Academy primary site for national games
Academy primary site for national games
VOL. 45 NO. 30 JULY 29, 2005 Inside COMMENTARY: Vice Supt rolls up sleeves, Pages 2, 3 NEWS: Cadet sentenced for theft, Page 4 Youth learn fire safety, Page 5 Scouts battle parasite, Page 6 Discovery crew’s local ties, Page 8 Cadets visit Pete, check flying options, Page 9 FEATURE: Academy medics save NCO’s life in Iraq, Page 11 March to Jacks Valley, BCT, Pages 12-13 Air Force Discovery experiments, Page 14 SPORTS: Hospital routs J&J, Page 15 Academy student athletes excel, Page 15 Athlete’s medicine perspective, Page 16 Briefly Heat stress The base bioenvironmental engineering office is monitoring the heat stress condition at the Academy. The condition is determined from the Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer index, which is based on air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air speed and absolute humidity. The latest heat stress flag condition is on http://homepage/cadet. For more information, call 333-4825 during duty hours, and 440-6123 after duty hours. Academy Picnic The Academy’s 2005 Picnic will be at the Prep School Parade Ground 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Aug. 5. Tickets are $1 per person and are available from first sergeants. Children 3 and under eat free. Food will be served at 11 a.m. Attendees are urged to carpool. A shuttle bus from Falcon Stadium to the site starts at 7:30 a.m. and runs every 15 minutes. Long line, long march Basic cadets of the class of 2009 marched out to Jacks Valley Friday to begin their final phase of basic training. The basic cadets are living in tents for two weeks while they participate in a variety of military training exercises before returning to begin the academic year. See story, Page 12. (Photo by Charley Starr) Academy primary site for national games By Wayne Amann Academy Spirit staff While the Cadet Chapel will always be the most definitive feature of the Academy skyline, the school’s athletic facilities take center stage this week. Some 9,000 athletes from around the country are here Thursday through Sunday for the 2005 State Games of America, a national multi-sport event, held biennially, for all ages and skill levels. Medal winners from 49 State Games earn the right to compete against other winners, pitting their skills and desire in a national setting. Nine of the event’s 24 Olympic and Pan American sports take place at Academy venues. The rest are divided among Fort Carson, the Phil Long Expo Center, Cheyenne Mountain Resort plus other sites in Colorado Springs, Denver, Monument and Pueblo. “Our facilities are known nationwide and people want to use them,” Assistant Athletic Director for Events Management Joe Novak emphasized. “A big selling point for organizations is to come here. The primary reason we do this is to further community relations and give us exposure to potential future cadets. They see what we have to offer here.” Visiting athletes will perform at the Academy Archery Range for archery (3-D), the north baseball field for archery (target), the outdoor sport turf field for field hockey, the Cadet West Gym for gymnastics, the Cadet Center Gym for martial arts, the athletic fields for soccer, the Cadet Tennis Courts, the outdoor track stadium for track & field and the Cadet East Gym for wrestling. SGA events are today, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is charged to all Academy events except archery (3-D) and tennis. Academy visitors are asked to enter throught the North Gate. While on the Academy they must have a driver’s license, vehicle registration and vehicle insurance. All persons, and their personal belongings, entering the academy are subject to a search if necessary. Items restricted from the Cadet Field House, Cadet Gymnasium and outdoor event locations are: weapons, firearms, fireworks; backpacks (infant carrier packs are permitted if infant is present); bags larger than 11 x 11 x 8 inches; all hard-side briefcases (participant equipment bags are permitted and are subject to a search); (diaper bags are permitted if infant is present); binoculars, cameras and video cameras with appropriate bags are OK as are purses and fanny packs. No hard-side coolers are allowed nor any sticks, poles including signs attached to sticks; nontransparent glass bottles, soda cans and thermos bottles are restricted. Only factory sealed, plastic, transparent containers, 20 ounces or less, will be permitted; bota bags, wine skins, camel packs, alcohol of any kind, artificial noisemakers of any kind, pets (unless certified service dogs for patrons with disabilities), skateboards, roller blades, shoes with wheels and laser pointers are prohibited. “As a military installation and for the Cadet Wing’s protection we want visitors See GAMES, Page 4 2 COMMENTARY Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 New Vice Superintendent rolls up his sleeves By Wayne Amman Academy Spirit Staff Spirit: How do you view patriotism in our country given current world events? General Halter: When I came here in ’73 we could not go downtown by ourselves, in uniform or out, because your haircut made you stick out. I remember we were different in the eyes of people who didn’t know us. They thought less of us because of what we were doing. We went to certain universities for a football game and were told not to go anywhere alone, stick together. Even though Vietnam had just finished, there was still a large anti-war movement. It’s a whole different ballgame now. Being a military member is held in such high esteem. The entire country knows what we’re asking people to do. Although there are differing opinions about how and what were involved in, it’s great to know no one is questioning the integrity, the selflessness and character of the American military. It’s a wonderful thing to have people behind you. It makes a big difference. Brig. Gen. Irving L. “Irv” Halter recently arrived to assume the Academy’s new Vice Superintendent position. He joins the Academy team following concurrent tours as the Deputy Director for National Systems Operations, the Joint Staff, and Deputy Director for Military Support, National Reconnaissance Office, Wash., D.C. The general is a command fighter pilot with more than 3,100 flight hours who’s served as an operational commander at the squadron, group and wing levels. General Halter is a veteran of Operations Desert Storm, Provide Comfort and Enduring Freedom. The southern New Jersey native and ’77 Academy graduate shared his views July 13 with the Academy Spirit. Spirit: How does it feel to return to your alma mater? General Halter: It’s not like the good old days, even though there are a lot of similarities. I was anxious to see how much has changed. Graduating 28 years ago and 32 years after basic training, you get chills. You watch what the young men and women are going through and you go, whew, I remember that. The concentration on basic training and the comprehensiveness of the training stand out. It’s much more deliberate and thought through now. I really like that. If anyone thinks the training has gotten easier they need to watch what’s going on. Talking to the basics and watching the cadre operate I see total professionals. Graduates need to remember it’s just as tough and in some ways tougher because these kids come down a lot further than we had to. I left three TV channels at home on only one TV. I didn’t have my own phone, no computer, most of us didn’t have cars, etc. We take away a lot more things when they first start here, so in many ways it’s a bigger adjustment. I’m really taken by the effort of the staff here. They’ve been through a lot of challenges but are committed to doing this right. I’m also impressed by the graduate community. Even a lot of nongraduates have written wishing us well and to say how much they care about our Academy. People may not always agree with what we’re doing here but they sure have an interest. It’s pretty amazing. Brig. Gen. Irving “Irv” Halter, Academy Vice Superintendent (Photos by Danny Meyer) Spirit: What do you bring to the table from your Air Force operational background? General Halter: When I arrived here right after Viet Nam we had a lot of folks who had been in the war as pilots, navigators or support personnel. They were my great motivators. They would stop the English class and talk to me about an operational mission over the north. I cared about academics but in the daily grind of what happens here those guys kept my interest, they made a difference. I’m very fortunate the Air Force gave me opportunities to command at several levels. I’ve been to war, flew combat sorties, I know what that’s about. I can look at these kids and say here’s how the training you’re getting now is preparing you for the things to come, so hang in there, it’s worth it. When I’m tired I may wonder why am I still doing this? Fact is, not I, my wife or family regret a moment of this. If I could do it all over again, make 10-times the money, I wouldn’t give it up for the world. This is a great way to make a living. Flying upside down is cool. Space operations is very cool. Our Air Force is doing neat, interesting things. Cadets will find a lot of fun, even though life at the Academy may not always be fun. All of us are called upon to remind others, especially on tough days, what it is they’re doing. What I’ve done doesn’t make me special, but it allows me to relate to folks, tell them I know what it’s like to be in Afghanistan. Here’s why it’s important you do the particular thing you’re doing. Spirit: How do you perceive America’s perception of the Academy? General Halter: This year we’ve had well over 9,000 qualified folks apply for admission, a huge crop. The standards have not changed. We’re still getting the kind of people we want here. I see nothing but good there. You talk to families and there’s intense pride. I know this. My father passed away last December. When we used to walk into an airport within 30 minutes there weren’t 50 people who didn’t know I went to the Air Force Academy. Even when I became a general, that’s the first thing he told them. To go to a service academy, especially for middle America, is still a big deal. It’s not because the great education is free or the character development is great but because we develop the whole person. A lot of colleges claim to do that and a lot try, but very few can show they do that. We can. The trials we’ve been through the last two-three years have focused us even more to take care of the whole person, develop leaders of character. There’s incredible cooperation here, especially at the senior level. Everyone is on board. They all get it. They know why we’re here. They’re absolutely dedicated to making sure we do it right. Spirit: While the selection process continued next page Directorate of Public Affairs mission: To responsibly inform and educate the Academy community and the public about the Air Force Academy Lt. Gen. John Rosa — Academy Superintendent Lt. Col. Laurent J. Fox — Director of Public Affairs Tech. Sgt. Gino Mattorano — Chief of Internal Information Butch Wehry — Editor Wayne Amann — Staff Writer Eddie Kovsky — Staff Writer Denise Navoy — Graphic Designer The Academy Spirit is published by Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the U.S. Air Force Academy. This civilian enterprise Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services. Contents of the Academy Spirit are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, or Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The printer reserves the right to reject any advertisements. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the U.S. Air Force Academy Directorate of Public Affairs. The editor reserves the right to edit articles to conform to Air Force policy and Associated Press style. All photos are U.S. Air Force photos unless otherwise indicated. Submissions Send submissions to: HQ USAFA/PAI, 2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 318, U.S. Air Force Academy, CO 80840-5016 or deliver to Suite 318 in Harmon Hall. Deadline for free classified ads on a spaceavailable basis is 3:30 p.m., Friday, one week prior to the desired publication date. Paid advertising is accepted by the publisher at 634-5905. Deadline for all stories is noon Friday, one week prior to the desired publication date. Refer questions to the Academy Spirit staff at 333-7557. The staff also accepts story submissions by fax (333-4094) or by e-mail (pa.newspaper@ 3 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 for a new superintendent is underway are you ready to carry on what Gen. Rosa established? General Halter: The reason the vice superintendent position was created at this rank was to ensure the momentum we started the last couple years continued, through the transition of personalities and because the Superintendent is a university president. A lot of his time is spent away from the Academy. It’s hard to be the boss and keep that momentum going, even if you’re a commandant or dean, if you’re not there. The acting Secretary of the Air Force, Michael Dominguez, told me to keep the continuity going. If there’s a gap in the transition process the good news is I’m here. I’m learning everything I can because the place has changed a lot. All the folks here are dedicated to developing cadets into leaders of character. My job is to be the home team that’s watching what’s going on, making sure we don’t miss anything along the way. I’m glad I’m here with General Rosa, who I’ve known for quite a while. He’s a great officer who’s done great work here and is teaching me the ropes(along) with generals Weida and Born and Dr. Mueh. I purposely got here two days before the new class arrived, less than three weeks after I was told to be here. I wanted to watch how all this went so I could be part of it. General Weida and I have been leading the 3- and 5-mile walks. With everything that goes on this is an opportunity for me to keep the ball rolling. Spirit: What can the Academy expect from the new vice superintendent? General Halter: I’ve been a boss before. I haven’t been a vice boss before. That takes a little different talent. You still need to be a leader, but lead quietly, understand your boss’s vector and be the guy who translates that. You make sure the boss gets all he needs but no more than he needs because he’s a busy guy. He can’t make every decision here and he doesn’t want to. I’m going to figure out what can I do to make him more effective in his job. I told the senior staff recently as I get older I’m not going to teach cadets physics, that’s a bad idea. I’m not the civil engineer who makes sure the plumbing works, the person ensuring military family housing is OK, the person making sure someone gets paid or the AOC (Air Off icer Commanding) staying up overnight with a sick cadet or a family to resolve a problem. My job is to make the jobs of everyone who takes care of this place easier. When people see me at orientations and stuff I want them to be honest with me. Tell me what their issues are. What’s good about your job and what can be better? What resources do you need? I cannot promise anyone I can change anything. I can promise, if they convince me of their cause, I’ll get back to the boss and maybe give him options to address issues. The bottom line mission here is as important as the day-to-day mission in Iraq, Afghanistan, or anywhere else in the operational Air Force. In some ways it may be the most important. We’re building the future of the Air Force and that’s a sacred trust. There’s no better place to do it than the Academy. Everyone here is part of that mission. If you’re having a bad day go to one of the overlooks or the terrazzo, if you’re allowed to, watch what’s going on and remind yourself why you’re here. That will keep you going. It keeps me going. “To go to a service academy, is still a big deal... because we develop the whole person.” - Brig. Gen. Irv Halter Academy Vice Superintendent 4 NEWS Cadet court martialed, sentenced for theft By the Academy Spirit staff A cadet was court martialed and sentenced to six months of confinement and total forfeitures of pay July 19. Cadet 4th Class Dustin Rotbart stole six books and a coin collection from the Academy Library’s Gimbel Collection in April, valued at more than $12,000 said Capt. Jeremiah Crowley, Academy Assistant Staff Judge Advocate. Rotbart ws leaving the Academy and on his last day, his roommates discovered the books in his book bag, said the legal off icial. The roommates secured the books and notif ied their chain of command, which had them report the incident to security forces investigations. The cadet was charged with violating Article 121 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice for larceny. • • Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 For allegation of sexual assault, the Academy has a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) and victim advocate (VA) on-call to ensure the respectful and dignified care of the victim. If a victim of sexual assault confides in a fellow cadet, the victim should be directed to call the SARC immediately at 333-SARC in order to discuss restricted (confidential) and unrestricted (non-confidential) reporting options. Ref: p 4-14, para 4.10.1 Service Before Self is a concept that motivates us to carry out the duties defined by our superiors despite personal risk, danger, or inconvenience. Ref: p. 9, para 1.4.2 The Cadet Sight Picture (Cadet Wing Manual 36-3501) provides an insight into the day-to-day requirements for cadets. GAMES continued from Page 1 to adhere to all the security and safety requirements because they make good, common sense,” Mr. Novak said. An event of this magnitude takes no less than a total team effort to pull it off successfully. The Academy works administratively in concert with Colorado’s Rocky Mountain State Games and the Colorado Springs Sports Corporation. Day-to-day operations are handled locally. “A lot of planning and coordination goes into this to make sure everything is in place and ready to go,” Mr. Novak explained. “Our events management staff works diligently with the J & J Maintenance folks who help set up the facilities and different venue sites. We coordinate with security forces about security issues, traffic and other concerns they may have. The base wing is instrumental in figuring out logistics, such as signage, ensuring roadways are clear and more.” The road was cleared in 1978 for the State Games concept in New York with the Empire State Games. In 2004 more than 500,000 athletes competed in State Games nationwide. The State Games of America was previously held in St. Louis, Mo., in 1999 and 2001 and in Hartford, Conn., in 2003. To qualify for this State Games of America, athletes must have won a gold, silver or bronze medal in their local State Games in 2003 or 2004 or be Colorado residents for at least 30 days prior to the competition. College students, U. S. military personnel and their families stationed in Colorado may also participate. “Plan on getting here early,” Mr. Novak advised Academy visitors. “Remember, you’re at altitude so stay hydrated and use sunscreen.” ATTENTION All Brides & Grooms to be: MYSTIC MEADOWS EVENT & CONFERENCE CENTER Presents: “THE ENCHANTED WEDDING FESTIVAL” Stroll 10 acres of beautiful landscape, Meet Wedding Specialists, Enter the Fun, Bridal Contests (and win cash prizes), Enjoy Free Food, Paddle Boat Rides And More! Sunday, August 21, 2005 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m. 14275 S. State Highway 115 Colorado Springs, CO 80926 Call to schedule your private tour for your wedding or party (719) 226-1700 Admission: singles - $3 Couples - $5 50% of door proceeds donated to Care & Share Bring this ad for Half off Admission! Directions: just 11 miles south of the S. Academy Blvd & Hwy 115 intersection and 400 yards south of mile marker 33 on the left (You can’t miss the Big White Stallion on the sign!) Mystic Meadows proudly offers military discounts to our service men and women! 5 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 Merging fun with useful lessons By the Academy Spirit staff The Academy’s first Youth Fire Safety Camp held July 18 at Pine Valley’s Fire Station 1 was anything but boring for the youngsters who participated. A child attending the Youth Fire Safety Camp is competing in the bucket brigade. The children filled smaller pails with water from a large horse trough and ran to fill the smaller containers to see whose team could fill it the fastest. Some got more water on themselves than in the pails. (Courtesy Photo) It wasn’t routine kids’ stuff; instruction merged fun with useful lessons. The morning portion was fire safety education like fire extinguisher training, exit drills in the home, having a meeting place outside, checking smoke alarms and crawling low in smoke. The afternoon was the mini fire safety muster with the hose roll, fire stream competition and the bucket brigade. Even Smokey Bear and Sparky showed. Children received instruction in a variety of important topics including recognizing common household fire hazards and how to correct them, proper and safe use of f ire extinguishers, an explanation and demonstration of firefighter protective clothing and recognizing and reporting emergencies. The fun side of the day was highlighted by the bucket brigade, hose rolling competition and hitting a target with a water stream from a fire hose. “It is important that we reinforce these fundamental safety practices and make them a part of our children’s daily routine” said Assistant Fire chief Dennis Chaltry. Megan Stonestreet (foreground), guided by base firefighter Staff Sgt. Daniel Arens, practices the “hose roll” in the afternoon Mini Fire Muster held at Fire Station 1 during the Youth Fire Safety Camp. (Courtesy Photo) The fire stream competition involved knocking a tennis ball off of the target cones. (Courtesy Photo) Lighthouse Financial Group A home mortgage beacon of trust Debt consolidation? Payment Model Home Hours Mon - Sat 10 - 6:00pm Sun 1 - 6:00pm Beautiful new MAINTENANCE-FREE COMMUNITY in the desirable MONUMNET area! Single-Family RANCH STYLE HOMES with impeccable quality including stucco exteriors and tile roofs. Floor plans range in size from 1,200 –2,800 sq ft, 2-5 bedrooms, 2-3 full baths, and all have 2 car garages. With an IMPRESSIVE LIST OF STANDARD FEATURES you can afford carefree lifestyle living with unobstructed mountain views! Built by ANDERSON HOMES - building homes in Colorado for over 35 years! Affordably priced from $249,900! Off Old Denver Hwy west of I-25 between Baptist Rd and Hwy 105 Sales Center 719-481-3286 Steve McFarlane & Associates Balance $960.00 mortgage $115,000.00 $425.00 auto 1 $14,000.00 $350.00 auto 2 $5,000.00 $85.00 credit card $4,500.00 $60.00 credit card $3,600.00 $35.00 dept. card $1,200.00 $325.00 personal loan $2,200.00 $2,240.00 total $145,500.00 New mortgage $899.00 Monthly savings $1,341.00 (conditions apply – call for details) 719-578-1835 Nineteen N. Tejon Street 6 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 Boy Scouts battle dwarf mistletoe in Academy forest By Eddie Kovsky Academy Spirit staff A local boy scout troop recently performed a community service for the Academy. Eagle Scout Ben Blieber brought approximately 20 boy scouts to the base Saturday to remove dwarf mistletoe from three acres of forest near the community center. “I have been in Boy Scouts for about seven years,” said Blieber. “To obtain Boy Scouts highest rank of Eagle Scout, you have to do an Eagle Service Project. Since the Academy sponsors my troop, I wanted to provide a service for them.” It could save the lives of trees. “Dwarf mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on various tree species,” said Diane Strohm, natural resources planner. “It weakens and sometimes kills trees by extracting food and nutrients. Its seeds are expelled at up to 60 mph, infecting other trees and limbs, sometimes up to 60 feet away. Mistletoe often stresses trees, predisposing them to attack by bark beetles. It is a serious problem across portions of the Academy in Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir.” For this project, the scouts worked in small groups on different parts of the forest. Before the scouts arrived, the boundary of the area they were working in was marked off, and the trees that needed to be cut down were flagged. “In addition to pruning the trees with mistletoe on them, we also cut down the trees flagged in red and cut down any dead branches on mistletoe trees,” said Blieber. “The tools that we used to accomplish this project include pole saws, pruning saws, hand saws, bow saws, loppers, and pole loppers.” While the scouts learned to clear the mistletoe, safety was also in mind. “We had a first aid kit on site, and everyone was required to wear closed toed shoes, leather gloves and safety goggles,” said Blieber.” “Pruning the trees leaves the forest much healthier,” said Ms. Strohm. “It also entailed cutting some trees that are competing with others in dense pockets.” The scouts have done several annual Eagle Scout projects on the Academy, including trail work, erosion projects, and planting. Many cadets attending the Academy are past Eagle Scouts. New Housing Allowance Guidelines Won’t Result in Pay Cut By Army Sgt. Sara Wood American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON - Defense officials are eliminating the “geographic rate protection” clause that ensures servicemembers moving to a new area receive the same housing allowance as those already there. Geographic rate protection is expiring in January because Basic Allowance for Housing rates have reached a level where servicemembers no longer have to pay outof-pocket expenses for housing, said Air Force Col. Virginia Penrod, DoD director of military compensation. Any rate cut from year to year will not negatively affect servicemembers who are remaining in the area where they already receive BAH, she noted. Penrod stressed that the BAH rate is set at the average housing cost for the area. Rates are further set based on military rank, with each pay-grade level having a set acceptable standard of housing. Servicemembers may still have to pay some out-of-pocket expenses if they choose to live above that level. Conversely, if servicemembers choose to live below the average level, they will still receive the same BAH rate. Troops still have “individual rate protection” as long as they stay within the same geographic area. If average housing costs in a given geographic area go down, troops already living in that area continue to receive the higher amount. However, troops moving into that area receive the lower amount. Geographic rate protection was a temporary protection put into effect to prevent troops of the same pay grade living in the same area from getting different amounts of housing allowance. Rate protection was instituted in 2000 to ensure troops' BAH rates were the same among like-pay grade individuals living in the same area while troops were still paying part of their own housing expenses, Penrod explained. Now that BAH rates are high enough to cover servicemembers' entire housing expenses, geographic rate protection isn't necessary, she said. “It was a short-term program,” she said. “We always had in our minds that we would eliminate the protection once the out-of-pocket (expenses) went to zero.” Under the new BAH guidelines, a servicemember moving to a new area will receive the appropriate BAH rate for that area, regardless of whether troops already living there are receiving a higher rate, she said. This change makes financial sense, Penrod said. “We're adjusting rates to where they should be,” she said. Each year, BAH rates are adjusted with input from military housing offices in the area, Penrod said. If it is determined the rate needs to be increased, all servicemembers living in that area will receive the increase. We Salute Our Troops with our Military Home-buyer’s Special We’ll work with any credit problems! Buy your new or resale home through Millennium Properties with Only $1,000 -$1,500 down and get up to $12,000 incentives !SAMEMBEROFTHE!IR&ORCE2ESERVEYOUWILLRETAIN YOURCURRENTRANKANDBENEFITS)NADDITIONYOUCOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ADDITIONAL BENEFITS LIKE TUITION ASSISTANCEANDPOSSIBLECROSSTRAINING$ISCOVERHOW YOUCANSTARTCIVILIANLIFEWHILEEXPERIENCINGTHE EXTRAORDINARY AS A MEMBER OF THE!IR &ORCE 2ESERVE 4OLEARNMORELOGONTOWWWAFRESERVECOMPRIOR ORCALL to put towards your closing costs or towards the purchase of your home. Nbjoubjo!Zpvs!Sbol!Boe!Cfofgjut; 2.911.348.938:!¦!xxx/bgsftfswf/dpn0qsjps Call Now 719-550-8100 Millennium Properties will cover appraisal costs and one year of hazard insurance. Pre-qualification takes only five minutes. There’s no obligation, so call today! Donate blood Be a hero! 7 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! Japanese Massage Therapy & Stress Reduction Dr. John Royal, D.D.S., and his Staff are pleased to announce the opening of Alliance Family Dentistry, P.C., after serving for more than 20 years in the U.S. Army Dental Corps. • Deep Tissue ~ Swedish ~ Relaxing • Stress and Pain Relief • Steam Room • Luxurious Hot Oil Massage • Body Shampoo Available We provide a full range of General and Family Dentistry services in a new state-of-the-art clinic. Convenient, Comfortable and Patient Friendly atmosphere! Walk-Ins Welcome Open 7 days 9:30am to Midnight Voted Best in the Springs! 955-4023 • 6140 Tutt Blvd, Suite 140 TriCare / United Concordia and Retired Military / Delta Dental Provider Military Discounts Available 495-1240 NEW LOCATION Military Accessories On Site Dry Cleaning Laundry Alterations 2348 S. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80916 HOLT REALTY INC. 4% Listing Fee A Full Service Broker...Where You Get More For Less! Rebates at Closing for Qualified Buyers Dog Tags • Name Tapes • Same Day Service Open 7 Days A Week • M-F 7am-9pm • Sat. & Sun. 8am-9pm Beth Gregory 1629 Jet Wing Dr. (Jet Wing & Fountain Blvd) 1-866-638-JAYS • 719-638-0500 • Fax 638-0502 Associate Broker 719-238-9530 HOLT FINANCIAL MORTGAGE VA AND CONVENTIONAL FUNDING PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE OUR #OME7ORSHIPWITH5S MEHI>?F I;HL?9;I0 MILITARY APPRECIATION PROGRAM .0&&WcIkdZWo ''0&&WcIkdZWo 6HQLRU3DVWRUH[5HYHUHQG -DPHV+0F0HDUQ -0)&fc#/0&&fc M[Zd[iZWo You’ve made a commitment to our country We’ve made a commitment to your family /Ğİ+ĞīĮĬĚĥĞĦ #ĚĩĭĢĬĭ$ġĮīĜġ As a member of the armed forces, when you purchase your next vehicle from Bob Penkhus, new or qualified used, you’ll have complete peace-of-mind. +*.+7b[]h[:h$<ekdjW_d"9E)/&#+&'( d[Wh<j$9WhiedWjh[Wh=Wj[(& While you’re deployed overseas, we’ll take care of emergency repairs like, brakes, belts, batteries, tire repair... at no cost!! TriCare Prime offers off-base routine eye examination benefit! You can be assured that your family will not be stranded with a DEAD BATTERY • FLAT TIRE • EMPTY GAS TANK OVERHEATED VEHICLE • DOORS-LOCKED OR OTHER EMERGENCY No out-of-pocket cost for an eye exam for glasses! And they will always know who to call to receive the assistance they need, including alternate transportation. • Dependents of active-duty personnel are eligible once per year. • Retirees and their dependents are eligible once every two years. Experience for yourself, Why, “Nobody Buys Just One” referral is No Primar y Care ply call for Sim ry. ssa ce ne . an appointment The doctors next to LensCrafters are contracted Tricare Prime Providers. They offer three convenient Colorado Springs Locations for eye examinations with appointments Monday through Saturday. No more waiting for an appointment on base. Southside Between Northside Citadel Mall Vickers & Academy Chapel Hills Mall 598-1392 548-8717 598-5068 TriCare Standard, TriCare Reserve and TriCare for Life also accepted. Prescriptions may be filled anywhere. Contact lens evaluation available for additional cost. Call for program details. NOW! FOUR LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU MOTOR CITY 1101 Motor City Drive Sales 719.473.4100 Service 719.473.4711 POWERS AUTO PARK 7455 Test Drive Sales 719.785.9666 Service 719.785.9600 AUSTIN BLUFFS 4391 Austin Bluffs Pkwy Sales 719.955.5000 Service 719.955.9500 TEJON & I-25 1331 South Tejon Sales Only 719.955.5555 8 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 Shuttle return to flight includes local efforts By Tech. Sgt. Jennifer Thibault Air Force Space Command Public Affairs Air Force Print News PETERSON AFB, Colo. — Almost two weeks after its original launch date, NASA’s Discovery Shuttle rocketed into space July 26, but they didn’t do it alone. “NASA could not launch the space shuttle without range and space surveillance support from Air Force Space Command,” said Jeffrey Ashby, former astronaut and liaison between the command and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “The dedication and attention to detail of AFSPC members are absolutely necessary for safe operation of the space shuttle.” Support was provided by Airmen of the 1st Space Control Squadron, 45th Space Wing, 21st Space Wing, 14th Air Force and Air Force Space Command. Each unit is part of the command’s combined efforts to meet both launch and on-orbit space shuttle requirements. “We support NASA through our space surveillance network,” said Lt. Col. David Maloney, chief of the space situation awareness branch. “Our network consists of 31 radars and telescopes that track more than 13,000 man-made objects on a daily basis.” This information comes into play when NASA officials plan the shuttle’s launch and orbit path. “It’s important to know where all of the objects are because we certainly don’t want to launch the shuttle into the oncoming path of an orbiting manmade space object that is sufficient size to damage the shuttle,” Colonel Maloney said. Outside of the space situation awareness support, the safety and range/spacelift division at AFSPC headquarters also contributes to the shuttle launch. “After the last launch, NASA said they needed better cameras,” said Maj. Vince Cassara, chief of the division. “During the past two years we have worked on enhancements at the range to include long-range cameras that can track the shuttle after launch and improved video playback capabilities.” Major Cassara’s division also assists with range money and equipment issues and oversight for the day-to-day operations. (Courtesy of AFSPC News Service) CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Col. James Kelly (left) and retired Col. Eileen Collins are two of three military astronauts on the Discovery crew, which launched July 26. (NASA photo) Discovery crew has local ties Academy Spirit staff The space shuttle Discovery and its crew of seven blasted off Tuesday morning, leaving Florida’s Kennedy Space Center at 8:39 MST en route to the International Space Station. The 12-day mission is the first shuttle flight since the Columbia disaster nearly two and a half years ago, is aimed at servicing and resupplying the space station. Commander Eileen Collins and pilot James Kelly are among the crew members. The 48-year-old Collins graduated from Colorado Springs’ Webster University in 1989 and attended graduate school at the University of Colorado in Boulder. She also was an assistant professor in mathematics at the U.S. Air Force Academy as well as a T-41 instructor pilot. This is Collins’ fourth shuttle flight. The 41-year-old Kelly holds an astronautical engineering degree from the Air Force Academy. Attention Active Duty & Retired Military Looking to Buy or Sell Your Home? Contact Us First—We do it all Plus—we put money in your pocket! Receive a cash rebate when you purchase, sell or finance through us Free market analysis of your home New and resale homes from Monument to Pueblo Call today for a free pre-qualification/credit check We will find the best program to fit your specific needs We specialize in no-money-down loan programs Challenging credit? No problem! WE’RE PART OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD NOT JUST THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. Immediate coverage by phone. COLORADO 1ST CAPITAL Chris Schaller 719-651-9454 Military discounts & overseas insurance. Low down-payment & convient payment plans. Serving the military for over 65 years. Broker Associate C A L L O R V I S I T U S F O R A F R E E R AT E Q U O T E . Gloria Stivala 719-337-4453 Broker Associate Hablo Español Call or visit your local GEICO representative: 1835 South Academy Blvd. Call 622-3080 Today in the Bally Plaza Government Employees Insurance Co. • GEICO General Insurance Co. • GEICO Indemnity Co. • GEICO Casualty Co. These companies are subsidiaries of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. GEICO auto insurance is not available in MA or NJ. GEICO, Washington, DC 20076. © 2002 GEICO Each office independently owned and operated. 9 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 Cadets visit Peterson, check different flying options By Tech. Sgt. Matt Gilreath 21st Space Wing Public Affairs More than 1,400 basic cadets from the Academy, the largest class since 1988, visited Peterson Air Force Base July 19 and 20 to look at their flying options upon graduation. Some of the cadets may choose to fly aircraft that travel several hundred mph or a satellite that travels tens of thousands mph. Capt. Scott Bowshot, 94th Flying Training Squadron soaring instructor pilot was here to greet the cadets and answer question about flying. “This is the first opportunity we get to recruit the cadets to become fighter pilots or fly heavies,” Captain Bowshot said. “We want to spark their interest now and get them focused on what they want to do when they graduate.” The cadets’ focus turned to the F117 Nighthawk from Holloman AFB, N.M. Basic Cadet Bradley Carrell spent his first two years as an enlisted servicemember with the 805th Communications Squadron at Scott AFB, Ill. performing communications apprentice duties before pursuing his dream of being an officer and a pilot. “I figured if I was going to be an officer, the Academy was the best place to get the training and experience I needed,” Basic Cadet Carrell said. “I’ve never been this close to a Stealth fighter before,” Carrell said. “This is awesome. I get to talk to the pilots and they get to share their flying experiences with me and answer my questions.” With the focus on recruiting pilots, some of the cadets said they had never thought of the possibility of piloting a satellite hundreds of miles out in space. Master Sgt. Timothy Stumph, 21st Operations Support Squadron, NCO in charge of space control training, was there to tell the cadets about satellite operations. “This year’s group of cadets was an exceptionally bright group,” Sergeant Stumph said. “They asked lots questions about space, different orbits, satellite operations and specifics about the Space Command mission. “I was really impressed with the knowledge some of the cadets already had about satellites. I have no doubt they will be a great asset to us in the future,” Sergeant Stumph said. The cadets will complete Basic Cadet Training over the next couple of weeks before assuming the rank of cadet 4th class and beginning classroom instruction at the Academy. QDR will reflect tomorrow’s,not today’s,challenges By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON (AFPN) — Military leaders will resist any temptation to assume the force needed for the future will be a cookie-cutter version of today’s needs, Gen. Richard B. Myers said here July 25. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was talking about how the military will examine its forces, resources and programs during the upcoming 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review. The QDR, he told the group, needs to consider the broad range of missions the U.S. military could be called to support. These run the gamut from full-scale combat operations to nontraditional missions ranging from counterinsurgency missions to stability operations as well as homeland defense. “We want to make sure, when we get our forces set here in the early part of the 21st century, that they can deal with a wide variety of threats,” General Myers said. “We cannot focus on just one area.” Similarly, he said, planners cannot assume future operations will be run like today’s. “The way Afghanistan was fought was different than the way Iraq was fought, and Iraq will be different than whatever we will be called on to do next, whether it’s humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping or whatever it might be,” General Myers said. “We have to be careful that we don’t fall victim to templates of what we are currently doing now.” How to create the best-structured, -trained and equipped force for these various missions will be the QDR’s “essence,” the general said. Defense and military leaders already recognize Lt. 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The report, which examines emerging threats and balances them against current capabilities, is instrumental in shaping budgets, strategy and force structure. The most recent Quadrennial Defense Review, conducted in 2001, occurred just before the U.S. entered the war on terrorism later that year. Much of that review’s emphasis was on transforming the military from its Cold War posture to a lighter, more capable and deployable force better suited to 21stcentury threats. 10 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 TAIJI ACUPUNCTURE ALLERGY RELIEF WEEK • HAY FEVER • SINUS INFECTION • FOOD ALLERGY • SKIN ALLERGY Open Sat. $40 OFF for the 1st Visit ADDITIONAL 30% OFF for active & recently retired military personnel & their spouses Debbie Hsiao Ki Ting MSOM, L.Ac., Dipl.AC & C.H. Trained in China 7710 N. Union Blvd • 719-559-4550 SUBSCRIBE NOW! Don’t miss your issue of the Only $89 for the entire year (50 issues) Parent/grandparent discount for $55! That’s 39% discount! Keeping in touch with The Academy ✔YES I would like to subscribe to the Academy Spirit for 1 year Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Enclosed is my check or money order for $89 Send this form along with your check to: CSMNG 31 E. Platte Ave, Suite 300 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 634-3223 x215 Fax: (719) 634-5157 Also for your convenience, we accept all major credit cards. Signature_________________________________Exp Date______ *No refunds or pro-rrated subscriptions. Please Recycle Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 FEATURE 11 Academy medics save life of Peterson NCO in Iraq Deployed Airmen of 506th EMEDS reflect on remarkable coincidence By Eddie Kovsky Academy Spirit staff Staff Sgt. Jamie Dana, a dog handler assigned to the 21st Security Forces Squadron at Peterson Air Force Base, was seriously injured a month into her sixmonth deployment to Iraq when an improvised explosive device hit her convoy during a patrol near Kirkuk Regional Air Base. Academy personnel deployed to the 506th Expeditionary Medical Squadron helped save her life. “Sergeant Dana was one of several casualties from that explosion,” said Col. Steven Chambers, 506th EMEDS Hospital commander, Kirkuk Regional Air Base. “She was the most seriously injured, and her injuries were life threatening. When we got word of their imminent arrival, my whole group was mobilized to come in to assist with the casualties.” There are currently 18 medical personnel deployed to Kirkuk from the Academy’s 10th Medical Group and 10th Medical Operations Squadron. Along with others from Travis AFB, Calif., and Buckley AFB, Colo., they were the first medics to treat Sergeant Dana. She arrived with a very severe pelvic fracture and was near death from hemorrhagic shock. “Most of the Academy personnel were involved with her care from one standpoint or another,” said Col. Chambers, who is also the Academy’s 10th MDOS commander. “It was known by many of my staff that she was an Air Force dog handler and some knew that her home station was Peterson. But it was a hectic day for all of us, so we did not focus on that.” “Normally I handle command and control issues during trauma situations like coordinating the arrival of injured airmen and soldiers, recalling the medical team, and coordinating emergency transportation on to more definitive care,” said Capt. Angela Blackwell, squadron administrator. “In Jamie’s case, I ended up assisting in the treatment room by stabilizing her head and neck, and talking to her to keep her calm while the medical providers were working to assess her injuries. “It never fails to surprise me how brave the airmen and soldiers are when they are brought to us. Jaime was no different. She was in a lot of pain, but she was very brave and very patient while the doctors worked to assess the extent of her injuries.” Once Sergeant Dana had been stabilized, she was medically evacuated to the Air Force Theater Hospital at Balad, and then to the medical center at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany. “Sergeant Dana is now at Walter Reed, where I understand she is improving slowly,” said Colonel Chambers. Though saving Sgt. Dana’s life was a remarkable coincidence, it was all just part of the job for the Airmen of the Deployed members of the 506th EMEDS treat a patient at Kirkuk Regional Air Base, Iraq. (Air Force Photo) Tech. Sgt. Jamie Dana was presented the Purple Heart July 22 by (from right) Michael L. Dominguez, Acting Secretary of the Air Force, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Gerald R. Murray, as her husband, Mike, stands by at Walter Reed Hospital. Sergeant Dana was wounded when an improvised explosive device struck the Humvee she was riding in. (Photo by Mickey Sanborn) 506th EMEDS. “We make up a small forward placed Expeditionary Medical Support Hospital,” said Colonel Chambers. “Our role is to have casualties brought into us, get stabilized and transferred on to the next higher echelon of care. We triage patients from the most serious to the least serious. We use what is called the ‘golden hour.’ If we can intervene within an hour of the injury, we have more of a chance of saving the service member’s life.” Some senior personnel have deployed to Iraq before, and bring years of experience to the expeditionary base. “The Academy team has jelled into a top notch trauma and critical care team,” said Col. Brian Peyton, who is filling the sole vascular surgeon slot from Buckley AFB, Colo. “The rapid evacuation of patients to higher levels of care thousands of miles away has no counterpart in the U.S. conflict and is brought into focus for us every time we receive word that an injured American is coming.” For those deploying for the first time, the reality of the conflict can be jarring. “Seeing patients first-hand has been shocking, to be able to see what the terrorists are capable of,” said Senior Airman Amanda Frush, medical logistics. “You always hear about it, but this is my first time witnessing it personally. I didn’t see anything like it on my last deployment.” As shocking as a war zone deployment can be, the experience is invaluable to those Airmen who share it. “This is my first deployment and I wouldn’t have missed the opportunity for anything,” said Captain Blackwell. “It has been my first chance to see and do what I’ve been training for all of my Air Force career. It’s amazing how years of training kick in and you automatically do the right thing at the right time. There is no such thing as an ‘average’ day anymore; they all start to blend together.” “The deployment experience is a rollercoaster of emotions and events,” said Senior Airman Amber Parris, emergency medical technician. “It is something that I don’t think a medic can really be fully prepared for. The injuries that we deal with here are so different from what we see in the states. In the past two months I have seen more hatred, pain and suffering, love and compassion than ever before in my life.” Even the ordinary days have an element of the extraordinary for those living and working in Kirkuk. “As a medic there really isn’t a set ‘average’ work day,” said Airman Parris. “We tend to see between 15-25 patients in a 24-hour period, but that could range from bug bites and the KRAB crud (gastroenteritis), to gunshot wounds or IED injuries. We see a variety of patients as well: Iraqi Air Force, Iraqi Army, Department of Defense contractors, Army and Air Force personnel.” “Unfortunately, traumas are not rare enough to stand out as single significant events,” said Captain Blackwell. “We have many trauma cases and every Airman and Soldier, man and woman, American and Iraqi are treated with the same level of urgency and respect in life and death. We feel for and care about all of them from the time they are brought in through our doors until long after they have moved on.” “There is no telling what each day will bring,” said Airman Parris. 12 FEAT March to Jacks Valley Basic cadets focus on next trai By Eddie Kovsky Academy Spirit staff Basic cadets began their final two weeks of training July 22 morning with a 7.8 mile hike out to the training complex in Jacks Valley. The class of 2009 marched from the Terrazzo to Jacks Valley’s tent city, which they will call home for the next two weeks during the field portion of basic cadet training. The nine basic cadet training squadrons, consisting of almost 1,400 basic cadet trainees, along with their cadet training cadre and Academy leaders, marched out of the cadet area at 6:45 a.m., led by Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. John Rosa and Brig. Gen. John Weida, commandant of cadets. The field portion of BCT includes living in a tent city; running assault and obstacle courses, learning first aid; Basic cadet Jennifer Stewart keeps her weapon dry as she crawls through the mud on the assault course in Jacks Valley. (Photo by Danny Meyer) completing a leadership reaction course; and participating in weapons drills, physical fitness tests, inspections, and other military training. Of all the obstacle courses, Operation Warrior is the only course that runs for the entirety of the day. The course is designed to leave the basics feeling “lost in the woods.” “It’s more meat and potatoes,” said Master Sgt. Charles Jetton, Academy military instructor. “Ops Warrior rolls right in with Global Engagement and summer deployments. What they learned here is the foundation of their military education. Foundations are important.” Instead of returning to the dining tent for lunch and dinner, basics spent the whole day on the course and enjoyed authentic ‘meals-ready-to-eat’ out in the field. On the Ops Warrior course, basics learn about entry control points and perimeter defense. Cadre use simulated grenades to create the stress of a war zone The squad is divided into four flights. Tw while two flights defend, and then the team halfway through the day. In a change from previous years, ever same training on this course. The course us separate objectives, which didn’t always li next phase of training. The focus now is tals. “Ops warrior has changed quite a bit,” Class Josh Pascoe, logistics cadre. “Ther missions now, instead of running around i The emphasis on teamwork is instille cadets, who were eager to get their hands dir “The Jacks Valley training is more a boring,” said basic cadet Michael Mayra “The Ops Warrior course definitely taught 13 TURE A basic cadet concentrates on keeping her balance while a squadron mate waits his turn to tackle the balance beam. (Photo by Charley Starr) ining obstacle e. wo flights attack ms switch sides ryone gets the sed to focus on ine up with the on fundamen- said Cadet 1st re are focused in the woods.” ed in the basic rty in the field. active and less . t us that the guy next to you is more important than the mission. You’re only as good as their weakest link.” “It’s nice to simulate wartime conditions,” said basic cadet Branden Lynam. “Basic training has been very tiring and very long. If you get stressed out over the challenge the cadre will eat you alive.” “You failed if you didn’t use teamwork,” said basic cadet John Rulien. “We really have to look out for each other.” Basic cadets finish their training in Jacks Valley with the Warrior Run Aug. 4, followed by the Acceptance Parade Aug. 9, where they will be officially accepted into the cadet wing as fourth class cadets. Classes begin for the entire cadet wing Aug. 10. Basic cadet Beth Pershing pulls herself up the rope on the confidence course in Jacks Valley. (Photo by Charley Starr) Basic cadet Jill Westcott is encouraged through the confidence course by a teammate. (Photo by Charley Starr) 14 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 AF experiments to return home with Discovery By Larine Barr Air Force Research Laboratory Public Affairs Air Force Print News WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio — After existing nearly four years on the International Space Station, more than 800 Air Force experiments will finally return home with the Space Shuttle Discovery on Aug. 7. The space shuttle launched July 26 from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on a 12-day mission to test new flight safety procedures and deliver supplies to the station. The Materials on the International Space Station Experiment were installed by the Space Shuttle Discovery crew in August 2001 for what was to be a one-year science experiment to learn how different materials react when exposed to the rigors of space, said Michael Stropki. He is a scientist with the Air Force Research Laboratory’s materials and manufacturing directorate here where the experiments originated. When the shuttle Columbia exploded on re-entry Feb. 1, 2003, the experiments were forced to wait for a return to Earth aboard the recent Discovery mission. “While the experiments were originally planned to spend only one year in space, having existed four years there may have eroded away the entire material in a few of the specimens,” said Mr. Stropki, who was the initial program manager on the project in 2001. “In those cases, it will not be possible to know just how soon it took to reach failure,” he said. “While at the same time, for other more successful candidates, the additional time in space will likely show that those materials have a greater durability and are able to survive the space envi- ronment for the longer periods needed for these materials.” The goal of the experiment is to discover how materials are affected by exposure in an effort to develop more durable, reliable and affordable materials and technologies for future space vehicles. “This information is crucial to providing the needed space materials for the 21st century,” said Pat Valentino, AFRL’s current program manager. “New, affordable materials are the enablers for advanced reusable launch systems and advanced spacecraft systems, including optics, sensors, electronics, power, coatings, structural materials and protection.” While at home on the orbiting space laboratory, the experiments have been housed in four passive experiment carriers, similar to suitcases, which NASA astronauts placed at strategic locations on the outside of the ISS. Some of the specimens include optical materials and coatings, lightweight radiation shielding materials, thermal control coatings (flight paint), Kevlar and carbon foams, multilayer insulation materials, solar cell technology and specialty materials such as shape-memory foil and X-ray resistant coatings. At the direction of AFRL scientists, NASA integrators placed most of the specimens in aluminum trays that hold roughly 46 samples. Other specimens were installed directly onto the trays, while a few specimens were bolted underneath the base plates to ensure they were exposed only to solar radiation. Besides Air Force experiments, the experiment payload carries 11 handpicked experiments from six Dayton, Ohio, area students in first through 10th grades. “Their assignment was to identify a problem associated with long duration The graphic shows the locations where the Air Force experiments are located on the International Space Station. They will be retrieved and returned home Aug. 7 by the Space Shuttle Discovery crew as part of their mission. (NASA graphic) flight, propose a solution and design a passive experiment to find a solution,” Mr. Stropki said. Included are experiments to learn how contamination migrates in a microgravity environment, how materials degrade, radiation shielding tests and the effect of space on viral protein and nonpathogenic bacteria. All the specimens have faced such grueling perils as ultraviolet ray bombardment by highly corrosive atomic oxygen, and exposure to intense solar radiation during maximum solar activity, Ms. Valentino said. On Flight Day 9 of the Discovery TriCare members who mention this ad will receive A Free Box of Contacts* OR $50. Off a Complete Pair of Glasses 00 Same-Day Appointments • 1-Hour Service Available 520-3333 Home Buying Made Easy “Everything’s Included” 1. Stetson Run 4280 N. Academy Blvd. at Victory Lane Intersection of Austin Bluffs and Academy *With exam and year supply of contacts From the low $200s - 591-0854 Open for Pre-Sales TRANSMISSIONS D & A U T O Starting At 249 $ 00 TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS 7370 S Hwy 85-87 Fountain CO 80817 390-4001 2. Morning View Estates From the low $200s – 570-9669 3. Woodmen Pointe From the mid $200s – 282-3053 4. Cross Creek From the low $190s – 382-9834 Welcome Home Centers are open 1-888-390-4001 635-2227 Mon. 12:00 to 6:00 • Tues. thru Sat. 9:00 to 6:00 Sun. 11:00 to 6:00 mission, astronauts will uninstall the experiment containers from the exterior of the space station and return to Earth about three weeks after launch. From there, the materials will travel to NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia where scientists will de-integrate and disassemble the containers, then ship them back to AFRL scientists to be analyzed. “We are incredibly excited that (the experiments are) finally returning home,” Ms. Valentino said. “We look forward to analyzing the flight samples and continuing this program for future experiments.” SPORTS Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 15 Hospital flexes muscle, flashes leather to rout J & J By Wayne Amann Academy Spirit staff Not even a steady drizzle could cool off the Hospital’s #1 bats or their gloves. The Medics paraded 19 batters to the plate in the fourth inning Monday night, exploding for 16 runs and 15 hits in the frame, en route to a 26-3 rout of J & J Maintenance in Academy Intramural Softball League action on Field 1. The game was called after four innings due to the 20-run rule. Hospital’s airtight defense was equally dominant. The Medics did not commit an error and limited J & J to just two harmless singles over the last three innings. The wet weather conditions made their glove work even more impressive. “A lot of our guys have played in rainy, cruddy conditions before,” Hospital Academy Intramural Softball League Standings through Tuesday AMERICAN Team W–L Hospital #1 11 – 1 Security Forces 10 – 2 J&J 9–4 Comm 7–6 Athletics 5–8 NATIONAL Team 34th TRW Fire Department 10th MSS Hospital #2 W–L 8–5 6–7 6–8 0 -14 first baseman Mark Lomenick emphasized. “You still have to play regardless of the weather.” And play they did, by design. “Before the game, Coach (Kevin) Ciesla stressed playing the best defense we could because of the rain,” Hospital shortstop Luke Hopstad said. “He put a really strong defensive lineup out there tonight.” J & J was hoping to bounce back from their July 11, 31-14 loss to the Medics. Hospital dashed those hopes early. The first six Medic batters reached base and scored in the opening frame. Nolee Agulto keyed the uprising with a two-run double. Lomenick’s run-scoring double, Ciesla’s RBI single plus sacrifice flies by Marlon Brown and Edwin Trias helped put J & J in a 6-0 hole. The Damiens responded for J & J in their half of the first. Dad Jack ripped a two-run double high off the right center field fence and son Derek followed with an RBI double to cut the deficit in half. That’s the closest J & J would come. Hospital began to pull away in the second thanks to Lomenick’s two-run home run. It was one of his three extrabase hits in the game. “We try to emulate his swing,” a kidding Hopstad said of his talented teammate. “He leads by example. He’s a good ball player. He hits the ball hard and square.” An infield error cost J & J another run in the third as Hospital ballooned its lead to 10-3. Two more J & J miscues in the fourth Hospital’s Greg Stapleton slides home safely Monday under an errant throw past J & J Maintenance catcher Sarah Scalise, as umpire Don Gaskill and Stapelton’s teammates look on. (Photo by Danny Meyer) contributed to the fateful fourth inning collapse. But, it was the Hospital’s hitting clinic that won it. The Medics merry-go-round on the bases was highlighted by four homers, two- and three-run shots by Hopstad, plus a two-run blast by Todd Mangus and a solo variety from Trias. Five Hospital hitters each collected two hits in the fourth, including Wade Dolbow, who went four-for-four, all singles, part of the Medics 28-hit attack. “The last three years I’ve been here this team’s been a long ball hitting group,” Lomenick recalled. “That’s how we generate a lot of our runs. But, we can get base hits when the home runs are used up.” (The AISL employs a five home run limit rule.) Hospital’s victory, coupled with it’s 26-19 win over the 10th Communication Squadron in game two Monday, gave the Medics (11-1) sole possession of first place by one game, at press time, over Security Forces in the AISL National League. J & J dropped to 9-4. Academy, MWC eye sportsmanship, scholars By Wayne Amann Academy Spirit staff As the fall sports season gears up across the country it’s time for the annual Mountain West Conference Sportsmanship Initiative. It’s an important reminder to everyone what college athletics are all about. The MWC 2005-06 Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, which includes the Academy’s Kristen Hamlett of the women’s volleyball team, issued a letter recently to conference students outlining its position. It reads: “The Mountain West Conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committee believes the most important aspects of sport are good ethics and positive sportsmanship. We are very pleased the Conference continues its initiative to enhance this philosophy. We need your assistance to make this effort a success. “The SAAC believes that, in order for an institution to convey a message of good ethics and positive sportsmanship, it must have the involvement and participation of everyone involved with athletics on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, the president, athletics administrators, coaches, student-athletes and you – the students/fans. It is our behavior that will shape the perception of our institutions and teams by the public, the media and our opponents. “Good ethics and positive sportsmanship are philosophies that must be displayed both on and off the playing field. We must take a leadership role to compete at the highest levels, always endeavoring to win, but doing so with grace, class, dignity and respect. “Please join us in supporting the Conference’s Sportsmanship Initiative. Such an effort will help make the Mountain West Conference one of the premier athletic conferences in the country, and represent our institutions well.” Meanwhile, the MWC office, July 11, named six swimmers from the Falcons swimming and diving team as Mountain West Conference Scholar-Athletes for the 2004-05 season. Representing the men’s team are junior Matt Karmondy, sophomore Matt Sievers and freshman Spencer Liedl. Karmondy, an aeronautical engineering major from Colorado Falcon swimmers excelled in school and in the pool. (Courtesy Photo) Springs, carried a 3.84 grade point average. He was majoring in electrical engineering. Leake, an operations research major from also named to the 2005 ESPN The Magazine Academic All-America University Division Men’s At-Large All- Springfield, Mo., posted a 3.88 GPA and Johnson, out of Enid, Okla., recorded a 3.87 GPA in biology. District VII Team selected by CoSIDA. To make the MWC Scholar-Athlete honor roll, Sievers, a San Antonio, Texas native, posted 3.67 GPA in computer science while Leidl, a Neenah, Wis., student athletes must have completed at least two semesters or three-quarters at the certifying institution product and management major, had a 3.83 GPA. On the distaff side junior Ginny Miller, sophomore while maintaining a cumulative grade point average Blair Leake and freshman Kallyn Johnson earned of 3.5 or better, and have competed in at least one varsity contest in their respective sport. MWC scholar-athlete recognition. The Academy totaled 28 MWC Scholar-Athletes Miller, a three-time academic all-conference selection out of Winston-Salem, N.C., recorded a 3.73 GPA for the 2004-05 season. 16 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 Ortho resident brings athlete’s perspective to medicine By 1st Lt. Ellen Harr 59th Medical Wing Public Affairs Air Force Print News LACKLAND AFB, Texas — With the grueling hours that most medical residents work, many are content to spend their precious “free” hours catching up on sleep. Capt. (Dr.) James Bales, an orthopedics resident with the 859th Surgical Operations Squadron here at Wilford Hall Medical Center, is no exception. But he is just as likely to spend his rare moments of free time running, swimming or cycling. After graduating from the Academy in 2001, Dr. Bales headed to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., for medical school. When his courses began, he found that the school charged $6 a day for parking. To save money, Dr. Bales decided to run or bike the 10-mile commute to and from school each day. The decision saved him money. It was also the beginning of his career as a triathlete. As a child growing up on a farm in eastern Colorado, James and his brothers often helped their father by exercising the sheep in the evenings. “We chased them around for 40 minutes every night. It helps the sheep develop lean muscle mass. I guess you could say that’s how I started running,” Dr. Bales said. During Dr. Bales’ time as a cadet at the academy, he was part of the swim team. A breaststroke specialist, he made e n i L n o i t c Call the A ! s e u s s i e to resolv 333-3900 the Olympic Trial cuts in 2000. “After swimming (at the academy), I found that I was a pretty good runner. Eventually, I began competing in triathlons,” he said. Dr. Bales’ unique combination of training and commuting to medical school led him to become the top-ranked triathlete in the Air Force for the past three years. He has competed in Ironman triathlons in Hawaii and Wisconsin and qualified for the Olympic Trials in the triathlon for the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. His accomplishments also include four regional championships. Even as a medical student, Dr. Bales was able to participate in about 25 races per season. “My philosophy on racing, espe- cially as an orthopedic surgeon, is that we see patients who don’t have the ability to run or even walk. You really feel blessed. It’s truly a gift to be out there competing and racing,” he said. “I’m thankful that the Air Force really supports physical fitness activities.” After graduating from medical school, Dr. Bales began his residency at Wilford Hall. He continues to balance work and athletics. “One of my criteria for buying a house when I came to San Antonio was that it would allow me to commute to Wilford Hall on bike,” he said. “Right now, orthopedics and patient care are my top priorities. I continue to train just for the love of it. Hopefully I’ll be able to maintain a baseline level of fitness. It’s also a great stress reliever.” The Action Line, 333-3900, is a forum to resolve unanswered complaints. Call, write or send an e-mail to Items may also be faxed to 333-4094, or mailed to: Directorate of Public Affairs/ACTION LINE 2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 312 USAF Academy, CO 80840-5016. Provide your name and telephone number. Requests for anonymity will be respected. Before contacting the ACTION LINE, be sure to use the proper chain of command. >EEH7O<EH =H;7JF;H<EHC7D9;I Ài>ÌiÊÞÕÀÊÜÊ}Ài>ÌÊ«iÀvÀ>Vi >ÌÊ7iLÃÌiÀÊ1ÛiÀÃÌÞ]ÊÜ iÀiÊi>À}Ê ÞÕÀÊ>ÃÌiÀ½ÃÊ`i}ÀiiÊÃÊ>ÊÛiÃÌiÌÊ ÊÞÕÀÊvÕÌÕÀi°Ê ÜÊÃÊÌ iÊÌiÊÌÊ}iÌÊ ÃÌ>ÀÌi`°Ê >ÊÌ`>ÞÊÌÊi>ÀÊÀi° >ÃÌiÀÊvÊÕÃiÃÃÊ`ÃÌÀ>Ì °°°® >ÃÌiÀÊvÊÀÌÃÊ°°® s «ÕÌiÀÊ,iÃÕÀViÃÊ>`ÊvÀ>Ì ÊÊ>>}iiÌ UÕ>Ê,iÃÕÀViÃÊiÛi«iÌ UÕ>Ê,iÃÕÀViÃÊ>>}iiÌ U>>}iiÌÊ>`Êi>`iÀà « U*ÀVÕÀiiÌÊ>`ÊVµÕÃÌà ÊÊ>>}iiÌ >ÃÌiÀÊvÊ-ViViÊ°-°® UÊ-«>ViÊ-ÞÃÌiÃÊ"«iÀ>ÌÃÊ>>}iiÌ >ÃÃiÃÊi} Õ}ÕÃÌÊ£x `ÛÃ}Ê ÕÀÃÊ>ÌÊÌ i 1-Ê`ÕV>ÌÊ"vvViÊ>Ài iÛiÀÞÊ/ÕiÃ`>ÞÊ£ÎääÊÌÊ£xää LÞÊ>««ÌiÌ° 7iLÃÌiÀÊ1ÛiÀÃÌÞq À>`Ê-«À}à ǣxäÇÎ{äÊUÊ>Ý\ÊÇ£xäÇÎ{Î >\ÊVÀ>`ëÀ}ÃJÜiLÃÌiÀ°i`Õ ÜÜÜ°ÜiLÃÌiÀ°i`Õ ,i>ÊÜi`}iÊvÀÊ,i>7À`Ê-ÕVViÃÃÁ ^ÓääxÊ7iLÃÌiÀÊ1ÛiÀÃÌÞ More road construction Pine Drive will be repaired Aug. 68. A Slurry Seal will be placed over the existing surface. The roadway will have temporary closures and/or one lane traffic. Expect delays. For more information, call Robert Draeger at 333-7143. Student commissary jobs Road construction Today through Nov. 15 the asphalt, curbs and V-ditch along Academy Drive from Interior Drive by the Visitors Center to the intersection of Pine Drive near the hospital will be replaced. This will close that section of Academy Drive. Traffic will be detoured via Interior Drive. For more information, call Robert Draeger at 333-7143. The Academy Commissary is accepting applications for the Student Temporary Employment Program for Sales Store Checkers (Cashier GS-01) and Store workers (WG-01). Applicants must be at least 16 years of age, a U.S. citizen, a student enrolled in an accredited school with at least a half-time course load and an overall grade average of at least “C”. Application information sheets are available at the Commissary. STEP is not a summer-hire program, rather a year round program as long as funds are available and the student maintains eligibility. Sidewalk Bag Sale The Academy Thrift Shop’s Sidewalk Bag Sale is Aug. 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Officers’ Spouses’ Club cookbooks, normally $15, are $10. CADET CHAPEL Catholic Masses: Sunday 10 a.m. Protestant Services: Sunday 10 a.m. (Contemporary/Traditional) Sunday 11:15 a.m. (Liturgical) Orthodox Services Sunday July 10 & 17, 7:00 a.m. COMMUNITY CENTER CHAPEL Catholic Masses: Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Religious Formation (Sept.-May) Protestant Services: Sunday 9:15 a.m. (Gospel Service, Base Auditorium) Sunday 9:45 a.m. (Traditional) Religious Ed (Sept. - May) 17 COMMUNITY Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 Adventure racing The Academy Outdoor Adventure Program is forming 4-member teams to participate in a multi-sport adventure race here. The competition, pitting teams from local bases against each other, involves trail-running, orienteering, canoeing, mountain biking, rappelling and several mystery events. Each team must have at least one female. The race is Aug. 6. Registration fee is $25 per team. Space is limited to the first four teams. To sign up, call the OAP office at 333-2940. Children’s craft classes Children’s craft classes are offered at the Academy Arts and Crafts Center. Cost is $5 per student, with most supplies included. Classes are offered: Wednesdays 10-11 a.m., for ages 4-7 years; Saturdays 10-11 a.m., for ages 46 years; Saturdays 12-1 p.m., for ages 7-10 years; Saturdays 1:30-2:30 p.m., for ages 11 years and older. Call 333-4579 to sign up. Cadet gym pool closures The Natatorium Pool is closed now through Aug. 8 and the Polo Pool is closed now through Aug. 8 due to maintenance and repairs. OSC Welcome Social The next Academy Officers’Spouses’ Club Welcome Social is Aug. 17, at 6:30 p.m., in the officers’ club. Academy organizations will provide information on available services. OSC Board members and advisors will help newcomers join the organization. Desserts, punch and tea are available. To RSVP, call Karen MacMillan at 213-9184 or email no later than Aug. 15. In Town tickets are available to active duty, Guard and Reserve forces and military retirees. Plus, 100 tickets are offered to families who’ve lost relatives serving in Operations Iraqi Freedom or Enduring Freedom. The discounted tickets can be purchased with a valid military ID at all TicketsWest outlets, including the Academy Information, Tickets and Travel Office, World Arena, the Pikes Peak Center, King Soopers, City Market and guest services at the Citadel Mall. For more information, call 475-1737. Guest artist speaker International art exhibitor Katherine Chang Liu will speak on “Finding One’s Voice,” Monday, at 6 p.m., in the auditorium next to the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Gallery of Contemporary Art. The presentation is free to the public. Relay For Life AFA State Awards Banquet The Lance P. Sijan Chapter of the Air Force Association hosts the Colorado State Awards Banquet, Aug. 19, at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort. The Academy will honor the outstanding Colorado Air Force enlisted, officer, civilian and cadets. Guest speaker is Academy National President Bob Largent. For more information and a banquet registration form, call Brian Binn at 472-0300, email Brian.Binn or visit the Sijan chapter website at World Theater offers military discounts The Colorado Festival of World Theater, partnering with local military installations, is offering discounted tickets to the festival’s many events now through Sunday. Fifty percent discount Academy members can help raise money for cancer research by participating in the Relay For Life, Aug. 19-20, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., at Goose Gossage Park, I-25 and Fillmore. For more information, call 2nd Lt. Paul Deutsch at 560-5118. Cash for Classrooms The non-prof it Academy School District Twenty Education Foundation is offering a new 2005 Harley Davidson Sportster 883 motorcycle to raise “Cash for Classrooms.” The Harley drawing, licensed by the Colorado Secretary of State, is Sept. 16, during the annual scramble at King’s Deer Golf Club. Only 1,500 are being sold at $20 each or six for $100. For more information, call Claudia Hoyle at 533-0081. Paying tribute Brent Sherman, driver of the ppc Racing No. 10 Serta Mattress/Hickory Farms Ford in the NASCAR Busch Series, stands ready to compete in the Salute to the Troops 250 at Pikes Peak International Raceway July 23. Sherman had the support of his team, and four members of the U.S. Air Force serving as “Honorary Pit Crew Members.” Master Sgt. Michael J. Steiner, Staff Sgt. Delilah A. Duran, Master Sgt. Brian K. Seal and Master Sgt. Vicki Seal. Sherman finished the race in 27th place. (Courtesy Photo) 18 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 Reach Over 70,000 Readers! Call: (719) 329-5236 Fax: (719) 320-5237 E-mail: Visit: 31 E. Platte Ave., Ste 300 Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm Rates are varied, please call for details. Prepayment is required (except for contracted ads) 3 line minimum applies Deadline for line ads: Tuesday at 12:00 noon Deadline for classified display ads: Wednesday 1 week prior to publication ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CONGRATULATIONS to the Colorado Festival of World Theater for its second year & outstanding success in bringing the best of theater to the Pikes Peak Region. TWG Country Gospel Services Starting Sat. July 9th @ 6pm Friendship Assembly Of God 3685 Bloomington 80922 For more information call 574-3155 or 209-1602 Empower Colorado: A support group for parents and care givers of children with bipolar, depression or other brain disorders. We provide education, support and advocacy for our families. Please call Crystal at (719) 559-7679 or Please check your ad the first week of publication and call by the following Tuesday before noon with changes or corrections. This paper is not liable for errors after the first publication of an ad. Colorado Publishing Company is not liable for the content of advertisements. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968. We do not endorse any product or service and we reserve the right to refuse any/all advertising we deem inappropriate . FREE golf tournament listings in the Business Journal and on line. Submit by email or call 719-520-5991 SeniorFriendlyGolf is expanding its services in southern Colorado. Income and free golf opportunity. Full or part time for retired or semi-retired individuals. Respond to FREE, 3-line classifieds are for active, retired and dependents of military personnel. You can fax form to 329-5237. IF AD RUNS OVER THE ALLOTTED CHARACTERS SHOWN IN THE FORM, THE COST IS $3.00 PER LINE OVER. Name City Grade Hm Address ____________________ Unit Wanted! Women who have not had a mammogram or a pap test in five years or more or who have never had these screenings. If you qualify, you will be screened for FREE through the Colorado Women’s Cancer Control Initiative! Call Pam at (719)456-0237 or Toll Free at 1-866-692-2600 NOW SEEKING: Men, Women & Children. 4 years and up for T.V., Print & Commercials. Call 597-3883 PERSONALS CONSTRUCTION NOW SEEKING: Physically Fit Men & Women potential models for 3 Health Magazines. Call 597-3883. GARAGE SALES HUGE SALE!! July 30-31, 8a-4p. (Chey. Meadows) 1321 Coolcrest Dr. Gas Grill, Lots of name brand clothing exc. cond. Washer/Dryer, light fixtures, home decor. Must see! All Nice Stuff. YARD SALE Saturday, July 30th - 8am - ? 906 De La Vista Ct. Clothes, Household & misc. items. EDUCATION SCHOOLS ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL DAY SCHOOL NOW ENROLLING, Pre-school through 5th Grade 631 North Tejon Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 (719) 575-0436 Promoting character and scholarship in a nurturing environment I certify that this advertisement is for the purpose of selling my personal property as a convenience to me or my dependents. It is not part of a business enterprise, nor does it benefit anyone involved in a business enterprise. Any real estate advertised is made available without regard to race, color, religious origin or sex of any individual. Denver, Parker, Castle Rock, Colorado Springs, Monument, Calhan, Woodland Park & Pueblo. HOM Solutions Ph: 719-597-5744 Fx: 719-597-4558 Contestants wanted for Reality Television 1-416-414-0852 serious applicants apply. 0&6( 6($51.$<($5 ICT is an equal opportunity employer EDUCATION Love working with children? We have the job for you! GENERAL *,%,//$33529(' &2/25$'267$7($33529,1*$*(1&<)259(7(5$16('8&$7,21%(1(),76 352*5$0 ICT is currently accepting applications for Opportunities in our inbound call center as Customer Service and Sales oriented agents. We offer a fun, casual environment, various shifts, and a commitment in excellence in serving our clients – Virgin Mobile USA. Also accepting bilingual English/Spanish If you are available to work different shifts and can see yourself as a part of a winning team, we encourage you to apply at 980 Elkton Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Phone: (719) 265-9200 ALL positions require: minimum of an AA in Early Childhood Education; must be DHS Director Qualified. Bilingual in English/Spanish is strongly preferred. We will help you further your education in ECE through tuition reimbursement. Must have a physical exam and drug screen. Must be able to lift/carry a minimum of 40 pounds. Apply: CPCD (Head Start), 2330 Robinson St., CSC, CO 80904 Fax: (719) 457-0615 or e-mail: Positions are open until filled. Equal Opportunity Employer Free ads in accordance w/ military regulations must be non-commercial and for personal property offered by local base or unit personnel without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or religious origin. FREE ADS are limited to one ad per household at 3 lines max. The editor and publisher reserve the right to edit ads, and/or not publish ads. NO DUTY PHONE NUMBERS WILL BE PRINTED. FAX FORM TO: COLORADO POWER CLASSIFIEDS AT 719-634-5157 YOU MAY ALSO DISREGARD THE FORM AND EMAIL OR CALL 329-5236 to place your ad. DEADLINE: TUESDAYS AT 12 NOON FOR THAT WEEK’S PAPER RIWKH7RSIDVWHVWJURZLQJ RFFXSDWLRQVLQWKH86DUHLQWKH,7ILHOG 2YHU,7-REVZLOOJRXQILOOHGGXH WRXQTXDOLILHGFDQGLGDWHVWKLV\HDU Customer Service, Sales and Bilingual Agents • Infant/Toddler Teacher (12 month) $27,287.00/year • Infant/Toddler Literacy Teacher (12 month) $27,287.00/year Responsible for the Infant/Toddler Room in the Pikes Peak, Pike or Gorman Center. Must foster consistency and assure a quality program for children newborn to 3 and their parents that is safe and developmentally appropriate. Conduct Home Visits. Literacy Teachers will plan and facilitate PACT (Parents and Child Together). Category:______________________________________________ )$&76 High Growth Contact Center Seeking • Head Start Teacher (10 month) $24,485.00/year • Head Start Teacher (12 month) $29,645.00/year • Head Start Literacy Teacher (12 month) $29,645.00/year To provide a developmentally appropriate early childhood education program for 3 and 4 year old children. Literacy Teachers will plan and facilitate a literacy program. ACTORS/MODELS/ EXTRAS _________________ Zip_______________ _____ Cabinet Installers Need experienced cabinet installers for Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Denver & Castle Rock areas. Great pay, immediate and consistent work. Field Measuring 1 to 2 years kitchen design or drafting experience/training. Knowledge of CAD-software helpful. Experience with remodeling process required. Estimators Need experienced estimators for home improvement projects. Must be experienced in estimating & bidding kitchen remodels. EMPLOYMENT __________________ Signature CHILDCARE BABYSITTER needed in my home M-Th from 3-5pm. On PAFB. 2 kids ages 2 & 5. Must be 16 yrs. 648-2278 Do you live at the AFA, have a child who goes to PPCS & would like to carpool? If so, please call 472-4749. Garage Sale. Sat., July 30 @ 9a-3pm. 7501 Farmcrest Rd. 393-0259. Washer, clothes, comp. desk, household goods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ob Openings for Persons 55 Years of Age & Older Please contact the AARP Foundation/Senior Community Service Employment Program at 719-635-3579 Monday - Friday 8- 3 pm. NOW SEEKING: In-Store Demonstrators. 18 yrs. & up. $15 & Up/hr. for weekends. Call 597-3883 PHOTOGRAPHY Lifetouch National School Studios, the largest school photography company is now recruiting: Full and Part Time Seasonal Photographers. No experience necessary. Must have own vehicle and possess excellent customer service skills. Must be willing to work a flexible schedule: days, evenings and some weekends. Benefits for this fun and fast paced position: *Paid Training *Competitive wages *Paid mileage Please call 410-735-9146 or email HEALTHCARE CollegeAmerica Colorado Springs Campus is seeking adjunct instructors for our RADIOLOGY program. Candidates must hold a Colorado state license as a Radiology Technician with a minimum of 4 years experience and preferably experience in teaching. Bachelor degree highly preferred, but not required as long as the requirements are met. Please submit resume to and place “COLORADO SPRINGS RADIOLOGY” in the subject line. 19 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 MANAGEMENT INVESTMENTS COMPUTER REPAIR Trainee openings to service, maintain, & repair computer equip.. H.S. grads, no GED, ages 17-39. Good pay & benefits. Call 1-888-249-7769 interview today. OFFICE MANAGER - High energy team leader, detail & customer service oriented. For an interview call Donna at Jackson Hewitt Tax Services at: (719) 532-0915 Time - Money - Freedom Earn up to $5,000 per week. We help you advertise, take your calls, & close your clients. $1,995 start up cost. Not MLM, Call today 800-859-8709 SELF EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS OPP A Realistic $25,000 1st Month. Work from home selling art & loving it! Paid Daily. 970-434-2847 UNIQUE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Create Lifestyle Freedom. Learn to earn $20k/month - 1-888-674-8242 Project Manager 2-4 years experience with residential remodeling required. The accepted candidate will be responsible for the management & oversight of office teams, project management systems, & subcontractors. Oversight of bidding & design will be included in the responsibilities. Experience with project management software systems a big plus. Must be able to manage multiple projects in a fast paced environment. Call Nick at 597-5744 or email at MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS FREE CONSULTATION! Col. (Retired) John Santiago wants U2 save 25-50% off your mortgage using the RICH MAN’S LOAN. Call 963-5873 for FREE seminars too! All Ranks/Civilians Welcome! MERCHANDISE EDUCATION SCHOOLS APPLIANCES CollegeAmerica Colorado’s fastest growing college system has immediate opening for full or part time Networking and Programming Instructors at it’s Colorado Springs Campus. This position requires a minimum of a master’s degree in computer science, programming or IT. Applicants should have experience in some of the following areas: Cisco, Windows, Linux, LAN, WAN, Java, C++, SQL, Oracle, RDBMS concepts, Databases, VB, HTML, XML,Visual Basic, Perl, PHP, etc. Full time position is a salaried position with benefits and a 401(k). Please submit resume to and place “COLORADO SPRINGS COMPUTER” in the subject. QUALITY RESALE Newborn to Adult, Maternity, Bridal. ALL GOD’S CHILDREN, 1025 Garden o/t Gods, 264-6387 TODDLER BED, natural finish, sleigh bed with removable guard rails, $50. Call 322-5572 Poker Table Tops: 47” 8per/$30, 36” 6per/$25(Red&Black), 100 11.5G Poker Chips $15 210-5942 KINGS BLANKET & MORE! 2328 E. Platte Ave.-Ph 471-9137 has the largest selection of Korean Mink Blankets in Colorado Springs! They are super soft. We have curtains, comfort sets, 3 piece bath sets, pictures, area rugs and collectables. Sears X-Cargo Luggage Carrier, (hard shell). $35.00. Call Irene at 548-9799. NASA MEMORY FOAM. Mattress Set. New in plastic w/warranty. Sells for over $1700, Sacrifice $650. 667-0635. Tuition Now $399 Frigidaire heavy duty washer/dryer 1 yr old, $400 for set. Please Call 684-3512 COMPUTERS Day/Eve/Weekend Classes 578-5777 or 1-800-BARTEND 6551 N. Academy Blvd. Need quick sale! Blue coach and love seat $150 for both. Wood bathroom cabinets $5 each 719-559-5690 GE Refrigerator 1 year old, $250; Sofa & loveseat both $350; complete weight gym $200 obo 260-6409 or 210-4164 Nationwide Job Placement Earn $15-$40/hr LEGAL NOTICES Kenmore Dryer for sale $75, Kenmore Washer needs repair free. Please Call Brenday @ 719-596-5069 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE JBL surround sound Home Cinema $50 Please Call 719-576-2077 LARGE CAPACITY Washer Maytag, $75 Call 495-2013 HEALTH & FITNESS VACUUM CLEANER-Eureka Power Plus, bagless, like new-3 mos old, $30. Call 559-9177 Washer and Dryers $75 and up. Delivery Available. Call 439-2597 or 683-9589 WASHER Heavy Duty Jet action, DRYER, heavy duty, Hotpoint, $50/set. Call 391-3744 WASHER/DRYER-matching, Kenmore, Heavy duty, white, $150/set. Call 550-1420 ANTIQUES/COLL 1920’s 5-pc FRENCH Bedroom set, handcarved, $1950; Mahogany credenza, $500. Call 548-8215 BABY CHILDREN’S ITEMS BABY CRIB, $50; Complete Noah’s ark crib set plus lamp, $50; Both Exc Cond. Jogger’s Stroller, $30. 559-5284 BABY MUST HAVE’S: New Graco Pack n’ Play, $40; Graco Infant Car Seat, $10; Bouncer, $5. 573-5882. MISSED A FEW PAYMENTS? You have options! Call 494-2002 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT KENMORE WASHER/DRYER, less than 2 years old, white, $300/set. Call 271-2594 Roper elec. dryer 1.5 yr old, Fridgidaire washer 5yrs old, used 3years. $50 ea., firm. Both white. 559-4690 after 5pm BUSINESS/FINANCIAL Want to buy - Compaq Presario 1200 Laptop Computer Please Call: 573-1480 Infinity amp & 3 10” subs w/box $550. New Rockford Fosgate amp w/2 10” subs $300. 472-8733 REFRIGERATOR-Hotpoint, Freezer top mount, no frost w/icemaker. Good condition! New, $200obo. 559-8521 Counsel Press is the nation’s leading appellate services provider. Each year we assist in filing over 8000 appeals in the U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Courts of Appeal, and State Appellate courts from coast to coast. Call on us for expert advice and assistance from our staff counsel and appellate paralegals. We offer samples, rules and personal assistance to allow you to focus on your argument while we take care of the procedure. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you on your next appeal. 800-4 APPEAL / 800-427-7325 Sony 15” flat screen CRT monitor, $50. Call Kate, 231-9658. Kenmore Washer & Dryer Works great! $150 For set. Please call 719-266-9393 LEGAL SERVICES foosball/air hockey table $20, 4 natural wood bar stools $20 and Char-Broil H2O Smoker $25 Please call 472-7900 PRO-FORM Wide Treadmill MDL #PFTL59200, great cond. New $600, asking $280 cash. 719-492-2762. Traditional Loan Power Option Loan (30-year Fixed-Rate) (Option ARM) $698 1 VHS PANASONIC Video Camera, with 2 battery packs & carrying case, $165. Call 576-0933 HOME FURNISHINGS 5PC Living Room table set, 2 end tables, coffee table, 2 lamps, asking $250obo. Call 590-8851. AIR BED Dual Chamber w/remote & full wrty. New in box, never used. Cost over $1300, MUST SELL $595. 328-9728. BED $195 Queen Orthopedic pillow top. Mattress & box. New still in plastic. Absolute bargain!! Retail, $799. Call 719-244-5256 BED $250 King orthopedic pillow top. Mattress & box. NEW!! With factory warranty. Cost $999. 719-244-5256. BED $600 Cherrywood, sleigh bed, still in box. Awesome quality. Other PCS avl. Can deliver. 719-244-5256 Choose One of the Above 3 The Power Option Loan concept lets you choose from four options each month: Option One: | $698 month2 Minimum Payment adjusts annually after the first 12 months. Option Two: | $562 month4 Interest-only payment is available when the interest-only payment exceeds the minimum payment. Option Three: | $884 month4 Payment based on a fully-amortized 30-year loan. Option Four: | $1,418 month Payment based on a fully-amortized 15-year loan. 1 This example illustrates the monthly payment for a $200,000 loan with an APR of 5.61% amortized over 30 years. Payments include principal plus interest. 2 This example illustrates the initial monthly payment for a $200,000 loan with a payment based on an effective first year interest rate of 1.58%. The interest rate is 1.95% in the first month, interest plus margin thereafter. Payment remains fixed for the first 12 months. This option may result in deferred interest which is added to your principal loan balance. Interest rate adjusts monthly based on an index and margin and may increase. Minimum payment adjusts annually up to a maximum of 1.075% of the previous year’s minimum payment. Projected composite APR over life of loan is 3.438%, based on initial interest rate, current index, and margin. APR may vary. The current index is 1.37%. Loan To Value Ratio of 80% or less. 3 Each example assumes that the option presented is selected each month of the loan term. For more details concerning the Power Option Loan concept and products available in your area, consult with your local Global Equity Lending representative. 4 These examples illustrate the initial monthly payment for a $200,000 loan with an APR of 3.375% at closing. APR and payment are subject to change each month based on changes in an index and your loan balance and may increase. APR may vary. Payments under Options Three and Four include principal and interest. Call today for more information. Jeffrey S. McBride BQ0077 719-930-1490 Certain restrictions apply. Programs and rates subject to change. Colorado Consumer Credit Code Licensee Number 097213 L005b/0.00 SCRAPBOOKING MILITARY SCRAPBOOKING Supplies. Shop our online store! SPORTS EQUIP 8’ POOL TABLE, slate including: 3 pool sticks, good shape, $600 or best offer. Please call 596-4898 PETS CATS Free female kitten, 9 mo old All shots, spade, affectionate PCSing, can’t keep 559-8904 DOGS 7 mo. female Italian Greyhound. Very sweet. Great w/ kids & dogs. $100 596-5818 FREE TO RIGHT FAMILY. 1 yr old Boxer Mix. Loving boy needs big yard-active family. Call 339-4282 Wrap-Around Couch, grn, w/3-recliners, (1) w/heater, massager & phone. $800obo. 559-7975/641-745-0380 Must sell or put to sleep! 9 mo old Llasa Apso, M, incl. grooming gear, food,toys & bed all shots current,good w/kids $275 559-5606 JEWELRY & COLLECTIBLES Nrwgn Elkhnd, m, 9 mos, great w/kids, animals, papered & registered. Kennel incl. Pd $850 asking $300 719-472-8694 MUST SELL! ex’s engagement ring size 7 red ruby and diamond 14 carat gold asking $50 559-5606 LAWN & GARDEN 9 Inch Craftsman table saw $100 Please Call: 719-390-0356 MISC FOR SALE DINING ROOM Set. Cherry-Tbl 8 chairs, hutch & buffet. Brand new-still in box. Top Quality sell, $2700, retail $9000. Call 719-235-7575. 4 SALE—27” Oak swival RCA console TV, great picture-$45.00. KENMORE ultra wash dishwasher, like new-$80.00. SEARS humidifier, like new-$20.00 . Ladies new leather ICE SKATES, size 8, never worn-$35.00. Sideview mirrors for FORD F250-$35.00. His and hers HUFFY mt. bikes-$20.00 each. girls pink bike-$15.00. Please call 392-7507 Will consider reasonable offers! 50, mostly medium to large moving boxes. 2 wardrobe boxes. $60.00 for all. 229-3843 10,000 BTU AC $40, Bassett Crib $55, Pack n Play $15, Double Baby Jogger $65, Ph 637-1778 2 12x12 bound carpets, blue & beige $50ea/$75both Kenmore refrigerator w/ ice maker 26.0 cu $100 576-2077 FOR SALE - Sectional Sofa w/ chair, $450 obo. L-Desk computer workcenter (like new), $250 obo. 930-2607 2004 Stage 2 multi-sided climb, Slide and Hide Activity Gym $250 Call: 719-576-1802 For Sale green couch, good condition $250 obo 719-637-7615 Leave message Aviation Head Set, David Clark H20-10 New ear gel seals $200 Please Call Chris 303-359-9123 FULL PILLOWTOP MATTRESS Set New, in-the-plastic w/warranty. Cost $595, Sacrifice $200. Heavy Duty Frame Avail. Can Deliver. 227-0257. CARDIO GLIDE w/monitor, exc cond. $75; Window A/C, exc. cond., 12,000 BTU, $200. Call 282-3448. GIRL’S DAYBED w/mattress, sheets & comforter, white metal frame, $150 or best offer. Call 573-0776 PIANO-BALDWIN 1974 Acrosonic Spinet, 36”h x 24”d x 56”w, great shape! $1200obo. Call 213-6274. WAVELESS CALIF. King wtrbd, 6-drawer Ped, mirrored headboard, heater, $49. Call 282-3333 (2) GARAGE DOOR OPENERS Craftsmen, 1/2 HP, $40 both. Call 591-6257 2117 W. Colorado Ave (Old Colorado City) Ph 635-3087 or 229-4501 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 7-piece drumset/Ziljan cymbals-$850. Acoustic guitar-$75; both barely used. 719-310-5592 AKC FEM Bassett Hound, 1 yr, tri-color, very friendly, loves kids, loving home, $175. Call 550-3312 DINING ROOM SET, med. sized cherrywood, round table, w/removable leaf & 4 chairs, fair cond, $200. 382-9483 10% Discount for all Military ID Card holders! VARIOUS LUGGAGE PIECES, $3-$15. Call 576-0933 Tan Suede Couch and Love Seat $150 Dinette Set $50 Call 559-5077 MACHINERY & TOOLS Largest selection of Mist lamps, Dragons & Wolves in Colorado Springs STOVE, Flat-Top with overhead fan, $400; Weight Bench, $70 ; Recliner, $70. Call 591-6257 AKC ENG SPR SPAN pups for sale. 3 tri males, OFA, CERF, Great line, avail now, $400, 719-382-5858 COUCH & LOVESEAT, $100/each; Large oak computer desk, $350. Call 651-6381 Grace Candle & Mountain Mist Lamps Sony 17’’ TV, $25. Sony Shelf System, $25. Clay pots, $2/ea. Peugeot Road Bike, $25. 596-9093 TABLE with 4 chairs, 48” round, with beveled glass top, $300. Call 528-6408 Mastercraft 5HP rototiller, $250 obo Like new. 487-0593 Gel Candles made to order - $1.00 per oz 4 TABLE w/4 chairs & wine cart; Sofa/ Sleeper & Desk. Must sell nowwill accept best offer. Call 559-6553 Complete leopard twin comfortor set with sheets, sham and dust ruffle. $40. 487-0593 FINAL WEEK- MOVING SALE! New Furniture: beds, mattresses, futons, and more! Fillmore Furniture Beds & More. 702 E. Fillmore 473-6996 Mortgage Payment Mortgage Payment QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS Set. New, never used, in plastic. MUST SELL $225. Warranty. Can Deliver. 471-7220. Sofa w/ pull-out bed, loveseat, oversized chair w/ ottoman. Navy Blue. $650. 439-9208 DINING ROOM TABLE w/4 chairs, $75; Futon, brand new, $75. Call 1-203-464-3312 (lv msg) 2 POOL TABLE Brand New Custom Solid Wood Table with 1” slate, included. Acc Pkg & Simonis Cloth. Cost over $6000. Must Sell $1795. 866-7042. 25” COLOR CONSOLE, T.V., with remote, $50. Call 391-3744 Dresser, 6 drawers w/ mirror & shelves - Flute: Gemeinhardt w/case & music $100/ea 391-8029/332-4871 $1,149 POOL TABLE $1250 8’ 1” slate. All accessories included. New, still in box!! Retail $4000. 719-244-5256. HOME ENTERTAINMENT DINING ROOM TABLE Set, walnut table with leaf & 6 chairs, $200; Beautiful walnut dresser w/mirror & nightstand, exc. cond, $400/both. Call 573-5882. $200,000 Mortgage Oversized Couch & Love Seat, Seige color, like new - must sale. $750 obo 238-1256 Will provide directions. RUSTIC LOG BEDROOM SET. 7-pc Amish handcrafted set, All New. Cost $3000, Sacrifice $995. Will separate. Call 667-0635. Couch, cream used only 6 mo. new $900. asked $450 call 392-2709 Buy the Right Kind of Mortgage Equal Housing Lender King size waterbed underdrawers Hutch $125 obo - 31” sanyo TV $50 - Please Call: 494-8108 BICYCLES 2 yr old washer, $150 dryer $50, both in good working condition. $175 for both. Please call 719-651-6830 SALES / MARKETING TECHNICAL NATURAL WOOD CRIB, $60. Call 282-8319 KING PILLOWTOP MATTRESS Set. New in plastic. Cost $795, Sacrifice $359. Deluxe Frame Avail. 328-8728 24 Inch Peugeot 5 Speed $50 Please call 392-2709 MILITARY REALTORS INTERVIEW TODAY START TOMORROW! $10.00/10.50 HOUR + $150.00 SIGN-ON BONUS _______________________________ Do you like to talk on the phone? Do you have sales experience? If so, our local call center is looking for talented, motivated sales people for outbound calling positions. Our representatives currently enjoy: •Great pay & excellent bonus •Holidays & weekends off •1st & 2nd shifts •Weekly paychecks If interested please call Theresa at 548-9292 for an immediate interview. Graven Austin & Drake, Inc. MOVING-MUST SELL! Trampoline with safety net, $150. Call 559-9177 PCS Sale: Officer men’s mess dress, $50. Dewalt 12’’ mitre saw $150, Sears 19v drill saw light set $75, sectional sleeper couch $350, oak stereo cabinet $295, Sony 32’’ XVR TV $300, Ceiling fan w/remote $95, panasonic cordless phone $40, Sears 10’’ table saw $395, kid’s desk $50. Photos avail. Call 488-1782 4 Sale - 2 Portable Swampcoolers w/all Parts, like new. $75 a piece, obo. Call Peter @(719)494-5412 LEARN IN ACTUAL NIGHTCLUB SETTING. We need licensed Realtors with strong military connections to assist relocating military families. All branches, Spouses, Retirees incl.. No desk fees. Expenses paid. Salary possible. Contact Glenda Miller 459-1540/548-0400 Email: Instep jogging stroller ex con $45, umbrella str $5, like new full size mattress $50 559-7848 HOT TUB - 6 person, 30+ jets, ‘04 Model, 5HP w/all options & 5” cover. Never used in wrapper. Full warranty. Cost $7000. Asking $3995. 719-667-0311 LEATHER SOFA & LOVE SEAT All New Leather Set still in wrapper. 100% top grain leather. Cost over $3900, Sacrifice $1495. 633-8203. BARTENDING ACADEMY REAL ESTATE EMPLOYMENT GIRLS CLOTHES for sale. Sizes from 3 mos to 7 years. CHEAP! Call 930-2189 Barbie Jeep: $70.00 Vanity Table w/mirror $30 Ken moor Washer & Dryer set: $200 obo 538-0373 GLDR/RCKR & otmn, $175; Baby drsr, changing tbl, $200; PSE bow, $150; 2 Oilskin dusters, $150/ea. 572-1077 HD/LC Washer & Dryer, $45ea; Couch & 2 chairs Brn. Flexsteel $70; Exercise Bike, $25. Call 472-0379 Like new Hotpoint Washer/Dryer $150 ea. Oak kitchen table, 2 chairs $100,obo. 443-366-9339 Magic chef 4.4 cf refrigerator. $80 Wagner airless paint sprayer. Used once. $200 570-6800 Panasonic 11500BTU A/C. Remote Control! Window-Mount, Great 4 Housing. $250-OBO 719-659-7900 PEDIGREE PIT BULL puppies, gatormouth - Buedro bloodlines, 7 wks old. Call 210-2746 PETS Box turtle for sale. Includes 20 gallon tank and heat lamp. $75 obo. Call Lara or Tim at 472-8534 FERRETS (2), male & female, with small cage, $150/both. Call 213-1550 PET SUPPLIES DOG KENNEL, 27”x20”x20” $35. Call 576-0933 HIGH CEILING, adjustable cat tree, with 4-levels, dark beige, like new-3 months old. $65. Call 231-2380 MED. TO LARGE Dog house (from Petsmart) only $35; Sml-Med basket pet bed, (dog), $12. Call 231-2380 MUST SELL! self cleaning litter box bought in Jan. paid $300 at Petco asking $100 559 5606 FARM & RANCH FARM/RANCH EQUIPMENT John Deere Hydro 175 Tractor 38” Mower 42” Snow Blade $800 Please call 590-7984 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE FOR LEASE OFFICE SPACE Springs Office Park 2860-2862 Circle Dr. North • Lease/200-20,000 sf • Office • $3.75 net sf Colorado & Santa Fe Real Estate Mike • 1-888-532-4464 LAND LAND FOR SALE INCREDIBLE LOT-Cripple Creek Mtn Estates. 360 degree views! Backs to open space, lake across the road. Stream below. Buy now for retirement! Colorado Pride Realty, LLC, Patrick, 232-5583 LG COMMERCIAL LOT. Central. 1.03ac. Zoned PBC. Corner of Circle/San Miguel. Price reduced to $345K. Patrick, Co. Pride Realty, 232-5583. 20 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 FOR SALE MOUNTAIN PROP Looking to retire in the Pikes Peak region? Build your dream home? You can buy the land today - at today’s prices and low interest rates! Fabulous views of the city and Pikes Peak. Complete privacy and backs to National Forest. Only 30 minutes to downtown. Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Call Michelle Blessing today @ ERA Shields Real Estate. 649-4200 Search MLS For Free Sell Your House For Less With Me! NICE QUIET Condo, nr. military bases, 2-story, 2br, 2ba, 1035SF, all appls stay incl: w/d. Complex has:pool, hot tub & clubhouse. Excellent Value at $99,900. Kimberly Amis @ Prudential Professional Realtors, 233-5119 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PROPERTY WANTED BUY SELL HOMES ALL CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE AS IS condition, any area, save time & money. • FOR FAST CLOSING • FORECLOSURE EXPERTS • SELLERS & BUYERS HOT LINE We can help! Call for details 719-598-3300 REAL ESTATE SERVICES 4% LISTING FEE 719-351-0166 SEE YOUR NEW HOME PICTURES & INFO COAST-2-COASTREALTY.COM Broker Associate Marty Mindnich CMSgt, USAF (Ret) Broker Associate, GRI 351-1511 New Homes and Resale Specialist Search MLS listings at "Don’t Forget to Call Home" 570-1015 JIM RIGGIN BROKER Retired Air Force Chief 29 Years Real Estate More Than 11 years I CAN HELP YOU!! COLORADO SPRINGS See the stunning beauty Visit a Photo Album The online photo magazine of the Pikes Peak Region. Email it to friends! HOME BUYERSVIEW HOT NEW LISTINGS. Visit: or Free Recorded Message 800-607-0359. ID #4040. USAA MEMBERS Member or not we will beat the USAA Buyer/Seller Bonus Program. Save big. Expect soft and easy service. Call Glenda Miller, 548-1266, 548-0400 or visit Award Winning Heritage Realty RESIDENTIAL FOR SALE CONDOS TOWNHOMES FOR SALE LOTS OF FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER PROGRAMS AVAIL! It’s easier than you think! Give me a call, I can help! Colo. Pride Realty, Patrick, 232-5583. MY “SUPPORT THE TROOPS PROGRAM” BUY YOUR HOUSE THROUGH ME AND I WILL MAKE YOUR FIRST MORTGAGE PAYMENT. OFF POWERS CORRIDOR: 2br, 2ba T/H w/2c gar attach gar. Over 1800SF, 2-story w/bsmt. A/C. Gorgeous master w/2 walk-in closets & full ba, $150K. Call Terry @ Re/Max, 321-7575 Frank Schlosser 2bd/2ba 2-story Twn Hm. Incl. all appl., A/C, new furnace, $112k neg. Near Vickers & Academy. 331-5489 BIG SKY REALTY Office: 548-0520 Toll Free: 1-888-677-1886 Web Page: Email: MIN. TO PETERSON. 1700SF of total remodel. 3br, 3ba T/H. New Kit., decorator colors, faces park. Near playground & pool. 2c attach carport. 1184 Cree. Move-in Ready. Call JoAnn Gadkowski @ Prudential. 339-8929 TEEGARDIN REALTY AND INVESTMENT COMPANY 3bd/3ba, 1528sf, fireplace, all appl, lots of storage, newer carpet & paint. $105k SE Jennifer @ M&M Realty 232-3397 # ############## # # FIVE FOUNTAINS CONDO # # $74,900. 2br, 2ba, Cov. Parking, # # Garden Lvl, Enclosed Entry, Newly # # Refaced Cabinets, pool, sauna, # # Clubhouse. Think you can’t afford # # this condo – let me show you how! # # Financing Available! # # # # # # # # Call Sandy Throgmorton 487-3104 # # I Work With Buyers For Free! # # ############## # WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN FOR THE SAME PRICE? Spacious 3bd, 2ba, 1car condo nr Pete Field & Ft. Carson. Immac. cond! VA & 100% Financing Available. Central Air. $135,000. Call Today, Michelle Blessing @ ERA Shields Real Estate. Call 649-4200. Ask about our military discount. Contact Bryan Emrick @ 719-310-4172 or fill out your application online @ Be sure & reference Bryan Emrick in your online application. NO BANK QUALIFYING on home of 11440 DALLAS RD. We Specialize in • Residential • Commercial • Business Opportunities • Land Colorado Springs Family Owned & Operated for over 30 years. MILITARY INCENTIVES! Call for details YOUR CHOICE including NEW! For info call Steve at 337-8262 Office 719-574-7770 PINON SPRINGS SPRINGS-Lovely 2-story, 3br, 3ba, 2c gar, T/H, neutral colors, Some appliances stay! Glass Top Stove. Well Maintained Unit, Must See! Complex Has: Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Tennis & Playground. $160K. Call Deb Atencio, Re/Max Advantage, 964-6274 PINON SPRINGS Cozy End Unit T/H, 2br, 2ba 2c garheated, walk-out pebblestone patio, jet tub in master bdrm. Excellent amenities: Clubhouse, Pool, Tennis, Hot Tub & Playground. A must see! $155,900. Call Deb Atencio, Re/Max Advantage, 964-6274 Lg, 3-4bd/4ba Condo w/all ammenities. 1900sf, many upgrades, nr. Peterson. Price reduced to $159,900 591-4774 4BR, 4BA, great condition, 2c gar, mature landscaping, lots of updates. $260K. 8710 Bellcove. Call Mike Harrington, Co. Pride Realty, 310-3431 DISCOVER The potential in this 3 bedroom home in Briargate. Complete the basement finish for the true value. Take advantage of this QUICK SALE PRICE of $169000. For more info. or the see this home, call Hank Fryer 632-9396 _______________________________ NEED APPLIANCES? This 4 bdrm, 2bath, 2car garage, located in the north east, has Range, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Washer and Dryer.It’s vacant and ready today.All financing @ $179.900 Again call Hank at 632-9396 Heavy Rebate and discount agents work on high volume. Do you want to be treated as one of many or one of a special few? Call Glenda Miller for quality service that saves you money. 548-1266/ 593-0593 Heritage Realty. CENTRAL 2BR, 2BA, full bsmt, completely remodeled, views. 630 E. Las Animas. Must see! $154,900. Call Patrick, Colorado Pride Realty, 232-5583. 3BR, 1BA, 2c gar, immaculate rancher in very desirable area. 1-lvl living. Low maintenance landscaping. $164,900. Patrick, Co. Pride Realty, 232-5583. BLACK FOREST MILLENNIUM HOME LOANS Financing for all Credit Situations! VA, FHA, Jumbo, & Conventional Loans. Poor credit to perfect credit —-NO PROBLEM!—Close in as little as two weeks. BRIARGATE $344,500, 4 BR, 3 BA, 2c gar, gourmet kitchen, 5 pc. Master bath,many upgrades, 4 mi. from AF Academy. 2705 Stone Creek Rd. 522-0607 FSBO. Quiet peaceful setting on 1 acre lot. 2492SF. 4bd/3½ba/2c gar w/shed. Immaculate condition. Gorgeous Peak Views! Call Loraine 785-1226. # ############## # # # AWESOME VIEWS # # # 1934 SF Walkout rancher. # # # # Wonderful potential. 3 bed- # rooms, 2 baths, 2car attached # # # # gar. 4.45 Acres, $225,000 # # # # # # # # Call Jan, 719-337-9964 # # # ############## # NEAR CITADEL MALL. Attractive tri-lvl, 3br, 2½ba, 2c gar, 1433 Tesla Dr. FSBO. $186,500. Call 597-8458 REDUCED!!!!! Centrally located-cute bungalow! Exc. Cond! 2br, 1ba, 1372SF, beautiful corner lot! Professionally lanscaped bkyd w/sprklr system, fcd front/back, $169K. Call Nancy, ERA Shields, 576-3600/338-3547 Need some Power behind your advertising message? Call: (719) 329-5236 Colorado Power Classifieds From the Low $140’s A N EW C ONDOMINIUM C OMMUNITY IN S OUTHWEST COLORADOSPRINGS EAGLERIDGE / WESTRIDGE ESTATES IN PUEBLO From the $140’s 30 Minutes south of Ft. Carson on I-25 Models open daily 12p-4p * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pricedfromthemid$100Õs 2&3Bedroomunitsavailable 5DiȔerentFloorPlans Maintenance-FreeCondominiums LargeStorageunitsincluded CarportsorGaragesavailable Onelevelliving Greatneighborhood&D-12schools Lowmonthlycondofees Security&Þrealarmmonitoring GasFireplaces Clubhouseincludesworkoutcenter, hottub,sauna&patiow/barbecuegrill $1,000closingcostspaidwhenyouuse ourPreferredLender CROSS CREEK $180’s to low $200’s Visit Model 719-382-3949 ** 2 NEW COMMUNITIES ** Westridge • EagleRidge $140’s to $200’s North Pueblo Exit #102 30 Minute Drive to Ft. Carson 719-542-3664 540-5500 at338-34230r785-4151 From the Low $180’s CROSS CREEK IN FOUNTAIN From the $180’s Just East of Ft. Carson Models open Monday-Saturday, 10a-5p Sundays 12p-5p Callorvisitthe ModelSalesOȗce orcallKristenJennings 719-542-3664 719-382-3969 Marketing by: HJW & Associates, Inc. 21 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 FOUNTAIN VALLEY Central Location, Superb Condition! Fantastic 4 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch home. Updated throughout, newer kitchen cabinets and appliances, beautiful hardwood floors, updated bathroom fixtures, 2002 furnace. Private backyard with mature trees and landscaping. View online at MLS #479801. Priced at $168,000. RE/MAX Properties, Inc. Jean Wheaton ABR QSC 536-4581 MOVE-IN CONDITION! Updated 3/2 w/2c oversized heated gar, a/c, newer vinyl storm win, heavily treed lg b/yard, cov patio w/sauna, 2 storage sheds, water filter/soft sys, gas log f/p w/custom hearth & mantel. Located at 4059 Cooke Ln. $210,000. MLS# 429797. Call Kaveeta East, Broker Assoc with Prudential Prof Realtors, 235-7903 or Rose Wright, 930-4799. NEW HOMES AT NEAR RENTAL PAYMENTS VA 0 down, paid closing costs. Buy New For You! Before renting get the real numbers. Call Glenda Miller for friendly, free assistance, A retired military spouse. She knows the ropes 548-1266, 548-0400. Heritage Realty. Visit award winning site: FOUNTAIN DOUGLAS COUNTY IMMACULATE CASTLE ROCK Townhome. 3br, 3ba, 2c gar, loft, must see! Low maint. fee. $204,900. Patrick, Colo. Pride Realty, 232-5583. 826 Daffodil St. (countryside) 4bd/2.5ba, 1926sf, 9000sf lot. Nr. schools & Carson, appls, new deck, fp, XL garage, pikes peak view. Extremely motivated sellers! Below appraisal $172,800 Call or stop by anytime! 660-0516 ID #11129 EAST FREMONT COUNTY 2BR, 1½BA, 1c gar, 1622SF, fin bsmt, fpl, refin cabinets, new paint, clean! 1329 Firefly Cir. $115K. 339-5015 COUNTRY LIVING! 3bd/1.5ba/2c gar, New carpet and hardwood floor. Very close to Pete. $171,500. 719-331-6114 30 Minutes From Ft. Carson Custom 3bron 1/3 ac lot, 2ba, master br suite, spiral staircase w/balcony, vaulted ceilings. Solar assisted heat/hot water. 2c gar. $149K. Call 1-719-371-0104 FALCON GREAT 4BR, 3BA, 2c gar, fcd yd, a/c, view of Pikes Peak. 9 min. to PAFB. $194,900. Call Barb, RE/MAX Prop, Inc. 351-6943. GENERAL Own Your Own home! $850/mo. No down, no closing! Call Now: Pat Clancy 719-287-1776. Code (OWN) Beautiful 3 bed, 3 bath, 2 car home on a cul-de-sac with mature landscaping and spacious rooms. Upgrades include skylights, french doors, new attic fan and a large back deck. View online at MLS #466151. Priced at $192,000. RE/MAX Properties, Inc. Jean Wheaton, ABR QSC 536-4581 NORTHEAST 4920 Brown Valley Ln Immaculate updated 2300SF, 4bd/3ba/ oversized 2car gar on 0.19 acre lot. Mountain Views! Full landscaped. Call Loraine 785-1226 PRICED BELOW MARKET 4 Bdrms, Office, 2 Baths, Large Eat-In kitchen 2 car garage. Keller Williams, Sally Hepworth 321-8194 FSBO. Two story stucco home. This 4188 sf home has 3bd + large loft, 3ba, 3 car, walkout basement and 5 mins from the AFA. Move-in condition. $379,999 Call Sandra 661-5502. Remodeled 4bd/2ba home w/ new windows, carpet, furnace, roof, kitchen cabinets, vinyl, family rm, lg fenced yard, lg deck, easy access to everything, priced at $169,000, Call Kari at All Seasons, LLC 651-4454 ELLICOTT/YODER MOVE IN FOR $1!!!! VA approved property. With Colo. Spgs. Mortgage Services special financing. 3br, 2ba + media room. 15 min. to Schriever AFB, 40 min. to Ft. Carson, $109,900. Barb, RE/MAX Prop Inc., 351-6943. Stetson Hills Beauty! Super home in excellent condition. Backs to an open area with fantastic Pikes Peak views. Open floor plan, eat in kitchen, and formal dining room. Great back yard with mature landscaping, all at the end of the cul-de-sac!! View online at MLS #501471 Priced at $218,900. RE/MAX Properties, Inc. Jean Wheaton, ABR QSC 536-4581 NORTHWEST Well Kept 2 Story. Quiet street, Mature Trees, Fplc, Sunroom. Formal Dining. 4br/3ba, low maint exterior. $232,900 Call Donna. McGinnis/GMAC 330-8531. 100% Financing Avail. PUEBLO See every home for sale, pictures, addresses. 719-282-1330 or 866-480-1330 INCREDIBLE 4BR Ranch! 1-level living, Pueblo Historic area. 2c gar, mature landscaping. Must see! Call Colo. Pride Realty, 719-671-9232 SECURITY HUD, VA REPOS 1st Time Homebuyer Specials Extraordinary Buyer Incentives Heritage Realty NEW HOMES-Low $100’s Fast commute to Carson Visit Award Winning Heritage Realty Pueblo - Story & 1/2, 4 bd/2ba single family home w/ lower level that could be used as in-law apt or convert to duplex, zoned R4. Good access to I25 on east side. $78,500 Located 1007 E. 2nd St. Pueblo. CHARLOTTE M. KOSKE, REALTOR 719-595-9595 PUEBLO WEST BEAUTIFUL New home w/builder wrty. 1.1acs, 2110SF rancher, 3br, 2ba, 4th room for office/craftroom. Huge din. rm, 3c gar, a/c, oakwood flooring throughout, 1672 unfin bsmt, master br 16x20 w/jacuzzi tub & sep shower, kit. floor/countertops & bath floors are marble. Zoned for horses. 1051 W. McCulloch Blvd. $199K. Call 1-719-647-1877 POWERS 2bd/1ba/1car, 958sf., lg master. bd, newer appl., lg. deck overlooks lg. back yard, RV parking. $135k Jennifer @ M&M Realty 232-3397 2004 WOODMEN HILLS Rancher. Vacant-Ready to Move-In. 3br, 2ba, 2c gar, vaulted ceilings, all appls, fully landscaped w/sprklr sys, 1250SF, gas fpl, sec. sys., island in kitchen. Walk-in closet in master. $204,900. Deb Atencio, Re/Max Advantage, 964-6274 House FSBO Stetson Hills Area, 2500sf, Ranch, Loft/3bd/2.5ba Ready 4 Immediate Occupancy 719-322-6372 NEWER RANCHER w/unfin bsmt, 3br, 2 full ba, 2c gar, 2448SF, $192,900. Call Terry @ Re/Max, 321-7575 NORTHGATE • Hard Work CALL FOR SPECIAL MILITARY DISCOUNT! Popular “Messina” ranch town home with over 150K in custom upgrades! Great mountain views! Entire main level is tile & hardwood. Maple cabinetry, granite tops, gas range! Fully finished bsmt. Easy access to AFA. Listed at $479,900. RE/MAX Properties, Inc. Larry Emerson, 590-4744 Beyond the Standard Unsurpassed Service and Savings One-Stop Shopping We can help you find your dream home We offer you Mortgage Services for a fraction of cost compared to other companies Petra Hughes Call 232-6776 $2,495! Your Home Sold in 120 Days or I’ll Buy it for Cash! Visit: Call Barb Schlinker – 719-499-3334 Local Reserve Officer and Real Estate Broker SOUTHEAST 1152SF, 2bd/2ba condo w/S/W views overlooking pool area. Excellent condition. Call Loraine 785-1226. 2/1½ /1, 1622 SF, cntrl A/C, FP, finished bsmt, 110K obo. 1349 Firefly Cir Call Tony @ 573-0280 2bd/2ba sharp town home w/rm for an equity building 3rd bd & ba in unf. bsmt, backs to serene greenway & single fam homes. Park close by Convenient to Pete Field, Schriever & Ft. Carson. $111,750 w/seller assistance available. Call Janel Wall at Homa Real Estate, Inc. 260-9251 FSBO Like new ‘89 ready to move in, close to schools & shopping, 1784sf, 8310sf lot w/ privay fence, 4bd/3ba, fam rm w/frp, 2cr gar, all appl., rr deck w/great view & more. $172,900 7475 Woody Creek Dr. off of Powers & Sneffles. 382-3040/641-5519 MIN. TO CARSON & PETE. Spacious 3-lvl T/H. 1624SF. 3br, 2ba, awesome stone fpl, hdwd flrs & bsmt. Lovely community w/private pool. Call Carol Wolfe, McGinnis, 321-0166. Redone! 4bd/2ba/1car, new kitchen + appl., cov. deck w/lg bk yd + mature trees, RV parking, $147,500 Jennifer @ M&M Realty 232-3397 Very well maintained-3BR-1BA-1 Car Gar. AC / New Roof / Siding / Fenced Yard / Trees Close to Ft. Carson in Pikes Peak Park Priced below market value – MUST SEE! Call Ken at 331-9647 to view! WHY RENT? Double master Suites, large kitchen, covered carport, nice cond.. Affordably priced at $55K. Close to Ft. Carson. Call Mary at Rusinak, 590-6101. Denver, Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, Pueblo Why go it alone... Our Services are FREE to all Buyers. We know the area and we know Real Estate Let us help you find your next home and the right financing for you. Beyond Expectations Sandra Throgmorton Toll Free (866) 487-3104 (719) 487-3104 The Best In Military Home Sales We Represent Buyers For the discriminate home buyer we offer: I’ll Sell Your Home for ONLY 411 LAKEWOOD CIR B-617 • Honesty • Service Assist 2 Sell Value First Realty FSBO New Construction, costume built, 3bd/2ba, gar, Government Grant avail. $118,900 719-547-4296 • Integrity ########## Stop Renting. You can afford this 3br/2ba townhouse with an Open floorplan and fireplace. $105,000 Call Donna. McGinnis/GMAC 330-8531. 100% Financing Avail. FSBO: 7119 Aspen Glen Ln. 3br, 1½ba, 2c gar, fpl, 2 decks, hot tub nego. Near trails/pool. $174,900. 659-8476 Close to PAFB, 4 bed, 3 bath rancher, 3776SF, 2car, built in 2003, stucco ext., backs to greenway, 2 gas fpl, 2 family rms, $304,950. 4874 Desert Varnish, Tom Hahn, RREG, 488-9475 Country Living - Custom Home Pikes Peak View New 3 Bed on 40 Acres $0 Down Payment, $0 Closing Costs $217,500 Cathedral Ceiling, A/C, Appls, Tile, Covered Porch, Rear Patio, Garage. Excellent Water Rights, Great for Horses or Small Business. Imagine Homes Jim 475-0517 # ############### # SPACIOUS HOME # # # # 5 bedrooms, 3½ baths, 3000 finished SF # Call 1-800-813-9272 ext. 3004 for Free # # # Recorded Information – 24 hours/Day. # Mary Rathbun, # # # McGinnis GMAC Real Estate. 649-9475 # # ############### Heritage Realty Visit our award winning website: Chuck Birger and Victoria Brady Soldier’s Father and Soldier’s Wife • Mortgage & Real Estate services • We do our own Va loans • Can close loans in 3 weeks • • Ask about our military discount BIRGER AND BIRGER INC. Office - 719-260-8465/ 888-901-2351 ####################### # # # # # # Vicky Baker – Managing Broker # # # # 488-2234 (direct) • 866-488-2234 (toll-free) # See Virtual Tours of these homes at # # # # Two Great Custom Homes in Near Perfection! # # 8642 Saddleman Rd. 13365 Eastonville Loop # in Black Forest in Black Forest # Immaculate full rancher w/main level Riding Trails! 2 Lg Loafing Barns! Over 5 # living. 5 bdrm, 3 ba, oversized 3 car acres w/perfect views! This 6 bdrm, 3 ba # # home w/ 3 car oversized garage is beaution over ½ acre w/Peak views! # garage ful! Open Floor Plan, dramatic gas fireplace # Finished Bsmt w/kids hide-a-way, sur# round sound, library & huge family w/display shelves, dry bar, entertainment # center, breakfast bar, extra storage or office. 5 piece Master Bedrm.Open # room. Full finished basement! Extra detached ga- # Floor plan! Cathedral Ceilings! # Rounded corners! Air Conditioning! rage + cute storage shed. $396,900 # reduction to benefit you! # Price # Treasure in Tri-Lakes $299,900 # # Chautauqua St. # New Home Subdivsion LAND! Beautiful over ½ acre lot, level, # treed, corner lot w/views of city and Moun# 925 Lords Hill Drive tains! Nestled in Palmer Lake. Here’s your # in Fountain to build your custom home or # # New homes are selling for higher but this opportunity keep as a growing investment! $75,000 one isn’t! Great semi-custom 2002 2# # Story w/3 bdrm, 3 ba, + 3 car oversized # garage! Cathedral Ceilings, rounded cor- 15596 Candle Creek # # ners, air conditioning, gas FP w/enter- Newer 2-Story in Jackson Creek w/dy- # tainment center, 5 piece Master bath w/ namic Peak & Rockies view & walk-out # soaking tub, tile, dramatic stairway! finished basement! New paint, carpet, # system! Unfin. Bsmt w/plumb- curtains, lighting! 4 bdrm, 4 ba, 3 car # # Sprinkler ing in for bath + room for an additional oversized garage. Loft w/overlook. Wet # bdrm or two plus extra family rm! bar! Seller willing to help with Closing # Costs for zero down! $334,900 # $211,000 # # Fantastic Value - Great Opportunity # Truly Beautiful Home # 4376 E. Greenland Rd # Garden Way This custom full rancher w/full walk-out # # Fully2440 remodeled 2-Story tastefully done! 4 is really incredible! Located on # bdrms, 4 baths, oversized 2 car garage! basement over 15 acres of prime land with views of # carpet, paint, appliances, custom Pikes Peak & surrounding bluffs! 4 bedrms, # # New cabinets & counters, flooring, vinyl win- 3 full baths, 2 1/2 car garage, oversized! # dows, + lots more! Prof. Finished bsmt Tiled floors, crown molding, 10 ft ceilings! # or den, rounded corners, TV rm, Open Floor Pl w/formal dining. Eat-in large # w/office exercise rm, plumbed for wet bar! 2-50 kitchen! Move in luxury yet country pleas- # # gal hot water heaters! Mature trees! ing. Bay window! Breezeway w/main level # laundry! Best hurry on this one! $396,900 # # Great area! $234,900 ####################### 22 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 SOUTHWEST TRILAKES 1547 Willshire Dr. This home has just been beautifully redone! You can move right in! New up-graded carpet, new countertops, new six panel doors, new lighting, remodeled bath including tile flooring and pedestal sink. 3/BD, 1/BA, and 1 car garage. Conveniently located to Ft. Carson. $119,900. For more info or to see, call Sharon at 237-9448 or visit RE/MAX Properties, Inc. 112 OLD CREEK DR. 2000sf, 4bd/2ba, 6.6 acres, 30 x 30 barn, $132,500. 10 min. from gate 20 (Carson). Horses ok. Scott 491-6513 3BR, 1BA, 1c gar, lg enclosed yard, 1 mi. from Ft. Carson (off B. Street). $115K. Ready to Move-In! 232-8075 Home for sale; reliable central water system on 6.9 acres. 3bd/2ba 2000sf 1-level beauty! Less than 3 yrs old. 10 min south of Ft. Carson, D.S. Wolfe Real Estate Services, call Kelly 660-5438 No Equal! Absolutely Stunning, new stucco, 5bd, 3 full bath, 3000sf w/ 3 car garage on 6 acres. Minutes south of Gate 20. 382-0600 or 492-0387 Gorgeous 3419SF 5bd/3½ba/oversz 2c gar on 0.20 acre lot across from neighborhood park. All appls, professionally landscaped. Call Loraine 785-1226 WEST $2000 MOVE-IN UPGRADE With approved offer thru Pikes Peak Assist 2 Sell. 830 Columbine. 3Bdrm, 2 Bath, 1844SF, Family Room w/fireplace. Home Office, Laundry Room, 2car gar, mature landscaping. $187,000. Call 719-332-6427 Notices of Guardianship (precurser notice to adoption) For more info call 634-1048 1 Brdms $619 One Month Free! WIDEFIELD 3+BR, 3+BA, 2 fpls, 2c gar, central air, RV prkg. New furnace/kit. Many upgrades. $225K. 40 McBurney. 651-6381 NEW HOMES and large lots. From $100’s or call Mike Selby 439-7617, 548-0400, Heritage Realty HOMES W/ACREAGE 1¼AC clean home, 3br, 2ba, 2c gar, 1700SF, extra city water tap (valued at $12,500.) $146,500. 1-719-372-0229 1-LEVEL LIVING over 2500 fin SF, 2c gar w/2nd story for storage, 35acs fcd for horses. Only 20 mins to Ft. Carson. $215K. Terry @ Re/Max 321-7575 MANUFACTURED/MOBILE HOMES 1981 MOBILE HOME, 2br, 1ba, all appls, shed, porch, $12,000. Call 649-8737 or 635-0673 MILITARY DISCOUNTS! 1982, 14x70 Sharlo. 2 lg bd/1ba, recently new paint in/out. Double-wide car port. $6,000 or trade 930-9799 Credit/Bkrd Checks 2002 16X80 3BR, 2BA, all appls included. Lg deck & shed. Can be moved. $28,000obo. Call 719-640-3220 Call today to reserve your new home! (888) 808-1654 Apartments Available Now Starting at $349! Arcadia Dell ONE & TWO BEDROOM 3014 N Arcadia St Colorado Springs, CO. Phone 719-473-3713 Fax 719-473-7930 Kenton Place Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM 1231&1333 N. Nevada Ave. Colorado Springs, CO. 80903 Phone: 719-632-4877 Fax: 719-632-4877 Audubon Gardens ONE, TWO & THREE BEDROOM 1921 E. Van Buren St. Colorado Springs, CO. 80909 Phone: 719-633-7114 Fax: 719-634-4615 Mountains Shadows Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM 1005 Fontmore Colorado Springs, CO Phone 719-633-5411 Fax 719-475-7923 Spring Meadow Apts TWO BEDROOM 2613 & 2619 Concord St. Colorado Springs, CO. Phone 719-632-0889 Fax 719-632-7910 Citadel West Apts ONE, TWO AND THREE BEDROOM 733 Tia Juana St. Colorado Springs, CO. 80909 Phone: 719-475-9109 Fax: 719-385-0331 Columbine Leaf Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM 3929 E. San Miguel Colorado Springs, CO. 80909 Phone: 719-597-1048 Fax: 719-597-1311 Enfield Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM 3010 N. Hancock Colorado Springs, CO Phone 719-473-3713 Fax 719-4737930 Fifty Five Plus Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM FOR SENIORS (55 and older) 825 S. Union Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO. 80910 Phone: 719-578-0581 Fax: 719-447-1146 The Park Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM 3807 Half Turn Rd. Colorado Springs, CO. 80917 Phone: 719-597-5661 Fax: 719-2585 Stonebrook Terrace Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM 4010 Tappan Dr. Colorado Springs, CO. 80907 Phone: 719-596-3746 Fax: 719-570-0721 The Townhouse Apts TWO & THREE BEDROOM TOWN HOMES 3125 E. Fountain Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO. 80907 Phone: 719-630-1128 Fax: 719-575-9245 Tremont Manor Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM 2925 Tremont St. Colorado Springs, CO. 80907 Phone: 719-632-0889 Fax: 719-632-7910 Foothills West Apts TWO & THREE BEDROOM 720 Melany Ln. Colorado Springs, CO. 80907 Phone: 719-578-1414 Fax: 719-578-1414 Woodstone Apts STUDIO, ONE, TWO & THREE BEDROOM 370 Crestone Ln. Colorado Springs, CO. 80906 Phone: 719-636-1115 Fax: 719-636-0019 Fountain Gardens Apts ONE & TWO BEDROOM FOR SENIORS (55 and older) 3165 E. Fountain Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO. 80910 Phone: 719-632-2155 Fax: 719-632-2415 Weber Terrace ONE & TWO BEDROOM 2210 & 2220 N. Weber St Colorado Springs, CO Phone 719-632-0889 Fax 719-632-7910 Dunmire Property Management, Inc. 719-591-8258 Email: ST. ANDREWS: 3257 Muirfield Dr. 2-story exec. hm. 4270SF. 4br, 3½ba, 2 gas fpl, 3c gar, a/c, fin. bsmt., next to C/S Country Club & Palmer Park. $1895/mo. 635-3200 or 233-6128. FOUNTAIN 163 Wellington, nice 2bd/1ba, Townhouse Apt. nice quite neighborhood near Ft. C Gate-20 $525. Unit 157 w/ w/d & dish w. $550 719-650-3889 WOODLAND PARK A MUST SEE! 2 Brdms $759 Condo in mint condition featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 car, 1290 sq. ft. and built in 2001. End unit with Pikes Peak views and walk out to private back yard. Seller is motivated! Bring an offer! View online at MLS #514090. Priced at $149,000. RE/MAX Properties, Inc. Jean Wheaton, ABR QSC 536-4581 The Daily Transcript can publish your Remodeled! 3bd/2ba, 1010sf, new paint, carpet appliances & landscaping. Close to Ft. Carson $107,500 Jennifer @ M&M Realty 232-3397 Tell our advertisers you saw their ad in Colorado Power Classifieds! 823 Arcadia Place. Available July 31st. 2bd/1ba/2 bay car port + off-street parking, washer & dryer included, fenced, private back yard. Large Hot Tub! Quiet, great neighborhood in cul-de-sac. Pet considered. $800/mo+dep Doug, 303-961-8854 CHEYENNE MTN. ESTATES. 2br, 2ba, 14x70 mobile home, lg bath w/jacuzzi tub, lg shed, $4995. Owner will carry. Call after 5pm, 579-8671. MLS ASSISTANT 1000’s of homes for sale Visit Award Winning DUPLEX/4PLEX MILITARY REALTOR For the very Best in Military Home Sales & Service. Call Glenda Miller, 548-1266, 548-0400. Just tell her what you need! Expect soft & easy service. Heritage Realty APARTMENT RENTALS CENTRAL “Your WEBSITE is AWESOME!” For Rent, country apartment south of Fountain on 10 acres. 4bd/2ba, kitchen, laundry and family room. Non-smoker, pets/horse neg. $900/mo, utilities included. 382-5378 Fountain for Rent, 2bd/1ba, $199 military move in special, then $500/mo, sm pets ok, w/d on site. Call 440-5557 NEAR FT. CARSON. Gate 20. Townhouse style apt. 2br, 1ba, very clean, new paint & windows. Low Deposit. Rent Discount avail. 332-1537 NEWLY RENOVATED! 1 MO FREE! Fountain/Ft. Carson - Near Gate 20, Townhouse Style, 2 bdrm/1ba, coin laundry, Great Deal! $495/mo. $200/dep. Call 232-7194 Totally Remodeled. 2bd/1ba, $550/mo, W/D included, all appliances, perfect! 210-6301 GENERAL NEIGHBORHOOD PHOTOS Before you rent or buy, first see the neighborhoods. From home visit PUEBLO MOVE-IN SPECIAL! $99 + deposit. Nice, large 1 & 2 bedroom, $350-$450 + deposit. Belmont. Rosalie, 719-545-8181 Jones-Healy, Inc. SUMMER SPECIAL! $99 + deposit. 1 Bedroom, $385/lease. Courtesy Patrol/Pool. Heat/Water/Trash Paid. Management onsite. 719-584-3440 or call Rosalie 719-545-8181 Jones Healy, Inc. SOUTHEAST HUGE FOUNTAIN APTS with balconies. 1br, 1ba, 2br, 1½ba. Near Ft. Carson. Great Location! Won’t Last! Starting at $395. Call 201-7006/231-7835 SOUTHWEST $250 MOVE-IN SPECIAL Near Ft. Carson. 633-4091. 2br, 1000SF $199 DEPOSIT-NO APP. FEE $50 OFF 1ST MO. RENT! Quiet & secluded. Studios, 1, 2br apts homes with private entries. Starting at $399/mo. Sorry, no pets. 635-7090 By popular acclamation it’s the Best Real Estate Website. Visit Award Winning. Heritage Realty 1ST MONTH FREE! Near Ft. Carson. Broadmoor Area. 1bd/$525, 2bd/$650; most utils paid, pets ok, spec. mil. rate. Call Tom, SRIC, 632-4800 1bd/1ba on 1st floor of a Victorian. Hdwd flrs, elevated ceilings, bay window, $525/mo Call for military special. 720-244-3875 2BR, 1BA, fully furnished, 2 min to Gate 20. Free storage. No Dep till pd $600/mo. Call 439-3676. 2-BEDROOM APT Basement at 1002 E. Rio Grande St., Colo. Spgs. $700/mo. All Utilities Pd. 481-6346 DOWNTOWN STUDIO, 1br/1ba, $425/mo. + utilities. Available Now! Call Andy at 264-9172 DUPLEX/4PL Lg 2br, 1ba, remod kit & ba in 4-plex. New carpet, off street parking, Nr. Ft. Carson & Pete. $550/mo. 648-6287 NW Spacious 2&3br apts, $600-$750. Move-In Special! CFC Inc. 572-9866 EAST NEAR PETE FIELD Clean 2bedroom/1ba, all appls, incl washer/dryer. Special Military Rate. $495. Call Tom SRIC, 632-4800. ALL THE TOP REALTORS’ listings are here. Heritage Realty. CLEAN, UPDATED. Nr. PAFB. Nice unfurn. 2br, extra storage, laundry. Avl now! $575/mo. (Heat/Water/ Trash Incl.) 1br completely furnished, $575/mo. See @—Ad #73395. 761-4499 or 623-544-0159 Tell our advertisers you saw their ad in Colorado Power Classifieds! The Daily Transcript can publish your NAME CHANGES For more info call 634-1048 HOMES FOR RENT 4-PLEXES North Fountain- Quiet Living, 2bd/1ba. Newly decorated, 5 minutes to Ft. Carson, w/d hkups, clean-ready for baby, $575 - $625. 473-9588 BRIARGATE 3325 WINDJAMMER DR. 4-lvl home w/4br, 3ba, 2 car, large fenced yard, 2690SF. Pet Nego./No Smoking. $1350. C&C, 494-1218 4BR/4BA, 2300SF, a/c, D-20 schools, 1944 Chapel Hills Dr. Avail Sept. 1st. No Pets. $1250 + dep. Call 272-7209 5bd/4ba/2c gar, FP, fin. basement, in D-20. Huge, immac., neutral & new, Avail. 8/13. $1500/mo 703-569-1611 8270 ANDRUS, nice 4 level home, w/3br, office, 3baths, unfin. bsmt, 3 car, wrap around deck, 2808SF, N/P, N/S. $1350. C&C 494-1218 IMMACULATE 5br, 3ba, 2car w/over 2900SF, fully landscaped. Avl Aug. 5th. $1375/mo. 488-8640 or 510-8326 CALHAN/RAMAH LOVELY Country home on 35acs, 4br, 3½ba, 3100SF, incredible view, 2c, avail 8/22. $1195/mo. + utils. 347-0802 CENTRAL 2bd/1.5ba, fp, w/d hookup in big kitchen, fridge incl. New bk yd, only 10 min. from PAFB. Mary 719-328-9080 email: WASSON/PALMER PARK AREA 2006 Meyers Ave: Spacious 4-5bd/2.5ba, attach garage, fcd yd, pet ok w/dep. Easy access to Carson & Peterson $1100/mo, dep & ref req. Flex lease. Call 719-633-1921 CONDOS TOWNHOMES FOR RENT 2-STORY T/H in Broadmoor nr golf course. 2622SF, LR w/fp, FR D-12. A/C. Deck w/views. C-21, 574-5000 71 Rising Sun Terrace 3bd/2.5ba, 2car gar, finished bassement, near AFA Northgate, FSBO Call 488-0474 992SF, 2BR/2BA, $675/mo. Pool, Spa, Designated Park, No pets. Close to Peterson/Carson. 268-6841 lv msg. ACADEMY/DUBLIN Location-Location-Location! 1br condo, fpl, new upgrades throughout, w/d incl. $625/mo. 866-449-6415 ext. 71 AVAIL NOW! On g.c., view, 2br, 2ba, 2car, 1700SF, a/c, fp, cov. patio. Close to PAFB & Ft. Carson. $975. 495-0728 BEST LOCATION IN FOUNTAIN! Two new townhouses. 2bd/2.5bth w/2-Car Gar and 3bd/2.5bth w/2-Car Gar. Upgd crpt, stainless appls, gar dr opener, and w/d incld. $1100 & $1200. 719-210-6301 CENTRAL-1br, 1ba, 1c gar, remod. New appls incl w/d. Fpl, swimming pool, lg patio. Furn. $750. 475-9660 Close to Carson 725 Mediterranean Pt. 1155 sq ft, 2bd/loft, 2.5ba, 1c gar, gated community, $875/mo. + dep. Available week of July 25th 594-4726 DO IT NOW Call to see this attractive 2br condo in A-1 neighborhood. All the comforts of home. 6474 McNichols Ct. $675. C/S RE Ctr. 531-0591. IF ONLY THE BEST... Is good enough for you! 3 lg br, 3ba townhouse in prime NW area. Dist. 20 schools. 2218 Austrian Way. $1100. C/S RE Ctr., 531-0591. N.E. T/H (2-units) 2br, 2ba, 2c gar, $950-$1150/mo. Ad #107735. 598-0353 or 492-5019 N/E Luxury T/H, 2br, 2ba, 2 Car Gar, all appls, Loaded! Avail Aug 1. $995/mo. 660-1991 NEAR FORT CARSON Secluded townhome complex with spacious floorplans. One car garage w/remote. A/C, Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Storage. 2 bed, 2½ba, $995. 1br, 1ba, $725. Military Clause. Small pets welcome w/deposit. 719-884-1164 NEAR PETERSON TOWNHOME 3br/2ba/1c. Lg Bdrms. Partially Renovated. $850 or Rent to Own. 494-2002 New Gorgeous TH 10 min - PAFB 3bd/3ba/2 car gr, no lawn care, frpl, Mtn view $1150/neg 310-7522 New Townhome near Ft. Carson, 2bd/2.5ba, lg. master suite, 2car gar, includes all appl. $1,095/mo 323-5055 Newly remodeled condo with many upgrades! 2 bedroom 1 bath $725 Contact Gordon at 648-3497 RENT-TO-OWN! 2br, 2ba, 1177SF, Move-in Condition! $800/mo. Great Terms. Call Leonard, 622-1682 S.E. CONDO, 1br, 1ba, fpl, kit. appls. + brand new w/d, gated community. Clean & Avail now! $550/mo. 590-1678 S/E - 3bd/2.5ba, 1 car gar, 1,500sf, FP, encl. patio, w/d hookup, $900/mo Jennifer @ M&M Realty 232-3397 EAST Brand new 3 lvl/4bd/3.5ba/3car, cnr air. Close to all bases. Must See! $1800/month Please Call 640-2025 Palmer Park/Powers: avail now, 1507 Lehmberg. 3-4bd/2.5ba, dining & fam room, full fin base, $1095 mo/$1095 dep. 471-3563 RENTERS You are now buying a home—for somebody else! Be a home owner. Invest in yourself. Build equity, save taxes, provide for retirement. Longer military assignments and housing rule changes make now the right time to buy. Low VA 0 down rates, paid closing costs, special programs all mean you need little cash. Call Glenda Miller and compare the numbers. Glenda is a retired military spouse. Expect good care & soft and easy service. Heritage Realty 548-1266/548-0400 No Toll 1-866-245-3952 Visit award winning site: FOUNTAIN 5bd/3ba, 1car, big fenced back yard, cul-de-sac, fully remodeled, $1150 month. Leave mess. 719-475-8914 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 3bd/2ba/1car, Rent-to-own, Bad Credit OK! Toll Free 1-888-216-9060 View home GENERAL FIRST TIME BUYERSWhy Rent when you can own? Free List of Homes available with no money down! Under $1200/mo. Free 24-Hour Hotline 1-800-607-0359 ID #: 4051 or Gorgeous 2bd with loft Amazing clubhouse! Near Breck, Keystone, Copper 719-337-7254 RENTAL PROPERTIES: 1-2-3BRs, varied locations, from $450-$795. Call Clark at 964-4628 SEE 100’s OF RENTALS Homes, Townhomes, Apts Visit Award Winning WHY RENT? Own your own home! $850/mo. No down, no closing! Call Now: Pat Clancy 719- 287-1776 MONUMENT Woodmoor- New w/out stucco ranch Fin. 3705sf views on .58 acres 4/3/3 + study,NS, NP $1885 481-0741 MOUNTAIN RENTALS WOODLAND PARK PROP. • 4/4/2 - New construction ready 9/15. Gorgeous home, owners overseas for next 3 years$1850 - WPK. • 4/4 - Newer 2-story home, lots of room on 2 acres only 15 min. from WPK, surrounded by mountains. $1100 - Lease option available. • 3/2/1 - Awesome lot/views/home in Highlands Lake, Div. short term lease avail through May 31. $1200. Call Maggie, Merit 719-687-1112 NORTHEAST 4BD Woodmen Hills beauty! 0.75 acres, vaulted ceilings, ceiling fans. 10 mins. to Pete/12 mins to Schriever! Pets nego. Rusinak RE, 590-6140. NE LOVELY 4br, 2ba, 2c gar, fp, lg fenced yard, 2000SF, pets nego. $1000/mo. CFC, Inc. 572-9866 Near N. gate of AFA. Furn. lower level of walkout ranch, 1bd/1ba, FP with sep. entry. $650/month+dep. Call 488-3461 NORTHWEST 3bd/2ba. 1500sf, end unit TH. 7 min from USAFA. Furnished master suite & all appliances incl. View of peak. $1150/mo w/ 6mo min. lease. Jenny 495-8860 email Dist 20, Rockrimmon, 3bd/2ba/2c gar, fcd yd, close to Academy, Avail now. Call Lee: 719-339-6709 LUXURY CONDO Quiet Living by meadow. 6755 Delmonico 2 lg bd, 2 lg ba, 2 balconies, carport, w/d, pvt storage room FREE. $900. Call 473-9588 Sand Creek Commons Mnt Shadows, 3bd/2.5ba, 2ca gar, Spa, fncd back yd, great views, hiking & bike trails, $1300, Avl 1 Aug. 651-0307 2 bedrooms, 1bath, 2-story townhome, end-unit, 2 years old. Dishwasher, W/D, A/C, FP, lots of storage. Very close to Peterson and Schriever. $795/mo + $400 dep. No Pets/No Smoking. 213-3910 ROCKRIMMON, 6930 Blackhawk Pl., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2car, 2500SF, very private cul-de-sac, close to elementary. Pets Negotiable. $1295/mo. Call C&C at 494-1218 SE T/H, 2 lg br with ceiling fans, 1½ba, 1 reserved parking space, fpl, newly remod. w/new paint & carpet. W/D hkups, storage area & sml fcd area. $650/mo. Avl Now! Call Karen, 930-3447 4BR, 3½BA in Springs Ranch. 2200sf, close to PAFB & D-49 schools. Sept. 1st. $1250/mo.+$1000/Dep. 404-3712. SPACIOUS T/H, 1682SF, 2br, 3ba, fpl, w/d. Pool, patio & assigned parking. $975/mo. Sec. Dep. $500. 287-0282 SW TOWNHOUSE-Close to post. 2br, 2ba, FP, 2car garage. $950/mo. Call Select Properties 593-9990 VALLEY HI Golf Course, 524 Lakewood Cir. 2800+SF, 3+br, 4ba, dbl gar, $990/mo. Bob, 915-755-6740 POWERS ACADEMY & AIRPORT Quiet T/H. 524 Lakewood, 4br, 3½ba, 2800SF, $1050/mo. C&C 494-1218 FRESH AS SPRING Bright & cheerful, this 2br, 2ba home is priced to rent. Stetson Hills. 4971 Copen Dr. $990. C/S RE Ctr. 531-0591. NEAR BARNES & POWERS 6050 Hombre Ct. 4br, 2½ba, all bedrooms on the 2nd floor, unfin. bsmt. $1200/mo. C&C 494-1218 4BR, 2BA, A/C, dining room, living room, carport, fenced yard, 1800SF, $900/mo. + dep. Call 351-7455. WEST SIDE, 519 Observatory, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1car, storage, private entrance, No Pets/No Smoking. 1212 SF. $895/mo. Call C&C 494-1218 NEAR CARSON Tri-Level 3br/2ba/1c, fncd yd. Walk-in closets. $850 or Rent to Own. Call 494-2002. Adorable, clean, 4bd/2ba house near Colorado College & Penrose Hospital. $2000/mo + dep. 719-271-6605 WEST: 686 San Juan Rd., 1br + office, 1ba, 1car, W/D, newly remodeled, NP, quiet & private. $800/mo. 596-3905 SPRINGS RANCH: 3br, 2½ba, 2c gar, ¼ cul-de-sac, fcd bkyd, $1195/mo. Lease & dep. req. Avl Now! 337-1843 23 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 PHIL LONG AUDI Divorce-$175 Bankruptcy-$200 Get it Right the 1st time! Custody, adoption & more. We do everything for you so you don’t have to. Over 15 yrs exp! Park Paralegal, 632-1985. 608 S. Nevada 1114 Motor City Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719-575-7982 _______________________________ 2002 Audi Allroad, Highland Green, 32k mi, exc. condition. 4dr, power everything, C/D, warranty, AWD, airbags, leather, moonroof, keyless entry, heated seats, security sys, Bose, certified. $31,988 Stock #A20313 _______________________________ 2005 Audi S4, Silver, 3k mi, exc. condition. Power everything, 6-spd, AWD, ABS, leather, moonroof, tilt, keyless entry, heated seats, Certified. $47,500 Stock #A205188 _______________________________ 2003 Audi Allroad, Red, 30k mi, exc. condition. Power everything, AWD, leather, sunroof, moonroof, keyless entry, roof rack, Certified. $33,988 Stock #A20318 _______________________________ 2001 Audi A8L, Black, 68k mi, exc. condition. Power everything, AWD, leather, moonroof, keyless entry, heated seats, security sys. Certified. $37,683 Stock #A20337 _______________________________ 2003 Audi Allroad, Atlas, 43k mi, exc. condition. Power everything, leather, moonroof, roof rack, keyless entry, heated seats, security sys. Certified. $29,820. Stock #A20302 _______________________________ 2004 Audi A6 2.7T, Silver, 19k mi, exc. condition. Power everything, AWD, ABS, leather, moonroof, keyless entry, Certified. $37,720 Stock #A20320 _______________________________ 2002 Audi A6 3.0, Silver, 36k mi, exc. condition. Power everything, AWD, leather, moonroof, keyless entry, heated seats. $31,200 Stock #A20324 _______________________________ 2003 Lincoln Aviator, Silver, 32k mi, exc. condition. Power everything, leather, moonroof, keyless entry, heated and air conditioned seats, 3rd row. $29,988 Stock #C20087 _______________________________ 2002 Audi A6 4.2, Silver, 48k mi, exc. condition. 4dr, power everything, leather, moonroof, keyless entry, heated seats, V-8, 6-spd, Certified. $29,988 Stock #A20300 _______________________________ SPRINGS RANCH, 7054 Cattle Drive, Rancher, 3br, 2ba, 2car, nice corner lot. Pet Nego./No Smoking. 1295SF, $995. C&C 494-1218 STETSON HILLS, 6165 Padre Ct., 3br, 3ba, 2 car, unfin. bsmt, backs to walking trails, 2306SF, Pet negotiable. No Smoking. $1150. C&C 494-1218. FITNESS/HEALTH STETSON HILLS:3br, 2ba, 2c gar, fcd yd, shows like model! A/C, ceiling fans, w/d, sprinkler, deck, views, $1100/mo. Tom, Springs Realty, 632-4800 Faith Martial Arts Inc. Quality martial arts training. Call Sensei Dave for more info 210-4599. VILLA LOMA: Large 4br, 3ba, 2c gar, fpl, fcd yd, 3000SF, great location. Avail Aug 20th $1300/mo. 637-0368 CARY & MARIA Professional Home Cleaning. Affordable Price - Negotiable Rates. Call 597-8079 RENTALS WANTED COMPANY NEEDS 5 HOMES to lease long term or lease/purchase, (full price, no fee). Guaranteed rents. No tenant problems. Call 591-9101. ROOMMATES WANTED Home to share near USAFA Northgate, private bedroom/bath, w/d, $450/mo + utils. Leave Message. 488-3268 HOME TO SHARE. 4br, 1½ba, fcd yd, close to Ft. Carson. Refs req. $450/mo. Call 382-9072 SECURITY 3bd/2ba, 2c gar., 2,550 sq ft, new construction, central ac, sprinkler sys, all app. incl., av. 7/1/05 $1150 393-7717 SOUTHEAST 2160 sf home, 3bd/3.5ba/2c gar, LR, FR, DR, Fin bsmt, RV lot, shed, deck, fenced yard, close to Ft. Carson & schools. $1050 mo. + dep. due at move in. Sm. pets w/dep. Avail 6/1. Call: (719) 229-3906 Sand Creek Commons 2 bedrooms, 1bath, 2-story townhome, end-unit, 2 years old. Dishwasher, W/D, A/C, FP, lots of storage. Very close to Peterson and Schriever. $795/mo + $400 dep. No Pets/No Smoking. 213-3910 3BEDROOM, 2 CAR GARAGE, near Ft. Carson, lots of extras, $950/mo. Call 392-5639 4bd/2ba, Liv room, dining room, rec room, lg fenced back yard. Carport. Close to schools & Carson 332-9633 4BR, 2BA, LR, FR, 1c gar, fcd yd, Trees. easy access to Ft. Carson-PAFB. Updates. Avl Aug. $750/mo. 382-4782 AVAIL NOW! 3bdrms, family room w/fpl, fenced backyard. Year Lease. No Pets. Convenient to Peterson & Carson. 4829 Keith Lane. $795/mo. Jim O’Bryan/Heritage Realty - 548-0400. LOOK MOM... No steps in this 3 br rancher. Cul-de-sac. 2209 Sonoma Dr. $850. C/S RE Ctr., 531-0591. Nr Carson & PAFB. 2-story, fin bsmt, 3bd/2.5ba/2c, central air. Fcd back yd w/ mountain view. $1100/mo 719-229-7217 SOUTHWEST CHEY. MEADOWS, 2br, 2ba, fpl, 2c gar, sml yd, no pets. Avl Now! $840/mo + dep. Call after 5pm, 579-8671 HOUSE CLEANING Magic Touch Cleaning Owned, operated & bonded, we clean weekly, biweekly, monthly, & move in’s & move out’s. Been in business for 15 years. 596-6059 or 641-3345 WILL DO HOUSECLEANING. Apartments & Move-out. Bonded & Insured. Free estimates. 392-6815 LANDSCAPING Professional Landscape & Irrigation Aeration, Fertilization. 20yrs Experience & Competitive Pricing 632-3865 LAWN CARE D AND I LANDSCAPING, LAWNS AS LOW AS $24. LOCALLY OWNED, LAWNSERVICE DONE RIGHT, CALL DEAN, 719-641-5470 LEGAL SERVICES DIVORCES-$125-$175/Bankruptcy $195. I have all forms/delivery. Available 7 days week. Mary’s Typing Service. Credit Cards Accepted. Call 392-9624 Forensic Document Examiners Katherine Koppenhaver, Certified Examiner & Author of Attorney’s Guide to Document Examination William Koppenhaver, Document Photographer WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD & VISA (410) 679-8257 P.O. Box 324 . FAX 410-538-8548 Joppa, MD 21085 LICENSED MASSAGE GRAND OPENING! Friendly, Lic. Massage Therapist. Available 7 days a week by appt. Only $49/full body massage. CC Accepted. Call 471-9951 Palmer Park/Academy “We Support Troops” MASSAGE THERAPY. Deep tissue massage. New client special! (3) 1-hr sessions for $100 or $45/hr. Call Dennis at 634-1369 or 360-0340 (cell). All Major Credit Cards Accepted. Professional Massage Stress and Pain Relief. Peak Fitness Message Therapy Call Mike LMT at 573-6630 or email at Military Discount Avail SEAMSTRESS ALTERATIONS DONE In my home. 3755 Trailrock Pl. (2 blks e. of Hwy. 115 on Cheyenne Meadows Blvd.) Patches sewn $1/ea, Uniforms, Gowns. All Types of Sewing. Call 576-0487 Rent/Rent2own, 2 story, 3bd/2.5ba, Cheyenne Meadows n Ft. Carson. Drive by 1452 Grass Vally Dr. 540-2356 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES SAN PEDRO CT., Bi-level, CLEAN 4bd/2ba PANORAMIC MTN. VIEWS, FR, fin. 2 car, Xeriscape Fncd yd., wrap-around deck, outdoor JACUZZI, N/S, $1,295 leave msg. 719-685-4390 ALLENDAC LIMOUSINE SVC LLC, Luxury Sedans, Stretch Limos, Vans & SUVs. DIA & COS, 393-0013. TRANSPORTATION 4-WD VEHICLES Mastering Mastering Customizing 1966 MUSTANG COUPE Hardtop. Red, 2,500 miles after complete engine rebuild, 302 V-8, T-4 automatic, Holley 4-barrel carb, Edelbrock valve cover, flow master mufflers, brand new tires and mag wheels, well maintained, very clean, stored winters, have all paperwork, $10,000 obo. Will arrange viewing. Call (719) 391-9485 AUTO LOTS Buy and Sell Cars at: A Multicultural Salon 1985 4x4 Ford Ranger V6 w/ canopy, brand new mudder tires, GREAT TRUCK wife says it has to go! First $2000 takes it home. Call 382-5499 1988 Ford Bronco II 4X4 Runs great. Power windows and locks. $1500 OBO Call Tim 472-8534 2000 Ford Explorer XLT V6, white 4Dr, exc cond, very clean, runs perfect! 74,689 mi $8,800 must see! 216-4793 98 Ford Ranger 5spd, 4wdr, ext C. AB Good Transportation. $2500 526-394 days 495-4346 evenings GMC 1994 Honda Accord; 72,000 original miles, new engine with only 1,500 miles. $4,500 OBO 472-7900 1988 HONDA CIVIC LX, power everything, 143K mi, $1500 or best offer. Call 574-6670 2001 HONDA ACCORD EX, V6 coupe, red, fast & every option available. 52K miles, NADA Retail $18K, asking $16Kobo. Call John, 660-2427 It’s Easy! We Buy Cars! 99 Ford E-150 Conversion Van, Hi-Top, 1-Owner, 48K mi, red, lthr, TV/VCR, 2 CD, $11,500 obo. Call 232-7534 VW ‘97 Volkswagen Jetta, new tires, Multiple cd player, power sunroof, electric windows, heated seats, am/fm cassette, 90,500 miles. $5,250 591-9047 MISC. TRANSPORTATION MOTORCYCLES 05 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R, Silver, 1Owner, Showroom Cond, Garage Kept, $9,900, OBO, (719) 213-7961 ETON 70 4-wheeler, brand new, 2 stroke engine, $1900. Call 440-6595 ‘03 Kawasaki Ninja 500R Blue Low Miles Barely ridden Great Condition $4000 OBO 683-5672 TO FAST 04 Yamaha Blaster 2-stroke 6-speed always garaged 20hrs on wife’s bike $2600 382-5499 1989 HONDA HAWK, immaculate cond, 3250 mi, red, custom exhaust, Targa windscreen, $3500. 488-2984 NISSAN/DATSUN 1990 NISSAN 300Z, silver, loaded, low mileage, well maintained (no accidents) $3500 or best offer. Call 388-8538 OLDSMOBILE 98 Olds Silhouette Van/160k mi, eng re-built @ 140k/great for carpooling $5600 Call Delbert at 719-314-8389 PONTIAC 1999 Grand Am, red, 150k mi, $1700 obo. Call or email for pictures 282-4133, 1992 YAMAHA SECA II, 600cc. Not perfect. Needs work, $750. Call 637-3471 1997 SUZUKI DR 650 Duel Sport, On/Off road, very low miles, exc. cond. $2600obo. Call Ken, 314-7961. 2002 KAWASAKI KX250, good condition, $1700 or best offer. Call 1-719-275-0460 2003 SUZUKI DR650, blue, like new, 480 miles, street legal, $4200 or best offer. Call 439-2024 2004 Yamaha R6, 2100 miles, blue, great condition, $6,500, Call David at: 719-229-0888 STORAGE INDOOR CAR & BOAT STORAGE $30/month. Call 495-2724 SUBARU 1990 Subaru Legacy L+, AWD, Auto., 143K mi. Very good cond. in/out. All Maint. done. $1925. 268-9750. 2005-1995 SUBARUS Foresters, Outbacks, Imprezas, WRXs, See Pic at Great Prices. 1 year Warranty 481-9900 SUV 1995 FORD EXPLORER XLT, good condition, 92,800 miles, new tires, clean, $5000. Call 719-271-1225. 1984 Toyota Corolla, 5 spd, 4 dr., runs great! Great Student Car! Asking $850obo. Call 264-8340. 2005 Hyundai Accent GT hatch, 1,500 mi, 35 mpg Hwy. Exc Cond $11,000. 648-8010 2000 DODGE RAM 1500 conv. van w/TV/VCR, front/rear stereo, elec. fold down bed, 70K mi, $12,500. 964-8914 2003 Honda 250 ATV Purchased new in 10/04 Hardly riden. $3200 Please Call 719-547-3008 TOYOTA HYUNDAI 2000 DODGE Grand Caravan Sport, 77k mi, Cass/CD, rear a/c. Power allextras, exc. cond. $8300obo. 573-5081 TRUCKS 1994 S-10 PICK-UP TRUCK, very good condition. Very Clean! $2500. Call 487-3051 UTIL. TRAILERS 2004 Coachmen 24 foot trailer, loaded. Ext warr avail $12,500 Please Call 719-390-1437 or 719-331-8457 Can you say Torque? 2000 Buell M2 2200 mi only - like new! incl. extras. $5000 OBO; 640-7390 Custom painted Tank/Fenders for 00 or later HD Softail Std/Nightrain. $900. Call 495-8455 Full Face Motorcycle Helmet, Arai Quantom/F, blue flames, Exc. Condition $225 591-0179 or 439-1147 WATERCRAFT 1985 Bayliner, 19ft, IO Volvo 4 silinder w/392 hours, needs tune up, Academy Lemon lot, $1500 488-1826 Jon-Buoy 11’ boat.Very stable. Weighs 85lbs,450lbs cap. Exc cond. Trolling motor. $500. 548-9569 RVS 1990 Itasca Windcruiser motorhome, 32 ft, handicapped equipped. LOADED Very clean. Never smoked in. Less than 3k miles on tires. Wheelchair entry lift and an electric screw-driven incline lift to move passenger captain’s chair from entry to position on deck. $19,750, (719) 648-6024 VIEW PIC ONLINE AT: 234.html European Exterior Shutters,(Rolladen) Awnings Call 538-6015 or visit our website at for details * “New Standard” of EXTERIOR PROTECTION * Add SECURITY, ENERGY SAVINGS, * SUN CONTROL, NOISE REDUCTION , COMFORT to your HOME & BUSINESS. Oriental Place Relaxation Therapy Body Shampoo Call: 719-550-3399 Mon. - Sat. 9:00 - 12:00 1428 N. Circle Drive, Suite 1 10% military discount on all services Call Johnnie or Ingrid at 473-0230 ‘01 Ranger, V6, 4L, 37.5k mi, PS/PB/AC/Tilt/Cruise/4WD; exc cond, well-maint $11k, blue book $14.6 382-3129 6.0/5.0/2000 – August 15 2005 (7) - August 16 2005 (7) - August 17 FSBO: 2003 Chevy Blazer, 4x4, fully loaded, 20,800 mi, $16,500 or best offer. Call 651-0901. BEAUTY & NAIL EMPORIUM FORD Database Training 1325 Paonia St CLEOPATRA DODGE Get more out of 2003 GMC SIERRA 4X4 Pick-up 2500HD, SLT, 51K mi, leather seats, loaded, $26,000. Call 1-719-251-2032 BEAUTY CARE 1997 MERCURY SABLE Wagon, cruise, a/c, CD, tinted/pwr windows, runs great. $3500. Call 380-0823 03 DURANGO SLT+ Fully Loaded!! 24K miles,factory warr,4X4/AWD $19,500 Call Ray @ 659-3481 FORD TOP Loader 4spd & shftr, $400-Edelbrock Torker 289, Single plane, $75. Call 282-3333 WOODLAND PARK ANTIQUES MERCURY HONDA 2002 FORD EXPLORER, green, 69K miles, keyless entry, a/c, PW, cc, 6-disc CD player, $13,000obo. 573-7408 SERVICES 2003 Chevy Tahoe 4X4 3rd seat, 4.8L 31k miles $25,900 o.b.o. 216-4330 1991 GMC SierraWD pickupw/shell Excellent condition,well maintained 3500.00OBO 719-761-1897. 3 bedroom house, full fenced yard, covered patio, AVAILABLE JULY 1st. $700/mo. plus deposit. Call 527-1910 3BD, 1½BA, walk to city park & lake. Gas heat, wood stove, nice yard, easy commute. $895. 719-687-9160. JEEP WRANGLER Sport 1997, blk, 20K mi, 1 owner, exc. cond. 5spd-CD-A/C. $9500 firm. 930-8016 CHRYSLER 22” CHROME RIMS w/tires that will fit 97-02 Ford Expeditions & 97-03 Ford F-150. $1400. call 684-4906. 1998 Chrysler Town Country LXI, hunter green, tan leather, loaded, 144K mi, below KBB, $5500. 330-0638 CHEVROLET ‘00 Town & Country Van, 73k, loaded, leather seats, clean/great cond, ac/heat rear, cd/cassette, $10,750 531-5054 18”Chrome rims fit Mercedes, Acura, BMW, Honda need two tires $600 Please Call 382-5499 VANS 1992 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER, green, auto, a/c, cc, 160K mi, runs great, $2400obo. Call 229-1462 1996 black w/grey interior Chevrolet $500 down and assume payments, 68k miles, 651-7324 or 380-8223 AIRSTREAM Land Yacht 29’, excellent condition, must see to appreciate. $7500. Call 488-3736 AUTO ACCESSORIES JEEP 85 JEEP CJ7 red, beautiful cond, new 33” tires straight 6 runs, exc., app. 120K little off-road time. $6700. 266-6638 Green Wrangler Sahara, Only 35k miles, D44, 4.0L, manual, Hard and Soft tops, tilt, cruise, cd, fully loaded with every option, professionally Lifted with Rubicon Express SuperFlex kit, 33’’ tires, Rancho 9000’s, Skid row engine skid, SYE, Custom drive shaft, Teraflex 2nd gen. disconnects, Turbo City Throttle body, air tube and K&N filter and more $8K in extras, one owner, custom ordered from the factory. $14,950 call 719-439-7761 1998 Tahoe Tow Camper. Very good cond. Kit., bath, awning & much more. $5000 obo 576-3886 CARGO CARRIER-hardtop, brand new, used once, $100 or best offer. Call 559-9676 Country living South Hwy 1-15, 2 cottages 4 rent, 1bd/1ba, 1 w/fp $550, 1 w/out fp $475, pets welcomed, mo. 2 mo. lease, call 4 details 359-0020 STRATMOOR VALLEY CAMPERS 1997 Starcraft Pop-up, King-Queen beds, stove, fridge, bath/shower, must see! $4000. Call 391-0654 (Formerly Penny’s) * Awnings & Solar Screens * Repairs * Free In Home Estimate * Service Calls * Credit Cards Accepted Palmer Park Blvd Omaha Blvd. Galley Rd. Valley St. FENCING TRUCK TOPPER, ARE Mpulse CX Series, Truck Cap, fits 94-01 Dodge Ram QC SB. $850obo. Rick, 351-9873 Paonia St. SPRINGS RANCH 4038 Ascendant Dr. NICE-NICE-NICE-Immaculate Keller home, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2car, unfinished basement, 3655SF, No Pets/ No Smkg, $1450/mo. C&C 494-1218 DIVORCE N Powers Blvd. NEWER 3BR, 2½BA, sparkling clean, lg yd, min. from Pete/Schriever. Close to schools/shopping. Nr Powers/Airport. Avl July 1st. 597-4826/640-5881 (cell) E. Platte Ave. Oriental PROFESSIONAL KNIFEMAKERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 13th Annual Denver Custom Knife Show August 2005 Friday ............ 19th, 2 PM to 8 PM Saturday ....... 20th, 9 AM to 6 PM Sunday ......... 21st, 9AM to 4 PM For additional Information Contact: Craig Camerer at (618) 753-2147 or email at Bring in this add for $2.00 Regular Admission is $7.00 for all three days off admission Children under 12 Free The show will be held at the: Holiday Inn – DIA 15500 East 40th Avenue, Denver Colorado 80239 (1-70 and Chambers Road Exit) • 303-371-9494 EUROPEAN ROLL SHUTTERS, LLC 719-573-4400 or 1-888-573-7311 Colorado Springs Owned & Operated Donate Plasma Earn up to $185 per month Earn Money & Save Lives $5 Bonus with this ad New donors only Please bring your valid state issued ID, Social Security card and proof of address Visit Our New Center 2502 E. Pikes Peak 635-5925 24 Academy Spirit July 29, 2005 0.!$,..0.5-%-2%0 .32('!2%$ 2.0%.3019!293-9 %25%%-2!0"3#*1%!01 2.0%.301!6!06 (!/%+)++1!++ //%0+%4%+-%!0&..$#.302 )2!$%+!++).1* )2!$%+0 .02(#!$%,6 #!$%,6+4$ 312.&.,%%/.2 %25.0*$%2!)+1#.4%0!'%+),)2!2).-1,!/1!24%0)7.-5)0%+%11#.,8%0)7.- )0%+%11 719-329-5209 31 E. Platte Ave., Ste. 300 Colorado Springs, CO 80903
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