Agenda - Litchfield Council - Northern Territory Government
Agenda - Litchfield Council - Northern Territory Government
BUSINESS PAPER COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY 18 JUNE 2015 ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ITEM 12 OFFICERS REPORTS 12.1 CHANGES TO MEETING AGENDA AND REPORTS 12.2 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT 12.3 ELECTED MEMBERS ALLOWANCES 12.4 DRAFT MUNICIPAL PLAN 2015/2016 12.5 APPOINTMENT OF TRANSIT OFFICERS AS DELEGATES 12.6 DRAFT FEES AND CHARGES FOR 2015/2016 12.7 MAY BUDGET REVIEW 12.8 BLACKSPOT APPLICATION 2016/2017 12.9 MINING TENEMENT WRITE OFF 12.10 RECORDING OF MEETINGS 13 14 15 16 17 OTHER BUSINESS PUBLIC QUESTIONS CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS NEXT MEETING CLOSE OF MEETING OPENING OF MEETING APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES CONFLICT OF INTEREST PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC FORUM ACCEPTING OR DECLINING LATE ITEMS NOTICES OF MOTION OFFICIAL MANAGERS REPORT FINANCE REPORT 11.1 Financial Report May 2015 Ben Dornier Acting Chief Executive Officer Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting or a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE LITCHFIELD COUNCIL HELD ON THURSDAY 21ST MAY 2015 AT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, BEES CREEK ROAD, FREDS PASS. ATTENDANCE Present: Frank Crawley Official Manager Staff: Ben Dornier Valerie Urbain Graeme Francis Glen Minaker Jannah Wright Acting Chief Executive Officer Finance Manager General Manager Projects Thorak Operations Manager Acting Council Secretary Public: Mathew Salter Marlene Watt Belinda Brustolin May Leitch Will Green Russell Anderson Christine Osborn Tony Hardwick John Kearney Peter Cole Sam Burt Neil Murray Peter McLinden Howard Springs Humpty Doo Howard Springs Acacia Hills Acacia Hills Berry Springs Bees Creek Humpty Doo Humpty Doo Humpty Doo Humpty Doo Darwin Howard Springs Alderman Jeanette Anictomatis Helen Galton Fannie Bay Darwin City Anna Malgorzewicz Mary Walshe Acacia Hills Humpty Doo Judy Cole Dani McDonald Humpty Doo NT News This is page 1 of 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER 1. OPENING OF MEETING: Official Manager Frank Crawley opened the Meeting at 6.30pm, welcoming members of the public and asking if anyone would object to the meeting being recorded. The Official Manager then welcomed new CEO Ben Dornier and thanked Palmerston City Council for allowing us to co-opt Ben. 2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Nil 3. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil 4. PUBLIC FORUM Sadness was expressed over recent events at the Council. A question was raised as to how members of the suspended Council were unable to pick up the redistribution of funds from ‘Reserves’ in the financials. The Official Manager noted that in the December budget adjustments, there were significant transfers out of the contingency reserves ($515,000) and plant replacement reserves ($199,000). This should have elicited some questions and would be an early warning sign of over-expenditure. A question was asked regarding the Waste Management Consultant listed in the Creditors Report. Why were they paid $20,000 in last month’s Finance report? Concerns expressed about the amount of money ‘bleeding’ out of Council over time, on waste management. The consultant was utilised as a specialist in implementing new waste systems (kerbside collection) and is no longer working on behalf of Litchfield Council. This is in-line with a resolution passed at the last Council Meeting that all work on Kerbside Waste Collection would stop until comprehensive community consultation has been undertaken. The possibility of rewriting the minutes past inaccuracies was raised, specifically the financial implications from December stating ‘the net effect of the financial review is a surplus of $389,500’. The current agenda now shows a debt of $515,000 or more on the December agenda item. The Official Manager explained that we cannot make retrospective changes but the transfer from reserves masks the over-expenditure. Concern expressed regarding the regular hiring of consultants that led to overexpenditure. This was clarified as an undertaking of the CEO, rather than Councillors. Comment made on whether Council had approached the Northern Territory Government on the subject of obtaining a sewer upgrade for Howard Springs. A This is page 2 of 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER question was raised to Council as to whether they had known about the upgrade and had been involved in any planning. Answered by member of the public; NTG is undertaking gradual upgrading of the village centre infrastructures. This is not in the budget for this year but will probably happen next financial year. This does not go through Council; it is a Northern Territory Government initiative. 5. Query about the contract of the CEO. The Official Manager explained that anything to do with the CEO’s contract or the termination of the CEO’s contract has to be confidential. Disappointment was expressed at the comments in the NT News over recent activities of Council. It was requested that the over-expenditure of Council monies should be addressed by the (suspended) Councillors who made the budget decisions, as the Official Manager may have drawn conclusions without the appropriate understanding of community’s needs. The Official Manager stated that the comments to the NT News were in response to specific questions and contained facts and figures. Question to the Official Manager regarding the final report and if it would contain guidance on how Council should be run (i.e. what level of responsibility the Mayor and Councillors actually have). The Official Manager responded that he is unable to discuss what will be contained in his official report. ACCEPTING OR DELCINING LATE ITEMS It was Approved that the Official Manager accepts the late item, Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of the Litchfield Council, held on Wednesday 20th May, 2015. 6. NOTICE OF MOTION Nil 7. CONFIRMATION OF MINTUES 7.1 Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 16th April 2015. The Official Manager called for confirmation of the minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 16th April 2015. It was Approved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 16 th April 2015 are confirmed by Council with nil amendments. This is page 3 of 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER 7.2 Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held Wednesday 20th May 2015. The Official Manager called for confirmation of the minutes of the Council Meeting held Wednesday 20th May 2015. It was Approved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Wednesday 20th May 2015 are confirmed by Council with nil amendments. 8. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 9. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT Nil It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Chief Executive Officer’s Report. 10. GOVERNANCE REPORT It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Governance Report. 10.1 PA15/CSR/004: COMMON SEAL USAGE REPORT It was Approved that the Council notes the common seal report for April 2015. 11. PROJECT OFFICE REPORT It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Project Office Report. 12. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLANNING REPORT It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Infrastructure and Planning Report. 13. FINANCE REPORT 13.1 FR15/FIN/005: FINANCE REPORT – APRIL 2015 It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Finance Report for April 2015. 14. BUSINESS & ECOMONIC DEVELOPMENT It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Business & Economic Development Report. This is page 4 of 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER 14.1 FR15/TRSPG/001LI: THORAK REGIONAL CEMETERY – MASTER PLAN – GRANT ACQUITTAL It was Approved that the Council approve the grant acquittal of $80,000.00 towards the cost of developing Thorak Regional Cemetery Master Plan from the Department of Local Government. 15. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPORT It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Customer Service Report. 16. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT REPORT It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Information Management Report. 17. REGULATORY SERVICES REPORT It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Regulatory Services Report. 18. OFFICIAL MANAGER’S REPORT Since the last council meeting the Official Manager has attended: Anzac Day Ceremony in Humpty Doo, to lay a wreath on behalf of the residents of Litchfield. Met with the Freds Pass Show Society regarding obtaining assistance, to be worked out on an ongoing basis. DCA (Litchfield division) on the 15th May. Comments made by the Chair of the DCA were that he would like to receive more input from the Council on items, and if the Council were to make comments, they would be duly considered. Freds Pass Show which was very good. Met for discussions with the consultant from TOPROC who is preparing the strategic plan and looking at what type of resource sharing and other joint activities Council may be able to undertake with TOPROC. It was Approved that the Council note the contents of the Official Manager’s Report. 19. QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC GALLERY The following was raised: Clarification that Council is free to make any submission to the DCA that it feels applicable. This is page 5 of 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER Request for Planning Staff to attend a meeting on Saturday 23rd May regarding wholesale urban development within a rural area, to get some feedback from community and position itself to negotiate on block size and impact to the public (letter tabled). Has Council sought resident’s opinion on the future development for the rural area? A number of surveys have been conducted, results are on the website. Has the Council considered opinion on the Holtze development and put a proposal for consultation with the Planning Commission? Council will be engaging with the Planning Commission and would appreciate feedback from the public. It is unknown if feedback will be actively sort on the issue. There is a great demand in the rural area for smaller block sizes to provide for people with individual needs as they age or circumstance change, to keep them where they want to live. How was the tender for Girraween/Anglesey Road Roundabout able to quote a costing of $2.5m? Response letter to be provided. Concern was raised regarding the development in the area of Spencely and Strangways Roads. Has consideration been put forward regarding the flood area and noted to developers? Matter to be discussed with Engineers. Holtze Area Plan consultation is open until 26th June, providing an opportunity for Council to engage on the development. It was noted that the Freds Pass Show traditionally provides opportunity for the community to discuss issues with elected members. The Official Manager did not appear to make himself available at the Litchfield Council store during the show. On behalf of the Freds Pass Show Committee President, the show was a very successful undertaking and the committee would like to thank Council for their support, including grading of roads around the area. The committee are looking forward to working with Council in preparation for next year’s show and cementing a relationship. A question was raised around Council’s attendance at tonight’s meeting of Holtze Road residents? This meeting was unknown to Council. Council will be undertaking a briefing with the Planning Commission Office next week. When is the Official Manager’s report due? Has to be lodged with the This is page 6 of 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER Minister by the 30th June 2015. Is there some policy recommendations going forward to ensure this type of thing (over-spending) will not happen again? Is a budget review policy required to ensure this is undertaken? The Council can make a resolution at any time to this effect. It was requested that this could take place whilst the Official Manager was still in office. 20. COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURNED FOR COMMENCEMENT OF THE THORAK REGIONAL CEMETERY BOARD MEETING 21. COUNCIL MEETING RECOMMENCED 22. CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS 23. NEXT MEETING: Thursday 18th June 2015. 24. CLOSE OF MEETING: The Meeting closed at 7.25pm. Nil MINUTES CONFIRMED 18TH JUNE 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ...................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER This is page 7 of 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 ............................................... OFFICIAL MANAGER ................................................... ACTING CHIEF EXEUTIVE OFFICER Agenda Item No: 11.1 Report Title: Financial Report May 2015 Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 1 Report Number: 15/0006 Infoxpert Number/s: 110193 Summary: The Financial Report for May 2015 is attached for Council's review. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 15/0006. Background: The Local Government (Accounting) Regulations Part 8 states:18 Financial reports to council (1) The CEO must, in each month, lay before a meeting of the council a report, in a form approved by the council setting out: (a) the actual income and expenditure of the council for the period from the commencement of the financial year up to the end of the previous month: and (b) the forecast income and expenditure for the whole of the financial year. (2) The report must include: (a) details of all cash and investments held by the council (including money held in trust); and (b) a statement on the debts owed to the council including the aggregate amount owed under each category with a general indication of the age of the debts; and (c) other information required by the council (3) If a council does not hold a meeting in a particular month, the report is to be laid before the council committee performing the council’s financial functions for the particular month The Financial Report for May 2015 is attached for Council's review. The results to the end of May are as expected for this time of the year. Final budget amendments for the financial year will be addressed in a separate budget review agenda item. Adjustments relate to recognition of additional revenue such as rates and grants and the sale of 7 vehicles. Other adjustments relate to identified savings being reallocated to areas of over expenditure. These adjustments will be reflected in the June monthly financial report. Links with Strategic Plan: Goal 5 – Effective Council Management 5.1 Sustainable financial management within our mission Legislative and Policy Implications: 1 Reporting compliance in accordance with Local Government (Accounting) Regulations Financial Implications: Nil Risks: Nil Recommending Officer: Valerie Urbain, Finance Manager Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: 2015 May Council Monthly Report Attachment 110194 2 Finance Report For the month of May 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Executive Summary SECTION 2 - FINANCIAL RESULTS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Budget Summary Reports Investment Management Report Debtor Control Accounts Creditors Paid Report Statement of Credit Card Transaction Financial Reserves Schedule SECTION 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Executive Overview Overview May 2015 year to date represents 91.5% of the financial year 2014/15. The results to the end of May are summarized below and are as expected for this time of the year. Final budget amendments for the financial year will be addressed in a separate budget review agenda item. Adjustments relate to recognition of additional revenue such as rates and grants and the sale of 7 vehicles. Other adjustments relate to identified savings being reallocated to areas of over expenditure. These adjustments will be reflected in the June monthly financial report. The total outstanding rates as at 31 May 2015 is approximately $2.9million. The outstanding rates and charges from the last property auction of approximately $300,000 will be received prior to 30 June 2015. Revised Budget 2014/15 Total Operational Income Total Operational Expenditure Total Capital Income Total Capital Expenditure Net (Income)/Expenditure YTD actuals + Committed % of Budget (11,318,760) 11,560,750 241,990 (11,903,905) 9,630,358 (2,273,546) 105.2% 83.3% (3,655,250) 5,084,998 1,429,748 (2,171,369) 5,433,472 3,262,103 59.4% 106.9% 1,671,738 988,557 2.1(a) Budget Summary Reports-Council Budget versus Actuals as at 31 May 2015 % Year Elapsed = 91.51% Operational Income Budget 2014/15 Governance Administration Revised Budget December 2014 Year to date Actuals Variance to % Received of Revised Budget Revised Budget Projected Income to 30 June 2015 Projected % Received of Revised Budget 0 0 0 0 (1,512) (1,512) (1,512) (1,512) Corporate Services Rates (includes general rates) Administration (6,499,928) (5,571,328) (928,600) (6,499,928) (5,571,328) (928,600) (6,623,363) (5,808,853) (814,510) (123,435) (237,525) 114,090 101.9% 104.3% 87.7% (6,739,000) (5,810,000) (929,000) 103.7% 104.3% 100.0% Infrastructure Planning Works - Roads Works - Administration Mobile Workforce (2,390,869) (149,000) (2,236,869) (5,000) 0 (2,406,584) (149,000) (2,236,869) (5,000) (15,715) (2,747,153) (78,876) (2,637,830) (14,384) (16,063) (340,569) 70,124 (400,961) (9,384) (348) 114.2% 52.9% 117.9% 287.7% 102.2% (2,759,000) (90,000) (2,637,000) (16,000) (16,000) 114.6% 60.4% 117.9% 320.0% 101.8% (24,200) (24,200) (24,200) (24,200) (32,189) (32,189) (7,989) (7,989) 133.0% 133.0% (35,000) (35,000) 144.6% 144.6% (2,377,048) (2,165,270) (211,778) (2,387,048) (2,165,270) (221,778) (2,495,860) (2,239,541) (256,319) (108,812) (74,271) (34,541) 104.6% 103.4% 115.6% 1,980,000 2,240,000 (260,000) -82.9% -103.5% 117.2% (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (3,828) (3,828) (2,828) (2,828) 382.8% 382.8% (1,100) (1,100) 110.0% 110.0% (11,293,045) (11,318,760) (11,903,905) (585,145) 105.2% (7,555,612) 66.8% Regulatory Services Animal Control Waste Management Rates Waste Transfer Stations Community Administration Total Operational Income (1,512) (1,512) 2.1(a) Budget Summary Reports-Council Budget versus Actuals as at 31 May 2015 % Year Elapsed = 91.51% Capital Income Budget 2014/15 Governance Administration Infrastructure Planning Developer Contributions (IDL) Works - Roads Works - Administration Mobile Workforce Reserve Operations Regulatory Services Animal Control Waste Management Humpty Doo Transfer Station Levy Total Capital Income TOTAL INCOME Revised Budget December 2014 Year to date Actuals % Received of Revised Budget Variance Projected Income to 30 June 2015 Projected % Received of Revised Budget (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) (112,273) (112,273) (100,273) (100,273) 935.6% 935.6% (112,273) (112,273) 935.6% 935.6% (1,793,000) (17,000) (930,000) (824,000) (17,000) (5,000) 0 (3,254,000) 0 (930,000) (2,324,000) 0 0 0 (1,655,735) 0 (674,983) (855,657) 0 0 (125,095) 1,598,265 0 255,017 1,468,343 0 0 (125,095) 50.9% 0.0% 72.6% 36.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (2,525,095) 0 (700,000) (1,700,000) 0 0 (125,095) 77.6% 0.0% 75.3% 73.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (16,000) (16,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 (389,250) (389,250) (389,250) (389,250) (403,361) (403,361) (14,111) (14,111) 103.6% 103.6% (401,000) (401,000) 103.0% 103.0% (2,210,250) (3,655,250) (2,171,369) 1,483,881 59.4% (3,038,368) 83.1% (13,503,295) (14,974,010) (14,075,274) 898,736 94.0% (10,593,980) 70.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.1(a) Budget Summary Reports-Council Budget versus Actuals as at 31 May 2015 % Year Elapsed = 91.51% Operational Expenditure Budget 2014/15 Revised Budget December 2014 Year to date Actuals Committed YTD actuals + Committed Variance to Revised Budget % Spent of Revised Budget Projected Expense to 30 June 2015 Projected % Spent of Revised Budget Governance Elected Members Public Relations Administration 1,017,012 318,250 17,880 680,882 1,182,412 335,650 17,880 828,882 947,851 197,190 2,683 747,978 1,999 817 630 552 949,851 198,008 3,313 748,530 232,561 137,642 14,567 80,352 80.3% 59.0% 18.5% 90.3% 1,230,000 336,000 4,000 890,000 104.0% 100.1% 22.4% 107.4% Corporate Services Administration 1,985,873 1,985,873 2,202,873 2,202,873 1,820,996 1,820,996 56,176 56,176 1,877,172 1,877,172 325,701 325,701 85.2% 85.2% 2,210,000 2,210,000 100.3% 100.3% Infrastructure - Works Planning Works -Roads Works - Street Lighting Works - Administration Mobile Workforce Reserve Operations Property Administration 5,227,392 468,778 1,965,890 28,000 579,802 996,757 950,450 237,715 5,274,387 390,718 1,931,990 28,000 630,857 1,030,657 985,450 276,715 4,065,457 388,967 1,072,940 35,475 446,903 965,141 917,216 238,815 320,457 6,024 260,029 31,551 19,206 3,648 4,385,913 394,991 1,332,969 35,475 478,454 984,347 917,216 242,463 888,474 4,273 599,021 7,475 152,403 46,310 68,234 34,252 83.2% 101.1% 69.0% 126.7% 75.8% 95.5% 93.1% 87.6% 4,774,000 320,000 1,600,000 47,000 510,000 1,032,000 985,000 280,000 90.5% 81.9% 82.8% 167.9% 80.8% 100.1% 100.0% 101.2% 376,668 376,668 376,668 376,668 268,409 268,409 2,056 2,056 270,464 270,464 106,204 106,204 71.8% 71.8% 320,000 320,000 85.0% 85.0% 2,419,410 1,355,795 1,063,615 2,449,410 1,375,795 1,073,615 1,802,369 909,295 893,074 302,949 298,276 4,674 2,105,318 1,207,571 897,747 344,092 168,224 175,868 86.0% 87.8% 83.6% 2,445,000 1,375,000 1,070,000 99.8% 99.9% 99.7% 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 39,790 39,790 1,849.66 1,850 41,640 41,640 33,360 33,360 55.5% 55.5% 55,000 55,000 73.3% 73.3% 11,101,355 11,560,750 8,944,872 685,487 9,630,358 1,930,392 83.3% 11,034,000 95.4% Regulatory Services Animal Control Waste Management Waste Transfer Stations Administration Community Services Operations Total Operational Expenditure 2.1(a) Budget Summary Reports-Council Budget versus Actuals as at 31 May 2015 % Year Elapsed = 91.5% Capital Expenditure Budget 2014/15 Revised Budget December 2014 Year to date Actuals Committed Variance to Revised Budget % Spent of Revised Budget 78 78 99.9% 99.9% 130,536 130,536 99.9% 99.9% 39,119 39,119 127.5% 127.5% 181,549 181,549 127.5% 127.5% 334,760 172,006 545,314 23,034 71,614 10,032 0 107.1% 25.5% 113.4% 156.2% 74.9% 120.1% 100.0% 3,512,404 58,970 2,972,000 64,034 285,415 85,000 46,985 74.3% 25.5% 73.0% 156.2% 100.0% 170.0% 100.0% 6,707 6,707 9,293 9,293 41.9% 41.9% 16,000 16,000 100.0% 100.0% 53,966 53,966 16,034 16,034 77.1% 77.1% 70,000 70,000 100.0% 100.0% 5,433,472 - 348,474 106.9% 3,910,489 76.9% 1,581,918 90.5% 14,944,489 89.8% Governance Administration 32,000 32,000 130,614 130,614 130,536 130,536 - 130,536 130,536 Corporate Services Administration 50,000 50,000 142,430 142,430 181,549 181,549 - 181,549 181,549 - 4,227,578 63,000 2,871,578 41,000 1,062,000 190,000 4,725,954 230,976 4,071,578 41,000 285,415 50,000 46,985 3,188,223 58,970 2,744,401 64,034 213,801 60,032 46,985 Regulatory Services Animal Control 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 6,707 6,707 Waste Management Waste Transfer Stations 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 53,066 53,066 900 900 Total Capital Expenditure 4,395,578 5,084,998 3,560,081 1,873,391 15,496,933 16,645,748 12,504,953 2,558,877 Infrastructure - Works Planning Works - Roads Works - Administration Mobile Workforce Reserve Operations Property Administration TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,872,491 1,872,491 - 5,060,714 58,970 4,616,892 64,034 213,801 60,032 46,985 15,063,830 - Projected Expense to 30 June 2015 Projected % Spent of Revised Budget YTD actuals + Committed 2.2 Investment Management Report Investment Schedule as at 31 May 2015 Date Invested Invested Amount Days Invested Invested with Interest rate Due date Expected return to Maturity Date Date Invested Invested Amount Days Invested Invested with Interest rate Due date Expected return to Maturity Date 3.70% 3.58% 3.27% 3.63% 3.06% 3.00% 3.65% 3.65% 3.63% 3.05% 10/06/2015 14/07/2015 11/08/2015 26/09/2015 1/10/2015 11/11/2015 3/12/2015 8/12/2015 17/12/2015 28/01/2016 10/06/2014 14/01/2015 11/02/2015 26/09/2014 1/04/2015 11/05/2015 3/12/2014 8/12/2014 17/12/2014 28/05/2015 Total Investments Investments Total Total of Funds $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 156,002 4,600,000 1,500,000 1,310,517 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,149,605 1,041,959 1,010,200 1,000,000 14,768,283 $ $ $ $ $ $ 156,002 14,612,281 14,768,283 736,885 337,797 15,842,965 365 181 184 365 183 365 365 365 365 246 NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB ANZ Westpac ANZ NAB Comm Trust Monies Litchfield Council Investment Business Max-l General Operational Total Funds by Institution Westpac , $4,181,291 26% NAB , $8,576,719 53% ANZ, $3,519,959 21% $5,772 $81,663 $24,727 $47,572 $15,342 $60,000 $41,961 $38,032 $36,670 $20,556 $372,294 2.3 Debtor Control Accounts Sundry Debtor Accounts as at 31 May 2015 Category Current Waste Other Sundry Total $ 30 Days 10,860 100 10,960 $ 90 Days and over 60 Days 70 46,395 46,465 $ 541 541 $ Balance 894 17,223 18,117 $ 12,365 63,718 76,083 Aged Debtor Accounts as at 31 May 2015 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 Other Sundry $25,000 Waste $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 Current 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days and over 2.3 Debtor Control Accounts Outstanding Rates & Charges Balance as at 31 May 2015 Rates Outstanding Balance as at 31 May 2015 $12,000,000 9,920,984 9,603,135 $10,000,000 5,998,032 $8,000,000 4,859,501 $6,000,000 4,587,111 4,441,004 4,188,595 3,550,677 $4,000,000 3,073,284 2,961,156 2,917,228 $2,000,000 $- Arrears Current Total Outstanding Balance 2013/14 Outstanding Balances Rates are either due or overdue, no further ageing is possible. Prepayments are payments made in advance for the 2015/16 levies and charges and are not included in the outstanding balance. As at 31 May 2015, the balance of prepayments is $407,184. Summary of outstanding Rates as at 31/05/15:2014/15 outstanding rates Prior years outstanding rates $ $ $ 1,113,159 1,804,070 2,917,228 Since 1 July 2014, prior years outstanding rates have reduced by 21%. Of the 2014/15 levies, 85% has been collected. Nine Southport properties went to auction on 25th March 2015 for non-payment of rates and all were sold. An estimated $300,000 is expected to be received June 2015 to further reduce the prior years outstanding balance once settlement has been effected. 2.4 Creditors Paid Report Creditor Accounts Paid for May 2015 EFT/Cheque Date Payee Description Amount 564.47-01 11/05/2015 Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd Contract 113 $192,556.32 568.374-01 19/05/2015 Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Apr 2015 BAS $112,844.00 569.409-01 22/05/2015 F & J Bitumen Services Pty Ltd Contract 117 $46,827.00 572.280-01 29/05/2015 City of Darwin Apr 15 - Shoal Bay Dump Fees $41,499.58 569.460-01 22/05/2015 H & K Earthmoving Pty Ltd Contract 121 $33,933.11 563.390-01 06/05/2015 Humpty Doo Bowls Club Inc Grant - Replacement of Bowling Green $33,000.00 00412818 20/05/2015 Australian Taxation Office (ATO) 2014/15 FBT $27,629.07 564.514-01 11/05/2015 Veolia Environmental Services Apr 15 - Transfer of waste to Shoal Bay $25,054.93 569.925-01 22/05/2015 The Change Forum (Team Technologies Culture Scan & Cultural Imprints Report $24,898.50 569.260-01 22/05/2015 Earl James & Associates Consultancy fees -subdivision survey $20,350.00 570.460-01 26/05/2015 H & K Earthmoving Pty Ltd Contract 121 $20,211.30 564.664-01 11/05/2015 Pitney Bowes Software Pty Ltd MapInfo Access Program 2nd Contract $19,778.39 570.409-01 26/05/2015 F & J Bitumen Services Pty Ltd Contract 117 $18,510.00 567.849-01 15/05/2015 WEX Australia ( Puma Card) Apr 15 - Monthly fuel purchases $17,813.34 564.162-01 11/05/2015 Civica Pty Ltd Jun 15 - Authority Managed Services $16,533.00 568.827-01 19/05/2015 Litchfield Green Waste Recyclers Mulch Green & wood waste at HSWS $15,180.00 565.905-01 13/05/2015 Roadside Services & Solutions Pty L Various signs for stock as per quote $15,159.65 567.176-01 15/05/2015 ASAP Tree Service Remove trees from drains $14,850.00 569.612-01 22/05/2015 Cremasco Civil Pty Ltd Install floodway signs $14,437.72 569.926-01 22/05/2015 Jacana Energy P/E 31/3/15 Quarterly Street Lighting Ac $13,463.84 Dd280415 05/05/2015 Westpac Cards & Direct Debits Apr 15 - Credit card purchases $11,538.05 DD260515 29/05/2015 Westpac Cards & Direct Debits May 15 - Credit card purchases $11,249.03 569.978-01 22/05/2015 EPRINT Educational booklet design/printing $11,000.00 569.953-01 22/05/2015 HWL Ebsworth Lawyers Legal fees - Power of sale $10,342.99 570.599-01 26/05/2015 Welding & Maintenance Services NT Material for construction of bollards $9,702.00 569.906-01 22/05/2015 Ward Keller Pty Ltd ( Lawyers ) Legal fees - Advice on Employment $9,425.35 572.979-01 29/05/2015 THE Shed Company Darwin Part payment for Shed - Livingstone Res $9,000.00 572.87-01 29/05/2015 Top End Linemarkers Pty Ltd Road line marking $8,613.00 563.906-01 06/05/2015 Ward Keller Pty Ltd ( Lawyers ) Legal fees - Complaint Handling Procedure $8,572.54 564.906-01 11/05/2015 Ward Keller Pty Ltd ( Lawyers ) Legal fees - Dog Infringement Notice $8,332.50 567.976-01 15/05/2015 CNH Industrial P/L ( Case VIC) Supply Parts for Case Backhoe $8,211.90 564.343-01 11/05/2015 C L ROWE & Associates Electoral Representation Review $7,290.00 572.409-01 29/05/2015 F & J Bitumen Services Pty Ltd Contract 117 $7,260.00 565.85-01 13/05/2015 TELSTRA Apr 15 - monthly phone account & Directory $6,801.96 567.612-01 15/05/2015 Cremasco Civil Pty Ltd Supply Ezi drive steel guide posts $6,359.36 570.495-01 26/05/2015 The Exhibitionist Displays for Freds Pass Rural Show $5,768.40 565.141-01 13/05/2015 Michels Warren Munday Consultancy - Girraween Roundabout $5,225.00 570.556-01 26/05/2015 City of Palmerston Fees for acting CEO $4,347.20 567.930-01 15/05/2015 Coleman's Contracting & Earthmoving Contract 119 $4,100.00 570.926-01 26/05/2015 Jacana Energy Mar 15 - Power account $4,081.36 564.956-01 11/05/2015 Ironwood Consulting Consultancy - Site Project Manager $3,975.00 568.824-01 19/05/2015 G Sullivan Electrical & Airconditio Install solar lights & generator at BSWS $3,898.13 568.460-01 19/05/2015 H & K Earthmoving Pty Ltd Stone pitching & Wing walls $3,562.00 570.612-01 26/05/2015 Cremasco Civil Pty Ltd "School Zone" signs $3,520.03 570.515-01 26/05/2015 JC Electronic Security Pty Ltd Supply & Install Security Cameras $3,289.10 572.495-01 29/05/2015 The Exhibitionist 2015 Freds Pass Show Equipment Hire $3,221.90 567.942-01 15/05/2015 Raine & Horne Rent allowance - Pay 23 $3,000.00 564.31-01 11/05/2015 Top End Sign Sales Road signs $2,563.00 563.596-01 06/05/2015 Area9 IT Solutions - HARDWARE Apr 14 - IT support & assistance $2,502.50 563.806-01 06/05/2015 Zippy Cleaning & Maintenance Service Apr 15 - Clean Litchfield Council Office $2,428.54 564.142-01 11/05/2015 Australian Institute of Management Staff Training - Applied Project Management $2,350.00 570.930-01 26/05/2015 Coleman's Contracting & Earthmoving Contract 119 $2,272.05 570.144-01 26/05/2015 Origin LPG Gas $2,221.40 570.176-01 26/05/2015 ASAP Tree Service Remove trees $2,127.22 2.4 Creditors Paid Report Creditor Accounts Paid for May 2015 EFT/Cheque Date Payee Description Amount 564.144-01 11/05/2015 Origin LP Gas $2,117.05 564.183-01 11/05/2015 Chris's Backhoe Hire Pty Ltd Grave digging $2,112.00 564.665-01 11/05/2015 Al's Panel Shop Repair vehicle damage $2,065.14 564.141-01 11/05/2015 Michels Warren Munday Consultancy - Wadham Lagoon $2,037.75 569.828-01 22/05/2015 Howard Springs Veterinary Clinic Pet supplies for show. $1,980.00 569.78-01 22/05/2015 Power & Water Corporation 2nd Supply - Livingstone Rec. Reserve $1,780.00 565.926-01 13/05/2015 Jacana Energy Apr 15 - Cemetery power account $1,768.54 570.522-01 26/05/2015 Farmworld NT Pty Ltd Supply fuel tank for Tractor $1,730.15 572.906-01 29/05/2015 Ward Keller Pty Ltd ( Lawyers ) Legal fees - Roadside Rubbish Collection $1,694.85 567.460-01 15/05/2015 H & K Earthmoving Pty Ltd Clean up oil spills $1,619.20 563.384-01 06/05/2015 Ms C Vernon Apr 15 - Authority Consulting $1,575.00 563.132-01 06/05/2015 Airpower NT Pty Ltd 400hr Service on mower $1,557.40 563.801-01 06/05/2015 King Diesel & Maintenance Pty Ltd Radiator repair on Backhoe $1,544.40 569.111-01 22/05/2015 Stickers and Stuff USB silicon wrist bands for show $1,516.00 564.806-01 11/05/2015 Zippy Cleaning & Maintenance Service Apr 15 - Office & Chapel cleaning $1,451.78 564.731-01 11/05/2015 AMCOM Pty Ltd Jun 15 - Internet charges $1,329.41 565.971-01 13/05/2015 Mugavin Contracting Pty Ltd Repair broken pipe under road $1,320.00 569.210-01 22/05/2015 A & K Fencing Repair fence $1,280.00 563.281-01 06/05/2015 RTM Dept of Infrastructure Traffic management - Accident/Fatality $1,200.00 563.51-01 06/05/2015 Southern Cross Protection Apr 15 - Security services $1,182.36 569.3-01 22/05/2015 Combined Communications Solutions Remove 12m Section of HSWS Mast $1,149.50 563.22-01 06/05/2015 Iron Mountain Australia Pty Ltd Apr 15 - Record Management $1,132.48 563.973-01 06/05/2015 Engineering Education Australia Pty Stormwater Management Training Course $1,125.00 568.612-01 19/05/2015 Cremasco Civil Pty Ltd Purchase and install Bollards $1,100.00 563.970-01 06/05/2015 Rustycan Engineering Engineering report for BSWTS $1,100.00 572.596-01 29/05/2015 Area9 IT Solutions - HARDWARE May 15 - IT support & assistance $1,078.00 00412815 18/05/2015 Mr D M Hennessy 22/11/14 Injury Claim - Insurance $1,000.00 567.424-01 15/05/2015 S.E. Rentals PTY Ltd May 15 - Copier lease $942.70 563.762-01 06/05/2015 Mr J Delaney Consultancy - Provision of technical services $942.56 563.187-01 06/05/2015 Norsign Road signs $900.90 570.506-01 26/05/2015 Turbo's Tyres S&F 2 tyres to crew truck $897.60 572.307-01 29/05/2015 Randflex Pty Ltd Supply 4 Boxes of plastic urn container $879.12 565.455-01 13/05/2015 Mini-Tankers Australia Pty Ltd Apr 15 - Fuel account $845.76 564.895-01 11/05/2015 Australia Day Council NT 2015 Australia Day Conference Contribution $800.00 568.367-01 19/05/2015 Bunnings Group Limited Apr 15 - Monthly hardware account $798.18 B-Pay-90 06/05/2015 RTM Motor Vehicle Registry - MVR Hilux Ute Rego - CA21GG $797.40 569.599-01 22/05/2015 Welding & Maintenance Services NT Repairs to compactor $704.00 564.639-01 11/05/2015 Captovate Pty Ltd 5 Hour Support Pack Add-On $693.00 563.278-01 06/05/2015 Mr D Tranter Reimburse exps - Risk Management Conf. $685.14 563.90-01 06/05/2015 Industrial Power Sweeping Sweeping of Road and car park $673.75 563.163-01 06/05/2015 Tonkin Consulting SCS Prepaid Top Up $645.70 568.950-01 19/05/2015 Metrocount (Microcom P/L) Training course $605.00 567.28-01 15/05/2015 Rural Fire Protection Tag & test fire equipment $597.30 564.125-01 11/05/2015 NT Automotive Group (Darwin Mitsubishi) 15,000km Vehicle service $575.00 568.329-01 19/05/2015 Charles Chew & Associates Structural Engineering Site Inspection & Report $550.00 563.97-01 06/05/2015 Cleanaway Apr 14 - Clear cemetery bins $546.75 569.58-01 22/05/2015 Staples Australia Pty Ltd (Corporate) Stationery $510.35 563.748-01 06/05/2015 Agricultural Mechanical Services Replace fuel supply pump on Case Tractor $495.80 568.926-01 19/05/2015 Jacana Energy Mar 15 - Power account $495.19 565.560-01 13/05/2015 Jobfit Health Group Pty Ltd Medical Examination $486.20 567.560-01 15/05/2015 Jobfit Health Group Pty Ltd Medical examination $486.20 570.626-01 26/05/2015 Mr G W Roberts Transport abandoned cars $450.00 564.36-01 11/05/2015 Bridge Toyota 20 000km Vehicle service $442.43 572.599-01 29/05/2015 Welding & Maintenance Services NT Welding Repairs to Bobcat and Compactor $440.00 2.4 Creditors Paid Report Creditor Accounts Paid for May 2015 EFT/Cheque Date Payee Description Amount 572.28-01 29/05/2015 Rural Fire Protection Fire extinguisher test at Humpty doo $423.50 563.590-01 06/05/2015 Top End Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Clean/service air conditioner $412.50 568.928-01 19/05/2015 RSEA Pty Ltd Polo shirt & Logo $395.45 567.745-01 15/05/2015 RTM Department of Correctional Timber desk name plates for Council Chambers $390.01 563.326-01 06/05/2015 Eyesight Security P/L Apr 15 - Security patrols at cemetery $384.78 570.98-01 26/05/2015 All Rural Mechanical 40,000km Vehicle service $363.75 563.371-01 06/05/2015 Aardvark Crane & Tilt Transport concrete blocks $363.00 570.92-01 26/05/2015 St John Ambulance Australia (NT) In First Aid Training $360.00 563.599-01 06/05/2015 Welding & Maintenance Services NT Repairs to Door on Compactus Bin $352.00 563.594-01 06/05/2015 All Aluminium Make & fit carry basket to mower $350.00 572.893-01 29/05/2015 Pacific Brands Sports & Leisure - Uniforms $348.70 564.187-01 11/05/2015 Norsign Road signs $346.48 564.176-01 11/05/2015 ASAP Tree Service Mulch cut down trees $330.00 563.535-01 06/05/2015 Top End Windscreens & Tinting Replace car door window (mower damage) $319.80 570.134-01 26/05/2015 Figleaf Pool Products May 15 - Bi-Monthly water testing $307.80 570.560-01 26/05/2015 Jobfit Health Group Pty Ltd 12 Flu Vaccinations $303.60 569.506-01 22/05/2015 Turbo's Tyres Supply and fit tyre for mower $293.70 572.506-01 29/05/2015 Turbo's Tyres Tyres for mower $292.60 563.522-01 06/05/2015 Farmworld NT Pty Ltd Blades and pin for mower $288.00 568.58-01 19/05/2015 Staples Australia Pty Ltd (Corporate) Stationery $284.04 569.47-01 22/05/2015 Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd Hot mix for pothole patching $275.00 563.928-01 06/05/2015 RSEA Pty Ltd Safety shoes $273.61 568.586-01 19/05/2015 Mr J J Dunning Reimburse expense - Asbestos testing $264.00 564.522-01 11/05/2015 Farmworld NT Pty Ltd 2 x belts for Mower $262.40 DD220515 25/05/2015 S.E. Rentals PTY Ltd May 15 - Cemetery copier lease $260.79 569.490-01 22/05/2015 Combined IT Solutions Pty Ltd May 14 - Tracking System Data Access $255.20 568.78-01 19/05/2015 Power & Water Corporation Mar 15 - HDWS Water account $243.37 563.61-01 06/05/2015 Greenthemes Indoor Plant & Hire Apr 15 - Indoor plant hire $242.30 564.371-01 11/05/2015 Aardvark Crane & Tilt Transport abandoned vehicles $242.00 565.371-01 13/05/2015 Aardvark Crane & Tilt Transport abandoned vehicles $242.00 568.506-01 19/05/2015 Turbo's Tyres Repair truck, tractor & mower tyre $238.70 563.360-01 06/05/2015 Ace Traffic Control Provide traffic control $237.60 563.690-01 06/05/2015 Total Hydraulic Connections (NT) Pt Replace hydraulic cylinder on loader $236.50 563.815-01 06/05/2015 Jeffress Advertising Position Vacant Add $231.66 564.58-01 11/05/2015 Staples Australia Pty Ltd (Corporate) Stationery $228.99 572.690-01 29/05/2015 Total Hydraulic Connections (NT) Pt Repair Hydraulics on Backhoe $224.98 564.975-01 11/05/2015 Allweld Engineering Repair tractor axles & Jackhammer $212.50 563.36-01 06/05/2015 Bridge Toyota 10,000km vehicle service $210.00 569.41-01 22/05/2015 Arno's Tyre Service Replace tube on Tractor $209.00 00412812 12/05/2015 Litchfield Council Petty Cash Reimburse petty cash $188.75 00412816 19/05/2015 Litchfield Council Petty Cash Thorak Petty Cash Reimbursement $188.45 572.133-01 29/05/2015 Rural Business Guide 2015 Freds Pass Show Add $185.00 567.513-01 15/05/2015 GNK Boss Solutions Apr 15 - Weekend kennel cleaning $180.00 572.56-01 29/05/2015 Colemans Printing Pty Ltd Business cards $176.00 565.189-01 13/05/2015 HD Enterprises P/L (HD Pump Sales & Repair pump on spray buggy $165.00 564.249-01 11/05/2015 Territory Rural Herbicide $165.00 563.126-01 06/05/2015 Water Dynamics Darwin Irrigation Irrigation Supplies $158.85 564.41-01 11/05/2015 Arno's Tyre Service On Site Puncture repair on Backhoe $154.00 567.928-01 15/05/2015 RSEA Pty Ltd Fluro Polo shirts & Embroidery $146.20 567.85-01 15/05/2015 TELSTRA Apr 15 - Cemetery phone account $141.62 569.565-01 22/05/2015 Curby's (NT) Pty Ltd Name badges $140.80 570.58-01 26/05/2015 Staples Australia Pty Ltd (Corporate) Stationery $140.02 2.4 Creditors Paid Report Creditor Accounts Paid for May 2015 EFT/Cheque Date Payee Description Amount 563.287-01 06/05/2015 Harvey Distributors Hand towel dispensers $139.26 565.941-01 13/05/2015 Everlon Bronze Bronze plaque $137.50 B Pay 90 06/05/2015 Sensis Pty Ltd Apr 15 - Yellow Pages Directory Listing $134.20 565.28-01 13/05/2015 Rural Fire Protection Replace valve on fire reel $132.00 563.608-01 06/05/2015 Hitachi Construction Machinery ( 20l Hydraulic oil $131.67 569.928-01 22/05/2015 RSEA Pty Ltd Uniform/protective clothing $127.38 569.441-01 22/05/2015 Caps Hire (Wilson Hire) Hire 6m scissor lift $126.50 570.835-01 26/05/2015 Outback Auto Electrics & Repair wiring on ute. $112.00 564.300-01 11/05/2015 Darwin Office Technology P/L Copier metered charges - Cemetery $111.20 563.58-01 06/05/2015 Staples Australia Pty Ltd (Corporate) Stationery $110.94 569.70-01 22/05/2015 Local Government Association NT Procurement training $110.00 569.189-01 22/05/2015 HD Enterprises P/L (HD Pump Sales & Fibreglass kit for fuel tank repair $101.81 563.972-01 06/05/2015 Coolalinga Florist Wreath for Anzac Day $100.00 563.659-01 06/05/2015 Litchfield Springs Water Pty Ltd 4 x 15 L Water bottles $90.00 564.826-01 11/05/2015 Normist P/L (Darwin Bolt Supplies) Assorted bolts & turnbuckles $82.56 567.876-01 15/05/2015 NT Ice 30 bags of ice $77.00 569.522-01 22/05/2015 Farmworld NT Pty Ltd Grease nipples for tractor $75.80 568.99-01 19/05/2015 SBA Office National Stationery $71.30 567.751-01 15/05/2015 Mrs A F Connolly Reimburse expense - DVD Burner $69.00 565.126-01 13/05/2015 Water Dynamics Darwin Irrigation Irrigation parts $65.34 564.974-01 11/05/2015 Mr A Allcorn Reimbursement for Criminal History Check $55.00 572.484-01 29/05/2015 Ms D M Chellingworth Reimburse - Mobile phone $55.00 570.307-01 26/05/2015 Randflex Pty Ltd 30 Urn lids $49.50 569.30-01 22/05/2015 Territory Springwater Pty Ltd Bottled water - Thorak $42.00 569.126-01 22/05/2015 Water Dynamics Darwin Irrigation Irrigation items $37.55 565.893-01 13/05/2015 Pacific Brands Sports & Leisure - Uniforms $33.00 563.807-01 06/05/2015 Totalweld Sales & Service P/L Welding rods for cremator repairs $31.90 565.30-01 13/05/2015 Territory Springwater Pty Ltd Water bottles $31.50 563.826-01 06/05/2015 Normist P/L (Darwin Bolt Supplies) Fasteners for cremator repairs $30.77 563.189-01 06/05/2015 HD Enterprises P/L (HD Pump Sales & Air line coupling & Gloves $30.60 570.78-01 26/05/2015 Power & Water Corporation P/E 23/4/15 Water account $29.10 564.25-01 11/05/2015 RTM Integrated Land information Sys Apr 15 - Land Search $26.40 572.565-01 29/05/2015 Curby's (NT) Pty Ltd Name badge $22.00 568.671-01 19/05/2015 Burson Automotive Pty Ltd Plastic tank repair kit $21.07 565.14-01 13/05/2015 Australia Post Registered letter Total $4.36 $ 997,348.51 2.5 Statement of Credit Card Transactions Credit Card Transactions for May 2015 STAFF MEMBER DETAILS COST CODES GROSS GST Iian Wilson Car rental 3000.310.645 $ 162.05 $ 14.73 CEO Airfare 3000.310.645 $ 265.60 $ 24.15 Accommodation 3000.310.644 $ 215.76 $ 19.61 Travel meal 3000.310.644 $ 79.43 $ 7.22 Parking fees 3000.310.645 $ 51.50 $ 4.68 Car rental 3000.310.644 $ 41.60 $ 3.78 Meals 3000.350.515 $ 231.40 $ 21.04 W3989.122 $ 108.23 $ 9.84 Fuel Freeway toll fees 3000.310.645 $ 30.92 $ 2.81 Fuel W3989.122 $ 80.56 $ 7.32 Diesel Fuel W3989.122 $ 96.14 $ 8.74 Diesel Fuel W3989.122 $ 106.36 $ 9.67 CEO Phone 3000.350.640 $ 146.52 $ 13.32 Joanne Mullins Conference accommodation Customer Service Manager Conference meals 3120.310.644 3120.310.644 $ $ 299.08 58.00 $ $ 27.19 5.27 Conference accommodation 3120.310.644 $ 154.00 $ 14.00 Conference Taxi Conference meals Conference accommodation 3120.310.644 3120.310.644 3120.310.644 $ $ $ 66.60 65.00 344.60 $ $ $ 6.05 5.91 31.33 Brush & turpentine 3120.350.500 $ 13.68 $ 1.24 Accommodation - Staff incentive 3120.350.515 $ 238.52 $ 21.68 Andrew Farrell Worksop Catering for "The Change Forum" 3000.350.515 $ 174.40 $ 15.85 Property & Assets Manager Worksop Catering for "The Change Forum" 3000.350.515 $ 80.82 $ 7.35 Stationery for "The Change Forum" 3000.350.500 $ 330.88 $ 30.08 Diesel fuel W3983.122 $ 167.87 $ 15.26 Diesel fuel W3983.122 $ 101.86 $ 9.26 Diesel fuel W3983.122 $ 137.31 $ 12.48 Diesel fuel W3983.122 $ 106.75 $ 9.70 Amnet broadband 3120.360.638 $ 50.00 $ 4.55 Miguel Alarcon Stylus 3400.350.500 $ 51.00 $ 4.64 General Manager I & P Airfare - Engineering Course 3400.310.645 $ 484.00 $ 43.90 Protective case - iPad 3400.375.527 $ 99.00 $ 9.00 2.5 Statement of Credit Card Transactions Credit Card Transactions for May 2015 STAFF MEMBER DETAILS Graeme Francis Standards for kerb collection General Manager Projects Educational items for pre-school Diane Chellingworth Telstra Phone COST CODES GROSS GST W3992.42 $ 375.84 $ 34.17 3410.350.414 $ 346.14 $ - 3120.350.640 $ 56.61 $ 5.15 Business & Economic Development Chamber of Commerce function 3120.310.644 $ 20.00 $ 1.82 Manager Air fare - Planning course 3120.310.645 $ 564.98 $ 51.36 Items for Freds Pass Show 3700.341.677 $ 90.00 $ 8.18 Monitor stands & Ipad/phone covers 3200.375.525 $ 362.48 $ 32.95 Tally counter 3700.341.677 $ 19.34 $ 1.76 Items for Freds Pass Show 3700.341.677 $ 45.50 $ 4.14 Items for Freds Pass Show 3700.341.677 $ 33.92 $ 3.08 Items for Freds Pass Show 3700.341.677 $ 18.97 $ 1.72 Items for Freds Pass Show 3700.341.677 $ 11.69 $ 1.06 B&ED Networking function 3120.310.644 $ 75.00 $ 6.82 Freds Pass Show - Stallholders tickets 3700.341.677 $ 167.00 $ 15.18 Glen Byrnes Staff amenities - Milk 3410.350.515 $ 12.00 $ - Waste Manager Staff amenities - Cleaners/Handwash 3410.350.515 $ 49.77 $ Staff amenities - Milk 3410.350.515 $ 11.40 $ - Vehicle hire 3410.310.645 $ 269.73 $ 24.52 Hire vehicle fuel 3410.310.645 $ 92.87 $ 8.44 Freeway Toll Fees 3410.310.645 $ 17.77 $ 1.62 Safety wear 3410.350.508 $ 328.68 $ 29.88 10Pkt Squinchers 3410.350.515 $ 80.08 $ 7.28 Irrigation parts 3430.622.420 $ 68.65 $ 6.25 20lt Diesel oil W3973.123 $ 125.42 $ 11.40 Irrigation parts 3430.622.420 $ 66.95 $ 6.09 Oil filter W3972.123 $ 13.55 $ 1.23 Fuel filter W3972.123 $ 25.07 $ 2.28 Oil & fuel filters W3973.123 $ 77.11 $ 7.01 Nuts & bolts W3746.30 $ 28.33 $ 2.58 Studs & 18mm drill bit 4.52 W3746.30 $ 63.87 $ 5.81 Irrigation parts 3430.622.420 $ 209.30 $ 19.02 Herbert Backers 2 x Padlocks 3200.375.527 $ 199.96 $ 18.18 Road Network Manager 32pc Socket set W3598.9.506 $ 102.99 $ 9.36 Subscription to ARRB 3400.350.503 $ 885.80 $ - 18v Drill, 2 step ladders & shovel W3598.9.506 $ 771.30 $ 70.12 William Green 2 x 20kg Dog food 4040.435.562 $ 93.00 $ 8.45 Regulatory Services Safety boots 4040.350.508 $ 135.95 $ 12.36 Manager 2 x Safety boots 4040.350.508 $ 359.90 $ 32.72 Total $ 10,916.36 $ 878.19 2.6 Financial Reserves Schedule Financial Reserves Schedule as at 31 May 2015 Humpty Doo MWF Waste Amenities Contingency Election Infrastructure Transfer Machinery Station Shed $ $ $ $ Balance as at 1/7/14 Transfers to Reserves:Transfers from Reserves:Dirt Girl World Get Grubby Program Howard Springs BMX Track Wadham Lagoon Flood Mitigation Plan New position - Asset Accountant Revaluation of Assets MWF Signs Tender Equipment MWF Patching Tender Equipment Waste Management & Disposal Services December 2014 Budget Review Building Compliance Freds Pass Reserve Humpty Doo Bowls Grant Balance as at 31/05/15 *Externally restricted reserves 2,842,427 - 67,000 - 4,666,400 - 1,032,364 403,361 832,000 - Property Realignment $ Plant and Infrastructure Vehicle Development Replacement Levy* $ 581,630 - $ 581,682 - Total $ 800,221 11,403,724 674,983 1,078,344 (7,500) FR14/WRE/001LI FR14/RG/054 PW14/RFWL/001LI PA14/ST/026 FR14/ROA/001LI PA14/ST/027 PW14/CP/108LI PW14/DUMPS/001LI FR15/BR/002 FR15/FPRF/003 FR15/GG/001 (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (76,999) (99,500) (25,000) (50,000) (515,400) (35,000) (30,000) 2,204,527 800,000 67,000 4,439,401 2,235,725 (832,000) - (198,700) 581,630 258,482 Council Minute & Meeting 1,475,204 11,261,969 Oct-14 Oct-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Dec-14 Feb-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Agenda Item No: 12.1 Report Number: Report Title: Changes to Meeting Agenda and Reports Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 0 Infoxpert Number/s: 2015/0005 Enter Document ID/s Summary: This report outlines changes to the Council Meeting Agenda and associated Officers Reports formats suggested in order to streamline Council Meetings, improve decision making and transparency, and better inform residents of the activities of Council. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 2015/0005. 2. THAT Council approves the new Council Agenda and Officers Reports format and structure for use in the preparation of Council Meeting business papers as found used in the 18 June 2015 meeting agenda. 3. THAT the Chief Executive Officer be required to maintain an appropriate register of all Council Resolutions, with those Resolutions requiring action which are outstanding to be reported to Council monthly. 4. THAT the Register of Council Decisions be available on Council’s website, with the exemption of those resolutions which remain in confidence under legislation. Background: Previous Council Meetings have followed an agenda and reporting structure which has overtime gradually become administratively difficult to manage, resulting in governance weaknesses. This includes difficulty in reviewing past Council Resolutions, easily identifying the Officers Reports which are associated with these decisions, and reporting on the status of Council Resolutions requiring action by Council Officers. In order to reduce these, the current agenda reflects a number of changes. Most significantly: 1. Council Officer Reports included in an agenda are numbered sequentially in the following format: YY/####, with YY representing the last two digits of the year in which the report was written, and #### representing the sequential numbering of when the report was written. The number is generated and assigned by the Council Secretary. Example: 15/0005 would be the fifth report written in the year 2015. 2. Recommendations by Officers are found at the beginning of the report following a brief summary of the purpose and intent of the report. This provides readers with a quick understanding of what resolution Officers are seeking from Council. 3. When Council determines to make a resolution (whether based on the recommendation or not), the resolution is assigned a number in the format YY/####/##, with YY/#### identifying the Report associated with the resolution, and /## being a sequential number generated and assigned by the Council Secretary and included in the Minutes of the meeting. Example: 15/0005/02 would be the second resolution associated with Officer Report 15/0005. 4. Officer Reports, when included in an agenda, become Agenda Items. These are not divided by functional area, but rather by the sequencing of the agenda to appropriately facilitate the business of the meeting. 5. Greater emphasis is placed on Officer Reports seeking resolutions by Council which facilitate the orderly 1 operations of Council, rather than on those reports which merely provide information without analysis. 6. Greater governance emphasis is placed on ensuring all decisions for which Council Officers have insufficient delegations and authority to make are brought to Council for resolution in a timely manner, and that these resolutions are then tracked and monitored in a transparent manner. 7. Where the expenditure of funds not within the current adopted budget is requested, this will be explicitly requested in a recommendation. 8. Both public questions sessions provided for in earlier agenda formats continue to be provided in this new format. Officers believe that these changes to the format and structure of Council’s business papers will be beneficial both to proper Council decision making and to the efficient administration of the organization. Links with Strategic Plan: 1 Effective leadership and governance Legislative and Policy Implications: Internal policies regarding the administration of business papers will be adjusted following the adoption of this recommendation. No other legislative implications apply. Financial Implications: Nil. Risks: Members of the public attending or reading Council business papers may struggle with a new format. Any requests, complaints or suggestions by the public are welcomed by Officers, and can be provided through the telephone number indicated below. Recommending Officer: BEN DORNIER – ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. 2 Agenda Item No: 11.2 Report Number: Report Title: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 1 15/0001 Infoxpert Number/s: Summary: Financial Assistance Grants are a vital part of the revenue base of all councils, and this year councils will receive $2.3 billion from the Australian Government under this important program. The Government’s decision in the 2014 Federal Budget to freeze the indexation of Financial Assistance Grants for three years beginning in 2014-15 will unfortunately cost councils across Australia an estimated $925 million by 2017-18. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 15/0001 2. THAT Council acknowledges the importance of federal funding through the Financial Assistance Grants program for the continued delivery of councils services and infrastructure 3. THAT Council will ensure that this federal funding, and other funding provided by the Federal Government under relevant grant programs, is appropriately identified as Commonwealth grant funding in council publications, including annual reports. Background: ALGA and the state local government associations are seeking the support of Council for advocacy to have the Federal Government reverse the decision to freeze the indexation of Financial Assistance Grants. While the Financial Assistance Grants are paid through each state’s Local Government Grants Commission, the funding originates with the Commonwealth and it is important it is recognized as such. Council and every other council in Australia have been asked to pass a resolution acknowledging the importance of the Commonwealth's Financial Assistance Grants in assisting Council to provide important community infrastructure. Council acknowledges the receipt of Financial Assistance Grants from the Commonwealth. Council publications, such as the annual report should highlight council projects that have been funded through Financial Assistance Grants program. Links with Strategic Plan: 1 Effective leadership and governance 2 Vibrant local economy Legislative and Policy Implications: LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANTS COMMISSION ACT section 12 Functions of Commission (1) The functions of the Commission are to make recommendations to the Minister in a report in respect of: (a) the amounts of money to be allocated to local governing bodies from the money provided to the Territory under the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 (Cth); 1 Financial Implications: A reduction in the amount of financial assistance provided to the Territory will consequently reduce the amount of funding this Council receives Risks: Nil Recommending Officer: DERRICK TRANTER – GOVERNANCE MANAGER Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: Correspondence from ALGA 2 29 May, 2015 Dear colleague, Re: Financial Assistance Grants to Local Government The President of the local government association in your state, together with the President of the Australian Local Government Association, recently wrote to your council seeking support for the associations’ advocacy aimed at the immediate restoration of indexation for Financial Assistance Grants which councils receive from the Australian Government. We are writing to you to enlist your support in encouraging your council to play its part in that advocacy campaign. Financial Assistance Grants are an important untied payment to councils from the Australian Government which are invested in essential community infrastructure and services ranging from local roads and parks to swimming pools and libraries. These grants are a vital part of the revenue base of all councils, and this year councils will receive $2.3 billion from the Australian Government under this program. You will know the impact of the Government's decision to freeze the indexation of Financial Assistance Grants on your council. At a national level, however, funding is not keeping pace with demand for services and infrastructure in local communities and the decision in last year’s Federal Budget to freeze indexation of Financial Assistance Grants for 3 years will worsen this. Freezing Financial Assistance Grants at their current level until 2017-18 will result in a permanent reduction in the Financial Assistance Grants base by 13%. Persuading the Commonwealth Government to end the indexation freeze early will be challenging but the task is made more difficult by the lack of acknowledgment many councils give to the Financial Assistance Grants funding they receive. This is why ALGA and state associations asked each council to pass a resolution acknowledging the importance of the grants in assisting councils to provide important community infrastructure. Councils have also been asked to acknowledge the receipt of Financial Assistance Grants from the Commonwealth in media releases and council publications, including annual reports. The Financial Assistance Grants are paid quarterly and to illustrate the importance and impact of the grants councils were also asked to identify an individual project of a similar size to their annual or quarterly grants payment and to highlight this to the media and their local Federal Member and Senator in a positive story on the grant funds. Local government across the country has been united in its determination to see indexation restored as soon as possible and our objective must be to see an end to the freeze in 2016-17, a year earlier than planned. Doing so will limit the reduction in the base of the grants and restore around $200 million in Financial Assistance Grants funding to our communities. This is important for every Australian community and for the financial sustainability of our councils. We must continue to build momentum for the early restoration of indexation and ensure that the Federal Government and MPs are fully aware of the consequences for local communities. Your support for this effort will be greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely Dr Shayne Silcox President LGMA National Adrian Beresford-Wylie Chief Executive ALGA Agenda Item No: 12.3 Report Title: ELECTED MEMBERS ALLOWANCES Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 1 Report Number: 2015/0003 Infoxpert Number/s: Enter Document ID/s Summary: Section 71 of the Local Government Act (the Act), in conjunction with Guideline 2, provides for the setting of council member allowances. Guideline 2 set specific rules about the levels of allowances and provides for maximum amounts. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 2015/0003. 2. THAT Council approves the following allowances to be paid to Ordinary Council Members for the 2015/16 financial year: $13,086.40 as annual Base Allowance to be paid fortnightly in arrears, $4,788.73 as annual Electoral Allowance to be paid fortnightly in arrears, and a maximum $3,635.50 as Professional Development Allowance to be paid upon approval by the Chief Executive Officer of a compliant Professional Development Activity, and no extra meeting allowance. 3. THAT Council approves the following allowances to be paid to the Deputy Mayor for the 2015/16 financial year: $26,905.28 as annual Base Allowance to be paid fortnightly in arrears, $4,788.73 as annual Electoral Allowance to be paid fortnightly in arrears, and a maximum $3,635.50 as Professional Development Allowance to be paid upon approval by the Chief Executive Officer of a compliant Professional Development Activity, and no extra meeting allowance. 4. THAT Council approves the following allowances to be paid to the Mayor for the 2015/16 financial year: $72,761.56 as annual Base Allowance to be paid fortnightly in arrears, $19,151.56 as annual Electoral Allowance to be paid fortnightly in arrears, and a maximum $3,635.50 as Professional Development Allowance to be paid upon approval by the Chief Executive Officer of a compliant Professional Development Activity, and no extra meeting allowance. 5. THAT Council approves the following additional daily allowance to be paid to an Elected Member who is Acting Mayor for a period longer than 7 calendar days for the 2015/16 financial year to be $253.15, with the maximum claimable amount being $22,720.11. Background: A council must resolve allowances for the financial year when it adopts the budget for the financial year (section 71(3)). A council must adopt its budget on or before 31 July (section 128(1)). The amounts in the tables indicate the maximum level at which allowances may be set. Links with Strategic Plan: 1 Effective leadership and governance ; 1.3.1 Provide administrative and financial support for Elected Members to engage with their constituents on a regular basis. 1 Legislative and Policy Implications: The application of the maximum amount is as prescribed within Ministerial Guideline 2. Once a council has resolved the level of allowances for a financial year they cannot be changed except where Council resolves to reduce them. No provision for an extra meeting allowance is provided within the recommendation. Financial Implications: The 2015/16 Annual Budget has provided for Elected Member Allowances to be set at their maximum. Risks: A future Elected Council may determine to set allowances differently to that set out here. In order to mitigate this risk, and allow for flexibility in their choice, setting the allowances at their maximum allows a future Elected Council to adjust these allowances lower should they see fit, as long as these decisions are compliant with Ministerial Guideline 2. In addition, payments made to the Department of Local Government to cover the costs of having the Official Manager will continue to be drawn unspent funds budgeted for Elected Member allowances. Recommending Officer: BEN DORNIER – ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: Elected Members Allowance attachment (pdf format) 2 Agenda Item No: 12.4 Report Title: Draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 1 Report Number: 2015/0004 Infoxpert Number/s: Enter Document ID/s Summary: This report presents the Draft Municipal Plan 2015/16, and recommends it be released for the statutory 21 days public display, during which members of the public are able to make submissions as to its contents. Following this period, submissions made and suggested changes will be incorporated and Council will be asked to adopt the Plan. The draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 proposes an average increase in rates and waste charges to ratepayers of 7.7%, or $73. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 2015/0004 2. THAT Council approves the release of the draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 for public consultation and invite members of the public to make submissions regarding the Draft to Council, with the closing date of public submissions being 10 July 2015. 3. THAT Council approves the release of the draft Annual Budget 2015/16 as incorporated into the draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 for public consultation and invite members of the public to make submissions regarding the draft to Council, with the closing date of public submissions being 10 July 2015. 4. THAT Council approve the use of the name “Developer Contribution Reserve” to replace “Infrastructure Development Levy Reserve”, and that wherever the terms “Infrastructure Development Levy” or “IDL” has been used in Council plans or communication, this be changed to “Developer Contribution”. Background: Section 24 of the Local Government Act sets out the requirements for the annual review of Council’s Municipal Plan: (1)A council must adopt its municipal or shire plan (or revisions to its municipal or shire plan) between 1 April and 31 July in each year and forward a copy of the plan (or the revised plan) to the Agency by the latter date. (2) Before the council adopts its municipal or shire plan (or revisions to its municipal or shire plan) for a particular year, the council must: (a) prepare a draft of the plan (incorporating any proposed revisions); and (b) make the draft plan accessible on the council's website and make copies available for public inspection at the council's public offices; and (c) publish a notice on its website and in a newspaper circulating generally in the area inviting written submissions on the draft plan within a period (at least 21 days) from the date of the notice; and (d) consider the submissions made in response to the invitation and make any revisions to the draft the council considers appropriate in the light of the submissions. (3) Although the council's budget forms part of its municipal plan, this section does not apply to the adoption of the budget or of amendments to it. 1 (4) The adoption of a budget, or of amendments to it, operates to amend the municipal plan so that it conforms with the most recent text of the council's budget. The Municipal Plan 2015/16 reflects significant work by Council Officers to incorporate structural and budgetary changes following a period of change within the organization. Most significantly, it reflects a reduction in staff numbers and resources while maintaining levels of service to the community. Key points are: A staffing plan of 48.8 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) employees, vs 49.3 FTE in the 2014/15 financial year An increase of rates of 5%, or $32.74. An increase in the waste charge of 13.9%, or $40.26. No reduction in levels of service offered by Council. $3.2M in recurrent repairs and maintenance of Council assets, including pavement rehabilitation, resheeting, culverts, drains, driveways, shoulders, kerbing, cycle paths, signs, line marking, grading, and pothole patching. $1M for recreation reserves operations, maintenance and repairs. $1.2M for the transportation of waste to Shoal Bay, including increased landfill fees being charged by City of Darwin. $5M in capital works associated with roads infrastructure, with the single largest project being the completion of the new Girraween Road – Anglesy Road roundabout. Following the release of the Draft for public consultation, submissions made by the public as to its contents will be collated together with suggestions by Council Officers for any adjustments to the plan in response to these submissions, and a final draft will be presented to Council for adoption. In order to bring the Municipal Plan 2015/16 in line with legislation such as the Planning Act, and to ensure terminology is consistent within Local Government, it is recommended that the Infrastructure Development Levy be replaced in Council documents and general use with the term used in legislation: Development Contribution. Links with Strategic Plan: 1 Effective leadership and governance Legislative and Policy Implications: Section 24 of the Local Government Act, cited above, lays out the legislative requirements for Council’s Municipal Plan. If the recommendation above is adopted by resolution of Council at this meeting, the 21 day period of public consultation will commence 19 June 2015 and close on Friday 10 July 2015. The Final Draft will then be presented for adoption at the July Council Meeting, ensuring compliance with Section 24. Financial Implications: The 2015/16 Annual Budget is contained within the Draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 (see attached) providing the financial implications of the Plan. Statutory requirements for advertisements associated with the plan are provided for within the current budget. 2 Risks: No risks are identified as this report recommends only the release of the Draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 for public consultation. Recommending Officer: BEN DORNIER – ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: Draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 attachment (pdf format) 3 DRAFT MUNICIPAL PLAN 2015/2016 Girraween Road and Anglesey Road intersection upgrade 1 Introduction and Executive Summary 3 Map of Litchfield Municipality 6 Motto, Vision, Mission and Values 7 Program and Activity Structure Summary 8 2014/2015 Organisational Chart 6 Program and Activity Structure 7 Local Government Act 9 Municipal Long Term Financial Plan 2015/2020 11 Rates 14 Budget Analysis Operational Revenue and Expenditure Capital Revenue and Expenditure 17 17 19 Elected Members Allowance 22 Thorak Regional Cemetery Budget 23 2015/16 Staffing Plan 24 Program Profiles 26 Governance Corporate Services Regulatory Services Infrastructure Planning Works Mobile Work Force Property Waste Management Community Thorak Regional Cemetery Key Performance Indicators 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Comments can be made via Council’s email – or by written submission to Ms Diane Chellingworth, Business & Economic Development Manager, Litchfield Council, PO Box 446, Humpty Doo NT 0836. 2 Introduction by Frank Crawley, Official Manager I am pleased to present the draft 2015/16 Municipal Plan and Budget to the Litchfield community. On 27 January 2015 The Minister for Local Government and Community Services the Hon Bess Price placed the Litchfield Council under official management and appointed me to manage the affairs of the council. In addition, she appointed me to investigate and report back to her by 30 June 2015 on the conduct of the suspended members and the affairs and financial position of the council. Once the Minister receives my report, she will invite written submissions from the suspended members on the content of the report. The Minister then considers the report and any submissions made by the suspended members. The Minister must either reinstate the suspended members or dismiss the suspended members from office. At the time of writing this introduction (15 June 2015) the Minister has not received my report. The last 12 months has been a very turbulent time for council. I am pleased to report, however, that there has been no reduction in service delivery to residents and ratepayers. In order to bring the council back to a sustainable financial position there has had to be a significant decrease in staffing numbers. All costs have been intensely scrutinised and only essential expenditure is being approved. The draft plan is based on maintaining the current level of services to ratepayers. The rate increase for 2015/16 has been kept to the lowest increase possible. General rates have increased by 5% or $32.74. Due to an increase in dumping fees of 13.8% at Shoal Bay Waste Management Facility, the waste management charge has increased by 13.9% or $40.26. This has meant an overall increase of 7.7% or $73 for the average Litchfield ratepayer. I would like to thank the community and staff for their patience, understanding and assistance since my appointment. I encourage the community to comment on this draft Municipal Plan and budget. Details of how to make submissions are included at the front of this plan. Frank Crawley Official Manager 3 Executive Summary by Ben Dornier, Acting Chief Executive Officer It is my pleasure to work with the Official Manager and Litchfield Council staff and introduce the draft Municipal Plan 2015/16 to the Litchfield community. Following a request from the Official Manager at the beginning of May 2015, I have been seconded from my position at the neighboring council of City of Palmerston to act as Chief Executive Officer at Litchfield Council. The past year has been a difficult time for the organisation, with the arrival of a new CEO in August 2014 followed by a period of divisiveness amongst Elected Members which resulted in their suspension at the end of January 2015 as well as the departure of the new CEO in early May 2015. These changes have caused considerable difficulties amongst staff, while causing many in the community to question the decisions and directions of their local council. Decisions on spending through the first half of 2015 reflected choices inconsistent with the original objectives set for the organisation. Plans for the 2015/16 financial year were similarly inconsistent, and would have seen unprecedented levels of spending which would have resulted in the use of Council reserves as well as significant increases in rates for ratepayers. These decisions included the increase of staffing numbers by 8, the purchase of a large amount of new vehicles with excessive specifications, and salary increases for a large number of Council employees. It also included major increases in legal fees and consultancies. Plans for 2015/16 further increased these financial burdens. None of these decisions or plans were directly related to increasing service levels or adding new services of benefit to the community. Extricating the organisation from this situation and setting a financially sustainable course for the organisation without affecting services to the community has consumed the bulk of my time as Acting CEO, and this will likely continue. Working with staff and the Official Manager, we have been able to bring the finances down to a more manageable level. Nearly all of the new vehicles have now been disposed of, and staff numbers are now below the level as at July 2014. No new positions are planned for 2015/16. We will continue to have further reductions in costs as a priority. Unfortunately, this has still meant that a 5% increase in rates and 13.9% increase in waste charge are being proposed to ensure we can move forward. The organisation seeks with this Municipal Plan to refocus on our core role in the community – provision and maintenance of infrastructure assets such as roads and stormwater drainage, provision of passive and active recreation assets such as Council reserves, working with the NT Government in order to ensure the orderly and planned development of property in the region reflective of community needs and desires, and the provision of waste transfer stations supporting the appropriate management of municipal waste. To accomplish this, significant work has been carried out to identify the state of Council assets. Unfortunately, and as many of you would already realise, Council’s road network is in dire need of improvement, and a large number of our recreational assets are due for upgrades as well. With this Municipal Plan, we plan to spend $1 million to carry out maintenance and repairs (as well as ongoing operation) of Council reserves, $3.2 million on repairs and maintenance on existing road infrastructure, and a further $5 million on capital works associated with renewing and replacing road infrastructure with the current Girraween Road – Anglesy Road roundabout being the single largest project. Better governance arrangements are needed in order to prevent some of the difficulties we have experienced from happening in the future. Over the course of this Municipal Plan, officers will be working to develop stronger financial controls, policies and processes. Council meetings will be focused on improving the transparency of Council decision making, and providing effective reporting to the community on Council operations. How Council deals with development applications in the 4 municipality will be strengthened. Organisational policies and procedures will be reviewed to ensure we are operating as efficiently as possible and with a minimum of ‘red tape’ – and that the experience of ratepayers and businesses of dealing with Council officers is smooth and consistent. Paramount in the minds of both the Official Manager and myself has been to ensure that a future Elected Council inherits an organisation capable of responding to the strategies it sets forth for the community, and that decisions made in this Municipal Plan are neither to restrictive on future operations, nor too permissive of poor decision making. Admittedly, this is a delicate balancing act. To support this focus, Council has engaged an external consultancy to work with Council to develop a new, leaner, more efficient organisational structure. It is expected that this work will result in organisational change in the first quarter of the new financial year, and will be carried out in an open and transparent manner. Staff have worked hard to ensure the budget included in the Municipal Plan 2015/16 focuses on the ‘needs’ of the community, rather than the ‘wants’ or ‘nice to haves’. We won’t be able to do all of the things we wish could be done to improve our local area, and we realise that not all community groups and stakeholders will be happy with the priorities set in this budget. We do hope that those with comments and suggestions for how Council operates moving forward will send their submissions in for consideration prior to the approval of this plan. It has been a pleasure over the past two months to work in this role. I have met many residents, and look forward to meeting more. What strikes me most when interacting with members of the community and hearing their passion, interest and dedication to their homes and their lifestyle, is how aptly the motto of this organisation describes its residents – “Community effort is essential.” I believe the coming year will require this to continue to ring true. This is an exciting community, and the opportunity to participate in supporting positive and financially sustainable outcomes is one I have been most grateful to have. Ben Dornier Acting Chief Executive 5 6 Our MOTTO "Community Effort is Essential" Our VISION "To promote and support our rural lifestyle options" Our MISSION "Provide municipal services which meets the needs of our rural community" Our VALUES We Believe in: We will strive to: Accountable local government Provide a system of local government for ratepayers that is open, accountable and accessible and has a positive public image A safe environment Create a safe environment that meets community needs. Quality rural amenities and services. Ensure a level of service based on a sustainable level of rates that protects rural amenities and essential services. Actively engage with the NT Government to plan for future expansion and provision of services. Rural sports and recreation reserves. Maintain, support and promote our sports and recreational reserves whilst identifying new areas to be established. Engage with the NT and Federal Governments to assist with infrastructure upgrades within all Municipal Sports Centres & Reserves Communication. Communicate effectively with residents concerning the services we provide as Local Government and actively seek feedback. Engage with the NT Government and other stakeholders to maintain close open and effective lines of communication. Promotion. Actively promote the role and activities of the Litchfield Council 7 Council has two principal functions: Council – comprising of six Programs; and Cemetery. The Northern Territory Government entrusted Litchfield Council with the sole management and operation of the Thorak Regional Cemetery in 2008. Elected Members Governance Public Relations Administration Corporate Services Finance and Rates Regulatory Services Animal Control Planning Council Works and Infrastructure Works Property Mobile Work Force Waste Management Waste Transfer Stations Administration Council Community Services Operations Thorak Regional Cemetery Operations 8 This Municipal Plan for 2015/2016 has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act Part 3.2 and the budget has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act Part 10.5. These documents have been developed in the context of Council’s Strategic Plan following consultation and workshops. The Strategic Plan was reviewed and adopted by Council on 13 February 2014 and is the framework for the forward direction of Council to achieve outcomes in line with the following goals: Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Effective leadership and governance Vibrant local economy Efficient service delivery Strong community Effective Council Management For a copy of the Strategic Plan, please refer to Council’s website. Additional information required to be contained or incorporated by reference in the Municipal Plan are outlined in Section 23 (1) (c) of the Local Government Act, and are as follows: Constitutional Arrangements Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23(1) (c) of the Northern Territory Local Government Act and the Local Government (Electoral) Regulations Part 6 (63), Council undertook a review of constitutional (electoral) arrangements. The Litchfield Council formally commenced its review in April 2014 and conducted the review with references to the provisions of Sections 11, 23 and 44 of the Act; the provisions of Regulation 63 of the Local Government (Electoral) Regulations 2008 (the Regulations); and elector data provided by the Northern Territory Electoral Commission. The review was concluded at a meeting held on the 20th November 2014, at which time it was resolved that the current composition and structure should be retained at this time. Opportunities and Challenges for Service Delivery Council annually reviews the community’s concerns by way of a questionnaire then considers opportunities and challenges for service delivery as part of its budget process. The Program Profiles provide information on the services delivered by Council and the budget allocation required to implement them. Opportunities exist to better utilise technology to achieve greater efficiencies, particularly in the administrative areas which build on the relationships that Council has achieved between government, business and the community to improve service delivery. Challenges exist in maintaining service levels in the face of decreasing income, rising costs, high community expectations, climate change and environmental issues. Council experiences cost shifting from other tiers of government and constantly increasing maintenance costs for infrastructure assets. New infrastructure is required to meet the needs of a growing population. Possible Changes to the Regulatory and Administrative Framework Council regularly reviews its regulatory and administrative framework. A revision of Council’s policies was conducted in 2012 with new policies being developed and existing policies reviewed and updated as appropriate. 9 Possibilities for Improving Service Delivery through Co-operation with Other Organisations Council is a member of Top End Regional Organisation of Councils (TOPROC). TOPROC is committed to the sustainable development of the Greater Darwin Region including Litchfield and meets on a regular basis to discuss and progress common issues that impact all committee member councils. The committee membership comprises Mayors and CEO’s representing: City of Darwin City of Palmerston Litchfield Council Belyuen Council Coomalie Council Wagait Shire Council Section 23(1) (d) Indicators for judging the standard of its performance Key Performance Indicators have been identified against each Program Profile. Performance against the Municipal Plan is monitored by Council on a quarterly basis. Performance is also monitored through monthly reports to Council by the Chief Executive Officer measuring against the Key Performance Indicators, found outlined in this Plan. As required by the Local Government (Accounting) Regulations, a finance report is presented monthly to Council which compares actual to budgeted estimate revenue and expenditure. 10 Litchfield Council Municipal Financial Plan 2015 - 2020 Budget Estimate 2015/2016 Forward Estimate 2016/2017 Forward Estimate 2017/2018 Forward Estimate 2018/2019 Forward Estimate 2019/2020 OPERATIONAL REVENUE - PROGRAMS 1. GOVERNANCE 2. CORPORATE SERVICES 3. REGULATORY SERVICES 4. INFRASTRUCTURE 5. WASTE MANAGEMENT 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES OPERATIONAL REVENUE TOTAL $0 $1,070,954 $25,500 $2,666,745 $2,807,221 $1,000 $6,571,420 $0 $1,103,083 $26,265 $2,746,747 $2,891,438 $1,030 $6,768,563 $0 $1,136,175 $27,053 $2,829,150 $2,978,181 $1,061 $6,971,619 $0 $1,170,260 $27,865 $2,914,024 $3,067,526 $1,093 $7,180,768 $0 $1,205,368 $28,700 $3,001,445 $3,159,552 $1,126 $7,396,191 OPERATIONAL EXPENSE - PROGRAMS 1. GOVERNANCE 2. CORPORATE SERVICES 3. REGULATORY SERVICES 4. INFRASTRUCTURE 5. WASTE MANAGEMENT 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES OPERATIONAL EXPENSE TOTAL $1,095,255 $2,115,720 $377,781 $7,055,983 $2,650,810 $67,199 $13,362,749 $1,211,543 $2,179,192 $389,114 $7,267,662 $2,730,334 $69,215 $13,763,631 $1,247,889 $2,244,568 $400,788 $7,485,692 $2,812,244 $71,292 $14,176,540 $1,285,326 $2,311,905 $412,811 $7,710,263 $2,896,612 $73,431 $14,601,836 $1,323,886 $2,381,262 $425,196 $7,941,571 $2,983,510 $75,634 $15,039,891 ($6,791,329) ($6,995,068) ($7,204,921) ($7,421,068) ($7,643,700) Surplus (Deficit) on Council Operations for the year 11 Litchfield Council Municipal Financial Plan 2015 - 2020 CAPITAL INCOME - PROGRAMS 1. GOVERNANCE 2. CORPORATE SERVCIES 3. REGULATORY SERVCIES 4. INFRASTRUCTURE 5. WASTE MANAGEMENT 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES CAPITAL EXPENDITURE - PROGRAMS 1. GOVERNANCE 2. CORPORATE SERVCIES 3. REGULATORY SERVCIES 4. INFRASTRUCTURE 5. WASTE MANAGEMENT 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES Budget Estimate 2015/2016 $0 $0 $12,000 $3,502,000 $407,500 $0 $3,921,500 Forward Estimate 2016/2017 Forward Estimate 2017/2018 Forward Estimate 2018/2019 Forward Estimate 2019/2020 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $1,242,850 $425,545 $0 $0 $0 $2,116,136 $444,311 $12,000 $0 $12,000 $2,191,620 $463,641 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $2,269,368 $12,000 $1,692,395 $2,560,447 $2,679,260 $2,305,368 $0 $0 $50,000 $5,444,859 $150,000 $0 $5,644,859 $0 $80,000 $66,000 $3,352,000 $50,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $4,733,000 $50,000 $50,000 $30,000 $50,000 $5,540,000 $150,000 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $6,984,000 $50,000 $3,548,000 $4,793,000 $5,820,000 $7,134,000 Surplus (Deficit) on Council Capital for the year ($1,723,359) ($1,855,605) ($2,232,553) ($3,140,740) ($4,828,632) Surplus(Deficit) on Council Operational and Capital ($8,514,688) ($8,520,674) ($9,437,473) ($10,561,808) ($12,472,332) 12 Surplus(Deficit) on Council Operational and Capital 2015/16 ($8,595,688) Transfer to Reserves Developer Contributions 2015/2016 ($1,195,000) Transfer to Reserve - Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Reserve ($50 levy) ($401,500) Transfer from Reserve (Developer Contributions) $780,806 Transfer from Reserve (Property Realignment) $40,000 Transfer from Reserve (Infrastructure) $2,281,053 Transfer from Reserve (Contingency) $924,539 Transfer from Reserve (Plant and Vehicle Replacement) $114,000 Amount required from Rates ($5,970,790) 2015/2016 General Rates based on 7429 $5,133,438 2015/2016 Rates - Urban properties 228 properties $262,656 2015/2016 Commercial Rates 254 properties $529,227 2015/2016 Mining Tenements 52 properties $45,102 2015/2016 Pastoral Leases 1 property $367 Surplus(Deficit) of Budget 2015/2016 $0 13 The 2015/2016 Budget is for the year 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. Council has prepared a Budget which seeks to balance the demand for services and infrastructure with the community’s capacity to pay. This budget has been developed through a rigorous process of consultation and review. Litchfield Council has adopted a Rating Policy pursuant to Section 148 of the Local Government Act in which it will apply: (a) a fixed amount (a fixed charge) for each allotment; or (b) an amount (a valuation-based charge) calculated as a proportion of the assessed value of each allotment; or (c) a combination of: (i) fixed charges (for different purposes); or (ii) a fixed charge (or fixed charges) and a valuation-based charge. If rates consist of, or include, a valuation-based charge, the charge may be subject to a specified minimum (a minimum charge). Pursuant to Section 149 of the Act, the Council adopts the Unimproved Capital Value method as the basis of the assessed value of allotments within the council area. Council’s rate setting and charging structures are based on the following principles: • Equity: defined as broad based and reasonable stakeholder acceptance of each rate or charge structure, derived from an appropriate balance of the principles of user pays versus capacity to pay or deemed capacity to pay on a case-by-case basis. • Effectiveness/Efficiency: defined as meeting the financial, social, economic, environmental or other corporate objectives of the Council as stated in its long term plans and policies. • Simplicity: to ensure widespread community or stakeholder understanding, and minimise perceived inequities and hidden costs, in a complex system. • Sustainability: revenue decisions support the financial strategies for the delivery of infrastructure and services identified in Council’s long term planning. 14 For 2015/2016 Council will levy the following rates and chargesFixed Amount Rates on all residential allotments (excluding urban developments); on all residential allotments within an urban development. A minimum charge is applicable. Pastoral leases and mining tenements as approved by the Minister. Valuation-based on all commercial allotments on properties on which gas plants and Workers Villages are located. A minimum charge is applicable. Other Levies Waste management, specifically the operational costs of the three waste transfer stations. Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Levy In 2015/2016 the rate rise will be 5% on general rates and the waste levy will be 13.9%, increasing from $288.74 to $329 resulting in the waste management operations being cost neutral. On an average residential property, the total combined increase is 7.7%. Refer to the chart on the following page for further details. The Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Levy of $50 per rate payer still applies in 2015/2016. This levy was introduced in 2009/2010 for a period of ten years. Social and Economic Impacts Council’s rates and fees are set each year with regard to a number of factors including increases in the cost of providing services, proposed capital works and increases in service levels or other Council initiatives. Council also considers statistical indicators such as the Consumer Price Index and the Tender Price Index. Council aims to keep the increase in rates to a minimum in order to lessen the financial impact on ratepayers, but at the same time, generate sufficient income to provide adequate levels of service and achievement of its objectives. 15 Planning Zone Code Fixed amount / or rate in the dollar Fixed Rates Single Dwelling Residential; Rural Residential; Rural Living; Rural, Multiple Dwelling Residential; Medium Dwelling Residential; High Density Residential; Urban (excluding Coolalinga) Single Dwelling Residential; Rural Residential; Rural Living; Rural, Multiple Dwelling Residential; Medium Dwelling Residential; High Density Residential; Urban (Coolalinga) Mining Tenement SD; RR; RL; R; MD; MR; HR SD; RR; RL; R; MD; MR; HR As approved by the Minister Pastoral Lease $691 $1152 $867.34 $366.48 Specific Use; Community Purposes; Restricted Development; Utilities; Community Living; Heritage SU; CP; RD; U; CL; HT $691 Public Open Space; Conservation PS; CN $691 Organised Recreation OR $691 Valuation Based Charge Central Business; Future Development CB; FD $0.0017137 Minimum Charge $1260 Tourist Commercial TC $0.0017137 Minimum Charge $1260 Commercial; Service Commercial C; SC $0.0017137 Minimum Charge $1260 Caravan Parks CV $0.0017137 Minimum Charge $1260 General Industry; Development GI; DV $0.0017137 Minimum Charge $1260 Light Industry LI $0.0017137 Minimum Charge $1260 Workers Village MZ $0.0034276 Levy Waste Charge $329.00 Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Levy $50.00 16 Operational Budgets - Revenue Operating revenue of $13,587,749 is budgeted for the 2015/2016 financial year from various sources as follows:3,020,199 516,800 8,520,211 85,000 400,000 1,045,539 $13,587,749 Grants and Contributions User Fees & Charges Rates and Annual Charges Rate Arrears Interest Investment Interest Reserves 22% 4% 63% 2% 3% 8% 100% Other than Rates and Charges as its main revenue source, Council receives the Federal Government Financial Assistance Grants. An indexation freeze on these grants remain in force for the 2015/16 financial year and are not increasing in line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) and population increases. Council however actively seeks additional grants and contributions opportunities throughout the year to fund the delivery of additional projects to benefit the Litchfield Municipality. Additional internal funding of $1,045,539 is from Reserves. Operational Income Investment Interest 3% Rate Arrears Interest 2% Rates and Annual Charges 63% Reserves 8% Grants and Contributions 22% User Fees & Charges 4% 17 Operational Budgets - Expenditure Operating expenditure of $13,443,749 is budgeted for the 2015/2016 financial year as follows:Employee Costs Materials Contractors & Consultants Other Expenses 4,847,543 818,615 6,689,600 1,087,990 13,443,749 36% 6% 50% 8% 100% The contractor and consultant costs include the following major activities: $3.2m recurrent repairs and maintenance on pavement rehabilitation, gravel re-sheeting, culverts, drains, driveways, shoulders, kerbing, cycle paths, signs, line marking, grading, pothole patching and road sweeping; $1m for recreation reserves operations, maintenance and repairs; $1.2m for transportation of waste to Shoal Bay and City of Darwin Land fill fees. Other expenses include the following; $0.56m Vehicle and plant operations and running costs $0.38m Elected Members allowances and community support activities. Operational Expenditure Other Expenses 8% Employee Costs 36% Contractors / Consultants 50% Materials 6% 18 Capital Budgets - Income Capital revenue of $3,921,500 is budgeted for the 2015/2016 financial year from various external sources as follows. Additional funding of $3,175,859 is from Reserves. External Sources Proceeds Sale of Plant Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Levy Grants (Blackspot and Roads to Recovery Program) Developer Contributions 1% 6% 31% 17% Sub-Total 77,000 401,500 2,248,000 1,195,000 3,921,500 11% 2% 32% Sub-Total Total 780,806 114,000 2,281,053 3,175,589 7,097,359 Internal Sources Transfer from Reserve – Developer Contributions Transfer from Reserve - Plant and Vehicle Replacement Transfer from infrastructure Reserve $1,648,000 of the grants income is from the Federal Government Roads to Recovery Program which is funding the Girraween Road/Anglesey Road roundabout. The income from the Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Special Levy is transferred to Reserves to repay the $3m for the Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Stage 1 project. The Developer Contributions of $1,195,000 is also transferred to Reserves for future allocation. Transfer from Developer Contributions Reserve 11% Transfer from Infrastructure Reserve 32% Capital Income Proceeds Sale of Plant 1% Rates 6% Grants 31% Transfer from Plant and Vehicle Replacement Reserve 2% Developer Contributions 17% 19 Capital Budgets - Expenditure Capital expenditure of $5,644,859 is budgeted for the 2015/2016 financial year as follows Roads Infrastructure Plant and Equipment Property Improvements 5,084,859 330,000 230,000 5,644,859 90% 6% 4% 100% Capital Expenses Property Improvements Program 4% Infrastructure Program 90% Plant/Vehicle Purchases 6% Roads Infrastructure Resealing Program As part of the total asset management plan, the following roads will be targeted for inclusion in the 2015/2016 resealing program. In some cases it will be only be part of the road and in other cases the whole road:Fiddlers Lane Dowling Road Stevens Road Strangways Road Lesley Road Walter Road Finn Road (247m) Girraween Road (1.4km) Old Bynoe Road (755m) Redcliffe Road (3.55km) Virginia Road (540m) Brahminy Road Coral Road (2.2km) Doxas Road Hamilton Road Henning Road Lambells Lagoon Road Meade Road Mocatto Road Morgan Road Power Road (1.0km) Produce Road Sittella Road Strangways Road Whitewood Road Beddington Road (200m) Bronzewing Avenue (1.9km) Sealing of unsealed roads:Brougham Road Other Capital Works include: Leonino Road - Crossing upgrades Orion Way - drainage works Girraween Road - Anglesey Road roundabout 20 Plant and Equipment Council’s vehicles, plant and equipment are replaced in accordance with Council’s Disposal of Assets Policy to achieve maximum trade-in values and minimise maintenance costs:Disposal of vehicles and major plant shall be by: (a) Trade in on new items; (b) Auction, independent of new purchase; (c) Sale by tender. Vehicle disposal/replacement schedule Sedans and Station wagons 40,000km or 2 years (whichever comes first) 2x4 Utilities 40,000km or 2 years (whichever comes first) 4x4 Vehicles 70,000km or 3 years (whichever comes first) Plant disposal/replacement schedule. All plant will be assessed when reaching 6,000 hours as to it operational capacity and trade in value. Items being replaced/purchased in 2015/2016 are as follows:1. Verge mower (1) new 2. Backhoe (1) replacement 3. 4WD Ute (2) replacement Property Improvements Council administration building Air-conditioning unit will be replaced. Berry Springs Recreation Reserve Remove un-coded building from Berry Springs. Remove Trees at Berry Springs Reserve over children play ground. Freds Pass Reserve Building compliance for buildings at Freds Pass Recreation Reserve Howard Park Reserve Repair and upgrade toilets Remove tree over building 21 In accordance with Section 71(3) of the Local Government Act, Litchfield Council will adopt the Ministerial guidelines for maximum fees and allowances in 2015/2016 as per below. Council at its meeting on 19th June 2015 resolved to: a) Council to adopt the Ministerial guidelines for maximum fees and allowances:Allowance Type Councillor Deputy Mayor Mayor Annual Base Allowance $ 13,086.40 $ 26,908.28 $ 72,761.56 Annual Electoral Allowance $ 4,788.73 $ 4,788.73 $ 19,151.42 Annual Professional Allowance $ 3,635.50 $ 3,635.50 $ 3,635.50 Total Maximum Claimable $ 21,510.63 $ 35,332.51 $ 95,548.48 The total amount budgeted is $152,391.62 Base allowance covers those activities required of a Council member in the performance of his or her role as an elected representative. Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, the base allowance covers: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) agenda study and meeting preparation; attendance at regular Council and committee meetings; attendance at social functions as a Council representative; constituency responsibilities; and Council representation outside the Municipality area, including delegations interstate and overseas, unless such representation has extra meeting approval. Electoral Allowance is provided to assist Elected Members with electoral matters. It may be used at the discretion of individual Elected Members. Professional Development Allowance is payable to Elected Members to attend approved conferences and training courses which sustain a member’s professional competence and able to comply with professional standards applicable to their role as a member of council 22 Litchfield Council was entrusted with the sole management and operations of the cemetery in 2008 on behalf of the Northern Territory Government. The Cemetery operations must be self funded and separate from Council operations. Operational Budgets The source of revenue is from user fees and charges. Additional grants and contributions opportunities are also sought throughout the year to fund the delivery of additional projects. Operational expenditure is the maintenance of the large expanses of lawns, grounds and gardens including the chapel, crematorium, columbarium and the children’s cemetery, the Garden of Angels. Capital Budgets Capital expenditure for the 2015/2016 financial year is:- Irrigation for new Muslim section Interment section A expansion & irrigation Walkway of Memories and Children's Memorial Garden Design Lawn Mower New curtains, painting and audio upgrades in the Chapel Budget Estimate 2015/16 1,108,500 Operational Income Operational Expenditure 944,844 Surplus ( Deficit ) on Operations for the year 163,656 Capital Income 3,000 Capital Expenditure 141,000 Surplus ( Deficit ) on Capital for the year (138,000) Total Surplus ( Deficit ) on Operations and Capital for the year * The surplus of $25,656 is transferred he Cemetery Reserve 23 25,656* In accordance with the Local Government Act Section 103, the CEO is responsible for the appointment of staff in accordance with a staffing plan approved by the council. The staffing plan for 2015/16 includes the employment of 48.8 FTE (full time equivalent) staff across Council operations. This method effectively captures part time and full time roles: Chief Executive Officer 1 FTE Council Secretary 1 FTE Regulatory Services Works and Infrastructure 3 FTE Waste 11.8 FTE 2 FTE Planning 2 FTE Thorak Cemetary 1 FTE Corporate Administration Roads 3 FTE Corporate Services Governance 3 FTE 4 FTE 6 FTE Finance 4 FTE Mobile Work Force 7 FTE This staffing plan above takes into account that there is a planned restructure of Council operations, during which job roles, job titles, and number of business units will likely change. All changes will occur within the budget set out within this Municipal Plan, and there are no increases in staff numbers accounted for. The description of Programs and Services below carried out by Council makes reference to this Staffing Plan. 24 Council Program Objectives, Services and Functions 1. Governance Provision of support and governance to Council incorporating the areas of Elected Members, the CEO, Public Relations, Community Support and providing services in relation to Governance and the conduct of Civic functions. 2. Corporate Services Provision of general administration support to Council including Rates, Human Resources, Payroll, Financial Services, Record Management, Workplace Health and Safety, Information Management and corporate relations. 3. Regulatory Services Implementing the Council By-laws for dog management and provide support to landowners to control feral dogs. 4. Infrastructure Provide for the maintenance of Council’s road network comprising 631km of sealed roads, 169km of unsealed roads, drainage systems and 7km of cycle path. Provide quality technical planning advice to Council, residents and developers and ensure adherence to the requirements of the Planning Act as it affects the Municipality for all new infrastructure. Provide maintenance services, slashing and weed control for Council’s land, road reserves and easements. Provide financial and strategic support to the seven Council recreational reserves to assist with the provision of both active and passive recreation facilities. Provide ongoing maintenance to recreational areas under Council’s responsibility outside the seven designated recreation reserves. 5. Waste Management Provide a waste management service to the Litchfield Municipality by making available three waste transfer stations for the disposal of domestic garbage and at each transfer station site provide an area for the disposal of green waste and resource recovery. 6. Community Services Provide financial assistance for the on-going maintenance and preservation of the Litchfield Collection at the Taminmin Library. Provide encouragement and financial assistance to senior students within the Municipality by the provision of annual scholarships. Provision of support and participation in community activities and programs, civic events and the enhancement of Council’s profile. 7. Thorak Regional Cemetery Manage and maintain Thorak Regional Cemetery to the highest standard. Provide a service for local residents and those from outside the Litchfield Municipality for the use of the burial and cremation facilities at Thorak Regional Cemetery. 25 On the following pages, further details are provided of each Program: Department – the area responsible for the program outcomes. Strategic Goal/s – How the program is linked to the Strategic Plan. Outcomes – what the program will produce to achieve the strategic goal. Description – a brief outline of what the program is. Outputs/Service Levels – what the program is expected to deliver. 2015/2016 Budget – Budget allocation to achieve the outputs/service levels of the program. Key Performance Indicators – The measure to determine the effectiveness of the program. 26 Department: Governance Strategic Goal: 1. Effective leadership and governance Outcomes: 1.1 Lead within the mission of provision of services of an acceptable standard and level of bureaucracy from rates. 1.2 Engage with the community on a regular basis to identify their concerns and seek feedback. 1.3 Promote the role of the Litchfield Council through its Elected Members. 1.4 Greater influence in planning decisions. 1.5 Partnerships with government agencies, other councils, and the private sector. Description: Support for the operations and administration of the Elected Members of Council. Maintain meaningful involvement with relevant local government and other associations and ensure Council’s views to relevant issues are presented to representative bodies. Outputs/Service Levels: Manage and provide executive support for the Mayor. Provide administrative support to Elected Members. Ensure compliance with legislation and a decision making process that is transparent and accountable Initiate a service that the community, government and private sector can access. Conduct a community survey. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs - Capital Income 1,176,255 Capital Expenditure 1,176,255 Net Capital Costs - Key Performance Indicators: Target Overall community satisfaction with Litchfield Council >70% Availability of agendas and minutes on the Internet within legislative timeframes 100% 27 Department: Corporate Services Strategic Goal: 5. Effective Council Management Outcomes: 5.1 Sustainable financial management within our mission 5.2 Upgrade Council technology 5.4 Maintain a high quality and interactive website 5.5 Staff training Description: Provision of essential strategic leadership and management of Council’s corporate programs for the vision and direction of the Council’s growth and success. Provision of efficient, accountable and cost effective services to all internal and external customers of the Corporate Services Department. Outputs/Service Levels: Provision of high level administrative and operational support in the areas of financial, budgeting, business improvement, information technology, occupational health, safety, human resource, and records management. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs 1,0709,54 Capital Income 2,115,720 Capital Expenditure (1,044,766) Net Capital Costs - Key Performance Indicators: Target Compliance with management, statutory and regulatory reporting 100% Reduction of prior year rate arrears > 5% Number of NT Work Safe notifiable incidents <5 28 Department: Regulatory Services Strategic Goal: 3. Efficient Service Delivery Outcomes: 3.2 Maintain an effective animal management policy. Description: Management of domestic animals through the implementation and enforcement of the Litchfield Council Rural Dog Management By-laws, including population control and management of feral dogs within the Municipality. Outputs/Service Levels: Provide dog management services and enforce the Litchfield Council Dog By-laws. Maintain the feral dog management program. Provide micro chipping and a dog safety program throughout the municipality including localised micro chipping days at reserves and other public venues. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs (25,500) Capital Income 377,781 Capital Expenditure 352,281 Net Capital Costs Key Performance Indicators: (12,000) 50,000 38,000 Target Provide local safety and micro chipping programs throughout the municipality Action Customer Requests within 5 working days >7 Locations 90% 29 Department: Works and Infrastructure Strategic Goal: 3. Efficient Service Delivery 5. Effective Council Management Outcomes: 3.1 Provision of core services and works program 3.1.4 Develop By-laws for the protection of Council infrastructure 5.3 Review the Development Levy Description: Ensure that appropriate engineering practices and principles have been applied at all development stages to ensure the safety of residents and to minimize the intrinsic risk associated with handing over new assets that may be unaffordable or expensive for Council to maintain. Outputs/Service Levels: Provide an upfront, clear and fair scenario for all Developers looking to carry out a project within the Municipality. Provide Developers / Consultants a quick access to the Engineering requirements that need to be considered during a Subdivision / Development. Inform interested parties of the administrative requirements (cost and relevant documents) during the stages of Submission, Construction, Completion of Works, Outstanding Works and Defects Liability Period. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs (93,000) Capital Income 967,038 Capital Expenditure 874,038 Net Capital Costs (1,205,000) 50,000 (1,155,000) Key Performance Indicators: Target Prove Planning assessment in accordance with the Council’s technical requirements and within the specified timeframe stated in Council’s Planning Guidelines. 100% Facilitate the communication between the constituents and the Development Assessment Services so public concerns can be appropriately addressed. 100% 30 Department: Works and Infrastructure Strategic Goal: 2. Vibrant local economy 3. Efficient service delivery Outcomes: 2.1 Upgrading and maintaining roads throughout the Municipality 3.1 Provision of core services and works program 3.1.1 Maintain an Assets Management Program that ensures our assets are well maintained and appropriate to our mission. Description: Provision of leadership and direction in relation to Council’s works, core services and asset management with special emphasis on the efficiency of capital works, maintenance of the existing road infrastructure, drainage, opening new roads and the ongoing progress of Council’s road sealing and other asset renewal programs. Outputs/Service Levels: Through the Asset Management Plan, provide for the planning, delivery, operation, renewal and disposal of infrastructure assets through strategies based on risk, legal obligations, funding levels, sustainability, utilisation, best practice and good governance. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs (2,573,745) Capital Income 3,571,408 Capital Expenditure 997,663 Net Capital Costs Key Performance Indicators: (3,077,806) 5,084,859 2,007,053 Target Potholes repairs if the damage is below 3000mm Within 5 days Isolated pavement failures when the damage is below 100mm Within 2 weeks Emergency response to be mobilised from the moment that councils takes appropriate notice Within 1 hour 31 Department: Works and Infrastructure Strategic Goal: 3. Efficient service delivery Outcomes: 3.1 Provision of core services and works program 3.1.2 . 3.1.3 Plan for a consistent approach to service delivery across all wards Ensure effective and appropriate weed and fire control on the Council estate to protect our assets and the community Description: Provision of an effective and efficient maintenance service to Council’s road verges, drainage easements and waste transfer stations. (Responsibility area consists of 55 parcels of land totalling 15km2). Outputs/Service Levels: Provide for the following services but are not limited to vegetation slashing, weed control, litter collection, emergency pothole repairs, sign repairs and installation. Remove fallen trees and dead animal from road verges, parks and reserves which are the responsibility of the Council. Respond to emergency situations including road flooding, traffic control and tree clearing from our reserves and road networks. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs - Capital Income 1,291,454 Capital Expenditure 1,291,454 Net Capital Costs Key Performance Indicators: 80,000 80,000 Target Vegetation slashing and mowing 750kms road network* *Includes both sides of the roads and in some cases up to 4 passes each Slashing of fire brakes on Council Exide land estimate 900 km 32 2 rounds >75% Department: Works and Infrastructure Strategic Goal: 4. Strong Community Outcomes: 4.1 Support and promote our lifestyle Description: Maintain Council’s fixed building and mobile assets including recreational facilities in accordance with programmed and developing needs. Outputs/Service Levels: Program maintenance issues and replacement of all Council’s building asset components in a timely manner including plant and equipment assets and recreational facilities in the Municipality with an emphasis on community facilities. Support the seven sporting and recreation reserves and recognise future needs in relation to their improvement and development. Ensuring effective operation by community based management boards. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs - Capital Income 1,158,500 Capital Expenditure 1,158,500 Net Capital Costs 230,000 230,000 Key Performance Indicators: Target Manage Fire Plan 100% 2015/16 33 Department: Works and Infrastructure Strategic Goal: 3. Efficient Service Delivery Outcomes: 3.3 Develop and implement a cost effective, safe and integrated approach to waste management. Description: Implementation of an environmentally sustainable waste management system for Council’s waste disposal facility, transfer stations and recycling operations. Outputs/Service Levels: Provision of an effective and efficient waste disposal and recycling service for the Municipality. Provide ongoing Implementation of viable recycling opportunities and initiatives. Provide ongoing education on programs/information in relation to recycling and disposal of waste materials. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs (2,807,221) Capital Income 2,650,810 Capital Expenditure (156,411) Net Capital Costs Key Performance Indicators: (407,500) 150,000 (257,500) Target Waste tonnage transferred to Shoal Bay <10,000 tonnes Percentage of green waste received that is on-sold >80% 34 Department: Governance Strategic Goal: 2. Vibrant local economy 4. Strong community Outcomes: 2.2 Advocacy and support that maximises the benefit to local people, businesses and employment. 4.1 Support and promote our lifestyle 4.2 Invest in Education Description: Progress Council’s ongoing role in facilitating recognition of the needs of a rural community in relation to maintaining a rural lifestyle and provision of financial support to community organisations and programs. In addition, encouragement of senior students, within the Municipality by the provision of annual scholarships. Support and funding for the Litchfield Collection at Taminmin Community Library. Outputs/Service Levels: Provision of support and participation in community activities and programs, civic events and the enhancement of Council’s profile. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs (1,000) Capital Income 67,199 Capital Expenditure 66,199 Net Capital Costs Key Performance Indicators: - Target Providing active support and participation in Community generated event Community organisation access and usage of Council’s website 35 >6 events > 15 organisations Department: Thorak Regional Cemetery Strategic Goal: 3. Efficient Service Delivery Outcomes: 3.4 Operate the Thorak Regional Cemetery in accordance with an approved management plan Description: Conduct interment and cremations in accordance with the Northern Territory of Australia Cemeteries Act, Cemeteries Regulations and council policy. Outputs/Service Levels: Provide interments and cremations that meet the needs and expectations of the community. Provide quality grounds maintenance to enhance the park like experience for visiting families. Provide the Chapel and its amenities to meet the family's expectations with their celebrations of life services. Provide quality customer engagement for the families and funeral companies that rely on our services. Provide memorials, decorative urns and other cemetery products where available. 2015/16 Budget Operational Income Operational Expenditure Net Operational Costs (1,108,500) Capital Income 944,844 Capital Expenditure (163,656) Net Capital Costs Key Performance Indicators: (3,000) 141,000 138,000 Target Review the results of the 2014 /15 Cemetery customer survey and initiate changes or improvements where funding is available. By 30/6/16 Monitor and track accolades and complaints to satisfy service level outputs and improve services where possible. By 30/6/16 36 Program Key Performance Indicator Target Governance Overall community satisfaction with Litchfield >70% Council 100% Availability of agendas and minutes on the Internet within legislative time frames Corporate Services Compliance with reporting management, statutory and regulatory 100% > 5% Reduction of prior year rate arrears <5 Number of NT WorkSafe notifiable incidents Regulatory Services Provide local safety and micro chipping programs throughout the municipality >7 Locations 90% Action Customer Requests within 5 working days Infrastructure – Planning Prove Planning assessment in accordance with the Council’s technical requirements and within the specified timeframe stated in Council’s Planning Guidelines. 100% Facilitate the communication between the constituents and the Development Assessment Services so public concerns can be appropriately addressed. 100% 37 Program Key Performance Indicator Target Infrastructure Works Potholes repairs if the damage is below 3000mm Within 5 days Isolated pavement failures when the damage is below 100mm Within 2 weeks Emergency response to be mobilised from the moment that councils takes appropriate notice Within 1 hour Infrastructure – Mobile Work Force Vegetation slashing and mowing 750km 2 rounds * Includes both sides of the roads and in some cases up to 4 passes each Slashing of fire brakes on Council Exide land estimate 900km Infrastructure – Property Manage Fire plan 2015/16 Waste Management Waste tonnage transferred to Shoal Bay by recycling >75% 100% Percentage of green waste received that is on-sold < 10,000 tonnes > 80% Community Providing active support and participation in Community generated events Community organisation access and usage of Council’s website Thorak Regional Cemetery Review the results of the 2014 /15 cemetery customer survey and initiate changes or improvements where funding is available. >6 events >15 organisations By 30/6/16 By 30/6/16 Monitor and track accolades and complaints to satisfy service Level outputs and improve services where possible. 38 Agenda Item No: 12.5 Report Number: Report Title: APPOINTMENT OF TRANSIT OFFICERS AS DELEGATES Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 2 Infoxpert Number/s: 2015/0002 Enter Document ID/s Summary: The Department of Transport proposes that section 5 of the Trespass Act be implemented to improve the safety and security of passengers using the Northern Territory public transport bus service. The intent is to prevent certain persons who behave inappropriately from entering public transport bus services or related infrastructure for a period of 12 months. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 2015/0002. 2. THAT Council authorizes the appointment of Transit Officers as delegates pursuant to section 26(1) (a) of the Local Government Act to undertake functions under Section 7 and 8 of the Trespass Act on behalf of Council. 3. THAT Council approves the signing of the attached letter to the Department of Transport authorising Transit Officers as delegates. Background: On the 11 May 2015 the Executive Director of Transport Services wrote to the CEO (see attached letter) in relation to the appointment of Transit Officers as delegates of Council in relation to section 7 and 8 of the Trespass Act. The Department of Transport has requested Council sign a letter authorizing Transit Officers under the Public Transport (Passenger Safety) Act 2008 to give direction and warning on behalf of Litchfield Council for the purpose of trespassing from all Litchfield Council premises under sections 7 and 8 of the Trespass Act that facilitate public travel on the Northern Territory, Public Transport bus service Links with Strategic Plan: 1.5 Partnerships with government agencies, other councils, and the private sector. 1.5.1 Continue to liaise and cooperate with external organizations to develop and implement mutually beneficial strategies, service delivery models, advocacy, lobbying and resource sharing. Legislative and Policy Implications: The following section of the Local Government Act: 26. How council acts in its corporate capacity. (1) A council acts: (a) through local authorities, local boards or council committees, officers, staff and agents to whom the council has delegated powers or authorised to act on its behalf ; to undertake functions under Section 7 and 8 of the Trespass Act in conjunction with the Public Transport (Passenger Safety) Act 2008 Financial Implications: It is considered that there will not be any financial implication to Council in relation to Transit Officers taken 1 action under their legislation as indicated above. Risks: Risk is limited due to the enforcement of the Trespass Act on the Public Bus Network and related infrastructure by the Transit Safety Unit and overseen by the Director of Passenger Transport Recommending Officer: Derrick Tranter, Governance Manager Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: Letter to the CEO re Transit Officers (pdf format) Letter to DOT – Transit Officers (to be signed) 2 15 June 2015 Paul Rajan Executive Director, Transport Services Department of Transport GPO Box 2520 DARWIN NT 0801 Dear Mr Rajan Re: Application of Section 5 of the Trespass Act – Appointment of Transit Officers as delegates. As the Official Manager of Litchfield Council I am responding to your correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer dated 11 May 2015 in relation to the appointment of Transit Officers as delegates. Council resolved at its meeting held on the 16 June 2015 and pursuant to section 26(1)(a) of the Local Government Act to delegate power to the Department of Transport, to authorise Transit Officers. “Litchfield Council authorises any person holding the position of Transit Officers under the Public Transport (Passenger Safety) Act 2008 to give direction and warning on behalf of Litchfield Council for the purpose of trespassing from all Litchfield Council premises under sections 7 and 8 of the Trespass Act that facilitate public travel on the Northern Territory, Public Transport bus service”. If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact myself or the Chief Executive Officer. Yours sincerely Frank Crawley Official Manager Tel (08) 8983 0600 Fax (08) 8983 1165 Email 7 Bees Creek Road, Freds Pass NT 0822 PO Box 446 Humpty Doo NT 0836 ABN: 45 018 934 501 Agenda Item No: 12.6 Report Number: Report Title: Council Fees and Charges 2015/2016 Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 1 Infoxpert Number/s: 15/0012 110078 Summary: This report outlines the draft Fees and Charges for Council for the financial year 2015/2016 for Council's consideration. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 15/0012 2. THAT Council adopts the attached Council Fees and Charges for 2015/2016. Background: A review has been done of Council's current fees and charges for the purpose of setting the fees and charges for 2015/2016. The attached document shows the current 2014/2015 fees on the left and the proposed 2015/2016 fees are on the right with the percentage change. The changes are generally: Increases ranging from nil to 3%; Better structure of charging e.g. per hour fee converted to per inspection fee; Some waste fee increased in line with the 14% increase by City Of Darwin Shoal Bay fees. Links with Strategic Plan: Goal 5 – Effective Council Management 5.1 Sustainable financial management within our mission Legislative and Policy Implications: Setting of fees and charges assist in Council's sustainability in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 12 (1) (e) Financial Implications: If adopted, the attached fees and charges will replace Council's Fees and Charges 2015/2016. Risks: Nil Recommending Officer: Valerie Urbain, Finance Manager Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: Council Fees and Charges 2015/16 (110079) 1 LITCHFIELD COUNCIL FEES and CHARGES 2015/2016 CONTENT PAGE ADMINISTRATION FEES 2 Rate Book Inspection Fees for Written Confirmation Other Miscellaneous Fees REGULATORY SERVICES 2 Animal Control PLANNING FEES 3 Subdivision & Development Minor Development Applications Work within Road Reserve Road Reinstatement Charges (including excavation) WORKS FEES 3 Wide Load Permits WASTE DISPOSAL 4 Sales Dumping Fees Page 1 2014/2015 ADMINISTRATION FEES 2015/2016 % Increase Rate Book Inspection Fee No charge Pursuant to Section 152 (4) of the Local Government Act any person is entitled, when the Council Office is open to the public, to inspect the Rate Book free of charge. No charge ^ 0.00% ^ 3.08% Written Rate search fee $ 65.00 A charge of $ 67.00 for each "Certificate of Liabilities" pursuant to Section $ 256 of the Local Government Act will be levied for the furnishing of written information of details from the Rate Book. This information will only be supplied upon receipt of the required sum together with the written request in the required format. 67.00 Freedom of Information $30 + $25/hour $ FOI - Information Request (non-personal information) 10.00 Disabled Parking Permits 2014/2015 $ $ $ $ $ $ 30.00 20.00 144.00 25.00 75.00 70.00 $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 60.00 20.00 20.00 80.00 $30 + $25/hour $ REGULATORY SERVICES 10.00 2015/2016 ^ ^ 0.00% 0.00% % Increase Microchip Microchip (Concession for Pensioners) Pound Release Fee (repeat offences) Pound daily maintenance fee Dispose of dead animal/dog Surrender Fee - fee per dog $ $ $ $ $ $ 30.00 20.00 144.00 25.00 75.00 70.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Hire of animal trap - fee per week Hire of animal trap - fee per month Delivery of animal trap Pick up animal trap Cage animal trap (bond) $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 60.00 20.00 20.00 80.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $ $ 20.00 Hire Barking collar fee - fee per month 100.00 Barking collar (bond) $ $ 20.00 100.00 0.00% 0.00% $ $ 80.00 Hire Pet Containment system - fee per month 150.00 Pet Containment System Bond $ $ 80.00 150.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 31.00 0.00% $ 31.00 Infringement Reminder Letter Charges for the following offences are referred to in Litchfield Council Rural Dog Management By-Laws and are set in accordance with the Northern Territory Penalty Units Act and Penalty Units Regulations. Dog Attack Dog Menace including chasing vehicles Dog not microchipped ^ Item is exempt from GST per ATO Division 81 Decision Page 2 2014/2015 PLANNING FEES 2015/2016 % Increase At time of submission of plans for approval 1% of estimated value of works 0.00% Prior to practical completion/on-maintenance 1% of estimated value of works 0.00% Subdivision & Development Fees Fees for supervision of road works, storm water drainage, access requirements, and checking of plans will be as follows: 2% { { { $218 per hour Additional Inspection Fees (as required) 5% Price on application $110 per inspection On-Maintenance Bond ( on estimated value of works) ^ 0.00% 5% Uncompleted Works/Defects Bond Price on application Minor Development Applications $ - $ - $ 164.00 Application fee for Access and Stormwater Design submissions (per submission) Inspection fee $ 50.00 NEW $110 per inspection NEW Work within Road Reserve Permit Fee to work within the Road Reserve (includes 1 inspection) $ 169.00 $110 per inspection 3.00% $218 per hour Additional Inspection Fees (as required) ^ 0.00% Actual Cost + 30% + GST Bitumen Roads: Repairs by Council Gravel Roads: Repairs by Council Actual Cost + 30% + GST 0.00% Actual Cost + 30% + GST Road Reinstatement Charges (including excavation):-Reinstatement of bitumen, concrete, or gravel accesses Actual Cost + 30% + GST 0.00% 2014/2015 WORKS FEES 2015/2016 % Increase Wide Load Permits: $ 1,000.00 $ 218.00 $218 per hour Wide Load Permits - Refundable bond Permit Deposit Required before move is undertaken ** Must be paid by MVR permit holder. Administration Cost (non-refundable) (Inspection fee and damages at cost will be deducted from refundable bond). ** Must be paid by MVR permit holder. Inspection Fees ^ Item is exempt from GST per ATO Division 81 Decision Page 3 $ 1,100.00 10.00% $ 218.00 0.00% $110 per inspection 0.00% 2014/2015 2015/2016 WASTE DISPOSAL % Increase Sales $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ - Mulch cubic metres Crushed Concrete cubic metres Hard Fill cubic metres 0.00% 0.33% DELETE Dumping Fees Commercial/ Non Residents Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station Commercial/Non Residents * Litchfield Municipality Resident $ 50.00 per tonne Waste Trailer or Ute $5.00 per load Uncontaminated Green Waste Commercial/Non Residents * Litchfield Municipality Resident $ 52.00 per tonne Trailer or Ute $5.00 per load Litchfield Municipality Resident 3 Trucks(under 3m ) $10.00 per cubic metre $110.00 per tonne $110.00 per tonne $50.00 per tonne $110.00 per tonne $ - $100.00 per tonne Free $40.00 per tonne 2 tonne or under, Ute and trailer free $110.00 per tonne $ 4.00% Contaminated Green Waste Unsorted Waste Uncontaminated Construction Waste (concrete, tiles, bricks, sand and clean fill soil) Contaminated Construction Waste - Tyres - non commercial vehicles less than 4.5 tonnes $135.00 per tonne $135.00 per tonne $52.00 per tonne $125.00 per tonne Free $52.00 per tonne Ute or trailer free $135.00 per tonne $125.00 per tonne $6 per tyre 13.66% 13.66% 4.00% 30% 13.66% 13.7% 0.00% 0 * A minimum charge of $15.00 per load applies for Commercial and Non-Litchfield Municipality residents. Howard Springs Waste Transfer Station Non Residents Trailer & Ute $15.00 per load $110.00 per tonne Litchfield Municipality Resident Trailer or Ute $5.00 per load Trucks(under 3m3)$10.00 per load Free Waste Non Residents Uncontaminated Green Waste Unsorted Waste Page 4 Litchfield Municipality Resident Trailer or Ute $15.00 per load Trailer or Ute $5.00 per load Not Accepted Must be dumped at Humpty Doo Waste Transfer Station No Charge Agenda Item No: 12.7 Report Title: May Budget Review Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 1 Report Number: 15/0011 Infoxpert Number/s: 110207 Summary: This report outlines the budget adjustments for Council's consideration following a review of the financial results to the end of May 2015. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 15/0011 2. THAT Council adopts the budget adjustments in the attached Table 1 of this report. Background: In accordance with the Local Government Act, Part 10.5, Section 128 Council adopted its original budget for 2014/15 financial year in July 2014 as part of the Municipal Plan. The budget was largely based on high level assumptions. Throughout the financial year Council has the opportunity to review and amend the original budget as programs and priorities change. A review of Council’s budget against actual to May 2015 has been undertaken and the requested budgets adjustments are listed in the attached Table 1. The adjustment total result in net operational surplus of $539,231 and net capital surplus of $397,764. The main items attributing to this result include the following:1. Operational a. $ 297,800 Increased rates revenue b. $ 362,328 Increased Financial Assistance Grant 2. Capital a. $276,091 Sale of 7 vehicles Other items relate to identified savings being reallocated to areas of over expenditure. In the December Budget Review, income and expenditure for the Wadham Lagoon Flood Mitigation works was recognised but is now reversed as the Northern Territory Government is managing the project. Since 12 May 2015, there have not been any new vehicle purchases or increase in staffing. Links with Strategic Plan: Goal 5 – Effective Council Management 5.1 Sustainable financial management within our mission Legislative and Policy Implications: Nil 1 Financial Implications: Identified operational savings of $539,231 and capital savings of $397,764. Risks: Nil Recommending Officer: Valerie Urbain, Finance Manager Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: May Budget Review Table 1 2 Table 1 - May Budget Review Budget Line Operating Revenue Change Comment Corporate NT Grants - FAA ($40,652) Recognise additional FAA grant Corporate Other Sundry Income Corporate Rates ($14,000) Recognise IT consulting services income Regulatory Services Pound and Dog Menace/Attack fees ($10,000) Recognise additional revenue Waste Rates ($84,500) Recognise additional rates revenue and interest Waste Commercial waste dumping fees ($26,230) Recognise additional revenue Works NT Grants - FAA Works Wide Load Permits ($9,400) Recognise additional revenue Planning Development plan approvals and inspection fees $40,000 Revenue less than original budgeted estimates Planning Works within road reserves fees $24,000 Revenue less than original budgeted estimates ($213,300) ($321,676) Recognise additional rates revenue and interest Recognise additional FAA grant ($655,758) Operating Expenditure Governance Legal Fees $57,000 Community Events Anzac Day Activities & Freds Pass Show ($21,778) Recognise savings Regulatory Services Operational costs ($22,680) Recognise savings Waste Plant repairs and maintenance ($33,515) Additional plant repairs Property Office repairs and maintenance Works Road maintenance operations Planning Operational costs $18,955 Mobile Workforce Operational costs $166,975 Projects Operational costs $126,000 $25,570 ($200,000) Additional expenditure re Elected Members and employment matters Additional repairs of Office Air-conditioning and minor tools and equipment Recognise savings Additional expenditure regarding planning consultant, FBT and vehicle expenses Additional expenditure regarding casuals due to increased workload, rental expenses & plant and machinery repairs Wages and operational costs not capitalised $116,527 3 Capital Income Governance Proceeds sale of vehicle ($100,273) Corporate Services Proceeds sale of vehicle ($36,364) Recognise sale Customer Service Manager Vehicle Corporate Services Proceeds sale of vehicle ($32,000) Recognise sale of Information Manager Vehicle Waste Rates - HDWTS Levy ($10,000) Recognise additional revenue Waste Waste Transfer Station Capital Works Property Howard Springs Reserve ($125,095) Property Proceeds sale of vehicle ($32,000) Works Blackspot Capital Works ($850,000) Recognise NT Blackspot Grant - Girraween & Anglesey Roads intersection Works Wadham Lagoon Flood Mitigation $1,500,000 Reverse December Budget Review adjustment - NT Government project Works Proceeds sale of vehicle ($30,909) Recognise sale of General Manager Projects Vehicle Planning Proceeds sale of vehicle ($44,545) Recognise sale of General Manager Infrastructure Projects Vehicle ($8,000) Recognise sale of Mayor's and CEO Vehicles Recognise savings on Humpty Doo Transfer Station Amenities Shed Recognise NT Grant for Scout Hall roof replacement Recognise sale of Property Manager Vehicle $230,814 Capital Expenditure Corporate Services Plant Purchases $39,121 Purchase of Information Manager Vehicle (Jan 15) Regulatory Services Lifting Of Dogs Equipment ($9,290) Second dog lifting cage not proceeding Property Howard Springs Reserve Property Livingstone Reserve Works Blackspot Capital Works Works Wadham Lagoon Flood Mitigation Works Cycle Path Capital Works ($52,578) Whitewood Rd (Hillier to Hicks) not proceeding - transfer back to IDL reserve Works Cycle Path Capital Works ($20,700) Recognise savings re Challinor Circuit works c/fwd from 2013/14 Works Culvert Capital Works Works Reseals ($68,646) Recognise savings from total program Works Unsealed Roads ($19,000) Recognise savings re Spencer Road project Mobile Workforce Mobile Workforce MWF Machinery/Amenities Shed Capital Plant, Equipment & Vehicle MWF ($16,658) ($54,949) Recognise savings-transfer back to HDWTS Reserve (original source of funds) Recognise savings on Patching & Signs tender equipment transfer back to Plant and Vehicle Replacement Reserve $125,095 $35,841 $850,000 ($1,200,000) ($6,000) Recognise NT Grant for Scout Hall roof replacement Bore replacement - Item 5.1 Council meeting March 2015- funded from savings Recognise NT Blackspot Grant - Girraween & Anglesey Roads intersection Reverse December Budget Review adjustment - NT Government project Recognise savings re Leonino Road culvert works c/fwd from 2013/14 ($397,764) Net Operational Movement (Surplus)/Deficit ($539,231) Net Capital Movement (Surplus)/Deficit ($166,950) Net movement (Surplus)/Deficit ($706,181) 4 Agenda Item No: 12.8 Report Number: Report Title: Blackspot application Girraween Road 20162017 Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 0 Infoxpert Number/s: 15/0008 Enter Document ID/s Summary: Applications are currently being sought for the 20162017 Blackspot program. Projects are required to comply with specific accident history, provide a benefit cost ratio of greater than 1, and or be justified by a safety audit. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 15/0008 2. THAT Council approves investigating and submitting applications for Federal Government Blackspot Funding, financial year 2016 2017, to extend Hicks Road 500m at the roundabout and provide Girraween School Access, and widen sections of Girraween Road between Edlesten Road and Power Road. Background: Applications are currently being sought for the 20162017 Blackspot program. Projects are required to comply with specific accident history, provide a benefit cost ratio of greater than 1, and or be justified by a safety audit. Two projects are suggested as follows:1. Extend Hicks Road 500m, provide access to Girraween School, and close Carruth Road at the Girraween Road Intersection. This closure would eliminate this crossroad intersection of Carruth Road, Mango Road and Girraween Road. The Mango Road and Girraween Road T Junction would remain. Estimated cost is $510,000. This project will require a Traffic Safety Audit to justify submission, and may require up to 60% funding by Council 2. Widen various sections of Girraween Road and provide a consistent 1.5m wide sealed shoulder and left turn lanes at all intersections, and install audio tactile edge lines, and upgrade all intersection line-marking. This will provide a more consistent road treatment and delineation. Estimated cost is $480,000. The project was submitted for the 2015 -2016 Blackspot Program but was unsuccessful, however more recent lobbying has achieved Department of Transport interest. Links with Strategic Plan: 2. Goal : Vibrant local economy. 2.1 Outcome: Upgrading and maintaining roads throughout the Municipality. 2.1.2. Lobby the NT and Federal Government to assist with joint funding of major road structures. Legislative and Policy Implications: In accordance with the Federal Government Guidelines for Blackspot Program Nominations Financial Implications: Projects may require proportional funding by Council as determined by the Blackspot Consultative Committee. However, Council may review its commitment to providing funding at that stage. Risks: 1 Council nomination is not accepted for funding Recommending Officer: Graeme Francis, General Manager Projects Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: Nil 2 Agenda Item No: 12.9 Report Number: Report Title: Mining Tenement Rates - Assessment 10106607 Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 2 Infoxpert Number/s: 15/0013 Enter Document ID/s Summary: In 2014/2015 Council rated assessment 10106607 with a rate for a Mining Tenement, which application has now been refused by Department of Mines and Energy there for Darwin River Resources Pty Ltd are requesting credit of their Mining Tenement rate for 2014/2015. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 15/0013 2. THAT Council approves reversal of the Mining Tenement rate of $851.79 and $34.72 interest accrued on Assessment 10106607. Background: Darwin River Resources Pty Ltd have written requesting a credit on their Mining Tenement Rate for 2014/2015 on Assessment No 10106607 as Department of Mines and Energy has refused application for grant of this Extractive Mineral Permits. Links with Strategic Plan: 5.1 Sustainable financial management within our mission. Legislative and Policy Implications: In accordance under Section 163 and 166 of the Local Government Act Financial Implications: Reversal of the Mining Tenement rate of $851.79 and $34.72 interest accrued for nonpayment. Risks: Nil Recommending Officer: Diane Chellingworth - Business & Economic Development Manager Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: 1. Letter - Darwin River Resources Pty Ltd 2. Letter - Department of Mines and Energy 1 Agenda Item No: 12.10 Report Title: RECORDING OF MEETINGS POLICY Meeting Date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 Attachments: 1 Report Number: 15/0009 Infoxpert Number/s: Enter Document ID/s Summary: Due to privacy issues the attached policy has been drafted for consideration and approval. Recommendation: 1. THAT Council receive Report Number 15/0009 2. THAT Council approves the Recording of Meetings Policy. Background: Council in December 2014 commenced recording meeting to assist with the process of finalizing the Council’s minutes. No formal policy was drafted at that time, however those attending the meetings were advised prior to the commencement of the meeting that a recording would be undertaken. Links with Strategic Plan: Effective leadership and governance Legislative and Policy Implications: Local Government Act - Section 61Procedure at meeting (9)Subject to this Act, and any by-laws regulating the procedure at a meeting, a council may determine its own procedures and Section 67 Minutes (1) The CEO must ensure that proper minutes of meetings of the council, local authorities, local boards and council committees are kept. Financial Implications: Nil Risks: Dealing with member of the public that may object to the process Recommending Officer: Derrick Tranter, Governance Manager Any queries on this report may be directed to the Recommending Officer on telephone (08) 8983 0600. Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or a possible conflict of interest in regard to any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting of a Committee meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act and its policies regarding the same. Attachment/s Title: Draft Policy Recording of Meetings 1 POLICY TITLE: POLICY NUMBER: CATEGORY: CLASSIFICATION: STRATEGIC PLAN REFERENCE: RECORDING OF MEETINGS COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION 1 Effective leadership and governance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND PERFORMANCE :Provide systems of council governance and service delivery that are financially sustainable, accountable, equitable and efficient STATUS: Council Resolution: Date Approved: Date Approved: Date Approved: Date Approved: 2. Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: Date for review: Date for review: Date for review: Date for review: PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to specify the arrangements for creating, storing, using, disclosing and destroying audio recordings of Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings. 3. PRINCIPALS: Litchfield Council is committed to the effective and responsible governance of Council administration. This policy ensures the minutes of meetings accurately reflect decisions made by Council. 4. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply: Term Audio recording Definition Any recording made by any electronic device capable of recording sound. This includes but is not limited to recordings made by video cameras, cassette recorders, dictation devices, mobile phones, or DAT recorders, and stored on compact discs, DAT or any other format (such as WAV, MP3, etc). 5. POLICY STATEMENT 5.1 Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the exclusion of confidential matters identified as such under Section 8 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations for the purposes of; 5.1.1 Assisting in the preparation of meeting minutes; and Page 1 of 3 5.1.2 Ensuring decisions of Council and Committees are accurately recorded; and 5.1.3 Verifying the accuracy of minutes prior to their confirmation. 5.2 Public Notification 5.2.1 In compliance with the Information Privacy Principles IPP 1.3, advice will be provided to the members of the public in attendance at meetings that an audio recording of the meeting will be made. The wording of the advice will be as follows: An audio recording of this meeting is being made for minute taking purposes as authorised by Litchfield Council’s Recording of Meeting Policy, available on Council’s website. 5.2.2 This advice will be displayed in the following manner: 5.3 Displayed on the notice of agenda for meetings of Council and Standing Committees; and Displayed at the entry to Council Chambers or place where the meetings are held; and Verbally by the Chairperson at the commencement of the meeting. Storage, Retention and Destruction of Recordings 5.3.1 Audio recordings will be stored securely by the Governance Manager in such a manner that only those authorised have access to them. 5.3.2 Audio recordings will be held for no longer than 3 months after the minutes from the meeting to which they relate are confirmed by Council, after which all files and related media will be destroyed, except as where under 5.4.3 below this conflicts with the handling of a request under the Information Act. 5.4 Access to Recordings 5.4.1 Access by Elected Members Requests by Elected Members for access to recordings for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy of meeting minutes need the approval of the Chief Executive Officer or in his absence the Governance Manager, who will provide access by means of listening to the recordings at Council offices during business hours. 5.4.2 Access by Staff Access is granted for the purposes of ensuring the accuracy of meeting minutes to the Chief Executive Officer, the Governance Manager, the Corporate Services Manager and the relevant minute secretary of the meeting to which the recording relates. Page 2 of 3 All other requests for access by staff are to be made to the Governance Manager and will only be granted in circumstances requiring the staff member to participate in ensuring the accuracy of meeting minutes. 5.4.3 Access by the Public Access by members of the public will not be granted unless formal access is applied for under the access provisions of the Information Act. 5.5 Recording of meetings by Members of the Public Members of the public may record the proceedings of Council and Committee meetings only with agreement obtained by resolution of Council (not Committees). 6. POLICY REVIEW This policy is to be revised at the first meeting after the next Local Government elections REFERENCES: Policy Number: Policy Owner: Endorsed by: Final Approval: Date Approved: Revision Date: Amendments: Related Policies: Related Publications: Relevant Legislation LC Local Government Act Local Government (Administration) Regulations Information Act Information Regulations CONTACT PERSON: Contact Person Position Extension Email Address Page 3 of 3