December newsletter
December newsletter
November 2013 L’Arche Lantern L ' A R C H E Editor: Nancy Illman 613—623—7323 x123 O U R M I S S I O N Ch ris tma s Greetings from our Comm unity Lea der I S : to make known the gifts of people with intellectual disabilities, revealed through mutually transforming relationships. to foster an environment in community that responds to the changing needs of our members, whilst being faithful to the core values of our founding story. to engage in our diverse cultures, working together toward a more human society. Inside this issue: A R N P R I O R “ I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 As Christmas is upon us, it calls us to ponder that first Christmas of anticipation and the joy of the Saviour being born into a world, into a mission of ministry to the people. Here in L’Arche Arnprior, we live the advent season in full appreciation of each other and the anticipation of celebrating Christmas and the New Year to come. In a L’Arche community there are so many experiences, that while we live them we can only half appreciate the mutuality, the mutual teaching and the forgiveness we live together. I would like to share with you my reflections of living this L’Arche experience with our friend June Antler. June lived with L’Arche Arnprior for many years before she moved to Groves Park Lodge in Renfrew. She touched many of us profoundly with her life, her stories, her anticipation of what life had to offer, and she was always up for the opportunity to connect with you. She would connect first by asking “ Are you married?”, would laugh, and once you moved on to asking her if she was married, she would laugh and say that at the fine age of 80 she was too young to be married. She would “meow”, scare you by saying “Boo”, then laugh, or connect with people on the deep human level of sharing how much she missed her Mommy and Daddy. June passed away in October, and as we walked behind the hearse at the family cemetery and saw her being placed beside her mother and father, I experienced great peace and wellness in this homecoming for our friend June. Christmas Greetings from our Community Leader 1 Sermon: June Antler’s service 2 Community Links 2013 3 Community Retreat 2013 4 Music Club 4 Introducing Robert Reid 5 Remembering Phyllis Maheral 5 Linda Buttle and Mr. Tucker 5 Welcome, Mackie! 6 The Gospel of St. John 6 Reflection by a co-op student 6 Vacations 2013 7 Reflections from the boat 7 L’Arche Trosly 50th Anniversary 8 Our community wishes you and your family a very Blessed Christmas Season! Contact Information 8 Peace in Christ Jean Vanier Quote 8 Jubilee Prayer 8 Jeannette Fraser and the Arnprior L’Arche Community I share this story to witness and share appreciation for this lovely woman who touched our community and our families in such a profound manner. As you live your days, these advent days leading up to the great anticipated moment of Christ’s birth, I pray that you are able to reflect on the relationships you live in your life, the mutuality, the teaching you give and receive and the forgiveness that is available to each one of us. At L’Arche we continue to work at making our homes more accessible and welcoming, and helping people to live a good quality of life to the best of their capacity. If you wish to support us on this mission, you can do so, first by praying for community, by being directly involved, by sharing the good work we do, and by financially supporting us. PAGE 2 Sermon for June Antler’s Funeral Service October 19, 2013 A reading from John 14: 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It is a privilege for me to share the Word today, and some memories of our dear friend, June. Our family met June fourteen years ago when we moved to Arnprior, after my wife Jeannette became involved with the L’Arche Community. June became part of our family, joining our family often for celebrations of holidays, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. So I thank June’s family and the Reverend Bev for this honor to share these thoughts today. In the Gospel reading today, Jesus prepared his disciples for his death, and he shared with them words to comfort them, to give them insight into what lay ahead, and to invite them to faith. As I reflected on June’s life, I thought about how these words from the Gospel of John speak to us today. Jesus prepared his disciples for his death by telling them he was going to the Father’s House, where there would be a place prepared for them. It would be a homecoming. Home was an important part of June’s life. June often expressed her love for her mommy and daddy and her family. She was born into a loving home on June 6, 1933, a sister to Geneva, Marvin, Gerenia, Egbert, Verna, Isabel, Nelson, and Delbert. She shared memories of time with family at Lake Dore. Mind you, often her references to Lake Dore were a threat and a tease to drown you in Lake Dore. June lived at home till she was forty, until her mom’s health and age no longer permitted her to care for June. June then lived at the Rideau Regional Centre in Smiths Falls, and next at Community Living in Arnprior. On September 1st, 1995 she was welcomed into the L’Arche community, and lived during her time with L’Arche at McLachlin Street, Kinsmen, and at Usborne. The last three years of her life, June has lived at the Groves Park Lodge in Renfrew. In all these homes June brought her love, joy, her gift of yodeling “oh lay hay hoo”, the twinkle in her eye, her pleasure in teasing and having fun, her sense of fashion. When one lives in community one sees each other’s best and worst. June liked to tell it like it is, but didn’t like to be told. At Groves Park, June became known to and loved by the staff. Now she has gone to her final home, at home with God. Jesus prepared his disciples for his death by reassuring them that they would be together again in His Father’s house. June will be “at home” in the presence of Jesus! Jesus’ words also brought them courage. He encouraged them, as they thought about his death, not to be overcome with fear and troubled in heart. He invited them to believe in God, and in Him. Throughout June’s life, she faced her share of challenges and losses. Yet she showed strength and faith. She was resilient, and had the ability to bounce back. June was not afraid to talk about death and loss. On our visits she would often tell us that her mommy and daddy had died. A few years ago, she would name several in her family who had passed away. June would cry and feel sad. We would acknowledge the sadness, and the loss. Before long June would bounce back. ”Let me tell you”, she would say, as she launched into one of her stories. Jesus prepared his disciples for his death, acknowledging its reality, but also extended an invitation to faith and belief. We too feel that sadness of June’s death, but hold fast to the One who invites us to faith. Finally, Jesus’ words in the face of death were an invitation to be followers of the Way. Jesus was going to His Father’s House, and he invited his disciples to come along. One of the disciples wanted to know the way. He wanted clear directions. Jesus said that he was the way, the truth and the life, and that we come to the Father by Him. If there was ever anyone who anticipated being on the way, it was June. She would often greet a person by saying, “I am going to Ottawa, do you want to come with me to Ottawa?” She would proceed to tell you that she was going to fly in an airplane, and go shopping for a new dress, new shoes, and a new purse. It was the anticipation that was as important as the actual going. Jesus invited his disciples to anticipate being with him in the future, and the way to do so was to believe in Jesus, who was the way! June loved Jesus, and practiced her faith as was shared with her by her family. Her’s was a faith lived out in the L’Arche community, and a faith nurtured by the congregation of Calvary Baptist Church in Arnprior. Today as we celebrate June’s life and grieve her passing we hold fast to the promises of home and hope that we have in Jesus. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen ~Milton Fraser Community Links 2013 PAGE 3 Every year our community is given the great opportunity to visit other L'Arche communities in Ontario. This year, Kerry B. and Jay from McLachlin as well as Gilles and Liz from Arthur Street made the long drive to L'Arche London, Ontario, but it was definitely worth it. We left on a rainy morning and arrived on a sunny afternoon in London, so it was a great start to the weekend. All four of us were welcomed with open arms and received beautiful hand-made cards. It was a weekend with a full schedule. The folks from L'Arche London had many activities in mind for us. At first we had a short tour through London Ontario, then went shopping. Afterwards came a trip to the “Leaping Deer Adventure Farm & Market”, with a pumpkin cannon show, a corn maze, an animal shed and a pig race. Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed each others’ company. It is always impressive how fast people can become friends, especially Kerry B. and Angel, who became good friends in such a short period of time. After such busy day we enjoyed everyones’ favorite supper – pizza! But the perfect end of the day was bowling in the dark! It was a short weekend, but we definitely had a lot of fun with our friends from London Ontario. ~Elisa Müllhäuser The fall season, characterized by unpredictable weather, is a beautiful transition from hot to cool. It boasts the combination of crisp breezes, beautiful leaves and filtered sunshine that provides an enchanted atmosphere perfect for a nature walk. Therefore, the hosts of L'Arche Arnprior’s Community Links, Cory and Nyoka, chose to share this blissful ambience with our guests from L'Arche London. Kate, Katelyn, Jenny, Martha and Nicole were mesmerized by the vibrant colors of the maple tree leaves on Arnprior's Macnamara Trail. We seemingly glided on top of a fairy carpet woven from the fallen autumn leaves beneath our feet. While sharing our joy, Shawn was not only overjoyed with the stature and intimate details of each tree but he was also happy to be able to effortlessly provide directions through the trail. Ruth, Ken V., Mackie, Madelyn and Krishna also enjoyed the beauty and serenity in new beginnings and nature as we formed new friendships on this scenic nature walk. After an undoubtedly fun day our guests were celebrated by the entire community of L'Arche Arnprior at a dinner held at PJ's restaurant. ~Nyoka Robinson PAGE 4 Our 2013 Community Retreat Day It was a great day for L’Arche Arnprior on Friday, September 13th – as we all joined together for our Community Retreat! In the past, our Community Retreats have included an over-night stay at either Providence Point or Circle Square Ranch, but this year we decided to try something different: a one-day retreat. It was wonderful that we were able to gather at a facility right here in our beautiful home town of Arnprior - at the Galilee Retreat Centre. Our Community Retreat Day was filled with nourishment for both our spirits and bodies. It was so good to be together for a day to worship God, to laugh, to sing, to get some exercise, and to be creative! We truly enjoyed spending time together in a more relaxed way and we were blessed to have some new friends and old friends join us for the day, including past Assistants, new and long-standing Board members, past Community Leaders, as well as long-time friends of L’Arche Arnprior. Although we were all tired at the end of our fun-filled day, we look forward to another opportunity like this! ~Debbie Rueckwald Music Club Two years ago a delegation of us from L’Arche Arnprior attended the L’Arche Regional Gathering in Toronto. During the course of the two day event I had the opportunity to attend a workshop on how to start a Music Club in your own Community. From that day on, I made it a goal to start up a Music Club for the Folks of L’Arche Arnprior and anybody else who would like to participate. As life is, things got busy…and so the formation of the Club was put on the back burner, but the idea and desire remained. After many hours of organization, planning, scheduling and brainstorming, the L’Arche Arnprior Music Club began in the de Renzy Hall of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. The turnout was good. There were guitars, shakers, bongos and various percussion instruments there to help kick-off the Club. Since that day, the Club has met several times and has even been included as an activity during L’Arche Arnprior’s Fall Retreat Day at Galilee. That particular day saw the Club’s largest turnout to date and a very vocal crowd played and sang along to songs like “The Community Song”, “This Little Light of Mine” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. Along with those songs, there were quite a number of Johnny Cash and Stompin’ Tom Connors songs as well. The Club continues to prosper due in large part to the contributions of the members and through the support of the Arnprior community by way of donations of instruments for people to play and enjoy. To date, the Club has received a flute, an electronic keyboard, five guitars and some song books. Along with the musicians in the Club, we also have members who like to sing and dance during our sessions. It is my hope that the Club will continue to grow and expand to include people from outside of the L’Arche Arnprior community. The Club meets on Tuesday afternoons and should you be interested in attending one of our sessions please contact us and see when our next gathering will be. We are always hoping to have new members and the only requirement we have is that you come and bring some enthusiasm and fun to add to our Club. Rock on! ~Scott Burnie Introducing Robert Reid, member of the L'Arche community in Arnprior You may recognize this friendly face, from seeing him bomb around town in his electric wheelchair, or running into him enjoying a coffee at Jim's Restaurant or hanging out at The Fountain. But did you know that he is a member of the L'Arche Community here in Arnprior? Recently we sat down together to find out a bit more about Robert and his connection to this community. So, Robert, tell us a bit about yourself. Robert: I grew up in town, down on Sleepy Pines St., and attended school here in Arnprior. I enjoy a good discussion about current affairs, and always have an informed opinion about what’s going on in the news. I love to read and surf the web, and I have a great DVD collec- Robert, on moving into an tion of movies and TV shows. My Mom enjoyed crafting accessible apartment earlier this year. a lot, and I got bitten by the crafting bug, too! When did you first become connected to L'Arche? Robert: I wanted to have some independence, to move out of my parents’ place and live on my own. But I needed some support to do this, so I joined the Supported Independent Living program that L’Arche Arnprior offers. This was back when Dave van Schaik was community leader. What drew you to L’Arche Arnprior? Robert: I came to be able to keep on living in my own apartment, but stayed for the sense of community that I find in belonging to L’Arche. Why have you stuck around? Robert: I enjoy the L’Arche community prayer services, and our other monthly gatherings. I have found that the experiences I have had since joining L’Arche have helped me in getting along with others. What would you like the people of Arnprior to know about L'Arche? Robert: L’Arche Arnprior is a Christian community: it is faith-based, and trust in God is at the heart of our life together. It is the friendliness of the people here, and their commitment to getting along that I really appreciate. In L’Arche, we are encouraged to take the time to sort through our difficulties and to resolve any issues which come up for us. Tell us what's coming up soon here in Arnprior that you've been preparing for. Robert: There’s a craft show sponsored by L’Arche on Saturday, December 7th from 10 - 2 at the Kirkman House B&B that I’ve been helping to get items ready for. I’ve painted some wooden Christmas tree ornaments, assembled Christmas nativity balls, and helped to make bookmarks and cards that feature original art by L’Arche core members. I’d like to invite you to come, drop in and browse our craft and baked goods tables, and visit the other vendors who are participating with us this year! PAGE 5 Linda Buttle, former board member, on her long-time relationship with Ernest Tucker Sunday mornings were the times I tried to spend with Ernest Tucker. Sometimes other events got in my way but my preference, always, was to pick up my good friend Ernie and go to Emmanuel Anglican Church where we are both members of the parish and part of this church family. We had a definite routine: park as close as we could so Ernie didn't have to walk too far, sit in the same pew, always have the hymnbooks that have the printed music, go for coffee and cookies after the service and then for a drive in the country. Sometimes we would go to my house for lunch. When he got in the van, Ernie would check the schedule to make sure it hadn't changed and then sing for me, "You Are My Sunshine". At a parish retreat entitled "Gifts", it was discovered that Ernie has the gift of pastoring. He certainly showed this as he gave the peace to as many as possible during the service each week. He nourished us all with his presence. I have found that he has provided me with many moments of wisdom. For example, Ernie thanked me one morning for 'enjoying his new overshoes.' This made me realize that I often do not enjoy other people's good fortune as fully as I should. Something to work on! I felt that I was given a gift each Sunday morning when I picked up my friend and I am truly grateful. painting a wooden ornament It is with great sadness that we inform you that Phyllis Maheral died peacefully at home in Kanata while surrounded by her family on June 24th, 2013. Phyllis was well loved in the L'Arche Arnprior community, where she served as a SIL Assistant and later as Homes Coordinator. Ernie celebrated his 25th Anniversary of coming to L’Arche on November 21st, 2013, at his home in The Grove, Arnprior. PAGE 6 Welcome, Mackie! My Experience at L'Arche as a co-op student A few months ago now, a new face joined the residents at L'Arche Arnprior's Home on Usborne Street. After a couple of initial visits to see what life in L'Arche Arnprior was like, Mackie (Malcolm) moved in on October 1st and joined Annette, Marian, Doug and Janet in the Usborne Home. Mackie has been a great addition to the Usborne Family and he is often ready with a quick-witted joke or a story to share - usually around the supper table. Mackie is a longtime resident of Arnprior and is very active in a variety of sports - especially floor hockey and bowling. Just recently Mackie traveled to Oshawa to participate in a bowling tournament, where he did very well. Mackie is also fond of puzzles and enjoys a lot of quiet time in his room doing puzzles or watching his favourite programs on his television. Despite the distance between Usborne and Community Living, Mackie still enjoys walking to and from the Day Program most days and he is a great help with taking out the recycling and gathering up the dishes after meals. Usborne is very happy and thankful to have Mackie as a new member of the family. ~ Rex Mei Hesitation was the first emotion that swept over me when I first reviewed my offer from L'Arche Arnprior. It was a position that required me to give up the comfort of a familiar location, the comfort of privacy that comes with a personal residence and most unnerving, the responsibility of becoming a part of such a large and tightly-knit community. ~Scott Burnie Gospel of John retreat In September I was given an opportunity to attend the retreat on the gospel of John led by Jean Vanier. This retreat was attended by 38 people from communities around the world and will have a second 10 day session to conclude the gospel in February. Jean leads us through each chapter with his interpretation and how he relates the gospel to what and how we live in L'Arche. I have reflected on how I see myself in the gospel and where I am called to grow. I relate well to Martha and could grow in my presence to people like Mary. Ruth Patterson was a guest speaker as well. Ruth's expertise on reconciliation was profound. It was a privilege to hear her speak and share so openly with us. It was a perfect balance to blend the talks of Ruth with Jean. Jean's 85th birthday party was a privilege to attend and also a witness to how humble Jean is in his aging with his huge smile and appreciation for his gift of a cane! ~Renelle Simmons I was asked by Ian, our founding core member, to show his picture to Jean and ask if Jean remembered him. Jean quickly recalled that Ian was welcomed to L'Arche by Brian Halferty in Harlowe and that our community is now in Arnprior. What an amazing memory! Jean commented in a loving way, "Ian looks older now, kind of like me!" The first moment stepping inside my new home did little to quell my fears. But after my first day, they were all but gone. Arthur Street was home to unique and inspiring individuals who not only welcomed me but gave me a home, and after my first week I felt like a true member of the L'Arche community. As much of a cliché as it sounds, I felt loved and appreciated here. L'Arche became my home and I was grateful for it. Any apprehensions towards my new position were swiftly replaced with genuine excitement; I was fulfilled in both spirit and mind. My time as an assistant at L'Arche Arnprior has far eclipsed any co-op position I could have imagined myself in. It is with great anticipation that I await what is unfortunately my last month here. No doubt it will be filled with the usual excitement that I've come to expect from L'Arche, not to mention the added flair a L'Arche holiday season will surely bring. Above: Rex and Kenny J contemplate their Bingo cards Below: Ken J and Kerry McK, housemates and good friends Cottage Vacation Group Way back at the end of May, a small group left the comfort of L’Arche Arnprior and headed off to Mississippi Lake in search of fun, excitement, relaxation and friendship. These intrepid travelers were Marian, Rita, Doug, Candace, Paula and Scott. This group’s home for the week would be a beautiful cottage right on the water. The group had several visitors over the week: Katie and Lyle, Stacey and Milo, Mitch, Jenn and Elisa. Some of the highlights of the week were: outings to see the movie ‘Epic’ in Kanata followed by supper at Boston Pizza, a second trip into Ottawa for glow in the dark mini-putt and then an excellent feast at the Throughway Restaurant in Carleton Place, fishing, s’mores made at the campfire, relaxing, watching an angry turtle try to bite Scott as he tried to remove it from a busy road, a trip to Perth for some shopping and sightseeing and lots of fun times spent together in and around the cottage itself. Candace and Katie even managed to meet some new friends during a rather exciting canoe adventure they had on the Lake. We still enjoy ribbing them about that! The week seemed to fly by and luckily there was really only one day that had rainy weather…but that did not dampen our spirits. Get it? Dampen? Did I mention that our group had a great sense of humour? It really was a spectacular week and we left the cottage having made even better friends with our peers from different houses. That really was an amazing week with a great group of friends. Sandbanks Camping Group PAGE 7 It was the fourth year that this group returned to Sandbanks Provincial Park. It seems they enjoy camping! James performed “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” at Quarter Moon Coffee House, above, and Ruth discovered that canoeing was just awesome! Thanks, Katie! ~Nancy Illman ~Scott Burnie Reflections From the Boat ~Nancy Illman Lynn Godfrey and Jos Reid hit upon an extraordinary yet simple concept for a retreat this past September. Pack as frugally as possible, bring along a bear barrel full of food, drive to spectacular Killarney Provincial Park, rent canoes, and disappear into the wilderness for the week! Four enthusiastic women joined them this year to challenge ourselves physically and spiritually. Lynn, a United Church minister, led morning and evening prayer and provided material for reflection each day. We spent time canoeing four of the five days, climbed "The Crack" to catch a view of Georgian Bay, and stretched ourselves artistically on O.S.A. (Ontario Society of Artists) Lake with watercolors and pastels. Thanks to the fire-making skills of some in the group, we enjoyed campfires each evening. There was lots of time for getting to know each other, as well as time to spend in personal reflection. The scenery was spectacular and the weather most co-operative. If this sounds good to you, look for this opportunity to roll around next year. Just remember - this is no-trace camping. Expect to be rather smelly when you are done, just like everyone else! L'ARCHE ARNPRIOR 16 Edward Street South, Suite 103 Arnprior, Ontario K7S 3W4 Phone: 613 - 623 - 7323 Fax: 613 - 623 - 9629 E-mail: We are people with and without intellectual disabilities, PAGE 8 sharing life in communities belonging to an International Federation. Mutual relationships and trust in God are at the heart of our journey together. We celebrate the unique value of every person and recognize our need of one another. Did you know? L’Arche Trosly will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary next year. We’ll be kicking this celebration off with our Earth Day dinner/dance on April 25th at de Renzy hall. Open to the wider community, we will gather at 4:30 for a stew supper, then dance the night away courtesy of our fabulous DJ, Dave Fridgen! We would be happy to have you consider making a donation to L’Arche Arnprior. There are several ways that you can do this: the good old fashioned way, with a cheque through the mail. by dropping in to our office with your donation of cash or cheque. by going to the L’Arche Canada website, at and clicking on the “donate” button on the upper right hand corner. It will take you to a list of the L’Arche Communities in Canada. Choose L’Arche Arnprior, and follow the instructions. by donating through the United Way. by donating on–line through we are also able to accept donations of stocks, bonds and so forth. Please visit us on Facebook! You don’t have to be a member to follow the postings on our page. Just put this URL into your search engine, or click on this link if you are receiving this via e-mail! We try to post particularly lovely photos of community members and events, information about upcoming events, and links to events of interest that other organizations have shared with us. You are encouraged to “like”, comment on and share our posts, as this is how the word gets out to a broader community of interested individuals. The more a community deepens and grows, the more integrated it must be in the neighbourhood. When it begins, the community is integrated within the four walls of its house. But gradually it opens up to neighbours and friends. Some communities begin to panic when they feel that their neighbours are becoming committed to them; they are frightened of losing their identity, of losing control. But there are times to knock down the walls of a community. This is how a small community can gradually become the yeast in the dough, a place of unity for all and between all. ~Jean Vanier, Community and Growth
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