JustWorld International Leadership Training


JustWorld International Leadership Training
Volume 1, Issue 4, June, 2004
JustWorld International Leadership Training
On April 30 and May 1, JustWorld International (JWI) hosted
its first annual Global Leadership Training workshop for
student volunteer representatives heading to work at JWI
project sites during the summer of 2004. The initial goal of
this two-day workshop was four-fold:
1) To help develop the skills and tools JWI volunteers will
need while working in the field in order to get the most from
their experience;
2) To empower JWI volunteers to make a positive
contribution to the local project
site as well as the community
around them;
3) To understand how to use
this experience upon returning
to their home country in order to
share their knowledge with others
and promote global social justice;
4) To become an integral part of April 30 - May 1, 2004
the JustWorld International team
First Annual Global
and understand each person’s Leadership Training
role in the mission of JWI, before,
Paris, France
during, and after the actual field
Held in the center of Paris, this workshop brought together
fifteen student volunteers, chosen through a rigorous
selection process, representing fifteen nationalities and
several universities in the United States, Canada, and
As this was JWI’s first experience conducting an intensive
leadership training workshop, the workshop was organized
in an atmosphere of experimentation, with emphasis being
placed on the volunteers’ reactions to the two days and their
feedback on how JWI could improve its training program.
On the second day, May 1, Florence Chalamet of the French
group ADH Consulting led the workshop. Florence is a
corporate coach and trains executives from top international
companies in Europe and the United States. The theme
for her workshop in the morning was centered on ‘giving’
and ‘sharing’. This involved a serious evaluation of each
volunteer’s personal motives for becoming involved in social
justice work as well as discussion and debate about beliefs
and respect for different communities, cultures, and traditions.
The afternoon’s work concentrated on the contribution each
student volunteer could make to JustWorld International,
both now and in the future, as well as each volunteer’s
expectations for JWI. Florence’s workshop offered
many practical communication and coping tools for
the volunteers that will be of great use to them in the
field. The workshop was brought to a close with a lively
discussion about building
a brand and culture for
JWI, especially through
workshop were evocative.
outcome was that, because
the volunteers now feel part of a team effort, they also feel
empowered to be leaders both at the project site and
afterward. The support they have received from JWI has
given them the tools to feel confident about their mission,
their responsibilities, and their ability to reach their goals.
JustWorld International plans to host a similar workshop this
fall in order to enable the volunteers to debrief and share
their experiences with fellow and future JWI volunteers.
On the first day, April 30, Mary Ann Simonds, an American
ecologist and behaviorist with over 20 years of experience
training students, facilitated the workshop. She focused on
preparing students for their time in the field by helping them
understand their own vision and intention for the project
site where they will be volunteering. Mary Ann additionally
placed emphasis on empowering each student to channel
his or her energy into becoming a leader working for positive
change around the globe, both on-site and afterwards.
Ray Texel, shown
here aboard
Roxana 112, shows
off the new
JustWorld signature
riding jacket.”
Photo by Randi Muster
Tostan and JustWorld International Partner for
Change in Senegal, West Africa
In June 2004, JustWorld International’s first student
volunteers will begin working with Tostan, an international
non-governmental organization based in Senegal, West
Tostan, which means “breakthrough” in the Wolof language
spoken in Senegal and Gambia, was incorporated in the
United States in 1991 and is based in Thiès, Senegal.
For over twenty years, Tostan
has worked to empower African
communities to take charge of their
own development. JWI shares this
philosophy of empowering local
people to take responsibility for their
own development and is excited to
be partnering with Tostan for the first
The mission of Tostan is to contribute
to the human dignity of African
people through the development
and implementation of a non-formal,
participatory education program in
national languages. Tostan provides
learners with the knowledge and skills to become confident,
resourceful participants in the social transformation and
economic development of their communities.
Tostan pedagogy combines traditional and modern
techniques to help bring about positive change on a
personal, community and national level.
A guiding
principle of the Tostan method is based on the African
tradition of participation and respectful consultation of all
those concerned and affected by the implementation of
any eventual decisions or policies. Villagers themselves
determine their future goals and identify obstacles that must
be overcome in order to achieve success.
these modules and involves the whole community in the
empowerment process.
The Toston ‘model’ has met with great success. Since
1997, over 1,271 villages in Senegal and, recently, in
Burkina Faso, have publicly declared an end to harmful
traditional practices including female genital cutting (FGC)
and early or forced marriages upon completion of the
Tostan program. The World Health Organization and the
Population Reference Bureau have chosen the Tostan
model as one of the most promising strategies for ending
FGC. Using a human rights approach, Tostan provides
communities with essential health information so that
they may fairly evaluate the merits of tradition against a
potentially harmful practice. Tostan’s model is not simply
an education program, however, but includes support for
serious community mobilization and, ultimately, a public
In order to prepare for their interactions in the Senegalese
villages, JWI volunteers have been learning the Wolof
language. The volunteers will spend two to three months
this summer in the field assessing the continuing success of
Tostan’s programs one year after select communities have
composed and signed public human rights declarations.
The volunteers’ assessment will greatly contribute to
measuring the success of the Tostan program in these
villages. Based on their observations and experience in
the field, the volunteers will additionally be able to assist
Tostan in developing new human rights curriculum and
training other villages to adopt human rights declarations
and practices. Upon returning from this project site, JWI
volunteers will use their experience to help promote
human rights in other parts of the world.
For more information regarding Tostan, please visit
Quality, holistic education and development activities
based on principles of human rights provide
JustWorld International
communities with the tools to direct their own social and extends its heartfelt thanks to
economic transformation. Tostan’s holistic education
program was founded on the belief that every citizen
has the potential to shape community change when
for generously funding this
provided with learning that is accessible, relevant and
project site. Their support
adaptable. Modules covering themes of democracy,
has enabled JWI volunteers
human rights, problem-solving, hygiene, health, and
to work as partners with
basic math and literacy are taught in participants’ own
Tostan for positive change this
national languages. Training in the implementation
summer in Senegal.
of practical development activities often follows
Photo by Andrew Robitaille
Eye on Honduras - PART 2
In the second part of a Series, JustWorld International Executive Director Jessica Newman continues to share with us her encounters in Honduras. She and Titi Mills,
a ‘Jump for a JustWorld’ rider representative and a native of Honduras, traveled to the underprivileged nation in April of 2004. There, they met with First Lady Aguas
Ocana de Maduro to discuss the role JustWorld International can play in forming a project that would help build orphanages and get young kids off the streets.
Tuesday, April 13
In the morning before our meetings with the First Lady and the Minister of Tourism, Titi and I went to the Maya hotel, and Erick was there waiting for me! We were
thrilled to finally see each other again. Erick had grown and changed a little, but when I saw that innocent smile and his eyes light up, I knew he was happy.
Although Titi and I had to leave for our meeting with Thierry de Pierrefeu, the Minister of Tourism followed by a meeting with
the First Lady, we would be back in the evening to take Erick to dinner. We parted with light hearts and a sense of joy from
our long-awaited reunion.
Our meeting with the Minister of Tourism went very well. Thierry de Pierrefeu, who studied in Paris and is of French noble
background, welcomed us with open arms and showed us a presentation on the Tropical University Institute. This vast
project is being initiated by the Ministry of Tourism in Honduras to create a research and environmental conservation
educational institute to save the country from destruction of its natural resources and to develop the eco-tourism industry.
JustWorld International shares this philosophy of education and targeting the next generation of leaders, as do the
Institute’s distinguished funders including National Geographic, the Smithsonian Institute, and the World Wildlife Fund.
Once the Institute is completed, JWI will explore the possibility of becoming one of its partners.
From left to right:
Titi Mills,
First Lady Aguas Ocana de Maduro,
Jessica Newman
Honduran First Lady Aguas Ocana de Maduro’s passion in life is helping the street kids. She has already adopted five and
dedicates 100% of her time to them and those who are still living on the street. I was able to share with her my own experiences in Honduras working with street kids
and even showed her the picture of Erick in the JWI brochure, explaining how this child changed my life and inspired me to found JWI.
After describing the mission and methodology of JustWorld International to the First Lady, I explained that we were looking to build long-term partnerships with local
organizations in order to provide college students with opportunities that would shape them as they become leaders for social justice. Being very impressed by JWI,
First Lady Aguas Ocana de Maduro proposed that JWI send volunteers this summer to work with her own local project to help street children. Titi and I were invited
to visit one of the centers with the First Lady’s assistant and concluded the meeting with many new ideas and much excitement about the possibilities for helping
improve the lives of street children in Honduras.
To Be Continued . . .
Covert Claims Grand Prix of Pepiniere
JustWorld Rider Representative Angela Covert of Canada
claimed numerous titles at the two-week St. Lazare Spring
Horse Show held at Pepiniere Stables in St.
Lazare, QC
On the final day of competition, May 30,
Covert claimed the top two spots in the
$10,000 Metro International and Thermo King
Grand Prix. From the starting field of 22, only
three were able to master the course set by
Hector Loyola of Puerto Rico to advance to the
jump-off, and Covert did it twice! When John
Kersley, the first back in the jump-off, had two
rails down for eight faults riding Moritze, the
pressure was off Covert’s shoulders.
has been so good here over the technical courses, and it was
a bit easier for him.”
Covert has been partnered with Marc Sabbah’s
Tomboy Major, an eight-year-old Belgian
Warmblood gelding by Major de la Cour, since
last fall while Hamsa Grannius, owned by Frank
J. Motter Construction, is a new ride.
One day earlier, on May 29, Covert celebrated
her 28th birthday with a win in the $5,000 Molson
Speed Derby riding Louise Sabbah’s nine-yearold selle francais mare, Heve de Mazure. Covert
and Tomboy Major also enjoyed victory in the
first Talent Squad competition of the show, and
they currently lead the National Talent Squad
Series, a means of
Covert guided Hamsa Grannius to a clear
Photo by Cealy Tetley
horseround on her first attempt over the shortened
Angela Covert and Tomboy Major, winners of
jump-off track, but exceeded the time allowed the $10,000 Grand Prix of Pepiniere in Quebec, rider combinations to
Canada, are congratulated by owners
become future members
to incur one time fault. Practice makes
Louise and Marc Sabbah.
of the Canadian Show
perfect, however, and with her final ride,
Jumping Team, by a large margin.
Tomboy Major, Covert picked up the pace and again left all the
rails in their cups to claim victory.
“With the stallion, Hamsa Grannius, I knew he could jump
portion of her winnings to JustWorld
Photo by Cealy Tetley
clean because he is very careful, but he has never jumped at
International, and her owners have also Jump for a Just World Advisory Board
Francois Ferland, judged the
this height before,” explained Covert who operates Eastwood
been extremely generous in supporting member,
event while JustWorld associate
Hector Loyola designed the courses.
Equine Inc. in partnership with her husband, Mike Lawrence,
the ‘Jump for a Just World’ initiative.
one of Canada’s top equine dentists. “For Tomboy Major, he
Owner Spotlight
Saly Glassman
Volume 1, Issue 4, June, 2004
Executive Director
Jessica Newman
Director of Operations
Hilary Betaille
Programs Director
Dr. Susan H. Perry
Operations & Programs Assistant
Angelyn Sides
Administrative Assistant
Mireya Cano
Website Designers
Debbie Salem
Amanda MacDonald
Christiana Ball, Lisa De Sousa
JustWorld International
Advisory Board
HRH Princess Haya Jordan
Ernest Kalman USA
Mildred Robbins Leet USA
Raymond Offenheiser USA
Michael Speiser USA
Komlavi Francisco Seddoh Togo
Jump for a Just World
Advisory Board
François Ferland Canada
Hervé Godignon France
Karen Golding USA
HRH Princess Haya Jordan
Serge Houtmann France
Jean Morel France
Jessica Newman USA/France
Leopoldo Palacios Venezuela
Rhonda Rioux Canada
Mary Ann Simonds USA
Ray Texel USA
Angela Covert
Eric Lamaze
Hervé Godignon
Eric Navet
Kevin Babington
Candice King
Titi Mills
Ray Texel
Natalie Johnson, Junior
Jessica Speiser, Junior
Laura Spillmaker, Junior
For further information on
JustWorld International, please visit:
www.jus t w o r l d i n t e r n a t i o n a l . o r g
JustWorld International (USA)
925 Westchester Avenue, Suite 308
White Plains, NY 10604
JustWorld International (France)
c/o The American University of Paris
6 Rue du Colonel Combes
75007 Paris, France
Editor, Jennifer Ward
Designed and Produced by
Starting Gate Communications
Saly Glassman, owner of international show
jumping superstar Carling King, has quickly
become a prominent figure in the
‘Jump for A Just World’ program.
While Carling King’s rider,
Kevin Babington of Ireland, is a
JustWorld Rider Representative,
it is Glassman’s commitment as
owner that has enabled Babington
to donate a portion of his winnings
to the organization.
World Equestrian Games in Jerez, Spain,
Babington and Glassman’s Carling King have
helped Ireland to secure major
Nations’ Cup victories. Babington
and Glassman’s Irish Sport Horse
gelding are currently on the
path to gold medal glory at the
2004 Olympic Games in Athens,
Glassman is Senior Vice President
of Merrill Lynch and has been listed
multiple times as one of the top
Photo Courtesy of Saly Glassman 20 financial advisers in the United
In March, Babington and Carling
King won the $100,000 Cosequin
States. She and her husband, Allan
Saly Glassman,
U.S. Open Jumper Championship
owner of Carling King,
Syphers, and their two daughters
in Wellington, FL, and, with is a strong supporter of the make their home on the 128-acre
‘Jump for a Just World’
Glassman’s blessing, immediately
‘Kindle Hill Farm’ in Gwynedd Valley,
donated ten percent of the $30,000
Pennsylvania, which also provides
in prize money to JustWorld. In
the training base for Babington and
May, the same scenario presented itself when Carling King.
Babington and Carling King won the Grand
Prix of CSIO La Baule, France, and picked JustWorld
up 22,000 Euros in prize money from the total acknowledge the important role that Saly
purse of 100,000 Euros.
Glassman, Kevin Babington and Carling King
have played in bringing ‘Jump for a Just World’
“I have been involved with children and child to the forefront of show jumping sport and wish
welfare for over 20 years as a Director of them the best of luck as
the Juvenile Justice Center of Philadelphia, the set their sights on
and JustWorld International provides a great this summer’s Olympic
opportunity to help merge my greatest interests Games.
in horses and children,” noted Glassman, a
long-time rider and currently a successful show
JustWorld International
jumping competitor in the amateur divisions.
“We are looking forward to involving others in
this outstanding cause.”
Glassman formed a partnership with Babington
as coach, trainer, and rider in the mid-90’s,
and together their success continues to grow.
Following an eighth place finish at the 2002
- owned by Saly Glassman for their spectacular win at the
CSIO France Grand Prix in
La Baule on May 9.
Photo by PSV
The Board of Directors of JustWorld International expresses its sincere gratitude
to the Directors of the
Jerome A. and Estelle R. Newman Assistance Fund
for their enduring support of JustWorld International’s mission and programs.