. Once you are satisfied that your job is ready to PDF, open Distiller, and change the job option to the one you created for use with your printer. Go Back to Pagemaker and hit Print. Document is the first tab that comes up, choose the Acrobat Distiller as your printer, and Acrobat Distiller 3010.106 as your PPD. If you cannot see the Acrobat Distiller 3010.106 PPD, you must install it. It can be found in the /Acrobat/distiller/ xtras folder. The file you need is adist4.ppd or adist 5.ppd. You need to copy this file into the folder /PM65/RSRC/USenglish/PPD4 folder. This should make the correct PPD visible. write PostScript to file, normal, and Page independence set. Under the color tab, Composite color should be checked, change Frequency to the line screen of your job, and Angle can be left alone. Under Features, set Resolution to 2400. Under the Paper tab, choose Custom for paper size, and set the size to 1 inch larger than your trim size. Activate Once you have successfully saved your .PS file, open in in Acrobat Distiller with the correct Job Option selected. Once Distiller is finished check your PDF carefully, there are several tools available for checking PDF files, “Enfocus Pitstop” and “Adobe InProduction”. PC Pagemaker 13 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation from PC InDesign 1.5 PDF creation from PC InDesign is a 1 step process. You do not want to use “Acrobat PDFWriter” this is only good for creating PDF files suitable for screen viewing. Before starting to create your PDF file you must make sure that your document is built to the trim size in your bid and that anything that needs to bleed hangs off the page .125”. Do not use the Export to PDF feature within InDesign, it doesn’t use distiller to create the PDF file, and the PDF may not work as expected. Once you are satisfied that your job is ready to PDF, open Distiller, and change the job option to the one you created for use with your printer. Go Back to InDesign and hit Print. Advanced Page Control is the first tab, choose Acrobat Distiller as your printer, and chose the range of pages you want to print. The second tab is color, choose composite and leave screening set to default, For Frequency, set the LPI that your job will be printed at. You will find a chart on the first page of this packet showing paper and LPI. Under Scale and Fit, set the x and y scale to 100%, and under properties, chose a paper size that is .5” larger than your trim size. If your job trims at 8.375x10.875, set your custom page size to 8.875x11.375. PC InDesign 14 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Under Graphics, Send Image Data should be set to All. Font Downloading should be set to Complete, and Gradient options set to Force Continuous Tone Behavior. Under the Page Marks tab, bleed should be set to .25” with nothing else activated. Under the Trapping tab, make sure that Trapping is off, our RIP will trap your file as it processes the file. Once your are sure all the settings are correct, press the print button. The file will be printed through Acrobat Distiller, when distilling is complete, the file will be automatically opened in Acrobat. Check you document carefully to ensure there were no problems in creating the file. There are several tools available for checking PDF files, “Enfocus Pitstop” and “Adobe InProduction”. Mac InDesign 15 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation from Mac InDesign 1.5 PDF creation from Mac InDesign is a 2 step process. The first step is to generate a PostScript file, and the second is to create a PDF file from the PostScript. You do not want to use “Acrobat PDFWriter” this is only good for creating PDF files suitable for screen viewing. Before starting to create your PDF file you must make sure that your document is built to the trim size in your bid and that anything that needs to bleed hangs off the page .125”. Do not use the Export to PDF feature within InDesign, it doesn’t use distiller to create the PDF file, and the PDF may not work as expected. Go to the Scale and Fit pulldown menu, set the X and Y scaling to 100%, and Center Page in Imageable Area should be checked. The first step of making a PostScript file is to go to Page Setup and choose the correct paper size. You want to choose a paper size that is .5” larger than the trim size of your document, for an 8.375”x10.875” you will want to create a custom size of 8.875”x11.375”. Under Graphics, Send Image Data should be set to All. Font Downloading should be set to Complete, and Gradient options set to Force Continuous Tone Behavior. After you have set the correct paper size, go to the print dialog boxes. The first tab that will affect how a PDF is created is Color. choose composite and leave screening set to default, For Frequency, set the LPI that your job will be printed at. You will find a chart on the first page of this packet showing paper and LPI. Under the Page Marks tab, bleed should be set to .25” with nothing else activated. Mac InDesign 16 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Option selected. Once Distiller is finished processing the .PS file, it can be deleted. Check your PDF carefully, there are several tools available for checking PDF files, “Enfocus Pitstop” and “Adobe InProduction”. Under the Trapping tab, make sure that Trapping is off, our RIP will trap your file as it processes the file. Under PostScript Settings, for Format, choose PostScript Job, PostScript Level 2 Only, Binary, and a font Inclusion of All. The font Inclusion setting is extremely important, if this isn’t set to all, your fonts won’t embed in the PDF file. You also want to change the Destination to File. After you are satisfied that you have made all these settings correctly, Hit the save button and save your PostScript file. Once you have successfully saved your .PS file, open it in Acrobat Distiller with the correct Job Mac InDesign 17 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation in PC/Mac InDesign 2.0 Under the Compression tab, make sure that No Sampling Change is selected for all sections, and make sure that Compress Text and Line art is selected, Crop Image Data to Frames should not be selected. There are 2 methods of creating PDF files from InDesign 2.0, the first method is to export the PDF through InDesigns Export dialogue box. This method does not need Acrobat Distiller to function. The second method is to go through the Print Dialog boxes to create a PostScript(.PS) file, then to Distill the file into a PDF. The export method is the only method I am going to cover. InDesign settings common to both methods Make sure that any bleeds in your document are set to .25”. Consult with your printer to determine the final size of your document, and build the InDesign page to that size, if we have to reduce or enlarge the PDF, it could cause problems with bleed or images cutting off. Export Method This method does not need Distiller to function, so the first step is to set up the PDF Style. You can access the PDF Style pallet from the File menu. Create a new Style. Under the General tab make sure that Spreads is not checked. Compatibility should be set to Acrobat 4.0. Under the Marks and Bleeds tab, All Printers marks should not be selected. Bleeds should be set to .25” for all sides. All of the option boxes should be unchecked. Mac InDesign 2.0 18 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com Under the Advanced tab, Color should be set to Leave Unchanged. Fonts should be set to Subset Below 100%. Nothing should be checked under OPI. Transparency Flattener should be set to High Resolution. Make sure that you style is set to the one you created for making PDF files for your printer. You can check all of the export settings here as well. Once you are satisfied that all the settings are correct, Press Export. Once you have set up the PDF style press OK. Go under the File menu to Export and select PDF as the Format and press Save. Mac InDesign 2.0 19 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation from Mac Illustrator 10.0 PDF creation from Mac Illustrator is a 1 step process. Before starting to create your PDF file you must make sure that your document is built to the trim size in your bid plus bleed of .125" if needed. Mac Illustrator doesn't offer the ability to include a bleed area in the PDF, so you must add it to the document size. Go under File to "Document Color Mode". Make sure the mode is set to "CMYK Color". Go under File to "Save As...". On the Compression screen all compression and downsampling options should be turned off. Set "Format:" to Adobe PDF (PDF). Select "Append file Extension" and "Lower Case" and click Save. On the "Adobe PDF Format Options" screen set the "Option Set:" to Custom. On the General screen File Compatibility should be set to "Acrobat 5.0" with Preserve Illustration Editing Capabilities turn on. Options should be set with Embed all fonts and Subset fonts when less then : 100% of characters are used both on. "Generate Thumbnails" should be on also. NOTE: Most PDF files can be opened and somewhat edited using Adobe Illustrator. Mac Illustrator 10.0 20 Possession Studios “One Consumer, One Market, One Truth” P.O.Box 11208 Tempe, AZ 85284-0021 (602)740-5884 (602)532-7449 Fax webmaster@PossessionStudios.com http://www.PossessionStudios.com PDF Creation from Mac Photoshop 7.0 On the "PDF Options" screen set the "Encoding" to JPEG, with quality at 12. Select Include Vector Data and select Embed Fonts. PDF creation from Mac Photoshop is a 1 step process. Before starting to create your PDF file you must make sure that your document is built to the trim size in your bid plus bleed of .125" if needed. Mac Photoshop doesn't offer the ability to include a bleed area in the PDF, so you must add it to the document size. The file must be set to at less 300 dpi. Go under Image to "Mode". Make sure the mode is set to "CMYK Color". For best results leave any text as independent layers and merge all rasterized layers together. Go under File to "Save As...". Set "Format:" to Photoshop PDF. Set "Color" to Embed Color Profile. Set "File Extension" to Append and Use Lower Case and click Save. Mac Photoshop 7.0 21