Alternators to suit Denso - indotek
Alternators to suit Denso - indotek
Alternators Alternators DXA400 12 Volt RXA404 70 Amp New 12 Volt 35 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Holden Apollo / Toyota Camry Engine: 2S-E, 3S-FE, 3S-FC, 3S-GE May require adapter plug HXK-22 Can Use: To suit: Daihatsu / Suzuki / Toyota Applications Engine: K, ZM, 3K, 3P, 5R, 12R,12R-J External regulator RXA400 Can Use: RXA407 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 161mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 5 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 156mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 68mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F N IG = Ignition RXA400 12 Volt RXA405 70 Amp 12 Volt 50 Amp Remanufactured Remanufactured To suit: Holden Apollo / Toyota Camry Engine: 2S-E, 3S-FE, 3S-FC, 3S-GE May require adapter plug HXK-26 To suit: Daihatsu / Holden / Honda / Toyota Applications Engine: 4K-U, 5R, 18R, 18R-U, EF, G161Z External regulator Can Use: DXA534 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 161mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 5 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Can Use: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 76mm A Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso DXA534 Plug Code: ER1 E F N IG = Ignition DXA401 12 Volt RXA406 55 Amp 12 Volt 45 Amp Remanufactured New To suit: Honda Civic Engine: EV, EW To suit: Toyota Applications Engine: F, 2F External regulator Can Use: RXA401 Can Use: RXA403 RXA408 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 11mm 161mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR8 3 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 168mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 75mm B Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F N IG = Ignition DXA402 12 Volt RXA407 60 Amp 12 Volt 35 Amp Remanufactured New To suit: Honda Civic Engine: ZC To suit: Daihatsu / Toyota Applications Engine: 12R, 12R-J External Regulator Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 163mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR3 3 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 156mm Can Use: RXA404 Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 67mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F N FR = Field Report (Control (CPU-Field)) RXA403 12 Volt RXA408 50 Amp To suit: Daihatsu / Toyota Applications Engine: 2T, 12R, 12T, 13T-U, 16R-J, 18R-U, 19R External regulator Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm M8 x 1.0mm 138 12 Volt 50 Amp Remanufactured Remanufactured Piv. Lug Length 168mm To suit: Toyota Applications Engine: 21R-U External Regulator Can Use: RXA408 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 76mm Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F A N Can Use: RXA403 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 168mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 75mm A // Shaft Dia. E F N // Alternators 139 Alternators RXA409 12 Volt RXA416 40 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 45 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Toyota Applications Engine: 2T-J, 5P, 5R-U, 12T, 12T-J, 18R, 18R-J External Regulator Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 174mm Piv. Lug Length DXA410 Can Use: To suit: Daihatsu Charade Engine: CB11, CB20, CB22, CB32, CB34, CB35 RXA405 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 75mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F N Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 153mm 25mm RXA418 80 Amp New Can Use: RXA498 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR17 A 12 Volt 50 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Daihatsu / GMH Applications Engine: 4FC1, 4FD1, 4XC1, 4ZB1, 4ZC1, 4ZE1 May require ‘sense’ wire to be added in some applications Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 163mm 58mm DXA412 Can Use: Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Daihatsu Applications Engine: HC-E, HC-F Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 A 12 Volt Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 151mm 58mm RXA420 55 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso Plug Code: ER1 Plug Code: IR17 4 PV 12 Volt 50 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Toyota Cressida Engine: M-U, 2Y, 5M-EU Can Use: To suit: Daihatsu Applause 101A Engine: HD-E RXA412 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 177mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 75mm AA Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR13 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 153mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR17 4 PV IG = Ignition DXA413 12 Volt DXA421 70 Amp New 12 Volt 50 Amp New To suit: Toyota HiAce, Hilux Engine: 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5M-GE, 6M-GEU Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 165mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Holden / Suzuki Applications Engine: G13B Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 5 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 156mm Can Use: RXA421 Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 67mm 3 PV Shaft Dia. IG = Ignition RXA414 12 Volt IG = Ignition DXA422 70 Amp Remanufactured Plug Code: IR8 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Toyota Corolla SX & GTi Engine: 4A-GE Can Use: To suit: Holden Apollo JM Engine: 3VZ-FE V6, Lexus VC VIOR Can Use: RXA520 (Change Pulley) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 5 PV Plug Code: IR7 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 165mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 6 PV IG = Ignition 140 // // 141 Alternators Alternators DXA423 12 Volt DXA430 50 Amp New Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 156mm Piv. Lug Length RXA424 To suit: Toyota LandCruiser Engine: 3F Internally regulated 80 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 67mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR17 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 168mm Piv. Lug Length DXA431 70 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm B 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 70 Amp New To suit: Toyota Celica Engine: 5S-FE Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Toyota Camry Engine: 2VZ-FE Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 5 PV Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 163mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 12 Volt Plug Code: IR7 6 PV IG = Ignition DXA427 To suit Denso To suit Denso 12 Volt New To suit: Suzuki Sierra Engine: G13A, G13BA IG = Ignition DXA432 70 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Toyota Crown, Supra Engine: 5M-E Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 165mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Toyota LandCruiser FZJ80 Engine: 1FZ-E Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 7 PV Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 159mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. AA IG = Ignition IG = Ignition RXA428 12 Volt Plug Code: IR11 DXA433 50 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 110 Amp New To suit: Toyota HiAce Engine: 2RZ Can Use: To suit: Toyota LandCruiser FZJ80 Engine: 1HZ, 1PZ, 1HD-T DXA400 Can Use: (With Harness) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 154mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 5 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 165mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. IG = Ignition IG = Ignition RXA429 12 Volt Plug Code: IR11 AA DXA435 60 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 55 Amp New To suit: Toyota 4Runner Engine: V6 3VZ-E Can Use: To suit: Toyota LandCruiser FJ62, FJ75 Engine: 3F Can Use: RXA435 Externally Regulated 142 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 167mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 4 PV Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 168mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 76mm A // Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER6 E F P // Alternators 143 Alternators RXA435 12 Volt DXA447 50 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 75 Amp New To suit: Toyota LandCruiser FJ62, FJ75 Engine: 3F Can Use: To suit: Holden Jackaroo Engine: 6VD1 V6 DXA435 Can Use: RXA447 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 168mm Piv. Lug Length DXA437 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 76mm A 24 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F N Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 165mm 58mm DXA448 50 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 4 PV 15mm 12 Volt Plug Code: IR7 70 Amp New To suit: Toyota Coaster Engine: 1HZ Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 165mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Honda Accord, Prelude Engine: A20A2, A20A2 Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 AA Can Use: RXA448 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso Externally Regulated Plug Code: IR3 5 PV IG = Ignition DXA443 12 Volt RXA448 60 Amp New 12 Volt 70 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Suzuki Swift SA310 Engine: G10 Can Use: To suit: Honda Accord, Prelude Engine: A20A2, A20A2 RXA443 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 156mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 67mm A 15mm Plug Code: IR7 Can Use: DXA448 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR3 5 PV IG = Ignition DXA445 12 Volt DXA449 70 Amp New 12 Volt 60 Amp New To suit: Toyota Corolla Wagon 4WD Engine: 4A-FE Can Use: To suit: Honda Accord Engine: A20A2 RXA445 (60A) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 5 PV Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 5 PV IG = Ignition DXA446 12 Volt 12 Volt 70 Amp New To suit: Toyota Cressida Engine: 7M-GE 144 IG = Ignition DXA453 80 Amp New Plug Code: IR7 Can Use: To suit: Honda Prelude Engine: B20A6 RXA446 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 5 PV // Plug Code: IR7 Can Use: RXA453 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 153mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR3 5 PV // 145 Alternators Alternators RXA453 12 Volt RXA473 70 Amp Remanufactured Can Use: To suit: Honda Integra Engine: D16A3 60 Amp DXA453 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 153mm 58mm DXA457 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR3 5 PV 12 Volt Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm DXA474 70 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 3 PV 12 Volt Plug Code: IR1 D FR IG L 40 Amp New To suit: Honda Legend Engine: C27A1 Can Use: To suit: Toyota Forklift Engine: 5FD10 RXA457 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 11mm 153mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR3 3 PV Can Use: RXA475 35A Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 138mm 24mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso 12 Volt Remanufactured To suit: Honda Prelude Engine: B20A6 Plug Code: IR17 A FR = Field Report (Control (CPU-Field)) RXA465 12 Volt RXA475 55 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 35 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Daihatsu Rocky F80, F85 Engine: 3Y External Regulator Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length RXA466 To suit: Toyota / Kubota Applications Engine: 5FD1D Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 76mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F N Can Use: DXA474 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 135mm 24mm RXA476 65 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. A 12 Volt 70 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Honda Accord Engine: ET External Regulator Can Use: To suit: Toyota Tarago Engine: 2C Externally Regulated RXA405 (50A) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length DXA470 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 76mm A 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER1 E F N Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 158mm 70mm DXA478 70 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 12 Volt Can Use: To suit: Toyota Hilux 1990-1992 Engine: 2L, 3L, 5L E P 70 Amp DXA501 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8mm 10mm 165mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 41mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 163mm 70mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 AA IG = Ignition IG = Ignition // // Alternators 147 Alternators DXA480 12 Volt RXA496 50 Amp New 12 Volt 50 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Suzuki Swift & Holden Barina Engine: G13B Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 156mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length DXA481 To suit: Daihatsu Rocky Engine: HD-E Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 67mm 3 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 153mm 58mm DXA497 85 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR17 A 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Daewoo Cielo 1.5i Engine: 1.5L, G15MF, A15MF Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 8mm 165mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Lexus LS400 Engine: 1UZ-FE Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR23 L I S Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 10.4mm 10mm 157mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 12 Volt Plug Code: IR11 6 PV IG = Ignition S = Sense RXA484 To suit Denso To suit Denso Plug Code: ER6 F A New To suit: Toyota Corolla, Celica Engine: 4A-FE/ 5A-FE 146 Plug Code: IR17 RXA498 45 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 45 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Toyota Dyna Engine: 2Y Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 152mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Daihatsu Charade G100S Engine: CB36, CB37 (Manual Transmission) Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 Can Use: RXA416 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 155mm 25mm 5 PV Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR17 A IG = Ignition DXA487 12 Volt DXA501 40 Amp New 12 Volt 70 Amp New To suit: Kubota Applications Engine: A28 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 138mm 24mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Toyota Corolla Engine: 7A-FE Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR17 A Can Use: DXA470 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8.5mm 10mm 164mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 44mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 IG = Ignition DXA488 12 Volt RXA502 90 Amp New 12 Volt 50 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Jeep Applications Engine: VMHR25 Voltage regulation controlled by vehicle’s ECU Can Use: To suit: Toyota Starlet 1996-1999 Engine: 1.3L 4E-FE 210-0130 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 182mm 53mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER47 F+/- 6 PV F+/- Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 4 PV F+/- - Field +/- 148 // // 149 Alternators Alternators DXA507 12 Volt DXA514 80 Amp New Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 11mm 160mm M8 x 1.25mm Can Use: 70 Amp Piv. Lug Length To suit: Toyota Corolla Can Use: Engine: AE90, AE92 Unit comes with adaptor plug RE72 type Original Bosch Unit has the IR110 regulator To convert the female plug in the vehicle use HXK-24 & HXK-26 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 38mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 5 PV IG = Ignition DXA508 12 Volt DXA515 50 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Toyota Forklift Engine: Can Use: To suit: Toyota Prado Engine: V6 5VZ-FE Petrol DXA480 Can Use: (Change pulley) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 8mm 155mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm B Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 8.5mm 10mm 163mm 58mm 44mm 4PV Shaft Dia. 12 Volt Plug Code: IR11 IG = Ignition IG = Ignition RXA509 To suit Denso To suit Denso 12 Volt New To suit: Toyota Avalon, Camry / Lexus Engine: 1MZ-FE DXA516 60 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 90 Amp New To suit: Honda Prelude Engine: ET Externally Regulated Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 173mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Toyota Echo Engine: 1.5L 1NZ-FE M Terminal - HZ Output Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 76mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER7 F E P Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 11mm 160mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 41mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR45 M = Frequency DXA511 12 Volt DXA518 65 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Daewoo Matiz Engine: F8CV Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 8mm 156mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Toyota LandCruiser Diesel HJ47, HJ60,HJ70, HJ75 Engine: 2H Internally regulated Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 66mm A Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR44 IG L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.0mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length Can Use: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 105mm B Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR13 IG = Ignition DXA513 12 Volt RXA519 60 Amp New 12 Volt 70 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Toyota Hilux Engine: 2L, 3L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Toyota LandCruiser, Prado Engine: 1KZ-TE Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 98mm AA Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR13 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.25mm 11mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 AA IG = Ignition 150 // // Alternators Alternators RXA520 12 Volt DXA534 70 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Toyota HiAce, Hilux Engine: 2RZ, 3RZ Can Use: To suit: Toyota Camry, Supra Engine: 5S-FE, 3S-FE Oval regulator plug DXA422 (Change pulley) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 164mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 160mm 58mm 5 PV Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 5 PV IG = Ignition DXA523 Plug Code: IR11 IG = Ignition DXA537 12 Volt 120 Amp New 12 Volt 75 Amp New To suit: John Deere Engine: 6076, 6466, 6619 Can Use: To suit: Holden Jackaroo Engine: 6VD15 DXA524 Can Use: DXA520 (70A) if plug reaches (Change pulley) Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 169mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 165mm 58mm AA Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso 151 Plug Code: IR11 4 PV IG = Ignition DXA524 DXA538 12 Volt 140 Amp New 12 Volt 60 Amp New To suit: John Deere Engine: 3T72 Can Use: To suit: Suzuki Swift, Vitara Engine: SA413, TA , ET Can Use: DXA421 (50A) Change pulley Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 169mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 156mm 8 PV Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 67mm 4 PV 15mm IG = Ignition DXA529 12 Volt IG = Ignition DXA539 90 Amp New Plug Code: IR8 12 Volt 70 Amp New To suit: Chrysler Voyager Engine: 3.0L, 3.3L, & 3.8L V6 Voltage regulation controlled by vehicles ECU Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 11mm Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length 184mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Toyota Camry, Celic, Supra Engine: 3S-FE Round regulator plug Pulley Section 54mm Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER9 F Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 8mm 170mm 58mm F 6 PV Can Use: Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR7 5 PV IG = Ignition DXA533 12 Volt DXA540 80 Amp New 152 12 Volt 70 Amp New To suit: Toyota Camry, Supra Engine: 5S-FE Round regulator plug Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 165mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Honda Civic, Integra Engine: 1.6L, 1.8L CCW rotation Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 5 PV // Plug Code: IR7 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 160mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR1 D FR IG L // 153 Alternators Alternators DXA543 12 Volt DXA552 80 Amp New Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 174mm Piv. Lug Length To suit: Toyota Hilux Engine: 3.0L Diesel 1KD-FTV Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 40mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR11 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.25mm 11.5mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 58mm Plug Code: IR43 Shaft Dia. IG C L FR 7 PV IG = Ignition DXA544 12 Volt DXA555 80 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Jeep Wrangler Engine: 2.5L, 4.0L Voltage regulation controlled by vehicles ECU Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 11mm 10mm 184mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length To suit: Toyota Corolla ZZE122R Engine: IZZ-FE Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER46 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 11mm 170mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 41mm 6 PV To suit Denso To suit Denso 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Toyota Corolla Engine: 1ZZ-FE Plug Code: IR11 Shaft Dia. IG = Ignition DXA547 DXA556 12 Volt 105 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Jeep Cherokee Engine: Various Voltage regulation controlled by vehicles ECU Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 10mm 10mm Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Can Use: Piv. Lug Length To suit: Honda Accord Engine: 2.2L F22B1 CD7, CD9, E1 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 75mm 5 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER46 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 153mm 57mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Plug Code: IR2 Shaft Dia. 6 PV C = Computer DXA550 DXA557 12 Volt 130 Amp New 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Toyota LandCruiser 200 Series Engine: V8 Diesel 1VD_FTV Treated for environmental protection Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: To suit: Toyota Hilux GEN15R Engine: 4.0L 1GR-FE Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 161mm 60mm 64mm 9 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR43 IG C L FR Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 9 / 11mm 11mm 157 / 178mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 31mm 6 PV Plug Code: IR73 Shaft Dia. IG S L FR L = Warning Lamp DXA551 DXA558 12 Volt 130 Amp New 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Toyota LandCruiser Engine: 4.7L V8 Petrol Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 11mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 11mm 158mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Toyota RAV4 Engine: 2.0L 1AZ-FE Pulley Section 60mm Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR73 IG S L FR Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 120mm 6 PV Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 44mm 5 PV Plug Code: IR11 Shaft Dia. IG = Ignition 154 // // Alternators Alternators DXA559 DXA565 12 Volt 130 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Kia Sorento Engine: V6, G6CU Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 11mm 8.5mm 162mm Piv. Lug Length DXA560 To suit: Toyota Hilux, HiAce Engine: 2.7L Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 43mm 5 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR104 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 M10 x 10mm 125mm Piv. Lug Length DXA566 80 Amp New Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 46mm 7 PV Plug Code: IR73 Shaft Dia. IG S L FR 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Suzuki Grand Vitara Engine: 2.5L V6 SQ625 Can Use: To suit: Toyota Camry ACV40R Engine: 1.6L 2AZ-FE Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section M6 10mm 161mm 57mm 38mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR75 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: No image available at this time Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso 155 Plug Code: 7 PV L = Warning Lamp DXA561 DXA571 12 Volt 105 Amp New 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Honda Civic, Accord, CRV Applications Engine: Various Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Can Use: Length Ft. to Ft. 38mm DXA562 To suit: Toyota Aurion GSV40R Engine: 3.5L V6 2GR-FE Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR43 IG C L FR Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 7 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 7 PV DXA572 12 Volt 160 Amp New 12 Volt 80 Amp New To suit: Chrysler Voyager 2001-2005 Engine: 3.3L V6 Clutch Pulley Can Use: To suit: Toyota Yaris NCP93R Engine: 1.5L 1NZ-FE Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 10mm 12mm 117mm 73mm 119mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER46 F F Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.25mm 11 x M10 x 1.25mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 160mm 18 x 15mm 42mm 4 PV 17mm Plug Code: IR43 IG C L FR F = Field DXA563 DXA573 12 Volt 140 Amp New Adj. Hole Dia. 12mm 156 12 Volt 65 Amp New To suit: Holden Astra, Vectra 2004 > Engine: 2.7L Clutch Pulley Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 180mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Honda Accord F20A Engine: 2.0L 4 cyl Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 6 PV // Plug Code: Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 80mm 58mm 58mm 5 PV 15mm Plug Code: IR3 // 157 Alternators Alternators DXA574 12 Volt DXA579 95 Amp Reman To suit Denso Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 8mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm Piv. Lug Length 80mm Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Suzuki Grand Vitara Engine: 2.0L J20A 95 Amp Pulley Section 57mm DXA575 6 PV 12 Volt Plug Code: IR43 Shaft Dia. IG C L FR 17mm Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 84mm 16mm 40mm 4 PV DXA580 80 Amp New Shaft Dia. To suit Denso Adj. Hole Dia. 12 Volt New To suit: Honda Odyssey Engine: 2.3L 4 cyl F23A1 Plug Code: 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Honda Accord Engine: 2.3L 4 cyl F23A1 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 8mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm Piv. Lug Length 80mm 57mm DXA576 Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Toyota RX350 Engine: 3.5L V6 2GR-FE Pulley Section 87mm 6 PV Plug Code: IR43 Shaft Dia. IG C L FR Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 11mm 11mm 89mm 18 / 18mm 23 / 20mm 7 PV 17mm DXA581 12 Volt 110 Amp New Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR73 IG S L FR 12 Volt 130 Amp New To suit: Honda Accord Engine: 3.0L V6 J30A4 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. 8mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm Piv. Lug Length 88mm 27mm DXA577 Length Ft. to Ft. To suit: Toyota RX300 Engine: 3.3L V6 3MZ-FE Pulley Section 45mm 6 PV Plug Code: IR43 Shaft Dia. IG C L FR 17mm Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. M8 x 1.25mm 11mm 849mm 25mm 44mm 6 PV 17mm DXA582 12 Volt 130 Amp New Plug Code: IR115 IG S L M (FB) 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Mitsubishi Outlander Engine: 2.4L 4B12 Can Use: To suit: Toyota RAV4 ACA22R Engine: 2.4L 2AZ-FE Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 8mm 10mm 88mm 27mm 46mm 6 PV 17mm Plug Code: Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 x 1.25mm 10mm 854mm 20mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 18 / 23mm 7 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR115 IG S L M (FB) IG = Ignition DXA578 DXA583 12 Volt 130 Amp New 158 12 Volt 100 Amp New To suit: Honda Accord Engine: 2.4L K24Z2 Can Use: To suit: Toyota RAV4 ACA22R Engine: 2.4L 2AZ-FE No image available at this time Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 8mm 11mm 82mm 15mm 36mm 7 PV 17mm Plug Code: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.25mm M8 x 1.25mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 864mm 20mm 18 / 23mm 7 PV // Shaft Dia. IG RLO L FR // Alternators 159 Alternators DXA584 12 Volt DXA589 80 Amp New 12 Volt 120 Amp New To suit: Toyota Echo NCP12R Engine: 1.5L 1NZ-FE Can Use: To suit: Toyota Avensis, Corolla 2005 > Engine: 2.0L, 2.2L, Avensis 2.4L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section M8 x 1.25mm 11mm 811mm 22mm 18,23 4 PV DXA585 Plug Code: IR45 Shaft Dia. Adj. Hole Dia. 8.5mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 10.5 x 11.5mm 163mm 60mm 71mm 7 PV 17mm DXA590 12 Volt 100 Amp To suit Denso To suit Denso Plug Code: IR116 Plug Code: 12 Volt 130 Amp New New To suit: Toyota Corolla AZRE152R Engine: 1.8L 2ZR-FE To suit: Toyota Prado 2004-2007 Engine: 2.4L Can Use: No image available at this time Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. M8 x 1.25mm 11mm 863mm 20mm 52mm 6 PV 17mm DXA586 Plug Code: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.25mm M10 x 1.25mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 123mm 35.4mm 45.5mm 7 PV 17mm DXA591 12 Volt 105 Amp Plug Code: 12 Volt 130 Amp New New To suit: Mini Cooper 2002-2009 Engine: 1.6L To suit: Toyota Prado 2001-2003 Engine: 2.4L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 8mm 9mm 135mm 83mm 43mm 6 PV 17mm DXA587 Plug Code: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 x 1.25mm M10 x 1.25mm Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 123mm 35.4mm 45.5mm 7 PV 17mm 210-0130 12 Volt 150 Amp 12 Volt Plug Code: 90 Amp Remanufactured New To suit: Volvo 2004-2006 Engine: 2.4L, 2.5L To suit: Jeep Cherokee Engine: Various Can Use: No image available at this time Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 8.5mm 8 x 8.5mm 162mm 33mm 107.5mm 5 PV 17mm Plug Code: Adj. Hole Dia. 11mm Can Use: DXA488 Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 184mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER47 F+/- F+/- F+/- - Field +/- DXA588 210-0424 12 Volt 150 Amp To suit: Land Rover / Range Rover 2005-2008 Engine: 4.2L, 4.4L 160 12 Volt 80 Amp Remanufactured New To suit: Suzuki Grand Vitara 1999-2000 Engine: 2.5L V6 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 11.5mm 14 x 12.5mm 140mm 50mm 47mm 6 PV 17mm // Plug Code: Adj. Hole Dia. 10mm Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 163mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR75 4 PV // 161 Alternators Alternators 210-0480 210-3105 12 Volt 140 Amp Remanufactured Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 160mm Can Use: Piv. Lug Length 210-0484 To suit: Nissan Maxima Engine: 3.0L V6, VQ30DE, VG30E Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 68mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER51 F1 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8mm 10mm 159mm F2 Can Use: Piv. Lug Length 210-3106 12 Volt 145 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 80mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso 12 Volt 110 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Jeep Grand Cherokee 2002-2004 Engine: 4.0L Plug Code: ER50 F1 F2 12 Volt 125 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) 2002-2006 Engine: 4.7L V8 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 11mm 12mm 158mm To suit: Nissan Maxima Engine: 3.0L V6 VQ30DE Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 6 PV Plug Code: ER51 F1 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 155mm F2 Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 91mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER50 F1 F1 = Field 1 210-0493 F2 F1 = Field 1 210-3119 12 Volt 100 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 80 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Jeep Cherokee 1999-2000 Engine: 2.5L Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 183mm To suit: Nissan 300ZX 1990-1993 Engine: 3.0L V6 VG30DE without Turbo Can Use: Piv. Lug Length 210-0504 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 54mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER51 F1 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8mm 10mm 175mm F2 Can Use: Piv. Lug Length 210-3120 12 Volt 140 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 82mm 4 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S 80 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Jeep Grand Cherokee 1999-2000 Engine: 4.7L V8 To suit: Nissan NX 1991-1993 Engine: 2.0L Can Use: Can Use: HXA016 HXA020 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 12mm 160mm Piv. Lug Length 210-0532 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 68mm 6 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER51 F1 Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 162mm Piv. Lug Length 210-3122 12 Volt 150 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 82mm 6 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. To suit: Nissan 300ZX 1994-1996 Engine: 3.0L V6 VG30DET (with Turbo) Can Use: Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 162mm 58mm 10mm L S 80 Amp Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 6 PV Plug Code: ER51 F1 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 8mm 8mm 170mm F2 Can Use: Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 81mm 4 PV // Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L S // Alternators 163 Alternators 210-3130 12 Volt 210-4210 90 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 90 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Nissan Maxima J30 Engine: 3.0L V6 VG30E Can Use: To suit: Mazda 6 2003-2005 Engine: 2.3L (Automatic Transmission) HXA028 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole M8 10mm 175mm Piv. Lug Length 210-4177 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 82mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR49 L Adj. Hole Dia. S Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: MXA329 Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm Piv. Lug Length 176 / 190mm 210-4214 12 Volt 120 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 53mm 6 PV 12 Volt Shaft Dia. To suit Denso To suit Denso Plug Code: IR49 Remanufactured To suit: Chrysler 300C Engine: 4.6L V8 162 Piv. Lug Hole Dia. M8 F2 Remanufactured Adj. Hole Dia. Adj. Hole Dia. Plug Code: IR29 P D 90 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Chrysler PT Cruiser Engine: 2.4L To suit: Mazda 3 2004-2008 Engine: 2.0L, 2.3L Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 10mm 10mm 172mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 51mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. Plug Code: ER51 F1 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Can Use: MXA220 Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR29 P D 6 PV F2 F1 = Field 1 210-4191 12 Volt 210-5202 60 Amp Remanufactured 12 Volt 130 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Suzuki Vitara 1999-2001 Engine: 1.6L To suit: Ford F150 Engine: 5.4L V8 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 163mm 58mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR75 Adj. Hole Dia. 4 PV Can Use: Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 9mm 110mm 25mm Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 8 PV Plug Code: IR21 A S I L = Warning Lamp 210-4192 12 Volt 210-5210 70 Amp Remanufactured To suit: Ford F150 Engine: Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length M8 10mm 163mm 58mm 210-4201 Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: IR75 95 Amp Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length 12mm 13mm 174mm / 184mm 74mm 5 PV 101211-8060 12 Volt 100 Amp Remanufactured Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 6 PV Plug Code: IR21 A S I 12 Volt 130 Amp New To suit: Chrysler PT Cruiser Engine: 2.4L without Turbo 164 12 Volt Remanufactured To suit: Suzuki Vitara 1999-2003 Engine: 2.0L To suit: Industrial Applications Engine: Various Includes warning light terminal Brushless Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 10mm 11mm 174mm 54mm 53mm 4 PV Shaft Dia. // Plug Code: ER51 F1 F2 Can Use: Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 1/2UNC 13mm 198mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. 101mm Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 22mm // 165 Alternators 101211-8120 12 Volt 130 Amp New To suit: Industrial Applications Engine: Various Brushless Can Use: Higher Output at Lower RPM 80A at engine idle for 12v 19011003 Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 1/2 UNC 13mm 198mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. HEAVY D Pulley Section 101mm 101211-8140 Shaft Dia. 50 Plug Code: 22mm 24 Volt 0,000K M Durable Long-Life Design Heavy duty, brushless construction built to endure heat producing engines. 65 Amp New To suit: Industrial Applications Engine: Various Brushless Can Use: DXA9112 Proven Reliability Stringent manufacturing specifications ensure the lowest industry return rate. 19011019 Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 1/2 UNC 13mm 198mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 101mm 101211-8340 Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 22mm 24 Volt Heavy Duty Bearings High load rating on front and rear bearings provide a greater support area. 95 Amp New To suit: Caterpillar and Mining Applications Engine: Various Brushless Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole 1/2 UNC 13mm 198mm Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section 101mm Shaft Dia. Plug Code: 22mm 24V Adj. Hole Dia. APPLICATIONS Can Use: 12 V To suit Denso DXA9111 Adj. Hole Dia. Y ALTER UT TORS NA DXA9121 101211-8380 12 Volt 130 Amp New To suit: Industrial Applications Engine: Various Brushless PART NUMBER MOUNT AMPERAGE BTERMINAL RTERMINAL ITERMINAL REGULATOR 101211-8120 J180 130 5/16-18 UNC 3mm Pin - 126000-2520 101211-8060 J180 130 5/16-18 UNC 10-24 UNC 10-24 UNC 126000-2530 101211-8380 Pad 130 5/16-18 UNC 10-24 UNC 10-24 UNC 126000-2520 101211-8390 Pad 130 5/16-18 UNC 3mm Pin - 126000-2520 101211-8340 J180 95 5/16-18 UNC 3mm Pin - 126000-2540 101211-8400 Pad 95 5/16-18 UNC 3mm Pin - 126000-2540 101210-9000 J180 150 5/16-18 UNC 3mm pin - 126000-2540 101210-9010 Pad 150 5/16-18 UNC 3mm pin - 126000-2540 12V 130 AMP PERFORMANCE CURVE TEST CONDITIONS: 13.5V Constant Output, 25º C Hot Stabilized Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. 22mm 101211-8390 12 Volt 130 Amp Idle RPM 120 Plug Code: Output Current (A) Piv. Lug Hole Dia. J180 Mount Can Use: 140 Adj. Hole Dia. Pad Mount 100 80 60 COMPETITOR RATED VOLTAGE AND RATED OUTPUT 12V - 130A, 24V-95A or 150A ALLOWABLE MAX RPM 10,000 rpm ALLOWABLE BELT LOAD 980N (100kgf) max POLARITY Negative - case grounded ROTATION Clockwise (viewed from pulley end) APPROXIMATE WEIGHT 10.39 kgs 40 20 New 0 To suit: Industrial Applications Engine: Various Brushless SPECIFICATIONS 1000 Can Use: 2000 3000 4000 5000 Alternator Speed 8600066 Warranty: *1 year / 2000 hours of operation for mining, agricultural and industrial applications 8600127 It’s DENSO, relax. Our alternators and starters are manufactured to stringent specifications, Adj. Hole Dia. Piv. Lug Hole Dia. Adj. Hole to Piv. Hole Piv. Lug Length Length Ft. to Ft. Pulley Section Shaft Dia. Plug Code: then tested to ensure quality and reliability so you don’t have to worry about doing the same job twice. We can help improve your speed, efficiency and profitability so you can ‘RELAX’ knowing your vehicle is working as hard as you do. 22mm ROTATING ELECTRICAL 166 //
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