Home Owners Guide


Home Owners Guide
Home Owners Guide
Welcome ...............................................................................................................................3 Contact us .............................................................................................................................3 About us ................................................................................................................................4 Recycled water community .............................................................................................................. 4 Environmentally friendly ................................................................................................................... 4 Safe and reliable .............................................................................................................................. 4 Your recycled water system ..................................................................................................5 Your recycled water system is made up of: ..................................................................................... 5 Wastewater and sewer collection tank ............................................................................................ 6 How my recycled water system works ............................................................................................. 6 Boundary kit ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Recycled water supply ..................................................................................................................... 7 Using recycled water.............................................................................................................8 Use of recycled water ...................................................................................................................... 8 You cannot drink recycled water ...................................................................................................... 8 Recycled water is exempt from water restrictions ........................................................................... 9 Tips .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Roof and Rainwater ......................................................................................................................... 9 Power Outage .................................................................................................................................. 9 Maintaining your recycled water system .............................................................................10 Only licensed plumbers can repair, maintain and work on the recycled water system .................. 10 Dos and Don’ts .............................................................................................................................. 10 Going on Holidays ......................................................................................................................... 11 Repairs................................................................................................................................12
Warranty and repair costs .............................................................................................................. 12 Blocks or burst pipes ..................................................................................................................... 13 Ensuring access to your tank ......................................................................................................... 13 Ensuring access to your meter ...................................................................................................... 13 Dogs and other safety risks ........................................................................................................... 14 Excavations and building ....................................................................................................15 Danger: Underground electrical wires ........................................................................................... 15 Caution: turn off power before excavating ..................................................................................... 15 Building a garage, carport or garden shed .................................................................................... 15 Building an extension ..................................................................................................................... 15 Landscaping your garden .............................................................................................................. 15 Installing a swimming pool or large spa ..............................................................................16 Your benefits .......................................................................................................................17 Your bills .............................................................................................................................18 Paying you bill ................................................................................................................................ 18 Emails & ebills ............................................................................................................................... 18 Pay online with Direct Debit ........................................................................................................... 18 Monthly payments .......................................................................................................................... 18 Fees and charges .......................................................................................................................... 18 Electricity usage from water pump ................................................................................................. 18 2
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Congratulations, you are connected
to an environmentally friendly water
system, setting new benchmarks
for sustainability.
Welcome to Pitt Town Water’s sustainable water community.
We are an Australian first water recycling community, providing Vermont homes with high quality
recycled water for toilet flushing, clothes and car washing, and irrigation. We are located on the
corner of Bootles Lane and Johnston Street in Vermont.
We are unique because our recycled water saves homeowners up to 70 per cent of drinking water;
is used in washing machines and purified locally; saves energy and carbon by reusing a waste
otherwise pumped over long distances and released into the ocean creating environmental
damage; uses small decentralised pipes not large gravity sewers.
At Pitt Town Water, our aim is to create communities that understand and embrace responsible
water management.
Contact us
General Information
If you would like to talk to us about our recycled water network, bills, or other
information please email us at enquiry@pitttownwater.com.au or call us
on 1300 134 403. Emailing us is just as effective as calling us.
In an emergency please call us on 1300 134 403. In case of an
emergency please call 1300 134 403
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
About us
Recycled water community
Pitt Town Water provides drinking water, recycled water and sewage services to the
community of Vermont, Pitt Towm. We are a private water utility licensed under the Water
Industry Competition Act (WIC Act) 2006.
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) administer the Act and ensure the
highest consumer protection.
NSW Health and Planning also approve the operations of private water utilities under the Act,
and the NSW Minister for Finance and Services signs off on all licenses.
WIC Act is catalysing a new private water market and driving competition and innovation.
Environmentally friendly
Pitt Town Water uses Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) and UV technology producing recycled
water that exceeds Australia’s highest standards. MBR does not directly produce methane or
carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, by recycling wastewater it abates thousands of tonnes
of sewerage otherwise pumped into the ocean or flared causing environmental damage.
Our Pitt Town Water facility in Bootles Lane does not smell or make any disturbing noise.
Safe and reliable
Pitt Town Water produces the highest quality recycled water - exceeding national recycled water
quality guidelines.
It can be used for all non-drinking purposes such as watering the garden and lawn, flushing
toilets, in the washing machine, and for car washing. Recycled water will also be available for
irrigating parks and sports fields in Pitt Town.
Your drinking water will be provided by Sydney Water through separate pipes.
Your home is connected to our recycled water system in two ways:
1. Wastewater is taken out from your bathroom, toilet, laundry and kitchen and recycled
water is brought in for your clothes washing machine cold tap, your toilet and selected
outdoor garden taps. These recycled water pipes are purple in colour.
2. Purified recycled water is then provided to your home for use in the washing machine,
toilet and for outdoor pipes.
Safety signs such as “Recycled water – do not drink” are required on taps to help ensure
recycled water is used appropriately. Your plumber will install these signs.
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Recycled water is an unrestricted and secure water resource, available even in times of
prolonged drought.
Your recycled water system
Your recycled water system sits on your property and is connected to the Pitt Town
recycled water network. It is monitored remotely by Pitt Town Water and powered through
an electrical connection to your home.
Your recycled water system is made up of:
1. Wastewater and Sewer Collection System
 Wastewater Collection Tank with Grinder pump
 Boundary kit and property isolation value
 Control panel and telemetry system
2. Recycled Water Supply
 Recycled Water Meter
 Recycled Water Pipes – coloured purple
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Wastewater and sewer collection tank
The wastewater and sewer collection tank – pictured to
the right - will normally be situated at the front boundary
of your property and buried below ground level.
You will see a green lid at ground level representing the
tank, a black lid representing your boundary kit and a
small panel on the wall of your house that supplies power
to the pump. The collection tank empties itself
automatically. There is no smell or noise from the system.
The collection tank cover is safe to walk over but
vehicles must be kept off.
How my recycled water system works
Wastewater and sewage flows by gravity into the wet well section of a polyethylene tank. As
the wastewater level increases in the tank, a level transducer device sends a signal to the
remote controller to turn on the grinder pump inside the dry well section of the tank.
The pump action draws wastewater and sewage up the suction pipe and into the grinder
pump where the integral grinding wheel (bi-hammer macerator) turns the organic solids,
paper and other soft material into a slurry of small particles. This macerated sewage is
pumped out through a discharge pipe into the pressure sewer system. It will continue
pumping until the level falls. The transducer device will then signal the controller to turn off
the grinder pump, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.
This is a fully automatic process and requires no input from you apart from ensuring the
controller is turned on. If the system fails, a signal will be sent via the telemetry system
advising Pitt Town Water. We will send a repair crew to investigate the issue.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Your recycled water system is powered from your home.
Never turn off the power to the control panel except in emergency situations.
Boundary kit
Between your property, recycled water system, and the recycled water network there are two
valves, a one way valve and an isolation valve. These valves are used during maintenance
and emergency to:
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Prevent flow from other properties entering your property
Allow your property to be isolated for repairs
Allow flushing of the system if required
Under no circumstances should you operate these valves.
Recycled water supply
Recycled water comes in a separate pipe to your home. This means there are two water
1. Drinking water
2. Recycled water
Recycled water comes from Pitt Town Water and is provided to households through
underground pipes. You will have a purple coloured pipe upstand and lockable valve at your
boundary if you are supplied with recycled water. This will usually be alongside your drinking
water upstand and water meter or wastewater collection tank.
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Using recycled water
1. Wash Away
Wastewater is flushed from your toilet, bathroom, laundry and kitchen down your Recycled
Water System. It goes into your underground Wastewater Collection Tank (under your front
garden) and is then pumped into the Pressure Sewer Network.
2. Purify
Wastewater is pumped from your home into Pitt Town Water’s Recycling facility where it is
cleaned and purified through world’s best practices to meet the highest quality standards.
3. Recycled
100% recycled and purified, water is then sent back through the Recycled Water Network to
your home and the community ready for use.
Use of recycled water
Recycled water is high quality water, and is used for:
 Flushing toilets
 Clothes washing machines
 Watering the garden
 Watering vegetable gardens
 Washing cars, houses (external), outdoor furniture
 Ornamental ponds and water features.
 Fire fighting
IMPORTANT: Vegetables should always be washed with drinking water before use.
You cannot drink recycled water
Recycled water is clean, does not smell, is safe and monitored to the strictest standards,
however it is not permitted for drinking or personal uses such as cooking or bathing. If
you do accidentally drink recycled water, it is unlikely you will get sick, however if there are signs
of illness seek medical advice.
Recycled water is used in residential homes around the world, including Singapore, UK, US,
Japan and India. Melbourne and Adelaide have recycled water, and in NSW the Rouse Hill
dual reticulation scheme has been supplying recycled water to more than 15,000 residents
since 1998.
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Recycled water is exempt from water restrictions
Water restrictions do not apply to your recycled water system. Using recycled water means
you can maintain green lawns throughout the year. Sometimes the water pressure may
reduce, this is usually during periods of high demand, however you will not be subjected to
water savings rules that have been applied to drinking water supplies during previous
drought periods.
Wash the car with recycled water on the lawn, if possible. Washing the car on the lawn
waters the lawn as well as reducing runoff into stormwater drains. Recycled water has a high
level of nutrients, which is good for the garden and lawn.
Notify contractors about your recycled water system. Any builders or contractors undertaking
work on your recycled water system need to understand where recycled water infrastructure
is positioned.
Roof and Rainwater
The Recycled Water Network is not designed for rain water or storm water. Pitt Town Water
prohibits the discharge of storm water into any sewerage system.
Power Outage
Don’t forget your recycled water system runs on power from our house. If there is a power
service interruption please minimise your water usage. You can do this by:
Keeping showers brief
Minimising the amount of water going into the system
Not leaving taps running
Toilets can still be flushed and normal kitchen activities are fine, just try to minimise
If it appears the power interruption will be longer than eight hours, Pitt Town Water may visit
your property to provide power to the system. Please ensure any gates on your property to
access the Recycled Water System are unlocked and animals are secure.
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Maintaining your recycled water system
Only licensed plumbers can repair, maintain and work on the recycled water system
Pitt Town Water inspects all houses during the construction phase to ensure recycled water
and drinking water pipes have been plumbed correctly.
It is good practice to isolate the recycled water main and the drinking water main in your front
yard one at a time, and once a year. Check the supplies are connected to the correct outlets,
ensuring that there are no cross connections. If you have queries please consult your
For more information go to Plumbers and Builders on our website www.pitttownwater.com.au
Dos and Don’ts
As a user of our sustainable recycled water system, you have some important
responsibilities. Remember anything you put down the toilet, bathroom, kitchen or laundry
sink comes back to our recycled water Centre.
Some things are not meant to go into the recycled water network and can block the system.
They can damage the grinder pump, endanger our workers and cause environmental
pollution. Help keep our system as healthy as you can by reading our Dos and Don’ts on our
website and outlines below:
Please DO NOT put the following into your kitchen, bathroom or laundry sink or down
the toilet:
Glass, metal, wood, rocks, seafood shells, kitty litter
Cloth or synthetic material, nappies, socks, pantyhose, clothes, plastic objects
Any chemical other than standard cleaning or laundry products, including toxic, caustic,
acidic or poisonous substances
Degreasing solvents, paints (water soluble or oil based)
Explosive or flammable material including hydrocarbon fuels, paint thinner or anti-freeze
Oils and grease, milk, food scraps, cooking oil
Hair clippings
Tampons, sanitary pads, condoms
The recycled water network will accept the same materials as a normal sewer main or gravity
sewerage system provided by Sydney Water or local council. Sink waste traps are easily
installed in the kitchen and bathroom to help filter out inappropriate items. If you are in
doubt about what you can put into your recycled water system, please call
1300 134 403 and speak to our team, or visit www.pitttownwater.com.au
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
What to do with waste
There are lots of options to get rid of waste. Instead of flushing your waste down the sink or
toilet, please look at the options below:
Paints, chemicals, hazardous waste - please go to the Hawkesbury City Council website
for more information. You can also talk to your local hardware or paint shop about paint
Food waste - you can start a compost or a worm farm to help turn your food waste into
good quality soil. They are easy to set up and maintain, see below.
Nappy bins - there are lots of nappy bins available that can sanitise and store used
Worm farms & Composting
Food and garden organic waste makes up 40 to 50 percent of waste sent to landfill in the
A worm farm is a fantastic way to minimise food waste by turning your organic kitchen waste into
nutrient-rich fertiliser for your plants, gardens and soils. Worms eat organic waste and turn it into
liquid fertiliser this can then be used on gardens and in pot plants to keep them healthy.
Composting is a great way to reduce organic waste and improve soils. Hawkesbury City
Council can help you get started. Download the NSW Government Easy Guide to
Composting below.
Going on Holidays
If you are leaving your home for an extended period, it’s a good idea to flush water down the
drains before you leave by having a shower, or bath, or putting on a load of washing. This
will activate the grinder pump in the collection tank and flush clean water through the system
while you are away for several weeks.
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Warranty and repair costs
Pitt Town Water owns, operates and maintains the pressure sewerage equipment on your
property, along with the recycled water network as detailed in the diagram below, in purple.
Pitt Town Water is not responsible for the sanitary drain to the Wastewater Collection Tank,
or the extension of the house power cable between your power box and the control panel.
Operating and servicing the Recycled Water Network is included in the sewerage service
charge paid by you the property owner to Pitt Town Water. The exceptions to this will be if
you have:
Discharged something into the Wastewater Collection Tank that you have been
advised not to (see maintaining Your Recycled Water System section in this guide).
Damaged or interfered Wastewater Collection Tank or its controls.
Damaged or interfered with the property discharge line or property boundary kit
Sealed off or covered the venting to the Wastewater Collection Tank
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Blocks or burst pipes
The recycled water network is remotely monitored and controlled via a wireless telemetry
system. In the event of a wastewater collection tank failure, a signal will automatically be sent
through to maintenance personnel who will respond to the call out.
If the maintenance personnel find the wastewater pipes on your property blocked, you must
arrange for a licensed plumber or drainer to clear it, at your cost. If you have caused a
blockage in our system, we will clear it but you may be charged for repairs.
Wet ground or water eruptions from the ground between the collection tank and property
boundary kit may indicate a burst property discharge line.
If the property discharge line is damaged, please call our emergency number,
1300 134 403.
Ensuring access to your tank
Your Wastewater Collection Tank is buried in a suitable position for taking wastewater and
sewerage, with the lid slightly above ground level. There is no need to remove this lid to
access the pump unit in the dry well or the collection area in the wet well. However access
must be ensured for the maintenance technician.
Do not plant shrubs or trees within 1 metre of the tank lid.
Do not place objects or structures on or over the lid.
Do not allow grass or other coverings to obscure the lid.
Do not drive or park vehicles on the lid.
Ensuring access to your meter
Obstructions such as trees and landscaped walls can stop Pitt Town Water from undergoing
essential maintenance of the wastewater tank or meter. Sometimes equipment is unintentionally
blocked by renovations and landscaping.
Pitt Town Water must have access to the control panel, wastewater tank and meter in order to
read, test or maintain, or remove and replace as necessary. Please make sure:
A minimum of two metres of clear space around the control panel, wastewater tank
and meter box.
No permanent obstructions, such as trees, bushes or walls in front of or near the
Fences and gates to be built behind rather than in front of the control panel and meter
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
All electronic meters must be free from obstructions to enable Pitt Town Water access for
critical works and in times of emergencies. By ensuring service contractors can access and read
meters safely, customers can avoid having their usage estimated on past consumption.
Dogs and other safety risks
Even the kindest of pets can turn on strangers – please make sure our contractors can work
safely on your property. This also includes removing rubbish, spiders and insect nests or
overgrown shrubs.
 Keep dogs safely secured during the day or place them in a different area to where
the meter box is located
 Call us on 1300 134 403 if you have an unrestrained dog
 Leave your gate unlocked
 Do not use private padlocks or locking devises on the meter box. This ensures our
contractors and emergency crews can read the meter especially in the case of fire.
 Trim back your shrubs and gardens
 Remove wasp, spiders and insect nests
 Remove rubbish
Importantly, do not fence in control panels and meter boxes - build fences and gates behind,
rather than in front of network equipment. We have a range of internal warnings and procedures
in place. These include a dog register to alert service contractors before entering a property –
please make sure you comply. 14
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Excavations and building
Danger: Underground electrical wires
Electrical power lines and alarm wires are buried underground between the tank and the
remote controller. If you need to dig in this area, contact your builder or Dial Before you Dig
www.1100.com.au to locate the lines.
Caution: turn off power before excavating
Contact with live power lines can cause death or serious injury. A power isolating switch on
the side of the control box must be turned off before any excavation begins. You also need to
be aware of the inlet pipe running from your premises to the tank and discharge pipe running
between your tank to the sewer line outside your property.
Building a garage, carport or garden shed
No temporary or permanent structure can be built over or near the property discharge line or
the Wastewater Collection Tank without approval from Pitt Town Water.
Building an extension
The property discharge line can be moved to extend the house or build a swimming pool,
shed etc. When contemplating any modifications to your property, you should check the
property sewerage service diagram to locate the sewerage equipment and plan your work
with that in mind.
This type of work requires a Development Application to be lodged with Hawkesbury City
Council. Call us on 1300 134 403 to know what is involved in relocating any of our
Landscaping your garden
It is important that there is enough space available to access the Wastewater Collection Tank
at all times, in case servicing is required. Landscaping over the property discharge line is
permitted, provided the collection tank cover remains accessible for service and is not
If the property discharge line requires repairs, Pitt Town Water will need to access it. If
landscaping needs to be removed, Pitt Town Water will try to minimise disruption to the
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Installing a swimming pool or large spa
If you are adding a pool or large spa to your residence, you need to ensure you have
consulted with Pitt Town Water and Hawkesbury City Council to obtain the necessary
approvals. Pitt Town Water requires all swimming pools to have cartridge type filters or
equivalent, to ensure no backwashing water enters the sewage system.
Please discuss this with Pitt Town Water on 1300 134 403, or your plumber
Important: You cannot fill your swimming pool with recycled water.
Customers wishing to install a swimming pool or spa system into a Pitt Town Water service
area with a Low Pressure Sewer (LPS) system must abide by these conditions:
Any connection to the LPS system must be limited in flow rate to less than 0.6
l/s ensuring that the LPS system can deal with the flow entering into the pot. This can
be achieved in two ways:
o Any pump or pipe connecting the discharge to the LPS pot is limited to
a maximum total flow rate of 0.6 l/s
o An intermediary buffer tank is installed which controls the discharge flow
rate to 0.6 l/s.
For swimming pool backwash water - if neither of the above conditions can effectively
be met, then the pool filter system will need to be a cartridge filter. This will ensure no flow
greater than 0.6 l/s enters the LPS pot. Any flows greater than this limit are not acceptable
and are likely to cause a system overflow situation
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Your benefits
Our recycled water network brings many benefits that improve the value of your
 We re-use waste water and sewerage that would be pumped often over 100s of kms
to be flared or released into the ocean polluting the marine environment;
 We conserve thousands of litres of drinking water annually in each home;
 We give communities grater control over their water use and supply;
 We don’t flush drinking water down the toilet;
 We provide local councils and communities with a new secure source of recycled
 We provide recycled water to keep recreational facilities green, particularly during
drought and in the middle of summer;
 We create different recycled water qualities for different uses such as irrigating
gardens, cooling generators air conditioning, washing machines and firefighting.
 Our systems have been designed to address climate change by reducing drinking
water consumption and energy use;
 Our systems are designed to capture changes in information technology ensuing
customers get access to the most up to date and relevant information about their
water usage;
 Our systems are designed to capture changes in customer requirements;
 Our systems are designed to embrace new technologies into the future, giving
customers and communities the best possible water services.
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013
Your bills
Paying you bill
Once you connect for service from Pitt Town Water all the information you need is online. We
will not fill your letterbox with unnecessary mail, brochures or promotions. As part of our drive
to reduce paper and our commitment to streamline and improve the flow of data and
information between us and our customers all correspondence will be emailed. We will also
use remote and electronic systems to reduce delays and lost paper trains. Please consider
the environment before printing out this document.
Emails & ebills
We will email you regular updates about your account, our business and things that affect
you. You can email us any time.
• Emergencies please call 1300 134 403 our team is on call 24/7 ready to assist you.
• General Information please email us at contact@pitttownwater.com.au, or call us on
1300 134 403.
• Connecting please email us at connect@pitttownwater.com.au, or call us on 1300
134 403.
Pay online with Direct Debit
Once you connect to the Pitt Town Recycled Water Network you will need to set up a Direct
Debit to pay your bill each month.
Monthly payments
Monthly payments are new for water utilities. Pitt Town Water will deduct your payments
each month – saving you money and the need to outlay large amounts of money in one
Fees and charges
Fees and Charges are the same as the fees charged by Hawkesbury City Council and
Sydney Water. Refer to Fees and Charges on www.pitttownwater.com.au.
Electricity usage from water pump
Annual power costs for the water pump are equal to the cost of boiling an electric
kettle which is approximately an additional $36 per household per annum.
Pitt Town Water Homeowners Guide, March 2013