Crisis Nursery Newsletter May 2014


Crisis Nursery Newsletter May 2014
Nonprofit Org.
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Duluth, MN
Permit #705
LSS Crisis Nursery 424 W. Superior Street, #105, Duluth, MN 55802 ph: 218.302.6879
Family Worker
Brittanee Pfab
Program Manager
Jessica Ollhoff
Cathy Bergh
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In this edition…
Showered with Love!
New Faces - Crisis Nursery Interns
Save The Date!
Family Stories
Placement Statistics
January 1, 2014 - March 31, 2014
23 emergency childcare placements
176 visits for support services
717 hours of care
Jake Finds Joy In A New Train
Hope Finds A Way
Thank You to our Fabulous Donors
Details inside! > > >
Amazon Wish List:
- Blankets of all sizes
- Formula
- Children’s Socks
& Underwear
- Boys Clothing Sizes 2T-7/8
- Girls clothing Sizes 2T-7/8 Baby wash, shampoo
and lotion
- Grocery store gift cards
Amazon Wish List:
Even though it was one
of the worst snow days
of “spring” the ladies of
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
of Two Harbors braved the
weather to host a baby
shower for the Crisis Nursery.
These items will be so helpful
to the families we serve.
Family Stories
Hi my name is Lori Sheff and I’m interning at the
LSS Crisis Nursery. I currently go to school at
WITC (Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College)
and am working towards a degree in human
services. I love my internship so far and enjoy
working with the Crisis Nursery staff.
I think the Crisis Nursery is definitely a needed
program in Duluth. I get to see and be a part of
a lot of good things that happen here; helping
people with childcare, helping families with
diapers and clothes, and receiving such thoughtful
donations from those in the community to help the
families we work with. I’m glad that I am doing my
internship with the Crisis Nursery and feel lucky to
be here.
Hello! I’m Emily Schwantke and I’m a senior
at the College of St. Scholastica and am
graduating with a degree in Psychology this
May. I plan to work with children in the future,
possibly as a school counselor. I’m involved in
track and field at the college, and work at the
foodservice and with intramural sports in my
free time. I’m interning at both the LSS Crisis
Nursery and Bethany Crisis Shelter this semester.
My experience of interning with Lutheran Social
Service has been wonderful, and I’ve been
learning so many new things about the
programs Lutheran Social Service offers. After
I graduate, I plan to stay in Duluth for another
year and dwell on what my next step will be!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
We’re firing up our Facebook event page for
the 2014 Take Time for Kids Auction!
Why so early you ask? Because we are so
excited about our first official donation 4 Disney Theme Park Tickets.
Who doesn’t want that? So put Thursday,
September 18, 2014 on your calendar. Help us
raise money for children and families in crisis.
Jessica Ollhoff
(218) 529-2246 / or
Amy Lee
(218) 302-6837 /
to join our committee or donate an auction item.
* Four-year-old Jake visited the LSS
Crisis Nursery for the first time with
his dad, Mike. Jake was excited to
see so many toys and had a blast
playing with toy trucks and cars
while Mike selected clothes for
his son.
“This place is the best, I can play
with toys here,” Jake said. Before
he left he picked out a train set to
bring home with him. As Jake was
walking out the door with a big
smile on his face, he told the Crisis
Nursery staff, “Thank you for letting
me take this home!”
At the end of the day, Mike and
Jake were both able to get a bit
of what they needed: Mike had
clothes for his son and Jake had
a fun time and a new toy. It is the
warmth and care of neighbors like
you that make the work of the LSS
Crisis Nursery possible. And it gives
Mike and Jake, and so many others,
the hope of a brighter future.
*Names have been changed to honor
our committment to confidentiality.
* In many ways two-year-old Delilah
is a typical toddler. Happy and
energetic, she keeps her mom,
Janet, on her toes. What may not
be so typical are the hardships
Delilah and Janet have faced in
the couple of years since Delilah’s
birth. Janet recently contacted the
Crisis Nursery looking for childcare
so she could interview for a job as
an Office Assistant. She had only
recently completed her certification
and was working hard to provide a
stable life for her little girl.
Without family locally and friends
who were unable to help out, Janet
wasn’t sure she would be able to
keep a hard earned job interview.
The LSS Crisis Nursery enjoyed
providing a few hours of childcare
for Delilah so Janet could keep her
interview. Janet is waiting to hear if
she got the job. Best of luck, Janet!
Thank you to our donors
Monetary Gifts
Benedictine Sisters
Faith Lutheran Church Women
Haven Evangelical Church
Junior League of Duluth
Mildred Kallio
Merrill Lynch
Ms. E. Paige Olson
Mary and Daniel Robinson
Jeffrey and Mary Rodvold
Judith Sheriff
Ms. Leslie H. Smitke
Shevaun Stocker
Fred and Ginger Strom
Ms. Denise R. Tarrant
Gail M. Tate
Supplies /
In Kind Donations
Michell Anderson
Syndy Bilges
Lindsay Bruce
Denfeld Medical Clinic
Charisse Erceg
Veronica Gaidelis-Langer
Girl Scout Troop 4160
Junior League of Duluth
Nicole Haenke
Kari Hedin
Alida Hogan
April Knapp
Linda Larson
Lisa Leeper
Life House
LSS Supervised Visits
Renae Luck
Shelby Miles
Hope Munger Quilting Group
Laura Pawielski
Dorothy Rappel
Gail Tate
Trinity Lutheran Church InStitches
Lynn Youngblom
Gifts from January 1, 2014
through March 31, 2014
Clothing Room
Susan Leach
Lori Sheff
Emily Schwantke
Take Time for Kids
Cathy Bergh
Katrina Goehring
Keith Erickson
Jena Hart
Pat Juntti
April Knapp
Amy Lee
Joanne Lundberg
Robin McClelland
Jessica Ollhoff
Tim Ollhoff
Brittanee Pfab
Linnea Stephan
Kathy Sullivan
Michelle Wall
“If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great
way. Don’t wait for great opportunities. Seize common,
everyday ones and make them great.”
- Napoleon Hill
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to remember and honor loved ones.
Family and friends will receive an acknowledgment card relaying your message.
Memorial Gifts
- In Memory of Harold Bakke by Mrs. Ruth M. Bakke
- In Memory of our parents by Karsten and Ellen Hogenson
“The Crisis Nursery’s job is to make babies smile.
Happy babies come from happy families.”
- Debbie, Crisis Nursery donor
Make a gift today!
I want to ensure positive beginnings for all young children and their families!
Here is my gift of $___________
Given by__________________________________________________________________________
City______________________________________State _________Zip_______________________
In Memory/Honor of*______________________________________________________________
Send gift acknowledgement to______________________________________________________
City______________________________________State _________Zip_______________________
Your donation will
aid in the prevention
of abuse and
neglect of the most
vulnerable children
in our community
by supporting the
services of the Crisis
All gifts to the Crisis
Nursery are tax
Donations can be made online or make checks payable to LSS Crisis Nursery,
and send to:
LSS Crisis Nursery
424 W. Superior St. #105
Duluth, MN 55802
* A special card will be sent to the person and/or family notifying them of your gift
without mentioning the dollar amount, unless otherwise specified.