Jan-Feb 2014 Newsletter - BLPH


Jan-Feb 2014 Newsletter - BLPH
Bubba’s Lost PHlock — Midwest Indiana Parrothead Club
PHLock Squawk
Volume 14, no. 1 – 2
Inside this issue:
President’s Perch
What’s up next!!
President’s Perch, cont.
Buffett History Lesson
Concert news!!!
Strike out Suffering
March for Babies
Recipes /Great Lakes 6
Regional Happenings
Dues are due for
2014 !!!
Mardi Gras
New Trop Rock CDs
Important dates
Special news
flash !!
“This one is for you”
No, not that one, this one!!!
January—February 2014
President’s Perch
believe by now it’s safe to say we’ve all shot at least six
holes in our freezers. You wouldn’t know it by going outside, but spring is just around the corner,
concert dates are beginning to fall into place for the
2014 “This One’s For You” tour, and we will as always
continue to “Party with a Purpose” with fun events all
year long. Our next one, Strike Out Suffering is coming
up on March 1 and we always have a great time with that.
Of course we also have our monthly meetings on the first
Thursday of every month at Puccini’s.
We saw our membership numbers dwindle throughout
last year but we have seen a few more faces over the
past couple months and hopefully we will continue to see
those numbers continue to rise. We are always open to
“The only thing better
than a margarita,
is two margaritas.”
new members, so please tell your friends and family and
feel free to bring them along to a meeting and we’ll win
What’s up next!!
Strike out Suffering!!! So far we have 2
teams entered in the Almost Home Humane
Society’s fundraiser. On March 1st See
inside for more details.
March of dimes March for Babies is
coming up April 26th. And again our club
has the Kid’s area with games!!
See inside for details and news!!
Concert season has started. If any member
wants to get club tickets from another venue, contact Eric Stone and he will ask the
ticket coordinator of that region if there
are extra tickets.
AND 1st Highway trash pick up is April
12th at 8:30 am. Meet at the Westside
Walmart north end and we will go out to US
231 just north of Montmorenci.
Call Dan at 765-743-9087 or 765-4044576 for info. OH, bring sturdy gloves!!
Meet us on the web at www.lostphlock.com
Volume 14,
14, no.
no. 1—2
page 1
PHLock Squawk
page 2
Celebrate another trip around the sun!!
Nobody from Nowhere
No one
Nobody from Nowhere
If you would like your birthday or anniversary
added to the listing, or see a correction,
Please email me at xxx4tequila@yahoo.com
Join our PHlock!!!
Bubba’s LostPHlock meets the first Thursday of the month at Puccini’s, West Lafayette., IN.
As we have members with keets, we are a family club. Or not. For more information call 765-743-9087.
At each phlocking we ask members to bring a food item, a pet food item
or cash donation as we “Party with a Purpose”.
Dues are based on calendar year Jan-Dec. The initial cost of membership is $20.00/person; $30.00/ family.
Renewals are $15.00 and $25.00. Our form can be found under Membership at
Club Officers
Committees and Chairpersons
President—Eric Stone—765/497-3665
Public Relations—vacant
Vice President— Dan Kelly-765/743-9087
Treasurer—Jay Seeger –765/474-1986
Secretary—Greg Howard-765/884-1460
Charities officer—Wendy Kelly-765/743-9087
Members at Large Anne Howard—765/884-1460 sghlaw780804@sbcglobal.net
Jill Vaught -765/567-4636 jvaught@arcind.org
Newsletter editor—Wendy Kelly
Webmaster—Eric Stone—
Excom business meetings are open to all
members. They are usually held on the 3rd Thursday
of each month.
Contact any of the officers for information or concerns.
It’s official…..14 years and still going...Founded Jan. 2000
Bubba’s Lost PHlock/Midwest IN Parrot Head Club is an official chapter of Parrot Heads in Paradise. We are a not -forprofit organization created to promote friendships and organize social activities for people with similar interests,
including enjoyment of the tropical spirit of Jimmy Buffett’s
music. We encourage our club members to participate in a variety of volunteer efforts in the local, regional, and national
community for social and environmental causes.
Volume 14, no. 1—2
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PHLock Squawk
page 3
President’s Perch cont’d
Cont’d from p. 1
I personally came to my first meeting quite a few years ago because
someone from the club was in line at the mall on the day tickets went on
sale and I heard them talking about the club. I came to a meeting at BW3’s,
enjoyed the chance to meet some like-minded people, and have come to
make a lot of great friendships out of it. So keep talking us up, you never
know who might overhear!
See everyone at the next PHlocking,
February 22nd is National Margarita Day.
As we celebrate this wonderful concoction, be sure to take it in
moderation. One for me and one for you. Two for me and one for you.
The official website of National Margarita Day is
And I thought it was Margaritaville.com.
Buffett History Lesson
Our foreign correspondent, Max Showalter,
will now present the Best of the Brain Buster quizzes….
Compiled by Max Showalter
1. Only one song on the Jimmy Buffett album "Living and
Dying in 3/4 Time" is actually written in 3/4 time. What is
the name of that song?
--2. Jimmy Buffett debuted a song during a charity concert
in New York City a few weeks after the terrorist attacks
on Sept. 11, 2001. What is the name of the song?
--3. Between 1976 and 1979, who lived for weeks at a time in Jimmy Buffett's Key
West apartment at 706 Waddell St. next door to Louie's Backyard?
Could this be in the mid
(Answers on p. 8)
Volume 14, no. 1—2
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PHLock Squawk
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2014 Concert news!!!!
“This One’s for You”
“This One’s for You” is the title of Jimmy’s 43rd tour. Now some parrotheads will argue over the number of
tours, but I’m taking the info from BuffettNews.com. Our own Dan Kelly is the ticket coordinator for Indianapolis (sorry we can only get the club rows and not front rows).
Anyhoo, it’s time to party again and dream of tropical breezes. But with the title being “this one’s for you”.
I not sure what to expect. Some say it is Jimmy’s last major concert run, or in my opinion, someone just got
lazy and called it that. Maybe remembered an old Budweiser ad, after all Landshark beer is part of the
Anheiser-Busch family now. But I’ll just go with the lyrics of “It’s been a lovely cruise”
and hope it’s not his last run.
Here are some locations of concerts:
Venues in the area
06/24/2014 – Blossom Music Center – Cleveland, OH
Onsale: Fri, 02/21/14
06/26/2014—Klipsch Music Center, Noblesville, IN
On sale , Sat. 02/22/14
07/21/2014 – Riverbend Amphitheater Cincinnati, OH –
On sale: Fri, 02/14/14
07/23/2014—1st Niagara Pavillion—Burgettsville, PA
On sale now
For more tours dates, Buffett news at http://www.buffettnews.com/tourdates/
Margaritaville at http://www.margaritaville.com/tourdates.html
Concert bus!!!
In years past we have rented a small bus to get us to the concert at
Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville.
Anyone wanting to take charge or having suggestions, please contact
Dan Kelly at dkelly212@yahoo.com
The Indianapolis parrothead club, PHindy, usually has a Buffett
preparty at Cheeseburger in Paradise in Fishers.
As soon as I hear anything about it, I’ll post on the website
www.lostphlock.com or email or the coconut telegraph!!
Warning: there will be a banana walking around at the concert.
Do not be alarmed, nothing is wrong with your sanity or your drink.
Volume 14, no. 1—2
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PHLock Squawk
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Strike out Suffering, Almost Home Humane Society fundraiser
On March 1st, Bubba’s LostPhlock will take to the bowling lanes again to help raise money for the
Almost Home Humane Society’s Injured Animal Fund.
Many furry friends at the Humane Society are in need of immediate medical help when they “dropped” off.
With the funds we raise help comes, thanks to a partnership with the Purdue Small Animal Clinic.
On March 1st at 12 noon, at Star Lanes at 1701 Schuyler Ave..
we will be there with 2 teams bowling so far.
Team #1 : Eric Stone, Chris Colier, Beth Grimes,
Pete and Georgia Dunn
Team #2 : Anne Howard, Greg Howard, Walker Jones,
Chris Jones and Dan Kelly.
(Wendy Kelly is willing to run to the bar for
refreshments as she is out of action this year)
Please donate to any team to help the animals. Last year we raised $370.00 and I know we can do better.
Contact Wendy Kelly at xx4tequila@yahoo.com for information. Registration is $15.00 per bowler.
The club has an online donation page on Razoo for this Strike out Suffering at
March of Dimes March for Babies
We are proud to take part again in the Lafayette, Indiana’s
“March for Babies” Saturday, April 27th at 9:00 AM. at the
Tippecanoe Fairgrounds on Teal Rd.
This will be our 14th year of being in charge of the Kid’s area along the walk route.
We are thankful to the March of Dimes for letting our club host the area
where kids can come to play a game and win a prize.
We would like at least 8 people to help here. The Kid’s area will be located on
Crestview Circle, not far from the fairgrounds.
If you want to sign up for either walking, donating or helping
at the Kids’ Area, email Wendy Kelly at xx4tequila@yahoo.com for details.
Last year our club donated $400.00 to MforB.
Let’s make a goal of $500.00 this year.
Here is the webpage for our club to sign up and make donations.
Volume 14, no. 1—2
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PHLock Squawk
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Recipes and such
Crock Pot Sweet Garlic Chicken
4-6 chicken breasts
1 cup packed brown sugar
2/3 cup vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar)
1/4 cup lemon-lime soda (diet or regular)
2-3 Tablespoons minced garlic
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
2 Tablespoons corn starch
2 Tablespoons water
Red pepper flakes (optional)
Spray slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray.
Place chicken (frozen, thawed or fresh) inside slow cooker.
Mix together brown sugar, vinegar, soda, garlic, soy sauce, and
pepper together. Pour over chicken.
Cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4 hours.
Take chicken pieces out of slow cooker and pour remaining sauce
into saucepan. Place saucepan over high heat.
Mix together corn starch and water, pour into saucepan, and mix
well. Let sauce come to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes, or until it
starts to thicken and turns into a glaze.
Remove from heat and let sit for a minute or two (it will continue
to thicken as it cools down). Sprinkle red pepper flakes on top if
This can be served over rice or noodles.
I know February 22nd is National Margarita Day, but we all
know how to make them, right.
So, to celebrate Mardi Gras here is a recipe
for a
Cajun Martini from Olaf Nordstom. Did you know: jigger is actually a 2 sided measuring
1 jigger of pepper vodka
1/2 jigger of dry vermouth
1 small jalapeno pepper for garnish
Fill shaker with ice. Add the vodka and vermouth.
Shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with the jalapeno pepper.
To change up the recipe a bit, put 2 large jalapenostuffed olives instead of the jalapeno.
device, used to measure a shot and a jigger. The smaller side,
which is a shot, is exactly 1 ounce, and the larger side, which is
a jigger is exactly 1.5 ounces.
Nordstrom, O. (2000) The Margaritaville Cookbook. Peninsula Press.
2nd ed. , p. 20
Got an idea for a column, to submit a news item
or recipe for the latest margarita or
something you want to see in the newsletter!!!
Let me know: Submit items at xx4tequila@yahoo.com
Great Lakes Regional Happenings
Great Lakes Regional Communicators for
Illinois - Indiana - Kentucky - Michigan - Ohio Ontario, Canada - Wisconsin
Dan Paterek
Detroit Parrot Head Club
Mary Griffiths
Hamilton Parrothead Club
Volume 14, no. 1—2
Chicago- Party in Parrot-Dise April 11-13th
Held in Carol Stream at the American
Legion: 570 South Gary Avenue Carol
Stream, IL 60188! They will be raising funds
for the Gateway to Cancer Research, and the
Alzheimers Association of Greater Chicago
Music by the Disorderlies, Mr. Myers and Jim
Hoehn! See http://www.partyinparrotdise.com
for details.
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PHLock Squawk
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2014 Dues are due!!!
Your 2014 membership dues are due!!! Renewals are $15.00 for member; $25.00 for family.
Just a reminder that this offer is good until Jan. 31st and then the regular rates apply, so get those memberships
in early!!! And if there is an event or charity you would like the club to look into, please note that on your form also.
Volume 14, no. 1—2
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PHLock Squawk
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Mardi Gras, March 4th!!!
Mardi Gras, March 4th
a time to party in New Orleans or other places where the party goes on all
night. Well, we are in Tippecanoe County so there it is.
I’m putting the word out: how about a pub crawl of our own? We have bars,
and we know how to party. So if the spirit moves you, how many of you would
be up for this. There may be some pubs and restaurants downtown that
probably will have Mardi Gras specials.
So, put the word out and scout out places that may have a New Orleans thing going on Fat Tuesday.
Let me,Wendy Kelly, know at xx4tequila@yahoo.com or any of your members at large.
Anne Howard at sgnlaw780804@sbcglobal.net or Jill Vaught at jvaught@arcind.org
Trop Rock CDs
Jim that reflect his view that life is made up of
experiences, opportunities and events that come
at us from everywhere and Flotsam and Jetsam
pretty well describes this. The CD includes new
songs, a couple of favorites and more. ”
Songs include:
Flotsam and Jetsam, Are you blue, Blackbeard’s
Navy, Bar Time,
Island Time,
Hidden Island,
Monkey River
Town Girl,
Sunny Jim has always
been a favorite
Trop rock artist
of mine.
Volume 14, no. 1—2
Four hour lunch break by Dave McKenney
Dave McKenney is on the
border line of trop rock
music, but I think this one
is a keeper for parties and
for singing with in the car.
Songs include:
Florida Kind of
Sunday, Never
Made It to Mardi
Gras, Stupid People,
The Inlet
If the cover looks familiar, some
of you might know the artist,
Dianne “Greenwoman” Wickes
from nearly Illinois.
1. "West Nashville Grand Ballroom Gown."
--2. "Last Man Standing."
--3. Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, who also left Jimmy with a
$12,000 phone bill to pay.
Flotsam and jetsam by Sunny Jim White
“This is an acoustic collection of songs by Sunny
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February 22nd—National Margarita Day!!!
March 1st—Strike out Suffering, Star Lanes
March 4th– Mardi Gras
March 6th phlocking at Puccini’s at 6 pm
April 12th– Highway trash pick up at 8:30 am
April 26th—March of Dimes, March for Babies
PHIN Fund is used to help members of Parrothead Clubs who are met with
devastation by hurricanes and any other future disasters.
Remember, this is your club. We need you to succeed.
We want your input, comments, concerns, etc.
Please contact a Member at Large
Anne Howard / sghlaw780804@sbcglobal.net
Jill Vaught / jvaught@arcind.org
Member of
Parrotheads in Paradise
since January 2000.
PHins Up!!
Bubba’s Lost PHlock
Midwest IN Parrothead Club
226 Lincoln St.
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Volume 14, no. 1—2
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