Auguri a Tutti - Christopher Columbus Italian Club of Charlotte
Auguri a Tutti - Christopher Columbus Italian Club of Charlotte
Christopher Columbus Italian Club of Charlotte CCICC Febbraio 2014 Inside this issue: President’s Letter Hospitality/Events Board Members Sunshine Corner Cultural Membership Set Up/Clean Up Calendar Upcoming Meetings Pg. 1 Pg. 2 Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 3 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 4 Pg. 4 Dear Prospective Members: Thank you for your interest in the Christopher Columbus Italian Club of Charlotte. You are cordially invited to attend our Club’s upcoming Valentine’s Dance at 7:30pm on February 8th at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Senior Center. A schedule of our 2013-2014 Club meetings is on page 4. You are invited to attend any of these meetings for a $10 fee. If you wish to join the Club, this cost will be applied towards your initiation fee. Each meeting includes a cultural program and/or entertainment, time for socializing, delicious food and refreshments. Reservations for all events should be made by calling Gerri Castellano at 704-325-2149. Leave your phone number and spell your name so we can confirm your attendance. We hope to see you soon! FROM THE PRESIDENT SALUTI AMICI, We would like to thank everyone who attended our January Meeting. A special thanks to Chris Sottile for his demonstration on how to prepare homemade "salami". His detailed explanation of the process and the care he demonstrated in preparing the food shows a respect for tradition and a dedication to the craft. We all await the opportunity to taste his latest batch of homemade products. Our “That’s Amore” dance is Saturday February 8 th. Details for the dance are listed in the newsletter. We encourage you to come and to bring guests. This will be an opportunity not only for you to have a great time with fellow members, but also share our spirit with our guests. Please come to the dance and enjoy the food, the music, and the fellowship. At this time, we are seeking to form our 2014-15 Board. This club is your club, and will grow only if we have participation of all the members. Some of the current Board and Committee chairs may wish to step down and open opportunities for members. If you are a new member it is a great way to get involved, meet people, and share your experiences. If you are an existing member, and have served before, please consider serving again. We are in need of new ideas, and I believe we can use this as an opportunity to move forward. Your time commitment is one Board/Committee Meeting a month, in the months that we have a Club Meeting. In addition, dependent upon the position, you will probably spend two to four hours fulfilling your duties. You will have all the support necessary to be successful. We need your time, talent, and enthusiasm. Please e-mail me your name, and area of interest, so that we can begin to plan for the upcoming year. Your support will be immensely appreciated. Tony Grano President CCICC 2013-2014 BOARD THAT’S AMORE! llkvbc OFFICERS PRESIDENT Tony Grano 704-542-4145 1st VICE PRESIDENT Lou Carletto 704-821-9936 CCICC’S FIFTH ANNUAL VALENTINE DANCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 7:30PM AT THE CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG SENIOR CENTER NO CHARGE FOR CLUB MEMBERS ----------------------------------------------------------------All members are encouraged to invite friends and relatives for a fun-filled evening. Music will be provided by Split Second Sound who will entertain us with the sounds of the 50’s and 60’s, including tunes from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and other Italian crooners. We need your help to make this event a well attended success. It is only with the support and participation of all our members that we can continue to be a successful and prosperous Club! So mark your calendars and look forward to a wonderful evening of socializing with friends, dancing, and as always in the Italian tradition – lots of delicious food! 2nd VICE PRES SECRETARY Marie Garafano 704-545-3713 TREASURER Elissa Chase 704-541-8838 COMMITTEE CHAIRS MEMBERSHIP Sally Angelon 704-541-3519 Ernie D’Agostino FINANCE 803-327-5951 CULTURAL Christopher Sottile 704-999-8942 PUBLICITY RULES Larry Marraccini 803-831-5658 Lou Carletto 704-821-9936 HOSPITALITY Luci Grano 901-828-2404 SUNSHINE Luci Grano Hospitality Chairperson Steve Castellano 704-325-2150 Catherine D’Agostino 803-327-5951 HISTORIAN Open 704-906-6533 AN ITALIAN VALENTINE STORY In 1909, a young woman named Teresina Tredici bravely traveled alone from Montecatini, Italy to America to marry her childhood sweetheart, Paolino. (Paolino had left Montecatini several years earlier to seek his fortune working in the mines of Utah.) Arriving first at Ellis Island, Teresina then traveled by train to Salt Lake City, Utah to meet her husband-to-be. They were married on December 31, 1909. Last fall, the New York Times invited its readers to submit vintage wedding photos for an online wedding photo album. People sent photos from all around the world, including Teresina’s great granddaughter who submitted Teresina and Paolino’s only wedding picture. The picture was one of 21 accepted. It (photo #8) can be seen at: 11_vintage.html The photo is the oldest in the collection, and the couple, Teresina and Paolino Marraccini, are Larry’s grandparents! BOTTEGA Open COMMUNICATIONS Gerri Castellano 704-325-2149 Social Media There are two ways to keep up with CCICC all year long! Please like us on Facebook at Christopher Columbus Italian Club of Charlotte - OR – follow us on Twitter at #ItalianClubofQC! MEMBERSHIP WELCOME to our new member: Randy D’Agostino 3rd generation from 15825 Homecoming Way Naples Charlotte, NC 28278 (704) 776-6186 Sunshine Corner Catherine D’Agostino, Chair Auguri a Tutti Congratulations to All BUON COMPLEANNO Happy Birthday 18 – Larry Marracini 20 – Mary Ciminelli 27 – Dee Nesta 9 – Ron Ciminelli 26 – Michael Potuto 1 – Massimo D’Angelo All members are asked to invite friends and family members to join us at our monthly meetings. Membership Questions? Contact Sally Angelon @ 704-541-3519 BUON ANNIVERSARIO! Happy Anniversary 1971 Massimo & Manuela D’Angelo CULTURA Celebriamo La festa di San Valentino il 14 Febbraio. (We celebrate the feast of St. Valentine on February 14th.) San Valentino e’ il Protettore degli Innamorati. (St. Valentine is the protector of lovers.) Ecco una breve preghiera a San Valentino! (Here is a short prayer to St. Valentine.) “Dear San Valentine, teach us to love unselfishly and to find great joy in giving. Enable ALL those in love to bring out the best in each other. AMEN AUGURI DI SAN VALENTINO A TUTTI GLI INNAMORATI! (BEST WISHES FOR VALENTINE’S DAY TO ALL THE LOVERS!) Directions to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 704-522-6222 From I-77: Take Exit 5 (Tyvola Road) towards South Park. Before getting to Park Road and right before the center median begins, turn into the Senior Center’s driveway on the left. From South Park: Follow Fairview Road until it becomes Tyvola Road (at Park Road). After crossing Park Road you’ll see the Senior Center on the right. MEETING CALENDAR 2013-2014 All meetings held at 4 pm at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Senior Center, unless otherwise noted. Business meeting begins at 4:30, with program and dinner to follow. Sun., September 22 – Welcome Back! Sat., Sept 28 – UNCC Int’l Festival Sat., October 12 – Fall Picnic at River Hills Sun., November 17 Sun., December 15 – Family Christmas Celebration Sun., January 26 Sat., February 8– That’s Amore Dance Sun., March 16 Sun., April 27 Sat., June 1 – Annual Club Picnic at River Hills Set Up and Clean Up Committee This month’s CCICC meeting will be our That’s Amore! Dance. It th will be held at the Senior Center on Saturday, February 8 , at 7:30pm. Setup committee members are: UPCOMING MEETINGS CCICC Board of Directors Tuesday, February 11th, 7pm, Park Place Restaurant, 10517 Park Road, Charlotte, NC (704-295-1588). CLUB WEBSITE Gerri & Steve Castellano, Sally & Mike Angelon, Elissa & Ray Chase, Rita & Mike Potuto and Marie Garafano. Please arrive at 4:30pm for decorating and setup. Remember to bring clean tablecloths. Team members responsible for the March meeting setup are; Catherine & Ernie D’Agostino, Manuela & Massimo D’Angelo, Frank Cecere, Betty DiNicola and Bea Romano. Thanks for your cooperation. Questions? Call me at 704-325-2150 or email Gerri Castellano Communications Christopher Columbus Italian Club of Charlotte c/o Gerri Castellano 2003 Brook Valley Run. Monroe, NC 28110 THIS MONTH’S CLUB MEETING – SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 7:30PM