B orowsky C enter - The University of the Arts
B orowsky C enter - The University of the Arts
Submission Guidelines and Pricing Students, alumni, faculty and artists are all invited to propose projects to be printed in the Borowsky Center. Some things to keep in mind To obtain a proposal form and an estimate for your project, contact Amanda D’Amico at adamico@uarts.edu. T h e Heidelberg KORS O f fs et Press The Borowsky Center for Publication Arts is home to a Heidelberg KORS Offset Press. Our single color press can accommodate a variety of papers ranging from 7”x10” to 20”x28”. Manufactured in 1988, our press can accommodate both positive and negative litho plates, freeing artists to create images in a variety of ways. We use Superior brand Pantone inks to custom mix an array of colors, as well as metallics, fluorescents and varnish. Borowsky Center for Publication Arts Anderson Building 9th Floor 333 South Broad St. Philadelphia PA 19107 Ph: 215 . 717 . 6460 BorowskyCenter Pricing varies from project to project. Arts -Please submit your proposals 3-6 months in advance of your desired print time. Publication -Applicants must submit a proposal to the printer. Jobs will be accepted according to the schedule. for -Students and alumni must have completed the Book Production course with Lori Spencer or Advanced Offset with Patty Smith to create an independent project with the printer. The University of the Arts, 320 South Broad Street -Artists must create an edition of at least 100 with a portion of the edition going to the Borowsky Center archives. Philadelphia, PA 19102 -Current students enrolled in undergraduate courses get priority. T h e Borowsky Center P rev i o u s a r t i st s i n c l u d e We are committed to the exploration of the offset process as a creative medium, and to that end functions as a research facility within the university. Students in Printmaking, Graphic Design, Illustration, and other disciplines have the opportunity to work with this commercial process first hand creating a variety of projects, from show posters and promotional postcards to fine prints and artists’ books. The Center also supports the advancement of knowledge in other disciplines within the university by facilitating the publishing of scholarly and studio research. Publishing of research can take the form of a manual, book, portfolio, etc that can be disseminated to the outside community. Alumni, faculty, and professional artists are invited to propose projects in the Borowsky Center. 2010 Mel Chin Sarah Iremonger 2008 Amos Paul Kennedy Richard Minsky 2007 Maria Magdelena Compos-Pons Dorothy Simpson Krause Charles Long 2006 Gary Kelley Print by Ernestine Ruben Vo n H e s s V i s i t i n g A r t i st P ro g ra m Through the generosity of the Richard C. von Hess Foundation, the Borowsky Center for Publication Arts invites visiting artists to explore the creative potential of the offset medium. The Center facilitates image making as a synthesis of handwork, photography, and digital imagery. All imaginable combinations of traditional and electronic prepress are the subjects of experimentation. Selected artists work with a master printer in the Center to create an original print or an artist book. These artists are recommended from a broad array of disciplines including fine arts, photography, illustration and graphic design. The average residency is 3-5 days. In that time the artist will work on their project, participate in dialog with students who are interested in seeing the progress of the piece, and give a public lecture/ presentation of their work to the University community. The visiting artist receives a stipend as well as room and board. The edition is split 50/50 between artist and the Center. Residencies are available by invitation only. Print by Dorothy Simpson Krause 2005 Bea Nettles Ernestine Ruben 2004 Anna Beth Rosen Buzz Spector 2003 John Freyer Karen Kunc